i n II J i 1- 1J L II t L r J t j b- Jft e t I 14 h- I it I f- r 0 y > QQQQQQQQQQQQQ ro Q- J cocal and personal 9tems- u L nL 4 52525 didb liii tt From Mondays Dally I S Daughter of Owens was rep rrMntlnst his district in town tills morning J O Haymiin represented tlic Hun- ker Mctlnn of the county In town this morning Attorney Wilbur Whltelmrst is rep- resenting the liar of Wiiucliula iu this city today 1 It Hnrtoii was nmoiiR tho Pun fa liorda people who were visiting In Arcadia this morning 11 Carruway uf Fort Ogdcu- ivas transacting business ut the court bouse this morning 1 O Driggers of Watichula wai- attcuiliiiK to Ijuslncss matters In town for u while this morning II T Htniiton t another of Innta- lordas cltlens who spent thi day lu Arcadia on business J II dtker of tllv was among tlio out of town visitors to Arcadia for a fow hours this morning loliu It Dowil Sr spent Sunday In Fort Ogdeii with Tils two sons John Howd Ir nnd nert Dowd- T 1 Yomnans n prominent real ptnto dealer of Is spending tile dav In tills iity on business V I Kolioitr was among the illl- Mns of Lily who were attending to- biwlnes In tlio county site today I II Grosvenor prominent farm- er mid hog wiser of Murdoch was reslitercil nt the ncSnli Hotel yestcr day V it Fubnnks a prominent iniu- ranee ngoiu of Iunta Jolla Is regis- tered lit the DeSoto Hotel for n few T Hrndley who hits been fioiid- IiiS tIll lst four months In this city left till morning for his homo In Ma- rl A mm The Arrnili1 eity council will hold IU regular monthly session tonight nt 7 oclock In thilr room in the Wey building Dnhltllt Holmes of rordelc nil Is- sitPiiding n few days In Arcadia on huslncsi While here he Is ctaylng nt- llle poSoldHot- clJI Ivrrney of Tort Mcnde tipcnt- ilia uiitht at the Central Hotel in this city nnd left this morning on a short business trip to McCal- lTnd Willis who camp over to Ar- cadia Saturday fmm Ilradcntown nnd- si oiit the weekend with friends left last nlLht fur St Aiigiitlno I r n Ill III In c1nl- x ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ William Mael onald n recent inliah- itinit n Los Angeles ral hut nov nf Palmdalo wns a visitor to Arendli- fnr n few hours Saturday Pat Houston left tills morning for Tampa where he will he a groomsman In tlu coining wedding of Miss Wallis to Patrick Houston Wall Col II P llniley one of tho lead- ing attorneys of Tmnpa Is spending tlu day In this city attending to legal matter nt the court house J 1 4arlsh n prominent fruit dealer and commission merchant of Tltiisvllh was transacting Imsiness at tlipcourt house this morning MUs Mary Moyo Miss Lena Dnr mini nnd Harry Cross motored down to Purita Oorda yesterday afternoon returning to Arcadia nhoiit dark The mission study dillS of tho Methodist church will hold a regular meeting tomorrow afternoon at the homo of Mrs John II Treadwell The Ladles finlld of HIP St Fd- ininids church will meet in regular M si- Mon tomorrow afternoon nt tlio homo of Mr O AV Walter at1tO oclock- M K Allirltton A r Alhritton Inn R fiau c nil prominent farm- ers nntl cattle men of wore at- tending to business In Arcadia this morning Mr M T Wise after spending fevernl months In Arcadia as tho guest of Mr T R Welles let I Ids morning for her homo In Tort Val loy In- Ml Nellie Hrnwii left for Puntn- Gorda Inst nlclit to spend Sunday there with friends and relatives Slip returned to Arcadia yesterday nftor Tho Iionoraldo hoard of pulille In Mmctton will meet In regular monthly spssion tomorrow morning In the of- flfp of County Sniporliiteiulent of Pub- lic Instruction 1 O Hlcklcy t I Ill awl 1tI nOOll I ir > ¬ < Miss Kddic Smith after upending sump time In Arcadia as the guest of Mr nnd Mrs Jeorge Acktns left yesterday afternoon for her homo ia Fort Meado- Frcil Powell went up to Fort Mende Saturday night and while there he was the guest of his relatives Mr and Mrs A W Walker He returned to Arcadia this morning Mix Pearl Johnson left this morn- ing fur her adopted home in Lakeland after n visit to her parents Mr and Mrs M Johnson in this city since Saturday morning Judge K A Whitney who tins hecn presiding at the spring term of lilt circuit court nt Ilartow for tho past two weeks came down Saturday night tit SKiid the weekend with his wife I 1 Klrby who owns cim ldcrnblt- ItcSntn if nutty dirt was a visitor at- thn court hotisp tills morning Mr- Klrhy l t from Wurtlilnuton Ohio mill he Is iluwn lonkliig after Ids interesls- J M Moyc anil twn little children if Siinfnrit after s nililig Hie weil end It Aniidlii a ihp guests of the formiTs parent Mr and Mrs It left this uinri- U I Stone lllid Paul Kiliscy two ropieseiitatlves of Southern Drug Innpiiiiv of Tampa arrived lu this eity jeJtcrdny nftinvmn and will re- main here until the inddle of the week W A Niil tlio Jiininr member of till tlrin of W A Xlcl Son sellers f nun machinery left yo lerday morning for Atlanta la on a short ti3litt trip He will teturti to Ar- cadia about Thursday- 4Iutlirr White of Iort Meade came IliwnSaliirdiiy night tit join hU wife ho has liiin ilulidlng the pail week in this city as the iuet of her filth ir Mr Tnfl Latigford They left laM ight fir their homo Tin fidlowlng party of prominent AnadliiiH motored down to Piinta- iiorda Siitnrday where they spent tho day on l u lne s Col I I Tread II Hoimlass TreadwellJr J 1 Stomliruker Sr and Charles Hoc f II 12 Ireeinan who Ims l en Kpcnd- ig some time at Pillindiile where lie win ionslderiible lund having come ver i Areailla Saturday morning eft this Saturday night for Ids ine In ToKka Knns- Anollii r party of Aruiillnij who iintoreil down In Piinta iorda yes enlay was composed of tlic following Ml s Win n if rod Ilolxendorff Mi Ie lIra Crawford Xabelle and tnke Sloncliiiikcr Jr 1 II Mil CI Ihlh hllllil Iii I IiI I inch < < < < John Ilcndry a well known entile man of this city returned last night from lallelle and other points in fee county where he has been for the imst- rteeii days looking after hi vattle interests la that county Mis Martha Livingston who is teaching school at Avon Park this eiir after sieiidlng the wirkviid In Arcadia with her parents Mr and Mrs J I Livington left last night or Avon Park in resume her duties there Ulnuel Iloss Incnl agent of the Pnlnuhile Land Company of Palm motnreil over to this city ny HP left yesterday morning for In romiNiiiy with Mr and Mrs A J Terrywho spent the day there anil returned to this place last night Mrs Mnmle lingers and little dilii- iter who hnve been KlHiidllig sonic thiic In Arcadia as the giiests of Mrs Ilogers motlier Mrs M A iinnsoii- ift this morning for their homo In- WmiPhnla where Mrs Rogers has iharen of her mntbers brunch mill- lrery stop Mrs P 0 KCCIIP Jr and little diniuhtor Mary Wilson who have been vMtlng the furmers parents Mr and Mm John It Dnwd Sr In this city for tho past tell wcesk left Saturday night for their home In Live Oak hey returned by way of Jackson- ville where they were joined by Mr keenc- Messrs W V Little T II Kards- libmi A Billing Prank Morgan Hollo- rjrren Vera Foley fjcorco Wickwlre- KilnIn Parker and Maury Piirrancp- mnosp a llshtnt party tlint went out to Prairie Creek IVlilny nf- tcrnoon They rauslit about t 00- tmtinds of nslt and returned to Arca- dia Sntiirlay night MVoni Tuesdavs Daily S J Simmons Is s onding the ilnj- i Fort Mvcrs on business p- liirn tonight r all loin I 111 Ill I IIlIln II hal > + < Col John Hancock represented the bar of Punto Jorda at the court house this morning j w Karnest a prominent mer- chant of Waucliula was a liuslnes visitor to this city yesterday C 8 Brown of Pnnta fSorda was a prominent business visitor to Arca- dia this morning S W Hall and rty have returned from a short outing on Lake okcechobec Hun W T iunter of X wiu up last night attending a meet- Ing of the Arcadia eity council nt which he Is n member Tilt honorable board of comity com- missioners will meet In regular session tomorrow morning in their rooms at the court house 12 K Wnldroii of Venus who has been up to Waucliula on a short bus lues trip returned to Arcudlii hut night Mr L L Maiuk left this morn- ing till Orlando where she will visit till the next three weeks her daughter Mrs 12 A Thomas I r 1 A Simmons left this morn- ing for Fort Myers to attend tho meet- ing of the TriConnty Medical Associa- tion which meets In that city today Dr fieorgo P Hall of Chicago the founder of Hall City after spend- ing several days In on bus left la t niuhl till Ids homo Deputy Shpriffs Id flnrner nnd Thud Cnrllon nrrpted a negro Jim Mull bi t night Tbp iiPiro Is charged u lib celling llfiuor- J A Curry who went down to- rt Myers Sunday morning for a- bort outing on till water returned to Arcadia yesterday afternoon Col Ijimar Sparkiimn of tile law firm of Spnrkirnn Carter of Tain- n wus triin netlng legal lm lncsi at the conn house this morning It C Illuiuit nnd J W were prominent citizen of Pniitn or- da who were attending to business n nttvrs in Arcadia thU morning Dr and Mrs It L Cllno left this UK truing for Fort Myers where they wUI remain until Thursday while at- tending tho nieeling of tho TriCounty Medical Association Mr and Airs Ilarlon Hull who IIMVC been guests nt tho Arcadia Iloii i fur the luist tel days left this via untoiuobllc for their homo In nail City William Hunker siwnt yesterday in Wiiuchuiii on a combined business and pleasure trip While there he renewed ivauy old nccHiiiitanccs amoifg the good jponplc of Wauchula Young Hush Scott has some mills HiI iets In till stinpe of four young alligators about a foot long which he captured In Lake Chllds n few days ago lIe 1 r ala n I I e lIme 1111 Ill i II I ¬ ¬ < + < + < + + I Dr II P Ilevis Is among other Arcadia physicians who went ilown- to Fort Myers this morning to attend the meeting of the TrlCounty Medical Asoclation Commissioner John Hagxn of charl- otte Harbor and Tax Assessor Henry Murphy nre sinndlng the day In the northern part of the county on official business M W Ilnron left this morning for Fort Myers where he will remain un- til the end of the week attending to business matters Mr Jlaron is item oiiitrating a new kind of a sprayer for Citskins Ron of this city Peden Itarulilll n well known farm- er of Pine Level wns business vis- itor Co Arcadia today Whilehere he paid the News office n much appreci- ated visit Mrs W 0 Welles unit Mi- Welles left yesterday afternoon f Jacksonville where they will remain until thp latter part of the week re- turning to this city nboiit Friday Mr and Mrs Halcigh Saxon of- Hrownvlllc were the pleasant guests r Mr mill Mrs W I Polk n this iIty yesterday They returned to their home in Itrownville last night J I Klmmell the junior member of the engineering linn of Cravens S- iKlmmell returned tit Arcadia this morning after an absence of several months In Wnyeross where he- ha been on a Inrge surveying trip Ivey Iloyall anil fuy Harward left ibis morning for Tampa where they LO to rppresent till Peace Itlvcr I dgp- Xn fin at the Masonic School of In- struction They will remain In that city until tho latter part of tho week Loulo Vnlsek went up to Wanclmla- ubero h Is spending the day on bus- iness Tonight he will pass through CIa ¬ = + Arcadia on his way to Punta Oorda where ho wilt remain until Saturday us the guest of Ills brotherinlaw- Dr IMintmdson a retired physician of Mofflt is in this city today attend- ing to business matters 1 L Taylor a largo owner of saw Il interests in and around 1u n was attending to business in thk- ty yesterday Dr and Mrs K J Volvmgton Mr and Mrs Simon Hosln Miss Slarie Martin and Miss Oertrudc Martin- s enl Sunday In Fort Myers and Pun- ta Ilassn motoring down In the morn- ing and returning to Areadla Sunday night Mr William C Hooker announce In this Issue of the Xews ns n ciindl date for tax assessor Mr Hooker 1 well nnd favorably known in the conn- ty He is the son of W II Hooker i prominent farmer and grower of th section and has never hold a pnbl- offlco Mrs J Stanley Hill of Xolfo wlic recently made many friends In this city by the splendid manlier in which she sang nt the Presbyterian church will bo in town Friday nnd any one who wishes to study voralmiilo maj- iriikc arrangements with her by cull lug at tlie Presbyterian manse on that tiny The splendid entertainment glvei Saturday afternoon at the Star Then Ire continue to bo the talk of tho who were iprmitteil to attend ngrccliiB that It was one of thp mo enjoyable occasions of the season Mrs T II Kards who playol tin iCnniinnlniont for Mr I Irmly vl- MIK solo and Mrs Hulls recitatloi- ccmes in for her full share nf compll- incuts Kvery number on the pro- gram however would have been wor- thy of special mention KNKARIttlKNT AXNOIXCEI- Mr nnd Mrs W f AVelles an- noiinre the engagement of thcli- dniighter Vcra to Mr Vlllinm Alfreil Neal Jr of Atlanta On the mar ilage to be roieiiinlzoi Saturlny nf- ternonn April L JMI nt till home ol the brides parents on Oak street v i CIL11 KNTKKTAINKI- A very cnjiiyable event ooenfred- Siitiirdny night when Mis Elizabeth Junes entertained the members of the Polyanna Club and their male escorts TIc evening was spent In the playing of many April fool pranks and at a- Inte hour after the following refresh- ments hal been served fruit salad sandwiches sherbet and cake the ycung people named bclAu set out for their respective homes Misses Mar Jorip Clay Suslp Stonebrakpr Char- lotte Sewurd Frames Hritt Eva Link Mattle Ijttigfnrd Ida Hell Appleby- Onsslo Heiislnn fiertnide Davis Clara Hiakc Hlrillc Smtt Messrs John Treadwell Kdwin David McClenlllian FlAnk Morgan and Charles Lynch IJUTIST PIIIIATIIKA CJSS The Ilaptlst Phllathca class hud i very pleasant meeting with Mr W Vesiv Saturday aftcrnonn After the bii iiiess session n MKII hour was spent In drawing im- a eat contest The h f tess assisted by her dnnti- tcr Miss Lucille mid Mrs Lewi- serveil salad sandwiches Ice tea iiti cake The next meeting of the chits IIP with Mrs H O Turner S May nth Tlmsc present vcn Ml r- Ciirltnn Coy McKcnxle l nria nr Marie SaundPrs Pearl T bn on lilt SunnHiniiMitoM Hiiln D Vesey tlplb Tink lini- M Mc daini r t lii T U M f Parker Carivr Link J W Vrsev- Jr Kthertnii c C Parllon Helta- my r A Hoe Hudson Fnwlci WHO IS Till HOOSTER There lIe men In almost every town who Inki mitt course of action which says plainer than any wonN- If any other dues not sec it In my way be h worthy of being drummed lit of town My way Is tilt only way My views an he only views worthy of coniiiliratlon ami acceptance These same jienple may be boosters In teed They may really stand fr the ndvaiiiinieiit of the town We think their methds nre bad methods Hut In pltc of nil tbls It remains true that the real booster tlie man wnn really helps tlic town along Is the mnn ha his own view of how things might to be done nnd If that way can not be had will nevertheless full Info line and help carry out the other mans plans No one plan nfter all 1ms a copy- right on tilt only political wisdom n town Tho real booster Is the man who stands up and contends for Ids own way about things and when lilt own way can not be put through Joins in snmc other rans way Any way Is hotter than no way Any method Is f all 11111 1 lit II I I I ill il Ill III I ¬ < < > + + + + < WIUT tuuu no method The real boos- ter Helps to push things along oveu- UiUUijU souieuuuy pj inii eil it before mil inuisclt LuKiiaud Star GEUMANV WILL KElIA- Wushlugton April 4 America Ambassador Gerard at Iterlln cabled yesterday that tho Ucrinan Jail promised him a prompt re- ply to his iuquiry regarding tho tie structlun ut tho Uritlsh steamer Sus sex and other vessels on which Amur leans were endangered The Berlin foreign office Ambassa- dor Gerard stated had referred hi inquiry to tbo German admiralty While uo definite time was given by the Uviuian officials within which response would be made Mr Gerard stated that be had assurances 1 would be forthcoming ns soon asposs- lblo Tho American ambassador dis- patch Indicated that Instead of wait- ing for the German submarine eom- roanders to rei ort tho admiralty of- flco would send out Imiilirles to tin submarine bases A number of affidavits made h American and other passengers on th Sussex to American consular and dip lomatlc officials In Franco have been forwarded from Paris by Amhnssudoi Sharp on the American liner St Paul and are expected In about ten day No summary of their contents Ims beet received here Hrltish Steamer Sunk Inarmrtl London April ThP IlrltM- tenmshlp Perth has been sunk Si members of the crew were lost am- cicht Inmlcd The Pertli was unarm- ed CAKHANZA IS COOPKItATIXO Washington April I The war de- pnrtinent Is In receipt of Inforniatloii that Cnrranza troops nro cooperatlnt with the American forces in huntini Cur Villa and Washington is nm thoroughly convinced of the stiicoritx- of the de facto government The American consul at Monterey ailvNod the slate detiartment that ex- citement there fnlbmlng the entrance of American troop Into Mexico hv completely subsided Friendly rela- tions between the Fulled States nnd- dp fiicto government the dispatch said were well understood by offi- cials and the native population In that vicinity and Americans were re- iilvlng considerate treatment Ill govern- ment II ¬ I KOI IIIKS OF A SJENOGlfAPHKH Many a man who complains of the stupidity and lack of Interest shown It his stenographers gives his dicta- tion about like this Take a letter to Smith Ill give yon the address latcr Jolln Smith Deal Sir Heplying to your letter of the 10th we think you are mistaken abmit this order As you snid in your pre- vious letter where In thunder Is that letter Its very funny nothing is ever around when I want It I cant gn to the file every time I want n letter All right Ive got It in your previous let- ter of the nth said you wanted this order hurried at miy cnst There fere we shipped a yon directed If the order did not reach you In rood condition no scratch that out If the goods reached you as yon say scratch that out We cannot l e responsible Oil for goods scratch that riut What dii I say last Having shipped the good as you directed we do not feel resiton slide for the condition In which they reached you Paragraph In a ease like this It hardly seems ns if you could ex ect long pause period Head over what you have therp Oh Lord I cant send any such mpss as that Yon dont seem to get my ideas at all ndd this on thp next to Ihp lust think yon will OP from th that vnur position Is un- reasonable You hnve our final dec lOll and we rannnt alter It in any way Trusting that this i plain to yon we arc Make two carbons nf that and rend one to the Phllndelhla office and dont mes It up rjny mow tlwn ynn can help There are liindreds of good school for stenographers Too bnd there IsntI- IP good school for dictators Tinth TIn EDITORS KESOUTTIOXS- Wo bcliovo cverj right thinking in will heartily approve f tlic TPK Imioiis i issed by the DeSotoCounty PressAssoelntlon nl lt meting In Ar cntlia last Friday There is no good reason why a com- pany should IK allowed to spoil ns pretty a stream as Peace Rivorand mere money making is not sufficient fnr thus marring nature Un- polluted by the hand of man Peace River would furnish a delightful source of pleasure and recreation to the hundreds of oplc living along It as it is It is simply iKeoming nn through the country it runs and if tho Is continued will become a menace to the people living along Its banks The destruction of the cnbbago pal nictto for its Imd is something that should I deplored by nil If it was simply that a citizen would occasion 1 lie 11 lara I3ph XII I orl poll 1111 on I I > < < ally cut a palmetto forth the destruction would pm bo great enough to be u cabbage palmettos for J purposes It is plain that U- Al Al to the tropicali- of Florida Is n watttr cause alarm and steps uk serve them Just think ct fc cents It would look like u- t worth more than the price for the bull to say nolhinj f ing a tree that das taken itur- mctto buds was confined ttik eye to beauty and ouch a uu along n highway as In the Ue A law should Ite palscd ttl the sale of palmetto midi uj- Ing it a offense to cut a j without written consenti owner of tho land on which Certainly the next legWitunti take drastic action to disconnjil marring of the landscape with signs The tax payers of thr Are spending humlreU nf tiou of dollars to build good road one of tho benefits ot such eij- litres Is the Increased tourist tnr- by automobile Will we tire tourists rldo over our state tho natural beauty f the or will they be forced to signs of patent ineIIcine cigut tobaccos whiskey etc on ever1 There should be a law prorWinj heavy fine for putting n sis tree fence or building without l ermlsslon of the owner nnd no i should permit the dlslji- Ement of his property As to the chnutauaua featuwi the state press meeting e leftreti- up to the membership Imlitlda- wo would rather hear the ufc country publisher discus the rlnns that must be solved by the toe try editor than to hear the gnat at n press meeting W cl In Advocate FOlb e nnounce a otllCcllon lIen men mako a hustnes IIIar1 J S rnIlJ a ot locautlM pallllet I Of 80 much appreclale Ii Fi Ing onc ot tho most betUl1l1 nOlllln- In Ihe slale to s cllre a bUd l t- lalls at Ihe 810re tor teu fu fvl r re tM cutting the tree and bud 10 r1 vot years 10 grol If Ihe CUllinc C TO tbe V I be re- olltoNheway plnecs It WOUhl date for 80 bad hilt Ihe acrage IDU n f- CUI a palmetto Ir for cton to Cllt It on Iho bonks of 11 Impr FO t jai b b1 0 I t1r1- tl t aecS CO O Ce I f and FOR f lan dla r 8UP Cthree nn trOl r A f 111 tie red tb owner then t Irm r 01 Ih IUOOC m calan th CI- o atQr TI < > Culonel Roosevelt suys the Ame- tlieoplc have nothing to hope frpt present administration which hew offers only a choice between dtp of Infamy and ccgrccs of hypoctld- Ho warns the American people not elect him at iirrsldent unless ti have something of the berpic in tb- iconipo itloii a desire to ijicnsurjK realize idealsin action He comraB the opiMPitunity before the Amerlai people with tho situation In the top Washington ami Lincoln It jui- be recalled however in connecw- ivtltli the colonolti grandleloquent ft- terarcos that the United States nl llrnl M J- nR this when the Napoleonic win were disrupting Kuropo And It m- iseeni curious to Colonel Roosevelt that ij urns Thomas Jefferson and Jiw- Madlon did not see fit to try u make Kurope bfhave OalrestM Tribune be lor ri- ot O nlul f slIch anolher I I nut WahlnJlon Jolm Quinc be Q nl- bld ROWERS MUST LEARN Swiii have said that the sprltj frosts nnd the drouth that has pr- evailed have been tho undoing of Flor- idn but n worse mistake can not fc growers who alni for the future It teaches that n farmer must not bed I nt nf farming If he puts faith in truck of one kind nnd has no other failure U almost certain to if that dependence Is not n cerUlntf Knowing this the farmer is besinnlM- to tntpiire ns to what Is certain In casting about It liegins toJew- op Hint there must bea crop rcasoii lily Iniinimo to frost and that croj the strawberry for the northern wW- ter market Tho demand far the supply Tlie plant suffers from frost In fact frost Is a benftf- to It bceniiso where blooms nrc tAf- ped it extends the bearing season lU- nincli longer The length of tlie Ing season In southern FlprMa Isi clement worth much to growers ejn v- bling a mnn to cnrp for four ot fiY times the area that lie could m n ffji- In tho north wliero the lorries rp all within two to four weeks n V they ripen from November to April r- It Is hoped that tho farmers of th i vicinity will nrrango to put In n nrcn of this profitable crop tills co- iing fall Tliero are also other depen v able crops that do well here have had slant attention heretoforf r- Xolfo Truth A lilg deal Involvlns half a mi 0 dollars wns consummated we j when K T Hour Jr of t1- F T Roux and Son lumbermen Ql Plant City contracted for 35000 of fine timber land In Polk lla- dml Of t- Illh The fact i Ihal lIolhlng tl wu Ita 0 of more ille 10 rr I am Oll Cla ran b I l d al excl rt L tj the Uo t t to f Ih an C Dfi t lat 0 aces > > <

J and personal 9tems- cocal j - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · cocal and personal 9tems-u L nL 4 52525 didb liiitt From Mondays Dally I S Daughter of Owens was rep rrMntlnst his

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Page 1: J and personal 9tems- cocal j - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · cocal and personal 9tems-u L nL 4 52525 didb liiitt From Mondays Dally I S Daughter of Owens was rep rrMntlnst his







II t L





14 h-I it



r 0 y >


Jcocal and personal 9tems-

u L nL4 52525 didb li ii tt

From Mondays Dally

I S Daughter of Owens was rep

rrMntlnst his district in town tillsmorning

J O Haymiin represented tlic Hun-

ker Mctlnn of the county In town thismorning

Attorney Wilbur Whltelmrst is rep-

resenting the liar of Wiiucliula iu thiscity today

1 It Hnrtoii was nmoiiR tho Punfa liorda people who were visiting In

Arcadia this morning

11 Carruway uf Fort Ogdcu-

ivas transacting business ut the court

bouse this morning

1 O Driggers of Watichula wai-

attcuiliiiK to Ijuslncss matters In townfor u while this morning

II T Htniiton t another of Innta-lordas cltlens who spent thi day

lu Arcadia on business

J II dtker of tllv was among

tlio out of town visitors to Arcadia fora fow hours this morning

loliu It Dowil Sr spent SundayIn Fort Ogdeii with Tils two sons JohnHowd Ir nnd nert Dowd-

T 1 Yomnans n prominent realptnto dealer of Is spendingtile dav In tills iity on business

V I Kolioitr was among the illl-

Mns of Lily who were attending to-

biwlnes In tlio county site today

I II Grosvenor prominent farm-

er mid hog wiser of Murdoch wasreslitercil nt the ncSnli Hotel yestcrday

V it Fubnnks a prominent iniu-

ranee ngoiu of Iunta Jolla Is regis-

tered lit the DeSoto Hotel for n few

T Hrndley who hits been fioiid-

IiiS tIll lst four months In this cityleft till morning for his homo In Ma-

rl A mm

The Arrnili1 eity council will hold

IU regular monthly session tonight nt7 oclock In thilr room in the Weybuilding

Dnhltllt Holmes of rordelc nil Is-

sitPiiding n few days In Arcadia on

huslncsi While here he Is ctaylng nt-

llle poSoldHot-

clJI Ivrrney of Tort Mcnde tipcnt-

ilia uiitht at the Central Hotel in thiscity nnd left this morning on a shortbusiness trip to McCal-

lTnd Willis who camp over to Ar-

cadia Saturday fmm Ilradcntown nnd-

si oiit the weekend with friends leftlast nlLht fur St Aiigiitlno




Ill III In







William Mael onald n recent inliah-

itinit n Los Angeles ral hut novnf Palmdalo wns a visitor to Arendli-

fnr n few hours Saturday

Pat Houston left tills morning forTampa where he will he a groomsmanIn tlu coining wedding of Miss Wallisto Patrick Houston Wall

Col II P llniley one of tho lead-

ing attorneys of Tmnpa Is spendingtlu day In this city attending to legalmatter nt the court house

J 1 4arlsh n prominent fruitdealer and commission merchant ofTltiisvllh was transacting Imsiness attlipcourt house this morning

MUs Mary Moyo Miss Lena Dnrmini nnd Harry Cross motored downto Purita Oorda yesterday afternoonreturning to Arcadia nhoiit dark

The mission study dillS of thoMethodist church will hold a regularmeeting tomorrow afternoon at thehomo of Mrs John II Treadwell

The Ladles finlld of HIP St Fd-

ininids church will meet in regular M si-

Mon tomorrow afternoon nt tlio homoof Mr O AV Walter at1tO oclock-

M K Allirltton A r Alhritton

Inn R fiau c nil prominent farm-ers nntl cattle men of wore at-

tending to business In Arcadia thismorning

Mr M T Wise after spendingfevernl months In Arcadia as tho guestof Mr T R Welles letI Ids morning for her homo In Tort Valloy In-

Ml Nellie Hrnwii left for Puntn-Gorda Inst nlclit to spend Sundaythere with friends and relatives Slip

returned to Arcadia yesterday nftor

Tho Iionoraldo hoard of pulille InMmctton will meet In regular monthlyspssion tomorrow morning In the of-

flfp of County Sniporliiteiulent of Pub-

lic Instruction 1 O Hlcklcy




awl 1tI






Miss Kddic Smith after upendingsump time In Arcadia as the guest ofMr nnd Mrs Jeorge Acktns leftyesterday afternoon for her homo ia

Fort Meado-

Frcil Powell went up to Fort Mende

Saturday night and while there he

was the guest of his relatives Mr andMrs A W Walker He returned to

Arcadia this morning

Mix Pearl Johnson left this morn-ing fur her adopted home in Lakelandafter n visit to her parents Mr andMrs M Johnson in this city sinceSaturday morning

Judge K A Whitney who tins hecnpresiding at the spring term of liltcircuit court nt Ilartow for tho pasttwo weeks came down Saturday nighttit SKiid the weekend with his wife

I 1 Klrby who owns cim ldcrnblt-ItcSntn if nutty dirt was a visitor at-

thn court hotisp tills morning Mr-

Klrhy l t from Wurtlilnuton Ohio mill

he Is iluwn lonkliig after Ids interesls-

J M Moyc anil twn little childrenif Siinfnrit after s nililig Hie weil

end It Aniidlii a ihp guests of theformiTs parent Mr and Mrs It

left this uinri-

U I Stone lllid Paul Kiliscy tworopieseiitatlves of Southern Drug

Innpiiiiv of Tampa arrived lu thiseity jeJtcrdny nftinvmn and will re-

main here until the inddle of theweek

W A Niil tlio Jiininr member oftill tlrin of W A Xlcl Son sellers

f nun machinery left yo lerdaymorning for Atlanta la on a short

ti3litt trip He will teturti to Ar-

cadia about Thursday-

4Iutlirr White of Iort Meade cameIliwnSaliirdiiy night tit join hU wife

ho has liiin ilulidlng the pail weekin this city as the iuet of her filthir Mr Tnfl Latigford They left laMight fir their homo

Tin fidlowlng party of prominentAnadliiiH motored down to Piinta-iiorda Siitnrday where they spent thoday on l u lne s Col I I Tread

II Hoimlass TreadwellJr J 1

Stomliruker Sr and Charles Hoc

fII 12 Ireeinan who Ims l en Kpcnd-

ig some time at Pillindiile where liewin ionslderiible lund having comever i Areailla Saturday morningeft this Saturday night for Ids

ine In ToKka Knns-

Anollii r party of Aruiillnij whoiintoreil down In Piinta iorda yesenlay was composed of tlic following

Ml s Win n if rod Ilolxendorff Mi IelIra Crawford Xabelle and

tnke Sloncliiiikcr Jr



Mil CI Ihlh hllllil




I inch<




John Ilcndry a well known entileman of this city returned last nightfrom lallelle and other points in feecounty where he has been for the imst-

rteeii days looking after hi vattleinterests la that county

Mis Martha Livingston who isteaching school at Avon Park thiseiir after sieiidlng the wirkviid In

Arcadia with her parents Mr andMrs J I Livington left last nightor Avon Park in resume her duties


Ulnuel Iloss Incnl agent of thePnlnuhile Land Company of Palm

motnreil over to this cityny HP left yesterday morning for

In romiNiiiy with Mr andMrs A J Terrywho spent the daythere anil returned to this place lastnight

Mrs Mnmle lingers and little dilii-iter who hnve been KlHiidllig sonicthiic In Arcadia as the giiests of MrsIlogers motlier Mrs M A iinnsoii-ift this morning for their homo In-

WmiPhnla where Mrs Rogers hasiharen of her mntbers brunch mill-lrery stop

Mrs P 0 KCCIIP Jr and littlediniuhtor Mary Wilson who have beenvMtlng the furmers parents Mr andMm John It Dnwd Sr In this cityfor tho past tell wcesk left Saturdaynight for their home In Live Oak

hey returned by way of Jackson-ville where they were joined by Mrkeenc-

Messrs W V Little T II Kards-libmi A Billing Prank Morgan Hollo-rjrren Vera Foley fjcorco Wickwlre-KilnIn Parker and Maury Piirrancp-

mnosp a llshtnt party tlintwent out to Prairie Creek IVlilny nf-tcrnoon They rauslit about t 00-

tmtinds of nslt and returned to Arca-dia Sntiirlay night

MVoni Tuesdavs DailyS J Simmons Is s onding the ilnj-

i Fort Mvcrs on business p-

liirn tonight


all loin I 111

Ill I IIlIln II





Col John Hancock represented the

bar of Punto Jorda at the court house

this morning

j w Karnest a prominent mer-

chant of Waucliula was a liuslnesvisitor to this city yesterday

C 8 Brown of Pnnta fSorda was

a prominent business visitor to Arca-

dia this morning

S W Hall and rty have

returned from a short outing on Lake


Hun W T iunter of X

wiu up last night attending a meet-

Ing of the Arcadia eity council nt

which he Is n member

Tilt honorable board of comity com-

missioners will meet In regular session

tomorrow morning in their rooms atthe court house

12 K Wnldroii of Venus who hasbeen up to Waucliula on a short bus

lues trip returned to Arcudlii hutnight

Mr L L Maiuk left this morn-

ing till Orlando where she will visittill the next three weeks her daughterMrs 12 A Thomas

I r 1 A Simmons left this morn-

ing for Fort Myers to attend tho meet-

ing of the TriConnty Medical Associa-tion which meets In that city today

Dr fieorgo P Hall of Chicago

the founder of Hall City after spend-ing several days In on bus

left la t niuhl till Ids homo

Deputy Shpriffs Id flnrner nndThud Cnrllon nrrpted a negro JimMull bi t night Tbp iiPiro Is chargedu lib celling llfiuor-

J A Curry who went down to-

rt Myers Sunday morning for a-

bort outing on till water returned toArcadia yesterday afternoon

Col Ijimar Sparkiimn of tile law

firm of Spnrkirnn Carter of Tain-

n wus triin netlng legal lm lncsi atthe conn house this morning

It C Illuiuit nnd J Wwere prominent citizen of Pniitn or-

da who were attending to businessn nttvrs in Arcadia thU morning

Dr and Mrs It L Cllno left thisUK truing for Fort Myers where theywUI remain until Thursday while at-

tending tho nieeling of tho TriCountyMedical Association

Mr and Airs Ilarlon Hull whoIIMVC been guests nt tho ArcadiaIloii i fur the luist tel days left this

via untoiuobllc for theirhomo In nail City

William Hunker siwnt yesterday inWiiuchuiii on a combined business andpleasure trip While there he renewedivauy old nccHiiiitanccs amoifg thegood jponplc of Wauchula

Young Hush Scott has some millsHiI iets In till stinpe of four youngalligators about a foot long which hecaptured In Lake Chllds n few daysago



r alan



e lIme

1111 Ill i II I










I Dr II P Ilevis Is among otherArcadia physicians who went ilown-

to Fort Myers this morning to attendthe meeting of the TrlCounty MedicalAsoclation

Commissioner John Hagxn of charl-otte Harbor and Tax Assessor HenryMurphy nre sinndlng the day In thenorthern part of the county on officialbusiness

M W Ilnron left this morning forFort Myers where he will remain un-

til the end of the week attending tobusiness matters Mr Jlaron is itemoiiitrating a new kind of a sprayer forCitskins Ron of this city

Peden Itarulilll n well known farm-er of Pine Level wns business vis-

itor Co Arcadia today Whilehere hepaid the News office n much appreci-ated visit

Mrs W 0 Welles unit Mi-

Welles left yesterday afternoon fJacksonville where they will remainuntil thp latter part of the week re-

turning to this city nboiit Friday

Mr and Mrs Halcigh Saxon of-

Hrownvlllc were the pleasant guestsr Mr mill Mrs W I Polk n this

iIty yesterday They returned to theirhome in Itrownville last night

J I Klmmell the junior memberof the engineering linn of Cravens S-

iKlmmell returned tit Arcadia thismorning after an absence of severalmonths In Wnyeross where he-

ha been on a Inrge surveying trip

Ivey Iloyall anil fuy Harward leftibis morning for Tampa where theyLO to rppresent till Peace Itlvcr I dgp-

Xn fin at the Masonic School of In-

struction They will remain In thatcity until tho latter part of tho week

Loulo Vnlsek went up to Wanclmla-ubero h Is spending the day on bus-

iness Tonight he will pass through





Arcadia on his way to Punta Oorda

where ho wilt remain until Saturday

us the guest of Ills brotherinlaw-

Dr IMintmdson a retired physician

of Mofflt is in this city today attend-

ing to business matters

1 L Taylor a largo owner of saw

Il interests in and around 1un was attending to business in thk-

ty yesterday

Dr and Mrs K J Volvmgton Mrand Mrs Simon Hosln Miss Slarie

Martin and Miss Oertrudc Martin-

s enl Sunday In Fort Myers and Pun-

ta Ilassn motoring down In the morn-

ing and returning to Areadla Sundaynight

Mr William C Hooker announceIn this Issue of the Xews ns n ciindl

date for tax assessor Mr Hooker 1

well nnd favorably known in the conn-

ty He is the son of W II Hooker iprominent farmer and grower of thsection and has never hold a pnbl-


Mrs J Stanley Hill of Xolfo wlicrecently made many friends In this

city by the splendid manlier in whichshe sang nt the Presbyterian churchwill bo in town Friday nnd any one

who wishes to study voralmiilo maj-

iriikc arrangements with her by culllug at tlie Presbyterian manse on thattiny

The splendid entertainment glveiSaturday afternoon at the Star Then

Ire continue to bo the talk of thowho were iprmitteil to attendngrccliiB that It was one of thp moenjoyable occasions of the seasonMrs T II Kards who playol tiniCnniinnlniont for Mr I Irmly vl-

MIK solo and Mrs Hulls recitatloi-ccmes in for her full share nf compll-

incuts Kvery number on the pro-

gram however would have been wor-

thy of special mention


Mr nnd Mrs W f AVelles an-

noiinre the engagement of thcli-dniighter Vcra to Mr Vlllinm AlfreilNeal Jr of Atlanta On the marilage to be roieiiinlzoi Saturlny nf-

ternonn April L JMI nt till home olthe brides parents on Oak street v i


A very cnjiiyable event ooenfred-Siitiirdny night when Mis ElizabethJunes entertained the members of thePolyanna Club and their male escortsTIc evening was spent In the playingof many April fool pranks and at a-

Inte hour after the following refresh-ments hal been served fruit saladsandwiches sherbet and cake theycung people named bclAu set out fortheir respective homes Misses MarJorip Clay Suslp Stonebrakpr Char-lotte Sewurd Frames Hritt Eva LinkMattle Ijttigfnrd Ida Hell Appleby-Onsslo Heiislnn fiertnide Davis ClaraHiakc Hlrillc Smtt Messrs JohnTreadwell Kdwin David McClenlllianFlAnk Morgan and Charles Lynch

IJUTIST PIIIIATIIKA CJSSThe Ilaptlst Phllathca class hud i

very pleasant meeting with MrW Vesiv Saturday aftcrnonn

After the bii iiiess session n MKIIhour was spent In drawing im-a eat contest

The h f tess assisted by her dnnti-tcr Miss Lucille mid Mrs Lewi-serveil salad sandwiches Ice tea iiticake

The next meeting of the chitsIIP with Mrs H O Turner SMay nth

Tlmsc present vcn Ml r-

Ciirltnn Coy McKcnxle l nria nrMarie SaundPrs Pearl T bn onlilt SunnHiniiMitoM Hiiln D

Vesey tlplb Tink lini-M Mc daini r t lii T U M fParker Carivr Link J W Vrsev-Jr Kthertnii c C Parllon Helta-my r A Hoe Hudson Fnwlci


There lIe men In almost everytown who Inki mitt course of actionwhich says plainer than any wonN-

If any other dues not sec it In myway be h worthy of being drummed

lit of town My way Is tilt only wayMy views an he only views worthyof coniiiliratlon ami acceptanceThese same jienple may be boosters Inteed They may really stand fr thendvaiiiinieiit of the town We thinktheir methds nre bad methods HutIn pltc of nil tbls It remains truethat the real booster tlie man wnnreally helps tlic town along Is themnn ha his own view of howthings might to be done nnd If thatway can not be had will neverthelessfull Info line and help carry out theother mans plans

No one plan nfter all 1ms a copy-right on tilt only political wisdomn town Tho real booster Is the manwho stands up and contends for Idsown way about things and when liltown way can not be put through Joinsin snmc other rans way Any way Ishotter than no way Any method Is




1 lit II




ill il





< <







WIUT tuuu no method The real boos-

ter Helps to push things along oveu-

UiUUijU souieuuuy pj inii eil it before

mil inuisclt LuKiiaud Star


Wushlugton April 4 AmericaAmbassador Gerard at Iterlln cabledyesterday that tho Ucrinan

Jail promised him a prompt re-

ply to his iuquiry regarding tho tie

structlun ut tho Uritlsh steamer Sussex and other vessels on which Amurleans were endangered

The Berlin foreign office Ambassa-

dor Gerard stated had referred hiinquiry to tbo German admiralty

While uo definite time was given by

the Uviuian officials within whichresponse would be made Mr Gerardstated that be had assurances 1

would be forthcoming ns soon asposs-

lblo Tho American ambassador dis-

patch Indicated that Instead of wait-

ing for the German submarine eom-

roanders to rei ort tho admiralty of-

flco would send out Imiilirles to tinsubmarine bases

A number of affidavits made h

American and other passengers on thSussex to American consular and dip

lomatlc officials In Franco have beenforwarded from Paris by Amhnssudoi

Sharp on the American liner St Pauland are expected In about ten day

No summary of their contents Ims beet

received here

Hrltish Steamer Sunk InarmrtlLondon April ThP IlrltM-

tenmshlp Perth has been sunk Si

members of the crew were lost am-

cicht Inmlcd The Pertli was unarm-



Washington April I The war de-

pnrtinent Is In receipt of Inforniatloiithat Cnrranza troops nro cooperatlntwith the American forces in huntiniCur Villa and Washington is n mthoroughly convinced of the stiicoritx-

of the de facto governmentThe American consul at Monterey

ailvNod the slate detiartment that ex-

citement there fnlbmlng the entranceof American troop Into Mexico hvcompletely subsided Friendly rela-

tions between the Fulled States nnd-

dp fiicto government the dispatchsaid were well understood by offi-

cials and the native population In

that vicinity and Americans were re-

iilvlng considerate treatment







Many a man who complains of thestupidity and lack of Interest shown

It his stenographers gives his dicta-

tion about like thisTake a letter to Smith Ill give yon

the address latcr Jolln Smith Deal

Sir Heplying to your letter of the10th we think you are mistaken abmitthis order As you snid in your pre-

vious letter where In thunder Is thatletter Its very funny nothing is everaround when I want It I cant gn tothe file every time I want n letter Allright Ive got It in your previous let-

ter of the nth said you wantedthis order hurried at miy cnst Therefere we shipped a yon directed Ifthe order did not reach you In roodcondition no scratch that out If thegoods reached you as yon say scratchthat out We cannot l e responsible


for goods scratch that riut What diiI say last Having shipped the goodas you directed we do not feel resitonslide for the condition In which theyreached you Paragraph In a easelike this It hardly seems ns if youcould ex ect long pause periodHead over what you have therp OhLord I cant send any such mpss asthat Yon dont seem to get my ideasat all ndd this on thp next toIhp lust think yon will

OP from th that vnur position Is un-reasonable You hnve our final declOll and we rannnt alter It in any wayTrusting that this i plain to yon wearc Make two carbons nf that andrend one to the Phllndelhla office anddont mes It up rjny mow tlwn ynncan help

There are liindreds of good schoolfor stenographers Too bnd there IsntI-IP good school for dictators Tinth


Wo bcliovo cverj right thinkingin will heartily approve f tlic TPK

Imioiis i issed by the DeSotoCountyPressAssoelntlon nl lt meting In Arcntlia last Friday

There is no good reason why a com-pany should IK allowed to spoil nspretty a stream as Peace Rivorandmere money making is not sufficient

fnr thus marring nature Un-polluted by the hand of man PeaceRiver would furnish a delightfulsource of pleasure and recreation tothe hundreds of oplc living alongIt as it is It is simply iKeoming nn

through the country it runsand if tho Is continued willbecome a menace to the people livingalong Its banks

The destruction of the cnbbago palnictto for its Imd is something thatshould I deplored by nil If it wassimply that a citizen would occasion


lie 11

lara I3ph



orlpoll 1111 on






ally cut a palmetto forththe destruction would pmbo great enough to be u

cabbage palmettos for Jpurposes It is plain that U-

Al Al

to the tropicali-of Florida Is n watttrcause alarm and steps ukserve them Just think ct fc

cents It would look like u-

tworth more than the price

for the bull to say nolhinj fing a tree that das taken itur-

mctto buds was confined ttik

eye to beauty and ouch a uu

along n highway as In the Ue

A law should Ite palscd ttlthe sale of palmetto midi uj-Ing it a offense to cut a jwithout written consentiowner of tho land on which

Certainly the next legWituntitake drastic action to disconnjilmarring of the landscapewith signs The tax payers of thrAre spending humlreU nf tiou

of dollars to build good road

one of tho benefits ot such eij-

litres Is the Increased tourist tnr-

by automobile Will we tiretourists rldo over our statetho natural beauty f theor will they be forced tosigns of patent ineIIcine cigut

tobaccos whiskey etc on ever1There should be a law prorWinj

heavy fine for putting n sistree fence or building without

l ermlsslon of the owner nnd no i

should permit the dlslji-Ement of his property

As to the chnutauaua featuwi

the state press meeting e leftreti-

up to the membership Imlitlda-

wo would rather hear the ufccountry publisher discus therlnns that must be solved by the toe

try editor than to hear the gnatat n press meeting W cl

In Advocate

FOlb ennouncea

otllCcllonlIen men mako a hustnes IIIar1 J


rnIlJ a

ot locautlM pallllet I Of

80 much appreclale

Ii Fi

Ing onc ot tho most betUl1l1 nOlllln-

In Ihe slale to s cllre a bUd l t-

lalls at Ihe 810re tor teu fu fvl

r re tMcutting the tree and bud 10

r1 vot

years 10 grol If Ihe CUllinc C TO tbe V

I be re-olltoNheway plnecs It WOUhl date for80 bad hilt Ihe acrage IDU n f-

CUI a palmetto Ir for cton

to Cllt It on Iho bonks of 11 Impr


jai b b1 0



aecS CO




and FOR flan dla




nntrOl r

A f

111 tie

redtbowner then tIrmr

01 I h




o atQr




Culonel Roosevelt suys the Ame-

tlieoplc have nothing to hope frpt

present administration which hewoffers only a choice between dtpof Infamy and ccgrccs of hypoctld-

Ho warns the American people not

elect him at iirrsldent unless tihave something of the berpic in tb-

iconipo itloii a desire to ijicnsurjK

realize idealsin action He comraBthe opiMPitunity before the Amerlai

people with tho situation In the top

Washington ami Lincoln It jui-

be recalled however in connecw-

ivtltli the colonolti grandleloquent ft-

terarcos that the United Statesnl llrnl M J-

nR this when the Napoleonic win

were disrupting Kuropo And It m-

iseeni curious to Colonel Roosevelt thatij

urns Thomas Jefferson and Jiw-

Madlon did not see fit to try umake Kurope bfhave OalrestM


belor ri-

ot O


fslIch anolher I I


WahlnJlon Jolm Quinc





Swiii have said that the sprltj

frosts nnd the drouth that has pr-

evailed have been tho undoing of Flor-

idn but n worse mistake can not fc

growers who alni for the future It

teaches that n farmer must not bedI nt nf

farming If he puts faith in truck of

one kind nnd has no otherfailure U almost certain to if

that dependence Is not n cerUlntfKnowing this the farmer is besinnlM-

to tntpiire ns to what Is certainIn casting about It liegins toJew-

op Hint there must bea crop rcasoiilily Iniinimo to frost and that crojthe strawberry for the northern wW-

ter market Tho demand farthe supply Tlie plant suffersfrom frost In fact frost Is a benftf-

to It bceniiso where blooms nrc tAf-

ped it extends the bearing season lU-

nincli longer The length of tlieIng season In southern FlprMa Isi

clement worth much to growers ejn v-

bling a mnn to cnrp for four ot fiYtimes the area that lie could m n ffji-

In tho north wliero the lorries rpall within two to four weeks n Vthey ripen from November to April r-

It Is hoped that tho farmers of th i

vicinity will nrrango to put In n

nrcn of this profitable crop tills co-

iing fall Tliero are also other depen v

able crops that do well herehave had slant attention heretoforf r-

Xolfo Truth

A lilg deal Involvlns half a mi 0

dollars wns consummated we j

when K T Hour Jr of t1-

F T Roux and Son lumbermen Ql

Plant City contracted for 35000of fine timber land In Polk





Illh The fact i Ihal lIolhlng tl wu

Ita 0 of more ille 10 rrI

am Oll Cla




excl rt







an C


tlat 0


