Iulian Mitrea 26 th June 2014 Salesforce a quality journey to happy customers

Iulian Mitrea 26 th June 2014 Salesforce a quality journey to happy customers

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Iulian Mitrea26th June 2014


a quality journey to happy



1. Product Overview. • Statistics about customer service • Salesforce, a necessary tool to improve customer experience • A closer view of Salesforce platform

2. Salesforce workflow used in Technical Support. • Manage Customer Relationship Share Information - Improve Collaboration - Better follow up • Streamline company service Respond quickly - Improve Productivity - Increase satisfaction • Salesforce ticketing workflow management • Salesforce Statistics and Reports facility • Demo session

3. Salesforce as a connection between CRM and R&D. • Salesforce and Jira integration • Demo session

Product Overview


41% of consumers expect an e-mail response within six hours. Only 36% of retailers responded that quickly.

Source: Forrester Research Inc


It is 6-7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a current one.

Resolve a complaint in the customer's favor and they will do business with you again 70% of the time.

Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs

Source: Lee Resources

In 2011, 86% of consumers quit doing business with a company because of a bad customer experience

A typical business hears from 4% of it's dissatisfied customers.


Source: “Understanding Customers” by Ruby Newell-Legner

Source: Customer Experience Impact Report by Harris Interactive/RightNow

Improve customer experience

Companies that are using Salesforce have seen....


Improve customer experience

With Salesforce you can:

identify & categorise leads

focus on high quality leads

create more customized pitches


more efficient C.S. team

happier and loyal customers

referrals are more likely


Close more deals

Increase revenue and referrals from existing customers

Improve customer experience

With Salesforce you can:

gather feedback from customers

better understand their needs

improve products/services


track campaigns report outcomes optimize & literate campaigns


Improve your product/service

Measure and optimise your performance

Improve customer experience

The benefits of cloud based CRM software - Salesforce


Scaleable Automatic Software Updates

Cost Efective

Increased Collaboration

Work from any device anywhere

Salesforce platform - close look

Salesforce.com was founded to provide customer relationship management (CRM) software delivered entirely over the internet (cloud computing).


Increase sales revenue Increase visibility between departments Decrease operating costs Streamline business process

Salesforce platform - close look


CRM Custom Apps


Sales Cloud

Service Cloud

The Salesforce services are delivered primarily through 2 products :

Sales Cloud - gives organizations the sales and marketing tools to streamline the process of capturing quantifying and selling to new and recurring customers. Service Cloud - streamline processing support request, validating and enforcing support contracts and providing customer sales service resources.CustomApps - you can build your own custom application on Salesforce. AppExchange - allows Salesforce partners to develop and distribute custom.

Salesforce workflow in Support team

Customers have 2 options to send their requests:

Log a Support Case using the company support platform

Call a Support Engineer

Salesforce workflow in Support team

General perspective for the issues logged on a web support platform

Customer Support Center

Registration &


Product Support

Customers with a current support contract with product related issues

License transfer to other users

Increase registration limit Registration related needs

Internal workflow

Salesforce workflow in Support team

Registration &


Product Support

Submit Case

Salesforce Installation&Registration


Salesforce Support Queue

Salesforce workflow in Support team

Customer Logs a Case

Case Is Routed

Case Closed

Gather Insight

Customer Portal

Find Solutions

The workflow for a Support Case in Salesforce

Salesforce workflow in Support team

…things are changed when the customer is calling the support engineer

A Customer Calls

Search Salesforce

Assign Tasks

Gather Insight

Follow Up

Update Information

Measure what’s working

The workflow for a Support Case in Salesforce

Search - any term within Salesforce and it will display the results from any records or index files that contain that search term.

Chatter - chat with your co-workers located in different offices. Send questions to specific people or groups.

Accounts - search the company account to observe if the issue was reported before by other employees. View the status of the company active licenses

Contacts - you can view if the same customer has reported the same behavior before on the

same environment or others. See if the customer has different cases opened and if they are related to the issue

you are handle it.

Ticketing management in


Demo session

Statistics and Reports

The Reports tab makes it easier to find, organize, and manage both your reports and dashboards in one place.

Statistics and Reports

The Reports tab makes it easier to find, organize, and manage both your reports and dashboards in one place.

You can:1. Create reports or dashboards2. Access standard reports3. Organize and share items in folders4. Move items between folders5. Customize the list view6. Search and filter items7. Manage reports and dashboards8. Schedule and follow items

Dashboard offer a way to consolidate, and access in real time, custom reports and metrics, and visually represent this data using charts, graphs and other tools.

A Dashboard will cover a broad area of performance and will consist of various custom reports that give further insights into a specific area.

Statistics and Reports

CRM –Salesforce – R&D

Customer logs a product request using a salesforce.com case

Support team receives Customer request, and begins reviewing the case

The Support team realizes it needs to raise an issue with the Development team

The Support team clicks the “Create JIRA Issue” button in salesforce.com

The case is then replicated to a JIRA issue, where the Development team begins its work

The Development and Support teams begin collaborating on the case / issue

The Development team solves the issue, and marks it as resolved in JIRA

The Support team is notified that the Case has been closed and begins working with the customer to resolve their request

Demo session


As far as we’ve seen Salesforce platform is a mix of technologies brought all together to fulfill complex requirements.

All the teams involved in the business process have access to specific tools that are developed to build great products and strong solution for the end users.

Support, Marketing, Sales, R&D and Management team can easily communicate share information and dramatically increase the efficiency of their daily tasks.

Depending on your needs the platform can be easily customized.

Here’s the funny part where you ask

you hope that I have



Thank you!