.Ina. Dickinson,, .ziior 4 Propritiur. c 'JOB PRINTING of `every nestription, plain orcolored, ciecutcd on as r saoorabletormnu as the times will admit. For Tcrms of Subbcriytion and Ad- IrCtisii&f, sevjrsl4raag'e. A I t 0t 1e 0 Al-Persons arriviang with, or rceivntug, late southern or northe:n papers. will oblige us and benefit our readers, by loaning them to the editor, if only for an hour.- I terts of news is also solicited. Prinatng Ink Wansted.-Printers or others hlaving Printing Ink, in large or small cquantity, That they would be willing to sell, will please address the editor of this paper. We have for sale at this oflice a Curreciy table, or Ready Reckoner, showing the value of the old issue of Confederate notes at the rate of dis- count, or its value in the new cur- rency. I'rice one dollar. Every person should have one, as it saves time and trouble in calculating. Wanted at this office imumediately, a good pressman, also a gorod job compositor. For some time past, we have hlad any quantity ofsensation rumors, ned it appears difficut to obtain anything like reliable information of the con- dition of affairs in Virginianud Geor- gia. Wel have seen late New Or- leans papers, hut they were bare of interesting items. Tax payers should read the adver- tisements in this issue, of the C. S. Tax Reciver, or they may find them- selves loser in the end. Query-lf a stage driver charge- ten dollars to bring a bottle front Natclhitoches to Shreveport, what will it cost to bring a keg of print- ing ink from Mobilo to the same place t A likely girl is offered for sale. See advertisement. Elsewhere we publish the farewell address of Gen.Johnston to his troops. There can be no doubt of his havin i been relieved. Rumorsays that Sherman was nat- tacked by Hood, and caused to retrea. We also hear that there has been 1 naval engagement near Mobile. The report that Atlauta had fnlaen into possession of the Federals, caused many to be down-he rted, we hardly credited the rumor; this num- ber of our paper contains late dis- patches tq the contrary. Heavy fighting was raging at I-st reports, with what result, however, we are not informed; a few days will un- lighten us on that point. The Houston, News learns from a gentleman direct from BIrownsville that there are ouly some 1,200 Yan- kee troops at and around Brownsville, a large portion of whom are negroes, the balance being western men, whn declare their intention to go home on the expiration of their term of enlist- ment. They refuse to associate with white officers of negro troops. The Snegroes have been put to work on a railroad in course of construction be- tween Brownsville and Point Isabel, and are apparently ts much disgust- ed with Father Abraham's service as their white brethren. About nine hundred of our cx- changed prisoners, arrived here en last Friday. Our thanks to one of them, Mr. Francis Cameron, of Brownsville. Texas, for New Or- leans and New York papers. The New Orleans Times of July 21st says, another and more terrible blow than even the loss of two ocean steamships, is struck at the commier- cial interests of New Orleans by the desthction at St. Louis, by fire, of four mammoth steamers Belonging to the New Orleans trade, and five oth- er boats. It is an event to be deep- ly lamented by all classes of our citi- zene, *bo largely rely upon the meat and flour of the West, rendered econ- omical by cheap freight, for their subsistence. It is also another sri- one blow to our means of receiving and transmitting mails and news in- trlligence. We sope, however, that a number of smaller boats, report- ed ly'ng idle at St. nouis, will be able to perform the necessary trans. portation, to and from our city. We deeply sympathize with our frienuds connected with the destroyed boats im a misfortune which affects them reren more nearfl than the public of New Oslemne. Ntiktary Kitckrs Garden.-At a Ohattanooga there is a garden of one a baindted acres planted with all kinds < of vegetable. 1 foe the sick and wonsd. e6 oldirs ~bat vicinity and forj / Shermian's army. The esti- asated aiue of its product. this year ib21000,0O. This garden is planted i Mad taken care of by the Sanmitarr aged Christisn C'ommipsionte. On Monday, July 1Sth, 18t4, in persuance to notice.previotusly given, tlt! Sueipremne Court of the 'State of Louisiana met: at the Court-Hfouse, in til clty of lShreveport: Present- E. T. Molick, Clhief Justice. T. T. Land, T. C. Mautniceg and P. E. luon- ford, Ascciate .lJustic's. The (Court was organized, and Sai'l. Wells, Esq., of Shreveport, was appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court, at Shreveport, who took tihe oath and qualified according to law. 'hiere was but littlobiusiness lie- fore the Court, but that little was ex- ecuted with promnptness, and all the cases disposed of tinally. The'le first case was an applicationof J).(. Dun- can for writ of liabeas ('orpuis. 1t wadecided that tlis'court was witlh- out jurisdiction, and it was ordered that the said D. G. lDincan le re- mauded to the custod- i of I.t. F. Wheaton, witlhout prejudice to any right lie may have to renew his a)- plication for a writ of' Hlabe'is tor- pus before any judge of comlitpetent jurisdiction, and that the applic:an pay costs. The opumanot w~l p~r.- nounced by E. ''. Mt-erick, C('lI itf .1 - tic(. The next case was tle Sata'e o Louisiana, vs. ,Ja's. ]Everett fr tiotr de'r, npipealed tiiom tihe' Inrishi . C(':,d- do; cuniisel, N. E.1' Wrglit. The'l opt ani twasl prini'lced Is Mr.Justice M a iiinig. It wits 'r-lr- ed and decreed lv t he (curt, that the judgnment of titi. luorei court 1~ afirnied. and that the aiileia:.t p xv the costs of :appawl. The judgun t of the lower coiurl was iuilty i: e. w: captital pun zitnelut. The third case Was the So lte , I Louisianta vs. slave I'erry, napptl,-iI front a special 'T'ribunal of Do -- if pirishli, conv-icted of murdeir. (ot- serl Loonr- & Wells. The opinion iintlis case.- n- rea n by MIr. Justice Ilonf-ord. It ; az or- dereld that the senten'ce of ti."l low: court herein be :1IInnllied ant Iet aside, land, tlhat this Caset l: ie, inln d f u" I new trial, n w ith in>_i m :ions to the court below" to adm~tit the -"':y." Andrew- as a witness eit be-al,.- ti. prisoner. 'lThe fourth i as the Statei, f . -- i-ina, vs. 1\":n ( t'rnev, tienvicht .1 ee distilligt lijuer t-rn grain. ." - a ppealed tiu the parl' h of ii e -t 1'elicianta. ("onn el W .F .r Itan. Ihe el itiiti Wt's Ii.irent ce'l Iy Mr.,nust'eo L-nd, tent ii was ordered that 'the jidgnent of' f,' lower Io.itt tbe atoiled antidhl reveirseil, and tha t lii- case be remanded fr a new I rial, a:il further prece-ediigs act Cating to law. 'lite ikth c'se was tslt' State of l:.uisiana, vs. ICAhb O'Gavle, c victed of retailing spiriiutes li or-i withoett ice'inse. Appeled tfroe:. tis parish of Ea't Feliciana. . Wm. F. K.rnan. The opinion was raiad by M1r..1Ii- tioe Mfnting, and it wasorll-red''l tiat the jndgmenit of the lower co itt le' affirmed. and the applicant pley tie, costs of appeal. It was trdere-il by ti,' Ct ret, that the 11 .i A. K. )gle' he recomed ed to the I(overntte for t :o111" - mecnt to the allicd e of Rep orni I. of the decisions of the S upreuc- (t-u It oft Louisiana. There being no furthier I'ct-in Iss before the Coirt, it iwas oxeilred that ithe ourt adjourn sine diie. To the Latdies of North Loui.- Your valiualle ali li-is ju t l'en renderried t'o some of the' Solditers in Walker's I ivi-ion. I return d to it' coninaned iand sacs thl c!, l iin you maden , i--u d to thie o edi- al :el rootst. I ultl thcls.' gallant a1nd l-n ticlching Sehtitrs receiving t!us new garments on dress lariat. , :al it was a uiniversal reark. that tlie hanl not appeared sio well -it DIe. 1562. 'T'hrough your e-:,ttion; (," Regimnent have beten greatly 'ii'e. F"or thein 1 return yinu Hli-iv in -'.t ;hanks; their gratituie- willIe'-l ,uv ii Very s'hortly, in freingl a lurg l-. ion of tlhe loveliest }"'ti. I' thE ' tate trout the trIed of t I.- vnidal u'.. We leave to-morrow. At the.r urgent requn-tt, s olicit-h y our heroic conut ander-General Walker-Iconme' again to your holor isking you, knowi lg ais iyou do and appreciate their wancts, liht iot will tgtin furnish ole w ith clothl, aindl a hr as your time will alilit, tmake it atie garments. As time is valuable. I nat.e some ters1ns litw, will recit c, waut -'u an furnish: Mrs. M1. 1. II'a, or rs.untlei', Mt IeAanonr; Mrs. Ardis ir lrs. (uarles, Mitedin 1elrs. Ii. itorge, Shreveport ; Miss 'elaxe-a ot' lirs. Jeffeeson Blackman, JhIoeeer: Mlrs. Burns, Mansfield; Mrs. N. KiEn-' datoln, rs Fumhanl Knchi. t up In e'pctnbi'r, I 'xpt'ct ft leeat hese place'sand ninys and a ter, with he new issue or Loutisiaina State motley. The Ladies sold their cloth em quite re'asonable troms, b'i leg te fr heir protectors. All tihe garments rere made up without cIlarge. 4 A. L. HAY, Chaplitnt of 'Waterhouse Brigade.. [tily 19th, 1864. News has come to'day that Ea'e'll s tanking a successful march into laryland, gateriteg abutndat sup. lies, destroying Rtilroads ad Grants Iroperty. Sawv N. Y. Timtes, JTiul' Gth.-Ad- it gritaitis loss front Miy ith up tot enly, 1.l0,00I. Also Sherman in hisi agagenmenis has lost 40,000. Gold noted at 260. Speaks of the course' I the French as quite fievoratble' to' rards the rebels. Tihe federals art' cuch agitated by the Moxtroe doctrine' elag reported in the changes in Mex- ao. The entire tone of the paper is try fevorablel for ius. The tllftiing froit ft1it htr- Sun extra: Itichtt-nd. Julyf19.- -Trie l takee flags in J:iltes river hlave beet at halt Ifltt, for two days. li'The Yankee t ii' -kits ear (tranrt was ,uInd t.id and died t amits i-f, - ife' ts Ii tr:11t- ptutaion, I\\+,Iin"gton t ' ,n lteti ..f t~i"l -'l- , a.' 11 ninors are pit-i-ai t that the r-i-bels have Sefn retoinrceit and ari' rVttrniint to fi'- fit0'' the' tity. sT '--e L.- uiville .iurnal of the 18th, s-il the rebels.' eyealtred It- to."knllie at Blrownh- it-,r n . i' - aohvill mid I -' ttiint- g n railr ad. anii us- i otIII- Inl i aith 1 n I in 1i.t N. t '. - it- it--l It nii s', i iitt I h''( 1 I e -d in iltin 4 1 . In t d of - as es, lit a ! \ . 1 w. I. I -on -n t Tt l :t tl, Flaii- . ~ive'rpu. Toll a vii,' . f thse `:I. N--..v 1m favorabb110 to Itranlt irvll antlos in la;erl causinr i ti t per lt ~ii I le\i\uti ],:I. \hich run, fr Ii.. t. t'. 'i't :.' I : I t I . itT , i- u ' -i - T T- --. i . I - -iew ing the - lion. os t,\ it ,a ditto-st 11" :0 1,e thant th.e nat1 :le au i, t. 1st 's" t., I'.t ,,1.11 g .,t TI m 1- - - i--i - -l flritl\ l . s.I I: i , , ... ....."I it, ,i Y x ,'11. 11.,". e in- i-I illl :t! 1.,.. 1:1"! a 1111,": 1'. 1: ., r., , i--i' :l. l~ ". I-li L' - ' i.! n . 1 1.' ":," 5:1\ " ,. r. 1` 1' , .. u: - t - :: I -- i - ' I" T iil t' fi' i i: :11:11'. . ... _ .1 ts . ,. .. "1J ' :I .,.,...r It1:1 t \l :. :.. , f , :: I- 0 I .' ('it?. . 1'111i. I 1l- T i.hu , l Titti "1 " , .i . 17M , fi--Ptfir, ~ 1i Ir i-"- l:i tiT:i.ifi-n ln din_ I, n1? ~ .- A 6)~cil ~ tiii-- uft' tii-', ii-' i . -- iui.:lt 1 - , Iii f,- pad :ofth -l . - II. . \ r _ 1 1ih til,.e.i - l ,r i afrt I Slt . h. t in fIlvitusI. . 1, ill' l.ruiii I fuflsrira its ~N . l t :i h 1, ati ("'ta .tanr:ig-t . il r! t tili' flt .If aslta..Tfl'ln,1 " l s t '?l: l e si., ti ' t il f It- - sto"resd . l'h 1'tining .ofthis ia :d - ait tllyn 1 et l: nde d,"_:i n r ::":1I" (it n." :. , 0.itt "ti s d Jac',1 ob1 : h:n ip- .sotir tI a th 1-!tits t t lth1. I'i g tt u t ii - flile wire if lit is rTrn-- ittg i\r~a-f.\KIb theRp att onitccmnt. ofa- tItri ofotitmanders (x ,Iltn' sotir eli. eve, a1 r.1 ( od Itas:- Inobedi:e'c' In orders nof the I Ilbp iftlt-itt is f'.l' i -. t ' cit titrt w ittnk m e a ot -0 . " II. 1r.t,- ot. T hll erl ,r.r r".: 11"i slip bir f.: n' 1 In acasvtc tlii noble Arty w ~ithoult ex-- pressing my adziiicatnnt of t'li high mrilitary qualities it La,< displayed. A long nud arduous cnlltaigit latn iniadi conspiciluouiiis ioiy soldiir n vir- itn-endurll nce of tt.'It ilr xi i l it' nt to ardor,. o i brilliant c. uII . TIN latntt has nei- r atIaikeid tut to 1',, repulsed and stv---llt 'I, uni t .-- Yout tchldiots have neveyr arened 11.11 front your courait I n1 I i% ir untal 1youtr for:. No longer N.a bi wlr.Vt 1 %% ill -till watr!h to ., it \ vc,"i,": l" it: ii ' I t 4 :1 l all ' a l h -ny . -- of tint frit1t -Lill nod L;, you al att it. tlolatela In . !rl. .H IS. I:. .11llNI IN)N. ( .:a nu ing r.nunwoau!. 1 in. 110 1..i i-sal ith focing-- :u----- -I, I V'i: lite.10<tl surn:tn , 1: tat .rf T. tut. . ul. I`. I . It t S l ' lieg' r I ,la'i I - t""Ii, it: J" tit itt'u AClt in 11,:"tit :d . I- I i1 s .' ti tr ' _ : 'ln ii, mitr a t 1 it' th. 1 ti't I,'! r ! it I~l siii. t nii a';lt~-cut ititi a1' titititi1r a flr {tit to d. Ii, t tl 1 I I t on gre Itn, lt ' l I \it.' Ii' l1' w lit d ii i I' . 1 rriditlc'd i i l ii' P rat's iiiliii' ti iri. at $3I per Ilnd h, a port inn itt ii ir slagesF ingll C". "A 1 \ "ivritt' g't r ~I~ pi'i' 't'ar for fueil ng iii.' La) I of I lii( unelny and standing ganrd on 1 n i and stormy: night .Ilgi'ts &i. 000 or a little more ihan 160 jiri te' gl, hiss the privilege c-i givingis all Ilii~ fiends anId riatircas flit thin's hir. in a fine hionse free of' rent, ald tins ,e'ne utholed army Iton iroti'i't hi in 1roii the bullets of the enemy. Verily iFbi is ii trage irtili. pulen From t lt.- authatrat t nota+talrawy. 111 .Aa p, tlme I* lCt 'maa ttnagte. \1 t:. v :-DI .11II It/" uultriil 1 1 (nIn - adI, ano-laaikolly, 10slit1,'n as ' nwli -11,I tatu tata *-"kin' :a laog it stn la-t \lt1it1rt:o-l, a IIlta 1 rut-V Yt mt ill inn\ Iinlv;I11'r-I<:0:i tr.n elI 1 n .1 tinir punta i Ittit-t.- 14tatti.at. Ia - I' h'liah-aa-arr - art a-c rrick a1 It-at it1 aitt itthat .- a a-at :I r"tIt' t it- t1iata-ao at!- -ata:t ." tlt-n it Ii t-ti u lI-t1/ -up- 1ta-,- that li )u" all! Ilttl A.tt"ala.- asiaI, til .11It 1."1.:. llt l i1: L1" ,11: '.. 1 1+1'J~~ 11;11" I otat. r \ Itai tav aasaa - teax I tia .:Ilrv. he a. a':is i -ta - til int tl t h at hi; I t. w al i;iot tai al: 1 t !.:i oa t 1 i" 11 11" it' a\ : a l " 1 it1 1'1'11 Lo/n-ti' Su -d1 i., I hIma .i " l 1.0 u l'l !' '. u:1 : runtl r '+" 1''s il l .' "111. al!! in airi- b 1) l tII 1 - mtlt th ne-- t ialn I ,!i il natl u t- ta ;' 1iat a- !~' -a ," t, -at l alt-It1 aI 1111) 1' 1 u i: n , 1 1' I' l1" I 1 .!I1 I: 1 I - I I i t : :-l .. ; .a'::! i ;It . . . 1 . a a' - r1 1i It . tt - l it + t a " lIt;, at5Un at ti tatat-patI ttti tli inlnd I Tmai li--i at-i clas i it al-t1 .-- I-an r-n '-a-a at tan tl a-lael ('1 aia at iatt! I a a.- hat, at-ta a--lit-. -tak hl at- latte.alit i suth*-tat I itat ut I said ta-al i-a a-a'!-ltt at lhnri.-- ita at has, bta unry korner-tta.aalaa lth* 0 -l titt-ta-'r(tit-tlt u - tttmfu aand It - tat-at .ln---lta alotat ti l-tagtle at-t ai tlas taiglat, tat a--Pita a~-i--. tn a-i' -r. t- ttlt. aYit!: rtla!taatt aaI I ttt sta-pt at- lstra'rdti tat naiika- Wil attli uxit lat tlaat atiarllattl lii, aa hit-l Ilailrttalti (li tatt c tattaol at ' A. -(2 31,-i iarassa. Wjilt ('tr flattili-asu ataia liltit' cl-ala it. aat a-ratsi-a tiat j-tta tlan bi~-d.- taltatt tlsa larattat tat Ittn 'a'ai at-- titt, at'e 11 atato Mat-i. Ist I-it-a ',tkly a y-a'tt tatta tataw i-t ht-k Irn attt aha' titata whta' Ga-atatal lattrtit atauj-atdd itt fri atatjl flratarlar titt it rapts. iii anti by flt'e atiglat rawas it tiat mnor:jii aann ditajta reaad flt'e httau- a- tt w-alit-l likc a jiall tat da-tl latti ta-spari-lata llas aitta. '. ht - a alaibitat t, our attlicteal ga-tt' at laighi a-n a'rtaaaldtl -itla agir ana t -a.. htt- nat It~, tt I ,l1rr ::1141 o...s I u 1ill(I\ and liig II' . qiit vcll~r lii i-rli, p~~- t 'Il\iltlut /11ld!1 n, 11 1 \( 11 I cl? in d\i1F4llll* C (1 ll iite to l'nt" I and a 1 11kfitit lit. \.ln . w riii liwir it,- ttliwi i-i j oWii'tll, hops w '1" ii, ":' liu.t L li I twrc Ihtin , rht!dvr a 4448. espei1. unlgginer 44. cl. 4;I' a ll.- 4;. 1. P" I.lin, :111, her.-,"s 1 ,4 11t 4. ill I I, '11 t tiii it' I rIv ii. i i.. on. 1";.r1 i ti l t 1, I'i- i: - - i un tll i l k I ll t ti' li " 1 irivi' 'i.i L oI fthre-ev-r ybody; 4;.111 "4 to kn~;t .;.; ythium nn~ud L ody 141.; nothin. T.,s thousnul %wihl suinann till..I tie ir!.tan,.:m bi,."ut air. 1'I b. 'w in1stiIn Lov:'rv W:1. ther.. and it, Ih**v du h, - Iid to :.111. II'.. gav. fal al i r11mS of " .. t :1\ I~ in i . L -tiui iitl it. AI. lit this 1 , ki itik. ul t t turi - af athi.414 ,'Ionw lhilanthllol.k fhi."ud 1,,. Ied ., 4th the" w."ikuml n. ;v th at t I :,i ". burnt, 11 thex i L.. T 1 r. .- th * ' 1I r11 Il p.ac. ul . :h .,; I h r,"t" :fttr I14$ tr4 it ,.f war i av"" - lit n ex aii. I t all. ii: ' I " 'I'alix J "". th 1k Ow 'oi :I t o 'rflnt. Iii!! 1- , turn thank, "-"i and r t - n 1 .4 t 1 t " , t :,t. .1 l i , o " 1, . 1 -- 11 :. 11111L1. 1 a l I - I I . l ;t; 1 .1 1 - :l: in r l I 1il. " l , 1I !u t: kl U ni. it liii. it i. ' . _ 1 ; ", - ll i I Ii !I \i 1 11.1 . i'n- it r i_ I lt t.1 i I ti it " "L , I1 ,. 1 m e.. . L .1, )!! 't I I du t iksl. ti tis . 'Alit' gn.a. uf i rg I t he d-n 1111 cl, Iii- :1* i,, ** n,1 Editatalb (, ru n of hall1 .\~ Irls i aii? : t nFu--t rt tw e. () ll? cto .L. :~ to : thll th11..1111- m n e to .1 mI th'. (.,i i11, a .- los w l i ~.ll a telllll; us 1. th1111~ may. I 1)1uld (III great~ly- upon~ (1a11l retreat tlhe i I1-tI st. (cit. John- .s ton or earn-n Kiel, could .. utphilank 117". Iher, anti I atll.ta' :t how it war lull I )i ik pull 1 sl et i L"t 1.n em. It areI it somte( of regret low~ever, that ,on* of our house'-hirs of the Afri- ktun ie-int. have f1"1 iback into the +1r1'1!1 (,1' 111. th- t l i evader. I suppose theII anty niow le kallid tnisin gen- ati--rs, tndl are tby this time inkressin tii ('<four/ Ai/ique in Northern so- iet . ~bichi Iplpular perfume hnav sur.'d on: of hIl. Market all those Sxtlacts whielh !ade X. Enzin, Julest stot i- ''1t ic it ' Ifonses, ftrt-well ye I, 717.7 of a t ltisiattd flowers-yonr dues are numbe'red. Ilut I lutst tclose thlis Inelankolly ili.r.t!tiive, mid ha.tcn to ruLskribe Yi'nur Ititniiei., 1ihITL Al1P. P. $ . Tip are still fatithftul to the Iiil It -- t iY it A ilt turkey wt- it-ft h Lind bnce 1.. ;nsa~tinlfor 11 wee1k, iiid thi 1' ": in l- : i-h-are wat lkint to L. r-fultl:,'nan w. that he throawd it . t:I tIt in III- vill itand they are kitiku t, it th . B. A. 1 /.:..n 1, i th ji t -A pritt v 1"ec.l:51 I-cLeek batt, 1,11.11 Iput upon t111 . c, l- 11 l tI , lii, -. oi t I tpartieS '- : 1 r t ! t " i n e' :11 1 i 1' i - I 1 ",ii r e t oi i V I I. I Y i I kee lIss Iit . ii 0! th t 1 , t I' c:iri ying their I t . i"1 t' t:. I' til t e that 1~5 t'lb, 11 11"1.N "t' the 1.ilgrians t ".. . It ', ! rup n u 54 - :.n,! 1,.111. 1 t, " u e (11(11 r,. n1, ' . . . 01 r 1: t X. 1 :."n, 1,1 . -Vorn l..., 1t 'itiii 1i1ii lt I' . .:,' I " I' r n- -, 0 01111 t!u; i: " i iurn i, 111* :.1'.0anu . It r II l , i -- throughi ": ~ ~ ~ .7 1 ' h n t'- n rich I lI 'f' AlaI - it 1 u t I " ' iektl~i 1 ; : . , ,1 . !7. N . 11. I .. , 1' 1 hii, I "II 1' 1lit - ."" 1 to i i iIa I itt S : . I. i iI * 1 A'. t1; r :iii'- nl i-l " 1 .. \'1.. :".11 ,11 11,." tir i.~1. _. l.-I: :. 1- pt f3'. ifirl 1 14u 1\ in.1 '.oa g l ttit- isat IS %ate ! \I.-r! b .0 . 1.i 1 th1111 (,r bePing l . 0 - , 3.t 1 bl. * :-.v Nil 1 '. I .th - i.. L t ra ":1 t1 .:7 it-i- a tillu t .. I:I 1~ . .. . nn. I.:r.," ntlcmpt 1. \ . .1 ". :. . I :' I , "s A : I1 , \1'; t t a .. it tilt Ii t : ': tt , ti- .t 110in ' "n 1a1 m1 7 . 1 ll I:,"milI thi. '' lw"ti wre Itt-lit-. - n .j I 11~ n I' I a a, -ii i tt 1 -"I 11 '-'-I t ij, 17 ii-1 htw3 1"IaIt) lii. 'litutt ob nd e i-il I .,3 II 1 ii " ut. I iti2tL . l,"iuttt ,':i : lit- 1 ir: 1 Iii diattitri' lI ted. atalX~nti j"lt h it ea tn jniri i-I.. n it ti 'itt in tlt ittitiand ottitd uth Ii I' i' n1 rv hti-y for afe iiie -t h i i ti 'm i Iio tlji nt' tit i intul 0~ 1h I t '- :it-k. 1Il itiilV riut litth t'iitt'- itt r i-ii lit- ttittlt or Nasitau. tnt!l--ut'e pliz tiiut itttte thiiit hie goes iii eguii nIr hr the Electtic l'jitrk. St~tt iti iin pira'tnt trim, but alknt- itt iint to htr hei-tg li the It ii 'N i tout tilrriil till! tutu htr 1itt tt it. git. i ut tit or tiiit attempt to Iu til lit iii-' 1Yilmting-tin iithi Ie

it, h, 1 So · a good pressman, also a gorod job compositor. For some time past, we have hlad any quantity ofsensation rumors, ned it appears difficut to obtain anything like reliable

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Page 1: it, h, 1 So · a good pressman, also a gorod job compositor. For some time past, we have hlad any quantity ofsensation rumors, ned it appears difficut to obtain anything like reliable

.Ina. Dickinson,, .ziior 4 Propritiur.

c 'JOB PRINTING of `everynestription, plain orcolored, ciecutcd on asr saoorabletormnu as the times will admit.

For Tcrms of Subbcriytion and Ad-IrCtisii&f, sevjrsl4raag'e.

A I t 0t 1e 0 Al-Persons arriviangwith, or rceivntug, late southern ornorthe:n papers. will oblige us andbenefit our readers, by loaning themto the editor, if only for an hour.-I terts of news is also solicited.

Prinatng Ink Wansted.-Printersor others hlaving Printing Ink, inlarge or small cquantity, That theywould be willing to sell, will pleaseaddress the editor of this paper.

We have for sale at this oflice aCurreciy table, or Ready Reckoner,showing the value of the old issue ofConfederate notes at the rate of dis-count, or its value in the new cur-rency. I'rice one dollar. Everyperson should have one, as it savestime and trouble in calculating.

Wanted at this office imumediately,

a good pressman, also a gorod jobcompositor.

For some time past, we have hlad

any quantity ofsensation rumors, ned

it appears difficut to obtain anythinglike reliable information of the con-

dition of affairs in Virginianud Geor-

gia. Wel have seen late New Or-

leans papers, hut they were bare ofinteresting items.

Tax payers should read the adver-tisements in this issue, of the C. S.Tax Reciver, or they may find them-selves loser in the end.

Query-lf a stage driver charge-ten dollars to bring a bottle frontNatclhitoches to Shreveport, whatwill it cost to bring a keg of print-

ing ink from Mobilo to the same

place t

A likely girl is offered for sale.See advertisement.

Elsewhere we publish the farewelladdress of Gen.Johnston to his troops.There can be no doubt of his havin i

been relieved.

Rumorsays that Sherman was nat-tacked by Hood, and caused to retrea.We also hear that there has been 1naval engagement near Mobile.

The report that Atlauta had fnlaen

into possession of the Federals,caused many to be down-he rted, wehardly credited the rumor; this num-ber of our paper contains late dis-

patches tq the contrary. Heavyfighting was raging at I-st reports,with what result, however, we arenot informed; a few days will un-

lighten us on that point.

The Houston, News learns from agentleman direct from BIrownsvillethat there are ouly some 1,200 Yan-kee troops at and around Brownsville,a large portion of whom are negroes,the balance being western men, whndeclare their intention to go home onthe expiration of their term of enlist-ment. They refuse to associate withwhite officers of negro troops. The

Snegroes have been put to work on arailroad in course of construction be-tween Brownsville and Point Isabel,and are apparently ts much disgust-ed with Father Abraham's service astheir white brethren.

About nine hundred of our cx-

changed prisoners, arrived here enlast Friday. Our thanks to one ofthem, Mr. Francis Cameron, ofBrownsville. Texas, for New Or-leans and New York papers.

The New Orleans Times of July21st says, another and more terribleblow than even the loss of two oceansteamships, is struck at the commier-cial interests of New Orleans by thedesthction at St. Louis, by fire, offour mammoth steamers Belonging tothe New Orleans trade, and five oth-er boats. It is an event to be deep-ly lamented by all classes of our citi-zene, *bo largely rely upon the meatand flour of the West, rendered econ-omical by cheap freight, for theirsubsistence. It is also another sri-one blow to our means of receivingand transmitting mails and news in-trlligence. We sope, however, thata number of smaller boats, report-ed ly'ng idle at St. nouis, will beable to perform the necessary trans.portation, to and from our city. Wedeeply sympathize with our frienudsconnected with the destroyed boatsim a misfortune which affects themreren more nearfl than the public ofNew Oslemne.

Ntiktary Kitckrs Garden.-At aOhattanooga there is a garden of one abaindted acres planted with all kinds <of vegetable. 1 foe the sick and wonsd.e6 oldirs ~bat vicinity and forj/ Shermian's army. The esti-asated aiue of its product. this yearib21000,0O. This garden is planted iMad taken care of by the Sanmitarr

aged Christisn C'ommipsionte.

On Monday, July 1Sth, 18t4, inpersuance to notice.previotusly given,tlt! Sueipremne Court of the 'State ofLouisiana met: at the Court-Hfouse,in til clty of lShreveport: Present-E. T. Molick, Clhief Justice. T. T.Land, T. C. Mautniceg and P. E. luon-ford, Ascciate .lJustic's.

The (Court was organized, andSai'l. Wells, Esq., of Shreveport,was appointed Clerk of the SupremeCourt, at Shreveport, who took tiheoath and qualified according to law.

'hiere was but littlobiusiness lie-fore the Court, but that little was ex-ecuted with promnptness, and all thecases disposed of tinally. The'le firstcase was an applicationof J).(. Dun-can for writ of liabeas ('orpuis. 1twadecided that tlis'court was witlh-out jurisdiction, and it was orderedthat the said D. G. lDincan le re-mauded to the custod- i of I.t. F.Wheaton, witlhout prejudice to anyright lie may have to renew his a)-plication for a writ of' Hlabe'is tor-pus before any judge of comlitpetent

jurisdiction, and that the applic:anpay costs. The opumanot w~l p~r.-nounced by E. ''. Mt-erick, C('lI itf .1 -tic(.

The next case was tle Sata'e oLouisiana, vs. ,Ja's. ]Everett fr tiotr

de'r, npipealed tiiom tihe' Inrishi . C(':,d-do; cuniisel, N. E.1' Wrglit.

The'l opt ani twasl prini'lced IsMr.Justice M

aiiinig. It wits 'r-lr-

ed and decreed lv the (curt, that

the judgnment of titi. luorei court 1~afirnied. and that the aiileia:.t p xvthe costs of :appawl. The judgun tof the lower coiurl was iuilty i: e. w:

captital pun zitnelut.The third case Was the So lte , I

Louisianta vs. slave I'erry, napptl,-iIfront a special 'T'ribunal of Do -- ifpirishli, conv-icted of murdeir. (ot-serl Loonr- & Wells.

The opinion iintlis case.- n- rea nby MIr. Justice Ilonf-ord. It ; az or-dereld that the senten'ce of ti."l low:court herein be :1IInnllied ant Ietaside, land, tlhat this Caset l: ie, inln df u" I new trial, n w ith in>_i m :ions tothe court below" to adm~tit the -"':y."Andrew- as a witness eit be-al,.- ti.prisoner.'lThe fourth i as the Statei, f . --

i-ina, vs. 1\":n ( t'rnev, tienvicht .1 ee

distilligt lijuer t-rn grain. ." -a ppealed tiu the parl' h of ii e -t1'elicianta. ("onn el W .F .rItan.

Ihe el itiiti Wt's Ii.irent ce'l IyMr.,nust'eo L-nd, tent ii was ordered

that 'the jidgnent of' f,' lower Io.itttbe atoiled antidhl reveirseil, and tha t lii-case be remanded fr a new I rial, a:ilfurther prece-ediigs act Cating to law.'lite ikth c'se was tslt' State of

l:.uisiana, vs. ICAhb O'Gavle, cvicted of retailing spiriiutes li or-iwithoett ice'inse. Appeled tfroe:. tisparish of Ea't Feliciana. .Wm. F. K.rnan.

The opinion was raiad by M1r..1Ii-tioe Mfnting, and it wasorll-red''l tiatthe jndgmenit of the lower co itt le'affirmed. and the applicant pley tie,costs of appeal.

It was trdere-il by ti,' Ct ret, thatthe 11 .i A. K. )gle' he recomeded to the I(overntte for t :o111" -

mecnt to the allicd e of Rep orni I. of thedecisions of the S upreuc- (t-u It oft

Louisiana.There being no furthier I'ct-in Iss

before the Coirt, it iwas oxeilred thatithe ourt adjourn sine diie.

To the Latdies of North Loui.-

Your valiualle ali li-is ju t l'enrenderried t'o some of the' Solditers inWalker's I ivi-ion. I return d to

it' coninaned iand sacs thl c!, l iinyou maden , i--u d to thie o edi- al :elrootst. I ultl thcls.' gallant a1nd l-nticlching Sehtitrs receiving t!us

new garments on dress lariat. , :al

it was a uiniversal reark. that tliehanl not appeared sio well -it DIe.

1562. 'T'hrough your e-:,ttion; (,"Regimnent have beten greatly 'ii'e.F"or thein 1 return yinu Hli-iv in -'.t;hanks; their gratituie- willIe'-l ,uv ii

Very s'hortly, in freingl a lurg l- .ion of tlhe loveliest }"'ti. I' thE 'tate trout the trIed of t I.- vnidalu'.. We leave to-morrow.

At the.r urgent requn-tt, s olicit-hy our heroic conut ander-General

Walker-Iconme' again to your holor

isking you, knowi lg ais iyou do andappreciate their wancts, liht iot willtgtin furnish ole w ith clothl, aindl a

hr as your time will alilit, tmake itatie garments.

As time is valuable. I nat.e someters1ns litw, will recit c, waut -'u

an furnish: Mrs. M1. 1. II'a, or

rs.untlei', Mt IeAanonr; Mrs. Ardisir lrs. (uarles, Mitedin 1elrs. Ii.itorge, Shreveport ; Miss 'elaxe-a ot'lirs.

Jeffeeson Blackman, JhIoeeer:

Mlrs. Burns, Mansfield; Mrs. N. KiEn-'datoln,

rs Fumhanl Knchi. t up

In e'pctnbi'r, I 'xpt'ct ft lee athese place'sand ninys and a ter, withhe new issue or Loutisiaina State

motley. The Ladies sold their clothem

quite re'asonable troms, b'i leg te fr

heir protectors. All tihe garments

rere made up without cIlarge. 4A. L. HAY, Chaplitnt of

'Waterhouse Brigade..


19th, 1864.

News has come to'day that Ea'e'lls tanking a successful march intolaryland, gateriteg abutndat sup.lies, destroying Rtilroads ad GrantsIroperty.

Sawv N. Y. Timtes, JTiul' Gth.-Ad-it gritaitis loss front Miy ith up tot

enly, 1.l0,00I. Also Sherman in hisiagagenmenis has lost 40,000. Goldnoted at 260. Speaks of the course'I the French as quite fievoratble' to'rards

the rebels. Tihe federals art'

cuch agitated by the Moxtroe doctrine'elag reported in the changes in Mex-ao. The entire tone of the paper istry fevorablel for ius.

The tllftiing froit ft1it htr- Sun extra:Itichtt-nd. Julyf19.- -Trie l takee flags in

J:iltes river hlave beet at halt Ifltt, for twodays. li'The Yankee t ii' -kits ear (tranrt was

,uInd t.id and died t amits i-f, - ife' ts Ii tr:11t-

ptutaion,I\\+,Iin"gton t ' ,n lteti .. f t~i"l -'l- , a.' 11ninors are pit-i-ai t that the r-i-bels have

Sefn retoinrceit and ari' rVttrniint to fi'-fit0'' the' tity.

sT '--e L.- uiville .iurnal of the 18th, s-ilthe rebels.' eyealtred It- to."knllie at Blrownh-

it-,r n . i' -aohvill mid I -' ttiint- g nrailr ad. anii us- i otIII- Inl i

aith 1 n I in1i.t N. t '. - it- it-- l It nii s', i iitt I h''(

1 I e -d in iltin 4 1 . In t d of - as es,lit a ! \ .1 w. I. I -on -n t Tt l :t

tl, Flaii- .~ive'rpu. Toll a vii,' . f thse ̀ :I. N--..v 1mfavorabb110 to Itranlt irvll antlos in la;erl

causinr i ti t per lt

~ii I

le\i\uti ],:I. \hich run, fr Ii.. t. t'.

'i't :.' I : I t I . itT , i- u ' -i - T

T- --. i .I - -iew ing the -

lion. os t,\ it ,a ditto-st 11" :0 1,e thant

th.e nat1 :le au i, t. 1st 's" t., I'.t ,,1.11 g .,t

TI m 1- - -

i--i - -l

flritl\ l . s.I I: i , , ... ....."I it, ,i Y

x ,'11. 11.,".

e in- i-I

illl :t! 1.,..

1:1"! a 1111,": 1'. 1: ., r., ,

i--i' :l. l~ ". I-li L' -

' i.! n . 1 1.' ":," 5:1\ " ,. r. 1` 1' , ..

u: - t - :: I -- i - ' I" T iil t'fi' i i::11:11'. . ... _ .1 ts . ,. .. "1J ' :I .,.,...r

It1:1 t \l :. :.. , f , :: I- 0 I .'


. 1'111i. I 1l- T i.hu , l Titti "1 " , .i .17M ,fi--Ptfir, ~ 1i Ir i-"- l:i tiT:i.ifi-n


din_ I, n1? ~ .- A 6)~cil ~tiii-- uft' tii-', ii-' i .-- iui.:lt 1 -, Iii f,-

pad :ofth -l . - II. . \ r _ 1

1ih til,.e.i - l ,r iafrt

I Slt . h. t in fIlvitusI. . 1,ill' l.ruiii I fuflsrira its~N .l t :i h 1, ati ("'ta .tanr:ig-t . il r! t

tili' flt .If aslta..Tfl'ln,1 " l st '?l: l e si., ti ' t il f It- -

sto"resd . l'h 1'tining .ofthis ia :d -

ait tllyn 1 et l: nde d,"_:i n r ::":1I"(it n." :. , 0.itt "ti s d Jac',1 ob1 : h: n ip-

.sotir tI a th 1-!tits t t lth1.I'i g tt u t ii -

flile wire if lit is rTrn--

ittg i\r~a-f.\KIb theRp att onitccmnt. ofa-

tItri ofotitmanders (x ,Iltn'sotir eli. eve, a1 r.1 ( od Itas:-

Inobedi:e'c' In orders nof the I

Ilbp iftlt-itt is f'.l' i -. t ' cit titrtw ittnk m e a ot -0 ." II. 1r.t,- ot.

T hll erl ,r.r r".: 11"i slip bir f.: n' 1 In

acasvtc tlii noble Arty w ~ithoult ex--pressing my adziiicatnnt of t'li highmrilitary qualities it La,< displayed.A long nud arduous cnlltaigit latniniadi conspiciluouiiis ioiy soldiir n vir-

itn-endurll nce of tt.'It ilr xi i l it' nt to

ardor,. o i brilliant c. uII . TINlatntt has nei- r atIaikeid tut to 1',,

repulsed and stv---llt ' I, uni t .--Yout tchldiots have neveyr arened 11.11front your courait I n1 I i% ir untal

1youtr for:. No longer N.a bi wlr.Vt 1%% ill -till watr!h to ., it \ vc,"i,": l"

it: ii ' I t4 :1 l all ' a l h -ny . -- of

tint frit1t -Lill nod L;, you al att


tlolatela In . !rl.

.H IS. I:. .11llNI IN)N.( .: a nu ing r.nunwoau!. 1 in. 110 1..i

i-sal ith focing-- :u----- -I, I

V'i:lite.10<tl surn:tn , 1: tat .rf T. tut.

. ul. I`. I .

It t

S l ' lieg' r I ,la'i I - t""Ii, it:

J" tit itt'u AClt in

11,:"tit :d .I- I i1 s .' ti tr ' _ :

'ln ii, mitr a t 1 it' th. 1 ti't I,'! r ! it

I~l siii. t nii a';lt~-cut ititi a1' titititi1ra flr {tit to d. Ii, t tl1 I I

t on gre Itn, lt ' l I \it.' Ii'l1' w lit d ii i I' . 1

rriditlc'd i i l ii' P rat's iiiliii' ti iri.at $3I per Ilnd h, a port inn itt ii irslagesF ingll C". "A1\ "ivritt' g't r ~I~

pi'i' 't'ar for fueil ng iii.' La) I of I lii(unelny and standing ganrd on 1 n i

and stormy: night .Ilgi'ts &i. 000or a little more ihan 160 jiri te' gl,hiss the privilege c-i givingis all Ilii~

fiends anId riatircas flit thin's hir.

in a fine hionse free of' rent, ald tins

,e'ne utholed army Iton iroti'i't hi in 1roii

the bullets of the enemy. Verily iFbiis ii trage irtili. pulen

From t lt.- authatrat t nota+talrawy.111 .Aa p, tlme I* lCt 'maa ttnagte.

\1 t:. v :-DI .11II It/" uultriil 1 1 (nIn -

adI, ano-laaikolly, 10slit1,'n as ' nwli-11,I tatu tata *-"kin' :a laog it stn

la-t \lt1it1rt:o-l, a IIlta 1 rut-V Yt mt ill

inn\ Iinlv;I11'r-I<:0:i tr.n elI 1 n .1 tinirpunta i Ittit-t.- 14tatti.at. Ia - I'

h'liah-aa-arr - art a-c rrick a1 It-at it1aitt itthat .- a a-at :I r"tIt' t it- t1iata-ao at!-

-ata:t ." tlt-n it Ii t-ti u lI-t 1/ -up-

1ta-,- that li )u" all! Ilttl A.tt"ala.- asiaI, til

.11It 1."1.:. llt l i1: L1" ,11: '.. 1 1+1'J~~ 11;11" I

otat. r \ Itai tav aasaa - teax I tia

.:Ilrv. he a. a':is i -ta - til inttl t h at hi; I t. w al i;i ot tai al: 1t !.:i oa t 1 i" 11 11" it' a\ : a l " 1 it1

1'1'11 Lo/n-ti' Su -d1 i., I hIma .i " l 1.0

u l'l !' '. u:1 : runtl r '+" 1''s il l .' "111.al!! in airi- b 1) l tII 1 - mtlt

th ne-- t ialn I ,!i il natl u t-

ta ;' 1iat a- !~' -a ," t, -at l alt -It1 aI1111) 1' 1 u i: n , 1 1' I' l1" I 1 .!I1

I: 1 I - I I i t

: :-l .. ; .a'::! i


. . . 1 . a a'

- r1 1i It .tt - l it + t a " lIt;,

at5Un at ti

tatat-patI ttti tli in lnd I Tmai li--i

at-i clasi

it al-t1 .-- I-an r-n '-a-a at

tan tl a-lael ('1 aia at iatt! I a a.- hat,at-ta a--lit-. -tak hl at-

latte.alit i suth *-tat I itat ut I saidta-al i-a a-a'!-ltt at lhnri.-- ita at has, bta

unry korner-tta.aalaa lth* 0 -ltitt-ta-'r(tit-tlt u - tttmfu aand It -

tat-at .ln---lta alotat ti l-tagtle at-t ai

tlas taiglat, tat a--Pita a~-i--. tn a-i' -r.t- ttlt. aYit!: rtla!taatt aaI I ttt

sta-pt at- lstra'rdti tat naiika- Wil attli

uxit lat tlaat atiarllattl lii, aa hit-lIlailrttalti (li tatt c tattaol at ' A. -(231,-i iarassa.

Wjilt ('tr flattili-asu ataia liltit' cl-alait. aat a-ratsi-a tiat j-tta tlan bi~-d.-taltatt tlsa larattat tat Ittn 'a'ai at--

titt, at'e 11 atato Mat-i. Ist I-it-a',tkly a y-a'tt tatta tataw i-t ht-k Irn attt aha'

titata whta' Ga-atatal lattrtit atauj-atdditt fri atatjl flratarlar titt it rapts. iiianti by flt'e atiglat rawas it tiat mnor:jii

aann ditajta reaad flt'e httau- a- tt w-alit-l

likc a jiall tat da-tl latti ta-spari-lata llasaitta. '. ht - a alaibitat t, our

attlicteal ga-tt' at laighi a-n a'rtaaaldtl-itla agir ana t -a.. htt- nat

It~, tt I ,l1rr ::1141 o...s I u 1ill(I\ and

liig II' . qiit vcll~r lii i-rli, p~~- t 'Il\iltlut/11ld!1 n, 11 1 \( 11 I cl? in d\i1F4llll* C (1

ll iite to l'nt" I and a 1 11kfitit lit.\.ln . w riii liwir it,- ttliwi i-i j oWii'tll,

hops w '1" ii, ":' liu.t L li I twrc Ihtin ,

rht!dvr a 4448. espei1. unlgginer 44. cl.4;I' a ll.- 4;. 1. P" I.lin, :111, her.-,"s

1 ,4 11t 4. ill I I, '11 t tiii it' I rIv

ii. i i.. on. 1";.r1 i ti l t 1, I'i- i: - -

i un tll i l k I ll t ti' li " 1 irivi' 'i.i L oI

fthre-ev-r ybody; 4;.111 "4 to kn~;t.;.; ythium nn~ud L ody 141.; nothin.

T.,s thousnul %wihl suinann till..I tieir!.tan,.:m bi,."ut air. 1'I b. 'w in1stiIn

Lov:'rv W:1. ther.. and it, Ih**v du h, -Iid to :.111. II'.. gav. fal al i r11mS of

" .. t :1\ I~ in i .L -t iui iitl it.AI. lit this 1 , ki itik. ul t t turi -

af athi.414 ,'Ionw lhilanthllol.k fhi."ud1,,. Ied ., 4th the" w."ikuml n. ;v

th at t I :,i ". burnt, 11 thex

i L.. T 1 r. .- th

* ' 1I r11 Il p.ac. ul . :h

.,; I h r,"t" :fttr I14$ tr4 it ,.f war i av""- lit n ex aii. I t all. ii: '

I " 'I'alix J "". th 1k Ow 'oi

:I t o 'rflnt. Iii!! 1- , turn thank,

"-"i and r t - n 1 .4 t 1 t " , t:,t. .1 l i , o " 1, .1 - - 11 :. 11111L1. 1 a

l I - I I .l ;t; 1 .1 1 -:l: in r l I

1il. " l , 1I !u t: kl U ni.

it liii. it i. ' ._ 1 ; ",

- ll i I Ii !I

\i 1 11.1 .

i'n- it r i_ I lt t.1 i I ti it ""L , I1

,. 1 m e.. .L .1,

)!! 't I I du t

iksl. ti tis . 'Alit' gn.a. uf i rg I t

he d-n 1111 cl, Iii- :1* i,, ** n,1 Editatalb(, ru n of hall1 .\~ Irls i

aii? : t nFu--t rt tw e. () ll? cto .L. :~

to : thll th11..1111- m n e to .1

mI th'. (.,i i11, a .- los w l i ~.ll a telllll; us 1.th1111~ may. I 1)1uld (III great~ly- upon~

(1a11l retreat tlhe i I1-tI st. (cit. John-.s ton or earn-n Kiel, could .. utphilank117". Iher, anti I atll.ta' :t how it warlull I )i ik pull 1 sl et i L"t 1.n em. ItareI it somte( of regret low~ever, that,on* of our house'-hirs of the Afri-ktun ie-int. have f1"1 iback into the+1r1'1!1 (,1' 111. th- t l i evader. I supposetheII anty niow le kallid tnisin gen-ati--rs, tndl are tby this time inkressintii ('<four/ Ai/ique in Northern so-iet . ~bichi Iplpular perfume hnavsur.'d on: of hIl. Market all thoseSxtlacts whielh !ade X. Enzin, Julest

stot i- ''1t ic it ' Ifonses, ftrt-well yeI, 717.7 of a t ltisiattd flowers-yonrdues are numbe'red.

Ilut I lutst tclose thlis Inelankollyili.r.t!tiive, mid ha.tcn to ruLskribe

Yi'nur Ititniiei., 1ihITL Al1P.P. $ . Tip are still fatithftul to the

Iiil It -- t iY it A ilt turkey wt- it-fth Lind bnce 1.. ;nsa~tinlfor 11 wee1k,

iiid thi 1' ": in l- : i-h-are wat lkint toL. r-fultl:,'nan w. that he throawd it. t:I tIt in III- vill itand they are

kitiku t, it th . B. A.

1 /.:..n 1, i th ji t -A pritt v1"ec.l:51 I-cLeek batt, 1,11.11 Iput upon t111

. c, l- 11 l tI , lii, -. oi t I tpartieS

'- : 1 r t ! t " i n e' :11 1 i 1' i - I 1 ",ii r e t oi

i V I I. I Y i I kee lIss Iit .ii 0! th t 1 , t I' c:iri ying their

It . i"1 t' t:. I' til t e that

1~5 t'lb, 11 11"1.N "t' the 1.ilgrianst ".. . It ', ! rup n u 54 -

:.n,! 1,.111. 1 t, " u e (11(11 r,. n1,' . . . 01 r 1: t X. 1 :."n, 1,1

. -Vorn

l..., 1t 'itiii 1i1ii ltI' ..:,' I " I' r n- -, 0 01111

t!u; i: " i iurn i,111* :.1'.0anu . It

r II l , i -- throughi": ~ ~ ~ .7 1 ' h n t'- n rich

I lI 'f' AlaI -it

1 u t I " ' iektl~i1 ; : . , ,1 . !7. N . 11.

I .. , 1' 1 hii, I "II 1' 1lit

- ."" 1 to i i iIa I

ittS : . I. i iI

* 1 A'. t1; r :iii'- nl i-l

" 1 .. \'1.. :".11 ,11 1 1,. "tir

i.~1. _. l.-I: :. 1- pt f3'. ifirl 1 14u

1\ in.1 '.oa



isat IS %ate !

\I.-r! b .0 .1.i 1 th1111 (,r bePing

l .0 - , 3.t 1 bl.* :-.v Nil

1 '. I .th - i.. L t ra ":1t1 .:7 it-i- a tillu t

.. I:I 1~ . .. .nn. I.:r.," ntlcmpt 1.\ . .1 ". :. . I :' I , "s A : I1

, \1'; tt a ..it tilt

Ii t : ': tt , ti- .t 110in ' "n

1a1 m1 7 . 1 ll I:,"milI thi.

'' lw"ti wre Itt-lit-.- n .j I 11 ~ n I' I a a, -ii i tt

1 -"I 11 '-'-I t ij, 17 ii-1 htw3 1"IaIt)

lii. 'litutt ob nd e i-il

I .,3 II 1 ii " ut. I iti2tL . l,"iuttt,':i : lit- 1 ir: 1 Iii diattitri' lI ted.

atalX~nti j"lt h it ea tn jniri i-I.. nit ti 'itt in tlt ittitiand ottitd

uth Ii I' i' n1 rv hti-y for afe

iiie -t h i

i ti 'm i Iio tlji nt' tit i intul

0~ 1h I t '- :it-k. 1Il itiilV riut littht'iitt'- itt r i-ii lit- ttittlt or Nasitau.

tnt!l--ut'e pliz tiiut itttte thiiit hie goesiii eguii nIr hr the Electtic

l'jitrk. St~tt iti iin pira'tnt trim, butalknt- itt iint to htr hei-tg li the

It ii 'N i tout tilrriil till! tutu htr1itt tt it. git. i ut tit or tiiit attempt toIu til lit iii-' 1Yilmting-tin iithi Ie