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Is barack hussein obama the most disconnected president ever

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In Obama’s government, though employees are responsible for performing their duties, no one is accountable for their actions. From IRS to Benghazi, so called phony scandals, no one is brought to justice. It feels like, the first world country has now fallen in to some kind of an inefficient or secretive government. Where are the basics of Obama’s ideology? Where is the transparent government, which he once promised? Though I understand that Government has its own secrets, which keeps its citizens safe; I don’t agree with the Obama’s current narrative of - all talks but no action. I am not a politician, so I am not going to comment on this issue from either a republican or a democrat perspective, but I would rather provide my perspective on the leadership failures of this administration. Inconsistent operations: This administration definitely misses the mark on consistency. It seems like, they don’t have any predefined rules/regulations to carry out their day-to-day activities. They pick and choose on what to respond, and what not to. It is commendable that Obama’s administration is looking into re-opening one single case of Trayvon Martin after its judgment, but at the same time this administration remains silent, even after a year, when someone asks for justice regarding Benghazi victims. And this kind of irregular behavior is consistent across this administration. Take Obama Care(Affordable Care Act) for an example, the implementation of this law is also faulty. Though people and businesses are considered as an entity in strictly IRS terms, those two entities will be treated differently, when it will come to file the taxes for FY2014. While employers won’t be mandated to pay penalty in the next fiscal year, employees (normal people) are still mandated to abide by this law. All talks but no action: I haven’t been in the US for long. So, I am not sure how other administration dealt with these kind of a situation. But I can assure you, the way Obama administration is handling the foreign policy, it is going to lead us to a disaster. Take Benghazi incident for an example. When this incident happened, Obama’s governmentpromised to its people (stakeholders) that it will bring all the culprits to justice. Forget about the justice, they were unable to even find out the exact reason behind this attack. Was it an anti-Muslim video or a targeted attack? Obviously, going after terrorist takes a lot of time due to the complexity of the job, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t established certain milestones, and publicize them, when they are achieved. Take Iran for another example. The administration is telling Iran that it needs to stop its Nuclear initiative, otherwise it will have various consequences. But when the time comes to deliver on the promise, this administration doesn’t hold Iran accountable for its action. This is not called leading from behind, this is called a leadership failure. Period. The blame game: Let’s assume that you own a business

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Page 1: Is barack hussein obama the most disconnected president ever

1 Author: [email protected] | Contact information: http://BhavinGandhi.com

Is Barack Hussein Obama the most disconnected President ever? Learn from his mistakes, be a better leader by Bhavin Gandhi

In Obama’s government, though employees are responsible for performing their duties, no one is accountable for

their actions. From IRS to Benghazi, so called phony scandals, no one is brought to justice. It feels like, the first

world country has now fallen in to some kind of an inefficient or secretive government. Where are the basics of

Obama’s ideology? Where is the transparent government, which he once promised? Though I understand that

Government has its own secrets, which keeps its citizens safe; I don’t agree with the Obama’s current narrative of -

all talks but no action. I am not a politician, so I am not going to comment on this issue from either a republican or a

democrat perspective, but I would rather provide my perspective on the leadership failures of this administration.

Inconsistent operations: This administration definitely misses the mark on consistency. It seems like, they don’t

have any predefined rules/regulations to carry out their day-to-day activities. They pick and choose on what to

respond, and what not to. It is commendable that Obama’s administration is looking into re-opening one

single case of Trayvon Martin after its judgment, but at the same time this administration remains silent, even after

a year, when someone asks for justice regarding Benghazi victims. And this kind of irregular behavior is consistent

across this administration. Take Obama Care(Affordable Care Act) for an example, the implementation of this law

is also faulty. Though people and businesses are considered as an entity in strictly IRS terms, those two entities

will be treated differently, when it will come to file the taxes for FY2014. While employers won’t be mandated to pay

penalty in the next fiscal year, employees (normal people) are still mandated to abide by this law.

All talks but no action: I haven’t been in the US for long. So, I am not sure how other administration dealt with

these kind of a situation. But I can assure you, the way Obama administration is handling the foreign policy, it is

going to lead us to a disaster. Take Benghazi incident for an example. When this incident happened, Obama’s

governmentpromised to its people (stakeholders) that it will bring all the culprits to justice. Forget about the justice,

they were unable to even find out the exact reason behind this attack. Was it an anti-Muslim video or a targeted

attack? Obviously, going after terrorist takes a lot of time due to the complexity of the job, but it doesn’t mean that

you can’t established certain milestones, and publicize them, when they are achieved. Take Iran for another

example. The administration is telling Iran that it needs to stop its Nuclear initiative, otherwise it will have various

consequences. But when the time comes to deliver on the promise, this administration doesn’t hold Iran

accountable for its action. This is not called leading from behind, this is called a leadership failure. Period.

Page 2: Is barack hussein obama the most disconnected president ever

2 Author: [email protected] | Contact information: http://BhavinGandhi.com

The blame game: Let’s assume that you own a business, and one of its department is involved in a fraud. Let’s

also assume that you don’t know anything about this issue, and suddenly everything breaks in the news with some

documented proof. What will you do in that situation? Will you take any action? Obviously. If your company is

publicly owned by your shareholders, you have to take some action on that. As a CEO, you might call a meeting

with your key personnel to find out more information on this issue, and maybe, work on getting this issue resolved.

Right? While you look at the same issue in the Obama’s administration, they look so disconnected that it’s hard to

believe. Take IRS targeting issue for an example. Even after this issue out in public for a week or so, Obama didn’t

have any clue on what happened. This behavior not only shows that he is an incompetent leader, but it also

portrays the inefficiency in the government, where no one knows who is accountable for what. If you are an

effective leader, instead of blaming the issue on your own department (or employees), you should take the

complete ownership of the problem, and present a public plan to resolve the issue, so that you can gain back the

trust of your shareholders.

There are various other areas, where Obama has failed to be a leader, but in this blog I am only sharing some of

the major issues from my perspective. If you want to be a better leader, you need to take responsibilities of all the

actions in your team (or organization), you can’t pick and choose on what you would take responsibility of, and

what you won’t.

Do you see any other leadership failures in the current administration? Are there any lessons, which you want to

share with my readers here?

Thanks – Bhavin Gandhi

Bhavin Gandhi | August 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM | Tags: Affordable care act, All talks but no action,Barack Hussein

Obama, Benghazi attack on US embassy, Blame game leadership, IRS targeting tea party, Leadership Don'ts, Leadership

Failures, Obama care, Trayvon Martin, White House Leadership | Categories: 21st Century, Leadership, Management |


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