Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?

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  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?


  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?



  • 8/9/2019 Is the Bahai Organization the Enemy of the Bahai Religion?



    White, Ruth. AbdulBahaand thePromised Age. xv, 224. New York:Ruth White(Also New York:J.J. Littleand Ives),1927.

    White, Ruth. TheBahaiReligion and Its Enemy, theBahaiOrganization. 233.Rutland,Vt.:TheTuttle Co.,1929.

    White, Ruth. Is theBahaiOrganization theEnemy oftheBahai Religion?:An Appendix to AbdulBahaand thePromised Age.22. New York:White, 1929.

    White, Ruth. AbdulBaha's Alleged Willis Fraudulent:An Appendix to TheBahaiReligion and Its Enemy,theBahai Organization.21. Rutland, Vt.:TheTuttleCo., 1930.

    White, Ruth. CorrespondenceBetween theHigh CommissionerofPalestineand Ruth White,Concerning theAlleged Will and TestamentofSirAbdul BahaAbbas. 11. Los Angeles, Calif.:White, 1932.

    White, Ruth. BahaiLeads Outofthe Labyrinth. 259. New York:UniversalPublishing Co.,1944.(pages 257,258,259 restored)

    White, Ruth. AbdulBaha's Questioned Willand Testament. 129.Beverly Hills:White,1946. (Pages 18,20,32,50 restored.)


    White, Ruth. AbdulBaha's Questioned Willand Testament. Beverly Hills:Ruth White, 1946.(Pages 18,20, 32, 50 missing fromtheH-Bahaiversion.)NoticeH-Bahaiwent so faras to claim pageQWT50 was blank in orderto concealRuth White's comments.

    ---------. BahaiLeads Outofthe Labyrinth. New York:UniversalPublishing Company,1944.(pages 257, 258, 259 missing fromH-Bahaversion.)

    ---------. Is theBahaiOrganization theEnemy oftheBahai Religion?An appendix to AbdulBahaand thePromised Age.New York:J.J. Littleand

    Ives Co., January 1929.


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    "Thescientificindications arethat thewillof Abdu'l-Bahais notgenuine. Also, fromthespiritual viewpoint, thereareoverwhelming indications thatit is notgenuine, as itcontradicts theteachings ofbothBaha'u'llahand ofAbdu'l-Baha. Butwhethertheallegedwill ofAbdu'l-Bahais authenticorspurious, theresults oftheadministration ofShoghiEffendiand the NationalSpiritualAssembly ofBaha'is stand as an historicalindictmentagainstthem. They no morerepresenttheBahaiReligion than thebigots ofthedark ages ofChristianity"(11-12).

    "Oneoftheseact ions is thetrademarking ofthename "Baha'i"in 1928.This is thesameas if onesectwithin Christianity had tried to trademark thename"Christian."In theirapplicationfor thetrademark theydescribedthemselves as the""NationalSpiritualAssemblyof Baha'is oftheUnited States and Canada, acommon-law corporation, organized and operated underdeclaration oftrustand doing business at. . . "This trademark was laterpronounced invalid by thecourtwhen theAssembly instituted two law-suits, during 1941, againsttwo well-known Bahais,to preventthem,oranyone else,fromspreading theBahai teachings exceptthrough theirorganization. OfcoursetheAssembly lostboth suits and they wereseverely reprimanded by JudgeValente, who reminded themoftheBillof Rights, and pointed outthateach onehas arightt o practicehis religion unmolested by others.

    "TheAssembly ofBaha'is usetheassets thatBaha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Bahabuiltup by preaching someoftheirprinciples fromtheplatform. Butin private, aftera personhas joinedtheAssembly, thatpersonis facedwiththe alternativeofcomplying withthenarrow, bigotededicts ofShoghiEffendiand theAssembly, orofbeing excommunicated.

    "This book is achallengeto them to prove, ifthey can, notonly whetherthewill ofAbdu'l-Bahais genuine,and theauthority which they claimto derivefromitis legitimate, butalso whethertheiradministration oftheirassumedauthority is inthespiritof theteachings ofBaha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha"(12-13).

    DELETED fromH-Bahaiversion [emphasizes truereligion respects theindividualand democracy]:

    DELETED fromH-Bahaiversion [emphasizes thespiritualimpactofAbdu'l-Bahaon White:

    "Forinthe hands ofShoghiEffendi, and TheNationalSpiritualAssembly oftheBaha'is oftheUnited States and Canada,thegreatuniversalBahaiCause has beenchangedintoa narrow bigotedsectandmanyof thetactics ofthedark ages havebeenrevived. This is whathas happened to thereligion thatmany leading thinkers oftheday believeis theremedy forthis age"(26).

    "Neither[Abdu'l-Baha]norBaha'u'llah had given theslightestintimation thatthey intended to appointan hereditary guardianship.In facteverything thattheyhad saidorspokenindicated theoppositeintention.

    "Ialso did agreat dealofrecollecting ofevents that had happened during ourtwo visits to thehomeof Abdu'l-Baha,whereIhad an opportunity toseehim in relationtohis family and his "in-laws."Thedeductions thatImade confirmedwhatAbdul-Bahahadso oftensaid--thatthe spiritualrelationship was therealkinship, and notthephysical. Forhis family, with theexception ofhis wifeand sister, weretheaverage types with astrong benttoward organized religion, whereas Abdu'l-Bahawas universal, "super-racialand undogmatic."Theworld was his family.His loving careforhis universalfamily was evidentthroughouthis life, butatno timewas it moreevidentthan during thefirstworld warand directly afterit. He personally supervised vastagriculturalprojects atTiberias and Adassieh, and herationed and distributed theproducts thathecultivated, thereby saving thousands fromstarvation"(28-29).

    "Itis importantforthose who areinterested in theBahaiReligion to freethemselves fromtheidea thatthe family ofAbdu'l-Bahais a"Holy Family."In facthis family, and"in-laws,"withthe exceptionofhis wifeand sister, weresomewhatmaterialistic, andviewedthereligion moreorless as alittl efamily affairwith astrong benttoward organization. Foryears they haveindoctrinated, moreorless, thepilgrims who visited thehomeof Abdul-Baha, myselfincluded, with this conception ofreligion. This partly nullified thegreatuniversalteachings. Theresultwas thatwhen Abdul-Bahapassed fromthis world in November, 1921, someofhis family, who had laid theground-work fororganization through thesepilgrims whilehewas alive, hastened to establish itmorefirmly when hedied. Allthis resulted in making theBahaiMovement, underthedictatorship ofShoghiEffendi, an organization which fornarrowness and bigotry has no parallelin history exceptin thedark ages"(31).

    DELETED fromH-Bahaiversion [Abdu'l-Bahaemphasizes that"Hands oftheCause""is only averbalexpression"and thatHe definitelydid notintendto "Appoint"anyoneversus atheocracy:

    "Notuntilthree years had elapsed afterthealleged willhad been read in 1922,werecopies ofit finally distributed,and then only to "old and recognized believers."Iwas amongthosewhoreceiveda copy. Butmystand continuedto beone of"watchfulwaiting."This standon my partcaused meno embarrassment, inasmuch as Ihad neverbeen amemberof theBahaiorganization, (SpiritualAssemblies oftheBahais). Iknew thatbelonging to themmeant conforming to thegroup repression and being shorn oftheuniversalattitudewhich Abdu'l-Bahasaid is theessenceof theBahaiCause"(40).

    "In May1926 theNationalSpiritualAssembly ofBahais incorporated theBahaiCause, madethe alleged willpartofthe by-laws,and proclaimeditanarticle offaiththat ShoghiEffendias theGuardian oftheBahai Causemustbeobeyed inall things. Theallegedwillhadnever been examined by handwriting experts. by thepowers granted in thealleged will, theGuardian collected largesums ofmoney, and sentoutvarious pleas forthis purpose"(40).

    "As Mr. Mountford Mills was oneofthe"wellknown Baha'is"who had goneto Palestineshortly afterthepassing ofAbdu'l-Baha,I wroteto himasking himto givemewhat informationhecouldconcerning theallegedwill. Mr. Mills, bytheway, drew upthe by-laws oftheBahaiCause, than which nothing could bemoreun-Bahai. although heis an exceptionally fineman, thatdid notinterferewith his blindness. Justafterhehad drawn theseby -laws, my husband and Ihad an interview with him, in which hesaid thatthehad recently finished reading 'Christianity Pastand Present' by Charles Guignebert, and thatifhehad read it beforedrafting thoseby-laws thehistory oftheBahai Causewould havebeen different. In otherwords Mr. Mills deeply regretted his action"(45).

    DELETED fromH-Bahaiversion [Ofthesefourexcisions fromtheH-Bahaicopy of White's book,this oneis themostincriminating. In itshe emphasizes thatAbdu'l-Bahaalways maintainedthatBahais shouldrequirehis signatureforverification oftheauthenticity ofhis Tablets and pronouncements, which would haveapplied allthemoreto something as importantas apurported willand testament. Shealso quotes on theprevious pageAbdu'l-Bahaapplying this injunction even to ShoghiEffendiand his brotherRuhi]:

    "Dr. Mitchellnotonly spentmonths examining theenlarged specimens submitted to him,buthe examined minutely every lineoftheten photographs oftheallegedwill, and his conclusionis thatitis notwritten throughoutbythesame person. This fact, inadditiontoothers, indicates thatthewill is spurious, especially ifwebearin mind thatShoghiEffendi, and theSpiritualAssembly ofBahai's, assertthatevery word ofit is written in thehand ofAbdu'l-Baha. Also ifwebearin mind thatit is undated and unwitnessed, and thatitcontradicts theteachings thatboth Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Bahagaveduring theirlifetimes--thatthe BahaiCauseis a spiritualdemocracy and notatheocracy. Theappointmentof an hereditary guardianship contradicts this"(69).

    "Dr. Mitchell's reportalso shows thatnoneofthehandwriting ofthe alleged willis thesameas theauthenticspecimens ofAbdu'l-Baha's handwriting thatweresubmittedtohim"(69).

    "Mostpersons areunawareofthefact thathandwriting experts usemodern inventions thatmeasuretheslants, thespaces,and thetremors ofwritingso accuratelythat itmakes thedifferencebetween twospecimens ofdifferentwritingoverwhelminglyapparent, whentheseareenlarged, even though oneofthespecimens may beso cleveraforgery oftheother as to appearidenticalto thenaked eye"(69-70).

    "ThoseBahais who assertthatthey arefamiliar with thehandwriting ofAbdu'l-Baha,and havecompared itwith thewriting ofthewill,andhave found themidentical, revealthefactthat theyareeither totallyunawareofthe scienceusedbythe besthandwritingexperts, orelsefearhas prompted themto asserttheirbeliefin theauthenticity ofthewill--fear ofbeing excommunicated ifthey so much as question thedocument. This sciencethat thebesthandwriting experts useis so mathematically accuratethatany numberofexperts using thesemodern inventions willarriveatthe sameresults"(70).

    "Ihavealready referred to theextreme carethatAbdu'l-Bahashowed in regard to letters purporting to befromhim,sentorbrought to this country. Thefollowing instanceshows thathe was evenmorecarefulto makecertainthat anyTabletor documentofhis relatingto importantpublic matters was properly translated and authenticated beforeitwas sentout. Hewrotea Tabletto theSecretary ofthe CourtforDurablePeace, at theHague, on December17, 1919, and heconsidered itnecessary to havefourmen translateit. Thesefourmen wereShoghiEffendi (Rabbani),Dr.ZiaM. Bagdadi, MirzaLotfullah Hakim, and Dr. J. E. Esselmont. This Tabletwas signed Abdu'l-BahaAbbas, and was published in theStarofthe West(BahaiMagazine), August1, 1920, with thefournames ofthetranslators and witnesses."

    "Thequadruplewitnessing ofthis Tablet, written two years beforeAbdu'l-Bahapassed fromthis world,makeit evidentthathe did notconsiderShoghiEffendicareful enough, orefficientenough, totranslatethe Tabletothe CourtofDurablePeace withoutthehelp ofthreeother men. Is itlikely, then, thatatthis very timeand authentic willofAbdu'l-Baha's, ofinfinitely greaterimportancethan this Tablett o theHague, should lay hidden in theearth, undated and unwitnessed, in which this sameShoghiEffendiwas appointed soleguardian oftheBahaiCause, with morepotential powerand wealth than asking and popecombined?And thatlater this samewillwas translated by theoneperson only, thebeneficiary himself--ShogiEffendi. Is this in accordancewith Abdu'l-Baha's super-carefulness?"(70-71).

    "AbdulBahasaid thatif an angelfromheaven comes down and tries to changetheteachings ofBaha'u'llah,do notbelieve him.ShoghiEffendihas changedthemby pronouncements andactions whicharein directcontradictionto Bahaiteachings--aboveallhe has changedthevery characterand fundamentalprincipleofthe Causeby putting atheocracy, which thefounders said itwas not[boldfacein original], in placeof thespiritualdemocracy which they said, overand overagain, itis. Thefollowing instances show whatacceptanceofthe alleged willhas doneto theblind followers ofits rules."

    "Mr. HoraceHolley, as spokesman forShoghiEffendi, madethis statementin 1925:'Thei ndividualconsciencemustbe subordinated tothedecisions oftheelected SpiritualAssembly.'"[boldfaceinoriginal]

    "This statementstrikes atthevery foundation oftheBahaiCause,as oneof its cardinalteachings is thatman musthavefreedomofconscience. Amongdozens ofinstances thatcouldbegiven ofAbdu'l-Baha's statements onthis subjectis thefollowing:'... theconscienceof manis sacred and to berespected . . . '"(73-74).

    "Wecansee fromtheforegoing thatAbdu'l-BAhaemphasized thenecessity ofman's being ableto exercisefreedomofconscience,as Baha'u'llah did"(75).

    "Duringthelifetime ofAbdu'lBahathe attempts oftheNationalSpiritual Assembly ofBaha'is to organizetheBahaiReligion wereheld in abeyance, butafterhe passedfromthis world, underthedictates ofShoghiEffendi, they swungit into anorganizationthelike ofwhichhas notbeen seen sincethe dark ages. They tried to exercisethepower overtheBahai world thatBaha'u'llah said would bevested in theSUPREMETRIBUNALofthe futureworld governments. In orderto enforcethis powerthey excommunicated thosewho would notaccepttheirpronouncements, and twicethemembers ofthe NationalAssembly sued atlaw in orderto try and preventotherBahaies frompromulgating thereligion which they held in common;but, fortunately, they lostboth thesesuits. JudgeValente, reprimanding them, reminded themofthe BillofRights, which grants freedomto every man to practicehis religion unmolested. Allofthis the readercan learn in theensuing pages"(76).

    [RuthWhitequotes Abdu'l-Baha]:"Theworstenemies oftheCause arein theCauseand mention theNameof God.Weneed notfear theenemies on theoutsideforsuch canbe easilydealtwith. Butthe enemies who callthemselves Friends andwhopersistentlyviolateeveryfundamentall aw ofLoveand Unity aredifficultto dealwith in this Day. . . ."

    "This lastparagraph applies overwhelmingly to theactivities ofShoghiEffendi,and the NationalSpiritualAssembly ofBaha'is.They haveviolated theprinciples ofbrotherhoodand unitybecauseoftheir inversions oftheBahaiteachings. Theseinversions areallt hemoretragic ofthis particulartime when theworld has been madereceptive, through much suffering, to thegreatuniversalprinciples oftheBahai Religion. Two prophecies ofBaha'u'llah havebeen so accurately fulfilled--thediscovery ofAtomicPower, and theembryonicSupremeTribunalas manifested in theUnited Nations Organization thatwewould do wellto considerthethird--thepossibledestruction ofour planetunless wecircumventthis threatened fateby abalanced spiritual civilization"(84-85).

    "This matteroffreedomof conscienceis themostimportantpart oftheBahai Teachings.God has given man free-will,and no earthly priestcraftnordictatorshipmust interferewithman's usingthatfree-will inmatters offaithand theinnerrelationshipbetween thesouland God. This is themeaning ofthespiritualdemocracy ofwhich Abdu'l-Bahaso often speaks--religion percolating through alltheaffairs ofourdaily life, and an idealpoliticalgovernmentcoming into existenceas theresultof thechangeof man's natureand belief."

    "This is justthetwist thatthepresent leaders oftheBahaiorganization havetried to giveto theUniversalMessageofBaha'u'llah."

    "Therearemany otherwholly un-Bahaiedicts thatShoghiEffendiand theNational SpiritualAssembly ofBahais haveissued besidethesetwo thatfollow: ". . . theindividualconsciencemustbesubordinated tothedecisions ofthe SpiritualAssembly, ... and:'. . . individualBahaieffortwithoutdue consultation is foredoomed to failure"(87-88).

    "Everyoneoftheseedicts are inversions oftheBahaiTeachings, as given to theworld by theFounders oftheCause."

    "In saying thatrecognized Bahais mustnotvotein any election based on aparty systemShoghiEffendiand his hierarchy havesetup whatmightbe consideredagovernmentwithin eachgovernmentin everycountrywherethere areenoughof his followers. Overthatgovernmentheis supremedictator. His subjects mustpay taxes to him(tithes)and heforbids his followers to voteon nationaland civicaffairs. Allhis edicts no matterhow un-patriotic, orhow much in violation oftheuniversalprinciples oft heBahaiReligion, mustbe obeyed underthreatofexcommunication."

    "This revivalofexcommunication is ahorribleinversion oftheBahaiteachings--theRevelation forwhich Baha'u'llah suffered imprisonmentfortwenty-fiveyears, andAdbu'l-Bahaforforty years--theCauseforwhichtwenty thousandmartyrs sacrificedtheirlives toestablishfreedomof conscienceand to uniteallmankind regardless ofreligion, raceorcountry. Theideaofexcommunication is impossiblein theworld envisaged by Baha'u'llah"(89-90).

    "Whetherthealleged willofAbdulBaha is authenticorspurious, theresults oftheadministration ofShoghiEffendiand theNationalSpiritualAssembly ofBaha'is standas anhistoricalindictmentagainstthem. [Boldfaceinoriginal] Theynomore representtheBahai Religionthan thebigots ofthedark ages ofChristianity.

    "Wehad thedark ages becausethebigots ofthatera gotcontrolof Christ's teachings and tortured allthosewho did notcomply with theirinterpretation. ShoghiEffendi, andtheNationalSpiritualAssemblyofBaha'is, cannotin this dayresorttophysicalt orturetoenforcetheir will, butthey haveresorted to mentaltortureby blackmailing with excommunication allthosewho do notcomply with theirinverted teachings"(100).