tfBW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW TO-DA- Y. ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE I BUILftgftS, ATTENTION I SASH, BUM) V BOOR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1869. Subscribers finding an 2C after their name will understand that tbeir subscription expires with that number, and they are invited to renew their subscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance; six monthsj $2 ; three months, $1. A GOOD CHANCE TO PAT . Outstanding Accounts duo It. CHEADLE, of Albany, Oregon. 1 F A C TORY Mrs F Yanolcve, chinile work slippersjlst p. Mrs J Burkhart, pair fancy knit stockings, 1st p. Miss Lydia A Miller, crotchet curtain bands, 1st p. Miss Katy Graft, easy chair tidy. 1st pj breakfast shawl. 1st pr; fancy needle work, 2d pr. Miss Emma Hard, comia copia, 1st pjvpln cush- ion, 2d p; neckle work , 2d p; hanging bead bas- ket, 1st p. J Miss Ella II urd, watch pocket. 2d p; painted pin cushion. 2d p. 1 Mrs S A Johns, lady's dress, 1st p; ditto wrapper, 1st p; satin bonnet, 2d p; velvet do, 2d p: bri- dal do, 2d p; gimp do, lstp; mourning do, lstp; mourning hat, 1st p; velvet do, 1st p: satin do, lstp; riding do, 2d p; furdo, lstp; boi's do, lstp. Miss! A Cowan, foot stool, lstp; needle book, 1st p. Mrs A X Arnold, gent's shirt, needle work, 1st p. Mrs AC Daniels, floor mat. 2d p. Miss Sarah N Ilindman, patch-wor- k qiilt by girl 12 yrs old. 1st p; pillow cases by do do. 1st p. Mrs David Froman, home-mad- e carpet! 1st p. Miss Annie Smith, embroidered slippers, 1st pr; sofa cushion. 1st pr. I tr I WIIX PAY V - Seventy Cents Per Bushel for all the . R. ALTUOCSE. K. WB1GSVS. J. V, HCttSITO. ALTHOUSl? Sc CO., LTOX 8TBECT, (C THE H1,TES IA5K), ALBANY, OBEGOX. ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, KEEP are prepared to JTvi.rxi.islx to Order, Mrs. E. Jones, currant wine, second premium ; white grape wine, first premium. . J. R. McClure, cider, first premium ; Isabella grapes, first premium. Mrs. Lisle, Elder wine, first premium. Mrs. E. H. Griffin, bottle vinegar, second pre- mium. F. A. Burkhart, bottle vinegar, first premium. ' Class IX. Domestic Manufacture. . G. H. Hughes, box honey, first premium; box honey, second premium, John Smith, 10 lbs. qr. dime soap, second premium, - . . , . McCord & Co., 10 ftis common bar soap, first premium; 1 gallon lard oil, first premium ; lot toilet soap, first premium. ' . Miss J. 11. McClure, pair blankets, first pre- mium. C. P. Burkhart, pair bacon hams, first pre- mium. J. 11. Foster, sack Magnolia flour, first pre- mium. J. S. McAllister, lot brick, first premium. Chas. Keifer, two kejjs lajjer beer, first pre- mium. F. A. Burkhart, 10 tbs lard, first premium. McCord & Co., 2 lbs foundry soap, first pre- mium ; 2tbs condensed soap, first premium. Mrs. Jos. Xixon, 5 lbs butter, four months old, first premium. Miss J. R. McClure, pair mittens, first pre- mium ; lot yarn, first premium ; hose, first pre- mium. Class XIII Mechanical. J. A. Winter, lot photographs, first premium. T. Swick, washing machine, Pacific, first pre- mium. O. P. Tompkins & Co., specimen stove trim- ming, first premium. - - F. Steesc, grain separator. Thompson A Irving, riding saddle, first pre- mium. y A. C. Jones, pair tap-sol- e sewed boots, first premium ; pair pegged boots, second premium ; . pair coarse pezged boots, first premium ; pair White, Merchantable Wheat, That may be offered at my Warehouse, Albany, Oregon, for tbe next lO weeks to come ! Doors, PREMIUMS AWARDED By the Linn County Agricultural Association, at tbe Fourth Annual Fair, held at the fair grounds near Albany, on September 28, 29, 30 and October 1st and 2d, 1869. Class I Cattle, NO. 1 SHORT HORNS. C. P. Buckbart, bull, 4 years old and upward, 1st premium. John M. Osborn, bull 2 years old and upwards, 1st premium. William Wiatt, bull 3 years old and upwards, 2d premium; bull 1 year oid and upwards, 1st premium ; eow 3 years old and upwards, 1st pre- mium ; cow 3 years old and upwards, 2d pre- mium ; heifer, 2 years old aid upwards, 1st pre- mium ; heifer, 1 year old and upwards. 1st pre- mium ; heifer calf, 1st preiuium ; heifer calf, 2d premium. NO. 2 DEVON'S. ' John Wilkins, bull, 3 years old and upwards, 1st premium. no. 6 GRADED CATTLE, CROSS BREEDS. N. Price, bull, 3 years old and upwards, 1st premium. Joseph Wilkins, bull calf. 1st premium. William Wiatt, cow,.3 years old and upwards. 1st premium ; cow, 3 years old and upwards, 2d prcmums; cow, 2 years old and upward, 1st pre- mium ; cow, 2 years old. 2d premium ; heifer, 1 year old and upward, 1st premium; Heifer, 1 year old and upward, 2d premium. NO. 7 FAT CATTLE. William Wiatt, fat cow, 1st premium ; fat cow, 2d premium. NO. 8 SWEEPSTAKES. X. Price, bull, 3 years old and upward, 1st premium. William Wiatt, bull. 3 years old and upward, 2d premium : cow, 3 year old and upward, 1st premium ; cow, 3 jears old and upward, 2d pre- mium. C. P. Burkhart, bull, 3 years old and upward, 1st premium. Class VI Sheep. NO. 1 FRENCH MARINOS. Jesse Parrish. buck, 1 year old and upward, 1st premium ; ewe. first premium ; ewe, second premium ; lamb, first premium : lamb, second premium ; ewe and lamb, first prcmium,ewe and lamb, second premium ; 3 lambs, first premium. NO. 7 GRADED SHEEP. Miller Morgan, buck. 3 years old, first pre- mium : buck, I year old. firstprcmium ; buck. Blinds, o oe S Sash, and Miss Viola Smith, silk embroidered skirt, 1st p. Mrs Wm Gird, crotchet lounge cover, st pr. Mrs P Jacobs, needle cushion, 1st p. Miss Katy Lisle, zephyr frame, 1st p. Mrs Lincoln, pair linen pillow cases, lstp. Miss Lizzie P Gay, emb'y for couuterpi .ne, 1st p. Mrs E H Griffin, sofa pillow. 2d p; le ither work fringe, 2d p; knit lace, 1st p. Class 11. No. 1 Flowers. John Davis, melba, 1st pr; dew plant, !dpr. Mrs. J. C. Mendenhall, fusbia. 1st prem. " James Elkins, roses, 2d pr ; bouc uet, 1st pr. Miss Ana MaxficM, floral design, 1st r. Mrs. A. C. Daniels, dwarf crimson ockscomb, 1st pr; bouquet of immortilles, Ac, 1st pr. Mrs. A. J. Thayer, bouquet dahlias, '. d pr; In- dian shot, 1st pr. Mrs. J. R. McClure. dew plant, 1st pr. " G. Simpson, live forever moss, 1st prem ; rock moss. 2d prem. 1 I will also, from this date, exchange any goods I have in store for wheat, paying tberfor 70 Cents jer Bushel. I must have what is due me by tho first of Oc- tober next, as at that time I will move to San Francisco, where I will carry on a general com- mission and produce business. 3 0 CrowD, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sixes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES I FlooiLn.B, Oi C O CO r--3 li. CHEADLE Will have the supervision of my business in Al- bany, Oregon. I will buy or sell all kinds of Produce that may be offered. Bring on your Produce. . and all other kinds of Build iHgr Material ! LOCAL AFFAIRS Premiums We publish to-d-ay the list of premiums awarded at the late Linn County Fair. Bclly Boy. P. C. Harper, & Co. are paying thirty -- seven and a half cents for fresh eggs. Of course, farmers will go where they can get the biggest price. . I - : , Wood. The compositor made us say, in our wood item last week, that good, dry wood was selling at S3 per cord. It should have been, as wo wrote, $3 500 8 per cord. Potatoes. Wagon loads of potatoes can be obtained in this market at twenty-fiy- e cents per bushel. Apples can be bought for two and three bits per bushel. Full Time. The flouriDg mill at Brownsville is now running full time, and a large number of teams are cort-istant- ly engaged in hauling wheat to, and flour from, the same. . Ego Trade. At the Cash Store of L. Cheadle, Esq., thirty-thre- e cents can be obtained for fresh eggs. Bring 'em right along. f Brownsville. A correspondent says: A new house is being erected in Brownsville, and there will be more ' when the factory starts." Correspondents. We are favored in the way of correspondence this week. A good commencement has been made, and we hope it will be kept up. We are duly thankful, ladies and gentlemen. New Line. It is said that a party of surveyors are running a new. line for the O. C. It. R. near this city. We have been unable to obtain particulars. Present. Mr. O. P. Tompkins, the gentlemanly, stove dealer, presented us with a neat dipper, manufactured espec- ially for use1 in the Register office. It was badly needed, as we had been drink-in- s at the trough " for some time. M H ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; faraisk Sha- ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fan. Striving Pulleys, of any kind, at our Factory ea Lyoa street, (on tbe river bank), next below Msrkbam's warehouse. ALTHOUSE CO. Albany, February 20, 1869-- 24 SANTIAM ACADEMV ! LOCATED AT Lebanon, Linn Connty, Oregon. Rev. W. D. NICHOLS, Principal. Rev. E. A. JTJSKINS, Assistant, Mrs. S. C. NICHOLS, Preceptress, and Teacher of the Ornamental Branches. tr" 1 year old. second premium ; ewe, first premium ; ewe, second premium, ewe and lamb, first pre- mium ; ewe and lamb, second premium ;3 lambs, first premium 5. Powell, buck, 3 years old, second premium ; 3 lambs, second premium., NO. 8 FAT SnEEP. 6. II. Hughes, fat wether, first premium'; fat wether, second premium. , SAMPLE WOOL. J. P. Rector, sample wool, first premium. The Committee on Sheep stated in their report that they examined some samples of wool exhib- ited by Mr. Thomas Smith, of Douglas county, Oregon, which were from the flock of Ewin Ham- mond A Son, of Middlebury, Vermdot. and that 0 Money Sairecl Z By buying; WAGONS at R. CIIEADLE'S. TV. U. I have constantly on hand the very best Two-Hor- se Wagons, made in Marion county, Oregon, out of STATES TIMBER, and warranted to bear np Forty Hundred ."Weight, on good roads. Can be had at . R. I HE IDLE S CASH STORE, For One Hundred and Sixty-fiv- e Dollars Albany, Oregon, August 21, '63-50- V CEO. F. SETTLEMIER, D B U O G- -i S T. (Successor to D. Kv. Wakefield,) Parrish's Kew Building', First Street, ALBANY, OREGON', I pfcaid samples were pronounced by them a very su Academic year, which commences THE 1st. lSG'J.and closes July 12th, 1870, is divided into four terms of eleven weeks each. Students admitted at any time and charged' from time of entering till close of term. No deduction for absence in Term time, except in cases of pro- tracted sickness. Students can hero enjoy .very facility they ca desire for acquiring a thorough education. Young men can obtain rooms and board themselves at small expense. Young ladies can obtain board in the fain ily of the Principal, wlio resides in the Academy building. Hoard and tuition, in shca carmt Thirty JJollart per term. A'o extra charge for board during vacation. A Commercial Course has been adopted for the benefit of young men who wish to acquire a thorough business educa- tion. Send for a catalogue, or address ths Prin- cipal, for further information. Lebanon, August 28, 18K9-52- tf Court. His Honor,Judge Boise, has won goldea opinions from the way he has dispatched business during the week. Although the docket has been an uu usu Mrs W. W. Parrish, cactus, 2d pr; verbiena, 1st pr. No. 2 Preserves, etc. Mary A Davis, bottled blackberries, 2 pr ; dried tomatoes, 1st pr; tomato jelly, 2d pri pear jelly, 2d pr: grape preserves, 2d pr. j Henry Fleencr, cucumber pickleo, 1st jp. Mrs J C Mendenhall, tomato catchup, jlst pr; cu- cumber do. No. 1. 1st pr; do. do. Xo. 2, 1st pr; plum preserves, 2d pr; white grap4 do, 1st pr; white grape jelly, lstpr; white currant jelly, 1st pr; blackberry, jelly, 2d pr. i John Luper, dried currants, 1st prcm. W N Powers, bottled fiuit, 1st p; dried plums, 2d p. Mrs B Jones, bottled blackberries, 2d prem. "WE Davis, buttled grapes, 1st pr. " D Froman, plum leather, 1st pr. " R McConnell, canned peas, 2d p; grape jam, 1st p; currant jam, 1st p; grape preserves, 1st p; tomato jelly, 1st p; grape jelly, 1st p. Mrs S Cannon, pear butter, 2d p; strawberry preserves, 1st p. I Mrs W F Hendrixon, dried cherries, lt p. Mrs Pam'l Conn, pear preserves, 1st pi Mrs J C Mendenhall, spring roll cake, 1st p; gin- ger cake by girl under 9 yrs, 1st p; sponge cake, 1st p; corn starch pudding, 1st p. Mrs G II Hughes, grounduherry preserves, 1st p; do butter, 1st p; poach do, lstp; tomato do, 2d p; white currapt jelly, 1st p; red currant do, 2d pj dried plums. 2d p. ) Mrs AC Daniels, pearfigs,2d p; dried pears, 1st p; do whortleberries. 1st p. j Mrs D Froman, jar home made pickles. 1st p; pear preserves, 2d p; plum do, 1st p; watermelon do, lstp; plum butter, lstp; pear do, lstp; plum syrup. 1st p. i Mrs MV Brown, delicate cake, 1st p ; gem rolls, 1st p: royal muscadine grapes, 1st Mrs J Ilindman, apple jelly, 1st p; dried apples, 1st p. j Miss Jenny L. Luper (1 2 yr old), apple pre'vs. lstp; canned cherries, 1st p; dried apples,! 2d p. Mrs J G Reed, dried currants, 2d p; do cherries, 2d p; do tomatoes, 2d p; do grapes, 1st p; black- berry jelly, 1st p; raspberry do, 2d p; gooseber- ry do. 2d p; cherry do, 2d p: peach butter, 1st p; plum do, 2d p: pear preserves, 2d p; citroa do, 1st p; peach pickles, 1st p. i Mrs li McConnell, cherry jam, pear jam. apple jam and tomatto jam, all 1st p; plum jam and tomato figs each second p. j Miss Lizzie IngalN, apple jelly, 1st p. Mrs Lincoln, cookies, 1st p; '.hop yeast bread, 1st p: strawberry jelly, 1st p; currant do, 2d pj plum do (red). 1st p; do, do, (white) lstp; plum jitm, 1st p; crabapple preserves, 1st p; pear jelly, 1st p. ! Mrs M Culver, tomato preserves, 1st p; tomato jelly. 2d p. i Mrs E II Griffin, dried pears. 2d p; plum jelly by girl 2 yr old, 1st p; strawberry do, 2d p; currant do, 2d p; blackberry jam, 2 yrold. lstp; tomato catchup, 2d p; red currant jam, 1st p; white do do, 1st p. Miss Alice Griffin (12 yr old), gold cake, 1st p. Mrs X Price, apple butter, 2d p. Mrs D Froman, light bread, 1st p. j Mrs P Jacobs, prune jelly, 1st p. j Airs WW Parrish, fresh tomatoes, 1st p; do beans, 1st p: currant wine. 2 yr old. 1st p; eream cake, 1st p; ro'led jelly cake, 2d p; dried apple sauce, lstp. Miss Alice Griffin. (12 yrs old), patch-wor- k sofa pillow, 1st p; small dress, 1st p. ; Mrs Catherine Hurd, infant's cloak, lstp; infant's rob dress, 2d p. i Miss X J Parker, crotchet tidy,.lst p. Miss Emma Burkhart, emb'd card basket, 2d p; worsted basket, Hd p; cbair tidy, 2d p: drawn-wor- k shirt, 1st p; vase mat, 2dp; bread tidy, lstp. Miss E Engle, crotchet chemise, 1st p. Miss A Mansfield (11 yrs old), zephyr frame, 1st p. Mrs C Butler, crotchet tidy, 2d p; braided pillow cases, 1st p; tatted chemise, 1st p; braided do, 2d p; tntted skirt, 2d p. Miss Effa Reed (7 yrs old), apron, 1st p. Bead This. Messrs. O. P. Tompkins & Co. are now prepared to do all, kinds o f copper work. They have the besjt copper- smith in the State, and employ none hat Tj 7'uition loteer than any other echool of high grade in the State of Oregon. 1809-7- 0. ally full wie, it is thought it "f ill be cleared and the court adjourned this cveaing. i Double Service. The citizens of . Brownsville have made arrangements to double the service on the mail route from DEALER IN perior article of wool. Class VII Swine NO. 1 ESSEX. X. Price, sow, two years old, first'preiuium-NO- . 4 CROSS BREEDS. F. Froman, sow, two years old, first pre- mium : boar, two years old, first premium. N. Price, sow. over 45 months old aud under I year, first premium. if. B. LafoUct, boar, two years old, second pre- mium.; i NO. G SWEEPSTAKES X. Price, boar, ono year old. first premium ? sow, one year old. second premium: two fat hos. first premium : two fat hogs, second premium : litter pigs, first premium. J. 15. Lafollef .Hoar, one year old, 2d premium. IT, Froman. sow. first premium. Class VIII Grain. NO. 1. i John Lriner. oat?, white Russian, lirjt' r.rr-miu- m : sample broom corn, serund premium ; sample broom cou, first premium. W. X. Powers, mammoth sujrar cane, second premium : pop porn, second premium. John Millard, white eorn, first premium; timothy seed, second premium. M. Fountain, 1 bushel white velvet wheat, 1st premium. 11. X. Smaed, timothy seed, first premium ; side oats, second premium. A. B. Morris, bushel Chili club wheat, second premium : sunflower, fist premium. A. S. Houston, white fall wheat, second pre- - iniutu. M. Luper, Calcutta flax seed, first premium. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, that place to Salem. Mails now leave Salem for Brownsville on Tuesday aud Saturday morning;" asJ returning, leave Brownsville on Sundays and Thurs Albany Collegiate Institute. XEXT TERM OF TniS THE for youth of both sexes, will open on Monday, the 18th of October next. It will be in charge of the Rev. Edward H. r.KARv and the Rer. Samuel G. Irvisi, assist- ed by a corps of competent teachers. CALENDAR. The first term will embrace 15 weeks of tuition, ending February 4th. 1870. The second term will embrace 20 weeks of tu- ition, from February 7th to July 1st, 1870. double soled coarse pegged boots, second pre- mium. ,. C Mealey, bureau, first premium; washing machine, second premium. J. S. McAllister, brick moulding machine, 1st premium. S. M. W. Ilindman, revolving churn, first pre- mium : bee house, first premium. Hawley, Dodd fc Co., sulkey plow, Pfcil's pat- ent, second premium. Frank Wood, sulkey plow. Gay's patent, first premium ; set horse shoes, 1st premium ;walking plow, first premium. Thompson Jfc. Irving, Concord harness, first premium ; sulkey harness, first piemium. W. II. Kuhn A Co., express wagon, first pre- mium. A. B. Morris, Cherry's header Albany foundry first premium. John Cox, gang plow, second premium. J. R. McClure, gang plow, (Pfeil's pat.) first premium. P. Hamilton, seed sower, first premium. Olney Fry, Jr., seed sower and cultivator com- bined, first pemiuni. Class II Horses. NO. T THOROUGH BREEDS. Hugh Fields, stallion. Jeff. Davis, first pre- mium : mare Kit, second premium. J W.Uird, marc, Jane Marsh, first premium. NO. 2 GRADED. Columbus Cowan, mare colt, first premium. Mr. Wilson, mare, 1 year old, firt premium. A. Pavage.stallion. 4years'ld, secoud premium. y. Froman, jrelding. 4 years old, first premium. L. P. Younger, marc, 3 years old, second pre- mium. A. Thomas, Stallion, 2 years old, second pre- mium. Joseph Pearl, stallion, Capt. Sligart, 4 years old. fir.'t premium. V. Gilchrist, stallion i 2 years old, first pre- mium. NO. 0 SWEEPSTAKES. P. Lowe, mare and family of colts, first pre- mium. W. C. Forcn, mare and family of colts, second premium. (I. H. Looney, marc, three years old, first pre- mium. - L. P. Younger, marc, 3 yeurs old, second prc-iniu- Joseph Pearl, stallion, four years old, Capt. Sli- gart, fir.-- 1 premium. K. F. Wiattt, mare and colt, first premium. C Cowcn, mare and colt, second premium. F. Fruuiau, gelding-- . Erst premium. NO. 5 DRAFT HORSES. Harvey Shelton, stallion, 4 years old, firH pre- mium. D. Houick, stallion, 4 years old, 2d premium. A. G. Marshall, span draft horses, first pre- mium. A. Parker, span draft horses, second premium. Thomas H. Humphreys, stallion, 3 years old, first premiun. Xo. 2 Graded. W. C. Foren, colt 1 year old, 1st premium; W. F. Wiatt, stallion, 3 yr old, 2d prem ; mare, 4 yr old, 1st pr; stallion oolt, 1st pr; same, 2d pr. Shooting Match. Milton Hale, 1st prem; E. J.Stoddard, 2d prem. Matched Carriage Horses. Wm. Gird, span bays. 1st prem ; S. Montgomery, span blacks, 2d prem. Single Buggy Horses. Win. Gird, "Gangler," 1st prem; John Crawford, "Xellie," 2d premium. i Running. 3 yr olds, 1 mile Hugh Fields, "Buckskin Bill," 1st prem- - Mr. Morgan. "Bill." 2d prem. 2 yr olds, 1 mile J. M. Cottrell. "Dave," 1st pn C. Nanny. "BareYoot," 2d prem. Mile heats. 2 in 3 Wm. Gird, "Red Jacket." 1st prem; O. Z. Morgan. "Miss Foote, 2d prem. Two straight miles Wm. Gird, "Snowflake," 1st prem; G. W. Hughes, "Red Jacket." 2d pr. Two mile beats, 2 in 3, Sweepstakes Wm. Gird, "Snowflake," 1st prem; O. Z. Morgan, "Miss Foote," 2d premium. Pacing 1 Mile. J. D. Scott. "June Apple," 1st pr; G. W. nugb.es, "Jenny Lind," 2d prem. Walking 1 Mile. J. Xixon, Dick," 1st prem ; X. Howard, "George," 2d prem. Trotting. One mile Frank Parton, "Black ,Bess," 1st pr; J. H. Kincaid, 2d prem. Two miles C. Barnes, "Minnie Parton." 1st pr; S. Montgomery, "Black Maria." 2d prem. One Mile, Sweepstakes R. C. Kyger, "Live Oak George," 1st pr; J. P. Schooling, Black Stal- lion. 2d p. . Class 10 Home Work. Mrs Mary A Davis, needle work quilt, 1st p; patch work do, 2d p. Mary E Davis, ornara'n'l needlework, 2d p; fancy netting, 1st p; embroidered pillow case, 1st p. Mrs J C Mendenhall, leather work, 1st prem. Mrs J Xorcross, wax fruit, 2d premium. PAINTS. OILS GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pur and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. Albany, Oct. 17, !S6S-6t- f days. - . That Ball. That " finish " on top of the cupola of the Court House " fills tha bill," and adds greatly to the look of completeness of the building. The arti- cles were manufactured by Messrs. O. P. - Tompkins &. Co., of this city, and the workmanship does them credit.. . RATES OF TUITION (pes qua rtf. a or ten weeks.) Preparatory and common branches- - .... ..$5 W Advanced English 7-- V4 Ancient and Modern Languages, Higher Mathematics, Ac... 9 00 Tuition charged from date of entrance to endV ol quarter, and payable in advance. Organization of College Classes. A Freshman cla.s will be formed and a course of study prescribed at the opening of the term. Principal Text Boohs. - sers. P. C. Harper & Co. 'a new advertise- ment this morning. It is lengthy, but it . takes immense space to give a tithe of the extensive stock of goods on their counters and shelves. The quality of gocds sold, the low price asked, and the obliging and gentlemanly character of Wilson's Readers, Clark's English Grammar, Robinson's Mathematics, Hooker's Natural Science, Quackenbos' Rhetoric, Abbott's Mental and Moral Philosophy. Hark- - . the nrm, is bringing a rush ot custom that taxes their utmost exertions to sat ness Latin Series, Fasquell's French Series, and the most approved editions of the Latin and Greek Classic. A Record Of every recitation will be made, and an average Sixteenth Year of Publication. McCormick's Almanac I For the Tajr 180, Containing useful statistics relative to. the popa,i lation. and resoafces of Ore iron, Washiajrtea, Idaho V Montana, Together with s variety 0? he usefel information, cojrp41.cn a bid rciLisasn t - Si JT, TXL oCormiick, rranklin : Storo, ; I5 Front street Portland, Oregon,, Advertising is the of Business-Act- ing on Trade as Steam does on. Maohjuery." In presenting the ricteenth anneal issue of McCormick'e Almanac the publisher desires tq call the attention of fctcsia men, who have faitk in the benefits to be derived from ojvrlnn'g, t the fact that this popular work present the Best Advertising Median on the Coast) The advantages to be. derived front advertising in McConnick's Almanac, are, ' I. Its reputation,, II. Its immense erepAation 0.VW the Facile coast. i Ill- - It genera) preservation in every house. IV. A weirk of reference it is in daily use, A limited number of advertisements will be in first class workmen. All their work is warranted. You need not go elsewhere to get stills and still-pipe- s made. RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road. To Dcschuttes River : Four Horse or Mule tram.............. $i 50 Two " " 3 00 One " " " 2 00 Ox teams, three yoke 4 50 For every additional yoke 50 Loose horses, per head 25 " cattle, per head 15 " sheep or bogs.... - 3 Teams returning empty, half price. Pack animals, loaded... , 50 " " unloaded 25 Horse and rider. 1 00 To Fish Lake : Four horse or mule team, each wy ......... 2 00 Two " " 50 .. . One .i j 00 Pack animals, loaded, 50 " unloaded... . 25 Eorse and rider . 75 Ox team, three yoke .. 2 00 To Upper Soda Spring: Four horse or jnule team, out and back 2 50 Two - 2 00 One " ' 1 go Horse and rider, " so Loose animals, " ...... 25 Ox teams the same as horse teams. A. HACKLEMAX, W. W. Parrish, Pres. See. March 20. 18B9-2- 8 MARRIED. given in quarterly Iteports ; also, of attendance and deportment. Government. The aim will be to develop in the student a high sense of moral obligation, honor and integ- rity, and those who cannot be governed by such motives, will not remain in the school.' Board May be had in families at 4 per week, and rooms procured where students may board them- selves. By order of the Board of Trustees. EDWARD R. GEARY, Albany, Aug. 21, '6p-5-0 President. ON TO HIT !" sorted at the following coin rates : October 20th, at the residence of the bride's father, in Linn county, near Brownsville, Oregon, by Rev. J. II. Roork, Mr. W. II. Hussey to Miss Emma Lewis all of Linn connty. On the 24th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Joseph Emery, ;Mr. P. C. Harper to Miss Annie Smith, daughter of the late Hon. Delazon Smith all of Linn county. They have our blessing. i On tbe 24th inst., at the residence of her broth- er, in this city, by the Rev. E. R. Geary, Mr. George Eckler, of Lebanon, to Miss j Kate all of Linn county. For the wine and cake accompanying the above notice, the happy pair have the united thanks of all hands in this office, and our best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. un pa. nayertwements.......M..jJlS 00 Half ' 10 oa Quarter ...iJ $ 0Q Addsess orders to 8. d, McCO$MICK, ; Compiler end Publisher, Portland, Oregon, Or W I. V flSHER, . .? ; San Francisen, California Advertisements must be received nrior to isfy. Read their ad, and go and see the "styles." Low Prices. Everything in the dry roods line, at low figures, can be had at A. Cowan & Co-'- s. Their stock of iron, teel, and general hardware, fs unexcel- led ; and in the way of boots, shoes hats, caps, carpets, wall-pape- r, etc., etc., they offer a " big lay out," at the lowest rates ior cash or marketable produce. 'Nuff ced. Patent Metalic' White Wire Clothes Lines. This wire possesses qualities which prevent it from corroding and soiling clothes. Once put up it is not necessary to be taken down, thus sav- ing labor and trouble. It is much cheaper thanr ope, and will last a life time. Mr. P. T. Block has the agency for the sale of this invention for this State, and is ready to supply all orders. Mr. Block is now canvassing the State for orders. His P, O. address is Harris-bur- g, Linn county, Oregon. I , Ik Attendance. The attendance of legal gentlemen from "furrin parts," at the Linn County Circuit Court during the week, was hardly as large as usual. We . noticed Hon. F. A. Chenowth and Judge Odeneal, of Corvall's; Judge Willis, of Salem ; Jadgc Thompson, of Harrisburg; Hon. Ben. Hay den, of Kola; and Hon. J. Q. Thornton, N. H. Cranor, J. C. Powell, E. Fj. Russell, N. B. Humphrey,' J. J. Whitney, Joseph Hannon, and L. Flinn, of Albany. Tri-Week- ly Mail. Wo notice that a petition, pretty generally signed by our citizens, has been in circulation during the week, asking that a ly mail WADSWORTH & KUHN Are now ready to execute all kinds of Plain and Fancy Painting ! each vi Signs, Carriages, Buildings, woll as Draining', Papaorhanffinf, 3aicimiaiwg, - - and in fact all kinds and styles of PLAIN AND ORNAlWjENTAI. WORK, that can be done with Paint an.d Brash, at FAIR, LIVING RATJJS. -- Give us a call. Shop on Frry street, over Kuhn A Adams' wagon shop. ...... aug21-5- V October l&th, 1888. NEW TO-DA- Jesse Parrish, specimen white corn, second premium : yellow corn, first premium ; pop corn, first premium. A. tr. Reed, sugar eorn, first premium ; assort- ment spring wheat, first premium. S. Falkner, Flint eorn, second premium. NO. 2 VEGETABLES. v John Luper, white beans, second premium; blood beats, second premium: turnip beets, first premium ; squashes, first premium. W. X. Powers. Hubbard squash, second pre- mium ; Marblehead cabbage, first premium ; early Brunswick cabbage, second premium : Ce- dar Hill tomatoes, secoud premium ; Early Rose potatoes, first premium. John Millard, Egg plant, first premium. Samuel Conn, White Meschannoek potatoes, second premium. !' A. C. Daniels, white beans, first premium ; 3 varieties onions, first premium : beets, 6 varie- ties, second premium ; carrots, Parly Horn, sec- ond : parsnips, first premium; toma- toes, 3 varieties, first premium ; cawliflower, first premium : Egg plant, second premium ; lot onions, second premium : long, green cucumber, first premium ; exhibit garden vegetables, first premium. r' , John Luper, early Dutch carrots, 1st premium. S. Falkner, sweet pumpkins, first premium ; white winter turnip, first premium. A. B. Culver, Yankee pumpkin, second pre- mium M. Haly, water melon, first premium. F. A. Bnckhart. muaa melon, first premium. Class V Mules and Jacks. Miller Morgan, span mules, first premium ; do. three years old, first premium. K. Turner, Jack, 4 years old, first premium ; mule, one year old, second premium;4 mule, one year old, first premium ; mule colt, first pre- mium. A. Cowan, lot of mules, first premium. - E. Turner, janet, first premium ; janet, second piemium. - , FOWLS AND GAME. J. M. Metzler, pair of Spanish chickens, first premium. F. Parton, pair Spanish chickens, second pre- mium. ? Elijah Sparks, pair Falcon chickens, four months old, first premium; do. two months old, first premium. George Anderson, lot pigeons, first premium ; pair rabbits, first premium ; lot ducks, first pre- mium. , Willis Dunniway, pair game chickens, first premium. William Montgomery, pair Bramah chickens, first premium. " Jennings Montgomery, pair game chickens, second premium. Class XII Fruits a Wines. W. Davis, 20 RamTo apples, first premium ; 2 Winesap apples, first premium. J. R,! McClure, 10 varieties apples, first pre- mium. M. Fountain, Dutch Mignons apples, .first premium. G. II. Hqghcs, 20 Gloria Mnndi apples, first premium ; 20 pound pears, first premium. M. Powell, 20 Gloria Mundi apples, second premium. F. A. Buckhart, greatest number good varie- ties apples, first premium. Miss Ada Mendenhall, white grapes, first premium. - - - A. . Marshall, 20 Northernspy apples, first premium; 20 Blue Pearmaia apples, first pre- mium; 20 . Yellow New Town apples, first pre- mium. P. Fry, Jr., greatest nnmber 'varieties pear, firt premium ; quinces, first premium. 8. Fanlkner, Egg plum, first premium. ' F. A. Burkhart, lot cherries, first premium: M. Pearson, lot peashes, first premium. - A. G. Marshall, 20 Sweet Alice apples,' first premium. w W. X. Powers, Currant wine, first premium. Martin Williams, 20 Swaar apples, second pre- mium.. ' ' .i.'- - John Millard, specimen grapes, first premium ; greatest number varieties grapes, first premium. UShV MURRAY'S IMPROVED MAOIO the King of Pain. jn-30- tf For Sale. r. M. kkppikcp. r.iw. 8PIRK. F. M.KEDF1ELD b CO., CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, j a Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cigars, Con- fectionery. Yankee Notions, Ac., Ac., Wholesale and Retail, opposite R. C. Hill A Son's drug store, Albany, Oregon. &oct9 HOUSC AND F0U3 LOTS! Walk in! Walk in! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Walk into it. imirvEirs store, and see the goods which ho is receiving direct from San Franolsoo, which he is going to sell very low for Cash or Produce! Call and examine my Goods before yon pur- chase elsewhere, as I am always willing to snow my goods. ' N. B. I will pay from date for thirty, days to oome, 30 cents per dosen for Eggs. Pep. 25, '60-3- y B. BREXNXK. IN this city, a good new dwelling wil l li outbuildings, and four tots, about twenty minutes walk' from the steamboat landing. For particulars inquire at tbe office of tbe P, T. Company, of J. B. MONTEITH. Albany, Jaouerv SO. 189- - N0TICZ TO SHIPPERS Ifotice. . persons are hereby warned not to ALL either of two certain Promissory Note, made by me, one for $404, dated on tbe 9th of September, 1880. and one for 50S, dated Sep- tember 10th, I860, both made payable to Geo. A. Edes, of Salem, Oregon, thirty days after date, in gold coin of the United States, with interest at twelve per cent, per annum, as both of said notes were obtained by fraud and without considera- tion, and I will not pay the same nor any part of them. i' Dated, Soptember 15tb. 18(9,. PRESTON MORRIS. 2w3 By PojWTv a Fuss, his att?- - I IXTEND DOING a General Commission Business "Vf QTICE aereby given that the undersigned J3t hen been appointed fey the County Oonrt or Linn county, Oregon, Adsamistrator of the ette , of Alvin M-- . Brock, deeeased.late of Linn county, and that all persons having el aim. against said Estate mnst present then) to the undersigned, da-l- y Terined, at his residence near Beaten. Van county, Oregon, within si months from the data Miss Josephine Davis, needle work quilt, 2d p. t Miss Izsis Powers, log cabin quilt, 2d premium. Mrs A S Powell, needle work quilt. 1st prem. Mrs E Jones, erotchot lamp mat, 1st pr; worsted coral lamp mat, 1st pr; wax flowers, 1st pr; ' wax fruit, 1st pr; leatherwork flowers, 1st pr. Mrs S E Arthurs, wax flowers, 2d premium. Mrs D M Thompson, silk quilt, 2d premium. Miss Hettie Thompson, beaded n, 1st p. Mrs Dunniway, mourning bonnet, 2d p; bridal do, 1 st p; velvet do. lstp; satin do, lstp; satin hat, 2d p; riding hat, lstp; infant's emb hat, 1st p; mourn- ing hat, 2d pr; bleaching and pressing, 2d pr; do do do, 1st pr; mourning dress, 2d pr; fancy wrapper, (lady's), 2d premium.- . Mrs John Smith, needle work counterpane. 1st p; netted tidy, 1st pr; crotchet edging, 1st pr. Mrs R McConnell. worsted quilt, 2d pr; braided skirt, 1st pr; braided night dress, 2d pr; boy's waist (braided), 1st p; beaded toilet box, 1st p; tied sofa tidy, 1st p; do chair tidy, 2d p; ruffled skirt, 1st p; emb'd night dress, lstp; braided do do, 1st p; emb'd chemise, 1st p; braided do. 1st p; embroidered drawers, 1st p. Mrs S Miller, silk quilt, . 1st p; worsted quilt, lstpr; infant's dress, needle work, 1st pr. Mrs F Parton, sephyr lamp mat, 2d premium. Mrs S Cannon, pillow ease lace, 2d premium; em- broidered chemise, 2d premium. Miss Mary Murray, shell work frame, 2d pr; nut work frame. 1st premium. Miss Alice MoClure, crotchet pillow ease, 2d pr. Mrs J Irving, beaded sofa cover, 1st pr; leather work frame, 1st pr; bosk basket, 26L pr; beaded stand cover, 1st premium, . Miss Mary Maxwell, worsted embroidered rocking chair cover, 1st p; silk emb'd slippers, 2d pr. Mrs W Anderson, shell-wor- k boxes, 1st pr; shell, work frame, 1st pr; shell pin cushion, 1st pr. Mrs R Conn, counterpane, 1st p; ditto, 2d p. . Mrs 3R MoClure, Lome-mad-e carpet, 1st prem. Miss Sarah Worts, beaded watch case, 2d pr. Mrs C S Look wood, braided suit for boy, 1st pr; emb'd infant's skirt, 1st p; knitting box, lit p. Miss Mary Hannon, braided sofa pillow, 1st p. Mrs R Caldwell, moss landseape, 3d pr. Mrs MY Brown, cake stand, lstp; spool case, lstp. IX route be established from Eugene City THE EYES 1 THE EARS I hereor. Bated Sepjl. 18, 1860-St- ' ' STEWART P. BRQCK, SAN FRANCISCO, for the purpose of selling Ileal Instate for Sale ! WHO DESIRE TO PURCHASE A THOSE Lathed and Plastered. New Frame Dwelling House, two stories in hight, kitchen and wood-she- d at- tached, with private barn, well situated in the city of Albany, will do well to oall, withnnt delay, on 1 7 RUSSELL A ELKINS, Albany, Oet. 17, '08-- 6 Ileal Estate Agts. CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. tif5 C HOME SHUTTLE SEWINGffJ fT fPtO Machine. A double-threa- d lock-stitc- h Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both those knowing temselTe indented to as ALL respectfully requested, to, eall and settle immediately, ' 'r 4 Old acenunto mwet he tettte. BEACH A MONTEITH. Albany. 0t"bT lftth, 'fta All Kinds of Produce Dr. T. L.. fiOsLOETV, OOtflUpST ANB AURIST. Albany, . s j oreoojc via Harrisburg and Peoria to this city. The establishment of this route will be a matter of "great convenience to the citi- zens of the several localities named, and it is hoped that the petition will meet with the earliest attention at headquar- ters. Wheat Receipts For the week endipg Oct. 28ih, reported as. below : 13 - bush. IH. Beach A Monteith 3,125 29 ,f. H. Foster A Co....,......,.,.....,.,. 3,250 42 P. 8. Jlarkbam A Son.,,. 983 2fl R. Cbeadle .. 1,200 00 D. Froman.......; ... S00 00 that may be consigned to me to tell. Notieo of Admtaistration flreHK UNDERSIGNED he hem appointed R-- GOLDsJK 19 A SOX OI-Tif- ai noted old Qstaakaie Doctor, ft Ci . ey see voqntv vwrv v wvuij, IsAHIAIt CUEADLE, . i ... sides. A Q Celebrated Common-Sen- ". fS O Family Machine. Both ma J8'18 Golden.-- :,,).. H - - - - inn, hi h.idw Leeeased. late of said .ewsntyi Perwnee having , ; ..14 aalA. al MMt thm LJastxiy, Oregon, Jr. GOLDEN has hsd ajsvorienea in traatin chines fully Warranted for years Machines; msnw uigniMm mmi -- - 1 - T" , dwte variQed. to tbe noeWgneJ. at t.steeidenoe the "vsrious diseases to wbiah tbe eye sad ear. see. OTtQaet, ana I eels eons sent of jiving entire seas. anssvenst 01 aiuhii tm 1 w a Will rocoive and attend to all orders on me to ho tent to any part of tbe coast by express, C. O. R, Agents wanted in every tows on tbe Paoiua ooajt Liberal eomniissioir. ., - , Pacini Pewin Machine Co.. 2y J00 Woutgomsry-st-- , 8.t. 10a ny ruace tnesaeclree untfe from tots aase . ' If ARGARHTT HOC AX1. nuea in Ban t ranciseo, I oet9-5t- f Jt. CHEADJ.E, ....Zb0 37 Otftotyir 5th, 18Mt. . 4 Z t ,, : Albany, April 10, 1809-Sl- y I. j


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Subscribers finding an 2C after their name willunderstand that tbeir subscription expires withthat number, and they are invited to renew theirsubscriptions. Terms $3 per annum, in advance;six monthsj $2 ; three months, $1.

A GOOD CHANCE TO PAT. Outstanding Accounts duo

It. CHEADLE,of Albany, Oregon.


Mrs F Yanolcve, chinile work slippersjlst p.Mrs J Burkhart, pair fancy knit stockings, 1st p.Miss Lydia A Miller, crotchet curtain bands, 1st p.Miss Katy Graft, easy chair tidy. 1st pj breakfast

shawl. 1st pr; fancy needle work, 2d pr.Miss Emma Hard, comia copia, 1st pjvpln cush-

ion, 2d p; neckle work , 2d p; hanging bead bas-ket, 1st p. JMiss Ella II urd, watch pocket. 2d p; painted pincushion. 2d p. 1

Mrs S A Johns, lady's dress, 1st p; ditto wrapper,1st p; satin bonnet, 2d p; velvet do, 2d p: bri-

dal do, 2d p; gimp do, lstp; mourning do, lstp;mourning hat, 1st p; velvet do, 1st p: satin do,lstp; riding do, 2d p; furdo, lstp; boi's do, lstp.

Miss! A Cowan, foot stool, lstp; needle book, 1st p.Mrs A X Arnold, gent's shirt, needle work, 1st p.Mrs A C Daniels, floor mat. 2d p.Miss Sarah N Ilindman, patch-wor- k qiilt by girl

12 yrs old. 1st p; pillow cases by do do. 1st p.Mrs David Froman, home-mad- e carpet! 1st p.Miss Annie Smith, embroidered slippers, 1st pr;

sofa cushion. 1st pr. I


Seventy Cents Per Bushel

for all the





JTvi.rxi.islx to Order,

Mrs. E. Jones, currant wine, second premium ;white grape wine, first premium. .

J. R. McClure, cider, first premium ; Isabellagrapes, first premium.

Mrs. Lisle, Elder wine, first premium.Mrs. E. H. Griffin, bottle vinegar, second pre-

mium.F. A. Burkhart, bottle vinegar, first premium.

' Class IX. Domestic Manufacture. .

G. H. Hughes, box honey, first premium; boxhoney, second premium,

John Smith, 10 lbs. qr. dime soap, secondpremium, - . . , .

McCord & Co., 10 ftis common bar soap, firstpremium; 1 gallon lard oil, first premium ; lottoilet soap, first premium. '


Miss J. 11. McClure, pair blankets, first pre-mium.

C. P. Burkhart, pair bacon hams, first pre-mium.

J. 11. Foster, sack Magnolia flour, first pre-mium.

J. S. McAllister, lot brick, first premium.Chas. Keifer, two kejjs lajjer beer, first pre-

mium.F. A. Burkhart, 10 tbs lard, first premium.McCord & Co., 2 lbs foundry soap, first pre-

mium ; 2tbs condensed soap, first premium.Mrs. Jos. Xixon, 5 lbs butter, four months old,

first premium.Miss J. R. McClure, pair mittens, first pre-

mium ; lot yarn, first premium ; hose, first pre-mium.

Class XIII Mechanical.J. A. Winter, lot photographs, first premium.T. Swick, washing machine, Pacific, first pre-

mium.O. P. Tompkins & Co., specimen stove trim-

ming, first premium. - -

F. Steesc, grain separator.Thompson A Irving, riding saddle, first pre-

mium. y

A. C. Jones, pair tap-sol- e sewed boots, firstpremium ; pair pegged boots, second premium ; .

pair coarse pezged boots, first premium ; pair

White, Merchantable Wheat,That may be offered at my Warehouse, Albany,

Oregon, for tbe next

lO weeks to come ! Doors,

PREMIUMS AWARDEDBy the Linn County Agricultural Association, at

tbe Fourth Annual Fair, held at the fairgrounds near Albany, on September 28, 29, 30and October 1st and 2d, 1869.

Class I Cattle,NO. 1 SHORT HORNS.

C. P. Buckbart, bull, 4 years old and upward,1st premium.

John M. Osborn, bull 2 years old and upwards,1st premium.

William Wiatt, bull 3 years old and upwards,2d premium; bull 1 year oid and upwards, 1stpremium ; eow 3 years old and upwards, 1st pre-mium ; cow 3 years old and upwards, 2d pre-mium ; heifer, 2 years old aid upwards, 1st pre-mium ; heifer, 1 year old and upwards. 1st pre-mium ; heifer calf, 1st preiuium ; heifer calf, 2dpremium.

NO. 2 DEVON'S.' John Wilkins, bull, 3 years old and upwards,

1st premium.no. 6 GRADED CATTLE, CROSS BREEDS.

N. Price, bull, 3 years old and upwards, 1stpremium.

Joseph Wilkins, bull calf. 1st premium.William Wiatt, cow,.3 years old and upwards.

1st premium ; cow, 3 years old and upwards, 2dprcmums; cow, 2 years old and upward, 1st pre-mium ; cow, 2 years old. 2d premium ; heifer, 1

year old and upward, 1st premium; Heifer, 1

year old and upward, 2d premium.NO. 7 FAT CATTLE.

William Wiatt, fat cow, 1st premium ; fat cow,2d premium.

NO. 8 SWEEPSTAKES.X. Price, bull, 3 years old and upward, 1st

premium.William Wiatt, bull. 3 years old and upward,

2d premium : cow, 3 year old and upward, 1stpremium ; cow, 3 jears old and upward, 2d pre-mium.

C. P. Burkhart, bull, 3 years old and upward,1st premium.


Jesse Parrish. buck, 1 year old and upward,1st premium ; ewe. first premium ; ewe, secondpremium ; lamb, first premium : lamb, secondpremium ; ewe and lamb, first prcmium,ewe andlamb, second premium ; 3 lambs, first premium.

NO. 7 GRADED SHEEP.Miller Morgan, buck. 3 years old, first pre-

mium : buck, I year old. firstprcmium ; buck.



Miss Viola Smith, silk embroidered skirt, 1st p.Mrs Wm Gird, crotchet lounge cover, st pr.Mrs P Jacobs, needle cushion, 1st p.Miss Katy Lisle, zephyr frame, 1st p.Mrs Lincoln, pair linen pillow cases, lstp.Miss Lizzie P Gay, emb'y for couuterpi .ne, 1st p.Mrs E H Griffin, sofa pillow. 2d p; le ither work

fringe, 2d p; knit lace, 1st p.Class 11.

No. 1 Flowers.John Davis, melba, 1st pr; dew plant, !dpr.Mrs. J. C. Mendenhall, fusbia. 1st prem.

" James Elkins, roses, 2d pr ; bouc uet, 1st pr.Miss Ana MaxficM, floral design, 1st r.Mrs. A. C. Daniels, dwarf crimson ockscomb,

1st pr; bouquet of immortilles, Ac, 1st pr.Mrs. A. J. Thayer, bouquet dahlias, '. d pr; In-

dian shot, 1st pr.Mrs. J. R. McClure. dew plant, 1st pr.

" G. Simpson, live forever moss, 1st prem ;rock moss. 2d prem.


I will also, from this date, exchange any goodsI have in store for wheat, paying tberfor

70 Cents jer Bushel.I must have what is due me by tho first of Oc-

tober next, as at that time I will move to SanFrancisco, where I will carry on a general com-

mission and produce business.30

CrowD, Panel, Band, and Section Moldof all sixes.





li. CHEADLEWill have the supervision of my business in Al-

bany, Oregon.I will buy or sell all kinds of Produce that may

be offered. Bring on your Produce. .

and all other kinds ofBuild iHgr Material !

LOCAL AFFAIRSPremiums We publish to-d-ay the

list of premiums awarded at the late LinnCounty Fair.

Bclly Boy. P. C. Harper, & Co.are paying thirty --seven and a half centsfor fresh eggs. Of course, farmers willgo where they can get the biggest price.

. I - :

, Wood. The compositor made us say,in our wood item last week, that good,dry wood was selling at S3 per cord. Itshould have been, as wo wrote, $3 5008 per cord.

Potatoes. Wagon loads of potatoescan be obtained in this market at twenty-fiy- e

cents per bushel. Apples can bebought for two and three bits per bushel.

Full Time. The flouriDg mill atBrownsville is now running full time,and a large number of teams are cort-istant- ly

engaged in hauling wheat to, andflour from, the same. .

Ego Trade. At the Cash Store of L.Cheadle, Esq., thirty-thre- e cents can beobtained for fresh eggs. Bring 'emright along. f

Brownsville. A correspondentsays: A new house is being erected inBrownsville, and there will be more' when the factory starts."

Correspondents. We are favoredin the way of correspondence this week.A good commencement has been made,and we hope it will be kept up. We areduly thankful, ladies and gentlemen.

New Line. It is said that a party ofsurveyors are running a new. line for theO. C. It. R. near this city. We havebeen unable to obtain particulars.

Present. Mr. O. P. Tompkins, thegentlemanly, stove dealer, presented uswith a neat dipper, manufactured espec-ially for use1 in the Register office. Itwas badly needed, as we had been drink-in- s

at the trough " for some time.



Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; faraisk Sha-ker Fans, Zigzag Shakers, Suction Fan. StrivingPulleys, of any kind, at our Factory ea Lyoastreet, (on tbe river bank), next below Msrkbam'swarehouse.

ALTHOUSE CO.Albany, February 20, 1869-- 24


Lebanon, Linn Connty, Oregon.Rev. W. D. NICHOLS, Principal.Rev. E. A. JTJSKINS, Assistant,Mrs. S. C. NICHOLS, Preceptress, and

Teacher of the Ornamental Branches.


1 year old. second premium ; ewe, first premium ;ewe, second premium, ewe and lamb, first pre-mium ; ewe and lamb, second premium ; 3 lambs,first premium

5. Powell, buck, 3 years old, second premium ;3 lambs, second premium.,

NO. 8 FAT SnEEP.6. II. Hughes, fat wether, first premium'; fat

wether, second premium., SAMPLE WOOL.

J. P. Rector, sample wool, first premium.The Committee on Sheep stated in their report

that they examined some samples of wool exhib-

ited by Mr. Thomas Smith, of Douglas county,Oregon, which were from the flock of Ewin Ham-

mond A Son, of Middlebury, Vermdot. and that


Money Sairecl Z

By buying; WAGONS atR. CIIEADLE'S.

TV. U.I have constantly on hand the very best

Two-Hor- se Wagons,made in Marion county, Oregon, out of

STATES TIMBER,and warranted to bear np

Forty Hundred ."Weight,on good roads. Can be had at

. R. I HE IDLE S CASH STORE,For One Hundred and Sixty-fiv- e Dollars

Albany, Oregon, August 21, '63-50- V


(Successor to D. Kv. Wakefield,)

Parrish's Kew Building', First Street,



pfcaid samples were pronounced by them a very su

Academic year, which commencesTHE 1st. lSG'J.and closes July 12th, 1870,is divided into four terms of eleven weeks each.Students admitted at any time and charged' fromtime of entering till close of term. No deductionfor absence in Term time, except in cases of pro-tracted sickness.

Students can hero enjoy .very facility they cadesire for acquiring a thorough education. Youngmen can obtain rooms and board themselves atsmall expense. Young ladies can obtain boardin the fain ily of the Principal, wlio resides in theAcademy building. Hoard and tuition, in shcacarmt Thirty JJollart per term. A'o extra chargefor board during vacation.

A Commercial Coursehas been adopted for the benefit of young menwho wish to acquire a thorough business educa-tion. Send for a catalogue, or address ths Prin-cipal, for further information.

Lebanon, August 28, 18K9-52- tf

Court. His Honor,Judge Boise, haswon goldea opinions from the way he hasdispatched business during the week.Although the docket has been an uu usu

Mrs W. W. Parrish, cactus, 2d pr; verbiena, 1st pr.No. 2 Preserves, etc.

Mary A Davis, bottled blackberries, 2 pr ; driedtomatoes, 1st pr; tomato jelly, 2d pri pear jelly,2d pr: grape preserves, 2d pr. j

Henry Fleencr, cucumber pickleo, 1st jp.Mrs J C Mendenhall, tomato catchup, jlst pr; cu-

cumber do. No. 1. 1st pr; do. do. Xo. 2, 1st pr;plum preserves, 2d pr; white grap4 do, 1st pr;white grape jelly, lstpr; white currant jelly, 1stpr; blackberry, jelly, 2d pr. i

John Luper, dried currants, 1st prcm.W N Powers, bottled fiuit, 1st p; dried plums, 2d p.Mrs B Jones, bottled blackberries, 2d prem.

"WE Davis, buttled grapes, 1st pr." D Froman, plum leather, 1st pr." R McConnell, canned peas, 2d p; grape jam,1st p; currant jam, 1st p; grape preserves, 1st p;tomato jelly, 1st p; grape jelly, 1st p.

Mrs S Cannon, pear butter, 2d p; strawberrypreserves, 1st p. I

Mrs W F Hendrixon, dried cherries, lt p.Mrs Pam'l Conn, pear preserves, 1st piMrs J C Mendenhall, spring roll cake, 1st p; gin-

ger cake by girl under 9 yrs, 1st p; sponge cake,1st p; corn starch pudding, 1st p.

Mrs G II Hughes, grounduherry preserves, 1st p;do butter, 1st p; poach do, lstp; tomato do, 2d p;white currapt jelly, 1st p; red currant do, 2d pjdried plums. 2d p. )

Mrs A C Daniels, pearfigs,2d p; dried pears, 1st p;do whortleberries. 1st p. j

Mrs D Froman, jar home made pickles. 1st p; pearpreserves, 2d p; plum do, 1st p; watermelon do,lstp; plum butter, lstp; pear do, lstp; plumsyrup. 1st p. i

Mrs M V Brown, delicate cake, 1st p ; gem rolls,1st p: royal muscadine grapes, 1st

Mrs J Ilindman, apple jelly, 1st p; dried apples,1st p. j

Miss Jenny L. Luper (1 2 yr old), apple pre'vs. lstp;canned cherries, 1st p; dried apples,! 2d p.

Mrs J G Reed, dried currants, 2d p; do cherries,2d p; do tomatoes, 2d p; do grapes, 1st p; black-berry jelly, 1st p; raspberry do, 2d p; gooseber-ry do. 2d p; cherry do, 2d p: peach butter, 1st p;plum do, 2d p: pear preserves, 2d p; citroa do,1st p; peach pickles, 1st p. i

Mrs li McConnell, cherry jam, pear jam. applejam and tomatto jam, all 1st p; plum jam andtomato figs each second p. j

Miss Lizzie IngalN, apple jelly, 1st p.Mrs Lincoln, cookies, 1st p; '.hop yeast bread,

1st p: strawberry jelly, 1st p; currant do, 2d pjplum do (red). 1st p; do, do, (white) lstp; plumjitm, 1st p; crabapple preserves, 1st p; pearjelly, 1st p. !

Mrs M Culver, tomato preserves, 1st p; tomatojelly. 2d p. i

Mrs E II Griffin, dried pears. 2d p; plum jelly bygirl 2 yr old, 1st p; strawberry do, 2d p; currantdo, 2d p; blackberry jam, 2 yrold. lstp; tomatocatchup, 2d p; red currant jam, 1st p; white dodo, 1st p.

Miss Alice Griffin (12 yr old), gold cake, 1st p.Mrs X Price, apple butter, 2d p.Mrs D Froman, light bread, 1st p. j

Mrs P Jacobs, prune jelly, 1st p. j

Airs W W Parrish, fresh tomatoes, 1st p; do beans,1st p: currant wine. 2 yr old. 1st p; eream cake,1st p; ro'led jelly cake, 2d p; dried applesauce, lstp.Miss Alice Griffin. (12 yrs old), patch-wor- k sofapillow, 1st p; small dress, 1st p. ;

Mrs Catherine Hurd, infant's cloak, lstp; infant'srob dress, 2d p. i

Miss X J Parker, crotchet tidy,.lst p.Miss Emma Burkhart, emb'd card basket, 2d p;

worsted basket, Hd p; cbair tidy, 2d p: drawn-wor- k

shirt, 1st p; vase mat, 2dp; bread tidy, lstp.Miss E Engle, crotchet chemise, 1st p.Miss A Mansfield (11 yrs old), zephyr frame, 1st p.Mrs C Butler, crotchet tidy, 2d p; braided pillow

cases, 1st p; tatted chemise, 1st p; braided do,2d p; tntted skirt, 2d p.

Miss Effa Reed (7 yrs old), apron, 1st p.

Bead This. Messrs. O. P. Tompkins& Co. are now prepared to do all, kinds o fcopper work. They have the besjt copper-smith in the State, and employ none hat

Tj 7'uition loteer than any other echool of highgrade in the State of Oregon.

1809-7- 0.

ally full wie, it is thought it "f ill becleared and the court adjourned thiscveaing.

i Double Service. The citizens of. Brownsville have made arrangements todouble the service on the mail route from


perior article of wool.Class VII Swine

NO. 1 ESSEX.X. Price, sow, two years old, first'preiuium-NO- .

4 CROSS BREEDS.F. Froman, sow, two years old, first pre-

mium : boar, two years old, first premium.N. Price, sow. over 45 months old aud under I

year, first premium.if. B. LafoUct, boar, two years old, second pre-


X. Price, boar, ono year old. first premium ?

sow, one year old. second premium: two fat hos.first premium : two fat hogs, second premium :

litter pigs, first premium.J. 15. Lafollef .Hoar, one year old, 2d premium.IT, Froman. sow. first premium.

Class VIII Grain.NO. 1. i

John Lriner. oat?, white Russian, lirjt' r.rr-miu- m

: sample broom corn, serund premium ;

sample broom cou, first premium.W. X. Powers, mammoth sujrar cane, second

premium : pop porn, second premium.John Millard, white eorn, first premium;

timothy seed, second premium.M. Fountain, 1 bushel white velvet wheat, 1st

premium.11. X. Smaed, timothy seed, first premium ;

side oats, second premium.A. B. Morris, bushel Chili club wheat, second

premium : sunflower, fist premium.A. S. Houston, white fall wheat, second pre--

iniutu.M. Luper, Calcutta flax seed, first premium.

Drugs and Medicines,CHEMICALS,

that place to Salem. Mails now leaveSalem for Brownsville on Tuesday audSaturday morning;" asJ returning,leave Brownsville on Sundays and Thurs

Albany Collegiate Institute.XEXT TERM OF TniSTHE for youth of both sexes, will open on

Monday, the 18th of October next.It will be in charge of the Rev. Edward H.

r.KARv and the Rer. Samuel G. Irvisi, assist-ed by a corps of competent teachers.

CALENDAR.The first term will embrace 15 weeks of tuition,

ending February 4th. 1870.The second term will embrace 20 weeks of tu-

ition, from February 7th to July 1st, 1870.

double soled coarse pegged boots, second pre-mium. ,.

C Mealey, bureau, first premium; washingmachine, second premium.

J. S. McAllister, brick moulding machine, 1stpremium.

S. M. W. Ilindman, revolving churn, first pre-mium : bee house, first premium.

Hawley, Dodd fc Co., sulkey plow, Pfcil's pat-ent, second premium.

Frank Wood, sulkey plow. Gay's patent, firstpremium ; set horse shoes, 1st premium ;walkingplow, first premium.

Thompson Jfc. Irving, Concord harness, firstpremium ; sulkey harness, first piemium.

W. II. Kuhn A Co., express wagon, first pre-mium.

A. B. Morris, Cherry's header Albany foundryfirst premium.

John Cox, gang plow, second premium.J. R. McClure, gang plow, (Pfeil's pat.) first

premium.P. Hamilton, seed sower, first premium.Olney Fry, Jr., seed sower and cultivator com-

bined, first pemiuni.Class II Horses.


Hugh Fields, stallion. Jeff. Davis, first pre-mium : mare Kit, second premium.


W.Uird, marc, Jane Marsh, first premium.NO. 2 GRADED.

Columbus Cowan, mare colt, first premium.Mr. Wilson, mare, 1 year old, firt premium.A. Pavage.stallion. 4years'ld, secoud premium.y. Froman, jrelding. 4 years old, first premium.L. P. Younger, marc, 3 years old, second pre-

mium.A. Thomas, Stallion, 2 years old, second pre-

mium.Joseph Pearl, stallion, Capt. Sligart, 4 years

old. fir.'t premium.V. Gilchrist, stallion i 2 years old, first pre-


P. Lowe, mare and family of colts, first pre-mium.

W. C. Forcn, mare and family of colts, secondpremium.

(I. H. Looney, marc, three years old, first pre-mium. -

L. P. Younger, marc, 3 yeurs old, second prc-iniu-

Joseph Pearl, stallion, four years old, Capt. Sli-

gart, fir.-- 1 premium.K. F. Wiattt, mare and colt, first premium.C Cowcn, mare and colt, second premium.F. Fruuiau, gelding--

. Erst premium.NO. 5 DRAFT HORSES.

Harvey Shelton, stallion, 4 years old, firH pre-mium.

D. Houick, stallion, 4 years old, 2d premium.A. G. Marshall, span draft horses, first pre-

mium.A. Parker, span draft horses, second premium.Thomas H. Humphreys, stallion, 3 years old,

first premiun.Xo. 2 Graded.

W. C. Foren, colt 1 year old, 1st premium; W. F.Wiatt, stallion, 3 yr old, 2d prem ; mare, 4

yr old, 1st pr; stallion oolt, 1st pr; same, 2d pr.Shooting Match.

Milton Hale, 1st prem; E. J.Stoddard, 2d prem.Matched Carriage Horses.

Wm. Gird, span bays. 1st prem ; S. Montgomery,span blacks, 2d prem.

Single Buggy Horses.Win. Gird, "Gangler," 1st prem; John Crawford,

"Xellie," 2d premium. i

Running.3 yr olds, 1 mile Hugh Fields, "Buckskin Bill,"

1st prem- - Mr. Morgan. "Bill." 2d prem.2 yr olds, 1 mile J. M. Cottrell. "Dave," 1st pn

C. Nanny. "BareYoot," 2d prem.Mile heats. 2 in 3 Wm. Gird, "Red Jacket." 1st

prem; O. Z. Morgan. "Miss Foote, 2d prem.Two straight miles Wm. Gird, "Snowflake," 1st

prem; G. W. Hughes, "Red Jacket." 2d pr.Two mile beats, 2 in 3, Sweepstakes Wm. Gird,

"Snowflake," 1st prem; O. Z. Morgan, "MissFoote," 2d premium.

Pacing 1 Mile.J. D. Scott. "June Apple," 1st pr; G. W. nugb.es,

"Jenny Lind," 2d prem.Walking 1 Mile.

J. Xixon, Dick," 1st prem ; X. Howard,"George," 2d prem.

Trotting.One mile Frank Parton, "Black ,Bess," 1st pr;J. H. Kincaid, 2d prem.

Two miles C. Barnes, "Minnie Parton." 1st pr;S. Montgomery, "Black Maria." 2d prem.

One Mile, Sweepstakes R. C. Kyger, "Live OakGeorge," 1st pr; J. P. Schooling, Black Stal-lion. 2d p. .

Class 10 Home Work.Mrs Mary A Davis, needle work quilt, 1st p; patch

work do, 2d p.Mary E Davis, ornara'n'l needlework, 2d p; fancy

netting, 1st p; embroidered pillow case, 1st p.Mrs J C Mendenhall, leather work, 1st prem.Mrs J Xorcross, wax fruit, 2d premium.


All articles warranted pur and of the bestquality.

Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded.Albany, Oct. 17, !S6S-6t- f

days. - .

That Ball. That " finish " on topof the cupola of the Court House " fillstha bill," and adds greatly to the look ofcompleteness of the building. The arti-cles were manufactured by Messrs. O. P.

- Tompkins &. Co., of this city, and theworkmanship does them credit..


RATES OF TUITION(pes qua rtf.a or ten weeks.)

Preparatory and common branches-- .... ..$5 WAdvanced English 7-- V4Ancient and Modern Languages, Higher

Mathematics, Ac... 9 00Tuition charged from date of entrance to endV

ol quarter, and payable in advance.Organization of College Classes.

A Freshman cla.s will be formed and a courseof study prescribed at the opening of the term.

Principal Text Boohs.

- sers. P. C. Harper & Co. 'a new advertise-ment this morning. It is lengthy, but it

. takes immense space to give a tithe ofthe extensive stock of goods on theircounters and shelves. The quality ofgocds sold, the low price asked, and theobliging and gentlemanly character of

Wilson's Readers, Clark's English Grammar,Robinson's Mathematics, Hooker's NaturalScience, Quackenbos' Rhetoric, Abbott's

Mental and Moral Philosophy. Hark- -

. the nrm, is bringing a rush ot customthat taxes their utmost exertions to sat

ness Latin Series, Fasquell's French Series, andthe most approved editions of the Latin and GreekClassic.

A RecordOf every recitation will be made, and an average

Sixteenth Year of Publication.

McCormick's Almanac IFor the Tajr 180,

Containing useful statistics relative to. the popa,ilation. and resoafces of

Oreiron, Washiajrtea, Idaho V Montana,Together with s variety 0? he usefel

information,cojrp41.cn abid rciLisasn t -

Si JT, TXLoCormiick,rranklin : Storo, ;

I5 Front street Portland, Oregon,,

Advertising is the of Business-Act- ingon Trade as Steam does on. Maohjuery."

In presenting the ricteenth anneal issue ofMcCormick'e Almanac the publisher desires tqcall the attention of fctcsia men, who have faitkin the benefits to be derived from ojvrlnn'g, tthe fact that this popular work present theBest Advertising Median on the Coast)

The advantages to be. derived front advertisingin McConnick's Almanac, are,'

I. Its reputation,,II. Its immense erepAation 0.VW the Facilecoast. i

Ill- - It genera) preservation in every house.IV. A weirk of reference it is in daily use,A limited number of advertisements will be in

first class workmen. All their work iswarranted. You need not go elsewhereto get stills and still-pipe- s made.


Willamette Valley and CascadeMountain Wagon Road.

To Dcschuttes River :Four Horse or Mule tram.............. $i 50Two " " 3 00One " " " 2 00Ox teams, three yoke 4 50

For every additional yoke 50Loose horses, per head 25

" cattle, per head 15" sheep or bogs....

- 3Teams returning empty, half price.

Pack animals, loaded... , 50" " unloaded 25

Horse and rider. 1 00

To Fish Lake :Four horse or mule team, each wy ......... 2 00Two " " 50.. .One .i j 00Pack animals, loaded, 50

" unloaded... . 25Eorse and rider . 75Ox team, three yoke .. 2 00

To Upper Soda Spring:Four horse or jnule team, out and back 2 50Two - 2 00One " ' 1 goHorse and rider, " soLoose animals, " ...... 25

Ox teams the same as horse teams.A. HACKLEMAX,W. W. Parrish, Pres.

See.March 20. 18B9-2- 8


given in quarterly Iteports ; also, of attendanceand deportment.

Government.The aim will be to develop in the student a

high sense of moral obligation, honor and integ-rity, and those who cannot be governed by suchmotives, will not remain in the school.'

BoardMay be had in families at 4 per week, androoms procured where students may board them-selves.

By order of the Board of Trustees.EDWARD R. GEARY,

Albany, Aug. 21, '6p-5-0 President.

ON TO HIT !"sorted at the following coin rates :

October 20th, at the residence of the bride'sfather, in Linn county, near Brownsville, Oregon,by Rev. J. II. Roork, Mr. W. II. Hussey to MissEmma Lewis all of Linn connty.

On the 24th inst., at the residence of the bride'smother, by the Rev. Joseph Emery, ;Mr. P. C.Harper to Miss Annie Smith, daughter of the lateHon. Delazon Smith all of Linn county.

They have our blessing. i

On tbe 24th inst., at the residence of her broth-er, in this city, by the Rev. E. R. Geary, Mr.George Eckler, of Lebanon, to Miss j Kate

all of Linn county.For the wine and cake accompanying the above

notice, the happy pair have the united thanks ofall hands in this office, and our best wishes fortheir future happiness and prosperity.

un pa. nayertwements.......M..jJlS 00Half ' 10 oaQuarter ...iJ $ 0Q

Addsess orders to8. d, McCO$MICK,

; Compiler end Publisher,Portland, Oregon,

Or W I. V flSHER, . .?

; San Francisen, CaliforniaAdvertisements must be received nrior to

isfy. Read their ad, and go and see the"styles."

Low Prices. Everything in the dryroods line, at low figures, can be had atA. Cowan & Co-'- s. Their stock of iron,teel, and general hardware, fs unexcel-

led ; and in the way of boots, shoes hats,caps, carpets, wall-pape- r, etc., etc., theyoffer a " big lay out," at the lowest ratesior cash or marketable produce. 'Nuffced.

Patent Metalic' White WireClothes Lines. This wire possessesqualities which prevent it from corrodingand soiling clothes. Once put up it isnot necessary to be taken down, thus sav-

ing labor and trouble. It is muchcheaper thanr ope, and will last a life time.Mr. P. T. Block has the agency forthe sale of this invention for thisState, and is ready to supply all orders.Mr. Block is now canvassing the Statefor orders. His P, O. address is Harris-bur- g,

Linn county, Oregon.I

, Ik Attendance. The attendance oflegal gentlemen from "furrin parts," atthe Linn County Circuit Court duringthe week, was hardly as large as usual.We . noticed Hon. F. A. Chenowth andJudge Odeneal, of Corvall's; JudgeWillis, of Salem ; Jadgc Thompson, ofHarrisburg; Hon. Ben. Hay den, ofKola; and Hon. J. Q. Thornton, N. H.Cranor, J. C. Powell, E. Fj. Russell, N.B. Humphrey,' J. J. Whitney, JosephHannon, and L. Flinn, of Albany.

Tri-Week- ly Mail. Wo notice thata petition, pretty generally signed by ourcitizens, has been in circulation duringthe week, asking that a ly mail

WADSWORTH & KUHNAre now ready to execute all kinds of

Plain and Fancy Painting !

each vi

Signs, Carriages, Buildings,woll as

Draining', Papaorhanffinf, 3aicimiaiwg,- - and in fact all kinds and styles of

PLAIN AND ORNAlWjENTAI. WORK,that can be done with Paint an.d Brash, at


Give us a call. Shop on Frry street, overKuhn A Adams' wagon shop. ......

aug21-5- V

October l&th, 1888.NEW TO-DA-

Jesse Parrish, specimen white corn, secondpremium : yellow corn, first premium ; pop corn,first premium.

A. tr. Reed, sugar eorn, first premium ; assort-ment spring wheat, first premium.

S. Falkner, Flint eorn, second premium.NO. 2 VEGETABLES. v

John Luper, white beans, second premium;blood beats, second premium: turnip beets, firstpremium ; squashes, first premium.

W. X. Powers. Hubbard squash, second pre-mium ; Marblehead cabbage, first premium ;

early Brunswick cabbage, second premium : Ce-dar Hill tomatoes, secoud premium ; Early Rosepotatoes, first premium.

John Millard, Egg plant, first premium.Samuel Conn, White Meschannoek potatoes,

second premium. !'A. C. Daniels, white beans, first premium ; 3varieties onions, first premium : beets, 6 varie-ties, second premium ; carrots, Parly Horn, sec-ond : parsnips, first premium; toma-toes, 3 varieties, first premium ; cawliflower, firstpremium : Egg plant, second premium ; lotonions, second premium : long, green cucumber,first premium ; exhibit garden vegetables, firstpremium. r' ,

John Luper, early Dutch carrots, 1st premium.S. Falkner, sweet pumpkins, first premium ;

white winter turnip, first premium.A. B. Culver, Yankee pumpkin, second pre-

miumM. Haly, water melon, first premium.F. A. Bnckhart. muaa melon, first premium.

Class V Mules and Jacks.Miller Morgan, span mules, first premium ; do.

three years old, first premium.K. Turner, Jack, 4 years old, first premium ;

mule, one year old, second premium;4 mule, oneyear old, first premium ; mule colt, first pre-mium.

A. Cowan, lot of mules, first premium. -

E. Turner, janet, first premium ; janet, secondpiemium. -


J. M. Metzler, pair of Spanish chickens, firstpremium.

F. Parton, pair Spanish chickens, second pre-mium. ?

Elijah Sparks, pair Falcon chickens, fourmonths old, first premium; do. two months old,first premium.

George Anderson, lot pigeons, first premium ;

pair rabbits, first premium ; lot ducks, first pre-mium. ,

Willis Dunniway, pair game chickens, firstpremium.

William Montgomery, pair Bramah chickens,first premium. "

Jennings Montgomery, pair game chickens,second premium.

Class XII Fruits a Wines.W. Davis, 20 RamTo apples, first premium ;

2 Winesap apples, first premium.J. R,! McClure, 10 varieties apples, first pre-mium.

M. Fountain, Dutch Mignons apples, .firstpremium.

G. II. Hqghcs, 20 Gloria Mnndi apples, firstpremium ; 20 pound pears, first premium.M. Powell, 20 Gloria Mundi apples, secondpremium.

F. A. Buckhart, greatest number good varie-ties apples, first premium.

Miss Ada Mendenhall, white grapes, firstpremium. - - -

A. . Marshall, 20 Northernspy apples, firstpremium; 20 Blue Pearmaia apples, first pre-mium; 20 . Yellow New Town apples, first pre-mium.

P. Fry, Jr., greatest nnmber 'varieties pear,firt premium ; quinces, first premium.8. Fanlkner, Egg plum, first premium.

' F. A. Burkhart, lot cherries, first premium:M. Pearson, lot peashes, first premium. -

A. G. Marshall, 20 Sweet Alice apples,' firstpremium. w

W. X. Powers, Currant wine, first premium.Martin Williams, 20 Swaar apples, second pre-

mium.. ' '.i.'- -

John Millard, specimen grapes, first premium ;greatest number varieties grapes, first premium.

UShV MURRAY'S IMPROVED MAOIOthe King of Pain. jn-30- tf

For Sale.r. M. kkppikcp. r.iw. 8PIRK.

F. M.KEDF1ELD b CO.,CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving,



Groceries and Provisions,Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Cigars, Con-fectionery. Yankee Notions, Ac., Ac., Wholesaleand Retail, opposite R. C. Hill A Son's drugstore, Albany, Oregon. &oct9



Walk into

it. imirvEirs store,and see the goods which ho is receiving direct


San Franolsoo,which he is going to sell very low for

Cash or Produce!Call and examine my Goods before yon pur-

chase elsewhere, as I am always willing to snowmy goods. '

N. B. I will pay from date for thirty, days tooome, 30 cents per dosen for Eggs.

Pep. 25, '60-3- y B. BREXNXK.

IN this city, a good new dwelling wil l lioutbuildings, and four tots, about

twenty minutes walk' from the steamboat landing.For particulars inquire at tbe office of tbe P,

T. Company, of J. B. MONTEITH.Albany, Jaouerv SO. 189--


persons are hereby warned not toALL either of two certain Promissory Note,made by me, one for $404, dated on tbe 9th ofSeptember, 1880. and one for 50S, dated Sep-tember 10th, I860, both made payable to Geo. A.Edes, of Salem, Oregon, thirty days after date, ingold coin of the United States, with interest attwelve per cent, per annum, as both of said noteswere obtained by fraud and without considera-tion, and I will not pay the same nor any part ofthem. i'

Dated, Soptember 15tb. 18(9,.PRESTON MORRIS.

2w3 By PojWTv a Fuss, his att?- -


General Commission Business

"Vf QTICE aereby given that the undersignedJ3t hen been appointed fey the County Oonrt orLinn county, Oregon, Adsamistrator of the ette ,

of Alvin M-- . Brock, deeeased.late of Linn county,and that all persons having el aim. against saidEstate mnst present then) to the undersigned, da-l- y

Terined, at his residence near Beaten. Vancounty, Oregon, within si months from the data

Miss Josephine Davis, needle work quilt, 2d p. tMiss Izsis Powers, log cabin quilt, 2d premium.Mrs A S Powell, needle work quilt. 1st prem.Mrs E Jones, erotchot lamp mat, 1st pr; worsted

coral lamp mat, 1st pr; wax flowers, 1st pr;' wax fruit, 1st pr; leatherwork flowers, 1st pr.Mrs S E Arthurs, wax flowers, 2d premium.Mrs D M Thompson, silk quilt, 2d premium.Miss Hettie Thompson, beaded n, 1st p.Mrs Dunniway, mourning bonnet, 2d p; bridal do, 1 st

p; velvet do. lstp; satin do, lstp; satin hat, 2d p;riding hat, lstp; infant's emb hat, 1st p; mourn-ing hat, 2d pr; bleaching and pressing, 2d pr;do do do, 1st pr; mourning dress, 2d pr; fancywrapper, (lady's), 2d premium.- .

Mrs John Smith, needle work counterpane. 1st p;netted tidy, 1st pr; crotchet edging, 1st pr.

Mrs R McConnell. worsted quilt, 2d pr; braidedskirt, 1st pr; braided night dress, 2d pr; boy'swaist (braided), 1st p; beaded toilet box, 1st p;tied sofa tidy, 1st p; do chair tidy, 2d p; ruffledskirt, 1st p; emb'd night dress, lstp; braideddo do, 1st p; emb'd chemise, 1st p; braided do.1st p; embroidered drawers, 1st p.

Mrs S Miller, silk quilt, . 1st p; worsted quilt,lstpr; infant's dress, needle work, 1st pr.

Mrs F Parton, sephyr lamp mat, 2d premium.Mrs S Cannon, pillow ease lace, 2d premium; em-

broidered chemise, 2d premium.Miss Mary Murray, shell work frame, 2d pr; nut

work frame. 1st premium.Miss Alice MoClure, crotchet pillow ease, 2d pr.Mrs J Irving, beaded sofa cover, 1st pr; leather

work frame, 1st pr; bosk basket, 26L pr; beadedstand cover, 1st premium, .

Miss Mary Maxwell, worsted embroidered rockingchair cover, 1st p; silk emb'd slippers, 2d pr.

Mrs W Anderson, shell-wor- k boxes, 1st pr; shell,work frame, 1st pr; shell pin cushion, 1st pr.

Mrs R Conn, counterpane, 1st p; ditto, 2d p. .

Mrs 3 R MoClure, Lome-mad-e carpet, 1st prem.Miss Sarah Worts, beaded watch case, 2d pr.Mrs C S Look wood, braided suit for boy, 1st pr;

emb'd infant's skirt, 1st p; knitting box, lit p.Miss Mary Hannon, braided sofa pillow, 1st p.Mrs R Caldwell, moss landseape, 3d pr.Mrs MY Brown, cake stand, lstp; spool case, lstp.

IXroute be established from Eugene City

THE EYES 1 THE EARS I hereor.Bated Sepjl. 18, 1860-St- ' '

STEWART P. BRQCK,SAN FRANCISCO,for the purpose of selling

Ileal Instate for Sale !


New Frame Dwelling House,two stories in hight, kitchen and wood-she- d at-

tached, with private barn, well situated in thecity of Albany, will do well to oall, withnnt delay,on 1 7 RUSSELL A ELKINS,

Albany, Oet. 17, '08-- 6 Ileal Estate Agts.


fPtO Machine. A double-threa- d

lock-stitc- h Shuttle Machine ; stitch alike on both

those knowing temselTe indented to asALL respectfully requested, to, eall and settleimmediately, ' 'r 4

Old acenunto mwet he tettte.BEACH A MONTEITH.

Albany. 0t"bT lftth, 'fta

All Kinds of Produce Dr. T. L.. fiOsLOETV,OOtflUpST ANB AURIST.

Albany, . s j oreoojc

via Harrisburg and Peoria to this city.The establishment of this route will be amatter of "great convenience to the citi-zens of the several localities named, andit is hoped that the petition will meetwith the earliest attention at headquar-ters.

Wheat Receipts For the week

endipg Oct. 28ih, reported as. below :13 - bush. IH.

Beach A Monteith 3,125 29,f. H. Foster A Co....,......,.,.....,.,. 3,250 42P. 8. Jlarkbam A Son.,,. 983 2flR. Cbeadle .. 1,200 00D. Froman.......; ... S00 00

that may be consigned to me to tell.Notieo of Admtaistration

flreHK UNDERSIGNED he hem appointedR-- GOLDsJK 19 A SOX OI-Tif- ai

noted old Qstaakaie Doctor, ft Ci. ey see voqntv vwrv v wvuij,IsAHIAIt CUEADLE,

. i ...

sides.A Q Celebrated Common-Sen- ".

fS O Family Machine. Both ma J8'18 Golden.-- :,,).. H- - - -inn, hi h.idw

Leeeased. late of said .ewsntyi Perwnee having, ; ..14 aalA. al MMt thmLJastxiy, Oregon, Jr. GOLDEN has hsd ajsvorienea in traatinchines fully Warranted for years Machines; msnw uigniMm mmi -- - 1 - T" ,dwte variQed. to tbe noeWgneJ. at t.steeidenoethe "vsrious diseases to wbiah tbe eye sad ear. see.

OTtQaet, ana Ieels eons sent of jiving entire seas. anssvenst 01 aiuhii tm 1 w aWill rocoive and attend to all orders on me to ho

tent to any part of tbe coast by express, C. O. R,Agents wanted in every tows on tbe Paoiua ooajtLiberal eomniissioir. ., -

,Pacini Pewin Machine Co..

2y J00 Woutgomsry-st-- , 8.t.10a ny ruace tnesaeclree untfe from tots aase . '

If ARGARHTT HOC AX1.nuea in Ban t ranciseo, I

oet9-5t- f Jt. CHEADJ.E,....Zb0 37Otftotyir 5th, 18Mt. .

4 Zt

, , :Albany, April 10, 1809-Sl- y

