J. Nutr.-1992-Yamamoto-871-7

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  • 7/25/2019 J. Nutr.-1992-Yamamoto-871-7


    Biochemical and M olecular Roles of Nutrients

    Collagen Synthesis in Human Skin Fibroblasts is

    Stimulated by a Stable Form of Ascorbate,

    2 - O-oc-D-Glucopyranosy l-L-Ascorb ic Acid1



    D ep artm en t o f Im m un oc he mis try F ac ulty o f P ha rm ac eu tic al S cie nc es

    O kayam a U niversity Tsushim a naka 1 1 1 O kayam a 700 Japan

    ABSTRACT We evaluated the effect of 2-O-a-D-

    glucopyranosyl-L -ascorbic acid (A A-2G ) on collagen

    synthesis in cultured hum an skin fibroblasts and on pro

    liferation of fibroblasts. A t concentrations of 0.1-0.5

    m mol/L , AA-2G effectively stim ulated collagen syn

    thesis with an effectiveness comparable to that of L-

    ascorbic acid. On the other hand, 6-O-ct-D-

    glucopyranosyl-L -ascorbic acid show ed a w eak effect.

    The stimulation of collagen synthesis by AA-2G was

    attenuated by the addition of a collagen synthesis inhib

    ito r, L -a ze tid in e 2 -c arb ox ylic a cid , in a d ose -d ep en de nt

    m an ner. In ad dition , AA-2G -ind uced stim ulatio n o f co l

    lagen synthesis could be completely inhibited by the

    addition of castanosperm ine, an inhibitor of neutral

  • 7/25/2019 J. Nutr.-1992-Yamamoto-871-7


  • 7/25/2019 J. Nutr.-1992-Yamamoto-871-7



    87 3

    AA -2G , and the cells w ere cultured f or v arious tim e s

    until 24 d. T he m edium w as changed tw ice w eek ly .

    A fter rem oval of the m edium , the cell layer w as

    rinsed tw ice w ith 2 m L of PB S (pH 7.2) and processed

    f or the m easurem ent of D NA content as described by

    G iles and M y er (24).

    D eter min ation of en zym e a ctivity of cell lysa te.

    T he cell suspension (4 x IO9 cells/L ) in 0.1 m ol/L

    b arb itu rate b uf fe r (pH 7 .2 ) w as so nicated an d ce ntri-

    fuged at 1700 x g for 10 m in. T he supernatant w as

    used f or the determ ination of v arious enz ym e activ

    ities at 25 Cand at optim al pH . a-G lucosidase (EC activ ity w as determ ined by m easuring the

    rate o f f orma tio n o f g lu co se f rom ma lto se as d esc rib ed

    p re v io usly (1 7). A lk alin e pho sphatase (EC 3 .1 .3 .1 ) ac

    tiv ity w as m e asu red w ith 7 .0 5 mmo l/L p -n itro ph en yl

    phosphate in 0.72 m o l/L diethanolam ine-HCl buf fer

    (pH 9 .8 ). A ry lsu lf atase (EC 3 .1 .6.1 ) activ ity w as m e a

    sured w ith 1.81 m m ol/L p-nitropheny l sulfate in 87

    mm o l/L ac etate b uf f er (pH 6 .2 ). p -N i tro ph enol f ormed

    in these reactions w as m easured at 405 nm . L -

    A s corbic acid-liberating activ ities of the cell ly sate

    w ere also determ ined at pH 7.2 w ith A A -2G , A A -2P

    or A A -2S . T he reaction m ix ture consisting of 30 uL of

    enz ym e solution and 10 uL of 50 m m ol/L L -ascorbic

    acid deriv ativ e w as incubated at 37 Cfor 20 m in,

    follow ed by addition of 2 v olum es of 0.61 m ol/L

    trichloroacetic acid. T o the reaction m ix ture w as

    added an equal v olum e of 52 mmo l/L dithiothreitol in

    1 m ol/L potassium phosphate buf fer (pH 7.0). T he

    samp le obtain ed was analy z ed f or to tal L -asc orb ic ac id

    am ount by H PL C (16) equipped w ith an Eicom elec

    tro ch em ic al d etec to r. Pro te in co nce ntratio n w as d e

    term ined by the m ethod of L ow ry et al. (25) using

    b ov in e se rum alb um i n as a stan dard . S pec if ic ac tiv ity

    of each enzy m e w as ex pressed as nm ol of substrate

    hydro lyzed /(min-mg pro te in ).

    S ta tistic al a n a lysis. Me an s a nd sta nd ar d d evia tio n s

    are presented and w ere com pared by S tudent's t test

    w ith sig nif ican t p ro bab ility lev els o f

    o p



    O C


    Cu lt iv at ion h


    F IGURE 2 Ra te of disa ppea r a nce of L-a scorbic a cid AA

    and 2-O -a-D -glucopy ranosy l-L -ascorbic acid (A A -2G ) in

    culture m edium . A A or A A -2G w as added to M EM -10

    (m inim um essential m edium w ith 10 fetal bov ine serum )

    at a f inal concentration of 0.25 m mol/L in the presence of

    f ibroblasts and then incubated at 37 C for 60 h in an at

    m osphere of 5 CU2-air. T he rem aining am ounts of A A (

    and A A -2G ()n the m edium w ere m easured by HPLC.

    Points are the m eans of quadruplicate cultures.

    T he ef f ects of A A -2G and other L -ascorbic acid

    deriv ativ es on collagen sy nthesis by cultured f ibro

    blasts are sum mariz ed in T able 1. A A -2G signif i

    cantly stim ulated collagen sy nthesis as w ell as L -

    ascorbic acid and A A -2P did, w hereas A A -6G and A A -

    2S show ed w eak or no enhancing ef f ects. A m ong

    TABLE 1

    E ffect of con cen tr ation of L -a scor bic a cid AA der iva tives on

    colla gen syn th esis a s a percen tage of tota l protein syn th esis

    in h um an skin fibr obla sts*





    8.6 .9*6.3



    0.20.2 5



    0.7 *

    9.0 .6*6.2




    lCel\s were incubated in 2.0 mL of fresh MEM 10 minimum

    essential m edium w ith 10 fetal bov ine serum ) containing

    [3H ]proline (74 M B q/L ) and A A deriv ativ es (0.1 and 0.25 mm ol/L )

    for 24 h. T he relative rate of collagen sy nthesis to total protein

    sy nthesis w as determ ined by the bacterial collagenase m ethod.

    V alues are the m eans so of triplicate cultures. 'S ignif icantly

    dif ferent com pared w ith corresponding control (none) (P < 0.05).

    Abb re v iat io ns u sed: AA -2G , 2 -O -a-D -g lu copy ranos y l-L -as co rb ic

    ac id ; A A -6 G, 6 -O -o t-D -g lu co py rano sy l-L -asco rb ic acid; A A -2 P, L -

    as co rb ic acid 2-p ho sp hate; A A -2 S, L -as co rb ic acid 2 -su lf ate .

  • 7/25/2019 J. Nutr.-1992-Yamamoto-871-7


    874 Y A M A MOTO ET A L .


    1 2 3

    m M

    4 5

    F IGURE 3 Ef fect of increasing concentrations of L -

    as co rb ic ac id ( AA ) and 2 -O -c e-D- glu copy ranos y l- L -as co rb ic

    acid (A A -2G) on collagen sy nthesis in hum an sk in f ibro-

    blasts. T he cells w ere incubated in 2.0 m L of fresh M EM -10

    (m inim um essential m edium w ith 10 fetal bov ine serum )

    containing [3H ]proline (74 M B q/L ) and A A ()r A A - 2G ()

    (0.03-0.5 m mol/L ) for 24 h. T he relativ e rate of collagen

    sy nthesis to total protein sy nthesis w as determ ined by the

    bacterial collagenase m ethod. Points are the m eans S D of

    trip lic ate cu ltures. 'S ig nif ican tly dif feren t than v alue d eter

    m ined in the absence of A A or A A -2G (P < 0.05).

    these L -ascorbic acid-related com pounds, L -ascorbic

    acid and A A -6G show ed a reducing activ ity tow ard

    cy tochrom e c and a redox dye, w hereas A A -2G, A A -

    2P, and A A -2S had no direct reducing activ ity . Conse

    quently , there w as no relationship betw een their

    stim ulating ef fect on collagen synthesis and their

    direct reducibility . A s show n in Figure 3, the stim u

    lation of collagen sy nthesis by A A -2G was dose-

    dependent at concentrations ranging from 0.03 to 0.5

    m mol/L . How ever, L -ascorbic acid strongly stim u

    lated collagen synthesis at a concentration as low as

    0.06 m mol/L and reached a m ax im um at 0.125 m mol/

    L . T he reason for this relativ ely w eak ef fect of L -

    ascorbic acid at concentrations m ore than 0.25 m m ol/

    L on collagen synthesis is not clear, but this m ay be

    due to cy totox icity of hydrogen perox ide produced by

    ox idativ e reaction of L -ascorbic acid under culture

    conditions (26). O n the contrary , a high concentration

    of A A -2G (2.0 mm ol/L ) w as as ef f ectiv e as 0.25

    m mol/L in stim ulating collagen synthesis (data not


    Figure 4 illustrates the effect of AzC on AA

    2G-induced collagen synthesis. L -A zetidine 2-

    carboxy lic acid, an inhibitor of collagen sy nthesis

    induced by L -ascorbic acid (27), attenuated the

    stim ulatory ef fect of A A -2G on collagen synthesis in

    a dose-dependent m anner. W e further determ ined the

    ef fect of castanosperm ine, a neutral cc-glucosidase in

    hibitor (28), on A A -2G-induced collagen synthesis.

    A s show n in T able 2, this com pound com pletely in

    hibited A A -2G-induced collagen synthesis, but not

    that induced by L -ascorbic acid. T able 3 show s the



    A A-2 G m m o l/L

    Az c m m ol/L



    0 . 25


    0 . 25

    0 .5

    0 . 25

    1 .0

    F I GU RE 4 E ff ect of azeti di ne 2-car boxyl ic aci d A zC on

    2-O-a-D-g lucopyranosy l -L -ascorb ic ac id (AA -2G) -s timu la ted

    collagen sy nthesis in hum an sk in f ibroblasts. T he cells w ere

    incubated in 2.0 m L of f resh M EM -10 (m inim um essential

    m edium w ith 10 fetal bov ine serum ) containing

    [3H]proline (74 M B q/L ), A A -2G (0.25 m m ol/L ) and A z C for

    24 h. T he relativ e rate of collagen sy nthesis to total protein

    sy nthesis w as determ ined by the bacterial collagenase

    m ethod. Points are the m eans S D of triplicate cultures.

    *S ignif icantly dif f erent than v alue f rom cells stim ulated by

    A A -2G only (P < 0.05).

    three enz ym e activ ities in the ly sate of cultured f ibro

    blasts. T he cell ly sate ex hib ited a-glucosidase activ ity

    and had the ability to release L -ascorbic acid from A A -

    2G. T hese values w ere relativ ely higher than the

    other tw o enzym e activ ities exam ined. A mong the

    three L -ascorbic acid deriv ativ es, A A -2S w as the m ost

    TAB LE 2

    Abo li shmen t of 2 -O -a-D -g lucopyranosyl -L -asco rb ic acid

    A A-2G -i ndu ced col lagen syn th esi s i n h uman sk in

    f ibrob lasts by castanospermine1





    to ta l proteinynthesis5.2


    5.7 .58.6


    5.1 .313.0


    13. 1 1 .2*

    'Cells w ere incubated in 2.0 m L of f resh M EM -10 (m inim um

    essential m edium w ith 10 fetal bov ine serum ] containing

    [3 H]p roline (7 4 MBq /L ) an d L -asc orbic acid o r AA -2 G (0 .1 mm o l/L )

    in the presence or absence of castanosperm ine (0.1 m m ol/L ) for 24

    h. T he relativ e rate of collagen sy nthesis to total protein sy nthesis

    w as determ ined by the bacterial collagenase m ethod. V alues are the

    m e an s Do f trip licate cu ltu res. S ig nif icantly d if fe ren t c om p ared

    w ith control value (none) in the absence of castanosperm ine (P