Mocanu Elena Lacramioara Islamism Immigration into the West ,,If you even dream of beating me,you’d better woke up and apologize’’(Muhammad Alli) The wish for becoming invincible or simply to cover our beaks is with every day more stronger.Some may say that the principale reason is weckness of the economy,who is affecting also not just the humans life but also the political stability of there country. Are there those people who could not resist to ther own country politic? Many of the imigrants who decide livind there own country did that because some of them wanted a better life for there family,a better future for there children,some may say they wanted to try there luck,or simply wanted something else. Contact with industrialized nations brought Muslim populations to new areas through economic migration. The best exampla consist in the Muslims who migrated as indentured servants, from mostly India and Indonesia to the Caribbean, forming the largest Muslim populations by percentage in the Americas. Additionally, the resulting urbanization and increase in trade in Africa brought Muslims to settle in new areas and spread their faith. As a result, Islam in sub-Saharan Africa likely doubled between 1869 and 1914. Muslim immigrants, many as guest workers, began arriving, largely from former colonies, into non-Muslim Western European nations in the 1960s and 1970s. Is the considered a good thing from the perspective of the Islamic ?


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Page 1: Islamism

Mocanu Elena Lacramioara


Immigration into the West

,,If you even dream of beating me,you’d better woke up and apologize’’(Muhammad Alli)

The wish for becoming invincible or simply to cover our beaks is with every day more stronger.Some may say that the principale reason is weckness of the economy,who is affecting also not just the humans life but also the political stability of there country.

Are there those people who could not resist to ther own country politic?

Many of the imigrants who decide livind there own country did that because some of them wanted a better life for there family,a better future for there children,some may say they wanted to try there luck,or simply wanted something else.

Contact with industrialized nations brought Muslim populations to new areas through economic migration.

The best exampla consist in the Muslims who migrated as indentured servants, from mostly India and Indonesia to the Caribbean, forming the largest Muslim populations by percentage in the Americas. Additionally, the resulting urbanization and increase in trade in Africa brought Muslims to settle in new areas and spread their faith. As a result, Islam in sub-Saharan Africa likely doubled between 1869 and 1914. Muslim immigrants, many as guest workers, began arriving, largely from former colonies, into non-Muslim Western European nations in the 1960s and 1970s.

Is the considered a good thing from the perspective of the Islamic ?

Like Karl Marx affirmed,, Religion is the opium of the masses’’ from the perspective of truly Islamic this means not respecting the world of Allah.

If Allah had decide that you born in a country who you think you are to not obey his orders,how can you not care about the decision of the Great One?

If Allah had decide that you have an economic status,why you try to fight ?How comes that womans have the permission to say what they think and to chose where to live?

This are without any doubt things that should be punished.This may consist in the most important reason for the Islamic-mislims in ther decision of living the place where they have been born,the fear of not being accused of wanting to be better.

Page 2: Islamism

Mocanu Elena Lacramioara

Once with the development of the economy,the technology and industry,but also of the relationship beetwen country’s was just a metter of time before people,no matter of there education level or there religion to decide they want to see how can be the new life,what benefits they may have not just for themselves but also for there family.

If in the past this was a reson to try escaping from the revolution,or a war,to immigrate,from the point of view of the muslims the person who made that most not survive.He betrayed his own religion and country when decide to leave just because he wanted to survive,so we have to punish those who try to fallow his example,to give them a lecture,they have to give there life for the country,Allah will give the a reward,they have to belive in the Suprem God words,there is no better way to die instead of being killed for protecting your religion and country.

Is in this days this tipy of thinking judge?

Yes,if people want to give a second chance to themselves,they should be free to go where they want,to be able to chose what country there family should live,what religion they want to obbay.We don’t immigrate because we have a great life and we do’it just for fun,like a weekend at the mountains,we do’it because we belive we have the right to try to reach our dreams,the economic level we want,to have a superior knowledge level,if in the perspective of muslims we should be judge ,the why people are called free, we should tell them that only Allah has to decide what is better for themselves.

For continents like America,migration was the path of success.Immigrants who arrived there give ther best to show they diserve to be accepted by those who were there.For Europe ,was the most important step in spreading cultural ideologies,coustoms,or simply technological development.

It was a way that some humans communicate to another humans,trying to reach the others educational,cultural level. Like Xun Zi said,,Human nature is evil,goodness is caused by intentional activity’’.

We cannot learn how to act if we don’t try,if the mulslims decide to judge our way of acting,then let them throw the firs stone,if we recive the chance of getting even half of our expectations ,then we can accept ther way of thinking