Robert Collins English Ivanhoe Ivanhoe By: Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe Ivanhoe is a man of great bravery and many positive character traits that will cause any reader to sympathize with him. His selflessness is one of the things that separate him from the other characters in the book. He is willing to lay down his own life for one he does not know well and asks for nothing in return. After his battles he decides not to take the possessions of the men whom he has defeated; he only wishes to be accepted by the father who disinherited him. Ivanhoe falls in love with the fair maiden Rowena and his father Cedric disinherits him when Ivanhoe sets off on the crusade with King Richard the Lion-Hearted against Cedric’s wishes. Ivanhoe returns from the crusade and disguises himself to get into the castle. His plan is to win the tournament that is being presented by the evil Prince John. He confides in and


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Page 1: Ivanhoe

Robert Collins



IvanhoeBy: Sir Walter Scott


Ivanhoe is a man of great bravery and many positive character traits that will cause any

reader to sympathize with him. His selflessness is one of the things that separate him from the

other characters in the book. He is willing to lay down his own life for one he does not know

well and asks for nothing in return. After his battles he decides not to take the possessions of

the men whom he has defeated; he only wishes to be accepted by the father who disinherited


Ivanhoe falls in love with the fair maiden Rowena and his father Cedric disinherits him

when Ivanhoe sets off on the crusade with King Richard the Lion-Hearted against Cedric’s

wishes. Ivanhoe returns from the crusade and disguises himself to get into the castle. His plan

is to win the tournament that is being presented by the evil Prince John. He confides in and is

assisted by an old merchant who provides him with a suit of armor and weapons. Throughout

the tournament Ivanhoe keeps his true identity a secret and rides under the alias “The

Disinherited Knight.”

Ivanhoe is a character who takes great measures to regain his father’s trust and

acknowledgement. His father’s opinion is of great importance to him. Only the love of his lady

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Rowena takes a greater place in his quest to redeem himself. Sir Walter Scott did an excellent

job of presenting Ivanhoe’s plight in such a way as to get the sympathy of any reader.


Cedric is a man of great influence among the Saxons. Ivanhoe is his adventurous son

whom he has disinherited. Lady Rowena comes to his court and has become like a daughter to

him and he treats her as such. His love for Ivanhoe has been covered with a veil of anger but

when he discovers that the gallant man who has been severely wounded was his own son that

love is removed from beneath the veil and he soon claims his son once more. Though Cedric

had been harsh in the past; by the end of the story he seems much more accepting and kind.

Prince John

Prince John is an evil, power hungry, man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Even plotting the demise of his own brother is not beneath him. He falsely accuses those who

don’t have enough power to challenge his authority. He does not expect his brother to return

from his crusade and so reigns tyrannically, taking what he pleases and ignoring the protests of

his people. John only cares about one person, himself, and he plans to make sure everyone

knows who is in charge.

Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert

Sir Brian is a self centered Templar knight and a follower of Prince John. He wants to kill

Ivanhoe but Ivanhoe defeats him twice and still allows him to live. Now he is torn between his

love for the lady Rebecca and his loyalties to the king and his Templar vows. Rebecca has

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rejected him but he doesn’t seem to get the hint and continues to pursue her despite her

repeated rejections. He finally faces Ivanhoe for the condemnation of Rebecca for being a

witch and dies of a heart attack in the very beginning of the battle because of his fear and guilt.


Gurth is a servant in the house of Cedric and is devotedly loyal to Ivanhoe even to the

point of risking his life to become his squire. He does much work as a servant for the old

merchant who is assisting Ivanhoe in order to buy his own freedom and become Ivanhoe’s true

squire. Gurth follows Ivanhoe wherever he goes and is willing to help in any way that he can

even if it requires risking life and limb to complete his task.

King Richard

King Richard, often called “the Lion-Hearted”, was betrayed by his evil brother Prince

John and was a prisoner of the French for many years, but he has returned. He disguises himself

in black armor and rides to the aid of Ivanhoe in a situation where he was greatly outnumbered.

He also defeats the knights of John when they kidnap Ivanhoe and several others. His bravery

has always been world renowned and it earns him his title of Lion-Hearted. He is also known

for his just and merciful qualities and he spares John who has so wronged him by taking

Richard’s rightful place as ruler.


Greed is one of the greatest weaknesses with which man is cursed. Greed tears

families, friends, communities, and nations from the greatness that they could have achieved.

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Greed is a terrible thing and it will corrupt anything it touches. Many great nations and empires

have fallen because of the greed of its leaders. Greed leads to lying, cheating, stealing, and in

extreme cases could lead to the killing of a person to further the gain of the greedy one.

Many great men have fallen and faded away because of their greed for money, power,

or fame. Greed is like a disease that starts off small and grows with time. If it goes without

treatment or repentance it will quickly consume the host and may spread to those associated

with the host. They say that the love of money (or greed) is the root of all evil and that is

shown to be so true.


In Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith Palpatine says “All who gain power are afraid to lose

it.” That is so true. Prince John plotted against his brother to get the crown, but he constantly

lived in fear of the return of Richard because that would result in the loss of his power. This

fear has consumed him along with his greed and he becomes weak at the thought of his

brother returning to claim his crown.

Power should be used to help and assist those who do not have such power. Power

gained in a way that means taking from those who have little power is often abused and gains

the holder of that power only fear, guilt, and a distrust of anyone and everyone. Power is a

delicate matter and must be in the hands of the proper person who can use that power to

create, not destroy.

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Mercy is exercised by many of the characters throughout the book. Mercy is a great gift

that God Himself has given to His children through Jesus on the cross. Without mercy mankind

would not exist. Mercy is necessary to peace between nations and even human relationships.

People without mercy will find themselves living a very lonely and fearful existence.

Probably the most prominent example of mercy in this story is when Richard spares his

brother John despite everything that John has done to bring about his demise. Sometimes

Christians need to be more like Richard, even if it means forgiving those whom they have no

wish to even be around. Just remember God’s grace and mercy in forgiving all peoples sins even

though they do not deserve it.

England at the time of Ivanhoe

England is probably one of the longest existing nations on earth. At the time of Ivanhoe

the land was in great poverty due to the heavy taxation by the greedy Prince John. This is the

time of Robin Hood and his merry men who lived in Sherwood Forest taking from the rich and

giving to the poor. Robin Hood and his band play a short part in the story of Ivanhoe but the

part they play is actually quite vital. They are awaiting the return of Richard and his reign of

justice as most of them are falsely charged outlaws.

England is experiencing a time when the code of chivalry is popular. It is a period of

knights, castles, lords, and damsels in distress. The ownership of land was a big deal then. The

lords owned the land, the dukes managed the land under the lords, and the peasants or serfs

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worked the land to produce their living but owned none of the land. This is called the feudal

system and was quite effective for some time.

In this time period the people were extremely discontent and greatly disliked the ruler

Prince John for his tyranny and taxation. Despite their hatred of him they could do nothing to

stop him for he surrounded himself with powerful men who benefited from him and so would

do nothing to endanger the inflow of money and power. But under King Richard the people

were very content and loved their ruler because he ruled fairly and mercifully, yet also justly

and firmly.


Ivanhoe is an incredibly detailed novel on the struggles of a man who has been rejected

by his father, the one man who should never have to be feared. This story is filled with

incredible detail and imagery. When Sir Walter Scott describes a scene, he goes to great

lengths to make the reader feel like he is actually there experiencing the action or the drama.

The power of his writing is truly mind-blowing.

This book is recommended to anyone who has time to read it and actually has the

patience to read it. The plot is one of great workmanship, even though the story can be a bit

boring or long at some points. Any reader would find this to be a truly intriguing novel and will

be satisfied with the great skill with which the author has written.

Chapter Summaries

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Chapter 1) Describes the scenery around the area where the story begins. Also tells the

relations between the Normans and the Saxons. Men are watching a party of knights and

attendants ride up.

List) Gurth, Wamba, a Jester, a Swineherd

Chapter 2) The party overtakes Gurth and his friends and the knights ask them for directions to

the Castle of Cedric the Saxon. The party of swineherds plans to lead them in the wrong

direction and they set off. They find a man lying by the side of the road asleep and wake him.

He shows them the true way saying that he is a palmer returning from the Holy Land.

List) Gurth, Wamba, Prior Aymer, Brian de Bois-Guilbert, a Palmer

Chapter 3) Just before the party arrives at the castle of Cedric the Saxon it begins to rain heavily

and they are invited in. Cedric is discussing his guests with an advisor. The knights and the prior

come and introduce themselves to Cedric.

List) Cedric, Oswald, Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Prior Aymer

Chapter 4) Cedric invites Sir Brian and the prior, who have recently changed, to sit down to

dinner with him. Soon Gurth and Wamba arrive from the pastures and are rebuked and then

pardoned for their late arrival. The Princess Rowena then enters the hall and sits down to hear

the news of the crusade.

List) Cedric, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Prior Aymer, Princess Rowena, Gurth, Wamba

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Chapter 5) An old Jew comes to the castle and is admitted inside, but is shunned because of his

religion. Only the palmer is courteous enough to give the man his place by the fires so that he

can dry. The palmer is asked about his knowledge of the crusade of King Richard. He reveals

that Ivanhoe, the disinherited son of Cedric, was with Richard and Sir Brian swears to kill


List) Cedric, the Palmer, Princess Rowena, Gurth, Wamba, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Prior


Chapter 6) Sir Brian and his party have been shown to bed and the palmer is being shown to

his. Princess Rowena calls the palmer to her quarters and asks him what he knows of Ivanhoe.

After telling her all he can he goes to his quarters to sleep. In the very early morning he wakes

Isaac and he helps him escape from the servants of Sir Brian. They travel together and the

palmer asks Isaac for armor, a horse, and jousting gear which he grants him.

List) the Palmer, Princess Rowena, Isaac

Chapter 7) Begins with a description of the turmoil in the land due to the tyranny of Prince

John, the evil brother of King Richard. A tournament being prepared and Isaac has come to

watch and meets his daughter Rebecca whom Prince John is quite taken with. He then orders

the Saxons including Cedric to move to another seat and it nearly escalates into a brawl.

List) Prince John, Isaac, Rebecca, Cedric, a Yeoman

Chapter 8) The tournament begins and a knight who calls himself the Disinherited knight rides

up. He challenges several knights to courteous combat and challenges Sir Brian to a fight to the

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death. He takes down Sir Brian but is not allowed to kill him during this day of the tournament.

He then proceeds to take down the other knights quite easily.

List) the Disinherited knight, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Lady Rowena, Prince John

Chapter 9) The Disinherited knight has won the first day of the tournament. He is allowed to

choose the Queen of Love and Beauty and chooses Lady Rowena. They are invited to dine with

Prince John but they refuse.

List) the Disinherited knight, Lady Rowena, Prince John, Cedric

Chapter 10) The Disinherited knight has been sent the armor and horses of the knights he

defeated, but he refuses to take them. He instead takes money from all but Sir Brian to pay for

his armor and horse. He then sends Gurth to pay Isaac for his donations.

List) the Disinherited knight, Gurth, the squires of the knights, Isaac, Rebecca

Chapter 11) Gurth is returning from the house of Isaac when he is jumped by a band of outlaws.

They question him about his load of money and determine that he can keep it. They then ask

him to participate in a fight for fun with one of their men using the quarter-staff. He KO’s the

man and they allow him to go on his way.

List) Gurth, band of robbers

Chapter 12) The second day of the tournament has begun and two bands of knights have lined

up to fight, one lead by the knight Sir Brian and the other by the Disinherited knight. The

Disinherited knight is outnumbered 3 to 1 when an unnoticed black knight rides to his rescue.

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The fight is finished and the Disinherited knight is named victor. When he must take off his

helmet to receive the crown from Lady Rowena he is found to be her love Ivanhoe, and then he

falls unconscious due to a lance point found stuck in his side.

List) the Disinherited knight, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Lady Rowena, Prince John

Chapter 13) Ivanhoe has been taken away and Prince John declares that all events would be

canceled except the archery contest. The competition is won by a man named Locksley who

split his opponent’s arrow and then a small willow branch. The Prince then gives him his prize

and he disappears.

List) Prince John, Locksley, Hubert

Chapter 14) John is having dinner with his subjects and Cedric is present. John then proceeds to

give away Ivanhoe’s manor. His father consents and then they begin to tease him.

List) Prince John, Cedric, Fitzurse, De Bracy, Sir Reginald Front-de-Boeuf, Prior Aymer

Chapter 15) We are in the Chambers of the knight De Bracy who is speaking with Fitzurse. He is

planning to kill the Saxons and steal Lady Rowena. He plans to marry her after her family and

lover are dead.

List) Fitzurse, De Bracy

Chapter 16) The Black Knight of the tournament has gone his way and is lost in the forest when

he comes upon a friar’s hut. After a long argument at the door he is allowed in and finds that

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the supposedly poor and reclusive Friar is actually living quite luxuriously. The Friar has much

good wine and venison but the knight is not one to complain and joins the man in his dinner.

List) the Black Knight, the Friar

Chapter 17) The Friar and the knight have begun the night and are merry. The knight then

proceeds to play songs on the harp which the monk has. The Friar acts as a critic and they

discuss the lyrics of the songs as well as other subjects.

List) the Black Knight, the Friar

Chapter 18) Cedric and those who had come with him are leaving. They have bound Gurth to a

horse and Cedric has speared his dog who tracked them from home.

List) Gurth, Cedric, Lady Rowena, Wamba

Chapter 19) Cedric and his party meet up with Isaac and Rebecca and travel together. They are

ambushed by a party led by De Bracy. Only Gurth and Wamba escape and hide from the


List) Gurth, Wamba, Isaac, Rebecca, Cedric, Lady Rowena, De Bracy

Chapter 20) Locksley has found Gurth and Wamba and is guiding them through the forest. They

come upon the hut of the Friar and hearing the noise from within they knock and find the Friar,

whom Locksley knows, and the knight. They tell them of the trouble and the Friar as one of

Locksley’s men reveals himself to be just an uncommonly large and strong woodsman, and they

set off to catch the ambushers.

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List) Gurth, Wamba, Locksley, the Black Knight, the Friar

Chapter 21) The captors with their captured have arrived at the castle of Front-de-Boeuf. The

captives are separated and taken to different quarters. Cedric and Athelstane (a knight of

Cedric) however, have been placed in the same room and are discussing their predicament.

List) Cedric, Athelstane, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, De Bracy

Chapter 22) Front-de-Boeuf has gone to the torture chambers to talk to Isaac. He at first offers

a price for his safe release but will not allow Isaac to leave to get the money. He then tells Isaac

that his daughter has been given to Sir Brian and Isaac wails and says that he will give no money

to Front-de-Beouf. Suddenly there is a commotion and Isaac is told that he is lucky that he will

be spared for now.

List) Sir Reginald Front-de-Beouf, Isaac

Chapter 23) De Bracy has come to speak with Lady Rowena. He tells her that he will set Ivanhoe

and Cedric free if she would only marry him. A horn sounds and he leaves her to ponder her


List) De Bracy, Lady Rowena

Chapter 24) Sir Brian has come to speak to Rebecca. He tells her that though his vows of the

Templar Order prevent him from marrying, he will love her in the ways that he can. When he

tries to approach her she threatens to jump out the window and he soon leaves.

List) Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Rebecca

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Chapter 25) The villains in the castle have received a letter from Wamba, Gurth, and Locksley

that they are ready to attack the castle at a moment’s notice. They receive a letter in return

saying that if they try anything Cedric will be executed. They believe it to be an excuse for more

time and send Wamba in a priests robe to gain entrance to the castle.

List) Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, De Bracy, Sir Reginald Front-de-Boeuf, Gurth, Wamba, Locksley,

the Black Knight, the Friar

Chapter 26) Wamba has gained entrance and has been allowed to see Cedric and Athelstane.

Wamba changes clothes with Cedric and tells him the secret to being a convincing priest.

Cedric than leaves the cell and makes his way out of the castle.

List) Wamba, Cedric, Athelstane

Chapter 27) An old lady named Ufried found Cedric on his way out and brought him to a room

to talk to him thinking he was a priest. They speak and he learns that she is Ulrica the daughter

of an old friend and then leaves. Front-de-Boeuf gives Cedric a message to take to an ally and

sends him on his way but becomes suspicious. He finds out that Cedric has escaped and

prepares for battle.

List) Cedric, Wamba, Athelstane, Front-de-Boeuf, Ulrica

Chapter 28) This is a revelation of how Ivanhoe came to Torquilstone and how Rebecca helped

treat his wounds.

List) Rebecca, Isaac, Ivanhoe, Wilfred

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Chapter 29) Rebecca is attending to Ivanhoe and suddenly the battle begins. Rebecca narrates

the battle for Ivanhoe and he asks much about the leader of whom she can see nothing to

identify him by. The attackers have taken the gate and action has temporarily ceased so

Ivanhoe sleeps.

List) Rebecca, Ivanhoe

Chapter 30) Front-de-Boeuf is dying and is on a sleep couch in his quarters. He hears a voice

and believing it to be the voice of a demon tells it many things. Then Ulrica reveals herself and

he recognizes her as an old acquaintance who has come to hate him.

List) Front-de-Boeuf, Ulrica

Chapter 31) The attackers have formed a bridge across the moat of the castle and the Black

knight and Cedric are attempting to break down the door to the castle. Suddenly the cry comes

that Torquilstone is on fire and that all is lost. De Bracy is taken prisoner but Sir Brian escapes

and takes Rebecca with him against her will.

List) the Black Knight, De Bracy, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Cedric, Locksley

Chapter 32) The victors are enjoying the spoils of their victory. Cedric frees Gurth from his

servitude. The Friar and the Black Knight engage in a punch for punch contest.

List) the Black Knight, the Friar, Locksley, Cedric, Gurth, Wamba, Isaac

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Chapter 33) The men of Locksley have captured the Prior Aymer and are making fun of him.

They have him assure a ransom for his release and send Isaac to York. The Black Knight leaves

as well.

List) Locksley, Prior Aymer, the Black Knight, Isaac

Chapter 34) De Bracy has escaped from the Black Knight and has told Prince John that Richard

has returned. Prince John is stunned and then becomes insecure and suspicious of everyone.

De Bracy and Fitzurse are planning to leave and save themselves.

List) De Bracy, Prince John, Fitzurse

Chapter 35) Isaac has traveled to Templestowe. He dismissed his guides and rewarded them

and then traveled at as fast a pace as he was able in his condition. But before he could reach

his destination he fainted from exhaustion and sorrow. Fortunately Nathan a physician friend

lived close by and found him and took him in.

List) Isaac, the Grand Master, Nathan

Chapter 36) Sir Brian is found to be at Albert Malvoisin dwelling and Rebecca is then accused of

being a sorceress. Sir Brian says that he will allow her fate to come to her no matter what. She

is then brought before the Grand Master of the Templar Order.

List) Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Albert Malvoisin, Rebecca, Conrade

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Chapter 37) Rebecca is put on trial and men who had been paid to testify falsely came and

shared. Rebecca is found guilty but she demands the right to trial by combat. She then throws

her glove down in front of the Grand Master as a challenge.

List) the Grand Master, Rebecca, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Conrade

Chapter 38) Rebecca’s challenge is accepted and Sir Brian is appointed to be the one who will

do battle against her chosen champion. She sends a messenger to her father telling him to find

her a champion.

List) Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Rebecca, Grand Master, Beaumanoir

Chapter 39) Sir Brian comes to see Rebecca in her cell. He tries to convince her to love him but

she refuses. He then becomes angry and he tells Malvoisin that he will fight in the lists against

her champion.

List) Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Rebecca

Chapter 40) The Black Knight and Wamba are riding to York when they are ambushed by

Fitzurse and a few men. Wamba sounds a horn for help and Locksley’s merry men arrive

quickly. When the attackers have been dispatched the Black Knight reveals himself to be King

Richard himself and all pay homage to him.

List) King Richard, Wamba, Friar Tuck, Fitzurse

Chapter 41) Ivanhoe and Gurth have ridden to meet the King and his friends despite the king’s

wishes. Ivanhoe and the King Richard then travel to Coningsburgh.

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List) King Richard, Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Ivanhoe, Gurth, Wamba

Chapter 42) Richard and his friends arrive at Coningsburgh the house of Athelstane where they

find that Athelstane is not dead as was previously thought, but had merely been knocked

unconscious. Then Ivanhoe (whom his father has forgiven and reclaimed), Gurth, and Richard

suddenly disappear and it is found that they have gone at the word of a Jew who has sought for


List) Cedric, Ivanhoe, King Richard, Lady Rowena, Athelstane

Chapter 43) The trial of combat is waiting for Rebecca’s champion when Ivanhoe finally steps

forward. Ivanhoe and Sir Brian prepare to meet in mortal combat. They charge and in the first

charge Sir Brian falls at the slightest of the hit from Ivanhoe’s lance. They remove his helmet

and find that he died from the massive battle of emotions going on inside of his heart. Rebecca

is now free of her charges.

List) Ivanhoe, Rebecca, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, the Grand Master

Chapter 44) The Heir of Cedric is reinstated, King Richard the Lion-Hearted has returned, and

the tyranny of Prince John is at an end. Only the wedding of Ivanhoe and Rowena remains.

Then Rebecca comes and gives her thanks to her savior Ivanhoe and the book is finished

List) Ivanhoe, Lady Rowena, King Richard, Rebecca, Isaac