td V 1 Aj r ktI nest Advertising it81B REdLTUI l aUNTY NEWSr h Largest l111 ITI1 Girquhition k r t u = C i IN QREATHITT ANDADJOININO It < ANY PAPER IN THIS SECTION M > 4a 1 > J11r1sE llAOiNfl Editor and 1 ubhehurA N VAIn DKVOTKD TO THK iNTKitEars OF EASTKUN KENTUCKY q > ONE1JoLLAR PER YKAKIM ADVANCE Volume VIL Jackson Kentucky IT 1da y September 11 1908 p 0 Number 46 I THE STAR STORE OF EUSTER ISAACS I f iJr wifr Y 1 r QODAYSSALAT 7 Wo ago preparing to make room for our fall Stock a Wo have pot a big stock of < Mens Boys i Childrens A CLOThINGf Ladies Skirts Brown Blue and Black Mens Top Shirts and Underwear Pants Counter ¬ I panes and Lace Curtains I Mens Hats at 25c Less on the SI r h A BIG STOCK OP Mens Ladies and Childrens Shoes AT COST 1MUCKS Everything will go at low prices ILEusterIsaicS i = ti Jrt i IOIOYU I4tY lreM J SAIlgl IJF1I Jr CIIhllr c P P 01AVrOKl > Ieu ITCH i 11 1 HAVIS ActhiK Cashier 11 S I1OITKII AhVt Cashr 1- H tIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt i- i i e- f z DU Fwr BANKING METHODS o l 4I4J 1i jLs0 a large und LrlW111g i + you are not already in this numg i bcr wliy not open an account now t Call in and talk the subject over with us A call will entail no obligation f if Wont you tryand see 0 g Ii PAIDUP CAPITAL and SURPLUS 2735000 f < DEPOSITBANKt Ur Jackson Icn t uc ki1 o m D m at WI y nf f fli Iif Ii Ii OW dduCGUM W WWn Rftn qn Ii f f n it t THE j n- U F A LYON HON C- OINSURANCE I 00 WI n tJg REAL ESTATE f t i STOCKS AND BONDS f ic LOANS NEGOTIATED S 4 Yft i AGENCIES IN ALL THE IN EASTERN KENTUCKY I y Energetic Men to Represent Us i o Want Live fJoJ Y 1 o in Unoccupied Territory i ion TiH l o Address All Communications to the Com g party at Beattyville Kentucky qt e oeeoemeeee Officeo L S S if J Z 9- I r Sermon Postponed After the inside of The New II had been printed n tclcirrnin was received from Hcv l1 Edge saying that tho address to the liniiors could not bo given on the liUh but would bo given on the 20thof SeptemberLostReward Strnvcd away several days ago n black mare about 10 years old iSihafldsbii onejwhiColwicl foot Finder will return its J d Ayards at Tmno ui rre celvc reward w 4 7 Gt dPtrol Henry Wise Davis of Insko was here last week He gave us two cash subscriptions > to The News J f we hadirfw n ore en thusinstic friends llkas tit The News would soon be on tln basis Juries Dismissed The juries were discharged Thursday eveniijj after II service of 22 days Very little business was done during the court hut bo it said that it was not the fault of the juries for we believe they wanted to do what was right but they did to i ave muoi of a good opportunity Died in Texas Sim Crawford ari uncle of Oli ¬ ver Crawford Sr and Abner Bowman of Athol and who was born at Tallega died some time ago at Palo Pinto Texas where he betted many years ago lie was n soldier In the war with Mexico having enlisted from Estill county under Copt Wm whiles Capt A C Copes mother wits his sister Born to Mr and Mrs V V Brown on September 2 a boy W A McD well president of tho L E Railway Co was hero Thuitday It T Davis has accepted Il po ¬ sition with the Heattyvillc Block Con Corm any as foremen 1 V V Brown secretary and treasurer of the Imp rinl li ia buildloat43ttrgu um t Ith Jackson near the depot Cincinnati Markets Sept 11hogsMarket strong butchers and shippers 715 to 72U common 160 to 485 Cattle Market steady fair to good shhpl ers 100 to 5GO common 225 to 275 Sheep Market steady 125 to 7 85LambsMarket steady 250 GOO Crockettsville The people of this neighborhood aro very busy laying in their win ¬ ter fuel Stephen Turner and wife of Canoe were visiting here- a few days the past week Alex Herald is making molasses L C Bowling and wife returned homo Saturday after a weeks visit relatives at Elkatawa and Jack ¬ son Wni Belcher of Shoulder Blade and his niece Miss Eliza Bowling who have been visiting at McWhorter London Maples villc Moores Creek and Annville for the past two weeks returned homo Wednesday accompanied by Klisha Bowlirig and Richard Hibbard of McWhorter Wo are glad to know that II S Bur ¬ nett has again resumed his posi- tion ¬ on The News Miss Etta Hoskins of Jackson is visiting her sister Mrs Luther Callahan Mrs Matilda Turner was the guest of her cousins Misses Eliza and Dora Bowling Fridny0urS- unday school hero is progress ¬ jug nicely under the management of Elmer Gabbonl of Buckhorn Luther Callahan was in Jack- son ¬ a few hays ago and returned homo with a slIlplof new pho ¬ nograph record Archie Sebas ¬ than anti sister Mary E of Ca ¬ floe were guests of their sister Mrs Ollie Denton Saturday niuht Boss AUNT Turkey Jell Evcrsolo of Atholwas hero tho first of the week Ym Griffith of Frozen creek visited J Terry and family Saturday and Sunday G II Patrick tho shoo drummer was hero this week selling shoes Nick Combs pass ¬ ed here Monday en route to Boone vile whoro he is taking treatment under Dr A M Glass Miss Ruth and Willson Ter w attended church at Mill branchfTunday and wore tho guests of Mr and Mrs Henry Gross Jerry Taulbcc of Robbins who is visiting tho schools this year spent Thursday night with friends here Mr and Mrs Jno Noble of Cow creekwere here Monday on busi ¬ nessWilson Terry is attending school at Highland college L Sttiipson Taylor 1 rt orts nn enroll merit 0025I mils and n general average of tll airing the month or ugust this oS his sixth sclool at this pY B Tomblin who has bcci Cincrinnati for several days fttijrncd Saturday Dr Ilurstha now patent on Morg Our little village was made pleasantyrfejv days ago by the smiling f eesiof Misses Edo Williams anti Quito a crow llIrolilthrrIlaco at ¬ tended churclatvnbllyJASuiflay MroW A Ikmpton wchllo Hoi lonsvillo Tuesday Paxton rowdt from this place tc hocB church on Holly Sunday olFp Rrtiinson anti family visitedntdlmrs Camp Saturday and Sunday J Our school is pro I Krcssinj nicely under the manage- ment f MissLouisa KinS Misses Bctso irtul Stella Shackcl K ford entcrtn tied ti number of friends tit llicir homo Saturday night as follows Misses Cora and Juan Roseof Lucy creek Edna Willianu and Daisy Buck ner Claud and Ora Vest Games were plavcdiind music was fur ¬ nished by Miss Williams Dont fail lo buy one of those 9x12 Brussels Rugs for 1000 at Jones closing out stile I Rousseau Last Friday the pupils of the Andy Branch school house taught by Bert Q Back visited the Rousseau sclQoltaulht by Wil gus Back aijilienttajjed in a spell- ing ¬ match between tho schools X II Snllj4 Everett Back nndI Miss Anna flijen were appointed judges TlinfotUch was won bI the UOI1SSflL clfoo1 A tnbleI bnuttOiYf I g was sprtrad and dinner was served by the Housseau school to about 20U leoi plo Miss Victoria C5oll ofI Jackson was hero the first of the week Misses Etta Creech anti Edith Back and Luther Hack Ar ¬ thur Back Bert Back and Wilgus BI1Cknil of Stevenson visited Rev Daniel McIntosh Sunday and enjoyed a watermelon feast Mrs Perlinu Back wio has been confined to her bed for sixty days with typhoid fewer is improving Be sure and see those 9x12 Brus ¬ sels Rugs Jones is selling for 1000I Tlio Remedy That Docs Dr Kings New Discovery U the remedy that deco the lieiilini others proinUes but fall to perform Bjs Mr K It 1ioram at Auburn Centre IV It la curing me of throat find lung trouble of Icing standing that other tr laments relieved only tempo rarity New Discovery to doing me so much good that I feel confident Its continued use for a reasonable lengths- of time will restore me to Health This renowned cough and cold reinpdy nnd throat and lung htalI er is sold at lankson Drug store 60o and 1100 Trial bottle free WOLFE C tJNiT- Campton G One of tho largest crowlcver seen in Campion attended county court here Monday rAUorncyS J C Lykins of1l JDcxingtort Spencer of 11inchestCr tiuijijavii f j of Tallega Red wine of Jackson t Gourloy of Beattyvillrf JtatfTe ter of Lnndsaw are intJh yn th week preparing for circuit tour t r her Democratic hxccutive ConimitlQQprWblo county met nttltc Coua Jlouso Dlyomiis- sucdthdcrtllfgr tlio coutfty pri mar to bcihetdSov mber 14 The following candidates have paid the registry fee to tub chairman For County JudgeA B Landrtim W BDuffand Elias Shockey for County AttorneyS G Sam ¬ pie for county court clerkJ T Hanks for circuit court clcrk J C Litulon for SheritF Fielden Cox Floyd Arnclt an Roy Smith for AssessorohnTC- enter Peter U Hobbs P U Legg and IL B Kushand for flillrJ C B Little and E F I hero arc enthusiastic and announced candidates for all these oiliccs besides those who have al- ready ¬ registered A large crowd of Campions citizens attended the funeral meeting at Holly Creek last Sunday All report a good time with plenty of dinner OD the ground Hon J B White of Irvine Democratic candidate for circuit judge addressed a largo andattentive audience at the court house in behalf of his candidacy Monday at 1 oclock p mJohn- R Hobb of Meniefce county has been in town a few days on busi ¬ ness but returned home Tuesday morning P t Drake of Win- chester ¬ was in town Tuesday look ¬ ing after same civil suits Mrs Geneva Brown of Trent was in town Monday on business llo- nrtF Byrdof Winchester spent Thursday of last week in Campton investigating suits in which his clients are interested Zilch Hurst of Wilhurst was visiting in town Saturday and Sunday J P Rose and wife and E F Ce ¬ cil and wife all of near Hazel Green were the pleasant guests of Mr and Mrs Isaac Elkins Sun- day ¬ night and took dinner withI S J Elkins on Monday Wool and Hides Wanted I will pity the highest cnsh prices for Wool Hides and Feath ¬ ers You will find mo on the cor ¬ next to M S Grains store 45tf L H WIHTAKEK It Cnnt He Bent Till best of all trncliers Is ex perlenca O M Ilnrden of Silver Oity tforth Carolina says I tint Electric Hitter does all tliais clnl ned for It For Stomach Liver and Kd ncr troubles it cnnt be bent 1 have tried it and find It a moat excellent nmltcitiB Mr Harden la right Its the best of all medicines also for weakness lame Hack andalt run- down conditions heat too for chilli anil malaria Sold under guarantee nt Juckson drug store 50j Srf 5252522S2S5252S222 IDte525252S25C52UJZ2 TYPEWRITER EXCELLENCE m i For SIMPLICITY of operation NEATNESS of to- lii finished work VERSATILITY usimcs meclmn icnl PEUFECTiON in its workmanshipno otherIN id typewriter can approach the NEW No 5 OLIVER mI A perfect tabulator the heaviest manifolder best for mimeograph work longest life FREE TRIAL OFFKIlSimply notify me that you are interested in a typewriter anti you will bo furnished one for a thorough trial without nay a obligation on your parlTUf you decide to buy one after trial then terms will be made to suit your m convenicncelPFivo dollars n month for a short time and the machine is yours PAll cash if you prefer ct toSonic Jackson Users of Tho OlivoII S S Tiiulbco County Judge W I Uncle Circuit Clerk Kelly ICash ComiiiomvcnlUis Attorney llynl irolllilny Attorney 31tss IcGuIro Attorney Tattle Wright Manufacturers Mr Mclntosh Itullrotul Agent Klkatnwa Ky Ask these lor thtlr opinion of the wonderful workmanship of the OLIVER W B OELZE Agent for Oliver Typewriters TVlEXVllITKU SUIlLlKS Ion ALL M CIJI SI OFFICi SUllLtra OAHU INHKX SYSTEMS OKK1CK KUnNITDHK- BISKS iTPHwniTEns not GIlT SOLD AND KXCHANCEU l WITH LITTLE c WRIOHT nAN UPACTURINO COMPANY m 1 Sa52 5aSSascsasc 52s252s252a 25d525zsd52 CLOSING OUT > > J t M t Yt r I Anily < GtU tU tlAall IJlgtOll I Mean Business 1 4ri THIS B NO FAKE SALE The Prices Speak for Themselves Come and See and be Convinced that i Mean to Close Out Just Look at the Prices centd Stockings Closing Out Price 7 25c Underwear Closing Out Price 15c SHOES SHOES SHOES 400 Shoes Closing Out Price 225 300 200 275 175 250 e 150 WOMENS SHOES 200 Womens Shoes Closing Out Price 150 i75 125 150e 100 125 75c PRICES ON CLOTHING 750 Suits Closing Out Price 500 600 400 500 350 1f CLOSING OUT PRICES ON COMFORTS AND BLANKETS 125 Blankets Closing Out Price 85c 90c 65c 125 Comforts Closing Out price 85c BRUSSELS ROOM SIZE RUGS 1350 Brussels Room Size Rugs 9xI21000 1100to It8x106 850 We have lots of other goods too numerous to mention Everything is being sold regardless of value Now is the chance of a life time Dont miss it Everybody come and see The low prices speak for thcroselve- spJONES STORE Corner of Court Street and College Avenue 0000000000000000 000000000000000 y oCees Collegiate fnsuze INCORPORATED JACKSON KENTUCKY September ¬ All Departments will be continued so far as and opportunity will be given advanced pupils to take the accredited course for admission yourhome l For terms and all other information apply to C A LEONARD Principal Jackson Kentucky e K T UOSB 8 U SAMIME ROSE SAMPLE Attorneys and Councelors at Law CAMPTOX KY This firm will practice in all tho courts of Wolfe and ndjncent coun ¬ ties Special attention to Corpo ¬ ration Law nnd Real Estate Liti ¬ gation OQlccs Second Floor Farmers tE Traders Bank 1 WH Henderson Ayres Street Opp Post Ofilae LEXINGTON KY DEALER IN jf Grain Seeds Feed 1 Wheat Rye Barle Oats tBlue Hay Straw dc Hill Feed IM Fr 4 itfI G I i nysIr a

It k 1 Anily€¦ · td V Aj 1 r ktI nest Advertising it81BREdLTUI l aUNTY NEWSrhLargest l111 ITI1 Girquhition k r t u = C i IN QREATHITT ANDADJOININO It ANY PAPER IN THIS SECTION

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  • td V1Aj rktI

    nest Advertising it81BREdLTUI l aUNTY NEWSrh Largestl111 ITI1Girquhitionk rt u = C i IN QREATHITT ANDADJOININO It < ANY PAPER IN THIS SECTIONM > 4a1 > J11r1sE llAOiNfl Editor and 1 ubhehurA N VAIn DKVOTKD TO THK iNTKitEars OF EASTKUN KENTUCKY q > ONE1JoLLAR PER YKAKIM ADVANCEVolume VIL Jackson Kentucky IT 1day September 11 1908 p 0 Number 46I THE STAR STOREOF EUSTER ISAACS

    I f iJrwifrY 1


    QODAYSSALAT 7Wo ago preparing to make room for our fall Stock

    a Wo have pot a big stock of

    < Mens Boysi Childrens


    Ladies Skirts Brown Blue and Black MensTop Shirts and Underwear Pants Counter ¬ I

    panes and Lace Curtains

    I Mens Hats at 25c Less on the SIr


    Mens Ladies and Childrens ShoesAT COST 1MUCKS Everything will go at low prices

    ILEusterIsaicSi = tiJrti IOIOYU I4tY lreM J SAIlgl IJF1I Jr CIIhllrc P P 01AVrOKl > Ieu ITCH i11 1 HAVIS ActhiK Cashier 11 S I1OITKII AhVt Cashr 1-H tIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt i-i ie-fz DUFwrBANKING METHODSo l

    4I4J1ijLs0 a large und LrlW111g i+ you are not already in this numgi bcr wliy not open an account nowt Call in and talk the subject over withus A call will entail no obligation fif Wont you tryand see 0gIi PAIDUP CAPITAL and SURPLUS 2735000 f

    < DEPOSITBANKtUr Jackson Icn tucki1o m D m atWI ynf f fli Iif Ii Ii OW

    dduCGUM W WWn Rftn qn Ii f f ni tt THE











    4Yfti AGENCIES IN ALL THEIN EASTERN KENTUCKY Iy Energetic Men to Represent Usi o Want Live fJoJY 1 o in Unoccupied Territoryi

    ion TiH


    Address All Communications to the Comgparty at Beattyville Kentucky qt

    e oeeoemeeeeOfficeoL S



    Z 9-



    Sermon PostponedAfter the inside of The New II

    had been printed n tclcirrnin wasreceived from Hcv l1 Edgesaying that tho address to theliniiors could not bo given on theliUh but would bo given on the20thof


    Strnvcd away several days agon black mare about 10 years oldiSihafldsbii onejwhiColwicl footFinder will return its J dAyards at Tmno ui rrecelvc reward w 4

    7 Gt dPtrolHenry Wise Davis of Insko

    was here last week He gave ustwo cash subscriptions > to TheNews J f we hadirfw n ore enthusinstic friends llkas tit TheNews would soon be on tlnbasis

    Juries DismissedThe juries were discharged

    Thursday eveniijj after II serviceof 22 days Very little businesswas done during the court hut boit said that it was not the fault ofthe juries for we believe theywanted to do what was right butthey did to i ave muoi of agood opportunity

    Died in TexasSim Crawford ari uncle of Oli ¬

    ver Crawford Sr and AbnerBowman of Athol and who wasborn at Tallega died some timeago at Palo Pinto Texas wherehe betted many years ago liewas n soldier In the war withMexico having enlisted fromEstill county under Copt Wmwhiles Capt A C Copes motherwits his sister

    Born to Mr and Mrs V VBrown on September 2 a boy

    W A McD well president oftho L E Railway Co was heroThuitday

    It T Davis has accepted Il po ¬sition with the Heattyvillc BlockCon Corm any as foremen 1

    V V Brown secretary andtreasurer of the Imp rinl liia buildloat43ttrgu um t IthJackson near the depot

    Cincinnati MarketsSept 11hogsMarket strong

    butchers and shippers 715 to72U common 160 to 485

    Cattle Market steady fair togood shhpl ers 100 to 5GOcommon 225 to 275

    Sheep Market steady 125 to785LambsMarket steady 250



    The people of this neighborhoodaro very busy laying in their win ¬ter fuel Stephen Turner andwife of Canoe were visiting here-a few days the past week AlexHerald is making molassesL C Bowling and wife returnedhomo Saturday after a weeks visit

    relatives at Elkatawa and Jack ¬son Wni Belcher of ShoulderBlade and his niece Miss ElizaBowling who have been visitingat McWhorter London Maplesvillc Moores Creek and Annvillefor the past two weeks returnedhomo Wednesday accompaniedby Klisha Bowlirig and RichardHibbard of McWhorter Woare glad to know that II S Bur ¬nett has again resumed his posi-tion


    on The News Miss EttaHoskins of Jackson is visitingher sister Mrs Luther Callahan

    Mrs Matilda Turner was theguest of her cousins Misses Elizaand Dora Bowling Fridny0urS-unday school hero is progress ¬jug nicely under the managementof Elmer Gabbonl of Buckhorn

    Luther Callahan was in Jack-son


    a few hays ago and returnedhomo with a slIlplof new pho ¬nograph record Archie Sebas¬than anti sister Mary E of Ca ¬floe were guests of their sisterMrs Ollie Denton Saturdayniuht Boss AUNT


    Jell Evcrsolo of Atholwashero tho first of the week YmGriffith of Frozen creek visitedJ Terry and family Saturday andSunday G II Patrick thoshoo drummer was hero this weekselling shoes Nick Combs pass ¬ed here Monday en route to Boonevile whoro he is taking treatmentunder Dr A M Glass MissRuth and Willson Ter w attendedchurch at Mill branchfTunday andwore tho guests of Mr and MrsHenry Gross Jerry Taulbccof Robbins who is visiting thoschools this year spent Thursdaynight with friends here Mrand Mrs Jno Noble of Cowcreekwere here Monday on busi ¬nessWilson Terry is attendingschool at Highland college

    L Sttiipson

    Taylor 1 rtorts nn enrollmerit 0025I mils and n generalaverage of tll airing the month or

    ugust this oS his sixth scloolat this pY B Tomblinwho has bcci Cincrinnati forseveral days fttijrncd Saturday

    Dr Ilurstha now patent onMorg Our little village wasmade pleasantyrfejv days ago bythe smiling f eesiof Misses EdoWilliams antiQuito a crow llIrolilthrrIlaco at¬tended churclatvnbllyJASuiflayMroW A Ikmpton wchllo Hoilonsvillo Tuesday


    rowdt from this placetc hocB church on Holly Sunday

    olFp Rrtiinson anti familyvisitedntdlmrs Camp Saturdayand Sunday J Our school is pro


    Krcssinj nicely under the manage-ment f MissLouisa KinSMisses Bctso irtul Stella Shackcl


    ford entcrtn tied ti number offriends tit llicir homo Saturdaynight as follows Misses Coraand Juan Roseof Lucy creekEdna Willianu and Daisy Buckner Claud and Ora Vest Gameswere plavcdiind music was fur ¬nished by Miss Williams

    Dont fail lo buy one of those9x12 Brussels Rugs for 1000 atJones closing out stile


    Last Friday the pupils of theAndy Branch school house taughtby Bert Q Back visited theRousseau sclQoltaulht by Wilgus Back aijilienttajjed in a spell-ing


    match between tho schoolsX II Snllj4 Everett Back nndIMiss Anna flijen were appointedjudges TlinfotUch was won bIthe UOI1SSflL clfoo1 A tnbleIbnuttOiYf I g was sprtrad

    and dinner was served by theHousseau school to about 20U leoiplo Miss Victoria C5oll ofIJackson was hero the first of theweek Misses Etta Creech antiEdith Back and Luther Hack Ar ¬thur Back Bert Back and WilgusBI1Cknil of Stevenson visitedRev Daniel McIntosh Sunday andenjoyed a watermelon feastMrs Perlinu Back wio has beenconfined to her bed for sixty dayswith typhoid fewer is improving

    Be sure and see those 9x12 Brus ¬sels Rugs Jones is selling for1000ITlio Remedy That Docs

    Dr Kings New Discovery U theremedy that deco the lieiilini othersproinUes but fall to perform BjsMr K It 1ioram at Auburn CentreIV It la curing me of throat findlung trouble of Icing standing thatother tr laments relieved only temporarity New Discovery to doing me somuch good that I feel confident Itscontinued use for a reasonable lengths-of time will restore me toHealth This renowned cough andcold reinpdy nnd throat and lung htalIer is sold at lankson Drug store 60oand 1100 Trial bottle free

    WOLFE C tJNiT-Campton


    One of tho largest crowlcverseen in Campion attended countycourt here Monday rAUorncySJ C Lykins of1l JDcxingtortSpencer of 11inchestCr tiuijijaviif jof Tallega Red wine of Jackson tGourloy of Beattyvillrf JtatfTeter of Lnndsaw are intJh yn thweek preparing for circuit tourtr her Democratic hxccutive

    ConimitlQQprWblo county metnttltc Coua Jlouso Dlyomiis-sucdthdcrtllfgr tlio coutfty primar to bcihetdSov mber 14 Thefollowing candidates have paid theregistry fee to tub chairman ForCounty JudgeA B LandrtimW BDuffand Elias Shockeyfor County AttorneyS G Sam ¬pie for county court clerkJT Hanks for circuit court clcrk

    J C Litulon for SheritFFielden Cox Floyd Arnclt anRoy Smith for AssessorohnTC-enter Peter U Hobbs P ULegg and IL B Kushand forflillrJ C B Little and E F

    I hero arc enthusiastic andannounced candidates for all theseoiliccs besides those who have al-ready


    registered A large crowdof Campions citizens attended thefuneral meeting at Holly Creeklast Sunday All report a goodtime with plenty of dinner ODthe ground Hon J B Whiteof Irvine Democratic candidatefor circuit judge addressed a largoandattentive audience at the courthouse in behalf of his candidacyMonday at 1 oclock p mJohn-R Hobb of Meniefce county hasbeen in town a few days on busi ¬ness but returned home Tuesdaymorning P t Drake of Win-chester


    was in town Tuesday look ¬ing after same civil suits MrsGeneva Brown of Trent was intown Monday on business llo-nrtF Byrdof Winchester spentThursday of last week in Camptoninvestigating suits in which hisclients are interested ZilchHurst of Wilhurst was visitingin town Saturday and SundayJ P Rose and wife and E F Ce ¬cil and wife all of near HazelGreen were the pleasant guestsof Mr and Mrs Isaac Elkins Sun-day


    night and took dinner withIS J Elkins on Monday

    Wool and Hides WantedI will pity the highest cnsh

    prices for Wool Hides and Feath ¬ers You will find mo on the cor ¬

    next to M S Grains store45tf L H WIHTAKEK

    It Cnnt He BentTill best of all trncliers Is ex

    perlenca O M Ilnrden of SilverOity tforth Carolina says I tintElectric Hitter does all tliais clnl nedfor It For Stomach Liver and Kdncr troubles it cnnt be bent 1 havetried it and find It a moat excellentnmltcitiB Mr Harden la right Itsthe best of all medicines also forweakness lame Hack andalt run-down conditions heat too for chillianil malaria Sold under guaranteent Juckson drug store 50j

    Srf5252522S2S5252S222IDte525252S25C52UJZ2TYPEWRITER EXCELLENCE


    For SIMPLICITY of operation NEATNESS of to-lii finished work VERSATILITY usimcs meclmn

    icnl PEUFECTiON in its workmanshipno otherINid typewriter can approach the


    A perfect tabulator the heaviest manifolder bestfor mimeograph work longest life

    FREE TRIAL OFFKIlSimply notify methat you are interested in a typewriter anti you willbo furnished one for a thorough trial without nay

    a obligation on your parlTUf you decide to buy oneafter trial then terms will be made to suit your

    m convenicncelPFivo dollars n month for a short timeand the machine is yours PAll cash if you prefer ct

    toSonic Jackson Users of Tho OlivoIIS S Tiiulbco County Judge W I Uncle Circuit ClerkKelly ICash ComiiiomvcnlUis Attorneyllynl irolllilny Attorney 31tss IcGuIro Attorney

    Tattle Wright ManufacturersMr Mclntosh Itullrotul Agent Klkatnwa Ky

    Ask these lor thtlr opinion of the wonderful workmanship of the OLIVER



    Jt Mt Yt rIAnily