TpHE < ( I.VF.K HUO!*.. Publishers. Entered at the pbstolßee in Friday Harbor as teoond class mail matter. SUItSCIUPTION l'KKi:. |1.50 per year. Strictly in advance. ADTEBTIfcIXG KATKS; Display rtan linn ads, $1.00 per inch per month. 'S> cents per inch, : crvvrok.sin- rlo <?< luir.ii measurement. Heading bust ness locals, and notices, Huch Wanted: For Sale, etc., 10 eenta i) -r line for fl-*t insertion and 5 cents per line each vveuK thereafter. Legal notices, at eostomary legal rates. AH communications to Tin: Isi.ankkk must be wgned with the name ol tno writer, not neqoassrily for publication, hut as a guarantee of good faith. The Official Paper of San Juan County. THURSDAY, APRIL Rh, 18fV>. I>i:.MO(KA(Y'S DISINTEGRATION. The Washington Post,the leading in- dependent paper of the national capital, with about the same leani«ic toward Democracy which usually character- j/.cs Independent papers, rfiarply re- views the present condition of the Democratic party and sums it up as follows: ??It is torn by dissensions and feuds. It is (Hi the verge of disintegration. The factional conflicts within its ranks are bit- ter beyond ? apparently nior.' ir- reconcilable than the hatred twenty-five years ago between the Southern Democ- racy and the invading army of carpet- hatrcers. We have the Democracy in Maryland and in Kentucky sacrificing Democratic states to the,ir fratricidal ani- mosities. We see them in Kentucky to- day sacrificing a Democratic seuatorship In the same nnholv cause. Everywhere we find embittered factions ready to lly tit each other's throats, ready to Burren- der to the enemy rather than bow to the majority within themselves; ready to wreck, to annihilate the party in the prosecution of a senseless rancor. The American people tind nothing in the pros- pect to which they can pin a hope, bow- ever faint. As things stand now, the Democratic party is no more fit to make a serious contest against the Republican party, or to impose upon it the leasl re- Mr lint ofprudence and moderation, than the followers of Coxey. or Henry George or Parkhnrst are. ' The Republicans have an open path before them, and at Its ends stands a tyranni<»l, irresponsible ttnd reckless oligarchy." The las: clause of the last sentence is doubUess added to indicate the "inde- pendence" of the paper. As a matter of fact there is no justification for it. There can be no oligarchy, "tyranni- cal, irresponsible" or otherwise in a government "of the people, for the people and by the people" like that of the United State. '"h- people do not take kindly to overbearing assumption and dictatorial management in public affairs. If they did the process of Democratic disintegration would not have been so rapid as it lias been dur- ing the past three years. The nearest approach to an oligarchy which has Becured any foothold in this country is Democracy's Tammany Hall, of New York, probably the most notoriously corrupt political organization in the world. Kveiy Democratic success achieved in the Empire state or in the nation since the organization of the Republican party has been through its influence. It was organized for spoils and has been maintained by the spoils wrung by its leaders from the tax-payers of New: York. President Cleveland himself has several times been its beneficiary and its leader* have more than once been the |K>wer behind bis executive chair. But the "oligarchy" that they sought to estab- lish in the control of notional affairs has been effectually overthrown and New York state and the great metrop- olis are now enjoying a period of good government under Republican rule, If "the Republicai have an open path before them" as the Post says, it is be- cause the great mass of intelligent Americans have learned through dire experience that the Democratic party is absolutely unreliable"; that the appli- cation of its principles has closed thou- sands of American factories and work- shops and infused ne^v life into En- glish trade; that it has reduced the wages of American workman in every branch of industry and brought about »vn era of agricultural depression unex- ampled since the civil war; that it has discouraged the development of Ameri- can industries by encouraging unequal foreign competition, and has created an enormous deficiency in the national revenues and a corresponding increase in the national These are some of the reasons why the Democratic party has forever forfeited the confi- dence of the American people and is now "on the verge of disintegration." Almost any kind of an "oligarchy" would be preferable to a long continu- ance of its misrule. TARIFF AND SILVER IS NEW YORK. There is nothing equivocal or am- biguous about the tariff and financial planks in the platform adopted by the Republican state convention in New York, whioh bai undoubtedly voiced the sentiments of a very large majority of the Republicans of the East as well as of a rapidly growing uumber in the \\\><t. Following are the two planks in full: ? \u25a0-;\u25a0\u25a0? "The Republicins of Xew York, in convention assembled, agam declare their firm and unyielding adherence-to th? doctrine of protection to American Industries, prptection to the products of the American farm, and protectiou to American labor. We are in favor of a tariff which, while providing an income taQaieat to meet the expenses of govern- ment honestly aud economically admin- istered, at the same time secures home tabor and home capital from unequal for- eign competition. We believe in a reci- procity v.ith other nations Which shall give our producers" and manufacturers jiuopportunity to dispose of their surplus products and to obtafn articles we desire from those countries on the most advan- lafceotts terms. Tiik Islander understands that there are a number of patriotic and public spirited (?) Republicans in the 1 county who are aspirants for various and Sundry public offices and yet whose z^al for the party and for prog ressfeofsucha nature that they feel ? that they can pet along without the county paper and trust to other sources ? for such information as they may deem necessary as to county affairs. lOf course The Islander will cheer- j {fully do everything in its power to j further the political ambition of these] most worthy citizens. The Republican state convention I for the election of delegates to the, national convention for the nomina- tion of candidates for president and vice-president is to be held at Everett May 11th. The apportionment gives San Juan county five delegates and care should be taken to select rive well-1 known citizens fairly representative : of every section of the banner little , Republican county of the state. CALL FOK CONVENTION. Tacoma, Wn. March 31, 189G. i The Republican state covention is called to meet at the city of Everett, May 14,1896, \u25a0 at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of j selecting eight delegates and eight alter-, natesto the Republican national conven- tion to be held at St. Louis on June 16, 1896, to select candidates for the office or president and vice-president of the United i States. The basis of representation to the convention will lie one delegate at large I from each county, and one for each one hundred votes, and one for each fractional vote over fifty, as calculated from the highest vote received by the candidate on j the congressional ticket in 18M, in the re- i spective counties, the apportioinnen, of ; each county being ss follows: Highest Congres- sional Dele- I County Vote, gates, j ! Adams 227 S Asotin 106 3 ChehaliH 981 11 ! Clallam 553 7 jClarke 1107 13 Columbia 677 8 Cowlits 820 9 Douglas 386 5 Franklin 22 1 GarfisM 348 4 Island -11 3 Jefferson 887 7 j King 50U8 60 I Kilsap.... sti4 7 ! Kittitas 651 10 i Klickitat 74t» 8 Lewis 1237 13 ! Lincoln 985 10 ! Mason 490 6 Okanogan 492 6 Pacific 741 8 1 Pierce 4292 44 i San Juan 380 5 I Nkagit 1157 13 Skamania 124 2 Bnohomisb 19 j Spokane 3102 32 Stevens 618 7 i Thurston 1069 12 Wahkiikum 298 4 Walla Walla 1130 12 Whatcom 1721 18 ' Whitman 2126 22 i Yakima 860 10 Total 402 It is recommended that the county con- vention electing delegates to the state convention also elect alternates. Owing to the form of the printing of j ballots in the county seat election in the i county of Snohotniah a full vote was not! I cast on the Republican congressional j ticket, and Snohoinish county was al- j lowed a full representation according to its Republican vote In that county, al- j I lowing Snohomish county nineteen dele- j j gates. In the judgment of the executive com- mittee it is not necessary for the differ- ent county conventions and primaries to i be held under the primary law of 1895. j However, each county committee may ! determine for itself whetheror not it will j proceed under this law, or in the usual | manner. Scott Swktlaxd, Chairman \ i Republican State Committee. J. A. Van Bokkele.v, Acting Secre- i I tary. ! the end that the trade of this country at home and abroad may again be placed upon h sound and stable foundation. We recognize in the movement for the . free coinage of silver an attempt to de- ! grade tbe long established standard of our monetary system, and hence a blow to public and private credit at once costly to '.h<> Nation;'.! Government and harm- ful t.. or.rdomestii-and foreign commerce. Until there is a prospect of international jagreement as to silver coinage, and while \u25a0gold remains the standard of the United States and ofthe civilized world, the Ke- publican party of New York declares itself in favor of the firm aud honorable maintenance of that standard." It will be an agreeable surprise to per- sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to ! learn that prompt relief may be had by ! taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I Diarrhoea Remodj*. In many instances 1 the attack may be prevented by taking ' this remedy as soon as the first symptoms !ofthe disease appear. 2o and 50 cent bot- tles for sale by all druggists. "The agitation for the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 seriously dis- blrbs all industrial interests, and calls j for a clear statement of the Republiean i July's »ti;ti'd.? npon. this question, toi Your Face! Will be wreathed with a most encaging smile, after you Invest In a WMteSewinffMacbine EQUIPPED WITH ITS NEW PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASED, The most complete and useful devices ere* added to any sewing machine. The WHITE is Durably and Handsomely Built, Or Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment, Sews ALL Sewable Articles, r,d win serve and please you up to the full l.mit of your expectations. Active Dealers Wanted in unoccu- : i>»ed territory. Liberal terms. Address, WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, O. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice of administrator's sale ofreal es- tate, of the estate of George Smith, cie- ceased. - Notice is hereby given that in pursu- ance of an order issued by Hon. J. JK. Tucker Court Commissioner in and for San Juan county, state of Washington, in ', the matter of the estate of George Smith, deceased the undersigned administrator : will sell at public sale to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, in lawful I money of the United States, and subject : to the confirmation of said court commis- sioner, all the right, title, interest and es- : tate of the said George Smith, at the time ' of his death and all the right, title and in- terest that the said estate has by operation lof law or otherwise acquired other than i or in addition to that of the said George i Smith at the time of his death, and all the I community interest of Catherine Smith, surviving widow of the said George Smith deceased, in and to all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in said county of San Juan, state of Washington, and more particu- i larly described as follows towit: The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-four (34) and the ! northwest quarter otthesouthwest quarter ! of section thirty-five (3.5) all in township i thirty-five (35.) north, range three (3) west j of Willamette meridian. Time, place, terms and conditions of said sale are s follows towit: At the school house in school district I No. I, in said San Juan county, (which | said school house is situated near the resi- dence of said deceased) on Saturday the [2nd day of May, A. D. 1896, at two. (2) ! o'clock'p. in., to the highest bidder for cash in hand. Gkokgk W. Smith, Administrator of the estate of George Smith, deceased. W. H. Thackei^ Attorney for the Ad- ministrator. Date Of first publication February 27th, i 189ft. j t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to creditors of and all other persons having claims i against the estate of Nancy J. Lillie, late ! of Friday Harbor, in the county of San . Juan, state of Washington, to present the same with the proper vouchers, within one year from the date of the first publi- cation of this notice to the undersigned at his office in Friday Harbor, San Juan county, state of Washington. Georok S. Wright, Executor of the estate of Nancy J. Lillie, deceased. II S. KiNf4, Attorney for Executor. Dated at Friday Harbor, February 19, i A. D. 1896. First publication March 26, 1896. W. F. BROOKS, Wholesale Commission Fairhaven, Wash. I make a Specialty of handling and shipping, to Eastern Markets, I all kinds of Native Fruits and ! Berries. jFRUIT BOXES AT LOWEST PRICES. i Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt- Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped ! Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, I Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated E^e Lids. | For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HORSITbwNEBS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con- dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure ! loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 rents per package. For Bale by druggists. STE6BS and GASOLINE PORTABLE ENGINES marine LfiyinLd j If you think of buying an engine of any size or kind send for our Cata- ! logue No. 30, containing illustrations and prices of every kind of engine from 1 up to 2o horse power, at bottom prices !or List No. 29 for yacht engines, boil- ers and boat machinery. Either sent free. i Chas. P. Willard & Co- I 197 Canal Street, ... Chicago. I THE U. S. MAIL Steamer Buckeye Running Between Friday Harbor, Anacortes and Wliatcom. This elegant steamer runs through i the Archipelago De Haro, Daily, Leav- ing Whatcom at 6 a. in. on Monday, : Wednesday and Friday, calling at Cot- ! tonwood, Olga, Newhall, East Sound, \ Orcas, West Sound, and arrives at Fri- ! day Harbor at 12:45 p. m. Leaves Fri- \ day Harbor with the mail at 1 p. m. i for Anacortes, stopping at Pt. Stanley, I Thatcher, Decatur, Nedro and Guemes | and arrives at Anacortes at 6:20 p. ru. I Leaves Anacortes at 7 a. m. on Tues- j day, Thursday and Saturday, for the I above named points arriving at Friday I Harbor at 12:20: p. m. ; Leaves Friday | Harbor at 1 p. m. and arrives at What- ; com at 7p. m. , _ \u0084 For Freight and Passenger rates, ap- ! ply on board. ; IA. KEWHALL, \u25a0 Owner. WANTEO-AN IDttSSSI&S tilingto patent t : Protect your ideas ; they may brine you wealth. Write J OHN WEDDER- i BUKN& CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. 'P. C^ tot their $1,800 prUwoSerT :~ ~Li NOTICE TO SETTLERS. Settlers desiring to make final proof on their claims can make their application by writing to the Islander for information, thus saving a trip to the county seat, the only trip needed being on the day of nnal proof. NOTCCE FOR PUBLICATION. f Land Office at Seattle, Wash., < Thursday, February 27th, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the follow- ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Superior Court at Friday Harbor, Washington, on Monday, April 13th, 1896, viz: ANTHONY MYTLAND Homestead application No. 12,894 for the Lots 5 and 6of Sec. 9, Tp. 34 N., R. 1 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles Farnsworth, John Sperry, \ ic- tor A nderson and Charles Anderson, all of Edwards, Wash. Wm. D. O'Tooi.k, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f United States Land Office, 1 Seattle, Wash., Feb. 21st, 1896. NOTICE is hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has filed notice of | his intention to make final proof in sup- i port of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Clerk of the Superior Court, at Friday Harbor, Washington, on \u25a0 Friday, April 10, 1896, viz: DANIEL B. SANDERS Homestead application No. 13,942, for the E. 4 of tne Ne. i; Sw. i of the Ne. i, Ne. i of the Se. i in section 29, twp. 37, N. R. 1 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: E. W. Harrison, East Sound, Wash., A. Ohlert, Olga, Wash., B. Willis, Olga, Wash., Joseph Hilton, Olga, Wash. Wm. D. O'Toole, Register I First publication Feb. 27, 1596. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f Land Office at Seattle, Wash., \ Thursday, February 27th, 189G. OTICE is hereby given that the fol- ! - 1" lowing-named settler has filed notice I of his intention to make final proof in | j support of his claim, and that said prooi j i will be made before the Clerk of Superior | Court, at Friday Harbor, Washington, on Friday, April 17th, 1896, viz: JAMES HOLDEN Homestead appli ation No. 14755, for the Lot 2, Section 26, Township 36 North, Range 4 West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and I cultivation of said land, viz.: Isaac Sandwith, Roche Harbor, Wash., ! James Crook, Roche Harbor, Wash., ; David Swapp, Roche Harbor, Wash., Peter A. Jensen, Friday Harbor, Wash. Wm. 1). O'Toolk, Register. : ____??????????.???- ????? i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f United States Land Office I \ Seattle,Wash., March, 18th, 1896. j VOTICE is hereby given that the foliow- | 1" ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Superior Court, at Friday Harbor, Washingtoti, on Saturday, May 2, 1896, viz: PAYTON REDDICK Homestead application number 11,500 for the S\v. i Ne i, and the W J of the Se i\ and the Ne ± of the Se i of Sec. 5, Twp. 36 j North of Range 1 West. ' He names the following witnesses to i prove his continuous residenco upon and I cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Branaugh, Wm. Emch, Thomas I B. Olsen, and J. Morris Nichols, all of. Olga, Wash. Wm. D. O'Toole, Register. Date first publication March 26, 189(i. EAST SOUND NURSERY I Have to Offer for the Spring Trade n a . ?;\u25a0? ' § 8 « \u25a0 Hq \u25a0 S 4000 Ist class 3yr old Prune @ 10c 90c ?5.00 2000 " "" Pear @ 20 1.75 12.50 500 " " " Cherry® 20 1.75 12 50 j 2000 ?' syr Apple @15 1.25 10.00 | 2000 " lyr " Cur'nt @ 10 90 5.00 1000 " lyr old Gs'berry @ 6" 75 2.50 12000 " " M berry @ 5 50 1.50 1000 " " " Blkberry® 5 50 1.50 For any or all of the above trees I will take money or order from Islander first, hay, grain, cattle, 'hogs etc. second, labor at $2.00 per day, third, and secured notes last. Address all orders to ! C H. Tan Sant, East Sound, Wash, j Extraordinary Offer?? You cannot afford to be without plenty j of papers when you can secure them j at the following extremely Low Rates. t I SUB CBIBE NOW and let us enter youv name on our sub- scription books. We will mail you The Islander . i together with any one of the following [ named leading papers of the United i States, for the amount set opposite each. These must be paid for iu ad- vance in each and every case, The Islandar and Toledo Blade \ Year $1.50 j " '} N.Y. Tribune " 1.50! 11 " Seattle P-I ..«*; 1751 \u25a0 \u25a0 Seattle Times "1.75 " " Pioneer Press " 1.95 ?? " Cincinnatti Enquirer 1.50 " Tacoma Ledger 2.25 ; " " Thriee-a-week H, Y. World ....... /. |...:..;.. . 2.00 With the Pioneer" Press and Tacoma Ledger we also offer special premiums which the subcriber \ may * select - from |' the special premium sheets. - ? Subscribe Sooii And get the premium in time to make your wife, child or friend a Christmas gift. j SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. P,y virtue of an order of sale issued out i of the Superior court of the state of Wash- ington for the county of San Juan, and to me directed and delivered, for a judg- ment rendered in said court on the 13th ; day of March, A. D., 1896, in favor Off The Oregon Mortgage Company, Limited plaintiff, and against Charles Burnley and Elizabeth Burnlev. defendants, for the ! sum ofsl,iHH.2s-10'Jwith interest,at the rate ! of 9 per cent per annum, from said 13th | day of March, A. I>., 1896, and the further j sum of #?-attorney's fees, and $28.30 costs of suit, I have levied upon the following described real estate, towit: Lots Two |2) and Three (3) of Section (7) in Township,Thirty-six (36), North of Range One tD West of Willamette Meri- dian, and the East half of the Southeast j quarter ofSection Twelve (12) in Township ' Thirty-six (36) North of Range Two (2) j West "of Willamette Meridian, containing ; 159.05-100 Acres more or less according to j government survey, situate, lying and , being in San Juan county, state of Wash- ington. Notice is hereby given that on Mondav the 20th day of April, A. D., 1896, at the! hour of ten o'clock a. m. ot said day, at ! the court house door, in Friday Harbor, ! in said county of San Juan, I will sell all I the right, title and interest of the said i Charles Burnley and Elisabeth Burnley, j defendants, in and to the above described ! real estate,at public auction,to the highest I and best bidder, to satisfy said execution I and all costs. Given under my hand this 16th day of March, A. D., 1896. Newton Jones, Sheriff of San Juan County, Washington. Date offirst publication Mar. 19, 1896. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL FSTATE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out j of tii*l Superior court of the state of Wash- ! ington, for the county of San Juan, and to me directed and delivered, fora judgment rendered in said court on the first (1) day , of April, A. D. 1896, in favor of J. U. Brad- j ner, plaintiff, and against Hattie A. Range Bad J. W. Range, Claudius M. Rivers and Ada Rivers, James F. King and Adlin King, defendants, for the sum of $1,247.25 with interest at the rate of t*-n (10) per cent, per annum, from said first (l)day of April, A. D. 1896, and the further sum of $ attorney's fees, and L20.00 costs of! suit, I have levied upon the following de- scribed real estate, to-wit: The northeast one-quarter (1) of the southwest one-quarter (I) and the north- \ west one-quarter (i) of the southeast one- ' quarter (j) of section ten (10), township thirty-five (35) north, range three (3) west of the Willamette meridian, situate, lying j and being in San Juan county, state of Washington. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the !>th day of May, A. I>. 189H, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. in. of said day, at the court house door, in Friday Harbor, in said county of San Juan, I will sell all the i right, title and interest of the said Hatiie ' A. Range and J. W. Range, Claudius M. Rivers and Ada Rivers, James F. King and Adlin King, defendants, in and to the above described real estate at public auc- tion, to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said execution and all costs. Given under my hand at Friday Har- bor, this 7th day of April, A. D. 1896. Newton Jones Sheriff of San Juan County, Washington. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the County of San Juan, and to me directed and delivered, for a judgment rendered in said Court on the 2nd day of Ap.iil, A. I>. 1896, in favor of Peter Larsen, plaintiff, and against Rob- ert Mervyn and Alice Mervyn his wife. Defendants, for the sum of $720.70-100 with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from said 2nd day of April, A. D. 1896, and the further sum of § attor- ney's fees, and §21.30-100 cost of suit, T have levied upon the following described real estate, towit: Lots numbered five (5) and six (6) of block one (1) in the town of Friday Harbor, situate, lying and being in San Juan County, State ofWashington. Notice is hereby given that on Mondav, the 11th day of May, A. D. 1896, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court House door, in Friday Harbor, in said County of San Juan, I will sell all the right, title and interest of the said Robert Mervyn and Alico Mervyn his wife, Defendants, in and to the above de- scribed real astate, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said execution and all costs. Given under my hand this 4th day of April, A. D. 1896* Newtox Jones, Sheriff of San Juan County, Washington. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Superior Court uf the State of Washington, for the County, of San Juan j and to me directed and delivered, for a judgment rendered in said Court on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1896, in favor of The Canada Settlers Loan and Trust i Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, and against Dr. W. 11. Hayes and Sarah J. Hayes his wife, Defendands, for the sum of $1202.24-100 with interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum from said 31st day of March, A. D. 1896, and the further sum of ???attorney's fees, and §19.10- --100 costs of suit, I have levied upon the following described real estate towit: The north half (J) of the southeast quarter (J) of section twenty-eight (23) in town- ship thirty-six (36) north of range one west of the Willamette-.Meridian, con- j taining eighty (80) acres more or less ac- i cording to the government survey,situate, lying and being in San Juan' County, State of Washington, i Notice is hereby given that on Mondav, the 11th day of May, A. D., 1896, at the hour often o'clock, a. m. of said day, at the Court House door, in Friday Har- bor, in said county of San Juan. I will ! sell all the right, title and interest of the i said .Dr. W. H. Hayes and Sarah J. Hayes 1 his wife, defendants, in and to the above ] described real estate, at public auction, to \ the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said execution and all costs. Given under my hand this 4th day of April, A. D. 1896. . , - Newton Jonks, Sheriff of San Juan County, ash in gton , . \u0084 TheNEWMAILStr., LYDIA THOMPSON r .. ' '"'.: V "' ' . ' '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' '' ': I Regular, Reliable and Safe - \u25a0. \u25a0' .",.\u25a0.-.. .. \u25a0 . 1 \u25a0 -; .\u25a0: \u25a0' ' ' " -.-:"' .- .\u25a0\u25a0 Elegant Passenger Accommodations I Runs Between Seattle and Whatcom Tia. PORT TOWNSESD, And the San Juan Islands. ! NORTH BOUND.f SOUTH BOUND. "-\u25a0'..;:-.I.EAVES, ? -'\- , r L.EAYJSS ' 5eatt1e..*.......... lam Whatc0m........4 am T0wn»end....,..6 am East 50und....7 a. m. Friday Har.. 10:30 m ; Roche Harbor 10 am Roche Har. 11 am Friday Harborll am East 50und......5 p m T0wn5end.......4 p m Arrive WHATCOM : ; A rtive SKATTIJE .' At..6:30 A.t..7:4fi p. m. =r J. R. THOMPSON Man*. Owner. I GROCERIES ! IF NEW STYLES AND j fllfif PRICES D C _ Are Any InducementWhatever to You \u25a0 |, Y CALL ON O I c San Trading Co. T O" { \u25a0> '."-.":.\\ \':':-?i i H And inspect our goods, you will surely O purchase something before you I \u25a0'. leave the btore. I ' Q We carry tlie finest stock of Gen- |M I Serai Merchandise in San Juan County, : including a complete line of Groceries, %A Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and j Caps, Crockery, Hardware, Farming j Implements, Toys, Notions, Etc. ? j - I HARDWARE The Webfoot Planter ? \u25a0 ' \u25a0 ? \u25a0 '-\u25a0' t -*." ?' V AID i i THE WEEKLY IBLANDER | i $1.50 FOR BOTH ONE YEAR. Address All Orders To The ISLANDER. ? ? Friday Harbor, Wash. GEO. MILTON, MS T FAIRHAVEN, WASHINGTON. Our Motto is First-Class Work at Reasonable Priceg. A Fine Line of Samples Always on Hand. Cleaning * and Repairing Promptly Done. FAIRHAVEN, WASH. BAY VIEW HOTEL PIfDEB NEW MANAGEMEKT. ;\u25a0 SPECIAL Attention Given to the Ta- ;' o»> ble. If Yon Want a First-Class >S? Meal, You Can Get It There. Call and' Sp - See. *'?..','.'..'? "1 -?--"' *.-/%'-./. .'"- --\u25a0\u25a0-?"\u25a0 "; \u25a0' ' - \u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0 :--,: .\u25a0-'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0',,?' ... ;\u25a0\u25a0??\u25a0\u25a0;??';. -:'\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0 ?.'.:. \u25a0 .'\u25a0-.\u25a0 ." ?\u25a0\u25a0. ...... .-\u25a0-.- W. HOLLOWAY, PROPRIETOR, Friday Harbor, Wash. CASCADE BAY LUMBER & M'F'G CO MANUFACTURERS OF 'Fruit Boies FRUIT BOXES mtMt OF ALL KINDS Rough @ Dressed Lumber, Bam is SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, WINDOWS, ETC. - All Orders Promptly Attended. To ? and Prices to Suit * the Timef . Cascade B^;Lntoer and Manufacturing Co., IEWHALL, Orcas lilaii, I4SI

Islander (Friday Harbor, Wash.) (Friday Harbor, Wash.) 1896-04-09 … · 2017-12-22 · AHcommunications to Tin: Isi.ankkk must be wgned with the name ol tno writer, not neqoassrily

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Page 1: Islander (Friday Harbor, Wash.) (Friday Harbor, Wash.) 1896-04-09 … · 2017-12-22 · AHcommunications to Tin: Isi.ankkk must be wgned with the name ol tno writer, not neqoassrily

TpHE< ( I.VF.K HUO!*.. Publishers.

Entered at the pbstolßee in FridayHarbor as teoond class mail matter.


|1.50 per year. Strictly in advance.


Display rtan linn ads, $1.00 per inch permonth. 'S> cents per inch, : crvvrok.sin-rlo <?< luir.ii measurement.

Heading bust ness locals, and notices,

Huch Wanted: For Sale, etc., 10 eentai) -r line for fl-*t insertion and 5 cents perline each vveuK thereafter.

Legal notices, at eostomary legal rates.

AH communications to Tin: Isi.ankkk

must be wgned with the name ol tnowriter, not neqoassrily for publication,hut as a guarantee of good faith.

The Official Paper of San Juan County.



The Washington Post,the leading in-dependent paper of the national capital,with about the same leani«ic towardDemocracy which usually character-j/.cs Independent papers, rfiarply re-views the present condition of theDemocratic party and sums it up asfollows:

??It is torn by dissensions and feuds. Itis (Hi the verge of disintegration. Thefactional conflicts within its ranks are bit-ter beyond ? apparently nior.' ir-reconcilable than the hatred twenty-fiveyears ago between the Southern Democ-racy and the invading army of carpet-hatrcers. We have the Democracyin Maryland and in Kentucky sacrificingDemocratic states to the,ir fratricidal ani-mosities. We see them in Kentucky to-day sacrificing a Democratic seuatorshipIn the same nnholv cause. Everywherewe find embittered factions ready to llytit each other's throats, ready to Burren-der to the enemy rather than bow to themajority within themselves; ready towreck, to annihilate the party in theprosecution of a senseless rancor. TheAmerican people tind nothing in the pros-pect to which they can pin a hope, bow-ever faint. As things stand now, theDemocratic party is no more fit to make aserious contest against the Republicanparty, or to impose upon it the leasl re-Mr lint ofprudence and moderation, thanthe followers ofCoxey. or Henry Georgeor Parkhnrst are. ' The Republicanshave an open path before them, and atIts ends stands a tyranni<»l, irresponsiblettnd reckless oligarchy."

The las: clause of the last sentence isdoubUess added to indicate the "inde-pendence" of the paper. As a matteroffact there is no justification for it.

There can be no oligarchy, "tyranni-

cal, irresponsible" or otherwise in a

government "of the people, for thepeople and by the people" like that ofthe United State. '"h- people do nottake kindly to overbearing assumptionand dictatorial management in publicaffairs. If they did the process ofDemocratic disintegration would nothave been so rapid as it lias been dur-ing the past three years. The nearestapproach to an oligarchy which hasBecured any foothold in this country isDemocracy's Tammany Hall, of NewYork, probably the most notoriouslycorrupt political organization in theworld. Kveiy Democratic successachieved in the Empire state or in thenation since the organization of theRepublican party has been throughits influence. It was organized forspoils and has been maintained by thespoils wrung by its leaders from thetax-payers of New: York. PresidentCleveland himself has several timesbeen its beneficiary and its leader*have more than once been the |K>wer

behind bis executive chair. But the"oligarchy" that they sought to estab-lish in the control of notional affairshas been effectually overthrown andNew York state and the great metrop-olis are now enjoying a period of goodgovernment under Republican rule,If"the Republicai have an open pathbefore them" as the Post says, it is be-cause the great mass of intelligentAmericans have learned through direexperience that the Democratic party isabsolutely unreliable"; that the appli-cation of its principles has closed thou-sands ofAmerican factories and work-shops and infused ne^v life into En-glish trade; that it has reduced thewages of American workman in everybranch of industry and brought about»vn era of agricultural depression unex-ampled since the civil war; that it hasdiscouraged the development of Ameri-can industries by encouraging unequalforeign competition, and has createdan enormous deficiency in the nationalrevenues and a corresponding increasein the national These are someof the reasons why the Democraticparty has forever forfeited the confi-dence of the American people and isnow "on the verge of disintegration."Almost any kind of an "oligarchy"would be preferable to a long continu-ance of its misrule.


There is nothing equivocal or am-biguous about the tariff and financialplanks in the platform adopted by theRepublican state convention in NewYork, whioh bai undoubtedly voicedthe sentiments of a very large majorityof the Republicans of the East as wellas of a rapidly growing uumber in the\\\><t. Following are the two planksin full: ? \u25a0-;\u25a0\u25a0?

"The Republicins of Xew York, inconvention assembled, agam declaretheir firm and unyielding adherence-toth? doctrine ofprotection to AmericanIndustries, prptection to the products ofthe American farm, and protectiou toAmerican labor. We are in favor of atariffwhich, while providing an incometaQaieat to meet the expenses ofgovern-ment honestly aud economically admin-istered, at the same time secures hometabor and home capital from unequal for-eign competition. We believe in a reci-procity v.ith other nations Which shallgive our producers" and manufacturersjiuopportunity to dispose of their surplusproducts and to obtafn articles we desirefrom those countries on the most advan-lafceotts terms.

Tiik Islander understands thatthere are a number of patriotic andpublic spirited (?) Republicans in the

1 county who are aspirants for various

and Sundry public offices and yet

whose z^al for the party and for progressfeofsucha nature that they feel

? that they can pet along without the

county paper and trust to other sources? for such information as they may

deem necessary as to county affairs.lOfcourse The Islander will cheer- j{fully do everything in its power to

jfurther the political ambition of these]most worthy citizens.

The Republican state conventionI for the election of delegates to the,

national convention for the nomina-tion of candidates for president andvice-president is to be held at Everett

May 11th. The apportionment givesSan Juan county five delegates andcare should be taken to select rive well-1known citizens fairly representative :of every section of the banner little,Republican county of the state.


Tacoma, Wn. March 31, 189G. iThe Republican state covention is called

to meet at the city of Everett, May 14,1896, \u25a0at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of jselecting eight delegates and eight alter-,natesto the Republican national conven-tion to be held at St. Louis on June 16,1896, to select candidates for the office orpresident and vice-president ofthe United iStates. The basis of representation to theconvention will lie one delegate at large Ifrom each county, and one for each onehundred votes, and one for each fractionalvote over fifty, as calculated from thehighest vote received by the candidate on jthe congressional ticket in 18M, in the re- ispective counties, the apportioinnen, of

;each county being ss follows:HighestCongres-sional Dele- I

County Vote, gates, j! Adams 227 S

Asotin 106 3ChehaliH 981 11

! Clallam 553 7jClarke 1107 13Columbia 677 8Cowlits 820 9Douglas 386 5Franklin 22 1GarfisM 348 4Island -11 3Jefferson 887 7jKing 50U8 60IKilsap.... sti4 7!Kittitas 651 10iKlickitat 74t» 8

Lewis 1237 13! Lincoln 985 10! Mason 490 6

Okanogan 492 6Pacific 741 8

1Pierce 4292 44iSan Juan 380 5I Nkagit 1157 13Skamania 124 2Bnohomisb 19jSpokane 3102 32

Stevens 618 7i Thurston 1069 12

Wahkiikum 298 4Walla Walla 1130 12Whatcom 1721 18

' Whitman 2126 22i Yakima 860 10

Total 402It is recommended that the county con-

vention electing delegates to the stateconvention also elect alternates.

Owing to the form of the printing of jballots in the county seat election in the icounty ofSnohotniah a full vote was not!

Icast on the Republican congressional jticket, and Snohoinish county was al- jlowed a full representation according toits Republican vote In that county, al- j

Ilowing Snohomish county nineteen dele- jjgates.

In the judgment ofthe executive com-mittee it is not necessary for the differ-ent county conventions and primaries to ibe held under the primary law of 1895. jHowever, each county committee may !determine for itself whetheror not it will jproceed under this law, or in the usual |manner. Scott Swktlaxd, Chairman \

iRepublican State Committee.J. A. Van Bokkele.v, Acting Secre- i

I tary.

! the end that the trade of this country athome and abroad may again be placedupon h sound and stable foundation.We recognize in the movement for the. free coinage of silver an attempt to de-

! grade tbe long established standard of

our monetary system, and hence a blowto public and private credit at once costly

to '.h<> Nation;'.! Government and harm-

ful t.. or.rdomestii-and foreign commerce.Until there is a prospect of international

jagreement as to silver coinage, and while

\u25a0gold remains the standard of the UnitedStates and ofthe civilized world, the Ke-

publican party of New York declaresitself in favorof the firm aud honorablemaintenance ofthat standard."

It will be an agreeable surprise to per-sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to

! learn that prompt relief may be had by! taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera andIDiarrhoea Remodj*. In many instances1 the attack may be prevented by taking

' this remedy as soon as the first symptoms!ofthe disease appear. 2o and 50 cent bot-

tles for sale by all druggists.

"The agitation for the free coinage ofsilver at the ratio of 16 to 1 seriously dis-blrbs all industrial interests, and calls jfor a clear statement of the Republiean iJuly's »ti;ti'd.? npon. this question, toi

Your Face!

Will be wreathed with a most encagingsmile, after you Invest In a



AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASED,The most complete and useful devices ere*

added to any sewing machine.

The WHITE isDurably and Handsomely Built,

Or Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment,Sews ALL Sewable Articles,

r,d win serve and please you up to the fulll.mit of your expectations.

Active Dealers Wanted in unoccu- :i>»ed territory. Liberal terms. Address,



Notice ofadministrator's sale ofreal es-

tate, of the estate of George Smith, cie-

ceased.- Notice is hereby given that in pursu-ance of an order issued by Hon. J. JK.Tucker Court Commissioner in and for

San Juan county, state of Washington, in

', the matter ofthe estate of George Smith,deceased the undersigned administrator

: willsell at public sale to the highest andbest bidder forcash in hand, in lawful

I money ofthe United States, and subject: to the confirmation of said court commis-

sioner, all the right, title, interest and es-

: tate ofthe said George Smith, at the time

' of his death and all the right, title and in-

terest that the said estate has by operationloflaw or otherwise acquired other thanior in addition to that of the said Georgei Smith at the time ofhis death, and all theIcommunity interest of Catherine Smith,

surviving widow of the said George Smithdeceased, in and to all those certain tracts,pieces or parcels of land, situate, lyingand being in said county of San Juan,state of Washington, and more particu-

i larly described as follows towit:The northeast quarter of the southeast

quarter ofsection thirty-four (34) and the! northwest quarter otthesouthwest quarter! of section thirty-five (3.5) all in townshipi thirty-five (35.) north, range three (3) westjof Willamette meridian.

Time, place, terms and conditions ofsaid sale are s follows towit:

At the school house in school districtI No. I, in said San Juan county, (which| said school house is situated near the resi-

dence ofsaid deceased) on Saturday the[2nd day of May, A. D. 1896, at two. (2)! o'clock'p. in., to the highest bidder for

cash in hand. Gkokgk W. Smith,Administrator of the estate of George

Smith, deceased.W. H. Thackei^ Attorney for the Ad-

ministrator.Date Offirst publication February 27th,

i 189ft.j t


Notice is hereby given to creditors ofand all other persons having claims

i against the estate of Nancy J. Lillie, late! of Friday Harbor, in the county of San. Juan, state of Washington, to present thesame with the proper vouchers, withinone year from the date of the first publi-cation ofthis notice to the undersigned athis office in Friday Harbor, San Juancounty, state ofWashington.

Georok S. Wright,Executor of the estate ofNancy J. Lillie,

deceased.II S. KiNf4, Attorney for Executor.

Dated at Friday Harbor, February 19,i A. D. 1896.

First publication March 26, 1896.


Wholesale CommissionFairhaven, Wash.

I make a Specialty of handlingand shipping, to Eastern Markets,

I all kinds of Native Fruits and! Berries.jFRUIT BOXES AT LOWEST PRICES.

i Chamberlain's Eye and Skin OintmentIs unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt-

Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped! Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites,I Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated E^e Lids.| For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box.

TO HORSITbwNEBS.For putting a horse in a fine healthy con-

dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders.They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure

! loss ofappetite, relieve constipation, correctkidney disorders and destroy worms, givingnew life to an old or over-worked horse. 25rents per package. For Bale by druggists.

STE6BS and


Ifyou think of buying an engine ofany size or kind send for our Cata-

!logue No. 30, containing illustrationsand prices of every kind of engine from

1 up to 2o horse power, at bottom prices!or List No. 29 for yacht engines, boil-ers and boat machinery. Either sentfree.i

Chas. P. Willard & Co-I197 Canal Street, ... Chicago.


Steamer BuckeyeRunning Between Friday Harbor,

Anacortes and Wliatcom.This elegant steamer runs through

i the Archipelago De Haro, Daily,Leav-ing Whatcom at 6 a. in. on Monday,

: Wednesday and Friday, callingat Cot-! tonwood, Olga, Newhall, East Sound,\ Orcas, West Sound, and arrives at Fri-! day Harbor at 12:45 p. m. Leaves Fri-\ day Harbor with the mail at 1 p. m.i for Anacortes, stopping at Pt. Stanley,I Thatcher, Decatur, Nedro and Guemes| and arrives at Anacortes at 6:20 p. ru.I Leaves Anacortes at 7 a. m. on Tues-jday, Thursday and Saturday, for theI above named points arriving at FridayI Harbor at 12:20: p. m. ; Leaves Friday| Harbor at 1 p. m. and arrives at What-; com at 7p. m. ,


For Freight and Passenger rates, ap-! ply on board. ;IA. KEWHALL, \u25a0 Owner.WANTEO-AN IDttSSSI&Stilingto patent t:Protect your ideas ; they maybrine you wealth. Write J OHN WEDDER-

i BUKN& CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington.'P. C^ tot their $1,800 prUwoSerT :~ ~Li

NOTICE TO SETTLERS.Settlers desiring to make final proof on

their claims can make their application bywriting to the Islander for information,

thus saving a trip to the county seat, theonly trip needed being on the day of nnalproof.


f Land Officeat Seattle, Wash.,

< Thursday, February 27th, 1896.

Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing named settler has filed notice of hisintention to make final proof in supportofhis claim, and that said proof will bemade before the Clerk of the SuperiorCourt at Friday Harbor, Washington, onMonday, April 13th, 1896, viz:


Homestead application No. 12,894 forthe Lots 5 and 6of Sec. 9, Tp. 34 N., R. 1W.

He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon andcultivation of said land, viz:

Charles Farnsworth, John Sperry, \ ic-tor A nderson and Charles Anderson, allof Edwards, Wash.

Wm. D. O'Tooi.k, Register.


f United States Land Office,1 Seattle, Wash., Feb. 21st, 1896.

NOTICE is hereby given that the fol-lowing named settler has filed notice of|his intention to make final proof in sup- iport of his claim, and that said proof willhe made before the Clerk of the SuperiorCourt, at Friday Harbor, Washington, on \u25a0Friday, April 10, 1896, viz:

DANIEL B. SANDERSHomestead application No. 13,942, for

the E. 4 oftne Ne. i; Sw. i of the Ne. i,Ne. iof the Se. i in section 29, twp. 37, N.R. 1 W.

He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon andcultivation of, said land, viz:

E. W. Harrison, East Sound, Wash., A.Ohlert, Olga, Wash., B. Willis, Olga,Wash., Joseph Hilton, Olga, Wash.

Wm. D. O'Toole, Register IFirst publication Feb. 27, 1596.


f Land Office at Seattle, Wash.,\ Thursday, February 27th, 189G.

OTICE is hereby given that the fol-!-1" lowing-named settler has filed noticeI of his intention to make final proof in |jsupport of his claim, and that said prooi ji willbe made before the Clerk of Superior |Court, at Friday Harbor, Washington, onFriday, April 17th, 1896, viz:


Homestead appli ation No. 14755, forthe Lot 2, Section 26, Township 36 North,Range 4 West.

He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon and

I cultivation of said land, viz.:Isaac Sandwith, Roche Harbor, Wash.,

! James Crook, Roche Harbor, Wash.,; David Swapp, Roche Harbor, Wash.,Peter A. Jensen, Friday Harbor, Wash.

Wm. 1). O'Toolk, Register. :____??????????.???- ????? i


f United States Land OfficeI\ Seattle,Wash., March, 18th, 1896. j

VOTICE is hereby given that the foliow- |1" ing named settler has filed notice ofhis intention to make final proof in sup-port of his claim, and that said proof willbe made before the Clerk of the SuperiorCourt, at Friday Harbor, Washingtoti, onSaturday, May 2, 1896, viz:


Homestead application number 11,500for the S\v. i Ne i, and the W J of the Se i\and the Ne ± ofthe Se i of Sec. 5, Twp. 36 jNorth of Range 1 West. '

He names the following witnesses to iprove his continuous residenco upon and Icultivation of said land, viz:

Henry Branaugh, Wm. Emch, Thomas IB. Olsen, and J. Morris Nichols, all of.Olga, Wash.

Wm. D. O'Toole, Register.Date first publication March 26, 189(i.


I Have to Offer for the Spring Traden a . ?;\u25a0? 'a§ § 8« \u25a0 Hq \u25a0 S

4000 Ist class 3yr old Prune @ 10c 90c ?5.002000 " " " Pear @ 20 1.75 12.50500 " " " Cherry® 20 1.75 12 50 j2000 ?' syr Apple @15 1.25 10.00 |2000 " lyr " Cur'nt @ 10 90 5.001000 " lyr old Gs'berry @ 6" 75 2.50

12000 " " M berry @ 5 50 1.501000 " " " Blkberry® 5 50 1.50

For any or all of the above trees I willtake money or order from Islander first,hay, grain, cattle, 'hogs etc. second, laborat $2.00 per day, third, and secured noteslast. Address all orders to

!C H. Tan Sant, East Sound, Wash, j


You cannot afford to be without plenty jof papers when you can secure them jat the followingextremely Low Rates. tI


and let us enter youv name on our sub-scription books. We willmail you

The Islander .i

together with any one of the following[named leading papers of the United iStates, for the amount set oppositeeach. These must be paid for iu ad-vance in each and every case,The Islandar and Toledo Blade \ Year $1.50 j

" '} N.Y. Tribune " 1.50!11 " Seattle P-I ..«*; 1751\u25a0 \u25a0 Seattle Times "1.75

" " Pioneer Press " 1.95?? " Cincinnatti Enquirer 1.50

" Tacoma Ledger 2.25; " " Thriee-a-week H, Y.

World ....... /. |...:..;.. . 2.00With the Pioneer" Press and TacomaLedger we also offer special premiumswhich the subcriber \ may * select - from |'the special premium sheets. - ?Subscribe Sooii

And get the premium in time to makeyour wife, child or friend a Christmasgift.


P,y virtue ofan order ofsale issued out iof the Superior court ofthe state of Wash-ington for the county of San Juan, and to

me directed and delivered, for a judg-ment rendered in said court on the 13th ;day of March, A. D., 1896, in favor OffThe Oregon Mortgage Company, Limitedplaintiff, and against Charles Burnley andElizabeth Burnlev. defendants, for the !sum ofsl,iHH.2s-10'Jwith interest,at the rate !of9 per cent per annum, from said 13th |day of March, A. I>., 1896, and the further jsum of#?-attorney's fees, and $28.30 costsofsuit, I have levied upon the followingdescribed real estate, towit:

Lots Two |2) and Three (3) of Section (7)in Township,Thirty-six (36), North ofRange One tD West of Willamette Meri-dian, and the East half of the Southeast jquarter ofSection Twelve (12) in Township

'Thirty-six (36) North of Range Two (2) jWest "of Willamette Meridian, containing ;159.05-100 Acres more or less according to jgovernment survey, situate, lying and ,being in San Juan county, state of Wash-ington.

Notice is hereby given that on Mondavthe 20th day ofApril, A. D., 1896, at the!hour of ten o'clock a. m. ot said day, at !the court house door, in Friday Harbor, !in said county of San Juan, I willsell all Ithe right, title and interest of the said iCharles Burnley and Elisabeth Burnley, jdefendants, in and to the above described !real estate,at public auction,to the highest Iand best bidder, to satisfy said execution Iand all costs.

Given under my hand this 16th day ofMarch, A. D., 1896.

Newton Jones,Sheriff ofSan Juan County, Washington.

Date offirst publication Mar. 19, 1896.


By virtue ofan order of sale issued out jof tii*lSuperior court of the state of Wash- !ington, for the county of San Juan, and tome directed and delivered, fora judgmentrendered in said court on the first (1) day ,of April, A. D. 1896, in favor ofJ. U. Brad- jner, plaintiff, and against Hattie A. RangeBad J. W. Range, Claudius M.Rivers andAda Rivers, James F. King and AdlinKing, defendants, for the sum of$1,247.25with interest at the rate of t*-n (10) percent, per annum, from said first (l)day ofApril, A. D. 1896, and the further sum of$ attorney's fees, and L20.00 costs of!suit, I have levied upon the following de-scribed real estate, to-wit:

The northeast one-quarter (1) of thesouthwest one-quarter (I) and the north- \west one-quarter (i) of the southeast one-

'quarter (j) of section ten (10), townshipthirty-five (35) north, range three (3) westofthe Willamette meridian, situate, lying jand being in San Juan county, state ofWashington.

Notice is hereby given that on Saturdaythe !>th day of May, A. I>. 189H, at the hourof 10 o'clock, a. in. ofsaid day, at the courthouse door, in Friday Harbor, in saidcounty of San Juan, I will sell all the iright, title and interest ofthe said Hatiie 'A. Range and J. W. Range, Claudius M.Rivers and Ada Rivers, James F. Kingand Adlin King, defendants, in and to theabove described real estate at public auc-tion, to the highest and best bidder, tosatisfy said execution and all costs.

Given under my hand at Friday Har-bor, this 7th day of April,A. D. 1896.

Newton JonesSheriff of San Juan County, Washington.


By virtue of an order of sale issued outof the Superior Court of the State ofWashington for the County of San Juan,and to me directed and delivered, for ajudgment rendered in said Court on the2nd day ofAp.iil, A. I>. 1896, in favor ofPeter Larsen, plaintiff, and against Rob-ert Mervyn and Alice Mervyn his wife.Defendants, for the sum of $720.70-100with interest at the rate of 10 per cent perannum from said 2nd day of April, A. D.1896, and the further sum of § attor-ney's fees, and §21.30-100 cost of suit, T

have levied upon the following describedreal estate, towit: Lots numbered five (5)and six (6) of block one (1) in the town ofFriday Harbor, situate, lying and beingin San Juan County, State ofWashington.

Notice is hereby given that on Mondav,the 11th day of May, A. D. 1896, at thehour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, atthe Court House door, in Friday Harbor,in said County of San Juan, Iwillsell allthe right, title and interest of the saidRobert Mervyn and Alico Mervyn hiswife, Defendants, in and to the above de-scribed real astate, at public auction, tothe highest and best bidder, to satisfysaid execution and all costs.

Given under my hand this 4th day ofApril, A. D. 1896*

Newtox Jones, Sheriff of San JuanCounty, Washington.


By virtue of an order of sale issued outof the Superior Court uf the State ofWashington, for the County, ofSan Juan jand to me directed and delivered, for ajudgment rendered in said Court on the31st day of March, A. D. 1896, in favor ofThe Canada Settlers Loan and Trust

i Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, andagainst Dr. W. 11. Hayes and Sarah J.Hayes his wife, Defendands, for the sumof$1202.24-100 with interest at the rateof nine per cent per annum from said 31stday of March, A. D. 1896, and the furthersum of ???attorney's fees, and §19.10---100 costs of suit, I have levied upon thefollowing described real estate towit:The north half (J) of the southeast quarter(J) ofsection twenty-eight (23) in town-ship thirty-six (36) north of range onewest of the Willamette-.Meridian, con-jtaining eighty (80) acres more or less ac-icording to the government survey,situate,lying and being in San Juan' County,State of Washington, i

Notice is hereby given that on Mondav,the 11th day of May, A. D., 1896, atthe hour often o'clock, a. m. of said day,at the Court House door, in Friday Har-bor, in said county of San Juan. I will

! sell all the right, title and interest of theisaid .Dr. W. H. Hayes and Sarah J. Hayes1his wife, defendants, in and to the above]described real estate, at public auction, to

\ the highest and best bidder, to satisfysaid execution and all costs.

Given under my hand this 4th day ofApril, A. D. 1896. . , -

Newton Jonks, Sheriff of San JuanCounty, ash in gton , . \u0084


LYDIA THOMPSONr .. ' '"'.: V "' ' . ' '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' ' ' ':IRegular, Reliable and Safe- \u25a0. \u25a0' .",.\u25a0.-.. . . \u25a0 .1 \u25a0 -; .\u25a0: \u25a0'

' ' " -.-:"' .- .\u25a0\u25a0

Elegant Passenger Accommodations

IRuns Between Seattle and Whatcom


San Juan Islands.

! NORTH BOUND.f SOUTH BOUND."-\u25a0'..;:-.I.EAVES, ? -'\- ,r L.EAYJSS '5eatt1e..*.......... lam Whatc0m........4 amT0wn»end....,..6 am East 50und....7 a. m.Friday Har.. 10:30 m ;Roche Harbor 10 amRoche Har. 11 am Friday Harborll amEast 50und......5 p m T0wn5end.......4 p mArrive WHATCOM : ;Artive SKATTIJE .'

At..6:30 A.t..7:4fi p. m. =r

J. R. THOMPSON Man*. Owner.


AND j fllfifPRICESD C_

Are Any InducementWhatever to You \u25a0 |,


I c San Trading Co. T

O" { \u25a0> '."-.":.\\ \':':-?i i HAnd inspect our goods, you will surely

Opurchase something before you I

\u25a0'. leave the btore. I 'Q We carry tlie finest stock of Gen- |M ISerai Merchandise in San Juan County, :including a complete line of Groceries, %A

Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and j

Caps, Crockery, Hardware, Farming jImplements, Toys, Notions, Etc. ? j-


The Webfoot Planter? \u25a0 ' \u25a0 ? \u25a0 '-\u25a0' t -*." ?' V





Address AllOrders To The ISLANDER. ? ? Friday Harbor, Wash.



Our Motto is First-Class Work at Reasonable Priceg.

AFine Line of Samples Always on Hand. Cleaning *

and Repairing Promptly Done.



;\u25a0 SPECIAL Attention Given to the Ta- ;'o»> ble. If Yon Want a First-Class>S? Meal, You Can Get It There. Call and' Sp

- See. *'?..','.'..'? "1 -?--"' *.-/%'-./. .'"-

--\u25a0\u25a0-?"\u25a0 "; \u25a0' ' - \u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0 :--,: .\u25a0-'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0',,?' ... ;\u25a0\u25a0??\u25a0\u25a0;??';. -:'\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0 ?.'.:. \u25a0 .'\u25a0-.\u25a0 ." ?\u25a0\u25a0. ...... .-\u25a0-.-


Friday Harbor, Wash.


'Fruit Boies FRUIT BOXES mtMt


Rough @ Dressed Lumber, Bam isSHINGLES, MOULDINGS, WINDOWS, ETC.-

All Orders Promptly Attended. To ? and Prices to Suit * the Timef .Cascade B^;Lntoer and Manufacturing Co., IEWHALL, Orcas lilaii,I4SI