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Commanding General

AAF Training Unit, Fort Worth, Ta•••


Commanding AAF Western Teohnic.>I

Training Command, Denver. Colorado


OFfic• of Comm•ncling Offic·o.r

* To the Men and Women of Keesler Field: I am deeply grateful to the members of my command for

their diligent and untiring devotion to the duties to which they have been assigned and for the sincerity of purpose and effort which have resulted in making this station one of the foremost in the Army Air Forces Training Command.

The many activities carried on at Keesler Field require the fullest cooperation of all of its personnel to insure their suc­cessful accomplishment. This hes consistently been forthcom ing from the post's officer and enlisted personnel.

The aim of this station is to prepare men for ultimate service in such important and varied duties as air-sea rescue opera· tions, taught here in the nation's only Emergency Rescue School, for eventual maintenance work in the Air Forces' big­gest bombers, and for the many branches of air service for which a basic training course gives thorough preparation.

Allieo departments at the base assist in its overa I program. and help maintain its smooth ano eff1c1ent operation in its many activity ph11ses.

More than half a million men have undergone training in some branch of AAF duty at Keesler Field. To them and to the men who est11blished so excellent a record in carrying on that training , I offer my hea rty congratulations.

THOM....S S. VOSS Colonel Commonding


Col, fhom•t $, Vo,:i, • vll•r•" of 17 month1 urvlct In the ETO ~Ith lh• Nrnth Air fore• •ltd of J4 Y••rt In HM Atmv, •tsum•d c.otrJ.tNnd oi Kttsl•r Fleld Oft M•Y I, IMS.

A plonter In the (laid ot AAF t1chn.lc•I lr•lnl"g, Colontl Yot1 rot9d (._1'1'1.,1d pllo• •"d cemb•t otn.,,.,.r, c:1rno io lC1tsl1r Fiold Int two montht olt.r hh rot•No.n re!'lltn from o"•U•••· He hold1 !tro l•tlot1 of Mtrlt •nd lt1• lropl1 Stir vfth o.n. o.ak Jolf d uster for olltdendfr19 por­fbtm•M:• •• commender ot • u•lt wl'lleh iorv1ad troop c.ortftn •"O bomb4rt of ttio lnvetlot olt fcrco .

A Nod,\ Carcllnion by birth 11nC o Florld1n by virtue of hit e.t1blb.h· mtnt of a ptf~tnent roddt11<1 thtl'I whtn ho !wilt •nd CCll'!\mond.cl the Oll•ndo 1lr be~•, Colol\11 Von bh b .. 11 ottachd to the Armv'• •Ir otm ti•• "I' followlnQ •-•n yoor. In fho cowifry, Ho 11 l2.

Tho .,., .. ,." offJ~r btq•" hh mlllt•rv e•r••r •• • ptfv•t. In ... Uth C..tltl'. ld'l'•nctd thtouth th. enll•t•d r.flh lo become Fint Strq••nl of Tt<Wp L, HUit C.v•lrr, tn the ,.,1, d•r• Of the filst Wotld W•r. e!Hf wu CO!"'""lfnlon•d S•c.ond lltut•n••t Jvn• )(I. Jtl7. bf.comfn; comllWlnd•r of• ttoop In ti!. Uth C.vo1lry.

homotl.oti to Ffnt U•vt.n•nt •nd tf4n1f•t to lh1 AW Setvlce br• nch o& th• S"n.al Corp_., fottt\lnn.r of tt. AAF-. t.et'l'lf. toqelht r on J<1nU1ry IS, I'll. Cor1H1tuln; hls •dv•nte, the '(OU!l1" officu durlf\Q 111• nest ""•u1l tMrJ wu on duty at Ktll'f F-l t1d, Tt-.; Mattier Fitld, C.H., Wh•re ht .,... tntd1 C.p1•l1t •11d ei~utivt officu; •"d U .ng1ey Reid, Vo., whee• he -• tdl11t1nl '""' •htre he to0\- pert In foltio l b9'V!bl1J9 rne-w•ri oll lfff Vl19l•I• Cepu lt1 wblch tit powtr prcwtd lb worth by slnldnq ctp. tuttd Gt.tmtn dlisn,.

Ttansfttri.119 'o lflt P•n•m.t C.1161 dtp•rtme.d •s comtn•ndl119 offlctr of th• 2tth Pvn.vlt Squ•drol'l, he 'P9t1I nret yeo11 •f thh itr•t.9i-: poJ!, hotdtn9 tht pod qf dtptrfll'tnt tlr offlctr d11ri119 lh1- litter 'tttt •nd •

h•lf 1111tff h'.t rttutn to the Stet•• In 1'2' • .. Mr• he 41omtd lht dilly of Wll+MICfot of orq•Aiud rat• rv•i •f Plthbu1oh. '•·

FroTt 1'2$ to 1911 ht h•ld lire post o f onhttnt commsndtnt of th t Air Corp1 ttchNctl sdiool • I Chanute Fftld. h1 ••rly ffJI .... wtnl to lnd1tl'I• •poll1 •• 1-. . . .... eto .. •' lht l1tdl•ri• N•tl•MI GMrd. Air Cotpt, ltom wht-nce he mtd• • l•Cotld Hip to Ktlly fhi!d, wher• he r•mtfn.d for four •nd • h.tlf Yf•U •• C. 0, of th• 40th Bornb4 rdintftf Sq1i1tcfro1t. H t ti· tol111d hb mtiorrtr 111 August. 1m.

Fro"" 19U to lt38 Hkboh Fltld In llM ,hlllppf.nt• ••• M•lo, Voo' datJOlt, •nd b1 comm•od•d fhert lht Sbth Co!nPOrlt• GNKP. Dllrlno !hit period ttt. offic.t-t• who tt• 11ow Gtn.tt•I of Ille Art1lt1 Ocu9lo1 Mtc• Arlt!ur, G•N,•I of th• A1mlt1 DWl'9hl 0. Eln,fl.o-wtr tl'ld 81f9, G-.n. Al_bert L. $t11•cf, "•"°' C, 0 , ol 0• AAA'ITTC. .,...,. On d\lfV 111 the hl•1td1, •• fltld tNlrtlwil, lrti1tln9 offieH end d•putm11t arr offletr rt•pedfvtly. D11rl•9 hl1 .toy, MaJor )'ou bf.qmt Ll.uhfltnt Colon•I VosL

he\ lo t!lt Siii•-• 10 to.um1 th• poit of .. :ttc-11tl•t officer tt 5eltrld9t Ft1ld, Mich., ht too~ o"ter th• wme duty In fflt ti Mu:wtll FltlCf vnd•r th• l•t• MtJ. G•llo Wth•r R. Wuvw, l1ftf to btc.omt comrTM11•dlt19 9t1t• •t•I of tht Ttch11'c1I lr•ll'lln9 Cotnml'td. In Stptembtr, 1'40, he wu Mn! lo Orl•ndo, •rtd left tti•11 to btcom~ McO'll Fitld C. O. ""Ill .fit ""'"* o"•"' .. ' lrt S.pt.mber, IMl.

Ht wti eommal\dln9 officer of the Fir-ii Advorte.ct Afr 0.pot Al•• Corn• mend (lt1\ Fote•) of nt Ninth Alt fore.• Air S.rvf~ Comm1nd fint Jn the •rltish hl11, &. tor, foll-tl"Q rile '"'"'ula11, Ol'I the to-'IHne•f, Hit t•• l11r"'tcl to flt• U. S. Of\ th• 1~u1 d•y of F1bt111ry, lflS, and foHowlno •hort ift'(s tt lht Mltmi B••di rtdhhlbutlo1t ''""' •n-J •t his hol'll'e '" n,1_.~ ... t.. ,,.,.., ..,.,.,4"'••u,f...., Hih ~'*

l1t •ddltlOl'I to tfl• L49lo11 of M•rlt, Colontl You wellh urvlce rlbbons of th1 Ptnll119 Mtsfc•n ExptclUJo11, for MtdC41'1 bo'd•r strw-lct, .. ~ th• EtO 1lbbCN1 with battle stirs for fht•t m.tl« tllCJtQtmlflh.


Military "alma mater" to more than holf o

million Air Force soldiers, Keesler Field hos, since

its activation four years c1go seit thousands of

men from its basic t raining fields and its oir­

plane mechanics and oir-sea rescue schools into

every correr of the qlobe where air war plays

o vital role in the conquest at the Axis.

Thousands more of its personnel hev" served

at the great AAF Training Command station for

varying periods os school instructors ond os ad­

ministrative porsonnol. In its short bu t l'ldion­

crommed history, the field hos been a major

unit of the Eastem Technical Training Commend

for its first two years and the Western Technical

Training Command for the lost two.

It hos been the site ol important units of the

Air Transport Command. and o1 special installa­

tions for the tra"ning of bomber pilots, end it

hos en<Joged in transitory periods of other spe­

c ial training in behalf of the air war.

Col. T. S. Voss. overseas veteran of a year

ond o half in the Europeon theater. has been,

since May I, 1945, commanding officer. He is

aided in his direction of tho field's manifold ac­

tivities by o stoff of competent officers and

enlisted personnol, all of them contributing fo

the smooth oporotion of one of the notion's big­

gest oi r bases.

Located on Into Mi»iuippi Gulf Coo•+ at

Biloxi. deep South resort oreo over which hove

flown seven flogs, the field might well set itself

* up os o rivol to the edjoining municipality, for, ot

Keesler, in addition to the sta rs end stripes. the

vivid colors of the Ooq> of Fronce, Broz~ ond

China hove woved in the balmy Gulf IJreeLe• to

denote the presence of elements of their Air

Forces in lroining here.

Thousands of young mon who now ore carry­

ing devasta ting aerial werfare to the icottered

Pacific bases of the last Axis enemy took their

basic trainin9 ot Kee~ler Field. Besic training

al the station dotes bock to soon after the post's

activation in June, 194 1, when a converted golf

course and odjocent land, and a single small

hangar were the nucleus from which grew the

present huge installotion.

Now. !°jve massive ol~steel hangars dominote

the field ot its inland side, an extensive series of

lend ing strips accommodates the largest bomb.

ers yet lo take the skies and amphibians have

their choice of land or water upon which to land

and take off. School buildings dot the stotion

landscape near the hanqors, and most mainte­

nance deportments lie nearby. The wide main

thoroughfare thot marks ihe border of these

structures also marks the beginning of the blocks

upon bled~ of two-story steam.heated. inte­

greted unit berracks. seporoted mid-way by half

11 mile of mess hells.

B<tcic +reining at K ... 1., hes 1 .. ~ mAny rrAn

into specialized fields, often into training as oir­

plene mechanics, es radio operators end mointe-

nance men, es aviation photographers, and many

other duty assignments of high value to the suc­

cessful prosecution of the nation's aerial war.

The airpl11ne mechanics school also began op­

eration before Pearl Harbor at the close of Sep­

tember, i 941 . It was for three years the na­

tion's only B-24 Liberator bomber mechanics'

school, and its graduates, trained in a model in­

structional plant, went on to Europe, Africa,

India, tho Aleutian• and everywhere that I iber­

ators cerried death and destuclion to the Axis.

During the post year courses have beon

broadened to afford basic instruction in the sub­

ject, which later can be concentrated on the

particular type of plane with which soldier-stu­

dents ultimately may work.

Newest of the major activities carried on at

Keesler Field is the highly important training

conducted in the Air Forces' only Emergency

Rescue School. Here, pilots, navigators, me­

chanics and other technical and administr11tive

personnel are trained for air-sea rescue duty.

These men will go out to the Pacific war areas,

where they will fly their missions of mercy to

lend quick end thorouqh aid to army airmen

downed at sea in their relentless 'round the clock

6ttacks on Japanese bases. ERS training at

Keesler Field, like that of the airplene mechanics

school, likewise is on a 'round the clod basis, so

important are they to bringing victory closer.

Training for air-sea rescue duty is rigorous

and demanding. During 1945 this specialized

schooling program has become one of the most

important of AAF undertakings.

Because of its huge size, the field has re­

quired the maintenance of immense mess facili­

ties, of a great and finely equipped station hos­

pital, dispensaries and dental clinics, of a post

laundry big enough and modern enough to serve

a large city.

In an installation as large as Keesler Field, rec­

reation must be an important phase of the over­

all program. The field boasts one cf the out­

stMding athletic programs of the command.

Many of its sports +cams are unbeaten and most

of the remainder are consistent winners-Keesler

holds the footboll, basketball, golf ond tennis

chcmpiu11>l1ip> u f ih a rec and >tands high in

baseball and softball. Its records have been

amassed against collegiate. professional and mil­

itary competition.

But it isn't onlv the topnotch performers who

carry the athletic program-competitive sports

end g<!lmes for fun are held daily in every squad­

ron on the field, sometimes in the squadron's

own areo, often at one of the post diomonds.

gridirons, tennis or basketball courts.

There are. too. the more restful recreational

pursuits, afforded by three big service clubs, a

15,000-volume library, a score of dayrooms and

many squadron recreation halls, and, of course,

the post's four moving picture houses and its

huge I 0,000-capacity outdoor playhouse. An

outdoor dancing pavilion, in use most of the

year, boat ing and fishing facilities, swimming in

nearby waters of the Gulf and numerous lesser

activities also are available, and, dotted about

the field, is a cha in of post exchanges.

Commanding officer of Keesler Field for three

years prior to the accession to command of Col.

Voss was Col. Robert E. M. Goolrick, who in­

itiated many of the activities, military and rec­

reational, undertaken a t the post. His prede­

cessor and the field's first commanding officer

was Col. Arthur L. Brock.


ColoM DhtCICM' • f fr•9'ltn9 •ftd o,., • .r ....


DtiPtitfy Commtl\dflu,i Offlc:•r

HARRY E. SMAl.lEY .,. .... , St•tfo• D• M•I SwqM1t


ClrKt°' of Admlnhtretl~ "'d S.Nrus

THOMAS L. M<KNIGHT \.l•w••·· "' c ... 11.1

Olf'fc:tor of S\IJply •11d M•r111u••t<•


St•t1011 Sur9•on


lue Adlw!111!

TH!lON O. CLARK Ue;itu.Af Col..,.a

-.;, 1MCMdOf



~llf1lf Air fmptdor Ad.rn'.nl.ritatfve, A·I

A s

MAX OtHlOH M•ltt

Cet!WN•dt .. c>Mut. '



OIC Sm•I Ar"• F-lrlno, e.J


HA .... Y W, HECHT M•lot

'o•t El'tQtn1•rll'!1J Offk•t, A•I



Auht•ttt Otr.c:tor of SQpply •ltd Mai.nt•1111.nc•, C..I


ComtN11di"9 Olflctt. H

c E R s

fMIOOOll IC fOU"ITAIN ...... ,&.14 ,,. .. , ... Offket .. ,

·~-" .... , " , .

,. •

._.-4·. JAMU HUHlll.

M•l« COfl!f!Wr1dl"t Oftlc•t, X

ALI( If M. McCOH tilt LL .... , .. Su,.M10r of s,,.,.,, c.1


"''°' O~tdot of R'9lit C..tlol, I · I

Al lfilT M I AMIO ""•let

CoflmPdi.,. Off'kff, O

,, ....

lOIU.T t, JOHNSTON Me .. r

Al.d1taat OltKtor of £m.,. v••cr llnc..ie Sdlool

lAMf<*O 'liJ!"OQGlAU Aukt•llf Atr I~,

Mftllal1W.ti' ... M

.. ,.t ~-~ : ~

,.~ ~ ~- -·-

llCHAIO f K."'OUJOH ...... Poet ~ Ad¥-.te, A-I

t Otf:tf C. tflS M•J•

Auhtoof - °""". c..

""~ '81

~: ..

. ,, : . ( .. ;


Ccflhol Offic•, A· I

l501flitAl..O C. WOl.llSOH M•for

CoMNIM!ing Oflker, ,

.t.l lEH L. PellUHS

Anht1 .. ~1°'asoedot, A•I


·.IS} ~.


I . •·ti'f._

LnTll f HICHOlSON M•j••

Chtpl• • . A•I

IOllll l. ll10N Mofoo o;,.,... .. t..o•KJ

l..u. k~

f'ii ·'.'i ~ .. , ............ .~'t.- '

~ ,_

GUS M. P'SALTIS ...... MF-Olk...


HCllilt;.119 Ofr'ICW, A,.


mwrN c . .scon

Clrector T~I Tr.I .. ... CH.ULB VI. SIGEi.SOM

W•lOf .... M• Ofkw. A·I

HUc;o F. Sill M•1« J.lmf.IUCC. I . SHAR'El

M•I• Aalhleflf ,,O"Oft M.nhtl, A-1 V.wde •ad Molori1"1

-~ Ofllc.•, C.I kM Clthh Off'~. j,.t

lOGll W, CANN C:.pttln

o•c ·~· "'"•· 1 2

CUFFOlO W. CALHOUN c. ..... CllHomk.I w.,f.,,,. CW--.;•"• I I


4dfltl..nt • •

1-fOW AlO OAUAS C.phb!

fnttfvdor, ......

Hlll&T I. CAISON C.ptlll"

f' .. t Llllq'Y Ofncw, A ·I

ltUPU.T I DAVIDSON c.r·•· Aultl•11t f'to1 [l'lfln•w, C.I

LE£ I . fiU\UY C.ptaia

M111ttfY TnW90 Off"re.

OONAJ.D S fiAUTHIEI c:...tola

Rlooht l•tntc..,, ~

1aue1 .. HAMILTON Ant Uewt-.." t

AuUt•1f ltftiJHul Ofl<•' .....


Adj.;t•lll, S

CKAILS W, GlYSTt:EH. JI c:...t•lo

Adiul•at. z


li-.K Al'ff oirteer. s

P·U•Y H. Hl.;LTIN C.pl•I•

Cl.pW•. A·I

OSJOAN c;, IDOM C.••••

eoam.adbQ Offt<•.

UM I JIFfOlOS. A c:.I••· t:al.HCJS M. JOYCI

c;;.,pt•fa Actt81••t. U MM• Ollk•, A·I


AdivtMt. 0

. •

t'j ..,.,

poon I . LOWMAN C.11t•1•

Ad{uf•ftt, M

• - i ::.!.

- ..

~ ...., ,..


, AUL A. t.IEYEl Gaplf ..

•rfWllt Aldi Offit.+J, ...

.I.ACE M PATI'EISON c. ..... Ac!(ilUtlt, "

r ~ .. l .

·ij:· .... .. + .,.,. ;,;._-

DOHAlO W. lYlLI c.,,..," Auldaftt Joat Dlt•d6' 'hf1lc•I f,.lnl11-t, t .i


/~~ -,_ ,.r'·


WIUIAlrif J , MOOIE c..,1.1 ..

Auhla11t Adjut•ltf, A• I

, _.

B>OAl L O UIW c...1.1. le~ Off.__, .. ,

·), '· ~~ •.-

~·· ··~) \' ~.

' • .... 1. . ·.:,' . "

.,~~ .,


A.uldaat AJiJ. .,,..pet+r Offitet. C-1


< :t:

,Ii'\' • -

·tj 1 •

,_-~. ~ ..... .. ' •. ·~ Jll',.


GEOlGE F. ftACHU c.r,•l• Ha•1••tl+ft .. tntc:tw, 1-4

~ -~ \.· '.J'. . -~

·tj+ ' ) -..;._,,...; ' .... -'l(r ~ . .

··~~· _,, " .

111· i .. -·-...-~~

FOi.REST L HOU e ..... , .. Cli•l>MI•, .._..


Op·.,1tlon1 Oftlc•r, 1-4

lUSS&Ll ta , lAMAGI C.ptalJ1

Ad(41•t1I, I

FLOYO M, lEEVES C.t1tal11

Ch•pl•lt1, 0

JOHN I. lEt4WICK C.pt•1n

An1ri•nt l ud.;i.t •~d fhe•I Offlc.t, A·I


c.r.·'· Na '>'f.oaU.. Mtn.<tet, M


t8• ..

. :·,1.,~

~ i > -· -/Iii -

IUlT l . O'lOUllCJ c .. ~._,., Ad]\"t•nt, w


comm•11dfn9 Otllc•r. :5


OIC Ottlcet Cl11b. A-I

F'llANK J , RONAN C•ptaln

Aubta.nt 1o Dl1Ktor ol Tr•lnlnq. 1-1


AJ.•l•t•ll IJltal Offlc•r, 'v I

FIEDEllCK W, SHAW, Jl. C.pt•fn

rublk A•l•flonJ Offlc•t, A-I

AlLEtl V, RO'tlLll

"'r.'•'• htt.oMl Aff• n Ofllc:.,, A· I


Ch•Pi•f.n, A·I


Air ln1p•ctor Tr•lnlnq,

WAI.TU ) , "CHC1. Mlt.X G. SILVE& C1ph1l1

tEtt W. 31UOUt.SON C.Pt•ln

Ho.spitel Clwipltln, A·I

OOHAlD t. ~MfTli C•pt•l11

Adlrla1tl, l

C.MO&V a, :iOLOMOU C1pt•l11

Tr.tnlno Offtcer, I C.ptal11

Dlt•dor 8-Jl Cot.1rM, 1 .. I Auht•nl '•ttonfttl Otlfc.e.1, ....

WILLIAM R. T1JCKEll. J l , Captil!A

Aul.stint Finance Offlctr-, A·I

R.OIElT W. SJOFFEl C•r.t• tn

Adl11 ent, X

JAM~ a. STA.AWN C.ptaln

S.Cr-•t•ty ''l~nlul School,

JOHN C. TYSON Oiipt•1•

Svpplr Offi«r, 1-2


I 11t1d E fflctr, A·I

HatlY t. VAH Nm! C•Pt•l11

Assld•11I Et19~t1•r-lft-Q Officer.


$"'p11rvh~· N••1gelll>t' Troinin9, 1-4


hodu:tron Conitol OIJl<•t. ~.I

WILUAM H , THOMj Captain

liulrildor, 8-"'

1HOMAS K. VlkiNEl, C•plain

ln.dnic.for Small Atn u ...... •. 1

(;ILIElT l, WHITE c .... 1o

Mtn OMc.r, A·t

JElRY A. WAl<EflELD Copt•ln

Adjutont. l


W.,•houdnQ Offlcor, C-l


Ch•ploln, A-I


En.qln••tfn9 Oflk•r, C-1

JAMlS L. WILIY C.pt•tn

Offlc.•n M•u Offk•, A·I

titi.RIQ;f J , AlOlllDOli Ant U..t•n.ad

hidru(;tor of N"•wlo•Uon, M

J0$£1"H A. ALSCANOE:ll, '"· Ftri.t lltiit•n•nt

MTIJl•ry lnl•1llo•nco, A·I

CARL £, 8AllEY Flnt Li111t11NM

Adlut1at, K

DONALD A 'fEnff. CAphht

A11btont TroJnT14 Olfkor, T

SHED H. WEEKS ~ptalft

Colll.Mondin9 Oftlcor, F

CA.l llN!; WILLIAMS Copt•Tn

Ccimma11dtn9 Offfcer, V

WIL8Ult El YOUNG C411p •In

Aubiont COrrmun.1(.ftionl Offket, C.I

EUIEo i;, WllSOH Copta!n

IMtru:ctor Sm.ell Ar·mt FfifrM.


jl:Ollill S, ANOEoASOH Finl Ll..vt.Mnt

As1l\tont Air ln1po.ctor, A·I

FlliOEAICK J. A.lNOLO ANt U•11hnant

N•wlvotlo11 ln1inl~or, 8·4

HUGH l, IAUAkD Rrtt L1011t•o•nt

N.,...l91tloa IMf'fvdor, ~

PAUL 8ANGIOLA Rnt L1•11t.a•,t

,.,.IOflll Affoln Offlcw, A·I

VICTOl lAlBER Ffn:t Lll\fefl411nt

l'tl:ttlc.I T,.Jaln.Q, l

JOHN H, IAllCOOl.l Flnt UffttMnt

OIC e.rblt• M• h "'tti•hlP. w

Llt.AHD I Ul GE Antu .. ~

H&.M ltttNdiw. M

F-A.ANIC W, DAVIDSON Hut Ll.ultnant

51,tpplr 0"1<9r, l.J


-~~· - 1

' .. VANCE f OUN<fllERGP

Flrd U••hl•anl N•"'••lft11 l11•ftudoot, 1-i

ltATtlLlf.N M. I UIUi-fA Hnt UMl•-at

Co!rfN .. 114 ORcw, D

$1Lllll DAVIS "'"' L.lt\lh1W111t $11pply Offlur, Cl


~ I ~-


'..\~ c.\.

'1rtf llt l1f111•11t '"'°11el AH"altt Offlc.tt, A·I

ROSH J llJHOP RMt 1.Je i.t•Mttf

Rlqht lutrvdot. IM

Wll.UAM C_ I OWMAH Hnt t.IMiteUltf

Assld•~t Chemlcel Wa.rfai. Offktr. a.1

OOY'TOH W . COFFUTY Rrtt U_,_...

He..S .. KM l•tndof, t.-4

F!tAHICLIN IC, DEMMON r;1n1 LI••''"•"'

$11pplr Offloer, N


·.·~ \~ .... . .

ClAl ON C. EL.ET Ant U.llf•Hirt

Ai.ht•at _A.:., e. '!•!flt tlWlflCI

lDWAJID '· CAIOWQ.l Ftnt u.u1 .... t

Stppty Offic., F

YANCEY J . OICKElT Jtrd u ..... _""'

Auht.,1t lue W•ttll•f Oflker, l •I

~~ . '

., • .J . tit>·

' ' ',,. :...· ·~ ~

' .. .

MAllY i. CA.I LSJ ... Rnt U•11t1....t

AM&I ... Tte .. i!OrietlM Oflkw, e.1


Ffut ltelltte••I Auhf¥1t A. c . M•rflt111e11c•

rte-... r..1

JAC( C. C...lll(N19 Ant Ueef .....

AWMett ,..,_.,..,. 0. A-I

ALIEAT E. OOUGHll f irst ll•u-ltttllf

Supply Offl<-11, l•I

.. ~

ii ·~ ' ···1'~ . .

IEIHICE HEU Ait.t u ...... ...

P:Ufffl ,.,.... ... Ofnc.t.t. A·I

JIFfllSOH F $l'801T Arlt u... ... ,, e:..t•...,.. .. '1ftk:er, C.I

tol~E F. HUM•HllY Rnt U..t.MIW

i...;g•H- Ofnt.•t, .....

MAia L HUMTU Rrv l.'-1.i•M11t

... ... ,.,." ,..,_~ Oflk ... , ....

MAlliN $.t.••EH. Jl Rttt u .... -.,

1-17 0 A ti f,.iAt<"tOt. M

HAlaY S HAlDIN Rrd °"'-1•Nllf

.\.uM•.t Ptopwty OfRc.w C.I

WAltll H HB.MEllCK_ Ill "'• u ... ,.,...

01~., ~ .. lt-•1<~. 1.1

OOUGU.S I JA ... ES Rttt l.kli .. N.At

Pt..-.k•I T,.,,.,f.q h1dn1e+., ...

fHO..-A.S P. Gl.t.CI "-"" ....... ~ ..

""·''•"' Pr.perty Otnc., c.1

WILIUI C Hill Rnt &.1 .. ,._...,.,-t

AuiVud hdt~ ·- Fttt•I O!lk•. A-I

MILO C. JOHN50N Finl Lf~t•Mltt

H.wlt•~'-11 hlfrudof. M

»t. <, ,.

~" . y

. -- ., -·, -~-:: .. HOWS H. Mc:lllDI

Rid u-t.M•t ..... CMfkff. w

DANIEL J Ml:SNICl •lul Ll• Vf•Ul\I

Ht•l••lloa h1dl'\ldor. 1-"

MYIOH I •V1rr(M Rn.t u-•-~1

A C. l"t-'Ct .. Olfk•.

., "

" ~--~ ' ~· ·~

't ~~:~·A,. ·' , 'Ir; ...

WIUtAM J M4HOHEY AM U-. .. ~<tt

S.. ppfy Offbr I

Alttl1UI 'W MILLll f.int Ll~ltlltl'lt

Fllolti lfl•tr~tor f..4

All J, CAININ RtU LllMll•IW.at

SIONlf A (INC.SL.ANO flnt Lfwt•M!lt

4M•t••t ~. C M.•l!it• .. 11c• (HUc-• • C-1

w .. tM>t Olftc•. , _.


'~ -,.. -lJCHAlD M.«:O'WICIC

fint UN' ..... '°"" .. " O!l.ur. e.•

t~ I •

... . ftto 0 . lrik$ lA TH

Antu ....... -·

WILLIAM A. Mil.Lil . JI Fin-t ll•\11••""

•• J~flr'.:::• ,~:..i ••

.,j ..

"" . ~

:t?l: I'-

•~ WUUAM H McOU1 If.. JI

Rra:I U.teM.U ~· ,.,_ .. omc_. , , f.,1

CHAllU I MITCHEU Rn·t ll•tifl•l\•fllt

Ah~hi l1Utn1c:tor, IA


~i.~ Oflk•

.. i ; r _. ,._.

: ... ·:.. ..

1@1 -~

IOHH I _ McHQI; _,,__ - O<'kw

FllO W MllTINS Ar• u..t.-.

"........... • •• NC.,.

SANfOI D 9 , M Rnt Ll•11••1M•

N .• .,f.ttlfUI lll.*11"11<:11

LIU'lt MUlOOC« f Jht Utvl•fl••l

Ftl9M l11ttr11dor, l-4

JAMES 0 , MUlttAY rlnt 1.-1._t••• H

CHAUNCiY W. MUSE OALE f MYUS Rral L.l•v~,.. .. t Ad(61fMI, l ·I

IEN A. MYHIE Rnt Utvl•l\•~t

Tecluik•I l11po9clor, l •I

'HOMA> J O"CON ... O• ""' uwe-...1

....... "' ...... "' O!fk.w •I

.YMONO T, 'AltllNt;TOH flnt Ll~11•t11t

i&.·t•nl E119i. .. ri1119 Offlct t C-1

f'l"I Ll• 11l•M•I T •II '1li0t, C·I ...... 191tio-1 l11tfn1t1 .... . ..

JAMES I NEWMAN RnfU.. ......

Olrwtet c-.- c-n.. ....

FIAHQS 0, 0 GAAOY RntU~11t

"'"""' Tr•W .. ()ffjc., I l

JOl M 'AVIM flnt Uellt•••nl

N1•;o.t;o• IMtttKIOf, .....

tHOMAS I o ·l.IAaT Rnt u..t ......

ll4•ltt•1tl Al.r hlJMC:IH, T••i.t.o A.I

IOll•T C. ll£0 n.-.. u. ........ ~ Offk111. C.l

ltAYMOHO M NIEHAUS Rnt U..t ... at

A.'6ltl• M a...ftiut;o. Ollc:•, A•J

a101•1 M. OL$0+t "'" u.m.-1 At61tl••I fwrclNt.t.19 <Md

C+ftff.telll'O Ofl<M C-1

THIO I OUON Httt u . .. " ... "'

Atlltt•111t , .. , l1o411~1MJ Offlc..- C.I

(l)WAlD J O'llltfrf Flm u..,,....,..

S.h••• OlkH. C-1

JOE 'W. SIMMONS Finl Ue11t1t1t•nt

OP«•tloia Officer, a.1

QQ.AU> L SHAit Flrat Ue11l• 11••t

Anht•11t Wi':.:IMr Of'k•'•

llCAll\. F. SHElll Y FINt Ufft.••Jlt

ftelll11tf Ol'fket, f

l'f'NN M, SlAMM Flnt LleultN1tt

M1bt.,1t P1no1tn1I Oftku, A·I

WEHD'U ll. SlAlllCK Flnf llnlu.1t1I

1'11.,.lut Trefftfn9 omc .... • •

t.i.Al'f lll Slll'WIU Finl U•vlene11t

Ad .. lnfstreth• A.nhta111 Cintodt.ft Fvlld.1, A•I

lOIEltt J, SUHAHEt< RNi Ue11ff.un:I

M•.11 Offl<., A· I

A OA'fJD llAllY Rt11 U1111tenenl

,.!lot, lms:z:;y fl.HQte

AU'JCAND!ll tlHAY Rnt Ueut• '-•nf

Adfwttnt, Y

MAlVIH I , TOMrKIMS ,irlf lleul•«-1t1I

,..,.dea l T1al11l119 Offic•t. l ·l

JONA A. SZUI firti l11vt1M11I

A.»hient ,.,._,.•I Off!<..,, .....

" MtlJOO S TOHlW Rrst Lt•vf• • • 11I AdJllf• llt, 4 ·1

A.OIEll H. TAYl.Ol First Ue11tei.1.ni

hpply Offkw, Z

Wll.l.IAM '" 10UfOM flnt Ue ute 11e lft

,11.t 11'""dor• l -4

UVIH O, 1Ull Fint l.le11t111111t

AHht•~I '1opt.tty Ofltc C:.I

.· .. ·,

, :'!lllii...·

:ffj1 . '--


··~ ... . ,.._ .

'·. ,.. .'. .....

FOllUl C. WHmt'H Nm u..-.-.1

""11:1·MJt Mt••a--••t c.._,..i oricw, A·I

ST£Al,INQ J BEAUMONT S• coll4 U1\fte1M11!t

Anltl•l'll Cl•HlfluU•!t •rul Alt1,-.111t•1t Ofllc.•r. A·I

\ ..... ,: " 'i:i' ... • i.l~ _-.. ~- ~

'.;~ -, ..

' UL C. OICKn', JI s.ceMI u..t ... !!I. ~ilr Olkw. $

f r, ... ~

''if~ A~

LA'WIENC;E M. R.OWO ~ u..t.-.. .......

''J f- ~

~~' ~;!·· ....

, ... ~ 4~ -

DIU.AlD E. WHIROW Artt .. , ........ ,

AUlltMtl ~ ow;u, Col

THOMAS A. ALOIJCH ,....Orld LllYhm•• I

Auhtu1t w .. tll~ Officer, 11-4

J ., __ .;g~ J.:.: .. -

• .I

PAUL R. FIAHXE. JI. S.C.ond Uduuf root ••••rwdot. 1--1


.:···.~ ·:~

;j) .... ·''·.·\:

DONALD A. WARMAN 14nt Uflll•Mt1.I huttlil<tot. 1-C

OAYID l . WILSON Rf'tt u . .......

OA·lt 1-.R~. l..t



• .,.. h·~ ';Jii

JIOY .t. WIMGAlE J;J..,, u ... ~~,.. ""'Sul '1.&ft.I_.. Oflkw. M

WAllEN W. ANOilSON , .. _ ......... ~ ... c..,not lMllvc-tor, l·I

.:Ji."'" ..... ,

.,.~~ 't~ i'

· .~ ~·

HAllY J WOLA,NIN s. ... t u- ........ ""°" Oflkw. A.J

ALIQT tAltTEl s.c. ... ., u-••"'•"' ll4Ut9• Offlctr, l..J

THOMAS P, CA.TANlAll.O SKO-lld Unl•Mtl

A-..fd•lrl ''"°"'"' Otflt• t A·I

WAYNE W , r.:1tO$IY St-eond Ll•"''M11t

Aulr.t•l'll '•f'\Oti.ll Aff11n Offf(.ff

:~ •• '. 'J,


;, ~ 1!t·~ '·~ ·l .

. -~ ... . '

... . ~ -

VICTOl J HlM,..lll SK .... Uht.Mrt

Te:tl P'J ... l<I

JAMEi I., GIUJ'J'llH Second ll1uht1e~t

Pll.,. t.•

UO't'O A. HlHlY s.c..a u .. , .... ,

~· ,, . ..... Otfk•t ....

Wllt.IA"4 F, HAAS Second Uevt111o11111

lt1~ti DhKtor of C·4' Count, l·I

LONNIE; HAAAlll, JA SKOt.d Ll.t\111,,.111

Pilot. l~I

HORMAN D. HMSC:UALCM S..cond U111!1n11tt 1-2• lft1trvc1or. l·I

'0WAfl0 H. M51,l Stctfld U111t1ner'll

OIC lect.r School, ...

'-'El.VIN F-. kUltfZ G•-•"" "'•"'•-"' Piiot lnt!tudor. l·I

lOU 1.AVIH£ 0..,.,.4 Ll. .. t ..... nl 'h11lc1I ft1lnf1sr, Oftl<tit. 1-2

lOlllf I LAWlENCE ,.,.... u, ...... , .... PE:lMILV.lt A. Lit. Jl tONY J L'fONS

WtlUAM F, McCllH1'0CK S.Co"d L1111ttt11~t

NtYl91tlOfl lflt1Ntt01', 1"'4

lHOMAi W , MAOO(N S1coitd lle11l1Nllt

l1dn fr1l11lflt Offk•r, , ..

WIWAM 0. SATltS s.cOlld u.., ...... "Jot laernldw. M

D!tKtOt lrop1ll1t k1"d1. a..1 , ....... u .......... .

Plly,lcal Tt•l"I"' Officer, 1.1 , ............... _ .. ,

lUIEN l . MONTIEL, Jl SKol'ld L11-ul111n1

P''-~l09r1pllc Ofncllf, A· I

ll:UOOL'H T O'OWYEl S.cOlld lt•t.fl.fl11I

N.1ht1ftt Poenonflt1 Oflker. ....

Piiot ... I

HOWARD J PATTON S.co11d U111•111o1nt

Aulll•l'lt ''.no'"' S1"1ao• Ofllt.,

KENNED'( Tl ,ICKSlJ S•co11d l """'n•rit

H•vl911ti.11 OffltH, I

•OIU1 S SM ITH S.:-4 u. ....... " ... ••tnctw . ....

GfOltGE J , SWINGLE StcOfld L .. wttit•"'

l•1t tllot , C..I

IOHH L WHITMAN S.C.Olld Lie11te11fl'I

OIC Oftlctt C:l•nlt.iee11.-, A-I

OAVIO N. WILTON 1.con.d Ll•11l•n•nt

1-24 IMff\tttot, .. I

WESLEY S . Win Sft:o.d llwt•unt

Pl~r . 1. 1

HAIRY tA. YOUNG, J I SKO-r!d UwteN~t "lo'· •. ,

ono %.AUNCI Stcol'ld U•t• e•nt

PHol, l•I

llOltltT L YANK fllot.t Offlc•1 ""''"°" lutr.cfor, 1.-

THOMAS 0 . SUMAAll C\Jef w,,..,n Offk.,.

.. Prope_rty Offlcw, t. I

EOWAJO J . aAOGA,.. """'l•f w.,...,.1 Of!tr.,.

M 11i"fl• Technlul l11soect0t. A·I

AHOY C. AtiDta.SOH W1n•llf Olf'.c•, fi9)

Ord1W11K• Sappl' OPfk•r, •2

JOHN A. COlYIN Cl<l•f """· · ···· nifl<!';•• o:rector •••k hnptctlo11

lt•Mh, 1-1

lAUlElllCE E DAVIES Ct.l•f ...... ,.,.,. , O•l~•·

Auht•"I '•1'14'11•l Aff•lf l Offlcer, A· I

MA)( M, WIUON S..C:o11d u .. t•n•nt

"'-Olo•or f UQht Tel.I E"ql• •••rin.q Off!(• '· C..I

CHAl l.U l. ft'I' f.'M.f ""•~•d Of!lc.,

Phofoqr•l>hlc Offtcer, A·I

STErHlH W, I, IASS W•n•11t OfRc•r

Dlntdor l111fn1"•n1 lr•nc)\. •••

MICHAEL ... lOGGtao CAil J, SINGll JOHN S. SUTPHEN W•"•"' Offlur (~tJ W1rr•nt Offk•1 Utl W1m11t Offk.., ti'11 WHtMI• Offl".,. • M •n Oil'-", -'· f M•i:t•r, C.l


* CAIU. r . ANDC.ll~Oti U..ute111at ColoMI

Cl!ilef or 0.,1t1I $tl"'lte Clh1lc No, I

M, D, kOSlMAY0.1

Jl. We1t•n1 C>mcer ( tJ

O~t1t1oi1i Offlc:w. C-1

WALllA G, TO~MAH Wen•lrt Oftk .. (fqt

Mut.,, C..I

ltO " • MAJUCl!Y U111t•11.tf;f Coton.-

StetJen Jllqht S.1'91M

PETll. G \.ONO.MAID We.rriu't Oft'ktr (19)

"'•"''• C.1

llOYD A \VHrn£Hlll& w.".11' °"'c• ~ale. A~•htenf "•t101W1e f • • ... .,

l!OWAAO J , YAH YJ:ANitfN Ue1111,.•lt Cdo11otl

O.•t•I Sttwlc.


OMef Prollh•tlc D•et.al ....... MAllTIN Cll!lllN

M1Sot Dellf•l Officer

MlltON C, COl(Y Mol0<

Clllef of OrthOpedic ~r9ery S..Ctloa

lOMHlY M 01\Y MA{o1

Utolo9y S_...b


OtMal SWYk1

ltALPli M4 TOWUN M•lo•

f11tttfWIJ M•dlUI Re9IOMt Ho.plt•I

F-lE:D W. lE.llY OivfU111 I Mirlldof

Oit.t l11tlrvCJO( Tedu1kal .......

Al.t.l«f W, WAI.LAC.. lJ•llfeMM Coi.11ef

Cti;tf M.diUI S.t¥1(•


Oel\tjil S.Nkl

JftOME J. FEll:IAltA Co plain

Otltt•I Offk'•r

IERNA'° W. GAllTLAN C•ptall't

M•dti:et lup9dor

Wit.LIAM ,t.l8ER.T ... RONOW C.pt•ln

O.•+•I Offlc..,




M•dlt•I Offiur

ll:Al.PH E. DAWSON M•dft.yt~c_.


Dent•I Oflieet

MILTON GOnDAH)( c. ... ,. Denial Offl«t

MYE-R 8EANFElD C.pt•rn

o.n-1.1 Offltef"


UIC Sp.,c~ I Lllbor.lor" P1ojed

WJlUAM T • .FlETCHElt Qpfa-11'1

Oe-nf•I Officer


Dellf•I Officer


Oe11+•I Offfc:•'


AuiU•nt t;:t1 je1 ot 1-11911t S\lr0ton S.r'l'IC•

SANDERS R>WLElt, Jlt. C.Dteil\

Dent•I Offic.•r


Dtitl•I Officer

PHIU' L. ILOCIC C•ptotlr1

DMl<ll 05lc.•r



HEtlElT P. F-1\ITZ c.tpl.4111

D-enltl O!flce:r

•Al'MOND A. HOlCOMI C1pt•I,,

0...,1.1 Ofllk••

,ATl.fCK t 'ftTIISOH c:.,f,Jn 0.,.f•I Of'R<• '

IOWAlD J Hlln o.:.:r1:if, •• , HV~ A, HENDERSON

C•Pf•I" o.,., .. Ollkw

WtUOH A aerz. C.l*i•

Oul•I Offi<:M

.tUSSEL J. STOMMEl c.,,.1" O•"l•I OffJc•

A•L£S M. UNDflWOOD t;,,P'•1n

Dtnt•I ornw

CAil H, WHALEN C.pt.'"

01,,,_a.,, Of!Jter

!.ORGE J . G RAINER Fln:t Ll•~n•wl .... r.,,.,

ltaNAIO aRI H C.pitlt1

D••l•I Olft.c:itt


"'""'•"' s~~f>:! 1~.,.,1 ... ,i..,"

WAl.llN D. LOWlY Rnt Lloll!l••••t

c ...... '-"""' '"""'"•

AllMIAH f lYAH c.r·'· MMJc.. Offtu,

MAUllCE C WMlllP WP1•11t

D•tt•I Olfiur

WAU.li S WHITE C.~l•T"

M.dic•I OfJkw

lOIOT L. ICHULll c. ..... DH!•l °""'.,


O••l•I Ofl1tiH

HALL I , Wf.l.Sfll ~p1•1n

0.1111.1 om;.,

IYlOH W . WYATI C.ttl•I•

CN•f of Urolto4Jy S.Ctl011

MAI.I L SILVU c. ....

0 .... 1 O'ftcw

LAWllNCE H. flN8llY "'•' lk.it•~·· AJtltt s.,.,, ...

WAlTElt T FOllY W•rr•nt Offlc.•r (1'9)

Aulat..11-t M.dlul Jq,,,ly Offlc•t


ANH M. IUOY Fint U..teu..t


HREHA H. HllllNG Rnt Ued1unt


G'<'CL.YN C. Mc.ALU$TC'­Fir,d U• uf•n•tll



MA .. JOIYE A. HIHTOtf fi.nt UHt ....... ......

MAOllllf O. McCA .. fNIV Frr.. llHl• "eflt


JACK I JONES ""' u ....... c. ..... ~..c-.. 1 s.rtk.. I:

MA.THA M. CllVllANO Hn.t u., ..... ,


Oll0.1$ M, JEirilS Rnl UM•fl••t


,.MVlllS W , MACNlAl Frnt U.ultn••t



Anldtt1t CM•f HvrH

SAM A. OA"ilS Ant u..t•~I


ICATJ.llYN M. MAIS"' Flr1t Li.utetie:d


HAl.OlO £. SHIPMAN FfHt u..-.-.1

Miwt•!!!t. l

TESS E. HOYAIC Attt U•tl•fl•"'

Nuf ..

OLCA 0 . Of.UC.._. Fl"nf UelffNtt ......

•o•e.•rA A lAWSH ... F'-int u ...... ,..


tUl'M U . PETFl\ON Ant Ue1te11•~• .. ~.

INA A, l~OWN Finl U•lrl•Mnl


OAIS'f • . FANTI ""' UM•M•t NWM

MAlC ... •lT It lOWIY flnt Ll•W-•Mnt


N(Y.A N PllCMJ Fl"' U•11l•11•fl' ......

°'AOMI L. SEVElN Fin~ Ll•wtell;tM


"NCES L. CltlMMIN ~.'°""' Llwi••~•' Nutst

fMA w. JOHNSON 5~o"'d L'91.1lenall1


EDITl't E. AOSS :t<:ond ll•1.1"e11a1u


MA'tO S. ROBERTS firit llt11:M11an-t


IAllAllA f , SttAlllATI flttl Lltvl•~nt


k.AfHLEEtf D. DUI.YEA ' •c• ... u.~ . . .. a ... N inH

•£-tNA..0~11 le M. l.l:ACH Second Ut11ttn.1t11f

N 11tM

GERlltUOE H. SHAVER Second t.l~l•Mnl


MINNIE H. AOT'EN Flr.-t llet.lltnani


ISAIEU.E C , SHAW ~nt lle11.t.n.1.nt


KATE l. El'"4El1DGE l•c•"" LI•.iM•a.W


IJl!tNICt M, l.UMI' S.cond Li•ut•ft•l'fl


JANIE THOMAS Stc.ond U• IMeutl ,., ...

Wit.MA A.. ltOWEl\OINK Ftrd lltvftfltnt


RUTH V. ALl•EC•·n )eco1td LI•vl•n•m


¥AL£R1£ S, GUl l.D , . . ..... u .......... .


MtTll~ C , hlAlHIE S.cond Utultl\an.I


FAIEOA K, SCHUltTH Fini Ll•vl•n•ni


El.UN G, IOCHl\ODT )•con.d 1.l•11tet1eM


.-fl:LEN K. HIGGINS , .................... . Nvut

MAll.G.-,IU:I f, RA$$lElt S.col\d Lltlll-enenl


VtOlA 8. VAN 80Rfl£ S.Cond Ll•lli t l'l•!'lt


OltA A. SEl.M Rnf lh11!tn41t1i


M, lUfH l_lUNE..l ~ecol\d UevteMnt


EILEEN M. HUNI '•••"• u ._ .... ,.. .. ;


L ILLIAN K !l!PGl;lT S•cond Ue11f•Mn'


LOWANDA R. WILLIAMS Sec:o11d Uellt•11•nf


Top: Eftllt:t.d tn••"s b.a"•'b AboY•: O•• of Mwrat flt• d•tionl oo porl

P 0 S T

Top: Statio• 1:1.,,.,,, Abov•: Motor pool h••dq"lil•rl•rt b.1i1d i1t9

BUILDlnGS 8elow1 Maln P. X.

Bottonu Shttt 1can1

Top: Si9"•1 of fie• A~e: Mont of offlcen' clu~

Station mau halls

Pest chapel Cotdrel tower

Top: H•ed=1u• t+.n bui1di19 Aho••: ,Od ,.'"flft•I bu:ilcli11-9

The1ter No. I

Chapel Ne.. J

ARmY AIR FORCES DAY REUIEW Oft th.• p11g•s •r• K•t1•• of th• Army Air Force' 0.y Revf9w wh1ch 6e11eref Afb.rl L Sfl•• d ettended. He it t.eel'I •••tdi1119 d.c:orefiotu to 19Vtrel cf the: pettonl'lel et keeder Field.

,.. ~· .,,., ,,. '

~ J(~"t.·~: · ~ L~ ~~-~~~~~!~~~===~==~~========;







* p L A n E s *

- ,...,., .. . ,.. ......... ..._, ••

U•ut•rt• rtt Colc:ut•I E. S. V•n Vr•niin, chi•f of 1"'9ic.•I 1ttvkt, St•tion Ho1plt•I c;;~nic


Hospital buiJdi"9

mEDICAL 8elow: Dent•I optralive toom 8ottom: A lll\e•WP for s:hott

DEPARTmEnT &.low; Oe"t•I •11t9ery

Bottom: Givino 1hoh t" tha d i1pan11ry


Worl:iA9 on wif19

Stvdy119 ,.diel engine ,ut..,.y


M•lnt•"•"C.• •nd firlel c~•ck .,. 0-AIO

AcliwstJol9 er9h1e control



T•rget plh

Ckow Uae-t11p

F 0 0 T Sct;iecf1011 U forrNt io-.


M• rc:hin9 to cl.u. C-hia.,.. afld Fre11-~h ff• g• fly o••r th• b4.ildi1uJ ia bt<lgrouncf.

0 R H

FOR HEALTH Ano RECREATIOn 8tlow: Squ•dron H men pleyin9 volloy b•ll

8ottomi Squ1dron W basketball 91mo Below; L tf!d M Mfft in a tu9.0°w1r

6ottom: Technlcel 1hd•l\h pl1yll'l9 voll•'t' b•ll

m u s I c


Top: Ftench •ti.denh lowtrin9 fre~h ePld Qi"•" negs Abovt : A W•c giwir,9 out letters 111 M•il rocim

s E E n A Top: Artts:t Veeth, faft, e11d $.,9ee11t Kutner loo\ o•tr ~r•wlt'lg

Abo••: Wffthtr butt•u

R 0 u n D

Top: MiS:t•..y '•Ike of Squ•dro.11 F Abo11et Mall urt

T H E Topt Ttc" Str9•t11i l. 0. Ast--.! • Ml S.rt••11I C1'erft1 Llm"'o•ul

F I E Ftff•rk• W. Shtv. Jr .. ' irWic lltN.:0111 offtcH,

.,.y;ag good..,ye, to t"-t ,_..

rttcfit19 ICHsltr Ntwt tdiH011 Abo••; Cot1trol to••r


I n THE Colon•I Vou pleylng 9111 rummy with C.ptalt1 Sulloway

in the officer't club at lunch hour

OFFICER'S CLUB Btlo•. left top: Co~n•I Vou and daff at Ii.inch. Ctnfor: Chine•• oHlctn In •noc• bar. Bottomi h~formallon counter. 8tlow. right top:

Some music: In the club. Center end bottom: Nurses end Wac& at snack bar.






Olt•<lot of T~llt1k•I Tra1ntn9




Eae<utlve O fffc•r


Auld•t1I DJr•cior of Ttdu11ul Tro11lnin9


$tc;rtf4ry and ,..,son11•f Offk•r


Proptrt'( Offfctt

JAMES 8. NEWMAN First U•utenant

En9i111uin9 Officar

ROBERT I. PAULLIN! F-RED W. LEARY Cfli1f of Pl•n• a~ Tr•ln1n9 Major

Direc:lor Fllght Cotilrol Dlvls.lon




STRUCTURES a.tow: loed end beletce ptobltm.

Bottom: St•dying r1tfectln9 leading 911r. In th• 1truc-tutt.s brench the 1tvtJ1nt leerns to lcf•1tlfy end loc;et• t+,wchirel 1i1nih '"d pefhl h•ftdle. moor ••d e .. •" •" 1!rple"•: ie-1.,.c;t •"d maintain wfety beh1, bungee c.orcl1. tlr11 t1i1b11 end bee·· ll\91: loed ind bel•n.c-1 eri eitpf•.,• • remo¥9, lr1t1ell '"_. ,;, c.oritrel wrf1ce1: ,.rf-Ofm "'inor mefef 11uf febtic: r•peH: Ja.p.ct ind Mai•· tel" oay9•~ syft•M•. d1-k:i1t9 1ylt•.lllS. fbtet io1t .cj"l~nt •ticf Matl•9


o,.,.tift9 •" op•l'I ....... 1r.yt1~.u1;,


H Y D R A U L I C S In th• hyclr•ullc br•nt:h th• 'h1d•11t b•9ln1 by tl11dyin9 Ouids. •••I• •nd unlh ill •ddlHon. to lt•rll1n9 tht ft.1nd•mtnt•I prl11c:lpl•t of hydr•utlc.l.. As lh• futt.1t• •irplan• m•c:h•nlc: progr•u•• h• 1tudl•• 1!mpl• hydr•ulic 'yst•""· pow•t '•c·

tio11t1 landlru;i 9•ar ••ctlon•. wiru~ fl•p 1-ec:tlon1 •nd braUn9 sy1tem1.

81low: Hydraullc f•mlll•rb•tlon. BoHom: Stfttylng alrc:r•fl.

baminin9 nose 9ea11 s.hoc:k


Studyin9 hydra1.1lic •Yttern.


* fa tb. •l!ltlPi•• lw••<h tke tfwdeftt medte11k bec:emet J .. MilNr witfl 1•t•r••I c.ombwttlo.a e"fil!I• principle1,, VM ol t.p.d.f tooh: doet t tMO••l • " it16hLHN of cyli•:ien •A4 ••Wu: ,.fMWtt •H lrtd•I• t«•uotlitt: hupKt~ ~d tMi. t.u.nc:e ol ;edlittfo. • •d .... .,., l'J'tMM: ia:d•Ltioa., ;. •r••O.-. _ •• u .. , •'°" 1 ...... ., ...... ;. • • 1 • 99:... i..._...._..

en-4 Pf•JMl'•t'°41 of e119il!le1 for riot•9•-

FUELS SYSTEm Airpl•11• oil, fuel •t1d c.rbt.tr•fot" rt•••m• of e'rp&..ne •ft9in•• .,.. CO'letN ift thf1 pf._.s. of skdy. T1l. 1tvdet1i become fa111itiar wit" all p.ath by .... i"1t•lfetio1, reMoY.a aMI mMnt•nallc:e of thce1• w11ih. 11'1•,••tf•l'I e,nd ree cli"t of perlil'l•11• al!lgina '"•fnunal'lh it


Alrcta fi 9rovad Matar ..

S.low: Ffylng tha mock up. Bottom: More work on an en~Tnt,


* In the elechic•I br•nch tt.e shtd•nt dwc:Hes bett•ri•t •11d •u:&ili4ry equipme"t, li9htit19 ty•i•m~ moton •nd •ux.­ili•ry power unlh, lfet1•r•, 9•n•r•lor crrailb end C-Of'I ·

trof ul'lal, 91neretor p1rellellflg end tro11ble •"ootin9, wiri119 end optr•tlon of •utosyn instn.1ments.

8omb Dey light cfrcuit te1t.

l.Hture Oft iAlirvmerit circuits.


* 111 thh pfl•M of the wcwk th• ttvdtttt ;, givefl •• opporh.t~ity to review ell ne in•trt.1m•1th tket h• "'•• pra...;oul~ ducfiad. N•w ieltru-ctio-. 9Ktn h1dud•s comp1.u compeawtioft, inspection, oper•· Oo1t •ftd Meifttene1tct of Right end gyro in.strumeah ead I.,• ewto-

metic piloh..

ChtcUn9 opttetion of hydraulic: propeller.

O•t•rmfnlng aclv•nt•Q• of th• pull•Y·

FUnDAmEnTALS BRAnCH Polllhing pl•rt•c nos. of ,t•n•.

Mu1d1Me11tal1 br•nch meinten•ne• room.


* B.9i"ning with f•mili•rft.otio11 •l'ld 11om•11cl• tut• the 1tw. dent mo••t r• p;dly info c:h•cUng ptopeHer h•c•, blede •ngle end minor bl1de reparr. When he h a1 f'inithtd lh• coun, he h•1 leetned to lnsf)9ct, in.tall, cti•gno•• •"'d

repeir prope1l.r..

Lecture on ptopeller to Chinese clan.




, • ., d•tk

Ottlerty room


Sup ply room


a.low: Writift9 ill d•,,OO'"-' lottom: Su99.Uio11 boa


M.•ioc ComM•111d 11119


f.IR.Sf AOW:

LA~ICIN, "• IC., liSor.. o,..rqo 111. GIMON, Mill"• S!Sot ... JU. I, 'w.ho11 Aw. Md(ttt Roc.ltt. Po. fOt-4PktNS CWirel'hCo H .. Sqt •• ?a Hol ~ Or .. Mobil• Ar•. CHANEY. ChlrCes w •• Cpl. lJ. I, G.t'tttt, P•. f J OEHL1NG, ~ J .• Cpl., lft H.,t,Olll St ... Jertorr C<1r. N . J.


O'ANDIEA, L. A., Pfc., 1<49 N. 161~ $t •. 1100,,,fle:d N. J. 1.0SNESS, Oua"'o E,, Pvt., 11:;d9tl•1'd. w;,, THOMPSON, w;11;om L .. P'l't., 858 W, N~th St., Do"hir. HI.


LEWIS t obt1t I . S/Svi. ThOll"ls.ot1. 111. Jrr(EEOHAM ltob.,1 L SiSqt. TAYlO~ J:l"I I. S/Sot .. 3611 1'1.1t1r-9lo,. A>1•., Forl

\o\':)•fi> '"'· WESJIE•G> ltic.h~td A •. S/Sgt., 1 R:oclie>t;ll'I • d •. Wor

Cditc' ..,,1\1 W'JLllS. c·~- E StSq,,, Miller City_ I

WIMTE.•s Edlc>w S;Sqi. heetot'ld. ( y.




HlHIY l 1-EIOlEI C•pt• I• Adi111•11tl




SECOND ROW: MIOOlETON.i.. E,;._ C,, Cl)t •• la.\eN.fleld C.!if. NICHOLS. KIJlph E .. Cpl, Zl<4 W. f7tk SI •. NOl'roll

Vo. SHIPl,.EY.i K•,,lle'lk J .. Co, •. Pi!UbGrql't, PO, THOMA:., V(oodr~. Cpl •• Co1o1t.lla1io ta_ TRtn, G"°rqe 0., Cot. Loi Al"Qele:' Cotit, Alt>US. Ht1r~ M,, Pre., 1092 N'". IC~hOCJi;i S,. Geles.buf'Q,


THIRD ROW: BENHffi, Jol'rl1H ... ''"'l• J:l1 741h s~.l B·oo~lrn N. Y. aENSON. John c .. Pfc. riowhebron, NI;"· . DONAHUE, JOkoh T .. ~k., W:lli.slat1 N. D, EMERY 0.otl«$ W._ Pfc, Bor 5&l El"tCOfi~ K~n. ENGLISH, Oo~old l.. Pk, 941 'tylct S1., p;11,r.dd.

Mau. FAGA.N, ~m.e1 L. Pf~., Jl9' Le•in910-., Avtt .• 81~

'fi.ttl<t, N . J.

fOURtH A.OW: G$1AY. Normo., K., Pfc; •. Box 10:1 Horido Tex MONTGOMfR.Y Roberl L Pfc. IU, 4 Forr·11i~lo1t, Mo. NISWONGER., Otivor l., Pre , 7))8 Flor• Ave.., Moole.

wood, Mo. PALM£Jl. lyfo M. Pk •. .llf. 2 Horv0:td, Jll. SKOCZENSKI A.tit•d Pk. 60!i Shi St BrooH111 N Y. S'l'RAnON ~lerio H·., Pf¢ •• Rt. 2, Con to•\ N. 't .

SIXfH ROW: ALLEN John It •• Pvt. ·'1~ 68th St, ~n O<to.o. CoGr. ALTENHAUS P~u~I . l\ot. {IB A"•· C, Srootl~"' N, Y. ,AllMEYER, Herber! 0 ., Pvt., 23((1 Avb111n /we,, Cin·

c;.,t'leti, Ok•o. ANDERSON, F-ren\ H .. P.Y1. 1\1, I S1;11.,..,_,, Ml11n, ANTHONY. Charles E.. Jt., Pv1 •• !.) Allc:n Ave .. RIYC'I'·

~d$", R. I, AltKLE:I Rolph L, Pvt .. m W. O rettgc Gro,e Pomo116.

C4 if.

SEVENTH ROW: ARK~lif~obe~t P., p,,1_, lU W, Ore119e Gro~ Pomo11•,

AIJMST~9NG, Oon•ld E. Pvt •• Pr.empt;on, Ill, AX Kurt, P,,t., Pretth1ei1, N. J. AYfl{S. Ric.~••d W .. .f'.,..I, P4rle1"Sb\ltQ W1 V1. BAER., Corl H •• i>vt.. Stor Rt., Sbipocnsburq, P1J1. 8AICE11, W1 Ui<11r1 It., Pv1 •• '2l S. D"ke Sr., Yofl(, p,,,

EIGl;TH '-OW1 8A.IU1t:1tA Lu;, C., Pvt., Mini~. fe.c, BA,SJ(!N John A... Jr._ Pvt., M•noh•m Le.. BElllZz'I An1ho11y, Pvt. 60 Ctrtn-er ~' .. Brooll'rl N, Y. BENEFIE(O, R""ol'I O •. P....1., _A.t. I, 8(), lc9 H1vff, Mo. 6fNITE2, M•l'IUOI, Pvl., 50)\w S, Cb:coqo S' .. Im Af\·

..... C.lll. BEN01 Jiobcrl w .. Pvt •. -tJS E. C•rnbovtl'le fer,.d•le,


NINTH ROW: aeNsON.t Cb•tl"' C., i2 8 Critsc.enj Rd., GN1e11btl1J. Md. 8ERNAlh>. Sidney J., ""1 •• M19 W, Mermod St., Yslt:·

b~d.t N. M, 8ERGGKEN. John L., Pvt., Hilhidc /\'Yf:..., Ees.t ('lo,lil·

""''· N, V, 8EkNS Pe~I P •• Pvt. o.,""illo-, P•. llHLl~iAN George 1.1 f'vt. Liv• Oot, Calif. BIRNIE, l'E'obeM W •. Pvt ... 6.lOl W. Sldh SI., lo• Aff·

90101, c.1a.

lENTH ROW: BlSHU.ANY. Willi~m W., Pvk 1 ~106 Kinqtf()('.d AY6.,

C)o .. ela:id, Ol\10. , , 8tSHOP Joh" E. Jr.-.. P-..S •. Soll 134, l11:rm1n1•. P~. 81VONIA Robert'C., '""'· Nowbvrgh. W. Y. 8080 J~me, E •• Jr,. P'Vl •• Cros.s An<:t>or, S. C. 80.No; Ruuell E., P...t., 72S6 Formos"' Way, P!tt1b11r9h,

""· . 80R0$0N, hr l •• Pvt., 0\1111th. Minn.



FIRST R;OW: 80'1'0, Oot1eld E., Pvt.J R.t. 2, Aflool•1 Ind. !.0'1~1 WiUi4m E., ,., JM., 54 L.eO Ave., Yon•ers,

ff. y . ISR:A,DY Colvil'I D. Pvt, Jtt. Z Ooll.'!lwore. Ohio. BR.AGG:i Geot9e ;t, Pv_{.

1 n4 Cliff St • .i. Westo1t, W, Vo.

BROPHT..t Rkti•rd S:., 1'"¥1., Jefferson i...lty1 Tenn, 8REOE$uN, Joe~ 0., Pvt.., Rice lol;e, W!1.

SECOND ROW: SRIER. Mii111ico I., P'Yf.1 16 Cl<Jtet1do11 Ave., Prcwldt1t'IC:•,

R. I. t•OWN, R6y A., flvt. '1007 Sl'iermo,, Avo., Mlddl•fowtt,

Obto. • IR'l'AN, Oot1111ld W., Pvt,, 7135 Oltvo St., Kbniat Cltv, .... IRYAN, Lowis R., Jr .. Pvt., DIS Ella\ee. Lane, Mo1uion,

r .... 8URGESS "'I"" W,, Pvt. 1Con11cbun~ . Mc. llUtrMAPt, ,..,,.,,.,. A , i\v1 , .tn E Ehn St. S~11.111ore..


THIJID AOW: •URNS Zone R., Pvt •. 8011 63 Abetdeet\ N. C. IUTlER.t R~qtr W., fl.ti, 1 N,otth aivtt "-d:.i A~b~rn, Mo. CALDEKWOOO, How•ro 0,. Pvt., t62l ;),E. 4ht, P'of1•

lond, Ort. CARY, Joht'I R •• Pvt .. 69 8100,.,lnodole ~d., lt&ete11t

Ploinf, Sioten hlond, N. Y, CASON, Joseph C., Pvt., <1878 Moqnolio Av•., C"'ic.oqo.

"'· CAV'ALLJ VeJ,.,trno F., Pvt., ~Oli fokviow, De!toil, >.!ieh,'

FOURTH llOW: CHAPEll bqen•, Jr,, Pvt. CHAPPE I.. Jol'ln E., Jt,, Pvt, SI07 N. '6ih St., Bit·

f'li11Qh•rn, Alo. CHASE, Ft11nk S., Pvt, "442 BeUe:re Ave., Norl\ Hollf·

""""'°'· Callf. CHOAT£ JMel)h I.. Jr.., M., S929 Fbhburn Avo., Ht;1n1(riQton P•rk, Colif,

CHURCH, Wede 0., Pvt., 31%% W. Wayrie St., Mo11m .. , Ohio.

CLARIC. Fredcirick W., Jr,, Pvt,, 18 C lor\ SI., Celo.lt, ..... FIFTK llOW: CLARK, l(enneth R .• M •• 500 Wolnut St,. Fordyto, Atk, CLAltKI Wo'(fto l., Pd., 8or 14~, Weldon•. Cd'o. CLOUl El.1. Amodeo L, Pvi.1 109 £dmundi Rd., Welle.-. '•r Hin, Mon. COLL NS, lelf.~ l., Jr., Pvt., MoriluilUo-wl\, lowo, COMBS, Htro d L, Pvt .. .UJ N, Summit St., O•ylo!'I,

Oltio. COMSTOCK, GroVdon K., Pvt., RI. J, loit Z.S9, El9!n, Ill.

SIXTH a.ow: CON"ElLY, Gi;v C~~ Pv~ .. l11~ Cotulh, O•Oos Te11. ~oir K•C"4{d w., rvt.1 tvaore ~a,,. COUSE.._, WiU,om R,, Pvr •• 16 YI. ~0$hcr St., F'tiko11cr,

N. " CiAtG, Mo~ll L., Pvf., 414 Rod:wall St., ICewoncc. 111.

ClAUS9AY, Clterlie C., Jt., Pvt., Ctoibvton, Tu;, CROOKS, Merle F., pyt,, N.oihvo, lowo.

SEV£MTH ROW: CROUS! Henry, Pvt. II First St. Dover, N, J. CR:UICKS'HANI(, Oonid l., Pv1., i'1 Ohio St., Johns·

lowri Pe. CUNNlilGHAM, Robert c.

1 Pvt.I Pl~c-~"~11&4 Ill.

C'l'CttOll, Charles H., PY " 16 I Bo1.1ndory :>t,. All· .,; .......

OelOUISE, Robert i:_., Pvt., 8762 2Slrd SI., teJJerose MollOI, L, t., N, T,

DEMPSEY, lhomos L, Jr., Pvt., 100 Sequoio Or,, San A111•lm.o, c.ur.

EIGHTH ROW; O.V.f"\ITI~ Corl R., Pvt .. la\o Georqo, N, Y, OIGIROLuMO, front P., Pvt., 5l Cil!Mno Tott •. West

Oronoe. N. J, OINCHER'I.. Poul A., Fvt. 417 Gotmo1tio St., \\'llUem•·

.... k, •. OIITA>.'uRE J0<tep.h, M., At. 2 Monfroso. Ill, DONAL.DSON. Grover C., Jr., Pvt., S, Jo-td41" St.,

5ol'f!SO!I Alt, DOR.ZUK, Pcte-r, Jr., Pvt., 201 Atlantic /\v1., Atlonllc

Clly P.t J,

NINTH aow: OREHHON, Willlorn W,1 Pvt., 2..0 W, Edwin Circle,

Me1Ytph1\, To11n. OURMAM, Art,,vr T., Pvt. Sox 12'7, GreeiMll-. S C. DUVE., Alfred C., Pvt., tiiJJJ SIO\ll SJ., Oeho't ~lch. ~ZOR, Cliorlet, Pvt,, 961 Thbd Ave., f.;reedorn, Po. A~~· ~:lliom, PvJ,. Ill SpriBQfield Ave., V.'01hlt10·

FAIRCHILD. John F., M., .(5 E. 6.2,,d St •• Now Yorl, N, Y.

TENTH ROW: FANElll, Ge'!>t90 M., Jr., Pvt., 30 Clinton Pl., New

Rod'iC:ll•, N. 'f. FEAlHEAMAN. Howoird l,1 P...t .. ~2 Sutler SI., Shick·

1hl'.n11y Po. FERGUSON, Ger•ld L •• Pyt., Cttamery, W, V1t, FLAMINGO! Ftot1l:, Pv1 •• Vi11-eli11rtdlN, J, FIELDS, Wil lam L1 Pvt, Piot100t, o. FLUK~. Willer T .. Pvt •• 'Me-cflol'li<:1b1ir91 Pei,



SECOND ROW : GANSt.0$Ett. John A. Pvt., )9U Flota Pl •• st. Lov:,

Mo, GAN1T Ja'""' It, P111 n Mill Si •• l.11abu"'O S. C GANfl. pi,,t;o, P.t 1110 L•"• Pl., N.E • w.,~:11qt.,n'

0. c. GA~~NE.•, OtM Pt~.., l)li ~.11:n9to11 St •. Wf11fi.,ld, -·· GAllUSON E J••d9e: •• p.,1, lo.: Sil, M.fio-, Ve. CAIUl£TI ... , I. ,...,.., c: ....... .,, U••~-

TH110 1ow~

GAtrs w ... "" J ,,,, . Nr•d H y GAUGlt G "'~ hot. GUO Jt+..,.- Y ti.t. I* ~~ $•. "°°-'t,,. N Y. GtNOAI O..etd It Ji.A. SSlS Giff.,, A.,.., ~,, •• GllSttON APOI~ I. ""'·· JOlft,; Y.oq:.a. tu .• lOl .... ..., .... c. f GH£N01N '•- f J•,. M .• O• .. eltftd St., NtKOt!,.-t.

L. I., H Y.

FOtJl lH I OW: GllSON Vtfll _)fl L. !Jr\11. l•iboln N, M. GILL. Donlel 0 .. l•t., t l•~dt' St .. lloehctfct N. Y. GILL fl•t.11 V, "'1 1961 Gt0vt St •• iftfk1ley', Cellr, GIL~bOaF, •obtl"' W .. Pv1., 9$1: A~tntl A .. t .. ltoono~e,

GtN<!'iEW$1(1, Jtol~ L., P.,1, $132 N, Lof11$ Avo., Chi· ceqf.> Ill,

GLIMP. ~ord I. '"' A.llo"•oro, 11~. FIFtH ltOW: GONZALE~ 0110~.;1 l. t.1 •• l!.lb Mi"tt Ave., Mo•t1.

btollo ..._.:,r. GOODMAN, °''''If I. P ... t. ~'"'t Side, 't•, GIAOY C•,.j• Jr., '"'·· llt, '~ <;l;itto•, Tc""'· bltANI C,,.O< ~ t1, J,., r ... 1., lDIO 01Qt Pi., Jat: I~

.... 11 •• fl•. G~Y ~" "' Wo~1~io Ill. GIElN 0 4 E. ,...., 14' G'•fld A.,. .. 0s-"lot.''"


StXlH ltOW GlfGG I 0 "''· *'=·• l+4, lOfllHr W. "'•· G•1FllN Ir ... • •.t Hll l.I<.~ S• .• •tdlmoitd . •.. G••J. .. I\ O•ie JC "''· )lo; A•ti S•. New OriM"IS U. GIZYIOWSKI Tfleari-o'• S., P.,t., it f'°"°'1""r v, ......

Amhl•"IO' '°' G•OVf. ._.,,.,, 1• l. "°'· '' 1 w;qj.,"""po-t, Md. GUENIHE•. w.,,., H. #-.,t •• ~l. 2. Col-.1'1'1~ •• Heb.

SE.VE.NTH ltOW1 GUflllN, W,jlt-1m " ,.,,., !172* W. ltlo:1 ltd., Wed

,Au.,, WI\, GUIDRY. C111,•t1c;o J,, Pvt., 11 1 T.ll:td St., Hollm4. la, GWAJ,.TNtY, ROb• fl A. ,.., ... Wirid•v•,_v •• HAHN l•O-"ord L. Pvl. M•.,te~111. Cb 1f, HALLdllA.Nl ft'4t;I J ... ~ •• ~" bl• l\'t•·· 11oo•oU. N. Y. l'fAli.OWEl , Rob-9•1 J., )v1,, $"41P1ow11, Ma.

EIGHTH I OW: HAMlllON S·d"' .. " I , "-1,. J IJ Jlarsot1• Si.. K.1•

"'•too tJi(.ti, HAMll.tON w.11;• J ., P..t .., Jl77 S..wh Pf,, lro1u,

... y HANEY '•·4 ...,, "1t. •II E, P.,•I St Goabeot. lfld. HAH\EN fobe•l .., ~. ~t 1 H•·'~ r.-.. HAIAYDA DOI'• d Q .. ~1 •• Iii 'attcwi S1 .. t..Poirte . .... .. A.O'f' Ji•, .. W ...... ., 7'D C'Wr'llt ~I • t.nofnTICWe f11l's ..

HIH1H I OW; HAlt( H •.t'd W f.t 1!16 C.,.., St.., En• ~.

". HAtttl fqbcft G.. ,..., , 71f W•t>o-~to11 SI., fo,.1""' toa Ill,

HAlll~ lod11•, N. p,., Cel,fo..,,:e. Mo, HAIT Aob.tt I. '''· I•. ? Stol"•bo'o. I•. t•A•f1.tllb W.rflf'I £ Jtvt;, 1114 W. ~h St., c1 ... e-

loP'(t ti,o, HAUG 'w1Ultim, P.,1, 4.t,25 Weher Ave., Norwood, OIMo.

t E:Nl H ltOW; HAVEL, ltoberl J., Pvt., <MS N, Pil'lo St., Rc~1bu:rg w.,. HAWES. S.11 l.. PYI., Boe 7,, .R11ms.oy. IC;'. HAYES. Wllli1 e. ~t. lol' 92. GtNt1"'1lo, Alo. HAlE.S W!hl.n"' ~. ,.,;,. J22 s. Tt.l1d s•., •odo•llo, Ill, HlANE'Y \.C"'l•I' ;~ "''·· ~730 S. Loo'"•1 ll'vd., Chi·

<•90, HI. HEAP, -o00-1' t P¥1. LO.,Ql'l••dow, M• ..


SQUADROn H PERSOnneL FIRST aow: HELi.fit, l>o11 I Pvt, 1211 Hemlotl St. N.W. Wtt._.·

li-q_l()tl o. c. ' HELSlE'r ~,O,..•' C .. Pv•. ~1. Z S"•1b1o1~. Vt. HfMfl..-.lll •~l1t•l W !'vi., loot 111 S•l••I Ill H[NNESSCY '•'f' ol>d A •• Prl •• '1 C•Ob St, N11fw.-.i

toll.au HENSWAW Cloa• .., fl ...... HE$tf.t 0.• P ,.,.. lt Sci 111 Iv }i.qtQoll


SfCOMO •OW: Hf'NITT G' rt , Plot It I M•'°"· M.cti HllllAIO Jolt.11 f ,.... 17'-i M•w Rd., 0.rtOA Otuo HH EY Ed••td W Pvt. J•<\\Oll M;fll111. Hill J., .... , 0 "'"''· 1:a:J~.,;ne ·111. 1'41NES All•" C. ,.., .. !ill Abbott ltd lwff•lo H Y HINES. J•m.tt A ,YI A Pl""• M;(,,,

THIRD ROW: HINSCH •ob•rl A. Pv+. ]08 6obblii S1., Yotlle"lti,

~•r..li. "HIPSHER. ~rn•ll l Pvt. 1922 M-trl'rt S-t., loqt11,pell

'""· HOLIJOOIC Aflf.,O'lt, PYt. 0f'<ftr:o. Col•I r+OL!lltOOIC R•• 1' P .. 1. SS>Ca,....me IC•" HOlOfN l'c"t.a•d J. P'...t. 1l t.or-.rd Si "'•'~ ...... HOllYOAY kl' •rd I.. ..,.., lt~ J l~e'1 s,.,.....,,_ Mo.

fOUln'H lOWo ~T Jlr• '"° N M Atle..t.t Ke.•. HOO,Et W,..•tfrri I. Jr. Pl.t. 93&. N C.ldw.41 St

C"4ot(ot••. N. C. HOll:N J•'"~ E. P.t., :lot. Sr.:td!ord Ore"'i• l••, HOWES x: ... .-.th ~ .. '"'·· Po11cl'lo1ovt• Le. HUEGEL Jo.,1t f P...•. 230 Owen Or., M•d+t04 Wi,, HUL,l. G-tMO• P Pvt, 'tll PJHi- A~•, lt<11111o-1 N J

FIFTH aowi HUMP.t-111£V Worn• f., Pvt •. 1056 <461~ St. Oe, Moht·ft

low•. HUNT P >"•Id l PY+., <414 W. C.lifo1l'lio Glc~•'•.

c..f. 1-IUtD J•"'"' L., P..t, U11:•e.t1i4' Pl l.,;,y; '• ICy. IM~AlZI. tt'4Ml•. l!vt. 7C Ac..de<oir A4,. f'rO'>'

deoite• K I. llr.t!..111: Ut .,,. J. ,.... !ml...,. P4. JA(;(S()N At• >'lo C., P\rt .. 100 Gtlit-to·• 'S•. S:h.t•ite

1.d1 k y

SEVENTH ll:OW• JOSSELYN .... ~ l E: tw .. C"Uit St. W"' H1"°~"'·

"'" JUliAN Oo--•ld '-'t. 1't v- A....._., S.0.,1• Ott1191 N J

l:"A\ilf~IU , ('...,, s M n10 S. Mo1.t'1 ()lK.oo ,, ICANfflt No'"'•" I., "''· St. l~I' Hoi1I So"'• ....,,..(. c.r.•. KATZ M«r•t O. ,..,, 10 C~b.,. S:. l!"" M•is l'.AUfMAN_. St•olic., M. M. t11 l.At1i1tt. AYe. l• idqt.

porl .... 01111.

EIGHTH l:OW1 KAWAMOltlTA, Jo•. Pvt,, ISOO Post St., So11 F'•"c.ltco,

C.lif. KEIEll:lY Htrold E. ~1 Rep .. blic. Pa. KEE~E. f"t111\ $, PYI.. 72S P41rlwo., Dr, Atl•"'•· G•. ICfUf:Y ~•1,..IJ a ,..,,, ft.A Mollbu.tc.o19h !:! . C ... I•••,

M•it, kfMP. 1"6""•' t Pvt lebe11011 l(y, KETCHAM a.•••• " N PY'! "°'°"'~a:~illo, W, Y,

trUNTH IOW ICIOO. J.c• f l'vt 4CJ4 lubri:ry O•. fol<No Ofio;o. l UILl J_ l ~t. It, 1 Lloi.ol\Cf\.,.;11• W \'). (lllfA~IUCIC l.ib.rt b. Jllvt. 1...,,.;:~· fe~ :C:L! tN Al~r M .... 1. C!eve&.lld Of.o0. KNAii!: fd••'d S P...t •. 212 Se•,., Ci1><i•,.•ti. Otri:O, K'4UrSON Allt"fl YI, "'·· 1107 w. Mo;11 St. Jtff•ttolt r·,.,. "'" TEN'TH ROW: KO(:H. C\lrtlt . W.. p,,., 1708 G1•0111wood A•11., Son

Cbrlot, c.1.1, ICONlEN , lv!ol•il'I M.1 'vt., 1113 Uricoln Ave., D~buQ\ofl,

low•. KOVACS Art~~' W, '°"'·, JM E. 8't'- St. Cl•~•lfnd

Ot>io. . 1C tAUSE1 M•lt<:.I'" P. ~t.. ISU.A S. F'.frh St Mot

w•11tff. WiJ. ~tESS O•~ ti J, "°'· 12 f••"tl~ Ave, 041,.fOt" N.J. l.tJEI. r._. .... ,, J ....... Al•OI'. Colo.

SQUADROn H PERSODDEL FU!Sf lOW: KNUTlClMAN a,.b~ut L,. ,.,., .. 2S Tlll•d ''·• &.. .. ,,..,.

Ill. tAIOf~ £111ct1111e E .. Pvt. 28ZI W. C•u;•on """"·· lo.111

f"IQ•• -..id. LACY, r•l•;oi. E .• ~t. 221~ C.1if0<r~a A-... litl!l\"&11d c.,,, LAOIG Oor•ld J flvr S)'- S Si N ... t-C1,,011 l"d l•f-AY(ltl M•'~. '"'· ·• n t-W''I"'. J!o. (vt·'T"' .,..," uGOrA ..... +r, c ... ""'· 11' C..• •o- A.~ &\•

l.,~'-'rlc d H. J.

FOu11w aow unt.E \'. . 1 ,.t., J17 H.a,-. ri Non~ l 0 1tf"

. .... (~ "'~. lONlT' l(t'l'>fl~I" 1. Pvr. ~ S. G:iPoi" St. g, .... r

Cc.-. LUBOW A1f,td h", 1>¥t. 0•1,u. l t•. LUH• Jollfl f., Pvt Jll H11dw" St. h11aCA II, Y. LUTH£~ Ctierlu w !>v•. 505 S, CH•r, St, We,1

F1~\r,...1 111. LUP£1 l+ll. ~! Waw•alo~• Wl1.

f'.IFTH IOW: tu•t ft-.."'' t r ..... r. Mr. Jae&'°"' v •. lYNi..;1-1 t1110-.t ~- ~I. 41) E.. 1.-c)lh St l•O"• -. . 'f lYNt;.t' Mt•t"la l. '"" tr. } fJ•ll'l!O"C ~~. lYlll Go•..-11 ~ . "-'4, lh. J s,t.:l)oe~~u'O Pa MACICf'I' C~"'"- I Pvt h. 1 Mt I••~"' '• t.tAICI I•,- ~Id J., ""'· 1!$0 0.'f'ott S~. s,.,,f, W •f' ..... .,,, "' SIXTH IOW· ..,ALVA.: N,,,. '" 9 .. t. l.ci .. ~Nia l"I 'r WAN\tll, 0. 11ld H Pvt,, ur w , ••• St. AboO"!

N Y. MA•.CU,.1,1':', J., .. ,. 0, D..• 6M D..,"I•'"" ,.,,..., 1...,~~1,.,

N. 't. MARC•l frede•;r.k l., Pvt, 16 Sprll\q St .. W<11t M•H. MAftLOWt JOhft t, l>Vt,, llS Con,,.,I S<1 .. Pithb11'1~1 '•· tAAltQUE H1111•y ,vt., l&O Se11" 10~ St. 8 fOQUy11 'f Y.

SEYEN~H aow: MA•SHAl.l1 '•-• o<id "'1., SSOI Si J°"" t'.t"\ft c;..,.., ... o • ... All'~ f.lord ,,,,. JIO f. G;et S•. l•n•·t1q M h., MAlfl.. ·~brt·• D. PY1 1m Hesl ... i1 H•~h G&o, •• UAIJI~ w,q 11'W H ~1 J8Q§ S.,t'tt St , tf'lt;;tf'tllli. •• "'ASO .. ••ed I "°'' lotlft M ..-. ~ .. WAST c;.,. d t. PY., 9)6 ~,.,..~ S-0. l ~""" llllCI.

11GHll-i aow: MASUI. Ci.,.,., t p.,.,, )109 Sl\H••"CI A•f ''"'

b11fQI\ 1'11

MAflCl'f C.orqe '"' ·· Ji'Ot M•ryland 51. C•t1Y 111(1, MATHlNY'wRo,..aU H,. Pvt., 917 Cllarln A"•· M,1q~"

lo•l'I , V•. MATSUI S~ovro ,....,,.,. ]17 t1S. Po,la"' A1!r, MAt1HtWS, Lee 0, l"'#t,, 5;1.-.1o>1 Mo MAYIJlltY, H"'"""'~ A Ni. hi. C'l.,Wtf•lld lw~

l.~f(l<b1i11q, v •.

NINTH aOw: • MAVEl , I tr '-"L 1155 Carl St. Pt•I .,_,..,, MAYfJ~N. (•· ~r K P.,.. '4U S..•o-t 11 t•4a1Ntt

C:•• lrJl<Clfll.AMD. W a11 ,..~JI Oooo•re1 ,.,. ..,~co.LOUGH .... ,~

f:.tt•o,. P•

' J1 •. Pvt. c~o- ., ... 62' w·,.,., SI A,,~,,. """

Ii:., Pvt. 2!tl f.. w. ~" .. ._ ~·

""'COloll. W1U1.t~ J. Pvi •• Oofe •d. G~I ,... '


SQUADROn ff PERsonnEL F11s1 •ow: MFl~tl y~ .... 1.,ld· C., ""'. ~ll S•lv .. r.,, l('ll't!""' .. ,

"4E1t1it.l, John 0., Pvt, )38 E. kchtr St., M\lfll'•W ~H. w.~.

MERflll, f>o,.elJ C. PVI. «)ll tte-word A.,., lett1 fl"O~ . ~d.

WES.SINA , r ... , J., Pvt .• 1410 ... .., •. r El"SlfV Al• ..-ClCALft, W.,.,.J \#d t., Pvt., 90S t. fiftht $1. lu-11•

Mo . ... EYll!S Pe-.t G. M .. 1112 N. 61• St M:1.,.,., ... ..... SECOHO lOW: ... IC.~~r l< .. rd E.. '"'·· 71) '°°'lioOI Ated• ..

Ulll(lt, t6C)wlnf c .. "''·· New k~f l'lville- Pe Ulltll J..,.ptri I , ,..t., fi1}i1w1. Ill. UILL!I W'""'' L. Pvt., Uni"e'"MI Itel., RI. I W;ni1n

b.ir9 Pe. MILLS.I. Elf'l\ff ot p.,,,I It!,~. Soll JSI. Nn., "'40eh, MllU,..AU, It.,, , I'~., Muc, ... itc, 'loio.

THIRD aow: MILlSAP. M_.10-, Pvt. Stto.mbool Spd1191 Colet. t..'ISCHI. Yf•'"' F., P.Yi Elol" Ill. MODEL S.""11• H, Pvt, s)4z Clerk St.. M!l!'llr••I,

Q .. rbt(. C-...111d•. MOOEN, fdwotd J., Pvt. 1&2 Hedqei St Mer>•ttt G.. MOOIE °'''' .. 1:. 1¥1 .• Jtf •. !rook-..;n, ,. MOO.:E w.u .• .._ I Pvt •• 7SS Locvst ~.., t...b."?" ,.

~tTH I OW · MOlft.AHD. ~ A. M. 209" o;o~ Aff. s.,.c .. .-.

"· ., MOllN. A!~ ( M. If Ho-a,d !t,. c,..,~ a, I. MOlt N ~o"' t L. M,_ I F•f011i!ih St. h"CilttttrQ

Mo~' .,OltOAN O..•••IJ f. l<wt. TonilUJ..,_, Co"•· MOITOM fom L •. ,.,, •. Cli•ttonoo<J!': TtMI. MOZ1$(1(, lv'J•"• ;.._ ' "11, 10? 1..e".tr~ S1 .. s.,,. An

f')oflio. Te~.


SQUADROn H PERSonnEL FllST l OWt PAIR. io~ J. M 2S6' w ..... dl'lllMI ........ ....... ••

tow. ·,,,-,,, , AVEY Jofrl..-, P..t •. 1\771 Asbu~ ""· Ortttoit M;dl PEARSO N FtfdoU D,, Pv1 .. r114 N £. 10th A'fe., ,.. '

1•t1d Ore. PElECO\tlCH. Horry l'vl. lt, !i..Pi1~;,,. Pa. PERRY ldo11atd L, Pvt .. kn: 11t Ht•o11 01\io. PlE-JtS6N LeVe,.. H. P.,r .• M•11;s;ee- Mic.I< ..

THIRD ROW: l'R:A.11, ,....,,"" J. *"''· 'J.tc» s, u .. 10• ,.,_ cr.iu..,.,. 111 rtAn. '°""' f .. Pvt. J09' Pi'gr;.,. A" Wor«1·~ ...... P-•JCt ""°' M., P..-r. '44 S A,,_._ lt-cff rd P•. F-ll'lt~ He1try J. ;.,,, Srar lt. lllitll'•lendier Wit Pll'Or.i.1 lie"Old ,ft., Pvt , 6().( Uni ~. 1<•"111.fOOli:t N, C PJtOSEliS Lqn C.. flvt,, 1•11 l•~llflQi Avo., Jecho"


FIFTH •ow: RAMSAY He"l'l' M. Pvt. lt. 2 Sh•bo'tQlll. M:c.h ~ASICH Joli" J-. Pvt 61) N. r .qv•tN SI lot A11

qelel (A,l;f. •E Moh .. P...t. 601 "~" 1n IEfO, Ca••nc:e ""'- 17 lf,.;..,.. $1 Nt1t<l "'*u REED. J'""•t A.., Pvt., lt, ~- So• '' Hi l\bor-o, ,_. >. REED, Robert E .. Pvt •. YoMla~Ji, Mich

SIXTH l OW: •EE-D '""'•id C. fl"vf .. 1722 u,, AVfl PO'I Hlolf09

U°Cllt Jt£SC.H y;._ror A. ,..., Mettooft. Vt\. 1u1oois. M\lft~"( I,, Pvt • IQB "·"• S•. MotQ•"'~

N, C. PHONEMUS, A.llr•d C •. Pv1., RI, I MerHiuvlllo OJ1io . .RICE tr.'•"•i<• I>. PY1 l!t Pet.0 lit. I U EY t,.,, T_ M. t Wes.tbr;oo.l Si Wtt1 PQi•11


E:IGHTH •ow: ROSSlA ... 0. Jciul A. Pvt. 212'17 Wofl Jd. S..r VilS.9r

oi..;e lOUIA foltn•v J. ""'-· '''h'°l"d ''· iUDY, licti11rd H. Pvt. lni Wahh•' S•., H.v•;,b.i••>

Po. ~usso "'"01011v J .. Pvt, '17.1 5411\ St l·oo~h-n N. "· lt'fDBfiG tC1-ber1 I •. "''· 8()1 S. Tl!;•d St •• !urfi1>QiOI'

fo, ... SAtwtSI OOX 0.0-ld M. 60 •~·""' Oc-•~ U<•.


SQUADROn H PERSOnnEL Atn •ow: SENNETT Wi Ii•- 1 .. M Q Gl•-oocf Aff •. Jol:et. ,, SftllFJ "''"'*' I •. M. tt. 1. I::-• 1064-1 Mcdnto. c. ,_ SHOU H•''l' J., "''·· 217 Oa\wood A.,.. ,itt1bYtQ'li •• SHOlt1 Se1'1Wl'f f, fi'v1. 1,17 N, M•d•to", 'Mnt, Ill. SMUl.SON, G40tO•. M. Bot 1111, Horfol.-, Vo. SLOAH, Alb•r1 [., PY,., St. M• rvt, Pe,

iECONO ltOW: 3NELl, '•0'9• A., Jr,. Pvt. '408 S1!bt:1h Ct., We1!

l•• " ,/J SNYOflt W;tfiel'tl E. 8 , '°"t .. a-,...rto•"· '•· 5Qt-1£GIAN f'l\of'Nt. S. Pvt t2 Ac0t• St. l.,.. .. M.u. SOlAJA J°"" ""· .f'I lilt St . J.c.h'°" C..I f. SOlOt..fON l..,..•o M. ll'OOlt.,... N. Y. S" GG. fd•4 A. M. Euex. Co"'"'·

THIRD lOW: ST, CYt1 1-fow•rd A., M .• IJS.S l1C>fUey A ... e. t..le­

wooo Ofrriio. STE,HEN$ ... fl"Y P...t. loi 21. Jal N, M, STIMSON, Herry C.., Pvt., ' '261 Rloppello, 01uoit,

M•ch $T0lt'Z Cho1fe\ W. Pv~., IU . I W.1t1!oft $11lern N. C. STOt4Ut, ··(ti ... J 1' .' Pin,, 2SOJ 12"d W,e,.doue _Mldi. $TRASS 1(,11,..eth F., Pvt •• '30I 1-+olb••ili St Ooc.•qo

"· fOUlTH lOW: SllAUS.S '••' ,.,.,.. 1'42 C ._..._"'It A"•· f;t~• '•· SUlftJ" Art~« VI. M.. IS '°DI•' ,._ Pkn11tt

•4o" hid•. SULLIVAN l"'Ol'ftH P •• Pvt., 124 k11.,tai11 Ao1e •• ,;t~

bYofQ ... '•· SWIUINGEI' H•l'l'li'IOll P. Pvt. "411 St•11t1fc>11 Avo.

Cti•d•llO'I W. Vo, TAYtOll, 8:tl P\11., l.t tO fovM•;" SI. lv!d•tM>l'I lttd. TAYLOR. fom""v• 0., Pvt Ho1•I, ICv

FIFTH lOW: TAI~ J.,.,. M J•.. P .. t 1047 S. w; '•" Meriiph.\

·~· T£AGAIO(N ,. ·1~ J •. Pvf., H .. •• fl4tO- I-cl. fH"Alft Do"-tld ..... M 1W C.•••' S•. C•+tC..

T· •" W Yo. THAYfl C .. o•tn E. P...t.. • JI v ... •""«10 Av•. C•m

"' ,,,. Sc>r•~ ••. fHOMAS Joti C .......... H.Mv;ll• t;,., THOMAS J•cl P. Pvr .. 1011: ltl R·tliordt Te-•.

SIXTH ROW: THOMPSON, Hcr-'ord A. Jr,. Pvt, J.10\tpJ>Ool Fl•. 11NGEJt Joclt l'YI., 154 S, $fl'loll 0•, lot Atu;el~.

Cl"I 1011IY A.ttt-11' G. Pvt., H•qli ~t •. Acco•• M.oh, l(ACH W;fli•"' J., Pvt. MotOOl't '• TRACY l ob.. •1 c M. a; Aod••o• lol"t;J ·~,,u.

c;., ttOUl l M. tm 22.'ld St l•bbocl- let.

SEVENTH lOW· TJ0Xtll [ed l Pvt. lt. l Nori.ilow"I '•· fSVETA~OFF C,,,1 t. Pvt, t S~i S' C.,..pbe-11,

011:0. fUCl((lt Jg.ti11 G., Pvt •• I t 1. S'0<~to11 Ill. TURN£l E•rl A, PYt,. NewOort. Vt Tt.:\H .t""'"'" M ,vt., 17JI, E, 7·01> St lroo\l'lf' N Y TY\Ea G'•vt1011 a·, '" .... 1 ... ff,10 N. Y. E.IGHTH lOW: t.:ZZlll Ji"' A """· iorn 7S~.t 11•(.l Mo..111•;" N. C. VA:iOYIC Je.., J. ""''~ o·w,._;d• p,,l N. J VAla..t ~ ( M JC1' W H•••ord I !Id U•'Oll.

V1NE we," F-. ht. n~ood t d w.-.cl.-e~

Spr·•Q~ ""•a VAlElt10H., l~"'' f. Pvl •. Ntw ' °""tllt. N. V. YA1.a•OU> P'tiiloQ t . Pvt., IOOt Arll._Q'"'" Ct .. Oavr11

oo•1 low•



JHll D IOW: WHITE Hcls.rer C., Pvt., ~1. I N"'-O '-c" '•· WHltiORO, St•C.• H.. Pvt., ,c,.,q~\•e-cis.:~ N. Y WHITLOW Jail" 0., Pvt. 109 I!, fo11"h S1. J•<h"" "m• F1.e. ' WMHIK~I_ $,o.,ford W, Jr '"'· lt;o!l'\ide ~d ~· "'

H.ool Con"· W!C«:HA'M, Art;.1;1, W., ,"1 1101 '"'•''"°" ....,....,, ,.,. WIEGMAN, Jol\fi K. Pvt. Ill• l•1 SI, Ftr °"'' 0

JOUITH I OW: W1lS( lowel K... ""'1. H°"""• Ill. WILIUl. Jot-111 A. "-1 I lti>e-.,•~be•" S• .. N ... W

,Qtd, -...u. WllDllMUTH lobtrf M Jvt 110 E. Ma,,..td A~• ..

Co11i1mbl.I.,., Olli-o, WILK! ! Joh11 S •. ~t 17 Me'1)ie!I A••~ S<.lleft«t•dt

N, '!', WILLIAMS. A1tho.1r fl;, '"' " 101 10) ColltQe P•rk G.t Wll,.l.IAMS, Jomtcs. t.. , P111. JWt e. lrvc.e. Wi<"•q .... FIFTH ROW: WILLIAMS ktr 1.. Pv1 .. SWM "'°'911110od A .. ,.; .. 1•• WtU.lAt.AS '°" E.. Pvt U G• .. • S• l••H!tcbO'o 'Vt WllUAMSOtl ~ f .. '"' ~ .... S• ~o

Wll~1:;... C.. t ~ n.,... SD"....- '• 'WILSON ~HE .. Pvt. '91•e~ Go. WINJE•S 1obe"1 P. Pvt ))12: $ ~1•1.dt. J;..d. O• •

l\(lofl"le Cit,. Olla.

SllCtH IOW: WINZIG, W.rtlter, ,vt., t•lt·A w Ch~"'be'' s'·· ua

"'•"'"· w;,. Wlnb Lflrtv E. Pvt. 1017 ld1ho A~• O.•d•ili•. 0~ • WLO 't'GA, lt ~c-k>i ••f J , ~ 106')S Mooo• C~~*• S

o..,~ Mic ... WOLF J•""'fl C. M. M111l"'"•'f'f lta11 WOlFl-. ~Id L.. ,_,. 4) $_ N .. , .. S• Ov•~f'l"c••

••• WOMACIC, H"'Wt A ""'' Ul'i W IS'ffri S• Jae.\ "°"'' I•. ft.. Sf't'lHlH &OW: WOOO. aichlrd l •. ,.,_,., J.11,.. ~1oH• fo~dt Portlai"ld ..... wooo" Willi•"' A. J1. F•r""i"q•oo11 Ut•" WOOD>, Ch1isfoptier C.., l>vt., 217 w. G.., St, o~r.


N, C. WllGH1, J. E:., Jt .. Pvt, 7'10 1·)\•"' Avfl. ft. Wort ..

le•. I WIOILEWSICI Fr-•,.k P.., M, 1'1!i loc:llllo• $1. • ,,.

....ve. Md. WllGHf Jo"'- H . $,. M

ltl;HIH I O W; WYMAN 0wa"'9 G. "°"'· •rN'aq \It WYSOC!lft .btec>Jt N., P\l't. 1101 Ill" A...e. Al•OOft.41 P•. Yf'-GOf l obet1 W .. ,.,, ..a1 W_ f:lti. ~,. ~11, llld YOUNG; Edwi" R .. Jr., "'1. l>\i•w•'' S C. YOUNG Je-!.\ t-!,'J Pvt., Mo-.nt•I" \',,,,. C•l<I. YOUNG. J1mei n-. Pvt., Ctiql11 '""·

NIHlH llOW: YOUNGE•. C&orle1 J ,, Pvi lOil Ob:•oo Sl T1~1 r.t

flt. YUfNGEll, l0"1, Pvt .. IH W t.t•I" S1 R~1"01.al •

••• 2AHNll Jotill L. M. 101 G••"ld• w A--. H~l.t-ci , •• ~ 111.

ZAIK U"M'St E.. M 14-4 W•h.cOl'f" St f".•-V:.ld tJ•n.

JAZA<;", ~.,;:" C. ,._,, W '•""•"9 S• ~ ~. '•· ?ANO" lvoert. Pvt_ ),, ) Sl'IOl'I0""·1" '#4~"' ...

lENTH l OW: ZAlOW, 51-dft.-y, P..,t 67'SS Houoc\J S•.. Phifadf-loiri;" ... ZEttell. £,.,.;" J. Pvt. l~•ll, W~o. ZIELIN~KI, Geo;ge T., M . ~ 'i.illlAM $1. PtOV:~"<:•

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••• ZOLUI. V<tor D •• Pvt ,. 16& S. Webl•~ St,. fOlt W•r"•, 1"'1;11,

ZONTOIC. S~ H. M ., T~UOot c.e..


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Army and Navv Publishing Company of Louisiana