"J i-'Hi- S COL JMSIATi 4 ik W &cBi m-.gav- ua a mil ou Pr-i:.- zt irr.r:. '."r::r".-jJ-- v ftm Edie Giltner con out wi h . 8 " PrFirP A! Pfpfp Quick and wife whou th7 wagcjimI IT J . Jrb. Janv Muek!. i?r. fctus rowrrfl. is G. Jjlom: gave us a call ou Sunday. H. Piatt Via gr.ueto work at Asto- - J. W. Causfdwll axr ua t o calls, lis orlc. W. !. Whitney up SOUll' i'oe bwkU. Ojr litt! d m'itrr Blanche contitiu s ta iurroy in health. Met F Hat n is fell in.: hU revolving -- .fe like hot cakes. Capt, Loniont has Kome of those mag-- . ftiftivj.l Cyw!itz hins. ' ; Mr, Harris of Colu.ubui City u work- top W thp Taylor Hotel, Mjor AJaraa will canvass the wh )!e County In-for- e Juno 5th. 8eixtl a c.Jl laat &aturlay fro Hrs. Moore ami Mr. Mile, - B'aki fcJey has lota of go.nl gru'. Vt know whereof we apeak. Gs aul try it. John Capjca and lii two son Iiavi len viii;n. Capt, ut, al.x Jnme V00d5. ony to loan on real estate jwvurity by F. A Moore Ks. St, Helen, Kelly's family was very low a;-- t Dr. Stewart brought thum al; through. Mr. N. L. Grey and wife give us a all lat .Sunday. TH'y h d leeu out to John. . Fnr.k. ani Charles Slaven cud 'Af. IT ; i r are ail worici.ig at is i .ci.i a MilL Nrk1i i iprr- - mid .losie Groves are jCOirai--"-- e it. Iura M uckie Conyer.- - 1 verf ick. - iet O'to G.vlkia theotVirdiy with a ft;e bmJ of furniture, the irtiatic wt)rk E hi haiuA. TImj Mniznnlilo will make he t-i- n" t' tbi ClaUkame, dowa on Wedne.4d.iV. Lack ou Thr-tday-. M Prv U rj o 1 ylt' in a inel cil liut and all tlie tiai t hw ier hands full. Kolert Hutchinson has jon to e ' ir Mountain Mill as Chief Engine r. Kob jert ia a fine man. Ennch Meeker till cont'nties tne work on D ive'jport Saloon and will have It fix d up in shaje. K nla! BVve ley ha a fi r sadd!- -, the'ffift of his father, f r the Lare pr- - ceit'd by hi grandfather. The West Short should be patroniz-- 1 lv every one. It in a prim? necraaitv of Oregon, not merely an arnm.nt Enoch Shintiif a ailo-- n verv cleanly. T n Welles keeps eyrvthiu alout the premises in pri:u? order. G. W. Dw gave us a eall to- - lay. H Rtnped and fro"k tea, aul hal the ad- dress of hi piper changed to Pittsburg. Pr-f- . Qjick and w.fe kindly cim ouf. and w.atched with B'anch" last Fr'diy jiiht no Mm. A Jains had a clmnce to rekt. Miry Hancock kindly watched with Blanche last w-e- k wlitl Mrs. Ad inn a.l ci to go and see Mrs. Taylor ere she died. The new postal rout between 8. Helen and La Centre will be snoa estab- lished. It will be a great convenience. fha Latont will crry the mail. It will We Unee times a week. Hon. Jack -- on Peach er. will go around with S. A. lileit' fine stallion during the the season. Those desiring fine horweg should improve this chan-e- , as the stallion is one of the best in the whole country. It is rportd Dora Cop-lan- d, has lost tun hearing of on" car ffo.u the mwulra. f Her . tiiotiW'sj h ult'i i at il guilts bad 'lit improving .slightly. Dr. .Stewart loea fow putiVnts axid tu't us with grand sucje.sa as a Doctor. NoIody that haw oiice had him, liken to if him up for anybody else. Mrs. F. A. i Moore i sick. 5. h is ... i a overaoue lurseif in. waitni; 11 niili t!n suck iu tovn and now fe.-d.- th coiih'- - tjueucn of h er uutirin iv trt.'. M ItL C.iit. Alex. on was in own lately fro.u Astoria. She sjiv, Mr W. W. Nichol.V f imily are gett'iiti filon spleiul'-dly- , and Mrs. Nichols ha . Hue health. Mrti. T. A. McBride and children are visiting relatives. Mr. McBride re-iivt- d a Hue nld waUh and chain from nmoT his ad iirer.--j d irin thj Session .i z Oiie iit Court. Daniel Slaveus in up and at his old ntand He xivca great credit to Dr. Lowell. Ho siys he ia curing him. Sir. F. M. Hazen alo jfives the Dr. ,ret credit in getting his boy up. Mr. Eusne Semple informs us Mr. Decker and wife and hoii Lin are all em-doy- od at the Oed irMuntaiii 31 ill, and .re doing fiphiididly. Mr. SKeuiple gave ua a wr.n invitation to visit the mill. Tie w'ce of shingles h is ad v need. Steituer Capt. H. Capixs. Will go on C!iri m frro Clurabia City via St. Hrkn. Quiley's Lan !in and San vie' Is ian 1 1 Vancouver. Will itart at $ hefore 6 A. m. from CoiUQibia City aua at C A. M. from St. llclea. Fare for r un I trio, 50ct. Walla r & H333rley, 245 C3ni N3W York SEND FOR OUR FA3 1I3M CAZiTTi & CATA-lO- m, W), 23. Tt enables yon to buy Vew York jjio at New York price. .N o hoosehol I h juiJ be without it. MANUFACTURERS & I.vIPORTEUS OF L idle', 3IissV and lii;rea'a SWXTS, Cloiki. Shiwl, "V7iol8n3, I ALSBS IN .VATCHE5?, SILVS-PLATE- D WARE, J'5 VrfL iY, BOOTi .Sll JE-?- , GENTS', Y.WIM i i Y 4 Co HATS, U D.-- tV iA iflLMNERV, YANK Hi NOTIONS, ETC. Qa FaU.cn lifti su1 Ca il gn. Wa. 20, u nrr oat, an I i f ill f illu-it-- a i n- - aul .1 -- crij irz of thi la- - h- ia the above lin f p .!. Single c vi - nt free uiou rec.-ip-t of 4J. potftatfe. Waller & ll3lo l3y, 8 toil iJatite Boa ;lit ill 3oll ai Inf nntion given cmoernin L;in In, Titles, (.Wis. etc. All baninew atteu M to with the n'reatt st care. KV'n I AD TS. T hrM1 "n a tw ynf 'M-- - ffa'l ip ai xk liay 1 v H env "' . If inv " ; ' tnl m.iIi r. vlenii). lvi iJin1. they be !. ' ii i ie. '; ! H. STEHMAN. c i3 y 6"i3riff Sal 3. -- .By virtae of an i E x uiry an I r ler of Sale to m-- iirectj I U I ? 1 if. of th-- i ie lit CJ-jr- t f f the State of Oreoa for the Omn1" f C ru'n!ia. to in favor of J.wiaa Fall?rt.m dj'enian-- , ani of a'ainftS. D. MaJov n'in'itT, fr th mn of .- - ie H.m Ire I Sixtv Elh' W0) I liar anl the fa-th-- ;r Sum of n H m ve-- l Fifty in to A. 43(151. 4 ;) lollara, o ft nn I by virtaa of the .ail Kxecotlinan t Or ler of Sal. onthJi8th. dav of A iri: A. D I'M?, I levii up n the f en lwia real Eu'ate, t wit: Til oath W- - t aatrterfi) of th soh Wwt qirmer i) an 1 lota o. ond (1) ) an Iw m ich of 1 ft o. T:iree(3) a 'i n rth of a In i da a an ? weiit of the North West crner of th Dona I m Tan 1 Clai.n of J weoh St uhton in S-- c ion Xwentv KourCM) T vrunii Kjxr'4) North of Kan re T vo.'2) vVea of tlw Wi 'am :tte Meil IHn emtainioir One Hm!ri ani EiitttW) acres . More or Less, an I Hitaate in C lumbi Cmn y an-- 1 State of Orvn. to Now therefore by vi.lue of the sxi t ".xecutl n an Ord jr of Hlale m th-- 29th. day of Iay A D. 1883, at the n iur of on "'c: c ; p. m of thaf aid dav, in fiont f th-- . C art Ho m D hr. in tha the To-it- j of St. ln C iltiiabi C tmtv an I o. State of Ore? n, I will m 1 th- - ahvr leacriH I real Estate, at public ucti.m to thelii th' M I. of der far Cash, t saf infv the nai I Execnti ft 'an I Order of .Sale, together with intcreat, ciwta, nl unt BCOruio CiMtS. ial W. FT. fJONYERS, of SherifTof ColuiU Cotinty Ovn u3Sa23 f GDNAL EFFECTIVE t (ISO. V. Ganoral Merdiandis 8T. 'IIKLKN, OliECON. A tifw tji I complete etck tt 0m.kI now in wore. J'icea rca0oaa.l!e. Tcruis Cuth. a.ilStf lITCSLS BBOS.. t?T. HKLKN, Oil. .'.Siiistifacturcrs of all Kinds of Lu::i-Lc- r, Luths and P.ckets. Will furuij'a LuiUer in any quAulitteti, :hi ai any .riria cm the Co.uuiuia ttiver. V. ttj.i ktfp ntrral tore, with a full n if all k.xnU of Oroceriea and Dry lio.hJs, at .tWL-M- t tJa-ti- i Priceii. aulHti ; DEALER IN ! ' COH?CTI0IIAP.IES , uf all kin ts, KnickkaickS; Bveid, . ' anJ other Vaiietieit of the akine Cut Sola, Sirsipill LosHaad?, Of the. B. st Quality, and Its L LI AkSD ... ilVER StuEKT, S. ELtilEV," OrEOOX. HOP, T , Hilk-- P ui3,Back ti,Stove-Pip- e, Granite Iron-- W ire anJ EvirytMflT ia tlit lins at 102fLATD FrioM. WILLIAM WOODulIAiY. 8T. liCLEK. ObKOO.S. Hr. Dr. Kliz lb eth Perry, ST. HELEN, Oil. Has Yraetlasl ovar Tweaty-Sy- a Tart. liueaaes of women an. I chiMren a specialty, alo Catarrh, Di;tberia, Astinu an. I Fevers. Will attend calls at all hour of th iay an I niKht. d'24m D2. S. Iy7T3uu. LATE OF IOWA : Having located at St. flelen affen 1Jh profes iona! services to the citLten- - of the tv.vii ani aur-iiKiiid- in country. 033 at tin St. Hslaa'j Sdusa. Special attention given to xoazs an i chil- dren ani chhomc pidRAssa oi all kiud. n3&uarJ4 f. a. moons. Attornoy - at - Law, OrriCE Street in front of trnl. "romnt Attsacion Givn-t- Colleoavni, io. n o.iil:ur Te A. K1z3Hiyi 8 AttDrnay - at - Law, OREUOS CITY. OREGON. Particular attention Iven t" biiaia.'.j Wfore the Ian t Oaice. novlStf JU3TJ 2' O.- - THE KricK-Co- urt H.io. at St. Helen. L. V. FlilS :. dvertid is izenU rJl vferi'ii.uis' iixra i iit, &. is autUoi'-zc- d to reoive advrtu-iiii'zii- M tor I Ills p ijkv, Holi is. There U mney ia the T.-- e mry to pa-- . off the folio vine 'o.n".v r le . N..8;, 8 , ?& 7JX 8 I. 7i 79, 7:19,69, 7o4. 731, 7o3, 77 J. 8jj, 1 t''J, 8-- a d3. 8J(i, 80 , 7JJ, 781. 77 , 81 i, 47, ,4 1, 1 , i i 81J, 81 , 8JI, S-- 78 1, 74 834 7d4 73, SOj 8iU.80i.8-i7- , 51, 8J, 811, JJ), 4 1 iil JJJ, iii, !6L 833. 8lS. 867. A interest s ops from date of thi "uMic.i i u. J.l ..lUOKL. i.-SN.- Treasurer, uy .t. O-- i, Deputy. n3Sa28 The following order w is ui s an 1 entered at the A;na: T.-r-- u of theU j i y Court 1882. In the master of re (l ii-- in the a-- s 8s r to lamni c .i t ta of th-- ir csa.nont. ) Whereas the freouncv of netitionit for re1at- - of tu.v.- - m o.a. :int of cLi n ! iiT. l ieM i.i th . M4 nnfc I has in iteriihy : atfecteil the reven i of the ' On mt v for th? ve.tr lftXl: an 1 wlurAu 4 in ri. I uiMiifthitntin'reiriHlv h .old H. d...i.d t.,r ! thi s ate of affairs. It is therefore iier'b ordered bytheC mrt that the ass r wni e making the assessaii-n- t ir th year 1832 bj iini he is hereby required furnish each taxraver with a certi 1ei c py his atifMS.o n. on tie blanks c in.um.y used ani that in al c mtsts bfr the tJuri o Eqaa i'.ition an I in all rx pa TB appdeations the C.iniy Court &ii 1 c n saill be P.iIHA pacib ei 1 nee of the ui ria il act uf the asn ss-- or an I th. taxoavers h ldin the mu .'hall be Hie 1 to have the rec rd when variant c in- formed theieto. And in caa th? tx-nay- -- nha'l accent hii ass-ess.un- w. w xhi itavl by sail c. i- -s ai correc; at thi tLm of ddiverv thereof to him ani shad fail to :u.ike c unplaiat for alladel errors to tha Biiarl of E.jaa nati n he shall be estopped from mkin' b PaT-f- i ajpliatiajn to the County Court in that behalf. Ani lit ia farther orlered that the Comty Clerk transmit a certified copy of thU order the ansfsaor and pub.ish the same for th.- - in forma- - i n of all iiom it may c n3rn. State of Jregon, Cluin ia Cmatys s. I certify the f iretjoin is a CMTec- - tranc-io- t of the iiaa' J l.irn il en:ry in th ab ive- - n- - itlel mat- ter an i V the wh .e th.-reo- f as the aame.apiiears record ia m . odise and in m custody. In witn ess v ierf I ine hire- - Setl of the sot m f h in 1 a fixed my o;Ec- - (C i. Court of s ;al at 3t. 1'm t iU 3th. day ( Col. Co. April, A. D. 182. ) JBUGSNE SEIPLE, c Coi:ry Clerk. i r1 ..ISIi 5 . a r k si xa vs a r b - - - ' r AlrH plthout jwtfon tht Finaat erit Dcst Coklnn Stoves In the world. EVERY ONE of the 141 SIZE MB MO Lit wriiix Jk 17RITTEH &UARANTE W hm JTO AgraZ. 4 polni or FINISH, DEAUTY. ECONOM DURAD1LITY A COtlVEHIEHCF. MM "wES E?se Burner and Fatorlte Cooking SfoT Tt Prize m Silveb Hedai at tsiwTi Ihdustbial Expositiox, ir 1 Zramtnm welt TA VOJXlTE HTOVL'3 mnd WEST roTST BJLUA & UUXJZR bfr buying y jr JVr Ae ov JT. S. G30V33, - - Projristor, Tii3 Dart Honsa, Columbia Street, St. Heles, Oreoojt Is n v open for the aoonnuiodati:n of iho Traveling Public. Being newly fitte I up, it wii b f.mtvl & itleasant nlace at which to ston. Terms. 25 cents for Heals. 25 cents for LoJhx iajr. Board 94.00 pr .Week, Board and LioViPo'. Ja27nM Barbar & 3ho3m-ikar- . Third Door from the Corner of Klver & Tu ilitia Streets St. Helew, Oreoom. n30tf Great chines to mike m ney. Th se wh ai- - GOLD ways take advaiitiga the ii'-y- l came mi for making iuney that are offered fen,?ry becvaie wealthy, while th wh-d- n im HMve s tea caauce-- i remain in H v erty. We want man m-n- . worn-- boy m an ; snrlrt to work for us riht in their own localise Auy out can d the work pr iierly from the hlr s strt. Th t will p iy more than ten tiiuos orlinary waes. Exp'nmve outtit ir nisbed free. Xo one wh en rajM fails to make in mey rapiily. You can devote your whplr tine to the work, or ny y r s a"e inouen r nil infonnati n an 1 all that is n tsl-- i seat ' e. AvMre SnxiiOS Co., Portlan 1, Main'- - G.unly Noti3 for P ibViZZtlox. T "nit'cd statsh ia!n Okkice, 1 Oreoon Citv. OuegoS, Apri'. 22, 1882. Notice t bereb uiven th.it the foil fviri-'- - uaiiml settler h.m file 1 n i :e f hix in'nti n It in. vice final proof in ni ;rt of his cl ti.n. ah that h;u 1 root win ih int le o?i ire '.u n- - Co mlv Cler' of Cv:mnSi. Cj. at St. iieltii Oresr'n. on Monday .T'liirf 12. 1882. vii: J. LIIh-- 1 Horn stead Appiictti u An. .UiOJ f.ir Uie Lrit 10, of -- ec. I . an 1 5. K. i of -- N. K. iof Sc. 16. T. 6 V. ft. 5 W He nam? the foMo.vin ' witnwies to prove his Ctn inuo.i8 resid-.-nc- e upon, .ml caltiva i ad 1 lam I. vi& : I. ic t5en?r. .1 :in ivectm'n. unarms .ion all of Kivtrsi 'e. Columbia Cu itv an i N Convers f St. Helen, O !u:n'ia J un5, Oren L. T. .A.Ci tie,'iHt r. nTSa23.5t Xotlcc of Ap.illcitio'i to Purchase Ti.ii er L i.i J. IT. S, Ls OKUB ar Vsthvs, W. T larch nth, tSSJ Notice in hereby j;iv n that in o m i ince l the provision of th- - Act of Con jves a.prov Tun 3. en iMed "An Ac 'or the .i!e Ti ober Lan U iu t! states f Ca if rnia. Ore- - Nevada, ani in Wis".iiartn Teritrv 'en'amia F. Brock, of J vli z J mat v. Was i- - iuton Territory, has this da died iu thix o n hi ai)ilkAt) ii t ) parch u) th : oatn WeMt North East i ani North West I of S m h Eak i o' iMlO, Tj. 8 T i th f itane 3 West the Willamette Men inn. Testi juny in the ao ve ca9-- j will be taken 1 fore the Judie f the f r ate U urt of a C unity, at iwalama, W T. on Saturday, th : 27th. day of May. 18S2. An v and all persons c ii ni n: aiversjlv the above described land, or;uy p rti n th ir.f. ari are herebv require I to hie their c uu in UilH o.oce within sfxtv(f0) days fro.u date hereof, n33uoar24 XoXlce for Pa iliralioj. . V. S. L.KD Ofpicr,) Okioos ClTT, OreooK Aoril 22. l2. Notice is herebj given that th j fvllowin uttr ha fill 'n tii2 of hU intend n to make rinil oro f in suoo ort of bi4 cl d i, aul that ad 1 proof will be male before the Onmty C1t - bf Uolumnia uo at est. nexen, Kn, on r may, .Tun- - 2. IS! Xiz: Charles T. C. Oran'i. Houi tead .plia'i N.2S27, for the E A of N . w . of 4. W.Yf 'ec. IS. T. C N. R. 4 W. 1 He lam m the followimr wrn jss to prove his i. ... i HM resi lene uixm. anl cultivati m ai 1 lau 1, viz: V. H. s. of St. Helena. O. T. Jon an 1 f orris Karr, of Kiverside, all of Cj.umola County, Oregon. L. T. BAR IN, Register n38a28.5t St. Helen Lodge No. 32, A. F. A. M. Regular Meetings the firt and thin! Satolr. davs of each month. Soiourninir brethren in good staallng are .fdiill v invited to attend. By order oi W. M. t t onr ci fiUs : mkh Szfx Li; WU k It c Itt3, XJUm THE MITCl'Rf.t. ST.VDAD fWtons, The M 2 C.iKLL, WAffl ii ; jiirf'n . f fr. tmr.kion mmd male br the b fest waron rnerinic tort meat ueaiirelv epc.rate frynili;c I' aris V.'aoa vera o bvs fairiiitifl uaurrax.i. Send for AaZr;aZ:JLfX.v Clcbrat I " insrlo ..-ee- c CP r r at . Jtil. ltiiis-lu-;e- l -- ;. nt :. r-- . 3I.:7:ja.nd IireftchJlnni IneOurs 1 i:d . uieriTU ir. i"r. ki :da of trt-"- r imr!t!r a r-'- TT-- v Erec-"0'di- -' r ocble Grans r 71! m r r so SALOQSr. Proprietor. 3n. Ci.?3, f-- al "Wat3 All of the lest ipialtty C.rner of Cowlit an i 'fiver Streets, St. Hklkn, OksooK. Civil Engiaoor and I Saryoyjr. j St. Helen, Creon. All biwiues attendeil to with prouptnes4 an.' iispatch. ft? Patt3ra3. is COLONS. Beautiful designs to be maU of ra? r yarn. So simple that a cnild can inalce them. For Halk AT F. A- - Leoibat'3, sr. EKV, in 1 mi H'e at C I i ill 9 r - -- :I i. i;,r.vC!i X CoV Nevp.- - ) perAlvert in; Bar.'au (10 S race Sr. Jl wh. alvertiit c n tracts icay btj wa.le tor it in NEW Y UK. ul3t a tcck iu own town. . utiit fre. o ritji. Kvcrv. thin m-v- Capital n t rNjiired. .Ve will furnish' y"it everything. Manv are inann fottuUM. malie as much an m ;n. aa 1 I ovs and . irli make gre.-i- t pay. t'eader, if you '.vant a luixi-;rea- c i in at which y a oim .n v c ime pay all the you wr', wri-- - f r oar; aiars to II. 1I.VL- - LCTTifc Co., F.irtlau.i, Ialn.. 6;anly Jah JL (Hi ilwF We con'inue to act as iolic 'ir4 for Paen, (av'a'n, Trale Iir'. C nyriUh'.s, etc., frt!)v Uniteil States, Can t la, Cuba, iCn.lan l, Frunce, O.'iu.any, etc. We have haJ ' ta rnjr-'- l yi e pi-i9n-- n. Patents oVaine I fcV 4 rh is re n .i i in tne SciEsriic A.ie ticav. Thw ' ire an 1 splen lid illustratratd veeklv pap r. jj' .20 a year, shr-v- a the Progress ? Soi-n- o. i-- i v ry l iterest iug, an I has an en r.u in ci. e Ua l n Mr ss "1 Ui N t C .. Patent Sj.icitws. Pal lishrs f ScieM- - ri?ib Amekioan. 37 Park 1 vv, New Yorit. flan book alut Paten s sont free. J. KELL933 & C3'3 Steamers Jo33p!i Killogg ! and Steamer JOSEPH KELLOkifJ leaves Port- - !an 1, loot ofYaiuhid .rHrei't, for Kreep rt on Tiieni;iv, Thursday an I Fii ia at7 o'cl c . M., via Willamette iuirl. toachin; at St. Helen. vlum'iaCity, Kalam:i, Carrol s 1 unt, 'aimer, Cciiar Lan un d mticell an all iater.n iliite points., Ketumtng fave ... F reen rt olon lav. cv s t UX " ' etin s lay an t r ruay at o o oi oc.c a. M Steam r T )L"1 leaves fortlai I for C v- i'z Praid on .1 on and Th irs lay . at V. M. ia liiam f t Mouh and aliove Ian .lu-t- . touching at rreeport,' Arkaniiw, '.)!. iua an I, W.iy Lau lins. itetiirniux We (n ?uiay an I Saturday. Stfotf u8wn iil Like Ttiver Tram- - j port itio i Jo ni ia3 Fast an i a,rite Stea ner jlL A. U 3 1ST k. , I W. G. WlEK, MA4TCU Will leave La Centre for Portlan I via St. Kelen. Qui,d?y's fau lin an 1 jCobiinbia Kiver every u m lay, V t la I y aa l Ki-- i lay at u o' clock A. t mc'iiu t at ad waH Iaa Ii Ueturnhi' will reive Ever lin: ant Ferrill's Wharf, fo r. of M.r Street. P rtlai I. every Tuesday, T i jrs Uy an I .Saturday at 10 'clock, A. M. a'larp. For freight and passage apply rd. 3etf PLTFORS fefftlKO WACUN. r.nd SiJc-Sp- Hn l.vies. 11 n,!' n- - th verv bAt stock used fa It intSevor!d. The Spn. g Waroa n Buy ! shos. fur the maubctiu 91 UUS (UM M Catloirn aaj lUutntei Price 1 ia. CO. your lay W fa 1 i. ? i3k flr?vji him C CJ R E Tt Trvl c'.jntisti f to-la- y 'free tint luoM-- . discas s are cansifj bv dieaicl h. .ttnevs or L.iv er. If, th.-r.for- e. the fwi 'neys and are tept ia '?:-- ct order, perfect health will be the r-s- -j.t. T:U truth has only lieen known a shirt i tie and for years people suffered great agony wi h'u b- - in. able to tinl re'iff. The dweuvt-r- f Warnir's -- afe Ki 'ney and Liver Cure mark x n i era in the- - tn afui. nt of these trouble. Ia le fr un a ni;nrle tro deal leaf of rare value, it c nains unt the eleiiientN necessary to tiour-ii- h and invigorate lmth of these great orarui, an i safelv rt(tore and keep them in order. It is ' a P.SITIV! Remedy for all the dishes that caus- - naina in the lower part of the body for T ri i 1 Liver If eadachee Jaundice Dizzint-- G-av- el Fever. A'tie MaLtnal Fever, and a'l dl acalties of the Ivi !nys. Liver and Urina- ry Or-ran- . It U an cxcfll nt am! safe remldy for female d.i Ui PreKuawcy. It will &ntrol Mt-nstnta- n ani i invaluable for Leuconha-- a or Falling of the Wt:ib. As a "dil PiriSerit I un-jua- lel, for it cure the that MAKE the blood. Tin- - Itenitn-ly- , which hrm d rne such wonder. i put u iu the LA '1(4 EST SlKD I.OTTI.K of anv lu-- di ine nvn the market, and in sold by Iru.rfts an I all aler at $1.2 ier b.ttlt. For lia'i?teij r WAK.NKirs SAFE Dl A IJ15TES CV, fi It is a POSITIVE Remedr. H. a WA'i iS & CO. Urhtt9T N. Tf . DEBILITY. A SURE CURE UdAUANTEEO. . . ' DX R. C. WEST'S NEKVE AXD BR A IK TRKATaP'T, a specific for Hysteria. Dizti-ns- s, Convulriionrt, Nervous iiealache, Mental Depresiou, Ijoiw of Memory, Spermatorhoer, Inui it ncv, Invol.intary emissions, pnmatme om a i- -, evue i uy over-exe- ni seir-anus- o or over-i- n tulgence, which lead to mixery, d.-- c .y an I death. On box will cure reo-n- t ca.n. 'rfich box confains one mouth's treatment; ne dollar a box. r six boxes for five dollars; sent mail prepaid on rec dot of price. We guaranty six h x-- -s to cure any cane. With each order by us for six-boxe- s, nccomianied with fiv dollars, we will aend the purchaser our w;K-- t iruarantre t retn.Ti the money if th treat, iu r.t ( k-- u t effect a cure. Uuaraateea immt ,? D. CLARKE CU. u holvaaie and Retail Drugwts, PortJ-a- i, Crv cg-n- . lers by mail at n gular prim. n'.7fl7 rS f? Ifk tTM aini uow lefor t .- ...v. ; r,. i. m noy faster ftt work foe" us titan at an-thin- g eJn-.- - Uapitai uwIhI. v ntart you. P12 a day atxl tipw&nis m.lj a horn'" bv the in t iLtrious. Men, women. an I "iris wantei everywhere to work for n. N'om in the ti ne. You can work in sare tinie on y or give your who'e time to the burin-- . a o.i cti .ive at homo ani do the work, ho otucr business will pay you ui-art- y an well. - No one can lull to uia.e tay by vun-ir- . at on.'e. Jo..tly iutCt free, iltirtey wa:l faa, easiiy, and huurably. AddrtiM Tut 5 .x 4"w.., Augtut-- s otaiiic;. fJjaaly nsroxaic 4 We have arraiv;rl with the IoWa Farmer Ov., of Cedar a,d.U, lo'.va, ( who are the puMUhMs of one of th U.nt farm papers in the west 1 to famish th-i- - hn jouin.l one year at the low rate of $L00, or it aai our own paper one year at gJ.00; aati each --.one who subscribes under thii off r wiL receive, free, an elegant portrait oi James A Ciarrield. SirA3U3HJ3 IN 1052 L P. Sislior'a XST3 W3 PAPE JEt VERTISIHG caij, Califaraia St., .3. F. N B. VDVE'tTISING SOLICITED Un al! i ewHpapers published on te Paclfie Coast, San wich Islands, Polynesia, Mexican Porta Pan una Valparaiso, Japan, Cnina, New Za lno , the Australian Coloniet, the EanUra Stal es and Europe. Files of ueary every new, pao r publiahed on the Pacitic Coast are kept con tantly on hand, and all adverlUvr ax .D w.l fre access to thv-u- i during busuess h mrs. The CoLUarflAN is kept on his at this o atedof L. P. FUber. ocirt 1TOTICE. We hereby notify tli Public that froea ta Uti of January 18i2 harfage will be eharjfti on everything uhiop.-- l from, or landel n our dock. Oencral merchandise at the rats cf 25 cte. per 1 ton or less than 1 ton, ovsr 1 ton o') cts. and at the rats of 2o eta. for every addition al ton or part of a tojf Special costracts iaal to large shippers JdUCfCLE BR03. i h r) 1 i I, i

J fiUs mkh - Historic Oregon Newspapersaki fcJey has lota of go.nl gru'. Vt ... Kolert Hutchinson has jon to e ' ir ... MaJov n'in'itT, f r th mn of.--ie H.m Ire I Sixtv Elh' W0) I

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ik W &cBi m-.gav- ua a mil ou Pr-i:.- zt

irr.r:. '."r::r".-jJ-- v ftm Edie Giltner con out wi h

. 8 " PrFirP A! Pfpfp Quick and wife whou th7 wagcjimI


Jrb. Janv Muek!. i?r. fctus rowrrfl.

is G. Jjlom: gave us a call ou Sunday.

H. Piatt Via gr.ueto work at Asto- -

J. W. Causfdwll axr ua t o calls, lisorlc.

W. !. Whitney up SOUll'

i'oe bwkU.

Ojr litt! d m'itrr Blanche contitiu sta iurroy in health.

Met F Hat n is fell in.: hU revolving-- .fe like hot cakes.

Capt, Loniont has Kome of those mag--.ftiftivj.l Cyw!itz hins. '


Mr, Harris of Colu.ubui City u work-

top W thp Taylor Hotel,

Mjor AJaraa will canvass the wh )!e

County In-for- e Juno 5th.

8eixtl a c.Jl laat &aturlay froHrs. Moore ami Mr. Mile,

- B'aki fcJey has lota of go.nl gru'. Vt

know whereof we apeak. Gs aul try it.

John Capjca and lii two son Iiavi

len viii;n. Capt, ut, al.x JnmeV00d5.

ony to loan on real estatejwvurity by F. A Moore Ks. St, Helen,

Kelly's family was very lowa;-- t Dr. Stewart brought thum al;


Mr. N. L. Grey and wife give us a

all lat .Sunday. TH'y h d leeu out to

John. . Fnr.k. ani Charles Slavencud 'Af. IT ; i r are ail worici.ig atis i .ci.i a MilL

Nrk1i i iprr- - mid .losie Groves arejCOirai--"-- e it. Iura M uckie Conyer.- -

1 verf ick. -

iet O'to G.vlkia theotVirdiy witha ft;e bmJ of furniture, the irtiatic wt)rk

E hi haiuA.

TImj Mniznnlilo will make he t-i- n" t'tbi ClaUkame, dowa on Wedne.4d.iV.

Lack ou Thr-tday-.

M Prv U r j o 1 ylt'

in a inel cil liut and all tlie tiai t h w

ier hands full.

Kolert Hutchinson has jon to e ' irMountain Mill as Chief Engine r. Kobjert ia a fine man.

Ennch Meeker till cont'nties tnework on D ive'jport Saloon and will

have It fix d up in shaje.

K nla! BVve ley ha a fi r sadd!- -,

the'ffift of his father, f r the Lare pr- -

ceit'd by hi grandfather.

The West Short should be patroniz-- 1

lv every one. It in a prim? necraaitv ofOregon, not merely an arnm.nt

Enoch Shintiif a ailo-- n vervcleanly. T n Welles keeps eyrvthiualout the premises in pri:u? order.

G. W. Dw gave us a eall to- - lay. HRtnped and fro"k tea, aul hal the ad-

dress of hi piper changed to Pittsburg.

Pr-f- . Qjick and w.fe kindly cim ouf.

and w.atched with B'anch" last Fr'diyjiiht no Mm. A Jains had a clmnce torekt.

Miry Hancock kindly watched withBlanche last w-e- k wlitl Mrs. Ad inn

a.l ci to go and see Mrs. Taylor ereshe died.

The new postal rout between 8.Helen and La Centre will be snoa estab-

lished. It will be a great convenience.

fha Latont will crry the mail. It willWe Unee times a week.

Hon. Jack --on Peach er. will go aroundwith S. A. lileit' fine stallion during thethe season. Those desiring fine horweg

should improve this chan-e- , as thestallion is one of the best in the wholecountry.

It is rportd Dora Cop-lan- d, has losttun hearing of on" car ffo.u the mwulra. fHer

. tiiotiW'sj h ult'i i at il guilts bad'lit improving .slightly.

Dr. .Stewart loea fow putiVnts axidtu't us with grand sucje.sa as a Doctor.NoIody that haw oiice had him, liken toif him up for anybody else.

Mrs. F. A. i Moore i sick. 5. h is...i aoveraoue lurseif in. waitni; 11 niili t!nsuck iu tovn and now fe.-d.- th coiih'- -

tjueucn of her uutirin ivtrt.'.

M ItL C.iit. Alex. on was inown lately fro.u Astoria. She sjiv,Mr W. W. Nichol.V f imily are gett'iitifilon spleiul'-dly- , and Mrs. Nichols ha .

Hue health.

Mrti. T. A. McBride and children arevisiting relatives. Mr. McBride re-iivt- d

a Hue nld waUh and chain fromnmoT his ad iirer.--j d irin thj Session

.i z Oiie iit Court.

Daniel Slaveus in up and at his oldntand He xivca great credit to Dr.Lowell. Ho siys he ia curing him.Sir. F. M. Hazen alo jfives the Dr.,ret credit in getting his boy up.

Mr. Eusne Semple informs us Mr.

Decker and wife and hoii Lin are all em-doy- od

at the Oed irMuntaiii 31 ill, and.re doing fiphiididly. Mr. SKeuiple gaveua a wr.n invitation to visit the mill.

Tie w'ce of shingles h is ad v need.


Capt. H. Capixs.

Will go on C!iri m frro Clurabia City viaSt. Hrkn. Quiley's Lan !in and San vie' Isian 1 1 Vancouver. Will itart at $ hefore 6 A.m. from CoiUQibia City aua at C A. M. from St.llclea. Fare for r un I trio, 50ct.

Walla r & H333rley,245 C3ni N3W York


FA3 1I3M CAZiTTi & CATA-lO- m,

W), 23.Tt enables yon to buy Vew York jjio at New

York price. .N o hoosehol I hjuiJ be without it.


L idle', 3IissV and lii;rea'a

SWXTS,Cloiki. Shiwl, "V7iol8n3,



GENTS', Y.WIM i i Y 4 CoHATS, U D.-- tV iA


Qa FaU.cn lifti su1 Ca il gn. Wa. 20,u nrr oat, an I i f ill f illu-it-- a i n- - aul .1 --

crij irz of thi la- - h- ia the above linf p .!. Single c vi - nt free uiou rec.-ip-t

of 4J. potftatfe.

Waller & ll3lo l3y,

8toil iJatite Boa ;lit ill 3oll ai

Inf nntion given cmoernin L;in In, Titles,(.Wis. etc. All baninew atteu M to with then'reatt st care.


T hrM1 "n a tw ynf 'M-- - ffa'l ipa i xk liay 1 v H env "' .If inv " ; ' tnl m.iIi r.vlenii). lvi iJin1. they be !.' ii i ie. ';

! H. STEHMAN. ci3 y

6"i3riff Sal 3.--.By virtae of an i E x uiry an I r ler of Sale

to m-- iirectj I U I ? 1 if. of th-- i ie lit CJ-jr-t f f

the State of Oreoa for the Omn1" f C ru'n!ia. toin favor of J.wiaa Fall?rt.m dj'enian-- , ani ofa'ainftS. D. MaJov n'in'itT, f r th mn of.-- ie H.m Ire I Sixtv Elh' W0) I liaranl the fa-th-- ;r Sum of n H m ve-- l Fifty in toA. 43(151. 4 ;) lollara, o ft nn I by virtaa of the.ail Kxecotlinan t Or ler of Sal. onthJi8th.dav of A iri: A. D I'M?, I levii up n the f enlwia real Eu'ate, t wit: Til oathW- - t aatrterfi) of th soh Wwt qirmer i)an 1 lota o. ond (1) ) an I w m ich of 1 ft

o. T:iree(3) a 'i n rth of a In i da a an ?

weiit of the North West crner of th Dona I mTan 1 Clai.n of J weoh St uhton in S-- c ionXwentv KourCM) T vrunii Kjxr'4) North ofKan re T vo.'2) vVea of tlw Wi 'am :tte Meil IHnemtainioir One Hm!ri ani EiitttW) acres .More or Less, an I Hitaate in C lumbi Cmn yan-- 1 State of Orvn. to

Now therefore by vi.lue of the sxi t ".xecutl nan Ord jr of Hlale m th-- 29th. day of Iay A D.1883, at the n iur of on "'c: c ; p. m of thafaid dav, in fiont f th-- . C art Ho m D hr. in tha

the To-it- j of St. ln C iltiiabi C tmtv an I o.State of Ore? n, I will m 1 th- - ahvr leacriH Ireal Estate, at public ucti.m to thelii th' M I. ofder far Cash, t saf infv the nai I Execnti ft 'an I

Order of .Sale, together with intcreat, ciwta, nl untBCOruio CiMtS. ial

W. FT. fJONYERS, ofSherifTof ColuiU Cotinty Ovn




(ISO. V.

Ganoral Merdiandis8T. 'IIKLKN, OliECON.

A tifw tji I complete etck tt 0m.kI now inwore. J'icea rca0oaa.l!e. Tcruis Cuth.



.'.Siiistifacturcrs of all Kinds of Lu::i-Lc- r,

Luths and P.ckets.Will furuij'a LuiUer in any quAulitteti,

:hi ai any .riria cm the Co.uuiuia ttiver. V.ttj.i ktfp ntrral tore, with a full n

if all k.xnU of Oroceriea and Dry lio.hJs, at.tWL-M- t tJa-ti-

i Priceii. aulHti


, uf all kin ts,

KnickkaickS; Bveid, .

' anJ other Vaiietieit of the akine Cut

Sola, Sirsipill LosHaad?,

Of the. B. st Quality, andIts L LI AkSD ...

ilVER StuEKT, S. ELtilEV," OrEOOX.


Hilk-- P ui3,Back ti,Stove-Pip- e,

Granite Iron-- W ireanJ

EvirytMflT ia tlit lins at 102fLATD FrioM.


Hr. Dr. Kliz lbeth Perry,ST. HELEN, Oil.

Has Yraetlasl ovar Tweaty-Sy-a Tart.

liueaaes of women an. I chiMren a specialty,alo Catarrh, Di;tberia, Astinu an. I Fevers.Will attend calls at all hour of th iay an I

niKht. d'24m

D2. S. Iy7T3uu.LATE OF IOWA :

Having located at St. flelen affen 1Jh profesiona! services to the citLten- - of the tv.vii ani aur-iiKiiid- in


033 at tin St. Hslaa'j Sdusa.Special attention given to xoazs an i chil-

dren ani chhomc pidRAssa oi all kiud.n3&uarJ4

f. a. moons.Attornoy - at - Law,

OrriCE Street in front of trnl."romnt Attsacion Givn-t- Colleoavni, io.

n o.iil:ur

Te A. K1z3Hiyi 8

AttDrnay - at - Law,OREUOS CITY. OREGON.

Particular attention Iven t" biiaia.'.j Wforethe Ian t Oaice.


JU3TJ 2' O.-- THEKricK-Co- urt H.io. at St. Helen.

L. V. FlilS :. dvertid is izenUrJl vferi'ii.uis' iixra i iit, &. isautUoi'-zc- d to reoive advrtu-iiii'zii- M

tor I Ills p ijkv,

Holi is.There U mney ia the T.--e mry to pa-- . off the

folio vine 'o.n".v r le .

N..8;, 8 , ?& 7JX 8 I. 7i 79, 7:19,69,7o4. 731, 7o3, 77 J. 8jj, 1 t''J, 8--

a d3. 8J(i,80 , 7JJ, 781. 77 , 81 i, 47, ,4 1, 1 , i i 81J, 81 ,8JI, S-- 78 1, 74 834 7d4 73, SOj 8iU.80i.8-i7- ,

51, 8J, 811, JJ), 4 1 iil JJJ, iii, !6L 833.8lS. 867. A

interest s ops from date of thi "uMic.i i u.J.l ..lUOKL. i.-SN.- Treasurer,

uy .t. O-- i, Deputy.n3Sa28

The following order w is ui s an 1 entered atthe A;na: T.-r--u of theU j i y Court 1882.

In the master of re(l ii-- in

the a-- s 8s r to lamni c .i tta of th-- ir csa.nont. )

Whereas thefreouncv of netitionit for re1at- - of tu.v.- - m o.a.

:int of cLi n ! iiT. l ieM i.i th . M4 nnfc I

has in iteriihy : atfecteil the reven i of the '

Onmt v for th? ve.tr lftXl: an 1 wlurAu 4 in ri. I

uiMiifthitntin'reiriHlv h .old H. d...i.d t.,r !

thi s ate of affairs.It is therefore iier'b ordered bytheC mrt

that the ass r wni e making the assessaii-n- t

ir th year 1832 bj iini he is hereby requiredfurnish each taxraver with a certi 1ei c pyhis atifMS.o n. on tie blanks c in.um.y used

ani that in al c mtsts bfr the tJuri oEqaa i'.ition an I in all rx pa TB appdeations

the C.iniy Court &ii 1 c n saill be P.iIHApacib ei 1 nee of the ui ria il act uf the asn ss-- or

an I th. taxoavers h ldin the mu .'hall beHie 1 to have the rec rd when variant c in-

formed theieto.And in caa th? tx-nay- -- nha'l accent hii ass-ess.un- w.

w xhi itavl by sail c. i- -s ai correc; atthi tLm of ddiverv thereof to him ani shadfail to :u.ike c unplaiat for alladel errors to thaBiiarl of E.jaa nati n he shall be estopped frommkin' b PaT-f- i ajpliatiajn to the CountyCourt in that behalf.

Ani lit ia farther orlered that the ComtyClerk transmit a certified copy of thU order

the ansfsaor and pub.ish the same for th.-- informa- - i n of all iiom it may c n3rn.

State of Jregon, Cluin ia Cmatys s.I certify

the f iretjoin is a CMTec- - tranc-io- t of theiiaa' J l.irn il en:ry in th ab ive-- n- - itlel mat-

ter an iV the wh .e th.-reo- f as the aame.apiiearsrecord ia m . odise and in m custody.In witn ess v ierf I ine hire-- Setl of the

sot m f h in 1 a fixed my o;Ec-- (C i. Court ofs ;al at 3t. 1'm t iU 3th. day ( Col. Co.

April, A. D. 182. )JBUGSNE SEIPLE, c

Coi:ry Clerk.

i r1 ..ISIi

5.a r k si xa vs a r b

- - - 'r

AlrH plthout jwtfon tht Finaat eritDcst Coklnn Stoves In the world.

EVERY ONE of the 141 SIZEMB MOLit wriiix Jk

17RITTEH &UARANTEW hm JTO AgraZ. 4 polni or



"wESE?se Burner and Fatorlte Cooking SfoT

Tt Prize m Silveb Hedai at

tsiwTi Ihdustbial Expositiox, ir1

Zramtnm welt TA VOJXlTEHTOVL'3 mnd WEST roTST BJLUA& UUXJZR bfr buying y jr

JVr Ae ov

JT. S. G30V33, - - Projristor,

Tii3 Dart Honsa,Columbia Street, St. Heles, Oreoojt

Is n v open for the aoonnuiodati:n of ihoTraveling Public. Being newly fitte I up, it wiib f.mtvl & itleasant nlace at which to ston.

Terms. 25 cents for Heals. 25 cents for LoJhxiajr. Board 94.00 pr .Week, Board and LioViPo'.


Barbar & 3ho3m-ikar- .

Third Door from the Corner ofKlver & Tu ilitia Streets

St. Helew, Oreoom.n30tf

Great chines to mikem ney. Th se wh ai- -GOLD ways take advaiitigathe ii'-y- l came mi for

making iuney that areoffered fen,?ry becvaie wealthy, while thwh-d- n im HMve s tea caauce-- i remain in H verty. We want man m-n- . worn-- boy m an ;

snrlrt to work for us riht in their own localiseAuy out can d the work pr iierly from the hlr sstrt. Th t will p iy more than tentiiuos orlinary waes. Exp'nmve outtit irnisbed free. Xo one wh en rajM fails to makein mey rapiily. You can devote your whplrtine to the work, or ny y r s a"e inouenr nil infonnati n an 1 all that is n tsl-- i seat ' e.AvMre SnxiiOS Co., Portlan 1, Main'- -


Noti3 for P ibViZZtlox.T "nit'cd statsh ia!n Okkice, 1

Oreoon Citv. OuegoS, Apri'. 22, 1882.Notice t bereb uiven th.it the foil fviri-'- -

uaiiml settler h.m file 1 n i :e f hix in'nti n It

in. vice final proof in ni ;rt of his cl ti.n. ahthat h;u 1 root win ih int le o?i ire '.u n- -

Co mlv Cler' of Cv:mnSi. Cj. at St. iieltiiOresr'n. on Monday .T'liirf 12. 1882. vii: J.LIIh-- 1 Horn stead Appiictti u An. .UiOJ f.ir UieLrit 10, of -- ec. I . an 1 5. K. i of --N. K. iof Sc.16. T. 6 V. ft. 5 W

He nam? the foMo.vin ' witnwies to prove hisCtn inuo.i8 resid-.-nc- e upon, .ml caltiva i

ad 1 lam I. vi& :

I. ic t5en?r. .1 :in ivectm'n. unarms .ionall of Kivtrsi 'e. Columbia C u itv an i N

Convers f St. Helen, O !u:n'ia J un5, OrenL. T. .A.Ci tie,'iHt r.


Xotlcc of Ap.illcitio'i to PurchaseTi.ii er L i.i J.

IT. S, Ls OKUB ar Vsthvs, W. Tlarch nth, tSSJ

Notice in hereby j;iv n that in o m i ince lthe provision of th-- Act of Con jves a.provTun 3. en iMed "An Ac 'or the .i!eTi ober Lan U iu t! states f Ca if rnia. Ore- -

Nevada, ani in Wis".iiartn Teritrv'en'amia F. Brock, of J vli z J mat v. Was i- -

iuton Territory, has this da died iu thix o nhi ai)ilkAt) ii t ) parch u) th : oatn WeMtNorth East i ani North West I of S m h Eak

i o' iMlO, Tj. 8 T

i th f itane 3 Westthe Willamette Men inn.

Testi juny in the ao ve ca9-- j will be taken 1

fore the Judie f the fr ate U urt of aC unity, at iwalama, W T. on Saturday, th :27th. day of May. 18S2.

An v and all persons c ii ni n: aiversjlv theabove described land, or;uy p rti n th ir.f. ariare herebv require I to hie their c uu in UilHo.oce within sfxtv(f0) days fro.u date hereof,


XoXlce for Pa iliralioj. .

V. S. L.KD Ofpicr,)Okioos ClTT, OreooK

Aoril 22. l2.Notice is herebj given that th j fvllowin

uttr ha fill 'n tii2 of hU intend n to makerinil oro f in suooort of bi4 cl d i, aul that ad 1

proof will be male before the Onmty C1t - bf

Uolumnia uo at est. nexen, Kn, on r may,.Tun- - 2. IS! Xiz: Charles T. C. Oran'i. Houitead .plia'i N.2S27, for the E A of N . w

. of 4. W.Yf 'ec. IS. T. C N. R. 4 W. 1

He lam m the followimr wrn jss to prove hisi. ... i HM resi lene uixm. anl cultivati m

ai 1 lau 1, viz:V. H. s. of St. Helena. O. T. Jon

an 1 forris Karr, of Kiverside, all of Cj.umolaCounty, Oregon.

L. T. BAR IN, Registern38a28.5t

St. Helen Lodge No. 32, A. F. A. M.Regular Meetings the firt and thin! Satolr.

davs of each month.Soiourninir brethren in good staallng are.fdiill v invited to attend. By order oi W. M.t t onr ci

fiUs : mkh Szfx

Li; WU k It c Itt3, XJUm

THE MITCl'Rf.t. ST.VDADfWtons,

The M 2 C.iKLL, WAffl ii ; jiirf'n . f fr.tmr.kion mmd male br the b fest waron rnerinictort meat ueaiirelv epc.rate frynili;c I' aris V.'aoavera o bvs fairiiitifl uaurrax.i. Send for


Clcbrat I " insrlo ..-ee-c CP r r

at . Jtil. ltiiis-lu-;e- l -- ;.nt :. r-- . 3I.:7:ja.nd IireftchJlnni IneOurs 1

i:d . uieriTUir. i"r. ki :da of trt-"- r imr!t!r a r-'-

TT-- v Erec-"0'di- -' r ocble Grans r

71! m r rso



3n. Ci.?3, f--al "Wat3All of the lest ipialtty

C.rner of Cowlit an i 'fiver Streets,St. Hklkn, OksooK.

Civil Engiaoor andI Saryoyjr.j St. Helen, Creon.All biwiues attendeil to with prouptnes4 an.'


ft? Patt3ra3.


Beautiful designs to be maU of ra? r yarn.So simple that a cnild can inalce them.

For Halk AT

F. A- - Leoibat'3,sr. EKV,

in 1 mi H'e at CI i ill 9 r - -- :I i. i;,r.vC!i X CoV Nevp.- - )

perAlvert in; Bar.'au (10 S race Sr. Jl wh.alvertiit c n tracts icay btj wa.le tor it inNEW Y UK. ul3t

a tcck iu own town. .

utiit fre. o ritji. Kvcrv.thin m-v- Capital n t rNjiired..Ve will furnish' y"it everything.Manv are inann fottuUM.

malie as much an m ;n. aa 1 I ovs and . irlimake gre.-i- t pay. t'eader, if you '.vant a luixi-;rea- c

i in at which y a oim .n v c

imepay all the

you wr', wri-- - f r oar; aiars to II. 1I.VL- -LCTTifc Co., F.irtlau.i, Ialn..


Jah JL (Hi ilwF

We con'inue to act as iolic 'ir4 for Paen,(av'a'n, Trale Iir'. C nyriUh'.s, etc., frt!)v

Uniteil States, Can t la, Cuba, iCn.lan l, Frunce,O.'iu.any, etc. We have haJ

'ta rnjr-'- l yi e pi-i9n--n.

Patents oVaine I fcV 4 rh is re n .i i in tneSciEsriic A.ie ticav. Thw ' ire an 1 splen lidillustratratd veeklv pap r. jj' .20 a year, shr-v- a

the Progress ? Soi-n- o. i-- i v ry l iterest iug, an I

has an en r.u in ci. e Ua l n Mr ss "1 Ui N

t C .. Patent Sj.icitws. Pal lishrs f ScieM- -

ri?ib Amekioan. 37 Park 1 vv, New Yorit.flan book alut Paten s sont free.

J. KELL933 & C3'3Steamers

Jo33p!i Killogg! and

Steamer JOSEPH KELLOkifJ leaves Port--!an 1, loot ofYaiuhid .rHrei't, for Kreep rt onTiieni;iv, Thursday an I Fii ia at7 o'cl c . M.,via Willamette iuirl. toachin; at St. Helen.vlum'iaCity, Kalam:i, Carrol s 1 unt, 'aimer,

Cciiar Lan un d mticell an all iater.n iliitepoints., Ketumtng fave... Freen rt olon lav.cv s t UX " 'etin s lay an t r ruay at o o oi oc.c a. M

Steam r T )L"1 leaves fortlai I for C v-

i'z Praid on .1 on and Th irs lay . at V. M.ia liiam f t Mouh and aliove Ian .lu-t- .

touching at rreeport,' Arkaniiw, '.)!. iua an I,W.iy Lau lins. itetiirniux We (n ?uiay an ISaturday. Stfotf

u8wn iil Like Ttiver Tram- -j port itio i Jo ni ia3

Fast an i a,rite Stea ner

jlL A. U 3 1ST k. ,I W. G. WlEK, MA4TCU

Will leave La Centre for Portlan I via St.Kelen. Qui,d?y's fau lin an 1 jCobiinbia Kiverevery u m lay, V t la I y aa l Ki-- i lay at u o'clock A. t mc'iiu t at ad waH Iaa Ii

Ueturnhi' will reive Ever lin: ant Ferrill'sWharf, fo r. of M.r Street. P rtlai I. everyTuesday, T i jrs Uy an I .Saturday at 10 'clock,A. M. a'larp.

For freight and passage apply rd. 3etf

PLTFORS fefftlKO WACUN.r.nd SiJc-Sp- Hn l.vies.

11 n,!' n- - th verv bAt stock used fa ItintSevor!d. The Spn. g Waroa n Buy !shos. fur the maubctiu 91 UUS (UM M

Catloirn aaj lUutntei Price 1 ia.CO.



W fa 1

i. ? i3k

flr?vji him

C CJ R ETt Trvl c'.jntisti f to-la- y 'free tint

luoM--. discas s are cansifj bv dieaicl h. .ttnevs or

L.iv er. If, th.-r.for- e. the fwi 'neys and aretept ia '?:-- ct order, perfect health will be the

r-s- -j.t. T:U truth has only lieen known a shirti tie and for years people suffered great agony

wi h'u b- - in. able to tinl re'iff. The dweuvt-r-f Warnir's -- afe Ki 'ney and Liver Cure mark

x n i era in the- - tn afui. nt of these trouble.Ia le fr un a ni;nrle tro deal leaf of rare value,

it c nains unt the eleiiientN necessary to tiour-ii- h

and invigorate lmth of these great orarui,an i safelv rt(tore and keep them in order. It is '

a P.SITIV! Remedy for all the dishes thatcaus- - naina in the lower part of the body forT ri i 1 Liver If eadachee Jaundice Dizzint--

G-av- el Fever. A'tie MaLtnal Fever, anda'l dl acalties of the Ivi !nys. Liver and Urina-ry Or-ran- .

It U an cxcfll nt am! safe remldy for femaled.i Ui PreKuawcy. It will &ntrol Mt-nstnta- nani i invaluable for Leuconha-- a or Falling ofthe Wt:ib.

As a "dil PiriSerit I un-jua- lel, for it curethe that MAKE the blood.

Tin- - Itenitn-ly- , which hrm d rne such wonder.i put u iu the LA '1(4 EST SlKD I.OTTI.Kof anv lu-- di ine nvn the market, and in sold byIru.rfts an I all aler at $1.2 ier b.ttlt. Forlia'i?teij r WAK.NKirs SAFE Dl AIJ15TES CV, fi It is a POSITIVE Remedr.

H. a WA'i iS & CO. Urhtt9T N. Tf .


. .'

DX R. C. WEST'S NEKVE AXD BR A IKTRKATaP'T, a specific for Hysteria. Dizti-ns- s,

Convulriionrt, Nervous iiealache, MentalDepresiou, Ijoiw of Memory, Spermatorhoer,Inui it ncv, Invol.intary emissions, pnmatmeom a i-

-, evue i uy over-exe- ni seir-anus- o orover-i- n tulgence, which lead to mixery, d.-- c .yan I death. On box will cure reo-n- t ca.n.'rfich box confains one mouth's treatment; nedollar a box. r six boxes for five dollars; sentmail prepaid on rec dot of price. We guarantysix h x-- -s to cure any cane. With each order

by us for six-boxe- s, nccomianied withfiv dollars, we will aend the purchaser our w;K-- t

iruarantre t retn.Ti the money if th treat,iu r.t ( k-- u t effect a cure. Uuaraateea immt

,? D. CLARKE CU.u holvaaie and Retail Drugwts, PortJ-a- i, Crvcg-n-.

lers by mail at n gular prim.n'.7fl7

rS f? Ifk tTM aini uow lefor t .-

...v. ; r,. i.

m noy faster ftt work foe"us titan at an-thin-

g eJn-.- -

Uapitai uwIhI. vntart you. P12 a day atxl tipw&nis m.lj

a horn'" bv the in t iLtrious. Men, women.an I "iris wantei everywhere to work for n.N'om in the ti ne. You can work in sare tinieon y or give your who'e time to the burin-- .a o.i cti .ive at homo ani do the work, hootucr business will pay you ui-art-

y an well. - Noone can lull to uia.e tay by vun-ir-


at on.'e. Jo..tly iutCt free, iltirtey wa:l faa,easiiy, and huurably. AddrtiM Tut 5 .x 4"w..,Augtut-- s otaiiic;. fJjaaly

nsroxaic 4

We have arraiv;rl with the IoWa Farmer Ov.,of Cedar a,d.U, lo'.va, ( who are the puMUhMsof one of th U.nt farm papers in the west 1 tofamish th-i- - hn jouin.l one year at the lowrate of $L00, or it aai our own paper one yearat gJ.00; aati each --.one who subscribes underthii off r wiL receive, free, an elegant portraitoi James A Ciarrield.

SirA3U3HJ3 IN 1052

L P. Sislior'aXST3 W3PAPE JEt


caij, Califaraia St., .3. F.N B. VDVE'tTISING SOLICITED Un

al! i ewHpapers published on te Paclfie Coast,San wich Islands, Polynesia, Mexican PortaPan una Valparaiso, Japan, Cnina, New Zalno , the Australian Coloniet, the EanUraStal es and Europe. Files of ueary every new,pao r publiahed on the Pacitic Coast are keptcon tantly on hand, and all adverlUvr ax

.D w.l fre access to thv-u-i during busuessh mrs. The CoLUarflAN is kept on his at thiso atedof L. P. FUber. ocirt

1TOTICE.We hereby notify tli Public that froea ta Uti

of January 18i2 harfage will be eharjftion everything uhiop.--l from, or landel

n our dock. Oencral merchandise at the rats cf25 cte. per 1 ton or less than 1 ton, ovsr 1 ton o')cts. and at the rats of 2o eta. for every additional ton or part of a tojf Special costracts iaalto large shippers







I, i