THE TDIE sFXIUY FEBRlARY 7 1909 nIX 1 4 It u TTTT i J BAKED Formula Followed in New k England City Handed It Down by Families DELAWARE BREAD DELICIOUS HOT Recipes for Many Simple Dishes Bread Pudding in Disrepute There is always more or less d Lion among housekeepers as to the proper way In Boston and other New Kngiand cities the rule for these dainties is no doubt banded down from one generation to another m Washington where baked beaus ap- pear but irregularly on the average menu it is ever a subject of dispute Here in what is said to be the real Boston formula at any rate it is a good one and is recommended to all those housekeepers who care for beans Wash a of beans let them stand over night in a gallon of cold In the morning pour off the water and web again Then place in a pot cover with plenty of water and set over the fire Score Rind Deeply Have the pork all fat if possible un- less leap is preferred Score the rind deeply Put the beasts and pork over the flre and simmer until the beans be prin to crack open not any longer Drain all the water from them and rinse again with cold water Put about half the beans in the pot and then the pork rind side up Next put in the remainder of the beans Mix a tea- spoonful each of mustard and sugar pepper and a great spoonful of molasses with a pint of and pour over the beans Cover the set in a slow oven and bake ten adding boiling water whenever tae beans look Do not have the fire se hot that the water on the beans bubbles and have no more water than will barely come to the top of the Use an earthen pot To make the tomato sauce which is so esteemed with beans proceed as lows Cook together a tablespoonful each of butter and flour until and then pour upon them a cupful of strained tomato liquor Season to taste and rather unless salt and epper have previously been added to the beans the sauce in with these and bake closely covered for two hours Oae Simple Dessert A simple dessert that Is very delicious consists of baked apples stuffed with Pare and core the apples and fin the cavities with the chopped ginger root Then turn over them a syrup made ox sugar and water flavored with lemon Juice and ginger syrup from the Jar and bake until the apples are transparent Serve with whipped cream A notable housekeeper in this city serves as dessert that mix ture of oranges and cocoanut sometimes known as ambrosia usually a pretty poor food even for not te men- tion gods but which her rule be comas really a delicious thing She makes a meringue of sugar and the whites of eggs and when it is very light adds to this a few spoonfuls of whipped cream and a part cocoanut Later she adds the oranges In a glass dish ef cocoanut and Juno and the whole lot of heathen dieties might be glad If they had anything half so good to eat Delaware Dead Here is a recipe for Delaware Federal bread one of the most delicious of hot breads which is sent to me by a friend of this column One and onehalf pounds- of flour two eggs lard the iae of a walnut Rub the lard into the flour with a little salt dd yeast enough to lighten it Break the eggs In with a little water make between muffin and cpmmon dough consistency When fer mented grease deep pie or Jelly tins and pour the in without Let rise again Bake slowly When done split open and butter and ut the two layers together again Cut Into wedges like when serving An apple pudding which is an improve mfnt on many served under that name and which is easily made is as follows Four one of milk two tablespoonfuls of butter six large apples juicy and tart a of soda the two tablespoonfuls of flour Heat the milk stir the butter over the tire until hot then add the flour and mix to a paste add the hot milk to this stir until smooth and pour gradu- ally over the beaten yolks Into this grate the one one mix ing well and quickly that they may whites beaten to a standing froth pour into a buttered and bake ard or liquid Bread Puddxxfs Bread puddings have rather fallen Into disrepute because they are so often poorly made A wellmade bread jud ding Ss a delightful thing which any epi might be glad to have served him Beat the yolks of four eggs light add a cupful of sugar a of softened but ter and when these are well mixed four cupfuls of milk Lastly beat in two cupfuls of dried crumbs and turn into a buttered baking dish Bake and when brown cover the top with a meringue made of the whites of the eggs and beaten stiff with half a cupful of sugar and return to the oven to brown lightly This may be varied by adding raisins out into small pieces to the custard mix ture or by spreading the pudding after It has been cooked but before the mer- ingue has been put on with strawberry preserves or with fresh and then with the meringue LENORE CALVERT u BEST BEANS COOKED BOSTON WAY quart with tOt lour t bub- ble ginger and cut into 9 and ptter color the quickly Serve before it tails and rat care A good rule the following I 1 water I pre- served o peeled pieces a coat- ing stir- ring eggs a t keep their Now very eauce i is C ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ POPULAR NEW YORK GIRL I I r 1 MISS GLADYS KEMP Niece of Arthur Kemp CopyrKht by II i t AS MIGHT BE Clever Parlor Entertainment- for Guests Wanting Some- thing Novel trebles arranged as a train of cars were waiting to bear them away on their wedding Journeys Ticket for the trip were procured from the gen- eral scorekeeper and with these tickets the passengers found their places at the tables Table No 1 was labeled Starting Right Here the hostess explained the necessity for young housekeepers to be- gin life economically The couples found a big pile of Irish for the men to pare and a long list of housekeeping accounts for the young to sum up and prove Needless to say every woman reached a differ- ent sumtotal and the men altogether overlooked the economical virtue of thin parings At Table No 2 Do We Know Our Wives each man was blindfolded and bidden to write a description of his wife the color of her eyes style quality color and east of her gown etc These descriptions each man was called upon to read aloud later while the object of his description stood be- fore him On the third tap of the bell the host ushered the men around behind the paper partition which was again put into service and took the place of Table No 3 This time the brides were called upon to carry out that part of the program Do We Know Our Hus bands by recognizing their helpmates b their eyes the men peeping through the eye slits which hau been high in the paper wall Table No 4 The Misunderstanding fully justified its title The chairs were arranged so that the couples sat back to back and the score went to the two who were able to maintain a coherent- if somewhat peppery argument across and above the voices of the other cou- ple and without deigning to look around at one another The Poetry and Prose of Housekeep ing was represented at the last table when each man was provided with a little dishpan and towel dutifully And drying the set before him while his better halt wrote a sentimental poem describing his charms I WEDDING JOURNEYS THE t I When the returned the NOm loss line or progressive i eouples to r- ceptloac L potatoes emit wash- ing person- al ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ You know the saying about OP- PORTUNITY Its knocking at vour loor now Home can be purchased mighty cheap low cant last forever It will mean a big saving to buy Furniture x IT Carpets Matting or Draperies at onceDont wait until pay day for we require no money at the time i you buy Credit means an open account without a contract 1 lease or notes Just tell us what 3 you can afford to pay each week or month Peter Grogan Sst t com- fort Don t during our February salTlilt these Pass here and Sorts let L 17 23 t ¬ ¬ HAS MANY FRIENDS- IN THE YOUNG SET Miss Keifip Is Prominent at All Social Affairs and Is Wide- ly Popular Miss Gladys Kemp niece of Arthur Kemp is another iJrominent member of the younger set in New York Who has won her way into the hearts of her own associates and those of her elders by her charm of manner and unaffected personality Miss Kemp is conspicuous at all the affairs of the younger social element and is a widely popular girj GIRLS TIME SAVER IS NEW TUCKED NET The tucked net that now comes by the yard Is a wonderful timesaver to a busy girt She who finds in the morning that the own she wishes to wear that afternoo- ns hopelessly shabby at yoke and sleeves need not sit to lament but with f yard of this ready tucked goods mind an hours time can have her gown fresh- ened up quite like new By the old sleeves for a pattern it is surprising how quickly new ores can be cut and run together by hand This net cornea with tucks of various widths in white cream and black Then there is net that is tucked in groups of threes with two or throe spaoj between each group which is filled with colored dots embroidered in silk This is not only used for yokes but also makes up very prettily into shirt waists No trimming of any kind need be used on are made to fasten down the front with either crochet buttons to match the dots or with tiny GIVING THE SECRET AWAY Mrs Knlcker How do you at the place when your husband tells- a looks most rhinestone Mri l BOfkfrT the when he Jib a ork Sun ones right lark time ¬ ¬ PARTY TO RESTORE Pretty Scheme for Decora tions Brings Back Old Romances The dainty sentiment of Burns verges Oh My Luves Like a Red Red Rose suggests for us a charming decoration for those silverhaired sweethearts for whom the sands o life are swiftly running Each bride of long ago should be requested to come to the party In a costume similar to the one in whidh she was wooed many years before A large rose daintily made of crimson crepe paper may be used in the center of the refreshment table There should b as many petals to this rose as there are guests expected each petal cut sep- arately and supported by a bit of flat wire Arrange the first layer of petals on a bed of smilax and freshly fallen rose leaves have the second layer of petals curve gently upward the third layer even more so until the heart of the flower is completely enfolded Streamers of satin ribbon should extend from the of each rose to every cover Charming bits of sentiment or old recalled should be attached to the root of each rose petal and during the course of the dinner gUEst nhould draw out the ribbon streamer leading place ThiK will also draw away tiio petals of the flower one by one gradually dis- closing a charming little bisque Cupid armed T and nestled with a tiny hourglass in a clus- ter of roee leaves Freshly fallen crim- son rose petals may be scattered over the cloth at each cover a stately crimson rose may be slipped through a roue leaf sachet on a charming bit of quotation has bf n written Dunn HIP rveniug old be softly i ii hidden away BRIDES TO YOUTH to Jur mll1dl b iY rnul funs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SEWING MACHINES LESS THAN 72 The Entire Stock of Washingtons Leading Store We purchased these machines merely because ft of the extreme s of the price asked for the entire stock Having no room for these machines they must be disposed of at once Therefore but a slight profit has added to the low price we paid How low that price I was can be judged by the remarkably low prices we are now asking They wont last at prices M tW MACHINES GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS Beg Price Salt Price Domestic DropHead Sewing Machine 4500 2250 Wheeler Jb Wilson No 9 Sewing Machine 6000 2StW Wilcox Jb Gibbs Genuine Automatic DropHead Sexing Machine 7000 8250 Davis DropHead Sewing Machine 4500 1800 King Special Sewing Machine 1 4400 1750 Oak DropHead Sewing Machine 2500 12 8 Singer DropHead Sewing Machine 4000 1500 Singer Sewing Machine 1500 450 Domestic DropLeaf Sewing Machine 2000 700 50 other machines at great bargains 514 9th Street- Washingtons Leading Sawing Machine Dealers PRICE I I been long u u uu n DropLeaf rellabl sewing lOP PENH EIMERS i 1 tt t > = > RECEPTION HELD Affair Given in Sunday School Room of First Presbyterian The Pastors Class Association of the First Presbyterian Church held a re oeftkm and banquet Friday evening in the Sunday school room of the church in celebration of its third anniversary a hundred guests were present Palms pink roses and carnations formed the decorations for the room The tables were adorned with center- pieces of pink roses and ferns pink and green being the class colors A string orchestra played during the evening An Address of welcome was trade by the toastmistress Miss M Caroline SmUts Others Included in the program were Miss Martha E Hoyt who read an original ode 1o the class written her for the occasion Dr D C Mac Let d who delivered a short address Mr s Frances Drake with several ex- cel ent poems William Henry White an Interesting dialect story anti A E L Ijeckio who made the closing address The officers of the which- is one of the largest womenu Sunday gcoool classes the city are President Miss Mary A Dugukl vice president Mrs Bessie Mattern atry Marraget E Forbes and treasurer Miss M Caroline Smith LAMBS EXPECTED HERE DURING WEEK Butter Prices to Be Same as Last Few About Thirty Cents Frost all indications spring lambs will begin to arrive on the local produce market this week io conaideraf num- bers A very f w dune last wee but it is expected that from now on the receipts win become general According to dealers the market will open at from 22 to 25 cents a pound This is the usual price at which the season starts out heavier receipts will soon cut the quotation down to a much lower point There are a great many lambs about ready to be shipped in from the tho prospect for a good market is encourag- ing It is almost an assured fact that but trr wil again rule at last weeks prices All fci ides are but weather and fluctuating supply is more than apt to produce frequent changes before the end of week But few changes are looked for in the rattle It is expected that veil and hogs will be draggy a dullness especially anticipated with cespeut to dressed All classes of fowls will be received in limited supply and this divi- sion of the market expected to strongest again this week CLEAR THE TRACK FOR CUPID PARTY Danger Signals Are Hung at En trance to Play Tunnel Cupid with a condutors cap on his head was perched on a little tunnel the centerpiece The arch of the tunnel was made of stiff cardboar the latter being concealed by small rough stones scarlet flowers and run- ning vines Tiny lighted railroad lamps were at each opening and under these signals were hung written warn to lovers Little railroad tracks extended from the place of each guest to the center of the table These tracks had been made of two rows of heavy silk cord stretched side by side about four inches apart Long regu lar rows of toothpicks served as rail road ties A little train of cars stationed or the track at each cover bore the wed ding presents Intended for the various couples The gifts were tide vp in white tissuepaper and white satin ribbon and were sealed with hearts The package before each couple also contained a little timetable explain ing the route via Dan which that couple had arrived at their pres- ent destination Hea tshaped ioci bride cake and shine the latter being a delicious sherbet were served with the refreshments CHURCH COUGH The of the church has never been satisfactorily solved Even holy persons are subject to catarrh and tr ther causes of irritation of the respiratory mucous membrane for witch it would he harh to rank them with the ungodly British Medical Journal IS BY PASTORS CLASS Nearly by ecru DaysEggs at but Eggs probably at about the bathe Jng f s will open gent tie mark be- ing doubtless as dan- ger Ices delight ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Letters to The Washington Times Inquiry Column are invited Ques- tions which are not of general in- terest will be answered by mall rush inquiries by telephone Call Main OM Names and addroMes of writers must affixed to their questions as an evidence of good faith and a stamped and addressed envelope must accompany each in- quiry which la not of publjc interest ML Vernon- J M L A chair and other articles used by George Washington were re to the ML Vernon Ladles Association by the terms of the will of Mmrgret Bayard Smith a niece of Martha Washington who died in this city last month Fingernails B C simplest thins to jirevent the cuticle growing up on the Is lepton juice or peroxide of After soaking the lingers until tbe cuticle Is soft take an orange w stick push the cuticle back en apply the lemon Juice or a good cuticle cream Apply to tie C Jk P Telephone for particulars regarding the In- stalling of a pay station in your home Sallow Skin Margie would be well to stop putting bleaches on your skin If you nave recently recovered from n illness and your skin is yellow no amount of beautifiers will help you Take plenty of outdoor exercise and drink plenty of water Take a teaspoonful of sodium phosphate each morning in a glassful of hot water At night bathe your thoroughly in warm water and good- man and apply a little cold cream Gradually your will return as your health better Removing Freckles R J S Lemon juice and lied to the face bathing in warm water will There are a number of creams that are considered very good for freckles and If you wW send a self addressed and stamped envelope the name of the cream best tor purpose will be sent For Falling Hair M V RIFQT dry falling hair try this formula Cologne 8 ounces of cantbarides 1 ounce oil of English lavender and oil of rosemary dram each Apply to the roots of hair once or a day It is should be dean Sham at least once a week while using treatment Womans Card womans card should always be Miss Mary Jones and not Mary Jones of Prince of Wales GeorgesThree feathers inclosed in coronet with the motto Ich dien I serve form the crest of the Prince of Wales Crest and motto are said to have belonged to the blind king of Bo hemia who was overcome at Cressy by the Black Prince and ta have been first used by the Black Prince But this story has no historical foundation The LOCAL MENTION Better Than You Bake Boreas Bakery Bye Bread ia uniform- ly better than the bread you bake b eause of our superior baking facilities Then again we have the opportunity of selecting only the cream rye flours which us a decided advantage from the standpoint of ingredients The proof of its superiority is in the you try A k your grocer The Northwestern Consolidated Milling- Co of Minneapolis Minn have a of advertisers and solicitors at work in this city for the purpose of further itt troducing Flour the work being in charge of F D Dundas Manager Branch Office W6 Pennsyl- vania avenue N W CBKESOTA Is one of the finest products of modern milling science is made from carefully selected wheat and a trial will convince the most skeptical of its merits and superiority Milk Broad More Nutritious Than any other bread can lacy because- It is made in the home way of the best ingredients which are mixed with fresh Instead of water Delivered fresh from oven to table 6c Homemade Pies 20c Holmes Bakery 1st and E sts Phones Linen 1440 and 1441 Large Old Virginia Fish Roe t 8c Monk Salmon 8c 4 large cans To- matoes 25c Choice Potatoes 25c peck Quaker Matches 10c lOc Vanilla 4 for 26c 1 Ib Strictly Pure Pepper JOe Mo- lasses 7c can Raisins 7c Dates 5c 1714 14th st nw and J T D Pyles other stores Valentines Red Hearts All kinds and all suses OotUd9 9th at Kalamazoo Inverted Lights Best Safe Bright 9175 Coiriplevc Put ON C A MUDDIMAN CO 61 12th St 12C4 G St be t LThe and HIt becomes tinc- ture Y the positively that the scalp ReaderA Crest Bread fir t Is I Cans I finger- nails hy- drogen Com- pany face glycerine thoroughly free necessary Poe Dail a o corps a dt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 1 First Sale by Auction I- M W AT ft v- VMendelsohns Art Gallery f I Entire Stock of W S Furniture Prints Andirons Fenders Sheffield Plate Gilt and Ma hogany Mirrors Candelabra and a lot of other useful articles for parts of the house I In the Beautiful Styles of the IN Colonial Sheraton Chippendale Hepplewhite s Other Early Periods in Every 5 Shape Consisting of Bureaus Dressing Tables Bookcases Desks Dining Tables Side 2 boards China Cabinets Side Tables Chairs Sofas Library bItS High Card Tables Low Boys Cheval High g Post Beds Candlestands Dropleaf Tables Work Tables Comer I cupboards Screen Wine Cabinets Pier Tables etc in great I To Be Sold at Absolute Public Auction Within Our Rooms 140911 New YorK Ave nw 1- M tt Tomorrow Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday Feb 8 9 10 11 and 12 1909 I At 11 A M and 3 P M Each Day I- MENDELSOHiN CO Auctioneers M 1409 and 1411 New York Ave N W a 39aaa3eee3 a 6 W w i w w 1E 6 6S66S686e88eee E 600 ee dSeeaee- A 33e3r33A J 3393 33 2 3 3 3W T w- all w- and Con- ceivable y Ta- M w w w n w > < > ° triple plume A well as feathers of 41 f ferent numbs seem to have in- to use in of Edward in it was however not unknown before that time for a historian states that the ostrichs leathers In plume were J times also th device of Steph who gave them with this word vi nullo invertitnr ordo No force alters their fashion to the fold and it as likewise m the condition of kings and kingdoms well established He does not mention the number of so it is possible that the triple even at that time it distinctive of the Prince of Wales betas worn by others of the royal in the of triple plume within the coronet became to the eldest son of the gbv- erehjn 2 C Pearre i Answer By Mail Mt Ranier Md Addresses such AS you request cannot be published t Otis If you will send a aelfed dressed and stamped envelope this De- partment be to furnish the information by Pearys Kame- K W r The full name of Com- mander Peary the arctic explorer is Robert E Pearl DEVELOP YOUR BUST T r aucairp Bust Developer wilt jxwitively develop Soar bust Proclaimed by the Beauty Editor of die Philadelphia Pr M as absolutely safe and lively sure in nearly every x- carf Endorsed by physi- cians as excel- lent tonic i Mailed la j abatable h xoate co- rr tr i tablet frmi- poti receipt SOc Per Box BEAUTY BOOXXET Mailed 2 ree Upon bequest WM PROCTOR Jr CO- AGBXTS 9th and Lombard Sts Philadelphia Pa KRAMERS VIOLETS PER BUNCH KRAMER Tie Florist Who Grows His Own Flowers 916 F Sf N W Ilranh Store I I STEINWAYA- nd Other Leading PIANOS Terms to Suit 925 psnna Avenue HW You Can Alway Find It at Andrews VALENTINES- f The largest and best as sortment in Washington ANDREWS IOC tO 100 X P AKDJtEWS raglan OO Largest Paper House South of M w 9352729 Ave ST W SANITARY BLEND blend the great quantities we sell enables the lox price of 250 per pound At the 21 Stores of SAX1TAXY CtXOOBatT OO A Fuel of I Immeasurable Worth- The deeper you look into the A question the more you will be CO vinced of the superiority of Coke It is economical It gives best re suits ft 40 Bushel Large Coke delivered t3Jt- W BiheU Large Coke dellv rMJUI S ft tt Crushed Coke delivered 41 01 ft 4 BunbMte Crusted Coke ft 0 BuabalqCruahed Coke daUveMtLfeM J Washington Co J 41 Teat t x W the tIlDe fall of the feather which hO6VfT the wind may shake t It cannot disorder 1lume Is more directly connected with Edward IlL not used the elf family It HeIIIJ that t ire Maryland tr the Sixth t Of Maryland mall s post n c o C nth FURS New YorkFur 7th St N W DROOPS s tilts La ww r COFFEE 2 5 A partee4 3c- C Ib TZY IiJ L 3 3 33a 1Del 4ft Coke nII it Bushels W I W a I J coma sot King feath- ers was as s1 was Rsprassjjiy LRe tm 3 ant there i 81- r I e M a- X34 tw AT the Iw r w b lb- r W 4 ih y- us Binged Large delivered deliver Ciasli fit C r ¬ > < > ¬ > ¬ ¬ < < ± =

It BEST BAKED BEANS 1 NEW YORK GIRL ANSWERS QUESTIONS Ichroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1909-02-07/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · Bread Pudding in Disrepute There is always more or less

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Page 1: It BEST BAKED BEANS 1 NEW YORK GIRL ANSWERS QUESTIONS Ichroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1909-02-07/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · Bread Pudding in Disrepute There is always more or less


It u



Formula Followed in New

k England City HandedIt Down by Families


Recipes for Many Simple DishesBread Pudding in


There is always more or less dLion among housekeepers as to theproper way In Bostonand other New Kngiand cities the rulefor these dainties is no doubt bandeddown from one generation to anotherm Washington where baked beaus ap-pear but irregularly on the averagemenu it is ever a subject of dispute

Here in what is said to be the realBoston formula at any rate it is agood one and is recommended to allthose housekeepers who care for beansWash a of beans let them standover night in a gallon of coldIn the morning pour off the water andweb again Then place in a pot coverwith plenty of water and set over thefire

Score Rind DeeplyHave the pork all fat if possible un-

less leap is preferred Score the rinddeeply Put the beasts and pork overthe flre and simmer until the beans beprin to crack open not any longerDrain all the water from them andrinse again with cold water Put abouthalf the beans in the pot and then thepork rind side up Next put in theremainder of the beans Mix a tea-spoonful each of mustard and sugar

pepper and a great spoonful ofmolasses with a pint ofand pour over the beans Cover the

set in a slow oven and bake tenadding boiling water whenever

tae beans look Do not have thefire se hot that the water on the beansbubbles and have no more water thanwill barely come to the top of the

Use an earthen potTo make the tomato sauce which is so

esteemed with beans proceed aslows Cook together a tablespoonfuleach of butter and flour until

and then pour upon them a cupfulof strained tomato liquor Season totaste and rather unless salt andepper have previously been added tothe beans the sauce in with theseand bake closely covered for twohours

Oae Simple DessertA simple dessert that Is very delicious

consists of baked apples stuffed withPare and core the apples and

fin the cavities with the choppedginger root Then turn over

them a syrup made ox sugar and waterflavored with lemon Juice and gingersyrup from the Jar and bake until theapples are transparent Serve withwhipped cream

A notable housekeeper in this cityserves as dessert that mixture of oranges and cocoanut sometimesknown as ambrosia usually a prettypoor food even for not te men-tion gods but which her rule becomas really a delicious thing Shemakes a meringue of sugar and thewhites of eggs and when it is verylight adds to this a few spoonfuls ofwhipped cream and a partcocoanut Later she adds the oranges

In a glass dishef cocoanut and Juno

and the whole lot of heathen dietiesmight be glad If they had anything halfso good to eat

Delaware DeadHere is a recipe for Delaware Federal

bread one of the most delicious of hotbreads which is sent to me by a friendof this column One and onehalf pounds-of flour two eggs lard the iae of awalnut Rub the lard into the flourwith a little salt dd yeast enoughto lighten it Break the eggs In with alittle water make between muffin andcpmmon dough consistency When fermented grease deep pie or Jellytins and pour the in without

Let rise again Bake slowlyWhen done split open and butter and

ut the two layers together again CutInto wedges like when serving

An apple pudding which is an improvemfnt on many served under thatname and which is easily made is asfollows Four one of milktwo tablespoonfuls of butter six largeapples juicy and tart a of soda

the two tablespoonfuls of flourHeat the milk stir the butter over the

tire until hot then add the flour andmix to a paste add the hot milk tothis stir until smooth and pour gradu-ally over the beaten yolks Into thisgrate the one one mixing well and quickly that they maywhites beaten to a standing froth pourinto a buttered and bake

ard or liquidBread Puddxxfs

Bread puddings have rather fallen Intodisrepute because they are so oftenpoorly made A wellmade bread judding Ss a delightful thing which any epi

might be glad to have served himBeat the

yolks of four eggs light add a cupful ofsugar a of softened butter and when these are well mixedfour cupfuls of milk Lastly beat in twocupfuls of dried crumbs and turn into abuttered baking dish Bake and whenbrown cover the top with a meringuemade of the whites of the eggs andbeaten stiff with half a cupful of sugarand return to the oven to brown lightly

This may be varied by adding raisinsout into small pieces to the custard mixture or by spreading the pudding afterIt has been cooked but before the mer-ingue has been put on with strawberrypreserves or with fresh and thenwith the meringue











and cut into 9and ptter

color the

quickly Serve before it tails andrat

careA good rule the following







peeled piecesa coat-






keep their Now




















r 1

MISS GLADYS KEMP Niece of Arthur KempCopyrKht by II i t


Clever Parlor Entertainment-for Guests Wanting Some-

thing Novel

trebles arranged as a train of carswere waiting to bear them away ontheir wedding Journeys Ticket forthe trip were procured from the gen-eral scorekeeper and with these ticketsthe passengers found their places atthe tables

Table No 1 was labeled StartingRight Here the hostess explained thenecessity for young housekeepers to be-gin life economically The couplesfound a big pile of Irish forthe men to pare and a long list ofhousekeeping accounts for the young

to sum up and prove Needlessto say every woman reached a differ-ent sumtotal and the men altogetheroverlooked the economical virtue ofthin parings

At Table No 2 Do We Know OurWives each man was blindfolded andbidden to write a description of his

wife the color of her eyes stylequality color and east of her gownetc These descriptions each man wascalled upon to read aloud later whilethe object of his description stood be-fore him

On the third tap of the bell the hostushered the men around behind thepaper partition which was again putinto service and took the place of TableNo 3 This time the brides werecalled upon to carry out that part ofthe program Do We Know Our Husbands by recognizing their helpmatesb their eyes the men peeping throughthe eye slits which hau been highin the paper wall

Table No 4 The Misunderstandingfully justified its title The chairs werearranged so that the couples sat backto back and the score went to the twowho were able to maintain a coherent-if somewhat peppery argument acrossand above the voices of the other cou-ple and without deigning to lookaround at one another

The Poetry and Prose of Housekeeping was represented at the last tablewhen each man was provided with alittle dishpan and towel dutifully

And drying the set beforehim while his better halt wrote asentimental poem describing his







When the returned theNOm loss line or progressive


eouples to r-

ceptloac L















You know the saying about OP-PORTUNITY Its knocking atvour loor now Home

can be purchased mighty cheap

low cant last forever It willmean a big saving to buy Furniture x

IT Carpets Matting or Draperies at

onceDont wait until pay day forwe require no money at the time

i you buy Credit means anopen account without a contract


lease or notes Just tell us what3 you can afford to pay each week or


Peter Grogan Sst




Don t during our February salTlilt these

Pass here

and Sorts



17 23






Miss Keifip Is Prominent at All

Social Affairs and Is Wide-

ly PopularMiss Gladys Kemp niece of Arthur

Kemp is another iJrominent member ofthe younger set in New York Who haswon her way into the hearts of herown associates and those of her eldersby her charm of manner and unaffectedpersonality

Miss Kemp is conspicuous at all theaffairs of the younger social elementand is a widely popular girj


The tucked net that now comes bythe yard Is a wonderful timesaver toa busy girt

She who finds in the morning that theown she wishes to wear that afternoo-

ns hopelessly shabby at yoke andsleeves need not sit to lament but withf yard of this ready tucked goods mindan hours time can have her gown fresh-ened up quite like new

By the old sleeves for a patternit is surprising how quickly new orescan be cut and run together by hand

This net cornea with tucks of variouswidths in white cream and black

Then there is net that is tucked ingroups of threes with two or throe

spaoj between each group whichis filled with colored dots embroideredin silk This is not only used for yokesbut also makes up very prettily intoshirt waists

No trimming of any kind need be usedon are made to fasten downthe front with either crochet buttons tomatch the dots or with tiny

GIVING THE SECRET AWAYMrs Knlcker How do you at

the place when your husband tells-a

looks most


Mri l BOfkfrT the when heJib a ork Sun



lark time




Pretty Scheme for Decorations Brings Back Old


The dainty sentiment of Burns vergesOh My Luves Like a Red Red Rose

suggests for us a charming decorationfor those silverhaired sweethearts forwhom the sands o life are swiftlyrunning Each bride of long ago shouldbe requested to come to the party Ina costume similar to the one in whidhshe was wooed many years before

A large rose daintily made of crimsoncrepe paper may be used in the centerof the refreshment table There shouldb as many petals to this rose as thereare guests expected each petal cut sep-arately and supported by a bit of flatwire Arrange the first layer of petalson a bed of smilax and freshly fallenrose leaves have the second layer ofpetals curve gently upward the thirdlayer even more so until the heart ofthe flower is completely enfolded

Streamers of satin ribbonshould extend from the of each rose

to every cover Charming bits ofsentiment or old recalledshould be attached to the root of eachrose petal and during the course of thedinner gUEst nhould draw out theribbon streamer leading placeThiK will also draw away tiio petalsof the flower one by one gradually dis-closing a charming little bisque Cupidarmed T andnestled with a tiny hourglass in a clus-ter of roee leaves Freshly fallen crim-son rose petals may be scattered overthe cloth at each cover a statelycrimson rose may be slipped through aroue leaf sachet on a charmingbit of quotation has bf n written

Dunn HIP rveniug oldbe softly i ii hiddenaway


to Jur

mll1dlbiY rnul funs






SEWING MACHINESLESSTHAN 72The Entire Stock of Washingtons

Leading StoreWe purchased these machines merely because

ft of the extreme s of the price asked forthe entire stock Having no room for thesemachines they must be disposed of at onceTherefore but a slight profit has addedto the low price we paid How low that price

I was can be judged by the remarkablylow prices we are now asking They wont lastat prices


Domestic DropHead Sewing Machine 4500 2250Wheeler Jb Wilson No 9 Sewing Machine 6000 2StWWilcox Jb Gibbs Genuine Automatic DropHead Sexing

Machine 7000 8250Davis DropHead Sewing Machine 4500 1800King Special Sewing Machine 1 4400 1750Oak DropHead Sewing Machine 2500 12 8Singer DropHead Sewing Machine 4000 1500Singer Sewing Machine 1500 450Domestic DropLeaf Sewing Machine 2000 700

50 other machines at great bargains

514 9th Street-Washingtons Leading Sawing Machine Dealers



I been


uu u u


rellabl sewing


i 1




= >


Affair Given in SundaySchool Room of First


The Pastors Class Association of theFirst Presbyterian Church held a reoeftkm and banquet Friday evening inthe Sunday school room of the churchin celebration of its third anniversary

a hundred guests were presentPalms pink roses and carnations

formed the decorations for the roomThe tables were adorned with center-pieces of pink roses and ferns pink andgreen being the class colors A stringorchestra played during the evening

An Address of welcome was trade bythe toastmistress Miss M CarolineSmUts Others Included in the programwere Miss Martha E Hoyt who readan original ode 1o the class writtenher for the occasion Dr D C MacLet d who delivered a short addressMr s Frances Drake with several ex-cel ent poems William Henry Whitean Interesting dialect story anti A E LIjeckio who made the closing address

The officers of the which-is one of the largest womenu Sundaygcoool classes the city are

President Miss Mary A Dugukl vicepresident Mrs Bessie Matternatry Marraget E Forbes andtreasurer Miss M Caroline Smith


Butter Prices to Be Same as LastFew About

Thirty CentsFrost all indications spring lambs will

begin to arrive on the local producemarket this week io conaideraf num-bers A very f w dune last wee butit is expected that from now on thereceipts win become general

According to dealers the market willopen at from 22 to 25 cents a poundThis is the usual price at which theseason starts out heavier receiptswill soon cut the quotation down to amuch lower point There are a greatmany lambs about ready to beshipped in from the thoprospect for a good market is encourag-ing

It is almost an assured fact that buttrr wil again rule at last weeks pricesAll fci ides are

but weather andfluctuating supply is more than apt toproduce frequent changes before the endof week

But few changes are looked for in therattle It is expected that veiland hogs will be draggy a dullness

especially anticipated with cespeutto dressed

All classes of fowls will bereceived in limited supply and this divi-sion of the market expected tostrongest again this week


Danger Signals Are Hung at Entrance to Play

TunnelCupid with a condutors cap on his

head was perched on a little tunnelthe centerpiece The arch of the

tunnel was made of stiff cardboarthe latter being concealed by smallrough stones scarlet flowers and run-ning vines

Tiny lighted railroad lamps were ateach opening and under these

signals were hung written warnto lovers Little railroad tracks

extended from the place of each guestto the center of the table Thesetracks had been made of two rows ofheavy silk cord stretched side by sideabout four inches apart Long regular rows of toothpicks served as railroad ties

A little train of cars stationed orthe track at each cover bore the wedding presents Intended for the variouscouples The gifts were tide vp inwhite tissuepaper and white satinribbon and were sealed with heartsThe package before each couple alsocontained a little timetable explaining the route via Dan whichthat couple had arrived at their pres-ent destination

Hea tshaped iocibride cake and

shine the latter being a delicioussherbet were served with the


CHURCH COUGHThe of the church has

never been satisfactorily solved Evenholy persons are subject to catarrh andtr ther causes of irritation of therespiratory mucous membrane for witchit would he harh to rank them withthe ungodly British Medical Journal






DaysEggs at


Eggs probably at about the





will opengent






Ices delight













Letters to The Washington TimesInquiry Column are invited Ques-tions which are not of general in-

terest will be answered by mallrush inquiries by telephone CallMain OM Names and addroMes ofwriters must affixed to theirquestions as an evidence of goodfaith and a stamped and addressedenvelope must accompany each in-quiry which la not of publjc interest

ML Vernon-J M L A chair and other articles

used by George Washington were reto the ML Vernon Ladles

Association by the terms of the will ofMmrgret Bayard Smith aniece of Martha Washington who diedin this city last month

FingernailsB C simplest thins to jirevent

the cuticle growing up on theIs lepton juice or peroxide of

After soaking the lingers untiltbe cuticle Is soft take an orange wstick push the cuticle back enapply the lemon Juice or a good cuticlecream

Apply to tie C Jk P Telephonefor particulars regarding the In-

stalling of a pay station in your home

Sallow SkinMargie would be well to stop

putting bleaches on your skin If younave recently recovered from n illnessand your skin is yellow no amount ofbeautifiers will help you Take plentyof outdoor exercise and drink plenty ofwater Take a teaspoonful of sodiumphosphate each morning in a glassful ofhot water At night bathe yourthoroughly in warm water and good-man and apply a little cold creamGradually your will return as yourhealth better

Removing FrecklesR J S Lemon juice and

lied to the facebathing in warm water will

There are a number ofcreams that are considered very goodfor freckles and If you wW send a selfaddressed and stamped envelope thename of the cream best tor purposewill be sent

For Falling HairM V RIFQT dry falling hair try

this formula Cologne 8 ouncesof cantbarides 1 ounce oil of

English lavender and oil of rosemarydram each Apply to the roots of

hair once or a day It is

should be dean Shamat least once a week while usingtreatment

Womans Cardwomans card

should always be Miss Mary Jones andnot Mary Jones

of Prince of WalesGeorgesThree feathers inclosed in

coronet with the motto Ich dien Iserve form the crest of the Princeof Wales Crest and motto are said tohave belonged to the blind king of Bohemia who was overcome at Cressy bythe Black Prince and ta have been firstused by the Black Prince But thisstory has no historical foundation The

LOCAL MENTIONBetter Than You Bake

Boreas Bakery Bye Bread ia uniform-ly better than the bread you bake beause of our superior baking facilitiesThen again we have the opportunity ofselecting only the cream rye flourswhich us a decided advantagefrom the standpoint of ingredients Theproof of its superiority is in the

you try A k your grocer

The Northwestern Consolidated Milling-Co of Minneapolis Minn have aof advertisers and solicitors at work inthis city for the purpose of further itttroducing Flour thework being in charge of F D DundasManager Branch Office W6 Pennsyl-vania avenue N W CBKESOTA Isone of the finest products of modernmilling science is made from carefullyselected wheat and a trial will convincethe most skeptical of its merits andsuperiority

Milk Broad More Nutritious Thanany other bread can lacy because-It is made in the home way of the bestingredients which are mixed with fresh

Instead of water Deliveredfresh from oven to table 6c HomemadePies 20c Holmes Bakery 1st and Ests Phones Linen 1440 and 1441

Large Old Virginia Fish Roe t8c Monk Salmon 8c 4 large cans To-matoes 25c Choice Potatoes 25c peckQuaker Matches 10c lOc Vanilla 4 for26c 1 Ib Strictly Pure Pepper JOe Mo-lasses 7c can Raisins 7cDates 5c 1714 14th st nw and J T DPyles other stores

Valentines Red HeartsAll kinds and all suses OotUd9 9th at

Kalamazoo Inverted LightsBest Safe Bright 9175 Coiriplevc Put

ON C A MUDDIMAN CO 61 12thSt 12C4 G St







tinc-tureYthepositively that the scalp




fir t





finger-nails hy-drogen






















1 First Sale by Auction I-


ATft v-

VMendelsohns Art Gallery fI Entire Stock of

WS Furniture Prints Andirons Fenders Sheffield Plate Gilt and Ma

hogany Mirrors Candelabra and a lot of other useful articles forparts of the house

I In the Beautiful Styles of theIN

Colonial Sheraton Chippendale Hepplewhites

Other Early Periods in Every5

Shape Consisting ofBureaus Dressing Tables Bookcases Desks Dining Tables Side

2 boards China Cabinets Side Tables Chairs Sofas LibrarybItS High Card Tables Low Boys Cheval High

g Post Beds Candlestands Dropleaf Tables Work Tables Comer Icupboards Screen Wine Cabinets Pier Tables etc in great

ITo Be Sold at Absolute Public Auction

Within Our Rooms 140911 New YorK Ave nw 1-

M ttTomorrow Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and

Friday Feb 8 9 10 11 and 12 1909 IAt 11 A M and 3 P M Each Day I-

MENDELSOHiN CO AuctioneersM 1409 and 1411 New York Ave N W

a 39aaa3eee3 a 6




1E 6 6S66S686e88eee E 600 ee dSeeaee-


33e3r33A J 3393 33 2 3 3 3W





and Con-


Ta-M w



n w





triple plume A well as feathers of 41 fferent numbs seem to have in-to use in of Edward in itwas however not unknown before thattime for a historian states that theostrichs leathers In plume were J

times also th device of Stephwho gave them with this word vinullo invertitnr ordo No force alterstheir fashion to the fold and

it as likewise m the condition of kingsand kingdoms well established Hedoes not mention the number ofso it is possible that the tripleeven at that time it

distinctiveof the Prince of Wales betas wornby others of the royalin the oftriple plume within the coronet becameto the eldest son of the gbv-erehjn

2 C Pearre i

Answer By MailMt Ranier Md Addresses such ASyou request cannot be published t Otis

If you will send a aelfeddressed and stamped envelope this De-partment be to furnish theinformation by

Pearys Kame-K W r The full name of Com-

mander Peary the arctic explorer isRobert E Pearl


BUSTT r aucairp Bust Developerwilt jxwitively develop Soarbust Proclaimed by the BeautyEditor of die Philadelphia Pr Mas absolutely safe andlively sure in nearly every x-

carf Endorsed by physi-cians as excel-

lent tonici Mailed

la j abatableh xoate co-

rr tr i tablet frmi-poti receipt


Mailed 2 ree Upon bequestWM PROCTOR Jr CO-

AGBXTS9th and Lombard StsPhiladelphia Pa



KRAMER Tie FloristWho Grows His Own

Flowers916 F Sf N W

Ilranh Store I I


nd Other LeadingPIANOS

Terms to Suit925 psnna

Avenue HW

You Can Alway Find It at Andrews

VALENTINES-f The largest and best as

sortment in Washington


Largest Paper House South of M w9352729 Ave ST W


blend the greatquantities we sellenables the loxprice of 250 perpoundAt the 21 Stores of


A Fuel ofI Immeasurable Worth-

The deeper you look into theA question the more you will be CO

vinced of the superiority of CokeIt is economical It gives best resuits

ft 40 Bushel Large Coke delivered t3Jt-W BiheU Large Coke dellv rMJUI Sft tt Crushed Coke delivered 41 01

ft 4 BunbMte Crusted Cokeft 0 BuabalqCruahed Coke daUveMtLfeM J

Washington Co J41 Teat t x W

the tIlDe

fall of the feather which hO6VfT thewind may shake t It cannot disorder

1lume Is more directly connected withEdward IlLnot used the elf

family ItHeIIIJ that t ire


tr the Sixth tOf Maryland









FURSNew YorkFur

7th St N W



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3 3 33a


4ft Coke nII it

Bushels W







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