I. S. & bt S. Korn have sold the three five story apartment houses, on a plot 102.2x115 feet, at the northwest corner of KM st. and Park aye.. to Dr. B. Farquhar Curtis. He gave in exchange the flve story office building N'os. 4 and ti Easi 42d st. and the two four story and basement private dwelling houses Xos. 5 and 7 Kast 41st st. The two parcelß comprise a plot 44 feet In each street by about 200 feet In depth. Post & Reese were the brokers. Angell & Co. have sold to clients of FYederick P. Fox & Co. tlie Morris estate traot of 190 acres, at Boarsdale. Westchester County, N. 1", This prop- erty is surrounded "ii all sidvs with high class country botnee, and is said ;>> be one of tne finest undeveloped acreage parcels in the town. The property was owned by the Morris family for many years. The buyers will probably subdivide the property and sell In hish class acreage plots. NEW COMPANY WITH $4,150,000 CAPITAL. Tlie Fidelity Development Company, of this city, formed to conduct a r \u25a0\u25a0v i st;it>-, contracting and loan business, was Incorporated yesterday at Al- ban>. with a capita! of M.tfO.OOO. The directors were Francis A. Huck, Frank B. Pierce. James P. Kilburn and several other persons, of this city. L«npnld "vTell has resold for Joseph Uamerschlag ar.l the Fleischmann Realty Company a plot of forty-rive lots, frontlr.a; in Riverside Drive, from 1.73 d to 174 th st., to Seymour Hyman. This is part of the property formerly known as the McCormlck Tract. I The County Board of Boulevard Commission- ers were indicted for diversion of funds and Jjeglecting to keep bridges In proper repair, i Kx-Ass»-ml)!yman Terence J. Carroll, who was arraigned yesterday for embracery and conspir- acy. pleaded not guilty, and gave $1,000 bail on Mich indictment. Ex-County Clerk Dennis Mc- Laushlin qualified as surety. It is charged that rarroJl procured the selection of J. Hicks as a hetii. juror to vote for nominal damages in ver- dicts against the Public Service Corporations. Thomas J. Miggins, ex-secretary and treas- urer of the West Hudson Trust Company, who •fas arraigned a few days ago, was indicted for tmbezzlement. Ex-Mayor John K. Otis, treasurer of West fifv: York, was indicted for embezzlement and a.IBO for storing dynamite on his property in vio- lation of the law. . The Weehawken Town Committee is indicted )for permitting one of their number to furnish the town with supplies and for exceeding appro- priations. The Bayonne officials under indictment are ex- Mayor Brady, for jiuthorizing work that should £iave been contracted for: ex-Water Purveyor Cavanagh. for falsifying records; ex-Street Com- missioner Mettir.. for neglect of duty, and Coun- tilm<-n Cronaji, McKernan and Cassidy, of the finance committee. In Hohoken bills have been rendered against IE-Mayor Adolph hankering, the Common Coun- M, the Fire and Police commissioners of 1905, ifor spending money in excels of appropriations: JPoormaster Bar. and ex-Councilman Duffy, for Tnlsuse of the poor fund, and Patrolman John O'Brien, for oppression The Jersey City Tax Board, for contradicting bfficitil sworn statements of the valuations. Jersey City Kxclse Board, for malfeasance in licensing improperly conducted saloons, and not revoking licenses or investigating when com- plaints were made. Health Commissioners Lambert and Delaney. for neglecting to provide properly for the sick Jind Indlrent at the City Hospital. One of the presentments urges the April term brand jury to investigate the appointment by {he Jersey City Police Board of Mrs. Riptlc, for srho*.i the office of assistant matron was created. sThe presentment intimates that the place was treated without authority as a sinecure In re- S»'ard for political services. The following indictments were among those found: Grand Jury Brings in Many Bill*— Record Unaccused. The history of Hudwn County does not reveal k. grand jury that sunk its probe so deeply into Official boards a* that for tlie December term, •rbirh reluctantly completed its labors last even- Ing because the term had expired. It left two presentments to inform its successors that there R-ere pome ta*ks that it had been unable to com- plete baoa*M of lack «t time. It handed up thirty-six indicuner.Ls last evening. In the 211 Indictments found during the term are many Bounty and municipal officials. A bill has been found against City Collector Edward Fry. of Jersey City, ho challenged indictment and In- dulged in derogatory remarks, in which he. It is tlleged, characterized the grand Jurors as hum- bugF. No indictment was found against Cor- poration Counsel •;•.>!*:- I. Record, who, too. made uncomplimentary remarks about the grand Jury, but withdrew them, stating that he had been misinformed. Police Commissioner Bingham wants three pern- machines. Commissioner Stevenson of the Bridge Department two. Commissioner Wood- bur}' two. and Commissioner Bensel of the Dock Department one. The Dock Department already owns one marhine, the Police Depart- ment one, the Park Department three, the Fire (Department three, the Street Claning Depart- ment three, tho \\'a.UT Department two and the Health Depart] two. The Henrst en la the board are opposed to the purcha.se <<T automobiles for beads of de- partments. Alderman Henry Clay Peters says they an snobbish and tend to create class dis- tinctions. He says he is opposed to anything 1 that will run the common people down, and that Is what automobiles are doing every day Id the week. "I believe It will be a good idea,** said the al- tlerman last night, "to have the machines cen- trallyhoused, so that the repair bill can be kept within bounds at a machine shop to be run t>y the corporation." Plan to Store All Municipal Automobiles Together f Alderman John R. Davies at the meeting of the Board of Aldermen to-day will introduce a resolution nskinc for an appropriation for a municipal frarage. The city at present owns (.bout fifteen automobiles and there is a demand for almost as many more. WANTS MONEY FOE CITY CRITICISES TEINTTY COEPORATION. For Occupancy by May Ist Many Choice Offices ir our new modern fireproof 19- story Building now in course of |)r. Fagnani Lectures on "Democracy and Christianity." The Kpv. Dr. Charle» P. Fagnani. of the Union Theological Seminary, la a lecture on "Dpmocrary aaai Christianity" before the Collegiate Club, in Ihe 6ecori<l Collrgiate R*;f«.'rmM Church. Lenox •avenue atid I.:.! street, la.«t night, said it was harder to preach \u25a0 BSSjajsl for this world than for the next. He took \u25a0 fling- at the Trinity Corpora- tion In raying that "the methods of tbe Trinity Corporation In Sea Mac with the mansions above r^ntrajit mrangc-ly with Us methods In dealing ariih 1?!« tenements below." I>r. FVignnnl prophe- Fled that R;if=i«l^ would soon be a republic and that ite women •would vote. He opposed a big \u25a0utiiaji:*-ni for this country. For particulars apply to Business Manaoar THE TRIBUNE. Nev^-York Tribune FAVOR TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM. '.\u25a0I.- Aldermanic Committee on Public Letting tfid a- executive seseion yesterday sjftanwoa, and bt 1'« conclusion Chairman Kline aanounr- that th« raqueal of Health Commissioner Darllnpton for »I, apjiroprlatinn of IMjill for th«- estalillshment of a tubers ulnsls Banatorlum at OUsvlllf> would be MBsjertt Carorably to tbe Board of AMaraaea He lli \u25a0 t-- . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0: that the iir<'i«3sitlon emanating from Qw I'^DJirtin^ut of Cnrifrtions to rstalilish o!r-o- trlc m<jtorß in the workshops wruH :i!«=o l>p re- tHir»-4 Cavorattly. LIGHTER MAY HAVE BEEN SCUTTLED. The steam lighter America, owned \u25a0v the "cinmerrlai i'oal Company, of No. 116 Wall *tref-t. hank while tied up at Pif»r 42, South nrooklyn. yesterday. Bh<* was Iwii-A with oak \u25a0tavej and raw coffee^ A derrick of the Morrltt- Oiapman WrccJdnx Company ralse<i the lighter yesterday Hfternoon. It Is !>fli«-vt-d that the boat waF kouUl*-<1 by tonic one with a Rrif-va'ice again m the company. JOHN N. BOGERT S*CK. •. 1 ' I with :iy ill yesterday \u25a0 <laj-H \u25a0 SYNAGOGUE BURGLARS ARRESTED. Patrolman Michael ilaJden arrested on the Hudson itlwr Railroad tracks at Pier street. Vonkd-s, early yesterday two m^n who bad Srokcu iiito th" s> nagogue of th<± Conprogatlon Dbah Eedek, in Propped street, Yonkcrs, and jbtalned loot valued at S-HMt. The prisoners said ihey nn jiedlers and had fh>t«is to sell The pairoln/an. however, on making them oi*>n the t»und!?. saw that it contained s quantity of jliurcb vestments am! fixtures. The strangers n-er«* locked up an Bucpfdoua persona. Both jleaded puilty to burglary and were held for A* -rand Jury. Herliar.t. Justpli A. People, etc.; April :.'.: .'. 18!<» 1 cancellrd > 11.000 00 IJernstein. Nathaniel B. Friedman et al; May 3. lfcis iriinrell^d) .. £32 00 Fame J. Wanamakcr; May 3, 1898 < cancelled) £.52 7? Coln-n. Itns!« and Loul« A. —E. Kohn *t al, March ti. m>« ....... 442 41 fllorlfux. .luVs ami Marl* J. Ohaplns; Janu- ary 24, 190 C . 3272 Ou^jr.-et-y. . :!<\u25a0!.'» T. K. Satterthwaite; Mar«h 24. 19'j6 573 85 Jlavc-nnyer, Henry <•, Jr.- A. Klefer; Januaj-y 6. IS«ij6 \u0084\u25a0.< t-ui-a 1 434 35 Martin. Sarah, and Pauline lift)' -H Bcherser; May 10, ISO 3 . 3343 Matbfu*. George— J. Btahl, Jr., at al—July '.:. i"»i 157 25 Neut.ian. Max—S. Futdmun; May S. H9S can •"Hledi "3*oo Same— J. V.:, :i a, k.-r. May 3. l«9*l (cancelled* MS 72 bit!Cins. EJlza J.— M. A. M<Can.»ll; March », 1303 l i)^43 Bh«i>iro. Samuel H.—B. Mlllen' VV'al"; "March 23. li>o6 1"9 £9 Kn , i ' t , l i- '••Tick T.--P. IWlg.r: F.Vruaryis; * Ij*'»h JSTi^i Krh warts. Haraoaa W. and Daniel Kaufman— ' H. Kri«<ltnan et «l. January 2J. l<tn»; 150 50 Bpi«-r»-'.. H-i.ry and Karou i. al«o Mnx ronay— A. D. Jullliarrt «\u25a0< al; A:nu.i 21, isoj 9«9 "\u25a0» Waloon*. !vaa.c and Nathan. ui«.> Max Udell- J ' *" >.- l f hr .Z T^' t al January IS, 1905 (reversed).'. 1.278 3* 'Aeinrlb. Kamuel— J. Überman et a!. March 23 ' I*" 6 ' 41 ji Columbia Paper Daz '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 City of New York •' iMset-tult-r Z6. l*0« * c , -, Hnrl-m t^ash and :;; a«"o. Material "ti«n ; a V Mercantile Aaauoiation, Ltd.; March 11 19.16. 18 I' , "k.^ KUI"K U1 "" r<l '"—American Contractor r'uMiahing Co . March •«, 190<; ' m J. K. l.a!.*n. y Co.— J. •.Bnamak-r; March 13, 11>'>6 «1K» New York Or.tral I Hudson River Railroad Oft J- Kins; March IT. I»M . soa m, Fame— M Xln 8 ; Marrh :7. 190« "' JOOCO Keilly Mfjf. Co.— E. Itockhlll et al; March t. •'? 10031 FLOODS LIKELY TO BREAK RECORD. Mobile. April 8.- Tile situation In thf low- lands of the Alabama River and the Tomblf;- bee River, <iui- to ttieir overflow, (rowa woraa daily Stfambnats havo bf-en compelled to <lis- contlnue set vice, landins:^ f<T ISO miles above Mobile belnc under water. Xo fuel is to be had iii ti.- 1 district. The flood baa ui- ready reached <ii<- proportions ol the disastrous overflo aad threatens k> rival that ..f 1871. \u25a0 vine farmers are fast cx- haostins their supplies and pneumonia ha-s ap- \u25a0 amorta; 1 attke and other livestock. SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. :;r*i n^ine is that of the debtor, the second tor i'.'.i 'kite when judgment was Sk'.whegan. Me., April 2.—The case of Luther H. cr thr I<awrnire Brothers Company was an u> recover for lo^s cut by the comp . \u25a0 . : ; ; Bauiaji \u25a0 west of the Kennebec River, in Bacneraet Cottatr. The action Involved the own- ership "f the entire township. The decision will probably atf' | >iiiirs' worth ol lumber inn.jH. :<« ihe de: i dant'a title was similar to many other titles I \u25a0 " county. BIG LUMBER SUIT DECIDED. Wnshintrtriri, April 2—The case of Lather H. Boper agt. the Lawn: Brothers Company, involv- ing title to a large tract of wild timber land in Somerset County, Me, was decided by the Su- preme court of the United States to-day favorably 1 "mpany. CHINESE MAKE MONEY ON COPPER. A jTofitable "turn" made in American copper by a firm of Chinese merchants became known yester- n.iy at tne New York Metal Exchange. Th>se mer- chants hought last fall about flve thousand tons ot the stock of copper stored In Shanghai, paying about l~,hi cents a pound for It. Copper Is now . here at around IS cents a pound, and the Chinese firm Is shipping most of their flve thousand tons back to the I'nlted States, having resoH it nt a handsome advance. The first part or this reship- ment arrived here a day or two ago on the Stand- ard Oil Company's steamship Hudson. "GENTLEMAN BURGLAR" CAUGHT. William X Travera, a n<ned crook, was gath- ered In by the police nn Saturday nlsht as he was pawning an overooal n' Columbus avenue and 9*th sire.t. He was recently released from a Hart- ford prism.i n. where be served a nine-year sentence. Travera is known as "The Gentleman Burgl.ir " He told Inspector McLaiighlin yesterday that lie whs on his way to Brooklyn. He carried ;i revol- ver. Augustus R. Keller, head of th. publishing firm of Keller & Co.. with offices in tho Flatiron Build- ing, was arrested yesterday on a warrant charging him with embezzlement, falsification of books and omission to make entries. George Gebbie, of the publishing firm of Gebbie & Co.. of Philadelphia, appeared In the Tombs police court, where Keller •was arraigned before Magistrate Moss. He asked that Keller be held to await extradition papers from Philadelphia. Magistrate Moss held him without hail, but Moses H. Grossman, counsel for Keller, served a writ of habeas corpus on Magis- trate Moss, and then the prisoner was taken be- fore Justice Clinch in the Supreme Court. Justice Clinch dismissed the writ. K<-ll?r was again ar- raigned before Magistrate Moss, who fixed bail at Jo.OuO and set the hearing for April 9. \u25a0 AMERICAN MALT CORPORATION. The American Malt Corporation was Incorporated at Trenton yesterday as successor to the American MaltingCompany under the plan of reorganization. The capital stock of the new company Is $l",,000,0on, of which $8,000,000 is common stock and {9.000,000 preferred. The latter class is entitled to dividends at the annual rate of 4 per cent from April 1 to October 1. 1906, and thereafter at a rate, not ex- ceeding 6 per cent. Keller Held in $5,000 to Await Extradition Papers. PUBLISHER CHARGED WITH FRAUD. Two Hurt, Also, in a Wild Dash of Horse in St. Mark's Avenue. One person was killed and two s/ere injured in a runaway accident in St. Mark's avenue, Brooklyn, yesterday morning. William Nichols, of Xo. 1394 Ber- gen sireet, who was killed, wa« riding in a wagon with his employer. Morris; P. Oreenman, a painter, of No. 1622 Fulton street, Brooklyn, when the horse became frightened and Kilted. Clre^nman, who held the reins, was unable to control the frightened animal, which daghed the light wagon against a truck driven by John Meyer, of No. 1613 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn. Nichols was liurled to the pavement, landing on his head. (Ireen- man was :*lso thrown out, hut escaped with slight Injuries. Unhampered by a driver, the horpe dashed madly up the avenue, crashing into a second truck, driven by Kdw.ird A. <"Urk. of No. 6*5 Third avenue. < "lark r-usittlned many contusions. Nichols died an hour later in Bt. Mark's Hospital. The horse was stopped by a policeman. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. At 14 Ve**y st Hy Bryan i, Konnflly: rntheJral Park- way, a a. 100 ft w or Uroadway. 73x00.11. vacant; J O AUCTION SALE YESTERDAY. At 14 Vei*jr rt— By Jr.»pph !• Day; 221 to i! 37 Watt Km ay«, n w COT 7<>th ft, lih#..lxlih>. »i story fl ),- jr \y Whit.. ,. K 1 < .llln.- Buitdlni an. l Con r\, \u25a0' al; .lamt-s. SAP attyn; i:X WairnT. ref; .inn do* *:!7 i ;[!« til tax»« etc! $280 tub to a prior mtga of $17o,((.H); to M.. rr II Hay- rri-!) tCT «•_•;:.\u25a0\u25a0.. REALTY NOTE. The All Souls Church property, at the northeast corner of Madison aye. and 6Cth st .. Is to be Im- proved with an eleven story apartment house. The new structure will be erected by the Parkview company It will contain two apartments of eleven and twelve rooms each, on a floor and will cost, according to present estimates. $400,000 < . TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Alfred E. Toussatnt has sold for X L & L Os singer Xo. 147 West 76th et.. . four story brown- stone front dwelling house, on a lot 20x102 2 feet to a person who will occupy the premises. The house was recently altered. S. B. Goodale & Son have sold for E. Davis to Annie E. Keelon and Kate Dale Xo. 20 Kelson aye., a two story dwellinghouse, on plot 75xSO feet. Robert Miller has bought from A. A. Eohoop the plot 100x135 feet, on the south side of 175 th St., 50 feet west of Audubon aye. Mr. .Miller owns adjoin- ing property. Lasar Kahn has sold to Isaac Acker No 459 West 131 st st., a five story double flathouse. on lot 25x 99.11 feet. Sussman & Co. have sold for a client to Haber. Dworkowitz & Haber Xos. 331 and 333 West «9th St.. two live story flathouses, each on lot 25x100.6 feet. Benjamin Florsheim has Bold the six story apart- ment house Xos. 2035 and 2037 Seventh aye., on plot 37.10x100 feet. He has bought No. 2389 Second aye., a five story tenement house, with stores, on lot 25x SN feet, and the southwest corner of Second aye and l2lßt St.. a five s.tory triple flathouse on lot 25.2x80 feet. He has sold Xos. 417 and 410 West 19th St., a six story flathouse, on plot 43x80 feet. I-owenfold & Prager have sold 10 Max & Louis Epstein and Jacob Ptone the northwest corner of Park aye. and 112th St.. old buildings, on plot lOO.llx 70.10 feet, for improvement. Isaac Hirsch hi? sold Xn. 113 West <Mth St., a five story flathouse, on lot 27.4x112.8x Irregular. Jacob Weinstein has sold No. 22WA Second nve., a three story frame building, on lot" 25x100 feet, to Jacob Sherman, who will erect a six story tenement house on the site. Abraham J. Dworsky has resold to Dr. John Bloch No. 7 Allen St., a four Ptory tenement house, on I'll 26x57.6 feet. Lowenfeld & Prager have sold the northeast cor- ner of Hester and Chrystle st., old buildings, on plot 50x60 feet, to Samuel Barkln for Improvement; also bought Xos. 227 and 229 West 11th St.. 40x9? feet. Charles B. Faulkner has resold Xo. 118 East 78th St., a three story dwelling house, on lot 18x102.2 feet. Mary O'Neill is reported to have sold Xos. 88 and RS Madison aye.. two tour story dwelling houses, on plot 49.8x95 feet, adjoining the Hotel Seville It is understood that a twelve story apartment bouse will be erect* •' on the site Nathan Dodnick has sold for J. H. Beals, Jr., to Golde & Cohen 111 1 " 1 block front on the west side of Convent ay«.. between 12Sth and 129th sta., 112-:ixll4x2i4x76.=iI 1 2- : ixll4x2i4x76.=i feet. This is the first sale of the property In over forty years Bernard Naumburg has bought through M. Mor- frenthau jr.. & Co.. from S. fJ. Roaenbaum and others No 300 to 804 Weal IlSth St., southwest corner of 7th avo., three five story Rathousea with stores, on plot ».9xlOo .1 bevy &\u25a0 Co. and Abraham Brunrer have sold for a Mr. Ferris to Jacob Weinstein No. 427 to 435 Bast 121st st.. live three story dwellings, on plot 89.2x100.1) feet Six story flathouses will be erected on the site Simon Dansiger has botight the five story flat- houf>« Xo. 6 Bast 112 th fit., on lot 25x100.11 feet. Abr:un Bachrach has bought from Julius Schweit- zer No. 72 Bast 121st St., a five story flathouse, on lot 25x100.11 feet. Julius S'-liweltzer has bought No. 107 East SSth St., a five story Oathouse, on lot 25x100.8 feet. Uhlfelder & Welnberg have sold tin- plot 148x100.5 feet, on the south side of 70th St.. 175 feet east of Avenue A. to Jacob Bolton, who will erect four six story Sathousee 01 the premises Jacob Levy has sold the three six story flathouses. onvh on .1 plot 41x100.5 fe«-t, on the north side of CSlh St., 225 feet wept of West End aye., to Harry Kerzog and S. Klatzko. who have resold them to .i. Levak. David and Harry LJppmai have bought No. IST Perry st.. a five story tenement house, on ;• lot 25x98.10 feet. Reich & Rottenberg and Gross ft Elsler have bought from clients of Isadore Levy the two six .-tor-, flathouses in course of construction on a plot 100x100.5 feet, on the north side of 67th st., 425 feet west of Amsterdam aye. L>c«sauer & vVerdens blag have bought for a cli- ent from Catherine Vetter No. S!8 Bast 74tl st.. a flve story four family tenement house, 25Z102.2 fe^t. J. Moltz mis sold the six story tenement lious- No 24". Eldi loge si . 27.6x100 feet, for Ziebcl & Selnowitch, to 15. Lerner. The Enterprise Realt) Company has sold to M. Feinberg a five story tenement house No. 524 East 13th St.. Z&X103.2 feet The Sound Realty Company haa sold to Fred Arthur Qoetse sixteen lots on 22"th and '-'.'•".th sts., 106 feet weal of sth aye. Also bought from Wil- helmiiin Relnhardi the plot on White Plain aye., opposite Penfield nve., '\u25a0 *xlO».8xll fert. <"ahn & Cabn have sold to A. May No. 502 Brook aye., a )i'. storj double flathouse, on lot 23x100 fc^t. »'. William Boons and David Davis have sold fcr Mosei Amdsteln to B. B. Qerken No. BTO East l'i'Hh -1 . 37.6x10il ff-t. Eugene .i Bushed baa sold for Anastaala Devlin No. 577 East I4'«tii St., .1 two story frame dwelling house, on i., 2ixW feet. Charles Minister ha« Hold for Frederick Schn«» p. r- ing a two family house on th« south side <if 11--!^'l 1 --!^' St., near the Grand Boulevard and Concourse to H. F. Wintrich; also for Annl< Davis a two family house at Valentine aye. and 202.1 1., to v C. Eggon- spleler. NEW OWNER FOR FINE HOUSE. Pease & Elliman have sold for C. Grayson Mar- tin No. B /* mh Bt - a four 9tor hl^ «toop brownstone dwelling: house, on a lot 25t1<v> feAt The house was recently remodelled. "**" TO IMPROVE WEST SIDE BLOCK FRONT. Bernard Smyth & Sons have Fold to C M Silver- man & Son. for A. Silverson the block front on the west side of Amsterdam aye., from 133dto 134 th I ; h HV i!!if / fr ° nta * c of 200 feet in Amsterdam AMOS F. ENO A BUYER. The firm of L. J. Carpenter has sold for the estate of Henry E. N>smlth to Amos F. Eno No. 28 South st. southwest corner of Cuyler's Lane, a flve story loft banding; on a lot 21x99.4 feet. RECEIVER OF RENTS NAMED. Justice Greenbaum, of the Supreme Court, yes- terday appointed Diederich Meeraae receiver for the rents of the property on the south Bide of 151 st st 470 fret west of Courtlandt aye.. 25x113 feet; on the west side of Park aye., s<Ul feet north of 132 dßt le< t south of Rallroa.l east 50x100 feet pendfne 25 if. 1 outn .°' Railroad aye.. 50x10.) feet Dendlne a Baker agt M A Haffter et al; C E Miller, atty: B J Mc- Guire, ref; ami due, $37,205 65: taxes, eto, 1715 44. By Joseph P Day: Nelaon aye. c «. 215 ft n of 170tli st. 13x112.8 to Boacobel aye x 33Mx irregruiar; C H Meehan art Julia Baker et al- Leonard Bronner. atly; S L H Ward, ref; partition; toxes, ate, $1,845 81». By .lames L Weils: Cornell aye. n s, 276 ft w of Mapes aye. 00x100, 2 story f dwj h anil vacant; F E Yon Fleet agt Patrick Garry et al; Chalmers Wood, atty; Frank Schaeffier. ref; ami due. $848 M; taxes, etc, $12. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 4th st, n s. 105 ft \u25a0 of Avenue B. 50x108, West Chester; Joseph Rauih to Marie E Schwarz ... . $100 Union aye, \v s. 3*9.S ft n of l^>th st. x—; Henry Heach to Gloria Bcnaeht; m"rtgai;e, $5,000 100 Pelham Road, \u25a0< » corner Eastern boulevard, x—; Uroree F Bmnlng to John C llelnta and another, all Hens 100 Ssth st, .No 340 Kast. 23x95.8; Mary- F Carey to Samuel l».-nnlg at al 100 Bowery. No H-. w » aSxlOO; Moses Oildsmlth et al to Mary F Campbell 100 Lot 146, map Van Nest Park; Joseph Gamacha et al to Ferdinand Werner; mortgage. $7,400... 100 133 d et, n a, 110 ft v of "Sth a>e. ii r»\!i;«.ll;r »\!i;«.ll;Daniel 1*>>ii-I<>n to Max Manes and another; mortgage, $19.7ii0 100 101' d st. No a^i East. 24.llxiOO.ll; Hauls. Wolf to Max M KraenofT; mortgage. $18,«00 100 13Cth at. No HI East, 18.&SW.11; Henry M Toch to Minnie Berg.r; mortgage, $10.lHJ0 *00 l*t aye. No 131^. c B, 20.1x113; Annie X E Lange et al to Ann.-i Ceyka 1 l^lsi st. No 241 Bast. 23x100.11; Paulino Jacoos •ii.l another 10 Moses liaumgarten; mortgage. $23,000 100 West Broadway, No 273. c s, 17.3x«0; Ann E Alien and another to Fredtjrlck HoppniiUin 1 Wllleti st, No 101, w 6. 25x100; Jacub lUeger to Abraham Miller un 1 another; mortgage. $2U.500. 1 7hth st. No -15 East, 8x102.2; Btrtha Lehmann lo i;iia» l'.tisman ; mortgage, i7.UU> » Ist aye, c s. lUO.II ft a ot ilk>th at, 24.8xU4; John W Stelnmetz to Charles Dreytus; mortgasn. JU.IiUO I°° 113th at. No 306 East, 25x100.11; Concetta Marrone to Jacob Bloch and another, mort- Kage. IJO.OOO 10() 46th st, n 8, 200 ft c of 11th aye. 25x100.4; Malta M Messer to John H. Kllegl 10« Orchard st. No 186, c s, 25x87.6; Maria Bexhant to Rachel Gordon; Vi part; mortgage, $30.- 000 100 Madison aye, 11 c corner 101st st. 25.5x79.1; Kebecca G Goldring to Anna Goldstein and another; mortgage, $40.500 101 ' Madison aye, s corner l-Sth st. 80x60; Mor- ris ii. Feder to Samuel Mayers; mortgage. $lU,OOO 100 "tith st. No ?27 East. 25x102.2; Hyman Rlnzel to Simon Solomon and another ; mortgage, $14.1110 100 3Eth st, s s, 375 ft w of 9th aye. 2."I xl» 1 .9; Bern- hard l.olimann et al 10 Morris J Gordon and another; mortgage, $12.000 100 Lots 148 and 149. map of Belmont Village; Samuel Mayers to Morris H Feder; mort- gage. 10,600 , 100 14th aye, n w corner Prospect Terrace, 80x114; Agnea Cotter to Charles J Chapman 100 Main st, c s. 126.5 ft s of Scofleld aye. City Isl- and; Eleanor F. Sisson to Thos F Murray... 100 Trix.ityaye, w B. 150 ft 8 of Fontlac Place. 50x 78; Frederic T Howe to Alfred H Howe.... 1 161st st, n b, 209.10 ft c of Boulevard. lSx 99.11; New York Life Ins Co to Thomas J Meehan 15,000 130 th st. No 547 East, 25x100; Pow*ll-6teindler Realty Co to Ferdinand Bloch and another: mortgage, $13.250 '. . . 100 Crotona aye, n w corner Jefferson Place, 64x 100.3; Antonio Pazourek to Hattle Sellgs- berger: mortgage, $20,000 100 Clinton no, w * 100 ft n of Falrmount Place. 25x100; Margaret J Schroth to George BSchroth; >; part: mortgage^ $4.000 » Mount Morris Park West, n w cor 123 d St; Anna F- Leggett to Melatiah E Dwlght I Same property; G Ketchum to same 1 Same property; Bverett V Ketchum to same 1 Same property; Ellsworth E I>wlght to 5ame. ...... ie.OOO Same property; Marlon D Walker to 5ame. ....... 1 game property; LillianD Stern to same I Same property; Florence Westerfleld to same 1 Same property; M £1 Dwlght to Ellsworth E Irwlgtu 63.000 102 dst. No. 17 West. 19xlOO.il; Arton Mammen to August Krlete; mortgage, $ie,(K.«> 1 103 dst. No C West. 84x100.11; Frederick Levy to Joseph F. Dougles and another; mortgage. $40,00*) 1 112 th Ft, No 337 East. 2SxlUU.ll: Enrico Viz- giani to MDe Rosa; mortgage, $18.000 100 Seme property; M De Roea to Carmela Bore; % part: mortgage. $30,500 100 llttth at. No 12 East, 25x100.11; Julius Salinger to Hugo Joachim son and another; mortgage. $2& 000 100 Bth st. s s, 308.4 ft c of Avenue B. 39.& X&7.0; Barnet Apper to Hani Porgss; mortgage, $rt1,250 100 84th st. n a, 2or» ft c of 2<l aye, 50x102.2; Max J Kramer et al to David Hauser; mortgage, j27,50«»j 27,50«» 100 82d Bt. No 20* West. 25x102.2; Ellis Hyman to Hyman Realty Oo; mortgage. $32.750 1 Rlvlngton gt. a a, 85 ft c of Wlllett st, 40x70; Samuel Hirsch et al to Lena Schetnberg; mort- gage. $39,000 100 Sth aye. No 2807. w 3, 25xS0; Julius Kogowskl to Christian Rennenmuller; mortgage, $15,000 .... 100 108 th Ft. No stt East, 25x100.11; Jacob Horowitz to Max Ost; mortgage. $27.000 100 78th st. No 81S East. 24.8x102.2: Reglna Deutsch to Frank Havlln et al: mortgage. $14,500 100 Wall st. n c p. 60.11 ft w of Pearl st; New York Fire Insurance Company to Alexander 8 Fisher. 1 47th M. No 312 West, 25x100.5; Julia Goldberg to Amelia Goldenkranz; mortgage, $27 1 " 100 Willett st, No «4. c a, BxlOO; Rosle Greenfield to Edward Mandel et al; mortgage, $IS.OOO 100 lllnh st. No 511 East, 25x100.10; Emma Jacobs to Michael XM-Cat-ten; nv>rtoraga. $10,000 100 Avenue A. No 1331, » s, 25x100; Mary Kranhoff to Bohemian Realty Company; mortgage, $18,- 000 1 West End aye. No 891. w s, 20x100: John T Van Btckel to Dinah W Morris; mortgage. $IS,SOO. . . 1 Bnakecpe&re aye, tv s, 79.8 ft n of Orchard st, 23x103.11; Filomena De Resplris to Paul Cher- onnet: mortgage. $4,000 100 Brook avp. No 504. c s. 24.11x98; John Wynne et al to Adam May; mortgage. $18.500 1 207th st. n s, 75.11 ft w of Hull aye. 24 4x127.7; William C Bergen to Edward A Pchlll 100 183 d st, No 1041 West, 25x100; Philip Thorman et al to Charles H Fasewark; mortgage, $5,750 . 1 Teller ai>, n w corner 16lhh ?t. 11x201 10: Charles IIThornton et al to Thornton Brothers Company: mortgage. $17.500 100 Tel!«r aye. No 1318. * B, 1*16x80; Thornton Brothers Company to Emma Busch; mortgage, $3,100 100 161st st, n s. 112 ft w of Forest ay«. 21x75: J<ihn Slattery to Charlotte Wolff; mortgage, M.TSO. . 100 F»th st. No 223 East. 25x100.8; Charles B Meyer and another to Benjamin M Gruenstein; mort- gage, $20.000 100 Sam* property: Benjamin M Grueneteln to Max Mittenthal: mortgage. $25.000 100 22.i st. c s. ISO ft W of Pth av<\ 2«>*oS.6: Cath A Cm to William S Patten; mortgage. $12.000.. 100 WlUett st, No «4 c s. 25x100; Emma Luhrs nt al to Annie Schwartz 1 72d Bt. n b, 225 ft w of Avenue A. 23x102.2; Antonln Semerad to Barbara Marllnck; mort- [ gage, $12.500 , too RECORDED MORTGAGES. Erickson, John, to H Prillartz; Madison aye, c a. 840 ft s of Kingsbridge Road. 17x100; due July 1. 19103 54 per cent 8.700 Martiri'-'k. Barbara, to A Semerad: 72.1 st. n 5. 225 ft w of Avenue A. 25x102; due June 1, 1909; 0 pen cent 1.500 Schemberg. Lena, to Samuel Hirsch: Rtvlngt.^n st. No -41. 2»-t7''>: 5 years, S per cent 8.500 Sam* to Max Hfi-sh; same property; 5 yean 6 per cent ." 8.500 Coelho, Caroline de P. to J .1 Brown; Walton aye, B « corner 170 th st. 102x51; 1 year. 6 per cent.. 3.500 Vlan, Benjamin, to Manhattan Mortgage Com- ranv; Longfellow st. a .\u25a0*. 100 ft a of 172il st. IBOxIOOj demand 7.000 Haus»T. David, to M ,T Kramer and another; S4th st. n ». 200 ft c of 2d are, 50x102; demand 6 per cent .'. . SO. OOO Same to sami : same ornperty; 1 year. *> per cent. 4.00rt Viau, Benjamin, to E M Ewen and another; Boone st. w s, 130 ft s of 172.1 st. 23x100; 3 years 5 l ~ per cent 6,000 Wolff. C, to .1 SMattery; l«lst st. No 901. 21x7r.; 3 years. 0V» per cent 4 759 Schill. Edward A, to William C Bergen; 207 th st n s. 75.11 ft w of Hull aye. 25x127: 3 years. 5l«5 l « per cent i.ano Wittmack, Marie, to Mollt-son Realty Company; 113th Bt. s s. 100 ft w of Broadway; 2 years. C per cent 4.000 fist Max. to ,1 Hornwttz; Wflth St. No 56 East. 2T.x100; 3 years. 6 per cent 8,000 Joachlnison. Hugo, to D Schwarz; 116th st. No 12 Kast, 2T>xlO<>; 2 years. « per cent 2,000 De Rosa. M. to X \Mggtant; 112 th st. No 837 East; Installments; 6 p«-r cent 11600 Goldstein, Anna, and another to Rebecca T Gold rlnjs; >lali?.iri aye, n « corner 101 st st, 25x7t«; & years, 6 per cent 2.500 Fishf-r. Alexander S. to New York Fir- Insurance Company; Wall st. n a s. ft). 11 w cf Pearl st; fi years. 4Hi per cent . 93.000 Muniiel. Kdwnrd, arul others to H Idman; \Vii!et st, No 44, 26xlU>: 2 years, »5 per cent 2.250 Choronnet, I'm!, to F De R^«i)int. Shakespeare aye, w a. lies ft a of Orchard st. lt»3x Irreg; :• years, rt per cent 2,'»*> Gulden, ••buries, to Charles Spiegel; Sotb St. o r. 2.15 ft <> of 4th aye. lSxlOf>; 1 year, 5 per c*nt .. 15.000 r«-teri^. John J. to Linda Kuennath: l«4ih st. n a. 03 ft c of Grant &v«\ rixlo; 8 years. 5 per cent 3,000 Renenmuller, Christian, to Julius Rogowskl and another; Sth m- No -•*>!. 25xM>; :: years, 6 per cent 9.000 Kllegl. John H. to N M Messer; 4Cth St. n s, 2i>o ft of 11th aye, s 8, 2."\l<" 5 years 54 per oent 8.000 Ftxler. Morris H. to Samue! Mayer; Taylor aye. 11 w » lot us, map Belmont village, 100x100; 1 year. « per cent 2, 000 i^Oiii.-to nine: Prospect aye. -.v •. 7<> ft sof l v 7th Bt, 100x100; 1 year,, « per cent nooon 000 Rloch Ferdinand, to PowelV-Btelndler Real! Co- 13«th st No ."\u25a0•>". 25.tin»/; :i years, <; per cent ' 3.250 Meehan. rhonaa J. to New York Life Insurance Co; 1»".1 st, n3. li«» ID ft •• of Boulevard, 18x 00; 3 years, 5 per cent '. . 1,1 o«x> Goeb, Mary, to Ameilcan R< bI Estate Co; Fall* et, <• •. !ii •• \u25a0 of Bancroft aye, 20x100; dun Sej>- tfrarxT -_v. 190 a>J per cent : ' j 000 Plpi>. <3eorge A. to A Bach E '\u25a0•• \u25a0 ombe aye. No SS. 17xfx»; instalments. 5 per cent 3 sort Mlttenthal, Max. to U M. Oruenati-Ui; SOlh Bt. No 2£l Baal 26x100; 5 years, (It*r rent ...... 5 ono Schwarz. Marl» E. to Joseph Rauch: 4t!i at. 11 s 10.1 ft w of Avenue H, BOxIOH; t year. «» pt-r cent -c*> Miller, William S. to It f Miller; |Otb ft NO 141 \u25a0 . Kimr. 35x122; 1 year, 4>; per \u25a0 \u25a0'" 2O0M) Harnach. Abraham R. to M etas ."yth Ft n b, l'». ft v. f loth ay. 20x100; ?. years, 'iper'ceat. 3 600 Ifonaea, I»ut«e, to L Fries; lot 11. map 8 1. H.ttKtit, •; ,-eara, 5 i>er cent. . 1 am I* vine. l>wi!<. 1.. LKaufmann; Avenue 1> No 182 StSxlOl: 5 year*. >> i-r rent ... ' 6,500 Oorden, Morris .1. and another to i> Kramer; 39th st. s s, No 376. n m corner of »th aye. 25x'js; .'! years. M pat cent .... . " 3 000 i>yka. Anna, to German Savings Hank Ist aye Ko 1312. 25x11.".; due May 1. U>o7: 5 per cent..' 15.000 Fame to J Frederick Boas; name property; 3 yean 8 per cent '. . . , t ' g ,„,,, Same to William Lleaeabela; 72,1 at. No 41t; Eait ZSxIOS; 3 years . .5.100 WVxler. leldor. and another to H At.rams; Ist aye. Noi 848 and 848. loU. 4l»«s>. together- '.' *'* two mortgages, $7,250; due October 1, (• •'; Pi.r cent " 14.500. Interurban Street Railway Company Julen t^>nts. coats US» W. A. Cullea Ccnatructlun Company— Percy It. BrunJag* 12t 93 PETITIONS IN BANKRUPTCY. The following petitions in bankruptcy w««r« tied yesterday with the Clerk of the United States Dl*> trlct Court: Henry Steindl, tailor. No. IK Stanton street, vol- untary petition, showing debts of $4.0w) and a3S«t' of $50. The principal t'redttors are the peopl* ot i* stat«» of New York, for failure to yrotiuod a de- fendant in th« Criminal Court of Now York County on two bonds of $.V>«>; Herman Newman, residence unknown, on an action for false imprisonment. An involuntary petition was til*.! asrainat Albert Green, woman's hata. No. 36 Bond street by Benja- min Riralds. with a claim of **».> Th, alleg»» bankrupt, it is claimed, had admitted hi.-. Insolvency In writir.cr. An Involuntary petition was filed against th* Belt Piano Company, a New York corporation ot So. iW« Bergen avenue. The Bronx, by thn \u25a0\u0084 creditor*, with claims ax follows: 11. Hfh!.-i & Uro JWO; 1"*" Schick. $US: the National Bimitnsj and Machine Company. *13. The charge mad« that the !<*•* Piano Company committed an act of bankruptcy : In making a general aaaißnment to J. Krederlcß Mosby. on Marrh SI. 190«. Ju.ls. B. Wild* was ap- pointed receiver of the huaines* of the company, with a bond of $i.ooih The indebtedness is esti- mated at C 3.000. with assets of $7,000. James N. Rosenb^ry was appointed receiver «>• th« business of 11. Blber & Co.. involuntary b^nS« u gta- <-' No. m ElUrtaK ® »«reet. with a bond •• Dreyfuss. Charles, to John W Stjlnmetz: Ist aye. Vs. 100.11 ft s of Ida It. 24x&4; 4 years. « per l«niiig. aantuei. Md oiu-rr to M F i^asey ; 35th st. No 34<> East. 23x«.tS; ft ynr*. 5 per cent >.«» Kirchner. William, and another to H. P. Anson; Deane Place, . s. 23 ft s of Pierce aye. 25«1««»; 1 year. 6 per cent I>lw , Durr. Frank A. to (J H.as*: Pleasant ay«. s. I 100 ft n of 2.1 st. 23xl0O; 2 years. 6 er cent. .. . 1.300 Frankel. Frank, to Thomas MCpnroy; Rlst »t. \u25a0 139 ft \u25a0 of Avenue a. l»xtO2; I month. « per . flilw Campbeffiiary' F. tr> Moses Goldsmith; Bowery. No , OS. '25x11)2: 8 years. 34 per cent -• 23.00U Bafano F. to W H Satnmet; Villa aye. w s. 271 it a of Van Ccrtlandt aye. 23x124: 2 years. 8* per r«nt I.IW Rush. Th*resa. to Henry Ellas Brewing Company; Webster aye. c s. 50 ft of Signal Place; de- mand. « per cent ow Lane. Charles, to M A King. 7th are. a w corner . of 127 th st. MUM. 5 years. 5 per cent •••"•••• SO- 000 Martlre, Angelo H. and another to B 3 Co£=n: Woonycrest aye. w a. 175 ft n of 165th St. 15x 92: 5 years. 6 per cent '\u25a0 w game to M L Hardman: Woodycrsst aye. w s. 2W.10 ft n of MSta »t. 15x93: B y**T9. •> per «fo» R^-ilh- John." to" A* 1.-iln. Jr; 133 d st. n \u25a0. 190 ft eof Sth aye. 15x60; .1 years. 6 tar —«._:•• m *\u25a0'**> Louis Meyer Realty Company to J Marx: Trinity aye. No 757. 39x101: 3 y*ars. per c«nt \u25a0••••" 3l)w Dignus. Conrad, to Van Loan Whltehead and an- other, executors: lot 49. map of Daily estate: 13M Shap > iror ! Le 6 vy^and t ta"rV'.'to"v"w"Le"ggitt:' Front J< *"~ Shaclro Levy and frarr, to T W Leggett : Front st No 386. ISxTO: 2 years. 8H p* JMBt.. --.- *<**> \ Same to same; Front st. No 87*. 18x7O; 3 yeara, Uebovul Samuel! to Emigrant' Industrial! ,:\u25a0. Bankj4Sth st. No 222 West. 10*100: due JUB« lft(J0O Mar'onV Mlchari' S'»*F*c£tem«Bto:*U»rh*«C \u25a0• \u25a0 I " v^' Marone. Michael. »o F V Chlnm«ato; llflrh st, NO 428 East. lflxlOO; 1 year. « per ce^t -\u25a0- \u25a0•\u25a0• "• % "~ Ernst. Alois L. to J Lichtensteln ; 3»th st. No 421 g Wast 23x95: 2 years w,w Kramer, Max J. and another to I. B Jamea: Ave- nue A. * w corner 7th st. 22x100; due May I. „., 1906. 5 per cent ••• •••\u25a0• •*»w - Goldstein R. to L Margulles and another; 10th st. na. 8»3 ft eof Avenue A. 25x91: 1 year. » p«- 3 MacDowell!" Park, "to Rose Hofmann; 238th st. n c corner Martha m 23x100; 1 y«jr... ••••:•:; «- 3W Duval Company to Em>nr n s i? m li^f Bank: 12th at, No 36^ to 369. 87x99; due June Jl<>w# lla^VatT't-TSaiiii" ' industry " Saving. Rechtel. Paul H. to A Niess; Tremont aye. m> rs«, 23x87; 1 year - " i: " Cohn. Isaac, to George' Levy, Madison aye. No mortgages f«,000; 2 years, B r"r cent •\u25a0 1" w " 1 ABC Realty Company to «*"«;«* **%*-. Jt^ sterdam aye. \u25a0 w corner 14Sth st. - 4 * loo - a ,„„ Bh^pYro". Lev" an'" Ptarr. fn'FW Leggett:' Jackson ' st" No 77. IPxBO; 2 years. 0 per c«nt. .. •••••\u25a0_ 130c(> Pame to sam«; Jackson. St. w B. 7O ft s of "Water , st. m*V a yean.. SH eer cent •.•_•-_:"\u25a0 " ' °"° ABC Realty Company to r 1^ £ r: 2 A m oo' r ; dam aye, w •. 24.11 ft s of 148 th at. 26x100. 3 : years. 6 per cent 8000 ° THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. 1324 at n. *.. 154 ft. w. of Willow are.: for a two «ory brick stable. 24x16; Penney * Bunt, owners: Ernest H. Ruche. architect .......... 5-«> Concourse, c. s., 89.2H ft. n. of Mount Hop« Place: for a four story brick tenement bouse. 89.23^x27. 7x78.6x5R.3H; Oscar H. and Mary C. Vaupel, owners: Thorn & Wilson, architects.... 20.000 Valentine aye., w. s.. 131 ft. s. of IMHh st ; for two two story and attic frame dwelling houses. 19.4x40; R. M. and L. F- Mohr. owners; Charles 8. Clark, architect i"C"^Z'i 10.000 Perry aye.. w. a., 118 ft. s. of Mosholu Parkway: for a two story and attlo frame dwelling house, 22*54: William C. Bergen, owner; Charles S. Clark architect •- ">.VJO 179th St.. * w. corner Webster aye.: for two six story brick tenement houses. f1.0Vx8«.3 and 7^x»2..'.»i; Roto Realty and Construction Company, Owner: George F. Pelham. architect.. 120.000 Cedar St.. c, 9 . 275 ft. n. of Kingston aye.; for a two story frame dwelling house. 20x32: Jennie A Kllllan. owner: John F. Franklin, architect. 1.800 MECHANICS' LIENS. . 127th st.. No. 132 East; Joseph Klausner agt „--. Louis Lewonhof. owner and contractor ...*!.. T0 00 127 th Ft s s . «4 ft. w. of Lexington aye.. 36x 100; Maresca Walsh Tile and Marble Works agt. same ••••• «,..».\u25a0••••••\u25a0....••••••••••"*•••••" 5 * W/ 114th st.V No. 72 East: Adolph Hopp aiet. Jacob and Samuel Lemplt. owned and contractors. ... o»w 72d st No 149 East;'KHene & Buckmaster agt. Edward A. Le Roy Jr. owner; Varick Contract- wl_-,^ Ing Company, contractor * **' **» 72d St.. No. 151 East: same a*t. Henry C. Beadle- ston. owner; Varick Contracting Company, con- tractor *• °' i> "* S9th at.. No. 32 East; same agt. Phillip C. Rhine- lander, owner; John Fulton, contractor 21- CO Jefferson aye.. vr. s. 2<iO ft. s. of Morris Park aye.. 2T.x100; Charles G. Schwartz agt. Francis J. Tlernan, owner and contractor -* 00 Honeywell aye.. c. \u25a0 . 32.7 ft. 9. of 17»th st.. BOx 200 to Dalv aye.: Charles O. Schwartz a?t. N. Cohn and H. Axelroad. .owners and contractors 839 43 Tlmpson Place, c. s.. 100 ft. n. of St. Joseph's Place 455.7x120.9x irreg.: Michael J. Morlarty Ajax ' Construction Company, owner and con- tractor v I, ZOO 0O 6th aye.. \o. SSS; Commonwealth Roofing Com- pany a«t. Henry J. Trever. owner; Empire Sheet Metal Works, contractor 20 54 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. 72d st.. No. 172 Ea«it G. E. Walter Company agt. Arthur J. Slade; November 6, 1905 $47 00 Fulton aye. n. w., corner l««th Bt.: James Slmp- soa &Bon agt. Hsnry Brown et al: January 25. 1908 387 o# Sth at.. No. 363 "EEstV Morris Weber agt. Morris Jacobowltz: February 2S. 1f105.... - «5 23 Ist st No. 87 East; Christian Jacobs agt. Samuel Goodman et al; June 24, 1905..... .............. «> CO Avenue A. Noa. UK and 1387: Louis Fink agt. Louis Lewlnthan; December 19. 190.-) I»WJ BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. 84th et.. n. s.. MS ft. c of 2d aye.. 50x102.2: Max J. Kramer and Henry Rockmora loan David Haueer •• 530.000 Chrystle St.. Nob. 74 and 76: Hester st . Nos. 133 and 135; Pln.-us I-cwenfeld and William Prager loan Samuel Barkin ... ... 30.000 Bathgate aye.. 9. w. corner 176 th St.. 114.4x110; the City Mortgage Company loans Michael Red- men .......................»••••..•••»•-•\u25a0*• cv.ooo Bth aye. c. s.. 40 ft. s. of 143 th St.. runs 9. 139.10 to 144th St. x c. lOOx n. 159 lOx w. 100 to be- plnnlnK: Samuel Wacht & Salomon Braverman loan Northwestern Realty Company 90,000 LIS PENDENS. Madison aye.. No. 10t»-l: John Mlchaelta act. Lorenzo E. Tripler et al. (action to declare, lien); attorney, O. B. Broom* st.. No. 30; Ida N. Machl^ agt Em!U« Wood at al. specific performance); attorney. J. Gordon. 12"Jd St.. No. 30« East; Isldor Waxberis agt. Max Ben- jamin et al. (action to Impress trust); attorney. J. I. Wiener. Bedford st.. Noa, 60 and 62; Morton st.. No. 27 4; Fran- cesco Battaslln? agt. Samuel Miller et al. (partition); at- torney. A. J. Oishel. 114 th St.. No. 6S East; Herman T'r.gar agt. Leon Gels- man (action to impresj Her. i; attorney, J. P. Friedman. JUDGMENTS. ; The following Judgments were filed yesterday, the ! first name being that of the debtor: Allen. Juanita or Rodolph Eugene B. Sawyer... $226 17 Bar<iueh. isa.icr Frederick A. Edwards 233 Bvjna<tJ!o. Giovanni— Achllle J. Olshet SOS 15 Bayer. Karl— Peter Bluinler *J97 01 Boyce. Edward C. Columbia Engineering Works. 2.430 Broesel, Herman bldor Bodker 5.542 3.S Buchhalter. Simon—Clarence W. Llsner MM Corn. Henry Solomon Heller et al 1.731 Cool. Jamea W. Kingston Carriage Company .... 43 03 Carueci, Nicholas and Antonio Frank J. Cran- well 41757 Cosir.Mes, Cristn Q. Albert Freeman 1,577 63 Des3auer, Samuel dinette Barrington*. 7<*Cx> DUon, Henry—Sam© 70t*> Dodge, I" ran. Is E. --Western Union Telegraph Company ; costs 201 S3 Barren. George F.. trustee— Oscar L. Richard et al. . costs 10360 Deokt-r. Alfred— Richard Brooks 203 59 DuXour, Alfred Samuel Kesaler , MM Elkan. Siegfried— Mas Hofmann 114 71 Eldrtdge. John W., jr— Everall Brothers 202 57 Ff-rrarelli. Domenk Achllle J. Olshel 437 -id Fitzgerald John Alsens American Portland Ce- ment Works 224 14 Grppne. William. jr.-Lucy M. Walsh.. 1.807 51 Same— Sarah A. Walsh *»•> ID Ttvma* Walsh 432 si> Same Helen G. Walr-h 352 •"•> OaaUn, Alfred R. People, etc 1.00000 game Same MM Goldstein, Harry L. Henry F. Kaufman 74 42 »Jra«tell.->. Frar.ceson Achllle J. OSshei 5,V. 15 Green. Herman— Harry T. Fond Hi»3»» Bame Joseph Seaman et al 57*3 Homy, Chtrl \u25a0 Leonard W. Amernuin isu 7«; Same— Gecrsina W. Tobias »S»SH Hollani. IXivld— Twelfth, Ward Bank 53102 Henry, Chart**— Thomas H. Graham 17102 Tnce. John E— William K. Sampson .•^;;» V. Jochmann. Max Brae* Wlttenberser "t al 12« 33 Johnson. Edwin H.—Philip Klein 11l Kitchen, .Tames. Jr.—West .m- 120 7!> Kolth. Robert J.- Francis C. Murr-h 39 0* Irvine. William M.— William R. Simpson ••: 41 Martin. Sarah Dennis E. She«h«n: costs . ... 190 Irt Mf>i>nna. Vlncenso— Achilla J. Oisht>l . 357 82 Maokl,-. Andrew P.— Charles V. Murphy.. '.'. '.'.... .ITS 4') MM luster. Ualt^r S.-Rlohard Brooks ••-,-, M NWll. illiam— N.-W Amsterdam Gas Company. . 21 \u25a0 Olcotr. \u25a0>"«' M.—Western Union Telesraph Company; costs * v «m k- Rcsner. Aelnlph William H. Barron \u25a0-- \u25a0 Ml vi Rellly, Thomas. J. Denton &• Co ....I'. »>'"»0l>» > '"»ol> Pirn- E. Bradley Currier Company ;; lO'i>ll Sam.' Atlantic Terra <V>tta Company ri!""ii-iS6S Same— Johnston Livingston. Jr.. et al '." 4ii- > «> s.ni Marine Engine and Machine> Company.." " 4'so : » «i Sar.ie Tuttl«> Rooflng Company [\ 1 111 so >"^iiio American Brtdg. Company of New York! '. T.SM tt Same National Flrerr^oflns Company . . I*47H3«> Rodolph, Juanita or Allen Eugene n. Rawyer '—M i- lUcker. R. Carl <not summoned) and William W *~ I^»vi I). York. 57i» H.i Hodgers, John C. John Thornton I;>s \u25a0•-* Roaenthal, Battle V.— James Neil «t al- costs.." Sl4 OC4 Katr.e .lames \>!l Jr 255000 Sam? WllUam Nell [\ 2. (On 0A S;>lna, Vlncenza Achllle. J. O!sh»l .. 50tl 15 Sloan. Francis .1 Western i i. >n Titsgjmiti Company; costs 201 S5 Senser. taias- Brnesl Wlttenberser et al.. HT Sf, Tonl. Bernard W.— Rosalie C. Tonl S.i:»-j. Weln*teln, L«>uls—a. p. Pear»ou * Co.. ... l'aeOM V a,!.-. Henrj' Robert J. O. Wood 4ii>'.»l Wortea Jatn«i% H.— lfrederick B. llnu!«« et al ... «l 78 Zaro. ii-nrv C—Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York "»»47 City Club Realty iX)mpany National Surety Com- pany Hn'i Lewis Hardtne >* not .V» Same Oeorg* A. Shut ..*«r.l-.M Bum ''\u25a0 "J. Roberts •- 3 iijfi »<•• Bam» Michael Harrison ... ~-\:~t «wmw> Same Patrick 11. McOratty et al ...'...'.'.'.'.'.'. &83680 Fame American KrM«p Company iI42A '•"» Pennsylvania Railroad Company— Achllle J. Olshel 9««i 15 Same Same .................... •«. . iV Same— Hams 1 il •? Bam* samgjg fame- Same ; Zp 1Z Th« Cltv of New York— J ->s«ph Uuttner 1nii 3? \u25a0 ;i m.:R.r,l,m.:R. r , l ,. 1 .;;- 0 !"? 1 SuP!>ly t ' om ranv _lii \u25a0-<>. l"* " .MrrmiaiTj et ai tiNewport Lnundo- <om:any-New '.r.lam (Us C.omt«ny _ , n Th- Gotham Sate I^jxjslt Company— M>>aitr Safi n' 2 1 omtany . HA atft Oroh>ll Son »~ «<^>r Ke Frelfeld et il.V.v.V.' 44V ft! Th« Kioto Art O'n:,ai:j Theodoro Wolkea.".".'."'. MM BIG RIVERSIDE DRIVE DEAL, NEW-YORK DATLY TRIBUNE, TUESDAY. APRTL & IDM. JERSEY OFFICIALS UP. IX I)I ( TMEXT AGAIXST FRY MARKET FOUXD FOR THE BLOCK FROXTS FROM 172 D TO 174 TH ST. Three Park Aye. Apartment Houses in an Exchange Morris Estate Tract, at Scarsdale, Sold. Real Estate. Do you Realize upon what a Title to Real Estate depends? Upon volumes of decisions of the Courts which have to be considered and applied. These are often at va- riance one with another, but our Law Department, which is unequalled any- where, can usually arrive at correct decisions. It it should not, our policy of Title Insurance will make you absolutely secure. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company capital & 59,500,000 SURPLUS *?«I*JUWjyWW 17 l.lhertv Str««t. 53 Liberty Street. fTltl* f>pt-> Trot: * Banting T*;>ts UASHATTA*. 188 «*>•«*»«*• Street. Brooklyn. MCC^ET TO LOAN. *%. IMPROVED PROPERTY. * OORTUAXPT MoP.T'iA \u25a0 CO.. 141 broad«>7. Real Estate Wanted. "PROPERTIES to rest. Mil. manace. Snaure. X \u25a0 CTRItX-E CARREAU, Agent. 79« Sixth Ay».. 43th. To Let for Business Purposes. DESIRABLE OFFICES TO LET. " 74 BROAnWAT, THROUGH TO UN ST. Opposite Stock Exchange ! StTBWAY STA.TIOK IN BASEMENT. ! Ruland & Whiting Co.. AT PREMISE*. OR 5 BEEKMAN ST. : - -a Furnished Apartments to Let. 1— ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ATARTMENT; private bath; SI 30 daily: Including meals, ts*t>. J25 •.vr*--kly; on*. 113. THE VAN" RENSSELAER. 15 East 11th »t. Furnished Apartments Wanted. A COLLEGE prof i! —or and two grown daughters wouU take car» houa« or apartment fr#« of <-rt»ri?e for sum- mer vacation. Addr*s» P. W. L.TOX. Glen Rt.istf, N. J. Brooklyn Property for Sale. "Ackerson Houses" Fiske Terrace. Flatbush. Detached Dwelling* 19.100 to 113.900. T. B. ACKEKSOX COMPANY, N. T. Office* 14« siH«a St. Country Property for Sale. "DOR BALK. TENAFLT. N. J. Gentleman's country JC residence, 7 acres, more or less: high around; fin» view of Palisade*: 18 rooms; modem improvements; hard. wcod floors: stable; man's cottage; lawns, shade and fruit tree*. \u25a0 minutes from station; 43 minutes to Man- hattan: |22.000 i easy terms. WILLIAMC. CLARKE. 2U> West 06th st FOR SALE. New two-family brick house: all light rooms; plata glass front and vestibule doors; private halls; two sets of fixtures; ho.-.kc:L.i» mantels: r*»* stairs: side passage; double piazzas; full lot. W M. PARVIN. «th awl Baxter are.. Elmhur«. ANYWHERE IN WESTCHESTER COT-NTT Country Houses). Parma. COOi^EY & WEST. Ina> Main offlces. Mount Vernon and White Plains. Country Property to Let. TO RENT. On Broad and Oriental. Newark. X. J. j threw story brick houses, all Improvements: open fire- places; good location, near depots; $42« to $430 per annum: May Ist. Apply to TO. ROBSRTSON. SO? Broadway. New York, or VAN DER HOOP & SONS. 235 Broad St.. Newark. T YME. CONN.. TO LET.— Old Colonial house. 13 rooms; '1 J also cottage. 10 rooms; both with modem improve- ments and fully furnished: also cottage. 7 rooTr.s. fur- nished or unfurnished: delightfully situated. Adlres» Mrs. E. E. SAU3BURT. New Haven. Conn. rPARRTTOWN. To let. house. 14 rooms: modern fca- L provements; cariiago house; stable; five acres: fruit; fine river view; rent moderate. JOHN WEBBER. 7 Beak- roan St.. New York City. Country Property for Sale or to Let. T ENOX. LBNOX.— or rent,, a fine h«row»; 12 rooms. Including 1 For sale nr rer.t. a fine houB»: 12 iwms. Including bath fine, large, bam: 5 acres of good land; adjoln!ns \«nlriwa]l Hotel: property on th» State Road, about on« mile from posNW-ce. JOHN M. HUGHES. Box 337. Lenox, j Mass. FAR KOCKAWAT,EIXJEMEKE AND VICINITY. Cottages and Hotels to rent and for eale. WATKI3I , W. JONES, opposite. Postofflce. Far Rocfcaway. Furnished Houses to Let Country. j _^« ~.~~- SUMMER COTTAGES on seashore. rape Cod. Harwich. J5 1 Mass.. rented completely furnished. tnoluiUng batn- houses. 5275-J30O; bathrooms; all comforts: <l-llrfvrv. oil- i mate; safe beach; Illustrated circular. CAIPE. 503 W. 13*. . i AT Fully furnished cottage. IS rooms: .*U3t I renovated- stable: large lawn, garden, &c. ; rent. JI.6O1). j P. T. VARNTM. 82 William st. N. Y. Jerome Will Ask for Another Adjournment on New Trial Motion. District Attorney Jerome will ask for another ad- journment for two or three weeks, when the ad- journed hearing on the motion for a new trial for Albert T. Patrick comes up before Recorder Goff to-day. The request, which will be opposed by ex- .Tudge Olcctt, counsel for Patrick, will be made on the ground that he needs the time to get his medical testimony in proper shape. The District Attorney has not yet served his answering affidavits. Seven Texas witnesses for Patrick arrived yester- day, four of them with entirely new testimony. If Recorder Golf refuses to accept any more am- davits, as he intimated he would do. there is noth- ing to prevent Mr. Olcott from serving notice of an entirely new motion for a new trial. "Ulterior and Selfish Purposes" Say Accused Jersey Solons. Trenton. April 2.— The Senate scandal came to the surface as soon as the Senate was called to order to-night. In the face of the certainty that the Senate would not deny them the distinction of being put on the sliding board In connection with the charge that they attempted to whip money out of the State Pawnbrokers' Associa- tion, vith Shinn's bills numbered 184 and 185. Senators Shlnn and Martens to-night, before packed galleries, asked for an Investigation. After the secretary had read the statements they presented, Mr Hillery offered a resolution which, "deeming it to be a matter of Justice, both to the accused and to the Senate itself, to make a thorough inquiry," provides for the appoint- ment of a committee of investigation. The reso- lution was unanimously adopted, and President Bradley appointed the members of the Judiciary Committee to servo as investigators. These members are Hillary, of Morris; Wakele, of Berg««, and Minturn, of Hudson. TO DELAY PATRICK CASE AGAIN. S ; EXATE VFOBE STARTED. BROOKLYN RUNAWAY FATAL. SELLS SEVENTY BROOKLYN LOTS. John H. Berry has sold for J. B. Reid to a Man- hattan syndicate a plot of seventy lots opposite St. Alphonsus Academy, at 7th aye. and 60th St., Brook- lyn. 10

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1906-04-03/ed-1/seq-10… · I.S. &bt S. Korn have sold the three five story apartment houses, on a plot 102.2x115

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1906-04-03/ed-1/seq-10… · I.S. &bt S. Korn have sold the three five story apartment houses, on a plot 102.2x115

I.S. &bt S. Korn have sold the three five story

apartment houses, on a plot 102.2x115 feet, at thenorthwest corner of KM st. and Park aye.. to Dr.B. Farquhar Curtis. He gave in exchange the flvestory office building N'os. 4 and ti Easi 42d st. andthe two four story and basement private dwellinghouses Xos. 5 and 7 Kast 41st st. The two parcelßcomprise a plot 44 feet In each street by about 200feet In depth. Post & Reese were the brokers.

Angell & Co. have sold to clients of FYederick P.Fox & Co. tlie Morris estate traot of 190 acres, atBoarsdale. Westchester County, N. 1", This prop-erty is surrounded "ii all sidvs with high classcountry botnee, and is said ;>> be one of tne finestundeveloped acreage parcels in the town. Theproperty was owned by the Morris family for manyyears. The buyers will probably subdivide theproperty and sell In hish class acreage plots.

NEW COMPANY WITH $4,150,000 CAPITAL.Tlie Fidelity Development Company, of this city,

formed to conduct a r \u25a0\u25a0v i st;it>-, contracting andloan business, was Incorporated yesterday at Al-ban>. with a capita! of M.tfO.OOO. The directorswere Francis A. Huck, Frank B. Pierce. James P.Kilburn and several other persons, of this city.

L«npnld "vTell has resold for Joseph Uamerschlag

ar.l the Fleischmann Realty Company a plot offorty-rive lots, frontlr.a; in Riverside Drive, from1.73 d to 174 th st., to Seymour Hyman. This is part

of the property formerly known as the McCormlckTract.

I The County Board of Boulevard Commission-ers were indicted for diversion of funds andJjeglecting to keep bridges In proper repair,

i Kx-Ass»-ml)!yman Terence J. Carroll, who wasarraigned yesterday for embracery and conspir-

acy. pleaded not guilty,and gave $1,000 bail onMich indictment. Ex-County Clerk Dennis Mc-

Laushlin qualified as surety. Itis charged that

rarroJl procured the selection of J. Hicks as ahetii. juror to vote for nominal damages in ver-dicts against the Public Service Corporations.

Thomas J. Miggins, ex-secretary and treas-urer of the West Hudson Trust Company, who•fas arraigned a few days ago, was indicted for


Ex-Mayor John K. Otis, treasurer of West

fifv: York, was indicted for embezzlement and

a.IBO for storing dynamite on his property in vio-

lation of the law.

. The Weehawken Town Committee is indicted)for permitting one of their number to furnishthe town with supplies and for exceeding appro-priations.

The Bayonne officials under indictment are ex-Mayor Brady, for jiuthorizing work that should£iave been contracted for: ex-Water PurveyorCavanagh. for falsifying records; ex-Street Com-missioner Mettir.. for neglect of duty, and Coun-

tilm<-n Cronaji, McKernan and Cassidy, of the

finance committee.

In Hohoken bills have been rendered against

IE-Mayor Adolph hankering, the Common Coun-M, the Fire and Police commissioners of 1905,

ifor spending money in excels of appropriations:

JPoormaster Bar. and ex-Councilman Duffy, for

Tnlsuse of the poor fund, and Patrolman JohnO'Brien, for oppression

The Jersey City Tax Board, for contradictingbfficitil sworn statements of the valuations.

Jersey City Kxclse Board, for malfeasance inlicensing improperly conducted saloons, and notrevoking licenses or investigating when com-plaints were made.

Health Commissioners Lambert and Delaney.

for neglecting to provide properly for the sickJind Indlrent at the City Hospital.

One of the presentments urges the April termbrand jury to investigate the appointment by{he Jersey City Police Board of Mrs. Riptlc, forsrho*.i the office of assistant matron was created.sThe presentment intimates that the place was

treated without authority as a sinecure In re-

S»'ard for political services.

The following indictments were among thosefound:

Grand Jury Brings inMany Bill*—Record Unaccused.

The history of Hudwn County does not revealk. grand jury that sunk its probe so deeply into

Official boards a* that for tlie December term,

•rbirh reluctantly completed its labors last even-

Ing because the term had expired. Itleft two

presentments to inform its successors that there

R-ere pome ta*ks that it had been unable to com-plete baoa*M of lack «t time. It handed up

thirty-six indicuner.Ls last evening. In the 211Indictments found during the term are many

Bounty and municipal officials. A bill has been

found against City Collector Edward Fry. ofJersey City, ho challenged indictment and In-dulged in derogatory remarks, in which he. Itistlleged, characterized the grand Jurors as hum-bugF. No indictment was found against Cor-poration Counsel •;•.>!*:- I. Record, who, too.

made uncomplimentary remarks about the grand

Jury, but withdrew them, stating that he hadbeen misinformed.

Police Commissioner Bingham wants threepern- machines. Commissioner Stevenson of theBridge Department two. Commissioner Wood-bur}' two. and Commissioner Bensel of theDock Department one. The Dock Departmentalready owns one marhine, the Police Depart-

ment one, the Park Department three, the Fire(Department three, the Street Claning Depart-

ment three, tho \\'a.UT Department two and the

Health Depart] two.The Henrst en la the board are opposed to

the purcha.se <<T automobiles for beads of de-partments. Alderman Henry Clay Peters saysthey an snobbish and tend to create class dis-tinctions. He says he is opposed to anything1

that will run the common people down, andthat Is what automobiles are doing every dayId the week.

"Ibelieve It will be a good idea,** said the al-

tlerman last night, "to have the machines cen-trallyhoused, so that the repair bill can be kept

within bounds at a machine shop to be runt>y the corporation."

Plan to Store AllMunicipal AutomobilesTogether

f Alderman John R. Davies at the meeting of

the Board of Aldermen to-day will introduce aresolution nskinc for an appropriation for amunicipal frarage. The city at present owns(.bout fifteen automobiles and there is a demandfor almost as many more.



For Occupancy by May Ist

ManyChoice Offices

ir our new modern fireproof 19-story Building now in course of

|)r. Fagnani Lectures on "Democracy andChristianity."

The Kpv. Dr. Charle» P. Fagnani. of the UnionTheological Seminary, la a lecture on "Dpmocrary

aaai Christianity" before the Collegiate Club, inIhe 6ecori<l Collrgiate R*;f«.'rmM Church. Lenox•avenue atid I.:.! street, la.«t night, said it washarder to preach \u25a0 BSSjajsl for this world than forthe next. He took \u25a0 fling- at the Trinity Corpora-

tion In raying that "the methods of tbe TrinityCorporation In Sea Mac with the mansions abover^ntrajit mrangc-ly with Us methods In dealingariih 1?!« tenements below." I>r. FVignnnl prophe-Fled that R;if=i«l^ would soon be a republic andthat ite women •would vote. He opposed a big\u25a0utiiaji:*-ni for this country.

For particulars apply to Business Manaoar



FAVOR TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM.'.\u25a0I.- Aldermanic Committee on Public Letting

tfid a- executive seseion yesterday sjftanwoa, andbt 1'« conclusion Chairman Kline aanounr- thatth« raqueal of Health Commissioner Darllnpton for»I, apjiroprlatinn of IMjillfor th«- estalillshmentof a tubers ulnsls Banatorlum at OUsvlllf> would beMBsjertt Carorably to tbe Board of AMaraaea Helli\u25a0 t--.\u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0: that the iir<'i«3sitlon emanating from

Qw I'^DJirtin^ut of Cnrifrtions to rstalilish o!r-o-trlc m<jtorß in the workshops wruH :i!«=o l>p re-tHir»-4 Cavorattly.

LIGHTER MAY HAVE BEEN SCUTTLED.The steam lighter America, owned \u25a0v the

"cinmerrlai i'oal Company, of No. 116 Wall*tref-t. hank while tied up at Pif»r 42, Southnrooklyn. yesterday. Bh<* was Iwii-A with oak\u25a0tavej and raw coffee^ A derrick of the Morrltt-Oiapman WrccJdnx Company ralse<i the lighteryesterday Hfternoon. It Is !>fli«-vt-d that theboat waF kouUl*-<1 by tonic one with a Rrif-va'iceagainm the company.



Iwith:iy ill yesterday

\u25a0 <laj-H


SYNAGOGUE BURGLARS ARRESTED.Patrolman Michael ilaJden arrested on the

Hudson itlwr Railroad tracks at Pier street.Vonkd-s, early yesterday two m^n who badSrokcu iiito th" s> nagogue of th<± ConprogatlonDbah Eedek, in Propped street, Yonkcrs, andjbtalned loot valued at S-HMt. The prisoners saidihey nn jiedlers and had fh>t«is to sell Thepairoln/an. however, on making them oi*>n thet»und!?. saw that it contained s quantity ofjliurcb vestments am! fixtures. The strangersn-er«* locked up an Bucpfdoua persona. Bothjleaded puilty to burglary and were held forA* -rand Jury.

Herliar.t. Justpli A.—

People, etc.; April :.'.: .'.18!<» 1cancellrd > 11.000 00

IJernstein. Nathaniel—

B. Friedman et al; May3. lfcis iriinrell^d) . . £32 00


J. Wanamakcr; May 3, 1898 < cancelled) £.52 7?Coln-n. Itns!« and Loul« A.—E. Kohn *t al,

March ti. m>« ....... 442 41fllorlfux. .luVs ami Marl*—

J. Ohaplns; Janu-ary 24, 190C. 3272

Ou^jr.-et-y. . :!<\u25a0!.'» T. K. Satterthwaite;Mar«h 24. 19'j6 573 85

Jlavc-nnyer, Henry <•, Jr.- A. Klefer; Januaj-y6. IS«ij6 \u0084\u25a0.< t-ui-a 1 434 35Martin. Sarah, and Pauline lift)' -H Bcherser;May 10, ISO3. 3343Matbfu*. George— J. Btahl, Jr., at al—July '.:.i"»i 157 25

Neut.ian. Max—S. Futdmun; May S. H9S can•"Hledi "3*ooSame— J. V.:,:ia, k.-r. May 3. l«9*l (cancelled* MS 72bit!Cins. EJlza J.—M. A. M<Can.»ll; March »,

1303 li)^43Bh«i>iro. Samuel H.—B. Mlllen'VV'al"; "March23. li>o6 1"9 £9Kn,i't,li- '••Tick T.--P. IWlg.r: F.Vruaryis;

*Ij*'»h JSTi^iKrhwarts. Haraoaa W. and Daniel Kaufman—

'H. Kri«<ltnan et «l. January 2J. l<tn»; 150 50Bpi«-r»-'.. H-i.ry and Karou i. al«o Mnx ronay—A. D. Jullliarrt «\u25a0< al; A:nu.i 21, isoj 9«9 "\u25a0»

Waloon*. !vaa.c and Nathan. ui«.> Max Udell- J' *"

>.-lfhr.ZT^'t al January IS, 1905 (reversed).'. 1.278 3*'Aeinrlb. Kamuel— J. Überman et a!. March 23


'41 jiColumbia Paper Daz '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

—City of New York

•'iMset-tult-r Z6. l*0«

*c,-,Hnrl-m t^ash and :;;as» «"o.

—Material "ti«n;a VMercantile Aaauoiation, Ltd.; March 11 19.16. 18 I',"k.^ KUI"K


r<l '"—American Contractorr'uMiahing Co . March •«, 190<;'

m -«J. K. l.a!.*n.y Co.— J. •.Bnamak-r; March 13,11>'>6 «1K»

New York Or.tral IHudson River RailroadOft—

J- Kins; March IT. I»M . soa m,Fame— M Xln8;Marrh :7. 190«

"'JOOCOKeilly Mfjf. Co.— E. Itockhlll et al; March t.•'? 10031

FLOODS LIKELY TO BREAK RECORD.Mobile. April 8.- Tile situation In thf low-

lands of the Alabama River and the Tomblf;-bee River, <iui- to ttieir overflow, (rowa woraadaily Stfambnats havo bf-en compelled to <lis-

contlnue set vice, landins:^ f<T ISO miles aboveMobile belnc under water. Xo fuel is to be hadiii ti.- • 1 district. The flood baa ui-ready reached <ii<- proportions ol the disastrousoverflo aad threatens k> rival that ..f1871. \u25a0 vine farmers are fast cx-haostins their supplies and pneumonia ha-s ap-

\u25a0 amorta; 1 attke and other livestock.

SATISFIED JUDGMENTS.:;r*in^ine is that of the debtor, the second

tor i'.'.i 'kite when judgment was

Sk'.whegan. Me., April2.—The case of Luther H.cr thr I<awrnire Brothers Company was anu> recover for lo^s cut by the comp .

\u25a0 . : ;; Bauiaji \u25a0 west of the Kennebec River,in Bacneraet Cottatr. The action Involved the own-ership "f the entire township. The decision willprobably atf' | >iiiirs' worth ol lumberinn.jH. :<« ihe de: idant'a title was similar to manyother titles I \u25a0

" county.

BIG LUMBER SUIT DECIDED.Wnshintrtriri, April 2—The case of Lather H.

Boper agt. the Lawn: Brothers Company, involv-ing title to a large tract of wild timber land inSomerset County, Me, was decided by the Su-preme court of the United States to-day favorably

1 "mpany.

CHINESE MAKE MONEY ON COPPER.A jTofitable "turn" made in American copper by

a firm of Chinese merchants became known yester-

n.iy at tne New York Metal Exchange. Th>se mer-chants hought last fall about flve thousand tons otthe stock of copper stored In Shanghai, payingabout l~,hi cents a pound for It. Copper Is now

. here at around IS cents a pound, and the

Chinese firmIs shipping most of their flve thousandtons back to the I'nlted States, having resoH it nt

a handsome advance. The first part or this reship-ment arrived here a day or two ago on the Stand-ard Oil Company's steamship Hudson.

"GENTLEMAN BURGLAR" CAUGHT.William X Travera, a n<ned crook, was gath-

ered In by the police nn Saturday nlsht as he waspawning an overooal n' Columbus avenue and 9*thsire.t. He was recently released from a Hart-ford prism.i n. where be served a nine-year sentence.Travera is known as "The Gentleman Burgl.ir

"He told Inspector McLaiighlin yesterday that liewhs on his way to Brooklyn. He carried ;i revol-ver.

Augustus R. Keller, head of th. publishing firmof Keller &Co.. with offices in tho Flatiron Build-ing, was arrested yesterday on a warrant charginghim with embezzlement, falsification of books andomission to make entries. George Gebbie, of thepublishing firm of Gebbie & Co.. of Philadelphia,appeared In the Tombs police court, where Keller•was arraigned before Magistrate Moss. He askedthat Keller be held to await extradition papersfrom Philadelphia. Magistrate Moss held himwithout hail, but Moses H. Grossman, counsel forKeller, served a writ of habeas corpus on Magis-trate Moss, and then the prisoner was taken be-fore Justice Clinch in the Supreme Court. JusticeClinch dismissed the writ. K<-ll?r was again ar-raigned before Magistrate Moss, who fixed bail atJo.OuO and set the hearing for April9.


AMERICAN MALT CORPORATION.The American Malt Corporation was Incorporated

at Trenton yesterday as successor to the AmericanMaltingCompany under the plan of reorganization.The capital stock of the new company Is $l",,000,0on,

of which $8,000,000 is common stock and {9.000,000preferred. The latter class is entitled to dividendsat the annual rate of 4 per cent from April1 toOctober 1. 1906, and thereafter at a rate, not ex-ceeding 6 per cent.

Keller Held in $5,000 to AwaitExtraditionPapers.


Two Hurt, Also, in a Wild Dash of Horse inSt. Mark's Avenue.

One person was killed and two s/ere injured in arunaway accident in St. Mark's avenue, Brooklyn,yesterday morning. William Nichols, of Xo. 1394 Ber-gen sireet, who was killed, wa« riding in a wagonwith his employer. Morris; P. Oreenman, a painter,of No. 1622 Fulton street, Brooklyn, when the horsebecame frightened and Kilted.

Clre^nman, who held the reins, was unable to

control the frightened animal, which daghed thelight wagon against a truck driven by John Meyer,of No. 1613 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn. Nichols wasliurled to the pavement, landing on his head. (Ireen-man was :*lso thrown out, hut escaped with slightInjuries.

Unhampered by a driver, the horpe dashed madlyup the avenue, crashing into a second truck, drivenby Kdw.ird A. <"Urk. of No. 6*5 Third avenue. < "larkr-usittlned many contusions. Nichols died an hourlater in Bt. Mark's Hospital. The horse was stoppedby a policeman.


—Hy Bryan i,Konnflly: rntheJral Park-way, a a. 100 ft w or Uroadway. 73x00.11. vacant; J O

AUCTION SALE YESTERDAY.At 14 Vei*jr rt—By Jr.»pph !• Day; 221 to i!37 Watt Kmay«, n w COT 7<>th ft, lih#..lxlih>. »i story fl ),- jr \y Whit..,.

K1 < .llln.- Buitdlni an. l Con r\, \u25a0' al; .lamt-s. SAPattyn; i:X WairnT. ref; .inn do* *:!7 i;[!« til• tax»« etc!$280 tub to a prior mtga of $17o,((.H); to M..rr IIHay-rri-!) tCT «•_•;:.\u25a0\u25a0..

REALTY NOTE.The All Souls Church property, at the northeastcorner of Madison aye. and 6Cth st.. Is to be Im-proved with an eleven story apartment house.

The new structure will be erected by the Parkviewcompany It will contain two apartments ofeleven and twelve rooms each, on a floor and willcost, according to present estimates. $400,000< .

TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY.Alfred E. Toussatnt has sold for X L &L Ossinger Xo. 147 West 76th et... four story brown-stone front dwelling house, on a lot 20x102 2 feet to aperson who willoccupy the premises. The housewas recently altered.S. B. Goodale & Son have sold for E. Davis to

Annie E. Keelon and Kate Dale Xo. 20 Kelson aye.,a two story dwellinghouse, on plot 75xSO feet.

Robert Miller has bought from A. A. Eohoop theplot 100x135 feet, on the south side of 175 th St., 50feet west of Audubon aye. Mr. .Miller owns adjoin-ing property.

Lasar Kahn has sold to Isaac Acker No 459 West131st st., a five story double flathouse. on lot 25x99.11 feet.

Sussman & Co. have sold for a client to Haber.Dworkowitz & Haber Xos. 331 and 333 West «9thSt.. two live story flathouses, each on lot 25x100.6feet.

Benjamin Florsheim has Bold the six story apart-ment house Xos. 2035 and 2037 Seventh aye., on plot37.10x100 feet. He has bought No. 2389 Second aye.,a five story tenement house, with stores, on lot 25xSN feet, and the southwest corner of Second ayeand l2lßt St.. a five s.tory triple flathouse on lot25.2x80 feet. He has sold Xos. 417 and 410 West 19thSt., a six story flathouse, on plot 43x80 feet.

I-owenfold & Prager have sold 10 Max & LouisEpstein and Jacob Ptone the northwest corner ofPark aye. and 112th St.. old buildings, on plot lOO.llx70.10 feet, for improvement.

Isaac Hirsch hi? sold Xn. 113 West <Mth St., a fivestory flathouse, on lot 27.4x112.8x Irregular.

Jacob Weinstein has sold No. 22WA Second nve., athree story frame building, on lot" 25x100 feet, toJacob Sherman, who will erect a six story tenementhouse on the site.

Abraham J. Dworsky has resold to Dr. JohnBloch No. 7 Allen St., a four Ptory tenement house,on I'll 26x57.6 feet.

Lowenfeld & Prager have sold the northeast cor-ner of Hester and Chrystle st., old buildings, onplot 50x60 feet, to Samuel Barkln for Improvement;also bought Xos. 227 and 229 West 11th St.. 40x9?feet.

Charles B. Faulkner has resold Xo. 118 East 78thSt., a three story dwelling house, on lot 18x102.2feet.

Mary O'Neill is reported to have sold Xos. 88 andRS Madison aye.. two tour story dwelling houses,on plot 49.8x95 feet, adjoining the Hotel SevilleIt is understood that a twelve story apartment

bouse will be erect* •' on the siteNathan Dodnick has sold for J. H. Beals, Jr., to

Golde & Cohen 111 1"1 block front on the west sideof Convent ay«.. between 12Sth and 129th sta.,

112-:ixll4x2i4x76.=iI12-:ixll4x2i4x76.=i feet. This is the first sale of theproperty In over forty years

Bernard Naumburg has bought through M. Mor-frenthau jr.. & Co.. from S. fJ. Roaenbaum andothers No 300 to 804 Weal IlSth St., southwestcorner of 7th avo., three five story Rathousea withstores, on plot ».9xlOo

.1 bevy &\u25a0 Co. and Abraham Brunrer have soldfor a Mr. Ferris to Jacob Weinstein No. 427 to 435Bast 121st st.. live three story dwellings, on plot89.2x100.1) feet Six story flathouses willbe erectedon the site

Simon Dansiger has botight the five story flat-houf>« Xo. 6 Bast 112 th fit., on lot 25x100.11 feet.

Abr:un Bachrach has bought fromJulius Schweit-zer No. 72 Bast 121st St., a five story flathouse, onlot 25x100.11 feet.

Julius S'-liweltzer has bought No. 107 East SSth St.,a five story Oathouse, on lot 25x100.8 feet.

Uhlfelder & Welnberg have sold tin- plot 148x100.5feet, on the south side of 70th St.. 175 feet east ofAvenue A. to Jacob Bolton, who will erect four sixstory Sathousee 01 the premises

Jacob Levy has sold the three six story flathouses.onvh on .1 plot 41x100.5 fe«-t, on the north side ofCSlh St., 225 feet wept of West End aye., to HarryKerzog and S. Klatzko. who have resold them to .i.Levak.David and Harry LJppmai have bought No. IST

Perry st.. a five story tenement house, on ;• lot25x98.10 feet.

Reich & Rottenberg and Gross ft Elsler havebought from clients of Isadore Levy the two six.-tor-, flathouses in course of construction on a plot100x100.5 feet, on the north side of 67th st., 425 feetwest of Amsterdam aye.

L>c«sauer & vVerdens blag have bought for a cli-ent from Catherine Vetter No. S!8 Bast 74tl st.. aflve story four family tenement house, 25Z102.2 fe^t.

J. Moltz mis sold the six story tenement lious-No 24". Eldiloge si . 27.6x100 feet, for Ziebcl &Selnowitch, to 15. Lerner.

The Enterprise Realt) Company has sold to M.Feinberg a five story tenement house No. 524 East13th St.. Z&X103.2 feet

The Sound Realty Company haa sold to FredArthur Qoetse sixteen lots on 22"th and '-'.'•".th sts.,106 feet weal of sth aye. Also bought from Wil-helmiiin Relnhardi the plot on White Plain aye.,opposite Penfield nve., '\u25a0 *xlO».8xll fert.

<"ahn & Cabn have sold to A. May No. 502 Brookaye., a )i'. storj double flathouse, on lot 23x100 fc^t.

»'. William Boons and David Davis have sold fcrMosei Amdsteln to B. B. Qerken No. BTO East l'i'Hh-1 . 37.6x10il ff-t.

Eugene .i Bushed baa sold for Anastaala DevlinNo. 577 East I4'«tii St., .1 two story frame dwellinghouse, on i., 2ixW feet.

Charles Minister ha« Hold for Frederick Schn«» p.r-ing a two family house on th« south side <if 11--!^'l1--!^'St., near the Grand Boulevard and Concourse toH. F. Wintrich; also for Annl< Davis a two familyhouse at Valentine aye. and 202.1 1., tovC. Eggon-spleler.

NEW OWNER FOR FINE HOUSE.Pease & Elliman have sold for C. Grayson Mar-tin No. B /*mh Bt

-a four 9tor hl^ «toopbrownstone dwelling: house, on a lot 25t1<v> feAtThe house was recently remodelled.


TO IMPROVE WEST SIDE BLOCK FRONT.Bernard Smyth & Sons have Fold to C M Silver-man & Son. for A. Silverson the block front onthe west side of Amsterdam aye., from 133dto 134 th

I;hHVi!!if/ fr°nta*c of 200 feet in Amsterdam

AMOS F. ENO A BUYER.The firm of L. J. Carpenter has sold for the estate

of Henry E. N>smlth to Amos F. Eno No. 28 Southst. southwest corner of Cuyler's Lane, a flve storyloft banding; on a lot 21x99.4 feet.

RECEIVER OF RENTS NAMED.Justice Greenbaum, of the Supreme Court, yes-

terday appointed Diederich Meeraae receiver for therents of the property on the south Bide of 151st st470 fret west of Courtlandt aye.. 25x113 feet; on thewest side of Park aye., s<Ul feet north of 132 dßtle< t south of Rallroa.l

east50x100 feet pendfne

25if.1 outn.°' Railroad aye.. 50x10.) feet Dendlne a

Baker agt M A Haffter et al; C E Miller,atty: BJ Mc-Guire, ref;ami due, $37,205 65: taxes, eto, 1715 44.

By Joseph P Day: Nelaon aye. c «. 215 ft n of 170tli st.13x112.8 to Boacobel aye x33Mx irregruiar; C H Meehan artJulia Baker et al- Leonard Bronner. atly;S L H Ward,ref; partition; toxes, ate, $1,845 81».

By .lames LWeils: Cornell aye. n s, 276 ft w of Mapesaye. 00x100, 2 story f dwj h anil vacant; F E Yon Fleetagt Patrick Garry et al; Chalmers Wood, atty; FrankSchaeffier. ref; ami due. $848 M; taxes, etc, $12.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.4th st, n s. 105 ft \u25a0 of Avenue B. 50x108, West

Chester; Joseph Rauih to Marie E Schwarz .... $100Union aye, \v s. 3*9.S ft n of l^>th st.


Henry Heach to Gloria Bcnaeht; m"rtgai;e, $5,000 100Pelham Road, \u25a0< » corner Eastern boulevard,—

x—;Uroree F Bmnlng to John C llelnta andanother, all Hens 100

Ssth st, .No 340 Kast. 23x95.8; Mary- F Carey toSamuel l».-nnlg at al 100

Bowery. No H-. w » aSxlOO; Moses Oildsmlth etal to Mary F Campbell 100

Lot 146, map Van Nest Park; Joseph Gamachaet al to Ferdinand Werner; mortgage. $7,400... 100

133 det, n a, 110 ft v of "Sth a>e. iir»\!i;«.ll;r»\!i;«.ll;Daniel1*>>ii-I<>n to Max Manes and another; mortgage,$19.7ii0 100

101' dst. No a^iEast. 24.llxiOO.ll; Hauls. Wolf toMax MKraenofT; mortgage. $18,«00 100

13Cth at. No HI East, 18.&SW.11; Henry M Tochto Minnie Berg.r; mortgage, $10.lHJ0 *00

l*taye. No 131^. c B, 20.1x113; Annie XE Langeet al to Ann.-i Ceyka 1

l^lsi st. No 241 Bast. 23x100.11; Paulino Jacoos•ii.l another 10 Moses liaumgarten; mortgage.

$23,000 100West Broadway, No 273. c s, 17.3x«0; Ann E

Alien and another to Fredtjrlck HoppniiUin 1Wllleti st, No 101, w 6. 25x100; Jacub lUeger to

Abraham Miller un1 another; mortgage. $2U.500. 17hth st. No -15 East, 8x102.2; Btrtha Lehmann

lo i;iia» l'.tisman ; mortgage, i7.UU> »Ist aye, c s. lUO.II ft a ot ilk>th at, 24.8xU4; John

W Stelnmetz to Charles Dreytus; mortgasn.JU.IiUO I°°

113th at. No 306 East, 25x100.11; ConcettaMarrone to Jacob Bloch and another, mort-Kage. IJO.OOO 10()

46th st, n 8, 200 ft c of 11th aye. 25x100.4;Malta M Messer to John H. Kllegl 10«

Orchard st. No 186, c s, 25x87.6; Maria Bexhantto Rachel Gordon; Vi part; mortgage, $30.-000 100

Madison aye, 11 c corner 101st st. 25.5x79.1;Kebecca G Goldring to Anna Goldstein andanother; mortgage, $40.500 101'

Madison aye, s • corner l-Sth st. 80x60; Mor-ris ii.Feder to Samuel Mayers; mortgage.$lU,OOO 100

"tith st. No ?27 East. 25x102.2; Hyman Rlnzelto Simon Solomon and another ;mortgage,$14.1110 100

3Eth st, s s, 375 ft w of 9th aye. 2."Ixl»1.9; Bern-hard l.olimann et al 10 Morris J Gordon andanother; mortgage, $12.000 100

Lots 148 and 149. map of Belmont Village;Samuel Mayers to Morris H Feder; mort-gage. 10,600 , 100

14th aye, n w corner Prospect Terrace, 80x114;Agnea Cotter to Charles J Chapman 100

Main st, c s. 126.5 ft s of Scofleld aye. City Isl-and; Eleanor F. Sisson to Thos F Murray... 100

Trix.ityaye, w B. 150 ft8 of Fontlac Place. 50x78; Frederic T Howe to Alfred H Howe.... 1

161st st, n b, 209.10 ft c of Boulevard. lSx99.11; New York Life Ins Co to Thomas JMeehan 15,000

130 th st. No 547 East, 25x100; Pow*ll-6teindlerRealty Co to Ferdinand Bloch and another:mortgage, $13.250 '... 100

Crotona aye, n w corner Jefferson Place, 64x100.3; Antonio Pazourek to Hattle Sellgs-berger: mortgage, $20,000 100

Clinton no, w * 100 ft n of Falrmount Place.25x100; Margaret J Schroth to George BSchroth;>; part: mortgage^ $4.000 »

Mount Morris Park West, n w cor 123 dSt; AnnaF- Leggett to Melatiah E Dwlght I

Same property; G Ketchum to same 1Same property; Bverett V Ketchum to same 1Same property; Ellsworth E I>wlght to 5ame. ...... ie.OOOSame property; Marlon D Walker to 5ame. ....... 1game property; LillianDStern to same ISame property; Florence Westerfleld to same 1Same property; M £1 Dwlght to Ellsworth E

Irwlgtu 63.000102 dst. No. 17 West. 19xlOO.il; Arton Mammen

to August Krlete; mortgage, $ie,(K.«> 1103 dst. No C West. 84x100.11; Frederick Levy to

Joseph F. Dougles and another; mortgage. $40,00*) 1112th Ft, No 337 East. 2SxlUU.ll: Enrico Viz-

giani to MDe Rosa; mortgage, $18.000 100Seme property; M De Roea to Carmela Bore;

% part: mortgage. $30,500 100llttthat. No 12 East, 25x100.11; Julius Salinger to

Hugo Joachim son and another; mortgage. $2& 000 100Bth st. s s, 308.4 ft c of Avenue B. 39.&X&7.0;

Barnet Apper to Hani Porgss; mortgage, $rt1,250 10084th st. n a, 2or» ft c of 2<l aye, 50x102.2; Max J

Kramer et al to David Hauser; mortgage, j27,50«»j27,50«» 10082d Bt. No 20* West. 25x102.2; Ellis Hyman to

Hyman Realty Oo; mortgage. $32.750 1Rlvlngton gt. a a, 85 ft c of Wlllett st, 40x70;

Samuel Hirsch et al to Lena Schetnberg; mort-gage. $39,000 100

Sth aye. No 2807. w 3, 25xS0; Julius Kogowskl toChristian Rennenmuller; mortgage, $15,000 .... 100

108 th Ft. No stt East, 25x100.11; Jacob Horowitzto Max Ost; mortgage. $27.000 100

78th st. No 81S East. 24.8x102.2: Reglna Deutschto Frank Havlln et al: mortgage. $14,500 100

Wall st. n c p. 60.11 ft w of Pearl st; New YorkFire Insurance Company to Alexander 8 Fisher. 1

47th M. No 312 West, 25x100.5; Julia Goldberg toAmelia Goldenkranz; mortgage, $27 1

" 100Willett st, No «4. c a, BxlOO; Rosle Greenfield to

Edward Mandel et al; mortgage, $IS.OOO 100lllnh st. No 511 East, 25x100.10; Emma Jacobs

to Michael X M-Cat-ten; nv>rtoraga. $10,000 100Avenue A. No 1331, » s, 25x100; Mary Kranhoff

to Bohemian Realty Company; mortgage, $18,-000 1

West End aye. No 891. w s, 20x100: John T VanBtckel to Dinah W Morris; mortgage. $IS,SOO. .. 1Bnakecpe&re aye, tv s, 79.8 ft n of Orchard st,23x103.11; Filomena De Resplris to Paul Cher-onnet: mortgage. $4,000 100

Brook avp. No 504. c s. 24.11x98; John Wynne etal to Adam May; mortgage. $18.500 1

207th st. n s, 75.11 ft w of Hull aye. 24 4x127.7;William C Bergen to Edward A Pchlll 100

183 dst, No 1041 West, 25x100; Philip Thorman etal to Charles H Fasewark; mortgage, $5,750 . 1

Teller ai>, n w corner 16lhh ?t. 11x201 10:Charles IIThornton et al to Thornton BrothersCompany: mortgage. $17.500 100

Tel!«r aye. No 1318. *B, 1*16x80; Thornton

Brothers Company to Emma Busch; mortgage,$3,100 100

161st st, n s. 112 ft w of Forest ay«. 21x75: J<ihnSlattery to Charlotte Wolff; mortgage, M.TSO. . 100

F»th st. No 223 East. 25x100.8; Charles B Meyerand another to Benjamin M Gruenstein; mort-gage, $20.000 100

Sam* property: Benjamin M Grueneteln to MaxMittenthal: mortgage. $25.000 100

22.i st. c s. ISO ft W of Pth av<\ 2«>*oS.6: Cath ACm to William S Patten; mortgage. $12.000.. 100

WlUett st, No «4 c s. 25x100; Emma Luhrs nt alto Annie Schwartz 1

72d Bt. n b, 225 ft w of Avenue A. 23x102.2;Antonln Semerad to Barbara Marllnck; mort-

[ gage, $12.500 , too

RECORDED MORTGAGES.Erickson, John, to H Prillartz; Madison aye, c a.

840 ft s of Kingsbridge Road. 17x100; due July1. 19103 54 per cent 8.700

Martiri'-'k. Barbara, to A Semerad: 72.1 st. n 5.225 ft w of Avenue A. 25x102; due June 1,1909; 0 pen cent 1.500

Schemberg. Lena, to Samuel Hirsch: Rtvlngt.^nst. No -41. 2»-t7''>: 5 years, S per cent 8.500

Sam* to Max Hfi-sh; same property; 5 yean 6 percent ." 8.500

Coelho, Caroline de P. to J .1 Brown; Walton aye,B « corner 170 th st. 102x51; 1 year. 6 per cent.. 3.500Vlan, Benjamin, to Manhattan Mortgage Com-ranv; Longfellow st. a .\u25a0*. 100 ft a of 172il st.IBOxIOOj demand 7.000

Haus»T. David, to M ,T Kramer and another; S4thst. n ». 200 ft c of 2d are, 50x102; demand 6per cent .'. . SO.OOO

Same to sami : same ornperty; 1 year. *> per cent. 4.00rtViau, Benjamin, to E M Ewen and another; Boonest. w s, 130 ft s of 172.1 st. 23x100; 3 years 5l~per cent 6,000

Wolff. C, to .1 SMattery; l«lst st. No 901. 21x7r.; 3years. 0V» per cent 4 759

Schill. Edward A, to William C Bergen; 207 th stn s. 75.11 ft w of Hullaye. 25x127: 3 years. 5l«5l«per cent i.anoWittmack, Marie, to Mollt-son Realty Company;113th Bt. s s. 100 ft w of Broadway; 2 years.C per cent 4.000fist Max. to ,1 Hornwttz; Wflth St. No 56 East.2T.x100; 3 years. 6 per cent 8,000

Joachlnison. Hugo, to D Schwarz; 116th st. No 12Kast, 2T>xlO<>; 2 years. « per cent 2,000

De Rosa. M. to X \Mggtant; 112 th st. No 837 East;Installments; 6 p«-r cent 11600

Goldstein, Anna, and another to Rebecca T Goldrlnjs; >lali?.iri aye, n « corner 101st st, 25x7t«; &years, 6 per cent 2.500

Fishf-r. Alexander S. to New York Fir- InsuranceCompany; Wall st. n a s. ft).11 w cf Pearl st;fiyears. 4Hi per cent . 93.000

Muniiel. Kdwnrd, arul others to H Idman; \Vii!etst, No 44, 26xlU>: 2 years, »5 per cent 2.250

Choronnet, I'm!, to F De R^«i)int. Shakespeareaye, w a. lies ft a of Orchard st. lt»3x Irreg;:• years, rt per cent 2,'»*>

Gulden, ••buries, to Charles Spiegel; Sotb St. o r.2.15 ft <> of 4th aye. lSxlOf>; 1 year, 5 per c*nt .. 15.000

r«-teri^. John J. to Linda Kuennath: l«4ih st. n a.03 ft c of Grant &v«\ rixlo;8 years. 5 per cent 3,000

Renenmuller, Christian, to Julius Rogowskl andanother; Sth m- No -•*>!. 25xM>; :: years, 6 percent 9.000

Kllegl.John H. to N M Messer; 4Cth St. n s, 2i>oft t« of 11th aye, s 8, 2."\l<" 5 years 54 peroent 8.000

Ftxler. Morris H. to Samue! Mayer; Taylor aye.11 w » lot us, map Belmont village, 100x100;1 year. « per cent 2,000

i^Oiii.-to nine: Prospect aye. -.v •. 7<> ft sof lv7thBt, 100x100; 1 year,, « per cent nooon 000

Rloch Ferdinand, to PowelV-Btelndler Real! Co-13«th st No ."\u25a0•>". 25.tin»/; :iyears, <; per cent


Meehan. rhonaa J. to New York Life InsuranceCo; 1»".1 st, n3. li«» ID ft •• of Boulevard, 18x00; 3 years, 5 per cent '. . 1,1o«x>Goeb, Mary, to Ameilcan R< bI Estate Co; Fall* et,<• •. !ii•• \u25a0 of Bancroft aye, 20x100; dun Sej>-tfrarxT -_v. 190 a>J per cent :

'j000Plpi>. <3eorge A. to A Bach E '\u25a0•• \u25a0 ombe aye. No

SS. 17xfx»; instalments. 5 per cent 3 sortMlttenthal, Max. to U M. Oruenati-Ui; SOlh Bt. No

2£l Baal 26x100; 5 years, (It*rrent ...... 5 onoSchwarz. Marl» E. to Joseph Rauch: 4t!i at. 11 s

10.1 ft w of Avenue H, BOxIOH; t year. «» pt-r cent -c*>Miller,William S. to It f Miller; |Otb ft NO 141 \u25a0 .Kimr. 35x122; 1 year, 4>; per \u25a0 \u25a0'" 2O0M)

Harnach. Abraham R. to M etas ."yth Ft n b,l'». ft v. f loth ay. 20x100; ?. years, 'iper'ceat. 3600Ifonaea, I»ut«e, to L Fries; lot 11. map 8 1.H.ttKtit, •; ,-eara, 5 i>er cent. . 1 amI*vine. l>wi!<. 1.. LKaufmann; Avenue 1> No 182StSxlOl: 5 year*. >> i-r rent ... '

6,500Oorden, Morris .1. and another to i> Kramer; 39thst. s s, No 376. n m corner of »th aye. 25x'js;.'! years. M pat cent .... . "

3000i>yka. Anna, to German Savings Hank Ist aye

Ko 1312. 25x11.".; due May 1. U>o7: 5 per cent..' 15.000Fame to J Frederick Boas; name property; 3 yean8 per cent '..., t

'g ,„,,,

Same to William Lleaeabela; 72,1 at. No 41t; EaitZSxIOS; 3 years . .5.100WVxler. leldor. and another to H At.rams; Istaye. Noi 848 and 848. '£ loU. 4l»«s>. together- '.'

*'*two mortgages, $7,250; due October 1, (• •';Pi.r cent " 14.500.

Interurban Street Railway Company—

Julen t^>nts.coats US»

W. A. Cullea Ccnatructlun Company— Percy It.BrunJag* 12t 93

PETITIONS IN BANKRUPTCY.The following petitions in bankruptcy w««r« tied

yesterday with the Clerk of the United States Dl*>trlct Court:

Henry Steindl, tailor. No. IK Stanton street, vol-untary petition, showing debts of $4.0w) and a3S«t'of $50. The principal t'redttors are the peopl* ot i*stat«» of New York, for failure to yrotiuod a de-fendant in th« Criminal Court of Now York Countyon two bonds of $.V>«>; Herman Newman, residenceunknown, on an action for false imprisonment.

An involuntary petition was til*.!asrainat AlbertGreen, woman's hata. No. 36 Bond street by Benja-min Riralds. with a claim of **».> Th, alleg»»bankrupt, it is claimed, had admitted hi.-. InsolvencyIn writir.cr.

An Involuntary petition was filed against th* BeltPiano Company, a New York corporation ot So. iW«Bergen avenue. The Bronx, by thn\u25a0\u0084

creditor*, withclaims ax follows: 11. Hfh!.-i & Uro JWO; 1"*"Schick. $US: the National Bimitnsj and MachineCompany. *13. The charge i» mad« that the !<*•*Piano Company committed an act of bankruptcy :In making a general aaaißnment to J. KrederlcßMosby. on Marrh SI. 190«. Ju.ls. B. Wild* was ap-pointed receiver of the huaines* of the company,with a bond of $i.ooih The indebtedness is esti-mated at C3.000. with assets of $7,000.

James N. Rosenb^ry was appointed receiver «>•th« business of 11. Blber & Co.. involuntary b^nS«ugta- <-' No. m ElUrtaK® »«reet. with a bond


Dreyfuss. Charles, to John W Stjlnmetz: Ist aye.

Vs. 100.11 ft s of Ida It.24x&4; 4 years. « per

l«niiig. aantuei. Md oiu-rr to M F i^asey;35thst. No 34<> East. 23x«.tS; ft ynr*. 5 per cent >.«»

Kirchner. William, and another to H. P. Anson;

Deane Place, .s. 23 ft s of Pierce aye. 25«1««»;

1 year. 6 per cent • I>lw,Durr. Frank A. to (J H.as*: Pleasant ay«. • s. I

100 ft n of 2.1 st. 23xl0O; 2 years. 6 er cent. ... 1.300Frankel. Frank, to Thomas MCpnroy; Rlst »t.

•\u25a0 139 ft \u25a0 of Avenue a. l»xtO2; Imonth. « per. flilw

Campbeffiiary' F. tr> Moses Goldsmith; Bowery.

No, OS. '25x11)2: 8 years. 34 per cent -• 23.00UBafano F. to W H Satnmet; Villa aye. w s. 271

it a of Van Ccrtlandt aye. 23x124: 2 years. 8*per r«nt I.IW

Rush. Th*resa. to Henry Ellas Brewing Company;Webster aye. c s. 50 ft • of Signal Place; de-mand. « per cent ow

Lane. Charles, to M A King. 7th are. a w corner .of 127 th st. MUM. 5 years. 5 per cent •••"•••• SO-000

Martlre, Angelo H. and another to B 3 Co£=n:Woonycrest aye. w a. 175 ft n of 165th St. 15x

92: 5 years. 6 per cent '\u25a0 wgame to M L Hardman: Woodycrsst aye. w s.

2W.10 ft n of MSta »t. 15x93: B y**T9. •> per«fo»

R^-ilh- John." to" A*1.-iln. Jr; 133 dst. n \u25a0. 190 fteof Sth aye. 15x60; .1 years. 6 tar —«._:•• m *\u25a0'**>

Louis Meyer Realty Company to J Marx: Trinityaye. No 757. 39x101: 3 y*ars. per c«nt \u25a0••••" 3l)w

Dignus. Conrad, to Van Loan Whltehead and an-other, executors: lot 49. map of Daily estate:



6vy^and tta"rV'.'to"v"w"Le"ggitt:'Front•J<*"~

Shaclro Levy and frarr, to T W Leggett : Frontst No 386. ISxTO: 2 years. 8H p*JMBt..--.-


Same to same; Front st. No 87*. 18x7O; 3 yeara,

Uebovul Samuel! to Emigrant' Industrial! ,:\u25a0.

Bankj4Sth st. No 222 West. 10*100: due JUB« lft(J0O

Mar'onV Mlchari' S'»*F*c£tem«Bto:*U»rh*«C\u25a0•

\u25a0 I"v^'

Marone. Michael. »o F VChlnm«ato; llflrhst, NO428 East. lflxlOO; 1year. « per ce^t -\u25a0- \u25a0•\u25a0•


Ernst. Alois L. to J Lichtensteln ;3»th st. No 421 gWast 23x95: 2 years w,w

Kramer, Max J. and another to I.B Jamea: Ave-

nue A.* w corner 7th st. 22x100; due May I.„„.,

1906. 5 per cent ••• •••\u25a0• •*»w-

Goldstein R. to L Margulles and another; 10th st.

na. 8»3 ft eof Avenue A. 25x91: 1 year. » p«-3

MacDowell!" Park, "to Rose Hofmann; 238th st.n c corner Martha m 23x100; 1y«jr...••••:•:; «-3W

Duval Company to Em>nr n si?mli^fBank: 12th at, No 36^ to 369. 87x99; due June Jl<>w#

lla^VatT't-TSaiiii" '



Rechtel. Paul H. to A Niess; Tremont aye. m>rs«, 23x87; 1 year •



Cohn. Isaac, to George' Levy, Madison aye. No

mortgages f«,000; 2 years, B r"r cent •\u25a0• 1" w"1

ABC Realty Company to «*"«;«* **%*-.Jt^sterdam aye. \u25a0 w corner 14Sth st.-4*loo

-a ,„„

Bh^pYro". Lev"an'" Ptarr. fn'FW Leggett:' Jackson'

st" No 77. IPxBO; 2 years. 0 per c«nt... •••••\u25a0_ 130c(>

Pame to sam«; Jackson. St. w B. 7O ft s of "Water ,st. m*V a yean.. SH eer cent •.•_•-_:"\u25a0


ABC Realty Company to r1^£r:2Amoo' r;

dam aye, w •. 24.11 ft s of 148 th at. 26x100. 3 :years. 6 per cent 8000


1324 at n. *..154 ft. w. of Willow are.: for atwo «ory brick stable. 24x16; Penney * Bunt,

owners: Ernest H. Ruche. architect .......... 5-«>Concourse, c. s., 89.2H ft. n. of Mount Hop«

Place: for a four story brick tenement bouse.89.23^x27. 7x78.6x5R.3H; Oscar H. and Mary C.Vaupel, owners: Thorn & Wilson, architects.... 20.000

Valentine aye., w. s.. 131 ft. s. of IMHh st ; fortwo two story and attic frame dwelling houses.19.4x40; R. M. and L.F- Mohr. owners; Charles8. Clark, architect i"C"^Z'i 10.000

Perry aye.. w. a., 118 ft. s. of Mosholu Parkway:for a two story and attlo frame dwelling house,

22*54: William C. Bergen, owner; Charles S.Clark architect •- ">.VJO

179th St.. * w. corner Webster aye.: for two sixstory brick tenement houses. f1.0Vx8«.3 and

7^x»2..'.»i; Roto Realty and ConstructionCompany, Owner: George F. Pelham. architect.. 120.000

Cedar St.. c, 9. 275 ft. n. of Kingston aye.; for atwo story frame dwelling house. 20x32: JennieA Kllllan. owner: John F. Franklin, architect. 1.800

MECHANICS' LIENS. .127th st.. No. 132 East; Joseph Klausner agt „--.

Louis Lewonhof. owner and contractor ...*!..T0 00127 th Ft s s. «4 ft. w. of Lexington aye.. 36x

100; Maresca Walsh Tile and Marble Works agt.same ••••• «,..».\u25a0••••••\u25a0....••••••••••"*•••••" •5*W/

114th st.V No. 72 East: Adolph Hopp aiet. Jacoband Samuel Lemplt. owned and contractors. ... o»w

72d st No 149 East;'KHene & Buckmaster agt.

Edward A. Le Roy Jr. owner; Varick Contract-wl_-,^

Ing Company, contractor •• • ***'**»

72d St.. No. 151 East: same a*t. Henry C. Beadle-ston. owner; Varick Contracting Company, con-tractor *•°'


S9th at.. No. 32 East; same agt. PhillipC. Rhine-lander, owner; John Fulton, contractor 21- CO

Jefferson aye.. vr. s. 2<iO ft. s. of Morris Parkaye.. 2T.x100; Charles G. Schwartz agt. FrancisJ. Tlernan, owner and contractor -*00

Honeywell aye.. c. \u25a0. 32.7 ft. 9. of 17»th st.. BOx200 to Dalv aye.: Charles O. Schwartz a?t. N.Cohn and H. Axelroad. .owners and contractors 839 43

Tlmpson Place, c. s.. 100 ft. n. of St. Joseph'sPlace 455.7x120.9x irreg.: Michael J. MorlartyAjax

'Construction Company, owner and con-

tractor v I,ZOO 0O6th aye.. \o. SSS; Commonwealth Roofing Com-

pany a«t. Henry J. Trever. owner; Empire SheetMetal Works, contractor 20 54

SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS.72d st.. No. 172 Ea«it G. E. Walter Company agt.

Arthur J. Slade; November 6, 1905 $47 00Fulton aye. n. w., corner l««th Bt.:James Slmp-

soa &Bon agt. Hsnry Brown et al: January 25.1908 387 o#

Sth at.. No. 363 "EEstV Morris Weber agt. MorrisJacobowltz: February 2S. 1f105.... - «5 23

Ist st No. 87 East; Christian Jacobs agt. SamuelGoodman et al; June 24, 1905..... .............. «>CO

Avenue A. Noa. UK and 1387: Louis Fink agt.

Louis Lewlnthan; December 19. 190.-) I»WJ

BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS.84th et.. n. s.. MS ft. c of 2d aye.. 50x102.2: Max

J. Kramer and Henry Rockmora loan DavidHaueer •• 530.000

Chrystle St.. Nob. 74 and 76: Hester st . Nos. 133and 135; Pln.-us I-cwenfeld and William Pragerloan Samuel Barkin ... ... 30.000

Bathgate aye.. 9. w. corner 176 th St.. 114.4x110;the City Mortgage Company loans Michael Red-men .......................»••••..•••»•-•\u25a0*• cv.ooo

Bthaye. c. s.. 40 ft. s. of 143 th St.. runs 9. 139.10to 144th St. x c. lOOx n. 159 lOx w. 100 to be-plnnlnK: Samuel Wacht & Salomon Bravermanloan Northwestern Realty Company 90,000

LIS PENDENS.Madison aye.. No. 10t»-l: John Mlchaelta act. Lorenzo

E. Tripler et al. (action to declare, lien); attorney, O. B.

Broom* st.. No. 30; Ida N. Machl^ agt Em!U« Wood atal. specific performance); attorney. J. Gordon.

12"Jd St.. No. 30« East; Isldor Waxberis agt. Max Ben-jamin et al. (action to Impress trust); attorney. J. I.Wiener.

Bedford st.. Noa, 60 and 62; Morton st.. No. 27 4; Fran-cesco Battaslln? agt. Samuel Milleret al. (partition); at-torney. A. J. Oishel.

114 th St.. No. 6S East; Herman T'r.gar agt. Leon Gels-man (action to impresj Her. i;attorney, J. P. Friedman.


The following Judgments were filed yesterday, the!first name being that of the debtor:Allen. Juanita or Rodolph Eugene B. Sawyer... $226 17Bar<iueh. isa.icr Frederick A. Edwards 233Bvjna<tJ!o. Giovanni— Achllle J. Olshet SOS 15Bayer. Karl—Peter Bluinler *J97 01Boyce. Edward C.

—Columbia Engineering Works. 2.430

Broesel, Herman bldor Bodker 5.542 3.SBuchhalter. Simon—Clarence W. Llsner MMCorn. Henry

—Solomon Heller et al 1.731

Cool. Jamea W.—

Kingston Carriage Company .... 43 03Carueci, Nicholas and Antonio

—Frank J. Cran-

well 41757Cosir.Mes, Cristn Q.

—Albert Freeman 1,577 63

Des3auer, Samuel dinette Barrington*. 7<*Cx>DUon, Henry—Sam© 70t*>Dodge, I"ran. Is E. --Western Union Telegraph

Company ;costs 201 S3Barren. George F.. trustee— Oscar L. Richard et

al.. costs 10360Deokt-r. Alfred—Richard Brooks 203 59DuXour, Alfred

—Samuel Kesaler , MM

Elkan. Siegfried— Mas Hofmann 114 71Eldrtdge. John W., jr—Everall Brothers 202 57Ff-rrarelli. Domenk Achllle J. Olshel 437 -idFitzgerald John

—Alsens American Portland Ce-

ment Works 224 14Grppne. William. jr.-Lucy M. Walsh.. 1.807 51Same— Sarah A. Walsh *»•> ID—

Ttvma* Walsh 432 si>Same

—Helen G. Walr-h 352 •"•>

OaaUn, Alfred R.—

People, etc 1.00000game—

Same MMGoldstein, Harry L.

—Henry F. Kaufman 74 42

»Jra«tell.->. Frar.ceson—

Achllle J. OSshei 5,V.15Green. Herman— Harry T. Fond Hi»3»»Bame

—Joseph Seaman et al 57*3

Homy, Chtrl \u25a0 Leonard W. Amernuin isu 7«;

Same— Gecrsina W. Tobias »S»SHHollani. IXivld—Twelfth, Ward Bank 53102Henry, Chart**—Thomas H. Graham 17102Tnce. John E—William K. Sampson .•^;;» V.Jochmann. Max Brae* Wlttenberser "t al 12« 33Johnson. Edwin H.—Philip Klein 11lKitchen, .Tames. Jr.—West .m- (» 120 7!>Kolth. Robert J.- Francis C. Murr-h 39 0*Irvine. William M.—William R. Simpson ••:41Martin. Sarah Dennis E. She«h«n: costs . ... 190 IrtMf>i>nna. Vlncenso— Achilla J. Oisht>l . 357 82Maokl,-. Andrew P.— Charles V. Murphy..'.'. '.'.... .ITS 4')M Mluster. Ualt^rS.-Rlohard Brooks ••-,-, MNWll. illiam—N.-W Amsterdam Gas Company. . 21 \u25a0Olcotr. \u25a0>"«' M.—Western Union Telesraph

Company; costs* v «m k-

Rcsner. Aelnlph—

William H. Barron\u25a0--


MlviRellly, Thomas. J.—

Denton &• Co ....I'. »>'"»0l>»>'"»ol>Pirn- E. Bradley Currier Company ;; lO'i>llSam.'—

Atlantic Terra <V>tta Company ri!""ii-iS6SSame— Johnston Livingston. Jr.. et al '." 4ii->«>s.ni • Marine Engine and Machine> Company..""

4'so:» «iSar.ie

—Tuttl«> Rooflng Company [\ 1111 so>"^iiio

—American Brtdg. Company of New York!'. T.SMttSame

—National Flrerr^oflns Company .. I*47H3«>Rodolph, Juanita or Allen

—Eugene n. Rawyer '—Mi-

lUcker. R. Carl <not summoned) and William W*~—

I^»vi I). York. 57i» H.iHodgers, John C.—

John Thornton I;>s \u25a0•-*Roaenthal, Battle V.—James Neil «t al- costs.." Sl4 OC4Katr.e

—.lames \>!l Jr 255000Sam?

—WllUam Nell [\ 2.(On 0A

S;>lna, Vlncenza—

Achllle. J. O!sh»l .. 50tl 15Sloan. Francis .1—

Western i i. >n TitsgjmitiCompany; costs 201 S5

Senser. taias- Brnesl Wlttenberser et al.. HT Sf,Tonl. Bernard W.— Rosalie C. Tonl S.i:»-j.Weln*teln, L«>uls—a. p. Pear»ou * Co.. ... l'aeOMV a,!.-. Henrj'

—Robert J. O. Wood 4ii>'.»l

Wortea Jatn«i% H.—lfrederick B. llnu!«« et al ... «l 78Zaro. ii-nrv C— Fidelity and Casualty Company

of New York "»»47City Club Realty iX)mpany—

National Surety Com-pany Hn'i Lewis Hardtne >* not .V»Same

—Oeorg* A. Shut ..*«r.l-.M

Bum ''\u25a0 "J. Roberts •-3 iijfi»<••


Michael Harrison ... ~-\:~t «wmw>Same Patrick 11. McOratty et al ...'...'.'.'.'.'.'. &83680Fame

—American KrM«p Company iI42A '•"»

Pennsylvania Railroad Company— Achllle J. Olshel 9««i 15Same—

Same .................... •«..iV

Same— Hams 1 il•?Bam* sam<» gjgfame- Same ; Zp 1ZTh« Cltv of New York—J ->s«ph Uuttner 1nii3?

\u25a0 ;i

m.:R.r,l,m.:R.r,l,.1.;;- 0!"?1 SuP!>ly t'omranv_lii\u25a0-<>.

l"*".MrrmiaiTjet ai ti4«Newport Lnundo- <om:any-New '.r.lam (UsC.omt«ny


Th- Gotham Sate I^jxjsltCompany— M>>aitr Safi n'21 omtany .HAatft

Oroh>ll Son»~«<^>rKe Frelfeld et il.V.v.V.' 44V ft!Th« Kioto Art O'n:,ai:j—

Theodoro Wolkea.".".'."'. MM




172 D TO 174TH ST.

Three Park Aye. Apartment Houses in an Exchange—

Morris EstateTract, at Scarsdale, Sold.

Real Estate.

Do youRealizeupon what a Title to RealEstate depends? Uponvolumes of decisions ofthe Courts which have tobe considered and applied.These are often at va-riance one with another,but our Law Department,which is unequalled any-where, can usually arriveat correct decisions. It itshould not, our policy ofTitle Insurance willmakeyou absolutely secure.

Lawyers TitleInsurance and Trust

Companycapital & 59,500,000SURPLUS *?«I*JUWjyWW17 l.lhertv Str««t. 53 Liberty Street.

fTltl*f>pt-> Trot: * Banting T*;>tsUASHATTA*.

188 «*>•«*»«*•Street. Brooklyn.


OORTUAXPT MoP.T'iA \u25a0 CO.. 141 broad«>7.

Real Estate Wanted."PROPERTIES to rest. Mil. manace. Snaure.X \u25a0 CTRItX-E CARREAU,Agent. 79« Sixth Ay».. 43th.

To Let for Business Purposes.


74 BROAnWAT, THROUGH TO UN ST.Opposite Stock Exchange

! StTBWAY STA.TIOK IN BASEMENT.! Ruland & Whiting Co..



Furnished Apartments to Let.

1—ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ATARTMENT;private• bath; SI 30 daily: Including meals, ts*t>. J25 •.vr*--kly;on*. 113. THE VAN" RENSSELAER. 15 East 11th »t.

Furnished Apartments Wanted.ACOLLEGE prof i!—or and two grown daughters wouU

take car» houa« or apartment fr#« of <-rt»ri?e for sum-mer vacation. Addr*s» P. W. L.TOX. Glen Rt.istf, N. J.

Brooklyn Property for Sale.

"Ackerson Houses"Fiske Terrace. Flatbush.

Detached Dwelling* 19.100 to 113.900.T. B. ACKEKSOX COMPANY,

N. T. Office* 14« siH«a St.

Country Property for Sale."DOR BALK. TENAFLT. N. J.

—Gentleman's country

JC residence, 7 acres, more or less: high around; fin»view of Palisade*: 18 rooms; modem improvements; hard.wcod floors: stable; man's cottage; lawns, shade andfruit tree*. \u25a0 minutes from station; 43 minutes to Man-hattan: |22.000ieasy terms. WILLIAMC. CLARKE. 2U>West 06th st


New two-family brick house: all lightrooms; plata glass front and vestibule doors; privatehalls; two sets of fixtures; ho.-.kc:L.i» mantels: r*»*stairs: side passage; double piazzas; full lot. W M.PARVIN. «th awl Baxter are.. Elmhur«.

ANYWHERE IN WESTCHESTER COT-NTTCountry Houses). Parma. COOi^EY & WEST. Ina>Main offlces. Mount Vernon and White Plains.

Country Property to Let.TO RENT.

—On Broad and Oriental. Newark. X. J. j

threw story brick houses, all Improvements: open fire-places; good location, near depots; $42« to $430 perannum: May Ist. Apply to TO. ROBSRTSON. SO?Broadway. New York, or VAN DER HOOP & SONS.235 Broad St.. Newark.

TYME. CONN.. TO LET.—Old Colonial house. 13 rooms;'1J also cottage. 10 rooms; both with modem improve-ments and fully furnished: also cottage. 7 rooTr.s. fur-nished or unfurnished: delightfully situated. Adlres» Mrs.E. E. SAU3BURT. New Haven. Conn.


To let. house. 14 rooms: modern fca-L provements; cariiago house; stable; five acres: fruit;fine river view; rent moderate. JOHN WEBBER. 7Beak-roan St.. New York City.

Country Property for Sale or to Let.T ENOX.

—LBNOX.— or rent,, a fine h«row»; 12 rooms. Including1 For sale nr rer.t. a fine houB»: 12 iwms. Includingbath fine, large, bam: 5 acres of good land; adjoln!ns\«nlriwa]l Hotel: property on th» State Road, about on«mile from posNW-ce. JOHN M. HUGHES. Box 337. Lenox,


FAR KOCKAWAT,EIXJEMEKE AND VICINITY.Cottages and Hotels to rent and for eale. WATKI3I, W. JONES, opposite. Postofflce. Far Rocfcaway.

Furnished Houses to Let—



— —~.~~-

SUMMER COTTAGES on seashore. rape Cod. Harwich.J5 1 Mass.. rented completely furnished. tnoluiUng batn-

houses. 5275-J30O; bathrooms; all comforts: <l-llrfvrv.oil-imate; safe beach; Illustrated circular. CAIPE. 503 W. 13*.. i


Fully furnished cottage. IS rooms: .*U3tIrenovated- stable: large lawn, garden, &c.;rent. JI.6O1).jP. T. VARNTM. 82 William st. N. Y.

Jerome Will Ask for Another Adjournmenton New Trial Motion.

District Attorney Jerome will ask for another ad-journment for two or three weeks, when the ad-journed hearing on the motion for a new trial forAlbert T. Patrick comes up before Recorder Goffto-day. The request, which will be opposed by ex-.Tudge Olcctt, counsel for Patrick, will be madeon the ground that he needs the time to get hismedical testimony in proper shape. The DistrictAttorney has not yet served his answering affidavits.Seven Texas witnesses for Patrick arrived yester-day, four of them with entirely new testimony.IfRecorder Golf refuses to accept any more am-davits, as he intimated he would do. there is noth-ing to prevent Mr. Olcott from serving notice ofan entirely new motion for a new trial.

"Ulterior and Selfish Purposes" Say

Accused Jersey Solons.Trenton. April2.—The Senate scandal came to

the surface as soon as the Senate was called toorder to-night. In the face of the certainty thatthe Senate would not deny them the distinctionof being put on the sliding board Inconnectionwith the charge that they attempted to whipmoney out of the State Pawnbrokers' Associa-tion, vith Shinn's bills numbered 184 and 185.Senators Shlnn and Martens to-night, beforepacked galleries, asked for an Investigation.

After the secretary had read the statementsthey presented, Mr Hillery offered a resolutionwhich, "deeming it to be a matter of Justice, bothto the accused and to the Senate itself, to makea thorough inquiry," provides for the appoint-

ment of a committee of investigation. The reso-lution was unanimously adopted, and PresidentBradley appointed the members of the Judiciary

Committee to servo as investigators. Thesemembers are Hillary, of Morris; Wakele, ofBerg««, and Minturn, of Hudson.




SELLS SEVENTY BROOKLYN LOTS.John H. Berry has sold for J. B. Reid to a Man-

hattan syndicate a plot of seventy lots opposite St.Alphonsus Academy, at 7th aye. and 60th St., Brook-lyn.