Land at Bordon Hill Farm Site Overview Context The site comprises land at Bordon Hill Farm, to the south of Evesham Road, and encompasses an area of approximately 8.6ha. It consists of two agricultural fields that slope from the north-west to south-eastern corner. Mature hedgerows form the north, south and western boundaries; whilst no physical feature defines the eastern boundary which bisects the existing field. Surrounding land uses include residential to the north, south and east; Stratford-on-Avon racecourse to the east; and Bordon Hill Nurseries, a large-scale garden centre, to the west. The site is located within 1.6 miles of Stratford town centre, and the site’s development would effectively extend the planned Shottery (West Stratford) development area. Site Location Plan Key: Site boundary Shottery Brook Existing built form Existing built form within site Primary road Secondary Road Access to existing dwellings Existing hedgerow & trees Constraints Topographical profile lines Area of site with steep level changes Over head power lines Private amenity of existing dwellings Areas of poor visual screening Opportunities Proposed public open space provided by other Overlooking residential frontages with views onto green space Potential access points Areas of strong visual screening Long distance views Potential frontages overlooking green space Potential location of underground attenuation featur * * s teep level chang e g radual level chang e g radual level chang e Long distance views Lon g distance views Evesham Road Luddington Road behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. PUBLIC OPEN SPACE provided by others Opportunities and Constraints Opportunities Sustainably located on the edge of Stratford; Suitably located adjacent to existing residential development; New vehicular and pedestrian access into the site can be safely provided off Evesham Road; Located within close proximity to public transport connections; Opportunity to provide a mix of housing to meet local needs; A new area of public open green space can be created through the proposed development. Constraints Sloping topography; Overhead power cables run across the site; Existing dwellings located against the site’s southern boundary.

ite Overie Bordon Hill Farm · 2020. 4. 15. · Land at ite Overie Bordon Hill Farm Context The site comprises land at Bordon Hill Farm, to the south of Evesham Road, and encompasses

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  • Land at Bordon Hill FarmSite Overview

    ContextThe site comprises land at Bordon Hill Farm, to the south of

    Evesham Road, and encompasses an area of approximately

    8.6ha. It consists of two agricultural fields that slope from the

    north-west to south-eastern corner. Mature hedgerows form

    the north, south and western boundaries; whilst no physical

    feature defines the eastern boundary which bisects the

    existing field.

    Surrounding land uses include residential to the north, south

    and east; Stratford-on-Avon racecourse to the east; and Bordon

    Hill Nurseries, a large-scale garden centre, to the west. The

    site is located within 1.6 miles of Stratford town centre, and

    the site’s development would effectively extend the planned

    Shottery (West Stratford) development area. Site Location Plan


    s t e e p l e v e l c h a n g e

    g r a d u a l l e v e l c h a n g e

    g r a d u a l l e v e l c h a n g e

    L on g

    d is t a

    n ce

    v i ew s

    L o n g d i s t a n c e v i e w s

    Evesham Road





    Site boundary

    Shottery Brook

    Existing built form

    Existing built form within site

    Primary road

    Secondary Road

    Access to existing dwellings

    Existing hedgerow & trees


    Topographical profile lines

    Area of site with steep level changes

    Over head power lines

    Private amenity of existing dwellings

    Areas of poor visual screening


    Proposed public open space provided by other Overlooking residential frontages with views onto green space

    Potential access points

    Areas of strong visual screening

    Long distance views

    Potential frontages overlooking green space

    Potential location of underground attenuation feature




    Bordon Hill, Stratford-Upon-Avon

    Constraints & Opportunities

    Project Number:BELU3003


    Date:November 2016




    Drawing Number:2000

    Copyright of Turley

    This drawing is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used for any construction or estimation purposes. To be scaled for planning application purposes only.

    No liability or responsibility is accepted arising from reliance upon the information contained within this drawing.

    Plans reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright and database right [2016]. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number [100020449]

    PUBLIC OPEN SPACEprovided by others


    s t e e p l e v e l c h a n g e

    g r a d u a l l e v e l c h a n g e

    g r a d u a l l e v e l c h a n g e

    L on g

    d is t a

    n ce

    v i ew s

    L o n g d i s t a n c e v i e w s

    Evesham Road





    Site boundary

    Shottery Brook

    Existing built form

    Existing built form within site

    Primary road

    Secondary Road

    Access to existing dwellings

    Existing hedgerow & trees


    Topographical profile lines

    Area of site with steep level changes

    Over head power lines

    Private amenity of existing dwellings

    Areas of poor visual screening


    Proposed public open space provided by other Overlooking residential frontages with views onto green space

    Potential access points

    Areas of strong visual screening

    Long distance views

    Potential frontages overlooking green space

    Potential location of underground attenuation feature




    Bordon Hill, Stratford-Upon-Avon

    Constraints & Opportunities

    Project Number:BELU3003


    Date:November 2016




    Drawing Number:2000

    Copyright of Turley

    This drawing is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used for any construction or estimation purposes. To be scaled for planning application purposes only.

    No liability or responsibility is accepted arising from reliance upon the information contained within this drawing.

    Plans reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright and database right [2016]. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number [100020449]

    PUBLIC OPEN SPACEprovided by others

    Opportunities and Constraints

    Opportunities• Sustainably located on the edge of Stratford;

    • Suitably located adjacent to existing residential development;

    • New vehicular and pedestrian access into the site can be safely provided off Evesham Road;

    • Located within close proximity to public transport connections;

    • Opportunity to provide a mix of housing to meet local needs;

    • A new area of public open green space can be created through the proposed development.

    Constraints• Sloping topography;

    • Overhead power cables run across the site;

    • Existing dwellings located against the site’s

    southern boundary.

  • Land at Bordon Hill FarmPlanning Policy Context

    Local Planning PolicyStratford-on-Avon Core Strategy (2011-2031) was adopted in

    July 2016 and constitutes the Development Plan for Stratford-

    upon-Avon District. This documents sets out a development

    strategy for the district up to 2031, and provides policies that

    will help deliver the vision.

    Stratford-upon-Avon is identified as the district’s principal

    settlement, and a sub-regional centre, and is therefore

    considered to be the main focus for new housing and business

    development. Between 2011 and 2031 an additional 14,600

    new homes need to be provided within Stratford-on-Avon

    District to meet the identified need. Of the new housing to be

    provided as part of developments of 11 units or more, 35% of

    the dwellings are to be affordable housing.

    National Planning PolicyThe National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published

    in March 2012 and forms the principal national planning

    policy document. It sets out a presumption in favour of

    sustainable development and outlines a number of Core

    Planning Principles. Most notably it seeks for planning to deliver

    the homes that the country needs and to focus significant

    development in area which are sustainable.

    National Planning Policy Framework

    www.communities.gov.uk community, opportunity, prosperity

    Stratford-on-Avon District

    Core Strategy2011 to 2031

  • Land at Bordon Hill FarmWhat Is Being Proposed?

    Indicative House Types

    • Circa 95 dwellings• Public Open Space• Drainage Attenuation• Two new access points off Evesham Road• Sympathetic Landscaping

  • Land at Bordon Hill FarmHighways Proposals

    Existing Transport ConnectionsThe site is well-located relative to the existing and proposed road networks. Evesham Road connect the site to Stratford and the A46, and is currently a wide single carriageway route and a 40mph speed limit is in force where it passes the site. The speed limit reduces to 30mph a short distance to the east, prior to the junction with Luddington Road.

    The site can be reached on foot via Evesham Road, which has good standard footways on both sides. It lies within a 2km walking distance of Stratford town centre. Shottery St Andrews Primary School is located within approximately 1km. The site is therefore within recommended walking distances of a range of facilities.

    The proposed site access is within approximately 400m of the nearest bus stop on Evesham Road, where services 18/X18 and 27 can be accessed. These combine to provide a 30-minute frequency service to and from the town centre.








    ON RO




    ParkingOn-plot parking facilities for cars and bicycles within each dwelling would be provided in accordance with the County Council’s current parking standards.

    Existing Bus Routes

    Access ProposalsIt is currently proposed that vehicle access to the site will be via a new T-junction on Evesham Road along the site frontage. The scheme will be incorporated within the existing kerb-lines on Evesham Road, which is wide enough to provide a separate lane for traffic turning right into the site. The implications for highway capacity will be fully assessed within the Transport Assessment that supports the planning application.

    The proposed internal roads would be designed in accordance with Warwickshire County Council’s current requirements and those of the Manual for Streets. The aim is to create a safe road layout that limits vehicle speeds and encourages people to walk and cycle, whilst also ensuring adequate access for refuse collection and other service vehicles.

  • Land at Bordon Hill FarmDrainage

    Existing ConditionsAccording to the mapping produced by the Environment Agency the proposed development site falls entirely within Flood Zone 1. The classification of Flood Zone 1 deems the site to be at a low probability of flooding and therefore in accordance with government guidelines, is suitable for residential development. The Environment Agency also publish surface water flood maps and these show that the risk of surface water flooding through parts of the site is very low.

    Proposed Strategy

    Surface WaterIn order to ensure that the increased surface water flow rates are not transferred downstream a system of surface water flow attenuation and storage will be constructed to hold back the flow and release it at the pre-development flow rates. The system will consist of underground tanks; storage and flow restriction controls, which will store the water generated under rainfall events and release it slowly. This is a “tried and tested” method of ensuring that developments will not increase any downstream flood risk.

    Foul WaterThere is an existing 300mm diameter combined water sewer in Luddington Road which flows in a southerly direction. Discussions regarding the available capacity in this sewer are currently ongoing with Severn Trent Water.

    Environment Agency Flood Risk Map