ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple supposedly built by Abraham (father of the Jews). The temple was called the KAABA . Polytheism – The worship of more than one god . The people of Mecca worshipped idols at the Kaaba. People would come from all over to worship at the Kaaba.

ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

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Page 1: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

ISLAM•Islam means “To submit to the will of God”

• Muslim – One who submits to the will of God

•Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple supposedly built by Abraham (father of the Jews). The temple was called the KAABA.

•Polytheism – The worship of more than one god. The people of Mecca worshipped idols at the Kaaba. People would come from all over to worship at the Kaaba. This was big business for the traders who relied on the worshippers for income.

Page 2: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

The Kaaba

Page 3: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple
Page 4: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

MUHAMMAD•Muhammad – was born in MECCA – raised by his uncle. Becomes caravan trader for a widow named Kadija. Muhammad would go to a cave to fast and meditate.

•Gabriel – On one of the occasions Muhammad was approached by an Angel named Gabriel. Gabriel demanded that Muhammad “Recite”. “There is but one god and he is god”

•Monotheism – The worship of One God

•Gabriel said “There is but one God and Allah is his name and Muhammad is the Messenger”

•Muhammad goes back to Mecca to preach of Monotheism.

Page 5: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple


Page 6: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

•Muhammad in Mecca – Many of the people of Mecca did not accept Muhammad’s teachings and the merchants were afraid they would loose the trading because the worshippers would stop coming to worship at the Kaaba.

•Hegira “The Flight”- Muhammad feared for his life and escaped to Medina. This marks the first day on the Muslim calendar.

•While in Medina, Muhammad gathers followers and builds an army.

•Muhammad builds an army of 10,000 into Mecca and defeats the Meccans. He then enters the Kaaba and destroys the idols.

•He forgives the people of Mecca for their treatment of him and spares their lives.

Page 7: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

•Once Muhammad conquers the Meccans and takes over the Kaaba. He orders one of the soldiers to climb on top of the Kaaba and recite the call to prayer. From then until now that call to prayer happens at the same time every day.

•Muhammad continues to receive visits from Gabriel the angel. His scribes wrote down everything Muhammad would say. This information is contained in the Muslim holy book the KORAN.

•The Koran contains the information that leads a Muslim on the “Right Path” to get to heaven.

•The “Right Path” is listed in the Five Pillars.

Page 8: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple
Page 9: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

Five PillarsThe Five Pillars are the Five things a Muslim must do:

1. Profess their loyalty by saying “there is but one god and his name is Allah”

2. Prayer – Muslims must face Mecca & pray 5 times per day.

3. Alms – Muslims must give 2.5% to charity.

4. Fasting – During the month of Ramadan, Muslims must not eat, drink or smoke during the daylight hours.

5. Hajj – Once in a lifetime a Muslim must visit the Kaaba and pray.

Page 10: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

AFTER MUHAMMAD•Muhammad Died in 632 a.d. in Jerusalem and ascends into heaven from a large rock.

•A mosque was built on that location and called The Dome of Rock Mosque.

•The person to take over Islam after Muhammad was called a Caliph. Eventually there was a split of Islam into 2 sects.

•Sunni – This is about 90% of the Muslims that followed the caliph that was appointed by the Meccans.

•Shiite –This group followed Ali and believed the caliph should be a direct descendant of Muhammad.

Page 11: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

The Dome of the Rock Mosque

Page 12: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

Western Wall

Page 13: ISLAM Islam means “To submit to the will of God” Muslim – One who submits to the will of God Mecca – A city in Saudi Arabia that was the home of a temple

Western Wall