W e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai 4M .p«ita*.- W «. i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS, TODAY’S NEWS • TODAY TWIN FALLS. IDAtiO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1940. OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER KING ABDICATES conceded there was little thance that the action v,;ow\d be rcvorsed. ' Queatloned about the houw move. Mr. Roasevelt replied thst tempu* iugit—U tiii for "time mpi," He added lhal cnftclmenl ot Uie droll bill Is nece.vsary to carry oul Amer* lcn'.< plftai of defending Itself ajAlnst (h« world. Mc^oMevelt .lald that the White ‘ H0US6- feela urgent acUon Is requir- ed on thre« major measures on which congress Is completing acUoji: Three Major Meaauxtf 1, TUe *5,00(1,000.000 •'total de- fenw” approprlallon. _ ' 2 . n » drift bill.- 3. Tb* excess profit* bill. The same commenW4empua fu> «lt—appUet to all thn« musurts, aald Mr. Roosevelt, aad the quicker thete things go through the faster M Mee\eTAt« dclenM of America. bM kns' •dipttW t4iatVoptlon of the dftlaj m ead' m ent^M a seMow sqtback. ' ,8irt, t . __ designed to select men aged from ^ SI to 45 ior mUitary servtcd wouM p«8. > Amendment Approred . , The house approved the amend- ment, sponsored by Rep. Hamilton ri.sh. R., N. Y.. by a teller rote of •' iflS to 156.lt acted In committee . tlio whole, under t)ie a\ual house parllamenlnry procedure. The amendment wa.s .still siibjecl to rat- IflcaUon by the house, but leaders dKpalred ot dislodging It fftll and were not sure they would to-. Ttie ainrndment wotild paMpoiic tlm drnfl for two monlhs—JiiU long enough, .some members commented, for It to fall aft^r the November HecUon—In order to give a-trUl to voluntary enllslmentji nt, a means of building the army up to strrngth o f UOO.OOO m en. President RoaieveU would be Hiorlr/'d to apiieal for voliuilcera from IR to SA.to nerve for one year. If that appeal failed to call «00,0(K) mci) to tlie rolnrs wlihln the 00 rinvR, the drad' would then be In- 1 ^ ToKed. M A FM ID NAME’ 4 ] 0 U£EI nupLEY, Sept, 8 (flpeclali f.tirjtem rrowil of the thcec-day.Cfts- Kla rounly fair Is rxjiected to wli> nrtw the rerrmnny at which the 1041 fi>lr fjucen will be Relrcted today at 7:1ft p. m. nt (he fairgrounds, CnmiM-tliiK (or the honor will be VtlMi itofinll Kolun. MIm Barbara ' Doden and Miss lAwaiinah McHrlde, Gnro\iraged by litral weather, throngs milled through the ex- hibit buildings througliout the day, aitd the dlMnUsnl o( Arhool and the cloning of the biiAlneu entJibllsh- nuxUs during purt nl the afternoon, mads It poMilble for hundre<ls to en- A Joy.tha final day frAiivltlen. lunhuU lug itxldway and grandstnnd at- tractions. James rerllo. Durley, reielved .. modal as cilmmplon filter and show- man In the swine division of the boys' «.H competUlon. and David T. Weeks, Burley, received a rib- bon aa, reservo showman. 'n ^h* sheep dlvl«lo»». medal went to D, MoKensla aiid ribbon to Jim- my Cartar. boUi of Burley. T in Burley Beef olub placed first n livestock JudfInf, and the Bur- ley Swine olub ralM second tn the 4-K nvitost. . "• in the 4-H glrU'-oHA style revue. JJury lx)u Pierce. MiOu. won flnit place, but b^caute alie U only u and under the age limit, an alUr.‘ iiale will be chosen to oomDoti in Uie dislrlot contest, TJie Old Oregon Trail revue was lirfsonled In M>e form of a olreii for Uie benefit of the achool cl^tU men. this afiernoon, and final m n formance Will be staled at • prm today. TMtlni down ot axhlbiu, ot*. senutloti of prlaae; and removaTof .nines will mark to.no3oW. aS • llWtlM nl itie falrgroHndi. , Ai’mory Here- Approved as Defense Aide The secretary of war today cer- tified the proposed Twin Palls armory as being ImportAnffor mili- tary purposes and the building will undoubtedly be completed by Feb. 38. 1B41 It was announced here Word of the certification reach- ed MlUer this morning while he was to T«la JkUa directing a wpa con* fermce. *'IfO* that the SMretary of war baa certined the armor>- as being Important for military purposes." MlUer mU. “It ^111 undoubtedly be ■pprovtd as a special natlonsl de- leitM inject ,*•1 wUl immediately submit the M e e t ’ptcvOMl for final action, dtfeqse terms we. will give Feb. 28. IM l. ^ Mlllep ftpres!^ ih'fc oplalon that becauso -war department approval has been given; there U no reason why the formal application should not be put through with all spe^. He explained that under the de- fense setup the Idaho WPA will furnish $2, 881,80 for "other cost” money In aildlilon to about t^3,00Q In labor. Tlicre will also be an ad- ditional grant from the special na- tional defense fund of 12,531.40. The balance, completing the estl mated cost of *40.000, will come from Ihe city and from the armory Commuter, . The armory, It U noted. Is ot ____ very few pmjecls which have been DAMAGE HOI.DENVILLE. Okla.,' flept, 8 WF)-A Brnhma stee^ charged in - to a department store here. Tlie damsge; One broken flve-cent tea - cup. Roosevelt Applies Pressure for Draft BUI House Decides to Wait 60 Days on Voluntary Drive By JOHN R. BEAL ^ W ASHINGT(3^Sept, 6 <U,R)— Pre.sident Roosevelt today put additional pressure on conpress for quick pas.sage of the pending conscription law, saying tliat^the draft i.s essential to U. S. defense plans. His remarks were made at a press conferencc following yraterday’s house acljji^n in voting to delay conscription for 60 days to pfermit a nation-wide drive ior army volunteers. Supporters of the original bill W PUN PS ACROSS B S IIN By WALLACE CARROLX LONDON. Sept. < -(U.P.i-Adolf Hitler today sent the largest sausd- rons of.airplanes yet seen over Bri- tain’s war-filled skies to Inaugurate what experts thcwjht might be t lUe-QCfileath battle between the royal air force and the German luftwaffe. An official statement said 34 Ger- man planes were shot down by Bri- tish fighters this morning. Nine British fighters were lost but six of the pilots were safe. After a night. In which bombs brought death and destrucUon to towns and the counto’slde'ot Bri- tain. a series of major dayllglii raids started. Big Armada Observers along the southeast coast u.td the Oemvan planes roaring over the grey channel ters In squadrons ot unprecedented Blxe. '' One attacking armada required 10 minutes to pass over the coast. Mist obscured them, but It wan be- lieved they numbered more than 200 planes. The Oerm’an planes droned up the broad miamcs estuary toward Lon- don. bombing as they went. About mid-day a great air battle was fought at the mouth of the ITiamu when a maraodlng Oerman squadron ran full tilt Into a British htUTicane patrol. Spitfire sc^usd* root, with all eight machine guns spitting, zoomed up to reinforce the lighter-armed Hurricanes. Drhea Back - Aft«r a fierce dogfight the Cer- nnn p la ^ were drtren back to sea. lYM-'Brttlsh fighter planes attack - ed the aerb&na m <[tUe^ iod dog* gedly that anU-airorkft gunk had a chance for only a few minutes of action before they had to cease fir- ing for fear of hitting British pl&nes. Before noon It was estimated at least 350 German planes had crossed ovrr the British coast at one south- enst sector. Others flew in from other directions. If the Germans kept up the pace. It was Indicated Ihe day's fighting might top any so far since the start of mass air warfare. PRESERVED HOLLYWOOD, Sept, 6 (U.R)- John Barn’more's profile was pre- served for posterity In Ihe con- crete walk out.^lde O ra u m a n ’s Chinese theater today, but only through the InsUtcnoe and assist- ance of Sid Grnuman himself. As a publicity stunt for Barry- more's coming picture, "The Great Profile." a plasier cast of the pro- file was -to be. planted in the ce- ment alongside. Uie footprinla.ot mgct of Hollywood'.', stars,. Photograpliers, however, told Orauraan privately the publicity would be enhanced Immeaaura- bly If the plaster ca.u were dis- pensed with and. Instead. Jarry- more hlrtself laid his profile In the newly-poured cemcnt. Qrauman asked Barrymore If. to make the plcture:i moi'e,authen- tic. he would place his face “near" the, cohcrete. Barrymore agreed. The great profile was Inches from the concrete when Qrauman gave a handwave to pltotogntphets and Jumped on Dsrrymore'a back. Into the concrete went Uie great profile. Out of the ccment came Bixrymoro with a suuanent be- fitting neither the past, present nor posterity. MOESTMS A AN EASTEtlN CANADIAN PORT, Sept. 6 Three of 50 United States destroyers traded to Great Britain ior naval bases arriv- ed here today *tt«r a voyage at re- duced speed through tiilck fog which shiwded the coast all the way from Boston. • They iror® the first of tli* deitroy' ers Intoived In the trade to arrive tn Cantdai They »ere brought hen by their Americha crtffcs who.^lW lelura heme aa soon a»yat\»pocia> nOlNE BDII.BINQ GAINS < BOISE. Ida.. Sept. 8 ai.K)—Build- ing permlta In Boise during Augui* totnlM 1148,841, an Increase of more thsn 17,000 over permits In August, lt)30. It was reported today. NKW PO.STOiFnci: oiiormo, Ida,. Sept. 8 A 1100,000 poatofflce and federal building will be formally opened hrip Tliurnday with a elvlc celebra- tlnn. 1 A M , « 1 A lA PUN POLL U.S, WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 (U-R) — President Roosevelt revealed today that Costn Rica and Ecuador i^ro offering full cooperation In dbfense planning for the new world, but denied that Uie United States la negotlatinK with either countiy to establish defense bases on Cocoe or Oftlapagos LMnnds. Tliere are no negollatlons of any nature In progress knywbere for acquisition of additional b a ^ , Mr. Roosevelt said at a press conference. President Rafael A. Calderon of Costa Rica told the United Presr yesterday that his government had offered the United States a long- term leftfc on naval or air base sites op the Coco.1 Wand. He said, how- ever. that Costa Rica had Rs yet re- ceived no reply from Washington for such sites,. Mr. Rposev-elt said there was com - plete undcrsiandlnf! between this country, Ecuador and Costa Rica on the neces.^lt1es which might arise should this hfml.1phe^ee^•erbc made the object of iieRreuloa. There Is complete cooperation be- tween Costa Rica .and the Unitca States in the defense of the Amer- icas. he ssld, obvlou.sly referring lo Cocos. Then turning to the Gam pagos, Mr, Roosevelt said with eaua emphasis.that there Is no.ques c But that Ecuador U working wiU the' United States on defense mat' ters. Sources close to Mr. Roosevelt said that his surveys of Cooos iataod estAblbhed definitely that It Is poor- ly adapted to establishment of a base. tlon c Retail Business Shows Expansion ,NEW YORK. Sept. 8 (U.fii - Tlie ':p»rceptlble expansion" In , rntaU tradp Is one of the most encouraging developments of the current busl- neu uptrend, Dun it BradMreet, Inc.. snid today In * reportlnt: this week’s retail volume 6 to 13 per rrnt Rhead of a year ago.' Tlie current “week's gain rompar- ed wlih a year-to-year Incren.w of 7 to 13 per cent—the ^st since Easter—In the previous period. DEIICIENCY APPIlOVKn BOIflE, S e p t. 8 (U.Ri - DlMrlct Judge C, K, Winstead lale yefilortlny ruled the 19S9 legUlMure dftlrli'ivry appropriations totaling >S.ftlO to psy tWT) Rnhp firms for pi'ellmlntiry wnrit on a proposed public workf, drpmt- mem office building. COMUNraQ SU IE FOR IDAHO BOISR- Sept. 8 m.Pi-'nje Com- munist party today filed a fonnnl crrtlflcate of nomination of a tick- et of piTsldehtlal electors with Itie Idaho secretary of state and request- ed the electors be given plare.i on the state's ballot In the November gonrrni elFctlon, The action made It probable there would be a total of four slates of elector,-! on the November ballot. Slates have been selected by tlie Democratic. Republican and .*1001111 1 st parties but are yet to be filed. The Cnmmtinlst certlflcutr wm signed by Lloyd J. Brooten. Cofur d'Alene carpenter, and WlHiain H. Wood, Bolne laborer, wlio snlrt thrv acted aa pitslrtlhg otllcrr nnrt ^p^. retary of a convention held In Corur d'Alene Aug. 13, Tlv offlrer* said the rnnvrntlnn Was attended by 260 deleRstes. Inspection Underway as Annual 4-H Club Fair Starts eet, liniii olub project, JuduiMK contest and dem contest. Olrl>i prtM'Cl, ilve^^l JiHiHp.H todiiy insprctod clnthing mul cunning fxhibitu sub- m itted liy 4-H clul) girls of 'IHvln F aIIh county as the »tin»al fair got underway at the Filer gmiintl.H. For the fir.st tim e the county -1-11 unitii will compote ngninst one another with the winn»ii'H entering the district fair which w ill he held In cdiijnncUon w ith the regular cdunty fair getting underway next Ttii'sday. In addition to this county, other entries for the <liHtrict fai from counties surrounding Twin Fftils, Judging of the clothing and can- ning exhibits Is expected to be eom- pleled lal« Ihla afternoon but H 1i doubtful If all reeuUa can be re- leased 10 the piibllQ until Saturday. TJin jilrU' iudgllig onnteat'will, bn held ‘at g a. m. Saturday and the demonstration oonleat at IO:)D a. in, Hl;le Dreia Revua Tvaiure ot the Saturday program according lo Mra, Frad 8o«i«ni. Biihl, <leparlm»nt superintendent, will be the style dre.ui revue which will be held totnorrow at 1:50 p, m, Monday; Ihe boys' olub work will take the Irntured part w|Ui l^rank (hiulhwlok, Uuhl. superlnUndent in ct\»THe. All livestock n»usl b« in ptace by 8 p. in. Sunday and Judging of live' slock geU underway at tf;SO a m Monday, Livestock Judging con- tMt will ba held at t p, m that aam* day and tha flltlng and allow- ing oontest will be held «t 3 p, m At' a p. m. a demonitralton (xmUat be held, m ung and showln* will be held In each sf^arate division, wltli tlta county champion cdr Vinnara of the varlo eifp will be awarded the rmtiuv champion of the fltttlng and show- tnf contest. . Baya* CofflpelUlon •cl, oolV oiuli "pr^Jwi,''l^iivS ® project, sugar beet elub p rejeo tji^ eslry dtuh project, weed cUib proj- 111 compete In Uie clothing •annlng project, room Im- provement project, nutrition proj. ect, drinniutratlon contaata, home judHiiiK rontesti and the atyla drasa rrvup. A. K Ihike will be In charge of the dlAtrli'i ronlesU and 1300 In pra- ntlunin hss t>een offered by U>e Twin Knits rminty lair. The dUtrlet con- tesiii gel underway Tueaday •long with tlie legular fi^lr. flPLANE ORDERS SHOW IN BE WAHIIINGTON. Sept, 6 (U.M^Nev sintlAilrs on the aircraft altuAtkn, av<illnl)ls uxlay, almwad that Ui» navy imw hastlM I pltnei 01^ ord«r av<illnl)ls uxlay, almwad that Ih* navy imw hastaJU pltnet 01^ ot comimied wlin a.«aB on Aug. IB, A special ihnnoranduin m aifo craft lyocuiement prepared by A6- miral Jolm it. Ttrmn. ehlet of thi navni bureau of aeronauUca. for Clinlnnnn Oarl Vinson of Uta houaa navnI atfalrs commllt«8 ahowedthat aept. I, U»e navy liad 3MS planaa order and undilivered. yai- terday Uie navy order«l |00 loout* ing oiMirvaUon plwiM from Ourttoa^ Wright oorporaflon. M Uii. tu n . un«. am . q«or«» 0 . Marshall, army ohlef of aUff Hid Ihe army has about iJKM' tMUoal planes which could ba uaad in war fthown exam lnlu the drew product » «fM aM .alrl J»tt befan Mtt .Judgaa “look avai^ at Um esblblt tadaf ai Um TOer a n (l«fl to right) Mra. rr«d BMiera, Bshl, a— ‘ ' - l-lt departmaal liMI Mra. In rosier. Uanaah. le * ^ tha Baay Hea alub al llansen, Jndglng ef all rnlrlek Id Iba girit* aiiWan la eipecled ta be remplaUd by Halurday mernbig. Th< alyla tnm ravve will ba ImM ai liSO p. m, M«lnrda]i. tXlMea FImm awt Kagtavl^gi 18-Year-Old Son Assumes Throne; Dictator to Rule Flee Kuinaiiia By F. E. STEVENS BUCHAREST, Rumania, Sept. 6 <U,R) — King Carol II abdicated the ’throne of Rumania to his 18-year-<?Id son, Michael, and handed the government into the dictatorial hands of Pi-emier Gen. Ion Antonescu today amid riotoua antirSemitic outbreaks by pro-Nazi Iron Guardlsts. . Iron Guurdist. gangs, reported to have demanded arreat and punishment of the former '“playboy” king, stonried through the streets as Michael took the thfone for the ' second time in his short career. (Ther^' were reports Carol • w»a fleeing to Switzerland.) The dGmoiistrators smaHhed large show windows in the Jewish-owned Galleries iji-. Bury Hatchet To Get Field, Idaho Told Twin Palls. Jerome and other Mnglc Valley communities today were urgiMl to "bury the hatchet" and get togcUier and decide where an airline nirport should be located in this section of the country. The “Invitation" tO'Mttte the con- troversial Issue oncc and for all was mnde here ihls aft«moon by Paul Morris, regional airport engineer for the CAA with headquarters at Seattle. ••nicse towns should get together and decide where the airport sliould be locatcd, (orgetting that Twlt\ Falls la Twin Palls and Jerome is Jerome and that other towns are other towns." Morris sftld. "Someday in- the near future there will' be a ahutte line through this section of Idaho and « good field must be Pro- vided foKit.'—^-*- ^xampl« at Ceoperatlon "A classic example of community cooperation is found in .Virginia and Tennessee. In that case Bristol. Va, Here are es-KIng Carol and Ills mistress, ‘Magda l.upencu, who were reported to have fled frem Itumanla today after Ihe kini re- signed under pressure ai vnrloiu neighboring countries tnnk sllrrs oul of ihe Ramanlan’ nation. '■By fighting each othtr they dU- covered that they were getting no place, and so tlien they decided to dl.sqiiss the mntter. . “Aa a result (the three ton-ns be- ing on a triangle about 13 miles npnrt) an airport was con.structed on equal distance from all of Uiem (Condniied nn Pal* 1, ColumD 1) ny United Frrtn Tlio Demociiitic vlce-i'irMilciitliil randldiitr, Henry A. Wnllmi', mi1<I loriay al nrllnvlllc. III . Uml llio UnlNxl Stales Iiuk no Itnin'iliill.illo nm')»Uonn In fin«lli or Crin 1nl Ann'i - lea . . . Walloi'n teiwatcd liU rhiiiii<^ that "advocatrs of iiiiiirn-cinriii" would ilo their best lo elci Wrndrll L. Wlllklo , . . Meinwhlle, In llushvlllr. Ind.. W inkle announi-rd liU »iip|>i>it of a defense program lo n>ii»<-|t|il faetorlet u trrll aa nini, IjiiI tlr- rlared ho will ronllnur in oj>iici*r whai he callcd "plniil «rl«tirr tir the arbitrary arllnn '•! •<<«' A hrllllRiit. (>tar of aII'iu dnyn. Ilrlenn ctiadwlrk, iilni m lli>i- lywt)0<l where—In recciit \rni . had W ’oikp<i m a day-l<>-<inv <-xIm . , . From 1030 lo lUaS Mi.. CIhhI- wlck wiik featured In Hum tiiilm'vu productions , . (Icneral Masliiie Wrxiiiiid. llir dpfenin m lnlilrr ot toliilllni l.m Kranre. rscaped Injury Uili inixii- Inf when his plane iraalii il nrni' l.lmngea . . . Weyiand wiik nn «i> Inspertion tour of what irmiilini of the French arnly , . , Tlio exiled brother of liimuinln'.. abdli-iiting king, l^ilnrr Ni< holn^ u waiting nl til. Morlle, tlwM/n IkikI. lo src what hnp|)ons hi tlm iinlkain , . . Prince Nlcholos siiUI i<k|cu Ii<> mlKhi meet darol nt thr Mwhi resort ... . nert-halred lieiiy nowhiml of burlesque crashed Ibe nitivlc-i. l»- day—ihe first slrlp-teaser lu -In a film tanlrael ilnre CJypay iiiinr Lee . . . Mlaa Itowland wilt |>l.r a chorus girl In an RKO plrlxre ,. . Ill Hollywond. Hiimorht Tinnk BcuHl' Is facing trial on clmtKes of serving aa seorelfcry of the nt.iir ilf- I wruneiil of InstllnUons . . . ih iilly las asked for an early iilol, hV. ih- lilK Dlstrtot Atlpiiiey Ihiroii I'lLu.of -'itlcal persocuUoii durlim an . let - I war hero. l^ltli Tha I Vel. William J. DoHoran, laid pertera In ian rrawel«)<» May lhal ASHgU* Musl adept renserlp- Uen M VrwerVa peaee . . . Ha aald “WlMa Uie anemy la al Ihe gaU. II la notlm e le say wall illl t ehau|« ny ahlrV* , •. lE S EXPENSES noiBE. Sept. 6 tUW-Tlie stilus of Charles Oossett of Nampa, nomin- ated by Uie Democratic parly for Ilriitenant governor In the August primary, was still muddled today. Clns.iett'8 cnrtlfU-a(* of rBnipnlgn exix-ndltures was filed with Ihe sec- retnry of slate at * p. m. yesterilay. Htnle election IhW provides such rrrttflcates should b" filed within 10 days after thr election, wlilrh made Mk' deadline ft p. m. Tue.vlny. In filing his stiitrment, ao»sell merely said he had forgotten It was due earlier, Htate Offlrlnis Mild there were nllemnllves jrgnrdlng ehRlhlhly oi (Um ett and of Htewurl Cninpliell, Kcpubllcan iioinlnre for iiiliie liin|irR> Uir whoso stalrinrnt wus ‘turiird In Wednesday, one diiv Isle. 'Hie offlrlnln .inJd ' tliry bellevrd iKitli names rouUt t>e placed on the litillot unless a prlvstn elllren fllM (oriMttl ti\)i,mctlon lA st^p the retary ot atate.'from certltylnii mrn as eligible or the Aerrrtnry rould link advice from Hie ntinrney geii- etiil before he maile ii(i thc.offlrlal lint of general election cjtndlilotes. Fayette as well as o th e f" stores and shops, entering the building and forcing, the own- ers to fly the Romanian flag as a sign of “rejoicing.” A guard was killed when Iron Quardlat* went to the of Corol's lord chamberlain, Kr- ., nest Urdamnu. to seize him, Antonescu. to whom Michael turn* ed over practically all of the kingly powers, lotit druUe msuurca to - suppross disorders such aa had fO(C> ed CaTOl’t abdication cad aott ft telegram to Queen Helena, dl«OC«>— ^ cd wife of the ' former ktngr «Bd mother of Michael, urging her to hurry home. "I beg you to take your jjI ecb alongside your son to complete bla education for the bappln«g ot *11, Rumania . , . and et>d Ml Buffer- ing to which your majesty haa be«n subjected.” the telegrftnr to Helena at Dresden, aennaoy.- aald. MMreaa F l ^ Magda ^.upeacB, .ttw rad<4ttbW /V . when he returned brpltas 10 7«an ago from exUe Ut take th» erewn from Michael, was reported, te hav* fled abroad some tbne ago aad was belleyed In some sAircea to be in London. Trlnco Nicholas, younger brother of Carol, and his wife were reported likely to return, to Buchareat from their present home near St. MorUi, Svitxcrland. Nicholas' vlfa U the daughter of a rlth'Rumanian Indui- trlallat. The prince Incurred the-dis - pleasure of Carol when he m*nl«d • a commoner. (A Ofirman wireless broadcast re* portfld Carol still was In Buehareat. but would be leaving in a few days by special train for Swltaerland, ac- companied to the frontier by An- tonescu It such action la necessary to ■•protect hU life.”) Oath of AUegiaDoe Antone.>cu, acting swiftly In keep- ing wllh his reptitatlon as a strong- handed milltarv leader, ordered tha army Immediately to take an oath of allegiance to King Michael, oust- oii many government officials, be- gan Inslalllng a new regime expeot- ed to follow lotalltArlan prlnclplu and started to carry out his p r a - ise to pxinixh persona reeponslble for past rorrupMon. While Iron Ouard demonatratora, shouted "down with the JewsI Hitr- rnh for Mlchaell" the premier was reported to have ordered the arreet or dlsmls.ial of dfgnltarles who had been close to the former king. lift aUo atwllshed Uie royal coun- cil and announced the council of mlnlslcrs wtui taking measures for the orderly evaouatlon of'terrllory. I'ctled to Hungnry, regaidless of rlO- Irnl protests wlilch have been made ngnlnsl tiin cev.lon; Mlhull Mocouf, ehlef ot U\e army Intelligence, and Col. Klcolal Bt«f- nne.icu, director of the same serrlce, were dlsmlssfd, Jews were lerrorlaed by proapeota (Conltnusd ea rsf* t, Caluau » (larol Alxliration Results in Loss of Power for Mistress ttines and thoM o( hla dynasty many limes by giving her Up. lie preferred her to his crown. It was believed (hat In the Uat few days, white he strov* to hfM himself on hU tottwing threOf. Carol had sent hla sweeUlBMi to • place of safety otilalde Ruquinla. X( was reported ah* wab in XMMbUl. NOW ho has lost, and he wlU iolD her jn a new exIU. *^ > ny llnllrd PrrM The (iway nf icd-hnlred -Mngda lA»i>eScu as the vmwrt behind Ute throne of Rummiln ended today when her royal nwerthnirt, Carol, atxilcated. lint no one doubted tlirir lovii eii- dmrd, J^ir her Carol oure renounc- ed tlie throne snd he llve<l lu exile bccftuse of her. Her hold on him had been demonstrated agnin and again. Wherever Carol goes, the rrd-.linlred Magda will be w|lh him. Uhe b at least 38 year* old now-> limt Is her offlolal nge. Inclined to- wnrd stoulnesi, those who liave known hsr say hers Is not « grad* A nhis sex appeal. She is not heMiUhil. and, It-U aald, •ha.la'not brilliant. Tlie reMona for Carol's great love ror* hfr m, to Umm who know them, inaapllwble. But sha Will raU In Mitoty alu.,- side Madama PomiMour,' duBarry, OlMpatra, and the,other woman who have tottar«d throitea. Oanl could havft tiU In 1B2I, Oardl j^at har. Me 38 years old then, Mtd. U ImT clal .age la eorrvot, ih* M | u T l t . eorn»t, «as at a ohUdran^' had on# I “ moner. Thalr anauUadTTtun - ‘I :T:

i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

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Page 1: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

W e ^ t h ^ F w e c e a ti a i f t a i l i U ' ^ a i a ' ' > U a i

4 M .p « i t a * . - W « .

i ^ U t i ^ V k k m M w h i t n .

VOL. X X IIL NO. 224--6 CENTS,




c o n c e d e d t h e r e w a s l i t t l e t h a n c e t h a t t h e a c t i o n v,;ow\d b e r c v o r s e d . • • '

Q ueatloned abou t th e houw move. M r. Roasevelt rep lied t h s t tempu* iu g it— U t i i i fo r "tim e m pi," He a dded lh a l cn ftc lm enl o t Uie d ro ll bill Is nece.vsary to c arry ou l Amer* lcn'.< p lfta i o f defending Itself ajA lnst (h« world.

M c ^ o M e v e l t .lald th a t th e W hite ‘ H0US6- feela u rg en t acUon Is requir­

ed on th re« m a jo r m easures on w hich congress Is com pleting acUoji:

T h ree M a jo r M eaauxtf 1, TUe *5,00(1,000.000 •'to tal de-

fen w ” app rop rla llon . _' 2 . n » d r i f t bill.-

3. Tb* excess profit* bill.T h e sam e com m enW 4em pua fu>

« lt—appU et to a ll t h n « m u s u r t s , aald M r. Roosevelt, a a d th e quicker th e te th in g s go th rough th e fa ster M Mee\eTAt« dc lenM of A m erica.

b M k n s ' • d ip t tW t4iatVoptlon of the dftlaj m ea d ' m ent^ M a seMow sqtback. '

, 8 i r t , t . __designed to select men aged from

^ SI to 45 ior mUitary servtcd wouM • p«8.

> A m endm ent A pprored. , T h e house approved th e am end­

m e n t, sponsored by Rep. H am ilton ri.sh . R., N. Y.. by a te lle r ro te of

• ' iflS to 1 5 6 . l t ac ted In com m ittee . tlio whole, u n der t)ie a \u a l house pa rllam en ln ry p r o c e d u r e . The am en d m e n t wa.s .still siibjecl to r a t- IflcaUon by th e house, bu t leaders dK palred o t dislodging It fftll a n d were n o t su re they would to-.

T tie a in rn d m en t wotild paMpoiic tlm d rn f l fo r tw o m o n lh s—JiiU long enough, .some m em bers com m ented, fo r It to fall a ft^ r the November HecUon—In order to give a -trU l to volun tary enllslm entji nt, a m eans of building th e a rm y up to s trrn g th of UOO.OOO men.

P residen t RoaieveU would be H iorlr/'d to apiiea l for voliuilcera from IR to SA.to nerve for one year. I f th a t appea l failed to ca ll «00,0(K) mci) to tlie ro lnrs w lih ln the 00 rinvR, th e d r a d ' would th e n be In-

1 ^ ToKed.

M A F M ID N A M E ’4] 0U£EI

n u p L E Y , Sep t, 8 (flpeclali — f.tirjtem rrow il of th e thcec-day.Cfts- Kla rou n ly fa ir Is rxjiected to wli> nrtw th e re rrm n n y a t w hich th e 1041 fi>lr fjucen will be Relrcted today at 7:1ft p. m. n t (he fairgrounds,

CnmiM-tliiK (or th e honor will be VtlMi itofinll Kolun. MIm B arbara

' D oden and M iss lA w aiinah McHrlde,G nro\iraged by litra l w eather,

th ro n g s m illed through the ex­h ib it buildings througliou t the day, a itd the dlMnUsnl o( Arhool and the cloning of th e biiAlneu entJibllsh- nuxUs du rin g p u r t n l the afternoon, m a d s It poMilble fo r hundre<ls to en-

A Jo y .th a fina l day frAiivltlen. lunhuU lug itxldway a n d grandstnnd a t ­trac tions.

Ja m e s re r llo . D urley, reie lved .. m odal as cilmmplon f ilte r a n d show ­m a n In th e sw ine division of the boys' « .H com petU lon. a n d David T. W eeks, B urley, received a rib- bon aa, reservo show m an.

' n ^h* sheep dlvl«lo»». m edal w ent to D, M oK ensla a iid ribbon to J im ­m y C a rtar. boUi o f Burley.

T in B urley B eef olub placed first n livestock Ju d f In f , and the B ur­

ley Sw ine olub ra lM second tn the 4 -K nv ito s t. . " •

in the 4-H glrU'-oHA style revue. JJury lx)u Pierce. MiOu. won flnit place, but b^caute alie U only u and under the age limit, an alUr.‘ iiale will be chosen to oomDoti in

• Uie dislrlot contest,

• TJie O ld O regon T ra il revue was lirfson led In M>e form of a o l r e i i fo r Uie benefit o f th e achool cl^tU m e n . th is afie rn o o n , a n d fina l m n form ance Will be s ta le d a t • p r m today.

T M tln i dow n o t a x h lb iu , ot*. se n u tlo ti of prlaae; and rem ovaT of .n in e s will m a rk to .n o 3 o W . a S

• llWtlM nl itie falrgroH ndi. ,

Ai’mory Here- Approved as Defense Aide

T h e secre tary of w ar today cer­tified th e proposed Tw in P a lls a rm ory a s being Im portA nffo r m ili­ta ry purposes a n d th e building will undoubted ly be com pleted by Feb. 38. 1B41 It was announced here

W ord of th e certifica tion re a c h ­ed M lUer th is m orn ing w hile h e was to T « la Jk U a d irec tin g a w p a con* ferm ce.

*'IfO* th a t th e SM retary of w ar baa certin ed th e armor>- as being Im p o rtan t fo r m ilita ry purposes." MlUer m U . “ It ^111 undoubtedly be ■ pprovtd a s a special n a tlo n s l de- le itM i n j e c t

,*•1 wUl im m ediately subm it th e M e e t ’ptcvOM l for f in a l action ,

d tfeq se term s we. will give

Feb. 28. IM l. ^■ M lllep f t p r e s ! ^ ih'fc op la lon th a tbecauso -war dep artm e n t approval h a s been given; the re U no reason why th e fo rm al app lica tion should no t be pu t th rough w ith a ll s p e ^ .

H e explained th a t u n der th e d e ­fense se tup th e Id ah o W PA will fu rn ish $2,881,80 fo r "o th er cost” money In aild lilon to ab o u t t^3,00Q In labor. T licre will a lso be an a d ­d itional g ran t from th e special n a ­tiona l defense fund of 12,531.40. T he balance, com pleting th e estl m a ted cost o f *40.000, will come from Ihe c ity a n d from th e arm ory Com muter,. T he arm ory, It U noted. Is o t____very few pm jecls w hich have been

DAMAGEHOI.DENVILLE. O kla.,' flept, 8

W F)-A B rnhm a stee^ charged in ­to a dep artm e n t s to re here . T lie dam sge; O ne b roken flve-cen t te a ­cup.

Roosevelt Applies Pressure for Draft BUIHouse Decides to Wait 60 Days on Voluntary Drive

By JO H N R. BEAL ^W A S H IN G T (3 ^S ep t, 6 <U,R)— Pre.sident Roosevelt today

pu t additional p ressure on conpress fo r quick pas.sage of the pending conscription law, saying tlia t^the d ra f t i.s essential to U. S. defense plans.

H i s r e m a r k s w e r e m a d e a t a p r e s s c o n f e r e n c c f o l lo w in g y r a t e r d a y ’s h o u s e acljji^n in v o t i n g to d e l a y c o n s c r ip t i o n f o r 6 0 d a y s t o p f e r m i t a n a t io n - w i d e d r iv e i o r a r m y v o lu n te e r s . S u p p o r t e r s o f t h e o r ig in a l b i l l



LONDON. Sept. < -(U.P.i-Adolf H itle r today sen t the largest sausd- rons of.a irp lanes yet seen over Bri­ta in ’s w ar-filled skies to Inaugurate w h a t experts th cw jh t m ight be t lUe-QCfileath battle between the royal a ir force and th e Germ an luftw affe.

An official sta tem ent said 34 G er­m an p lanes were shot down by Bri­tish f igh te rs th is morning. Nine B ritish f igh te rs were lost bu t six of th e pilots were safe.

A fter a n igh t. In which bombs b rought death and destrucUon to tow ns a n d the c oun to ’s ld e 'o t B ri­ta in . a series of m ajor dayllglii raids started .

Big ArmadaO bservers along th e southeast

coast u .td th e Oem van p lanes roaring over the grey channel te rs In squadrons ot unprecedented Blxe.' ' One a ttack ing a rm ad a required 10 m inutes to pass over the coast. M ist obscured them , b u t It wan be­lieved they num bered more th a n 200 planes.

T h e O erm’an planes droned up the b road m ia m c s estuary tow ard Lon­don. bom bing as they w ent.

About m id-day a g rea t a ir battle w as fou g h t a t th e m outh of the I T ia m u w hen a m araodlng O erman squad ron ra n full t il t Into a British htUTicane patro l. S p itf ire sc^usd* ro o t, w ith a ll e igh t m achine guns sp itting , zoomed up to reinforce the ligh ter-a rm ed H urricanes.

D rh e a Back- A ft«r a fierce dogfight th e Cer-

n n n p l a ^ were d r tren back to sea.lYM-'Brttlsh f igh ter p lanes a tta c k ­

ed th e a e rb & n a m < [tU e^ i o d dog* gedly t h a t anU -airorkft gunk h a d a chance fo r only a few m inu tes of action before they had to cease f ir ­ing for fear of h itt in g B ritish pl&nes.

Before noon It was estim a ted a t least 350 G erm an planes h a d crossed ovrr th e British coast a t one sou th- enst sector. O thers flew in from o the r directions. If th e G erm ans kep t up th e pace. It was Indicated Ihe day 's fighting m ight top any so far since the s ta r t of m ass air w arfare.


Jo h n B a r n ’m ore's profile was p re ­served for posterity In Ihe con ­c re te w alk out.^lde O ra u m a n ’s C hinese th e a te r today, b u t only th rough th e InsUtcnoe a n d a ssis t­ance of Sid G rnum an him self.

As a publicity s tu n t fo r B arry ­m ore 's com ing picture, "T he G re a t P rofile ." a p la sie r cas t of th e p ro ­file was -to be. p lan ted in th e ce­m e n t a longside. Uie fo o tp r in la .o t m gct of Hollywood'.', stars,.

P ho tograp liers , however, told O ra u raa n privately th e publicity would be enhanced Im m eaaura- bly If th e p la ste r ca.u w ere d is ­pensed w ith and . Instead. J a r r y - m ore h lr ts e lf laid his profile In th e new ly-poured cem cnt.

Q ra u m a n asked B arrym ore If. to m ake th e plcture:i m o i'e ,au then ­tic . h e would place h is face “n e a r" the, cohcrete. B arrym ore agreed .

T h e g rea t profile was Inches from th e concrete when Q ra u m a n gave a handw av e to p lto togntphets a n d Jum ped on D srrym ore'a back. In to th e concrete w ent Uie g rea t profile. O u t of the ccm en t cam e B ix rym oro w ith a s u u a n e n t b e ­fitt in g n e i th e r the past, p resen t n o r posterity .

M O E S T M S AAN E A S T E t l N C A N A D I A N

PO R T , Sept. 6 T h ree of 50 U n ited S ta te s destroyers trad e d to G re a t B rita in i o r naval bases a r r iv ­ed h e re today * tt« r a voyage a t r e ­duced speed th rough tiilck fog w hich sh iw d e d th e c oast a ll the way from Boston.• T hey iror® th e f irs t of tli* de itroy '

ers In to ived In th e trad e to a rrive tn C a n td a i T h e y » e re b rought h e n by th e ir A m ericha crtffcs w h o .^ lW le lu r a h e m e a a soon a»yat\»pocia>

nO lN E BDII.BINQ GAINS < BOISE. Ida.. Sept. 8 ai.K)—B uild­ing perm lta In Boise du rin g Augui* totnlM 1148,841, an Increase of more th s n 17,000 over perm its In August, lt)30. It was reported today.

NKW PO .ST O iFnci: o i i o r m o , Ida,. Sep t. 8

A 1100,000 poatofflce and federal building will be form ally opened h r ip Tliurnday w ith a elvlc celebra- tlnn.

1 A M , « 1 A l A PUN POLL U.S,

WASHINGTON, S ep t. 8 (U-R) — Presiden t Roosevelt revealed today th a t Costn Rica and E cuado r i^ro offering full cooperation In db fense p lann ing for th e new w orld, bu t denied th a t Uie U nited S ta te s la negotlatinK w ith e ith er c o u n tiy to estab lish defense bases on Cocoe or O ftlapagos LMnnds.

T liere are no negollatlons o f any na tu re In progress knyw bere fo r acquisition of ad ditional b a ^ , M r. Roosevelt said a t a p ress conference .

Presiden t Rafael A. C a lde ron of C osta R ica told the U nited P r e s r yesterday th a t his governm en t h a d offered the United S ta te s a long ­te rm leftfc on naval o r a ir base sites op th e Coco.1 W and. H e sa id , how ­ever. th a t Costa Rica had Rs y e t r e ­ceived no reply from W ash ing ton fo r such s ite s ,.

M r. Rposev-elt said th e re w as c o m ­p lete undcrsiandlnf! betw een th is c ountry , Ecuador and C osta R ic a on th e neces.^lt1es which m ig h t a rise should th is hfml.1phe^ee^•erbc m a d e th e ob ject of iieRreuloa.

T here Is complete cooperation b e ­tw een Costa Rica .and th e U n itc a S ta te s in th e defense of th e A m er­icas. h e ssld , obvlou.sly re fe rr in g lo Cocos. T hen turning to th e G am pagos, Mr, Roosevelt said w ith eau a e m p h a s is .th a t there Is n o .q u e s c But th a t Ecuador U w orking wiU th e ' U nited S tates on defense m a t' ters.

Sources close to M r. Roosevelt sa id th a t h is surveys of Cooos ia taod estA blbhed definitely th a t I t Is poo r­ly adap ted to estab lishm ent o f a base.

tlon c

Retail Business Shows Expansion

,NEW Y O RK . Sept. 8 (U.fii - Tlie ':p»rceptlble expansion" In , rntaU tradp Is one of th e m ost encouraging developments of th e c u rren t busl- n e u up trend , D un i t BradMreet, Inc.. snid today In * reportlnt: this week’s re ta il volum e 6 to 13 per r rn t Rhead of a year ago.'

T lie c u rren t “w eek's ga in rom par- ed wlih a y ea r-to -y e a r Incren.w of 7 to 13 per c e n t—th e ^ s t since E aster—In th e previous period.

D E IIC IE N C Y A PPIlOVKn• BOIflE, Sep t. 8 (U.Ri - DlMrlct Judge C, K, W instead la le yefilortlny ruled the 19S9 legU lM ure dftlrli'ivry appropria tions to ta ling >S.ftlO to psy tWT) Rnhp firm s for pi'ellmlntiry wnrit on a proposed public workf, d rpm t- m em office building.


B O ISR - Sept. 8 m .P i- 'n je Com ­m un is t party today filed a fonnnl c rr tlf lc a te of nom ination of a tick ­e t of piTsldehtlal electors w ith Itie Id ah o secretary of s ta te and request­ed th e electors be given plare.i on th e s ta te 's ballot In th e November g on rrn i elFctlon,

T h e action m ade It probable there w ould be a to ta l of four s la te s of elector,-! on th e Novem ber ballot. S lates have been selected by tlie D em ocratic. R epublican and .*1001111 1st p a rties bu t a re ye t to be filed.

T he Cnm mtinlst certlf lcu tr wm signed by Lloyd J . Brooten. C ofur d'A lene carpen te r, and WlHiain H. W ood, Bolne laborer, wlio snlrt th rv a c ted aa p its lrtlhg o tllc r r nnrt ^p^. r e ta ry of a convention held In Corur d 'A lene Aug. 13,

T lv offlrer* said th e rnnv rn tlnn Was a ttended by 260 deleRstes.

Inspection Underway as Annual 4-H Club Fair Starts

eet, liniii olub project, JuduiMK contest and dem contest.

Olrl>i prtM'Cl,

i lv e ^ ^ l

JiHiHp.H to d iiy i n s p r c t o d c l n t h i n g m u l c u n n in g f x h i b i t u s u b ­m i t t e d liy 4 -H c lu l) g i r l s o f 'IH vln F a IIh c o u n ty a s t h e » t in » a l f a i r g o t u n d e r w a y a t t h e F i l e r gm iintl.H .

F o r t h e f i r . s t t i m e t h e c o u n ty -1-11 u n it i i w il l c o m p o te n g n i n s t o n e a n o t h e r w i t h t h e winn»ii'H e n t e r i n g t h e d i s t r i c t f a i r w h ic h w i l l h e h e ld In c d i i jn n c U o n w i th t h e r e g u l a r c d u n ty f a i r g e t t i n g u n d e r w a y n e x t T t i i 's d a y . I n a d d i t i o n to t h i s c o u n ty , o t h e r e n t r i e s f o r t h e < liH tric t f a i f r o m c o u n t i e s s u r r o u n d i n g T w in F f ti ls ,

Judg ing of th e c lo th ing and c an ­n in g exhib its Is expected to be eom- p leled la l« Ihla afte rn o o n b u t H 1i doubtfu l If a ll reeuUa can be r e ­leased 10 th e piibllQ u n til Sa tu rday .TJin jil rU ' iudg llig o n n te a t'w ill, bn held ‘a t g a . m . S a tu rd ay a n d th e dem onstration oonleat a t IO:)D a . in,

H l;le D reia RevuaT vaiu re ot th e S a tu rd ay program

according lo Mra, F ra d 8o«i«ni. Biihl,<leparlm»nt su p e rin ten d e n t, will be the style dre.ui revue w hich will be held totnorrow a t 1:50 p, m,

M onday; Ihe boys' olub work will take th e Irn tu red p a r t w |Ui l^rank(hiulhwlok, Uuhl. su p e rln U n d e n t inct\»THe.

All livestock n»usl b« in ptace by 8 p. in. Sunday and Judging of live' slock geU underw ay a t tf;SO a m M onday, Livestock Judging con- tM t will ba held a t t p, m th a t aam* day and th a flltln g a n d allow­ing oontest will be held « t 3 p, m A t' a p . m . a d e m on itra lton (xmUat be held,

m u n g and show ln* will be held In each s f^ a ra te division, w ltli tlta county cham pion cdr V innara of th e varloeifp will be aw arded th e rm tiuv cham pion of th e f lttt ln g a n d show - tn f con test. .

Baya* CofflpelUlon

•c l, oolV oiuli " p r^ Jw i, ''l^ iiv S ® p ro jec t, suga r b eet elub p r e j e o t j i ^ e slry dtuh projec t, weed cUib p ro j-

111 compete In Uie clothing •annlng project, room Im ­

provem ent project, n u tritio n p ro j. ect, d rin n iu tra tlo n contaata, hom e judHiiiK ro n tes ti and th e atyla drasa rrvup.

A. K Ihike will be In c harge o f the dlAtrli'i ronlesU and 1300 In pra- ntlunin h ss t>een offered by U>e T w in Knits rm in ty la ir. T he d U trle t con - tesiii gel underw ay T ueaday •lo n g w ith tlie legu lar fi^lr.


WAHIIINGTON. Sept, 6 (U.M^Nev sintlAilrs on the a irc raft a ltuA tkn , av<illnl)ls uxlay, almwad th a t Ui» navy imw h a s t lM I p l tn e i 01 ord«rav<illnl)ls uxlay, almwad th a t Ih*navy imw h a s ta J U p l tn e t 01 ot comimied w lin a.«aB on Aug. IB,

A special ihnno randu in m a ifo c ra ft lyocu iem ent prepared by A6- m iral Jo lm it. Ttrm n. e h le t o f t h i navni bureau of aeronauU ca. for C linlnnnn Oarl Vinson of Uta houaa navnI a tfa lrs commllt«8 a h o w e d th a t

aept. I, U»e navy liad 3M S planaa order a n d undilivered . ya i-

terday Uie navy order« l |0 0 loout* ing oiMirvaUon plw iM from Ourttoa^ W right oorporaflon.

M Uii. t u n . u n « . a m . q« o r« » 0 .M arshall, a rm y ohlef o f a U ff H id Ihe arm y h as about iJKM' tM U oal p lanes w hich could ba uaad in w ar

fthown e x a m ln lu the drew product » «fM a M .a lr l J»tt b e fan Mtt .Judgaa “look avai^ a t Um esblblt tadaf a i Um TOer a n (l«fl to right) Mra. rr«d BMiera, B sh l, a— ‘ ' -l- l t departmaal liMI Mra. I n rosier. Uanaah. l e * ^ tha Baay Hea alub al llansen, Jndglng ef all rnlrlek Id Iba girit* aiiWan la eipecled ta be remplaUd by Halurday mernbig. Th< alyla tn m ravve will ba ImM ai liSO p. m, M«lnrda]i. tXlMea FImm awt Kagtavl^gi

18-Year-Old Son Assumes Throne; Dictator to Rule

F le e K u in a i i ia


BUCHAREST, Rumania, Sept. 6 <U,R) — K ing Carol II abdicated the ’throne of Rumania to his 18-year-<?Id son, Michael, and handed the government into th e d ic tatoria l hands of Pi-emier Gen. Ion Antonescu today am id riotoua antirSem itic ou tbreaks by pro-Nazi Iron G uard lsts. .

Iron G uurdist. gangs, reported to have dem anded a r re a t and punishm ent of th e form er ' “playboy” king, stonried through the s tree ts as Michael took th e th fo n e fo r th e ' second time in his sh o rt career. (T her^ ' w ere re p o rts Carol • w»a fleeing to Switzerland.)

T he dGmoiistrators smaHhed large show windows in th e Jew ish -o w n ed G alleries i j i - .

Bury Hatchet To Get Field,

Idaho ToldTwin Palls. Je rom e and o ther

Mnglc V alley com m unities today were urgiMl to "bury the ha tch e t" and get togcUier and decide w here a n airline n irport should be located in th is section of th e coun try .

T h e “Inv ita tion" tO 'M ttte th e con­troversia l Issue oncc a n d fo r a ll was mnde he re ih ls aft«m oon by Paul M orris, regional a irp o r t eng ineer for th e CAA w ith headquarte rs a t S eattle .

••nicse towns should get together a n d decide w here th e a irp o r t sliould be locatcd, (o rgetting th a t T w lt\ F a lls la Tw in Palls and Jerom e is Jerom e and th a t o the r tow ns a re o the r tow ns." M orris sftld. "Som eday in- th e n e a r fu tu re the re w il l ' be a a h u tte line th rough th is section of Id a h o and « good field m ust be Pro­vided fo K it. '— -* -

^xampl« a t Ceoperatlon"A classic exam ple of com m unity

coopera tion is found in .Virginia and T ennessee. I n th a t case Bristol. V a ,

H ere a re e s-K In g Carol and Ills m istress, ‘M agda l.upencu, who w ere repo rted to have fled frem I tu m a n la today a f te r Ihe k in i re ­signed u n der pressure a i vnrloiu neighboring countries tnnk s llrrs ou l o f ih e R am an lan ’ nation.

'■By fig h tin g each o th tr th e y dU - covered th a t they were getting no p lace , and so tlien they decided to dl.sqiiss th e m ntter.. “ Aa a resu lt ( the th ree ton-ns be­ing on a tr iang le about 13 miles n p n rt) an a irp o rt was con.structed on equal d istance from all o f Uiem

(Condniied nn Pal* 1, ColumD 1)

ny U nited F rrtnT lio D em ociiitic vlce-i'irM ilciitliil

ran d ld i itr , H enry A. W nllmi', mi1<I loriay a l n rllnvlllc. III . Uml llio UnlNxl S ta le s Iiuk no Itnin'iliill.illo nm')»Uonn In fin«lli or C rin 1 nl Ann'i - lea . . . W alloi'n te iw atcd liU rhiiiii<^ th a t " advocatrs of iiiiiirn-cinriii" w ould ilo th e ir best lo e l c i W rndrll L. W lllklo , . .

M einw hlle , In llu shv lllr . Ind.. W inkle announi-rd liU »iip|>i>it of a defense program lo n>ii»<-|t|il f ae to r le t u trr ll aa n in i, IjiiI tlr- r la re d ho will ro n lln u r in oj>iici*r w hai he ca llcd "plniil «rl«tirr tir th e a rb itra ry a rllnn '•! •<<«'

A hrllllRiit. (>tar of aII'iu dnyn. Ilr len n c tiadw lrk , iilni m lli>i- lywt)0<l w here—In recciit \rn i . h a d W’oikp<i m a day-l<>-<inv <-xIm . , . F rom 1030 lo lUaS Mi . . CIhhI- wlck wiik fea tu red In Hum tiiilm 'vu p roductions , .

(Icnera l M asliiie W rxiiiiid . llir dpfen in m ln l i l r r o t toliilllni l.m K ranre. rscaped Injury U ili inixii- In f w hen h is plane iraa lii il nrni' l.lm ngea . . . W ey iand wiik nn «i> Inspertion to u r of w hat irmiilini o f th e F rench a rn ly , . ,T lio exiled b ro th er of liimuinln'..

abdli-iiting king, l^ iln rr Ni< holn^ u w aiting n l til. M orlle, tlwM/n IkikI. lo s rc w h at hnp|)ons hi tlm iin lkain , . . Prince Nlcholos siiUI i<k|cu Ii<> m lK hi m eet d a ro l nt th r Mwhi reso rt . . . .

n e rt-h a lre d lie iiy now him l of burlesque crashed Ibe nitivlc-i. l»- day—ih e firs t s lr lp - te ase r lu -In a film ta n lr a e l iln re CJypay iiiinr Lee . . . Mlaa Itow land w ilt |>l.r a cho rus girl In a n RK O p lr lx re , . .

Ill Hollywond. H iim orht T innk BcuHl' Is fac ing tr ia l on clmtKes of

serv ing aa seorelfcry of th e nt.iir ilf-

Iw ru n e iil of InstllnU ons . . . ih iilly la s asked for an early iilo l, hV. ih-

lilK D lstrto t A tlpiiiey Ih iroii I'lL u.of - 'it lca l persocuUoii durlim an . let -

I w ar hero.

l^ l t l i

T h a IVel. W illiam J . DoHoran, laid p e rte ra In i a n rrawel«)<» M a y lh a l ASHgU* M usl ad ep t ren se rlp - Uen M VrwerVa peaee . . . Ha aald “WlMa Uie anemy la a l Ihe g aU . II la n o t lm e le say w all illl t e h a u |« n y ahlrV* , • .

lES EXPENSESn o iB E . Sept. 6 tU W -T lie s t i lu s of

C harles O ossett of N am pa, nom in ­a ted by Uie Dem ocratic p a rly for I lr iite n an t governor In th e A ugust p rim ary , w as still muddled today.

Clns.iett'8 cnrtlfU-a(* of rBnipnlgn ex ix-ndltures was filed w ith Ihe sec- re tn ry of s la te a t * p. m. yesterilay. H tnle election IhW provides such r rr ttf lc a te s should b" filed w ith in 10 days a f te r t h r election, w lilrh m ade Mk' dead line ft p. m. Tue.vlny.

In filing his s tiitrm ent, a o » se ll m ere ly sa id he had forgotten It was due earlie r,

H ta te O fflrlnis Mild there were n llem n llves j rg n rd ln g ehRlhlhly oi (U m ett and of Htewurl Cninpliell, K cpubllcan iioinlnre for iiiliie liin|irR> Uir whoso s ta lr in rn t wus ‘tu r iird In W ednesday, one diiv Isle.

'H ie offlrlnln .inJd ' tliry bellevrd iKitli nam es rouUt t>e placed on the litillot unless a p rlvstn e lllren fllM

(oriMttl ti\)i,mctlon lA st^ p th e re ta ry o t a tate .'from certltylnii m rn a s eligible or the A errrtnry rould link advice from Hie ntin rney geii- etiil before h e maile ii(i th c .o ff lr la l lint o f general election cjtndlilotes.

F ayette as well a s o t h e f " stores and shops, en te rin g th e building and forcing, th e own­ers to fly th e R om anian flag as a sign of “re jo ic ing .”

A guard was killed when Iron Quardlat* went to the of Corol's lord chamberlain, Kr- ., nest Urdamnu. toseize him,

Antonescu. to whom Michael turn* ed over practically all of the kingly powers, lotit druUe msuurca t o - suppross disorders such aa had fO(C> ed CaTOl’t abdication cad aott ft telegram to Queen Helena, dl«OC«>— cd wife of the ' former ktngr «Bd mother of Michael, urging her to hurry home.

"I beg you to take your jjIecb alongside your son to complete bla education for the bappln«g ot *11, Rumania . , . and et>d Ml Buffer­ing to which your majesty haa be«n subjected.” the telegrftnr to Helena at Dresden, aennaoy.- aald.

MMreaa F l ^Magda .upeacB, .ttw rad<4ttbW /V .

when he returned b rp lta s 10 7«an ago from exUe Ut take th» erewn from Michael, was reported, te hav* fled abroad some tbne ago aad was belleyed In some sAircea to be in London.

T rln co N icholas, younger b ro th er o f Carol, a n d h is w ife w ere repo rted likely to re tu rn , to B uchareat from th e ir p rese n t hom e n e a r S t. M orU i, S v itxcrland . N icholas' v lf a U th e d a u g h te r o f a r l th 'R u m a n ia n In d u i- tr la lla t. T h e prince Incurred th e -d is ­p leasure of Carol w hen h e m * n l« d • a com m oner.

(A O firm an w ireless b roadcast re* portfld Caro l s till was In B uehareat. bu t would be leaving in a few days by special tr a in fo r Sw ltaerland, a c ­com panied to th e f ro n t ie r by A n­tonescu It such action la necessary to ■•protect hU life.”)

Oath of AUegiaDoeAntone.>cu, ac ting swiftly In keep­

ing w llh h is rep titatlon a s a stro n g - handed m illta rv leader, o rdered tha a rm y Im m ediately to ta k e a n o a th o f a lleg iance to K ing M ichael, oust- oii m any governm ent officials, b e ­gan In sla lllng a new reg im e expeot- ed to follow lo talltA rlan p r ln c lp lu and s ta r te d to carry o u t h is p r a ­ise to pxinixh persona reeponslble for p ast rorrupM on.

W hile Iro n Ouard dem onatratora, shouted "dow n w ith th e JewsI Hitr- rnh for M lchaell" th e p rem ier was reported to have ordered th e arreet o r dlsmls.ial of d fgn ltarles who had been close to th e fo rm er king.

lift aU o atw llshed Uie royal coun­cil and announced th e council of m ln lslcrs wtui tak ing m easures for the orderly evaouatlon o f 'te rr llo ry . I'ctled to H ungnry, regaid less of rlO- I rn l p ro tests wlilch have been m ade ngnlnsl tiin cev.lon;

M lhull M ocouf, eh lef ot U\e army Intelligence, and Col. Klcolal Bt«f- nne.icu, direc tor of the same serrlce, were dlsm lssfd,

Jew s w ere lerrorlaed by proapeota (Conltnusd ea rs f* t, C aluau »

(larol Alxliration Results in Loss of Power for Mistress

ttines and thoM o( h la dynasty m any lim es by giving h e r Up. lie p referred h e r to h is crow n.

I t was believed ( h a t In th e U at few days, w hite h e strov* to hfM him self on hU to ttw in g th reO f. Carol had sen t h la sweeUlBMi to • place of safe ty otilalde R uquin la. X( w as reported ah* wab in XMMbUl. NOW ho h a s lost, a n d h e wlU iolD he r jn a new exIU. * ^ >

n y lln l lrd PrrM T he (iway nf icd -hn lred -M ngda

lA»i>eScu a s th e vmwrt beh ind Ute th ro n e of Rum miln ended today when he r royal nw erthn irt, Carol, atxilcated.

l in t no one doubted tlirir lovii eii- d m rd , J^ir he r Carol oure renounc­ed tlie th ro n e sn d he llve<l lu exile bccftuse of her. H er hold on him had been dem onstra ted agnin and again . W herever Carol goes, th e rrd-.linlred M agda will be w |lh him.

Uhe b a t least 38 year* old now-> lim t Is he r offlolal nge. Inc lined to - w nrd stou lnesi, those w ho liave know n h s r say h e rs Is n o t « grad* A nhis sex appeal. S h e is no t heMiUhil. a n d , It-U aald, • h a . la 'n o t b rillian t. T lie reM ona for C arol's g rea t love ror* h f r m , to Umm who know them , inaap llw ble.

B u t sha Will r a U In M ito ty a l u . , - side M adam a P o m iM o u r,' duB arry , O lM patra, a n d th e ,o th e r woman w ho have to ttar«d throitea. O a n l cou ld havft tiU

In 1B2I, Oardl j^at har. Me 38 years old then, Mtd. U ImT clal .age la eorrvot, ih* M | u T l t .e o rn » t, «as at a ohUdran^' had on# I “ moner. Thalr a n a u U a d T T tu n

- ‘I :T :

Page 2: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

M g e ■I'wo IDAHO E V E N IN G TIM E B , TW IN FA LLS, IDAHO, rriday, Septemtwr 1840


BE W I O IN I H R S ’ M i S

D ean W. Miller. *U te WPA »cl- m lo litra lo r. \6\A m tm b tr* oI

iu p e n ’Jw ry ot tiw orjrnnljjujoij from tliU iectlon oM d»ho tlitit th e re

,U no r«t#on why »n liic» lc len l « 'orker thould be kept on th e ro lb , thi»t projec t work U Im provln j In fills stfllr a icl tl^kl "wc hftvp no li))olof[lcs to mnke /o r th e qimllty o( Uio work boliiK done."

M iller spoke a t a spcclnl m eeting n Jilch n;is JieJd today * t th e AmerJ- cHii Lcgloti hall. HU *alk cam e diir- liiK the morning jew lon. Nearly 160 n ifn . Injludln); s ta te offlclaU. p ro j- r c t supervisors and cnnlnecrs. tim e­keepers and fo rrm rn .'n ttciirted .

Miller pointed ou t U iat workers on the WPA m ust perlo rm " a la ir ritiy's work to receive th e ir money." H e fldded;

Mmlleil Appropriation '■With the iup ll« l approprlrttloii

under which w f-a rc now op'-raiitig, congrew d o a n ’i expect us to care lo r even’ unemployed, needy person in th e

"O ur fiuola Is now 7.200 and we have about 4,000 more who have been re/erred to r jobs bu t w ho a re now on tiie wa/Uny JUt.

'T lierefore. there l» no reason why a n Inferior worker should be kept.

'I f he Isn't doing a good Job. he will he reptaced a n d becam e o f th is p o l­icy th e WPA' project Mork In Idaho ha< been, and Is, showing a ateady Improvement,"

M iller also lold those a t today 's BewJon th a t he will "not s ta n d (or

■ any of the field .Mipfn'lsory pu tU ns any pressure on a certified w orker th a t would Influence h li v o te ,o r hia r ig h t (o vote a s h e pleases."

Divisional M eetings " I( we find th a t any of Uie au-

pervlsor>- U doing thU you can rest ua u re d th a t th e guilty p a r t^ will

" . b e d lschargedr M iller said.Following Miller’s talk , th e th ree

dWtJlona! meetings w ere held . D is- cuH ton in U\« QperaUt\3 dlvU lon « a a In cha rge o f Lewis R oberts, d irec to r

, o f operations; K. B , W ilson, UMlstiuit direc tor of the division of profee- Blonal service directed d lacuu lo n u u o n g m em beri of t h t t body vhU a finance division discussion w as d i­rec ted by U W,-’Scott, d irec tor of finance,

T alks were given <« a ll th re« dU vW oru by R ay Ramaey. d irec to r o f

A aimllar m e e ltg w as he ld yesw r- day In Boise and ano th« r will be held tom orrow a t Pocatello. A nother is aeheduled fo r- 'C o eu r d'A lene on Sept. 14.

Biiry Hatchet To Get Field,

Idaho Told

News in BriefTo Study n ram a llc s

Roland H utchinson l.i leaving to ­morrow for Los Angele.s where he will enro ll a t th a t Loi A ngeles City college, m a joring in dram atics,

I tr lu R ii to South Isadore P rlrdm n n Is re tu rn ing to ­

m orrow to Bavannali. 0 « ., following » th re e wfek.'»’ vacation v is i t wlUj JiU m o the r. Mrs, I-ena Friedm an.

Conclude VUIlM r. and Mrs. flex Dibble and

dftURhtors narb iiiii and Toni, left y« fe rfin y lo r O m irii. V ta h . to vtf.ll a t th* home of M r. atui M rs. n . K. D ibble, pa ren ts of M r. Dibble, ' '

f liiicr VlsltK•. and Mm. W. H. TIionipM n

anti ,“oii, fllKy.fMfPhiT.'-oii. K an ,, are ■Isitlng a t the 'hnn ip of Mr. and Mr.v

Jam es L. BnrtiM, H ansen. Mrs. TVionipson i\nrt Mr*. B w n ts are sisters.

To H deiiaM rs; j . .1. Ifuuho.s. T w in Falls

C red it aw.ociniloii, le ft th is morning for H elrnii, M ont., w here she will

Back io NampaM r. and Mr.i. Eiw jjelf Asburj- ... .

leaving tomorrow for ih e lr home in N am pa. Mr. Af<bury is recovering from an opera tion w hich he under­w ent recently a i th e T w in Palls county general hospital.

L uncheon O ursisM rs. W illiam , S tan ley and son,

M d d le . PocaKIlo, a rriv ing th is m orn ing from Altilon, w here they have been ve iling relatives, were luncheon gue.sis of Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Hayp?.. plnn to \tave for Pocatello th is a fternoon .

A uthor VUIIsE rn est HemlnRwny. noted author

and playw righ t, a rrived a t Sun Val­ley yesterday to enjoy th e hunting a n d fish ing of this a rea a n d to con tln u e hl,i literary wprk. H e was al.si a guest a t Sun Valley la s t (nil. In' c lu d ln t~ T w ln 'F a lls In h is westerrt visit.

S en tence L«omk' ,R. .M . Blck, A berdeen. wo.s lo be

sen tenced th is a fternoon in th e Jus- Uce c ou rt o f Judge H . M. Holler or. a c harge of Lwulng a check w ithout funds, sh e riff’s records *how r-H e Is b e tn f.h e ld - ln .th e -T w ln r a i l s county JMl.......

On Coa*l Trip Mr. and Mrs. L. L.'.B reckenH dRe,

Tw jn FhII.i . and M r. a n d M rs. W. M .'Bunco, Piter, Taft ye sterd a y for Reno. Nev.. and S a n FrancU co.

A( llie H oiplla lQiile PloU, M r«. CU atlea W all.

Ywin Fulls, and P e a rl P ea rson , Filer. liHve been a d m itte d to the I v i n Fiills county g e n era l hM plia l, Patlent.s d lam issad ' Include M arie Salisbury, Mr*. D av id —B nindage , Tw in FiiH.s; M rs. O scar A nderson. HiiRCTnmii. and Mr.i. O rlan d o Pore. Onklrv.

M M l l i T E S(Tt** F»»* Ont)

th a t Iiun Q u a rd b U w ould get pi omliu iit p lace In th e new jo v e rn - m ent Antonescu w as form ing .

Tlie Kreen un iform s of th e Iron G uard were conspicuous In the trow'd.s r t'eb iftv lng th e abd ica tion and tlip .succession of M ichael, look ilio oa th in th e pa lace th ro n e

AlilioviMli the I ro n G u a rd had &clzed ihe m om e n t to fo rce Carol out, Uie crisis developed fro m the loss of upper T ran sy lv a n ia to H un- gar>—a te rrito ria l cession forced upon Carol by O erm any a n d Ita ly a t th e Vienna c o n fe rence tw o 'w eeks ago, and one th a t b roke th e m orale of both the R u m an ia n people and th e ir arm y w hich h a d w an ted to figh t, ;

ftnd e v e ry m e -w u satisfied.T n d e r th e na tional p rogram t t

la only feasible to build one a irline field in the M agic Valley and It would serve a ll com m unities alike, sm a lle r fl«ldi in each com m unity could be used for th e civilian pilo t tra in in g procrram, local ope ra to ri a n d p rivate o?mers.

• n i l s All Needs “ The large field would fill m ili­

ta ry needs a n d governm ent opera* tlo iu as well as airline needs.

"An Im m ediate e ffo rt alioukl be m ade on th e 'p a r t o f a ll com m uniU ei in Ihe M agic Valley to nam e repre- sentatlvec w ho would determ ine Just w here luch a field should be located and find ou t w here th e benefit would be by serving the m ost’people. Such a field should be as near th e cen te r of population as poaalblB.”

M orris was he re today wUh W. H. (Pete) Hill, Idaho direc tor of aero ­nautics . 'n iey conferred w ith IJonel A, D ean, com m ercial pilot and coun> cilm an, and Plea B, Wilson, olty en< gineer, regarding th e m akter plan of th e local field. Yesterdny they r.onferred w ith Jerom e offlrlala and klaa th e Burley heads.

Relative* LeavingM r. and Mrs, Larr>‘ Burrlngtoii

will- leave tom orniw for th e ir home In S ou th O a te . C alif., concluding % vU lt w ith Mr, and M rs. CUrence Cam pbell, p a re n ts o f M rs. B urring- ton . T hey have also vlslfed Mr. and M rs. A ustin Storey, b ro ther-in -law and alster o f M rs. sto rey , a t Black> foot.

te a v e s fo r SpokaneM iss Ja ck ie Perm alne. Spokane,

W ash,, h o n o r Queen of W ashington No, 1 be thel o f Job 's D aughters, left th is a fte rn o o n for h e r home, follow­ing. a b rief v is it w ith M(m R uthann H ayes. S h e Is en rou te from Chi­cago w here she a ttended sessions of th e suprem e council of Job's D aughters,

Van E ngelen l« Speak A b rief add ress by Rev, Henry Van

E ngelen on "How We May Know O od." will be given a t 11 a, m Sun­day a t Uie B a p tis t church . Ilev, Rov E. B a rn e tt, pasto r, announced todav. "T h e speaker ho ld s th a t th e word ‘life’ m e a iu to each of us whnt thn word *Ood’ m e a n s 'to us," arcordlng to Rev, B a rn e tt.

D epart fo r College MIm I re n e D avidson, daughter of

Mr, a n d Mr.s. V, J . Davidson, and Mi.is D ah rl O reen . daUBhter ot ^tl•. and Mrn, K enyon G reen, l^fl ven- te rday for Mills collPBe, Odklanrt. Calif. Miss D avidson will m te r her sophom ore year a t th e rolleRe. unt M iss G reen will enroll as a fresh


T h e Tw in F ulls C ham ber o t Com - m e rc a -w ill. be rep rese n te d a t two m eetings In G re a t Falls , M on t.. th is m on th and a t< a m eetin g of th e FoUr Slates H ighw ay a ssocia tion a t Salm on S ep(.'14 a n d 15. i t w as re ­ported today by S e c re ta ry Vivian Carlson following th e re g u la r w eek­ly meeting o l th e cham ber.

Three or foOr m em bers o f th e lo ­cal cham ber will, a tte n d th e highw ay m eeting a t Salm on. I t w as nounced.

N. V. S ha rp . Flier, w ill rep rese n t th e cham ber a t Iw th th e M o u n u ln S tates association m eeting a n d N a ­tional Reclam aU on M aocla tlon meeting In G re at Falls , th e aecre- tarj- said.

T he M ounta in S la te s m e etin g Is scheduled for Sept, 23 a n d 23. w hile th e rec lam ation m eeting will be held Sep t. 34 a n d 35.

A com m ltlee t o investiga te f re ig h t r a te s was appo in ted by the C ham ber o f Com merce follow ing a discussion of an address on rate s given la s t week by C arl D e l in g . C ham ber m embers, who a re also railw ay shippers, discussed rates,

R ay J, Holmes, chairm an of the road com m ittee, win a i t /n d a m e e t­ing a t Blackfoot M o n d a K a t 4 p . m. of th e C en tral Idaho Gob«L R oads nsaoclatlon, K wa.s a n n ^ n c e d . G eorge L. Ambro.M. Mitckay, presiden t of ihe n.Moclaiion. vltAtlon to the m eeting was received from C. Cook, secretary of tl B lackfoo t C ham ber of Com m erce.

N ews o f RecordM a r r l a s « IJc e n H c n

SEPT. sD aniel W, McAtrle, 39, and M lth

a te w a rt. 1«. both of Tw in Falla.M ichael U sane ty . 23, and nernlco

rx>we, 39. both of W lnnem ucca, Nev, t ^ n a r d B lanton, 21, and Burnelce

H opper, 11, bolh of T w in P allj,

1 B i r t h s r - •

To Mr, and Mrt., Howard Black. T w in Falls, a son, T hursday , a t the T w in Falls county general hospital m atern ity home.

To Mr, and Mrs. HnKklii 'Ilidiiip. so n .- 'I ’wlii Falls, a ilnuiihier. mUI-

' n ig h t T hursday, a t the I V ln Falls county general hosp ital n iaU n ilty home.

T o Mr. and Mrs. Henny Binilley, F a irfield , a son. a t 0;l& a n t , lo<lay a t th e home of Mr. and Mr* Hoy C arney , flscond avenue w««t.

To Mr, and Mrs. C, 0 , M ailhew s. T w in F ills , a girl. thU m orning a t

^ « . 7 > l n Falla county general hos. p ila l.

J T eihperaturcH *

Paralysis Scare Hits Oregon City

N YSaA , Ore., Sep t. fi < u ri-0 |ien - ing of Nyitsa schools wiin ]K)\l|mned an ex tra week, tl>e Nv^.sn fair ralle<l off. th e a te rs u e ie oidered Closed and public inrctlnKo linuued today (0 preven t tp resd of Infantile paralysis.

T liree ciines of Ihe d u n u e Inive been re|>ortrd here , none IkIhI, but au tho rltlr ,i snUI they w rin deier- m ined to p ieven t H fidin niircKdinK. U nder Hie new poa iixu innrn i. Nywa achooU will open Sept. ifl.

H ltK IIA^ARDN U M U ’<i:il CO K U lt rt-AI-ENE. M « , flrpl, fl

(U fti-T liP fire h a sa rd lu im rlh Idiiho fines t has been inalerlHlly re<luiTd. foi'fRl »rivU‘e ofCtc-laK n«ut ((xlftv. reporting nearly ih ree Inrlien of pre- r llil ta t lo n have been ir ro n trd tliU ,week.

YOUTH IIKI.I) IN D tlAIII NAM l’A, Hepl. fl fU.Fl)-J'nld <llh-

hcujs, 20, loday wus Ixuiiiil ovi d l.il i |r t c ou rt to face trlnl c rlia rgn of invo lunlarv tu»i\>ilHiiKhter in Ihe d e a th of R u ih M urrhy. 17, killed w hen O lbhons' nuiiininblle struck a Iree two weeks aun.

ed Ih e m 'a s cen te rs of sedition


. BURLEY, Sept, 6 (Spccla l)—C on­dition of one v ictim of an a u to a c ­cident 10 miles w est o f he re W ed-

itlav n igh t wa-5 term ed ‘'good" to - bv hosp ital a tten d a n U w hlU

f u n n n l .services w ere being p la n n M ) w ere killed In

th e ern?.h- A ndrrw Kline. R upert, ow ner o f

th e m achine w hich w as dem olished .siruck a truck load of

pruni-i on th e highw ay w est of here . Is reported recovering from in ju r - le.'! su-stalned In th e accident. I n ­juries Include a lacera tion of th e Jaw.

Funeral services are being p la n n ­ed for E rnest Arm.strong. flS, a n d F reem an Robinson. 23, Burley, w ho

A rm strong 's arm y release p ap ers ehow he was bom Just 66 years ago today.

P im eral .-iervlces for A rm strong will be held Sunday a t 2 p . m . a t th e Payne niortuar>-. S panish W ar V eterans will be In ch arge of th e .services and In term ent will be in th e Burley cemeWry. A bro ther. G ra n t A rm strong, will a rrive from D ayton. W ash,, tonight.

P rivate funera l services a re p la n n ­ed for F reem an Robinson, H e Is survived by h is wife. M rs. M arie W oodall Robinson, and a child, D e-

Roblnson. 2,


BHOBHONE.'Sept. « (Spcclal) - A nnouncem ent w as m ade th is week of w in n e rs . in th e annual flower ahow. gponfored by the Shoahone S tudy club, he ld recently in con­junction w ith - th e L incoln county fa ir , and of w km ers In th e fair events. ■ -

In charge of th e flower show were M rs. H- G. H aight. M rs. C. A. Kelly. M rs. Bert S ten ton and Mrs. D. W. to fp h e rd .

w inners In th e youth pnrode prc- ced lns the fa ir an(J w inners of noyeliv cvcnL*» a n d conteal.s a t the fo lr were also announced by of- f iciah .

Flower show w inners Included; Sweepstakes. Mrs. Tony Pim entel;

h ig h bouquet. M rs. L. J. M ott; low^ u n u e t , M rs. H elen M a b b u tt ; -------

~ ■ W tttD arrah , second: snapdragons. Mrs. R . H, Burns, firs t, and M rs. L. M. M ott, second.

Salplsloftsls, M rs. M abbutt, first, a n d Mrs. P im entel, second; gladioli. M rs. P im entel, f irs t and M rs. M ar­g a re t B arth , second; tlnn las . Mrs, M ott, first and M rs. P im entel, sec­ond : .small tln n ia . M rs. Jam es Wise f i r s t and M rs. M abbu tt, second; nas.

tu r tlu m s . M rs. R . H. B um s, f irs t and M rs. M o tt, second: nasturtium s, double, M rs. E m m a Field, f irs t and M rs. J . J . R ad fo rd , secbnii.

P e tu n ia s , M re. j . O . Preainan , f irs t a n d M rs. B ert T erry , second; aster«. M rs. P im entel, f irs t a n d Mrs. WUl H ennessey , second; e ig h t small asters, M rs. M arie Pope, f irs t: m r - ‘ golds. M rs. W ise, f i r s t and Mrs,H. G rieve , second.

S m all m arigolds. M rs. M argaret Fields, f irs t, a n d Mr.s. G rieve, sec­ond; ph lox , M rs. D arrah . f irs t and T h e lm a Brow n, second: sweet peas. M rs, C. A. K elly, f irs t; dahlias , Mrs. Roes H addock , f irs t a n d Mrs, Pope, second; pansies . M rs. Al Butterfield, f irs t; cosmos. M rs. G rieve, f irs t and M rs. H erm easey, second;

B r


IMTTBPIELi), Maw. (UCt I.iilgl Bcursl has jusl Iniiiii'd thai a neiv.spiiper he tuiiiid Iti n diiinii heii|i several years ngo Is a rolln tor's Item,

W hen the Atiieilcan Hoii.se was .closing, Bearrl explored ihr junk piled outside tt" l>ivi'k door and found a copy of the '■Consiellntlnn" —described by Its- cdltni- as - n i e Great Wondei of (h« AKr* 'Hie Masterdon of N e»s|ni|)n s riitillshed

lire in iOO Y.-iir»-T lie iMper h. » lien o|ienecl, a l­

most 0 fee l by H (eet. It wit.n |iub- llshed July 4, lflS». bv Ororge Rob­erta of B oilon. Onlv oii£. edition was printed, and of that r<mion onlv 18 I'oplea be«ldes D rani's are known to exist.

■nie ''ConMiiiiitioii" Ims i;i col­um ns of type lo a |ihm'' 'I'he front page contains pii-tuies of I'lcsldent, Buchanan, Cleimial Jacksoit a t New Otlean.s. Oomn^tHlnva I'evv^ at LnK* Erie, and Btephen Decatur burning (he Philadelphia, inside h a story entitled: Hml Drlf ixive.Utcau) of -the ili iiii ‘

Mnn-Like TeethTeeth of U)^ extlncl immiodon.

primitive elephant, closcly resembled those of m an In shaix-, and. until rn- rent times, It was commnn opinion that these enormous lerth ware ihose of glanU.

Arnold Plots Prosecutions On Monopoly

W ASHINGTON. Sept. 6 tU.B—A s­s is tan t A ttorney G enera l T h u n n a n H, Arnold plana vigorous prosecu­tion of m onopolistic prac tices In tlonal defense industries.

He disclosed in h is new . book. "Bottlenecks o f Business," w hich was publl-slied today, th a t th e Justice d e ­pa rtm en t n n t l ' t r u s t division had covered "pcrsuftslve evidence" of s tra ln is by bo th fo reign and dom es­tic com panies w hich h a d resu lted In th e following situa tions:

1. T h ro ttling A m erican capacity to produce essen tial w ar m a teria ls by foreign ow nership a n d control of patenU .

2. C aruH zatlon of c e r u ln Indus­tr ie s with price a n d producUoii con ­tro l in foreign hands.

3. Transm ission to foreign com ­panies of A m erican m ilita ry secrets.

4. DlvLsJon Of m arke ts , fixing a n d Tc&trVcUng of p tlc e ot ma^orl&ls es­sen tia l to m lllt« ry preparation-

5. Collusive bidd ing on co n trac ts fo r th e a rm y a jid Davy.

George DeVillers Paid L astflon or

F u n e ra l services lo r G eorge De- V lllera w ere Held a t th e W hite m o r t­u a ry chape l th is m orning, w ith In ­te rm e n t In Filer cem eterj’.

E lde r C. M. Burrow of the L atK r D ay S a ln te church was speaker and Ja c ^ b A rrlng lo t' read th e ob ituary. T h e grave was dedicated by Elder B arrow .

H erm an C hristensen, accom panied by M rs. Clirlsteiihen, sang -p ra y e r P e rfe c t" a n d " Ju s t for T oday,”

Ph llbcarera were H arry Bowers. R a lp h T ip p e tt. W, L. B|bb, J , C. W alke r. Ja ck Rosenburg and Jacob A rring ton .

U N ' S STOREForm al opening of Town A pparel

shop, w om en’i d ress ,» n d accessory esU blU lim ant. was held yesterday.

M anager o f th e shop, a t 112 Sho ­shone s tre e t west In th e P e rrlne

j-hotel buUdlng, is U n . EUxabeth Sm ith , residen t o t T w in F a lls for a num ber o f years.

Mre, W inifred Jones, New York buyer fo r Tow n shop, w as p rese n t fo r th e opening and will rem ain In Twin Falls fo r several weeks.

Fix tu res of the e stab llslim ent - In P h i lip p in e m ahogany, nntl ’ th e floor la covered w ith broadloom of warm rose quart* hue. «

M rs. M arth a Betliel a n d Mrs. S m ith a re th e presen t sales per­sonnel.

Four divorce decrees were g ranted In dlH rlct c o u rt th is m orning by Judge Jam es W . Porter, two of the dlvorccs going to ,m e n and tw o ,to women-

Vern M cAnally won a divorce by d e fa u lt from Clarence McAnally a n d custody of a m inor girl, 5 years

|o ld . I t w as th e second tim e the w om an had been g ran ted a divorce from M cAnally. T lie couple origi­nally m arried M arch 16. 1933, was divorced in 1937 a n d rem arried Jan , 0. 1839.. Cruelty and nagging were chnrged.

M arlon Cam pbell was awarded a d ivorce from M arie U Campbell on a charge she abandoned him a t Ja r- bidge. Nev.. in 1»30. T hey m arried Sep t. 3. 1914, T h e su it was no t conU stcd.

Loreneo E . F irk in s won a divorce from Anple 0 . F irk in s on li charge of cruelly . I t i e couple m arried a t Rigby Dec. 16, 1S3S. and sh^^rated Ju n e 28, 1940, according to the com­pla in t. D ivorce action was no t con­tested.

In th e o th e r su it. Rose Ahrendson on a Alvorce iTom Jo h n Mwendson n a cliarge of cruelty . A property

se tn em en t Involving .9227 was made, and Uie c o u rt ten tatively arranged

* a 6-yoar-o id son to spend p a rt each yekr w ith each parent. Tliey

m arried S ep t. 38, 1931. a t Elko, Nev.

Case Transferred To Probate Court

l l i e case of F rank O andlago. 03. C astie fo rd , charged wllh being In­tox icated . has been transferred from D uhl Justice court to the p robate c o u rt In Tw in FalU. It was no iinced th is afiernoon.

A Jury tr ia l was to hiive been giv- ..1 th e d r fe iid a n t tliis n ioinuig be­fore Ju s tice ot the i'eure It. S tew a rt, B uhl, bin the rnae sw itched to Ihe loiiri nf Probate Ju d (« 0 . A. Bailey and will p rob ­ably be h e ard nex t werii

Indianan Jailed For Beating Bill

Accused] of beating a board bill. 1 In d ia n a m an today s ta rted to

serve o u t a 15-day sentence Imposed tfh en h e was arraigned before Ju s ­tice of th e Peace R. H. S tew art a t: Buhl.

Joe Jacobson . Qnry, Ind.. was re.sted a t Castieford by Parley H ar-

I, constable, and S ta te P a tro l- i A. E. Per’klns.e was sentenced lo IS days Ir

th e county Jail and fined tlO. |

LANDINGa m Som mers, s tuden t in tha

c iv ilian pilot, train ing program a t th e m unlclpul airport, ihU m orn- lUK landed In a poiAlo patch .

W hile pracUcliiK spins It wao re ­p o rted th a t he pulled the sh ip up too s teep a fte r recovery, s la llln i iho m olor.

He m ade w hat other JllriR te rm ­ed a ''perlect." forretl landing In tlio pa tt'h , 'P ie plniie was not dam ag ed e n d h i a ,5ti<irt tim e li t - s tru c to r Jack Wl.<r came and flew thft sh ip ba rk lo the flrld.

T h e p la n e tiswt was a 711-horse­pow er 'C ub monoplane.

Ola Mac Hart, l>4,PasBcs at Jerome

JEROME. S ep t a O la M ae H ar t. 54, wife of A, W, H a r t, ow ner of the J n o n ie Floral com pany, died today a f te r /a long illnew . /

T h e body re su a t the Jer fu n e ra l hom e pending a rrange­m ent*.

M rs. H a r t waa born Ja n . IP, 1180, S h e cam e to Jerom e with her htts- ban d In 1010 from Ault, colo


CLEARANCE SALEEntire Stock o f SlipH!

T ullored and lace trim m ed . . , p la in a n d ru ffled hem llne.-i . . , nura d y i f ^ l n s a n d ang ri rvenes W hite, te a rose and a fnw colors In six!* 32 lo 44.

$1.00 to $1.69 Valuea

59/ 2 for $1.00

The Anne ShopN exi lo Idiiho P ow tr


T op h o n o rs In th e parade's three <Uvlslon« w en t to Id ah o Power com­pan y fo r hav ing th e m ost a ttrac tive flo a t, Sh'oshooe C ham ber of Com­m erce, m det orig inal f loa t and Lin- coin C oun ty Jo u rn a l, f o r ' th e flos> best rep rese n tin g t h e ' s p o a w i business.

•NoveUy even ts Included a bathhiR beau ty c o n tes t for girls five ycarr. o r u n d e r, w inners being Caroline Freem ftn, best f lg iu r , JM n e tte Mr. D onald , b la ck e t ha ir.- Q&li Mescrvy red d e st ha ir, a n d O pal Mesery blondest h a ir; a hog calling conte-M, won by Jo h n M eyer; an egg throw ­ing c o n tes t , v jon by R obert Had. dock a n d L ee BeltCa.

M iss Beverly B u rd e tt won the balloon sho tpu t, a n d M rs. Irwln D av is 'w o n th e rolling p in throwing con test.

I n com petitions a t th e fairgrounds. F a rris M orrison won first in the te a m pu lling , emd Ju liu s B a r th took second place.

In th e cam p wagon race, E^'erctt S a n t a n d D onald Snndy won 'first w U h iM d le Johnson a n d P, M. L ar­sen , second. I n th e w omen’s horse racc. M rs. T odd SImngle placed first a n d B em lce B raun , second. Jiv^por T hom ason won first In th e pony racc w ith R uby K ing , second-

A th le tlo co n tes t w inners were: 50- ya rd d a sh , boys 6 to 12. Jack Mills, f irs t; Je rom e Kinsey, sccond, and E ugene «oesIge r, th ird ; 50-yard dash , Birls 13 to 19. V enna King, flrstj^ ta v e m e D unn, second, and P a tsy H afn e r . th ird .

F ifty -y a rd doah. boys 13 to 15, Lee B artho lom ew , f irs t: Sam Larson, se« jnd , a n d E rnest Meyer, th ird ; th ree -legged race , boys 8 to 12, Billy KeUy a n d W ayne W hltteklend, first Bob P ease a n d Byron Drlksell. sec. ond a n d E ugene Boesiger and Jack Mills, th ird . .. . (

Sack race, girls. Carol Andersen f irs t: R uby K ing , second, and C har­lene D ill, th ird ; glrl.s’ baseljpll throw. E d ith B aughm an , f irs t: M ulse P a je . second, and N athalie Ander.^cn, th ird ; boys’ bicyile race. Je rre Bau raa n n , f irs t; Bob D ugger, second afid Ju n io r M orton , th ird .


Seen TodaySm oke pourlnc fra in canning

k itchen chim ney a n d settling on sidew alk, causing pedestrians to cease b rea th ing while moving th ro u g h th e *’im o k a , screen". . W PA o fflc la k u ik ln i brief Um« o u t du rin g m orn ing s e u lo o for re laxation (rem try ing dlacussloa . . . Dog suDolng lt«elf In middle o f s tre e t In fro n t o f h e a lth unK

fee t to th e . ctirbtng. . . 0 - m i a say ing , "T hey w eren’t (ra tv n ltj rpins," w hen prisoner denies Im­pe rsona ting federa l m an w ith 15-cen t t in bodge, . . V nlon P a ­cific ra ilroad ready to - support n a tio n a l wine week Oct. 18-20 by fea tu r in g th e beverage on m enus . . . . A nd county ag en t's office d e ­se rted os cveryont U kes In 4-H

■< Filer fairgrounds.

P lan s for th e w in te r sea.s)n and fu rth e r e ffo rts to s e c u re .th e 1941 g rand lodge m eeting In T w in Fall*, constitu ted th e m ain program a t Ja.5t jilfiht'a m eetine o l th e Tn-ln Fall-s I, O. O . P . lodge.. R obert Nelson, c h a r te r delegate, T, J . L loyd a n d O eorge Schw elger were nam ed as delegates to th e grand lodge m eeting a t O ran g e­ville, O ct. 16 and 17. Jo h n E . W altc was elected d is tric t deputy g rand m aste r to be recom m ended to th e grand lodge.

A special, com m ittee, compo.wd of Jo h n E. W aite, chairm an . 8 . E.-Crls- m or a n d H aro ld Meta w&s appoin ted to m eet sim ilar, g roups fn jin F iler and B uhl In th e e ffo rt to have Tw in Falls nam ed for th e 1941 grand, lodge m eeting.

T h e w in te r p rogram of card p a r- ;lfs and dances Is being arranged by a com m ittee consisting of Clyde HIckock. chairm an . Robert Nelson, C. U. Pom eroy. Kyle Wfllte a n d Dale Bowman, T he first event Is. se t fo r Sept. 10.

G-Men Question Impersonators;

Pair ReleasedFollow ing lnve.-itlge.tlon by federal

officlnls., a 15-ycar-old boy and » m an . 33, accused of po,Mng as O -^ men, were to be released from the T w in F a lls county Jail th is a fte r-

son, sh e r i f f s deputies said.T he pa ir. Jack Edson. 15. and Al­

b e rt Y arwood, 33, were a rrested a t K im berly by Constab le 81 Olvens and D eputy Sheriff C laud Wiley. B oth w ere he ld -fo r Investigation by federa l au thorities.

I t w as reported th a t the pa ir p u r­chased 13-cent G -m an badges and used th em to Im personate the fed­era l Investigators.

T h e federa l governm ent employs me o u t o t cTtry Ift A m erican w w k- rs, accord ing to estlm ates.

TODAY & SATURDAYY IPPE E I Here comes those h illbillies In U u year’s gosh- H arnedest comedy h ltl

Kve. 2StK iddles l O t A nyllme

C ontlnnous From 1:15 P. M.

P J r a ^

MORE FUN! r . l . Smllh-i "PI.1M Aniw»r'-. w dnny h e r m a n h o r l h . •NKW HORIZOSS” * NKWM

O ur SEPTEM BER CLEARANCE SALE Is a treasure chest for

one th a t boys a used frem UNION M OTOR CO. And y ra d o n 't h a v e , U> go so deep, gee these cars before yM bay,

. . M ercury Tow n Sedan ....*16038 V-a D lx T udor Sedan .....$40537 S tudebak cr Com m. Coupe $450 37 D cSoto S e d in . new

fin ish ............................ ........ 148037 Chev. Town Sedan, heater

and rad io ............................... $475J V -8 Coupe ....................$39536 Chcv. Coupe, new m otor $31538 Chev. Fordor Sedan . ,..$350. 36 N ash Sedan, new rubber $27534 Chev. IM dor32 Ford iB i Coupe ..........33 Fo rd IB) T udor ........33 ObdRC Bediin ..........33 T errap la n e Sedan ..... .3V D eS o to D lx StdR n ...35 Chev. I S ton T ruck,

s take bed31 Chev. Pickup ...........38 V-8 T ruck, beet b e d ....38 V-S Pickup, 4 speed ....39 V -8 Pickup

M any elhere. a ll make*, all prices. All m ust go. N rplrm ber IBlh dead lin e , H tt your Ford D ealer f irs t %nd-save t

UNIOHMOTORCOK z m r j F ' / . ; v r . c r a a a a i


Page 3: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

Ividsy, BeptemBer 6,1940


Recruiter Says Porthole Not Factor in Enlistment

.1 of Boy Scaut« u w ell u i ScQitters today received np-

prova) on applica tions m ade lo r Is­suance o( ran k and m erit badge ad - Tanco&ea^A, U announced by

‘ O ordon A. Day. exccuUve of th e S nake R iver A rea council.

T he advancem ents w ent to m em ' bera of troops locatod In th e Klm^ berly - H ansen - M urtaufih d is tric t. Haeelloiv. Jerom e, a n d Oakley.

T he aw ard .1 follow;K lm berly -H anscn 'M urtaugh dlS '

tr ic t: T roop 42 m erit bodges to C arl Felton In personal h e alth . C harlea U rb a n in pioneering. J o h n W R ob- e m o n (Scoutcr) in c am ping , hUc- lijg. paUiflndlng. p ioneering and coolclnK. T roop 44: R onald S to ltcn - bcrg In safe ty, read ing , personal h e alth , pothflndlnR and w oodcarv- Ing; G ene .Graves In signaling, •pathflndlng, cooklpg. pioneering and woodcarvlng: H arold H eldcm an In personal health , p a th find ing . sw im ­m ing, woodcarvlng a n d p ioneering : f irs t cla.« advancem en t to R onald StoUcnburg a n d second c lass a d ­vancem ent to Edwin Rowe, W alle r W m and H enry Q . Slcvers.

M erit lU dcesT roop 4S: M erit badges to G erald

D eahl In s ta m p collection: G ra n t F oster In an im al Industry ; R obert Pcttygrove In. f irs t a id to a n im als a n d an im al Industry , D ale Cojisey In an im al Industry and f irs t a id to anim als. F irs t class advancem en t to J im CoU cr,'sccohd da.ss a d v ance ­m e n t to R obert p c tlig ro v e and D ale Copsey.

Troop 101: M erit badges to K en ­n e th Lee In c arpen try : A rron Ad­am son In h a n d icraft, and H arold H oover In cooking. M erit ba<lgc.s to th e following Scoutcrs inc lud ing Leslie H cstbeck In hik ing a n d sa fe ­ty ; F rancis W. E gbert In hiking, safe ty and p ioneering .' a n d Bill Clnwion In safe ty, a th le tics , f irs t a id and cam ping. Second c lass ad - v .m cem cnts to Dale E gbert a n d Billy Snow; life advancem en t to Kenc^all E , Dnylcy (Scoiit«r), and a lso m e r­i t badeea In safe ly , f irs t a id , h ik ­ing and cam ping, ,

1 Tronp 4fl: F irs t c lass a d vance ­m e n t for Jack G riffith . •

Exam iners for th e K lm berly- H anscn-M urtaugh d is tr ic t were R. J . MclcaM. BUI Claw son, Jo h n W. R obertson. O . G nvcB . L eslie. H cst- beck and K . Dayley,

H asclton A wards H ftzelton: T ro o p ^ B ; M e rit bodges to OrvlllD S m llhe In fo restry ; V erne Bm im In fo restry ; C harles G ale in forestry , an im al Industry a n d pub ­lic hcalU^: B ert H avens, Jr.. in a th ­letics; Jack G riffith In fo re a to ’. F irs t clas.s advancem ent to Jack

— O rtff ttl irS c t jn tm n s tc r of th e troop ' Is Roy L. G ale while exam iners w ere D. s. H opper a n d G ale.

Jerom e: T roop 4 0 : - M erit badge to Pau l E akln In f irs t a id . Scout- ma.ster Is Sam H atm aker w hile ex' am lners were R euben C. M atson and H atm aker.

O akley: T roop 2,022: M erit badge a dvancem ent to V em ls H ale In pl- lonecrlng ; J a c k Lewis In read ing , rock and m ineral a n d p ioneering.

•Exam iners were B, H, R lrte a n d R. H , H ale, "

M any people wUl n o t believe tt , b u t ta k e 11 from C. A. Edm onson, officer In c harge of th e navy re ­c ru itin g s ta tio n a t th e postofflce. th e g rea tes t m a jo rity o f appU canU “join up" in order th a t th e y m ig h t le tim a tra d e , a n d n o t t h a t they m ig h t see th e w orld th ro u g h a porthole.

T h is fac t wa* estab lished today In a n Interview w ith an E vening Tim e* reporter.

"G enera lly speaking. H appea rs th a t a g r?a t ^nany young m en do sUll con tinue to Join th e navy to 'see th e w orld’ In th e face of no t In frequen t good-natured advice

be a Bomewh&t Ttslrlcted one. b u t th e g reatest m a jo rity of applican ts do. nonethelc.v!. protes.s a serlou.^- m lnded desire to Iw m o trnde," E d - mon.son said. H e cnntlnucd-,

■•It h as been -said by one of th e countxy’8 le a d ln j w^vicaiors iVial one of th e m ost striking developm ents In education durine the pa.-!i 10 years ha.^ been th e tremen^ou.s p v w th of p a r t tin ir .schools, even­ing schools, extension rour.Ke^ and o the r kinds of In stn irtion to r m en and w<imen who are employed. S tates, citle.s. collrsc.s nncl rvo^i ilie

- t m tsh ip Is a p t to

EMPLOYE RIGHTSR ig h ts of T w in F a lls employes and

o th e r Industria l and com m ercial workers m th e federal sQclal securi­ty p rog ram will be I llustra ted In sound m otion pic tures which will be show n a t th e 'A m erican Legion ha ll h e re today a t 8 p, m„ It was nouncod UiLs afternoon.

T h e educa tional p rogram Is being presen ted u nder th e ou.''Plces of the Tw in F a lls offices of th e Id ah o itnte em ploym ent service a n d th e federa l social security board and the genera l public Is welcomc to a tten d w ithou t charge.

T h e film prescn taU on will leaturo th ree reels explain ing th e In terest­ing s to ry of e stab lish ing a n d m a in ­ta in in g th e w orker’s social .lecurlty account, w hich h a s been called the "biggest bookkeeping Job in w orld." T h e second p a r t UluBlratea th e p aym en t of unem ploym ent c a n - pensatlon benefits In Id ah o whUo th e f in a l reel w ill.be -'Social Secur­ity o f . th e N ation ." th e S a n P ro n - clsco G olden G a te exposition reel. T h is tells, accord ing to officials, the d ram a tic Btory of th e en tire social security program w hich, In addition to federa l old-age a n d survivors In­su rance . Includes unem ploym ent c om pensation, th e s ta te s ' free em ­ploym en t service, a id to th e needy aged, a id to th e b lind and aid to dep en d e n t ch ild ren .

tiuslne.vi corpnrat L_Uia.country a rc spending tnllllnns of dollars on education lo r people who have to e a rn and learn a t ilip snme tim e.

'T he chief reason tor llie stirress and rap id g row th of Uils kind o( in ­s truction Is th a t stiulvlnK any trade or bu.ilness. and.G etilni; prac­tical working experlrhce In the ,v:ime line a t th e H'ame tim e, serm.< to bo an alm ost Ideal comblnaUon for prac tical success. T he m an who ra n follow h is cho.sen line of work and study It a t th e same tim e gets a broad, p rac tical knowledce of his tratSe or business th a t Is h a rd to get in any o tlier way."

R egarding th e nav>- metliod of tra in ing for a trode. the com m and Ing officer said:

'Such tra in in g In th e nnvy com m encc i on th « day a m an I'n tors Uie service a n d ends on the day he leaves It. w hether It be a t th e end of one e n listm en t or on his re tirem en t a lte r 20 years."

D uring th e Inlervlijw, Edmonson would no t given an opinion o.s t« the to ta l num ber of trade.s and pro­fessions p rac ticed by m en In rlvll life, b u t h e d id ,s ta te th a t 55 differ­e n t and d is tin c t trncirs a re engaged In by m en of the navy.

He m enf.oned m achinist, elec­tric ian , pa in ter, p rin ter, sh lpfltler, baker, cook, rnttlom an. carpen ter, molder. pa tternm aker, stenographer. pharm acU t. photographer, boiler­m aker. mu.slcli>n. m etalsm lth , aero- g rapher, aviation m achin ist and a v i­a tion nvetalsmlth.

“Write-ins” Win _Kimberly Contest

K IM BERLY . S ep t, 6 (S p e c la D - Two : ‘.WElt« In " cand ida tes won the K im berly school d is tric t election th is w ee k ..

C lyd fcatraugh ti. w ltl\ 62 votes, and G uy OHn, w ith 67, y e re elected tru s ­tees.

T liey replaced J . D. C lolbom and C. f lruce R equa . c andida tes fo r re- elec tion . C lalbom received 24 votes a n d Requa 21.


A w ards for driving a y e a r w ith ­out an acciden t today hod been presen ted to 30 m en w ho drive c ith er cars or trucks lo r th e cUy o l Tw in F a lb , onnoimcea C a r l R i t­chey, police commls.iloner. w ho pre- hcnted th e aw ards to firem en, po­licem en and -stree t a n d w ater d e ­p a rtm en t employes.

Mileage for th e year of d riv ing w ithout an acciden t varied from tS,000 lo 16,000.

'riio.so receiving th e aw ards In­cluded:

F ire Chief L. Z, B a r tle t t, c . W. K elly. F ian k llealy. D r. E. R, P rice, Pollcfl C hief H oward G llle lte , City E ngineer Plez n, W ilson, C harles P, Lai.sen, S, Cliuid S tew a rt. E arl M addy. L, R. H ubbard. Lee H out-

>hy. Jack Jo rdan , Prliica H aw kins. G eorge O han,. T linm as F lynn . W, A. Bell, Ray flnow. Isaac M iller, Nato Anson, E. O, iv ie r . E dw ard B erry ­m an, K enne th llarcliiy. V irgil B a r­ron . A, J, Berhnr, Rol)crt W tlrh , R. C, Uhler, L. r . Hpence. A. J . B m lth. Jako Iielm an . J , K. Fennock, Carl Hawklna, O la ienre I 'he lpa. R obert W lnterholer. T . D, McCoy, Lee D. M cCracken and M. R, (P ete) R oun ­tree.

I HAGKRMAN |Mr. a n d Mrs, D enver A rterbu rn .

N orben A rtertnirn, Mrs. Jnscpit Zao- cone, Yoiingstown, o ,; Mr, a n d M rj, GcorHe EniisiinHu, O nodlng; M r, and M rs, Merin F ieuch . W endell, and M rs, Harold A rteiln irn . M r, and M rs, a co rg e A rtertnirn a n d w ith H enry and H ugh conipleted tlie fam ily gatiiorlng a t whloJi a ll the olilldren nf Mrs, Em tna A rterburn were home for d inne r Sunday,

^ E arl L O alham ni>ent a few days • w itli h is fam ily and rettirni-d to

HorsesJioe Uend Tuehday,Mr, and M n , D enver A rterburn

• n d N orben A rterburn , Ely, Nnv, w ere w eek-end giiesta of Mr*. E m m a A rlerbu tn .

Mra. G lenn Belt*. Mra. J . D . Ellla, M ri. Don Diirfoe a itd Mra. Willey p tM tterto n w ere hoatessea B a titn lay ^ s a l» o « r fo r Mr*. Xtrnimy A lb e n -

" “ " ‘ Uon hall. A ^ t M lu e aU atUindwJ. M n . K arl A llan WM In c h a rg e of th * n ro aram

S OXIj; A hlU 0 .4 Jgave a read in g : Jo a n n e B la o U ie a r t r^w n a C ^ iy ^ n » Lou Boyer M nxine' Boatwlok p raaan tad % aklU


h I i p T H I I A D V I O l l l

H ouston Business Booms H O USTON . Tex. (U.Rl-Poslol re ­

ceip ts in Houston -have show n 78 consecutlvc m onthly increases. Post- m ast«r J o h n D unlop reported . Ju l^ receip ts were <246,6iail9.

D ^ llc io u ily safe at ■home plate...heoM U

fo r growing b o y * . . . e o i / fo p ra p g r* . . . (eo*J worjir. ; . /eoif

money.'O ft/ef, lodoy, f ro ra jw r f lro c e r .

Wear A Rothmoor Coat This Season . . . Select

Your Coat Early . . . Use The Lay-Away Plan


$Z9.00 and $39.00

Thfl i jt iB lily o f the

• i y l « — t h e n e e *

(iling ^ tlie f t b r i c t ' '

i i i n v e r y , v e r y

hlflh — that R o lh .

iiKHtr p r ic e i leetn

, ve ry v e ry Iqw.

*ra*oi HARXRacimRnnv


ISl Main Aye. Eut

icRTo5®In this week's FAMILY CIRCLE Ju lia Lee W right's, a rtic le g ives new ideas and com plete inform­a tio n on s c h o o l l u n c h e s

Prices Effective S A T U R D A Y Sept. 7th Both Twin F alls’ Stores

In Our

MEATDepartment |

Time Marches On

Well folks* another week- ontl hns rolled around and in keeping w ith our policy 1 1 wc riKnln o ffer n num ber of oul.stnndins: quality m eat values for th r if ty week­end shoppers.

K itchen C raft. You’ll aRree it’s the lu-.st. 48-Pound Bag ......... .......................................Flour

MayonnaisePiedm ont, I t ’s froah, q u ar t ......O t i C

S u g a i ^ .............Pounds ......................... $1.42 10 P o u n d s ..............................57c

DressingDiiche.ss, 0 7 . / * Q uart ...................^ • V

Cascade, Q u a rt ..

Dressing 2 1 c

F I o u r r ^ i i r r “ “! . . 9 5 c

_ ' . ju ic e . '

Grapefruit '

P r u n e - s ; a i r o ^ N . . x . l O t -




Llbtiy'a No, 211 O f T ^ A«std. 3 c a n s . i d U C '

M ajcitlo C ut, No. J 2 5 c

I fancy No. 2 cans. 2 (o r.

Corn 25 cBread

Ju lia to e W rlR hfs F resh D at« J Bread 16-ounce -I 24-ounce 1 /I ^ sliced .........lUC sliced _____ 14C


12cMatches Bulfnio, ' Q-Box C arton

Marshmallows fn !Pounds .. X i /v -

H oney M sldO rahm s, Lb. _____ 1 1 C

Ritz Crackers pound ...

Apple Butter

21cL ib b ,! I q „ 38-01. J a r .

Peanut Butter


Corned Beef HashU bby’8, 16-ouncc Cnns,2 ' o r ..................................... 29c

OATSLrirRC Quick 1 Q /» Q uakers, PkR.................. I I / L


W ith p iilna, • PnckaKp ........CREAM

0 ’ WHEATs s r ............ 24cCORN FLAKESn ”;.. ... 23c

II or squat

..39cJelly Glasses

Kerr Lids 25c



-ivory Soap2 LargeB ars .......

_ 2 Med. Bars

24-01. Pkg. -

11c 2 G uest Bar* .......

19c ...9c

Su-PurbG ranu la ted Soap

..18c. S T ... -..37c

White K in g s

Bar Soap

G ra n u la ted •o*. ptCR.

W hite Q bars

! 19c


Van C am p’s No. 2 ',i cans, 23c Crackers Excell Salted, 2 -Pound Box.... 15c

Tomato Sauce Del M onte b u ffr t c*n*.5 fo r .... .................................



Salmon D pi Moiitr, fnn ry rrd No, 1 Cnti ........................

Oysters ‘"r"..'

Clams ■ “ r":.

Baby Food Ml.l.yi4 ‘■"I

, H elna or Q erber'a .









Airway Lb.12c

Fre.sh Koastod and Krc.sh Ground


C n n trrb iiry Clrcrn, ’.i-P o u n d ParkaKe .Tea

Whole Spice 2

OrangesMedium nlzo, ftiU. of vltaminN, O K / »2 D o z e n .............w O C


Fancy qiialHjf. f t 4 j 'o iin d i ..................J J L


(Jn ld cn R ip e , P o u n d .....

LETTUCE2 l> r(e tieada (or; .




UtAh TftrUty, B unot) ..........

r t i l l Of ju lo i,2 Doaen ....... ........... Z y C

POTATOESRed or R uM iU .1 0 Pound* .

S Pound! .

... 10c






Bird Seed

Jars:P inU . Dor.cn ..

llfrhhry'r., 2 Pountli

Uiiki'i'ti B w ri'ln itd . Pauild PnnkimB .......


Beer 2'""" H o ttlo n ... Plilfi llntllp








79c ;i.09

33cM nrkrl l>t>v, 4-P(njiiclR esin s

M azolaO iir,"

Wesson Oil S;; ‘


Crisco ?.T'r „ .

Blue KaroMolasses ..................... ....:,21c

Syrup SS; .......81.09

Honey .. :______;....15c

S A r E W A Y






...... .....:,25c

Picnic HqmsWc have purchased a car

load of those tender, juicy family .size quality picnics. Tht'y arc priced a t only 14c a pound.

Beef Roasts■ Best shoulder rib cu ts from Ittaho’s fin est . W hite Face cattle. The quality is exccllcot an t^ .the price is only 17c a pound.

Brick ChiliSummer is gone. Fall is

here, and chili days are ju s t ahead. How's abou t a brimming bowl o f rich, Roldcn chili. Ju s t dissolve in a p in t of w ater, add the- - | beans and there you have it. Saturday only chili bricks will sell for ju s t 19c each.


School days are h«re again and the problenfi o f preparing those school day iunchea is a try ing one fo r every m other. Safeway M arket offers you th e larg ­est v a n e ty ‘o f . t a s ty , d e . ' licioufi cold cuts obtainable in th e city, priccd a t only 23c a pound.


Well, you don’t need to. You can go down to Safe­way anti .select ju.st w hat you dc.sirc in fi.sh from our ocean fre.sh stock. F resh N orthe rn W hite H alibut and fnncy northern Red King Salmon a t only 25<5 a pound. And oh, ye.s, fresh oysters arc in, brand new lO-lO model. How'.s about an oyrfter stew. Do you hoar me?

Little Pig Link SausdgeHuw'h about, about a

half (lo/.cii golden lirown KauHum's oil u t^tiick of I buckw heat cakes for th a t I Sunday morning breakfast. Not bad, I’d nay. P i t pound ■ I

Short Ribs Of Beef

, Tender, juicy thick ribs cu t from select baby beef. Very deliciouH when boiled w ith garden fresh vogo-' tabU’R from our m odern v('getabl<( depart nient or braxetl in a hot oven. We aro Hure (hat you will w an t to Iry Honm for youi* Sun- «lay dinner. They tire, iirlcud a t 2 |)(iundri

Special Meuag*For Brides

P amI a n d P r e s e n t

Upon .Ihe Quality of th e m eat dcponds the aiieceu of th e tneal. and too muoK;. o f a bargain in m eat o ften turnn ou t to be • b««d«)Qh«. fo r m any • «luiniUr~ oBfl. Why gftmble < ferlo r Qualitir nil y o u r m M ti i ‘ ‘ w here MC^ ohaBo Ib . pleMQ you A n

'your m o n a ^ JM L ,,m

Page 4: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

pa g e Four IDAHO E V E N IN G T IM E S , TW IN FA L L S , IDAHO September «, 1949 ■


WllllarUiHUd p f«

CnUrtd «i Clui

lb* • ttk . lU i I <

r. I t 60.

>, 11.00

mill M mi mivII'IOI L C A. 18IL u aHclxl Ihtrcw b> Cha

to b« pub........ (« '» U<ra ol

BIilz-Y(!!ir Ends; H ard en s U. S., Can it be only a y ea r ago th a t the w o rld ’s peacc m ach inery thudded to com plete breakdow n, anrl w ar sp read like an ugly b lo t over the face of E u ro p p ? Can a single y ea r have so changed tho w orld?

Yes, only a year. On Sept. 1, 1939, H itle r ’s legions crossed the boj-der in to Poland. On the 3d B rita in and F ran ce declared w ar, the e ffo r t to m ake H itle r draw­back liaviiig pi'ovcd useless. On the 10th C an ad a w ent in. . •

S o a h o r ta tijne ago, and ye t so lon^. We alm ost fo r ­g e t the sp ark th a t se t it o ff. I t w as the a rg u m e n t over D anzig and the Polij^h co rridor, a not insoluble prob­lem which the s lig h te s t good w ill would have peace­ably settled. The cause lay {leeper, b u t the im m ediate s p a rk w as Daiizig and the co rrid o r.

W ith in a m onth P oland lay prcfetrate. W ith in two : m onths the U nited S ta te s had repealed the em bargo■ on a rm s th a t had been designed to keep w a r aloof.: W ith in th ree m onths R u ssia had a ttack ed F in land ,; aiid w ith in th ree m ore h ad overpow ered h e r. The

eighth m onth saw N o rw ay and D enm ark invaded and conquered. T he n in th saw B elgium , L uxem bourg , and the N eth erlan d s in v ad ed ; the 10th saw th e s u r ­ren d e r o f F ran ce an d I ta ly ’s e n tran ce into the w ar. T he 11th m onth saw R u ssian .seizure o f the th ree

• B a ltic sta tes, an d the f in a l m onth of the y e a r found E n g lan d herse lf a t d ea th g r ip s in defense of the

; is lan d em pire.'' T he sam e 12 m onths have seen the U n ited S ta te s• tu rn reso lu te ly to a rm in g i ts e lf and to b u ild in g a I w a te r- tig h t dike o f defense a ro u n d the New W orld, i S p a rk s o f w a r economy an d psycholo^^ have leaped

the ocean and b u rn b r ig h tly in th e U nited .S tates de-• sp ite its unshaken reso lu tion to keep c lea r of the■ E u ro p ean holocaust.

P e rh a p s never in h is to ry h ave such trem endous■ changes come -in a single y e a r. T he tem po of hum an

a f f a ir s h a s speeded up a lm ost beyond understand ing .: or endurance .

W e do n o t know w h a t a n o th e r y e a r w ill b ring . B u t we know i t is-no longer possible m ere ly to floa t on these trem endous tides.

D efense a g ^ n s t dynam ic fo rces m u s t be dynam ic. ;; W o h ave liberty t«o preserve, an d a f re e w ay of life ” and l iv in g ; so we m u st be stro n g . W e have a fu tu re I to build , the g a tew ay s to a b r ^ e new w orld to o p en ; ‘ 80 we m u s t be wise. ,

Joseph <w ild B id ) Ctono- van. wno h a s J u t t » p o r t« d on » Biijcly of G erm an flU h co lum n l ic - tlcs m collkboFBtlon wtUi Edgftr Mowrcr. u a qu le t scho larly m an but a h a rd - llg b y ;; j ih e lh e r I t be on th e

ln.poim «» o r In th a cou rt-oom.

Thp B iiftato . N. Y.. a tto rn e y la a hird generation I rlsh n ian . He ran insucccssfuHy for th e *overnor*hlp

ol Nfw Y ork on th a R epublican Ucket iti 1833, aerved a t U . 6 . a sali- lam a lio rnoy genera l a n d a i U . B. dlhtrict a tto rn ey In up a ta ta '- New York.

Bill D onovan undoubted ly is br»t mcmbercd for l i l i service w ith the

A E K . ill FVance. H e e n te red Uie .-ftv Rj, nM U tant ol th i7Ui d ivb lon a f te r long le rv lce Ir tie jiBlloiia] g u a rd . I n P ra n ce he iK sm e a d ju ta n t o f th e 61st brigade, hen m ajor. Ileu tenan t-co lone l and liially colonel of th a 186th In fa n - ry. New Y ork O lty’s fam o u i old FlBhtlnK 60Ui."

He w ounded th re e tlm e i In acUon n'nd -rlcelved m any- decora­tions for brAvery. F o r h e ro ism n e a r I.oanrirr.s a n d St. Q w rg c . r r a n c e . on Oct. M-1.S. 1918, h e .w as a w arded the congresilonal m edal of h o n o r. T hree month* e artle r h e h a d .w on th e dlji- iln;-uhtird te rv lce c ro u fo r c ro u ln g ih f "Rlvrr Ourctf. F o r scrvli llir B .irctirt sector in 't h e ^ AiKonn*' offensive, he wa.% a»I Ilf D i.stlngulihcd Serv lcc mednl. Ki.Tiirr honoMrt h im w ith th e Croix d f G uerre a n d th e Lcglcm o t H onor, lia ly gnve him th e lU l la n W ur Cm**.

Ill bftille, D onovan w as dw crlbcd by his own m en bs " a p e rsona l pli nnm cnon." In . th e A rgonnc. leading

troops fo rw ard , h e to ld them : -•■They t a n ’t ge t m e a n d th e y w on 't gpt you.'’

Donovan w as b o m on N ew Y ear's day, 1883, In B uffalo. Ax a boy he llkFrt 10 play on th e raH road traclc: where he learned to u se h is ’ fl.^t; Tl)l.s eaily tra in in g la te r was en larged upon and h e becam e a Jlr.U clBM boxer, D onovan a tte n d e d "Bt, Jor.cpli'* co llegiate school fo r pre- pnrnioty w ork a n d th e n en t« r«d Nl. ngara university . H e received hli law education a t C olum bia un lver' slty,

A *[)uare<Jftwed,Btookyman, Dono- ih has boundless energy. H e Is con

aidered mie of th e m ost prom lnen laB7 er,i Ip w estern N ew Y ork.

; Teii.MiJlion AcrcsW hen fa rm s ra ise m ore of a n y g iven crop than can

; be sold in the U nited S ta te s o r a b ro a d , an d do it y ea r ; a f te r y e a r, th ere would .seem to be tw o p r im a ry .solu- : t io n s : 1. T ry to a rra n g e g re a te r consum ption a t home ; and sales abroad , and 2, ra ise som eth in g else.

' ' F o r 20 y e a rs a series of a tte m p ts has bt'cti m ade to accom nlish No. 1. B ut mariV people do not reali'/.e • how m uch p rogress has been m ade a long the lini's of iN o .2 .I T w en ty y e a rs ago licans w ere a lm ost a n(iv<‘Ity.: T his y e a r more than H),()(M),000 a c res an- being de­

voted to ra is in g them . Some a re m ade into hay* some , a re tu rn e d u nder as fe rtilize r , m ost a re m ark c trd fo r I the new uses which have been developed as a sdurce ; o f p lastics, o il,'m ea l, and food. T en million acMes, ' then , have been w ith d raw n fro m p roducing crops fo r ; w hich th ere is no p resen t m ark e t, and tu rn ed to pro- ; du e in g a crtjj) fo r which th ere is a m ark e t. The whole I co u n try g a in s by th is sim ple ap p lica tion of common ' sense.

Tiic liruiiiH of l!liir<>|)<tK very refu g ee from w ar-rav ag ed E u n n ie who man^

ages to roach the U nited S ta te s is a liv ing story o f personal trag ed y . ( lone tho old associations, tlu; skills and connoctioiiH b u ilt up in a life tim e ; ev ery th ing

, m u st be b u ilt up from the ru in s of a life. T h e ir eour- ' nge in t ry in g to ])ick up the th re a d s of life is an in :H piration to those of uh fo r whom th in g s have been easy.

S ta n d in g out in th is w elte r o f tp ig e d y a re ce rta in '

Ei ln e n t ind iv iduals, and la te s t am ong them ia i(I 'U ndsct, N oi'w ogian novelist and N<)bel prize- jor. A t 6H; she m ourns a son whose life w as laid

o n th o a l t a r of freotlom ; she h o a rd th e new s of th e fall of Franco while crossing S ib e ria on h e r long journey to A m erica.

“France alwayb w as tho b ra in s of liu ro p e ,” she said Sftdly. " I f she la Hmaahed p erm an en tly , 1 fe a r it will iw the end o f E urope. Wc hud eom othing, l^^ngland

, had Bomething. B u t F ran co h ad ovoryth ing .’''Euwpe hM recovered from many grievous w ounds

.■4DWn throuffh the centuries. B u t i t th is fina l wound brain«-what price Burvival tlion?

petting, parties after dark, another democracy abould not perish from the

Children Compete In Gfifiding Event

aoODINO, Sept. 8 fSpecla l)— Uoce th a n t,M & .-O oodln j county children were gURJts of <3bodlng m erehanU SatXirday a fte rn o o n for the an n u al back-to -sohool e n te r- loliunenl.

Children ga thered a t th e high scliool g rounds to form a p a ra d e of six gecilons. T h e p a rade began 2 p. m,. w ent n o r th on M ain, tu rned to FlfU> avenue a n d w en t i-eat to lilnco ln school.

P rlie* 'w ere aw arded th e w ln i .„ . In each dlvlalon, tec lloas being pony, ^section In c h a rg e 'o f O lcn Patterso ti doll buggy section In c h a rg e of D nr' 'Old Beem , comic section u nder dl- -eotlon o f R oland Law, p e t .lectlon w ith M. A. W Ullami In chnrgc, bicycle aectlon Iji charge of P a in te r , T h e band group waa led

“ ie h ig h school bivnd. T h ere were entrlCA tiom local «o te * and

all e h lld r tn e n u rin g received prir-rs.Follow ing (tlibandlng nf the pa*

:ade n e a r L liuo ln Kchool &oo b a l­loons w ere Uubwn from ilie balcony a t Uie iC ho< d^B iiy o f Uie balloons con ta ined coTn*, Hum a nickel to i qu a rte r; In all IM w ai given ti th w e lucky enough to get a bal loon.

L a te r th e group w ent to Uie city ban d s ta n d w hrre all w rte given

.Icrmelon, wli)i ilie J in iio r cim ii r of Com merce In charge. Oei (t ehatrm nu of Uie even t w

Ham Bulllvan, a.wi.Mrd bv AI Willms A. WUlliiiufl and Holnnd U w ,


M arvin Synir hns gtinr lo C ailln Nev.. w here (le will enroll fur hi senior year ot high »clir«i

Mr. a n d Mr». t:h«rlr.% liii.K am iughtern ami lie m v nti< k. Hriiiuij. M n ,W a 8 h ..« r ,rg u rM s last week o ir. and M rs. .1.MIhs MnKlnr Hu<l*nii

days la st >arrk In fliim pter am



NSA •VRVtea..!!

T ElTK ttnA Y l A aerM d 4»7 CaMi* l a t t ' >■

v ra lrit a r t i<TMfla« l a n a r t fetr.

' ■ CH A PT E R IX '2 ’HE p ic ture of C tirrl# U n e

sland inc th e re In th e m oon- llghl by h e r w d d y , th e m em ory of C.irrle L an e close in h l i arm s, le ft M ark D euel shaken , b lo tted cu t a ll o the r though ts fo r h im on the long, lonesom e rid e b a c k lo town from Rock C reek.

He hnd to ld h e r h e loved her, h e recalled now , try in g to piece toKclher e v ery • frag m en t o f the mom ent, and ih e had w h ispe red sHe loved him ; C arrie I-ane, w hom he 'd seen first In th e land offli only a few days ago, loved h lm |

O ver and over, M ark glow ed w ith tlia t th ough t e i h e rode th rough th e n igh t to Sioux Springs; over a'nc ove r, M a rk re ­lived every unbe lievab le m om ent o f ' it th roughou t th o n e x t day. Wlien he w en t to sleep . 24 hours .nflcr he had said ijoodby to her, it was w itli C a rrie 's w h isp e r lull- inc. like sw ee t m u ilc , In h is cnr.'<

He w as d ream ing of h e r w hen he aw oke. B u t In Uie d rea m the m oonlight h a d changcd to stifling cl;iikncss; th e cool b reeze h a d be­come scorching. T he p a rc h ed p ra i­rie w as on nro. W ith C arrie , tc rro rr stricken , he d rea m ed h e wa< ligh t­ing through th e n ig h t to th e ih a l- low w ell Ed T ay lo r h a d du g . os

' finmcs ligh ted th e new soddy. amoke choking th e m ev ery «tep of Ihe way.

Like ligh tn ing . M ark bounded o u t o f bed, ru sh ed to th e w indow . T here W AS sm oke In th e a ir . In th e /f l r s t d im ligh t o f dav.Ti. the ik y glow ed fiery re d tow ard the r o r th —a n d R ock C rcekl

"M y O od," m oaned M ark , "Cai r ie - C a r r le l"

He d re ised , r a n fro m th e house (ow ard N ew t G alo’i llvc ry stabl« fo r a ho rse a n d , tu rn in g th e cor­ner, found th e to w n suddenly alive. T he d u s ty m nln s tr e e t of Sioux S p rings w as a w ild m elee of running , shou ting m en.

M ark Jo ined them , d rew pan ting in f ro n t o f th e live ry stable w h ere a crow d g a thered around a foam -fleck ed ho rse ar ' a louslcd, b a re h ca d M yoiith . Mai recognijed th e la d in stan tly , the Sage boy from u p p e r Rock C reek,

M ark p u s h e d th ro u g h the erow d, ga ined th e boy ’s side.

"H ow bad i< it? " he asked, b reathless.

"P re t ty bad ,” ja id th e boy . "II h id been b u rn in g qu ite t

when the BlaKes d iscovered it and rode over to w ake u s up . P a le n t me right in lo r he lp . T h ere 's no­body much o v e r .o n th a t side to fight Arc." -

H ai It reachcd th e c reek?" M ark shouted a no ther question .

No, b u t i t ' i h ead ing i tia lg h t tha t way—f a it . I t ’ll rea ch It wiihJiut nobody s topping It."

Murk knew w h a t th a t m eant, paled suddenly a t th e th o u g h t Tha crow d kn e w it, too. Once over Rock C feek th e re m ig h t be no itoppln* • p ra ir ie fira. The tow n itself w a i in danger.

T h tie w u a ahuflU ng of feet, w eighted, expW slve silence.

These m en w an ted lom eone t6 take the lead , M ark felt, a n d he leized tlie oppo rtun ity .^ "A ll r i g h t , , young Sage." he said, tu rn ing to the m en fo r tacit approval. "w c'U tu rn o u t th e tow n and go back w ith you .’’-

. • • •

T T WHS an u n fo rge ttab le scene, iluit daw n in S ioux Springs;

the tk y iianging low , dull, suflo- enting; w agons rum b ling , hom e­steaders yelling ; a h and fu l of women, w h ite -faced , s tand ing In n knot by th e sto re ; horses gal­loping off In th e d u s t tow.-ird the fiery b lotch on the horizon froth which a g rea t, b la ck c loud of smoke now resa to w a rd thi h tsvcns.

•Spurring h is hor.ie across th( hoi. d ry p ra ir ie to w a rd the smoke, M ark no ticed Jack rabb lts , g rou ie. even th e field m ice scurry ing aw ay from th e d irec tion o f the f lam es."H e p ic tu red C a rrie atone in her soddy; p ic tu red h e r te rro r on aw aking In tl\e d a rk n ess , see; Ing the flames, noclng, p c rh ip s to Taylor’s a n d losing h e r w a y ir th e darkness. H e tr ie ij to recall how she had looked th a t n ight in the m oonlight, h e r firm yttl« chin tilted up to h is a n d h e r eyei b righ t as coal*. B u t som ehow ir the peril o f th e m om en t he could no t reclaim th a t p rec ious m om ent

ReachlnK a lit t le k i.oll, from which h e cou ld look dow n a th e b rond R ock Creek* vn lley M ark re a liie d th e lire w as even w orse than th e Sage boy h a d de^ scribed I t E as t of T.nylor’s i t ha t licked its w ay savage ly through the short, d ry g rass to a point less than th re e m iles above C ar­rie 's claim . I t w aa now 'sending up a th ick , b lack sm oke i burned th ro u g h th e longer g r a n of the bo ttom la n d s. He couli no t see C a rrie 's c laim .

But M ark w as ho.nrtenod b : tw o facts: th e Are h a d n o t reached th e creek end i t w as s till above T aylor’s. E d a n d h is w ife w ould surely p ick up C a rrie and take he r in to tow n ' be fo re th e d a n g er

becam e serious o r e scape w u cu t off. I t th e f i r t r e a c h ^ a point below C a rrie 's th e re w ou ld be no escape ex cep t n o r th a n d w est into p rac tically un se ttled c oun try . He raced to Join th e o th e ri a t a fringe of flame.

L 'l'. th e o th e rM ark iw u n g of! hi* horse,

o st BO tim e a ttac k in g th e long tron t o l th e p ra ir ie fire. T h e two Blake boys w ere assigned to hold th a ho rses w h ile th e m en ad ­vanced.

I t w as a stifling, scorch ing job.a rk r a n a lo n e Uie edge o t the

b u rn in g r a w beating a n d pound­in g a n d choking w h en e v er a sud­d e n bree*e w h ipped th e smoke a n d th e fine a sh up in to h is face.

B u t th e re w a i little w ind , tb a * . .............. ..as som eth ing to b e th a n k fu l fo r .C h u been 63

Th«jr m ig h t b e ab le to b eat out th e . fire be fo re i t reached Rock C reek.

By noon , M a rk n o te d the fire w as b u rn in g m ore slow ly , lag­g ing in th e sUll, life less a ir of m idday , and th e flre fighters seem ed lo b e m ak ing headw ay.A fw agon h a d com e «u t from S ioux Springs w ith food a n d eof* le e ; g rim y tig h te n w ere lined up now to ftU tin coffee cups a t the ta ilb o a rd and to ' -p lunge hig. b lackened h a n d s in to « huge box o f aandw iches.

A T i o’clock th e fire h a d eaten to w ith in a m llo o f th e creek,

b u t i t w as s lew ing dowm. A t two o r th re e pe lnU i t h a d . been checked a ltogether. W ith a sigh o t relief , M ark rea liz ed the b ^ i


■y JBRUCE CATTON ■TenlAg Tines'WaihiagteR

W A B H I N O T ^ r S e p t . * -N obody ^ver p rayed for any th ing m uch h a rd e r th a n th is id m ln lstra tlo n has been pray ing for a pe rm anen t se t­tle m e n t to tM th rea tened str ik e of a irp lan e workers In B oe lm 'a S e a ttle /a c to ry . ,

T h is row got settled nearly a fo r t­n ig h t ago, a fte r fran tic work by th e labor departm en t, the’ defense com - m W lon . Boeing officials an d union le a d e rs -a n d .then th e se ttlem en t p rom ptly cam e unstuck, w e a ry day i o f negotiation have followed a n d the end is n o t yet. M eanwhile, th e whole th in g Is a fine ex am d e of the he ad - Rcht* -which a la b o rlllsp u le can In­je c t in to t^ e defense program ., Boeing 's fieatUe p lan t e m p lo n

some 7,000 m en, I ta m inim um pay scale - - th e “h iring In” ra te a t w hich green h an ds a re UKen on — h u been e a ti c en ts per hour, fixed a couple of years ago w hen th e force was m uch sm aller, and aub« tan t|a lly above' th e S O -cen t m in im um , le t by L abor Sec re tary P e rU n i u nder th e W alth-H ealey act.

T h is sum m er th e com pany sought to s e t a lower m inim um . I ts o ffi­cials pointed o u t th a t th e force a t th is factory w o u ld , presen tly ho g rea tly increased, a n d th a t m any unsk illed m en would be taken so I t was proposed to p u t th e "h irin g In" r a te a t tts cents, w ith th e proviso th a t n o m an tfo r tting unde r th e old ra te woald h av e hla wage reduced.

T h is struck t i l l union a s being too m u c h like a wage ci)t fo r com ­fort. and th e row was on. / sU ike was im m inent. H a r v e y Brow n, p residen t of th e Interni U onal a su c la tlo n of machlnlAi p a re n t union , flew to Seatd i

check-up , th a t i t w ould com e to M .- 700.000. T he labor d e p ir tm e n fs ro n - clU ators did w h at .they could. Sidney H illm an , la b o r 'i m a n on th e de -

edmmlsiilon. d id w h at h e could, th e end, a se ttlem en t was

reached — via a

w ould d ie ou t a t th e creok, wUta— jobtalned a 10-dny postponem ent a th e n re tu rn e d to W u h ln g to n tono d anger to C a rrie o r th e Tay^

Io n . P e r h ip i th e y h a d teen tiie— tow nsm en and h a d n o t even fled.I f th e fire w ere licked by nighth e w ould ride o v e r to th e cb im to ic e them before' re tu rn in g to, tow n.

T hen th e unexpec ted happened. T h u n d er crashed d irec tly over­he ad a n d M ark, look ing up lU 'r- tled . ta w ligh tn ing .

T h ere w as no m ore w arning. L igh tn in g flashed. M a rk felt the first cool ru sh of a ir , carrying w ith i t a few d r o p i 'o f ra in and fine h a il, and th e w ind came. Sw eeping dow n o u t o f th e cast sn th a t M a rk had to b rac e h iiiuelf ag a in s t It, w ith th e roar- o t a ha ils to rm b e h in d It, th e gale cau g h t th e flre, h u r led it across th o va lley , ic a tte r in g spa rk s, em­bers, w hole tu f ts o f b laz ing grass.

N oth ing eould stop th o flre now, M ark knew ; th e flam es w ere across Rock C reek. A nd C arrie m ight n o t hava le ft h e r c laim a t a l l

. (T o Be C oB ttaaed)

-w hst—th s-g o e em m a n t-« H ik i - d o - t o b ring about a se ttlem ent.

SETTLEM ENT BUEW UP. V arious th ings were tried. Boel agreed to acccpt a ll th e union 's wage dem ands If th e to ta l increased cost d id n 't come to m ore th a n >1,- 000.0< » io n l5 to find , on a n *udtto»’s



B aker. Ore,Mr. m i Mi> .loliri (l<

children. BeoA^i' of M r. a n d M fr Clrnrg* B lirk and noil S u nday niid Motidny.

M r a n d Mi.i. W nltn H iniih and fam ily, W aslilngion. D, C were gue*U nf Mr. und Mr* M arlin Mil- iBi' and dauBhirift o \n tiie week­end.

ind Mr.n Cl. M. D aargen and dau g h ter, Edmt. nnd *r>n. Vernon le ft T uesday tor Ixi* Angele* o « ||f w here V ernon will e n te r theo lo tlcal college to study for Ihe m inistry .

........... PJnlt.Moii will, e ic r lrd i.re*i-den t o f B.Y IVU. Ill d in n e r m rellng .t th e 8 . A. Iirabb lioinn iwit week,

d e n e Brow n ii vlce-pro.1dent; M arie P inkston , aeoreta ty ; M ary Oonrad,

Ter; Delia Ilralib, r lin rls te r; Aleo M aiton, irru*u ier, and

R o V ,tl. M . B a ttg e n , touno\)or.M rs. ooo rge Itlirk hun hrpii r iec t'

ed superin tenden t 14I MetluKiint Uun' day aohool; Bem oii 0 |m a U ad , «a sU U n t ■upcrln tendcnt; Mlaa oiariyi I.ockhart. aecrntary; Ml.vi M arilyn H eller, U eaourer; M rs. Charlea Shorthouae, p ian ist; Mre. BUI K ln - yon. aasln tan t planlat, and Mra, Chrla HeaeelhoH. iiiperln teB den t of th e p rim ary departm en t.

M r. a n d Mr*, n a lry u t te r . Mr, and Mrs, V ernon U ttor and h e r b ro ther, all of O ttum w a, la ., a rrived T u es­day to vlalt Mr, a n d Mra. O laiid Ab* ahlre.

0 , K. Perk lne acoom panled Mr ‘ ‘ ive vlalt

. to Port land . O re., fo r a few weeks' visit.

M ri. J . W, Thomi>*on a n d . io n T eddy , w ho have iiw a t tw o monUv* In Loa Angeles, S aoram ento a n d S«i DItgo. Oallft. have retu rned .

Mlaa BJllle 'lliom aa le fi H aturday fpr, h a r Im o w In Po ritand , O ra ., a t ta r

U r , M 4 M n . U u U a MUlar la t t Ih la weak '

M r. a n d Mrs. O. s . Steele, P en d ­le ton , Ore.. visited over ttic week-end a n d L abor day w ith M r. SU ele's b ro th er. B . V, D, Steele, and family a n d niece. Mrs. E. W. Saffe ll. and M r. Saffe ll. They left T uesday for R lch ihond; Va„ where Mr. Steele Is a delegate irom O regon th n a tio n a l convention of th e Sovereigi G ra n d lodge of Independen t Order o f O dd Fellows.

M r. a n d M ri. M ilion Hyde and sons. R onald and J r r o ’, and Mr. and M rs. P a t Plclceil and son, Curtis, re tu rn e d T uesday from a cam ping t r ip above Bailey ho i uprtngf.

M r. a n d Mr». A. W. Clrcgory imd d a u g h te r . Shirley, retu rned th e first o f t)>e weelc from a-vaca tion opent a t Lava h o i spring*.

Mr, a n d Mis, ,1). I-. Cnrlsou ic- tu rn ed M onday fuim .s.iii I jtk e City iwiiere they spent fc » viicallQU. e^n rd tite iT o m a .lln y vl*ited In I’o- cate llo w ith Mh» .Sully t^orkhnrl, form otly head nf the iiui.'lr d e p u it-

- iM ho K uperrw hm il*.in d Mrs, A R. .Johnson nnd

dau g h ter, MI*h Kli;i»beiii M. .Iiihn- son. re tu rn rd Mimcinv fiom O leum n m w here (lirv .sj.nn |,» |)or diiv vaca tion w ith the ir <(iiisin5. Mr, nnd M ra. Kred W. U'i*.

M lsi Mamin Avi _:adU hte, left Uundny r (ir..In o in e w here she I* n m em lin ni ilir Kii'de school faetiiiy,

l i^ a . Chaiien ^'r^lhlllfipr en ler- ta lked th e m em bers o! iha H Y H, club Tuefl(!ftv a l Din lii.nie of Mis. I, L. Pa rrab ee w ith luncheon and

afternoon of 100. Konora in the gam e w en t to M n .lor KiiKkfaf, M rs. A. W, M oltoliriU nnd Mrs, C harles Rausch

D r. a n d Mr*. K. K. Klinuie and aod. Buddy, re tu rned 'I'Ufaday from

vatatS on npenv In O altlom la. W>illn awajr they visited Uieir son and brflther. IX. Perrell Elmore, in San JoM and In San r ra n rls ro .

U r . a n d Mrs. Mn>d Sonimervllli a n d }n (an i son. i)niiBta.\ le ft thi f l r i t o t th a week for th e ir hom e li A IM m bra. Calif., a lte r a Tl^1( hen w ith Mra. Hnnimerville's pArenl*. Mr

• Mra. W, I.. Dougin*

15 Y E A R S . g r r r . «,

H undreds of llnwkey’eif‘ Winked brigh tly a t (he lowering skies aa they flocked around, tlie fea st of fried ihtcken th a t loaded th e festive

board a t the c itv park today a l the nnual picnic of Iowa folks. A ppearing on the prog ram were

Mra. 0 . W. W ithnm. MIm O iara Kail, Mi'fl. W, II. nwlKlii, Ml.vV D orothy

iilnghani. Mts. O eurge L eonard, i«u fliilnn. Judge K ennedy lard. Mm. t‘;Mlipr Jacoby >Mer* Mrs, Vnn Htiuten, Mrs, Phil

Com pton, fiupi. K D. Blf>om.

D onald MrOliirnin

I Alblni

Jerome AuxiliaryInstalls Officers

JBKOM C. Sept, I (HpeolaD- th « rag u la r motilhly meeilng of J e ro n a A m erican Legion auxiliary MOBday evening, delegates to the sU ta d e U r tm e n t convention. Mi M ai7 N ote, president, and Mra, Jessie D aliat la v e rcjw rta of ih* te c in t coM lave. held In Coeur d'A leiii, Aug. a9-as.

A n inlUatlQi) of new o ffk c rs took p la e t w ith th e following n lf lc en bi Ing b u t* 1l«d;

P ra ild e m . Mr*. M argare t Ikard i vie«>pr«ildint. Mra. i.yuda L w i i eeoraiary - U eaaurer, Mr*, l-'rances atA Bton, and UUtortan. M u . \ m \w M * M r.|O h lp la iu li Mra. U n a Wahl, M n . M k e r a n d Mra. R. B. tionnor a a a littd In In ita lla tion rerem oiilea.

PiMU wera a rranged lo r the drum a n d j j t l i l a party which wlliand btiila 4o baMMaoeo.^ |8 iShm*w^ • . . 1

o.. Y. W llllamaen rangemenU.

B aker. MnI tM Mra. Itanoai

H I S T O R Y O f T w in F alls C ity & C ou n ty


To those who know afttf love ijoyce K ilm er's •'Trees." th e com plete, new edition of th e bdove^W Aa»er<ci poet's versa artd prMfc4*i.i»taleor news. "Jovce Kllmert-'^^DojBledaj^,

$3,501. is a cotlci'tlon W 'h ls poem.1. essays aw l 'W » r s . .m td a

lenuiir by Robert Cbhtui K d llday . K ilm er's life story, tp:Hil4 d e a th In

th e W orkl w ar, t a k t iA tp tV\t tirs t quarter of the book. Hla i>oems from

are half tender, h a lf gay. The real ln*lght In to Joyce K ilm er's

la lity is found In h is letters, is K ilm er the ' man.- devoted

huiiiniul and faUier. deeply religious, who snw beauty even in - t l i e '

vlslUng frleudy>0(in young people*

nd his m o th i i' •re yesterday ittcn d in g the

leeiing a t tlie B ap ' evening. D onald

l•■nd h r in H int he m ade during th e t» o year* hb speh t In th e Magic City.

27 Y f :A R S AGOBP.PT, «, I g l l .

An election of o d ire ra will bei thi o rd e r of b\iilne*» a t a m eeting 0 th e Tw in Pali* roiin>y automoDlli ;lub to be held ton ig lu a t S o'riook n the Commeri'tnl clul> rooms. Thi

Jlu b will also discuss p la n s f o r 'p a r - tlc ipa tlon In th e O h -a d - l earn lval parade,

T hera Is p lenty o f w ila r going ova r th a Shoshone falls a t ih a p re i' a n i tlm*. Sim d^y n ig h t th a w ater aonunanoed to raise a n d th e re U agood fo liim n going over a t th a pre*' a n t tim e. Tim new aU tra a re Just ibout contpirted nnd v lsltora will lave no trn u h h ge tting dow n from

now on. 'H ie beautlliil m oon bOW be aaan a ll a t th l i week,

T h e school election laa t T ueedU f w aa very poorly a ttended , W . ■. l,e « U w as re«>*cted for th ree year*,, a n d 3i W H ard in w a i elect«<» In A. 0 . B urkhalter'a place.


Carl Rloliardeon r e tu m td Sunday f r o n Fran ton t, U U h.

U r, a n d Mra. C urlls M ahoney and M r. a n d Mrs. AklonU S m ith a t ­tended th a weddlrtg of T h u r lo Sm iU i a n d Miss L oralna S u t le r In S a lt liak a O ily m d a y ,

,M rs . D orothy K iess a rrived in AtMon IW dayr 1 S he h a d apan t aeveTit «eek» a t he r hw n * to M otth py>rk, N. D., a n d will teaeh in h l |h aohODl.,

U r. and M n . O ua A ndaraon,a a itn a , K t n , r a tu m id m a n tV sptm dtog a t iu n th vUIUb s Uiair d a u ih ta r and fVmily, U r . a n d Mra,


U ra . Alice Larson, noble g ran d of R ebekah lodge, called f irs t m eeting since vacation T uesday In Uie I . O. O. F . hall, K coveted d ish d inne r -was served, followed by a lengthy business m eeting. A ltem alea wen nam ed to a tte n d th e s la te g ra ju l'R e ' bekoh lodge a t O rangeville In Oc­tober. Mr*. W illiam Hopple, c h a r­te r d e l< ^ te ; deputy .secoiui

. nalc.',-M rs. Oeorgo Loth, and th ird , a lte rn a te . M rs. Roy Ellenwood-

Jtlm ea Slilelds, Emil Bordewlck, F red H ortlng and O lln Sm ith r e ­tu rn ed W ednesday from S a n F r a n ­cisco.

Blllle Lou Van R iper -and H ar- ■iette Holmes left T hu rsday for

Denver, Colo.. (0 en ro ll in Colorado W om an's college. ^

torn im Tlie volur

nn e ily noted:Dutch Vfi, by A, R oothaert, fM ic - lllsn; tJ &O). T h e story o t a D utch

vaterinniy lurgeoh, h ts ir la la and triumph* among peasan ta o f S outh Hollnnd. The d iU lU of V eterinary surgery m ty seem a b it gory, bu t th e r iia rnc tw skeU h of a rea l, la o - rtdctug innn ove rbalan tM th a t.

T iu e U en H er BeeU, by A rthu r ram (Hcribneri; M.Tfl), Love and

. Blnicji ngalnat a D a«kground of New. York In H70, M a i peraona-O lm FU i. Ja.v Qould, Boss Tw eed. W ard M oAilnter-^lllI the pages. T tia ra ’a a love itory, of B arry C a r te r and K athleen O 'C arroll. w hich c a rrle i thrw igh Barry's de fea t of Uie Tweed ring, Im pn iian t A m ericana,

Tha rn ri» * O rew i a B eard , by M argare t Schert (O. P . P u tn am 'a Son i: 111. All th e m urdera a n d myi< te ry a fnn ra n aak. w ith Uie prln-

Ipal victim r itu rn ln g , p lus a beard, 0 hum down the killer.

Wa Will Meet Again, by Jo lin and V anl Hawkins j r t a l : » J ) .T h e per-

feet 'fram e '' lenda a young a tto rn ey to prison blit he oomes o u t to break up a iw iuicai ling , UU w lle 'a war- riage to hU w orst enem y la ,Ui( Story's clilel w eaknW ,

landiy. t to i r -H illm an Induced bo th sides t

b ttra te th e d ispu te . A fU r th e se t­tle m e n t w as announced . I t devel­oped th a t th e un ion tliough t the a rb itra tio n w as to Include every- UUng bu t Ute S3l«>cent. m inim um , w hich waa to be accep ted ; th e com ­pany th o u g h t th a t th e m in im um w as to be am ong th e th in g s a rb itra ted . T he se ttlem en t Im m ediately blew

w ith th e whole Job to be d u ie over.


I t Is nearly vita l lo th e adm inis­tr a t io n th a t a str ik e be p revented.

one th in g , .a a trlk e w hich stop-- ped w ork in a m a jo r a irp lan e fac ­to ry a t th is p a rticu la r m om ent

Id land In t h e . m iddle of th e p residen tia l cam paign w ith a r e ­sounding crash . F o r a n o th e r, k good >art of H illm an ’s fu tu re usefulness n h is p rese n t post depends on hl-s .blllty to g e l th e vow un.w ram bled v ltho u t leaving labor feeling too

so re .•U nder th e surface , th e re h iv e

been 0 m unber of com plain ts by Inbor abou t H lllm an'a record »o d a te on th e dc iense commi-vilon. D urden of them Is chiefly th a t he hn,^ been m ore nnxlniH to he lp In- d tia tr j' th a n to preserve labor's golnH a n d defend Its r igh ts. S o far. th e co m plain ts a re n 't especially seriouji. O ne good labor setback, how ever, m ig h t m ake them so — a n d by th a t token undo much of th e adv an ta g e th e ad m in istra tion ha.s gained by hav ing H illm an on th e commission.

W ENDELL I-------- :— ------------- •and ,M r.v '^ lco lt Bartlow and

clilld ren ,, ^ e m o n to i) . U ta h ,, were guesU Bimrlfiy aV^Uja'Ri'i). P e te rser hO»if. . if-..-


D lr tc t ly n r indirectly, th e 1 mot)llc Industry Is estlm atei provl<li’ em ploym ent' for more 1,,W ,000 persons In th e sou th .

JE R O M E --------

A pot-Iuck d in n er will precede th e m eeting of Ihe P re.sbyterlan Senior I G uild h e re nex t M onday. Sept. B. a t 7 p. n i„ a l tlie P re sb y te ria n church.

Rev. and M rs. W . F . W ills and E lde r F ra n k H. S m ith w ere In C a ld ­well til ls w eek reprnsenUnK th e local P resby te rian chu rch a t th e a n n u a l sessions of th e synod and synodical o f th e ch u rc h . ITiey re lu m e d T h u rs ­day.

M iss M am ie A velar, P a u l, g radua ta o f th e Pau l h igh school a n d Albion S ta te N om iM school, w as th is week emplo)-ed j i s te a c h e r o f th e fo o rth grade a t L incoln school, replacing Miss F rances H albert. M ias H albert w m te ac h In PocateH o sctiDOli th e com ing year.

W alte r 5nodgra«.s. son D r. and M rs. E. M. Snodgra&s. ia spending tt)fl

■ : r of th e sum m er vaea tlon a t e of h is p a re n ts . He will itud lcs a t th e U nhra raltr o f •

Idaho , M06C0W, S ep t. 37. D r. and M rs. Snodg rass m e t W aH er la s t ««ek in M ou n ta in Home a n d th a ianrfly s p e n t several days In t* » prlM c o u n ­try .

H al W alllng ton apen t./ttM L abor day ho liday In O n ta rio , O re.

F a th e r E ric A. S eherm aoson . p as­to r o f S t. Je rom e 's C attio ltc (b w o h ,1* hom e from W aBaca 1 ‘ lied w ith h is m other.

M r. n n d Mr.i. .J o h n S tetla >u*va moved from th e O eorge B uakler real- dence In to one of th a L a '^ A e a r a r t - m e n ts .................

a , S, M oigan. tra n s ien t, w as brouRht boffire Police J« d a e C lark T , S tan to n on ehargeti of d n m k e n - 3iJ>is. AfteY h earing he waa floated flu t of tlie rlly.■rFninris W. I-owe, Buhl, and MI.1 B eth K endrick, F iler, were un ltad In m arriage Aug. a i 'b y P ro b a te Judge H eher N. Folknian . W ltnesiiei wera Ko::u Mury Slmw a n d Dick K endrick.

T lin H eber N. FnlWman family sp e n t tlir tj\b o r d ay ho lld iv s a t

Whcie tliry visited Mr. and M rs. H arold Fn lkm an nnd in fan t.

BOUZONTAL I Oraat luilan I

•rUai U Plural

pronoun.II Small wUd ox H Acidity.“ 1 Couraftogt


A u w c r to r r e v lo o a P u t t la

49 Opposed to dosed.

40 0ully.II Soulh Caro.

llna (abbr.k SI Therefore.S 4lod o( a rM«.

...... MPuiUUva.

40Tobaltow. --------41 k a i M Stuck la mud. 7 Carpanter'a «o Bon®. d4Compaaa M I t o w a a a —^ aauara. dSBleetrieri

,M ai(ab W ,> . palnUr ot tb* « Noted. term.dSCavata. mlddlo asaa. BFound (obbr.) «4 To far*.

20 RcnovalloiU i i l i n a .10 P e a ch p u l»

o r na Ring.90 C lc a n iin «

ogunt. SashoK oalL I l D l r d i .43 To whiiv 47 Noia nois^ SO Wild caiila.

acollega ilrU . 83 Woo<La«rr'al4PasMd. M S ou r.^ u ia6 Musical nota. A7 Nothing.6 To perform. 58 To rent

C. of c . O fficialMobilized by U . S.

JUnOME. B e p t fl I8 p«clal) - W ard o, Howard, .c a p ta in o t tha lia th iirdnanre com pahy of tlie na tiouat gM«4, »uU onad a t Jarom a, w ia today graiiU d a leave of a b - lenoe from hU dutlaa of aaoretary- m a n a te r of th e Jerom * C ham ber of Com ineire, iHwltion w hich h e h id hiM for the ukst th raa y e a n .

Howard will tm m adlataly go Into aoUve military *ervlen In th e Untied n u t i s aniiy, r o r l U w U , laav lnf Jerom e Hepi. ifl aa reau lt o t a mobllltaUon nider.

R, O . Freemaji, p rea idan t of .Uta J e r ^ e O hem U r of OommOTWi U L * H ik ing and ooniidering a iip lloatlena lo r a auit.iile m an lo fill a l u U * l l ^

iti* blood of thoraughbrad «m<rAS.‘’R«*'.sysi!nviterinailini,

r rI L

I T1


Page 5: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

F rid w . Septeinbw S. 1940 IDA H O E V E N IN G TIM ES, TW IN PA L L S , ID A H O


20th Century Club Arranges Streamlined Program Series

leaders of Methodist Women’s Group

In line \v ith th« accoleratod pace of today’s li\in g - and th ink ing , th e Txsenticth C entury club has arriinKed a aeries o f atream lined p ro jrram s, to be presented n t th e m onthly luncheons o f th e club th is yea r, under th e Kcnern! topic, "S ta rs and S tripes Forever. A t least th ree out-of-tow n speakers will add ress th e club du ring the year.

J irs . L, E . H in ton , chairm an of th e program com m ittee fo r 1940-41, today announced th e general ou tline . G uest day will be obsen-ed Tuesdaj*.Sept. 26, in connection with' th e reception in honor o f past p m ld e n ta . u id th « m ontM jr lu n c h ­eon r o w U n p vUI l u r t Tutsda'^,OcL 1. * t th e T v t h o te l. T h e re - cenUon wlU l»k« p U « In th e hom e u n d pLRtena o t U n . A . J . club p rw ld en t.

B*«4«b to 8 p e ^C M l B ow den. Boise. aU t* Red

Craea ezecuU ve. t n d u a t e o l O xlord u n iversity u td ab le public speaker,« m a d d re » th e c lub on "M y Ex­periences In th e U n ited S ta te s In - te lllfence Service ." T uesdaj'. O ct. 1.M r. B ow den Is a p e rsona l friend t<i C la r tju * S tre lt . a u th o r o f "U nion Now."

M rs. L . L . B recken rldce « i l l be c h a irm a n of th e N ov. 6 -lu n ch eo n , th e BUblect being *T opics o ( th e D ay." R abbi S am ue l- H . G ordon,S a lt lA ke C ity . In de m an d as a public speaker. vlU a d d re ss th e club Dec. 3,

U nder th e spon& onhlp o l th e P ine A rts d e p a r tm e n t. « l t h M rs. M.

luncheon procr&m v tl l b e on "M u­sical A m erica."

W. O . B an iste r . B u tte . Mont. special a se n t. vUI be ( u w t speaker Feb. 4. speak lnc o n th e lln« lj- topic. "P lf th C olum n—A C hallenge to All Amerlcaiu.'*

W ith B e r t C h r is t ian se n a s cuest conductor. M arch 4 p rog ram vU l be “ A m trlca-a Y o u th P . B.W ilson Is p rocram c h a irm a n for th e a n n u a l elec tion te a A pril I. T lw a n n u a l club t> reakfait vlU b« Ma>- 6. w ith M rs. H in to n a s to astm aste r. C oncluding th e y e a r^ ac tiv itie s will be th e lo m u a l club business m e et­ing M ay *0.

A ssisting M rs. H in to n a s m em bers o f tUe p rog ram c om m ittee a re M rs. Brw rkenrldge^ M ra. W ilson . M rs. O . C. H all a n d M rs. W . B. B rookx

D ep a rtm en t M eeU ngi . . - I n add itio n to th e g e n e ra l club ■ sesiions. th ree d e p a r tm e n t m eetings a re he ld each m o n th , a n y m em ber o! th e club being eligible to a tte n d .

T he D ra ln a a n d - 'U te ra tu r t d e ­p a rtm en t. w ith M rs. A. A. Eioston a s chalrmaiA.' m eets th e second T uesday: th e 'F tn e A rts d e p a rtm e n t, w ith M rs. BhbiVell a s c h a irm a n , th e th ird Tueada}*. a n d th a H om e and G arden d e p a n i a & i l ^ t h M rs. R on-

Courtesy Fetes Mrs. Dickerson

Mrs. M ered ith D ickerson w as hon- oree a t a c lev rr lin en sh o » T r iss t tilgh t given a t th e hom e o t M rs. Craw ford O U . SM F i f th a « n u e east. M rs. D ickerson w as th e fo rm er M ta IlHh N ew berry, d a u g h te r o f M r. a n d Mrs, H. C. Newberr>-. a n d M r. Dick­erson Is th e son o f M r. w^d M rs. H, G. D ickerson, now o f N evm la. "

G uessing glumes occupied m ost o f th e evening, w ith p iU r s aw arded to w inners. A d e .u ert su p p e r was served a t th e conclusion of th e e nlng . w ith th e q u a r te t tab les w lik h guests s a t be ing decorated w ith p ink asters.

A mong th e guests w ere M W B ethene H agler, M iss Flore tico P a t- ton , Miss B a rb ara R avenjicroft. M rs. Delvln L incoln. M rs. P ra n k flavens- croft, M rs. Harr>‘ N ew berry. Mra. M lllsrd DawMm, M rs. P ra n k D aw . eon.

Mr*. Ja m es Shark j-. M rs. W ill L in ­coln. M rs. H O . l r tg l f r . Mm. H arry Btevens, M rs K en n e th Burv»n. Mrs. P au l.M cC om b. Mrs. R obert l^vnard and M rs. C ljd e K oonta.


ProJecU a n d program * to r the year were ou tlined by M m em bers of th e P resby te rian U d le s ' A id so r in y y cslrrday a tlem o o n , w ith Mrs, J , N, C laa r. vlce-p^p.^ldent, prr.Mdlng In th e absence of M rs. J , A, D ygctt. prwU lent.

Mrs. 6 u y S h e a re r c o jid u rted th e devotlonalv kaU lng th e g roup i» ting ing . M m M ilU nJ D aw son sang ••P rR jtr P e j t t c t" a s m p a r i o l th e devo tlonab . a n d Mrs, S tu rg eo n M e- Coy played th e accom panim ent.

M rs. S h e a re r a lso took charge of th a program , w hich inc luded piano se lections by M lu M ary H oover; p r v * r U d by M rs. Roy P a in te r.

re 'servcil from

Mrs.'Roy Evans Goes to Helm of Methodist Group

DtrecUng th e destin ies o f th a W o­m an 's Society of C h r is tian Service du ring th e f irs t year o f I ts o r g a n lu - tlon will be Mrs. Roy E vans, w ho was elected presiden t of Uie society a t >-estcrdaj-'s c h a r te r m eeting a t th e M ethodist church .

O the r o llice rs a re M rs. W illiam B aker, tlrs t v lcc-preslden t; M rs. F ra n k Sander? , second vlce-presl* d en t; M rs. G eorge Bice, th ird vlce- p rw ld en l; M rs. F . C. G raves, r ec o rd - InR yecretarj-; M rs. C a th e rin e P o tte r , trcftsurcr; M rs. C. O . JelU son. c o r­responding sccretar>-; Mrs. S. P . Y antls, secre tao ’ o f llle ro tu re a n d publications: M rs, C. C. D udley, sec- rei.ir) ' o t lite ra tu re a n d .supplies, a n d Mrs. G eorge W ilcox, secre tary of stu d e n t u-ork.

T h e g roup adopted a reso lu tion to ,hoM eM cuave c o m m llte t m e tU n g i o n th e firs t T h u rsd ay In th e m o n th : gencm l m ecUngs on th e second T hursday , a n d circ le m eeting# on th e th ird Thursdn.v.

* « «

Louise Campbell Feted by Friends

M iss liW lse C am pbell w as honorett a t a m iscellaneous sliowef la s t n ig lit, a rranged by MIm E iliel M cCl^ary a n d Miss H elen O ee a t the M cClcary home.

Ballooru of various colors form ed th e m a in decorations, and Inside of m ai\y o( th em w ere clues fo r Miss Cam pbell on th e h id ing p laces of h e r gifts. "B unco" was played th a •venliift's diversion. T lie fre shm en t tab le wns cen te red w ith a m in ia tu re w edding cake, w hich th e bride-e lec t served.

Among th e guests, besides th e hocioree and ha^tesscs. were Miss M arth a G arlock, G ooding; Miss D e-

ta c a - o o v e r ^ tab le cen te re d w ith a atera a n d A in U s , Mra. J . N, D «vu a n d M rs. 0 . M . M c B w atn (vte&ldtni a t th a a«nrlc«s. Mra. P . C, Daw»cm, ch airm a n , a n d Mra, K M, S a e e k y a n d Mra. C arl W c«ver w rr* member* of i h t h o a ta u eom m ltiee .

« « •

CalendarT ^ lp P alta Q ra n n ^ « U l m a a i for

i ^ c n l o S u n d a y aT 1 p. m . a t m a T ^ ln n u i ocMiniy tau g rau m ta .

o f tha A m trtou i R ev«iutton. wiu m««t for Itmehaon a t » p . m . Mon­day a t tha hotna of Mra. S lurtaoo

• • ♦ in itial matUng o f tha yM>r tor

U^a Naithbora otwill ba a -kW party- t o d a T a t g p. m. a t lh a I. O. a r T h a ll. Allmambera whoaa bU ih d in a n tn Saptambar vUl b« booond. Mm . bara a.» «-ka<j lo brtn* ih?lr lunchea In., paper ia«ta a m i »•

, coma In coaUuaa. M prtMi «tu bg w a ia tH M «U t tur«


Mrs. Reese Has Nursery Shower

For Mrs. SawyerM rs. R obert Reese enterUlned a t

a cleverly a rranged de&sen lunch­eon a n d pink and blue shnver tills a fte rn o o n a t h e r home, 308 Lincoln T errace , In com plim ent to Mrs. M sl- coUri Saw yer.

P o tte ry containers In nursery form a, a duck, a shoe and a per­am bu lato r. holding ■arrangements o f iw e e t alyssum and dwarf zinnias, cen te red th e -three quarte t Ubles a t w h ich dessert w as served.

G lfta were iw esented In a bas.iln- e tt« . T h e a fternoon , following lunch­eon. w as spen t playing contract bridge.

M rs. Jo h n w u rs te r , Buhl, was an ou^*ot-town guest.

9th Grade G.E. Attends, Picnic At Harmon Park

A " h are a n d hound" hun t yester­day afte rnoon a fte r school w u en ­joyed by approxim ately 40 members o f th a H lntj? O rid e G itl Reserves of th e Y . W . C. A., led by Miss Irene L opei. g roup sponsor,

-T tia -Vhares" U tt th* Y, P i c. A. room s a h a lf-hou r before “hounds" and le ft notes all tow n, one leading to another, un til th e g irls a ll Jinnlly arrived a l H ar­m on p a rk , where games, a picnic supper a n d watermelon feed were enjoyed. Mrs. H elen Henderson. Y . W . C. A. secretary, was a giicst.

C abine t m eeting is to be held T uesday. Sept. 10, a fte r school, and a ll o n ic ers are expcctcd to a llcnd . N c x t-re g u la r mecllnR is-scliDduled fo r T hu rsday , Sept. 19. a t the Y. W, C. A. rooms.

t o ! C w b c l l . M l ^ M a a ^ J»ki-lhe Ilm l ol Oeloter. OWnc.cBracken, H elen T hom as, M iss B etty R eynoM ', Mi.vs M ary H aney , MlM H aie l Terr>'. M iss Irm a G ood­n igh t. Ml.^s Mary J e a n Sh ipm an a n d Miss B arbara B u tler ,


Seasonal and In teresting w ere th e roll call responses m ade by th e S a l­m on Social cUib m em bers yesterday aftem oon a t Uie hom e of M rs. W in­n ie M cOulre. Mrs. E m m a H ansen 's ••H aivert E xperience" roll ca ll was aw arded th e prlre.

Mrs. V irginia K lrkm an w as assi.'i- ta n t liaMe.u. Severa l m em bers re - celveil "Sinv 'hine P a l” gifts, M rs. M l ld r^ Paulson conducted gam es and conle.'is, M rs. N ina H ardy . M rs. Zom .«imlih. Mra. P ansy Cagle and M rs. Mnrv Brooks w inning prises,

Mrs. Ilitrbnra N elson a n d Mra. 8own?.w\ w ere guests, Rt{re&hmenl.% were ^erve^t a n d announcem en t m ade tlia t Mrs, K ittle Belleville will en te rta in th e club T hursday . O ct, S, M rs. H ardy will be a s s is ta n t h o s­tess.

h e m m ed .tea tow els » l\ld i "iisu la ter be em broidered, w hen they met a t th e hom e of M rs. ‘J . O, Link, Rex A rm s ap artm e n ts , yesterday a ltcr-

P lans w ere m ade for a cooked food sale, b a u a r a n d rum m age sale to be

M rs. IVIIIlam B aker, third from the left, holds th e book In w hieh ch a r te r mrmber* of th e Woman'a Society of C h ris tian Service signed the ir nam es yeat«rday> She ia f irs t v lce-presidrnt of the new organise a tlon , m erge r of th e Ladle*' Aid society, th e W om en’s H om e and th e Women'ii Forriicn M issionary so- cJeile* o t th e .Methodist c harch . Alsa shoirn are . le ft to r lg titi. M 's- George B le t. th ird rlce>preaiden(; M rs. Roy J . Evans, prealdenti « n d M rv F rank S a n d e r^ second V iee-presldenl.

. {Times Photo and E ngrav ing)

ret Voorhees Honored at Bridge

Mi.ss J ln rjo rie KinRsbiiry wu.t ho.'itefls a t a colorful bridge p a rty In.nt n ig h t a t th(^ C. C. K ingsbury home, 1104 T en th j\venuc oa.st, in honor of Miss M argare t V o o rh e ^ , who will bL'CDmo the bride of Lawrence Shively th is fall. Gue.its eluded classm ates of Mias Voorhees, m any of whom will Ic a v d '^ Honn to re-en ter college.

Pink as te rs centered the five tables a t w hich guests w ere sea ted for th e 8 p. m. dc.s.sert supper, and arran g e m en ts o f -

o ther fall flow era decorated" the room.s. The honoree was presented w ith a g ift, and a prize waa aw arded Miss Ida Lee Lamb a t co n trac t bridge.

Q uests were M iss J e a n O lm stead , Miss H elen Bond, M is s 'M a rjo r ie Johnston . ML« A nn P(5vey , Miss ,’ean Schw cndlm an, M iss U im b . M l« Florence W h lu , Miss B e tty pum phrcy . M iss W an d a IClmes.

MLvh B etty Alice TaVlor. M iss RM cmnry S incla ir, M iss D ee H e p p - ' Icr, Ml.« O livia C hapm an . M rs. Wlliliim Adnm.s, Mra. R u th Jenk in s, Mrs. a i f c n C appel, M rs. Clyde C arlson and M rs, L ucille Po rte r .

Kleinkopfs to HaveSOtlh Wedding- Party

M r. an d Mra. R rK jeinkopf, re-sidtfnts of K im berly since 1929, will ob.serve th e ir goFden wedding ann iversary wlth~aTi “open house" reception from 2 to 5 o’clock Tue.«iaay a f te r ­noon, Sept. 10, a t th e ir home, to which all o f th e ir friends are invited.

P re-anniversary celebration for relnlivc.s will be held Sun- ly a t th e Kimberly C hristian church, when a fam ily d inner ill be served a t 1 o’clock.Sons a n d daugh ters of M r. and

M rs, KleVnkopl, a n d m em bers th e ir fam ilie s wVio will be among those assis ting in tiie celebration inc lude:

M r. a n d M rs. W. R. K le inkopf and son , J u s tin K leinkopf. M issouri, and tlie lr d a u g h te rs and fam ilies, Mr. a n d M rs. E lm er Johnson , Bdcp, and M r. a n d M rs. Roy T u rn e r a n d ch il­d ren . M urtaugn .

M r. a n d M rs. O w en K leinkopf, O akland. . Culif; Mr. a n d M rs. How ard K leinkopf and son, L arry , M urtaugh; Mr. and M rs. B yron K leinkopf and sons, Ja ck a n d G ene, Jerom e.

M r. and Mrs. H enry N ielson and Mrs.- Nielson's son, R obert H obbs, M urtaugh . and M r. and M rs. L eo ­n a rd L ane. Buhl.

Luncheon Given For Bridge Club

MrK. E. A. ta n d o n e n te r ta in ed h e r bridge club a t a luncheon yesterday a t th e P a rk ho te l, followed by bridge a V h c r homo on’ Slxlh“ ftVenue'eB8t:“

Zlnnlns formed th e decor for th e luncheon table, and a s te r s were background trim s a t th e L andon home,

M rs, A, P. Oslund wiis a guest of th e club. Mr.s. Robert H elfrech t-w on h onors A t contract bridge.


L adles' Aid society o f the tu U i- e ra n cluirch m e t T hu rsday a fte r­noon In the chu rch parlors. T he de- votlonnls were led by Rev. M. H. Zagel,

Mrs. Cordelia W yatt h a s been cho,-icn leader of th e w estern dlvlilon of missionary groups.

Mr.s. EH rabeth P u t« e r gave rending on "W ork. Studj- and Play In T nbiiha B oard ing School « t Am- bu r. India."

A fter the buslncs.s m eeting Uie. tim e wii.s spen t socially.

T lilrty -fou r m em bers responded to roll cn)l. M « . LydJa WDler wns the hostess. READ TH E T IM E S W ANT ADS.

ATTENTION, Lady Bowlers!Organization M eeting

Friday, 8 P. M.------------------BOWLADROME------------ —Ladies a tten d th is m eeting fo r the organization of league team s and formulation of plans fo r th e coming year. E very interested lady bowler urged to attend .

c heckers were played later, Mrs, M arv in M ayo and Mrs. P . L. Tuck­e r w inning p tU es. M rs. M. U ».ls w as a guest. Mrs, MjTtle Johnson will e n te rU ln th e g roup a t the next m eeting.


Mrs,’ J . O. 8 U a t j . and Mrs, James B lakely won pinochle priMS and M rs, B. C, H uffm an the traveilng aw ard a t th e Lucky Twelve club's de.ssert lunch on yM terdaj- a fte r ­noon a t Uie home of Mrs. Zd Craw­ford.

D(A)lia.i form ed the house and tab le trim s. Mrs. Blakely presided a t a brief builne.ss session, Mrs. a ta a ts won Uie w hite elephnnt. Mrs. S . H, M cO lnnls will be hostess to Uie chib T hursday , Oct,



Take a Tip From A Smart, Old Bird. . .

n u l M t n '

HardwtraS a p p l l o

Change Old Rooms To New Ones...and Waste

. Space to Useful!Save Rtopn and energy In a mod- erii, t'fficicnt kitchen w ith modyi-n kllcliiMi plumbing and fixluren. Reniodcl ycHir living room, dining 1 (1(1111, balhroom itntl b ring your lutnu! up to dati! in com fort, beauty nhd convcnienct‘ l

Tliti economy and eaNt* of reniodei- will you whvn you \wn

Mtirt',sco for new wall finislicH and Ulilac enamclH. See Kreiigel’H for all your pain ling and calaom ining Htipplies.

N»nv light fix tu res can completely chango the appi'uranco of a room mid liriiig it up to date. Shop' Kri'iiK«')',H huge nlock of th e la tes t fixluren,

III tile m odern homo th e bathroom and kitchen plum bing contribu te a n iajor p a rt to th e beauty and convenience. K rengel'a aro plum b­ing Hiippiv headquitrtera fo r South C entral Idaho and can furn iah Just th e fix tu res th a t will su it y o u r individual tas te .

Come to Krengel'B for Your f'all F lx-U p Supplies


n u S V i i i R "

Page 6: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

' P*B« Six yPA H O E V E N IN G T IM E S , ' TW IN FA LLS, IDAHO TrfdtT, S tp tnn litr « , IMO

VANDER MEER MAKES COMEBACK WITH REDSSouthpaw Ace Tops Pirates; Indians Lose

B7 GEORGE K IR K S E fNEW YORK. Sept. 5 <U.Rir

—T he biggest story in 'b a se ­ball today wasn’t th a t th e In­dians l o s t their f o u r t h fllraight and had th e ir Am er- ican league lead cut to two games . . . tha t the Yankees won a double-header a n d moved back into second place . . . o r th a t Cincinnati m ain- taincd its 8-game lead in the National league.

None of thc ie l«am accom pllsh- m cnts could hold it cand le to the bcBlnnlog of Johnny V nndcr M eer's comeback:. I t 's a long lone th a t h a d no tu rning and the ha rd -luek C in ­c innati southpaw (Inolly found » detour on the road back b u t he round It Ihe hard way. A s ta r on the 1638 Reds a fte r-h e p itched two successive no-hlt, n o -run - gam es, V ander Meer found him self r e le g a t­ed to the dugoul on th e cham pion- uhlp Clnclnnull tennr In IMS. H e slum ped ev en -d ee p er’ th is season when his Imrd work and c o a i ta n t prnrtlcc failed lo cure hl.i w ildness and bring him back his confidence.

Failed Four TIm eiBill McKeclinIe gave V ander M eer

two sta rts and two relief Jobs. H e w m R J a to i t In o l them .'.’‘'Vftn- dcr Meer had his s tu ff b u t he d ld n t have control and confidence. F inally he asked the Reds lo send him away from a po ten tia l c h a m ­pionship team and back to th e m in ­ors. On June 27 they shipped h im Indianapolis cn option. . .

V ander Meer curbed hla w ildness U.— H«-w oiv-«-#iam e#

and lost th re i and In tw o com plete gam es he d idn 't walk a m an . M e- K echnle tossed V ander M eer In "to do o r die" yesterday a g a in s t th e Pira tes. I n . the f irs t Inn ing he walked two men and then In th e second h« passed Vince D lM agflo. B u t . a fte r jva lk lng V an R obays In the hex t Inning, .Vander M eer s e t­tled down and retired nine P ira te s In o rder before DlMagglo singled In th e a U th ^ 'W lth the score tied . *2-a.

DlMagglo's single, a ba lk a n d Ous- tln e ’6 stagle. T han th a R * d i p u l on a lo u r n m .rally In th e ir h a lf to win. e^ .

. T lgert K ick Ind ianaIn the other N atlw ial league

gam ea the Brooklyn D odgers won from th e Phillies. S-S. end th e New York O lanU came ou t o f th e ir aeven>game losing s tre ak by ta k in g ovec the Boston B eet twice. 8-7 and

. 4-1.T he Tlgera gave th e skidding in -

d lu u n n o th e r kick In th e p a n ts by shelling them for a 11-3 tr ium ph .

T he Yanks regained second ^ a c e , one po in t ahead of th e T igers, by conquering th e Senators twice, 3-1 a n d 8-1.

T he Boston Red Sox blew a 6-0 lead b u t pulled through-to a 9>7 vlo* tory over the PhlU delphla A thletics.

T he Chicago W hite Box b eat the B row iu, 4-3.

Reds Retain 3rd Place in Pioneer Race

By UnlUd Preaa Ogden Reds earned exclusive

righ ts to third place in th e Pioneer leaRue standings last n ig h t, while Id ah o PalL^ olaimed fo u rth position and Pocalcllo skidded . to f if th as the race continued lo r a sp o t In th e ah&ughnesjy playotf.

Ogden sp ilt ft doublc-heailer. cop ­ping the.opener 10 to 3. b u t d ropp ing :he nigh tcap . 4 to 0. due m a in ly to some eliLViy pitching by A1 T a te of Uie Bees. In the opener, O gden beat Mel -Rlsiau, Ihe B ees ' le a d ­ing southpaw m oundsm an.

Pocntrllo,' tied W ednesday w ith O gden for third plncc. lo*t a d o u ­b le -header to Idaho P a lls by Id en ti­cal scores. Qf 7 to 4. and slipped* a couple of notches in th e sU nd lngs. T he Cftrdlnfll.i, striving d e sp e ra te ­ly to gain a place In t)io plnyoff, had Uie league’s leading p itcher. Bill Capllnger, In again st th e R u s ­set* In th e nlRhtCBp. The. Id a h o |^aUs aggregation pounded C ap llnge r h a rd , a n d h e was yanked In th e f if th a fte r a ha lf doren runs w ere scored ag a in s t him .

T h e ta il-end T » ln F a lls Cowboys, show ing a last-m lnuie h u s tle , d e ­fea ted Boise. 9 In 5 and 3 to 3.

T h e final series of th e reg u la r seayrm sta rH to n ig h t-B .-l th _ P a ea ^ tello a t S a lt Lake City. Boise a t Id ah o Falls, and T w in P a lls a t O gden. I t will be “ Tom Roljello"

■ a t S a lt U k e C ity, w ith th e U k e City fan s pay ing t r ib ­

u te to th e m anager of th e p e n n a n t- w inning Bees.

Box ecores;RUSSETS 7-7, CARDS 4 - i

r if it tsn c i r<K-«ul>0 tb r hlldtho KtlLi «b t k fi'Tp*. M I I 0!MrC«ni)'ll, ff I 0 0 WhiW, rt S I OH-.r ,n ,r J . I Anclr*d«.Jorati. If.■koll'l. lb

P ttru , r1 aKtrr, « 4 OkHnte. 1b 1

SiJST'p'’ <Waldron x I Slndfl. p (

Toul. Tj 4 10 7nUl» ..............for Mill! In (ih.

PotiUlto ................................008 110 0—4W»ho F.ll. ..........................OOJ S ll »_7

Krroti; Strp>, rx ra i . Runa billed In — OW«nb»i» I. l>upi»Vou 1. Rf.«r. rilMr. Andr»d«. K»knllrli. K trr. n.Iindo. n«crltlc«-HeConinU. Two bu* hlls—Kakollrit. OldtnUrt- Dn«t*bot>. Hmm on b illt-off P llltr S. K<mp* L Stmek o u l-b r PltlM 8. fl.hr I. Ktmo* *, S«Bd«l t . Wlnnlni pitrhir—Pilltr. Lot- ■— -Ill«h«i;-K.mp.. Urnplr«*-D*jr and

—-jtid ' f t . II, E.Id«ho F llli ............. 300 019 100-7 » iP»cM«llo „... ........................ - -

B t hA R R V QRAV60T<NEA Bcnrlee 8 |w rta B dlU r

Hla being barred from Ihe n a - lional am ateu r on th e eve of tKa qualifying tr ia l In August bceauie of a book .he w rote In Ja n u a ry m ay a “shym e," a s J a n e i Fer- r ler. the A ustralian, says, b u t I agree with th e United S lates Oolf association In lU refusal tA per- m lt alleged sim on-puras from Jim ­m ying In on Ihe professionals.■Jim F errler's publlsitlng of an hv

stnictlv* book, and accsptltig royal­ties. Is tan tam o u n t to his nlving a lon« serifs of les.ions a i 14 or 15 pop,

I 'e n lrv pemUUed in pl«y in the Uniteti S ta ir s O pen In .luiie as an anintr\ir. bu t lits book wabrought lo th e a tten tio n of I h s ........tcur s ta tu s a n d 'c o n d u c t com m ittee u n lll shortly before it acted . '

W here would Ihe prolcsslonats gel off If a l l am ate u r lum inaries were p s m l tte d lo wrile Inslruo- tive m atter?

And w hat r l |h t has a player, ou lsiapd lng enough lo m ake ' a sureeM of su rh llluslrailons and w riting, to comiMle ag a in s t am a- leursTA m ateurs - Chick Evans, Bobby

Jones, Mrs, O ltn n a C ollett V ara a n d L aw w n U W * anw ng th e m — have w ritten and prwied for a tiiff of an InSlnirllVft m w ltrr lirtore, hu t no t since iha n ir re n t rule in te rp re ­ta tio n waa decided upon In IWfl,

W lia t w ent on in th e p ast does n o t clear Ihe way for F e rrler now,

Ferricr, traveling 11,000 miles a t Ws own expense, a rrived In th is oounlry la February, and haa been

, » Blaylng golf e te r slnre. lie has '►/ been Ihe A ustralian O pen and Am-

a le u r eham plon Iwo years han d . runn ing . . . h a sn 't b e tn above fS

M hU native land in fire years.

. O n h i t a rriv a l here , M rrle r ax- . [W netf why h e had n o t tu rn ed p ro .

. . . .■>!«<«" flMM ( • Uia UnltMl

- ^ W M b b m t l g a a T i S» e a^ taU a e on i t a t

0 tu r n profeaelon* n A u itr tlU .

h l i U M W i t • h o td d b ^


'J Oldfnh'B. ab I ZlOueuteu. Ib 4 S Rntr, If 4 0|M »rr. <- 4 Jin.tM, Jb i . .

rn m lrrt '- - - « 'S I PItWT. p t X 1 BsKr. p I - -

BBB8 s - i REDS 10-0

u " u U " * s b r Iillor«Me. M <llertMti. rf 4 Il‘»rrr, »1> » IHob«li,. lb tPsnw . tC tGulntlnl. It SS1m1«. lb Slltlcbdt. 0Ri>r!»on. ct 1RiiUu. p e <Pbravlch, p 1Arbon, p A '0» tn X I I

. 1,0 Puff, If1 Jo.«ph, <tI McCon-ll. 1

Total! t? 'I i | To«l> : t 10 :{«.T fcikoti U

Bsh U ks ...................... ...,000 0100 » i« n ...................................0«1 101 I -

i« . Can- I.tmlKrt.

Krrorii Ktn>«n, Hn.-.»n, 8tol«n b«in —S....... ...... ........ .B.rrKk^-Sl.I.ibtrl., 1>r« h l l . -WfUliil, Rob«ll«, Two hu* hll — I'arrr Rum bftUd In—Umb«rt, Sion* t. Me Conntll, r^navan. W«lllnf, Puff. m«<n>b«rl. J. I'.rU.^ Pffrr, R..1h.|U-. I ......p l.y -rtrf> ' t o W l l o . l,o.(nf pll.-h.r- hl»uu- Tlm»—UJ7, runpVtU(■M MfBhtn*.

Rnond M iitiSail U h * ' . . 000 in0 » d i n ....................... COfl on

T au an-l >|«Uh«tl: Crlil

Rainiers Cop 2nd Pennant In Coast Loop

Illy tln lted T rrs.i KrslU e'k JtMiiler,^ helii ilieir ,

seam ive rac ifip Coni\t leaiiii'' i>rn- iia n t Ifxley. T lierrV the m udipiiia- tlcal posslbllliy Ihr Allgele^ An- |P ls ru n tie (or i'lmui|ilniishlp, bu t who expert* [im AngeU to win 14 s tra igh t while S esd le drnita 14 In a row?

Bmll SIck's brewery b.iys sisgeil tw o -n « \ liH y in Uie inn ing to b eat Sacran ien lo J In ) last n lg lit to c linch th e bimllug,

IjM Angeles nialn tiiln rd lt.i »ei;ond Ttlaeo posltlmi by swnniplim Holly­wood 10 lo J behind Itiiy p rim 'i s lx -h lt pitching.

Ban Diego (Hilled In n ih ird p lare lift w ith the slipping O nkisud A oornt by «jrubblng Po rlland # m « and 1 to

San rranclK O and o sk iu n d i rained out,

r i r s l a a m e

T1>omM tilhaldi rillla. n»»i<* •

R II ■ll«llr»K>l .... M l . . . . V . - . .Im Aks«i«i tee eit I t

AHI.*la. T ..I iM r.Ip . a

Haerai,)y« .............oit OtO 0»0 - * IB ?7 m . . . . . . , , ......

BmmM Oams£•" n i .« ...................(M M , \

.................. ««« 0''« 0--0 I :tnl'i •"< An'Han 'lt«aii«l.«..o.|,lind. piMH>..na4. m |„.

The deoIln.iig ImporiaiMa of air 1MI1 m enues to the airllnea U •hown ty twnpartng Mie report* for ft* year IIM apd j » a - in th*

m w im . Mid mall U -per cent, oom' ptrod with IS' per cent paseencer «Kt /• p«r otni Kitil in l i l t .

“Beef on the Hoof” as Twiii Falls Bruins Open Trafaiing

Cowboys Finish Season Here With Double Victory

Twin Falls Cowboys of 1010 finiahed th e season in a Wazc o f success here lu-st ni«:lit as tliey won a pair of th rille rs from th e Boise Pilots by f^core.'i o f 9-5 and 3-2.

The gamea officially clo.sed th e profeaaional baseball .sea­son in Twin Falls and .some 500 fa n s braved th e chilly breeies to wilnes.s the pair ofconte.sta.

T:1« opener suv Mike IMiiinlck coast along to l a . Iifih vicluiy o( Uie season and Rei ,^cven .strlkcouis In U)e seven-lnnliiK affair, Mike had th e game a ll lucked away—a .slnii- ou t In hla tjrus]i until the .sixth, T hon w ith A sa te inul no cased up

nd Uie P llqb pnxliud acro.vi ono coun ter In Ihe sixili a iul added (our In th e sovcnUi—llirce o( them com ­ing » h e n Bauer liii a home run w ith two aboaiti.

C'owbuyi hrore T lie Cowboys counied tlirce tim es

In th e (Irsl liinlng u liru AI M archI 0 |>«ncd w llh n single iind weiii c lear lo th ird when Joo Ennailc lei (ho ball go tliroiiiili his leRs li; cen ler field. lleynold,s popped ou i lo {l^^l. bu t £ndresK snmlcd in MMrrlii and then scored IiIiiimU when I’cieH ughes h ll H Him d iiv r I...... runover Uie righ t In iii ,s.<jirij.>.,ui '

A double by A iu d ir li nnd s sin­gle by nudn irk ii<T<>unte<i for n r\in tlie wkJ nnr m uiecam e In th e ,tiiu .i mIh u lluK hrt wulKld. slOlfl .'nf.iirl niid w rm to th ird on a bail thm w l io u r l.oreii- rnn. lie scored nn an oulllrUl Ily l>y Billy Randall,

T hree walks and a <loiil)le hv U andall account.,l f.n iliiee ino ic counters In tlio f itii i »ua tlu> Uiuil one came in Ihe In.M nl Ihe ;.Ulli w hen Uudnick h it a hom r nin.

Tt)e n lghtcs)! uii.% a iiu. I iIiik th rille r from ih.- iijicmiiK imiiiikt a n d going In lo lUr n inu i in ne ither teuni Imd iim >niiiii,inr a count, tinyder un,> nu the ju. loj' the Pilot.'* and D kmi.xi >| to r the Cow bo)'

tto th Hliles rirnir ‘ u p lo U ia t lim r n u ll lu.d

n sred U uee liiu luiil iinn ici th rea te n ed aeilou.nlv tn m (i; o, though th e Cowlmyn lllled the inihes wlU) two down in the fomili,

'm e n In the n in iii K<ldi<- lUieeiiaii le d o « w ith a ax.i -ftBnvth ird when r r k e koi a singis, i.o i- e n te n struck ou t, bui H arring ton was safe on an e n n r by A rnerlih a n d B lieehan scored, 'l lie n W illiam ­son singled to w m e Puce, ■niut looked Ilka th e game righ t ( h e r e - b u t Snyder cou ldn 't st*nd pri>«|ierl- | y Ahd h e walked H ughes and R a n ­da ll. th e fUst iwo men tA ta re hinl.

Totnmy BelUa laid down a hunt a n d b e a t 'l t o u t (or a 1>U i<> (ill th basee With none down, A inciii' d rew a walk to d r lv r in <mr run imd Uien K en M yers ran ie nuou g h with a single to cen terflsld in pnt,h u th e two w lnplng couniem with down.

H ayei I tru rk nu t la n iu l butters a n d a t one tim e w hlfted .live in i row and seven ou t r>r l l to la r hlm .

WKSTBRN INTK IIN A IIO N ALV aneeuver g. Haism «.

YiUlma S. Tacom a 4 f i t lnn>

’ * M t* l i* e I , H fekane I.

A Mexican d ish know n aa">dry ■oup ooiulsU of rine or m ara rnn l oooked In rich nuiip s to rk and Uieii baked u n til pu tfed tip a n d dry.

• The Box Score

lbWlllU'n, SI

IMchm, rt .. . t{ llelllt, ir

.-lluihM . RcrnolcU, ll.idnTck, Bio«r, T>.CB, Bmmnr. T»o irh. Trie*. RtnHall. r.ndm*, llu sh» J. lliiilnifk j, h ||«rrlnsloii. Trke. IH..*r i, .Sm hr K*«ldl S, llu.InI.'V I li.n o ..II FltMi t . HoUnlrk : lin and Droll#tl». Tim* liJl.


iiDi-Hushi>. hIt.-A bmiud .

I, t.

i'rli'*. i lb • n .u .r . lb I t>«naU'n, o i

T.,1.1. II I

l%«ln Kail* <>"'1 om IKrturti M’|lllin<».ii. M>..l.t, An.

r^n bM* hiK- hUMl.di ; I„...t)«nnlilon, Wllll.n..... . A m,........|v*rt I. I>...>hl. p i. , . IU..In,i..n li. O.Mhin H»i«r. ili.n« r c r .n .lll . l..i


W, I.. Pci,Halt Lak* ............ 17 SO .904n e ts* DO 50 .»tgO gden 8 : y « , ml<lah* Falls ................ ei at .titrpoaUlle ................... ttl MTwin Falls ................. M 74 .411

NATIONAL L K Anut:Won 1.0(1 Pet.

Ml. U n UFllls»Hrgh ....New Y eikC hicagoHeetenrh lto d ^ lp h la ,

It 71. .411II I I .111

AMIItlOAN LKAOtlKW on Lest Pol.

CIOTalaMI .............New Ifa rk ............D f l tn l l ..................BesteAC hl«* f* ..... W M k b if tM ............. »» M .411

IT .411riiMa»l»lil» ........ T TT .171 Wh«n a U lU n t prey, the polar

bear hide* Ita noee wiih lta> p«w b*cMiH U la ooa] blaok and atatida out M a b u t th* whll* of Ita body.

The q uan tity Is sufficien t as Ihe -Twin FaUs B ru in s open th e ir (all foolbsll p rac tice in p repa ra tion for th e opening gam e ag a in s t Oakley Sept. 20—b u t th e question of quslliy is so m e lh tn f eb« a g ain . U ere Ihe Times cam eram an waa the "object o f th e ir a ffec tions" as Ihe entire squad tonk a run a t th e "birdie." Below, le ft. Is th e B ru in board of stra tegy for t^ e IMI) seasM . Left U H ead Coach H ank Powers, while •with Wm a t t Jo h n H aW and M. C. ’•Dode" C ra n n ty , a ssis ta n ts . F ls tt will handle th e Cab e leten . while C ranney will be In charge of the aecond string . ITImea P ho to s a n d EngraTings)

Union Jack Flutters- And Mary Hardwick Wins

By HENRY McLEMORK NEW YO RK . Sept. 8 lU.P.) - A

flag flu ttered and so d id a g ir ls heart,

T h a ty th e txp lanaU on of one of the b iggest tenn is upset.^ of th e y e a r - M ary H ardw lrk's S tra igh t-se t win over S a rah Pal­frey in th e th ird round of the na tional cham pionsh ips a t Forest H ills je.sterday.

Ml.« Palfrey Is th is countr>"s th ird rank ing p laverv and stands no worse th a n fo u rth In world listing. She w as selected by more th a n o n e .critic to rea ch th e final round thi.s year, and few gave M i« Hardwick even a figh ting chance when they took th e court,

But as th e tw o girls walkctl throuph th e m arquee and onto the smooUn green of th e tu r f , a Union Jack atop th e s tad ium cam e to life In the wind a n d the sun . Defiantly It ro.se from Its s ta ff, b righ t and proud.

Later w ith vlctorj' hers, Ml.ss H ardw ick, over a cup of tea. gave all th e c re d it to th e flag of her country a n d to the challenge Its colors flashed to her.

''I t 's ' silly, you know, and p e r­haps you 'll th ink me sloppy." Miss H ardw ick sa id , "bu t when I lifted my head to serve the first tim e, I c a u g h t a glim pse of the flag. I ’ve seen i t a m llllan times. g ^ n e , 'i s knows, b tit it ne^er looked quite as It did today,"

She forgot for a while. Ml.is H ardw ick expinmed, nil the th ings

r ^ e usually remciiiljered during a ^ n n l s m atch , T lir th ings about

keeping you r eye on the ball, the body a t r ig h t angles wiu» th e net on every sho t, the im portance of \eaplHg In, p\»U in| away a sm ash, the—well, th e ten thousand tenets of a precise game.

"1 ju s t k e p t h itt in g and re­m em bering I m ust win.”- T h en as If she feared she had tg lked too m uch, revealed too m uch of h e r feelings to a stranger, a n d a s tra n g e r w ho w as a Journal- 1st a i th a t . Miss H ardw ick reached In h e r purse and b rough t ou t-* le tte r.

" I go t th is by th e m orn ing post,? she sa id , " I f s from fntlier. I got I t only lit tle whlfe* before I played , and pe rhaps it 'll explain th e w ay 1 fe lt today. H e’s a i Balls- bury. T h a t 's w here we live, only a few m iles f ro m 'th e c a thed ra l,"

T h e n she read to m e 'f ro m her f a th e r 's le tte r. U w as a le tte r tha t to ld of how tlio tw o young boys w ere doing sp lend id work yx tlie lio m e ’de/cn.-ic corps, of how’ cour- ag tously E ng land w as s ta r tlin g up .unde r Uie shock* of Nazi te rro r b y ‘ a ir. a n d how the re was tlie deep a n d unyie ld ing feeling, the re in Uie h ttle tow n of Uie old ca­th e d ra l, th e dcccncy would again p revail In th e world, a n d th a t young people would ngnln play th e ir gam es under u n troub led ' skies.

. He .spoke of M ary’s b lrtliday and wl.shed h e r well In the to u rn a-

•T h e le tte r from hom e was In my sw eater pocket when I w ent ou t to play ,'' she .sa id .."A nd then I saw the flag.''

.The scores were, 6-1, 9-3.

Ki’amer Plays For Spot in Semi-Finals

T O REST H ItL S . N. Y.. Sep t. « |.R>—F or two years a young C ali­

fo rn ian w ith a ' P ru ssian ha ircu t troupcd th e tou rnam en t "cTrcuit banging balls ■'With a ll h is m igh t t r y l n ' J '^ b e '« "second Ellsw orth V ines” bu t It w asn’t un lll he d e ­cided t« ' be him self. Just p la in Jack K ram er, th a t h e becam e a th re a t for th e na tio n a l singles tenn l» c h am ­pionship.

T oday, 10-year-old Jackie, who w ith T ed Schroeder won th e naU on- a \ dtm W ts tW e only two weeks ago. plays PVankle P a rk er for a place In th o sem i-fina l o f th e 59th .United S la te s singles chnm pioitshlp. F o r a k ^ w ho could win only one m atch In th e n a tionals Jji tw o previous tries, th e Im provem ent in h is game Is obvious.

''W hen I carne east' in I93J, Utey s ta r ted building m e up as a no ther Vines," K rnm er explained. " I was playir;g well enough for a 17-year- old b u t I dcclded if I was going to follow In V ines' (oosteps. I ’d have to s ta r t slugging th e ball. And th a t Is Ju.st w h at I 'v e been doing—and g e t­ting now here for two years.”

I n th e o th e r m en 's qu a rlc r-lln a l loday, second-sieded Don McNeill of O klahom a C ity is favored over El- wood Cooke o f-N ew -y o rk ,..« e«ded clRhth,

W om en's play will be fea tu red by do/cndlng C ham pion Alice M arble’s m a tch w ith H elen B ernhard , th e New Y ork " ten n is C inderella." ^

Y esterday S a rah Palfrey 's newly acquired forcing gam e failed h e r and she w as elim inated by M ary H ardw ick, second rank ing p layer of E ngland, .

M iss H ardw kk w as m uch tooo steady for th e experim ental stage .of Miss P a lfrey 's gam e, and she v o n In s tr a ig h t sets. 6-1 . e - t , to go in to th e qua rte r-fina ls ,

McNeill paced th e m en's second Held in to th e q ua rte r-fina ls w ith i 6-4, 8-3 victory over H arris E ver­e tt. Jacksonville. F la .

D efending Cham pion Bobby Riggs reached t h e , q ua rte r-f ina l bracko: w ith a 6-4, 6-3. 6-3 victory o\’er H al Surface. Jr., K ansas City.

Interest Low In Pastor vs. Conn Battle

N EW Y O RK , S ep t. 9 a i J S - I t 's tough to h a v e to reveal a secret, b u t th e t n i t h ot th e m a tte r la th a t^ ' Billy C oon a n d B ob P a s to r ar* go­ing to f lg b t to n ig h t a t U adU oo ' Bquare G ard en .

Conn U a n 11 to C favorite In th is 15-round go.

T h e big tow n Is U k ln g th a n g h t s tr ic tly in It^ str id e and fo r a w hile It seem ed t l « boys w ould go th e 15 r o u r i ^ w ith nobody in th e g a r­den except th e ir s « o n d s a n d th e n ig h t w atchm an . 'Yesterday th e ra w u a lit tle m ore In terest, however, a n d P rom oter Mike Jacobs even be­gan ta lk ing about possibility of a ♦50,000 gate.

Conn, lig h t heavyw eight cham pion f th e w orld, is makUig th is raid

In to /'th e heavyw eigh t ra n k s In th e hope th a t h e can clim b a ll th e way

sh o t a t Joe Louis' tUle,

Endress, Reynolds Given Awards

P resen ta tio n of aw ards for o u t­s tand ing merribers o f th e Tw in Falls Cowboy club cam e la st n ig h t a t Jaycee p a rk w hen th e im o s t popu­la r" and th e "best h itte r" were chosen a n d In troduced before, the g ra n d su n d .

E r rA E ndress, m uch-im proved f irs t fceker, wor> th e Em il S ick b a t­ting tro ph y by having h is nam e e ngraved on i t six Umes du ring th e p laying season.

T h e "m ost popular" p layer aw ard w ent to V erne Reynolds. Cowboy ■ leftfle lder, w ho was aw arded a w rist w atch on votes o l latvs' th roughou t th e en tire season.

. L a rg e s t gove rnm en t he rd of buf* falo Is located ' In Yellowstone n a ­tiona l park , w hile the la rgest p r i­vately ow ned he rd Is a t P ierre . S. D.

S n o w b a l l sSport Shop


L igh t Lunches • Beer Candy • Tobacco • Soft D rinks • F iahing Tackle

Guns • Am m unition

AMERICAN LLAGUB h e tro l t I I . Cleveland 3.New York 2-R, W aih iiig lo ti 1-1.

,llo«lon 9, P h iladelph ia 7.Chlrngo 4. tit. '.ou is t . (Night



Y o u ' l l E n jo y this Distinctive S pec ia l Brawl

Made far Idaho Trade!



, AT you* d e a l e r sIN BO TTU S AND ON TAP

The Weil’i Favorila ■ • - Sint:i 1BB4A r n d u c ^ o f r iib w B n » i a | C o , Sail U ke.C liy .


y ' " " ’ U S E D C A R S

1039 Ciievi-olet Deluxe Sport Sedan. Vacuum power g ear ehift. H eater, defronter, 12,000 miles 9 M 5 1939 Plym outh Deluxp A Door Sedan. SteerinR post gear nhift. Motor, finlRh, body, good- H eater $ 4 9 0 193D Chevrolet Coupo. Vacuum pnw^r gear nhifl.Finish, m otor, upholBtory, good. H eater ......9 0 S 01939 Ford Coupe. Excellent contlition. H ealer $ 9 3 5 1988 Ford Coupe. Motor, finish, good, Radio, h ea t­er .................................................................................* 4 7 819J7 Chevrolet Coupr. Motor I'ocoiulitioped. newfiniah ................................................................ .. . 9 4 S 01937 Ford Coupe. Motor reconditioned. FiniHh,body, good ............ .................................................. $ 3 S S1936 Fot'd D eliixo''Fonlor .Scrluii. Oiiglnal blackfininb. Motor rcconriilinned. ................. .............‘$ 3 6 S1936 Chpvrolet Town ficdiin. "^lolur rptondilioiipf).Now finish ...............................................................$ 3 W1936 riym outh Deluxe Coiipo, Motor, finifth, botfv.good .........................................................................9 3 6 81936 L afaye tte Sedan. Molor reconditioned. NewfW ah ........................................................................« S 4 B1936 Chevrolet 4 Dnor. (lood co n d itio n ............ $ 2 7 8193H Ford Tudor Sedan. F a ir c o n d it io n ........$ 1 8 01030 Dodge 4 Door Sedan ...................................$ tO O1930 Bulck 4 Door Sedan .....................................$ 7 819S0 Ford Fordor Sedan ............................ .......... $ 7 81929 Ford Coupe ........................................ ............$ 4 0

TRUCKS1988 ChevrolBt V/t ton Truck. Long W. B„

dualfl ................................................................ y ..,$ 1 8 011)87 Chevrolet IV^ ton Truck. Long W, R /

dnain ....................... ..................................... ........ $ 4 7 i1080 Clievrojet 1',, ton Truck. Long W. R ,

duala ..................................................................... 8 3 8 01934 ChevroU t ton Truck.. Long W. B„ dualn,■tako body .............................................................$ 2 8 8 .1987 Ford Vij ton iiickup. S lake b h d y ............ $ i u $1986 Chevrolet ton Pickup. 4 speed trAnnmti-

1 9 3 6 G . M . C . ‘/a t o n P i c k u p ......198B F o r d to n P i c k u p .................1931 F o r d ' ^ t o n P i c k u p ..................



G len 0 » J cn k in tT w ia r a n i . ! • » .

Page 7: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai


rr iiliy . *> IIM TPAHO E V E N IN G T IM E S , TWTN FALLS, IDA H O F ig * I


X * t ^ . A 4 • ' llsulnUck. ct « v alUek. Ik 4 ' * t RulIlTtn. lb < 1 t

• « i I T.btetU. . 4 1 1tauiu » • * 1 - - - DrtMfc » • ! 5 Bniton.1LJ|-

....— MO «I0 COO—*^ISt<wii iW lii. k»ltr«T."T»o Um CiMnlMrc ». Brld»r». Sulll«ii>, ’n im bM* hlt*-K»luwr. Su1Ut4b. ]loa» riuu - Y nk. C»n»(>*11. Dot' '

Houdr.«Btii4B«l1:M«ck - llmni Twk: lUnton. B

1»|| *nB io r» ; MRHa««r.- B»rt«ll York. Winning pltchw~B«Blen. Loi »ltebcr—8«llk,

YANKS t-8 , 8ENAT0RGL1-1 r i n t t«m*i 'I I .K .E .

K»w York

Candidates List Expenses of $1,182.23 in Primary Ballot

I t e o it ai Republic*!! e » n d ld » t« U n d e r jR ) . * 3 5 ;-Ocorge R H art In Tidn-E»W a county I756M Jn ex- penw e a n d filing fees to peirtlclp»U In th e p r im a ry e lec tion ' while 18 O emocrmtlc can d id a tes spen t «i3A,34 lo r cam paign* a n d JUlim ! tt» . ac- cord ing to a r ep o r t given by W alter C; M usgrave. county recorder.

T o ta l expend itu re for cam paigns a n d ru in g fees was |l.lg3,23, o( w hich tA04 applied to ,filing fees, the r ep o r t shows. F iling fees comprise one p e r c e n t of a yriir s sa lary for th e office.

E xpend itu res reported by cach can d id a te a re listed below. Filing fee fo r th e office U given In p a r­e n theses. • •

. a u v e se n ato r (M i—Floyd N eale (R ) . » ; O, W , w ith a m (D),

WttklnfW# __ -L.OU «M OM-1 » I_lknh»n nByOlckw: L n n tri »ti<l F«r-

i>4 MmL r«rk., Sk X-)}

- S«oi>4 .. K.w York Gonioa, f Rolft. lb lUntlch. r t S

.. t)i ef 4l{ , I

Ro>*r, e » D»hI«r.B. lb* CnMttJ. ■■ • Daatld. » «

. h.W««hlntton •)I o c u . . cr I

I Tf 4I W«lni. If 11 Trmrii. Ib 4a Ilkndv'b. tb 41 Santeri. lb 4I Por*hU M 4I i:arlr. c 4e Mtfltr’n. p 2

UenlM'», p SFtrnll > 1



(R ) . »12; V. E, Morffnn (R ),49A 5; H . C. R c lnke (R ). $d.6Q; J . Ronald (Skip) T ow on (R ), J90.D6: Frankie K . A lw orth (D ). $7.24; E. P, P ra te r (D ). »2; J , E, Roberts <D>. (2; O an L . Thomp&on <Dl, >2.

Com mliM oner, F irs t Dist, (IM )— A. E, Kllsa <R), $26; l i n e s t V. Mo-

(D ). 114.Com m U sloner, T h ird Dlst. ( $ u ) - -

B e n z . P o t te r (R). $M; Oliver W Jo h n so n (D ). tl4-

Sheriff (» 1 9 )-L . w , Hawkins m . »1#; W , w . L o^cty <D>.B. 0 . VanAusdeJn (D i. $64.67,• T rea su re r ($l£ i)-H aM j e , u i r J i - to n <R>. t34,M ; Alice Q. Leslie iR) 126.20; f o r a E . Stevens iD ). $19

P roba te Judge ($10>-c . A. Bailey (R ). $f9: H arrj- B. Jpiinlnn.v iR ). $43.40; E arl E . W nlkrr iD i, $3950

S uperin tenden t ($17) — O o r l S trad ley (R ) . $17; V erns D. U r ie n $17,

Prosecu ting AUorucy i$24i—John H . B arnes (R j. $69.55; Lionel T. Cw np'Jell <R), tU 2 .3 i; ENfreti M Sweeley (R ) . $110.60; George M, P au lson (D ). $68J3; Thom as M R obertson, Jr. (D), $39.0S; R o, g Sm ith , ID ). $44.45.

A ssessor ($10)—Ocorije A. Childs (R ) . $42; O . W. (Jnck) Shrou t(R ) 143,72; J . D, B am liftr t <D), $19,

Coroner ($2)—A lfred A. Newberry (R>, »2; O, A. K elker (D), $3,

su rveyo r ($3)-H aT old William M e rritt (R ). $2; W. A, Mlnnlck <D» $3.

ToItU I I 1 IIUrmWuhiafwn ............... -....«

R rm ii Dftblcran. D ontld.__________—Trnvit. L«wU. PsfchI, Di Thmbu* hlU-Btoodworth. K<ll«r. Sukn bu t

MuUnnn. CrsMtl' Duubl* Crmrltl, Dthlxrtn anRoir«: I'ofthl. UloxivruHh and ^ n fa rd . Crt>»»Ui. (Jortlon and D»hlir»B. LoiiD* pitcher—Ma*lenon.


tfU m t » u w **McQuInn, )K4 0 1 AppllnR, u S 0jfev' s:

Ti>lal> II : <1 TolaliI —lUiird lar TrotUr In llh,SI, I .« i. ............I....... ...Old.lOO OOQ-X

■ CHTraio ................... ...........101 #01 Oil—4v.iniii,; 8»tart4ntt, 5ia\»Vi. T»*

-Radclirt, W«bb. KuhtI, Home ru rilfi, Kohfl. Satrlflei " -


D elegate* from Tu.-ln Fulls to the a n n u a l Id ah o Sj-nod and Synodlcal o l th e P resby te rian church a t the College of Idnho, Caldwell, re tu rn ­ed ye.*iterday afternoon .

Those a ttc n d ln a th e sessions from T w in F a lls Included Rev. O. L. Clark, pasto r of th e T w in F a lls Prc.<byler- Inn chu rch , nnd M rs. ClBrK: Senator F . W. Neale, elder of (he church, a n d M rs, N eale; Rev. and Mrs. H. N, W nifner; Mrs. H. T , Blake and Bill Pom cry.— M oderator o f th e organ lta tlon nam ed as Rev. R, 8 , Shupe, pastor of th e C aldw ell Presby terian church.

Real EsUte TransfersPaUt TIUe and

Ib ttrae l.C om paoy

T uesday, S e p t .}Deed: J . D. Rogers to J . H, Nye.

Sr., $10. L ot 4, Blk, 97, Tu'in Fall*.D eed: E . 8 . Ofborn to F-. C. Brown.

$10, L o u 6, 7. 8, n ik . 23, Filer. $10.D eed: J . Molei)k.imi) to Y. Holland

$1. Lots 39. 30, Blk. 9, Blue U kea West.

Pigeons tend two nests a t the sam e tim e. They b rsln setting on an o th e r se t o( egits w hen one .family is only two days old.


Philadelphia .....007 000 000—7 11 0 ■ BoMon ................. 060 020 lOx—9 12 0

Aunt Abby says

RED S g. PIRATEii SriLuburifc tk I b ClaelnnailHandlw. lb t ....................... .r.llloii. rf I H rithtr. lb I V*u«htn. u aM Mat o.' t r I llimlin#. I> ■

s !

Total. SI - .X—Ilatird for KUn»*r In .....I —Ran far Lombardi In Itk.rlUiburgh .......................... Oil OOQ 010—!Cindnnall ......................... MO 000 04x—I

K m rt Lanminc- Tvn bue bll*—EUloti. Rlpsk. rn j. Horn* n o - F . MeCemlck. ntol«n . baM—Elliott, . St(rifk«t—Elllolt. tioedm tnniS ll* DoukU b U t '- Ktndlw. nu.tln . and Flttebtr. LMint pltcbar- Unnlnf.




F or y o u r . iuction

sale this Fall plan to

g e t more people out nnd get more money

from your sale by

using th e Times and

N « w t advertising

plan. You get ads

and sale bills all a t ^

one price. Find out

about th is advertis­

ing plan as soon a«

you s ta r t p lanninr

your salel

Phone 38 or 32"Mom, If we’re p u t li) th e w orld Ju st to he lp o th e r people, w h at

a re th e o th e r people hero fo r?"

* ^ e a h . tbey 'r* drUUng—J u it doing th e ir b it for na tional defense.”

G IA N TS BEES 7-1KirM ( IM I H, II.

BcMton ........... .... ......010 ISO 030-7 10Htw York ........... :....MO 100 o u - s u

Tnbln, 8trln<«T|rh. Sulllran, Coffmu... P|c«hoU anil Mail: Carp*nl«r, Mtlton. I.>nn and 0-».»,

Sfrond Kame;JlcMlon ' ab r h Ntw Yotk "4bKl.ti.. Jb * I i Kuckrr, rf 4 I'lwnty. rf S 0 l|J, Mnnr«. If a

I n 0;lvm»rw. rf I

Bliil. Hufk«»-' Horn# r■■

DODOKRN B. PHII.MKM 5flrt.iklra wafw'r «f

all r h||'hilad<lphl» ab S t t Mar, Hb S

Mtd-lrk. If ('amilll 1b

S e 3|I.itwhllcr, rf A: I I r?,Vj.'' iV !

rh«lp«.' c i n i |b t .« n , •• 1i 1 l|KlVn'‘'i ‘ <1

Wjall. ’ p 1 • J b n

Ta'In'.MI..'’ ,S J fl'Hulrih;. S

V IS I lH E E jy iLN ational gu a rd recru iting trucks

I will visit dow n tow n areas of T . . n F a lls a n d B u h l tomorrow alternoon In an a tte m p t to bolster the pe r­sonnel n um bers of Uie local na - U onal gu a rd un its , I t was announced he re today by Cant, J oe iS eav iir. com m ander of T w in Falls Company E . n e t h engineers.

T he trucks a re from the ordnance com pany a t Jerom e and will be A ccompanied by sergeants from the local n a tio n a l guard u n it who will ta lk w ith prospective recru its, give o u t Infoi'm ation and take e n lis t­m en ts fo r na tional gua rd units.

T h e local com pany-Is Klxort 21 le n 'o n ’ih c active list, C apt. Seaver

announces, and lie s ta te s Hie com­pany could use four more besidesth a t ttfg lv e lUm a fu 'l c?— ic-- i n i ' a u m m e r ^ " h im . ' r « a y " l . . . .

• R ecru lU taken a t th is tim e." said a f t e r t h a t he c an a till su rp rise you. C apt, Seaver. “will y

____ back to L lf 'T O N 'S fo r te aw ith th e fu l l ten flavor. A nd say , d oesn 't th a t r ichness innko a lt the difference w hen you 're raak in ’ {e«<f te a ! , , ,

A u n t L ulu sa y s no woman o u g h t to lie abo u t h e r apd—n o t tvith lo m any IH'iislon p la n s brow in’. '

P a Hiiyn I ’m a spc riiJth rift w hen i t comes to pn ip in ’ o u t glaKscfl o ' Iced L IP T O N 'S T K A to the nelRhbor- hooii youiiK folks. B u t a f te r « h o t pam o o ' tenn is , they su re enjoy it,- A nd tn a — even an g r a n ' a s L IP- T O N 'S — costa only a h a lf a c en t a

UPTON’S TEA* 'w o r l d - f a m o u s f o r f l a o t i r ”

of active service. T h e advantages of Joining th e n a tional guard a t U)ls tim e are th a t fo r unemployed youngsters It m eans a steady Job

fu ll year and by enlisting In th e gURi'd, t)ie pronpect Kttre to w ait (or i:>e d r a l t la ter In th e y{. T he tiu rk s Will a n iv e In Twin FulL nnd Buhl about noon on F r i­day. ■ . ;


j A pparen tly thieves a re trying to o r­gan ise a dance o^che.^ll■ft In N orlh- am ptoi). In Iitvi th an a m onth they have s to len n tenor saxophoin-, a

I trum pe t, H violin nnd a com plrie t ra p d ru n im c i's on ttlt. All In stn i- inent.i, vAliird a1 a to ta l of $4,10,

I stolen Irom pnrkod autom o­biles.

> r»c,).l„.

(ulf.hy Ir. lOlh.

I, Maity t, Camlin.

rklliHtliihUr.rniiti Marty, I

)•••• h lu—Mar. Alt —Thrr* U .t hil .Jt.li.t,«lcV. Daiikl* H .l..t.................ranilllli Mihan, Hratan an-1 Mulf»liri R«i*tr anrf ('•mllll. " '




V ojta Benes. form er m inister of •ducaU on In Cicchoslovakla. will

I live a n address a t the Ruhl high achool audito rium a t 1:30 p. m, Mon­day under t h t auspTces of the Twin M U county Pom ona O range, an- n*uno*s I r U Jones, O range m aster.

T h a ip e a k tr ia % bw>th»r o t th* fftrm er p tH id a n t of Cwohoaloval Both } |« i to A merlea when th e i U rn v a a selM d by Germany.

T u e* lay tven ln g Benei will art- dr*M a group of h i t oountrym en In I M iM a n a t lh a FalrvUw hall. - '

T h a a rnaker ^ touring Uia coun- t r ^ w ^ m w ua and


Wa pl(4 «p WMthtoaa ar daa4

W M . 1.11.W M i n


& TALLOW GO.Twl* raUi lU 0*1|<

PABCO^ ta in im

l O U A R A N T Y R U G SThit nnu tksh lt offtr U h t » l(mlt*«l firae enly. Th» bwuiiful T-plK* i« of coloiful aiirom i* pMiMiy. ioatict of a mH '"*- |raci(ul pli<h«r and 4 |u tn a iu |i In 6 dKTtttn* vKH te len .P«Wo -iiaUUM Sh«.*" ««•> <rr«cln(i •<* ib* MiMind tag*ltM*»/Miaf,Tk«<Ml<Ml*t’-|<llaUH$lMM-'NC. ' fca •r<oyVU-«hM antiMl «fll r««n "raft-fna"

u. At «wr *• ■WMi, mbMM* M oofiout (Mint, tiUA a*4

afffiMMt, A*«p<a<i •• * • w * r"la iM t •mtiica. N*» - I * *!• I^ifr

» « I l i m M /<»■ , * > M f l

MOON'SPaint & FurnttuM Store

.101 Mnin Avc. W. Phone 6


^ D P

tfiAU)M *T**SU»mL\AH! l « a THXTMV RflOWWf.PlWKYMwifBowe OfClOCK, WHEH iW \ THt WSPBCTIO *PV 4*.B0TA 4F«,

I P 'tbCM fc CDUNfTiM’

C O ^ ^ tN ' •«> OPI

TO WBTTMA.tF.B.1. A liM'T M V ET.*0 MUCH THE M T T ett F fU A M TKg SUM------ • * « . MAV M




HAL* HOUQi to <30 Tb WOQK... VOO'O ViiWiK


& 000 OLD w \\-u E '.?oc« o tA t i•• o r t ,v W i s h


1 M»i6T»4'T

I 'Mu i o a r a ' t o w a o o T

. W.M

9k*>>KlV4' r ........... ~wot <iOTTA T o » -st

BUT THAT CfitC/r :A.T S BE./ WO Hlt>E

UMAWARE'O P CO P '^ /6f5,EA,T S m . ' w o HlOE PRE&EWCe ( 1 1-;,1HE STUFFED w rrm u th e 7 toot, w ith haw &WU O F I STRUGS y CAM HAUE Twe & A £ R y \ M e / / t h e Pow Efi CROCOPILE, -THE P R ie ^tS




N O W /


' . "THtNOG I

f FAP. ' ^ ^ WH^MhCPPLG H B t W f r HtSVG eB B M ] O > C 0 « T lM TURHiN6 MG O Q W M /A FTgR A L L , d


NOOARBOFI* ------ -------------------- -

TUERB HH O O SSTH' a u v y jrm th * a i r p o r .t6E<^C0M POR A S C H h iO m t /

'8 v « « v a o o v « B M 4 i o * n w K « r * A N O m SR &N 6A 6iM |»4T He iX>f^ Ui MUST n

■ .TWIN'TbfUT \T H ’ eiTE OM h S O M I o a m k *

‘ R O L L * /

S E E TH’ do c 's »pSA^ H E K N O V a S H b r a IS FULL OF TOBACCO ANO[TDOL.



Page 8: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

Page E ig h t ID A H O E V E N IN G fTliM ES, T W IN F A L L S , IDAHO Friday, S dptan lierA 1940

M A R K E T S A N D F I N A N C EBy United Press

' W e i DECLINESnlllCAGO, P*rt. * (U ri-A

«>.lrr toa« 1ft„w»r. w re

An ».rly f illr m '.h f . l -»• hrr»»IUtr» quirV 10 •»!! i>n lrniprovfm«nu Ilii)-in« rrrrtfl»'f 1“ rlfv«lipr» »nn I'j-c>) Inlfrr.l* for lh» mndrrit* url“ri>j

fiRAIN TAIll.M C ,„C A C 0-C ,.i.


K :iS-: ;’!■!sr"'...;;s IK::;« « “ Z WS-<4 .s:«{ - iJV V

.»("* .»0’i . « ' i .!»W , -»ow

77Hr -r . '.■.!■M.r .........• * _____

CASH (.'BAIN nilCAC.O—W hdi: Nn. s T»d Corn' No 1. rntlnly whil», ml«»d 78c:

Vn I ypllo" «*C to « 6 \c ; No. 2 yrlbwr*«.e to »VN: No- « y r llo w ............(,Srk-. I

o Vi'.'jc. ! N... :

yrllow 8<> r lo i r ; »«mp!« grtd*

Hit. J lS e to 82ci No. » .. 4 whil* SOc: ••mpl* 1 whlt» hc««y

I - . . - . . .

h«v r Nn.'l rHh u ry Jl»ie: No. 1 miieH fcerfvy *2>/»e; •ampU whit* louih 29«.

to*b#in°!*No. 2 y«llo*r '81Hc: ^

t SjS':" ito ll Vo. 2 «lr: No. 2 «>>ltlnt Me Ic


T POTATOES^ =----------------- •


Sndler W ejener * Co.)

- Nov. delivery; no salea: closing u k tl.76 .

nENVEB LIVESTOCK r ENVEK— 22»; Dsrk«t nort

.11, •u .d r -, b«« «l««n M l» H t.li.HoK*: 300; murV l wwk to 16c low.Sh«'y:'»,noo; n»rk«t no •«rli« o«rloi ,

«» to iK.fS; •print 12.M u> ,».10; iprinK l.ml« M to 18.80.Kuppllo Urnvir markit llb«r*l. Mllnml- ,

3 at 2i.nb0 hrad, u yHUrdajt.luMIni t7 .-arj l>lo.. IS doubiM *nd .Irrk , 1<h'a, 7 doul>lM and dKk from Utah. irr.« Ji<aH> Wynmlnx tnd 700 tmcklna | „|o. tat lam)» from |a.8S to 83.U; <td W)omini tat UmU wrni «t »".7»:«o loa,l« fw.lln* lamM rMcS«d »arlr <np 3.«0, oihffi is.ss ; nalUt fat «vtea cleared ,

K y D s r n wVi;w YORK. B.PL • <UP)-aioek* bad irrrm kr d«elln« todU' kfUr lira aue*

• IV* tn a io u of adr(nt«. Volam* <>•-

and cottOAMd

, I2.6( I cdII» down I

CHICAGO LtVMTOCK CIIICACIO—Ho«»i 8.000; »#rr alow, e

; »iiod 11)6 eho'ra 0 |7 .M i aarlr top'

)0; caWn IM : alow: »»*k

-«p: 2.000; •(cady; four loidt han^l dTWrilht w nl.rn iprinc Umht St.SQ j a lraljht; ilrlctly _ Bood and^cholc^i

Tlirrr WM no panUalM pc»»»uf»« marktl. Meet dwiinn »er* la iU in i l•r« Inducad br prt>fit>Uklns whlcVwat I

f<-i,.id.r«l naturBf •ftcr tb« rvcn t ihatpCar loadinn HMhad th* bMt !•'

Nor. l« althouth th* ria* waa ]««a Vhan arkM.M,\. Autencibiu ealput rat* daapila lh« l.ibor daj> bolldar and n u l l trad* hdd »fll abov* a jr**r ajto.

Utllill** war* Um ttronsMt croup. Tb* common aharaa mad* anitll adTanM and K>m. pr*r«rr«b »*r* abarpir hithar. A a- arlran Water Work* f in t pivtam d *o«r«d

OMA«A L W m o C K OMAHA—»0£.: 2.100| weak l«

r ; ipou off mor»; top M.M.

..g pr*frrr«d il(ha. GllWtt* mad* ■ «r. W ritkt A*n> loal

.prlntt I.

iU adr: ftw I > and abov*.■ t laipbi itradr lo - - - -

itcaily; hulli •orln) r . to I 8.00, '

KANflAR cm * LlVgSTOCK AN.SAS c m —H ooi 1,000 : lUadr tir If lo-rr (fian Thuradar'a

apatlnti;.' ' (• 100; **alcr* alradr

• unchan(*d

. . . *pproxlma1*<i 710,000 aham imrai^ wit}) 1.2SO.OOO yMtarday. Curb

, ->o<k »l«a wcr* 12&.000 ahart* acalnal I 170,000 ynurday.

Cattle ilocWrrt ■ rrck'.nd •Shrf'P:

•Irong: tniekrd I .nail'

fair I; iprlnE lamba •Ifady kllllnE cla*i«« aUadx: topi

lamb* --


OnDKN LIVESTOCK OGDRN—XoKi: «80: about *t*adr with

Thur»day'» hulk prii^ : lop 17.80 on chole* ISO to 230 lb, bulch«ra.

Caltla: 110: aU.w on tmall aupply; Ttiueada? and (•« aal«« today abouv atcad>; bulk medium to Bood graaa alMra a ' hdr.ra I7.2S (o |8.1B.

Shwp: J.OOOi no «arlr aal«a; lanTJlur*- day-loail m K M 'U t aad r<Md«r iambt HI lb. Omnna ftfaiiy at I3.2S: car mUfd fa| and froler I2.K0: aortH 28 cuili at * l : truckul In »mal) loU eommoti U mtdlum lamb* |«.60 In 17.60.


tnS c m ; W p l i« « lb .r lib«ai. dimand ; " * . .m « k . t ” obhi*Ti oth.r 'rarl*-

“ “ d^^luai^ 'D Jrbanka.dlatilet. * c»ta, -

POBTLASI) LIVESTOCK PORTLAND—HoB»i JOO: aeliv*. al«a.!y. C atl'i M; calvrf 85; acli»*. alron*; ‘

l.OTO lb, «raM .l« ra 88.Shrrp: SOO; rarir offrrinr *H (xnar

Umba: no aatly aalta; b*at aorU abo>* (7. WOOL •

nOSTON—Sain w^rc v»ry alow In th« ool markrt today, the U. S, asrlcultur* •patlmenl trpotWd. Ui«t» «»r»

fooA FrvnrH combini le rilh t fine Trrti- Inry wool* In original baai, Itnldtra wett

’ tT S dUlrlct.'tJrd»r^M n cir1 >ara SI (0 I ear tl.M> 1 car ven(H*ted t l (0: 1 u r ' nix*d U. 9. No. I tl.SS and 0 . 1 No I l l .U : I e « mi.*d .howinir »oma ipotted aacki; U. 8: No. 1 Ji.oJ and U. 8. N*. 2 ll.lS j Dllu Trlumpbi. J car 11.80. I car ll.SOi Bu«i-.i„Rutai«. I**0r»,' Lon» Whlt«. »entllat*d. I car *1,60: 1 <af abowinB hM l^, .wtt^rf taeka »1 ,« : 1 car und»r ie* H.M; U, S. No. 2. * car »‘- « j N . V Cobb1«r». i»nirally lood quality, w a.h^. I rar II 28 1 ear ahowins apolled aacka 11.10, unw aiw . I w r 11.20, Minn.. Sandland action Early Ohioa. e.ncralif coodIt r unc1a«iirirU'liowlnf »«abby 70p. Minn, and N. Dak. JW rl.*f »i)l»y n iiu Triumph! M p«r ctflt U. R. No. I quality, waabrd I rar tl.10 : unwtih*d. IS «ara tl.OS, 8 car* 11: I car ahowlnt ipottrt lacka »0c: I rar mlx*d, cotton tackii, H p«r rant II. 8, No. 1 quality II.U and all* II 75c. Wla, Cobblar*. 1 car II.IS; unwa.h»d, I car Jtfavy to amall SOe: 1 car unrlaMl(l«<1 Wi«. Dtlia Triumph*, rommrrflil*, I --ar Mr. la. Cobblar*. «anrfallr s,w-l qualiiyT 1 rara 96c.

Waafhar ci**r, trmpcratur* .1,CHICAGO ONtONt

ClllCAOO-60-lb. aack.i

.C a rlo ad sh ipm en ts o f perishable I com m odities lo r Sepf. 5:

C aldw ell d is tric t — Potatoes on lpns C, p ru n es w . c n rro u 1. ap-1 pies 7.

T w in F nils d lM r lc t-P o ta to c j 18. onionB 3. p ru n es 3. m ixed vcgelftblcs 1.

Id a h o F tills aiM rlct—ro tn to c s 5, peas 3.

N yM ft'd is tric t—O nions s.U tah d is tr ic t—C«iitnloiii»'.s 0, m ix-

ed m elons 1.

III. y*iiowi 80'Ida, whilra tl .

Stianiah *1.08 t« *I.U. Wa*h. awMt Rpaniiir

K> ti.i5 ; Ida. •»r<i

Local M arkets

Itnying l*ricvRSOFT WHEAT


IX .l*al*r .......


* . tl

rimlll ^

I.IVB ro m ltiiTrolor.d bani. over ^ II.* ________ lieOnl..r»d ban*, iiiid*r 4 I I ' . ________ItI.«»hcrn h*n*. i>**r l'4 lU. _______ i

iM korn h«M, uw.lte lu , ______«2lMr.d roaaur*. o,.t t ii.*’ , 1..U flw rn brolUra, Ut>.«n H l-I II*...U*CoLond tryara. «> * <>• ........ ..-!>*0*l*r«l cock. ...............

■“ ‘■ r .o n , .™No, 1 tm tuif e a ? iV r ? ' ‘l la n d a r^ . lf*diua* MtrM Hadluf

NKW YORK. S*pU k«» rifl»*<l lowar.Alaika JunMU .Alli.d ChemicalAIII* Chalmera___ _Amcrii-an Can ...... _American lU d ia to r__ L_________American fimellin# _____ _______ . ,Amerltan Telephon* ..................American Tobacco B ______ ____ __ 7«____ 284

niitimo«“ l* ‘ o h i^ r . r r . ! ^ . I .^ _ T ^ *4>1lien.lii Aviallon ............. ........... SIS

ileihWicn. Steal ______ _____ •

CoiTimcrclal 8ol»*nU ............Commonwealth t Southern Continrntai Oil of D*la<Cora I'fodutta .........................■|u Toni da Ntmoura _______:*»lmtn Kodak .................. ......:iKlrlr l-nwer * Light ...___

.:>nrr*l Kitclric ............. ..... .Cen.rai Kood*___ ________

al Motor* ...... ....... .......ear Tir* .........................

..........imlionai Harveatrr ..... .....j Intrriiallunat Trlephon* .........


Coart«s7 Fred C. Farrner, Union Pacltic f r e i th t a (e n t,

, T irlo F a ll!

....... Kelvinalor-............Nillonai Dairy I'roductaN'c» York Central .......

, I'ackard Mot^ra ..........I 1‘aramnunt

I’cnna. R,i'ur* Oil ....................lUdlo furp.................iUdiu Keilt> Orphrum nrynoiili Tohaoco II ...Scara Roehurk ..........Shell Uuiurv Oil ..........


in y im u e tj rrr*-.l NATIONAI. LEAr.l’K

n r « t Kitme: K M IC,Drooklyji ....... OOa (XH) ixiol>lllI»(l«l|)Uln 00() (KK) IMIO (110 o |

I''ll»liniiti>ii.i niul {''iiiiik.s; HlKl>e, Jdltn.^oii <fl) n iul W u:ii'ii.

Bn'oiiil Kitixe: ihooklyn i>l>1ln<lrlpliln .

Cn.srv Bllll M niullsri; Winoll Aiul Atwoiiil,(IhlniKi) . . . .HI. I/iiii*

lO nly uuinr-i w lircliilrd i


New Y o i k ........................WnJihliiKlnii . .

I tittlliig Aild ito^nr; C'luisn Early.

Olpvclrvnd ......................................D clro ll . . . .

Alien an<l I’ylliilc: Nrwnoin ’IViiltPtln.

HI. I.<iii1ii ...............CIIIOIIKO . . .

Auker nnrt Hwlft, hik 'I 'rrnh,

(Only gAiuea K'UrtUiWiS >

0 0 -0

y nnd


M IU JS CITY , M ont, (U.h -O scar K. Moyer. Bl. hna a 13-yenr-oM h a lf - liroUier. litu l Miiyor, and dxjilnlna a t (ollowa how U a ll cam a alKiul;

"My fa th e r, Jo h n H, Moyer, a na> Uva or C raw rord cniiiiLy, Wla., 'w k i m arried /o u r tim es," ha aaUt. "My m o the r waa h is f tra t wife and Oud U th e ton of fn ther^ i fotirUi wife.

"P a tlie r w at 07 yeara old w hen Bud waa born,"

Ouy Moyor llvea In O m aha, Neb., wtiefB h l i a ltte r, Mra, DoroUiy J o r - lenaon , 30. racen tly nave b irth to n ■on.

'‘Ih A k jro u M ile r h a a a o ^ ie lh in l to life to M Uii w ay o( longevity ." O K *r M oyer a«ld. VMy (a th n - w ai IM y e a n o ld w hen h a died In IDia.‘

.............. cif CaStandard Oil o Swltt aniS Co.

la. Corp. ..jna.Amcrlca linlon Ujtrbidr Union I’acific llnlt«l AlrrraJ

........ W«.i»oin llol/f

Armo&c-* Atlantic Itrfinl IU«in>llrlKt. liUnuIn

1*1 Wriiflii

Wiilla Mot< (-hlr«go I'nconi (Ihio Oil . I’blliip* '


h ii.a oCori>. T riix t . 2 10Q uart. Inc, , 0,48

M IN IN te HTOCKH. M tn , C ity Copprr

I'nrk C lty CoiiMilidiitrd ....' Hltver K ln« (riinllilon

H unshlne Mliir» ...............' 'H ntlo S tan d n rd .............. Condor Ooltl ...................

H ecla Mlnliifi .U tm kef Hill »nd Hiilllv

.... at i m NM f(.i th*■lank »r Knilaiul ina pile* al ~

Page 9: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai

■ ’'" 'I

Fri(Uy. l«» t< ab «r I . H «0 ID A H O E V E N IN G T IM E S , T W IN FALLS, IDA H O

,Goihg to Play in the Band? Look Now at the ‘‘Radio and Music” Columttjw a n t a d r a t e s

■ Por fabHnUnn tn Roth TO C SS t a d NXW8:

KATBB FER LIKC FCR DAT'.811 i v r h ^ -------J*«T n m «an . p v Ua* per d v _1>« O M d v . U m -------------------- t i c

\ “ 33 1 /8 Diacount •; F o r Cash

CMh dlscounU tllowed U tdverlljs* j n iflnt la i^old for w lih la icvea <Uys

of f l n t InserUon.N a c la u U lo l %d u b i i i to i le u Uiuk Me Including discount.L)n« of duslfled tdverUsioi c puted on buU ol (Ive medium- length words p«r line.


IN RD PER T Leave Ads a t Residence ot

Mrs. Id a W heeler, 717 B 61.IN BUHL

Leave Ads t t JosUn's S hell S uper serv ice Station,

200 BrOAdwKy South

T ills pftper subscribes to u ie code of e th ics of th e Association of News­paper G lftssllled A dvertU tos M&n- »ger» a n d reserves th e r ig h t to edit » r rcJect a n y cin&slfled advertlsinK ■'Blinds A d j” carry ing a News-Tlmcs Box num ber a re sU lctly confidential and no In fo rm a tion can be given m re sa rd to th e advertiser.Error* should be reported Immedi­ately. No a llow ance wlU tie made for mora th a n one incorrect Inser- Uon.



CABINS a n d pa ck {rlp»-PE tU t . _Ltkfl R u ic h , Mrs: P , T. C la r t. 887.

OLD PEO PLE'S HOME. 7»0. Poplar ^ Ave., Jerom e, Ida. Reas, rates.

1s t class, a lte ra tio n s, dressm aking. MRS. N E L U E VAN AU8DELN

799 M ain S. Ph, 1031

Springtr Cows

Hereford Weaner Calves

Fat Chickens and Turkeys

Sit" U vcsiock , F o u itry W artied"


80 A,, u n tm p , n e a r Richfield. AU u n d«r eultW atlon. 100% M te r r ig h t. I^eas. Box 40. T lm e s-N e n .

P IG S for snle. Phono 02M-R1.

FARM i m p l e :\i e n t s

i com ln* 8 >•!. CW d r a f t co\U ; « good. youHR O urm sey cow»: 1 Rcmie Shetland pony. Ph . M J7, P lltr.

INTERNA TION A L poU to d if f e r iB good oondUlon. »U . P h . o a s i- J i.

PO R SA liE ch eap! H am m trm lU iM d s r ln d e r. O ood condlUonu W eodall Elevator.

SPR IN G ER cows. Ph. Leo J . H anlon.'

PO R DSO N trac to r, reconditioned m otor. P o r quick sale, 171 Buhl, Ph o n e 06.

OO O D barley *1.00 cwt. a t nm eh. , : W , a n 8 . o f Hollister, D. C lam - ^ p ltt .


ELNORA D lckantr B eauty Shop &30 BlUff L akea P b U 7 l Bv« by a p p t

DO RO THEA 'S Rest Home. Inval- Id s -e ld c rly . Mod. rates. 0188-R3.

MRS. L E T n E FORTUNE a t th e Vog)ie. F irs t c lass aU eralloni. ■ Indcpendeiit opera tor. Ph, 807.

W ANT to hau l 40 acres beets.: R B urney .. BOX m - P U e r .

YOUMO m a rrie d m an want.'s d*lry work. M achinery and Irriga tion exp. Box 43 New a-Tlm es. • i

YOUNG m a rrie d couple w ants wbrk a p a r t o r togetl\e r. F a rm expd. A ny th ing considered. Ph . 193. C

GOOD THINGS TO EATOUKES SOc. C rab tree. P h . 577.

TOM ATOES a n d carrots. Ph . 5I3J.

G RAPES. 395 B uchanan . Ph. 60SW.

W ANTED—E x p er t w ash and grease m a n : no o th e r need apply. Idaho Service, T ruck. Lane________—

RED potatoea.KW. 0 . Jacky . H ,m l N. County H ospita l. Phone 02si-J3.

PRU NES, pcftclics. grnjK.^, tomnloc.i. B ring c o n ta ln rrs . M arket Basket. 5 Po in ts E , E arl O . Rainoa.

IM PROV ED E lbe ria pcnclies. B art­le tt pears, lomatoeji for canning. M arket Ba.sket, 6 P o in l Main E. E arl O, HoliJe.',.

PEACHES a re r ipe a t EnsUnan's, 3'.i ml. N. of Buhl on Clear lakes road. Both E lbcrtas and Hnle'i


pf:A CIIES a t th e Brown orchard! H urry If you w an t some of those C bantplonn. E lbertks and Hale.i. S ep t a. Bring your own contalnrrs. T ruckers solicited. No fru it sold on SunilRy. F loyd B ro*n , owner,

SCHOOLS AND TRAININT;W E place 100% of our g radun tr^

You too can be successful. Attend | | i T . F. Business University.

m ediately In Los A i^eles. New de- velopmentn. Day and n igh t prnc- Mcnl tra in in g . IJ l men placed lant m onlh . P a r t tuition neerie<l to Htai'i. fl lo 12 wkn. prepares ANDF:lt.40N AIRPLANE s o i l

week for liilrrvlrw n W rlt« nam e, addrcM a n d phone to Mr. H. Ray, Box 44. News-Tlmeii.

t,()HT AND I'OIINDRKW ARD for cam era U ken from

c a r a t 400 8Ui Ave. N, Prl„ Aug, 30. C on tac t Nows-Tlmea

MOTORIH’I’B—C ut cmlA, take rharn exp. (NUM. T ravel Diirrau, PI). 3343.

I WAN'I’ED; S paM, to Hlocktoii,Ci«llf, Bat, S h a re exp. Prn tffl Cabins, No. 3.

L COLLEOB a tu d en t wlnlies share «*p, ride. D etro it, leave by Sept, 0. Phono aftU W endell. Idaho.

iL S A V IN G fo r E tigrne, Ore., early : ^ t . a . m . Ca)i lake a {laueii K ah are a ip en se . F hona 4M,

BEAUTY SHOPS' apeolallsu. 181

T h ird Ave. No, Bve a p p u , Ph, asa.

O E N U IN I o il M rm a.. up. Work B uarant«*d. MS M ala N. P h . 14«W.

[ T . .tA b - M w a n tor H iO ; I I t n dka »a«ea U prtoa Idaho Butm ft BMutj Shop. P b . « a i ,

I I r i i m . , 14, |A . M . H prioa, n i l I K im berly M . P h . I W . U n .

m « r and O ra M WeUi,

A i m a n o m a o t t • a l o h 'ou pwfluiMatallM 19. r t i u i,

e o r« r« a Q « Q U DAO up ju a iu r m u. M u w k t m . m


H E L P W A N T E D ^M E N

ONION TOPPERS ' IN Q U IR E a t Idaho . Nevada. Callio r-

Tkia Co.. W endell. Idaho.

H E L P W ANTED— WOMENG IR L for gen, hsw k. Ph. I873-J.

HSEW K tim e. 343 U ncoln ; evea.

W ANTED—O u t of tow n girl fo r gen. e ra l housework. Oood home, sm all wages. M rs. D, W. Stoven. 1738 So. 14th E . S a lt L ake City, U U h.


FO R lease, good service ' s ta tion on highw ay 30. R u p e rt. Phone 367, T w in Falla.

tX>R L E A S E -S c rv lc e aU llon locat- ed on Klway 30. Doing good busi­ness. Low ren t. S m all capita) need ' ed. W rite Box 48. Newa-Ttmes.


3-RM . dup. 430 8 th St. W. a fte r 8:30.

VACANCY, B rosseau 'A pt A dulti'


3 nM 8.,''cIose in. 301 3rd W.

APT. A dults. 356 4Ui Ave,

A p -irr4 lT K im b e ily lUlT Ph. V l 4 ~

RM„ Int fir, S lk r h t. a ilT o iir N.'

MOdI u i n n p t . 'a i# Vrd Ave, N.

REUKCORATKD. 310 flih Ave. Eaat.

JU tiT A M E flE Inn, Ph. 488. Oaala 071

AP'IB. T he O xford. O S M ain N orth.

NICK large rni,. g round floor. H oi' pintn. W om en pref. P h . 1178-W.

ROOM AND BOARDliOAUD e t n n ., g a rage. S37 M ain E.

a M E N 'raV ino . 137 «urA ve’ ‘l ^ ~

BASEM RNT rm . su itab le tor a o r m ora. 110 7 th Ave, I . P h , BM.

F U R N ISH ED ROOMSRMS, and gar, n o 8 th Ave, E.

HM, garage, Reaa. a«« 0 th Ava. N.

U O D . rm ., flutsid* p H r. P h . m ,

F R O N T n n . «38 3nd W . P h . 144«.M

PU tA SA N T. conveo lap l rm . aM>.W

BOo UP. A *an( R o U i U 1 8d At*, K.

l iA R O I f ro n t b d - tm . IM U tb t W

RM . i to k t r h t. 0 * r . l i a I t t i AvA N

rnoWT badrocra, Phoo* m .

l a p w q m . M t M b . A y . m

I to o i^ n«xt B to k ir h u t■oft w a u r . a i l Shoahnka N,


WELL fu m . rm ., nex t to ba th In prlv. home. S toker h t. a ir cond. Break­fas t Jf desired. P h . 1726,

UNFURNISHK D HOUSES8-RM. duplex. 150 Blue LnJc« B. N,



CUSTOM GRINDINGFliO Y D M IL L ER , R t , I. FHet. Idaho .

P h e n a 73JI—we pay phone caUa.'

G ra in (to rac * a n d seed cleaning S a g ^ -B u rls p a a n d r—■"i— G L O B E SE E D FEED 0 0 .

CUSTOM GRINDINGO rtn d U w here it grows i

M ORELAND M IL U N O SERVICE. P h . aiB. F iler. Ph . calls off grinding.

SEEDSM ICH E L 'S G RA SS for fall p lan ting .

Ja c k Y ork. Carey, Idaho.


O rd e r now for fall planUngl 'O L O B E SE E D & PEED CO.

LIV ESTO CK FOR SALER E G IST E R E D unlvcr.'ilty bred Du-

roc pigs. Ja ck York, Cnrey, Idaho,

'YO U N O D uroe Jersev briyv^Ja n e W irsch lngV ph. 048S-J3.

1.400 HEAD yeftrllng 2-yr.-old. 4 -yr.- old, 5 -yr.-o ld cro-;.-! b ird ewe.t, bred for Januar> ’ Inmblni!. Geo. W. C lark . T h ree Creek. Ida.

l i v e s t o c k FOR SALE


H IG H E ST prices pa id fo r your f a t chickens and turkey*. Indepen d ­e n t M eat Com pany,

POULTRY FOR SALEf r y e r s , m ilk fattened . P h . 0385J3.

10 MONTHS old E nglish po ln ta r m ale pup, 144 m l. W. of S . Pa rk .

3 DARK bu ff colored cocker span iel puppies. 7 wks. o ld . Reduced. P h . 981-R,

FQR s a l e o r TRADE ^RA BB IT h u tc h es. Ph . Oa87-Ria.

TRA D E a-w heel • tra i le r , ' complate. fo r a 18- lnch w heels and axle. W allace, ‘i m l. N.. 4 W , H N. Of W est 8 Points.


W e buy Iron and n ilxcd m etalsl Be.^t prices paid!

IDA H O JU N K HOUSE 183 and Ave. S outh Ph . 33SW


T hom ets T op 6t Body W orks

1030 H ar lry DavUl.vm 14 m otorcy­cle. G ood condition. P riccd to aelll Ph ilip Ballcy. W endell, R , 3.

LEGAL a d v e r t i s e m e n t s ; ,defendants and each of th«m f n c a - ld j i^■ lun^.InB anir m* ^ .. ..

c sta ta o r an y p a rt thereof, a d v m t to th « plalnUffs. a ttd fo r lu e h oUiar and fu rth e r relief a s m ay be proper aitd eq u lu b le . T h e sa id rea l eaU te Is s itu a te tn th e C ity a n d C o u n tr e t T w in Falls. 8 U t« of Idaho , a n d p a r- U cularly described a s follows, to*wlt:U t Tw6Bty-one (31) ' in Block E lgh ty-n lna (88) of -Twin lU ls Tow nslte, being p la tte d upon and a portion o t WWU BESi o l Section S ix teen (16).'T ow ruh lp T en -B o u th (10-6), Range Seventeen (17) B, B.-1.

W ITNESS my h a n d a n d th e seal of the said D istric t Court, th is 31st day of August, 1940.


By PAUL H, GORDON, D eputy. . E dw ard Babcock and George M. Paulson,A ttom ey i fo r PlalnU ffs. ' ' ' Residence A Post-office address:

Twin Falls, Idaho.Pub. T im es Aug. 33. 3b, Sep t. 8 ,1 8 .

30. 1940.

T H E R A ^ O O SC H A U .K C L I F F SO P D C V E R , B N G C A N D * A R B /A A D & U P O F T I N V S E A S H B L O .S . . .S H O W N

M E f tB e R E A T U y E f s J t - A R A E D .

An s w e r : Ycs- . . . w hen in a p riva te pa rk or fu r farm . T h e b ran d can be reg istered .w ith th e livestock Inspection board.


A TTEN TION onion men I We have second-hand onion sacks he re . Idaho Junk,

ARMY shoc.i. ten ts , ta rps , fu rn itu re , Kuns. shell'!, Mi]t.'5. stoves. Red's T rad in g Post, 215 Shoshone S a

GALVANIZED m ctnl roofing. Both co rrugared nnrt u . S. Storm.seal C hniincldrnln. Low ciirlond prices.


i-RM. m odem house, ph . 1020-J.

RM S,, m o d . l> i ml. ou t. 038W 3.

5 R M . 1st fir, S tk r. h t. 311 fith N,


0 to 130 A, Injp, farm , crop rent. H ave ow n rqiiip., can finance self, Rudolf M iu tcns. Edrn- Ph. 4R l.

BY O ct. 1st, 3 o r 4 rni, h o u s r tm- furii., in or near T w in F a l l s Ref. J, N. Moore. R t, 2. Filer,

Business and Professional


W E have th e com plete line o f gen­uine ESTA TE HEATttOLAS and coal rangec on d isp la ^


Baths and MassagesI. 53~5^nln \

Bicycle Sales & S&viceSee J K W hite first for loans on

homes or business property Low ra te s—<iuick service 139 M am E


B i^clet\ h r RentG LOY STEIN 'S - PHONE 509-R.

ChiropracticD r, Floyd H am . 119 E. Mnln.


Fred P B u tea -N o rth en U fe Ins Co. Pcivvcy-Taber BIdg Ph, 1279


n<•. t ra te s and term s!

I’ nil Land Biinlt U jrrnwers a re c iirrrn tly paying. Why pay moiT? Hce NHtluiial I 'a rm Loan O ffice n l 113 3’’d Ave. 8 . In T , F

IK )> lE S l'0 1 t S A U if lM A tl. huvise lo move. 03»U3^

FOUU imw m odern fi'rm . houses on Taylor st. Blue Lakea Add'n.Easy tr im s Bee E A. Moon. 118 T aylor Bt.

PO R HAI.K—8-room m odem home In rxcrllnn t condition e u t p a r t of town, ul»ssed In ileeplng porch, hardwnml floors U iroufhoU t. W rite Box 41, News-Tlmea o r ph. 18WW,

TW O "C l rage* properties. O ne has

Tw o nioiiMi b u t desirable homes. O ne nt th e moat desirable residences

in Twill Kails, U nod term s. Splen*


nOxla.^ (;O IlNRR lol. ch o ice loca* lion Iiir), fillm a B arber Shop, tUitv'hrom W.

REAL KHTATE W ANTEDa O R 3 tin house fo r caah. S ta te

price and location. P.O. Bo* 348.

W ANT 10 buy abou t (i A,, E ,,o r N. of Tw in Fulls. M ust be reas, P , O. Uox 7. o r 030 U 4Ui Ave, N.


la le . or orop pmt. r h , aooa.

WRM< Improved M A, I m l. t n m R le h f le lf O, W . .-AOtlM. A l ^ c an PalU.

BO AORBB, a ’ ml. fra m BuhJ. PM water rights, «-nn, houaa, |oodoulAuitdlnin, ao h u d m U U . f.hotsea, h<3*B. h w attd grain. complete, l a m John U, Barker A«enoy, P h , M. BulU,

C o n i and W ooiiPH O N E 3

or Aberdeen conl, moving and tra a ifc r McCoy Conl A; Tran.sler,

Curtain Shops

Floor SandingFloor sanding. H, A. Helder (


ncim llrtliiB -R riliiclng Ki'vri th e rm • Ma.'(saHe

U clt.v rs ,M tUrttl», UliPil-niiitviin niid Clironlc dl.sordrjs.

m «v yoiiiiK • H rn lthy - VIkoioiis A, II. W^r^ll<•lll, Itin. 15, 130 MiOii H

Ilonseitold l^ed s

Job Printing"q UAT.ITY ’ jO B ~ P R m T lN fl

L etterheads . M all I’lwrn Business CardA . . FoM rn

S tationery T IM E S a n d NEWS


InstructionK lNOrJlClAHTEf<. Plione 2179,

Insurance•Peavey-Taber C o , lito. Phone 201

N orthw estern M utual Life Ins Co M. E H elm bolt. Bp. Ag. Ph. 1S24

J , E. Roberts, rep . la rgest exclu’iivn health , nccldent com pany in world. 332 M ain Av, N. Phone 803.

Keu Shop

laundriesP aris ian u u n d r r . Phone 85aY okaliniua h a n d latindry. Ex. woik.

RenN. We call, deliver. Ph. 117.

lUoney to Luan

0 . Jooea for lo a n ao n bomaa. n o o n ft. Bank A T ru s t B ldf. P h . M l .

.$15 AND UPon your e a r o r funH ture

M tym enU to r a i l you r tnooQte.I/)C A L COMPANY

W ESTERN FIN A N CE CO. N ea t to rM elltjr S an k

Money to Loan

Don’t Em barrass Your Friends

Use o u r Liiinry loans. Friendly, con- fldonilBl. 30 m inu tes’ scrvlce

CASH CR EDIT CO.Rms. 1-2, B urkholder BIdg, pn 778

$25 to $1000'ON YOUR CAR

UP T O 18 MONTHS TO lUOrAY C onti'iicis I'cfln.incrxl— i>iivhIo miIcs

' llnunccd - c a s h advanced

Consumers Credit ' Company

(Ott’nod by Pacific Fiiiiiiice)


Ostcopathic Phgsi^ianDr B. J Miller, 412 M ain N Ph 1077

Dr, O. W Rose, 114 M ain N. Ph 037.

Paintinff^DccoratingR. U RH A FFER, Ph. 120:i-J

Planing milWo m ake sash , doors, eerecmi. ciitil-

nnt.n, c o u n te rs—anythliiH of woOd. T W IN FALLS LUMRER CO.


Oood Used Typew riter L ate s ty le—Good shape.

218 M ain North

FIE L D , g ra in sacks, tents, ta rps . cable, belting. quUls and pliunb* ing fix tures, Idaho Junk House,.

88.600 COM PLETE se t m e a t a n d grocery fixtures, nearly new. sa c ri­fice fo r (2 ,500.' Excellent term s. Jo h n Bolton, ^ I n t Cigar Store.


BANQ. coal range 145. P h . 153^-W.

CIRC ULA TING heate r. Excellent cond. 125. Com plete. 1241 0 th East.

M U ST sell today—H ot P o in t elec. range , 125. Mrs. H olm an, corner H eybum a n d Locust.

. W ATER SO FTEN ERS BUY like re n t i $54 up, Abbott

PIbg. Co. Ph . 95-W.

1 used elec. refrig . *49,1 u.^cd w ashing m ach , $29.55,

MOON’S1 USED E STA TE oil c ircu la to r, like


El.K CTRICA L supplies fo r home and cnmmerclftl w iling . M odern llshl- iiiR fixture*, Fluorencent installn- tlon.



B m odels p riced $25 upC. C. ANDERSON CO.

$20 to $30. G enu ine F.stiito r Inting lica tro la , b rund new. $:i3 50.


I llnVpplnV VTlrc. w ater hen \fy ,1 CUde A n n Elec, w ater h rnti'r,1 16x24 E ire. O rldd ls.I H o t P o in t E lro. Oven.1 CJolmian O aso llne RanKe.4 Coal R anges.2 Coal C ircu lators.1 C olem an O il C ircu lator,1. C olem an G aso line tra iler heater,2 R ange B oilers (w ater U nksi.1 Coal w a te r heate r,

LIQ U ID G A S 6c APPLIANCE CO, T w in F a lls . Idaho,

-R A D IO -A N D -M U SIC -7 good used radios

(3 ii«W ry Bets) $9 i5-$39 .00MOON’S

AUTOS FOR "SALE•39 V8-4 dr, sedan...................$650•37 D csoto Tudor . $405 •34 H udson coupe 1135

25 O ther Bargains Bal.-jch M otor------ 305 Sho, So.

■39 CHEV. in ick , recondliloned. Oood rubber- S take , comm. llcense....$650

■33 Ford tn ick ,'V e i7 good.............$150’38 Ford Do Luxe. I rtrd o r Sedan,

low mileage .................................$580’ M any o ther cheap c ars In

* good condition.WOODY SEAL M OTOR CO,

130 3d Av. W est. P h . 988-R


P h . 17?2. 1216 10th Ave. E a.%


ocia i

Books Needed at Migratory Camp

L ibrary a t the f a rm labo r cam p sou th of Twin F a lls needs m any books. I t w as repo rted yesterday hjr Miss Hole, cam p hom e m anagem en t supervisor; to M issionary loe lety of C hristian church a t th e hom e

PRAC. new S c h u lu tr, house. Inq. M oiuil^ln View T ouris t Ct., R upert

E XCEPTIONALLY well built trailer house. P hone 542.


EX C E PT IO N A U .Y g o o d 4-wheel tra i le r w ith com blnntlan hiiy rack and .stock bed, 035 Main West,


Plumbing and Heating RADIO AND M U S IC

I I A ^ viol, Itens. 330 4th Av. N,

Radio RepairingPOW KI.L Riulln, 152 2nd Avenua N.

RestaurantsG ood 25a m eali, soup, coflrn.

M idget C offee tihop. 249 M ain Av. W

KAT a ijood m eal a t C aledonia Hotel Coffee Bliop, 25c, 0|>en all iilKlit. Room s, $1 up. 301 Bhoalione Uouilv

Shoe Repairing—DyeingIDAl io flhoe Bhlne-all oolors.

TraUersTrptilen for renr’ssT ’PVrnrtlTWmT

'I'raller Housea O em Trailer Co.

TypewritersSa le a re n ta ls a n d serirloe. Phone OC,

U p h o l s i e r i n f f

i te p a l r io t. raflnU hlng , Cress «i Rru- iey r u m . UO and t t B Ph 886

V a c u u m C l e g h e r s

Vacuum rtpalr. New Royali, re* hullU. V, L. Miles, 830 HI, Lks. Ph. jiai.

W o o d u o r k i n f f / U a e M n e r y

r»Ut aunk ■ o m aao iia ia &

1>1AN0 BARGAINS!Pay like ren t. We iiave a few pinnna

s lightly dam aged In shlppliiK, a t barga in m inei,

CLAUDE BROWNM mln an(J F iim tiire Oo,

i iS E D ^ A D IO BARGAIWiTao se ta fully checke<t a n d li\ good t'ondlllon. W ide selection of 7,Miltli, RO.A., Ph itco a n d o tliers priced $8 to $50,

C. C. A N D E R ^ N CO,R ADIO. D on’t buy any usad radio

u n til you aee f s(wclal new mod­el HCA V ictor sailing for only <18 05. a ^ rm s | l , p o r week.

CLAUDE BROWNM usic a n d F u rn itu re Co.



C larence D ean and Cecil R. Dean, A din ln ls tra to is of the E-ttate of P. K D ean, Koinetlnies known ns P e te r li. D ean, itcceascd. Plain tiffs,

vs.Kov W, H anna , li alive; or, If dead

th e unknow n heirs and the Known devlseca of Roy W. H anna, de<^eaned; June Doe H anna Wife of Hoy W. H an n a >(wliO!ip true nam e l.t nnknow ii to plu in tlH si. If alive, or, l[ d ead , the inikn(\wn heirs and th e unknow n devisees of Ja n e Doe ili in n a . decea.icd, wife of Roy W. I la n n a ; C harlo tte R. O reint Hftn- na , also know n as C harlo tte R. (>. H a n n a and O lm ilotte H anna , if a live o r, if dead tlie unknow n iielrn a n d Uie unknow n devisees of <.:hnt1iAle J l, u ie U i H anna, ceiiard; Jo h n Doe Ilannu , liunband of C h a rlo tte R, OrelBl H anna (who .%0 tru e nam e L» unknow n to lilnlnil(fs) If alive, or If dead llie unknow n helm and tlie unknown devisees of Jo ln i Do« H anna, de­ceased. Itusband of C harlo tte R. U re ls t H an n a ; T w in Falls Coujity, a |>olltlc«l aubdivlsion of (lie s ta le o( Idaho , a ll Uie unknown owners c laim ing any In terest in the fol­lowing ilencrlbed rrn i property s i t ­ua ted I^ T w In Falls County. S U te of Idaho , described as fo llow s.to- w ill 1.01 Twenty-Diis In Bloek KiKhty-nlne of 'I'wln Kails Town* aliA, D efendanu .TH E ST A T E O F IDAHO again

sends g r e e t ln n to th e alwve nam ed de len d a n ta ;

You a re hereby n<>il(U-d th a t a om p la ln l Itas been filed again st yoti

in tteD D is lr k t C ourt ot Die E leventh Jud ic ia l D lslrlo t of the S ta le of Ida*

I, In and for T w in Falls County by Uie above nam ed plalnU fIs, and you a re t ie r c b / ’d lrec ted to appear and plead to th e sa id com plain t w ith in iwmMy days of th e service of tills sum m ons; a n d you a re fu rtlio r notU fled th a t un less you so a^ipear and p lead to sa id com plain t wlUiln Lite

M™. E.rl M.ddj. In . Ulk oo th."" organisation a n d purpose o t th ecamp. __ _

T he s o c ic t / voted to a ssis t th e csm p In securing m ore books d u r ln s a business m eeting conducted by M rs. P e t e r Carlson, p re s id e n t Members ToVefl to hoW a n a ll-day sewing m eethig th e th ird Tu^K lay of each m onth tp m ake c lo thes_ fa r „ necdy^-famlUes,

DevoUonals were led by M rs. L . 'E W hltsell, a n d M rs. U. N . T e rry aant- Refreshm enU were se rved by th e liostesses. Including ' M rs. C orda Bowen and Mrs. S a ra h B6wer,'

• • * ■ B R E r a ^ m s s i o NSOCIETY HAS SESSIO N _

M rs ..O .U . H em plem an w as host* ' c u to th e M issionary soctoty-of th e - Church of th e B re th re n yesterday afternoon. M rs. Rose T l r condtictect th e business session a n d d irec ted the

M rs. L au ra H em plem an led th e Bible study »iid M rs. D w igh t M ltch- ael and M iss Ju lia S hepherd sang a duet, M rs, W illiam Norris, ho c ie guest, Mrs. M lnderhot, Chicago^ was p resen t from o u t-o ^ to w n . Mrs, C arl • H artfle ld and M rs. C harles Ronk assisted th e hostess in serving.


C ontests d irec ted by M rs. F loytL B andy, and w on .by M rs. 2Uida O w inn a n d ' Miss J e a n O lm stead. feattired th e m eeting o t ih e S h a m ­rock club yesterday a fternoon a t th e hom e ot M rs. E lsie G rah am , M rs. L illian Fllm ore was co-host«sa.

Roll call responses were c u rren t « events. M rs, J, O lm stead. C alifor­n ia . m other of M rs. G raham , a n d Mrs, L lerm an were guesU. R e­freshm ents were served.


M rs, A lphli DeAUey w ss hostess to U\e T h a lia club a t th e f irs t m eet­ing of the fall W ^ n e sd a y afternoon . Business sessions w ere d lspetued witit du rin g th e sum m er m onths, and only social m eetings were held .

InlliiH p a rly of the aeason for h u s­bands of m em bers w as discussed, da le to be determ ined la ter . Mrs, Jo h n F la tt received a "secret paP' gift. Mrs, O rvsl Q ray will be h o s . less a t th e nex t social m eeting of , the group.


BARGAINSOlarlneU 190 to $40

Trumpeu, Mmeta 816 to 84S Trombones iao to'iafi

Saaophonee MS to All hava batn eomplitely taken apart, elaanad Imlda and out, a(«rU' Ised and ptit Into first olasa playinK coi)dmon.

Dumas-Wamer Muslo Oo.K U u m d i.m .iay rt.n i.6 0 t


Mrs, F rancis M iner waa hostess to the Kimberly Road club W ednes­day afternoon a t h e r home, 1838 K imberly Road,

C urren t topics were discussed d u r­ing th e afternoon , v.

Mrs". F e rn Corbly w as a guest of the club. The hom e waa decked wlUi (lowers o t th e season , -

R efreshm enU w ere served. Mrs. Ray Persnnlus will be hostess to (he group a t th e nex t m eeting.

l l ie said aotlw U brought bjr tha above named plalnUffs against tt" above named defendant* to quIl. title to the premUei and raalieat«l« deaorlbed In tha ^liereina

I o to p ia in t (utd

h ie aU a itd a v ^ — -------------in ta ree i tha rv ln o l ttM l*M

v«TM to said plalntuie, ■ the title of the plalnUm ^ estate adjudged to be th it | In fee simple, and (« bu;


At m e U U h -Id ah o d ls tr ie t K K wanls convenUon a t S un Valley Sept.33 to 34, a large g roup of membera from Tw in Falls will be p resen t. It w as reported a t a M eeting yait«r^ duy. ' ‘

Among 6fflclal delegatee a re Al O llberl, presiden t; . Jo lm K liuteyi v ice-president; U. N. T erry , secre* lai7 i and a lte rn a tes a re O, P . 0 « ' vail, Cecil Jones and Jo h n K lffps, lteservallo<i8 m ay b e m ade through R. J . ijchw endlm an.

A nnual fa th e r a n d -e o a b a iM u H -r for th e club will be TM iraday a t 1 . p . m, a t Uie P a rk hotel.

A t th« m eeting yesterday , O af iM . W allace, vlce-prtoolpal o f T ffU - FalU h igh sohool, i n k v on ttM . WorldVi la rs e it obM~m a r m ounta in la><........h e vuated .thU •um m w , k u ild ln i th a gtruotura a tht minor, Ui« If— “M n . W a l im id U Q n a . in f lh a w i K J . W -

Page 10: i^Uti^VkkmM whitn. W TODAY VOL. XXIIL NO. 224--6 CENTS ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening-Times_TF060/PDF/1940_09_06.pdfW e^th^Fweceat iaif tailiU'^aia''>Uai



The week fiidlng Wednesday. Sept. * was fAvorable for haneslliig oY seflionable crops and for Uie maturing of tnte crojM. a report r « e t r « l today from (lie U. S. de­partment of commcree, wentlier bureau, shows.

Harve.'slleiR and llirp.-liliiK of KtnttiB. Uie report Mates, nindc ftood «dvnnces-ln the lft(4? dlstrlcLs nnd a re about conipleicd. CultliiR tlie second crop of nlfiUfa wns ncilve In late dtstrlcU while In enrly dw- tj-leta much of the tlilrd <rop was cut find stncke<l. SrcdliiK of win­ter wheat piORrc.wd slowly U> many lociilltle.s qwciHIuk rnlns.

rieklnf Conlhiuri Plcklnn o{ jjcache.s. iK'urs, prunes

and plums continues. Deel.-i. lote po­tatoes nnd late apples conllnue Kcn- erally In promlsUiK coiiilltlon. Corn U mnturlnc rapidly and some Is bclnif cut for-h11ai;e. Cinrden truck. vfcetnblM and melons art plentiful.

Pasturr.'i anil imlrrlsnted pasturcB continue dry. except, locally where rain.' occunccl. Mo.'it livestock arc In Eood flesh- -

KollowlnK are tlie repori.s received from varlou.' countle,>., ulth tJie rr- portlns Station benic ll.’ ted in eneh

vonu iiiiiin MK liuw c-couiity . M ounta in Home,

co in rlpenlnc nlcrly ; th ird crop of alal/a. nearly readj; to cu t; pastu res and ranjtps dry; late po tntoes fair.

Lincoln county, Rlcliflcltl: u raln harvp 't hrlnR foniplf'led rapidly; second cu ttlna o( a lfa lfa mo.Mly In stack; some llilr<l cutthiR alrout reiidv; all crops In kockI condition and yields up to avernKe. .'=oine belUK

' above. Potaloe.^ and bcet.s.arc very promlslnR'.

T tt'ln F^lls cotmty, B ulil; beans ■ th reshed. Early apples and pears

are ripe and melons a re p len tifu l.

nm m0 m HERE

Jam es Shelby TUoma-s. p residen t of the Clir\'9ler In s tllu te of Engl- neerlng. will speak on "New F ro n ­tiers for Sm art People" w heh he appears In Twin F a lls O ct. 23 n.s th e second speaker In th e T w in Fa lls Town H all p rogram .

T he speaker Is expected to d is­cuss new opportun ities to b6 found In South American countrle.s. bo th for American business a n d A m eri­can people. He Tislted S outh A m er­ica th is summer,

- Tliom as was chief econom ist of the Com monwealth a n d Sou thern co r­poration- and presiden t of the C lu te o n Collcge of Technology bt--

- fore Jo in ing -the C hrysler company.H e Is expected to touch on new

technical discoveries w hich tend><o

and political changes w hich m ay change the whole order of living.

Town 11611 will open its w in ter season w ith a program Sept. 36 a t which Don B a te will speak on th e O rient and Ita rela tion to th e U nited StAtem

Political Groups Choose Officers

OOODINQ. Sept 8 (S p e c la D - Ooodlng county R epublican and Dem ocratic c en tra l com m ittees m e t la st week a n d nam ed officers. ^

Republicans nam ed B ranch Bird, local a tto rney . a.s chairm an . He suc ­ceeds Ju liu s S chm llt, wtio resign- «1, O thers nam ed a re Rofier M c­M ahon. s e c re la rv -tre asu reh Avistln Bchotiweiler. W endell. »tot« eonunlt- (eem an: Mrs. H O. F razie r, H ager- m an . s ta te com m llteew oinnn. and Mm. Fred CrnlB, O oodlng. county cen tral com m lt(ee«om nn.

F irs t m eeting of th e conim lllce and candldate.s for office on ihe R e­publican ticket will be TurMliiy, 8e))t. 10. .

OowUng i>r-moi-jn\lc rf.m rn l cum- m lttee lB.U week rhooe Mr.v Wllllnni Ilryiin as county c lu ilnnnn ; Clair KUiR, v lce-chiilrm nn; M r.r Weldon Sullivan, secretary - t r e a s u r e r ; Oeoriin We<lKWOod, dtnle ( 'inunlllec- man, anil Mr.s V. n Mr.-.riole as s ta le cnnitnllteewouinu. All a r r Ooodlnv rr.s ldn ii'.

P lans w rip «11.iru.s'e<1 tnr ilir rniu- lUR rlri'tlou


I Mr. nnd Mrs. I tlrh a rd f)kliin<1,' ClliCBRO, Visltrd i r r c n tlv « llh illsI parenis. Mr. and Mrs. O lr Okliind,

tin tUfli' viVtWlna Tll>'l'inul <»ii-liind Is u ^(udent of. d^llll^ lty . u h llr hlK w llr Is rnt|Utived a> a hnm iv np- e ra ln r In Clilcnfio.

Mr. and Mrs. Ju h n Kiiiiun left j Baturdiiy (or PorllHtul to visit t lirir

son-ln-liiw and datiR litrr, M t. and Mrs, Norjlinig,

A double blrdu tiiv d inne r, hitiioi- tng Kiiy I 'm lun nnd lils lircitlx-r- in -law , 0 . r . Mocilimd. vms h rid Sutulny at th e McCloud hnme In W endell. - "

Miss Hull) Davln, MurtiiURh. \vlio will a ttend tinlverKlly of I<li\ho it( Mohcow. and U imald Mulllnn, I 'w iti

. fa lls , who s(H)n leave-, (or A tni- l l r o n i ' l college, n r ik e lry , iKith iiirm - bar* of Cavalry lliiiitist ch tucli, will be fBled a l n picnic d inne r nl ll.n isen village park Htinday w iiii nil peoplr of (he c hu rch Invited lo u iicm l.

11)0 fom lly nr Rex D ruhi will iritvn for Lockney. 'IV x . next w rrk lo Ulako B homo on land reumuiv p u r . c h u c d by W, A. C oiner nnd C harles Flaliar. Mr. U eahl m ade an i •pefliloit tr ip to lA ckney reien tly

Sunday arhool cIbm w hich lia« iKen ta u g h t by M n . M. P. K en- w orthy waa onterlainect H alurday ■t A rt«« lan .,aa a r«auK o f n con* tea t in ,« t) le h th e w inning aide, wlUi K enne th B iev ln i m c ap ta in , waa

t Uie kM tnt aide headed by — o th e r (u ea ta w ere

, Mr». K . Dlevln* a u l .OliM-laa H all, R b

( tln n to tu e a ta 0 , U flherw «od T u h >

Animal Hospitals Fix Broken ,Bones, Get Canine ‘Boarders’

Dy LOWELL D ICK ,W hnt happens lo can ines th a t fall

U) develop .sufficient speed to dodge autos?

W hftt do folks do w ith U ie.Inmlly l)Ct when Uiey ro on a vacation and don ’t wnnl to be bothered w ith do js or cni.s?

W lirn a doe brenks a leg, Li the only nlternnllve in dc.sti'oy th e a n i­mal?

Inieic^K-d In IlnillnR .■solutions l< Uu•. e problrm-s, thl.s w riter vi.slted two nnlniifl In Tw in FnlU.Among o the r thli'ij.'. tlie following, -solutlnivs w n i' c o nu lbu ted :

A rrldrnU F a ta lMost ciotii fiillini: to movo .

su fllL tcnJy hl«h ip c c d to • avoid avitOi.1 are lu a jw .lllon to d icker wltli the I'lnilne version of S t, Peter. O thers show up a t th e an lm a! hos­p ita ls where broken lim bs a re fixed up nlnnv.1 l ik e mnv.

Owners of vuliinble pet.s check th e ir dORS or cnt.s a t th e hosp itals w hile tnkiuR vucailnns. The.se an l- mnl.s nr« known as "boarders’ th e ha 'ipltnls

O nly In m.'.c.'- o( c o m p lex .a r m ul- fractures w lirre complicatlon.s

develop Ls U Innx's-'lble, or nearly .so. to patch up ;t dog so I t can get a round for a few m ore years, and perhit)v< learn a de ft p la n for dodg* ins cnvs. .

SO Do*!. T reatedNearly .SO dORs were confined In

both of ih'* nnlmnl hospltflls ye.'tcr- day. Of th»' lotnl. Ic.- .s th a n half boartlrr.s. Rf.M of the can ines had e ith er unde^Ron^ m inor opera tlotij,


Ax-sKHiii.v o r c o n

Kfiamy 8 p. m.

.KIMtlKllLV I'KKIHTIAN Mllinn W. inlnlilrr

Niuhil*)- irhi-.| 10 •- ni. Mnrnliif «„r II m, To|.lc. Wa,.- chll*n KiiclMvor ' f. m. 8*-ntc>r mplr. •'Ch V<»ur Kr^ndt." tr r r ir r *1. Sermon. _-«uc*lU.n!i .iid Aninrr*

KILKH MKTIIUDi.ST K.liinr I.. mlnUtcr

10 *. m. Churrh •rhcwl-11 •- m. Mon »or>hlp, Si>»ci*l Ih» rhnir utII.. -41 .,..-. -r tj — I' « L>_

h a n sk s coMMUNirrjuei.h m\\ UualUi. mii.t.Ur

•- m- Murnlni: uonhip, l l : i j •. rrh irhool. 1:30 {>. m, Kuworih IriE

MtiRTAtirJi roM »u:siTVJc-rjih iidi Coull»r, mlniilrr

;15 i. rn. ^Church .rh ^ l, ll;3o m.

JKHOMR HAKTIHT >:arl J- K*urln. i>a>l<ir

10 1. m. Sun.!*/ trhu.). ChorlM Vork,' .uiKT.m»ml,nL II ■. m. W«nhlp .« r.irc

"Jnu t. M'xlrra Cumnfac-nlnit atrtlcr. Mm uii.-. l’rrrl«u»l‘n>ml.«. of J«u«-.'^<Conllnu».l). 8 p. m. WrHnnila)'. t’rarrr mminii. Rallr tlar It K»Pl. M anil wr are ih. la rin lKUrndance w» havp trrr had in -SiiaJax - ‘• - I pn lhal day.

.................PC wulphlp.Anthrni thr rb.>lr, ,'vmicin. - Slnro Zc«lMarr Ilnu(»»miob1rr. .'iiil.jr.-i. - |t Ihl* K'KiildnT- 2;S(1 p. m. Ttuir..|>), SriH. i:. Cliarlrr ilay mrrllnc „r \V»t»n,i’i Sirlrty III Chrlttlan S«rvlc«<. All nuntWr* »r iht-


iUi> luiini.Mi." ; |.



Books Added lo School L i b r a r y

H evnnl hmik.s hnvr i)rrii ndilrd to th e school lli>rnrv KnihJunior lilRh w'ho.il, esiwrliillv liiNikr Jor Imivs, paid ftir l)v ih r fun,) VDirc by (lie nt\ident hrxlv Innt nr-

Mrs Vein f ( > ir„ ry

• llov Hi'dillin lnd im l

A idour (hn iHiiiks » slorles. unimiil- A<1veiit l<TV iMch Honks liii- iiiijB rt-„in etim en lie.au.^e l l i r i r w n r .r.inimr* iitlvrlv tew cif Iheni In Ih r lilniiiv

AImi ill Ihn liliTary U ilir im llnn ilUM- w likh wnn piiri'hnMi1 wlili

luoiirv n ils rd l)y Ihn nrl rxhllilt Inst 9iuln«.

K liriilliiirnt In the Jiiiiini liV;||• iHDil in in o ir lliBii lAsI vntv, a loliil of naO vesieidnv, acd in lhm i„ Mrs O 'l.riiiv , K ighlil a n id r h Mimll. nnd the inerensf eomes In lln and niiilh Krades.


Set* tllH

Clnudc'ltrown Kuril. & Muolc

StoreTwin Fal]i

were l>eing trea te d fo r f ra c tg re d legs or w ero 'to be vaccinated fo r'd ls - tempcr,.U ie cnnlne version of f

At one of th e hosp itals, a dog lecoverlng from an op rraU o n In which hl.s loft eye was rerfioved. Tlie iinlioal had bcen-fltniek by a car.

"No. few people will noU ce the inl.'-.'InK eye," replied th e , d o c to r In ini'.wrr to a query. ”Ab,scnce of Iho cyr won’t Interfere w ith tlic nctivl- ile.s nf th e d6R. H e's only o house l>rt.-'

Incldcntally» th a t jx irU cu lar doc­tor Is owner of an EnRlish shepherd which he Is tO ’lng to give aw ay . He'* (iiir of those emitters w ith h a ir h ang - n u down in h is eyes.

. naehihunds■ fTn-r see «ny d a c h s h u n d 'p u p a l '

inquired the doctor. H e opened a caRe door and ou t d ashed s o m e th ln j ^hnt ifKiked lllie a snake. T h e pup wa-s niMut th ree lnchc« h ig h and iiboui n foot Jong. T h ere w ere three of Dicin '‘w riggling” a round .

•How about doy polsonUig?" asked.

- rh r r e 's been several ca.ses ccnily." he replied, ’'L a te s t reports of jw lsonlng have been recclvc<l from the S outh P a rk d is t r ic t and from a dl-strict tw o o r th re e nilles -south of South P a rk . T lie re b n ’t much we can do abo u t It., even thouiih we don’t like to -Jiear o f pol-

'.'.nnlni:. A fler th e an im at dies, about all UT* can do Is te s t fo r poison .”

W hni arc tlie m ost com m on dog dl.'ea.'.es?

Indigestion Com mon U npi>ears th a t Indigestion heads

the list w ith d ts tem per followliiR. fndfKe.siion In dogs is b lam ed on owners who pam per th e ir pe t« and feed them p repared dog food ex­clusively. I t seem s '’dogs U dogs" nnd they have to h av e bones and m eat occnjlonally to keep th e m in fine, fcLtle.

Ye.'!, ■'veti" do have oU ier work be.sl(lcs tending to does a n d catJi. LarRc p a rt of tlielr w ork Ls done In the field In atiswer to cn ll.s from -farm err-TrtitrfiaVfe a ilin g s tock or ftvc exppf.Ung a ble.ssed ev en t lo r Be.'ile, tho cow.

Doctors a t th e two h o sp ita ls have trented around 85 cases of b ra in fe­ver In horses thU .summer, b u t they said the w orst sea.son for th e fever l.s over, w ltli coming cold w ea the r almost certain to stop sp read of the dl.sea.'ic.

'Excuse me," said th e do c to r. "I have lo adm lnla ter -to som e o t m y patlenLs," ~

a i G E K D B v y o y i

First of a class of e ig h t s tu d e n ts 5w tak ing the CAA pilot tra in in g

program to recelyc -app roval fo r' a private pilot's license w as E dw ard Ahlm. Buhl, according ttf-anriounee-- m ent by Jack Wise', f ligh t In s tru c - tor for th e class. W illiam L ovelace w(w W e inspector approving th e 11- cen.se.

U Is expectcd th a t w ith in a n o th e r two weeks the p resen t g roup In the f ll« h t train ing course will fin W i and tlia t five a lterna tes will h av e com ­ple ted th e course by th e e n d of Septem ber, Successful s tu d e n ts are provided with the p rivate p ilo t’s li­cense and civilian pilot tr a in in g r a t­ing a t the conclusion of th e tra in in g activities, ,

Scliolarshlj) wlnnei.s of thc .p re .s- i t ground school will begin "flight

tra in lug ns m)0« as - th e p resen t fligh t cla.w flnl.she.s.

Jerom e R effis tra tionJKROMK. Kept, 0 (Hiic^lal)—A to-

a t of 1,50.S Jerom e .sriiool ch ild ren h as been enrolled the lir s t few days fif school. It was announced today by a iip t. H. M aine Shoiin of Inde­pendent district 33.

E nrollm ent flRures for each of the school* In (he system a re as follovn: WashlnKton e lnncntiiiv , 440: P leas­a n t P lains, till-. • rW iw iU ftty, 4,W; Canyonslde, 07, and hiRh ochool 4iifi. ‘

, M usic From T he In w w rta ls

I)]/ u o u r 1)1(111 I '/ i / I -

flrcH m /lf i^oii ( ip d in

a n d n ga ln i f i/nu p la n

N O W /o r ( lu 'l r h H l i i l n p ,

D o n ’t (tc liiu . , , (i.ifc f t , c m

n o w w h a t iu x tr u m iu U

t h f u tv iiu lil I tk e to i t u i l u

. . . t h e n tu r n I d t h e

ll lc n tlo n the iii tin f (irfa,

/ / iiou itnu 't itca u'httt i/oH

WrtfU, n tli 'firf/.T r /n r it !

Rem ctnber, m iM fr r/e r rf-

o j« pcr«rtM nl/fj/, e /ia

rnuAfo m a jtc M o/ m e

agt$ an o t jp on u n itv to

$ptak to vou r chU dren f

NAMED M ODERATOB . CALDWELL, Ida., 6 e p t. 8 tU J»- Dr. Robert Shupe. C aldw ell, la s t iiiRht wnk elected m o d e ra td r o r u i c Presbyterian Synod of Idaho , fol- lowliiK a, th ree -day con fe rence on th^ CollcRe of Idaho cam pus. R e- tlrlnj; m oderator 1- th e Rev. C harles

A, lUwley of H aie lton . T h e synod endorsed tw o proposed In ltU tlve mea.Mires calling for county pro- liibiuon o p tlo n -a n d - In tre asea briety In Idaho . -


s u t« t u com m lw too n p o r tc d today th e t t a u raeelvw l I M J M d u r tmAufu»0 «ipj. lhe_ttTB .em u per-gtl-l l®«v-bet!r ta x . I r r t t i # t i n t eJgtil m o n th s of th U le a r . th e ta x brought >181.734. an inc rease o f abou t S4.000 over th e ta m e period o T lB M ..

Friday, Septm iber

P r ic e s Effective SAT. - SJJN. - MON.

COFFEEM.IXWKI.I. h o u s e ''

1 111, Cnn ............. .................. ,25e

1 lb. c»n....48c

Many th r if ty T w in sh o p p e n a r t eh ew ln i

the rem arkab le fool Talsea f e u id b«r« dally. Com e on on l a n d »ee f o r y o n m lf a n d you ra n be th e referee "of Ih rlr nnallly . tT lth fall tn th e a ir you r appetite* a re bonnd la

pick up a n d we have fully an tic ip a te d your wants.



Staley'.t Golden Table 5 1b. Pail

L iberty Bell 2 1b.Box .


O v a l t i n e

- s r ' i - ............................'.............1 9 c

■ • - - « ? C o r n F l a k e s

W a x P a p e r ZP'................ ..............'..... 1 3 c

W h e a t H e a r t s ^ 2 2 ct I t s T im e fo r a H ot Cereal

C n a f t t ** Shelf fo r A I * _a p a n i c a n ......................................2 -5 C

S o a p ' P b w d e r r t r . .....2 3 c

S o a p ...............

'^ “ g a r ........



Ex-Cel Picnic H am s..... ..Pound 17c

Bacon Square.s............... .-Pound 14c

Pork Shoulder Roast...... -.Pound Hie

Pork Ncfk Itoiies........... ... Pound .V


MuhhnrdSquHsh ,..... ...... ......... :5i .jo lb.

I.iUMr', fioitd H ra iu

L e ttu c e .......... ..........2 for 1 He

Sweet'Potator.s .

OraiiR-os ...

......... :i lbs. 17cluid Juicy

................ Ddz. 1,5cVVatoi'nielons

LiH’KO ... IfTc cat’ii Small .. !1c cacli

llnuiiiKk Chief, F l p U l ? All f-ur|i<».r .

M u s t a r d . T r ................. 8 c '

Catsup “ "’1,... .........' . IOCF l y S p r a y S : . ; ' , " ; . . , , ............ ............... 3 3 c

F l y R i b b o n s 6 , lO r

S s H PARK-IN" / < ’» t h e s a v l n g M o n e n e r u I t e m t h a t e o u n l t ’"

M A IN * S lh W E S T . K K K lj P A R K IN O

SIZZLERSBuy Blankets Now


V ir j r in W ool


$6.50Absolutely m oth -p roo fed , large !0 » T3-XM- w ith a v id e sa tin blndinjr- A selection of th e ’ new ­est colors,

s a v e :

W h ile S h e e t !


E xtra large size 80xl0e so U will tuck In Ju st like a .sheet. T hese frosty nlRhta will be m ore pleas* a n t w ith beddine like tills.



$2.9SBeauU ful p la id tx-pe in a chev : ron ,wea\T. T T 's W M w. S% «ool fo r a dded w arm th . An a ll arotinjl

-pracU cal b lanket.'«AVF.!

Satin Bound!BLANKET

$4.9825% woo! — 25'"n ray o n — S0%

.co tton . F lora l d c ilsn s th a t m ake th is as Ijeautiful a tjlnnkot Rs one could a'sk for.


iMcn's 2*To n e C o at

SWEATERSSUtJe F a s te n e r !

^ . 9 8

Solid color fro n t a n d back w ith contraattnK rag la n sleeves and pocket trim .

SUde fastener- brea&t


W O R KS H I R T SI .S e n fe rh td lP a b r lc ik r l ik -

eg* will n e t e sceed !*/•). 2. T rlpU 'S d tek id .}. Nea-RIp Foced Sk«v«»r* 4. 2 ■■Hea>T1ireaqli f e c k th .

AH the »trength' you could wonl—ot a ’woy low price! Rugged covert or cham- bfoy huikily built for oil- ofound lough weorl

M en ’s


). Sonfertitd Covtrfll«knc th im U tl will «*l • I'M

i. ZJpp»r f o c k t f 3. full ZIpptr fronJ

N#otn*n, warmth. proleC' lion—oil rolled into onet

• The jncVtl length oftd roomy rn wi(l olva you the fteedom ol ocllon you de­mand on your kind of job!

Popular i ’rleed FA V O niTK S! .T enney I


Ideal for bo lli fa rm a n d factory, H um of black re ta n le a th e r w ith coinfortablB p la in toea.

fltu rdy oompofiltlon eoles and whole rubber h rels .O et M O RE to r you r m oney — a t Penney'Al

Rnaiw to D ctach4. F iber Bide* w ith tlnynii n ra ld 8. Pram n H olds Un Ifron l5. P a te n t le a th e r Vlaor and


M rn ’fi U n ifo rm *CAPS, 98c

T O I 'S K K A M B fl 2f)c 73c

K eep your eaji c lean for beet •■aelllni’: appi-arariMil O ne fram e plus tw o toiM ("one to w ear while the o th e r * In th* w ash) eqiiftU a n a lw ay i-n ea t uniform capiPour Uiinplo Miapa to undo — tikat'a a ll there la to tU *Pabrio ahrlukaBe w ill no t eK -

ceed 1%. ■

P E N N E Y ' S