Published By: MALC Mariam Manzil, AM 21, Off Shahrah-e-Liaquat, P.O Box 8666, Saddar, Karachi - 74400, Pakistan. Phone(s): (92 21) 35684151, 35682706, 35688007 Fax: (92 21) 35683106 Email: [email protected] Website: www.malc.org.pk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarieAdelaideLeprosyCentre/ Patrons: Dr. Ruth Pfau, M.D., D.Sc., NQA Mr. Mervyn Lobo, CEO Chief Editor: Dr. Ali Murtaza Editor: Mr. Christopher Vaz Advisory Board: Dr. Mutaher Zia Mr. Zahoor Iqbal Gill Mr. Savio Pereira Mr. Nisar Malik Ms. Salwa Zainab Mr. Francis D’Souza Photographs By: Mr. Nisar Iqbal Gill Mr. Francis Shehzad Mr. Nisar Malik Mr. Christopher Vaz Mr. Shariq Zaman Mr. Asif Younus Issue # 19 February 2016 Future Leprosy Strategy for Pakistan A future strategy has been drafted in line with international standards, which will be discussed with various stake holders including the Department of Health (DoH) of respective provinces. Once the strategy is approved by all stakeholders, the same will be rolled out for implementation. (Retold by Dr. Ruth Pfau) Two little tots, fair skinned and red- cheeked, rushed towards us with school books precariously balancing on one arm, and the other arm, stretched out to greet us. I was amazed at how big they had grown and told them so. The children smiled at us proudly. Adina is squatting in the kitchen, preparing rotis. Seeing us, her face lit up. Her third and fourth child, who are still too small to go to school, are playing happily in the room. More than 24 years have passed since I had found Adina as a little girl. She was shivering and crying as I placed her in my lap, in the jeep that we were travelling in. We had rescued her from a cave in the mountains where she was kept captive. Her face and hands, then, were swollen by Leprosy. Today…the disease is cured, she is living happily and is married with 4 beautiful children. Her husband works in the Government and the family has a nice small house to live in. This is Leprosy today. Dr. Ruth Pfau distributes roses to female Leprosy patients on International Women’s Day

Issue # 19 February 2016malc.org.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/newsletter_february16.pdf · Issue # 19 February 2016 Future Leprosy Strategy for Pakistan A future strategy has been

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Page 1: Issue # 19 February 2016malc.org.pk/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/newsletter_february16.pdf · Issue # 19 February 2016 Future Leprosy Strategy for Pakistan A future strategy has been

Published By:MALCMariam Manzil, AM 21, Off Shahrah-e-Liaquat, P.O Box 8666, Saddar, Karachi - 74400, Pakistan.Phone(s): (92 21) 35684151, 35682706, 35688007Fax: (92 21) 35683106Email: [email protected] Website: www.malc.org.pk Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MarieAdelaideLeprosyCentre/

Patrons:Dr. Ruth Pfau, M.D., D.Sc., NQAMr. Mervyn Lobo, CEO

Chief Editor: Dr. Ali Murtaza

Editor: Mr. Christopher Vaz

Advisory Board:Dr. Mutaher ZiaMr. Zahoor Iqbal GillMr. Savio PereiraMr. Nisar MalikMs. Salwa ZainabMr. Francis D’Souza

Photographs By:Mr. Nisar Iqbal GillMr. Francis ShehzadMr. Nisar MalikMr. Christopher VazMr. Shariq ZamanMr. Asif Younus

Issue # 19 February 2016

Future Leprosy Strategy for Pakistan

A future strategy has been drafted in line withinternational standards, which will be discussedwith various stake holders including theDepartment of Health (DoH) of respectiveprovinces. Once the strategy is approved by allstakeholders, the same will be rolled out forimplementation.

(Retold by Dr. Ruth Pfau)

Two little tots, fair skinned and red-cheeked, rushed towards us withschool books precariously balancingon one arm, and the other arm,stretched out to greet us. I wasamazed at how big they had grownand told them so. The childrensmiled at us proudly.

Adina is squatting in the kitchen,preparing rotis. Seeing us, her face litup. Her third and fourth child, whoare still too small to go to school, areplaying happily in the room.

More than 24 years have passedsince I had found Adina as a littlegirl. She was shivering and crying asI placed her in my lap, in the jeepthat we were travelling in. We hadrescued her from a cave in themountains where she was keptcaptive. Her face and hands, then,were swollen by Leprosy.

Today…the disease is cured, she isliving happily and is married with 4beautiful children. Her husbandworks in the Government and thefamily has a nice small house to livein.

This is Leprosy today.

Dr. Ruth Pfau distributes roses to female Leprosy patients on International Women’s Day

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International Support Reported By: Christopher VazCommunications Officer – International Donors

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Corporates/Individuals can also adopt one of the following projects for 3 – 4 years:

Rs. 7,000,000/- for food expenses of patients admitted in Wards. Rs. 5,000,000/- for purchase of medicines for TB patients. Rs. 3,500,000/- for purchase of general medicines. Rs. 3,000,000/- to maintain Ittehad Manzil (hospice for PwDs). Rs. 2,500,000/- to adopt a Ward at the hospital (for 1 year). Rs. 2,000,000/- for providing Intra-Ocular Lenses (IOLs) for cataract

patients (4,000 IOLs for 1 year). Rs. 1,500,000/- to adopt a Centre (for 1 year). Rs. 1,000,000/- to procure Eye medicines (for 1 year). Rs. 500,000/- for one Eye Camp in remote areas of Balochistan (+/- 150

cataract surgeries to be performed). Rs. 300,000/- for one medical camp in Tharparkar (treatment of +/- 400


SPONSOR a patient at MALC Rs. 2,000/- to perform one cataract surgery with IOL. Rs. 7,000/- to save a life of one TB patient. Rs. 15,000/- for one year education of a child of a Leprosy patient. Rs. 25,000/- for complete treatment and rehabilitation of one Leprosy

patient. Rs. 35,000/- to set up a small business for one PwD to live his/her life with


Endowment FundTo donate towards the MALC Endowment Fund, please

deposit your contribution directly to our Account # (08–1845851–01) at

Standard Chartered Bank

For Overseas DonationsZakat/Donations can be made out in the form of BankersCheques, Cashier Cheques, and Bank Drafts payable to “i-Care Fund America”. US Donors need to follow these stepsfor donating their Zakat/Charity to Marie Adelaide LeprosyCentre (MALC):• Fill out the online donation form on the website


• Write out the cheque in the name of “i-Care FundAmerica, Inc.” mentioning “Marie Adelaide LeprosyCentre (MALC)” at bottom of the cheque in the field“for”.

• Cheques are to be deposited in the nearest branch of“Bank of America” – Account Number 4636612240.

*All donations made to Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre (MALC) by US residents through i-Care are tax exempt in USA

Please deposit your contribution to the account number (18-7423462-01) at Standard Chartered Bank, or send your

cheque directly to the MALC Head Office.

*All donations are tax-exempt under Section 2(36 C) of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001.

MALC is serving Leprosy, TB & Eye patientsFREE OF CHARGE. The treatment cost notonly includes medical and surgicaltreatment but also, in most cases, fulfillingphysical, economic and social needs ofPersons with Disabilities (PwDs).

MALC hosts FRRP Consortium meeting with DAHW, Caritas Austria and Caritas St. Pölten (November 2015)

The participants included MALC team members and Mr. Ernst Hisch(Project Officer & Social Advisor), Mr. Lukas Steinwendtner (Head,Foreign Aid) & Mr. Andreas Zinggl (Programme Manager, Pakistan),and Mr. Josef Worm (Consortium FRRP Coordinator) who representedDAHW, Caritas St. Pölten and Caritas Austria respectively. The meetingwas focused on the flood-related interventions in Sindh, KhyberPakhtunkhwa and Kashmir. The group evaluated shelters, livestock,water schemes, economic rehabilitation, CBR and health issues in-depth. With the project nearing its conclusion after fours years, thismeeting was the last to be held in Karachi.

MALC secures CBR support from BMZ Germany (November 2015)One of the major achievements of the second half of 2015 was theconfirmation of funding for MALC’s Karachi-based CBR project fromBMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development). Acomprehensive project was prepared and conceived by MALC andGLRA, and this was approved by BMZ in November 2015. The project isnow in the execution phase. MALC is proud to have BMZ on board as asupporter for its core activity in treating people with disabilities.

GFATM and MALC fight against Tuberculosis (July 2015)MALC has joined hands with Global Funds (GFATM) to increase case-findings to counter Tuberculosis in the North. This is an importantmilestone for MALC as Pakistan is ranked 4th among 22 high-TBburden countries and 27 high multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB burdencountries. Keeping this in mind, GFATM will provide support to MALC(Sub-Recipient) through Mercy Corps (Principal Recipient) to fight TBin 8 districts: Bagh, Bhimber, Kotli, Mirpur Chitral, Diamer, Gilgit, andSkardu.

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The Consul General of Switzerland, H.EEmil Wyss, hosted an exclusivenetworking dinner in Karachi, in honor ofthe team and friends of MALC. Dr. RuthPfau (Founder Member, MALC), was theGuest of Honor. The guests invitedincluded long-time supporters of MALCand they were given a presentationoutlining the future plans of MALC forTuberculosis Treatment.

Beginning in June, students fromSt. Joseph’s College for Women(SJC) volunteered their servicesand contributed 100-hours oftheir time at MALC. During theirtwo-week experience at the MALCHead Office , the students wereexposed to various organizationaldepartments at MALC. As part ofthe learning experience, 2students were chosen and weretaken on a field visit in Karachi toshow them selected project areas.They visited the MALC centres inLiaquatabad, Afghan Camp,Khamisogoth and Adamgoth.

A friendly cricket match was played atChrist the King Seminary, between SSGCand MALC, on 14th August 2015. This wasthe first ever sports event organized byMALC (on an organizational level) and wethank SSGC for participating and showingus unwavering support for this event. Mr.Salman Siddqui (DGM, CorporateCommunications) and Mr. Ali Gohar(Chief Manager, CSR), from SSGC, werepresent on the occasion. This activity wasplanned as a team-building activity forthe staff members working in theorganization by providing them with aplatform to showcase their cricketingskills.

Dr. Ryoichi Takekawa (Consul and MedicalAttache) and Ms. Yoko Watanbe (Researcher,Japan Consulate) recently paid a visit to MALC.Both were welcomed at MALC by Dr. Ruth Pfau(Founder Member, MALC), Mr. Mervyn Lobo(CEO, MALC), MALC Executive Council membersand Management.

H.E Emil Wyss, the Swiss Consul General,had invited Dr. Ruth Pfau (FounderMember, MALC) to celebrate the 724thSwiss National Day, held on 7th August2015. Dr. Pfau was accompanied by Mr.Zafar Ali Khan (rehabilitated Leprosypatient, now employed by MALC).

The newly appointed German ConsulGeneral, H.E Rainer Schmiedchen, visitedMALC and on behalf of the German Consulatein Karachi, presented a cheque to MALC forthe purchase of motorcycles to be used for itsCommunity-Based Rehabilitation (CBR)projects. The cheque was presented to Dr.Ruth Pfau (Founder Member, MALC) at theMALC Head Office.

60 years of invaluable support has helped MALC

treat patients with Leprosy, TB and

Blindness, FREE OF CHARGE.

With the support of our partners, we hope to

continue serving Pakistan for many more years

to come.

Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi,was the venue selected for the 63rdWorld Leprosy Day celebration byMALC. The Chief Guest for theoccasion was Dr. Ruth Pfau,accompanied by Ms. Claudia Villani,who arrived from Austria and wasthe Guest of Honour. The event alsorecognized those employees whohad dedicated 25 years of service atMALC. It was a befitting tribute tothem for their contribution towardsLeprosy control in the country.

THANK YOU:• Pakistan Petroleum Limited

(PPL) for adopting MALCCentres in Kandhkot, Kech &Panjgur.

• United Bank Limited (UBL)for readopting Bagh – BanniPassari (AJK) Centre.

• National Bank of Pakistan(NBP) for readopting theFemale Ward in MALCHospital.

• Sui Southern Gas Company(SSGC) for adopting GwadarEye Care Centre andreadopting MirpurkhasCentre.

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Photo credits: Swiss Consulate, Karachi

Photo credits: Swiss Consulate, Karachi

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CARITAS ST. POELTEN CONDUCTS MEDICAL CAMPS IN THARPARKARFor the past year or so, Caritas St. Poelten has actively worked with MALC to provide asmuch medical help to the communities in Tharparkar as possible. Since July 2015, a total of12 medical camps were conducted in 12 different villages in Diplo, Islamkot, Naukot andMithi. In those medical camps, a total of 6,055 individuals were treated for various diseasesincluding Gastro-Intestinal diseases (GIT), Respiratory Tract infections (RTI), Skin diseases,Eye diseases and various other illnesses that could affect the communities.


As part of the MALC interventionsin Sindh, the MALC team has madeit a point to provide communityawareness of planting as manytrees as possible in each village.The MALC team, over the past 4years, has visited villages in Digri,Badin, Larkana, Shahdadkot,Tharparkar and Hyderabad anddistributed English Corynocarpus,Suajana, Neem, Eucalyptus andAlmond tree saplings to theexcited households. Thecommunities were encouraged bythis activity and promised to planteven more trees (on their own), infuture, to increase the greenerywithin the villages.


BY MALC IN KARACHIEvery year on 3rd December, theworld unites as one and celebrates aspecial day to honor those individualswith special abilities. TheInternational Day of Persons withDisabilities is marked around theworld as per the General Assemblyresolution 47/3 of 14th October1992, to promote awareness andmobilize support for critical issuespertaining to the inclusion of Personswith Disabilities (PWDs) in societyand development. With this in mind,MALC also joined in with the globalcelebrations and held a walk inKarachi, to commemorate theoccasion. The walk was led by Dr.Ruth Pfau (Founding Member, MALC)and Mr. Mervyn Lobo (CEO, MALC)and they were supported by anumber of PWDs, MALC staff andtheir family members. Beginningfrom the Karachi Press Club, theparticipants joined as one group andhad a peaceful demonstration on therights of PWDs on the way towardsMALC Headquarters.

She emphasized the fact that young people tend to respond to individuals who areperceived to be exemplary, who they can admire, respect and be influenced by. "If you givethem somebody who they would like to follow, they will follow." said Dr. Pfau.

In total, 412 graduates from 36 cities in Pakistan, and 4 countries, were awarded degreesand diplomas at the Aga Khan University convocation 2015.



Dr. Ruth Pfau was invited as ChiefGuest at the Agha Khan UniversityHospital Convocation 2015. In herremarks at the convocation, shesaid, "I know how desperatePakistani youth is for role modelsand I wish they had more.”


For her selfless devotion and dedication towards the cause of controlling Leprosy inPakistan, Dr. Ruth Pfau was honoured by the German Government for her work. At asimple, yet elaborate, ceremony held on 21st December 2015, to celebrate her servicesto some of the most marginalized segments of Pakistani society, the German ConsulGeneral, H.E Rainer Schmiedchen, presented Dr. Pfau with the ‘Staufer Medal’ in gold,the highest order of merit for services to the State. Mr. Schmiedchen spoke about howrarely the Staufer Medal is awarded in gold and is only awarded to very importantpersonalities. Usually the medal is awarded in silver. “This is an exceptional casebecause it was awarded by the Chief Minister of one of the most important Germanfederal states, Baden-Wurttemberg, and this should underline Dr. Pfau’s exceptionalachievements and commitment to public health.”



Dr. Mutaher Zia, represented MALC as a speakeron Leprosy, at the 23rd World Congress ofDermatology, held in Vancouver, Canada, in June2015. He was the only speaker from Pakistan atthis world event.


Photo credits: Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi

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Flood Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Reported By: Nisar MalikManager, Media

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Name: Allah Dino

Intervention: Economic RehabilitationDetails: By profession, Allah Dino makes and sells artificial jewellery.He used to make decorations for trucks (truck-art) and artificialjewellery for people, and sold his items in the city. His income was justenough to make ends meet. When the floods destroyed his village, helost everything. He had nothing to fall back on as his entire life’ssavings, including his house and jewellery accessories, were destroyed.He asked MALC for help in rebuilding his life and, keeping in mind theseverity of the situation, his request was approved.

and sold them in the market at reasonable rates. Financially, he was relieved as the burden of feeding hisfamily was now minimized. His monthly income grew steadily, and at present, he earns a respectableincome. His savings, which were previously non-existent, have started to grow and he now saves enough tosupport him and his family if an emergency arises. However, this was not the only development for AllahDino. With the income earned from the sale of jewellery, he was also able to buy himself a Qingqi(pronounced Ching-Chi) rickshaw, which he now uses as a mobile shop to sell his merchandise.Furthermore, he also added more items to his inventory in the form of hand-stitched slippers made by him.The slippers are sold at a reasonable rate, and he makes a small profit on each pair sold.

Since he wanted to desperately start his business, MALC providedhim with artificial jewellery. He was extremely happy with this help

Hard work is rewarding!Reported By: Nisar GillSocial Supervisor, MALC Head Office

The project has successfully reached its completion phase, meeting all its set targets of rehabilitating flood-affected families in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces. Through various interventions over 6,000families have benefited. 2,538 families received one-room shelters, 513 families received livestocksupport, 218 families were supported in small income-generating activities, 3,124 families were helpedwith various water-scheme projects for drinking water, 832 families received nutritional support, 11,500patients received free treatment facility, and 356 persons with disabilities received due attention for theirrehabilitation. In order to create a healthy environment, the project also facilitated communities with treeplantations (over 20,000 tree saplings planted in Sindh) which was carried out with full communityparticipation. The project was funded by a Consortium of three major international partners: DAHWGermany, Caritas St. Poelten and Caritas Austria. The project will conclude on 31st March 2016. However,to deal with post-flood activities, MALC has opened two new centres, one in Tando Jan Mohammad and onein Badin, which will also cater to activities in Tharparkar. These activities will focus on aspects concerningMother and Child Health Care which is the utmost need of the area.






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Mohammad Rangooni was born in 1924 inRangoon City, Myanmar and worked as awaiter. He was affected by mycobacteriumleprae between the ages of 20 – 25 yearsand it damaged his sensory nerves. As aresult, he had a very tough time workingbecause his hands were numb and he wasoften scolded for breaking cups and plates.

Even after repeated visits to doctors, there was no relief. No one had any knowledge about thesesymptoms. It was not long before he realized that he was faced with a severe illness, which wouldlead to a physical disability. Moreover, he was rejected by his loved ones and was eventually forced toleave his birthplace. His relationship with his family suffered and his eyes were filled with tears whenhe narrated how his own people treated him inhumanly.

Rangooni met Sr. Vargas in 1956 in Pakistan. She was the first lady who shook hands with him andspoke to him like a human. He felt that meeting her was the turning point in his destroyed life. Whenhe came to MALC, he was moved by the attitude that was shown to him. He was introduced to Dr.Ruth Pfau, and after repeated interactions, was moved and inspired by her. In his words, she was alady who was passionate & enthusiastic about reducing their miseries. Recalling his memories, heappreciated the MALC philosophy of service by quoting Dr. Pfau, “Hum sab Allah key banday hein.Humein sab ka madad karna hai.” (We all are God’s people. We must help one another.)

At MALC he was treated by the staff and doctors and later joined their movement to help theunderserved community who were isolated and rejected within Karachi. He recalls that he was paidRe. 1/- as a daily wage for his services. Later, he was appointed as an MALC employee, earning Rs.80/- per month, with accommodation. He was very happy, there was a complete change in his life &most importantly, he felt like a human being.

In his early days, Rangooni used to smoke cannabis & would gamble to escape from his miseries. Buton the advice of Dr. Pfau and Sr. Vargas, he quit smoking and his other unhealthy habits and workedday and night for the cause of MALC. In 1964, he was affected by TB, another infectious disease.Again, MALC took care of him and treated him, bearing all his medication expenses. Now, he is 91years old (living with his widowed daughter) and can barely see anything because of his eye diseases.His hands and feet are twisted and bent but he is still motivated enough to manage his daily needsand offers his prayers five times a day.

Rangooni’s life has been painful and he suffered with acute misery andrejection from his loved ones. But he fondly remembers his work associationwith MALC, his treatment for Leprosy & TB and how its founding membersmade him feel proud. Those were the golden days of his life.

“Hum sab Allah key banday hein. Humein sab

ki madad karni hai.” Written by: Francis ShehzadSupervisor, Resource Mobilization

A story of belief. Somewhere in this world, you will be made to feel

welcome, no matter how bad the situation is.

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Corporate News Reported By: Salwa ZainabManager, Resource Mobilization


Two students, Zarak and Sameer,studying in O’ and A’ Levels respectively,donated books to start a library atTatarko Yagangat School (TYS). Thisinitiative was taken by their small NGO,Eternal Hope, which has been doingsuch work for the past seven years. Aspecial mention for Ms. Ainee Shehzad(Chairperson, MALC FundraisingCommittee) is also important becauseshe was responsible for initiating thewhole process of setting up the library.

NESTLE PAKISTAN VISITS MALCMs. Madiha Javed Qureshi (Manager,Public Affairs – Nestle Pakistan)visited MALC to introduce herself tothe management. Nestle Pakistan hasbeen a long-standing supporter ofMALC, providing FREE milk to thepatients at the hospital.


Mr. Faisal Farooq Khan (CEO, i-CareFoundation) along with Mr. SohailHusain (Monitoring & EvaluationExecutive) visited MALC to getacquainted with MALC and its work inPakistan.

SIUT VISITS MALC Prof. Adeeb Rizvi, along with Dr. SajidSultan, of Sindh Institute of Urologyand Transplantation (SIUT) visited Dr.Ruth Pfau at the MALC Head Office.These two icons met to discuss theoverall success of their programs ledby each of them.



This initiative between MALC and ICIFoundation Pakistan was started toprovide some much-needed relief tothe females and children in the region.There was a dire need of a lady doctorwho would cater to the medicalproblems of females and children ofthe community. Mr. Omer Mushtaq(Works Manager, ICI Khewra) waspresent at the soft launch ceremony.


MALC HOSPITALMr. Ovais Asad Khan (EVP(HR)/Divisional Head StrategicMarketing & CSR, NBP) presented acheque to Mr. Anesh Kumar(Manager, Finance) for the re-adoption of MALC Hospital's FemaleWard.


In order to support Afzal MemorialThalassemia Foundation’s blooddonation drive for Thalassemiapatients, a blood camp was held atMALC. Staff and students attended anawareness session by Dr. Tariq AzizQureshi and then came forward anddonated blood for this worthy cause.


Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Ainee Shahzad and the MALC FundraisingCommittee, the young girls staying at the Marie Adelaide Girls Hostel weregiven a festive cheer after the winter vacations. Each of the girls were given agift bag and pocket-money (Eidi) as a gift to celebrate the Christmas season.


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Corporate News Reported By: Salwa ZainabManager, Resource Mobilization

MEDICAL CAMPS CONDUCTED Eye Camp in Usta Mohammad (Balochistan) –

thanks to Standard Chartered Bank (SCB). Eye Camp in Harnai (Balochistan) – thanks to

Zakat contributions. Eye Camp in Fazla Kuch (Balochistan) – thanks

to SCB. Eye Camp in Musakhai (Balochistan) – thanks

to New Zealand High Commission. Eye Camp in Barkhan (Balochistan) – thanks to

New Zealand High Commission. Eye Camp in Ziarat (Balochistan) – thanks to

SCB. Skin Camp in Karachi – thanks to K-Electric.


CENTREBank Alfalah continues to show itsunwavering support for MarieAdelaide Leprosy Centre and again,their generosity towards the cause ofMALC is much appreciated. Recently,Mr. Fahim Siddiqui (Country Head,Product Development – IslamicBanking Group, Bank Alfalah Ltd.) andMr. Tanveer Zaman (Regional HeadSouth – Islamic Banking Group, BankAlfalah Ltd.) presented a cheque forthe purchase of an Argon Laser thatwould be used to treat Diabeticretinopathy.


PROCEEDS TO MALCKarachi Grammar School (KGS)has always been a devoted andconsistent supporter of MALCfor a number of years now. Theirefforts have left a noticeableimpact on the work that MALChas been doing over the past fewyears. The recently held, annualKGS ‘Bake Sale’ event at theCollege Campus, managed by the‘Helpers Society’ had its entirecollection from the proceedingsdonated to MALC.


The Social Society of DawoodPublic School (DPS) raised fundsfor MALC and were encouragedby their teacher, Ms. Qurratulain,with her motivation and zeal


K-Electric is providing free units to MALC undertheir social investment program. They conducteda mandatory energy audit of the MALC hospitaland the findings indicated certain energyconservation methods. Keeping that in mind, itwas proposed that switching from energy saversto LED lights could reduce the energy usage by asizeable amount. Philips Pakistan collaboratedwith MALC for the execution of this proposedidea and provided the organization with LEDbulbs to be installed all over the hospital. This isthe first step towards becoming a responsibleorganization, with many other acts in the pipelineto follow.


Burj Bank has generously contributed towardsthe treatment of patients that are accessing MALCGwadar Eye Care Centre by purchasing a newophthalmoscope for the centre. More patients cannow benefit from this FREE OF CHARGEenhanced facility in the centre.

FAYSAL BANK LTD SUPPORTS MALC TB CONTROL ACTIVITIESFaysal Bank continues to support MALC in its fight against TB. In the spirit ofthis battle, Faysal Bank presented a cheque to MALC for the treatment of 400TB patients, dispersed in five different Leprosy-TB centres spread acrossGilgit Baltistan. This generous donation will ensure the regular supply ofanti-TB medicines for deserving patients in various parts of Gilgit –Baltistan.

MALC PAYS GOODWILL VISIT TO NASRA SCHOOLDr. Pfau visited Nasra School where she was received by Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Aliand some of her teaching staff. Dr. Pfau was accompanied by Mr. Savio Pereira(Director, HR / Administration), Ms. Salwa Zainab (Manager, ResourceMobilization) and Sr. Margaret Charles. During the visit Dr. Pfau wasappreciative of the successful efforts put in by an all-female team running themanagement of school. She was also grieved at the loss of a great academicpersonality, Begum Nasra Wazir Ali, who had been a great supporter of MALC.

MALC ORGANIZES LEPROSY SEMINAR As part of the ongoing World Leprosy Day 2016 celebrations, a seminar onLeprosy was held at the Pak American Cultural Centre (PACC) to mark the 60thanniversary of MALC in Pakistan. The esteemed panel of speakers included Dr.Chris Schmotzer (Medical Director, Aid to Leprosy Patients), Prof. RabiaHussain (HEC Distinguished National Professor, Professor of Microbiology,AKUH), Dr. Humaira Talat (Asst. Professor, DOW University of MedicalSciences), Dr. Mohammad Irfan Anwar (Asst. Professor of Dermatology, PNSShifa), Dr. Manzoor Memon (Dermatologist, Sindh Institute of Skin Diseases)and Dr. Mutaher Zia (Leprologist, MALC).

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