THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY OCTOBSE 28 1910 8 I B Nelson Regaining Lost GroundMEddie Collins Praises Walter Johnson JOHNSON BEST IN WORLD Athletics Second Baseman Pays Tribute to Nationals Great Twirler Other Sporting Gossip DECLARES EDDIE COLLINS I I By WILLIAM PEET Another great ball player pays tribute to Walter Johnson the Nationals famous pitcher Eddlo Collins the Athletics whirlwind second sacker in answer to a letter from ono of Washingtons thirtythird degree fans says I consider Walter Johnsons pitching the speediest I over faced and to my mind he is the greatest twirler In the game today The foregoing statement was over Col- lins signature in a letter to Mr J II Happ of 6J1 F street Tho latter who Is a total stranger to Colliiw was cu to know what the little second baaman thought of the Nationals idol and took the liberty to write and ask him Collins is not the only ball player who regards Johnson as the best ever for Larry Lajole Trls Speaker Ty Cobb and others have expressed to tho writer the same sentiments It would seem that Jim JCcAlears con- tention to the effect that tho AllStars under his managerial wing which save bftttlo to the Athletics for a fivegame series prior to tho big show could beat any baseball aggregation on earth has been fully justified in view of the re cent trouncing Macks men handed the Cubs Billy Sullivan the White Sox catcher always conservative came out In an em- phatic manner supporting MeAleera claim It was tho grandest ball club that over food a pitcher the veteran said during a fanfest in the Aldlne Hotel lobby last week and the Chicago Cubs would have no more chance than a rabbit of beating us bad It been possible to arrange a series of games A local afternoon paper Wednesday published a sears bead story about seri- ous football accWocts this season to three high school players but did not go into details and explain how the boys hap pened to be Hurt Kmnmlein the Western center rush was the roost badly Injured of the thre one of the small bones in the left ankle being fractured when an Eastern player during a scramble for the ball stepped- on the foot Tew the Tech captain who had to leave the TeehBustoess game test week strained the ligaments of his right shoul- der in falling but will be In good shape for tfie Central game two weeks off McCaffrey the Eastern end rush played throughout most of Western game with two fingers on hh right hand bound in plaster of paris casts McCaffrey was hurt In the Central last week when a Central player stepped on his hand breaking the bone in his little finger These injuries wore not caused by fly- Ing tackles mas plays or vicious block- ing but were bruises likely to happen at any football game The new rules have dOne much to elim- inate dancer but they cannot against tepplng on a player ankle or nngtuv Neither can they prevent a man from falling heavily n his shoukier and straining the ligaments As long as there tackling rushing and scrambling after the hell just M long will minor injuries crop out Foot ball is football and not checkers or t1- ddlywinks Frank M ScbuKe the Cub ball player who lives In Syracuse and who written many dainty NUto of verse describes the aftermath of th worUTi series thusly The iwrft at Ute fan It Cute they Ad tee It wwt a HMP Vet the Iteckfe t Hat U Byncw- I ntffl on the MA- Aad all the tofaa Now we know why the Cubs lost They had been rending SchulUs stuff L a Davis of the St Louis Times line been Interviewing the baseball celeb- rities on the CubsAthletics series Hers what he got HbpnmBtpNew what de yen think ef yor rna CubI was doped Chk BON U i s left Mat tenor aad the dwbv eta PhibAtlUaJiut web up Whats the s re Capt ChanceHaw Mat MCfthn to tin few a ge enl cwcbaaHof- Conafc MaakBxotM we ROt a with a little trued ef ata mated D OupU Ran JoemonPiw cetuw Count tm Mood I still maintain nttmte sad attm that with McGinafe WRfllrisK the melt vmM taw Jack Coombs Did you KG me nta raj Catcher LappIll bo the L up f hewy tab wtntef Ile rekJae l I amU link em my ell HttgM J n et Dleg bat iti Why enUeat I do that George T Stallings is said to be al- ready laying plans for the strength- ening of the Buffalo club Baseball has received a now Impetus the Bison city with the return of the former man ager and the enthusiastic fans fancy they hoar again a championship banner flapping in the wind over their ball- park The pennants of 19M and I9M are becoming frayed with age and the base- ball public Is clamoring for nag of a newer pattern- It was Stalllngs leadership that gave them the other two and they believe that he can build up a team which will bring home the third emblem of supremacy Frank Laporte Otis Clynw Dave Brain and Matty McIntyre were products of the old regime and it 1 only reasonable- to suppose that other stars of the base- ball firmament will rise under the guiding hand of one of the ablest managers in the game Harry Nelly of tiw Detroit Times takes a swat at tho Chicago baseball writers as follow There is a knock- a roast a bawlout of as big a lot of disgruntled plnheads as ever came down the baseball pike If you dont like knockers retrain from reading for our hammers out Possibly the biggest Joke of the year is the attitude of the Chicago Examiner ono of the sheet printed In the town that used to be and Isnt in a baseball way The Examiner has em ployed two experts Charles Dryden humorlat and Hugh Fullerton technical man to distribute to the folks at home the latest information on the national pastime Fullerton distinguished himself by pre- dicting victory for the White Sox over the Cuba In 1806 and got away with It After that he was tho famous expert This year he extinguished himself by pre- dicting the scores runs hits errors and batteries of the worlds series two weeks before the games were played He didnt ANNOUNCEMENT AVENUE GRAND THEATER- Oct 20 30 31 nnd Nov I Matinee at 3iI5 nt 715 Prices the game l te his Is has hits MIl r The Ute Ire e LrDdtI uaetb I baTe al- ways been his in II base- ball Works Baseball Series Regular I bus They ftsd n tlaLaafl Mae Men- The age gar- age Thom Mand where ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ even have tho batteries of tho first con- test right When the Cubs were worlds chars pions they possessed tho grandest fight- ing machine on earth they wore the pride of our fair city they wore the great native they woro tho great everything from little god to hallowed aftints Today when they have lost they are nothing they are less than nothing They are a cipher with tho rim knocked off According to the esteemed Examiner baseball is a low commercial enterprise Folks arent hired to play the game be- cause thor are from your town but because they can hit MO and pitch a fine curve ball All this according to tho Examiner is dead wrong The Ex squawks because tho National Leaguo ia owned by syndicates The same aspersion Is cast upon tho American League and the allegation IB made that the Washington club is owned and main- tained by the league Let this soak In Washington is the poorest city In the American League from a matter of baseball patronage yet two yours ago E S Barnard vice presi- dent of the Cleveland club offered the owners of the Washington franchise Thomas Noyoa and others 110000 for their holdings and was turned down They wanted 0000 more Yes it looks like the league had to carry along the poor Nationals Possibly we have given too much space to a discussion of tho drivel printed by the Examiner experts but It all goes to what a lot of pikers some folks can bo when their pots lose The um- pires too curse them defeated the poor when the Athletics swatted the ball among the populace and got only twobase hits when they would havo boon home runs but for ground rules Yes tho commercialism of baseball ia something terrible Men who risked fortunes because they thought fortunes could be made in the national pastime are now collecting as they should yet public gets a bluer dollars worth by passing through the turnstiles than ever in the history of the game Who cares If the Detroit players live in Du rand or Berea Just so they play good ball and wear the uniforms of the home club thats all that is required Commercialism pooh pooh The man who writes of the commercialism of or- ganized baseball a conducted in the American League at least does so only because he is sore that ho isnt in on the profits The public is satisfied with the present arrangement else it wouldnt kick over the turnstiles trying to get Into the parks on busy days BUSINESS TODAY Close and Hardfought Game Is Predicted Stenographers Will Have Advantage It Ground Is Strccicra Outweigh Rivals LINEUP OF TEAMS Central P 4Uwa Bwteeu HMO Mt ed IleHud- Ktet Ml tatkle Dlsw- Wuaer Mt pInt Blaak- SWtea center M- Kiefa right 6 ZAMOB- OQttpnan rfebt WHm- Djsoa richt end BrWg t- 2Ji lx iart r hick Bee ttwter Mt hU baei Mfliiaeu right half tack Scott ITaMUte tall tack BatltteM- IWer Mr Jack LeWgh Uaflre- Mr TIM Kirtv G tt2 cM called 3 comparison of the strength of Cen- tral High Schools football team with Tech will be determined this afternoon when the 0 Streeters meet Business High at National Park One week ago the Stenographers held Tech to 6 to 0 in a hardfought game Central is the favorite today provid- ing the ground Is hard but last nights rain may make the going heavy and In this case Centrals fast backs may find trouble in making gains thus giving the Stenographers a fine chance to hold the down to something like 0 to 0 Central has the advantage in weight but in Scott the Orange and Blue pos- sesses a punter who will outklok Hamil- ton while the Business ends are Just as fast as Centrals No matter at what angle the coming game is reviewed indications point to a hard struggle Coaches and others de- clare that the Blue and White will be forced to show bettor than they did against Eastern to win Business is slightly crippled aa Capt Richards will be unable to play on ac count of a sprained ankle Holland will take his pace The teams will line up aa printed in the foregoing box SILL AND DEVLIN DEFEATED- In Georgetown Championship Matches Singles Todny At the Georgetown tennis matches yes- terday Tower and Gibbg defeated Sill and Devlin in two straight sots the first 9 7 and the second 6 1 The first set was hotly contested all the way through First one side and then the other would take the but the winners came strong at the finish and captured the last two games thereby winning tho set Mulligan and pros will play Bone and Norris to decide which team will meet Tower The singles will be started today and some close games will be witnessed by the students of the school Goncnga Preps Boat 31 A C The Gonzaga School Preps defeated the Maryland A C football team yesterday en the Prep field score 11 to 5 The playing of Schlrmir Collins and Barnes for the winners featured the contest Lineup and summary M A 0 Petitions GonaigA Trotter Wt end Veinwu GMr left tacfete Dillton Murphy left Flu S n MEter Downey lUrtJgan rfent ga rd Crawford Sheridan right tackle HcGlarnry Mewl right end Haswt JUrt qofirt back Sdilrmir Ihwne left belt back Colllui CoBrar risdit half back Scaulor Vod full back Bam Tond trosSdilnnir Colliiii Goal from touch dwn QWrrair Umpire llr Jlurphy Head linN nsan Mr Fonley Time of rcrloda10 minute sons show Cubit CENTRAL Sotto td n t lead guard the teal van Oem Game do- A score Ten- nis and Gibbs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < LOSE EIGHT MEN Western nigh Football I Hard lilt The Western High School football team received a severe setback yesterday when It was learned that five of Its best men had been ruled out of the game on ac- count of flunks and that three of tho team out of tho game on account or had also fallen short in their studios making a total of eight men that cannot play during the remainder of the season Tho names of the unfortunates were not made public but It was learned that Capt Garner Is one of tho men wno will remain with the team to finish out the season Hard luck news has not been heard from the other high schools but some of the players are sure to fall by the wayside which will leave the studious ones to fight it out among themselves for the team AGGIES ARE PRIMED- M A C Plays Washington College This Afternoon GOSSIP OF THE OTHER CAMPS Georgetown linn DIg Tank on Honda Aprnlnnt North Carolina Snt nrtlny Hutclictltea Working Hard for Gnnie in Richmond Tomorrow Other NOtes of Locnl Interest Washington football enthusiasts will see a real game at College Park Mfl this afternoon when Mtko Thompsons Washington College eleven from Chester ton Md meets Roy Alstons Maryland AUtos The Aggies have a nice little 5toO vic- tory against George Washington packed away to their credit whllo the best Mike Thompsons team could do with the HfUchetHos was a Oto0 score Alston tins a groat little team out College Park way and they are showing better football every day Mike Thomp- son has never sent a dead one to these diggings yet so the battle today promises to be fast and furious from whistle to whistle Georgetowns olven Is going to get a real test before the home folks hero when the University of Carolina bunch from Chapel Hill trot the Hilltop field Brides AllAmerica tackle which title he while at Yale Is coaching the and If reports are to be credited has a wealth of material and a fair sort of a team as teams eo North Carolina defeated Georgetowns joke last year by a scant fivepoint will find the a vastly different proposition tomorrow Coach Neilson will leave all his with the exception of Haggarty the lineup In fact he had em all at it yesterday for practice and they looked almost as good new A few discolored optics and swathed hands gave mute tes- timony to grueling struggle- in Walsh will in all probability start the game at quarter back as he is much heavier than Sltterding and a better brokenneld runner The will hold down one of the end as be is too valuablb a man to be kept on the side lines A victory over Carolina tomorrow would much In one way would be a fine thing and in another would work to disadvantage If the Hllltoppers come out on top a feeling of overconfl dence is likely to crop out for the Vir- ginia game now only two weeks off and more than one overconfident team has gone down to bitter defeat End Rush Haggarty was left behind after the Pittsburg game as he was badly bruised up and suffering from an attack of grip It was thought best for him to take a few days rest Appar- ently the rest did him a lot of good as word was received last night that Hag garty had almost entirely recovered from the effects of the hard game and was starting for Washington The North Carolina team will arrive In Washington shortly before midnight to night and will be quartered at the Riggs House George Washington has been practicing faithfully all week for its game in Rich- mond tomorrow against Richmond Col- lege Coach Magofiin and Capt Hart are confident of a victory as the Hatchetites have been augmented by the addition of two old players Bob Fowler and Cuppy Farmer The latter will nil a hitherto weak spot Quarter Back Fowler will bolster up the line As the Maryland Aggie romped away with Richmond College three weeks ago there seems to be no good reason why the Hatchetites should not win by a fair margin Never before in the history of high school football have the games been as well as this year with Jack and Tom Kirby umpire The school officials made a wise move when they signed up those capable men WILLIAM PEET KEOGH TO DEFEin POOL TITLE Wllkesbarre Oct 27 Jerome Keogh of Chicago the champion pool player was today matched against William H Jones of this city the champion of Northenatefn Pennsylvania for a string of MO points to be played here November I nail 4 150 points each night Jones is a promising player who has Improved rap- idly of late and Is expected to give Keogh a good contest Cardinals vtr Seaman Gnnncra Alexandria Va Oct 27 Saturday aft- ernoon at 380 p m on the North Alfred street grounds tho Cardinal A C foot ball team will play the strong Seaman Gunners of Washington This team is the strongest and heaviest the Cardinals expect to play this season and a good game Is promised from start to finish Cardinals will be outweighed and will be compelled to rely upon their speed to offset this handicap Wednesdays game against the High School proved a great help to the Cardinals as it gave them a chance to try out their numerous new plays Tho Alexandrians will practice Friday when Capt Cockrell will run the team through signals and have a light scrimmage with the substitutes Highgrade ingredients honest brewing nnd am- ple aging aro chief sub- scribers to the supreme excellence of OVAL PIL8EU If at all partial light beer you ought to know two doz 175- C7Bottle rebate 50c ABMRKURT BJEWIKG CO 25th f Team to- morrow ont gin Bi- des tem to cripple a Sturdy late Jt I handle 11 PUs en- Case in- juries Its mean The i to- p 4 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < P STREETS DEFEATED Plays Stellar Role for Rhode Islanders The Rhode Island avenue football team defeated tho P Street eleven yesterday afternoon 10 to 0 The Rhode Islands made their scores on delayed passes and trick plays Williamson played the best game of his life for the winners smash ing the line to pieces for 15 to 20yard gains Hoffman the longest run of tho contest he Intercepted a for- ward pass and ran 30 yards before being tackled Tho lineup and summary Rhode Islands PocWrms P Streets Sllci left end SUswirt- R II nl lI left tackle Kelejhor- Krett left ownl Fe Staiter water Yellow Mwd right gwwd G on C Linkeas right tackle John Rail risfrt ad Sherwood Hoffman jptarter took Dickorson- W lAden left half bck Fraber- K HanloU right hall Neekoes Williamson fail bek Perkins mefedown E Hanleil W Ltafcens llefwio Mr Coggln Urardn JIr MUltr Timerilr Rail lime of perlpdJtt end 16 WHO KILLED THE OUST Who killed the I the launch rAt little pciwh I kined ttM CUb Who hIm die I dW Paste Lord Mfi v tad are I taw him die WlM ea cW Jab HoodJ- IH MU Dn Morph tin it waked hi the Wltoll dig U gram I win Mid EN Ill dig grace VMwH W W out I taM Auk D Wr The yoiMts mdcrtafctr- IM ky W out M tilt the Mi 1 wtW Mid Pte k- M8 MWe I eau jwric Ill MM the ML I MM Cir Vww- IH ifcy the I set OKneMw LISle Miiwi AMnHw- IM itrtaeh UM MUMM- UWM UM HIM eM J ck flwir- Uttmit I e n WteH be Uef raeuraerT I MM Pnak a MXTO feI Bkcca ke efckf nminnr I 18 mH I Thema- tI aM A Strw- niMrii y Tote it k Rwk- IH a i puhBM- AM toss te CM s- TMB they MId the bell toil Per UM Cub that by akeptor BASKETBALL FOR WESTERN Seventeen Plnycrn Report for Burly Practice in Gymnasium The Western High School team was out for the time this yesterday and a showing this season te expected Capt McCndlsh men out for the team and of these four are last years men Lallan Tanner Leetch and McCandtsh The- n w men Holmes Tucker Nicoleon H Loetch Lansburp Clark D Fuller Pay Holden R Adams Snow Dewitt and Laseota Tanner and Mallan will play the forward positions while McCandish will play center and Loeteh will hold down the position of guard For the other position of guard there is a great fight between Dewltt D Fuller and Lansburg- In the near future the team will nave better gymnasium accommodations and this will be a great advantage as the present gymnasium too small Western has no coach as yet but ono of the teachers Mr Bristow who played on a Southern college before he came over to Western has been out with tho team and is showing them a few tricks McCandish has been arranging a sched- ule as no manager has been elected as yet The will play all of the high schools and the other private schools that put a team in the field McCandish thinks that his team wilt prove a winner RACING CARDS FOR TODAY SECOND RACBA11 ape MlicK e a mile Tea Pacts 1 I rmincter IV SWMMOO Lad of UagdM Mf ik lU 92 Our Hannah W Henry Mnmo Ifc CheeSe 110 AroodMk 112 THIRD RACBTbrteysarold sod upward MX i furlong I Van Den 1 nmtotoff M- BMontealm 1U Kaataw Star M- SHtackMlMU r m 103 Tempter 18 Lfltte nOr Nancy Pansy m MySmiihetn nor ij Clique 110 Htbenrie IK Heary MHBTO MO Black Chief KG Ox r 1O FOURTH nAOEHandiemp Steepieefeue bona lIds two and oaebalf mite Itambo US Iron Prince W- Sanotto 148 Ad enturer 18- 8Maenella M9 IeUc Yeuag 153 FIFTH RACE Owners Uandieap threeyeap oldi acd upward one mile lMR8yboHrn 100 SIXTH IlACBThrtejearow and upward out acd threesixteenths ScUmta 107 PritdllteB lit Ronnie Kekw Ml I Saadrtun It RACEA11 ayes selling ma mite Wilton LwlwK Hammoa Pass W- Tonlnta 1 Oxer 120- 1IK K 11- 2Cwirari IK at 112 Apprentice cUtexd FIRST RACEFiie awl onehalf furlongs Kg Ijtafr Haglej 112 too Law 112 Supar Lump W I H 112 Starry 18 There 112 MB 112 K Beach Sand 112 Euclid H SECOND HACKPIT and onehalf furlongs Rampant Mi Plain Ann 109 Plan Rjraa 112 Dundng Queen 1 1 112 19 Uamazon 112 Joyance 1W III 112 V Iowore 1 Lush 112 Itompir 100 I Appte Prince 112 TmnD RACBSix furioaBs Tommy McGee 192 Atjvlrinff 107 MB 107 Fundamental W Boeo 168 Hiram W Yoto 100 Hilly Bodoraer W Tb Fad 110 W Deeoemneta 111 Stafford 101 Alfred the Great 113 FOURTH RACE Handicap one mile Milton B John Hearten ItS Joe Lame 105 Prince Gal U7 Dr HoUbtrg MW FIFTH UACESUlnc one and cne ixte nth miles Star Porto 100 Topland r 1C- 5Galllotta 100 Autumn Girl 103 102 Southern GMd 105 Schoolmarm 104 Uutchlnion 106 White 1M John 108 Fair Louise J Keck 107 GaHeySlaYe 18J Bigbeo 103 SIXTH RAOBSelUns one and oaeelrfith miles Projectile 9 107 39 The 107 Camilla lOt Falcada 109 Rio Grande 105 Hans 110 Otillff 107 znade when mat Cub With MId nil I his bluodr eII ready Ids 00 It ue march 2 Ida hide mpsa tM i Mar pelt f i eMU Iu bser tIN paIL 111 Ste I Sb WWII a Pea tat basketball second season tine has are Scott Is team PlmllcoJ- PlItST end In lied VirginIa Welt Iaayltaata loRd Dktriet ol Columbia six Teeth 123 UtbIrtJnoM US- IrWt II II The ltaiCAl 115 I apt 11 I Su Pius II t U hunters Compton Court 112 rt ill 121 ran SKY Tn lIT I eatra 92 ill Iii Ore Las Hres JOlt all Lntolllu 8tAlnrt Lad I ma Ida lOt r alten I lei I I lEd I Alma P Williamson tack eel raw turfS eawgbt eveaytbigs H pkg mp aar5- WWI1 agmenl Cha- w tVhlt casks aSsesS ms thtaiI peak + u Juhim eDg seventeen IUCllTwoyarulds Mozy Yliptoit the fur1oos Me Nert Stinger 3W llsrgrve Irade DO I 105 hampton wane I ro ICing of Boy ¬ ¬ > ¬ < > < NELSON CAN COME BACK Battling Dane Sure to Regain Lightweight Laurels States John R Robinson SO HIS MANAGER SAYS fly JOHN II nOBIVSOXl- lattllng Nelsons bottling manager Since the time when the chimpanzee se cured a tenround decision over the go- rilla in Noahs seagoing cab there has been one rule to which prizering fanatics adhere closer than death sticks to a dead jog They never oome back There la your rule No man has ever been able to take times count and recover the punch and stamina which means dollars and big hotels They have all tried thy leave all failed Corbatt both young and old McGovorn Lavtgno Jeffries but what is the use of recounting them all They would take up the rest of the page and the editor wants to have some space for himself tills morning- I have been asked to write about Bat tling Nelsons chances of coming back Nothing doing You or I or the beat jug- gler of the Presidents English could not writo a line on subject for the simple reason that there Is no subject on which to base an argument Battling Nelson can never come back because ha never gone away At tho present time the groat little Dan ish fighting machine is working his way to tho the opinion of the public After thirteen years in the ring he lost the title which meant years of hard work and wallop He was defeated by Ad Wolgast for the lightweight title The wise critics shook their hoary hoods and muttered something about a pro- verbial old man armed with a scythe and sporting long whiskers His nom de- plume seems to be Father Time They pointed to him as the gentleman who had downed Battling Nelson and wrote long articles about everybody sooner or later answering Mr Times roll call New Battling Nelson is fighting second raters He whipped one two weeks ago in Kansas City and showed the Bat- tling Nelson who had mowed down Cor batt Britt Cans Hylaad and a score of ether tough ring celebrities Before me I have a letter from Battling Nelson tolling of his reasons for fighting the secondraters Out in Reno when a large man over- loaded with nervousness was being beaten down by Jack Johnson the tow headed little follow in the ringsid seat His name was Nelsonwas bemoaning the manner in which the large man had fooled the American public out of SaM000 Obtained money under false pretense was Nelsons verdict Fooled the that had made him rich Fought when he never had a chance to win Then Nelson determined to fight the second raters show the public he was m top form and ready to take e chance with the new champion He refused to fight Wolgast until he was certain In mind that he could win Then if DUFFIELD WINS THE STEEPLECHASE- Jockey Archibald Suspended by Pimlico Judges Baltimore Oct 27 The weather was showery all afternoon but the going was in good condition for the seven races that wore run off at Plmlico There was a large crowd present notwithstanding the rain They had no cause for complaint in regards to the sport as it was excel lent but the epcculating end was differ- ent as the favorites wore bowled over one after another and not one was a victor during the day Amelia Jenks won the Gentlemens Driving Park purse eas ily and Duffield had no trouble in land- ing the money in the Owners Handicap Steeplechase The Maryland Lnited Hunts Purse furnished the best contest of the day as Algie and Oakhurst fought- it out right up to the finish Algte win- ning by a few inches Jockey Archibald was suspended for talking back to one of the assistant starters and he left for this evening Jockey Gilbert going with him R F Carmen the turfman was fined S4N in all by the stewards this after noon The first fine was JTOO and it was in flicted for the misuse of his badge Car man got so worked up over the matter that he diet not hesitate to let the stew- ards know what he thought of them in language that was anything but proper and the second flue of 200 was handed to him Reports have It that Carman has threatened to take his horses away from the course but whether or not there is any truth in this could not be learned Summary FIRST RACEStx furtoci Cotwey K tt Da ran 4 8 to 5 7 to woe The Gardner Eatp 13 to 5 6 to 5 3 6 MCOM La SaUa 110 Archibald 8 to 5 3 to 5 to J third Time John A Munro Dr BarUqr Loyal Maid Aunt Kate Drnchme Duke of BrttgewaUr Mba Perigord sod Endymton also MB SECOND RACE Geatletneaa DrirtM Park Pnie threeyearolds and upward OM ted forty yards Amelia Jew 117 Grow 3 4 to 5 out won Cliff Bdfe MO Archibald 4 to 6 1 to 3 Mcoad teens Chief 113 Dugn I to 2 eran 1 to 3 third TIme l 15 AnmdKk and TsBModa alto ran TIIIUI IUCETwoyeaivold MtUog six to tones Whin IK Gofcktda 9 to 2 2 eros AWlTia Clement tf 6 3 sccoad Iliafo Flows US Catkin 4 2 even Uiiid Time 1H Jack ttnrdette Fair line Firewood Pleasant Hand Running Musk Melon Golden Naughty Lad Syl- van Dell and Ford Dull alto ran FOURTH KACBOwwm Handicap steeplechase fouryearolds and upward two mites DufileU 156 Mr T Wright 11 to 5 7 to 10 out won Francis Jceoph 138 Koike 40 to 1 second Es MX 1 Mr D lien 20 T 2 third Time 412 Kara and Belectus lost riders Merriman fell FIFTH IlACEThreeyearoldj and upward sell lou ona and oncc rt r mile more 111 Shoe maker 33 6 8 to 5 won Hilltop Ill McCabey 3 to 5 1 to 5 teoond Montgomery lit Du san 3 4 to 5 1 to 3 third Time My Gal and Dandy Dixon also ran SIXTH and upward that hate run in steeplechase one and bnehalf miles on flat Aide 102 McCabe 9 to 5 4 to 5 1 to 3 wen Oakhurst 150 GoldMrinl 8 to 5 7 to 10 1 to 3 second The Speaker 137 Darts 8 to 5 7 to 1 to 3 third Time 211 O K Bear of the Mountain and Gun Cotton also ran SEVENTH HACE Fouryearolds and upward felling six furlongB Takahira 10 McCahey 7 to 2 7 to 5 7 to 10 won Tubal Garner 8 3 8 to 5 second King Arondale 110 Darts 4 8 to 5 4 to 5 third Golden Castle Florimet Joe Gat tens Dan dr Xayiet Jennie Wells Anna L Daly Rammce end Mobility also Always the Same Tharps Bia F Street N W Tho Mala 1142 SyeclaJ Private D UYrsrt Itand this he Working Way to Top topIn Ilk pub- lic so- wn California fI lIT to 30 113 45 alit outS lIT out ZfiO 25 nACEThr year It lOT Time 1I3 35 ran Berkeley Rye 43 nun ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ho was wrong find lost nobody could blame him for fooling his friends into betting on him and the public for paying to see him fight Nelson Believes In Himself Then Nelson roally believes he has never lost hlx grip I was through the Wolgast fight with him and believe the same Nelson figured on winning that battle inside of twentyfive rounds He teally thought Wolgaat would last eight- een He took the fight on Just four weeks notice and trained about three lIe conditioned himself to go twentyflv rounds at top speed Wolgaat however weathered the twentyJive rounds and then Nelson started to blow up In tIle fifteen rounds Nelwms own beat him lIe wu never staggered by a blow never knocked off his feet and never gave ground When the referee stopped the fight Nelson was standing in the center of the ring swinging both hands and Wolgast was giving ground hopping around the Dane and poking in punishing Jabs at every opening left by the blinded Dane was com- pelled to take a two weeks rest after the battle while Nelson after a record breaking run across the continent opened a thirteen weeks theatrical en- gagement four d ys later in Chicago For the next thirteen weeks be never missed a performance Nelson is twentyolght years old in the prime of life He teas never tasted j liquor in his life He has never used tobacco or any drug or narcotic of any kind He has lived the simple life kept good hours and since the fight has rested himself in hunting ansI fishing trips until lie now weighs 156 pounds and is in perfect condition for a hard siege of training Indifferent to Fuiilfthment Remember another There have been hundreds of fighters in Ute past and there will be thousands in the fu- ture But none has ever lived none ever will live with the heart and courage of this Dane None has ever showed his total disregard for punish- ment his absolute indifference to blows his blind faith in himself to weather any i storm no matter how hard That light j ing instinct which haM carried the Dane through his greatest battles is stilt there When he walked from the ring after losing from Wolgast his first remark wasI thought I could lick that fellow be- fore Now I know it There is the secret of why Nelson will again wear the lightweight crown For Just as sure as he ever tacos Wolgaat again Just that sure will he win The knowledge of previous defeat will be lost in the nerve that brings him to the pres- ent battle and the will itcht as he fought Wolgast before as he fought when he whipped Cans and as a cham- pion should fight CONME MACK MARRIED Athletic Mniinter and Bride to Tour Europe on Honeymoon Philadelphia Oct 2TCorneHus McGll- llcuddy Connie Mack manager of the worlds champion baaeball team was married this morning to Miss Katherine Hallotuui in the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Hojiy Souls by Rev John Moore the rector The marriage quiet only the witnesses being present Following the ceremony Mr and Mrs McGilhcaddy went to the home of the bridegroom where the family was in- formed that the ceremony had taken place The couple left later in the day for New York where they will remain until November I when they will sail for Genoa on the steamer Cincinnati They will tour Italy Switzerland France Ire land and England and probably will not return to this city until January or early in February The victorious Athletics are to be given- a dinner by the officials of the Philadel- phia American League club tonight and a big civic demonstration in their honor is to be held Friday night of next week followed by a great banquet on Saturday ni fat Asked today if he would attend the functions Mr Mack smilingly replied My wife wont let me BIG MONEY AT LATONIA TRACK Henry Walbank Wins by Nose from Planutess Davenport Rifle Race in Dnzcd Condition Due to Pall Re- ceived ut Start Laionta Oct 27 There is so much big money that the track was forced to put a machine taking larger denomi- nations to accommodate tho big bettors- A 10 machine was put on today for the first time Coming from behind with n cyclonic rush Henry Walbank grabbed the sec- ond race by a nose from Planutess The latter was off poorly Capt Williams announced today that the crack colt Gay Gray will not be raced again this year There were only three 5 tickets sold on Henry Walbank and two of these were bought by William Wltz a Cincinnati man The 5 tickets brought ESiO each making Wltz 1057 winner on tho race Judge Price hauled Jockey Davenport Into the stand because the boy pulled up lima a serious contender in the second race Davenport declared he thought the had broken down and he was given the benefit of the doubt lIme threw Davenport at the pest and he received a severe jolt Starter Cassidy believes the boy was dazed by the fall and rode the raco In that condition Tho results FIItST RACF1 and eneaalf furlongs Lib Paxton MS J13 straight 798 Modeler 1M GaUl 33 iee 460 show Iwaknl Warren third MutuaJa show Time Major Head Scarlet Pie rcrnol IXaldcrcan Tritoma Eastern Star H M Sabath Athlc W CoUtta Apple Prince Aaerica- n er and In rator Gea rU also ran SECOND lUCEFire end enenaK ftirkws Henry Walbaak JOB wm J2 mutual 21140 straight 5100 plain show PJamit Ill Borne second mntmU paid JS99 IW show Oriental Pearl 10 J Allen third mutual paid 4576 show Time 118 KaU Erie War Jilt Meaty Hesitate Helen Bur nett Illma Mimi and Hnriqr Lad alto ran Henry Walbank paid tweet price to win and hk barters secured i lWin return for each 3t IB Tested odds of VA to 1 TKIUD ftirlanss Star Charter 112 Burn won rautunls paid SJM straight tJO place 5130 stoow Sir Dawn 1 Austin staoad mutual 719 place 4 Meow Ese piar 107 Kennedy third mutual raid 17 thvu laiw Dubofa W W Clark AUentire and Duty also ran FOURTH RACESls fcrtengs Men 11 Warren won mutmls paid 670 straight 3 place 210 show Thee Cook 112 Goose second srataals paid 3i30 placa 130 show Mellsande 121 I I last I I I I I rotgut i I I thing I Dane was here r fill sleet S5E show Its paid lU8 35 i paid 1600 place Lout Fox a paid Time exer- tions Borne i3 timer Detect RACE Six ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Overcoat Semifitting effect- at the waist broad roundedtip shoulder known as natural close hugging collar full chest 44 inches little more than knee length and produced in the new est and smartest weaves and colorings- of the season A splendid variety at Headtofoot Outfitters Ninth and the Avenue AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY ApperSOn EMEBSON OBME Temporary location rear of 1319 K it aw Thorn Main T BABCOCK ELECTRIC The Auto Aristocrat CARPENTER AUTOMOBILE CO Vtk d U Elmore CHARLES E MYERS 1429 L 0 nw Telephoce North 232 Sims Motor Co- Phon tt- UJ61Z X T AT HUPMOBILE 1911 S750 ZELL MOTOR CAR CO 1315 Nun York TeL Main KM KRIT SOOTOJaa- WILSONS DM Itt stT 55rth lld5- DAD I V S to lS ai to H P In the tag rm a Pany fee your choke IRVING GARAGE MJT In it Phone columbia iT9 Pullman TUEODORB BARXES CO Phone Mate tIll ttSZ H st w Rauch Lang Electric IMPERIAL COMPACT inc V rt wr X gSS Regal EMERSON ORM1- Temporarr location war of 19 U v- Pboae Main MM Velie 40 MILLER BROS AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY MOUSE lies utit st N tm WASHINGTONCA- RTER MOTOR CAR COMPAXT- Mnnsty Building TelepbOM H2B WarrenDetroit 30 Auto repair shop and MlMreon MkJ Mtfc st rbom North iiaa NORMAN s Agent White STEAM AND GAS THE IMPERIAL MOTOR CO 1214 V U nw North 3H MOTORCYCLES Merkel Light Motor Cycles Emblem Bind HARRY SEAMARK 6th O REPAIRS GARAGES G Clarke F N Mite rtpilrs Mod eelS told m Miasrtwl- inPr M9 K w M 229 Wm J Wells Alt Studs of automobile ntebcntttl Ki lrt e moderate priced Work ruartntwd REAR hIS R 1 AVE NW coJlm 400 POPE AUTO CO hUh sir Phone if T4S jack Higgins NEW FORMS OF AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 705 Wertory BMg i In tSIL Kennedy third mutual paid 123 anew Time 114 23 Tominie GmUi and HaodtanUa ako ran FIFTH ItACBOua and s 8Bty yard Carlton G VK Rl woo amtoab laW J1SM- atnfent J4JO pU e SIM o 1M Dawn port jeeoud mutual paid 9Ut pte 1 show Jeff Bernstein 1M Warren third BMUMh pail Jt60 stow Time 1 M OtUo Wooifrinder and Otaease shoe ran SIXTH RACEOno mile and three yards Flirt- ing 1M Oranili won tnals paM i 60 rtrelstt 11 place 13 i iow First Peep ICO see vied mutual iA place JtSO r Manila AM W Wamw third 230 sow Time 212 24 Orphan Lad Amjl Oajtoon Caaowarj and Miqw OBrim tan Winding Up lBs Affairs Frees the Kansas City aL Look here Ben what did you shoot at me fer I aint got no quarrel with you You had a feud with Jim Wombat didnt ye I did but Jims dead Im his executor SMILE AT SAMS TALK THE TOWN- All Brands of Whiskies and Gins served the bar SAM J S Cor 8tH und D fits The Dressy Is the C longa f 20 and 25 r 5 H m Z9 EFs K ATe n rr wilt Please K Main I I IS Phone at Secondhand Waverley Electric 819 lit mile I abe 1 OF 1O A D R over C I v ecu 0 V 01 Ii BOWL Tat and heck title 133 Inure V STEIN BERGER ¬ > + ¬ >

B Nelson Regaining Lost GroundMEddie Collins Praises Ichroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-10-28/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · I B Nelson Regaining Lost GroundMEddie Collins Praises

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I B Nelson Regaining Lost GroundMEddie Collins Praises Walter JohnsonJOHNSON BEST IN WORLD

Athletics Second Baseman Pays Tribute to Nationals

Great Twirler Other Sporting Gossip


By WILLIAM PEETAnother great ball player pays tribute

to Walter Johnson the Nationals famouspitcher

Eddlo Collins the Athletics whirlwindsecond sacker in answer to a letter fromono of Washingtons thirtythird degreefans says I consider Walter Johnsonspitching the speediest I over faced andto my mind he is the greatest twirlerIn the game today

The foregoing statement was over Col-

lins signature in a letter to Mr J IIHapp of 6J1 F street Tho latter whoIs a total stranger to Colliiw was cu

to know what the little secondbaaman thought of the Nationals idoland took the liberty to write and askhim

Collins is not the only ball player whoregards Johnson as the best ever forLarry Lajole Trls Speaker Ty Cobband others have expressed to tho writerthe same sentiments

It would seem that Jim JCcAlears con-

tention to the effect that tho AllStarsunder his managerial wing which savebftttlo to the Athletics for a fivegameseries prior to tho big show could beatany baseball aggregation on earth hasbeen fully justified in view of the recent trouncing Macks men handed theCubs

Billy Sullivan the White Sox catcheralways conservative came out In an em-

phatic manner supporting MeAleeraclaim It was tho grandest ball clubthat over food a pitcher the veteransaid during a fanfest in the Aldlne Hotellobby last week and the Chicago Cubswould have no more chance than a rabbitof beating us bad It been possible toarrange a series of games

A local afternoon paper Wednesdaypublished a sears bead story about seri-

ous football accWocts this season to threehigh school players but did not go intodetails and explain how the boys happened to be Hurt

Kmnmlein the Western center rushwas the roost badly Injured of the threone of the small bones in the left anklebeing fractured when an Eastern playerduring a scramble for the ball stepped-

on the footTew the Tech captain who had to

leave the TeehBustoess game test weekstrained the ligaments of his right shoul-

der in falling but will be In good shapefor tfie Central game two weeks off

McCaffrey the Eastern end rush playedthroughout most of Western gamewith two fingers on hh right hand boundin plaster of paris casts McCaffrey washurt In the Central last week whena Central player stepped on his handbreaking the bone in his little finger

These injuries wore not caused by fly-

Ing tackles mas plays or vicious block-ing but were bruises likely to happen atany football game

The new rules have dOne much to elim-inate dancer but they cannotagainst tepplng on a player ankle or

nngtuv Neither can they prevent aman from falling heavily n his shoukierand straining the ligaments

As long as there tackling rushingand scrambling after the hell just Mlong will minor injuries crop out Football is football and not checkers or t1-ddlywinks

Frank M ScbuKe the Cub ball playerwho lives In Syracuse and whowritten many dainty NUto of versedescribes the aftermath of th worUTiseries thusly

The iwrft at Ute fanIt Cute they Ad teeIt wwt a HMPVet the Iteckfe t

Hat U Byncw-I ntffl on the MA-Aad all the tofaa

Now we know why the Cubs lost Theyhad been rending SchulUs stuff

L a Davis of the St Louis Timesline been Interviewing the baseball celeb-

rities on the CubsAthletics series Herswhat he got

HbpnmBtpNew what de yen think ef yorrna

CubI was dopedChkBON U i s left Mat tenor aad the dwbv

etaPhibAtlUaJiut web up Whats the s reCapt ChanceHaw Mat MCfthn to tin

few a ge enl cwcbaaHof-Conafc MaakBxotM we ROt a with a

little trued ef ata mated D OupURan JoemonPiw cetuw Count tm

Mood I still maintain nttmte sad attmthat with McGinafe WRfllrisK the melt vmM taw

Jack Coombs Did you KG me nta rajCatcher LappIll bo the L up f hewy tab

wtntefIle rekJae l I amU link em my

ellHttgM J n et Dleg bat iti Why enUeat I

do that

George T Stallings is said to be al-

ready laying plans for the strength-ening of the Buffalo club Baseball hasreceived a now Impetus the Bisoncity with the return of the former manager and the enthusiastic fans fancythey hoar again a championship bannerflapping in the wind over their ball-park The pennants of 19M and I9M arebecoming frayed with age and the base-ball public Is clamoring for nag of anewer pattern-

It was Stalllngs leadership that gavethem the other two and they believe thathe can build up a team which will bringhome the third emblem of supremacyFrank Laporte Otis Clynw Dave Brainand Matty McIntyre were products ofthe old regime and it 1 only reasonable-to suppose that other stars of the base-ball firmament will rise under the guidinghand of one of the ablest managers inthe game

Harry Nelly of tiw Detroit Timestakes a swat at tho Chicago baseballwriters as follow There is a knock-a roast a bawlout of as big a lot ofdisgruntled plnheads as ever came downthe baseball pike If you dont likeknockers retrain from reading for ourhammers out

Possibly the biggest Joke of theyear is the attitude of the Chicago

Examiner ono of the sheet printed Inthe town that used to be and Isnt in abaseball way The Examiner has employed two experts Charles Drydenhumorlat and Hugh Fullerton technicalman to distribute to the folks at homethe latest information on the nationalpastime

Fullerton distinguished himself by pre-dicting victory for the White Sox overthe Cuba In 1806 and got away with ItAfter that he was tho famous expertThis year he extinguished himself by pre-dicting the scores runs hits errors andbatteries of the worlds series two weeksbefore the games were played He didnt


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Matinee at 3iI5 nt 715Prices



l tehis






Ire e

LrDdtI uaetb I baTe al-ways






Works Baseball Series


I bus

They ftsd n tlaLaafl






Thom Mand where



















even have tho batteries of tho first con-

test rightWhen the Cubs were worlds chars

pions they possessed tho grandest fight-ing machine on earth they wore thepride of our fair city they wore thegreat native they woro tho greateverything from little god to hallowedaftints Today when they have lostthey are nothing they are less thannothing They are a cipher with tho rimknocked off

According to the esteemed Examinerbaseball is a low commercial enterpriseFolks arent hired to play the game be-cause thor are from your town butbecause they can hit MO and pitch a finecurve ball All this according to thoExaminer is dead wrong

The Ex squawks because tho NationalLeaguo ia owned by syndicates The sameaspersion Is cast upon tho AmericanLeague and the allegation IB made thatthe Washington club is owned and main-tained by the league

Let this soak In Washington is thepoorest city In the American Leaguefrom a matter of baseball patronage yettwo yours ago E S Barnard vice presi-dent of the Cleveland club offered theowners of the Washington franchiseThomas Noyoa and others 110000 fortheir holdings and was turned downThey wanted 0000 more Yes it lookslike the league had to carry along thepoor Nationals

Possibly we have given too muchspace to a discussion of tho drivel printedby the Examiner experts but It all goesto what a lot of pikers some folkscan bo when their pots lose The um-pires too curse them defeated the poor

when the Athletics swatted theball among the populace and got onlytwobase hits when they would havo boonhome runs but for ground rules

Yes tho commercialism of baseballia something terrible Men who riskedfortunes because they thought fortunescould be made in the national pastimeare now collecting as they should yet

public gets a bluer dollars worthby passing through the turnstiles thanever in the history of the game Whocares If the Detroit players live in Durand or Berea Just so they play goodball and wear the uniforms of the homeclub thats all that is required

Commercialism pooh pooh The manwho writes of the commercialism of or-ganized baseball a conducted in theAmerican League at least does so onlybecause he is sore that ho isnt in on theprofits The public is satisfied with thepresent arrangement else it wouldntkick over the turnstiles trying to getInto the parks on busy days


Close and Hardfought Game IsPredicted

Stenographers Will Have AdvantageIt Ground Is Strccicra

Outweigh Rivals


Central P 4Uwa BwteeuHMO Mt ed IleHud-Ktet Ml tatkle Dlsw-Wuaer Mt pInt Blaak-

SWtea center M-Kiefa right 6 ZAMOB-OQttpnan rfebt WHm-Djsoa richt end BrWg t-

2Ji lx iart r hick Beettwter Mt hU baei Mfliiaeu

right half tack ScottITaMUte tall tack BatltteM-

IWer Mr Jack LeWgh Uaflre-Mr TIM Kirtv G tt2 cM

called 3

comparison of the strength of Cen-

tral High Schools football team withTech will be determined this afternoonwhen the 0 Streeters meet Business Highat National Park One week ago theStenographers held Tech to 6 to 0 in ahardfought game

Central is the favorite today provid-ing the ground Is hard but last nightsrain may make the going heavy and Inthis case Centrals fast backs may findtrouble in making gains thus giving theStenographers a fine chance to hold the

down to something like 0 to 0Central has the advantage in weight

but in Scott the Orange and Blue pos-sesses a punter who will outklok Hamil-ton while the Business ends are Just asfast as Centrals

No matter at what angle the cominggame is reviewed indications point to ahard struggle Coaches and others de-clare that the Blue and White will beforced to show bettor than they didagainst Eastern to win

Business is slightly crippled aa CaptRichards will be unable to play on account of a sprained ankle Holland willtake his pace

The teams will line up aa printed in theforegoing box


In Georgetown ChampionshipMatches Singles Todny

At the Georgetown tennis matches yes-terday Tower and Gibbg defeated Silland Devlin in two straight sots the first9 7 and the second 6 1

The first set was hotly contested all theway through First one side and thenthe other would take the but thewinners came strong at the finish andcaptured the last two games therebywinning tho set

Mulligan and pros will play Boneand Norris to decide which team willmeet Tower

The singles will be started today andsome close games will be witnessed bythe students of the school

Goncnga Preps Boat 31 A CThe Gonzaga School Preps defeated the

Maryland A C football team yesterdayen the Prep field score 11 to 5 Theplaying of Schlrmir Collins and Barnesfor the winners featured the contestLineup and summary

M A 0 Petitions GonaigATrotter Wt end VeinwuGMr left tacfete DilltonMurphy left FluS n MEter DowneylUrtJgan rfent ga rd CrawfordSheridan right tackle HcGlarnryMewl right end HaswtJUrt qofirt back SdilrmirIhwne left belt back CollluiCoBrar risdit half back ScaulorVod full back BamTond trosSdilnnir Colliiii Goal from touch

dwn QWrrair Umpire llr Jlurphy Head linNnsan Mr Fonley Time of rcrloda10 minute







n t







Game do-




and Gibbs

















Western nigh Football IHard lilt

The Western High School football teamreceived a severe setback yesterday whenIt was learned that five of Its best menhad been ruled out of the game on ac-count of flunks and that three of thoteam out of tho game on account or

had also fallen short in theirstudios making a total of eight men thatcannot play during the remainder of theseason

Tho names of the unfortunates werenot made public but It was learned thatCapt Garner Is one of tho men wno willremain with the team to finish out theseason

Hard luck news has not been heardfrom the other high schools but someof the players are sure to fall by thewayside which will leave the studiousones to fight it out among themselves forthe team


M A C Plays WashingtonCollege This Afternoon


Georgetown linn DIg Tank onHonda Aprnlnnt North Carolina Sntnrtlny Hutclictltea Working Hardfor Gnnie in Richmond TomorrowOther NOtes of Locnl Interest

Washington football enthusiasts willsee a real game at College Park Mflthis afternoon when Mtko ThompsonsWashington College eleven from Chesterton Md meets Roy Alstons MarylandAUtos

The Aggies have a nice little 5toO vic-tory against George Washington packedaway to their credit whllo the best MikeThompsons team could do with theHfUchetHos was a Oto0 score

Alston tins a groat little team outCollege Park way and they are showingbetter football every day Mike Thomp-son has never sent a dead one tothese diggings yet so the battle todaypromises to be fast and furious fromwhistle to whistle

Georgetowns olven Is going to get areal test before the home folks hero

when the University ofCarolina bunch from Chapel Hill trot

the Hilltop fieldBrides AllAmerica tackle

which title he while at Yale Iscoaching the and If reportsare to be credited has a wealthof material and a fair sort of ateam as teams eo

North Carolina defeated Georgetownsjoke last year by a scant fivepoint

will find the avastly different proposition tomorrow

Coach Neilson will leave all hiswith the exception of Haggartythe lineup In fact he had em all at ityesterday for practice and they lookedalmost as good new A few discoloredoptics and swathed hands gave mute tes-timony to grueling struggle-in

Walsh will in all probability start thegame at quarter back as he is muchheavier than Sltterding and a betterbrokenneld runner The will holddown one of the end as beis too valuablb a man to be kept on theside lines

A victory over Carolina tomorrowwould much In one way wouldbe a fine thing and in another wouldwork to disadvantage If the Hllltopperscome out on top a feeling of overconfldence is likely to crop out for the Vir-ginia game now only two weeks off andmore than one overconfident team hasgone down to bitter defeat

End Rush Haggarty was left behindafter the Pittsburg game as he wasbadly bruised up and suffering from anattack of grip It was thought best forhim to take a few days rest Appar-ently the rest did him a lot of good asword was received last night that Haggarty had almost entirely recovered fromthe effects of the hard game and wasstarting for Washington

The North Carolina team will arrive InWashington shortly before midnight tonight and will be quartered at the RiggsHouse

George Washington has been practicingfaithfully all week for its game in Rich-mond tomorrow against Richmond Col-lege Coach Magofiin and Capt Hart areconfident of a victory as the Hatchetiteshave been augmented by the addition oftwo old players Bob Fowler and CuppyFarmer The latter will nil a hithertoweak spot Quarter Back Fowler willbolster up the line

As the Maryland Aggie romped awaywith Richmond College three weeks agothere seems to be no good reason whythe Hatchetites should not win by a fairmargin

Never before in the history of highschool football have the games been

as well as this year with Jackand Tom Kirby umpire The

school officials made a wise move whenthey signed up those capable men



Wllkesbarre Oct 27 Jerome Keoghof Chicago the champion pool playerwas today matched against William HJones of this city the champion ofNorthenatefn Pennsylvania for a stringof MO points to be played here NovemberI nail 4 150 points each night Jones is apromising player who has Improved rap-idly of late and Is expected to giveKeogh a good contest

Cardinals vtr Seaman GnnncraAlexandria Va Oct 27 Saturday aft-

ernoon at 380 p m on the North Alfredstreet grounds tho Cardinal A C football team will play the strong SeamanGunners of Washington This team isthe strongest and heaviest the Cardinalsexpect to play this season and a goodgame Is promised from start to finish

Cardinals will be outweighed and willbe compelled to rely upon their speed tooffset this handicap Wednesdays gameagainst the High School proved a greathelp to the Cardinals as it gave them achance to try out their numerous newplays Tho Alexandrians will practiceFriday when Capt Cockrell will run theteam through signals and have a lightscrimmage with the substitutes

Highgrade ingredientshonest brewing nnd am-ple aging aro chief sub-scribers to the supremeexcellence of

OVAL PIL8EUIf at all partial

light beer you ought toknow

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PUs en-Case



























Plays Stellar Role forRhode Islanders

The Rhode Island avenue football teamdefeated tho P Street eleven yesterdayafternoon 10 to 0 The Rhode Islandsmade their scores on delayed passes andtrick plays Williamson played the bestgame of his life for the winners smashing the line to pieces for 15 to 20yardgains Hoffman the longest run oftho contest he Intercepted a for-

ward pass and ran 30 yards before beingtackled

Tho lineup and summaryRhode Islands PocWrms P Streets

Sllci left end SUswirt-R II nl lI left tackle Kelejhor-Krett left ownl FeStaiter water YellowMwd right gwwd G onC Linkeas right tackle JohnRail risfrt ad SherwoodHoffman jptarter took Dickorson-W lAden left half bck Fraber-K HanloU right hall NeekoesWilliamson fail bek Perkins

mefedown E Hanleil W Ltafcens llefwioMr Coggln Urardn JIr MUltr Timerilr Raillime of perlpdJtt end 16


Who killed theI the launch

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I taw him die

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a MXTO feI Bkccake efckf nminnr

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aM A Strw-niMrii y Tote it k Rwk-

IH ai


AM toss te CM s-

TMB they MId the bell toilPer UM Cub that by akeptor


Seventeen Plnycrn Report for BurlyPractice in Gymnasium

The Western High Schoolteam was out for the time this

yesterday and a showing thisseason te expected Capt McCndlsh

men out for the team and ofthese four are last years men LallanTanner Leetch and McCandtsh The-n w men Holmes Tucker NicoleonH Loetch Lansburp Clark D Fuller

Pay Holden R Adams SnowDewitt and Laseota Tanner and Mallanwill play the forward positions whileMcCandish will play center and Loetehwill hold down the position of guard Forthe other position of guard there is agreat fight between Dewltt D Fullerand Lansburg-

In the near future the team will navebetter gymnasium accommodations andthis will be a great advantage as thepresent gymnasium too small

Western has no coach as yet but onoof the teachers Mr Bristow who playedon a Southern college before he cameover to Western has been out with thoteam and is showing them a few tricks

McCandish has been arranging a sched-ule as no manager has been elected asyet The will play all of the highschools and the other private schools thatput a team in the field McCandishthinks that his team wilt prove a winner


SECOND RACBA11 ape MlicK e a mileTea Pacts 1 I rmincter IV

SWMMOO Lad of UagdM Mfik lU 92

Our Hannah W Henry Mnmo IfcCheeSe 110 AroodMk 112

THIRD RACBTbrteysarold sod upward MXi furlongI Van Den 1 nmtotoff M-

BMontealm 1U Kaataw Star M-SHtackMlMU r m 103Tempter 18 Lfltte nOrNancy Pansy m MySmiihetn nor ijClique 110 Htbenrie

IK Heary MHBTO MOBlack Chief KG Ox r 1O

FOURTH nAOEHandiemp Steepieefeue bonalIds two and oaebalf miteItambo US Iron Prince W-Sanotto 148 Ad enturer 18-8Maenella M9 IeUc Yeuag 153

FIFTH RACE Owners Uandieap threeyeapoldi acd upward one mile

lMR8yboHrn 100

SIXTH IlACBThrtejearow and upward outacd threesixteenthsScUmta 107 PritdllteB litRonnie Kekw Ml I Saadrtun It

RACEA11 ayes selling ma mite

Wilton LwlwK Hammoa Pass W-

Tonlnta 1 Oxer 120-1IK K 11-

2Cwirari IK at 112

Apprentice cUtexd

FIRST RACEFiie awl onehalf furlongsKg Ijtafr Haglej 112

too Law 112Supar Lump W I H 112Starry 18 There 112

MB 112K Beach Sand 112

Euclid H

SECOND HACKPIT and onehalf furlongsRampant Mi Plain Ann 109

Plan Rjraa 112Dundng Queen 1 1 112

19 Uamazon 112Joyance 1W III 112V Iowore 1 Lush 112Itompir 100 I Appte Prince 112

TmnD RACBSix furioaBsTommy McGee 192 Atjvlrinff 107

MB 107

Fundamental W Boeo 168

Hiram W Yoto 100

Hilly Bodoraer W Tb Fad 110W Deeoemneta 111

Stafford 101 Alfred the Great 113FOURTH RACE Handicap one mile

Milton B John Hearten ItSJoe Lame 105 Prince Gal U7Dr HoUbtrg MW

FIFTH UACESUlnc one and cne ixte nthmilesStar Porto 100 Topland r 1C-5Galllotta 100 Autumn Girl 103

102 Southern GMd 105Schoolmarm 104 Uutchlnion 106

White 1M John 108Fair Louise J Keck 107GaHeySlaYe 18J Bigbeo 103

SIXTH RAOBSelUns one and oaeelrfith milesProjectile 9 107

39 The 107Camilla lOt Falcada 109Rio Grande 105 Hans 110Otillff 107






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Battling Dane Sure to Regain Lightweight LaurelsStates John R Robinson



lattllng Nelsons bottling manager

Since the time when the chimpanzee secured a tenround decision over the go-

rilla in Noahs seagoing cab there hasbeen one rule to which prizering fanaticsadhere closer than death sticks to a deadjog

They never oome back There la yourrule No man has ever been able to taketimes count and recover the punch andstamina which means dollars and bighotels They have all tried thyleave all failed Corbatt both young andold McGovorn Lavtgno Jeffries butwhat is the use of recounting them allThey would take up the rest of the pageand the editor wants to have some spacefor himself tills morning-

I have been asked to write about Battling Nelsons chances of coming backNothing doing You or I or the beat jug-gler of the Presidents English could notwrito a line on subject for the simplereason that there Is no subject on whichto base an argument Battling Nelsoncan never come back because hanever gone away

At tho present time the groat little Danish fighting machine is working his wayto tho the opinion of the publicAfter thirteen years in the ring he lostthe title which meant years of hardwork and wallop He was defeated byAd Wolgast for the lightweight titleThe wise critics shook their hoary hoodsand muttered something about a pro-verbial old man armed with a scytheand sporting long whiskers His nom de-plume seems to be Father Time Theypointed to him as the gentleman who haddowned Battling Nelson and wrote longarticles about everybody sooner or lateranswering Mr Times roll call

New Battling Nelson is fighting secondraters He whipped one two weeks agoin Kansas City and showed the Bat-tling Nelson who had mowed down Corbatt Britt Cans Hylaad and a score ofether tough ring celebrities Before meI have a letter from Battling Nelsontolling of his reasons for fighting thesecondraters

Out in Reno when a large man over-loaded with nervousness was beingbeaten down by Jack Johnson the towheaded little follow in the ringsid seatHis name was Nelsonwas bemoaning themanner in which the large man hadfooled the American public out of SaM000

Obtained money under false pretensewas Nelsons verdict Fooled the

that had made him rich Foughtwhen he never had a chance to win

Then Nelson determined to fight thesecond raters show the public he was mtop form and ready to take e chancewith the new champion He refused tofight Wolgast until he was certain In

mind that he could win Then if



Jockey Archibald Suspendedby Pimlico Judges

Baltimore Oct 27 The weather wasshowery all afternoon but the going wasin good condition for the seven races thatwore run off at Plmlico There was alarge crowd present notwithstanding therain They had no cause for complaintin regards to the sport as it was excellent but the epcculating end was differ-ent as the favorites wore bowled overone after another and not one was avictor during the day Amelia Jenks wonthe Gentlemens Driving Park purse easily and Duffield had no trouble in land-ing the money in the Owners HandicapSteeplechase The Maryland LnitedHunts Purse furnished the best contestof the day as Algie and Oakhurst fought-it out right up to the finish Algte win-

ning by a few inches Jockey Archibaldwas suspended for talking back to one ofthe assistant starters and he left for

this evening Jockey Gilbertgoing with him

R F Carmen the turfman was finedS4N in all by the stewards this after noonThe first fine was JTOO and it was inflicted for the misuse of his badge Carman got so worked up over the matterthat he diet not hesitate to let the stew-ards know what he thought of them inlanguage that was anything but properand the second flue of 200 was handed tohim Reports have It that Carman hasthreatened to take his horses away fromthe course but whether or not there isany truth in this could not be learned

SummaryFIRST RACEStx furtoci Cotwey K tt Da

ran 4 8 to 5 7 to woe The GardnerEatp 13 to 5 6 to 5 3 6 MCOM La SaUa110 Archibald 8 to 5 3 to 5 to J thirdTime John A Munro Dr BarUqr LoyalMaid Aunt Kate Drnchme Duke of BrttgewaUrMba Perigord sod Endymton also MB

SECOND RACE Geatletneaa DrirtM Park Pniethreeyearolds and upward OM ted fortyyards Amelia Jew 117 Grow 3 4 to 5 outwon Cliff Bdfe MO Archibald 4 to 6 1 to 3

Mcoad teens Chief 113 Dugn I to 2eran 1 to 3 third TIme l 15 AnmdKk andTsBModa alto ran

TIIIUI IUCETwoyeaivold MtUog six totones Whin IK Gofcktda 9 to 2 2 erosAWlTia Clement tf 6 3 sccoad Iliafo FlowsUS Catkin 4 2 even Uiiid Time 1H Jackttnrdette Fair line Firewood Pleasant HandRunning Musk Melon Golden Naughty Lad Syl-van Dell and Ford Dull alto ran

FOURTH KACBOwwm Handicap steeplechasefouryearolds and upward two mites DufileU156 Mr T Wright 11 to 5 7 to 10 out wonFrancis Jceoph 138 Koike 40 to 1 second EsMX 1 Mr D lien 20 T 2 third Time412 Kara and Belectus lost riders Merriman fell

FIFTH IlACEThreeyearoldj and upward selllou ona and oncc rt r mile more 111 Shoemaker 33 6 8 to 5 won Hilltop Ill McCabey3 to 5 1 to 5 teoond Montgomery lit Dusan 3 4 to 5 1 to 3 third Time MyGal and Dandy Dixon also ran

SIXTH and upward thathate run in steeplechase one and bnehalf mileson flat Aide 102 McCabe 9 to 5 4 to 5 1 to 3wen Oakhurst 150 GoldMrinl 8 to 5 7 to 10 1 to3 second The Speaker 137 Darts 8 to 5 7 to1 to 3 third Time 211 O K Bear of theMountain and Gun Cotton also ran

SEVENTH HACE Fouryearolds and upwardfelling six furlongB Takahira 10 McCahey 7 to2 7 to 5 7 to 10 won Tubal Garner 8 38 to 5 second King Arondale 110 Darts 4 8to 5 4 to 5 third Golden CastleFlorimet Joe Gat tens Dan dr Xayiet JennieWells Anna L Daly Rammce end Mobility also

Always the SameTharps

Bia F Street N W Tho Mala 1142SyeclaJ Private D UYrsrt




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ho was wrong find lost nobody couldblame him for fooling his friends intobetting on him and the public for payingto see him fight

Nelson Believes In HimselfThen Nelson roally believes he has

never lost hlx grip I was through theWolgast fight with him and believe thesame Nelson figured on winning thatbattle inside of twentyfive rounds Heteally thought Wolgaat would last eight-een He took the fight on Just fourweeks notice and trained about threelIe conditioned himself to go twentyflvrounds at top speed Wolgaat howeverweathered the twentyJive rounds andthen Nelson started to blow up In tIle

fifteen rounds Nelwms ownbeat him lIe wu never staggered

by a blow never knocked off his feetand never gave ground When the refereestopped the fight Nelson was standing inthe center of the ring swinging bothhands and Wolgast was giving groundhopping around the Dane and poking inpunishing Jabs at every opening left bythe blinded Dane was com-pelled to take a two weeks rest afterthe battle while Nelson after a recordbreaking run across the continentopened a thirteen weeks theatrical en-gagement four d ys later in ChicagoFor the next thirteen weeks be nevermissed a performance

Nelson is twentyolght years old in theprime of life He teas never tasted j

liquor in his life He has never usedtobacco or any drug or narcotic of anykind He has lived the simple life keptgood hours and since the fight hasrested himself in hunting ansI fishingtrips until lie now weighs 156 pounds andis in perfect condition for a hard siegeof training

Indifferent to FuiilfthmentRemember another There have

been hundreds of fighters in Ute pastand there will be thousands in the fu-

ture But none has ever lived noneever will live with the heart andcourage of this Dane None has evershowed his total disregard for punish-ment his absolute indifference to blowshis blind faith in himself to weather any i

storm no matter how hard That light j

ing instinct which haM carried the Danethrough his greatest battles is stilt thereWhen he walked from the ring afterlosing from Wolgast his first remarkwasI thought I could lick that fellow be-

fore Now I know itThere is the secret of why Nelson will

again wear the lightweight crown ForJust as sure as he ever tacos Wolgaatagain Just that sure will he win Theknowledge of previous defeat will be lostin the nerve that brings him to the pres-ent battle and the will itcht as hefought Wolgast before as he foughtwhen he whipped Cans and as a cham-pion should fight


Athletic Mniinter and Bride toTour Europe on Honeymoon

Philadelphia Oct 2TCorneHus McGll-llcuddy Connie Mack manager of theworlds champion baaeball team wasmarried this morning to Miss KatherineHallotuui in the Roman Catholic Churchof Our Lady of Hojiy Souls by Rev JohnMoore the rector The marriagequiet only the witnesses being presentFollowing the ceremony Mr and MrsMcGilhcaddy went to the home of thebridegroom where the family was in-

formed that the ceremony had takenplace

The couple left later in the day forNew York where they will remain untilNovember I when they will sail forGenoa on the steamer Cincinnati Theywill tour Italy Switzerland France Ireland and England and probably will notreturn to this city until January or earlyin February

The victorious Athletics are to be given-a dinner by the officials of the Philadel-phia American League club tonight anda big civic demonstration in their honoris to be held Friday night of next weekfollowed by a great banquet on Saturdayni fat

Asked today if he would attend thefunctions Mr Mack smilingly replied

My wife wont let me


Henry Walbank Wins by Nose fromPlanutess

Davenport Rifle Race in DnzcdCondition Due to Pall Re-

ceived ut Start

Laionta Oct 27 There is so much bigmoney that the track was forcedto put a machine taking larger denomi-nations to accommodate tho big bettors-A 10 machine was put on today for thefirst time

Coming from behind with n cyclonicrush Henry Walbank grabbed the sec-ond race by a nose from Planutess Thelatter was off poorly

Capt Williams announced today thatthe crack colt Gay Gray will not beraced again this year

There were only three 5 tickets sold onHenry Walbank and two of these werebought by William Wltz a Cincinnatiman The 5 tickets brought ESiO eachmaking Wltz 1057 winner on tho race

Judge Price hauled Jockey DavenportInto the stand because the boy pulled uplima a serious contender in the secondrace Davenport declared he thought the

had broken down and he was giventhe benefit of the doubt lIme threwDavenport at the pest and he received asevere jolt Starter Cassidy believes theboy was dazed by the fall and rode theraco In that condition

Tho resultsFIItST RACF1 and eneaalf furlongs Lib

Paxton MS J13 straight 798Modeler 1M GaUl 33 iee 460 show

Iwaknl Warren third MutuaJashow Time Major Head Scarlet Piercrnol IXaldcrcan Tritoma Eastern Star H MSabath Athlc W CoUtta Apple Prince Aaerica-n er and In rator Gea rU also ran

SECOND lUCEFire end enenaK ftirkwsHenry Walbaak JOB wm J2 mutual

21140 straight 5100 plain show PJamitIll Borne second mntmU paid JS99 IWshow Oriental Pearl 10 J Allen third mutualpaid 4576 show Time 118 KaUErie War Jilt Meaty Hesitate Helen Burnett Illma Mimi and Hnriqr Lad alto ranHenry Walbank paid tweet price to win and hkbarters secured i lWin return for each 3t IBTested odds of VA to 1

TKIUD ftirlanss Star Charter 112Burn won rautunls paid SJM straight tJO

place 5130 stoow Sir Dawn 1 Austin staoadmutual 719 place 4 Meow Ese piar 107

Kennedy third mutual raid 17 thvulaiw Dubofa W W Clark AUentire andDuty also ran

FOURTH RACESls fcrtengs Men 11

Warren won mutmls paid 670 straight 3place 210 show Thee Cook 112 Goose secondsrataals paid 3i30 placa 130 show Mellsande 121

















sleet S5E

showIts paid lU8


i paid1600



























Semifitting effect-

at the waist broadroundedtip shoulder

known as naturalclose hugging collarfull chest 44 inches

little morethan knee length andproduced in the newest and smartestweaves and colorings-of the season

A splendid variety at

Headtofoot OutfittersNinth and the Avenue


ApperSOn EMEBSON OBMETemporary location rear of 1319 K it aw

Thorn Main T



ElmoreCHARLES E MYERS1429 L 0 nw Telephoce North 232

Sims Motor Co-

Phon tt-UJ61Z X T AT


1315 Nun York TeL Main KM


WILSONS DM Itt stT 55rth lld5-

DAD I V S to lS ai to H P Inthe tag rm a Pany fee your

choke IRVING GARAGE MJT In it Phonecolumbia iT9


Phone Mate tIll ttSZ H st w


inc V rt wr X gSS

Regal EMERSON ORM1-Temporarr location war of 19 U v-

Pboae Main MM


MOUSE lies utit st N tmWASHINGTONCA-


WarrenDetroit 30Auto repair shop and MlMreon MkJ Mtfc st

rbom North iiaa NORMAN s Agent


1214 V U nw North 3H


Merkel Light Motor CyclesEmblem Bind



Clarke F NMite rtpilrs Mod eelS told m Miasrtwl-

inPr M9 K w M 229

Wm J WellsAlt Studs of automobile ntebcntttl Ki lrt e

moderate priced Work ruartntwdREAR hIS R 1 AVE NW coJlm


hUh sirPhone if T4S


705 Wertory BMg i In tSIL

Kennedy third mutual paid 123 anew Time114 23 Tominie GmUi and HaodtanUa ako ran

FIFTH ItACBOua and s 8Bty yardCarlton G VK Rl woo amtoab laW J1SM-

atnfent J4JO pU e SIM o 1M Dawnport jeeoud mutual paid 9Ut pte 1 showJeff Bernstein 1M Warren third BMUMh pailJt60 stow Time 1 M OtUo Wooifrinder andOtaease shoe ran

SIXTH RACEOno mile and three yards Flirt-ing 1M Oranili won tnals paM i 60 rtrelstt

11 place 13 i iow First Peep ICO seevied mutual iA place JtSO r ManilaAM W Wamw third 230 sow Time212 24 Orphan Lad Amjl Oajtoon Caaowarjand Miqw OBrim tan

Winding Up lBs AffairsFrees the Kansas City aL

Look here Ben what did you shoot atme fer I aint got no quarrel with you

You had a feud with Jim Wombatdidnt ye

I did but Jims deadIm his executor

SMILE AT SAMSTALK THE TOWN-All Brandsof Whiskiesand Ginsservedthe bar

SAM JS Cor 8tH und D fits

The Dressy

Is the


longa f

20 and 25



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