*^*«y. '»** "&#* Wl •-^J*,*^ ' '. ^V. m , ! < > ; . <4 tkit .*'* ©efit of the school relieve tbit -^ ftt lalwrt «Kt it ot tkm testates, that the 1 bushels of salt, 3 eehtt per bfsh* Isfounditt the place where th« ^». ify?»V **, /8**' ^ *H tht irwiiUtmg *<fl drjiqg boqsa* jaagaaroe, |ljlraj»# fe»tlii^P»* * w *«& 4M*fi* irooj -«acfc $th«sc, nearly trd*. At the point of time when tbi exploded, there was a waggon . tl*aW§»**b»<i»|Wta» toM%. * Z»IV*»{M4 Of powder. The explosioa blew S w««>*er out of bit wa«goi» toaoe yard*— wtatiajr f«WTered|iitf«t, « i | Of bona* kuopad e*«CKN*f them, end whipped at violently as Ws Coutd toa* great a T "' ,t passible, fhe: wegfoji was. Wolff (LthO tire, f Eicb itaadraw. # fihlck, wa« so shattered that of it could be found six inches •:SS3 SpB •i"-^ • ifS^-yi*»~«"v4!J^Siy ^ -i»\-^T>^*- TBB! ONTARIO REPOSITORT: AT, APKILT, 181i. sa 'IH m^m* 1 rtlatlTo ^iece^OT.w could be toundsix rochet Owof tbefeorsetwai killed Mtooj; hcaHmr swiMfe wagoner .entttsuroBt* ••r ibelotherfour and th ' - 4sg^|ao~^ffffMs,.W;jMBnf|) , tbit the BIM* of popalatiofl ta*h- the^ wHlses aod pr««8e4 . pyeMa*: The damage $ustamed io tfa*t boroi»|h *~~ gnndinglhquse •mri^ii^iiwetii^ifat'j ttther liuiWioct aiid a eipJoiiom, the between the first tip litt about 20 terminated this shocking calamity, >J^YT|L ifr.J'ettajkdiM, ur*« «a a^hip- -fhO/ljP* 8. ship »tod W« Icara bjr-bjr tb« Cineiooati that t»! iofint Stite of Indiana bujlready authorial the cutting of a canal ajW» J»H» of thaOhie». ^ * Extraordinary Sktrif't Scfe.-^A Meeting (EPIIiii number ©f tli« Repoiitory {&) complete* t i e fifte«ntli year ©CJtiPeiiiteiico *" *ha$**%fc*ittil -Met i^mke patr»n«go of many itwdy friaod* and liberal iupporteTtt Iiih»«tlitli»«ndeaTor of tbe pobUiber t* make the paper worthy a ffrntinaaoee of fa- Tor».' fife I i 4 i i l f tbe attention of mbjeri- ^ ber« to the term, OQ which it is fablithe^sf ^^^Jlt^SA^'oT^Je^QeitT Frequent application J* oaade for it %om , * —*— /^ lb|NJe^i»iiiineof the wpliciiitt iefNct L JMte«.-ipt.few Wf bDMftuo« J. ^ th^^fi^.«^fre* byt^ :{sae5»rt^ |erflM.-All whwwe iwiehte^ ^e t^fefi- jgnj ft|J m^ fa fr wff w ,;b fej§# ifllBii- |l«r,fo»Pap«n, Boe*». o* othftrtrh*. w»!ae> terifl ait«fattqBt.4A M M » »eeo reported ired to pay Uoniedi***!*. J . » . BEMlS.^ $* *^!gfe£ riM «* , * nt #i* bt ^^ U ^ p ilf ' ^ •• * i«. ^ feiitWiiliiilrourti. -^ -vi - ^ , The tewn of ^ i^ io thjg county, is ditid orad, by *imember ofConjcrett, wKfr'*^M4pJK# i?^* 1 tw0-t<ojH f the act pi'otwiing fftf tbe farming Q©Qert, '"eidtetf •«rf '' Petition J^.^Wtf ha^been politely Jk- Of the BarolBtloo, and bate «IT«U It in bl« paper. T&a«e wiiere»ted in its proVitjoa* frfB;«b»#et#), ibit- w - M [ c««nieeiNMP ^ » the time of rtppjicatwn*; Frora tbe ad^ertite- meat #f l«%el?fcerp» 4 mpto Ipepjer^thej! Mm jfajmt'qm II^MeeWJWy for** Ac^-tcftl^- tain the benefit of tbii law, are i# fai* pottei- i iecee of timber a«*l fra '• iMeJifffa'e ,*ir*: '"Pefebi'i ter* w Ma<IanQe lp«| in * : torli&&''tb6' R|i^.^p|:in4-tbit ibotplvwere ^^eF^M J CoMr*****"®®, the 24tb ult. io the. Bouse of %r#p%W«l» s *Pe the bill tyfttegJp- w*s uoder xQuatdewtien, Mr. Clay arose and owved to tmmia t«e bill a protuioo w*& ropriate the,son» of eighteen thoona;Bd dol- w t as "the outfit aod one year's salary of a niaterto-Mm^-WW^ the 0oit©t| Sfates the independent prorinces of tbe rirer entering into * di»cuWion of tbe question, iq- of the radeipendence of the South Ainer«can ^JjatttWdli, eriJjle.PafrwMof tirt^Tirt; ip in rwJteMiiM rftKe Act of Ct tide fe*-««irtato||p6^.etigsL ,uvul service of the United States, lutionnry |far. 1*» it aba its requwite form* .jpnssejrihed tffl j l i | | M | k and MU forward the i limn u(M ^'mfOKm c*l\ on him, to the War r^fArtmea.^^ffsit'e their ifamea placed pti % JPension l®i^^jiet : With but Uttle ee^*ic#4, ••A service Oi™»ie months only, on tbe'coa^wcntal e«tahJifh^ll, or to the close of the war, entitlea!;thM^» the tension, which commences at tm^^j^w^mfml make WPfr^m 'Hi.. , S^Py»HBLP^r CAMUELSt^ Jointly ArtbarFrice,' ^ ^ f f ^«#w»T» Charles Gaylord, Vteim* m**^^- ^ ' LA|f CASE 4oshw|#usiog 2, ' wtetiwder Fi^^(l|w. dant w«1Se4 at'the last^^rarSessiOiu^rj ^ J™gL ^JStS^BSf'-. V f the cwptf ofISbeowj^,i£««, IwJictweo] Oft- Humphry Jones, « M e t »iaba», -^ der the, Staba^ p^Mtai«mttd|!iM^.^R, 3 t^B t *e* ^ ^ ^ •V*. f r "* flB »«|HirijRasjnf^ m e i f i B f by way of pledge ofe ; S J S S , S T 1 . S ' seSritf &r p « % bat* »oy boad, note or ^ " ^ % e J oore. \. LIT* I to ted acTcral is. la ^W debitejii tbe Hpose of aeptefejitt- titel, >«* i|| wf#f#« to tbe AjflwariMr ment of tbe irodepeadence of the United ProT- iuce* of 'JBIaV. JJ% W*H»» -T*ie'^pea^ef has broken |roittdAt#'greater di*tiqce (rem Jbe ohjeet thai w6 beliefe bad been paemUy expected, Jde prepontioa being to appropn- ^ ate a ium for tbe outfit and year's salary of a Minister to the Governmeat of La Plata, witbdrawo . t . | # f t r # » ^ e f f Silt Jttettejr.. ^It^' t ; t^a^p^rpia^l^t^^lhMdiiili, «c.- baa caus field near tbe house of Br. Dupont was oear- '^Amm^^^^^' ^°*»«»7 Ifi«t>stone .„_,___ inu „.._„,_.__._ %at^, and manyebad »i« their limb* cat off v ^y^Tthe^biiildini^ more p||M|»kp^'»%ctin| and beer| etiiiii4' to • i the blackenedafid mangled corpus or tbe a*^:** •»-,| 0 ^ • 1?wei|ty-sS| person* freie nd others are yet mi wing. 'I'be t heart would baTe beeo aofteiied, the *pe srotttd^has^ we^t over the dis- huraan misery which was created •urn > We hate oeitber ability dor o callfortbthe teelings, which tbe narrative of an ere witness would etery heart not staled agaiatt hu- Bfere was a wretched enetti# : di« ediy carrying and dragging hererflban s^whileshcwassearehingfortheibat. , ||l^^~oae v ^wiio:|^a^l(ttai' ; -the remains of a man was gaeing opon Manxiety, to ascertain whether in- it wK the beloved bci"D£ who bat I few *-"•*>*;#»$> plttowed b l r ^ | d ' ttpon^er botom. A little further, with streaming eyes, was seen* ho had jast found tho body of other writing, *ith intent to eommeoce a suit the;raoo,.aud who ahail commence factor snit «ccordii*|iy«* ,: ^. «^ *»y- • ' * . . -i The evideice erasrolland satisfactory, and the Joey retontted a rer*ct offpilty. •&& Defendilit waifiqpd2Q$eSj*Hars, and «j«wpd ed from puactico for three years.—Oqfatd CH* Daniel Hubbard, John D.Brown, Joseph A-twell. Alexander Kelsey, John Perry, Elni|«»an Perry, 0antel Hobbs, Joseph Coatflj Daniel Curtis, Alfred »rainard, Daniel Calkins, ,'«• X^ Ca«.^-Tbe last Richmond (Vifginia) ISwpircr eoiifWna *.l»w ca|»e interesting to Sow fho are, ip the habit of cutting tatuKl^aiWBli/aikini ootea and transmitting the balvjfcat different^ J^fitm;^!!^, leriodi, iii whlcli it is aecreed^pMt the bona fide owner of a bask ente, hWjtof transmitted onebalfthereof hy ™rt'*^^j***"^ leo therefrom. W is lost. c*Oa#t: dedfi«q; pay- meat of the bapjE of any part of its arooant, in eopwequence of holding the retained half, f merely ^bat tbat he is entitled tp demand the mfriwtpm of the ia^ndte.oo iitiefythg the bank of tbe writy of theabote facts, or es- tablishing them by the judgment of the court of equity-r-and giving, jjn either case, a satisfactory Indemnity, to secure tbe,bank against future loss, from the appearance and •*m* pm <t^:Jwifi-saJisfie4 moot safely i»ife-|rfa^ee. ""' ""'afrmy cnntempJatei any direct change in the a a tate of our relationjr, but an e*preiiioj» of %e readiness "of Congress to second such a measure as is proposed, when the EiecutiTC shall deem-It expedient to resort to it. . •*ffce> prepoiiitioo has covered ground enough, however, to form the foundation of au animated debate, in which tbe whole pob- cy of the United States, in respect to the South Ameriean provinces, and incidentally whenever the President shall.tbiok fit to send. it t ^ vr h M . one. The ©roposifion, therefore, doc* not seWng^p of Jbe other ha^f oT taeh note. PUB * ^ . A J » « ? v * 2 J _!.•___•_ r.\g^g^| As tbiioOMioO; has enjianited from tbe Bliiibe'h Morgao, John Bminard, Mar»in Diver, Almira CliurchUl, Luther J o n e ^ # James Thompson 2, Jabe? J?Fard 2 t . Charles Smith, A Saraifeil . ( je«wpersoji, Hauuali Conieff, Eiiza1j*th M'Knigbt, t3e#. SSeyaoour, Adelia Stevens, LukeBe.ffiit, Vkri4 Firman, Wdbara#iii; Loi* Sekiof, Eesanna MGill, Benj.Bro^n, Gi I Dert Arnold, James'dpimbers, Jobn^Sieif . , HemeDiJbejc Saker t C. Henry Oatrander, . * John JeokiasQn, Wtlliaat <J. Jobn^ton* Joseph Markham, School District, Aron, predict propositioo. | f i s stflBCfeot to say, tfikt -we shall keep pice with the debate, and present it is soob as it cab ijessibly^ be prepared for ^ . t . , . . , tb« press, considering ii as affordittg toMM%» with loud cries was lamenting vi ^^, o f a quefit ioD, of at much intereiea» ^^..m. , ...-£ • ,_, ^"^TB-rtm|hsttedStates. liar—On the 25tb oi highest toJrjjfoa!.-. «o tfeia, commonwealth, persons who tniy hereafter deem it safe and; proper to transmit halves ofdank ootMM* »*' see tbe propriety of tnipoteJy.descfi^aj jthe* retained balvea f ino\«f satjifiuetwfity> Wpviog their bo»»^de oWoersbip.^J^noi^^ Mfi~ yubtican. - Simeon White, Rebecca Wbitmore 2, Josiah Wafeprous, Freeman Stevens, Jerreal Smith, Jeremiah Reuben, Charles Cleaveland, John Webster 2, John Arnold,; r^ioiet M*$warh, ^»« Butfisr^ Joel Fuller. TOpp Allen, Ratpb Wriebt, HtaP ^alferd* . , AfJBgBT HOSMER, P. M, «*wa*a*ajiUMtt£M«ftwii which be mm4mtokHjmkmto t arden, on which there are t h k ^ fruit He firat qtmlity. . - - * Als%.'tae. ? 8Ha^ick>|^ his STOCK and wins, entire, sold on good ternmj and ~" A* M reta^sMgoel^SWWJ , mm, wtim&0 i^a* ..... 7 - ger^ina, Bwawt-pina, elegant W ^a^r'! w#'W%i KEAS comeii! taken into her unfriendly—these are per»ons eontpaethr^ «ufc . , whstevee. a a l will take att legal sdvaatage f .•: , L . MMMNHMW - a *»*«^ejce^iwideM^^^w^^ fjofted States.^ ^* ^-Si-ef ras to be kept up ;ht peace of Eu- , bad finished the totfs new palace. jr»titode for the • t&aii BIIHB- Dtca - - Y *^«?(t«sn*sa«,«aoa Streights, Switaerhmd, ncideotsareoub- t r us the Loodo» . -^ j «* V.r-'- ^" , ••?*" " fated to make man feel, ^#=»^S^|BWf »^of' SOtlt* "#.. *tter to what ndbler;-use Can gold tied tttao w % h i d - a p the broicit v be a father to tbe fatherless, and 3& h t e who bat none W btUpMrn^* 1 J$m% that the only article unhur* te tke'eotise of U. Dnpont, was a portrait of Wapviem Bonaparte, - ' , l ^ i l l l i t o l : Of the American Centinel says/ ri^ii«cbnversed with a gentleman direct ^arfrifm&igtdii, who visited the scene of ff^M^Sa^mm wboro we have receif e^ the ^liowing corrections and additional particu- ItifyniL The workmen's hoaxes, amounting to» JlorWari rendered entirely uojt to'jtehrtfeb- 1«S. ?ho maehiiiery is compfetfjr dfl^ti'fey- 'Jm> The bodies of 28 persons ft**e been Snq% te. Biipont and her lister? frero iiMbtiy hartj Mr. t N t e a bad Ml loeolderf TOao i w ^ * ^ ^ ^ « ^ 1 ^ ^ 4 C l i ^ - J [ l i e 25tb oft: tfie 1 President traosmitted a Message and Jtocu- mtiaih to C o i ^ w oo the snbjccl of tbe Bern* inole war. The Message states, thatthe bos- iitlities of the tribe were aoprovolted„ and mentions tbe measures adopted for the safety k of our citi«ett>« oa tbe frontier exposed to |heir ravaged ; " ^ ' Spanish War.—There was a minor in Wash; ington oa the 23d alt. that war would be im- mediately declared against Spain. A letter, however, of that date, says it was unfounded. The Committee of Foreign Relations bad been several! hours together, tbe day previous, [Sunday) which, with the publication of tbe Spanish Documents, occaaiooed'some remarks. and considelUbie excitement. MJRRIED—At Semers, Con. Me. ?5»*d- % Hulbvrd, to 38if! ^°^»% •**«*% »f% r * ' p Of bine iyearsr.—At Chatham, Mr. BtrtUS'wtWfwn, to Mlsi JrMt- fyncn. Tripm. aged SO^Tft f enn-Taji, oft the o^olL by 2£v. »*r. Merrill, Mr- mmm goiter, of Middlesex, to M i « HflttnoA l i s - som, of Penn-lfaii. _ In this towoii ooSatbrday evening; last,' by i i tfS^9&es of m^ At.-y ras« vfa ^iil^Rr^lae«d' eJiatOfWipa „. r ... S Ok, former was a Airs-,; : ^ . t e < * t * ^ t f 'firsveantc* , „. F . %}mm of .|«r ^»i|ti4 .nj» * **- ,: *1^ft Ow TOigaame exploded, which lulled P | | P | i g n » t injar^tho c^0(f !J. ,. *.-,f,. ^wilafe^ ; P!Pm-1 ceifetablo «our«e~at •"""*' ' 'W»Mo; ibslt Mr, E- ©;-6fefc,nrbo isoiato* t f ^ l l ^ o f %sbt^rtmV. ..aW # tvbo.wai1tt-, enf at the commencement df tbf ^ar, bttt # A o » p o J » € ^ b « a m t e j r H # * e i » e < l .^•^*» t **»t*. --g|f;.^ : '^e0.ftMigfthj||ee,i», ^gi.i^ii^.^lireak up^igsne- ijt / #bJect«o.-«ilt€e,ftiaf.| f ;.tb»t. dieriou*compfatntofthe?ualiri/ |^|ii^#ifOl#Bd'«». tiff.- trOoptia- t|wa »"'«3 $!*$& ST^r^ 7\*.A % ' * ^fi«««r^; MMiUfar&i Marsh j$# « fi»*CJ!»jp' I f a d e r s w t i l *ce, pm the Buenos-Ayrei ,©*»* sd :r by"tbri -iie%iog>i:mf4^ tla#O r: ajd*^,*W;j^W Frotn $fi ArMjf,—~Tbe last accounts Slate, that Gen. JcicfcBon. with a large force, was on hw march—that he bad Ordered all the In-, diana to Join hi^imniediately, or to be treat- ed as enemies, ii letter from an nrfBcer-of the Tennessee militia, says the Seminoter can brtaf Into tlhe neld, with their negroes, 5000 warriors. It is averted, that Gen. Jackion, baa beeo ordered to drocupy the Pforfcfas. A report tlftlstGen. Gaittes was eitherdrOWfr* ed ot killed, is ascertained tb be unfounded. ' A (ikirmish took place on the 9tb ult, be- tween 36 citizen* of,-Telfair and the h in eensequence of a sir. J. Bu$h being- tod his ion scalped, oft the 3d, Tbh op crossing JEhe rjfer. found 50 or 60 lod and * fixing (commenced, which lasted ne!ai in hour. A part of the detachment ejfebl avretreajt, bringing off the badfy wonnded-- i were killed; the remainder not heard <fym -^Fohr Indians were killed; A troop of Ci# *try tiad been ordered to scour the frontier, * P. S. 'Since writiaff fhe abore.tbe mail has hro't a report from Savannah, that oa tbe 11th olt. the ISreas under deo. Jackson were at** tacked 16 the night by the Indians SKsar Flint fefe^jfyftt BOOof^t0e rodlk^jser*^ ti«fed,and many woimtled; and thai Get, Jackton bad 100 men killed! and wounded. * - St7»MABY. • * |^r> ., Tb* wbolfeganil eottcerned farobbhi^tbi mail near Baltimore, in all eleven viHalas, have been taken%-tbe whole plan discfoted b£' oo# of theflli and nearly ail tfil Amierpec^e*e4 •' .*-.'< i*¥ m vaioawe Wm*^^:^^^i^^^M^L :Z.vs2<;. .:wt. jfrAi-UdiH": ; l>- twi m l^^n^^p|-fo|^i^^e|; sfipW^K'** *^WIw* "^^Wv^^^H"s f _ ifc-lNwa-' aoaji'ipaj''",; -..-.-:• A r t , --. HWWiWf . .dtbewatffi tip- door of t*« ^dtt'i^aJk fliaOii awa^rnw^pp^w^j ^.^atfaUalat JaW - it|eif't#t<aJiiiiiiBoJ^ *l,-|>f«'#»|i^, the goverttof ofCht< sr^#j»i«t#dly;jias, a* ssfH fce-ae^'ewftr*: Msatotest. v i b r n t n ef the law of na- *Mmed,;'ti|etbjir.:w|^ §5i^rlS : .I the foMi|f>#Sdi!ri^ DIED—IT* Fiseataway N. J. Blr. . w —j... Tort Cfe&fen, at the age of 116 years and © months.—At €o»nwaH, Con. on tbe 17tb ult, Htnry Qbooktih, aged 26. a native of Owy- hee, end a member of the Foreign Mission School At Groton, Con'* NATBAW DABOZ.1,. J&q. aged 68 years—author of a valuable sys* torn of Acithmotic.—At Deerfield, on the 26th nit. ISAAC BHATTOJST, Esq. aged 48, filis death was occasioned by an apoplectic fit, with which be was attacked in bis field—be sur- vived but an hour sod a half. Mr. B. was a respectable - man* and had represented tbe county of Oneida, in the Legislature.—At Oieao, l»^eo^jo%,|be^^lil$vfcj^* thy En HWesdeO, rif Gainesville. Genesee Co, supposed to have beeo poisoned."-At MouaV Morris, deuts*e> co. eh the 19th nit. Samuel Hopkins, JSsq. i formerly of Goshen, Con. aged 69. Bis'funeral was attended by a large number of the inhabitants, and a sermon preached by Re*. Mr. Pratt, from Psalm \&. ^ Drowned, dories the late Freshet, in SbawJieen rfae*, Atidover, (Ms.) as they were attempting to pass tho causeway, in a chaise, Mr. ftcbert Richardson, jr. of aspmfleld, and Miss Qiwrtom JPoiiaer, of liondonderry.— These lover* were id £he blooj|of youth, and were on the point af marriageg$?Tb<3ir bodies have since base foty«l, conveyed to LyDofield, •od both iabtrred in ooe grave. eoi«trNtCATi6». vj•• " DIED, very suddehljF;' at West-Bloomfield, the 24th ult, Mrs. Lutsu COU Cleveland, iort of Step%|B B. Cleve|and, in the 24th; tr of her age.—Mrs. Cleveland was tbe ifhteit of Mr. Joseph Huntington, a ferj^ respectable merchant m Ifforwicb, Cono. hkd^ been married only ten moathar-left an infant $on, foar w<ee|s old} and wheq apparently^ about to *vtof}jtti& health, was In a momenjt called. into eforqity. ~Bnt happily for bear, aifcLmoch to the cotJMlatioo of surviving mids, divine grace, it ik believed, had s e ^ senably prepailefl'herforthe solemn event.— She bad mr several years bain a professor of religion, had adorned lier profeiiion by a de- •porto^o*«ib1>tn^y aasiable aoJ^W«BP»ary* intf cfxbjbited such *T*|eftce 'of**&$&*• and; ibuwMe pMf M $r0b *tMm&Wmet christian friends, and feads tbent no# to view $er:$»' a happy spirit inthe'realms o f s i»^ BUutf Ofa m' dmi that mfiim1h*fdfr$-*~\ fhelr memoiryi is embalmed ** tfi » #fectioiui of sarvivors j aod not'nne of them Will be forgdttew;n> tbis^grelf day/whco theii*" h soifeiiibUI#* wir^" a<te^ed-ott^be- r i6t^awr a ---- Ifc^cll, Remaining at East-Blooratield Post-Office, 1st Of Aj»rii,IW £ tiiU%wm G. Allyn.L. h* filler, John Adam*, James M'Covitt, Elizabeth Arnold, Israel Morgan, Ffilah Aodrus, Wm. Miles, John Alger, Martha Clark* * Thos. B. Ormsted, Eliza Meeker, Minim Adams, Joseph Mun«r J ' Ebeheier B, Bemeot, TBeodore Morgan, Richard P. Bady, Mary,Mar|io, Jonas Blair. Sam»l N. Sicbels^ | Ashmjp BetfbCt Frederidt Pea&aaH^ " N»tb> Borden, tfanoyPffieL^^S^ -^l±rjrinctrIM**r»«TyTPripdle 2, ^* James Bushnell 2, Charlotte Pickens, James Blair. William Peck 2, *** Jotihaa Backus, Loafi Pease, D. F, E. Bacuo, Susanna Sage, Abraham Beach* * Lydia fea««t Benjamin Baker, Asa Robbing, Art bfeda C. Chapman, Olivia Richardson, DaVI^ CobBrtl, ' ar^-^*SAii*^il LemueiCuthbttt, Abijah Caldren Jona, Child, John 0. Daniels, Vina Dibble, F. E^ Edgerlj. Lymah F. Perry, ~ " ^ . Grisel 2, Galntia, rastusGibbi, Isaac W. Harrington. Augustqs Baskinsj, Jona. Hall, Harvey Hickox, Hanaab Hovy 3, John Harris, Phebe Harris* Asa Haywond, Isaac Bogle* TiioiHit Bail, Zatmbn Kandall, WyRathbun, . ; Andrew Richards, ' EphraimRew, ' Nathan Rodgers, J. K. Salman,' ' Editba Seley, James Short, Elijah Smith. Laura M. Stanly^p§|" Catharine Sage, v Wm^Smltii,' Daniel Trask, Charles Thompson, Eliakim Vosburgh, Heeehiah Wilson, Clarissa Wild, ^riWUstert Elias White, David Williams, It*. W itcof, to a stsijee north on the - and twenty«thi forty-three des to a stake and nordiliweofsaidl a line drawn »i'o»*th'iine 9 o f land*4«iewiftf p*mvwm*»m ^ off from the -<ootl^^»^©Ori*##| cnbed land and bounded as ibl g-mniog a* tUevsaid ojn^ west on tbe north 1 rods? thencenbrherly^ fine of the ifcdfe.a^ line drawn from totheeastlioeof sa ^mce^rieteamii^. - land. Oat^Apw&Jf 81 Hezekiah Hopkins 2, Cyrus Wbeaton,- Jona. Huestis 2, George Hanscom, Stephen Hopkins, Adolpbus Hamlin, Hugh J. Jackson. SylvanjipJbiiei; *"** Betsey K- King, , Rodireck Keyes, , Mr. ^,«JMBOs .-. Asa M. Moulton, John Mellikio, Richard West, AugnitasWilliami, William Westr Levi Wright, Thomas W««t, J. & B. Watson, Benjamin Woodward* James Wood, StJvestef Waffing, Benj. Wheeler, GabrfeilM .^pn4heJllit'pM|iiw^" ;; "' to|m^#at ^^^iU^,, Ji ,_ i V n , ^ 2,5 d*Ht. eacb-to btdrawn in 38 %•» dotes *mm*» m***<**iP>Fl^ ; *^^^^i!*i5fH£!S8^ihii h'..-jj •#%' » : - f •! aeSf, «MKlipat4-«6-|iO bta , « # a f ^ l » - ^ o e %***. •cf lit* .ii|ball^eOefaary. : fcobertiabewarcia bisAlflK >«ANCW SHAW. : ssWnifJr^^fwa^Ji/. 'W of X. tarmac*. TQ £>m$0ers. 2 A A A BUSHELS o f > M c a n be had, on UlAI coni^i&lfor^Wbisk^, %-W^i uig to Jonathan R. CananMftia, March 30,1818. - ;r i.'.'l.. !gjtiM'irvirrrr : -r"-iT"*. ' ••''^'<-a,n< r ,.n. -<>"..I>I n,-"'%> "ili- L T .'.y'»Lgl IEREAS /oA« F< and #tate o f S meat of a ^rte^js^in^^Q|^ did on the••""" fmw&?r«rle* Mojtlai»d.#^i*^ii the ^9|iaj^;^,..i$. heini "^lor^^or vm: ^giflninf at a f bit westcorner of/said tract, Main^treet, and.running along M*m*treet eight rods to a Cedar post; thence easf- peipend^ular'to the nirtevthree rods taaTsmaraak: nol&wli|rd!f*~ of Mahi<stxeet to *1 iy^Decup|e4 bxpffctogyeffrnt..,. ^-^~-~ ., a]N$##«'.i«Tis^ the piece of I M ©wlvbiejt #s>. Mosely «0W'#*©lf*v^i^ line thereof ^ *ien>%"* f-n' &< >»./ > %J- r 17th Jest at Joseph Farwell's Inn, la Cahan- TAtafe' w l b i W o . POCfWBT*BO^? wTm mivec Stacy •• do. Jofco tomm&gk.. ^rJf-cfde^cc^^ Kj-W^^j^^^^S ^te^^f^inp sK?^» i%!ieAari)t li B" hitb* py: .•*?#•' tJH'! pa*!;* 'W|W" *i:iiiii aid w*?^wT^?5r^9 ^^WW*B^ ''ttk^alfe^ ^a»aAk.Mlal > ' ; ' -'- UMat ^ JW* II ^ , MM» v - k >.,--.. ,-•• :-•*' ,1-'^ * S ^ i «-ma '#• r aala « ''t^e'aiavfe ••' .'a%i ' » '• > * * ( # \ j ?"' -f*°^ mm H' n •>). %-JjX

J. ^ th^^fi^.«^fre* byt^ :{sae5»rt^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031529/1818-04-07/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · *^*«y. '»** "&#* Wl •-^J*,*^ ' '. ^V. m • ,!;. •

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Page 1: J. ^ th^^fi^.«^fre* byt^ :{sae5»rt^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031529/1818-04-07/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · *^*«y. '»** "&#* Wl •-^J*,*^ ' '. ^V. m • ,!;. •

* ^ * « y .

'»** "&#* Wl • - ^J* , *^ ' '. ^ V .

m • , ! < > ; .

• < 4

tkit .*'*

©efit of the school

relieve tbit -^ ftt lalwrt «Kt

it ot tkm

testates, that the 1 bushels of salt,

3 eehtt per bfsh*

Is found itt the place where th«

^ » . ify?»V **, /8**' ^ *H t h t i r w i i U t m g *<fl drjiqg boqsa*

jaagaaroe, | l j l r a j » # fe»tlii^P»* * w *«& 4M*fi* irooj -«acfc $th«sc, nearly

trd*. At the point of time when tbi exploded, there was a waggon

. tl*aW§»**b»<i»|Wta» toM%. * Z»IV*»{M4 Of powder. The explosioa blew

S w««>*er out of bit wa«goi» toaoe yard*— wtatiajr f«WTered|iitf«t, « i | Of bona*

kuopad e*«CKN*f them, end whipped at violently as Ws Coutd toa* great a T"' ,t passible, fhe: wegfoji was. Wolff

(LthO tire, f Eicb itaadraw. # fihlck, wa« so shattered that

of it could be found six inches

•:SS3 SpB

• i " - ^ • ifS^-yi*»~«"v4!J^Siy -i»\-^T>^*-


AT, APKILT, 181i. sa


m^m* 1


^iece^OT.w could be toundsix rochet

Owof tbe feorset wai k i l l e d Mtooj; hcaHmr swiMfe w a g o n e r .entttsuroBt* ••r ibelother fou r and t h ' - 4 s g ^ | a o ~ ^ f f f f M s , . W ; j M B n f | )

, tbit the BIM* of popalatiofl ta*h-t h e ^ wHlses a o d pr««8e4 . p y e M a * :

T h e damage $ustamed io tfa*t boroi»|h

*~~ gnndinglhquse •mri^ii^iiwetii^ifat'j ttther liuiWioct aiid a eipJoiiom, the between the first t ip litt about 20 terminated this shocking calamity,




« a a^hip-

-fhO/ljP* 8. ship

»tod W« Icara bjr-bjr tb« Cineiooati

that t»! iofint Stite of Indiana bujlready authorial the cutting of a canal ajW» J»H» of thaOhie». ^ * Extraordinary Sktrif't Scfe.-^A Meeting

(EPIIiii number ©f tli« Repoiitory {&) complete* t ie fifte«ntli year ©CJtiPeiiiteiico

*" *ha$**%fc*ittil -Meti^mke patr»n«go of many itwdy friaod* and liberal iupporteTtt Iiih»«tlitli»«ndeaTor of tbe pobUiber t* make the paper worthy a ffrntinaaoee of fa-Tor».' fife I i 4 i i l f tbe attention of mbjeri- ^ ber« to the term, OQ which it is fablithe^sf ^ ^ ^ J l t ^ S A ^ ' o T ^ J e ^ Q e i t T Frequent application J* oaade for it %om , * —*— / ^ lb|NJe^i»ii i ineof the wpliciiitt iefNct L J M t e « . - i p t . f e w Wf bDMftuo«

J. th^^fi^.«^fre* byt : { s a e 5 » r t ^ |erflM.-All whwwe i w i e h t e ^ ^ e t^fefi- jgnj ft|J m^ fa frwff w , ; b fej§# ifllBii-|l«r, fo» Pap«n , Boe*». o* othftrtrh*. w»!ae> terifl ait«fattqBt.4A M M » »eeo reported ired to pay Uoniedi***!*. J . » . BEMlS.^ $* * ^ ! g f e £ r i M « * , * n t # i * b t ^ ^ U ^ p i l f

' • • ^ •• * i«. ^ feiitWiiliii lrourti. -^ -vi - ^ , T h e tewn of ^ i ^ io thjg county, is dit id

orad, by *imember ofConjcrett, wKfr'*^M4pJK# i?^*1 tw0-t<ojH f the act pi'otwiing fftf tbe f a r m i n g Q©Qert,



'' Petition J^.^Wtf ha^been politely Jk-

Of the BarolBtloo, and bate «IT«U It in bl« paper. T&a«e wiiere»ted in its proVitjoa*

frfB;«b»#et#), ib i t - w - M [ c««nieeiNMP ^ » the t ime of rtppjicatwn*; Frora tbe ad^ertite-meat # f l«%el?fcerp»4 mpto Ipepjer^thej! Mm jfajmt'qm II^MeeWJWy f o r * * Ac^-tcftl^-tain the benefit of tbii law, are i # fai* pottei-


iecee of timber a«*l fra '• iMeJifffa'e

,*ir*: '"Pefebi'i ter*wMa<IanQe

l p « | in * :torli&&''tb6' R|i^.^p|:in4-tbit ibotplvwere

^ ^ e F ^ M

J CoMr*****"®®, the 24tb ult. io the. Bouse of %r#p%W«l» s*Pe the bill tyfttegJp-w*s uoder xQuatdewtien, Mr. Clay arose and owved to tmmia t«e bill a protuioo w*& ropriate the,son» of eighteen thoona;Bd dol-wt as "the outfit aod one year's salary of a niaterto-Mm^-WW^ the 0oit©t| Sfates the independent prorinces of tbe rirer

entering into * di»cuWion of tbe question, iq-

of the radeipendence of t h e South Ainer«can

^ J j a t t t W d l i , eriJjle.PafrwMof tirt^Tirt;

ip in rwJteMiiM rftKe Act of Ct tide fe*-««irtato||p6^.etigsL ,uvul service of the United States, lutionnry |far. 1*» it aba its requwite form* .jpnssejrihed tffl j l i | |M |k and MU forward the i limn u(M ^'mfOKm c*l\ on him, to the War r^fArtmea.^^ffsit'e their ifamea placed pti % JPension l®i^^jiet:With but Uttle ee^*ic#4, •• A service Oi™»ie months only, on tbe'coa^wcntal e«tahJifh^ll, or to the close of the war, entitlea!;thM^» the tension, which commences at tm^^j^w^mfml make WPfr^m 'Hi.. , S ^ P y » H B L P ^ r

C A M U E L S t ^ J o i n t l y

ArtbarFrice,' ^ f f ^«#w»T» Charles Gaylord, Vteim* m**^^-

^ ' LA|f CASE 4oshw|#usiog 2, ' wtetiwder Fi^^(l |w.

dant w«1Se4 at'the last^^rarSessiOiu^rj ^ J ™ g L ^JStS^BSf'-. V f

the cwptf of ISbeowj^,i£««, IwJictweo] Oft- Humphry Jones, « M e t »iaba», - ^ der the, Staba^ p^Mtai«mttd|!iM^.^R,3t^Bt*e*

^ ^ ^

•V*. f r "* flB

»«|HirijRasjnf m e i f i B f by way of pledge ofe ;SJSS,ST1.S' seSritf &r p « % bat* »oy boad, note or ^ " ^ % e J

oore. \ .

L I T *

I t o

ted acTcral

is. la ^W debitejii tbe Hpose of aeptefejitt-tit el, >«* i | | w f # f # « to tbe AjflwariMr ment of tbe irodepeadence of the United ProT-iuce* of 'JBIaV. JJ% W*H»» -T*ie'^pea^ef has broken |roittdAt#'greater di*tiqce (rem Jbe ohjeet thai w6 belief e bad been paemUy expected, Jde prepontioa being to appropn- ^ ate a ium for tbe outfit and year's salary of a Minister to the Governmeat of La Plata,


. t . | # f t r # » ^ e f f S i l t Jttettejr.. It^' t; t^a^p^rpia^l^t^^lhMdiiili, «c.- baa caus

field near tbe house of Br. Dupont was oear-'^Amm^^^^^' ^°*»«»7 Ifi«t>stone .„_,___ inu„.._„,_.__._

%at^, and manyebad »i« their limb* cat off v ^y^Tthe^biiildini^ more

p | | M | » k p ^ ' » % c t i n | and beer| etiiiii4' to • i the blackenedafid mangled corpus or tbe

a*^:** •»-,|0^ • 1?wei|ty-sS| person* freie nd others are yet mi wing. 'I'be

t heart would baTe beeo aofteiied, the *pe srotttd^has^ we^t over the dis-

huraan misery which was created •urn > We hate oeitber ability dor

o call fortb the teelings, which tbe narrative of an ere witness would

etery heart not staled agaiatt hu-Bfere was a wretched enetti#:di«

ediy carrying and dragging hererflban s^whileshcwassearehingfortheibat.

,||l^^~oaev^wiio:|^a^l(ttai';-the remains of a man was gaeing opon

Manxiety, to ascertain whether in-it wK the beloved bci"D£ who bat I few *-"•*>*;#»$> plttowed b l r ^ | d ' ttpon^er

botom. A little further, with streaming eyes, was seen*

ho had jast found tho body of

other writing, *ith intent to eommeoce a suit the;raoo,.aud who ahail commence factor snit «ccordii*|iy«*,: . « *»y- • ' * . . -i

The evideice eras roll and satisfactory, and the Joey retontted a rer*ct offpilty. •&& Defendilit wai fiqpd 2Q$eSj*Hars, and «j«wpd ed from puactico for three years.—Oqfatd CH*

Daniel Hubbard, John D.Brown, Joseph A-twell. Alexander Kelsey, John Perry, Elni|«»an Perry, 0antel Hobbs, Joseph Coatflj Daniel Curtis, Alfred »rainard, Daniel Calkins,


X ^ Ca«.^-Tbe last Richmond (Vifginia) ISwpircr eoiifWna *.l»w ca|»e interesting to Sow fho are, ip the habit of cutting tatuKl^aiWBli/aikini ootea and transmitting the balvjfcat different^ J^fitm;^!!^, leriodi, iii whlcli it is aecreed^pMt the bona fide owner of a bask ente, hWjtof transmitted onebalfthereof hy ™rt'*^^j***"^ leo therefrom. W is lost. c*Oa#t: dedfi«q; pay-meat of the bapjE of any part of its arooant, in eopwequence of holding the retained half,

f merely ^bat tbat he is entitled tp demand the mfriwtpm of the ia^ndte.oo iitiefythg the bank of tbe writy of theabote facts, or es­tablishing them by the judgment of the court of equity-r-and giving, jjn either case, a satisfactory Indemnity, to secure tbe,bank against future loss, from the appearance and



<t^:Jwifi-saJisfie4 moot safely i»ife-|rfa^ee.

""' ""'afrmy

cnntempJatei any direct change in the a a tate of our relationjr, but an e*preiiioj» of %e readiness "of Congress t o second such a measure as is proposed, when the EiecutiTC shall deem-It expedient to resort t o it.

. •*ffce> prepoiiitioo has covered ground enough, however, t o form the foundation of au animated debate, in which tbe whole pob-cy of the United States , in respect to the South Ameriean provinces, and incidentally

whenever the President shall.tbiok fit to s end . „ i t t ^ v r h M . one. T h e ©roposifion, therefore, doc* n o t s e W n g ^ p of J b e other ha^f oT taeh note. PUB* ^ . A J » « ? v * 2 J _!.•___•_ r . \ g ^ g ^ | As tbiioOMioO; has enjianited from tbe

Bl i i ibe 'h Morgao, John Bminard, Mar»in Diver, Almira CliurchUl, Luther Jone^# James Thompson 2, Jabe? J?Fard 2t. Charles Smith,


Saraifeil . (je«wpersoji,

Hauuali Conieff, Eiiza1j*th M'Knigbt, t3e#. SSeyaoour, Adelia Stevens, LukeBe.ffiit, Vkri4 Firman, Wdbara#iii; Loi* Sekiof, Eesanna MGill, Benj.Bro^n, Gi I Dert Arnold, James'dpimbers,

J o b n ^ S i e i f . , HemeDiJbejc Sakert C. Henry Oatrander, . * John JeokiasQn, Wtlliaat <J. Jobn ton* Joseph Markham, School District, Aron,

predict propositioo. | f i s stflBCfeot to say, tfikt -we shall keep pice with the debate, and present it is soob as it cab ijessibly be prepared for

^ . t . , . . , tb« press, considering ii as affordittg toMM%» with loud cries was lamenting vi^^, o f a quefitioD, of at much intereiea»

^ ^ . . m . , ...-£ • ,_, ^"^TB-rtm|hsttedStates.

liar—On the 25tb oi

highest toJrjjfoa!.-. «o tfeia, commonwealth, persons who tniy hereafter deem it safe and; proper to transmit halves of dank ootMM* »*' see tbe propriety of tnipoteJy.descfi^aj jthe* retained balveaf ino\«f satjifiuetwfity> Wpviog their bo»»^de oWoersbip.^J^noi^^ Mfi~ yubtican. -

Simeon White, Rebecca Wbitmore 2 , Josiah Wafeprous, Freeman Stevens, Jerreal Smith, „ Jeremiah Reuben, Charles Cleaveland, John Webster 2 , John Arnold,; r^ioiet M*$warh, ^ » « Butfisr^ Joel Fuller. TOpp Allen, Ratpb Wriebt, HtaP alferd* . ,

AfJBgBT HOSMER, P. M, «*wa*a*ajiUMtt£M«ftwii

which be mm4mtokHjmkmto

tarden, on which there are t h k ^ fruit He firat qtmlity. . - - * •

Al s%. ' tae . ? 8Ha^ick> |^ his STOCK and w i n s , entire, sold on good ternmj and ~" A* M reta^sMgoel^SWWJ ,

mm, wtim&0 i a*..... 7 -ger^ ina , Bwawt-pina, elegant W



KEAS comeii!

taken into her unfriendly—these are per»ons eontpaethr^ «ufc . , whstevee. a a l will take att legal sdvaatage


.•: , L . MMMNHMW

- a * » * « ^ e j c e ^ i w i d e M ^ ^ ^ w ^ ^ fjofted States.^ ^ *

^-Si-ef ras to b e kept up ;ht peace of Eu-

, bad finished the totfs new palace. jr»titode for the

• t&aii BIIHB- Dtca-

-Y*^«?(t«sn*sa«,«aoa Streights,


ncideotsareoub-tr us the Loodo» . -^ j «* V.r-'- ^ " , ••?*" "

fated to make man feel, ^#=»^S^|BWf » of' SOtlt* "#..

*tter to what ndbler;-use Can gold tied tttao w % h i d - a p the broicit

v be a father t o t b e fatherless, and 3& hte who bat none W btUpMrn^*1

J$m% that the only article unhur* te tke'eotise of U. Dnpont, was a portrait of Wapviem Bonaparte, - ' ,

l ^ i l l l i t o l : Of the American Centinel says/ r i^ i i«cbnversed with a gentleman direct ^arfrifm&igtdii, who visited the scene of f f^M^Sa^mm wboro we have receif e^ the

^liowing corrections and additional particu-ItifyniL The workmen's hoaxes, amounting to» JlorWari rendered entirely uojt to'jtehrtfeb-1«S. ?ho maehiiiery is compfetfjr dfl ti'fey-

'Jm> The bodies of 28 persons ft**e been Snq% te. Biipont and her lister? frero iiMbtiy hartj Mr. t N t e a bad Ml loeolderf

TOao i w ^ * ^ ^ ^ « ^ 1 ^ ^ 4 C l i ^ - J [ l i e 25tb oft: tfie1

President traosmitted a Message and Jtocu-mtiaih to C o i ^ w oo the snbjccl of tbe Bern* inole war. The Message states, thatthe bos-iitlities of the tribe were aoprovolted„ and mentions tbe measures adopted for the safety

kof our citi«ett>« oa tbe frontier exposed to |heir ravaged ;" ^ '

Spanish War.—There was a minor in Wash; ington oa the 23d alt. that war would be im­mediately declared against Spain. A letter, however, of that date, says it was unfounded. The Committee of Foreign Relations bad been several! hours together, tbe day previous, [Sunday) which, with the publication of tbe Spanish Documents, occaaiooed'some remarks. and considelUbie excitement.

MJRRIED—At Semers, Con. Me. ?5»*d-% Hulbvrd, to 38if! ^ ° ^ » % •**«*% »f%r *

' p Of bine iyearsr.—At Chatham, Mr. BtrtUS'wtWfwn, to Mlsi JrMt-

fyncn. Tripm. aged SO^Tft f enn-Taji, oft the o ^ o l L by 2 £ v . »*r. Merrill, Mr- mmm goiter, of Middlesex, to M i « HflttnoA l i s ­som, of Penn-lfaii. _

In this towoii ooSatbrday evening; last,' by

i i

tfS^9&es of





^ i i l ^ R r ^ l a e « d '


„.r... S Ok, former was a Airs-,; : ^ . t e < * t * ^ t f 'firsveantc*

, „.F. %}mm of .|«r ^ » i | t i 4 .nj» *

**- , :*1^ft Ow TOigaame exploded, which lulled P | | P | i g n » t injar^tho c^0(f !J. ,.

*.-,f,. ^ w i l a f e ^ ; P ! P m - 1 ceifetablo «our«e~at •"""*' '— 'W»Mo; ibslt Mr, E- ©;-6fefc,nrbo isoiato*

t f^ l l^of %sbt^rtmV. ..aW#tvbo.wai1tt-, enf at the commencement df tbf ^ar, bttt

# A o » p o J » € ^ b « a m t e j r H # * e i » e < l

.^•^*» t**»t*. --g|f;.^:'^e0.ftMigfthj||ee,i»,

^g i . i^ i i^ .^ l i reak up^igsne-

ijt/#bJect«o.-«ilt€e,ftiaf.|f;.tb»t. dieriou*compfatntofthe?ualiri/

|^|ii^#ifOl#Bd'«». tiff.- trOoptia- t|wa


$!*$& ST^r^

7\*.A %'* ^ f i « « « r ^ ; MMiUfar&i Marsh j$# «

fi»*CJ!»jp ' I fadersw t i l *ce, pm the Buenos-Ayrei ,©*»* sd:rby"tbri -iie%iog>i:mf4^ tla#Or:ajd*^,*W;j^W

Frotn $fi ArMjf,—~Tbe last accounts Slate, that Gen. JcicfcBon. with a large force, was on hw march—that he bad Ordered all the In-, diana to Join hi^imniediately, or to be treat­ed as enemies, i i letter from an nrfBcer-of the Tennessee militia, says the Seminoter can brtaf Into tlhe neld, with their negroes, 5000 warriors.

It is averted, that Gen. Jackion, baa beeo ordered to drocupy the Pforfcfas.

A report tlftlstGen. Gaittes was eitherdrOWfr* ed ot killed, is ascertained tb be unfounded. ' A (ikirmish took place on the 9tb ult , be ­

tween 36 citizen* of,-Telfair and the h in eensequence of a sir. J. Bu$h being-tod his ion scalped, oft the 3d, Tbh op crossing JEhe rjf er. found 50 or 60 lod and * fixing (commenced, which lasted ne!ai i n hour. A part o f the detachment ejfebl avretreajt, bringing off the badfy wonnded--i were k i l l ed ; the remainder not heard<fym -^Fohr Indians were killed; A troop of C i # *try tiad been ordered to scour the frontier, * P . S. 'Since writiaff fhe abore.tbe mail has hro't a report from Savannah, that oa tbe 11th o l t . the ISreas under d e o . Jackson were at** tacked 16 the night by the Indians SKsar Flint fefe^jfyftt BOOof^t0e rodlk^jser*^ ti«fed,and many woimtled; and thai Get , Jackton bad 100 men killed! and wounded. *

- St7»MABY. • * | r> ., Tb* wbolfeganil eottcerned f a r o b b h i ^ t b i

mail near Baltimore, in all eleven viHalas, have been taken%-tbe whole plan discfoted b£' oo# o f theflli and nearly ail tfil A m i e r p e c ^ e * e 4

•' .*- . '< i*¥

m vaioawe Wm*^^:^^^i^^^M^L :Z.vs2<;. .:wt. jfrAi-UdiH":

; l>-twi


l ^ ^ n ^ ^ p | - f o | ^ i ^ ^ e | ;

sf ipW^K'** *^WIw* "^^Wv^^^H" s f _

ifc-lNwa-' aoaji'ipaj''",; -..-.-:• A r t , --. HWWiWf • . . d t b e w a t f f i tip- door of t*« ^dtt'i^aJk fliaOii • awa^ rnw^p p^w^j ^.^atfaUalat JaW -

it|eif't#t<aJiiiiiiBoJ^ *l,-|>f«'#»|i^, the goverttof ofCht<

sr^#j»i«t#dly;jias, a* ssfH fce-ae^'ewftr*: Msatotest. v i b r n t n ef the law of na-

*Mmed,;'ti|etbjir.:w|^ § 5 i ^ r l S : . I

the foMi|f>#Sdi!ri^

DIED—IT* Fiseataway N. J. Blr. .w—j.. . Tort Cfe&fen, at the age of 116 years and © months.—At €o»nwaH, Con. on tbe 17tb ult, Htnry Qbooktih, aged 26. a native of Owy­hee, end a member of the Foreign Mission School At Groton, Con'* NATBAW DABOZ.1,. J&q. aged 68 years—author of a valuable sys* torn of Acithmotic.—At Deerfield, on the 26th nit. ISAAC BHATTOJST, Esq. aged 48, filis death was occasioned by an apoplectic fit, with which be was attacked in bis field—be sur­vived but an hour sod a half. Mr. B . was a respectable - man* and had represented tbe county of Oneida, in the Legislature.—At Oieao, l » ^ e o ^ j o % , | b e ^ ^ l i l $ v f c j ^ * thy En HWesdeO, rif Gainesville. Genesee Co, supposed t o have beeo poisoned."-At MouaV Morris, deuts*e> co . e h the 19th nit. Samuel Hopkins, JSsq. i formerly of Goshen, Con. aged 69. Bis'funeral was attended by a large number of the inhabitants, and a sermon preached by Re*. Mr. Pratt, from Psalm \&. ^ Drowned, dories the late Freshet, in SbawJieen rfae*, Atidover, (Ms.) as they were attempting to pass tho causeway, in a chaise, Mr. ftcbert Richardson, jr. of aspmfleld, and Miss Qiwrtom JPoiiaer, of liondonderry.— These lover* were id £he b loo j | o f youth, and were on the point af marriageg$?Tb<3ir bodies have since base foty«l, conveyed to LyDofield, •od both iabtrred in ooe grave.

eoi«trNtCATi6». vj•• " DIED, very suddehljF;' at West-Bloomfield,

the 24th u l t , Mrs. Lutsu COU Cleveland, iort of Step%|B B. Cleve|and, in the 24th; tr of her age.—Mrs. Cleveland was tbe

ifhteit of Mr. Joseph Huntington, a ferj^ respectable merchant m Ifforwicb, Cono. hkd^ been married only ten moathar-left an infant $on, foar w<ee|s old} and wheq apparently^ about to *vtof}jtti& health, was In a momenjt called. into eforqity. ~Bnt happily for bear, aifcLmoch to the cotJMlatioo of surviving m i d s , divine grace, i t ik believed, had s e ^ senably prepailefl'her for the solemn event .— She bad mr several years bain a professor of religion, had adorned lier profeiiion by a de-•porto^o*«ib1>tn^y aasiable aoJ^W«BP»ary* intf cfxbjbited such *T*|eftce 'of **&$&*• and; ibuwMe pMf M $r0b *tMm&Wmet christian friends, and feads tbent n o # to view $er:$»' a happy spirit inthe'realms o f s i » ^ BUutf Ofa m' dmi that mfiim1h*fdfr$-*~\ fhelr memoiryi is embalmed ** tfi» #fectioiui of sarvivors j aod not'nne of them Will be forgdttew;n> tbis^grelf day/whco theii*"

hsoifeiiibUI#* wir " a<te^ed-ott^be-ri6t^awr a - - - - I f c ^ c l l ,

Remaining at East-Blooratield Post-Office, 1st Of Aj»rii,IW

£ tiiU%wm G. Allyn.L. h* filler, John Adam*, James M'Covitt,

Elizabeth Arnold, Israel Morgan, Ffilah Aodrus, Wm. Miles, John Alger, Martha Clark* * Thos. B. Ormsted, Eliza Meeker, Minim Adams, Joseph Mun«r J' Ebeheier B , Bemeot , TBeodore Morgan, Richard P . Bady, Mary,Mar|io, Jonas Blair. Sam»l N . S i c b e l s ^ | Ashmjp BetfbCt Frederidt P e a & a a H ^ " N»tb> Borden, tfanoyPffieL^^S^

-^l±rjrinctrIM**r— »«TyTPripdle 2, * James Bushnell 2, Charlotte Pickens, James Blair. William Peck 2 ,


Jotihaa Backus, Loaf i Pease, D. F, E. Bacuo, Susanna Sage, Abraham Beach* * Lydia fea««t Benjamin Baker, Asa Robbing, Art b fed a C. Chapman, Olivia Richardson, DaVI^ CobBrtl, ' ar^-^*SAii*^il LemueiCuthbttt, Abijah Caldren Jona, Child, John 0 . Daniels, Vina Dibble, F . E^ Edgerlj. Lymah F. Perry, ~ " . Grisel 2,

Galntia, rastusGibbi,

Isaac W. Harrington. Augustqs Baskinsj, Jona. Hall, Harvey Hickox, Hanaab Hovy 3 , John Harris, Phebe Harris* Asa Haywond, Isaac Bogle* TiioiHit Bail,

Zatmbn Kandall, WyRathbun, . ; Andrew Richards, ' EphraimRew, ' Nathan Rodgers, J. K. Salman,' ' Editba Seley, James Short, Elijah Smith. Laura M. Stanly^p§|" Catharine Sage, v

Wm^Smltii,' Daniel Trask, Charles Thompson, Eliakim Vosburgh, Heeehiah Wilson, Clarissa Wild,

^riWUstert .» Elias White, David Williams, I t * . W itcof,

to a stsijee north on the -and twenty«thi forty-three des to a stake and nordiliweofsaidl a line drawn


9 o f land*4«iewiftf p*mvwm*»m ^ off from the -<ootl^^»^©Ori*##|

cnbed land and bounded as ib l g-mniog a* tUevsaid ojn^ west on tbe north 1 rods? thencenbrherly^ fine of the ifcdfe.a^ line drawn from totheeastlioeof sa

^mce^rieteamii^. -land. O a t ^ A p w & J f


Hezekiah Hopkins 2 , Cyrus Wbeaton,-Jona. Huestis 2, George Hanscom, Stephen Hopkins, Adolpbus Hamlin, Hugh J . Jackson. SylvanjipJbiiei; *"** Betsey K- King, , Rodireck Keyes, , Mr. ,«JMBOs .-. Asa M. Moulton, John Mellikio,

Richard West , AugnitasWill iami, William Westr Levi Wright, Thomas W««t, J. & B. Watson, Benjamin Woodward* James Wood, StJvestef Waffing, Benj. Wheeler, G a b r f e i l M

.^pn4heJllit'pM|iiw^";;"' to|m^#at ^^^iU^,, Ji,_i

V n , ^ 2,5 d*Ht. eacb-to btdrawn in 38 %•»

i» dotes *mm*» m***<**iP>Fl^ ; * ^ ^ ^ ^ i ! * i 5 f H £ ! S 8 ^ i h i i


•#%' »:- f •!

aeSf, «MKlipat4-«6-|iO bta , « # a f ^ l » - ^ o e %***. •cf lit* .ii|ball^eOefaary.:

fcobertiabewarcia bisAlflK


ssWnifJr^^fwa^Ji/. ' W

of X. tarmac*.

TQ £>m$0ers.

2A A A BUSHELS o f > M c a n be had, on U l A I coni^i&lfor^Wbisk^, % - W ^ i

uig to • • Jonathan R . CananMftia, March 30,1818.

•-;r i . ' . ' l . . ! g j t i M ' i r v i r r r r : - r " - i T " * . ' ••''^'<-a,n< r , . n .

-<>"..I>I • n,-"'%> "i l i - L T . ' . y '»Lgl


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the 9|iaj ; ,..i$. heini "^lor^^or vm: ^giflninf at a f bit westcorner of/said tract, Main treet, and.running along M*m*treet eight rods to a Cedar post; thence easf-peipend^ular'to the nirtevthree rods taaTsmaraak: nol&wli|rd!f*~ of Mahi<stxeet to *1 iy^Decup|e4 bxpffctogyeffrnt..,. ^-^~-~ ., a]N$##«'.i«Tis^ the piece of I M ©wlvbiejt #s>. Mosely «0W'#*©lf*v^i^ line thereof *ien>%"*


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r 17th Jest at Joseph Farwell's Inn, la Cahan-TAtafe' w l b i W o . POCfWBT*BO ?

w T m mivec Stacy •• do. Jofco tomm&gk..

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