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III 111 11 11 HIM 1111

Control Number: 50987



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t 50 9 87 PUC DOCKET NO.








COMES NOW, the City of Austin, Texas (the "City"), and hereby files this Petition for

Approval of Service Area Contract under Texas Water Code ("TWC") § 13.248 and to amend

water certificates of convenience and necessity ("CCNs") in Travis County (the "Petition"). In

support thereof, the City of Austin would respectfully show as follows:

I. Petition

1. Pursuant to TWC § 13.248 and 16 Texas Administrative Code ("TAC") § 24.253,

contracts between retail public utilities designating areas and customers to be served

("Service Area Contracts") are valid and enforceable and are incorporated into the

corresponding preexisting CCNs of the retail public utilities if approved by the Public

Utility Commission ("the Commission") after notice and hearing;

2. Under 16 TAC § 24.253(a), retail public utilities may request approval of a Service Area

Contract by filing a written petition with the Commission, which must include: (1) maps

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of the area to be transferred in accordance with 16 TAC § 24.257(a); (2) a copy of the

executed Service Area Contract; (3) the number of customers to be transferred, if any; (4)

notice information in accordance with 16 TAC § 24.253(c); and (5) any other inforrnation

required by the Commission.

3. Petitions for approval of a Service Area Contract must include the following mapping

information as prescribed by 16 TAC § 24.257(a):

a. a general location map identifying the requested area in reference to the nearest

county boundary, city, or town;

b. a detailed map identifying the requested area in reference to verifiable manmade

and natural landmarks, such as roads, rivers, and railroads;

c. one of the following for the requested area:

i. a metes and bounds survey sealed or embossed by either a licensed state

land surveyor or a registered professional land surveyor;

ii. a recorded plat; or

iii. digital mapping data in a shapefile format georeferenced in either NAD 83

Texas State Plane Coordinate System (US Feet) or in NAD 83 Texas

Statewide Mapping System (Meters). The digital mapping data shall

include a single, continuous polygon record; and

d. If applicable, maps identifying any facilities for production, transmission, or

distribution of services, customers, or area currently being served outside the

certificated service area. Facilities shall be identified on subdivision plats,

engineering planning maps, or other large scale maps. Color coding may be used

to distinguish the types of facilities identified. The location of any such facility

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shall be described with such exactness that the facility can be located "on the

ground" from the map and may be identified in reference to verifiable man-made

and natural landmarks where necessary to show its actual location.

4. Pursuant to 16 TAC § 24.253, for purposes of requesting approval of a Service Area

Contract, notice is as follows:

a. If affected customers will be transferred as part of the contract, then individual

notice shall be provided to the affected customers by mail, e-mail, or hand

delivery. The notice must contain the current rates, the effective date those rates

were instituted, and any other information required by the Commission.

b. If the decision to enter into the contract was discussed at a meeting of a city

council or a water supply or sewer service corporation's board, a copy of the

meeting agenda and minutes for the meeting during which the item was discussed

may be considered sufficient notice, unless there are affected customers, in which

case notice must be provided to affected customers.

c. If notice was provided in accordance with paragraphs (a) or (b) above, the parties

to the Service Area Contract must ensure that an affidavit attesting to the date that

notice was provided and copies of the notice that was sent are filed with the


5. The City and Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation ("Creedmoor") are both "retail

public utilities," as that term is defined by TWC § 13.002(19) and 16 TAC § 24.3(59).

6. The City is the holder of water CCN No. 11322, the boundaries of which are in Travis,

Hays, Bastrop, and Williamson Counties, Texas (the "City CCN");

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7. Creedmoor is the holder of water CCN No. 11029, the boundaries of which are within

Travis, Hays, Bastrop, and Caldwell Counties, Texas (the "Creedmoor CCN");

8. The City and Creedmoor are each a "Petitioner," and are collectively the "Petitioners."

The Petitioners have entered into a Service Area Transfer Agreement (the "Agreement"),

pursuant to TWC § 13.248 and 16 TAC § 24.253, transferring a portion of the Creedmoor

CCN to the City CCN (the "Transfer Area"). The City and Creedmoor have agreed to the

transfer because the owner of the property at 8905 Sandust Way has requested service

from the City, and the City is already serving the other properties in the Transfer Area.

The City has been serving some of these properties since the 1970s and 1980s. A copy of

the Agreement is attached hereto as ATTACHMENT A.

9. This Petition contemplates transferring 18 existing retail water service customers from

Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN. Thirteen of these customers are already being

served by the City. Notice has been mailed to these customers in accordance with 16

TAC § 24.253, as shown in ATTACHMENT B. (The City has mailed notice to all the

service addresses, and also sent additional notice letters to the mailing addresses of

customers whose water utility accounts include a mailing address that differs from the

service address.) Also included herein, as ATTACHMENT C, is an affidavit from the

City, attesting to the date on which notice was provided (the "Affidavit of Notice").

10. ATTACHMENT D, attached hereto, contains the following in accordance with 16 TAC

§ 24.257(a): (1) a general location map identifying the requested area in reference to the

nearest county boundary, city, or town; and (2) a detailed map identifying the requested

area in reference to verifiable manmade and natural landmarks. The City will also

electronically submit, as part of its PUC petition, digital mapping data in a shapefile

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format georeferenced in either NAD 83 Texas State Plane Coordinate System (US Feet)

or in NAD 83 Texas Statewide Mapping System (Meters). The digital mapping data shall

include a single, continuous polygon record.


For these reasons, the City respectfully requests that (1) this Petition be deemed properly

filed with the Commission; (2) the Commission approve the Agreement as provided under TWC

§ 13.248 and 16 TAC § 24.253; (3) the Commission enter an order transferring a portion of

Creedmoor's water CCN No. 11029 to the City's water CCN No. 11322, as requested herein;

and (4) all other orders, acts, procedures, and relief be granted as are necessary to enforce the


Respectfully submitted,


301 W 2nd Street Austin, Texas, 78701

512-974-2268 hollv.heinricVdaustintexas.g.ov


State Bar No. 2410990


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I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing document was transmitted by e-mail on this

26th day of June, 2020, to the parties of record, in accordance with PUC Docket No. 50664,

Order Suspending Rules, which suspended any provision in chapters 22, 24, 25, and 26 of Title

16 of the Texas Administrative Code requiring that pleadings and documents in any Commission

proceeding be physically filed with the Commission, and any rule that specifies the form or

manner of such physical filings or requires that pleadings or documents be served on any party

by a method other than e-mail.

Holly Heinrich

Assistant City Attorney

City of Austin, Texas

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This WATER SERVICE AREA TRANSFER AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation, a Texas non-profit water supply corporation ("Creedmoor"), and the City of Austin, Texas, a home rule municipality organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas (the "City"), as of the date this Agreement is fully executed (the "Effective Date"). Creedmoor and the City are each a "Party" to this Agreement. Collectively, they are the "Parties."


WHEREAS, Creedmoor is the holder of water Certificate of Convenience and Necessity ("CC/NJ") No. 11029, the boundaries of which are within Travis, Hays, Bastrop, and Caldwell Counties, Texas;

WHEREAS, the City is the holder of water CCN No. 11322, the boundaries of which are within Travis, Hays, Bastrop, and Williamson Counties, Texas;

WHEREAS, Texas Water Code ("TWC') § 13.248 and 16 Texas Administrative Code ("TAC') § 24.253 authorize contracts between retail public utilities designating areas and customers to be served by those retail public utilities, when approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (the "PUC') after public notice and hearing;

WHEREAS, the following properties are located in Creedmoor's CCN: 7003, 7004 (Units A and B), 7006 (Units A&B), 7007, 7100, 8903, and 8905 Creedmoor Road; 7001, 7003, and 7005 Viewing Place; and 6950, 7001, 7005, and 7007 S. U.S. 183 Highway ("the Creedmoor Tracts");

WHEREAS, the City has been serving some of the Creedmoor Tracts for decades;

WHEREAS, the property at 8905 Sandust Way is located in Creedmoor's CCN and the owner has requested that the property be released so that service can be provided by the City;

WHEREAS, the Parties desire that Creedmoor release the Creedmoor Tracts and 8905 Sandust Way ("the Transfer Tracts"), as mapped in Exhibit A of this Agreement, so that service can be provided by the City;

NOW, THEREFORE, for the good and valuable consideration contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:


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1. Purpose. This Agreement shall be a "contract" designating areas and customers to be served by the Parties in accordance with TWC § 13.248 and 16 TAC § 24.253.

2. Transfer. Creedmoor transfers and conveys to the City, and the City accepts from Creedmoor, the Transfer Tracts; and the Parties hereby agree to the modification of the boundaries of their water CCNs, accordingly. The City agrees to take all necessary steps and pay all costs to prepare, file, and advance the application(s) at the PUC to transfer such water CCN boundaries from Creedmoor's water CCN to the City's water CCN. Creedmoor agrees to cooperate with the City in advancing such application(s), should the need arise. However, the City, in its sole discretion, may withdraw the CCN transfer application from the PUC at any time.

3. No Continuing Obligation to Serve. The Parties agree that upon PUC approval of the application to transfer the portions of Creedmoor's water CCN that overlap with the Transfer Tracts to the City, Creedmoor shall have no further obligation to provide retail water service to the Transfer Tracts. If the PUC does not agree to allow the transfer of the water CCN areas corresponding with the Transfer Tracts, the Parties agree to continue to discuss how best to achieve the purpose of this Agreement.

4. Termination. Either Party shall have the authority to terminate this Agreement for its convenience at any time before the transfer is approved by the PUC.

5. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas.

6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement reflects the entire agreement between the Parties, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, both written and oral, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

7. Notice. All notices by the City to Creedmoor shall be in writing, addressed to:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation Attn.: General Manager 12100 Laws Road Buda, Texas 78610 Telephone: (512) 243-2113

All notices by Creedmoor to the City shall be in writing, addressed to:

City of Austin Attn.: Austin Water 625 East 10th Street, Suite 800 Austin, Texas 78767 Telephone: (512) 972-0101


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When this Contract requires the Parties to provide notice to each other, the notice shall be in writing. Notices must be addressed, hand-delivered, faxed, or e-mailed only to the person designated for receipt of notice. A mailed notice shall be considered delivered three (3) business days after postmarked if sent by U.S. Postal Service Certified or Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid. Hand-delivered notices are considered delivered only when the addressee receives those notices. Notices delivered by fax or e-mail are considered delivered three (3) business days after transmittal or when received by the addressee, whichever is earlier. The Parties may make routine communications by first class mail, e-mail, fax, or other commercially accepted means.

8. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind the Parties and their legal successors, but shall not otherwise be assignable by any Party without prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. All of the respective obligations of each of the Parties shall bind that Party and shall apply to and bind any successors or assigns of that Party.

9. Venue. Actions taken by either Party in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed to have occurred in Travis County, Texas.

10. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated into this Agreement for all purposes.

11. Multiple Originals. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be, for all purposes, deemed to be an original, and all such counterparts shall together constitute and be one and the same instrument.

12. Authority. The Parties represent that the individuals named below are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of their respective Party.

13. Enforceability. The Parties agree that this Agreement constitutes the legal, valid, and binding obligation of each Party hereto, enforceable in accordance with its terms, and that each Party is entering into this Agreement in reliance upon the enforceability of this Agreement.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement in multiple copies, each of which shall constitute an original, effective on the Effective Date, on the dates set forth below:

CREEDMOOR-MAHA WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION, a Texas non-profit water supply corporation

By: Bennie W. Bock, II, President


CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality


Name: Greg Meszaros

Title: Director, Austin Water

Date: 5/14/2020


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ennie W. Bock, I, Pres' By:


Date: 7/ geo7e

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement in multiple copies, each of which shall constitute an original, effective on the Effective Date, on the dates set forth below:

CREEÐMOOR-MAHA WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION, a Texas non-profit water supply corporation

CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality


Narne: Greg Meszaros

Title: Director, Austin Water



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Exhibit A The "Transfer Tract"

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City of Austin Austin Water

January, 2020

Austin WATER

0 AO 2,000

Feet EE3 Transfer Area

1 Creedmoor-Maha This product is for Mformational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal. engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.

Transfer Area

Produced by Utility Development Services

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City of Austin Austin Water

January, 2020


0 250 500 1=MM

Feet ED Transfer Area

Creedmoor-Maha This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering,

or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative

location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose of

geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.

Transfer Area

Produced by Utility Development Services

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n = 4 m


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Austin City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 6950 S. U.S. 183 Hwy Austin, Texas 78744

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to

transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility

Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 6950 S. U.S. 183 Hwy, Austin, Texas, 78744 is located. This letter is to

provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative

Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to

your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since

April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

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Austin FIC:ffATER


City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 102 Cabana Vista Austin, Texas 78617

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 6950 S. U.S. 183 Hwy, Austin, Texas, 78744 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

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Austin Eli-V7ATER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 11253 Pinehurst Drive Austin, Texas 78747

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 6950 S. U.S. 183 Hwy, Austin, Texas, 78744 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of

your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to

your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since

April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.co11ierAaustintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

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Austin Ok-daZ TER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7005 S. U.S. 183 Hwy Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7005 S. U.S. 183 Hwy, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/ratcs-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

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Austin a a TER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7001 Viewing Place Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to

transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility

Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 7001 Viewing Place, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to

provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative

Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of

your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to

your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since

April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at

[email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

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Austin EIZaurA TEM


City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7003 Viewing Place Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7003 Viewing Place, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.collieraaustintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier

Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 24: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin Ply/ATER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7005 Viewing Place Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility

Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 7005 Viewing Place, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to

provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative

Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since

April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 25: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0


City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7003 Creedmoor Road, Unit A Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7003 Creedmoor Road, Unit A, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.collierAaustintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 26: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin EYWAT5f3

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7401 Carver Avenue Austin, Texas 78752

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to

transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility

Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 7003 Creedmoor Road, Unit A, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter

is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative

Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of

your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to

your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since

April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 27: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin phragrA TEM

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7003 Creedmoor Road, Unit B Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7003 Creedmoor Road, Unit B, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.co1lier(i4austintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 28: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin 77/75

-,7 177,1

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7004 Creedmoor Road, Unit A Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to

transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility

Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 7004 Creedmoor Road, Unit A, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter

is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative

Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of

your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to

your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since

April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virgin ia.coll [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 29: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0


City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7004 Creedmoor Road, Unit B Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7004 Creedmoor Road, Unit B, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.colliera,austintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier

Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 30: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin rily/A7T5AT

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 444 E St. Elmo Rd, Building A Austin, Texas 78745

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7004 Creedmoor Road, Unit B, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 31: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin Elta0ATER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7006 Creedmoor Road, Unit A Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedrnoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedrnoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedrnoor and the City will subrnit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7006 Creedmoor Road, Unit A, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedrnoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/departrnent/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.collieraustintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 32: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 2423 Burleson Ct, Unit B Austin, Texas 78741

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to

transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility

Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 7006 Creedmoor Road, Unit A, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter

is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative

Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of

your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to

your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since

April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at

[email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier

Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 33: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin EiQo7ATEN

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7006 Creedmoor Road, Unit B Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedrnoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7006 Creedrnoor Road, Unit B, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/departrnent/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.collier(i4austintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 34: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin ,t17,17,417

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7007 Creedmoor Road Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 7007 Creedmoor Road, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 35: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin E7fATER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 6226 Boxcar Run Austin, Texas 78745

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7007 Creedmoor Road, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier

Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 36: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin 7jrjEM

111 '

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7100 Creedmoor Road Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to

transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility

Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 7100 Creedmoor Road, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to

provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative

Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service, as the City is currently

serving your property. This petition, if approved by the PUC, would only result in the transfer of

your property from Creedmoor's CCN to the City's CCN, but is not expected to cause a change to

your water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since

April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at

[email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 37: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin 17171/7,41 TAFF

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7001 S. U.S. 183 Hwy Austin, Texas 78744

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 7001 S. U.S. 183 Hwy, Austin, Texas, 78744 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fecs.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.collierustintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 38: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin [WO-7,47ER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7007 S. U.S. 183 Hwy Austin, Texas 78744

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to

transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the

City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility

Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in

which your property at 7007 S. U.S. 183 Hwy, Austin, Texas, 78744 is located. This letter is to

provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative

Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service. The current water rates for

the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austi ntexas.gov/departrnent/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at virginia.co11ier(c4austintexas.gov or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager

Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 39: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin (717V/Al TER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 8903 Creedmoor Road Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 8903 Creedmoor Road, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/departrient/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 40: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin otd8K6 TER

City of Austin l Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 8905 Creedmoor Road Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 8905 Creedmoor Road, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 41: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

Austin 01V/A Trii5,73

City of Austin I Austin Water P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767


June 16, 2020

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 8905 Sandust Way Austin, Texas 78719

Dear Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident:

Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation (Creedmoor) has entered into an agreement to transfer a section of its water certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) service area to the City of Austin (the City). Creedmoor and the City will submit a petition to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for approval of the transfer. The CCN transfer area includes the area in which your property at 8905 Sandust Way, Austin, Texas, 78719 is located. This letter is to provide you with notice of the transfer agreement in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253.

The transfer is not expected to cause an interruption in water service. The current water rates for the City of Austin, which have been effect since April 9, 2020, can be viewed at: http://austintexas.gov/department/rates-and-fees.

You are not required to take any action in regard to this notice.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Virginia Collier at [email protected] or by phone at 512-972-0117.

Kind regards,

Virginia Collier Program Manager Austin Water, Utility Development Services

Page 42: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0


$ 000.50° 0001195035 JUN 16 2020 F1A ILED FROM ZIP CODE /8701

$ 000.50° iLIN 16 2020

ZIP CODE 76701

02 1P 9001195035 MAILED FROM




P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7003 Viewing Place Austin, Texas 78719


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 6950 S. U.S. 183 Hwy Austin, Texas 78744

Page 43: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

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$ 000.500 000 ?:451.135 Jun 6 2c2i) MAIL ED cROM ZIP t.C.DE 7 67Ut

$ 000.500 00011 V3o35 Jura 16 2020 MAIL ED FROM 7Ip CODE 78701


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7401 Carver Avenue Austin, Texas 78752


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 102 Cabana Vista Austin, Texas 78617

Page 44: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

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02 1P $ 000.50° 0001195035 JUN 16 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78701


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 11253 Pinehurst Drive Austin, Texas 78747


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7005 S. U.S. 183 HWy Austin, Texas 7871§

Page 45: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

02 1P



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if 4, — US POSTAGE

$ 000.50° 0001195035 JUN I fi 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP COOE 78701


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7001 Viewing Place Austin, Texas 78719

-twows •



02 I P $ 000.500 0001195(33.5 JUN 10 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78701

Currcnt Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7006 Creedmoor Road, Unit A Austin, Texas 78719

Page 46: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0


$ 000.500 0001195035 JUN 15 2020 MAI ED FROM ZIP CODE 78701

02 I P

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$ 000.500 0001195035 JUN 10 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78701





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P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7003 Creedmoor Road, Unit A Austin, Texas 78719


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7005 Viewing Place Austin, Texas 78719

Page 47: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088


=Ir a.


02 ; $ 000.50° 0001105035 JUN 1( 2020 MAll ED FROM ZIP CODE 78701


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7003 Creedmoor Road, Unit B Austin, Texas 78719

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02 1P $ 000.50° Ut,1111950.45 .1_,1\1 1- 2t,2 0 MAILE.; FROM ZIP ,:01- ,,1

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7100 Creedmoor Road Austin, Texas 78719

Page 48: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0



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$ 000.50° OD01195035 JLJN 16 2020 MAILED FROM ZtP CODE 78701

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02 1P r:k 0001195035 JUN 16 2020



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$ 000.500


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 444 E St. Elmo Rd, Building A Austin, Texas 78745


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7006 Creedmoor Road, Unit B Austin, Texas 78719

Page 49: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0


$ 000i500


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

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02 1P 0001195035 .111N 16 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78701


...""' 44., ---.--"X- US POSTAGE

$ 0001500 0001195035 JUN 18 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78701

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 6226 Boxcar Run Austin, Texas 78745


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088





Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7004 Creedmoor Road, Unit A Austin, Texas 78719


Page 50: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0


$ 000.500 0001195035 JUN 16 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78701

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P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

4 ' a 000.4° L, POINONSMENI

4 4..44 US POSTAGE

02 1 P $ 000.500 0001195035 JUN 10 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE' 78701

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7004 Creedmoor Road, Unit B Austin, Texas 78719


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 2423 Burleson Ct, Unit B Austin, Texas 78741

Page 51: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

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P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088


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02 1 P $ 000.500 0001195035 JUN IC 2n2( WAILED FROM ZIP COI/E 701

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 8905 Creedmoor Road Austin, Texas 78719


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7001 S. U.S. 183 Hwy Austin, Texas 78744

Page 52: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

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$ 000.500 0001155035 JUN 16 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78701



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P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident , 7007 Creedmoor Road

Austin, Texas 78719


02 I P $ 000.500 0001195035 JUN 16 2020 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78701

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 7007 S. U.S. 183 Hwy Austin, Texas 78744

Page 53: Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

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1.4L. .... Ls: ienemor US POSTAGE

$ 000.50° JUN 1 6 2020

ZIP CODE 78701


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 8905 Sandust Way Austin, Texas 78719


P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767-1088

Current Owner, Occupant, or Resident 8903 Creedmoor Road Austin, Texas 78719

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On this day, June 17, 2020, appeared before me, the undersigned notary public, and after

I administered an oath to them, upon this oath, they said:

"My name is Holly Heinrich. I am an assistant city attorney for the City of Austin, Texas

("City"). I am more than 21 years of age and capable of making this affidavit ("Affidavit"). I

have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, which are true and correct:

1. On May 14, 2020, Creedmoor-Maha Water Supply Corporation ("Creedmoor") and the

City entered into a certain "Water Service Area Transfer Agreement," pursuant to Texas

Water Code § 13.248 and 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253, designating water

service areas and customers to be served by each Petitioner, and transferring a portion of

Creedmoor's water CCN No. 11029 to the City's water CCN No. 11322.

2. On June 16, 2020, the City mailed notice to affected customers residing in the area that

would be affected by such transfer, in accordance with the requirements for notice

provided in 16 Texas Administrative Code § 24.253. A copy of said notice is attached to

this Petition as Attachment B.

3. The City has prepared a certain Petition by the City of Austin and Creedmoor-Maha

Water Supply Corporation for Approval of Service Area Contract Under Texas Water

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Code § 13.248 to Amend Water Certificates of Convenience and Necessity in Travis


4. Creedmoor and the City support the Petition."


CITY OF AUSTI TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality

Holly Heinrich, Assistant City Attorney



This instrument was acknowledged before me on June 26 , 2020, by

Holly Heinrich, an assistant city attorney for the City of Austin, Texas.


Notary Public, State of

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My Commission Expires March 6, 2023

Digitally signed by Deidre Carter-Briscoe Date. 2020 06.26 11 3640 -0500'

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This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.

City of Austin Austin Austin Water WATER

June, 2020

Transfer Area General Location Map

Produced by Utility Development Services

Ez3 Transfer Area

Austin City Limits


0 AO 2,000 =M11


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0 45 550

Feet EZI Transfer Area

Creedmoor-Maha This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering. or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by Austin Water for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.

Transfer Area Detail Map

Produced by Utility Development Services

City of Austin Austin Austin Water WATER

June. 2020