y ADVICE TO ARIZONA flafen in a Letter to Presl dent Roosevelt RMeJftakes Appeal to People to t e Admitted to Union With New Mexico ego July 6A dispatch iron iron Ariz says Resident Roosevelt is so anxiotz lorrizona to become a State tiw he has written a personal letter e torold friend Mark A Rogers urj Ing the people to vote to be adm5r ted with New Mexico The TVes > days that he believes if As present opportunity is not seized r maybe many years before the op purtunity may be had again President Roosevelts letter whfcfc wasieceived yesterday reads The White House Washington n > C Jcne 2LHon Mark A JJogers Secretary Arizona Statehood Assoc ation Tucson ArizDear Sir My earnest hope is that the people ri the Territory of Arizona in their wisdom will decide to enter trw Union as part of the great State of Arizona No man can foretell what will happen in the future But it i my belief that if the people of Arv zona let this chance go by they vi have to wait many years before ii > tibance agaiu offers itself and era tin it probably will be only on he pr s nt termthat is on the CCTVD tkni of being joined with New 3ti x11afthe people of Arizona come is totes they will achieve what eve r setf respecting American ought to adiiiive that is the right of af r gorcnunent If they refuse what u proffered themandwhat in riy opinion fe proffered them on the orJy prcyer and permissible terms they can condemn themselves to an irr definite continuance of a condition ts j tutelage I have a peculiar affection for tit people oi the four territories vhira under the act of Congress may in- ter as two States into our FedenJ Union These territories are filed with mvn and womenof the strci for rlhom J felt so hearty a reptrrJ- f arid respect during the years that I myself lived and worked on tha great plains and in the KockyTnosa tain It was from these four territ r j that 1 raised the regiment fnra which 1 took part in the Cabsn campaign Assuredly under no ci r cumstances would I advise the pt pIe oi these territories to do auk thing that considered to i eagsin their moral or their material wel- t toeing I feel that for them now is refuse tocome into the Uninn u States would be at the best mew folly Very wfcefy the people of Olclid rcaznd Indian Territory and I tr Geve <he people of New Mexico liar i fcare abandoned an attitude whist forbade their thus assuming the meat privileges and responsibilittt of lull American citizenship Ice not express too heartily my lin that th people of Arizona exermr ing their sober second thought wii CiiEfr to look at the matter in tre ratme light THEOUOUE ROOSEVELT TflayLlvo 100 Years Iras charurs for living a full eex tnTp are excellent in the case tf 1n Jennie Duncan of Haynes lt Air now 70 years old She writer a Eidric Bitters cured me of Chrus fie Dyspepsia of 20 years standing and made me feel as well and strong IIP a young girl Electric Hitter cure Stomach and Liver diseases rHIeod disorders General Debility anti bodily weakness Sold on 21 snsirantee at 7 Wayne Griffin f liras drug store Price only Wt LEFT OVEr FROM LAST WKKK MAGAN Jury Mrs Lori Baughn imrf d family and Mrs Lula Welch and i < mlijr of Moorehoise Mo are visi- ting relatives and friends in and near twits p ce- hIrslIolle Weaterfield who leas- t htt visiting relatives in Morehouse Iffl9 has returned hums ttic ran Ralph and daughter Mrs j2 Kalph contemplate going to 1rlE rings for their health faa Mary Litsey and children of FwiiviUe arc visiting relatives and JritcJa in this place I SC Wright and wife gave u + irTiDsscaf entertainment Saturday rintrht an honor of her daughter fVuria twentyfirst birthday Those recent wore Misses Relda Midkiff Sra Martin Dora Wright Myrtle Brown Mattie Annie and May TPi ght Georgie Martin Cora Mid lifllDbra Midkiff May and Lula Wimsatt Nora and Gerta Johnson S3aNorris Viola and Lula Midkiff Minnie Baughn Ona Ralph Messrs iL W and J W Edge Gardner and Prnrtis Brown James Coppage Wil deand Clarence Lane Alex Hudson tack Ragland Elijah Daniel Clar 1 tike Westerfield Scott Ambrose John H Wright Ira Midkiff John ml Dan Midkiff Albert Baughn Willie Muffett Henry Magan Her ScctRalphIra HowardJoe Merrett and Cicero Midkiff All report a pleasant time Eagle Whips Farmer I A terrific battle with an eagle in which Thomas Haywood a farmer > the Tumbling Run valley sustain ¬ ed serious injuries occurred a few cays ago Haywood saw the eagle descend and seize a rabbit He rushad on the big bird with a club Thaoagle dropped the rabbit and at Jatkad Haywood beating him into partial insensibility with heavy blows nraits wings and then flew away wtfa its prey flkeds No Introduction Tfie Bwling Green Business Uni tersitt needs no introduction to the ixiblTc Write for catalog and par tJcrnrs Address Bowling Green BUvfciess University Bowling Green 57 UgJiXttivg Blinds Unborn Tur- keys ¬ 5Gor West Chester Pa on the iirra of Frank Green of Unionville jighieen turkeys were hatched re actlj and every one are blind al iiough otherwise in perfect health The blindness is attributed to Tghtning AJJ Established Institution Tri Bowling Green Business Uni versicy is an established institution Ticitafbr catalog and particulars Address Bowling Green Business Tjhiiftrsity Bowling Green Ky ItGrowlng Institution ThVfibwling Green Business Uni ivsily its rowing every year It is- the argot Business school in the SoutJh Catalog and particulars will be sent on application Address ftnvling Green Business University 5rAvIing Green Ky In Great Demand The jpnduates of the Bowling Green Business University are in gnat demand and are to be found ttaantf every where holding the best pfcyih rositions Write for catalog and snrtkulurs Address Bowling Green Business University Bowling Green Ky i in Alpine Telephone TiuCrephoneis to be invoked as nriuIiTtional security against disas tvi ID 5limb n> in the Alps Italy vUl Saw the honor of the first in 5jhtibnv which will take place in t > cffomn > region An instrument is kbt9Kad in the refuge on the mcuntniiuof the Tre Croci at an al tidfto L r bovt 3100 feet m Tent Crease of Many Sudden Deaths TAeni is 4i disease prevailing In thl cam n mwt dintrerous because so decen live Many sudden deaths are caused b- gItheart disease pneumonia hear failure or are often resut of kidney disease I kidney trouble Is al lowed to kldneypolsonec blood will attack vital organs or i dneys themselves break down and wasU jvay ceil bycel- lEadddrtroubesrost result frorr a iijraiiperrent of the kidneys and a cure Ii- a thee a proper ol 4 crdrey5 If you are feeling badly yo- sr Tialttno mistake by taking Dr Kilmer 5wT iJRixethe great kidney liver ane AtiisrTBrredy ccectsiiiabllltyt3 hoW urine and scald in In passing tt and overcomes tha ifeasant aecsxsHy of being compelled tc yc ftsrdutinjf the day and to get up many u us during night The mild and the- e 01 fnrdlrarrtffsRt of SwampRoot Is soor iBcliiad Tt surds the Its cPr I cures of the most distressing cases 3vmpRovtcpea3ant to take and sok try ail irwijfjrtt in fiftycent and onedollar j YJumayhave ts wonderful new ° dlsi 4 a book that the advance tht tht tht always quickest by treatment the highest for won ears Ill about it both lrnmeorsKmpeoot = tjeebymailAddrcss Dr Kilmer Co Hijiehamton N y When writing mentlor paperj it1 name SwampRoot Dr iJarrpRoot and th address Blngharrton i U> Vancvery bottle ADMIRES US SOLDIERS Best Built and Bearing in the I World Says English tint ¬ form Expert Washington July GThe military appearance of the American soldier was a surprise to George V Win ¬ ter who came from London on in ¬ vitation of the War Department to design certain improvements in the uniforms of the service which I would bring them in line with the acknowledged superior fit and make ¬ up of the British uniforms The American soldier has the I best build and bearing in the world declared Mr Winter on the eve of I his departure for New York I thought Tommy Atkins was the best I in line so I am surprised at what I I have seen here While the Ameri- can I soldier is not so beefy as the Britisher he is smarter and better set up He is the better set up He is the best looking soldier in the world superior to the fighting men j of Germany France or England The only improvement in the uni j forms is to give him a better fit giving full effect to his fire quali- ties i The patterns submitted by Mr j Winter indicate numerous minor changes in the uniforms but no rad ¬ ical departure from existing styles Every Graduate Has a Position Every worthy graduate of the Na ¬ tional School of Telegraphy has a position For particulars address Bowling Green Business University Bowling Green Ky j She Didnt Forget The little girl had been assiduous- ly ¬ instructed in the arts and graces of courtesy and when she told her mamma how the strange boy at the party had kissed her she did it witha demur reserved air that would have delighted her mamma under other circumstances And he kissed me she saidI Kissed you the mamma ex i claimed And you Gladys whut did you do- Mamma i 1 didnt forget my l 0I litness I said thank you The Real Problem What we need is not airships but stockings that will wear Easy There had been a collision between a butchers cart and an automobile The policeman was taking copious notes regarding the accident Mummie said a small boy on the outskirt of the crowd why does the policeman always lick the endof the pencil before writing ToI make the case look as black as sible I suppose answered Mumj mie weairly as she helped the in- quisitive child into the bus Not His Denomination Now look here sir exclaimed ed the gamekeeper imperatively didnt you see the notice at the end of the road Pedestrains not ale lowedn i I did observe a notice stating that pedestrains were not allowed j here readily but you see I am a CongregationalistOh I the game keeper slightly puzzled then IsupI pose its all right sir You can i walk on Told at Di orc nlressI Judge Dugro Irvingat the divorce congress in Washington told a story of two children a boy and a girl members of rich and prominent families according to the Detroit er Free PressI the little boy These two children a short time j after the wedding met at a children party Hello Dick said the little szirl how do you like your new papa i He was my papa once A Thorough Business Training Can be secured by attending the Bowling Green Business University Bowling Green KrI Deep Sea Research The prince of Monaco exhibited ¬ newlyin1vented search It is devised for use at the lowest depths It is an ingeniously devised glass receptacle which can I be let down by a sounding wire to a depth of 18000 feet and will bring The Only Big Circus To Visit This Section u u Circus Trust Robinsons Ten Combined MonnRcrlo Hippodrome Beaver Dam Friday 20 1906 u n PrcHcntlriB under TEN ACRES of WATER PROOF TenlM 1500 RARE AND COSTLY WILD ANIMALS Double Herd of CltJpncinLb a Ponderous Program Performing Perfection Pachyderms Presenting n STUPENDOUS REALISTIC PRODUCTION BATTLE OF NOUN OED KNEE INTRODUCING BOO INDIANS COWBOYS SCOUTS AND SOLDIERS u rHJ IIl ZJAES Direct from a successful European trip Americas greatest Co Presenting Butt Manual of Arms to music TWO COMPANIES OF CAVALRY Late of the United Army in expert feats of horsemanship n u u Ellsworth Female See Capt Winstons Wonderful Educated Seals Lucuzon Sisters Wonderful Aerial Iron Jaw Act Flying BanvardM Sensational European Aerlallsts n u SpectacularDouble of Wonderfully Trained Menage Horses12 in Number 20 Male and Female Riders FORTY MERRY OLD CLOWNS ORB 30000000 STREET PflRflDE n 300 Daring Gymnasts Nimble Arobats anti Talented The Pick of all Arenic Celebrities 3 Mlles of Gold Wagons and Chariots Prancing Horses of Hare and Costly Wild Animals and including the seasons newest novelty a of a million dollar reproduction of the Battleships of our Navy The Grand Musical Ballet 500 Men Women and Children in the Cast Chief White Thunders Band of Indians 50 Bucks Squaws and Papooses r iti 1- CeIora1ofl BunUn Rosa j 4 OF 50 SOLOISTS UNDER DIREC ¬ TION OF ANTONIA OLIVETO GIVE HOURS MUSICAL PROGRAM BEFORE EACH PERFORMANCE 9 n up a of the water as it ex ¬ ists at that depth and flee from other which it is drawn to the surface j LEFT OVER FROM LAST WEEK I Mr Tom Drake has been in the store of left for Green and the South Mr has se ¬ cured the by Mr J C and son Roy of were in our midst ¬ the guests of her Mr and Mrs G W Prof M D of Beaver Dam is the guest of his Mr and Mrs M P Miss Beulah Reid spent last week the guest of Mrs Jas and Mrs S J of l will begin at next Fourth and Mrs Ray ¬ I in honor of Miss Maud Schultz of who is a guest of her cousin Miss Alice Cake and ice j cream were served All report a time I Mr Dock Curtis and of Indiana and Miss Sallie Curtis of were the guests of Messrs Ball and Virgo Cur- t last week Mr Oppie child is quite ill Mr V B Morton and Eva Ethel and V B of were the guests of Mr and Mrs Sam Morton last week Mrs Price is at the bed ¬ side of her Charlie Garrett who is ill at the home Job ShOCK July LEVENSVOIx TWO SHOWS DAILY RAIN OR SHINE EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS specimen admixture abiolutelyI depths through SMALLHOUS Barnard Kittinger Sunday Bowling Kirtley position occupied DrakeMrs Bennett Hartford Sun- day parents Barnard Maddox parents Maddox Bennett Hawkins Hartford- A protracted meeting Equality Saturday nightMr Addington en- tertained Thursday evening Narrows pleasant family Centertown William Kittingers youngest children Livermore Morton brother dangerously RltiKecJ ClrCMMw Military Zouaves Aerialists Bedecked Fulkerson The UptoDat- eTONSORIAL I SHOP 4 n Mt The Reliable Two 4Door Above the tF IlMt New Commercial Hotel F On Center Street n Mt John W TaylorProprietor tQ h bit Shaves fashionable Hair Cuts and ¬ t MtI 4 Have added a complete Clothes Pressing Mt 4an1 Cleaning outfit Suits cleaned und Mt fi 6F3c 4pressed 40c Pants pressed 20c Conts pressed bit Give us a call 4 fl+ 1T TT 7T TYt 7 M71TYtiY i of his grandfather Mr Pleas Gar- rett ¬ of Nelson Creek Mr L B Overhultz went to Hart ¬ ford Saturday- S E Hunter is on the sick list He has erysipelasI Does evil still whole life fill Does woe betide Your thoughts abide on suicideI pillNow and facts De Witts Little Early Risers are the pillsknown Sold by Z Wayne Griffin BroI Not in the Big Four Big Doulilo find Wild Went States The Dens quarter ONE who Old Stand Easy Sham also 25c your Inneounlrletiunit ourIn on tlen4 Inodel photo orketch tor iR E E report SURAIISINQ took on Proelable 6t st D C r

iron I Robinsons

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flafen in a Letter to Presl

dent Roosevelt

RMeJftakes Appeal to People to t e

Admitted to Union With

New Mexico

ego July 6A dispatch ironiron Ariz says

Resident Roosevelt is so anxiotz

lorrizona to become a State tiwhe has written a personal letter e

torold friend Mark A Rogers urjIng the people to vote to be adm5rted with New Mexico The TVes >

days that he believes if Aspresent opportunity is not seized rmaybe many years before the oppurtunity may be had again

President Roosevelts letter whfcfc

wasieceived yesterday readsThe White House Washington n

> C Jcne 2LHon Mark A JJogersSecretary Arizona Statehood Assocation Tucson ArizDear Sir My

earnest hope is that the people rithe Territory of Arizona in theirwisdom will decide to enter trw

Union as part of the great State ofArizona No man can foretell whatwill happen in the future But it imy belief that if the people of Arvzona let this chance go by they vihave to wait many years before ii>

tibance agaiu offers itself and eratin it probably will be only on hepr s nt termthat is on the CCTVD

tkni of being joined with New 3ti

x11afthe people of Arizona come istotes they will achieve what eve r

setf respecting American ought to

adiiiive that is the right of afr gorcnunent If they refuse what u

proffered themandwhat in riyopinion fe proffered them on the orJyprcyer and permissible terms theycan condemn themselves to an irrdefinite continuance of a condition ts

j tutelageI have a peculiar affection for tit

people oi the four territories vhiraunder the act of Congress may in-

ter as two States into our FedenJUnion These territories are filedwith mvn and womenof the strcifor rlhom J felt so hearty a reptrrJ-

f arid respect during the years that I

myself lived and worked on thagreat plains and in the KockyTnosa

tainIt was from these four territr j

that 1 raised the regiment fnrawhich 1 took part in the Cabsncampaign Assuredly under no ci rcumstances would I advise the ptpIe oi these territories to do aukthing that considered to i eagsintheir moral or their material wel-

t toeing I feel that for them now isrefuse tocome into the Uninn uStates would be at the best mewfolly

Very wfcefy the people of Olclidrcaznd Indian Territory and I trGeve <he people of New Mexico liar

i fcare abandoned an attitude whistforbade their thus assuming themeat privileges and responsibilitttof lull American citizenship Icenot express too heartily my linthat th people of Arizona exermring their sober second thought wiiCiiEfr to look at the matter in treratme light


TflayLlvo 100 YearsIras charurs for living a full eex

tnTp are excellent in the case tf1n Jennie Duncan of Haynes ltAir now 70 years old She writer

a Eidric Bitters cured me of Chrusfie Dyspepsia of 20 years standingand made me feel as well and strongIIP a young girl Electric Hittercure Stomach and Liver diseasesrHIeod disorders General Debilityanti bodily weakness Sold on 21

snsirantee at 7 Wayne Griffin fliras drug store Price only Wt


MAGANJury Mrs Lori Baughn imrf

d family and Mrs Lula Welch and

i < mlijr of Moorehoise Mo are visi-

ting relatives and friends in and neartwits p ce-

hIrslIolle Weaterfield who leas-

t htt visiting relatives in MorehouseIffl9 has returned hums

ttic ran Ralph and daughter Mrsj2 Kalph contemplate going to1rlE rings for their health

faa Mary Litsey and children ofFwiiviUe arc visiting relatives andJritcJa in this place

I SC Wright and wife gave u+ irTiDsscaf entertainment Saturday

rintrht an honor of her daughter

fVuria twentyfirst birthday Thoserecent wore Misses Relda Midkiff

Sra Martin Dora Wright MyrtleBrown Mattie Annie and MayTPi ght Georgie Martin Cora Mid

lifllDbra Midkiff May and LulaWimsatt Nora and Gerta JohnsonS3aNorris Viola and Lula MidkiffMinnie Baughn Ona Ralph Messrs

iL W and J W Edge Gardner andPrnrtis Brown James Coppage Wil

deand Clarence Lane Alex Hudsontack Ragland Elijah Daniel Clar


tike Westerfield Scott AmbroseJohn H Wright Ira Midkiff Johnml Dan Midkiff Albert BaughnWillie Muffett Henry Magan HerScctRalphIra HowardJoe Merrettand Cicero Midkiff All report apleasant time

Eagle Whips FarmerI A terrific battle with an eagle in

which Thomas Haywood a farmer> the Tumbling Run valley sustain ¬

ed serious injuries occurred a fewcays ago Haywood saw the eagledescend and seize a rabbit Herushad on the big bird with a clubThaoagle dropped the rabbit and atJatkad Haywood beating him intopartial insensibility with heavy blows

nraits wings and then flew awaywtfa its prey

flkeds No IntroductionTfie Bwling Green Business Uni

tersitt needs no introduction to theixiblTc Write for catalog and partJcrnrs Address Bowling GreenBUvfciess University Bowling Green


UgJiXttivg Blinds Unborn Tur-keys


5Gor West Chester Pa on theiirra of Frank Green of Unionvillejighieen turkeys were hatched reactlj and every one are blind aliiough otherwise in perfect health

The blindness is attributed toTghtning

AJJ Established InstitutionTri Bowling Green Business Uni

versicy is an established institutionTicitafbr catalog and particularsAddress Bowling Green BusinessTjhiiftrsity Bowling Green Ky

ItGrowlng InstitutionThVfibwling Green Business Uni

ivsily its rowing every year It is-

the argot Business school in theSoutJh Catalog and particulars willbe sent on application Addressftnvling Green Business University5rAvIing Green Ky

In Great DemandThe jpnduates of the Bowling

Green Business University are ingnat demand and are to be foundttaantf every where holding the bestpfcyih rositions Write for catalogand snrtkulurs Address BowlingGreen Business University BowlingGreen Ky


in Alpine TelephoneTiuCrephoneis to be invoked as

nriuIiTtional security against disastvi ID 5limb n> in the Alps ItalyvUl Saw the honor of the first in

5jhtibnv which will take place int>cffomn > region An instrument iskbt9Kad in the refuge on themcuntniiuof the Tre Croci at an al

tidfto L r bovt 3100 feet


Tent Crease of ManySudden Deaths

TAeni is 4i disease prevailing In thlcam n mwt dintrerous because so decen

live Many suddendeaths are caused b-gItheart diseasepneumonia hearfailure orare often resutof kidney disease I

kidney trouble Is allowed tokldneypolsonecblood will attackvital organs or

i dneys themselves break down and wasUjvay ceil bycel-

lEadddrtroubesrost result frorra iijraiiperrent of the kidneys and a cure Ii-

a thee a proper ol4 crdrey5 If you are feeling badly yo-sr Tialttno mistake by taking Dr Kilmer

5wT iJRixethe great kidney liver aneAtiisrTBrredy

ccectsiiiabllltyt3 hoW urine and scaldin In passing tt and overcomes tha

ifeasant aecsxsHy of being compelled tcyc ftsrdutinjf the day and to get up manyu us during night The mild and the-

e 01 fnrdlrarrtffsRt of SwampRoot Is sooriBcliiad Tt surds the ItscPr I cures of the most distressing cases

3vmpRovtcpea3ant to take and soktry ail irwijfjrtt in fiftycent and onedollar

j YJumayhavets wonderful new° dlsi

4 a book that


advance tht



quickest by treatment


highest for won

ears Ill about it both lrnmeorsKmpeoot= tjeebymailAddrcss Dr Kilmer CoHijiehamton N y When writing mentlorpaperjit1 name SwampRoot DriJarrpRoot and th address Blngharrton

i U> Vancvery bottle


Best Built and Bearing in theI

World Says English tint ¬

form Expert

Washington July GThe militaryappearance of the American soldierwas a surprise to George V Win ¬

ter who came from London on in ¬

vitation of the War Departmentto design certain improvements inthe uniforms of the service which I

would bring them in line with theacknowledged superior fit and make ¬

up of the British uniformsThe American soldier has the


best build and bearing in the worlddeclared Mr Winter on the eve of I

his departure for New York I

thought Tommy Atkins was the best I

in line so I am surprised at what I I

have seen here While the Ameri-



soldier is not so beefy as theBritisher he is smarter and betterset up He is the better set up Heis the best looking soldier in theworld superior to the fighting men j

of Germany France or EnglandThe only improvement in the uni j

forms is to give him a better fitgiving full effect to his fire quali-


The patterns submitted by Mr j

Winter indicate numerous minorchanges in the uniforms but no rad ¬

ical departure from existing styles

Every Graduate Has a PositionEvery worthy graduate of the Na ¬

tional School of Telegraphy has aposition For particulars addressBowling Green Business UniversityBowling Green Ky


She Didnt ForgetThe little girl had been assiduous-


instructed in the arts and gracesof courtesy and when she told hermamma how the strange boy at theparty had kissed her she did it withademur reserved air that would havedelighted her mamma under othercircumstances And he kissed meshesaidIKissed you the mamma ex i

claimed And you Gladys whutdid you do-


1 didnt forget my l 0Ilitness I said thank you

The Real ProblemWhat we need is not airships but

stockings that will wear

EasyThere had been a collision between

a butchers cart and an automobileThe policeman was taking copiousnotes regarding the accident

Mummie said a small boy on theoutskirt of the crowd why does thepoliceman always lick the endofthe pencil before writing

ToImake the case look as black assible I suppose answered Mumjmie weairly as she helped the in-

quisitive child into the bus

Not His DenominationNow look here sir exclaimed

ed the gamekeeper imperativelydidnt you see the notice at the

end of the road Pedestrains not ale

lowedn i

I did observe a notice statingthat pedestrains were not allowed j

here readily but you see I ama CongregationalistOh I

the gamekeeper slightly puzzled then IsupIpose its all right sir You can i

walk on

Told at Di orcnlressIJudge Dugro Irvingat the divorce

congress in Washington told a storyof two children a boy and a girlmembers of rich and prominentfamilies according to the Detroit


Free PressIthe little boy

These two children a short time j

after the wedding met at a childrenparty

Hello Dick said the little szirl

how do you like your new papa i

He was my papa once

A Thorough Business TrainingCan be secured by attending the

Bowling Green Business UniversityBowling Green KrIDeep Sea Research

The prince of Monaco exhibited¬

newlyin1ventedsearch It is devised for use at thelowest depths It is an ingeniouslydevised glass receptacle which can I

be let down by a sounding wire to adepth of 18000 feet and will bring

The Only Big CircusTo Visit This Section


Circus Trust

RobinsonsTen Combined


Beaver Dam Friday 20 1906u n


Double Herd of CltJpncinLb aPonderous

Program PerformingPerfectionPachyderms Presenting


BATTLE OF NOUN OED KNEEINTRODUCING BOO INDIANS COWBOYS SCOUTS AND SOLDIERSurHJ IIl ZJAESDirect from a successful European trip Americas greatest Co Presenting Butt Manual of Arms to music

TWO COMPANIES OF CAVALRYLate of the United Army in expert feats of horsemanship

n u uEllsworth Female See Capt Winstons Wonderful Educated Seals Lucuzon

Sisters Wonderful Aerial Iron Jaw Act Flying BanvardM Sensational European Aerlallstsn uSpectacularDouble

of Wonderfully Trained Menage Horses12 in Number 20 Male and Female Riders


300 Daring Gymnasts Nimble Arobats anti Talented The Pick of all Arenic Celebrities 3 Mlles ofGold Wagons and Chariots Prancing Horses of Hare and Costly Wild Animals and includingthe seasons newest novelty a of a million dollar reproduction of the Battleships of our Navy TheGrand Musical Ballet 500 Men Women and Children in the Cast Chief White Thunders Band of Indians 50Bucks Squaws and Papooses

r iti 1-

CeIora1ofl BunUn Rosa j





up a of the water as it ex ¬

ists at that depth andflee fromother which it isdrawn to the surface j


Mr Tom Drake has been inthe store ofleft for Green andthe South Mr has se¬

cured the by Mr

J C and son Royof were in our midst ¬

the guests of her Mrand Mrs G W

Prof M D of BeaverDam is the guest of hisMr and Mrs M P

Miss Beulah Reid spent last weekthe guest of Mrs Jas andMrs S J of

lwill begin at

next Fourth

and Mrs Ray ¬I

in honorof Miss Maud Schultz ofwho is a guest of her cousin MissAlice Cake and ice j

cream were served All report atime I

Mr Dock Curtis and ofIndiana and Miss Sallie Curtis of

were the guests ofMessrs Ball and Virgo Cur-

t last weekMr Oppie

child is quite ill

Mr V B Morton andEva Ethel and V B ofwere the guests of Mr and MrsSam Morton last week

Mrs Price is at the bed ¬

side of her Charlie Garrettwho is ill at the home








depths through


Barnard KittingerSunday Bowling

Kirtleyposition occupied


Hartford Sun-

day parentsBarnardMaddox


BennettHawkins Hartford-

A protracted meetingEquality Saturday

nightMrAddington en-

tertained Thursday eveningNarrows



Kittingers youngest




RltiKecJ ClrCMMw





The UptoDat-


The Reliable Two4Door Above the tF IlMtNew Commercial Hotel FOn Center Street



John W TaylorProprietortQ h bit

Shaves fashionable Hair Cuts and ¬ tMtI4 Have added a complete Clothes Pressing Mt4an1 Cleaning outfit Suits cleaned und Mt

fi 6F3c4pressed 40c Pants pressed 20c Conts pressed bitGive us a call

4fl+ 1T TT 7T TYt 7 M71TYtiY i

of his grandfather Mr Pleas Gar-


of Nelson CreekMr L B Overhultz went to Hart ¬

ford Saturday-S E Hunter is on the sick list

He has erysipelasIDoes evil still whole life fillDoes woe betideYour thoughts abide on suicideIpillNow and facts De

Witts Little Early Risers are thepillsknownSold by Z Wayne Griffin BroI

Not in the

BigFourBig Doulilo

find WildWent






Old Stand

Easy Sham




InneounlrletiunitourInontlen4 Inodel photo orketch tor iR E E report

SURAIISINQtook on Proelable6t stD C r