Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics DOCTORAL THESIS Zuzana Pat´ akov´a Problems in discrete geometry Department of Applied Mathematics Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Prof. RNDr. Jiˇ ı Matouˇ sek, DrSc. Study programme: Computer Science Specialization: Discrete Models and Algorithms Prague 2015

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Page 1: iuuk.mff.cuni.czzuzka/thesis/thesis.pdf · Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Ji r Matou sek, for all his guidance, help, stable support and advice during

Charles University in Prague

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


Zuzana Patakova

Problems in discrete geometry

Department of Applied Mathematics

Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Prof. RNDr. Jirı Matousek, DrSc.

Study programme: Computer Science

Specialization: Discrete Models and Algorithms

Prague 2015

Page 2: iuuk.mff.cuni.czzuzka/thesis/thesis.pdf · Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Ji r Matou sek, for all his guidance, help, stable support and advice during
Page 3: iuuk.mff.cuni.czzuzka/thesis/thesis.pdf · Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Ji r Matou sek, for all his guidance, help, stable support and advice during


First of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Jirı Matousek, for all his guidance, help,stable support and advice during my studies.

I would also like to thank my coauthors which I have had a pleasure to work withand to my friends for helpful discussions: Marek Elias, Xavier Goaoc, Haim Kaplan,Jan Kyncl, Pavel Patak, Orit Raz, Edgardo Roldan Pensado, Micha Sharir, MartinTancer, Uli Wagner, Joshua Zahl, and Frank de Zeeuw.

Part of the work was done at Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli at EPFL, at ETHZurich and at Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics at UCLA. For this options,I would like to thank Prof. Janos Pach, Prof. Emo Welzl, and also to my advisor, whonegotiated some of these stays.

Many thanks to all the colleagues at the Department of Applied Mathematics andthe Computer Science Institute of Charles University for a nice atmosphere.

I would also like to thank Martin Tancer for corrections and useful discussionsabout the final version of the thesis.

Finally, I would like to thank my family, especially my parents and my husbandPavel, for their love, support and encouragement when I feel desperate.

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I declare that I carried out this doctoral thesis independently, and only with the citedsources, literature and other professional sources.

I understand that my work relates to the rights and obligations under the Act No.121/2000 Coll., the Copyright Act, as amended, in particular the fact that the CharlesUniversity in Prague has the right to conclude a license agreement on the use of thiswork as a school work pursuant to Section 60 paragraph 1 of the Copyright Act.

In Prague, 18th June 2015 Zuzana Patakova

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Nazev prace: Problemy diskretnı geometrie

Autor: Zuzana Patakova

Katedra: Katedra aplikovane matematiky

Vedoucı disertacnı prace: Prof. RNDr. Jirı Matousek, DrSc., Katedra aplikovanematematiky

Abstrakt: V teto praci se venujeme trem ruznym problemum z oblasti diskretnıgeometrie. Spolecnym pojıtkem techto problemu je, ze jejich resenı vyuzıva algebraickemetody.

Prvnı problem se zabyva tzv. polynomialnı metodou, ktera konecnou mnozinu bodurozdelı pomocı nulove mnozinu polynomu. Limitujıcım faktorem teto metody je, codelat s body, ktere lezı v nulove mnozine zıskaneho polynomu? V praci predstavujemeobecnou verzi, ktera resı popsanou situaci, a jako aplikaci uvadıme novy algoritmuspro tzv. semialgebraicky range searching problem.

V druhe casti prace se venujeme studiu Ramseyovych funkcı semialgebraickychpredikatu. Conlon, Fox, Pach, Sudakov a Suk zkonstruovali prvnı prıklady semial-gebraickych predikatu s Ramseyovou funkcı zespoda odhadnutou vezovitou funkcı.My snızıme dimenzi prıslusneho prostoru v jejich konstrukci a jako dusledek ukazemenovou geometrickou vetu Ramseyova typu s velkou Ramseyovou funkcı.

V poslednı casti se zabyvame samodlazditelnymi simplexy. Simplex S je k-samo-dlazditelny, pokud je sjednocenım k navzajem shodnych simplexu s disjunktnımi vnit-rky, ktere jsou navıc podobne simplexu S. V praci ukazeme, ze v dimenzi ctyri mohouk-samodlazditelne simplexy existovat jen pro k tvaru m2, kde m ≥ 1 je cele cıslo.

Klıcova slova: polynomialnı delenı, Ramseyova funkce, samodlazditelny simplex

Title: Problems in discrete geometry

Author: Zuzana Patakova

Department: Department of Applied Mathematics

Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jirı Matousek, DrSc., Department of Applied Mathematics

Abstract: This thesis studies three different questions from discrete geometry. Acommon theme for these problems is that their solution is based on algebraic methods.

First part is devoted to the polynomial partitioning method, which partitions agiven finite point set using the zero set of a suitable polynomial. However, there is anatural limitation of this method, namely, what should be done with the points lyingin the zero set? Here we present a general version dealing with the situation and as anapplication, we provide a new algorithm for the semialgebraic range searching problem.

In the second part we study Ramsey functions of semialgebraic predicates. Conlon,Fox, Pach, Sudakov, and Suk constructed the first examples of semialgebraic predicateswith the Ramsey function bounded from below by a tower function. We reduce thedimension of the ambient space in their construction and as a consequence, we providea new geometric Ramsey-type theorem with a large Ramsey function.

Last part is devoted to reptile simplices. A simplex S is k-reptile if it can be tiledby k simplices with disjoint interiors that are all mutually congruent and similar to S.We show that four-dimensional k-reptile simplices can exist only for k = m2, wherem ≥ 1 is an integer.

Keywords: polynomial partitions, Ramsey function, reptile simplex

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Introduction 3

1 Multilevel polynomial partitions and simplified range searching 51.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.2 Algebraic preliminaries I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.3 Polynomial Partitions in Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.3.1 A second partitioning polynomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.3.2 On a third partitioning polynomial – how to continue? . . . . . 14

1.4 A key lemma: Partitioning polynomial that does not vanish on a variety 161.5 Algebraic preliminaries II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.5.1 Ideals and Grobner bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191.5.2 Tools from real algebraic geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

1.6 Proofs of multilevel partition theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221.7 Algorithmic aspects of Theorem 1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241.8 The range searching result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261.9 Remark: On (not) computing irreducible components . . . . . . . . . . 271.10 A version of the key lemma for an irreducible variety . . . . . . . . . . 27

1.10.1 Projections and degree of the variety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2 Lower bounds on geometric Ramsey functions 312.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312.2 Lower bound for semialgebraic predicates in a small dimension . . . . . 352.3 Lower bound for super-order-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3 Reptile simplices in R3 and R4 413.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413.2 Basic notions and facts about simplices and group actions . . . . . . . 44

3.2.1 Angles in simplices and Coxeter diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . 443.2.2 Existence of simplices with given dihedral angles . . . . . . . . . 453.2.3 Group actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.3 A simple proof of Theorem 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463.4 The proof of Theorem 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.4.1 Two indivisible edge-angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493.4.2 Basic facts and observations from spherical geometry . . . . . . 513.4.3 One indivisible edge-angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

List of Figures 77

List of Tables 79


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Bibliography 81

Appendix A 89


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Discrete geometry is a mathematical discipline studying combinatorial properties ofdiscrete geometric objects. There are many problems concerning objects such aspoints, lines, or triangles usually living in a plane or more generally, in d-dimensionalEuclidean space. While such problems are often easy to state, some of them turnout to be very difficult and the answer is not known for decades. When solving suchproblems, it might be useful to use some tools from other fields of mathematics, suchas number theory or algebra, or to come up with some deep underlying theory.

In this thesis we focus on three different problems in discrete geometry. A commontheme for these problems is that their solution is based on linear algebra or algebraicmethods.

The thesis is based on the following four papers:

1. H. Kaplan, J. Matousek, Z. Safernova, and M. Sharir. Unit distances in threedimensions. Comb. Probab. Comput., 21(4):597–610, 2012.

2. J. Matousek and Z. Patakova. Multilevel Polynomial Partitions and SimplifiedRange Searching. Discrete Comput. Geom., 54(1):22–41, 2015.

3. M. Elias, J. Matousek, E. Roldan Pensado, and Z. Safernova. Lower bounds ongeometric Ramsey functions. SIAM J. Discrete Math., 28(4):1960–1970, 2014.

4. J. Kyncl and Z. Patakova. On the nonexistence of k-reptile simplices in R3

and R4. In preparation. Extended abstract appeared in The Seventh EuropeanConference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, 191–196, CRMSeries, 16, Ed. Norm., Pisa, 2013.

Chapter 1 is based on a small part of (1) and slightly modified version of (2).However, Sections 1.3.2 and 1.10 are new, Theorem 1.4 and Lemmas 1.14, 1.18 aswell. Chapter 2 contains the paper (3) while paper (4) will be based on Chapter 3.

Overview of the results

Chapter 1 is devoted to the polynomial partitioning method of Guth and Katz [GK15],which has numerous applications in discrete and computational geometry. It partitionsa given n-point set P ⊂ Rd using the zero set Z(f) of a suitable d-variate polynomial f .Applications of this result are often complicated by the problem, what should be donewith the points of P lying within Z(f)? A natural approach is to partition these pointswith another polynomial and continue further in a similar manner.

We will follow this plan and first we introduce a second partitioning polynomial.Then, as a main result, we provide a polynomial partitioning method with up to d


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polynomials in dimension d, which allows for a complete decomposition of the givenpoint set. We apply it to obtain a new algorithm for the semialgebraic range searchingproblem. Our algorithm has running time bounds similar to a recent algorithm byAgarwal, Matousek, and Sharir [AMS13], but it is simpler both conceptually andtechnically.

In Chapter 2 we continue in a sequence of recent works studying Ramsey functionsfor semialgebraic predicates in Rd. A k-ary semialgebraic predicate Φ(x1, . . . , xk) onRd is a Boolean combination of polynomial equations and inequalities in the kd coordi-nates of k points x1, . . . , xk ∈ Rd. A sequence P = (p1, . . . , pn) of points in Rd is calledΦ-homogeneous if either Φ(pi1 , . . . , pik) holds for all choices 1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ik ≤ n, orit does not hold for any such choice. The Ramsey function RΦ(n) is the smallest Nsuch that every point sequence of length N contains a Φ-homogeneous subsequence oflength n.

Conlon, Fox, Pach, Sudakov, and Suk [CFP+14] constructed the first examples ofsemialgebraic predicates with the Ramsey function bounded from below by a towerfunction of arbitrary height: for every k ≥ 4, they exhibit a k-ary Φ in dimension 2k−4

with RΦ bounded below by a tower of height k− 1. We reduce the dimension in theirconstruction, obtaining a k-ary semialgebraic predicate Φ on Rk−3 with RΦ boundedbelow by a tower of height k − 1.

We also provide a natural geometric Ramsey-type theorem with a large Ramseyfunction. We call a point sequence P in Rd order-type homogeneous if all (d+1)-tuplesin P have the same orientation. Every sufficiently long point sequence in generalposition in Rd contains an order-type homogeneous subsequence of length n, and thecorresponding Ramsey function has recently been studied in several papers. Togetherwith a recent work of Barany, Matousek, and Por, our results imply a tower functionof Ω(n) of height d as a lower bound, matching an upper bound by Suk up to theconstant in front of n.

In Chapter 3 we study reptile simplices. A d-dimensional simplex S is called ak-reptile (or a k-reptile simplex ) if it can be tiled by k simplices with disjoint interiorsthat are all mutually congruent and similar to S. For d = 2, triangular k-reptilesexist if and only if k has the form a2, 3a2 or a2 + b2 and they have been completelycharacterized by Snover, Waiveris, and Williams. On the other hand, the only k-reptilesimplices that are known for d ≥ 3, have k = md, where m is a positive integer. Wesubstantially simplify the proof by Matousek and the author that for d = 3, k-reptiletetrahedra can exist only for k = m3. We also prove a weaker analogue of this result ford = 4 by showing that four-dimensional k-reptile simplices can exist only for k = m2.


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Chapter 1

Multilevel polynomial partitionsand simplified range searching

1.1 Introduction

Polynomial partitions. Since the late 1980s, numerous problems in discrete andcomputational geometry have been solved by geometric divide-and-conquer method,where a suitable partition of space is used to subdivide a geometric problem intosimpler subproblems.

The earliest, and most widely applied, kinds of such partitions are cuttings, basedmainly on ideas of Clarkson (e.g., [Cla87]) and Haussler and Welzl [HW87]. See, e.g.,[Cha05] for a survey of cuttings and their applications.

Using cuttings as the main tool, another kind of space partition, called simplicialpartitions, was introduced in [Mat92] (and further improved by Chan [Cha12]). Givenan n-point set P ⊂ Rd and a parameter r > 1, a simplicial 1

r-partition is a collection

of simplices (of dimensions 0 through d), such that each of them contains at most n/rpoints of P and together they cover P . In Chan’s version, they can also be assumedto be pairwise disjoint.

Let us introduce the following convenient terminology: a set A crosses a set B if Aintersects B but does not contain it. The main parameter of a simplicial partition is themaximum number of simplices of the partition that can be simultaneously crossed bya hyperplane (or, equivalently, by a halfspace). One can construct simplicial partitionswhere this number is bounded by O(r1−1/d) [Mat92, Cha12], which is asymptoticallyoptimal in the worst case (throughout this chapter, we consider the space dimensiond as a constant, and the implicit constants in asymptotic notation may depend on it,unless explicitly stated otherwise).

Simplicial partitions work mostly fine for problems involving points and hyper-planes in Rd. However, they are much less useful if hyperplanes are replaced by lower-dimensional objects—such as lines—or curved objects—such as spheres—or other hy-persurfaces.

Guth and Katz [GK15] invented a new kind of partitions, called polynomial parti-tions, which overcome these drawbacks to some extent. The most striking applicationof polynomial partitions so far is probably still the original one—a solution of Erdos’problem of distinct distances [GK15] (also see Guth [Gut15] for a simplified but weakerversion of the main result of [GK15]), but a fair number of other applications have beenfound since then: see the works of Solymosi and Tao [ST12], Zahl [Zah13], Kaplan, Ma-


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tousek and Sharir [KMS12], Kaplan, Matousek, Safernova, and Sharir [KMSS12], Zahl[Zah12], Wang, Yang, and Zhang [WYZ13], Agarwal, Matousek, and Sharir [AMS13],Sharir, Sheffer, and Zahl [SSZ15], and Sharir and Solomon [SS14] (our list is mostlikely incomplete and we apologize for omissions).

Given an n-point set P ⊂ Rd and a parameter r > 1, we say that a nonzero poly-nomial f ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] is a 1

r-partitioning polynomial for P if none of the connected

components of Rd \ Z(f) contains more than n/r points of P .Guth and Katz [GK15] proved the following theorem:

Theorem 1.1 ([GK15]). For every finite point set P ⊆ Rd and every r > 1 thereexists a 1

r-partitioning polynomial of degree O(r1/d).

From the results of real algebraic geometry on the complexity of arrangements ofzero sets of polynomials (see [BPR03]) it follows that any hyperplane h intersects atmost O(r1−1/d) components of Rd \ Z(f), and hence any halfspace crosses at mostO(r1−1/d) components of Rd \ Z(f). Moreover, using a more recent result of Baroneand Basu [BB12] discussed below, one obtains that an algebraic variety X of dimen-sion k defined by polynomials of constant-bounded degrees crosses at most O(rk/d)components of Rd \ Z(f). In this respect, polynomial partitions match the perfor-mance of simplicial partitions concerning hyperplanes and give a crucial advantagefor other varieties. However, they still leave an important issue open: namely, whatshould be done with the exceptional set P ∗ := P ∩Z(f) that ends up lying within thezero set of the partitioning polynomial.

Multilevel polynomial partitions. At first sight, it may seem that this issue canbe remedied, say, by a suitable perturbation of the polynomial f . However, if all ofP lies on a line in Rd, say, then a degree-D polynomial can partition it into at mostD + 1 pieces, and so if we want all of P to be partitioned into pieces of size n/r, wewill need degree about r, as opposed to r1/d in the Guth–Katz polynomial partitiontheorem.

A natural idea is to partition the exceptional set P ∗ further by another polynomial gsuch that Z(f, g) := Z(f)∩Z(g) has dimension at most d−2. If Z(f, g) again containsmany points of P ∗, we would like to partition them further by a third polynomial hwith dimZ(f, g, h) ≤ d− 3, and so on.

This approach encounters several technical difficulties, and so far it has been real-ized only up to the second partitioning polynomial g in [Zah13] and [KMSS12] (alsosee [Zah12]). We note that our formulation is different from the one in [KMSS12].

Theorem 1.2. Let f ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] be an irreducible polynomial of degree D ≥ 1.For every finite point set P ⊆ Z(f) and every r > 1 there exists a 1


polynomial for P of degree O(D +


)1/(d−1))which is co-prime with f .

Usually in the applications, we think about n (number of points) as very big and

the typical choice of r depends on n. Note that for r = Ω(Dd), the term O((



dominates.Since f is irreducible and g coprime with f , it follows that dimZ(f, g) ≤ d− 2 (we

refer to Section 1.3.2 or for d = 3 to [KMSS12]).Our main result is the following multilevel partition theorem.


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Theorem 1.3. For every integer d > 1 there is a constant K such that the follow-ing hold. Given an n-point set P ⊂ Rd and a parameter r > 1, there are numbersr1, r2, . . . , rd ∈ [r, rK ], positive integers t1, t2, . . . , td, a partition

P = P ∗ ∪d∪




of P into disjoint subsets, and for every i, j, a connected set Sij ⊆ Rd containing Pij,such that |Pij| ≤ n/ri for all i, j, |P ∗| ≤ rK, and the following hold:

(i) If h ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] is a polynomial of degree bounded by a constant D0, andX = Z(h) is its zero set, then, for every i = 1, 2, . . . , d, the number of the Sij

crossed by X is at most O(r1−1/di

), with the implicit constant also depending

on D0.

(ii) If X is an algebraic variety in Rd of dimension at most k ≤ d − 2 defined bypolynomials of degree bounded by a constant D0, then, for every i = 1, 2, . . . , d,

the number of the Sij crossed by X is bounded by O(r1−1/(k+1)i


We will need only part (i), while part (ii) is stated for possible future use, since itcan be handled with very little extra work.

We note that the sets Sij have special form, namely, they correspond to cells of anarrangement of zero sets of certain polynomials.

For some values of the parameter r we get, by a simple modification of the proof,the following variant of Theorem 1.3.

Theorem 1.4. Let r > 1 be a parameter satisfying rK ≤ n, where K and n are as inTheorem 1.3. Then there is a partition of n-point set P satisfying all the conditionsas the partition from Theorem 1.3 such that, moreover, P ∗ is empty.

Related work. The problem concerning the exceptional set P ∗ in a single-levelpolynomial partition has been addressed in various ways in the literature.

In one of the theorems in Agarwal et al. [AMS13], P ∗ is forced to be at most ofa constant size, by an infinitesimal perturbation of P . However, this strategy cannotbe used in incidence problems, for example, where a perturbation destroys the struc-ture of interest. Moreover, for algorithmic purposes, known methods of infinitesimalperturbation are applicable with a reasonable overhead only for constant values of r.

Solymosi and Tao [ST12] handle the exceptional set essentially by projecting it toa hyperplane. This yields a (d−1)-dimensional problem, which is handled recursively.Their method allows them to deal only with constant values of r, and consequently ityields bounds that are suboptimal by factors of nε (where ε > 0 is arbitrarily smallbut fixed number).

Another variant of the strategy of projecting P ∗ to a hyperplane was used in[AMS13]; there r could be chosen as a small but fixed power of n, leading to onlypolylogarithmic extra factors, as opposed to nε with constant r. However, the resultingalgorithm and proof are complicated, since one has to keep track of several parametersand solve a tricky recursion.


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Our proof of Theorem 1.3 also involves a projection trick, but the projection isencapsulated in the proof and simple to analyze, and when applying the theorem wecan work in the original space all the time.

In this chapter we apply an algorithmic enhancement of Theorem 1.3 to recoverthe main result of Agarwal et al. [AMS13] in a way that is simpler both conceptuallyand technically.

It is worth mentioning that simultaneously with us, two groups of researchersobtained results concerning multilevel polynomial partitions, which partially overlapwith ours. Fox, Pach, Sheffer, Suk, and Zahl [FPS+14] as well as Basu and Sombra[BS14], obtained results similar to our key lemma (Lemma 1.13), but with differentproofs. However, the result of Basu and Sombra works just for varieties of codimensiontwo and hence it cannot be used for our range searching algorithm. On the other hand,Fox et al. have no restriction on the dimension of the variety, but they have to assumethat the variety is irreducible. The important feature of our method is that we are ableto avoid computing irreducible components which is crucial from algorithmic point ofview. For more details we refer to the discussion in Section 1.9.

Range searching with semialgebraic sets. Here we consider a basic and long-studied question in computational geometry.

Let P be a set of n points in Rd and let Γ be a family of geometric “regions,” calledranges, in Rd. For example, Γ can be the set of all axis-parallel boxes, balls, simplices,or cylinders, or the set of all intersections of pairs of ellipsoids. In the Γ-range searchingproblem, we want to preprocess P into a data structure so that the number of points ofP lying in a query range γ ∈ Γ can be counted efficiently. More generally, we may begiven a weight function on the points in P and we ask for the cumulative weight of thepoints in P ∩ γ (our result applies in this more general setting as well). We considerthe low-storage variant of Γ-range searching, where the data structure is allowed touse only linear or near-linear storage, and the goal is to make the query time as smallas possible.

We study semialgebraic range searching, where Γ is a set of constant-complexitysemialgebraic sets. We recall that a semialgebraic set is a subset of Rd obtained froma finite number of sets of the form x ∈ Rd | g(x) ≥ 0, where g is a d-variatepolynomial with integer coefficients, by Boolean operations (unions, intersections, andcomplementations). Specifically, let Γd,D,s denote the family of all semialgebraic setsin Rd defined by at most s polynomial inequalities of degree at most D each. Bysemialgebraic range searching we mean Γd,D,s-range searching for some parametersd,D, s.

This problem and various special cases of it have been studied in many papers. Werefer to [AE98, Mat95] for background on range searching and to [AMS13] for a moredetailed discussion of the problem setting and previous work.

The main result of [AMS13] is as follows.

Theorem 1.5. Let d,D0, s, and ε > 0 be constants. Then the Γd,D0,s-range searchingproblem for an arbitrary n-point set in Rd can be solved with O(n) storage, O (n1+ε)expected preprocessing time, and O

(n1−1/d logB n

)query time, where B is a constant

depending on d,D0, s and ε.

As announced, here we provide a new and simpler proof. Basically we apply Theo-rem 1.3, but for the algorithmic application, we need to amend it with an algorithmicpart, essentially asserting that the construction in Theorem 1.3 can be executed in


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time depending polynomially on r and linearly on n (we again stress that d is takenas a constant). Moreover, we need that the Sij can be handled algorithmically—theyare semialgebraic sets of controlled complexity. We will use the real RAM model ofcomputation where we can compute exactly with arbitrary real numbers and eacharithmetic operation is executed in unit time.

A precise statement is as follows.

Theorem 1.6 (Algorithmic enhancement of Theorem 1.3). Given P ⊂ Rd and r asin Theorem 1.3, one can compute the sets P ∗, Pij, and Sij in time O


), where

C = C(d) is a constant. Moreover, for every i, the number ti of the Pij is ti = O(rC),

and each Sij is a semialgebraic set defined by at most O(rC)polynomial inequalities of

maximum degree O(rC). For every i = 1, 2, . . . , d, every range γ ∈ Γd,D0,s crosses at

most O(r1−1/di

)of the Sij, with the constant of proportionality depending on d,D0, s.

1.2 Algebraic preliminaries I

An affine real algebraic variety V is a subset of some Rd that can be expressed asV = Z(f1, . . . , fm), that is, the set of common zeros of finitely many polynomialsf1, . . . , fm ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd]. For an affine complex algebraic variety, R is replacedwith C (the complex numbers).

Let PCd denote some d-dimensional projective space over C. The projectivizationof a point p = (p1, . . . , pd) ∈ Cd is obtained by passing to homogeneous coordinates,and by assigning p† = (1, p1, . . . , pd) to p, where all nonzero scalar multiples of p†

are identified with p†. We use the standard notation [1 : p1 : . . . : pd] for projectivecoordinates in order to distinguish them from the affine ones.

Similarly as in the affine case, a projective complex variety V is a subset of somePCd that can be expressed as the set of common zeros of finitely many homogeneouspolynomials f1, . . . , fm ∈ C[x0, x1, . . . , xd], where a nonzero polynomial is called ho-mogeneous, if all its terms have the same degree.

If f1, . . . , fs ∈ C[x0, . . . , xd] are homogeneous polynomials determining a projec-tive variety V , then V ∩ Cd is an affine variety given by the set of polynomialsfi(1, x1, . . . , xd), 1 ≤ i ≤ s. By a linear subspace of PCd we mean a linear variety, thatis, a zero set of a finite collection of linear homogeneous polynomials.

As in the introduction, we will use Z(f) for the real zeros of a (real) polynomialf ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd], while ZC(f) is the set of all zeros of a complex or real polynomialin Cd. For a real polynomial f we have Z(f) = ZC(f) ∩ Rd.

A nonempty (affine or projective) complex variety V is called irreducible if it cannotbe written as the union of two proper complex subvarieties, and similarly for realvarieties. The empty set is not considered to be irreducible. Note that Z(f) can beirreducible over R even if ZC(f) is reducible over C. An easy example is the varietyV (x2+y2). It is well known that every nonempty variety can be uniquely decomposedinto a finite number of irreducible components, none containing another.

For a complex (affine or projective) variety V , we will use the notions of dimensiondimV and degree deg V . These can be defined in several equivalent ways. We referto the literature such as [CLO07, Har92, Har77] for rigorous treatment. Here we justrecall a rather intuitive definition and state the properties we will actually use.

The dimension of V ⊆ Cd can be defined as the largest k such that a generic (d−k)-dimensional complex affine subspace F of Cd intersects V in finitely many points, and


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the degree is the number of intersections (which is the same for all generic F ). Toexplain the meaning of “generic”, let us consider only the subspaces F = F (a) thatcan be expressed by the equations xi+d−k = ai0 +

∑d−kj=1 aijxj, i = 1, . . . , k, for some

a = (aij)ki=1

d−kj=0 ∈ Ck(d−k+1). The F (a) being generic means that the point a does not

lie in the zero set of a certain nonzero polynomial (depending on V ). In particular,almost all subspaces F in the sense of measure are generic. The dimension and degreeof V ⊆ PCd can be defined completely analogically, we just consider a generic (d− k)-dimensional linear subspace of PCd. We note that the dimension of Cd and PCd is dand its degree is 1, respectively.

If V ⊂ Cd (or V ⊂ PCd) is the zero set of a single squarefree polynomial f , thendeg V = deg f . When considering a zero set of a single polynomial we will, withoutloss of generality, always assume that the polynomial we deal with is squarefree.

For a real algebraic variety V , the definition with a generic affine subspace doesnot quite make sense, and in real algebraic geometry, the dimension is usually defined,for the more general class of semialgebraic sets, as the largest k such that V containsthe image of a k-dimensional open cube under an injective semialgebraic map; see[BCR98, BPR03]. An equivalent way of defining the dimension of a real algebraicvariety V uses Krull dimension1 of the coordinate ring R[x1, . . . , xd]/I(V ), where I(V )is the ideal of all real polynomials vanishing on V ; see [BCR98, Cor. 2.8.9] for thisequivalence. For complex case the dimension defined via generic affine subspacescoincides with the Krull dimension of the coordinate ring C[x1, . . . , xd]/IC(V ); see[Har92, Chapter 11].

Let V ⊆ Cd be an affine variety. The smallest projective variety containing V iscalled projective closure of V and denoted by V . By [CLO07, Exercise 8.4.9], V ⊆ Cd

is irreducible if and only if V ⊆ PCd is irreducible. Moreover, by [CLO07, Thm. 9.3.12]dimV = dimV and deg V = deg V .

We will also need the following fact, which is apparently standard (for example,it is mentioned without proof as Remark 13 in [BB13]), although so far we have notbeen able to locate an explicit reference (Whitney [Whi57, Lemma 8] proves a similarstatement, but he uses definitions that are not standard in the current literature).

Lemma 1.7. Let V ⊆ Cd be a complex variety. Then V ∩ Rd is a real variety anddim(V ∩ Rd) ≤ dimV .

This is perhaps not as obvious as it may seem, because if we identify Cd with R2d

in the usual way, then topologically, a k-dimensional complex variety V has (real)dimension 2k.

Sketch of proof. If V = ZC(f1, . . . , fm) for f1, . . . , fm ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd], then

V ∩ Rd = Z(f1f 1, . . . , fmfm),

where the bar denotes complex conjugation. Each fif i is a real polynomial, and soV ∩ Rd is a real variety.

The inequality for the dimensions can be checked, for example, by employing thedefinition of the dimensions via the Hilbert function (see, e.g., [CLO07]), which is wellknown to be equivalent to the Krull dimension definition. Indeed, if f ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd]

1Krull dimension of a ring R is the largest n such that there exists a chain I0 ⊊ I1 ⊊ · · · ⊊ In ofnested prime ideals in R.


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is a complex polynomial of degree at most D vanishing on V , we can write f = f1+if2,where f1, f2 ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] correspond to the real and complex parts of coefficientsof f , respectively. Then deg f1 and deg f2 are at most D and both f1 and f2 vanishon V ∩ Rd. Therefore, if (g1, . . . , gm) is a basis of the real vector space of all realpolynomials of degree at most D vanishing on V ∩Rd, then the g1, . . . , gm, regarded ascomplex polynomials, generate the complex vector space of all complex polynomials ofdegree at most D vanishing on V . It follows that the Hilbert function of the complexvariety V is at least as large as the Hilbert function of the real variety V ∩ Rd.

Lemma 1.8 (A generalized Bezout inequality). Let V ⊆ Cd be an irreducible variety,let f ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd] be a polynomial that does not vanish identically on V , and letW1, . . . ,Wk be the irreducible components of V ∩ ZC(f). Then all of the Wi havedimension dim(V )− 1, and their degrees satisfy


degWi ≤ deg(V ) deg(f).

Proof. We may assume that f is irreducible (if not, we decompose it into irreduciblefactors, use the lemma for each factor separately, and add up the degrees).

The first part about dimension of every irreducible component is exactly [Har77,Exercise I.1.8] (also see [Har77, Prop. I.7.1]).

As for the statement with degrees, we let V ⊆ PCd be the projective closure of V ,and similarly for ZC(f). Let Y1, . . . , Ym be the irreducible components of V ∩ ZC(f).By [Har77, Thm. I.7.7], we have

∑mi=1 deg Yi ≤ deg(V ) deg(ZC(f)) = deg(V ) deg(f).

For every Wi, the projective closure W i is irreducible, and so it equals a unique Yj(i),and degWi ≤ deg Yj(i). The lemma follows. Also see [Hei83, Thm. 1] for a similarstatement.

We will need to apply the lemma to a variety that is not necessarily irreducible.We will use that the degree is additive in the following sense: if V1, . . . , Vk are theirreducible components of a variety V , with dimVi = dimV for all i, then deg V =∑k

i=1 deg Vi.We also need the property that a variety of degree ∆ can be defined by polynomials

of degree at most ∆.

Theorem 1.9 (Prop. 3 in [Hei83]). Let V be an irreducible affine variety in Cd. Thenthere exist d+ 1 polynomials f1, . . . , fd+1 ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd] of degree at most deg V suchthat V = ZC(f1, . . . , fd+1).

Most of the time we will work with affine varieties. The only exception when weneed projective ones is in Section 1.10.

1.3 Polynomial Partitions in Detail

Since the polynomial ham-sandwich theorem is central for polynomial partitions, wewill explain it in detail. From that, we derive Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. We follow theexposition in [KMS12].

We say that a hyperplane h in Rd bisects a finite set A ⊂ Rd if both of the opensubspaces of Rd bounded by h contain at most |A|/2 points of A. The discrete version


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of the standard ham-sandwich theorem ([ST42]) can be stated as follows: Every dfinite sets A1, . . . , Ad ⊂ Rd can be simultaneously bisected by a hyperplane.

We can generalize the notion of bisection to arbitrary polynomials: A polynomialf ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] bisects a finite set A ⊂ Rd if each of the two sets x ∈ Rd : f(x) > 0,x ∈ Rd : f(x) < 0 contains at most |A|/2 points of A.

Now it is easy to derive the polynomial ham-sandwich theorem of Stone and Tukey[ST42].

Theorem 1.10 (Polynomial ham-sandwich, [ST42]). Let A1, . . . , As ⊂ Rd be finitesets, let D be an integer such that


)≥ s+ 1. Then there exists a nonzero polyno-

mial f ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] of degree at most D that simultaneously bisects all the sets Ai,1 ≤ i ≤ s.

Proof. First we note that the number of monomials2 in d variables of degree at mostD is


). In other words,


)is the number of d-tuples (i1, . . . , id) of nonnegative

integers with i1 + · · ·+ id ≤ D.We set k :=


)− 1. Let J = (i1, . . . , id) : 1 ≤ i1 + · · ·+ id ≤ D, for i1, . . . , id ∈

Z+0 ; clearly |J | = k. Let Ψ: Rd → Rk denote the Veronese map given by

(x1, . . . , xd) 7→ (xj11 xj22 · · · xjdd )j=(j1,...,jd)∈J ∈ Rk.

We note that we can think of coordinates in Rk as indexed by d-tuples from J , inother words, every coordinate in Rk corresponds to exactly one nonzero monomial ofdegree at most D.

Let A′i := Ψ(Ai), for every 1 ≤ i ≤ s. Since s ≤ k, there is, by ham-sandwich

theorem, a hyperplane H simultaneously bisecting A′1, . . . , A

′s. Consider the polyno-

mial f = h Ψ, where h = 0 is a linear equation of H. It follows that f belongs toR[x1, . . . , xd], degree of f is at most D and f simultaneously bisects each of the setsA1, . . . , As. Indeed, letH have an equation h0+

∑j∈J hjyj, where hj ∈ R are some con-

stants and yj denotes the coordinates of Rk. Since f = hΨ = h0+∑

j∈J hjxj11 . . . x

jdd ,

it follows that f ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] is of degree at most D. In order to show that f bisectseach Ai, consider a point a ∈ Rd and let a′ = Ψ(a). Since f(a) = h0 + ⟨g, a′⟩, where gis a vector with coordinates h1, . . . , hk and ⟨·, ·⟩ denotes the scalar product, and sinceh bisects every A′

i = Ψ(Ai), the claim follows.

Remark 1.11. Using the bound(nk


)k, we see that the degree D of the bisecting

polynomial of s finite sets can be chosen as ds1/d. Indeed,(D+dd


)d= (s1/d +

1)d ≥ s+1, hence D satisfies the requirement of the polynomial ham-sandwich theorem.

Sketch of the proof of Theorem 1.1. In order to find a 1r-partitioning polynomial for

P of cardinality n, it is enough to construct a “suitable” sequence of polynomialham-sandwich cuts, which partition the given point set P into a specified number tof subsets, each consisting of at most cn/t points, where c > 1 is a constant. Thistechnique first bisects the original point set P into two halves, using a polynomial f1.It then bisects each of these two sets into two halves, using a second polynomial f2,bisects each of the four resulting subsets using a third polynomial f3, and so on, untilthe desired number t of subsets is obtained (or exceeded). Set t := cr. Then clearlyevery subset contains at most cn/t = n/r points. The product f = f1f2f3 · · · of thesebisecting polynomials is the desired 1

r-partitioning polynomial, and, using Remark 1.11,

it can be shown its degree is D = O(t1/d) = O(r1/d).

2By monomial we mean xi11 . . . , xidd , where i1, . . . , id are nonnegative integers.


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Note that the resulting partition is not exhaustive, as some points of P may lie inthe zero set Z(f) of f . Note that in general it makes sense to take t ≤ n. If t > nwe can, following the technique used in [EKS11, GK10], find a polynomial f of degreeO(n1/d) = O(t1/d) that vanishes at all the points of P . In this case all the subsets inthe resulting partition of P are empty, except for P ∩ Z(f) = P .

1.3.1 A second partitioning polynomial

Using a variant of polynomial ham-sandwich theorem, we prove Theorem 1.2.

Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let us denote the 1r-partitioning polynomial we are looking for

by g. As in the standard polynomial partitioning technique, we obtain g as the productof logarithmically many bisecting polynomials, each obtained by applying a variant ofthe polynomial ham-sandwich theorem to a current collection of subsets of P . Thedifference, though, is that we want to ensure that each of the bisecting polynomialsis not divisible by f ; since f is irreducible, this ensures coprimality of g with f . Re-viewing the construction of polynomial ham-sandwich cuts, as outlined above, we seethat all that is needed is to come up with some sufficiently large finite set of mono-mials, of an appropriate maximum degree, so that no nontrivial linear combination ofthese monomials can be divisible by f . We then use a restriction of the Veronese mapdefined by this subset of monomials, and the standard ham-sandwich theorem in theresulting high-dimensional space, to obtain the desired polynomial.

Let xi11 xi22 · · · xidd be the leading term of f , in the sense that i1 + · · · + id = D and

(i1, . . . , id) is largest in the lexicographical order among all the d-tuples of exponentsof the monomials of f of degree D. Let s be the desired number of sets that we want tobisect by a single partitioning polynomial. For that we need a collection of smonomialswhose degrees are not too large and which span only polynomials not divisible by f . If,say, s < (D/d)d, then we can use all monomials xj11 · · · xjdd such that jk ≤ s1/d < D/d,for k = 1, . . . , d. Clearly, any nontrivial linear combination of these monomials cannotbe divisible by f . In this case the degree of the resulting partitioning polynomial isO(s1/d). If s ≥ (D/d)d, then we consider the set of all monomials xj11 · · · xjdd such

that jk < ik for at least one k = 1, . . . , d, and maxj1, . . . , jd ≤ D for a suitableinteger D, which we specify below (the actual degree of the bisecting polynomialunder construction will then be at most dD). Any nontrivial polynomial h which is alinear combination of these monomials cannot be divisible by f . Indeed, if h = fh1for some polynomial h1 then the product of the leading terms of f and of h1 cannot becanceled out by the other monomials of the product, and, by construction, h cannotcontain this monomial. The number of monomials in this set is Θ(i1D

d−1 + i2Dd−1 +

· · ·+ idDd−1) = Θ(DDd−1). We thus pick D = Θ((s/D)1/(d−1)) so that we indeed get

s monomials. As noted above, the degree of the resulting bisecting polynomial in thiscase is O((s/D)1/(d−1)).

Set t := ⌈log2 r⌉. We now proceed to construct the required partitioning of P intoabout r sets, by a sequence of t polynomials g0, g1, . . . , gt−1 where gj bisects 2

j subsetsof P , each of size at most |P |/2j. For every j such that s = 2j < (D/d)d we construct,as shown above, a polynomial of degree O(s1/d) = O(2j/d). For the indices j with s =2j ≥ (D/d)d we construct a polynomial of degree O((s/D)1/(d−1)) = O((2j/D)1/(d−1)).Set g := g0g1 · · · gt−1. By construction, g is an 1

r-partitioning polynomial for P , since


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|P |/2t ≤ |P |/r. Moreover, f does not divide any gj, j = 0, . . . , t− 1, so g is co-primewith f . It remains to bound the degree of g:

deg g =t−1∑i=0

deg gi ≤∑

j<d log2(D/d)

O(2j/d) +t−1∑

j≥d log2(D/d)





= O(2log2(D/d)





= O

(D +

( rD


The proof is complete.

1.3.2 On a third partitioning polynomial – how to continue?

As we have seen, it may happen that many points of P lie in Z(f, g). Let us assumethat Z(f, g) ⊂ Rd is an irreducible variety of dimension d − 2. The natural idea is,similarly as in the previous case, to find a further partitioning polynomial h such thatdim(Z(f, g) ∩ Z(h)) ≤ d − 3. In this section we describe some limitations of suchapproach.

Let us first describe a condition on h under which dim(Z(f, g) ∩ Z(h)) ≤ d − 3.We claim, more generally, that if V ⊂ Rd is an irreducible variety of dimension k,then dim(V ∩ Z(h)) ≤ k − 1 if and only if h /∈ I(V ), where I(V ) is the ideal of allpolynomials vanishing on V . Indeed, the implication ⇒ is trivial. To show the secondone, let W := V ∩ Z(h) and J := ⟨I(V ), h⟩. Note that Since h /∈ I(V ), we haveI(V ) ⊊ J ⊆ I(W ). Because V is irreducible, I(V ) is a prime ideal and the inequalitydimW < dimV follows from the Krull dimension definition3.

From that we can easily derive one claim mentioned in the introduction, moreprecisely, given an irreducible polynomial f ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] and a polynomial g coprimewith f , then dimZ(f, g) ≤ d − 2. Without loss of generality we can assume thatdimZ(f) = d − 1, otherwise the inequality holds trivially. By [BCR98, Thm. 4.5.1],dimZ(f) = d− 1 if and only if I(Z(f)) = ⟨f⟩. Hence, the condition on coprimality ofg with f implies that g /∈ ⟨f⟩ = I(Z(f)) and the inequality follows from the previousclaim.

We would like to find a third partitioning polynomial h for a finite point set Q ⊂Z(f, g) such that dimZ(f, g, h) ≤ d − 3. Recall that Z(f, g), denoted by V , is anirreducible variety of dimension d− 2. We may assume that f and g are coprime. Thefirst idea might be to define h as f 2 + g2. Since Z(h) = Z(f, g) and the polynomial his irreducible, we can apply the second polynomial partitioning method, described inthe previous section, on h. However, Theorem 1.2 provides a polynomial h′ for whichonly dimZ(h, h′) ≤ d−2 is guarantied. Moreover, the equality can be easily achieved.Indeed, it can happen that h′ = f . Then h′ is coprime with h and Z(h, h′) = Z(f, g).The equality follows.

The second idea of constructing h follows from the analysis of the second polynomialpartitioning method. A closer look at the proof of Theorem 1.2 shows that in orderto get a partitioning polynomial of degree O(D) we need a collection of Θ(DDd−1)“suitable” monomials of degree O(D), where D = deg f and D ≥ D. From that wecan get an impression that for finding a third partitioning polynomial h of degree O(D)it is enough to find a “suitable” collection of Θ(DEDd−2) monomials of degree O(D),

3We use the fact that the preimage of a prime ideal under a ring homomorphism is a prime ideal.


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where D = deg f , E = deg g and D ≥ E. Here we need to specify which collections ofmonomials are suitable. By the discussion above, dim(V ∩ Z(h)) ≤ d− 3 if and onlyif h /∈ I(V ). We say that a collection C of monomials is suitable for V if no nontriviallinear combination of monomials from C belongs to I(V ).

However, as shown in Example 1.12, there are irreducible varieties for which thereis no suitable collection of Θ(DEDd−2) monomials of degree O(D).

Let us assume, for simplicity, that deg f = deg g.

Example 1.12. Let d ≥ 3, D ≥ 1 and D ≥ D be integers. Let f = y−xD, g = z−xD

be polynomials in R[x, y, z, x4, x5, . . . , xd]. Then V := Z(f, g) is an irreducible varietyof dimension d − 2 and any collection of monomials of degrees at most D which issuitable for V has size O(DDd−2).

Observe that V can be parametrized by (t, tD, tD, u1, u2, . . . , ud−3) : t, ui ∈ R anddimV = d− 2. By [CLO07, Prop. 4.5.5], every variety, which can be parametrized, isirreducible. It can be also checked that ⟨f, g⟩ = I(V ). For the sake of completeness,we will prove it later. From the parametrization of V , it follows that h ∈ I(V ) if andonly if h(t, tD, tD, u1, . . . , ud−3) = 0.

First, let us assume that d = 3 and let C be a suitable collection for V consistingof monomials of degree at most D.

To each monomial xiyjzk we assign tℓ, where ℓ = i+(j+k)D, simply by substitutingx = t, y = tD, z = tD. We claim that for each tℓ which was associated with somemonomial xiyjzk, at most one of these corresponding monomials is contained in C.Indeed, it is clear that if two distinct monomials correspond to the same tℓ, then theirdifference vanishes on V and hence belongs to I(V ). The size of C is clearly at mostDD since there is at most DD different values of i + (j + k)D, where i + j + k ≤ Dand D ≤ D.

The generalization for d ≥ 4 is straightforward. Indeed, we associate each mono-mial xiyjzkxℓ11 · · · xℓd−3

d−3 with tℓxℓ11 · · · xℓd−3

d−3 , where ℓ = i+(j+k)D simply by substitutingx = t, y = tD, z = tD. Then any suitable collection C of monomials of degrees at mostD has at most one monomial corresponding to a fixed tℓxℓ11 · · · xℓd−3

d−3 . It follows that

the size of C is at most O(DDd−2).It remains to show that I = I(V ) where I := ⟨f, g⟩. The method is standard and

can be found, e.g., in [CLO07].Let us assume, for convenience, that x1 = x, x2 = y and x3 = z. We first observe

that each polynomial h ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] can be written in the form

h = h1(x2 − xD1 ) + h2(x3 − xD1 ) + r,

where r ∈ R[x1, x4, . . . , xd] and h1, h2 ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd].Indeed, this is true for monomial xi11 · · · xidd ; according to the binomial theorem we

have:xi11 · · · xidd = xi11 (x

D1 + (x2 − xD1 ))

i2(xD1 − (x3 − xD1 ))i3xi44 · · · xidd

= xi11 (xi2D1 + terms involving(x2 − xD1 ))(x

i3D1 + terms involving(x3 − xD1 ))x

i44 · · · xidd .

Multiplying this out shows that

xi11 · · · xidd = h1(x2 − xD1 ) + h2(x3 − xD1 ) + xi1+(i2+i3)D1 xi44 · · · xidd ,

for some h1, h2 ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd]. Since an arbitrary h ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] is an R-linearcombination of monomials, the decomposition follows.


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Because the inclusion I ⊆ I(V ) is clear, it remains to show I(V ) ⊆ I. Let h ∈ I(V )and let h = h1(x2 − xD1 ) + h2(x3 − xD1 ) + r. To prove that r is zero polynomial we usethe parametrization (t, tD, tD, u1, u2, . . . , ud−3) of V . Since h vanishes on V , we get

0 = h(t, tD, tD, u1, u2, . . . , ud−3) = r(t, u1, u2, . . . , ud−3). (1.1)

In other words, the corresponding function r : Rd−2 → R is the zero function, hencethe polynomial r ∈ R[x1, x4, . . . , xd] is zero polynomial[CLO07, Prop. 1.1.5] and theclaim follows. 2

It turns out that what we actually want is to partition the variety Z(f, g) andhence it seems reasonable that the degree of partitioning polynomial should dependon some property of the variety rather than on the degrees of its defining polynomials.We note that one variety can be defined by different sets of polynomials with verydifferent degrees. Indeed, set f = y − x10, g = z − x100. It can be easily verified thatZ(f, g) can be parametrized as (t, t10, t100) : t ∈ R. However, if we set f ′ = y − x10,g′ = z − y10, then Z(f, g) = Z(f ′, g′).

In Section 1.10 we show that for a complex irreducible variety its degree is indeedthe right parameter. More precisely, we show that for a complex irreducible variety Vof (complex) dimension k and a finite point set Q ⊂ Rd ∩ V there exists a real (1/r)-partitioning polynomial for Q of degree at most O(∆ + (r/∆)1/k), where ∆ is thedegree of V (Lemma 1.14). However, now we concentrate on the proof of Theorem 1.3where we do not need an optimal bound for the degree of the partitioning polynomial.

1.4 A key lemma: Partitioning polynomial that

does not vanish on a variety

In this section we establish the following lemma, which is crucial for the proof ofTheorem 1.3 and which will allow us to deal with the exceptional sets and iterate theconstruction of a partitioning polynomial. Although we are dealing with a problemin Rd, it will be more convenient to work with complex varieties. This is becausealgebraic varieties over an algebraically closed field have some nice properties that failfor real varieties in general.

Lemma 1.13 (Key lemma). Let V ⊆ Cd be a complex algebraic variety of dimensionk ≥ 1, such that all of its irreducible components Vj have dimension k as well. LetQ ⊂ V ∩Rd be a finite point set, and let r > 1 be a parameter. Then there exists a real1r-partitioning polynomial g for Q of degree at most D = O(r1/k) that does not vanish

identically on any of the irreducible components Vj of V .

Assuming, moreover, that V is irreducible, we prove the following strengthening ofthe key lemma:

Lemma 1.14. Let V ⊆ Cd be an irreducible complex algebraic variety of dimensionk ≥ 1 and degree ∆. Let Q ⊂ V ∩ Rd be a finite point set, and let r > 1 be aparameter. Then there exists a real 1

r-partitioning polynomial g for Q of degree at

most O(∆+


)1/k)that does not vanish identically on V .

We note that for r ≥ ∆k+1, the bound reduces to O((


)1/k)and hence it resolves

a conjecture of Matousek and the author mentioned in [MP15, Conj. 3.2]. We also


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note that Basu and Sombra propose a conjecture similar to our lemma, see [BS14,Conj. 3.4].

We remark that we cannot use Lemma 1.14 for our range searching applicationunless we know how to effectively decompose a variety into irreducibles.

Before proving the key lemma, we first sketch the idea. The proof is based ona projection trick. Let us consider the standard projection πd : Cd → Cd−1 givenby (a1, . . . , ad) 7→ (a1, . . . , ad−1), i.e., forgetting the last coordinate. The standardprojection of an affine variety need not be a variety in general (consider, e.g., theprojection of the hyperbola Z(xy − 1) on the x-axis). However, for every variety ofdimension at most d− 1, there is a simple linear change of coordinates in Cd (Lemma1.16) after which the image of V under the standard projection is a variety in Cd−1

(Theorem 1.15). Moreover, this projection preserves the dimension of the variety(Theorem 1.15).

The idea of the proof of the key lemma is to project the given k-dimensionalcomplex variety V onto Ck, by iterating the standard projection, and, if necessary,coordinate changes in such a way that the image of V is all of Ck (Corollary 1.17).Then we find a 1

r-partitioning polynomial for the projection of the given point set Q

by the Guth–Katz method, and we pull it back to a 1r-partitioning polynomial in Rd.

We now present this approach in more detail. We begin with a well-known sufficientcondition guaranteeing that the standard projection of a variety is a variety of the samedimension.

Theorem 1.15 (Projection theorem). Let I ⊂ C[x1, . . . , xd] be an ideal, d ≥ 2, andlet J := I ∩ C[x1, . . . , xd−1] be the ideal consisting of all polynomials in I that donot contain the variable xd. Suppose that I contains a nonconstant polynomial f ,with D = deg f ≥ 1, in which the monomial xDd appears with a nonzero coefficient.Let V = V (I) be a complex variety defined as the zero locus of all polynomials in I.Then the image πd(V ) under the standard projection πd : Cd → Cd−1 is the varietyZC(J) ⊆ Cd−1, and dim πd(V ) = dimV . Moreover, each point of Cd−1 has a finitenumber of preimages contained in V .

Proof. Theorem 1.68 in [DP13] contains everything in the theorem except for theclaims dim πd(V ) = dimV and that V contains a finite number of preimages of eachpoint in Cd−1. For these claims, which are also standard, we first observe that, forevery point a ∈ πd(V ), the xd-coordinates of these preimages are roots of the nonzerounivariate polynomial fa(xd) := f(a1, . . . , ad−1, xd). (Since every univariate polyno-mial has finite number of roots, the second claim follows.) In other words the extensionC[x1, . . . , xd−1]/J ⊆ C[x1, . . . , xd]/I is integral.4 By [HS06, Thm. 2.2.5], integral ex-tension preserves (Krull) dimension.

The next standard lemma (a simple form of the Noether normalization for infinitefields) implies that the condition in the projection theorem can always be achieved bya suitable change of coordinates. See, e.g., [DP13, Lemma 1.69].

Lemma 1.16. Let f ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd] be a polynomial of degree D ≥ 1. Then there arecoefficients λ1, . . . , λd−1 such that

f ′(x1, . . . , xd) := f(x1 + λ1xd, . . . , xd−1 + λd−1xd, xd)

4A ring S is an integral extension of a subring R ⊆ S if all elements of S are roots of monicpolynomials in R[x].


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is a polynomial of degree D in which the monomial xDd has a nonzero coefficient. Thisholds for a generic choice of the λi, meaning that there is a nonzero polynomial g ∈C[y1, . . . , yd−1] such that f ′ satisfies the condition above whenever g(λ1, . . . , λd−1) =0. Consequently, the condition on f ′ holds for almost all choices of a real vector(λ1, . . . , λd−1).

By combining the projection theorem with Lemma 1.16 and iterating, we obtainthe following consequence:

Corollary 1.17. Let V ⊂ Cd be a complex variety of dimension k, 1 ≤ k ≤ d − 1,for which all irreducible components also have dimension k, and let Q ⊂ V ∩ Rd be afinite set of points. Then there is a linear map π : Cd → Ck, whose matrix w.r.t. thestandard bases is real, such that π(Vj) = Ck for every irreducible component Vj of Vand |π(Q)| = |Q|.

Proof. First, we define an auxiliary variety W := V ∪∪

qi,qj∈Q←→qiqj, where

←→qiqj denotes

the line spanned by two different points qi, qj. Note that dimW = dimV = k. Weconstruct π iteratively by composing standard projections and appropriate coordinatechanges. First we choose a nonzero polynomial f vanishing on W , and we fix achange of coordinates as in Lemma 1.16 so that the corresponding polynomial f ′ isas in the projection theorem. Letting π′

d : Cd → Cd−1 be the composition of thestandard projection πd with this coordinate change, we get that π′

d(W ) is a varietyand dim π′

d(W ) = k. Clearly, |π′d(Q)| = |Q|, since by the projection theorem every

point in π′d(W ) has a finite number of preimages in W .

Let Vj be an irreducible component of V . Then f vanishes on Vj as well, andapplying the projection theorem with Vj instead of W , we get that π′

d(Vj) is a k-dimensional variety in Cd−1 as well.

We define π′i : Ci → Ci−1, i = d− 1, d− 2, . . . , k+ 1, analogously; to get π′

i, we usesome nonzero polynomial f that vanishes on the k-dimensional variety π′

i+1· · ·π′d(W ).

The desired projection π is the composition π := π′k+1· · ·π′

d. Consequently, |π(Q)| =|Q|.

We get that π(W ) is a k-dimensional variety in Ck, and so is π(Vj) for everyirreducible component Vj of V . But the only k-dimensional variety in Ck is Ck, andthe corollary follows.

Now we are ready to prove the key lemma.

Proof of Lemma 1.13. Given the k-dimensional complex variety V and the n-point setQ ⊂ Rd as in the key lemma, we consider a projection π : Cd → Ck as in Corollary 1.17.

Since the matrix of π is real, we can regard Q′ := π(Q) as a subset of Rk.We apply the original Guth–Katz polynomial partition theorem to Q′, which yields

a 1r-partitioning polynomial g′ ∈ R[y1, . . . , yk] for Q′ of degree D = O(r1/k).We define a polynomial g ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] as the pullback of g′, i.e., g(x) := g′(π(x)).

We have deg g = deg g′ since π is linear and surjective.Moreover, g is a 1

r-partitioning polynomial for Q, since if π(q) and π(q′) lie in

different components of Rk\Z(g′), then q and q′ lie in different components of Rd\Z(g)(indeed, if not, a path γ connecting q to q′ and avoiding Z(g) would project to a pathγ′ connecting π(q) to π(q′) and avoiding Z(g′)).

Finally, since g′ does not vanish identically on Ck and π(Vj) = Ck for every j, thepolynomial g does not vanish identically on any of the irreducible components Vj. Thekey lemma is proved.


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In order to prove Theorem 1.4 we will need the following variant of the key lemmafor k = 1.

Lemma 1.18. Let us assume the same as in the key lemma (Lemma 1.13) and letk = 1. Then, if r ≤ |Q| we can find a real 1

r-partitioning polynomial g for Q of degree

O(r) such that the exceptional set Q∗ = Q ∩ Z(g) is empty.

Proof. We proceed as in the proof of the key lemma. Using Corollary 1.17, we canregard Q′ as a subset of R. Clearly, we can divide R into about r connected parts suchthat each part contains at most Q′/r points of Q′. Since r ≤ |Q| = |Q′|, we can alsoassume that all points of Q′ are contained in the interior of the corresponding con-nected part. The “border” points of the partition define a zero set of a 1


polynomial for Q′. Saying differently, we have found a 1r-partitioning polynomial g′

for Q′ of degree O(r) such that the exceptional set Q′∗ = Q∗ ∩ Z(g′) is empty. Therest is clear; we continue exactly as in the proof of the key lemma.

1.5 Algebraic preliminaries II

Throughout the thesis we assume that we are working in the Real RAM model of com-putation where arithmetic operations with arbitrary real numbers can be performedexactly and in unit time. This is the most usual model in computational geometry.

We could also consider the bit model (a.k.a. Turing machine model), assuming theinput points rational or, say, algebraic. Then the analysis would be more complicated,but we believe that, with sufficient care, bounds analogous to those we obtain in theReal RAM model can be derived as well, with an extra multiplicative term polynomialin the bit size of the input numbers. For example, the algorithms of real algebraicgeometry we use are also analyzed in the bit model in [BPR03], and the polynomi-ality claims we rely on still hold. However, at present we do not consider this issuesufficiently important to warrant the additional complication of the thesis.

1.5.1 Ideals and Grobner bases

For polynomials f1, . . . , fm ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd], the ideal I generated by f1, . . . , fm is theset of all polynomials of the form h1f1+ · · ·+hmfm, h1, . . . , hm ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd]. Everysuch ideal has a Grobner basis, which is a set of polynomials that also generates I andhas certain favorable properties; see, e.g., [CLO07] for an introduction.

Each Grobner basis is associated with a certain monomial ordering. We will useonly Grobner bases with respect to a lexicographic ordering, where monomials in thevariables x1, . . . , xd are first ordered according to the powers of xd, then those withthe same power of xd are ordered according to powers of xd−1, etc. In other words, weconsider lexicographic ordering w.r.t. xd > xd−1 > · · · > x1.

We will need the following theorem:

Theorem 1.19. Assuming d fixed and given polynomials f1, . . . , fm ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd]with deg fi ≥ 1, a Grobner basis of the ideal generated by the fi can be computed intime polynomial in

∑mi=1 deg fi.

We have not found an explicit reference in the literature that would provide Theo-rem 1.19. In particular, for the usual Buchberger algorithm and variations of it, only


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much worse bounds seem to be known. However, Theorem 1.19 follows by inspectingthe method of Kuhnle and Mayr [KM96] for finding a Grobner basis in exponentialspace. (Also see [MR11] for a newer algorithm.)

Before providing the details, we need one definition: For any polynomial h ∈C[x1, . . . , xd], the normal form NF(h) w.r.t. I ⊆ C[x1, . . . , xd] is the unique irreducible5polynomial w.r.t. I in the coset6 h+ I. Recall that we have fixed lexicographic order-ing.7 We note that Kuhnle and Mayr work over the field Q, however, the theoreticalbackground works also for C. Let I ⊆ C[x1, . . . , xd] be an ideal whose Grobner basiswe want to compute and assume it is generated by m polynomials of degree boundedby D.

(i) First important lemma [KM96, Sect. 5],[MR11, Lemma 3] is that the reducedGrobner basis is always equal to the set of all the polynomials h−NF(h), whereh is a monomial minimally reducible8 w.r.t. I.

(ii) Let h ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd] be arbitrary but fixed. Our next goal is to compute NF(h)w.r.t. I. Since h− NF(h) ∈ I, there is a representation

h− NF(h) =m∑i=1

cifi with c1, . . . , cm ∈ C[x1, . . . , xd]. (1.2)

The next step is to rewrite the polynomial equation (1.2) to a system of linearequations. Recall that h and fi’s are fixed and NF(h) and ci’s are unknowns.Let us assume that deg ci ≤ E for all i and some E. Expanding all polynomialsh, fi, ci and also the polynomial r := NF(h) to sums of monomials and comparingcoefficients of left and right sides in (1.2), we get one linear equation for everyterm. If degNF(h) ≤ N for some N , it can be shown that there are at most(max(N,D + E))d equations in no more than Nd +mEd unknowns. It followsthat all these linear equations can be rewritten into a single matrix equationand the size of the matrix is bounded by Nd +m(D +E)d. For more details werefer to [KM96, Sect. 3]. Note that it can happen that there are more unknownsthan equations. Fortunately, since we are interested in a solution with minimal r(w.r.t. lexicographic ordering), we can always decrease the number of unknownsby putting the coefficient corresponding to the largest monomial of r to be zero.For more details (and also example) we again refer to [KM96, Sect. 3].

(iii) Now we want to bound degrees of ci’s and also the degree of NF(h). By Hermann[Her26, MM82], the degrees of ci’s are bounded by E := deg(h−NF(h))+(mD)2


Dube [Dub90] showed the existence of a Grobner basis G for I where the degreesof all polynomials in G are bounded byM := 2(D2/2+D)2

d−1. Using this bound,

5A polynomial h is reducible w.r.t. I if supp(h) ∩ ⟨ℓm(I)⟩ = ∅, where the support of h is a set ofall monomials occurring in h (i.e., having nonzero coefficient) and ⟨ℓm(I)⟩ = ⟨ℓm(f) : f ∈ I⟩ is anideal of all leading monomials of I, where leading monomial ℓm(f) is the largest monomial occurringin f .

6h+ I = h+ f : f ∈ I.7We note that the algorithm by [KM96] requires the monomial ordering given by rational weight

matrix. The weight matrix of lexicographic ordering consists just of zero’s and one’s, and hence it isrational. See [KM96] for details.

8A monomial h is minimally reducible w.r.t. I if it is reducible w.r.t. I but none of its properdivisors is reducible w.r.t. I.


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Kuhnle and Mayr [KM96, Sect. 2] showed that the degree of the normal form ofh w.r.t. I can be always bounded by N := ((M + 1)d deg(h))d+1.

(iv) It follows that to compute reduced Grobner basis of I it is enough to enumerateall monomials up to Dube’s bound and calculate their normal forms and normalforms of all its direct divisors. This can be done by solving the system of linearequations described in (ii).

In order to turn the described method into an algorithm, we have to be able toefficiently solve a system of linear equations. Kuhnle and Mayr used Turing machines,that is why they need to work over Q. Since we work with the Real RAM model ofcomputation which allows arithmetic operations with arbitrary real numbers (in unittime), we can use the described algorithm over C as well.

Now we are ready to prove Theorem 1.19.

Proof of Theorem 1.19. Clearly D ≤∑m

i=1 deg fi and m ≤∑m

i=1 deg fi, since deg fi ≥1 for every i. It follows from (i)–(iv) that, for d fixed, the Grobner basis can becomputed in time polynomial in

∑mi=1 deg fi. Indeed, by (ii) and (iii), the normal form

of a polynomial of degree bounded by O(D) can be computed in time polynomial in D,and hence also in

∑mi=1 deg fi. According to (iv), the step (ii) is repeated polynomially

many times; the claim follows.

1.5.2 Tools from real algebraic geometry

Let F ⊂ R[x1, . . . , xd] be a finite set of polynomials. The arrangement of (the zerosets of) F is the partition of Rd into maximal relatively open connected subsets, calledcells, such that for each cell C there is a subset FC ⊆ F such that C ⊆ Z(f) for allf ∈ FC and C ∩ Z(f) = ∅ for all f ∈ F \ FC .

Similar to [AMS13], a crucial tool for us is the following theorem of Barone andBasu.

Theorem 1.20 (Barone and Basu [BB12]). Let V be a k-dimensional algebraic varietyin Rd defined by a finite set F of d-variate real polynomials, each of degree at mostD, and let G be a set of s polynomials of degree at most E ≥ D. Then the numberof those cells of the arrangement of the zero sets of F ∪ G that are contained in V isbounded by O(1)dDd−k(sE)k.

We will be using the theorem only for constant d and G = g consisting of asingle polynomial to get an upper bound of O(Dd−kEk) on the number of connectedcomponents of V \ Z(g).

For the range searching algorithm, we also need the following algorithmic result onthe construction of arrangements.

Theorem 1.21 (Basu, Pollack and Roy [BPR03, Thm. 16.18]). Let F = f1, . . . , fmbe a set of m real d-variate polynomials, each of degree at most D. Then the arrange-ment of the zero sets of F in Rd has at most (mD)O(d) cells, and it can be computedin time at most T = md+1DO(d4). Each cell is described as a semialgebraic set using atmost T polynomials of degree bounded by DO(d3). Moreover, the algorithm supplies ad-jacency information for the cells, indicating which cells are contained in the boundaryof each cell, and it also supplies an explicitly given point in each cell.


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1.6 Proofs of multilevel partition theorems

Here we prove Theorems 1.3 and 1.4 and we start with the first one.We use the key lemma to construct the multilevel partition in Theorem 1.3. Thus,

we are given an n-point set P ⊂ Rd and a parameter r > 1.We proceed in d steps. The parameters r1, r2, . . . , rd are set as follows:

r1 := r, ri+1 := rci , i = 1, 2, . . . , d− 1,

where c is a sufficiently large constant (depending on d). This will allow us to considerquantities depending polynomially on ri as very small compared to ri+1. We will alsohave auxiliary degree parameters D1, D2, . . . , Dd, where

Di = O(r1/(d−i+1)i


At the beginning of the ith step, i = 1, 2, . . . , d, we will have the following objects:

• A complex variety Vi−1, which may be reducible, but such that all irreduciblecomponents have dimension d− i+ 1. Initially, for i = 1, V0 = Cd.

• A set Qi−1 ⊆ P ∩ Vi−1, the current “exceptional set” that still needs to bepartitioned. For i = 1, Q0 = P .

We also havedeg Vi−1 ≤ ∆i−1 := D1D2 · · ·Di−1.

In the ith step, we apply the key lemma to Vi−1 and Qi−1 with r = ri (andk = d− i+ 1). This yields a real (1/ri)-partitioning polynomial gi for Qi−1 of degree

at most Di = O(r1/(d−i+1)i

)that does not vanish identically on any of the irreducible

components of Vi−1. (For i = 1, this is just an application of the original Guth–Katzpolynomial partition theorem.)

Let Si1, . . . , Siti be the connected components of (Vi−1 ∩Rd) \Z(gi), and let Pij :=Sij∩Qi−1 (these are the sets as in Theorem 1.3). For every j we have |Pij| ≤ |Qi−1|/ri ≤n/ri since gi is a (1/ri)-partitioning polynomial. We also have the new exceptional setQi := Qi−1 ∩ Z(gi).

Finally, we set Vi := Vi−1∩ZC(gi). Since gi does not vanish identically on any of theirreducible components of Vi−1, all irreducible components of Vi are (d−i)-dimensionalby Lemma 1.8, and the sum of their degrees, which equals deg Vi, is at most

deg(Vi−1) deg(gi) ≤ ∆i−1Di ≤ D1D2 · · ·Di = ∆i

as needed for the next inductive step. This finishes the ith partitioning step.After the dth step, we end up with a 0-dimensional variety Vd, whose irreducible

components are points, and their number is deg Vd ≤ ∆d, a quantity polynomiallybounded in r. The set Qd is the exceptional set P

∗ in Theorem 1.3, and |Qd| ≤ |Vd| =deg Vd ≤ ∆d.

The crossing number. It remains to prove the bounds on the number of the setsSij crossed by X as in parts (i) and (ii) of the theorem.

First let X = Z(h) be a hypersurface of degree D0 = O(1) as in (i). For i = 1, we

actually get that X intersects at most O(r1−1/d1

)of the S1j, because the number of the


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S1j intersected byX is no larger than the number of connected components ofX\Z(g1).By the Barone–Basu theorem (Theorem 1.20), the number of these components is

bounded by O((deg h)(deg g1)d−1) = O



)= O


)as claimed.

Now let i ≥ 2. We want to bound the number of the sets Sij crossed by X. LetU1, . . . , Ub be the irreducible components of Vi−1 whose real points are not completelycontained in X; that is, satisfying Uℓ ∩ Rd ⊆ X. We have b ≤ deg Vi−1 ≤ ∆i−1.

For every j such that X crosses Sij, let us fix a point yj ∈ Sij \X and another pointzj ∈ Sij ∩ X (they exist by the definition of crossing). Since Sij is path-connected,there is also a path γj ⊆ Sij connecting yj to zj.

Let z∗j be the first point of X on γj when we go from yj towards zj. We observethat z∗j lies in some Uℓ. Indeed, points on γj just before z

∗j lie in Vi−1 (since Sij ⊆ Vi−1)

but not in X, hence they lie in some Uℓ, and Uℓ, being an algebraic variety, is closedin the Euclidean topology.

For any given Uℓ, a connected component of (Uℓ ∩Rd ∩X) \ Z(gi) may contain atmost one of the z∗j (since the Sij are separated by Z(gi)). Therefore, the number ofthe Sij crossed by X is no more than


#(Wℓ \ Z(gi)),

where Wℓ := Uℓ ∩ Rd ∩X, and # denotes the number of connected components.Since Uℓ is irreducible and X does not contain all of its real points, the polynomial

h defining X does not vanish on Uℓ, and thus Uℓ ∩ ZC(h) is a proper subvariety of Uℓ

of (complex) dimension dimUℓ − 1 = d − i. Hence, by Lemma 1.7, the real varietyWℓ = (Uℓ ∩ ZC(h)) ∩ Rd also has (real) dimension at most d− i.

By Theorem 1.9, we have Uℓ = ZC(f1, . . . , fm) for some, generally complex, poly-nomials of degree at most degUℓ ≤ ∆i−1. Thus Wℓ is the real zero set of thereal polynomials h, f1f 1, . . . , fmfm. These polynomials have degrees bounded bymax(D0, 2∆i−1) = O(∆i−1).

By the Barone–Basu theorem again, the number of components of Wℓ \Z(gi) is atmost

O(∆d−dimWℓi−1 DdimWℓ

i ) = O(∆di−1D

d−ii ) = O




The total number of the Sij crossed by X is then bounded by ∆i−1 times the last

quantity, i.e., by O(∆d+1

i−1 r1−1/(d−i+1)i

)= O

((D1D2 · · ·Di−1)


). Since

ri = rci−1, we can make (D1D2 · · ·Di−1)d+1 smaller than any fixed power of ri, and

hence we can bound the last estimate by O(r1−1/di

)(recall that i ≥ 2), which finishes

the proof of part (i) of the theorem.For part (ii), the argument requires only minor modifications. Now X is a variety

of dimension k ≤ d− 2 defined by real polynomials of degree at most D0 = O(1).We have dimVi−1 = d − i + 1, and for dimX = k ≤ d − i we simply count the

components of X \Z(gi), as we did for part (i) in the case i = 1. This time we obtain

the bound O(Dd−dimX

0 DdimXi

)= O



)= O



The exponent kd−i+1

increases with i, and thus it is the largest for d − i = k, in

which case the bound is O(r1−1/(k+1)i

). (This is the critical case; for all of the other

i we get a better bound.)


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For k ≥ d − i + 1, we argue as in part (i): letting U1, . . . , Ub be the irreduciblecomponents of Vi−1 with Uℓ ∩ Rd ⊆ X and Wℓ := Uℓ ∩ Rd ∩X, the number of the Sij

crossed by X is bounded by∑b

ℓ=1#(Wℓ \ Z(gi)), and each Wℓ has (real) dimensionat most dimVi−1 − 1 = d − i. The number of components of Wℓ \ Z(gi) is again

bounded, by the Barone–Basu theorem, by O(∆d


), and the sum over all

Wℓ is O(∆d+1

i−1 r1−1/(d−i+1)i

). For every fixed δ > 0, we can choose the constant c in

the inductive definition of the ri so large that ∆d+1i−1 ≤ rδi , and so the previous bound

is no more than O(r1−1/(d−i+1)+δi


The exponent 1 − 1d−i+1

is maximum for d − i + 1 = k, in which case our bound

is O(r1−1/k+δi

). By letting δ := 1

k− 1

k+1, we bound this by O


). This

concludes the proof of Theorem 1.3.

The proof of Theorem 1.4 goes along the same lines, the only difference is that inthe dth step, when constructing Vd from Vd−1, we use Lemma 1.18 instead of the keylemma. The assumption rK ≤ n implies that rd ≤ n and hence the assumption ofLemma 1.18 is satisfied. Clearly, P ∗ = Qd = Qd−1 ∩ Z(gd) = ∅, where gd is a real(1/rd)-partitioning polynomial given by Theorem 1.18.

1.7 Algorithmic aspects of Theorem 1.3

The goal of this section is to prove Theorem 1.6. In order to make the proof ofTheorem 1.3 algorithmic, we need to compute both with real and complex varieties.A variety V , both in the real and complex cases, is represented by a finite list f1, . . . , fmof polynomials such that V = Z(f1, . . . , fm).

The size of such a representation is measured as m+∑m

i=1 deg fi. It would perhapsbe more adequate to use

(deg fi+d


), the number of monomials in a general d-variate

polynomial of degree deg fi, instead of just deg fi, but since we consider d constant,both quantities are polynomially equivalent.

If we want to pass from a complex V defined by generally complex polynomialsf1, . . . , fm to the real variety V ∩ Rd, we use the trick already mentioned: V ∩ Rd isdefined by the real polynomials f1f 1, . . . , fmfm.

To make the construction in Theorem 1.3 algorithmic, besides some obvious steps(such as testing the membership of a point in a variety, which is done by substitut-ing the point coordinates into the defining polynomials), we need to implement thefollowing operations:

(A) Given a variety V in Cd of dimension k, 1 ≤ k ≤ d− 1, such that all irreduciblecomponents of V have dimension k, and a finite point set Q ⊂ V ∩Rd, computea real projection π : Cd → Ck as in Corollary 1.17, i.e., such that π(Vj) = Ck forall irreducible components Vj of V , and |π(Q)| = |Q|.

(B) Given a finite point set Q ⊂ Rk, k ≤ d, construct a 1r-partitioning polynomial of

degree O(r1/k

)(as in the proof of the key lemma).

(C) Given a complex variety V and a polynomial g, compute V ∩ ZC(g).


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For (A), we follow the proof of Corollary 1.17; i.e., we compute π as the compositionπ′k+1· · ·π′

d, where π′i : Ci → Ci−1 sends (x1, . . . , xi) to (x1+λi,1xi, . . . , xi−1+λi,i−1xi),

with the λij chosen independently at random from the uniform distribution on [0, 1],say (or, if we do not want to assume the capability of generating such random reals, wecan still choose them as random integers in a sufficiently large range). The composed πwill work almost surely (or, if we use large random integers, with high probability—thiscan be checked using the Schwartz–Zippel lemma).

In order to verify that a particular π works, we verify the condition in the projectiontheorem (Theorem 1.15) and the condition on the size of π′

i(Q) for each π′i separately.

To this end, we compute the projected varieties Vi := π′i+1 · · · π′

d(V ) in Ci; initiallyVd = V .

The projections can be computed in a standard way using Grobner bases w.r.t.the lexicographic ordering; see [CLO07]. Namely, we suppose that Vi has already beencomputed. We make the substitution x′j := xj + λijxi, where the λij are those used

in π(i) and λii = 0; this transforms the list of polynomials defining Vi into another listof polynomials in the new variables x′1, . . . , x

′i. Since 1 ≤ dimVi ≤ d − 1, it follows

that all the polynomials in the list have degree at least one. Thus, by Theorem 1.19,we compute a Grobner basis Gi of the ideal generated by these new polynomials, withrespect to the lexicographic ordering, where the ordering puts the variable xi first.

If Gi contains no polynomial whose leading term is a power of xi (as in the projec-tion theorem), or if |πi(Q)| = |Q|, then we discard πi, generate a new one, and repeatthe test. If Gi does contain such a polynomial, then we take all polynomials in Gi

that do not contain xi, and these define the variety Vi−1 = π′i(Vi) in Ci−1. Indeed,

recall that by [CLO07, Thm. 3.1.2], if G is a Grobner basis of I ⊆ C[x1, . . . , xd] thenG ∩ C[x1, . . . , xd−1] is a Grobner basis of I ∩ C[x1, . . . , xd−1]. The claim now followsfrom the projection theorem.

Thus, the computation of π takes a constant number of Grobner basis computationsand the expected number of repetitions is a constant. (In practice, the coordinateprojection forgetting the last d − k coordinates will probably work most of the time;then only one Grobner basis computation is needed to verify that it works.)

For operation (B), constructing a partitioning polynomial for points in Rk, weuse a (randomized) algorithm from [AMS13, Thm. 1.1], which runs in expected timeO (|Q|r + r3) for fixed k. Since each point of the original input set P participates in nomore than d of these operations, and the value of r in each of these cases is bounded bya polynomial function of the original parameter r in the theorem, the total time spentin all of the operations (B) in the construction is bounded by O(nrC) for a constant C.

Operation (C), intersecting a complex variety with Z(g), is trivial in our represen-tation, since we just add g to the list of the defining polynomials of V .

This finishes the implementation of the operations, and now we need to substantiatethe claims about the number and form of the sets Sij. We recall that each Sij isobtained as a cell in the arrangement of Z(gi) within Vi−1. The degrees of gi and of thepolynomials defining Vi−1 are bounded by a polynomial in r. Then by Theorem 1.21,we get that each Sij is defined by at most rC polynomials of degree at most rC , andis computed in rC time. The number of the Sij is polynomially bounded in r as well.

Finally, we need to consider a range γ ∈ Γd,D0,s. By definition, γ is a Booleancombination of γ1, . . . , γs, where γℓ = x ∈ Rd : hℓ(x) ≥ 0, with a polynomial hℓ ofdegree at most D0, and moreover, if γ crosses a path-connected set A, then at leastone of the varieties Xℓ = Z(hℓ) crosses A. It follows that the crossing number for γ


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is no more than s-times the bound in Theorem 1.3(i). This concludes the proof ofTheorem 1.6.

1.8 The range searching result

The derivation of the range searching result, Theorem 1.5, from Theorem 1.6, is by astandard construction of a partition tree as in [Mat92, AMS13], and here we give itfor completeness (and also to illustrate its simplicity).

Proof of Theorem 1.5. Given d,D0, s, ε > 0 and a set P ⊂ Rd, we choose a sufficientlylarge n0 = n0(d,D0, s, ε) and a sufficiently small parameter η = η(d,D0, s, ε) > 0, andwe construct a partition tree T for P recursively as follows:

If |P | ≤ n0, T consists of a single node storing a list of the points of P and theirweights.

For |P | > n0, we choose r := nη and we construct P ∗, the Pij, and the Sij as inTheorem 1.3. The root of T stores (the formulas defining) the Sij, the total weight ofeach Pij, and the points of P ∗ together with their weight. For each i and j, we makea subtree of the root node, which is a partition tree for Pij constructed recursively bythe same method.

By Theorem 1.6, the construction of the root node of T takes expected timeO(nrC

)= O


). The total preprocessing time T (n) for an n-point P obeys

the recursion, for n > n0, T (n) ≤ O(n1+Cη


i,j T (nij), with∑

i,j nij ≤ n and

nij ≤ n/r = n1−η, whose solution is T (n) ≤ O(n1+Cη

). A similar simple analysis

shows that the total storage requirement is O(n).Let us consider answering a query with a query range γ ∈ Γd,D0,s. We start at the

root of T and maintain a global counter which is initially set to 0. We test the pointsof the exceptional set P ∗ for membership in γ one by one and increment the counteraccordingly in rO(1) time. Then, for each i, j, we distinguish three possibilities:

(i) If Sij ∩ γ = ∅, we do nothing.

(ii) If Sij ⊆ γ, we add the total weight of the points of Pij to the global counter.

(iii) Otherwise, we recurse in the subtree corresponding to Pij, which increments thecounter by the total weight of the points of Pij ∩ γ.

The three possibilities above can be distinguished, for given Sij, by constructingthe arrangement of the zero sets of the polynomials defining Sij plus the polynomialsdefining γ, according to Theorem 1.21. The total time, for all i, j together, is rO(1).

Since, by Theorem 1.6, γ together crosses at most O(r1−1/di

)of the Sij, possibility

(iii) occurs, for given i, for at most O(r1−1/di

)values of j. We thus obtain the following

recursion for the query time Q(n), with the initial condition Q(n) = O(1) for n ≤ n0:

Q(n) ≤ nC′η +d∑



)Q (n/ri) , nη ≤ ri ≤ nKη,

where C ′ and K are constants independent of η. A simple induction on n verifies thatthis implies, for η ≤ (1− 1/d)/C ′, Q(n) = O

(n1−1/d logB n

)as claimed.


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1.9 Remark: On (not) computing irreducible com-


For the algorithmic part, it is important that we do not need to compute the irreduciblecomponents of the varieties Vi (although we use the irreducible components in the proofof our multilevel partition theorem).

There are several algorithms in the literature for computing irreducible componentsof a given complex variety (e.g., [EM99]). However, these algorithms need factorizationof multivariate polynomials over C as a subroutine (after all, factoring a polynomialcorresponds to computing irreducible components of a hypersurface).

Polynomial factorization is a well-studied topic, with many impressive results; see,e.g., [Kal92] for a survey. In particular, there are algorithms that work in polynomialtime, assuming the dimension fixed, but only in the Turing machine model. Adaptingthese algorithms to the Real RAMmodel, which is common in computational geometryand which we use, encounters some nontrivial obstacles—we are grateful to ErichKaltofen for explaining this issue to us.

It may perhaps be possible to overcome these obstacles by techniques used inreal algebraic geometry for computing in abstract real-closed fields (see [BPR03]),but this would need to be worked out carefully. Then one could probably obtainrigorous complexity bounds on computing irreducible components of a complex variety,hopefully polynomial in fixed dimension; we find this question of independent interest.

1.10 A version of the key lemma for an irreducible


Here we prove Lemma 1.14. For the convenience of the reader, we recall the lemma:

Lemma 1.14. Let V ⊆ Cd be an irreducible complex algebraic variety of dimensionk ≥ 1 and degree ∆. Let Q ⊂ V ∩ Rd be a finite point set, and let r > 1 be aparameter. Then there exists a real 1

r-partitioning polynomial g for Q of degree at

most O(∆+


)1/k)that does not vanish identically on V .

Note that for k = d the lemma reduces to Theorem 1.1, and for k = d − 1 toTheorem 1.2. Hence we may assume that k ≤ d− 2.

Before proving the lemma, we first sketch the idea. The very rough idea is tofind a linear map sending V to an irreducible hypersurface having same degree as V(Lemma 1.23). Since the hypersurface is defined by a single polynomial, we can applyTheorem 1.2 to the image of the given set Q and get a (1/r)-partitioning polynomial.Finally, we pull it back to obtain (1/r)-partitioning polynomial for Q.

We note that in order to overcome technical difficulties, we will mainly work withprojective varieties. Now we present the approach in more detail.

1.10.1 Projections and degree of the variety

Let H ⊂ PCd be a hyperplane and let p ∈ PCd be a point not lying on H. Weconsider the map πp : PCd \ p → H ∼= PCd−1 given by q 7→ ←→

qp ∩H, that is, sending

point q ∈ PCd, q = p to the point of intersection of the unique line←→pq with the


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hyperplane H. Let X ⊂ PCd be a variety not containing the point p. If we restrictthe map πp to X, we get a regular map9 whose image πp(X) is called projection fromthe point p to the hyperplane H. Moreover, πp(X) is again a variety [Har92, Thm 3.5].

The degree of a k-dimensional irreducible variety X ⊂ PCd can be also defined viaprojections. Let us assume that X is nondegenerate, that is, it does not lie in anyhyperplane. If k = d−1, then X is a zero set of a single irreducible polynomial f and,as we have already seen in Section 1.2, degX = deg f (see, e.g., [Har77, Exercise I.2.8]).

Let k ≤ d − 2 and let us assume that X and πp1(X) are birational10, wherep1 /∈ X and πp1 is a projection from p1 to some hyperplane H1 ⊂ PCd, p1 /∈ H1. Letp2 ∈ H1\πp(X) be such a point, that πp1(X) and πp2(πp1(X)) are birational, where πp2stands for a projection from p2 to some H2

∼= PCd−2. Continuing this process, that is,projecting successively from suitable points, we get a map π := πpd−k−1

· · · πp1 such

that X is birational with π(X), which is a hypersurface in PCk+1; and we may definethe degree of X as the degree of this hypersurface. By Harris [Har92, Chapter 18] thisis a correct definition and it is equivalent to the one via Hilbert polynomials and also tothe one given in Section 1.2. It remains to decode, what exactly are the suitable pointsp1, p2, . . . , pd−k−1. Segre [Seg36] provided the answer: He showed that “suitable” means“generic”. More precisely, he showed that if X ⊂ PCd is an irreducible, nondegeneratealgebraic variety of dimension k < d− 1, then there is a union of finitely many linearsubspaces S(X) of PCd such that all of its irreducible components have dimensionstrictly less than k and for any p /∈ S(X) ∪ X, the projection πp : X → PCd−1 isgenerically one-to-one, that is, X and πp(X) are birational. (See also [CC01].) Thevariety S(X) is called Segre locus of X.

We summarize all the preceding considerations into the following lemma:

Lemma 1.22. Let X ⊆ PCd be a nondegenerate irreducible variety of dimensionk ≥ 1 and let p1 /∈ X ∪S(X) be any point. Then X and πp1(X) are birational, whereπp1 : PCd \ p → PCd−1 is a projection from p1. Let pi /∈ πi(X) ∪ S(πi(X)), whereπi := πpi · · · πp1. Then X is birational to an irreducible hypersurface πd−k−1(X) ⊂PCk+1 of degree degX.

The last ingredient needed for a proof of Lemma 1.14 is the following lemma:

Lemma 1.23. Let V ⊆ Cd be an irreducible complex variety of dimension 1 ≤ k ≤d− 2. Then there is a linear map π : Cd → Ck+1 such that π(Rd) ⊆ Rk+1, π(V ) is anirreducible hypersurface and deg π(V ) = deg V .

Proof. Embed Cd into PCd via (x1, . . . , xd) 7→ [1 : x1 : . . . : xd] and consider the pro-jective closure V ⊂ PCd of V . We recall that V is irreducible, dimV = dimV and

9Let X ⊆ PCd be a variety. In order to properly define a regular map, some preliminary definitionsare needed: we say that a function f : X → C is regular at a point p ∈ X if there is an openneighborhood U with p ∈ U ⊆ X, and homogeneous polynomials g, h ∈ C[x0, . . . , xd], of the samedegree, such that h is nowhere zero on U and f = g/h on U . We say that f is regular on X if it isregular at every point. If X,Y ⊆ PCd are two varieties, a regular map φ : X → Y is a continuousmap such that for every open set V ⊆ Y , and for every regular function f : V → C, the functionf φ : φ−1(V ) → C is regular. We note that we consider the Zariski topology, that is, topology inwhich the open sets are the complements of varieties.

10 We say that two irreducible varieties X,Y are birational if there exists a birational map betweenthem. A birational map φ : X → Y is a rational map which admits an inverse, namely a rational mapψ : Y → X such that ψ φ = idX and φ ψ = idY . A rational map φ : X → Y is defined to be anequivalence class of pairs (U,φU ) with U a dense open subset of X and φU : U → Y a regular map,where two such pairs (U,φU ) and (V, φV ) are equivalent if φU and φV agree on U ∩ V .


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deg V = deg V . We can also assume that V is nondegenerate, otherwise we justappropriately decrease the dimension d.

First observe, that we can pick a point p1 ∈ PCd such that both conditions aresatisfied:

(i) p1 /∈ V ∪S(V ),

(ii) p1 = [0: a1 : · · · : ad], where a1, . . . , ad ∈ R.

Indeed, V ∪ S(V ) is a variety of dimension at most d − 2 since dimV ≤ d − 2,dimS(V ) < d− 2, and the dimension of a variety is equal to the maximal dimensionof its irreducible components; the rest is clear.

Now we consider a suitable linear change of coordinates. We note that, similarlyas in the affine case, the change of coordinates can be represented by a regular matrix.Consider a linear change of coordinates τ1 represented by a (regular) matrix A =(aij)

d+1i,j=1 such that, moreover, the following three conditions are satisfied:

(a) τ1(p1) = [0 : 0 : · · · : 1],

(b) a11 = 1, a1j = aj1 = 0 for j = 2, . . . , d+ 1,

(c) aij ∈ R for 2 ≤ i, j ≤ d+ 1.

Since p1 has all coordinates real, it follows that such change of coordinates alwaysexists, however, it is not determined uniquely. We say that a point p ∈ PCd is affineif its first coordinate is nonzero. Note that the geometric meaning of condition (b)is that τ1(p) is affine if and only if p is affine. Let us fix one particular coordinatechange satisfying (a)-(c). The projection π′

1 := πτ1(p1) is then given by [x0 : · · · : xd] 7→[x0 : . . . : xd−1]. Set π1 := π′

1 τ1. Using Lemma 1.22, it follows that V and π1(V ) arebirational. Hence π1(V ) is irreducible, nondegenerate and dimπ1(V ) = dimV . Werepeat the process and pick a point p2 /∈ π1(V )∪S(π1(V )) having first coordinate zeroand all the others real. Again, we consider a linear change of coordinates τ2 satisfying(a)-(c), however, now with p2 instead of p1 and i, j ≤ d. We set π2 := πτ2(p2) τ2.Clearly, π1(V ) and π2(π1(V )) are birational. It follows that we can repeat the processand at the end, we set π′ = πd−k−1 · · · π1.

Note that the map π′ can be viewed as a composition of corresponding coor-dinate changes with a projection given by [x0 : · · · : xd] 7→ [x0 : · · · : xk+1]. Sincethe coordinate change does not change a degree of a variety, it follows, by Lemma1.22, that π′(V ) is an irreducible hypersurface of degree deg V . Moreover, by con-dition (b), π′ maps affine points to the affine ones. The map π′ induces a mapπ : Cd → Ck+1, which is just a restriction of π′ to the affine part (points with firstcoordinate nonzero). It follows that π(V ) = π′(V ) ∩ Cd, hence π(V ) is a variety.It also follows that dim π(V ) = dim π′(V ) = k. Moreover, since π′(V ) ⊇ π(V ),dimπ(V ) = dim π(V ) = dim π′(V ) and π′(V ) is irreducible, it follows that π(V ) is ir-reducible as well and so is π(V ). Furthermore, deg π(V ) = deg π′(V ) = deg V = deg V .

Finally, from the conditions (b) and (c) in the definition of π′ easily follows thatπ(Rd) ⊆ Rk+1.

Now we are ready to prove Lemma 1.14.


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Proof of Lemma 1.14. Recall that we may assume that k ≤ d − 2. Given the k-dimensional irreducible complex variety V and the point set Q ⊂ V ∩Rd as in Lemma1.14, we consider a projection π : Cd → Ck+1 as in Lemma 1.23. Since π(Rd) ⊆ Rk+1,we can regard Q′ := π(Q) as a subset of Rk+1. More precisely, Q′ is a multiset ingeneral, since π may send several points to the same point. (We can avoid such coinci-dences in the choice of π in a similar manner as we did in the proof of Corollary 1.17.)

By Lemma 1.23, π(V ) is an irreducible hypersurface H in Ck+1 of degree ∆; wedenote this hypersurface by H. In other words, H = ZC(f), where f ∈ C[x1, . . . , xk+1]is an irreducible polynomial of degree ∆. Our aim now is to find an irreduciblepolynomial f ′ ∈ R[x1, . . . , xk+1], such that ZC(f) ∩ Rk+1 = Z(f ′). Recall that if h isreal, then ZC(h)∩Rk+1 = Z(h). If f is a complex scalar multiple of a real polynomial,that is, f = ag, where a ∈ C, g ∈ R[x1, . . . , xk+1], we set f ′ := g, otherwise f ′ := ff .Since Z(ff) = H ∩ Rk+1 = ZC(f) ∩ Rk+1, it remains to show that f ′ is irreducibleover R. For f ′ = g is the irreducibility clear (g is irreducible over C and hence alsoover R). Thus let us assume for contradiction that f ′ = ff is reducible over R. Thereexist real polynomials r, s such that f ′ = rs. Since f is irreducible and it is not a scalarmultiple of a real polynomial, it follows that rs divide f . This is a contradiction, sincecomplex conjugation is an automorphism on C and hence f is irreducible as well. Weconclude that f ′ is a real irreducible polynomial of degree D, where ∆ ≤ D ≤ 2∆.

Let r > 1 be the parameter from the statement. We apply Theorem 1.2 on thepolynomial f ′ of degree Θ(∆), the set Q′ and r. We get a 1

r-partitioning polynomial

g′ coprime with f ′ of degree O(∆ + ( r∆)1/k). We note that Theorem 1.2 works for

multisets without any change (because the ham-sandwich theorem used in the proofcan be easily adapted to multisets, see the proof of Theorem 3.1.2 in [Mat03]).

We define a polynomial g ∈ R[x1, . . . , xd] as the pullback of g′, i.e., g(x) := g′(π(x)).We have deg g = deg g′ since π is linear and surjective.

Moreover, g is a 1r-partitioning polynomial for Q, since if π(q) and π(q′) lie in

different components of Rk+1 \ Z(g′), then q and q′ lie in different components ofRd \Z(g) (indeed, if not, a path γ connecting q to q′ and avoiding Z(g) would projectto a path γ′ connecting π(q) to π(q′) and avoiding Z(g′)).

Finally, g′ is coprime with f ′, which in other words means that g′ does not vanishidentically on H ∩ Rk+1, and the polynomial g does not vanish identically on V . Thelemma follows.


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Chapter 2

Lower bounds on geometricRamsey functions

2.1 Introduction

Ramsey’s theorem and the classical Ramsey function. A classical and funda-mental theorem of Ramsey claims that for every n there is a number N such that forevery 2-coloring of the edge set of the complete graph KN on N vertices there is ahomogeneous subset of n vertices, meaning that all edges in the complete subgraphinduced by these n vertices have the same color. More generally, for every k and nthere exists N such that if the set of all k-tuples of elements of an N -element set Xis colored by two colors, then there exists an n-element homogeneous Y ⊆ X, with allk-tuples from Y having the same color. Let Rk(n) stand for the smallest N with thisproperty.

Considering k fixed and n large, the best known lower and upper bounds for theRamsey function Rk(n) are of the form R2(n) = 2Θ(n) and, for k ≥ 3,

twrk−1(Ω(n2)) ≤ Rk(n) ≤ twrk(O(n)),

where the tower function twrk(x) is defined by twr1(x) = x and twri+1(x) = 2twri(x).A widely believed, and probably very difficult, conjecture of Erdos and Hajnal

[EHR65] asserts that the upper bound is essentially the truth. This is supported byknown bounds for more than two colors, where the lower bound for k-tuples is alsoa tower of height k; see Conlon, Fox, and Sudakov [CFS13] for a recent improvementand more detailed overview of the known bounds.

Better Ramsey functions for geometric Ramsey-type results. Ramsey’s the-orem can be used to establish many geometric Ramsey-type results concerning config-urations of points, or of other geometric objects, in Rd. The first two examples, whichup until now remain among the most significant and beautiful ones, come from a 1935paper of Erdos and Szekeres [ES35].

The first one asserts that every sufficiently long sequence (x1, . . . , xN) of real num-bers contains a subsequence (xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xin), i1 < i2 < · · · < in, that is either in-creasing, i.e., xi1 < xi2 < · · · < xin , or nonincreasing, i.e., xi1 ≥ xi2 ≥ · · · ≥ xin .

Ramsey’s theorem for k = 2 yields the bound N ≤ R2(n) ≤ twr2(O(n)) (color apair i, j, i < j, red if xi < xj and blue if xi ≥ xj), but the result is known to holdwith N = (n− 1)2 + 1, an exponential improvement over R2(n).


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For the second of the two Erdos–Szekeres theorems mentioned above, we considera sequence P = (p1, p2, . . . , pN) of points in the plane; for simplicity, we assume thatthe pi are in general position (no three collinear). If N is sufficiently large, then thereis a subsequence (pi1 , . . . , pin), i1 < i2 < · · · < in, forming the vertex set of a convexn-gon, enumerated clockwise or counterclockwise.

This time Ramsey’s theorem yields N ≤ R3(n) ≤ twr3(O(n)), by coloring a triplei, j, k, i < j < k, red if pi, pj, pk appear clockwise around the boundary of theirconvex hull, and blue otherwise. Again, the optimal bound is one exponential better,of order 2Θ(n).

It is natural to ask, what is special about the two-colorings of pairs or triples inthe above two examples, what makes the Ramsey functions here considerably smaller,compared to arbitrary colorings?

One kind of a combinatorial condition for two-colorings of k-tuples implying suchimproved bounds was given by Fox, Pach, Sudakov, and Suk [FPSS12], and another byElias and Matousek [EM13]; both of them include the two Erdos–Szekeres results asspecial cases. However, a considerably more general, and probably more interesting,reason for the better Ramsey behavior of these geometric examples is that the coloringsare “algebraically defined”; more precisely, they are given by semialgebraic predicates.

Upper bounds for semialgebraic colorings. Let x1, . . . , xk be points in Rd, withxi,j denoting the jth coordinate of xi; we regard the xi,j as variables. A k-ary d-dimensional semialgebraic predicate Φ(x1, . . . , xk) is a Boolean combination of poly-nomial equations and inequalities in the xi,j. More explicitly, there are a Booleanformula ϕ(X1, . . . , Xt) in Boolean variables X1, . . . , Xt and polynomials f1, . . . , ft inthe variables xi,j, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, 1 ≤ j ≤ d, such that Φ(x1, . . . , xk) = ϕ(A1, . . . , At),where Aℓ is true if fℓ(x1,1, . . . , xk,d) ≥ 0 and false otherwise.

We say that a sequence (p1, . . . , pn) of points in Rd is Φ-homogeneous if eitherΦ(pi1 , . . . , pik) holds for every choice 1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ik ≤ n, or it does not hold forany such choice. The Ramsey function RΦ(n) is the smallest N such that every pointsequence of length N contains a Φ-homogeneous subsequence of length n.

The following general upper bound was first proved by Alon, Pach, Pinchasi,Radoicic, and Sharir [APP+05] for k = 2, and then generalized by Conlon, Fox, Pach,Sudakov, and Suk [CFP+14] for k ≥ 3:

Theorem 2.1 ([APP+05, CFP+14]). For every d, k, and a k-ary d-dimensional semi-algebraic predicate Φ,

RΦ(n) ≤ twrk−1(nC),

where C is a constant depending on d, k,Φ.1

Thus, the Ramsey function for k-ary semialgebraic predicates is bounded aboveby a tower one lower than the “combinatorial” Ramsey function Rk(n). Let us notethat for the case of increasing or nonincreasing subsequences (k = 2, d = 1) andsubsequences in convex position (k = 3, d = 2) as above, Theorem 2.1 yields somewhat

weak bounds, namely, nO(1) and 2nO(1)

instead of n2 and 2O(n), respectively, but stillin the right range.

1Actually, the constant C depends on Φ only through its description complexity, which Conlon etal. define as max(m,D), where m is the number of polynomials occurring in Φ and D is the maximumdegree of these polynomials. Thus, the bound does not depend on the magnitude of the coefficientsin the polynomials.


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By very different methods, Bukh and Matousek [BM14] obtained a doubly expo-nential upper bound for all one-dimensional semialgebraic predicates, for arbitraryk:

Theorem 2.2 ([BM14]). For every 1-dimensional semialgebraic predicate Φ there isa constant C such that RΦ(n) ≤ twr3(Cn).

This opens an interesting possibility, namely, that the Ramsey function of d-dimensional semialgebraic predicates might be bounded by a tower whose height de-pends only on d (and not on k), but currently this question is wide open. But certainlyit makes it interesting to study the dependence of the Ramsey function on the dimen-sion.

Lower bounds. The classical Erdos–Szekeres result on subsequences in convex posi-tion [ES35] supplies a lower bound of 2Ω(n) = twr2(Ω(n)) in the setting of Theorem 2.1for k = 3 and d = 2. Elias and Matousek [EM13] constructed a reasonably natural2

4-ary planar semialgebraic Φ with RΦ(n) ≥ twr3(Ω(n)). This shows that for k ≤ 4,the height of the tower in Theorem 2.1 is optimal in terms of k.

For d = 1, [BM14] provided a one-dimensional 5-ary Φ with RΦ(n) ≥ twr3(Ω(n)),matching Theorem 2.2. Conlon et al. [CFP+14] improved the arity to 4, which isoptimal in view of Theorem 2.1.

Moreover, they obtained a lower bound almost matching Theorem 2.1 for an arbi-trary k. Namely, for every k ≥ 4 they constructed a d-dimensional k-ary semialgebraicpredicate Φ such that RΦ(n) ≥ twrk−1(Ω(n)). However, the dimension d in their con-struction is large: d = 2k−4.

A stronger lower bound. In this chapter we first modify (and simplify) the lowerbound construction of Conlon et al. [CFP+14], obtaining examples in considerablylower dimension.

Theorem 2.3. For every d ≥ 2 there is a d-dimensional semialgebraic predicate Φ ofarity k = d+ 3 such that

RΦ(n) ≥ twrk−1(Ω(n)).

The proof is given in Section 2.2. In view of Theorem 2.2, the dependence of thetower height on the dimension in this result might even be optimal.

Super-order-type homogeneous subsequences. Next, we provide a natural geo-metric Ramsey-type theorem in Rd in which the Ramsey function is a tower of height d.

Let T = (p1, . . . , pd+1) be an ordered (d+ 1)-tuple of points in Rd. We recall thatthe sign (or orientation) of T is defined as sgn detM , where the jth column of the(d + 1) × (d + 1) matrix M is (1, pj,1, pj,2, . . . , pj,d). Geometrically, the sign is +1 ifthe d-tuple of vectors p1 − pd+1, . . . , pd − pd+1 forms a positively oriented basis of Rd,it is −1 if it forms a negatively oriented basis, and it is 0 if these vectors are linearlydependent.

We call a sequence (p1, p2, . . . , pn) of points in Rd in general position order-typehomogeneous if all (d + 1)-tuples (pi1 , . . . , pid+1

), i1 < · · · < id+1, have the same

2By a “natural” predicate we mean here one that has a clear geometric meaning and seemsreasonable to study in its own right, not only as a lower-bound example for a general result. In thecase of [EM13], assuming that the considered four points x1, . . . , x4 are numbered in the order ofincreasing first coordinates, the predicate asserts that x4 lies above the graph of the unique quadraticpolynomial passing through x1, x2, x3.


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sign (which is nonzero, by the general position assumption). Such sequences are ofinterest from various points of view: For example, the convex hull of an order-typehomogeneous sequence is combinatorially equivalent to a cyclic polytope (see, e.g.,[Zie94] for background). They can also be viewed as discrete Chebyshev systems ; see[KS66], as well as a remark below.

By Ramsey’s theorem, every sufficiently long point sequence in general positioncontains an order-type homogeneous subsequence of length n (we color every (d+ 1)-tuple by its sign). Letting OTd(n) be the corresponding Ramsey function, we obtainOTd(n) ≤ twrd(n

C) from Theorem 2.1. This has recently been improved to OTd(n) ≤twrd(O(n)) by Suk [Suk14].

This upper bound is essentially tight. Until recently this was proved only for d = 2(by [ES35]) and d = 3 [EM13]. As will be explained next, our results, together witha recent paper of Barany, Por, and Matousek [BMP13], yield a matching lower boundfor all d.

In this chapter we prove a lower bound for a somewhat stronger notion of homo-geneity. Namely, let πj : Rd → Rj denote the projection on the first j coordinates. Wesay that a point sequence P = (p1, . . . , pn) in Rd is super-order-type homogeneous if, foreach j = 1, 2, . . . , d, the projected sequence πj(P ) = (πj(p1), . . . πj(pn)) is order-typehomogeneous.

By iterated application of Ramsey’s theorem, it can be seen that every sufficientlylong point sequence in general position in Rd contains a super-order-type homogeneoussubsequence of length n. Let OT∗

d(n) be the corresponding Ramsey function. We havethe following lower bound, proved in Section 2.3:

Theorem 2.4. For every n ≥ d+ 1, OT∗d(n) ≥ twrd(n− d).

In [BMP13] it is proved that OT∗d(n) ≤ OTd(Cdn) for every d, where Cd is a

suitable constant. Thus, we also obtain a lower bound for OTd, which is tight up to amultiplicative constant in front of n:

Corollary 2.5. We have OTd(n) ≥ twrd(Ω(n)).

Chebyshev systems. Let A be a linearly ordered set of at least k + 1 elements. A(real) Chebyshev system (also spelled Tchebycheff) on A is a system of continuous realfunctions f0, f1, . . . , fk : A→ R such that for every choice of elements t0 < t1 < · · · < tkin A, the matrix (fi(tj))

ki,j=0 has a (strictly) positive determinant. Chebyshev systems

are mostly considered for A an interval in R with the natural ordering, the basicexample being fi(t) = ti, but the case of finite A (discrete Chebyshev systems) hasbeen investigated as well. The functions f0, . . . , fk as above form aMarkov system, alsocalled a complete Chebyshev system, if f0, . . . , fi is a Chebyshev system for every i =1, 2, . . . , k. Chebyshev systems are of considerable importance in several areas, suchas approximation theory or the theory of finite moments; see the classical monographof Karlin and Studden [KS66] or, e.g., Carnicer, Pena, and Zalik [CPZ98] for a morerecent study.

In our setting, it is easy to check that an n-point order-type homogeneous sequenceP = (p1, . . . , pn) in Rd gives rise to a Chebyshev system on A = 1, 2, . . . , n, bysetting fj(i) = pi,j for j = 1, 2, . . . , d and f0 ≡ 1 (possibly with changing the signfor one of the fi, if the signs of the (d + 1)-tuples in P are negative), and conversely,from a discrete Chebyshev system with f0 ≡ 1 we obtain an order-type homogeneoussequence. Similarly, super-order-type homogeneous sequences correspond to discreteMarkov systems.


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2.2 Lower bound for semialgebraic predicates in a

small dimension

Here we prove Theorem 2.3. As was remarked in the introduction, our constructioncan be regarded as a modification of that of Conlon et al. [CFP+14, Lemma 3.1], butwe give a self-contained presentation.

Stepping up. The proof proceeds by induction on d; having constructed a suitabled-dimensional k-ary semialgebraic predicate and an N -point sequence P ⊂ Rd withoutlong Φ-homogeneous subsequences, we produce a (d+1)-dimensional (k+1)-ary semi-algebraic predicate Ψ and a 2N -point sequence Q ⊂ Rd+1 without long Ψ-homogeneoussubsequences.

Our basic tool is a classical stepping-up lemma of Erdos and Hajnal, see [GRS90]or [CFS13]. We first recall it in the standard combinatorial setting, and then we willwork on transferring it to a semialgebraic setting.

Let I = [N ] := 1, 2, . . . , N, and let χ :(Ik

)→ 0, 1 with k ≥ 2 be a given

two-coloring of all k-tuples of I. Let J = 0, 1N be the set of all binary vectors oflength N ordered lexicographically.

We define a coloring χ′ :(


)→ 0, 1 of all (k+1)-tuples of J . First we introduce3

a function δ : J × J \∆ → I by

δ(α,β) = mini ∈ I : αi = βi.

For a (k + 1)-tuple (α1, . . . ,αk+1) of binary vectors, α1 <lex · · · <lex αk+1, we writeδℓ := δ(αℓ,αℓ+1). Then χ

′, the stepping-up coloring for χ, is given by

χ′(α1, . . . ,αk+1) :=

χ(δ1, . . . , δk) if δ1 < · · · < δk or δ1 > · · · > δk1 if δ1 < δ2 > δ30 otherwise.


Now the stepping-up lemma can be stated as follows.

Lemma 2.6 (Stepping-up lemma). If χ is a two-coloring of the k-tuples of I :=[N ] under which I has no homogeneous subset of size n, then, under the stepping-upcoloring χ′, the set J = 0, 1N contains no homogeneous subset of size 2n+ k − 4.

The proof is not very complicated and it can be found, e.g., in [CFP+14] or [GRS90,Sec. 4.7].

Semialgebraic stepping-up. Now let Φ be a d-dimensional k-ary semialgebraicpredicate, and let P = (p1, . . . , pN) be a point sequence in Rd indexed by the setI = [N ] as above. Let χ = χΦ be the coloring of k-tuples of I induced by Φ; that is,for i1 < · · · < ik ∈ I, χ(i1, . . . , ik) is 1 or 0 depending on whether Φ(pi1 , . . . , pik)holds or not.

We want to construct a sequence Q in Rd+1 indexed by J = 0, 1N and a (d+1)-dimensional (k + 1)-ary semialgebraic predicate Ψ such that the coloring induced byΨ on



)is exactly the stepping-up coloring χ′. For our construction, we need to

assume simple additional properties of Φ and P , which we now introduce.

3∆ = (j, j) : j ∈ J


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Let P = (p1, . . . , pN) be a sequence of points in Rd. We call a predicate Φ robust4

on P if there is some η > 0 such that Φ(pi1 , . . . , pik) ⇔ Φ(p′i1 , . . . , p′ik) whenever

1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ik ≤ N and ∥pij − p′ij∥ ≤ η for all j = 1, 2, . . . , k.In defining the new predicate Ψ, we will also need to use the linear ordering of

the points of P . We thus say that a binary semialgebraic predicate ≺ on Rd is order-inducing for P if pi ≺ pj iff i < j, for i, j = 1, 2, . . . , N .

Now we can state our semialgebraic stepping-up lemma.

Proposition 2.7 (Semialgebraic stepping-up). Let Φ be a d-dimensional k-ary semi-algebraic predicate and let ≺ be a d-dimensional binary semialgebraic predicate. Thenthere are a (d + 1)-dimensional (k + 1)-ary semialgebraic predicate Ψ and a (d + 1)-dimensional binary semialgebraic predicate ≺′ with the following property.

Let P = (p1, . . . , pN) be a point sequence in Rd such that ≺ is order-inducing on Pand both Φ and ≺ are robust on P , and let χΦ be the coloring of k-tuples of I = [N ]induced by Φ. Then there is a point sequence Q = (qα : α ∈ J = 0, 1N) suchthat ≺′ is order-inducing on Q (w.r.t. the lexicographic ordering of J), both Ψ and ≺′

are robust on Q, and the coloring χΨ induced on the (k + 1)-tuples of J by Ψ is thestepping-up coloring for χΦ.

Proof. The construction of Q uses a parameter ε > 0, which we assume to be suffi-ciently small.

For α = (α1, . . . , αN) ∈ J , we set

qα :=N∑i=1

αiεi(1, pi,1, pi,2, . . . , pi,d) ∈ Rd+1.

In particular, the first coordinate of qα is∑N

i=1 αiεi. Hence, as is easy to check,

for ε sufficiently small, the lexicographic ordering of J agrees with the ordering ofQ by the first coordinate, and hence we can take the standard ordering in the firstcoordinate as the required order-inducing (and obviously robust) predicate ≺′ on Q.

Next, we define a mapping δ : Rd+1 ×Rd+1 → Rd, which will play the role of the δfrom the stepping-up lemma in the geometric setting. For points x, y ∈ Rd+1, we set

δ(x, y) :=

(x2 − y2x1 − y1

,x3 − y3x1 − y1

, . . . ,xd+1 − yd+1

x1 − y1

)∈ Rd. (2.2)

(Actually, δ(x, y) is undefined for x1 = y1, but we will use δ only for points withdifferent first coordinates.)

By elementary calculation we can see that for α,β ∈ J , α = β, we have


δ(qα, qβ) = pδ(α,β). (2.3)

This allows us to imitate the combinatorial definition (2.1) of the stepping-up coloringby a semialgebraic predicate Ψ. For a (k + 1)-tuple of points (x1, . . . , xk+1) in Rd+1,let us write δℓ := δ(xℓ, xℓ+1), and set

Ψ(x1, . . . , xk+1) :=

Φ(δ1, . . . , δk) if δ1 ≺ · · · ≺ δkΦ(δk, . . . , δ1) if δ1 ≻ · · · ≻ δktrue if δ1 ≺ δ2 ≻ δ3false otherwise.

4Conlon et al. [CFP+14] use the term η-deep.


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As written, Ψ is not necessarily a semialgebraic predicate, since the definition of δinvolves division. However, we can always multiply by the denominators and introduceappropriate conditions; e.g., u

v< 1 can be replaced with (u < v ∧ v > 0) ∨ (u >

v∧v < 0), which is equivalent whenever uvis defined. In this way, we obtain an honest

semialgebraic predicate.It remains to check that Ψ induces the stepping-up coloring on J , which is straight-

forward using the robustness of Φ and ≺ and the limit relation (2.3). Indeed, let usfix α1 <lex · · · <lex αk+1 ∈ J and write δℓ := δ(qαℓ

, qαℓ+1) and δℓ := δ(αℓ,αℓ+1).

Then for ε sufficiently small, we have δℓ ≺ δℓ+1 iff pδℓ ≺ pδℓ+1(by the robustness of

≺) iff δℓ < δℓ+1 (since ≺ is order-inducing on P ). Assuming δ1 ≺ δ2 ≺ · · · ≺ δk,we get that Φ(δ1, . . . , δk) iff Φ(pδ1 , . . . , pδk), again for all sufficiently small ε; similarlyif δ1 ≻ δ2 ≻ · · · ≻ δk. Therefore, the coloring induced by Ψ on Q is indeed thestepping-up coloring for χΦ as claimed.

It remains to verify that Ψ is robust on Q, but this is clear from the robustness ofΦ and ≺ and the continuity of δ on the subset of Rd+1 ×Rd+1 where it is defined.

Proof of Theorem 2.3. As announced, we prove the theorem by induction on d.For the base case d = 1, we use a result of Conlon et al. [CFP+14], who construct a

4-ary semialgebraic predicate Φ1 on R1 and, for every n, a sequence P1 ⊂ R of lengthtwr3(Ω(n)) with no Ψ1-homogeneous subsequence of length n. It is obvious from theirconstruction that Ψ1 is robust on P1 and that <, the usual inequality among realnumbers, is robust and order-inducing on P1.

The theorem then follows by a (d− 1)-fold application of Proposition 2.7 togetherwith the stepping-up lemma (Lemma 2.6).

2.3 Lower bound for super-order-type

Here we prove Theorem 2.4. Thus, we need to exhibit long point sequences withoutsuper-order-type homogeneous subsequences of length n. The construction is almostidentical to the one in the previous section, only the base case for d = 1 is different.The proof essentially consists in relating super-order-type homogeneity to anotherproperty, which we call super-monotonicity; checking that the constructed sequencehas no super-monotone subsequences of length n is straightforward.

First, for convenience, we extend the definition of the bivariate function δ from(2.2) in the previous section to an arbitrary number of arguments. Namely, we setδ(p) = p and, for k ≥ 2,

δ(p1, . . . , pk+1) := δ(δ(p1, . . . , pk), δ(p2, . . . , pk+1)).

Again, we are going to use δ only with arguments for which it is well-defined.For points p, q ∈ Rd, we write p <1 q if p1 < q1 (strict inequality in the first

coordinate). A point sequence P = (p1 . . . , pn) in Rd is super-monotone if each of thepoint sequences (δ(p1, . . . , pj), . . . , δ(pn−j+1, . . . , pn)) in Rd−j+1 is monotone accordingto <1, 1 ≤ j ≤ d.

Here is the key technical result.

Proposition 2.8. A point sequence (p1, . . . , pn) in Rd is super-monotone if and onlyif it is super-order-type homogeneous.


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The proof will be given at the end of this section, after some algebraic lemmas.First we finish the proof of Theorem 2.4, assuming the proposition.

Proof of Theorem 2.4. We will construct a sequence Pd(n) in general position in Rd oflength twrd(n − d) and containing no super-order-type homogeneous subsequence oflength n.

We proceed by induction on d. The inductive hypothesis will include the assump-tion that the first coordinate in Pd(n) is strictly increasing.

For d = 1 we set P1(n) := (1, 2, . . . , n− 1).Now we construct Pd+1(n) from Pd(n−1) = (p1, . . . , pN), using the same construc-

tion as in Proposition 2.7. That is, Pd+1(n) = (qα : α ∈ 0, 1N), where the binaryvectors α are ordered lexicographically, and where, with ε > 0 sufficiently small,

qα :=N∑i=1

αiεi(1, pi,1, pi,2, . . . , pi,d) ∈ Rd+1, α ∈ 0, 1N .

(The ε is different in each inductive step, and in particular, the one used to constructPd+1(n) from Pd(n− 1) is much smaller than the one used to construct Pd(n− 1) fromPd−1(n− 2), etc.) Because of the robustness of the super-order-type condition, we canslightly perturb the points so that they are in general position. As in the previoussection, the points of Pd+1(n), ordered according to the lexicographic ordering of theindices α, have increasing first coordinates (for ε sufficiently small).

Now we assume for contradiction that Pd+1(n) contains a super-order-type ho-mogeneous subsequence S = (s1, . . . , sn). By Proposition 2.8, S is super-monotone.Thus, setting tℓ = δ(sℓ, sℓ+1), ℓ = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1, the sequence T = (t1, . . . , tn−1) issuper-monotone as well by definition.

By the limit relation (2.3), for ε → 0, each tℓ tends to a point piℓ of Pd(n − 1).Moreover, by super-monotonicity, we have t1 <1 · · · <1 tn−1. Hence pi1 <1 · · · <1

pin−1 for sufficiently small ε and therefore, since the first coordinates are increasing inPd(n − 1) by the inductive hypothesis, we have i1 < · · · < in−1. Consequently, usingProposition 2.8 again, (pi1 , . . . , pin−1) is a super-order-type homogeneous subsequenceof Pd(n− 1)—a contradiction proving the theorem.

Algebraic lemmas. It remains to prove Proposition 2.8, and for this, we need todevelop some algebraic results.

Given a k-tuple T = (p1, . . . , pk) of points in Rd, 1 ≤ k ≤ d, and an index j ≥ k−1,we put

Dj(T ) = det

1 1 . . . 1p1,1 p2,1 . . . pk,1...

.... . .

...p1,k−2 p2,k−2 . . . pk,k−2

p1,j p2,j . . . pk,j

and −→

D j(T ) = (Dj(T ), Dj+1(T ), . . . , Dd(T )).

Let us remark that k is not represented explicitly in the notation, but it can be inferredfrom the number of arguments of Dj. We also note that sgnDk−1(p1, . . . , pk) is thesign of the k-tuple πk−1(T ).


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Lemma 2.9. If A = (p1, . . . , pk) and B = (p2, . . . , pk+1), then, for j ≥ k, we have

Dk−1(A)Dj(B)−Dk−1(B)Dj(A) = Dk−2(p2, . . . , pk)Dj(p1, . . . , pk+1).

Proof. It is enough to do the case j = k (we have j ≥ k, and so in the identity of thelemma, the jth coordinates of the pi appear only in the determinants Dj(A), Dj(B),and Dj(p1, . . . , pk+1)). We define the (k + 1)× (k + 1) matrix

Mk+1(p1, . . . , pk+1) =

1 1 . . . 1p1,1 p2,1 . . . pk+1,1...

.... . .

...p1,k p2,k . . . pk+1,k


All the determinants we are interested in are submatrices of Mk+1 and they allcontain the matrix Mk−1 = Mk−1(p2, . . . , pk) associated with Dk−2(p2, . . . , pk). Wecan use elementary row and column operations on Mk+1 to diagonalize Mk−1 whileleaving the determinants fixed, and we can also assume that the entries below Mk−1,as well as those to the left and to the right of it, are 0, as is illustrated next:

1 1 . . . 1 1p1,1 p2,1 . . . pk,1 pk+1,1...

... Mk−1...

...p1,k−2 p2,k−2 . . . pk,k−2 pk+1,k−2

p1,k−1 p2,k−1 . . . pk+1,k−1 pk+1,k−1

p1,k p2,k . . . pk+1,k pk+1,k


0 m1 . . . 0 00 0 . . . 0 0...

.... . .


0 0 . . . mk−2 0x 0 . . . 0 uy 0 . . . 0 v


Now we can compute the determinants in the following way:

Dk(p1, . . . , pk+1) = (−1)k+1(xv − yu) det(Mk−1)

Dk−2(p2, . . . , pk) = det(Mk−1)

Dk−1(A) = (−1)k+1x det(Mk−1)

Dk(B) = v det(Mk−1)

Dk(A) = (−1)k+1y det(Mk−1)

Dk−1(B) = u det(Mk−1).

The lemma follows.

Lemma 2.10.

δ(p1, . . . , pk) =

−→Dk(p1, . . . , pk)

Dk−1(p1, . . . , pk).

Proof. The proof goes by induction on k. The cases k = 1, 2 are trivial. Assume thelemma is true for k and we have points p1, . . . , pk+1 ∈ Rd. For simplicity we writeA = (p1, . . . , pk) and B = (p2, . . . , pk+1). Let π : Rd → Rd−1 be the projection on thelast d− 1 coordinates and let (·)1 denote the first coordinate of a vector in Rd. Thenwe have

δ(p1, . . . , pk+1) = δ(δ(A), δ(B))

=π(δ(A))− π(δ(B))

(δ(A))1 − (δ(B))1






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The second equality follows from the definition of δ given in (2.2). The last equality

follows from the fact that π(−→Dk) =

−→Dk+1 and by clearing the denominators. To

finish the proof we use Lemma 2.9 on the denominator and each coordinate of thenumerator.

Proof of Proposition 2.8. We generalize the notions of super-monotonicity and super-order-type homogeneity as follows. We say that a point sequence (p1 . . . , pn) is k-monotone if for all j ≤ k the point sequence (δ(p1, . . . , pj), . . . , δ(pn−j+1, . . . , pn)) ismonotone according to <1. We say that (p1 . . . , pn) is k-order-type homogeneous if forall j ≤ k the sequence of projections (πj(p1) . . . , πj(pn)) in Rj is order-type homoge-neous.

By induction on k, we prove that a point sequence (p1, . . . , pn) in Rd is k-monotoneif and only if it is k-order-type homogeneous; for k = d this is the statement of theproposition.

The cases k = 1, 2 are trivial. So we assume that the claim is true up to somek and we are given a sequence of n points. We may assume that this sequence is k-monotone, and hence also k-order-type homogeneous. Then we only need to showthat (δ(p1, . . . , pk+1), . . . , δ(pn−k, . . . , pn)) is order-type homogeneous if and only if(πk+1(p1), . . . , πk+1(pn)) is monotone according to <1.

Let (q1, . . . , qk+2) be a (k + 2)-point subsequence of (p1, . . . , pn). By Lemma 2.10,the condition δ(q1, . . . , qk+1) <1 δ(q2, . . . , qk+2) is equivalent to

Dk+1(q2, . . . , qk+2)

Dk(q2, . . . , qk+2)− Dk+1(q1, . . . , qk+1)

Dk(q1, . . . , qk+1)> 0. (2.4)

Since (q1, . . . , qk+2) is k-order-type homogeneous, we have

Dk(q1, . . . , qk+1)Dk(q2, . . . , qk+2) > 0,

and therefore, (2.4) is equivalent to

Dk+1(q2, . . . , qk+2)Dk(q1, . . . , qk+1)−Dk+1(q1, . . . , qk+1)Dk(q2, . . . , qk+2) > 0.

By Lemma 2.9 this is just

Dk−1(q2 . . . , qk+1)Dk+1(q1 . . . , qk+2) > 0.

Since our sequence is also (k − 1)-order-type homogeneous, the numbers

Dk−1(p1 . . . , pk), Dk−1(p2 . . . , pk+1), . . . , Dk−1(pn−k+1 . . . , pn)

have the same sign and therefore the numbers

Dk+1(p1 . . . , pk+2), Dk+1(p2 . . . , pk+3), . . . , Dk+1(pn−k−1 . . . , pn)

also have the same sign. This is precisely the condition needed for the sequence to be(k + 1)-order-type homogeneous.


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Chapter 3

Reptile simplices in R3 and R4

3.1 Introduction

A tiling of a closed set X in Rd (or in the unit sphere Sd) is a locally finite decomposi-tion X =

∪i∈I Xi into closed sets with nonempty and pairwise disjoint interiors. The

sets Xi are called tiles . If X has a tiling where all the tiles are congruent to a set T ,we say that T tiles X, or, that X can be tiled with ( |I| copies of) T . We emphasizethat congruence includes mirror symmetries.

A closed set X ⊂ Rd with nonempty interior is called a k-reptile (or a k-reptileset) if X can be tiled with k mutually congruent copies of a set similar to X.

It is easy to see that whenever S is a d-dimensional k-reptile set, then S is space-filling, that is, the space Rd can be tiled with S: indeed, using the tiling of S by itssmaller copies as a pattern, one can inductively tile larger and larger similar copiesof S. On the other hand, it is a simple exercise to find space-filling polytopes orpolygons that are not k-reptiles for any k ≥ 2.

Clearly, every triangle tiles R2. Moreover, every triangle T is a k-reptile for k = m2,since T can be tiled in a regular way with m2 congruent tiles, each positively ornegatively homothetic to T . See Snover et al. [SWW91] for an illustration.

In this chapter we study the existence of k-reptile simplices in Rd, especially ford = 3 and d = 4.

Space-filling simplices. The question of characterizing the tetrahedra that tile R3

is still open and apparently rather difficult. The first systematic study of space-fillingtetrahedra was made by Sommerville, who discovered a list of exactly four tilings (upto isometry and rescaling), but he assumed that all tiles are properly congruent (thatis, congruent by an orientation-preserving isometry) and meet face-to-face [Som23].Edmonds [Edm07] noticed a gap in Sommerville’s proof and by completing the anal-ysis, he confirmed that Sommerville’s classification of proper, face-to-face tilings iscomplete. Baumgartner [Bau71] found three of Sommerville’s tetrahedra and one newtetrahedron that admits a non-proper face-to-face tiling (and also a proper non face-to-face tiling [Gol74]). Goldberg [Gol74] described three families of proper (generally notface-to-face) tilings, obtained by partitioning a triangular prism. In fact, Goldberg’sfirst family was found by Sommerville [Som23] before, but he selected only specialcases with a certain symmetry. Goldberg’s first family also coincides with the familyof simplices found by Hill [Hil95], whose aim was to classify rectifiable simplices, thatis, simplices that can be cut by straight cuts into finitely many pieces that can berearranged to form a cube. The simplices in Goldberg’s second and third families are


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obtained from the simplices in the first family by splitting into two congruent halves.According to Senechal’s survey [Sen81], no other space-filling tetrahedra are known.

For d ≥ 3, Debrunner [Deb85] constructed ⌊d/2⌋ + 2 one-parameter families andseveral special types of d-dimensional simplices that tile Rd. Smith [Smi03] generalizedGoldberg’s construction and using Debrunner’s ideas, he obtained (⌊d/2⌋ + 2)ϕ(d)/2one-parameter families of space-filling d-dimensional simplices; here ϕ(d) is the Eu-ler’s totient function. It is not known whether for some d ≥ 3 there is a space-fillingsimplex with all dihedral angles acute or a two-parameter family of space-filling sim-plices [Smi03].

Hilbert’s problems. Two Hilbert’s problems are related to tilings of the Euclideanspace. The second part of Hilbert’s 18th problem asks whether there exists a poly-hedron that tiles the 3-dimensional Euclidean space but does not admit an isohedral(tile-transitive) tiling. The first such tile in three dimensions was found by Rein-hardt [Rei28]. Later Heesch [Hee35] found a planar anisohedral nonconvex polygonand Kershner [Ker68] found an anisohedral convex pentagon. Hilbert’s 18th problemwas discussed in detail by Milnor [Mil76]. See also the survey by Grunbaum andShepard [GS80] for a discussion of this problem and related questions. While iteratedtilings of the space using tilings of some k-reptiles as a pattern may be highly irregu-lar, it is an interesting question whether there is an anisohedral k-reptile polytope orpolygon. Vince [Vin95, Question 2] asked whether there is a k-reptile that admits noperiodic tiling.

The third Hilbert’s problem asks whether two tetrahedra with equal bases and alti-tudes are equidecomposable, that is, whether one can cut one tetrahedron into finitelymany polytopes and reassemble them to form the second tetrahedron. A positiveanswer would provide an elementary proof of the formula for the volume of the tetra-hedron. However, Dehn [Deh01] answered the question in the negative, by introducingan algebraic invariant for equidecomposability. See [Do06] for an elementary exposi-tion or [AZ10, Chapter 9], [Ben07] for alternative proofs. Debrunner [Deb80] provedthat every polytope that tiles Rd has its codimension 2 Dehn’s invariant equal to zero.Lagarias and Moews [LM95a, LM95b] showed that, more generally, every polytopethat tiles Rd has its classical total Euclidean Dehn’s invariant equal to zero. By theresults of Sydler [Syd65] (see also [Jes68]) and Jessen [Jes72], this implies that ford = 3 and d = 4, respectively, every polytope that tiles Rd is equidecomposable with acube [Deb80, LM95a, LM95b]. In particular, these properties are necessary for everyk-reptile simplex.

Reptiles and other animals. Motivated by classical puzzles that require split-ting a given figure into a given number of congruent replicas of the original figure,Langford [Lan40] initiated a systematic study of planar k-reptiles. Golomb [Gol64]introduced the term replicating figure of order k, shortly a rep-k, and described sev-eral more examples, including disconnected or totally disconnected fractal tiles. Seealso Gardner’s [Gar91] short survey. Extending the theory of self-similar sets andfractals, Bandt [Ban91] described a general construction of infinitely many self-similark-reptiles, including several species of dragons, which are examples of disk-like (that is,homeomorphic to a disk) reptiles. Gelbrich [Gel94] proved that for every k, there areonly finitely many planar disk-like crystallographic (isohedral) k-reptiles. See Gelbrichand Giesche [GG98] for illustrations of several such 7-reptiles, such as sea horses orsalamanders.


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k-reptile simplices. In recent years the subject of tilings has received a certain im-pulse from computer graphics and other computer applications. In fact, our originalmotivation for studying simplices that are k-reptiles comes from a problem of proba-bilistic marking of Internet packets for IP traceback [Adl02, AEM05]. See [Mat05] for abrief summary of the ideas of this method. For this application, it would be interestingto find a d-dimensional simplex that is a k-reptile with k as small as possible.

For dimension 2 there are several possible types of k-reptile triangles, and they havebeen completely classified by Snover et al. [SWW91]. In particular, k-reptile trianglesexist for all k of the form a2 + b2, a2 or 3a2 for nonzero integers a, b. In contrast, ford ≥ 3, reptile simplices seem to be much more rare. The only known constructionsof higher-dimensional k-reptile simplices have k = md. The best known examplesare the Hill simplices (or the Hadwiger–Hill simplices) [Deb85, Had51, Hil95]. A d-dimensional Hill simplex is the convex hull of vectors 0, b1, b1 + b2, . . . , b1 + · · ·+ bd,where b1, b2, . . . , bd are vectors of equal length such that the angle between every twoof them is the same and lies in the interval (0, π

2+ arcsin 1


Hertel [Her00] proved that a 3-dimensional simplex is an m3-reptile using a “stan-dard” way of dissection (which we will not define here) if and only if it is a Hillsimplex. He conjectured that Hill simplices are the only 3-dimensional reptile sim-plices. Herman Haverkort recently pointed us to an example of a k-reptile tetrahedronby Liu and Joe [LJ94] which is not Hill, and thus contradicts Hertel’s conjecture. Infact, except for the one-parameter family of Hill tetrahedra, two other space-fillingtetrahedra described by Sommerville [Som23] and Goldberg [Gol74] are also k-reptilesfor every k = m3. Both these tetrahedra tile the right-angled Hill tetrahedron, andtheir tilings are based on the barycentric subdivision of the cube. Maehara [Mae13]described this construction for k = 2d. It is easy to see that the lattice tiling of Rd

by barycentrically subdivided unit cubes can be obtained by cutting the space withhyperplanes xi = n/2, xi + xj = n, xi − xj = n, for every i, j ∈ [d], i = j and n ∈ Z.This tiling contains, for every m, a tiling of an m times scaled copy of the right-angledHill simplex. Similarly, by removing the hyperplanes xi = (2n+1)/2 from the cutting,we obtain a tiling of Rd with tiles that are made of two copies of the Hill simplex.Again, this tiling contains a tiling of an m times scaled copy of each tile.

Matousek [Mat05] showed that there are no 2-reptile simplices of dimension 3 orlarger. For dimension d = 3, Matousek and the author [MS11] proved the followingtheorem.

Theorem 3.1 ([MS11]). In R3, k-reptile simplices (tetrahedra) exist only for k of theform m3, where m is a positive integer.

We give a new simple proof of Theorem 3.1 in Section 3.3.

Matousek and the author [MS11] conjectured that for d ≥ 3, a d-dimensional k-reptile simplex exists only for k of the form md for some positive integer m. We provea weaker version of this conjecture for four-dimensional simplices.

Theorem 3.2. Four-dimensional k-reptile simplices can exist only for k of the formm2, where m is a positive integer.

Four-dimensional Hill simplices are examples of k-reptile simplices for k = m4.Whether there exists a four-dimensional m2-reptile simplex for m non-square remainsan open question.


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New ingredients. As an important tool we use Debrunner’s lemma [Deb85], whichconnects the symmetries of a d-simplex with the symmetries of its Coxeter diagram(which represents the “arrangement” of the dihedral angles). This lemma allows us tosubstantially simplify the proof of Theorem 3.1 and enables us to step one dimensionup and prove Theorem 3.2, which seemed unmanageable before.

In the proof of Theorem 3.2 we encounter the problem of tiling spherical triangles bycongruent triangular tiles, which might be of independent interest. A related question,a classification of edge-to-edge tilings of the sphere by congruent triangles, has beencompletely solved by Agaoka and Ueno [UA02].

3.2 Basic notions and facts about simplices and

group actions

3.2.1 Angles in simplices and Coxeter diagrams

Given a d-dimensional simplex S with vertices v1, . . . , vd+1, let Fi be the facet oppositeto vi. If αi,j is the angle between the normals of Fi and Fj pointing outward, thenthe dihedral angle βi,j is defined as π − αi,j. By an internal angle φ at the point x ofS, where x is on the boundary of S, we mean the set Sd−1(x, ε) ∩ S, where Sd−1(x, ε)denotes the (d−1)-dimensional sphere with radius ε centered at x, where ε > 0 is smallenough (so that Sd−1(x, ε) does not meet the facets not containing x). An edge-angle ofS is the internal (d−1)-dimensional angle at an interior point of an edge of S and canbe represented by a (d − 2)-dimensional spherical simplex. Indeed, select an interiorpoint x of the edge e and consider a hyperplane h orthogonal to e and containing x.The edge-angle incident to e can be represented as the intersection h∩ S ∩ Sd−1(x, ε).This intersection is clearly (d− 2)-dimensional and forms a spherical simplex.

From now on we normalize all edge-angles, that is, we consider them as subsets ofthe (d− 2)-dimensional unit sphere.

The Coxeter diagram of S is a graph c(S) with labeled edges such that the verticesof c(S) represent the facets of S and for every pair of facets Fi and Fj, there is anedge ei,j labeled by the dihedral angle βi,j. Note that our labeling differs from thetraditional one, where the edge corresponding to a dihedral angle π/p is labeled byp and the label 3 is omitted. Debrunner [Deb85] labels the edge corresponding to adihedral angle βi,j by cos βi,j.

Observation 3.3. The edge-angles of a four-dimensional simplex S can be representedby spherical triangles, whose angles are dihedral angles in S. Therefore, an edge-anglein S represented by a spherical triangle with angles α, β, γ corresponds to a triangle inthe Coxeter diagram with edges labeled by α, β, γ.

The following important lemma is by Debrunner [Deb85, Lemma 1]. Here thesymmetries of S are Euclidean isometries, and the symmetries of c(S) are graph au-tomorphisms preserving the labels of edges.

Lemma 3.4 (Debrunner’s lemma [Deb85]). Let S be a d-dimensional simplex. Thesymmetries of S are in one-to-one correspondence with the symmetries of its Coxeterdiagram c(S), in the following sense: each symmetry φ of S induces a symmetry Φ ofc(S) so that φ(vi) = vj ⇔ Φ(Fi) = Fj, and vice versa.


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3.2.2 Existence of simplices with given dihedral angles

The following elegant property of(d+12

)-tuples of dihedral angles is by Fiedler [Fie54].

A proof in English can be found in [MS11].

Theorem 3.5 (Fiedler’s theorem [Fie54]). Let βi,j, i, j = 1, 2, . . . , d + 1, be thedihedral angles of some d-dimensional simplex, let βi,i = π for convenience, and letA be the (d + 1) × (d + 1) matrix with ai,j := cos βi,j for all i, j. Then A is negativesemidefinite of rank d, and the (1-dimensional) kernel of A is generated by a vectorz ∈ Rd+1 with all components strictly positive.

In our proof of Theorem 3.2 we use only the fact that the matrix A defined inTheorem 3.5 is singular (it is a (d+ 1)× (d+ 1) matrix of rank d).

3.2.3 Group actions

An action φ of a group G on a set M is a homomorphism from G to the symmetricgroup Sym(M) ofM , where symmetric group Sym(M) is the group of all permutationsof M . We say that an action φ of G on M is faithful if its kernel is trivial. Inother words, φ is faithful if for every g = id there exists an element m ∈ M withφ(g)(m) = m. It is usual to omit φ and write just gm instead of φ(g)(m).

The set Gm := gm : g ∈ G is called orbit of the element m under the action of G.It is obvious that the set of orbits forms a partition of M . The following well-knownlemma counts the number of distinct orbits.

Lemma 3.6 (Burnside’s lemma [Bur97]). Let M be a finite set and G a finite groupacting on M via m 7→ gm. Let Xg be the number of elements of M which are fixed byg, that is, which satisfy the identity m = gm. Then the action of G on M has exactly1|G|∑

g∈GXg orbits.

We will need the following lemma:

Lemma 3.7. Let M be a finite set and G a finite group acting on M nontrivially andfaithfully via m 7→ gm. Then G also acts on the (unordered) pairs m,n ∈



gm,n = gm, gn and the action of G on pairs has at most(|M |


)− |M |+ 2 orbits.

Moreover, the bound is tight and it is achieved if the image of G under the action isgenerated by a single transposition.

Proof. Let o1, o2 denote the number of orbits of G acting on M ,(M2

), respectively.

The group acts on M nontrivially, thus o1 ≤ |M | − 1.Let Xg be the number of elements of M which are fixed by g, that is, elements

m such that m = gm. We show that the number of elements of(M2

)which are fixed

by g is(Xg


)+ 1

2(Xg2 −Xg). Indeed, there are two possibilities for stabilizing the pair


1. gm = m and gn = n; which provides(Xg


)fixed elements.

2. gm = n, gn = m, what can be rewritten as ggn = n and gn = n. Thus thereare (Xg2 −Xg) ordered pairs (u, v), u = v satisfying g(u, v) = (v, u) and hence12(Xg2 −Xg) fixed elements u, v.


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By Burnside’s lemma, we have

o2 =1






2(Xg2 −Xg)

). (3.1)

In order to bound (3.1), we need to bound∑X2

g in terms of∑Xg:∑


X2g ≤ (|M | − 2)


Xg + 2|M |. (3.2)

Indeed, the action is faithful and nontrivial, hence Xid = |M | and Xg ≤ |M | − 2otherwise. Using

∑g =idX

2g ≤ (|M | − 2)

∑g =idXg, the bound (3.2) follows.

Plugging (3.2) into (3.1) and using Xg2 ≤ |M | we have

o2 =1


X2g +



Xg2 −1



≤ |M |2|G|


Xg −2


Xg +|M ||G|

+|M |2.

Using |G| ≥ 2, combination of Burnside’s lemma 1|G|∑Xg = o1 and the fact o1 ≤

|M | − 1, we get the desired bound:

o2 ≤(|M | − 4)(|M | − 1)

2+ |M | =

(|M |2

)− |M |+ 2.

It remains to show the last part of the statement. But this is clear, since a singletransposition swaps |M | − 2 pairs of edges.

3.3 A simple proof of Theorem 3.1

We proceed as in the original proof [MS11], but instead of using the theory of scissorscongruence, Jahnel’s theorem about values of rational angles and Fiedler’s theorem,we only use Debrunner’s lemma (Lemma 3.4).

Assume for contradiction that S is a k-reptile tetrahedron where k is not a thirdpower of a positive integer. A dihedral angle α is called indivisible if it cannot bewritten as a linear combination of other dihedral angles in S with nonnegative integercoefficients.

The following lemmas are proved in [MS11].

Lemma 3.8. [MS11, Lemma 3.1] If α is an indivisible dihedral angle in S, then theedges of S with dihedral angle α have at least three different lengths.

Lemma 3.8 is analogous to Lemma 3.10, which we prove in the next section.

Lemma 3.9. [MS11, Lemma 3.3] One of the following two possibilities occur:

(i) All the dihedral angles of S are integer multiples of the minimal dihedral angleα, which has the form π

nfor an integer n ≥ 3.

(ii) There are exactly two distinct dihedral angles β1 and β2, each of them occurringthree times in S.


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First we exclude case (ii) of Lemma 3.9. If S has two distinct dihedral anglesβ1 = β2, each occurring at three edges, then they can be placed in S in two essentiallydifferent ways; see Figure 3.1. In both cases, for each i ∈ 1, 2, the Coxeter diagramof S has at least one nontrivial symmetry which swaps two distinct edges with label βi.By Debrunner’s lemma, the corresponding symmetry of S swaps two distinct edgeswith dihedral angle βi, which thus have the same length. But then the edges withdihedral angle βi have at most two different lengths and this contradicts Lemma 3.8,since the smaller of the two angles β1, β2 is indivisible.



β2 β2




β2 β2


Figure 3.1: Two possible configurations of two dihedral angles.

Now we exclude case (i) of Lemma 3.9. Call the edges of S (and of c(S)) withdihedral angle α the α-edges. Since there are at least three α-edges in S, there is avertex v of S where two α-edges meet. Let β be the dihedral angle of the third edgeincident to v (possibly β can be equal to α). In the proof of Lemma 3.5 in [MS11] itwas shown that β = π − α. The meaning for Coxeter diagrams is that whenever twoα-edges meet in c(S), then β is the label of the edge forming triangle with those twoα-edes.

Now we distinguish several cases depending on the subgraph Hα of c(S) formed bythe α-edges.

• Hα contains three edges incident to a common vertex (which correspond to atriangle in S). Then all the other edges must have the angle β and we get theconfiguration as in Figure 3.1 (right), which we excluded earlier.

• Hα contains a triangle. Then β = α, and thus α = π2, which contradicts the

condition n ≥ 3 from Lemma 3.9(i).

• Hα contains a path of length three. Then two edges have the angle β and theremaining edge has some angle γ (possibly γ can be equal to α). See Figure 3.2(left). The symmetric group of the resulting Coxeter diagram always containsZ2 as a subgroup which corresponds to the involution swapping two α-edges.Unless γ = α, there are, by Debrunner’s lemma, only two α-edge lengths; acontradiction with Lemma 3.8. For γ = α the Coxeter diagram has a dihedralsymmetry group, D4, acting transitively on the α-edges, see Figure 3.2 (right).This again contradicts Lemma 3.8, since by Debrunner’s lemma, all the α-edgeshave the same length.

We obtained a contradiction in each of the cases, hence the proof of Theorem 3.1is finished.


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γ β




α β


Figure 3.2: The α-edges form a path (left) or a four-cycle (right) in c(S).

3.4 The proof of Theorem 3.2

The method of the proof is similar to the three-dimensional case [MS11].

Assume for contradiction that S is a four-dimensional k-reptile simplex where kis not a square of a positive integer. Let S1, . . . , Sk be mutually congruent simplicessimilar to S that tile S. Then each Si has volume k-times smaller than S, and thus Si

is scaled by the ratio ρ := k−1/4 compared to S. For k non-square, ρ is an irrationalnumber of algebraic degree 4 over Q.

Similarly to [MS11] we define an indivisible edge-angle (spherical triangle) as aspherical triangle which cannot be tiled with smaller spherical triangles representingthe other edge-angles of S or their mirror images. Clearly, the edge-angle with thesmallest spherical area is indivisible. In the following we always consider a sphericaltriangle and its mirror image as the same spherical triangle.

Lemma 3.10. If T0 is an indivisible edge-angle in S, then the edges of S with edge-angle T0 have at least four different lengths (and in particular, there are at least foursuch edges).

Proof. The proof is basically the same as for indivisible dihedral angles in tetrahe-dra [MS11, Lemma 3.1]. Let e be an edge with edge-angle T0. Every point of ebelongs to an edge of some of the smaller simplices Si. Since T0 is indivisible, we getthat e is tiled by edges of the simplices Si and each of these edges has edge-angle T0.

Assume for contradiction that there are at most three edges with edge-angle T0,with lengths x1, x2, x3. Then the edge of length x1 is tiled by edges with lengths ρx1,ρx2 and ρx3, and similarly for the edges of lengths x2 and x3. In other words, thereare nonnegative integers nij, i, j = 1, 2, 3, such that

n11ρx1 + n12ρx2 + n13ρx3 = x1,n21ρx1 + n22ρx2 + n23ρx3 = x2,n21ρx1 + n22ρx2 + n33ρx3 = x3.

This can be rewritten as ρAx = x, where x = (x1, x2, x3)⊤ and A is the corre-

sponding matrix. Since we assume x is nonzero, we immediately see that 1/ρ is aneigenvalue of A. Since the characteristic polynomial is always nonzero and of degreethree, we get a contradiction with 1/ρ (and hence also ρ) having algebraic degree4.

Since S has 10 edges, Lemma 3.10 implies that there are at most two indivisibleedge-angles.


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The strategy of the proof is now the following. First we exclude the case of twoindivisible edge-angles, using only elementary combinatorial arguments and Debrun-ner’s lemma. Then we consider the case of one indivisible edge-angle. Here we needmore involved arguments: we study tilings of spherical triangles with copies of a sin-gle spherical triangle and use various observations from spherical geometry and alsoFiedler’s theorem (Theorem 3.5).

3.4.1 Two indivisible edge-angles

First, we prove an elementary observation about symmetries of the simplex S and itsCoxeter diagram.

Lemma 3.11. If c(S) has a nontrivial symmetry, then the edges of S have at mostseven orbits under the action of the symmetry group of S.

Proof. Let M be the set of vertices of S. By Debrunner’s lemma, the symmetrygroups of S and c(S) are isomorphic. In particular, S has a nontrivial symmetrygroup Φ ⊆ Sym(M). The inclusion of Φ into Sym(M) is obviously a faithful action,so we may use Lemma 3.7 for the set M and the group Φ. We immediately get thatthere are at most seven orbits.

Corollary 3.12. If S has two distinct indivisible edge-angles, then the symmetry groupof S (and of c(S)) is trivial.

Proof. By Lemma 3.10, S has at least 4 edges of different lengths for each of thetwo edge-angles. In particular, no symmetry can identify any two of these 8 edgesand so the symmetry group of S induces at least 8 orbits. Therefore it is trivial byLemma 3.11.

Now assume for contradiction that S has two indivisible edge-angles T1 and T2.Let T1 and T2 be the corresponding triangles in c(S). By Lemma 3.10, each of T1, T2occurs at least four times in c(S).

We say that two edges of c(S) are of the same edge-type if they have equal labels;that is, they represent equal dihedral angles. An edge of type α is also called an α-edge. A triangle T of c(S) with edges of types α, β, γ is called an (αβγ)-triangle andwe write T = (αβγ).

Observation 3.13. Every edge of c(S) belongs to a copy of the triangle T1 or T2.Moreover, every edge-type of T1 and T2 occurs at least twice in c(S). Consequently, T1and T2 have at least one common edge-type.

Proof. The first part follows from the fact that every edge of c(S) is contained in threetriangles and at least eight of the ten triangles of c(S) are copies of T1 or T2. Thesecond claim follows again from the fact that every edge of c(S) is common to onlythree triangles.

Observation 3.14. An edge-type common to both triangles T1, T2 occurs at least fourtimes in c(S). Similarly, an edge-type occurring twice in T1 (or T2) occurs at leastfour times in c(S).


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Case type of T1 type of T2 α-edges β-edges γ-edges δ-edges(1) (ααβ) (αγδ) 4 2 2 2(2) (ααα) (αβγ) ≤ 6 ≥ 2 ≥ 2 0(3) (ααβ) (ααγ) ≤ 6 ≥ 2 ≥ 2 0(4) (ααβ) (αγγ) 4 2 4 0(5) (ααβ) (αβγ) 4 4 2 0

Table 3.1: Types of T1 and T2 triangles and the corresponding number of edges

Proof. Let α be an edge-type common to both T1 and T2 and suppose that each ofT1, T2 has just one α-edge. There are at least eight triangles with an α-edge in c(S),therefore c(S) has at least three α-edges. But if there are just three α-edges, thensome two of them share a vertex (and hence a triangle). Therefore there are at mostseven triangles in c(S) with exactly one α-edge.

If T1 has at least two α-edges, then there are at least four pairs of α-edges in c(S),hence at least four α-edges.

By Observations 3.13 and 3.14, the edges of c(S) have at most four types in total,since the common edge-type of T1 and T2 occurs four times and every other edge-typeoccurs at least twice. From these observations it also follows that if there are fourdifferent edge-types, then three of them, β, γ, δ, appear just once in T1 or T2 and theremaining one, α, common to T1 and T2, appears twice in T1 or twice in T2. Similarlyif there are three different edge-types, then one of them appears at least three timestogether in T1 and T2 (counted with multiplicity).

If there are just two different edge-types in c(S), then c(S) has a non-trivial sym-metry, which follows from the fact that every graph on five vertices has a nontrivialautomorphism. But this contradicts Corollary 3.12.

Thus there are three or four different edge-types in c(S) and we have five essentiallydifferent cases for the types of T1 and T2 (where α, β, γ, δ denote pairwise differentangles), see Table 3.1. Moreover, we also have bounds on the number of α, β andγ-edges and for cases (1), (4), (5) we even know their exact number.

In case (1), since there are just two β-edges, some two (ααβ)-triangles in c(S)share a β-edge. This means that the α-edges form a four-cycle. Further it follows thatboth diagonals of the four-cycle are β-edges and that the fifth vertex of c(S) is joinedby γ-edges to two opposite vertices of the four-cycle and by δ-edges to the other pairof opposite vertices; see Figure 3.3a). This diagram has a Z2 × Z2 symmetry, whichcontradicts Corollary 3.12.

Now consider case (2). Since a graph with five edges has at most two triangles,there are at least six α-edges in c(S). Consequently, there are exactly six α-edges,two β-edges and two γ-edges in c(S). Since K4 is the only graph with six edges andfour triangles, the α-edges form a K4 subgraph in c(S), with two vertices joined by aβ-edge and two by a γ-edge to the remaining vertex of c(S); see Figure 3.3b). Thisdiagram has a Z2 × Z2 symmetry, in contradiction with Corollary 3.12.

In case (3), the α-edges form a subgraph Hα with at least eight induced paths oflength 2 hence Hα has at least five edges. By Observation 3.13, Hα has at most sixedges. As in case (1), Hα contains a four-cycle. Adding one more edge does not produceeight induced paths of length 2, therefore Hα has exactly six edges and it is isomorphicto K2,3. The remaining edges form a disjoint union of an edge and a triangle and


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(a) four (ααβ)-trianglesfour (αγδ)-triangles

(b) four (ααα)-trianglesfour (αβγ)-triangles

(c) five (ααβ)-trianglesfour (ααγ)-triangles

(d) four (ααβ)-trianglesfour (αγγ)-triangles

(e) four (ααβ)-trianglesfour (αβγ)-triangles

(f) four (ααβ)-trianglesfour (αβγ)-triangles

α β γ δ

Figure 3.3: Coxeter diagrams.

without loss of generality the two γ-edges are contained in the triangle; see Figure 3.3c).This diagram has a Z2 × Z2 symmetry, in contradiction with Corollary 3.12.

In case (4) the α-edges form a four-cycle as in case (1). Then each of the β-edgesis incident to two (ααβ)-triangles, so the β-edges form the diagonals of the four-cycleand the remaining star is formed by γ-edges; see Figure 3.3d). This diagram has a D4

symmetry, in contradiction with Corollary 3.12.In case (5) there are two possible non-isomorphic subgraphs Hα. The α-edges form

a four-cycle, as in case (1), or they form a “fork”, i.e., a tree with the degree sequence(3, 2, 1, 1, 1). First we deal with the case they form a four-cycle; see Figure 3.3e). Inorder to create four (αβγ)-triangles, the vertices of the four-cycle must be joined to theremaining vertex by two β-edges and two γ-edges, in an alternating way. This diagramhas a Z2 ×Z2 symmetry, in contradiction with Corollary 3.12. In the “fork”-case, theβ-edges are uniquely determined, since the α-edges form exactly four induced pathsof length 2. The remaining two edges are γ-edges; see Figure 3.3f). This diagram hasa Z2-symmetry; a contradiction with Corollary 3.12.

We have finished the proof of the following statement.

Proposition 3.15. For k = m2, every k-reptile four-dimensional simplex containsexactly one indivisible edge-angle.

3.4.2 Basic facts and observations from spherical geometry

Recall that all spherical triangles are regarded as subsets of the 2-dimensional unitsphere. In this subsection we assume that T is a spherical triangle with angles α ≤β ≤ γ < π and corresponding opposite edges a, b, c. The lengths of the edges aremeasured in radians and again denoted by a, b, c, respectively.

The following lemma lists a few standard facts about spherical triangles (see, forexample, [Zwi02]). The proof of part (a) can be found in [Pak10, Chapter 41].


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Lemma 3.16. For a spherical triangle T , we have

(a) α+ β + γ > π, and α + β + γ − π is equal to the spherical area ∆(T ) of T .

(b) β + γ < π + α; equivalently, ∆(T ) < 2α (spherical triangle inequality).

(c) cos γ = − cosα cos β + sinα sin β cos c (spherical law of cosines for angles).

(d) If α < β < γ, then a < b < c. If α = β < γ, then a = b < c. If α < β = γ, thena < b = c.

(e) a < b+ c, b < a+ c and c < a+ b (triangle inequality for the spherical distance).

(f) a, b, c < π.

The quantity α + β + γ − π is also called the spherical excess of T .A spherical lune L with angle φ < π, which we shortly call the φ-lune, is a slice of

the sphere bounded by two half great circles whose supporting planes have dihedralangle φ. In other words, L is a spherical 2-gon whose vertices are two antipodalpoints and both inner angles are equal to φ. The spherical area of L is 2φ. Note thatL contains every spherical triangle with angle φ; this implies the spherical triangleinequality (Lemma 3.16(b)).

Consider a tiling of a lune L by spherical triangles. A tile T is called a corner tileif T shares a vertex v with L. A tile T is called corner-filling if the complement ofT in L is a spherical triangle. In particular, T shares a vertex v with L and the twoother vertices of T are internal points of the edges of L. See Figure 3.4.

Observation 3.17. Let φ be the minimum angle of a spherical triangle T and let f bethe edge opposite to φ. Then in every tiling of the φ-lune by the copies of T there aretwo corner-filling tiles. Moreover, each of the corner-filling tiles neighbors with exactlyone other tile, sharing the edge f .

Proof. Since φ is the minimum angle of T , every corner tile must be corner-filling. ByLemma 3.16(f), a corner-filling tile contains only one vertex of the lune, hence thereare at least two such tiles. By Lemma 3.16(d), f is the shortest edge of T . The restof the observation follows.

3.4.3 One indivisible edge-angle

By Lemma 3.10 and Proposition 3.15, the simplex S has only one indivisible edge-angle T0. This means that all the remaining edge-angles of S can by tiled with T0.In particular, the spherical area of every spherical triangle representing an edge-angleof S is an integer multiple of the spherical area of T0. Let T0 be the triangle in c(S)corresponding to the spherical triangle T0.

We say that a spherical triangle T has type (φψχ) if its internal angles are φ, ψ andχ, in this case we write T = (φψχ). We sometimes write the type of T as (φ, ψ, χ),to avoid confusion when substituting linear combinations of angles. We say that Thas type (φ ∗ ∗) or (φψ∗) if it has type (φψχ) for some angles ψ, χ, which may alsobe equal to φ or to each other. Note that a spherical triangle T = (φψχ) correspondsto a triangle T = (φψχ) in c(S). Since we will investigate Coxeter diagrams of S, wewill, in order to simplify the notation, label the vertices of c(S) by u, v, w, x, y insteadof F1, . . . , F5.


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A Coxeter diagram is rich (or T -rich) if it has a copy of a same triangle T in fourdifferent orbits of triangles under the action of its symmetry group. Lemma 3.10 andDebrunner’s lemma imply the following important fact.

Fact 3.18. The Coxeter diagram of S is T0-rich.

A spherical triangle T is realizable if T can be tiled with T0. A triangle T isrealizable if its corresponding spherical triangle T is realizable.

The strategy of the proof is the following.

• Find all possible types of T0.

• For every such triangle T0, let α be the minimal angle in T0 (and β the secondminimal angle, if applicable). Investigate which spherical triangles of type (α∗∗)(or (β ∗ ∗), if needed) are realizable.

• Find all T0-rich Coxeter diagrams whose all (α∗∗)-triangles (and (β∗∗)-triangles)are realizable.

• Verify that such diagrams do not satisfy Fiedler’s theorem.

We start with a simple observation about the Coxeter diagram of S.

Observation 3.19. The Coxeter diagram of S has at least two different types oftriangles.

Proof. Suppose for contrary that all triangles in c(S) are of the same type T =(φ1φ2φ3). By double-counting, the numbers of occurrences of the edge types in c(S)are in the same ratio as in T . Since the numbers 10 and 3 are relatively prime, itfollows that φ1 = φ2 = φ3 and thus all dihedral angles in S are equal. But then S isthe regular simplex, which contradicts Lemma 3.10.

Conditions on dihedral angles

Here we prove several facts about the dihedral angles of S, which we use further torestrict the set of possible types of the indivisible triangle T0.

Lemma 3.20. Let φ1, φ2, φ3 be the angles of T0. Then for every i ∈ 1, 2, 3, thespherical lune with angle φi can be tiled with T0.

Proof. Fix i ∈ 1, 2, 3. If S is a k-reptile simplex for some k > 1, then by induction,S is kn-reptile for every n ≥ 1. In particular, there is a tiling of S with simplicessimilar to S where some of the tiles, S ′, has an edge e that is contained in the interiorof a 2-face of S with dihedral angle φi. Select an interior point xi of e that misses allvertices of all the tiles. Let hi be the hyperplane orthogonal to e and containing xi.In a small neighborhood of xi in hi, the tiles with xi on their boundary induce a tilingof a wedge with angle φi by triangular cones originating in xi and possibly by wedgeswith angles ψj < φi, where ψj is an internal angle of some realizable triangle T .

This is analogous to the situation in a tiling of a three-dimensional simplex in theneighborhood of an internal point x of an edge such that x is also a vertex of sometile. In the intersection of hi with a small sphere centered in xi, we thus obtain a


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Figure 3.4: A corner-filling tile in the φ1-lune.

tiling of the spherical lune with angle φi by spherical triangles corresponding to edge-angles of the tiles and possibly by spherical lunes with angles φj < φi correspondingto dihedral angles of the tiles. Since T can be tiled with T0 (recall that T0 is the onlyindivisible edge-angle), it follows that ψj is a nontrivial linear combination of φk, φℓ,where 0 ≤ k, ℓ < i. Hence we can assume that any wedge with angle ψj can be, infact, tiled by wedges with angles φj, where j < i. Note that the described tiling ofa wedge with angle φi induces a tiling of the corresponding spherical lune with angleφi. Observe that since xi is an internal point of an edge of at least one tile, the tilingcontains at least one spherical triangle.

Suppose that φ1 ≤ φ2 ≤ φ3. Then for i = 1, the tiling consists solely of realizablespherical triangles. For i > 1, the tiling consists of realizable spherical triangles andpossibly φj-lunes with j < i. The lemma follows by induction on i.

The following statement is a stronger variant of the Bricard’s condition for equide-composable polyhedra [AZ10, Ben07], [Pak10, Chapter 15].

Lemma 3.21. Let φ1, φ2, φ3 be the set of angles of T0. Then for every i ∈ 1, 2, 3,there exist nonnegative integers m1 = m1(i),m2 = m2(i),m3 = m3(i) such that mi > 0and m1φ1 +m2φ2 +m3φ3 = π.

Proof. Let φ1 ≤ φ2 ≤ φ3. By Lemma 3.20, the φ1-lune L1 is tiled with T0. ByObservation 3.17, there is a corner-filling tile T 1

0 whose vertices with inner angles φ2

and φ3 are internal points of the edges of L1; see Figure 3.4. In a small neighborhoodof each of these two points we observe a tiling of the straight angle by the angles ofT0, including φ2 or φ3, respectively. This shows the lemma for i = 2 and i = 3.

To show the lemma for i = 1, we distinguish two cases. If φ1 divides φ2, the claimfollows from the case i = 2. Otherwise, we use Lemma 3.20 again, now for the φ2-luneL2. The argument is analogous to the previous case since in the tiling of L2 with T0

each corner tile is corner-filling.

For the rest of the chapter, let us assume that α is the minimum angle of theindivisible edge-angle T0.

Corollary 3.22. We have α < π/2.

Proof. Lemma 3.21 implies that α ≤ π/2. By Lemma 3.20, the α-lune is tiled withat least two copies of T0. Now suppose that α = π/2. Since ∆(T0) ≥ π/2 and thespherical area of the π/2-lune is π, the tiling of the π/2-lune consists of precisely twotiles T0 and ∆(T0) = π/2. This means that T0 = (π/2, π/2, π/2). The angles of everyspherical triangle tiled with T0 must be integer multiples of π/2, thus T0 is the onlyrealizable triangle. This contradicts Observation 3.19.


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Figure 3.5: A corner-filling αββ-tile and its adjacent tile in the α-lune.

Corollary 3.23. We cannot have T0 = (ααα).

Proof. If T0 = (ααα), then by Lemma 3.21, α = π/n for some positive integer n. Butwe have α > π/3 by Lemma 3.16(a) and α < π/2 by Corollary 3.22; a contradiction.

We are left with three main cases for the type of the indivisible triangle T0, accord-ing to the symmetries and relative sizes of its angles.

(A) Exactly two angles in T0 are equal, but not to α. We write T0 = (αββ).

(B) Exactly two angles in T0 are equal to α. We write T0 = (ααβ).

(C) All three angles in T0 are different. We write T0 = (αβγ).

For the rest of the chapter we assume that α < β < γ.

Case (A): T0 = (αββ).

By Lemma 3.20, the α-lune Lα can be tiled with T0. By Observation 3.17, there isa corner-filling tile T 1

0 sharing its shortest edge with another tile T 20 . See Figure 3.5.

In the neighborhood of either common vertex of T 10 and T 2

0 , we see the straight angletiled with two angles β and possibly other angles α or β. Since α + 2β > π byLemma 3.16(a), two angles β already tile the straight angle and hence β = π/2. Itfollows that two copies of T0 tile the whole α-lune and thus T0 is the only realizablespherical triangle of type (α ∗ ∗). (We recall that (α ∗ ∗) stands for (αφψ), where φ, ψmay also be equal to α or to each other.)

This implies that the Coxeter diagram of S has two vertex-disjoint α-edges, sinceit is (αββ)-rich and has no (αα∗)-triangle. Every remaining edge is adjacent to atleast one α-edge, hence it is a β-edge. The resulting diagram has only two orbits of(αββ)-triangles and so it is not (αββ)-rich, a contradiction.

Case (B): T0 = (ααβ).

We start with an observation about (ααβ)-rich Coxeter diagrams.

Lemma 3.24. There is at least one realizable spherical (α ∗ ∗)-triangle different fromT0.


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α = π/3

β = π/2

Figure 3.6: The (αα2α)-triangle and the (α, 2α, π/2)-triangle composed of two andthree (ααβ)-tiles, respectively.

Proof. If T0 = (ααβ) is the only realizable (α ∗ ∗) triangle, then the α-edges forma spanning complete bipartite subgraph in the Coxeter diagram of S and all the re-maining edges are β-edges. The (ααβ)-triangles then form at most two orbits, acontradiction.

By Lemma 3.21, there exist integers m1 ≥ 0 and m2 ≥ 1 such that m1α+m2β = π.We distinguish two cases.

(1) m1 = 0. Since 2α + β > π by Lemma 3.16(a), we have m1 = m2 = 1 and thusα+ β = π.

(2) m1 = 0. Then β = π/m2. Since 3β > π and β < π, we have m2 = 2 and soβ = π/2. Now the inequality 2α+β > π implies that α > π/4. By Lemma 3.21,there exist integers m′

1 ≥ 1 and m′2 ≥ 0 such that m′

1α + m′2π/2 = π. Since

m′2 > 0 leads to contradiction, we have α = π/m′

1. The only solution satisfyingπ/4 < α < π/2 is α = π/3.

Case (1): α + β = π. Let T = (αφψ) be the realizable spherical (α ∗ ∗)-triangledifferent from T0 (with some of the angles possibly equal), guaranteed by Lemma 3.24.The spherical area of T satisfies ∆(T ) ≥ 2∆(T0) = 2 · (2α + β − π) = 2α. But thiscontradicts the spherical triangle inequality ∆(T ) < 2α (Lemma 3.16(b)).

Case (2): α = π/3, β = π/2. The only nontrivial nonnegative integer combinationsof α and β that sum up to π are 3α and 2β. This implies that in every tiling of aspherical polygon P by T0, for every internal point x of an edge of P , all incident tileshave the same angle at x. This somewhat restricts the set of possible tilings. Furtherrestriction is obtained using the area argument.

The spherical area of T0 is β + 2α − π = π/6. The α-lune, which contains every(α ∗ ∗)-triangle, has spherical area 2α = 2π/3. It follows that every (α ∗ ∗)-triangle iscomposed of at most three tiles.

When constructing a tiling of an (α ∗ ∗)-triangle, we always start with a corner-filling tile T 1

0 of the α-lune and then try to place additional tiles. There is onlyone way of attaching a second tile to T 1

0 , yielding the triangle of type (α, α, 2α); seeFigure 3.6, left. Similarly, there is a unique way of attaching the third tile, which yieldsthe triangle of type (α, 2α, π/2); see Figure 3.6, right. These are the only realizable(α ∗ ∗)-triangles other than T0.

Realizable (β ∗∗)-triangles can be composed from at most five tiles, as their spher-ical area is smaller than 2β = π. To construct a (β ∗∗)-triangle, we start with a cornertile T 1

0 in the β-lune. Since α does not divide β, the corner tile is corner-filling. By


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Fα = π/3

β = π/2

Figure 3.7: The (β2α2α)-triangle composed of five (ααβ)-tiles with α = π/3, β = π/2.

Lemma 3.16(e) and by the symmetry of T0, the longest edge of T0 cannot be tiled withthe shorter edges. This means that there is just one possible way of attaching anothertile, T 2

0 , to T 10 ; see Figure 3.7, where T 1

0 has vertices ABC and T 20 has vertices BCF .

The two tiles do not form a triangle, yet. Hence, there is at least one more tile T 30

adjacent to, say, B. The orientation of T 30 where T 3

0 shares the edge BF with T 20

gives an (α, 2α, π/2)-triangle obtained earlier. The other orientation of T 30 , where the

longest edge of T 30 partially coincides with the edge BF , forces a fourth tile sharing

the edge CF with T 20 , forming an (α, 2α, π/2)-triangle ABE with T 1

0 and T 20 . The

remaining uncovered part of the edge BE is shorter than all edges of T0, thus such atiling cannot be completed to a (β ∗ ∗)-triangle.

To extend the (α, 2α, π/2)-triangle ACD, at least two more tiles are needed. Thereis precisely one way of attaching two more tiles, giving a (β, 2α, 2α)-triangle composedof five pieces; see Figure 3.7. Therefore, the only (β ∗∗)-triangles are (ααβ), (α, 2α, β)and (β, 2α, 2α). In particular, there is no (ββ∗)-triangle.

This implies that the Coxeter diagram of S has exactly two vertex-disjoint β-edges.Let uv and xy be the two β-edges and let w be the fifth vertex of c(S). If both trianglesuvw and xyw are (ααβ)-triangles, then all edges incident with w are α-edges. No otheredge can be an α-edge, since the (ααα)-triangle is not realizable. In other words, thetriangles uvw and xyw are the only (ααβ)-triangles; a contradiction. Hence at leastthree of the triangles induced by the vertices u, v, x, y are (ααβ)-triangles. In fact,then all four of the triangles are (ααβ)-triangles since the edges ux, uy, vx, vy must beα-edges. Every triangle containing one of these four α-edges and the vertex w mustbe of type (α, α, 2α). Therefore, without loss of generality, the edges uw and vw areα-edges, and the edges xw and yw are 2α-edges. The diagram looks like the one inFigure 3.3c). But in such a diagram, there are only three orbits of (ααβ)-triangles; acontradiction.

Case (C): T0 = (αβγ).

First we obtain some more information about the Coxeter diagram of S.

Lemma 3.25. There is at least one realizable spherical (α ∗ ∗)-triangle different fromT0. The same is true for triangles of type (β ∗ ∗) and (γ ∗ ∗).

Proof. Assume for contradiction that T0 is the only realizable spherical triangle of type(α ∗ ∗). It follows that there are exactly two vertex-disjoint α-edges in c(S). Sinceevery other edge in c(S) is adjacent to an α-edge, all edges in c(S) are β-edges or


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Figure 3.8: Two possible Coxeter diagrams if T0 is the only triangle of type (α ∗ ∗).

γ-edges, and c(S) is isomorphic to one of the two diagrams in Figure 3.8. In bothdiagrams, the six (αβγ)-triangles form only three orbits; a contradiction.

Recall that Pk denotes a path with k vertices and Pk +Pl denotes a disjoint unionof paths.

Lemma 3.26. The Coxeter diagram of S has two or three α-edges and they form asubgraph isomorphic to P2 + P2 or P2 + P3.

Proof. Let H = c(S) be the Coxeter diagram of S. Let V (H) = u, v, w, x, y and letHα = (V (G), Eα) be the subgraph of H formed by the α-edges. Since H is (αβγ)-rich,it has at least four (αβγ)-triangles, and hence it has at least two α-edges, at least twoβ-edges and at least two γ-edges.

Suppose that |Eα| = 2. If the two α-edges are adjacent, say, Eα = uv, uw, thenall the triangles uvx, uvy, uwx, uwy are of type (αβγ). In particular, the edges vx andwx are of the same type, either β or γ, and the edges vy and wy are of the same typeas well. Therefore, H has a symmetry switching v with w, and so there are at mosttwo orbits of (αβγ)-triangles; a contradiction. It follows that Hα is a matching.

Suppose that |Eα| = 3. IfHα is isomorphic to the starK1,3, say, Eα = xu, xv, xw,then every (αβγ)-triangle must contain the vertex y, so there can be at most threesuch triangles. If Hα is isomorphic to the path P4, say, Eα = xu, uv, vw, then theedges xv and uw cannot have type β or γ, since the spherical triangles of type (ααβ)and (ααγ) have smaller area than T0 and so they are not realizable. This again impliesthat every (αβγ)-triangle must contain the vertex y and so there are at most three ofthem. Also, Hα cannot form a triangle, since the spherical triangle of type (ααα) isnot realizable. This leaves only the last option: Hα forms a subgraph isomorphic toP2 + P3.

Suppose that |Eα| ≥ 4. If Hα contains a star K1,4, then no other edge can beof type β or γ. If Hα contains a “fork”, say, Eα ⊇ uv, vw,wx,wy, then only twoedges, ux and uy, can be of type β or γ. If Hα contains a path P5, say, Eα ⊇uv, vw,wx, xy, then only three edges, ux, uy and vy, can be of type β or γ. SinceHα cannot contain triangles, the last possibility is that Hα is isomorphic to the 4-cycle,say, Eα = uv, vx, xy, yu. All edges of type β or γ must be incident with w, henceuw and xw are of the same type, and also vw and yw are of the same type. Regardlessof the type of the diagonals ux and vy, this diagram has a symmetry group generatedby the transpositions (u, x) and (v, y), and so the (αβγ)-triangles form just one orbit;a contradiction.

In the following lemma we obtain some partial information about the angles of T0

and identify two basic cases.

Lemma 3.27. If T0 = (αβγ) then γ = π/2. Furthermore,


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Figure 3.9: Two possibilities for the first two tiles in the tiling of Lα by T0.

a) α+ 2β = π, or

b) β = π/3 and α > π/6.

Proof. By Lemma 3.25, the spherical area of the α-lune Lα is greater than 2∆(T0). ByLemma 3.20, there is a tiling of the lune Lα by at least three copies of T0. Let T 1

0 bea corner-filling tile with vertices A,B,C incident with angles α, β, γ, respectively. Inparticular, A is a vertex of Lα. By Observation 3.17, T 1

0 is adjacent to a tile T 20 with

vertices B,C,D, which can be placed in two possible orientations; see Figure 3.9. If T 20

has the same orientation as T 10 , the quadrilateral ABDC is a spherical parallelogram

with angles β + γ at vertices B and C. By Lemma 3.25, two copies of T0 cannot tileLα and so β + γ < π. Since α + β + γ > π by Lemma 3.16(a), the parallelogramABDC cannot be completed to a tiling of Lα. Therefore T 2

0 and T 10 have opposite


Since α+ 2γ > α+ β + γ > π, no other tile can be incident to C and so γ = π/2.That is, the two tiles T 1

0 and T 20 form a triangle ABD. The angles of the tiles incident

to B include two angles β, and together they sum up to π. No tile can have angle γat B since 2β + γ > π. Therefore, there exist non-negative integers n1 and n2 ≥ 2such that n1α + n2β = π. Since γ = π/2, we have α + β > π/2, implying n1 ≤ 1 andβ > π/4. There are only two cases:

a) n1 = 1: then n2 = 2 and thus α + 2β = π.

b) n1 = 0: then β = π/3 and consequently α > π/6.

This concludes the proof.

Now we deal separately with the two cases from Lemma 3.27.

Case a) α+2β = π. By Observation 3.17 and by the fact that β+γ < π < α+β+γ,the tiling of every realizable (α ∗∗)-triangle other than T0 contains two tiles ABC andBCD with opposite orientations as in Figure 3.10, forming a triangle of type (α, α, 2β).By the triangle inequality (Lemma 3.16(e)), the edge BD cannot be subdivided by theedge of T0 opposite to β, thus there is just one possible way of placing a third tile: thetriangle BDE in Figure 3.10. These three tiles form a triangle of type (α, α + β, γ).The fourth tile would fill the whole α-lune, therefore the only realizable (α∗∗)-trianglesare (αβγ), (α, α, 2β) and (α, α + β, γ).


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γ = π/2

Figure 3.10: Tiling of spherical triangles for γ = π/2 and α + 2β = π.

Lemma 3.28. Every (αβγ)-rich Coxeter diagram with five vertices where all (α ∗ ∗)-triangles are of type (αβγ), (α, α, 2β) or (α, α+ β, γ), is isomorphic to one of the fivediagrams in Figure 3.11.

Proof. Let H be a Coxeter diagram satisfying the assumptions of the lemma. LetV (H) = u, v, w, x, y and let Eα be the set of α-edges. By Lemma 3.26, we distinguishtwo cases, up to isomorphism.

1) Eα = ux, vy. In this case, all triangles containing an α-edge are of type (αβγ)or (α, α + β, γ). In particular, every such triangle contains exactly one γ-edge. Bysymmetry, we may assume that xw and yw are γ-edges. The other two γ-edges form amatching on vertices u, v, x, y; there are two possibilities, uv, xy and uy, vx. Theremaining four edges are of type β or α+β. If at least one of the two edges uw and vwis of type α + β, the remaining edges must be β-edges so that there are at least four(αβγ)-triangles. However, if both edges uw and vw are of type α+ β, then due to thesymmetry Φ exchanging simultaneously u with v and x with y, the (αβγ)-trianglesform only two orbits. Thus only one edge, say, vw, is of type α + β and we have thediagram in Figure 3.11(a) or (b).

In the other case both edges uw and vw are of type β. If both remaining edgesare of type β, then due to the symmetry Φ the (αβγ)-triangles form only three orbits.Therefore, exactly one edge is of type α + β. However, if uy and vx were chosen asγ-edges, the diagram has again Φ as its symmetry and the (αβγ)-triangles form onlytwo orbits. So in this case we obtain only one diagram; see Figure 3.11(c).

2) Eα = uw, vw, xy. In this case the edge uv must be of type 2β and it is theonly edge of this type. All seven (α ∗ ∗)-triangles other than uvw have exactly oneγ-edge. Due to symmetry, we may assume that xw is a γ-edge. Then yu and yv mustbe γ-edges as well. The remaining three edges, yw, xu and xv, are of type β or α+ β.If all these three edges are of type β, the diagram has a symmetry Ψ exchanging uand v, but the (αβγ)-triangles still form four orbits; see Figure 3.11(d). Otherwise,exactly one of the three edges yw, xu, xv is of type α+ β. If yw is of type α+ β, thendue to the symmetry Ψ, the (αβγ)-triangles form only two orbits. The other two casesgive isomorphic diagrams; see Figure 3.11(e).

We immediately notice that the diagram in Figure 3.11(e) cannot be a Coxeterdiagram of S, since xuv is a (β, α + β, 2β)-triangle but there is no spherical triangleof type (β, α + β, 2β) by Lemma 3.16(b).

We are left with diagrams in Figure 3.11(a)–(d). Since investigating realizable


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x y

u v


x y

u v


x y

u v

(a) (b) (c)


x y

u v


x y

u v

α+ β



(d) (e)

Figure 3.11: Coxeter diagrams for the case α+ 2β = π.

(β ∗ ∗)-triangles does not seem to help much, we proceed to the next step and useFiedler’s theorem (Theorem 3.5).

Recall that the matrix A associated to a simplex S has -1’s on the diagonal andaij = cos βij for i = j, where βij is the dihedral angle between facets Fi and Fj. Notethat the matrix A is completely determined by c(S): the angle βij is the label of theedge FiFj in c(S).

Let t := cos β and s := cosα. Since α+2β = π and α < β, it follows that s = 1−2t2

and t ∈ (0, 1/2). Moreover, cos 2β = 2t2 − 1 and cos(α + β) = cos(π − β) = −t.The following matrices A1, . . . , A4 are associated to simplices represented by di-

agrams in Figure 3.11(a)–(d), respectively. The rows and columns of A1, . . . , A4 areindexed by u, v, w, x, y (in this order), where the vertices u, v, w, x, y of c(S) representfacets F1, . . . , F5 in S.

A1 =

−1 0 t 1− 2t2 t0 −1 −t t 1− 2t2

t −t −1 0 01− 2t2 t 0 −1 0

t 1− 2t2 0 0 −1

A2 =

−1 t t 1− 2t2 0t −1 −t 0 1− 2t2

t −t −1 0 01− 2t2 0 0 −1 t

0 1− 2t2 0 t −1

A3 =

−1 0 t 1− 2t2 −t0 −1 t t 1− 2t2

t t −1 0 01− 2t2 t 0 −1 0

−t 1− 2t2 0 0 −1


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A4 =

−1 2t2 − 1 1− 2t2 t 0

2t2 − 1 −1 1− 2t2 t 01− 2t2 1− 2t2 −1 0 t

t t 0 −1 1− 2t2

0 0 t 1− 2t2 −1

Considering t as a variable, the determinants of matricesA1, . . . , A4 are polynomials

in t. Let Γ(Ai) be the set of roots of the determinant of Ai. Rounding the roots totwo decimal places, we have:

A det(A) Γ(A)

A1 −t2(2t− 1)(2t2 − t− 2)(4t3 + 4t2 − t− 2) 0, 0.5, 2.56,−1.56,−0.78, 1.28, 0.63A2 −t2(2t− 1)(2t2 + t− 2)(4t3 + 2t2 − 3t− 2) 0, 0.5, 2.56,−1.56,−1.28, 0.78, 0.92A3 −t4(2t− 1)(2t+ 1)(4t2 − 3) 0,±0.5,±0.87A4 −8t4(2t2 − 1)(4t4 − 7t2 + 2) 0,±0.71,±1.18,±0.60

By Fiedler’s theorem, the matrix associated to a simplex is singular. Therefore,the determinant of Ai must have a root in the interval (0, 1/2). Since no Ai satisfiesthis condition, we have a contradiction and the lemma follows.

Case b) β = π/3 and α > π/6.

Lemma 3.29. If T0 = (α, π/3, π/2) with α > π/6, then α ∈ π/4, 2π/9, π/5.

Proof. By Lemma 3.21, there are integers m ≥ 1 and n ≥ 0 such that mα+nπ/3 = π.Since π/6 < α < π/3, we have n ≤ 1. For n = 0 we have α = π/m, thus m = 4 or5, while for n = 1 we have α = 2π/(3m), which is in the interval (π/6, π/3) only form = 3. The lemma follows.

The following simple observation will be useful for investigating all realizable (α∗∗)-and (π/3 ∗ ∗)-triangles.

Observation 3.30. Let L be a realizable φ-lune, H a realizable corner-filling sphericaltriangle whose two copies tile the lune L and K ⊆ H a realizable corner-filling sphericaltriangle used in a tiling of H. Then the complement of K in L is also realizable; seeFigure 3.12.

In the following lemma we investigate all realizable (α ∗ ∗)- and (β ∗ ∗)-trianglesfor T0 = (α, π/3, π/2). For better clarity we write α and β rather than their numericalvalues.

Lemma 3.31. Let T0 = (α, β, π/2), where β = π/3. Depending on the value of α, therealizable (α ∗ ∗)-triangles and (β ∗ ∗)-triangles other than T0 are the following.

1) α = π/4

• (α, α, 2β), (α, π/2, π/2), (α, β, 3α), (α, π/2, 2β)

• (β, β, π/2), (β, β, 2β), (β, π/2, 2β), (β, π/2, 3α)

2) α = π/5


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Figure 3.12: Tiling of a realizable lune L, where H = ABB′ and K = ABC.

• (α, α, 2β), (α, 2α, π/2), (α, β, 3α), (α, β, 2β), (α, α, 4α), (α, 2α, 2β),(α, π/2, 3α), (α, β, 4α), (α, π/2, 2β)

• (β, β, 2α), (β, 2α, π/2), (β, 2α, 3α), (β, π/2, 3α), (β, β, 4α), (β, 2α, 4α),(β, 3α, 2β), (β, π/2, 4α)

3) α = 2π/9

• (α, α, 2β), (α, 2α, π/2), (α, β, 2β), (α, α, 4α), (α, π/2, α+β), (α, β, 2α+β),(α, π/2, 2β)

• (β, β, 2α), (β, α + β, 2β), (β, π/2, 2α + β).

Proof. Recall that for triangle T0, a, b, c denote the edges (and also their length) op-posite to angles α, β, γ, respectively.

First we describe a general method how to find all realizable (φ ∗ ∗)-triangles,which we lately apply to specific values of α. The rough idea is to consider all sphericaltriangles whose angles and edges can be obtained as a combination of angles and edgesof the basic tile T0, respectively, and which area is a multiple of the area of T0.

Here we provide more details. Let T = (τφψ), T = T0, be a realizable triangle.We may assume that T is a corner-filling tile of a τ -lune and φ ≤ ψ.

Recall that ∆(T ) denotes the spherical area of T . Because T is realizable, it followsthat ∆(T ) = n∆(T0), where n is a number of copies of T0 needed to tile T . By Lemma3.16(a), we have

n∆(T0) = ∆(T ) = φ+ ψ + τ − π (3.3)

n(α + β + γ − π) + π − τ = φ+ ψ (3.4)

n(α + β + γ − π) + π − τ = ℓ1α + ℓ2π/3 + ℓ3π/2, (3.5)

where the last equality follows from the realizability of T . Indeed, the angles φ, ψ canbe expressed as a nonnegative integral combination of angles α, β, γ, respectively.

Note that 2 ≤ n < 2τ/∆(T0), since the volume of the φ-lune is 2τ and T = T0. Itfollows that from the solutions of the equation (3.5) we get possible forms of φ + ψand hence also possible pairs of φ and ψ. We note that we will consider only triplesof τ, φ and ψ which correspond to a spherical triangle, that is, the values of τ, φ andψ satisfy condition (b) in Lemma 3.16.


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n (ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3) (φ,ψ) length of x best approximation for x using a, b, c

2 (1,2,0)(β, α+ β) 0.80848 0.7854 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.95532

(α, 2β) 0.95532 x = c

3(0,0,2) (γ, γ) 0.7854 x = b

(0,3,0) (β, 2β) 0.9154 0.7854 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.95532

(2,0,1) (α, α+ γ) 1.14372 0.95532 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 1.23096

4 (1,1,1)(γ, α+ β) 0.74947 0.61548 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.7854

(β, α+ γ) 0.95532 x = c

(α, β + γ) 1.29953 1.23096 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.40088


(γ, 2β) 0.61548 x = a

(β, β + γ) 0.88538 0.7854 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.95532

(2,2,0)(α, α+ 2β) 1.43876 1.40088 ∼ a+ b < x < 2b ∼ 1.5708

(α+ β, α+ β) 0.59228 0.0 ∼ 0 < x < a ∼ 0.61548

Table 3.2: (α ∗ ∗)-triangles for α = π/4, a ∼ 0.61548, b ∼ 0.78540, c ∼ 0.95532.

Using the spherical law of cosines (Lemma 3.16(c)), we compute the length of theedge x opposite to the angle τ and check, if it can be obtained as a nonnegativecombination of a, b, c. If not, T = (τφψ) is clearly not realizable.

Since the calculations are tedious and it is relatively easy to make a mistake orforget some case, we have decided to write a computer program to go through allthe possibilities. The computer program was written in Sage 5.4.1 and can be foundin Appendix A. The program takes five arguments α, β, γ, τ and ρ and search for allpossible realizable (τφψ)-triangles with ρ < φ ≤ ψ as follows: First the programgoes through all possibilities of n, ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3. If the values satisfy (3.5), it tries to splitℓ1α + ℓ2β + ℓ3γ between φ and ψ. If two splitting provides the same pair (φ, ψ), welist it just once. Moreover, we test the condition (b) from Lemma 3.16 for (τφψ) tofurther eliminate nonexistent triangles. As the last step, we use the spherical law ofcosines (Lemma 3.16(c)) to compute the length of the edge x opposite to the angleτ and test if it can be obtained as a nonnegative integral combination of a, b, c. If xcannot be obtained as a combination of a, b, c, we list the best approximations of xby nonnegative integral combinations of a, b, c. In the output we round the numericalvalues to five decimal places.

For triangles T = (τφψ) not excluded by the program we try to find some tiling ofT by hand. We use Observation 3.30 to simplify the search. More precisely, in manycases it will be enough to find a tiling of a corner-filling tile whose two copies fill thewhole τ -lune.

1) First we find realizable (α ∗ ∗)-triangles for α = π/4. The output of the pro-gram for α, β, γ, α, 0 is listed in Table 3.2. We immediately see, which triangles arecandidates for being realizable. We refer to Figure 3.13 (left), that all candidates fromTable 3.2 are indeed realizable. We note that triangles having A′BD, A′BC in Figure3.13 (left) are realizable by Observation 3.30 since two copies of ADE tile the α-lune.

Now we find all realizable (β ∗ ∗)-triangles. Since we already characterized allrealizable (α ∗ ∗)-triangles, we can assume that φ, ψ > α. The output of the programfor α, β, γ, β, α can be found in Table 3.3. It can be easily checked that all candidatesfrom Table 3.2 are realizable, we refer to Figure 3.13 (right). Note that trianglesB′AD,B′AC in Figure 3.13 are realizable by Observation 3.30.

2) We start with finding realizable (α ∗ ∗)-triangles for α = π/5. The output of


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n (ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3) (φ,ψ) length of x best approximation for x using a, b, c

2 (0,1,1) (β, γ) 0.95532 x = c

3 (1,2,0) (β, α+ β) 1.11184 0.95532 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 1.23096

4(0,0,2) (γ, γ) 1.0472 0.95532 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 1.23096

(0,3,0) (β, 2β) 1.23096 x = 2a

5 (1,1,1)(γ, α+ β) 1.02671 0.95532 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 1.23096

(β, α+ γ) 1.32931 1.23096 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.40088


(γ, 2β) 0.95532 x = c

(β, β + γ) 1.41547 1.40088 ∼ a+ b < x < 2b ∼ 1.5708

(2,2,0) (α+ β, α+ β) 0.91764 0.7854 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.95532

7(1,0,2) (γ, α+ γ) 0.7854 x = b

(1,3,0)(β, α+ 2β) 1.49471 1.40088 ∼ a+ b < x < 2b ∼ 1.5708

(α+ β, 2β) 0.71907 0.61548 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.7854

Table 3.3: (βφψ)-triangles for α = π/4, where φ, ψ > α and the approximate valuesof a, b, c are a ∼ 0.61548, b ∼ 0.78540, c ∼ 0.95532.

the program for α, β, γ, α, 0 is listed in Table 3.4. It is not hard to check that allcandidates from Table 3.4 are realizable, we refer to Figure 3.14 (left). Note that tri-angles A′DE,A′DF,A′DB,A′CB are realizable by Observation 3.30, since two copiesof ADH tile the α-lune.

Now we find all realizable (β ∗ ∗)-triangles. We may again assume that φ, ψ > α.For all possible (β, φ, ψ)-triangles, where φ, ψ > α, we refer to Table 3.5. It followsfrom Figure 3.14 left that all candidates from Table 3.5 are indeed realizable. We notethat triangles B′IG,B′DH,B′IA,B′AD and B′AC are realizable by Observation 3.30,since two copies of BHI tile the β-lune.

3) First we find all realizable (α ∗ ∗)-triangles. The output of the program forα, β, γ, α, 0 is listed in Table 3.6. In order to prevent further confusion, we will alwaysuse 2β even if 3α is used in some tiling. Observe that all candidates from Table 3.6are realizable, we refer to Figure 3.15 (left). Note that triangles A′ED,A′BD andA′BC are realizable by Observation 3.30, since two copies of AFD tile the α-lune.3.7. Recall that we prefer 2β to 3α although they are equal.

It remains to find all realizable (β ∗∗)-triangles. For the output of the program, seeTable 3.7. It might be surprising that one candidate from Table 3.7 is not realizable.More precisely, it is the (β, β, 2α+ β)-triangle. Indeed, assume the contrary. That is,T = (β, β, 2α+β) is realizable with vertices B,U, V and the lengths of BU,UV equals2b. We may assume that T is corner-filling in the β-lune (B is a vertex of the lune).Since T is realizable and β is not a multiple of α, we may assume that some basic tileT0 = (αβγ) with vertices A,B,C is also a corner-filling tile of the β-lune. It followsthat the edge BU of length 2b has to be composed from at least one edge a or c sincethe edge b of the basic tile is opposite to B. However, it can be easily checked (e.g. inTable 3.6) that 2b cannot be expressed as a nonnegative combination of a and c (thebest approximation is a+ c < x < 3a); a contradiction.

However, all the other candidates are realizable, we refer to Figure 3.15 (right).Triangles B′AD and B′AC are realizable by Observation 3.30,since two copies of BAHtile the β-lune.


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(αφψ)-triangles(α, α, 2β) ABD(α, γ, γ) ADE(α, β, 3α) A′BD(α, γ, 2β) A′BC















(βφψ)-triangles(β, β, γ) ABD(β, β, 2β) BDF(β, γ, 2β) B′AD(β, γ, 3α) B′AC

α β γ

Figure 3.13: Tiling of triangles with angle α (left) and β (right), where α = π4.

(αφψ)-triangles(α, α, 2β) ABD(α, 2α, γ) ADE(α, β, 3α) ADF(α, β, 2β) AFJ(α, α, 4α) ADH(α, 2α, 2β) A′DF(α, γ, 3α) A′DE(α, β, 4α) A′DB(α, γ, 2β) A′CB






















(βφψ)-triangles(β, β, 2α) ABD(β, 2α, γ) BGI(β, 2α, 3α) BIH(β, γ, 3α) B′IG(β, β, 4α) B′DH(β, 2α, 4α) B′IA(β, 3α, 2β) B′AD(β, γ, 4α) B′AC

α β γ

Figure 3.14: Tiling of triangles with angle α (left) and β (right), where α = π5.


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n (ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3) (φ,ψ) length of x best approximation for x using a, b, c

2 (1,2,0)(β, α+ β) 0.4978 0.36486 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.55357

(α, 2β) 0.65236 x = c

3 (2,0,1)(α, α+ γ) 0.79357 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844

(2α, γ) 0.55357 x = b

4 (3,1,0)(β, 3α) 0.65236 x = c

(α, 2α+ β) 0.91119 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844

(2α, α+ β) 0.60731 0.55357 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.65236


(0,0,2) (γ, γ) 0.62832 0.55357 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.65236

(0,3,0) (β, 2β) 0.72973 x = 2a

(5,0,0)(α, 4α) 1.10715 x = 2b

(2α, 3α) 0.66185 0.65236 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 0.72973

7 (1,1,1)(γ, α+ β) 0.6207 0.55357 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.65236

(β, α+ γ) 0.74479 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844

(α, β + γ) 1.19308 1.10715 ∼ 2b < x < b+ c ∼ 1.20593

8 (2,2,0)

(β, 2α+ β) 0.74187 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844

(α, α+ 2β) 1.27389 1.20593 ∼ b+ c < x < 2a+ b ∼ 1.2833

(α+ β, α+ β) 0.59348 0.55357 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.65236

(2α, 2β) 0.65236 x = c

9 (3,0,1)(γ, 3α) 0.55357 x = b

(α, 2α+ γ) 1.35103 1.30472 ∼ 2c < x < 2a+ c ∼ 1.38209

(2α, α+ γ) 0.61739 0.55357 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.65236

10 (4,1,0)

(β, 4α) 0.65236 x = c

(α, 3α+ β) 1.42562 1.38209 ∼ 2a+ c < x < 4a ∼ 1.45946

(α+ β, 3α) 0.47458 0.36486 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.55357

(2α, 2α+ β) 0.5508 0.36486 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.55357

11 (0,2,1)(γ, 2β) 0.36486 x = a

(β, β + γ) 0.51894 0.36486 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.55357

Table 3.4: (α ∗ ∗)-triangles for α = π/5, a ∼ 0.36486, b ∼ 0.55357, c ∼ 0.65236.

Lemma 3.32. Let T0 = (αβγ), where α < β < γ and β = π/3. Then the α-edges andβ-edges of S together form a subgraph isomorphic to one of the six graphs in Figure3.16.

Proof. The proof will be similar to the proof of Lemma 3.26.Let H = c(S) be the Coxeter diagram of S. Let V (H) = u, v, w, x, y and let

Hα = (V (G), Eα), Hβ = (V (G), Eβ) and Hαβ = (V (G), Eαβ) be the subgraph of Hformed by the α-edges, β-edges, and α and β-edges, respectively. Recall that H hasat least two β-edges since is (αβγ)-rich. By Lemma 3.26, Hα has two or three edgeswhich form a subgraph isomorphic to P2 + P2 or P2 + P3, where Pj + Pk is a disjointunion of paths with j and k vertices, respectively.

Suppose that |Eβ| = 2. Then Hβ is a matching by the completely same argu-ment as in the case |Eα| = 2 in Lemma 3.26. Indeed, in Lemma 3.26 we didn’t usethe assumptions α < β = π/3. So let us assume that the β-edges xu, yv form amatching. If Hα also forms a matching, then Hαβ is isomorphic to an alternating4-cycle, see Figure 3.16(a). Indeed, if Hαβ forms an alternating path of length 5, thenthere are at most three (αβγ)-triangles which is not possible. If Hα is isomorphic


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(αφψ)-triangles(α, α, 2β) ABD(α, 2α, γ) ADE(α, β, 2β) ADF(α, α, 4α) ADH

(α, γ, α + β) A′ED(α, β, 2α + β) A′BD(α, γ, 2β) A′BC



















(βφψ)-triangles(β, β, 2α) ABD

(β, α+ β, 2β) B′AD(β, γ, 2α + β) B′AC

α β γ

Figure 3.15: Tiling of triangles with angle α (left) and β (right), where α = 2π9.

x y

u v


x y

u v


x y

u v

(a) (b) (c)


x y

u v


x y

u v


x y

u v

(d) (e) (f)

α β

Figure 3.16: α-edges and β-edges of S for β = π/3


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n (ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3) (φ,ψ) length of x best approximation for x using a, b, c

2 (2,1,0) (β, 2α) 0.65236 x = c4 (4,0,0) (2α, 2α) 0.85216 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.918445 (0,1,1) (β, γ) 0.95532 0.91844 ∼ a+ b < x < a+ c ∼ 1.017226 (1,2,0) (β, α+ β) 1.02412 1.01722 ∼ a+ c < x < 3a ∼ 1.094597 (2,0,1) (2α, γ) 1.01722 x = a+ c

8 (3,1,0)(β, 3α) 1.13794 1.10715 ∼ 2b < x < b+ c ∼ 1.20593

(2α, α+ β) 1.05356 1.01722 ∼ a+ c < x < 3a ∼ 1.09459

10(0,0,2) (γ, γ) 1.0472 1.01722 ∼ a+ c < x < 3a ∼ 1.09459(0,3,0) (β, 2β) 1.23096 1.20593 ∼ b+ c < x < 2a+ b ∼ 1.2833(5,0,0) (2α, 3α) 1.10715 x = 2b

11 (1,1,1)(γ, α+ β) 1.04401 1.01722 ∼ a+ c < x < 3a ∼ 1.09459(β, α+ γ) 1.2722 1.20593 ∼ b+ c < x < 2a+ b ∼ 1.2833

12 (2,2,0)(β, 2α+ β) 1.31082 1.30472 ∼ 2c < x < 2a+ c ∼ 1.38209

(α+ β, α+ β) 1.02796 1.01722 ∼ a+ c < x < 3a ∼ 1.09459(2α, 2β) 1.13794 1.10715 ∼ 2b < x < b+ c ∼ 1.20593

13 (3,0,1)(γ, 3α) 1.01722 x = a+ c

(2α, α+ γ) 1.1442 1.10715 ∼ 2b < x < b+ c ∼ 1.20593

14 (4,1,0)(β, 4α) 1.38209 x = 2a+ c

(α+ β, 3α) 0.97305 0.91844 ∼ a+ b < x < a+ c ∼ 1.01722(2α, 2α+ β) 1.14298 1.10715 ∼ 2b < x < b+ c ∼ 1.20593

15 (0,2,1)(γ, 2β) 0.95532 0.91844 ∼ a+ b < x < a+ c ∼ 1.01722

(β, β + γ) 1.41547 1.38209 ∼ 2a+ c < x < 4a ∼ 1.45946


(1,0,2) (γ, α+ γ) 0.90456 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844

(1,3,0)(β, α+ 2β) 1.44777 1.38209 ∼ 2a+ c < x < 4a ∼ 1.45946(α+ β, 2β) 0.87472 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844

(6,0,0)(2α, 4α) 1.10715 x = 2b(3α, 3α) 0.85216 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844

17 (2,1,1)

(γ, 2α+ β) 0.83279 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844(β, 2α+ γ) 1.47923 1.47201 ∼ a+ 2b < x < a+ b+ c ∼ 1.5708

(α+ β, α+ γ) 0.79847 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844(2α, β + γ) 1.06021 1.01722 ∼ a+ c < x < 3a ∼ 1.09459

18 (3,2,0)

(β, 3α+ β) 1.51008 1.47201 ∼ a+ 2b < x < a+ b+ c ∼ 1.5708(α+ β, 2α+ β) 0.69014 0.65236 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 0.72973(2α, α+ 2β) 0.97305 0.91844 ∼ a+ b < x < a+ c ∼ 1.01722

(3α, 2β) 0.65236 x = c

19 (4,0,1)(γ, 4α) 0.55357 x = b

(2α, 2α+ γ) 0.79357 0.72973 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 0.91844(3α, α+ γ) 0.48235 0.36486 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.55357

Table 3.5: (βφψ)-triangles for α = π/5, where φ, ψ > α and the approximate valuesof a, b, c are a ∼ 0.36486, b ∼ 0.55357, c ∼ 0.65236.

to P2 + P3, there are three non-isomorphic placements of Hα. In the first case, theα-edges are xy, uv, uw, see Figure 3.16(b), in the second case xy, uw, vw and inthe third case xy, yu, vw. In the last case there are at most three (αβγ)-triangles,i.e., yvw, yvu, yvx, even if all the remaining edges are γ-edges. It remains to solve thesecond case. In order to have four (αβγ)-triangles, the edges xw, yw, xv, yu have tobe γ-edges. Due to the symmetry Φ simultaneously exchanging u with w and x withy, the (αβγ)-triangles form only two orbits; a contradiction.

Suppose that |Eβ| = 3. Hβ cannot be isomorphic to the star K1,3 by the sameargument as in Lemma 3.26. Also, Hβ cannot form a triangle, since the sphericaltriangle of type (βββ) = (π/3, π/3, π/3) is not realizable by Lemma 3.16(a). If Hβ is


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n (ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3) (φ,ψ) length of x best approximation for x using a, b, c


(β, α+ β) 0.64949 0.48526 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.67954

(α, 2β) 0.81199 x = c

(4,0,0) (2α, 2α) 0.60772 0.48526 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.67954

3 (2,0,1)(α, α+ γ) 0.98156 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

(2α, γ) 0.67954 x = b


(0,0,2) (γ, γ) 0.69813 0.67954 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.81199

(0,3,0) (β, 2β) 0.81199 x = c

(3,1,0)(α, 2α+ β) 1.12213 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

(2α, α+ β) 0.70937 0.67954 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.81199

5 (1,1,1)(γ, α+ β) 0.67954 x = b

(β, α+ γ) 0.83626 0.81199 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 0.97053

(α, β + γ) 1.24577 1.1648 ∼ a+ b < x < a+ c ∼ 1.29725

6 (2,2,0)

(β, 2α+ β) 0.81199 x = c

(α, α+ 2β) 1.35908 x = 2b

(α+ β, α+ β) 0.60772 0.48526 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.67954

(2α, 2β) 0.64949 0.48526 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.67954


(γ, 2β) 0.48526 x = a

(β, β + γ) 0.69336 0.67954 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.81199

(3,0,1)(α, 2α+ γ) 1.46634 1.45579 ∼ 3a < x < b+ c ∼ 1.49153

(2α, α+ γ) 0.5207 0.48526 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.67954

Table 3.6: (α ∗ ∗)-triangles for α = 2π/9, a ∼ 0.48526, b ∼ 0.67954, c ∼ 0.81199.

isomorphic to the path P4, say, Eβ = xu, uv, vy, then the edges xv and uy cannothave type α, since the spherical triangle of type (αββ) has smaller area than T0 andso it is not realizable. This implies that α-edges forms a subset of wx,wy, wu,wv, xy.Since neither (ααβ)-triangle nor (ααα)-triangle is realizable, it follows that Hα forms amatching; see Figure 3.16(c). The last option is that Hβ forms a subgraph isomorphicto P2 + P3, say, Eβ = uw, vw, xy. Since the edge uv cannot be an α-edge ((αββ)-triangle is not realizable), there are just three non-isomorphic placements of Hα. Inthe first case, Hα is isomorphic to P2 + P3; see 3.16(d), in the second and third caseto P2 + P2. However, in the case when Eα = xu, yv there are, due to the symmetryΦ, at most two orbits of (αβγ)-triangles (note that this case correspond to the casewhen Eα = xy, yu, vw and Eβ = xu, yv, just the roles of α and β are exchanged).The last case is depicted in Figure 3.16(e).

Suppose that |Eβ| ≥ 4. If Hβ contains a star K1,4, then no other edge can be oftype α, since the spherical triangle of type (αββ) has smaller area than T0. If Hβ

contains a “fork”, say, Eβ ⊇ uv, vw,wx,wy, then only two edges, ux and uy, can beof type α—a contradiction, since Hα is not a matching. If Hβ contains a path P5, say,Eβ ⊇ xu, uw,wv, vy, then, using Lemma 3.26, only two edges, xv, uy can be of typeα; see Figure 3.16(f). Since Hβ cannot contain triangles, the last possibility is thatHβ is isomorphic to the 4-cycle, say, Eβ = uv, vy, yx, xu. All edges of type α mustbe incident with w, which is again a contradiction, since Hα is isomorphic to P2 + P2

or P2 + P3.

Lemma 3.33. For α = π/4 and α = π/5, all (αβγ)-rich Coxeter diagrams with fivevertices whose all triangles of type (α ∗ ∗) and (β ∗ ∗) are listed in Lemma 3.31 are


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n (ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3) (φ,ψ) length of x best approximation for x using a, b, c

2 (2,1,0) (β, 2α) 0.81199 x = c

3 (0,1,1) (β, γ) 0.95532 0.81199 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 0.97053

4(1,2,0) (β, α+ β) 1.06506 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

(4,0,0) (2α, 2α) 0.99245 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

5 (2,0,1) (2α, γ) 1.03827 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

6(0,0,2) (γ, γ) 1.0472 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

(0,3,0) (β, 2β) 1.23096 1.1648 ∼ a+ b < x < a+ c ∼ 1.29725

(3,1,0) (2α, α+ β) 1.06506 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

7 (1,1,1)(γ, α+ β) 1.03827 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

(β, α+ γ) 1.29821 1.29725 ∼ a+ c < x < 2b ∼ 1.35908

8 (2,2,0)(β, 2α+ β) 1.35908 x = 2b

(α+ β, α+ β) 0.99245 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648

(2α, 2β) 1.06506 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648


(γ, 2β) 0.95532 0.81199 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 0.97053

(β, β + γ) 1.41547 1.35908 ∼ 2b < x < 3a ∼ 1.45579

(3,0,1) (2α, α+ γ) 1.03 0.97053 ∼ 2a < x < a+ b ∼ 1.1648


(1,0,2) (γ, α+ γ) 0.85965 0.81199 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 0.97053

(1,3,0)(β, α+ 2β) 1.46882 1.45579 ∼ 3a < x < b+ c ∼ 1.49153

(α+ β, 2β) 0.81199 x = c

(4,1,0) (2α, 2α+ β) 0.95241 0.81199 ∼ c < x < 2a ∼ 0.97053

11 (2,1,1)

(γ, 2α+ β) 0.67954 x = b

(β, 2α+ γ) 1.52026 1.49153 ∼ b+ c < x < 2c ∼ 1.62397

(α+ β, α+ γ) 0.6254 0.48526 ∼ a < x < b ∼ 0.67954

(2α, β + γ) 0.78127 0.67954 ∼ b < x < c ∼ 0.81199

Table 3.7: (βφψ)-triangles for α = 2π/9, where φ, ψ > α and the approximate valuesof a, b, c are a ∼ 0.48526, b ∼ 0.67954, c ∼ 0.81199.

shown in Figures 3.17 and 3.18. For α = 2π/9, no (αβγ)-rich Coxeter diagram withfive vertices satisfying Lemma 3.31 exists.

Proof. Let H be a Coxeter diagram satisfying the assumptions of the lemma. LetV (H) = u, v, w, x, y and let Eα, Eβ be the set of α-edges and β-edges, respectively.By Lemma 3.32, we distinguish several cases, up to isomorphism. First of all weexclude case (f) when Eα = uy, xv, Eβ = xu, uw,wv, vy for α ∈ π/4, π/5, 2π/9.Since H is (αβγ)-rich, the edges xy, uv have type γ. If the remaining edges xw, ywhave the same type, then due to the symmetry Φ exchanging simultaneously u withv and x with y, the (αβγ)-triangles form only at most three orbits; a contradiction.Let us assume that the edge xw has type φ. Since both triangles (ββφ), (αβφ) arerealizable just for at most one φ for α ∈ π/4, π/5, 2π/9, it follows that the edgesxw, yw have the same type; a contradiction.

Therefore, by Lemma 3.32, we are left with cases (a)-(e) depicted in Figure 3.16,and we will continue separately for each value of α.

1) α = π/4. Recall that by the spherical law of cosines (Lemma 3.16(c)), we haveapproximately, a ∼ 0.6155, b = π/4 ∼ 0.7854 and c ∼ 0.9553. Note that the triangleof type (π/2, π/2, 2β) is not realizable since its longest edge has length 2π/3 ∼ 2.0944,which cannot be obtained as a positive linear combination of a, b, c.

(a) Eα = uv, xy, Eβ = xu, yv. Since H is (αβγ)-rich, the edges xv, uy have


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x y

u v


x y

u v


x y

u v



(i) (ii) (iii)

Figure 3.17: Coxeter diagrams for α = π4.

type γ. Since (αγγ) and (αγ2β) are the only realizable (αφψ)-triangles for φ, ψ /∈α, β, it follows that all edges incident with w are of type γ, 2β. If both the edgesuw, vw are of type γ, then also wx,wy have type γ, since the (γ, γ, 2β)-triangle is notrealizable. It follows that the triangle xuw has type (βγγ) and hence is not realizable;a contradiction. Thus one of the edges uw, vw is of type γ and the second one of type2β. Without loss of generality let us assume that vw is of type 2β. Since the triangle(γ, γ, 2β) is not realizable, it follows that the edge xw is of type 2β and the remainingedges uw,wy are of type γ. The diagram H has a symmetry group generated by thetranspositions (x, v) and (u, y), hence it has at most two orbits; a contradiction. Weconclude that the diagram (a) from Figure 3.16 can’t be extended to H.

(b) Eα = uv, uw, xy, Eβ = xu, yv. As in the case (a), the edges xv, uy areof type γ. The types of edges vw and yw are uniquely determined: vw has type 2βand yw has type γ. Denote the type of xw by φ. Since there is no φ such that bothtriangles (αβφ) and (αγφ) are realizable, it follows that the diagram (b) from Figure3.16 also cannot be extended to H.

(c) Eα = uw, xy, Eβ = xu, uv, vy. In this case, since H is (αβγ)-rich, theedges xw,wv, vx, uy have type γ. The type of the remaining edge wy is uniquelydetermined, since there is just one φ = 2β for which both triangles (αγφ), (βγφ) arerealizable, see Figure 3.17(i).

(d) Eα = ux, xv, yw, Eβ = uw,wv, xy. The only possible type of uv is 2β.Since (γ, γ, 2β) is not realizable, it follows that at most one edge from uy, vy has typeγ. Since H contains at least two γ-edges, we can assume that uy and xw have type γ.The only possible type of vy is 3α, see Figure 3.17(ii).

(e) Eα = ux, yw, Eβ = uw,wv, xy. Since H is (αβγ)-rich, the edges xw, uyhave type γ. Denote the type of uv, xv, vy by φ, ψ, ω, respectively. Note that φ, ψ, ω /∈α, β. The triangles (ββφ), (αφψ) and (βγψ) are all realizable just for φ = γ, ψ = 2β,and the triangles (β, 2β, ω), (αβω) just for ω = γ, see Figure 3.17(iii).

Before continuing with α = π/5, we exclude cases (c) and (e) for both α = π/5and α = 2π/9, since the arguments are the same:

(c) Eα = uw, xy, Eβ = xu, uv, vy. Since (ββγ) is not realizable, there are atmost two (αβγ)-triangles, i.e., uvw and xuw; a contradiction.

(e) Eα = ux, yw, Eβ = uw,wv, xy. Since H is (αβγ)-rich, the edges xw, uyhave type γ. Denote the type of uv, xv by φ, ψ, respectively. It follows φ ∈ 2α, 4α.It is not hard to check that there is no ψ such that the triangles xuv, xvw which areof types (αφψ), (βγψ) are both realizable.

2) α = π/5. Recall that by the spherical law of cosines (Lemma 3.16(c)), we haveapproximately, a ∼ 0.3649, b ∼ 0.5536 and c ∼ 0.6524. Spherical triangles of type


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x y

u v


x y

u v


x y

u v

(i) (ii) (iii)



Figure 3.18: Coxeter diagrams for α = π5.

(π/2, π/2, 4α), (π/2, π/2, 2β) and (π/2, 2α, 3α) are not realizable since they have anedge of length 4π/5 ∼ 2.5133 or 2π/3 ∼ 2.0944 or ∼ 1.2400, respectively, which cannotbe obtained as a nonnegative linear combination of a, b, c. A spherical triangle of type(π/2, 4α, 4α) does not exists by Lemma 3.16(b).

(a) Eα = uv, xy, Eβ = xu, yv. Since H is (αβγ)-rich, the edges xv, uy havetype γ. Let φ, ψ, ω, τ be the types of wx,wu,wv, wy, respectively. Since the triangle(αψω) has to be realizable and since φ, ψ, ω, τ /∈ α, β, we have, up to symmetry,four options for (ψ, ω) : (2α, γ), (2α, 2β), (γ, 3α), (γ, 2β). Since there are just four(αβγ) triangles in H, H cannot be symmetric and hence φ, ψ = ω, τ. Sincethe triangles (βφψ), (βωτ), (αφτ) are also realizable, we get, up to symmetry, thatφ = γ, ψ = 2α, ω = 2β, τ = 3α or φ = γ, ψ = 2α, ω = γ, τ = 3α. In the first case, thetriangle xvw has type (γφω) = (γ, γ, 2β), which is not realizable, in the second case,the triangle uyw has type ( pi/2, 2α, 3α) which is also not realizable.

(b) Eα = uv, uw, xy, Eβ = xu, yv. As in the case (a), the edges xv, uy are oftype γ. Let φ, ψ, ω be the types of wv,wy, wx, respectively. Since φ, ψ, ω /∈ α, β and(ααφ) has to be realizable, it is immediate that φ ∈ 2β, 4α. First, let us assumethat φ = 2β. Since the triangles (αγψ), (β, 2β, ψ), (αβω), (αψω) are realizable, itfollows ψ = 3α and ω = γ. But now the triangle xvw has type (γ, γ, 2β), whichis not realizable; a contradiction. Thus we are left with the option φ = 4α. Again,since the triangles (αγψ), (β, 4α, ψ), (αβω), (αψω) are realizable, it follows ψ = 2α andω ∈ γ, 2β. If ω = γ, the triangle xvw has type (γ, γ, 4α), which is not realizable,thus ω = 2 beta, see Figure 3.18(i).

(d) Eα = ux, xv, yw, Eβ = uw,wv, xy. The only possible type of uv is 4α.Since (γ, γ, 4α) is not realizable, it follows that at most one edge from uy, vy has typeγ. Since H contains at least two γ-edges, we can assume that uy and xw have typeγ. Since (γ, 4α, 4α)-triangle is not realizable, there are just two possible types of vy,namely 3α and 2β, see Figure 3.18(ii),(iii).

3) α = 2π/9. Recall that by the spherical law of cosines (Lemma 3.16(c)), wehave approximately, a ∼ 0.4853, b ∼ 0.6780 and c ∼ 0.8120. Spherical triangle of type(π/2, π/2, 2β) is not realizable since it have an edge of length 2π/3 ∼ 2.0944, whichcannot be obtained as a nonnegative linear combination of a, b, c. The goal is to showthat there is no H satisfying the required conditions.

(a) Eα = uv, xy, Eβ = xu, yv. Let φ, ψ, ω, τ be the types of wx,wu,wv, wy,


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respectively. Since φ, ψ, ω, τ /∈ α, β, it is not hard to check that there are no φ, ψ, ω, τsuch that all triangles of types (αψω), (βφψ), (βωτ), (αφτ) are realizable.

(b) Eα = uv, uw, xy, Eβ = xu, yv. Since there is no realizable (β, 4α, ∗)-triangle, the edges vw, yw has type 2β, α + β, respectively, by Lemma 3.31. It alsofollows that the edges xv, uy, xw has to be γ-edges, hence xvw has type (π/2, π/2, 2β)which is a contradiction.

(d) Eα = ux, xv, yw, Eβ = uw,wv, xy. Again, using Lemma 3.31, we see thatthe triangles uvw and uvx cannot be both realizable.

In order to finish the (αβγ) case it remains to show that simplices correspondingto Coxeter diagrams from Figures 3.17, 3.18 cannot exist. It is now easier than inCase (a) to compute all determinants of matrices corresponding to Coxeter diagramsfrom Figures 3.17 and 3.18, because we know precise values of all entries. We find thatall the determinants are nonzero, which violates Fiedler’s theorem.

For the sake of completeness, matrices B1, B2, B3 which correspond to the diagramsin Figure 3.17 are listed below, the same holds for matrices C1, C2, C3 which correspondto the diagrams in Figure 3.18. Again, the rows and columns of matrices are indexedby u, v, w, x, y (in this order).

B1 =

−1 0.5

√2/2 0.5 0

0.5 −1 0 0 0.5√2/2 0 −1 0 −0.5

0.5 0 0 −1√2/2

0 0.5 −0.5√2/2 −1

B2 =

−1 −0.5 0.5

√2/2 0

−0.5 −1 0.5√2/2 −


0.5 0.5 −1 0√2/2√

2/2√2/2 0 −1 0.5

0 −√2/2

√2/2 0.5 −1

B3 =

−1 0 0.5

√2/2 0

0 −1 0.5 −0.5 0

0.5 0.5 −1 0√2/2√

2/2 −0.5 0 −1 0.5

0 0√2/2 0.5 −1

C1 =

−1 1

4(√5 + 1) 1

4(√5 + 1) 0.5 0

14(√5 + 1) −1 −1

4(√5− 1) 0 0.5

14(√5 + 1) −1

4(√5− 1) −1 −0.5 1

4(√5− 1)

0.5 0 −0.5 −1 14(√5 + 1)

0 0.5 14(√5− 1) 1

4(√5 + 1) −1

C2 =

−1 −1

4(√5− 1) 0.5 1

4(√5 + 1) 0

−14(√5− 1) −1 0.5 1

4(√5 + 1) −1

4(√5 + 1)

0.5 0.5 −1 0 14(√5 + 1)

14(√5 + 1) 1

4(√5 + 1) 0 −1 0.5

0 −14(√5 + 1) 1

4(√5 + 1) 0.5 −1


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C3 =

−1 −1

4(√5− 1) 0.5 1

4(√5 + 1) 0

−14(√5− 1) −1 0.5 1

4(√5 + 1) −0.5

0.5 0.5 −1 0 14(√5 + 1)

14(√5 + 1) 1

4(√5 + 1) 0 −1 0.5

0 −0.5 14(√5 + 1) 0.5 −1

The determinants rounded to two decimal places are:det(B1) = 0.06 det(B2) = 0.13 det(B3) = 0.21det(C1) = 0.16 det(C2) = 0.16 det(C3) = 0.12This finishes the (αβγ) case and hence also the whole proof of Theorem 3.2.


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List of Figures

3.1 Two possible configurations of two dihedral angles. . . . . . . . . . . . 473.2 The α-edges form a path (left) or a four-cycle (right) in c(S). . . . . . . 483.3 Coxeter diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513.4 A corner-filling tile in the φ1-lune. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543.5 A corner-filling αββ-tile and its adjacent tile in the α-lune. . . . . . . . 553.6 The (αα2α)-triangle and the (α, 2α, π/2)-triangle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 563.7 The (β2α2α)-triangle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573.8 Two possible Coxeter diagrams if T0 is the only triangle of type (α ∗ ∗). 583.9 Two possibilities for the first two tiles in the tiling of Lα by T0. . . . . 593.10 Tiling of spherical triangles for γ = π/2 and α + 2β = π. . . . . . . . . 603.11 Coxeter diagrams for the case α + 2β = π. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613.12 Tiling of a realizable lune L, where H = ABB′ and K = ABC. . . . . 633.13 Tiling of triangles with angle α (left) and β (right), where α = π

4. . . . 66

3.14 Tiling of triangles with angle α (left) and β (right), where α = π5. . . . 66

3.15 Tiling of triangles with angle α (left) and β (right), where α = 2π9. . . . 68

3.16 α-edges and β-edges of S for β = π/3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683.17 Coxeter diagrams for α = π

4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

3.18 Coxeter diagrams for α = π5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


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List of Tables

3.1 Types of T1 and T2 triangles and the corresponding number of edges . . 503.2 (α ∗ ∗)-triangles for α = π/4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643.3 (βφψ)-triangles for α = π/4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653.4 (α ∗ ∗)-triangles for α = π/5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673.5 (βφψ)-triangles for α = π/5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693.6 (α ∗ ∗)-triangles for α = 2π/9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703.7 (βφψ)-triangles for α = 2π/9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


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Appendix A

The program

def possible_tilings(u,v,w,lens,min_angle):

def cos_law(a,b,c):


return numerical_approx(arccos(z));




def is_equal(x):

var("a b c")



for i in range(0,20):

for j in range(0,20-i):

for k in range (0,20-i-j):


if (-0.00001<=t<=min_error_below):


if (-0.00001<=-t<=min_error_above):


if (min_error_below<0.00001):

print round(x,5), "& $ x = ",

meb_i*a +meb_j*b + meb_k*c,



print round(x,5), "& $", round(meb_i*A + meb_j*B + meb_k*C,5),

"=", meb_i * a + meb_j * b + meb_k * c, "<", "x", "<",

mea_i*a + mea_j *b + mea_k*c, "=",

round(mea_i*A + mea_j*B + mea_k*C,5), "$\\\\"

def tries(x,y,z,tlens):

visited = set();

def split(n,x,y,z):


Page 96: iuuk.mff.cuni.czzuzka/thesis/thesis.pdf · Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Ji r Matou sek, for all his guidance, help, stable support and advice during

var("alpha beta gamma");

for i in range(0,x+1):

for j in range(0,y+1):

for k in range (0,z+1):

psi=i*u + j*v + k*w

phi=(x-i)*u + (y-j)*v + (z-k)*w

L = sorted([psi,phi,lens]);

if (0 < psi <= phi < pi

and L[1]+L[2] < pi+L[0]

and min_angle<psi

and (psi,phi) not in visited):

print n, "&", (x,y,z) ," &";


print "$(",(i*alpha)+j*beta+k*gamma,",",




S = (x + y + z - pi);

for d in range(2,2*tlens/S):

for k in range(0,(d*S+pi-tlens)/x+1):

for l in range(0,(d*S+pi-tlens-k*x)/y + 1):

for m in range(0,(d*S+pi-tlens-k*x-l*y)/z + 1):

if (d*S + pi == k*x + l*y + m*z + tlens):

