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  • 8/13/2019 Ir Research Project



    Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ 2

    Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4

    Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 9

    Hypothesis .................................................................................................................................................. 10

    Research Questions ..................................................................................................................................... 11

    Literature Review ........................................................................................................................................ 12

    Research questions ...................................................................................................................................... 17

    Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 23

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    First of all we would like to thanks All Mighty ALLAH for always helping us in every aspect of

    our life and with this project. We would like to thanks our instructor Professor Sajjad Naseer and

    our teacher assistance Ms. Maheen Haroon for making things quite simple and understanding for

    this course which further helped us in our research project. We would like to thanks our fellows

    Talha Khalid, Mohammad Iqbal Chaudhary for helping us and providing us relevant information

    through various sources which lead to the completion of this project.

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    This research paper examines the Soviet-Afghan war and Pakistans role in it, in this paper we

    have discussed the background of the war as well as the context in which the war was fought.

    Moreover, we have considered how Pakistan got involved in this war and the role that America

    played in the war. We have also discussed the conflict between the communist and western

    blocks in this study. We have divided our research into five major domains; the reasons for the

    invasion, the reason why soviets did not win the war, how the war ended and led to the demise of

    the mighty soviet empire, consequences of the war in Pakistan and how Pakistan emerged as a

    frontline state during the war. For the purpose of finding out answers to these questions we

    consulted various research articles, research studies and books to find out what scholars and

    researchers had to say on this matter.

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    In 1979, the USSR took control of the Afghan capital, Kabul, and tried through the following

    decade to gain control over the whole country and its people. The invasion was a failure, costing

    thousands of lives and having serious consequences still felt today.

    To better understand the reason for the Soviet invasion and failure, first one must understand the

    geography and culture in Afghanistan. The land is mountainous and arid. Jagged, impassable

    ranges divide the country and make travel difficult. Due to these physical divisions, the people

    are extremely provincial, with more loyalty to their specific clan or ethnic group than to a

    government or a country. The people are Muslims, and extremely religious and conservative.

    The majority ethnic group is the Pashtun, but there are over ten minority groups.

    Starting in the 1950s, the USSR began giving aid to Afghanistan. The Soviets built roads,

    irrigation and even some oil pipelines. In the 1970s, a Communist party overthrew the monarchy

    and tried to institute social reforms. The rural populations saw land distribution and women's

    rights as alien to their traditional Islamic culture, a culture in which polygamy, covering of

    women, and blood for blood practices are accepted. The Communist governments in Kabul in the

    1970s lacked the popular support of the rural population.

    The Soviets sent troops into Afghanistan in 1979 for a number of reasons. First, they wished to

    expand their influence in Asia. They also wanted to preserve the Communist government that

    had been established in the 1970s, and was collapsing because of its lack of support other than in

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    the military. Third, the Soviets wanted to protect their interests in Afghanistan from Iran and

    western nations.

    The Soviets brought in over one hundred thousand soldiers, secured Kabul quickly and installed

    Babrak Karmal as their puppet leader. However, they were met with fierce resistance when they

    ventured out of their strongholds into the countryside. Resistance fighters, called mujahidin, saw

    the Christian or atheist Soviets controlling Afghanistan as a defilement of Islam as well as of

    their traditional culture. Proclaiming a "jihad"(holy war), they gained the support of the Islamic

    world. The US gave them weapons and money. The mujahidin employed guerrilla tactics against

    the Soviets. They would attack or raid quickly, then disappear into the mountains, causing great

    destruction without pitched battles. The fighters used whatever weapons they could take from the

    Soviets or were given by the US. Decentralized and scattered around Afghanistan, the mujahidin

    were like a poisonous snake without a head that could be cut off. There was no one strong central

    stronghold from which resistance operated.

    On the fatal day of 27 December 1979 three soviet motorized division cross the AMU river and

    advance toward mizare-shareef. On 28 December 1979 more soviet division with the soviet air

    force providing air cover, oquppied Afghanistan Herat province before continuing towards

    khandhar and Ghazni. Thus within four days of the invasion four of the largest cities of

    Afghanistan had come under the Soviet control. The red army was now at Pakistansdoor step.

    At the time Pakistan was passing through internal instability and international isolation, the

    soviet arriving at Pakistans border dramatically changed Pakistans situation.

    Pakistan immediate reaction was to call for the unconditional withdrawal of soviet forces from

    Afghanistan. Six western powers also condemned the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and

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    describe it as a naked aggression and a violation of international laws. That situation alter the

    cold attitude of the US and its priorities, as Pakistan emerged the third central strategic zone in

    the path of soviet southward drive. The foreign policy makers of US designed Pakistan as a

    frontier State against the expansion of communism, Pakistan which shared a 1500KM long

    border with Afghanistan had become extremely vulnerable to the perceived Soviet threat.

    The United States took the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as serious threat to American interest

    in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. The Soviet invasion came about within a year of the

    fall of the Shah in Iran, a reliable American proxy, which looked after Washingtons interest in

    the region. The developments in Iran and Afghanistan were considered as extra regional and

    intra-regional threats to the security and stability of oil rich and strategically located Gulf region.

    The US policy makers now began short-term and long-term planning for the defense of

    Washingtons own interest and these could be better served, if the defense of the states exposed

    to potential Soviet penetration was shored up. As Pakistan shared a long border with Soviet

    occupied Afghanistan, Islamabad became the most geopolitically relevant country in Americas

    global strategy. The United States calculated that Pakistan could be very useful for its policy

    goals in the Persian Gulf because of proximity and linkage with the region. Pakistan was, now

    considered a frontline state in the new American geopolitical strategy. The Afghanistan crisis

    had shifted the focus of super powers struggle for supremacy eastward, from West Asia towards

    South Asia.

    The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan gave Pakistan the unique strategic position of being

    surrounded by three great powers, i.e. the Soviet Union, China, India, the geographic pivot of

    history and strategically the most important zone in Eurasia. Pakistans security was linked

    with the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Gulf region.

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    When the Soviet Union intervened in Afghanistan and Pakistan, General Zia-ul-Haqs military

    regime was ruling in Pakistan. There were suspicions about his government in the West. His

    government was considered by many in the West as illegitimate, and oblivious of human rights.

    However, after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan his government got quick legitimacy in the


    In 1989, Soviet forces pulled out of Afghanistan. Fifteen thousand Soviet soldiers and countless

    Afghans had been killed in the decade-long war. Billions of dollars had been spent each year to

    support troops in Afghanistan. Unable to defeat the mujahidin and pressed by world opinion to

    leave Afghanistan, Soviet leader Gorbachev decided that the USSR had to get out. In part, the

    tide of the war had been turned by the introduction of US-made shoulder-launched antiaircraft

    missiles in 1987. With these missiles, the mujahidin shot down Soviet planes and helicopters

    every day, increasing the monetary and human cost of the war, and making Soviet strike tactics

    ineffective. Demoralized and with no victory in sight, the USSR's forces left Afghanistan.

    The war had far-reaching effects on Afghanistan, the Soviets, and the US. Several million

    Afghans had either fled to neighboring Pakistan for refuge or had become internal refugees. In

    addition, millions more had died from starvation or from the Soviet bombings and raids. Among

    the survivors were a generation that had known only war, hatred, and fear. Homes, animals, and

    precious irrigation systems were destroyed, leaving the country barren and in ruin. Also,

    thousands of miniature land mines dropped by the Soviet planes continued to pose a hazard to

    the Afghan people long after the war with the USSR ended.

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    The USSR was also affected greatly by its failure. It lost fifteen thousand troops, but the true

    damage done was in the degradation of its image, and the billions of dollars it spent during the

    war. This fall from invincibility and vast expenditure of money to finance the invasion in part

    caused the USSR to fall apart in the early 1990s.

    One long-term effect of the Soviet invasion and pull-out was the establishment of a weak state

    full of religious hatred and hatred of richer nations: a breeding ground for terrorism. Though

    supplying the Afghan resistance with American guns and anti-aircraft missiles seemed like a

    good idea for the US in the 1980s, and was the reason for the Soviets defeat, now as the US

    invades, they are met with their own guns. The significance of the sophisticated guns has yet to

    be determined. In light of the US involvement today in Afghanistan after the September 11th

    terrorist attacks, it is especially important to understand the history of the Soviet's involvement

    there so we can avoid making the same mistakes.

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    Soviet-Afghan war is a historical event and it is based completely on facts, so to conduct this

    research we have done no primary research, but a lot of secondary research has been done to

    collect the information about this topic. We took help from the number of articles. Research

    papers were also help full in collecting information. A thesis named impact of the Afghan-

    Soviet War on Pakistan (From 1979-1989) written under the supervision of Pakistan research

    Repository was also used to make our research perfect.

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    At the time of the start of the soviet-afghan war the Pakistan was an isolated state internationally,

    but due to this emerging situation it became a central strategic zone and Pakistans position

    changed overnight, but we believe that the impact of this war on Pakistan was not favorable.

    Hypothesis# 0: The impact of Soviet-Afghan war had unfavorable consequences for Pakistan.

    Hypothesis# 1: The impact of Soviet-Afghan war led to favorable consequences for Pakistan.

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    Research Questions

    Q1: Explain how the USSR became involved in a war in Afghanistan (1979-1988)?

    Q2: What were the obstacles that made the war unwinnable for the Soviets?

    Q3: How did the war end? What was the effect of the war on Afghanistan and Soviet Union?

    Q4: What were the consequences of the war in Pakistans political and social condition?

    Q5: How soviet-afghan war became the turning point for Pakistan and made Pakistan a third

    central strategic zone?

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    Literature Review

    In their book The other side of the mountain; Mujahideen tactics in the soviet Afghan war

    Jalali and Grau (N.A) have given a detailed explanation of how the Afghan Mujahedeen resisted

    a technologically superior foe . Many experts believed at the time that with their unprecedented

    firepower the Soviets will prove too much for the Afghans but with native knowledge of the

    terrain and each tribe using different tactics against the soviet army, the soviets found themselves

    in a trap they could not get out of and after a decade long war the mighty soviets had to

    withdraw. When the invasion took place no one had given the Afghanis a fighting chance but

    with help from the West and the emergence of Pakistan as a frontline state, withdrawal was the

    only option that the soviets had.

    Anthony Arnold, in his research, compares Soviet Union with a sick old man and Afghanistan as

    the pebble which this exhausted sick man stumbled on and fell. There are quite a number of

    authors who suggest Afghanistan as one of the considerable factors in the demise of the USSR,

    when the Soviet forces were compelled to withdraw from Afghanistan (April 15, 1989), the

    Soviet Union was beginning to undergo the initial stages of drastic reforms from above since the

    reign of Alexander II. At the eve of Russian invasion of Afghanistan, the rotting effects of

    absolute centralism and autocratic power on the national psychology. Thus the communist

    agenda of the soviets not only had pressures from the capitalist block but there were also

    pressures from within that led to the demise of the mighty soviet empire. Some sources focus on

    public opinion and the eventual escalation of protests during and then after the war, starting with

    underground papers and protest demonstrations at soldier's funerals and grave sites (which were

    on small scale). Although any protest was being immediately and severely put down (for the very

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    act of opposition against the political establishment was regarded as high treason) no force could

    control the popular discontent of the Soviets, thus, protests were becoming more frequent and

    better populated. "I believed - I really believed," said a retired Soviet schoolteacher, of her

    lifelong party membership, in fall of 1990.

    The article Pakistans role in the Afghanistan wars outcome by Bruce Riedel (2010) compares

    the U.S.A- Afghan war to the soviet invasion of Afghanistan. He suggests that while the

    Americans goal of intervention in Afghanistan was self-defence after the attacks on the World

    Trade Center and Pentagon in 2001.

    The Soviet invasion in 1979 was a different matter. Its goal was to shore up a communist regime

    that was on the brink of collapse. The Soviet leadership wanted an Afghanistan that would be

    like other Soviet satellite states, that is, under virtual Soviet imperial rule with only the faade of

    independence. The author has termed Pakistan as a Safe haven for the Americans. Pakistan

    played a crucial role in the Soviet invasion and with the help of American aid did everything in

    its power to drive the Soviets way form the neighboring Afghanistan. Today, again Pakistan

    plays a very crucial role in the success of the United States in Afghanistan, while many experts

    believe that Americans will suffer the same fate that the Soviets did, they undermine the key

    role Pakistan can play in making the Americans successful as opposed to the Soviets.

    The article Soviet confrontations with Pakistan during Soviet-Afghan War (2004) states the

    direct encounters Pakistan and Soviet forces had during the Afghan war. Initially, Pakistani

    military was very concerned about the Soviet move, but subsequent analysis of the deployments

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    of the Soviet forces showed, that there was no imminent threat to Pakistan. Instead, for the first

    years of the war in Afghanistan, Soviets were predominantly engaged in establishing bases and

    keeping urban areas under control. From early 1981 onward, however, the number of flying units

    detached to the 40th Soviet Army was increased, and their aircraft and helicopters started

    patrolling along - or even behind - Pakistani borders. Initially, reconnaissance operations were

    flown, but very soon first attacks against camps for Afghani refugees on Pakistani soil were

    undertaken, as these were places where Mujahideen used to pull back for rest and training, and

    where Pakistani military services recruited fighters for the war in Afghanistan. Immediately,

    Pakistan turned to the USA with a request for better equipment, including new aircraft (foremost

    A-7 Corsair), SAMs, radars, as well as items for ECM and ELINT. By late 1981, the situation

    changed in so far, that the Pakistani military services were directly involved in organizing,

    supporting and managing the Afghan Mujahideen, and subsequently the USA decided to join

    this effort more intensively as well. Initially, the US offered support in arms and supplies for

    Mujahideen, but very fast, but, after aircraft of the V-VS started to operate over the Pakistani

    border more aggressively, a decision has been brought, to re-supply the PAF with F-16s. In

    December 1981, a letter of agreement between Pakistan and the USA was signed, preparing the

    way for the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) purchasing 40 F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters. The author

    has stated various encounters between the Pakistani and Soviet army and air forces in which the

    Pakistanis mostly came out on top due to the latest technology provided by the Americans. The

    article shows that not only did Pakistan provide tarining to the Afgan Mujahideen but fought the

    war like it was their own war.

    This interview with Khaled Ahmed (Consulting Editor, The Friday times, Lahore , Pakistan)

    conducted by Harry Kriesler (2002) analyzes the impacts of the Soviet-Afghan war on Pakistan.

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    The Pakistani president General Zia-ul-Haq took advantage of the war and acquired massive aid

    from the U.S.A as Khaled Ahmed states,He definitely benefited from the largess of the United

    States. The economy was in a crisis when he took over, and the money that came later was a

    price for his cooperation in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, he encouraged the formulation of

    religious militias, headed by people who were of dubious character but who served his purpose.

    Pakistan also chose its favorites, which I think was a shortsighted policy, which finally

    fragmented Afghanistan as a country. If there was a feeling that Afghanistan should become the

    strategic depth for Pakistan that was defeated, because we allowed that country to become

    disunited. As events later showed, it was Pakistan which became the strategic depth to the

    Taliban ideology. However, the consequences of the war were quite unintended and according

    to the author participating directly in the war was a mistake President Zia commited due to his

    short-sightedness, That tended to change Pakistan's society, because these warriors lived in civil

    society and were exempted from the law because they carried arms and were trained as military

    people. They were also protected against the normal process of law by the intelligence agencies.

    That led to a gradual diminution of the writ of the state in Pakistan. Then we reached a point

    when the state did not exist at all in certain cities. For instance, in Karachi we got used to having

    no state jurisdiction at all. The "exempted" militias ran the city and also ran the government.

    This article was published in the Middle East Journal by Marvin G. Weinbaum (1991) titled

    War and peace in Afghanistan: The Pakistani Role. The author states that the without Pakistan

    there could have been no effective resistance and little prospect of success against the Soviets.

    The Pakistanis allowed the Mujahedeen to organize military operations and Islamabad became

    an international conduit for the delivery of international arms for those fighting in Afghanistan.

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    In negotiations leading to the withdrawal of the Soviets Pakistan played a pivotal role, it opened

    up its borders and allowed 3.2 million Afghanis to take refuge in Afghanistan

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    Research questions

    Explain how the USSR became involved in a war in Afghanistan (1979-1988)?

    Exactlywhy the Red Army wound up in direct military conflict, embroiled in a bitter and

    complicated civil warsome 3,000 kilometers away from Moscowis a point of

    historiographical uncertainty. The evidence available suggests that geopolitical calculations were

    at the top of the Kremlins goals. These were arguably to deter US interference in the USSRs

    backyard, to gain a highly strategic foothold in Southwest Asia and, not least of all, to attempt

    to contain the radical Islamic revolution emanating from Iran. The subsidiary goal of the

    invasion was to secure an ideologically-friendly rgime in the region. Furthermore, the fateful

    Politburo decision was not conceived by Brezhnev, but by a small, cabalistic group of the Soviet

    Unions most powerful figures. Little known and appreciated for its significance, the Soviet-

    Afghan War was one of the turning points of the late Cold War.

    On the evening of the 27th

    of December 1979, the Afghan government was effectively

    decapitated. During Operation Storm, a seven hundred-strong unit of Soviet special forces

    infiltrated the city of Kabul. They were disguised as regular Afghan soldiers, and had come to

    fulfil one objective: killing Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin.Two days earlier, the Fortieth Army

    had moved in thousands of armed personnel and vehicles from the Soviet border town of

    Termez. Within several weeks, all of the countrys cities and major roads were under Soviet

    occupation. Upon receiving intelligence reports to this effect, Jimmy Carters National Security

    Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, wrote to the President: We now have the opportunity of giving

    to the USSR its Vietnam War. Indeed, he could add retrospectively, for almost ten years,

    Moscow had to carry on a warthat brought about the demoralization and finally the break-up

    of the Soviet empire.The most basic, yet contentious question is that ofwhythe army was

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    brought in, to begin with. he Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan was primarily motivated by

    geopolitical interests in the region. Another obvious factor in the decision was related to the soft

    power commitments of socialist ideology, which predisposed the Soviet Union to safeguard a

    friendly rgime. After all, in the zero-sum game between both Cold War superpowers, one ally

    lost almost certainly meant an enemy gained. At this stage, however, a key historiographical

    problem arises. This is namely the profound difficulty of disentangling the two motives.

    Was raison dtator ideology a more important factor in shaping the thinking of Sovietstrategists in the late Cold War? It does not help that the Politburo was inherently secretive and

    opaque, leaving behind very few reliable records of the groups conversations. In practice,

    however, both motives were inextricably mixed. Soviet foreign policy, as Stalin had designed it,

    embodied this ambiguous approach. Explained Ronald Suny: In a circular way ideology was

    subordinated to state interests, but interests were understood in terms of ideology.It is

    imperative to note that the Soviet Union was ideologically-bound to the socialist rgime in

    Kabul. At their core, the Politburos aims were primarily statist. But the Soviets acted as self-

    interested international players, concerned with advancing the USSRs own position in the Cold

    War contest.

    What were the obstacles that made the war unwinnable for the Soviets?

    The Soviets faced several obstacles making their chances at winning the war not possible. The

    first obstacle occurred at the end of January of 1980 as the Soviet units began to seize Afghan

    cities and major highways. After securing these locations, the Mujahedeen began to resort to

    guerilla warfare. The Mujahedeen were essentially the Afghan rebel groups who fought against

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    Soviet influence. As the war continued, confrontations with guerilla warfare cause the

    confidence of the Soviets to decrease while the confidence of the Afghans increased. To make

    matters worse, the US began providing foreign assistance to the mujaheeden with the providing

    of transport vehicles, weaponry such as missile launchers and food. With all this assistance, the

    usage of chemical weapons or more troops for the Soviets would not help at all. Eventually in the

    April of 1988, the Soviet troops had withdrawn.

    How soviet-afghan war became the turning point for Pakistan and made Pakistan a third

    central strategic zone?

    The war ended in 1989 through a stalemate with both sides suffering heavy losses. The Soviets

    withdrew in 1989.The war caused the death of 1 million Afghans, and fleeing of 5 million

    Afghans to neighboring countries. Afghanistan, as a result of the war, entered a state of civil

    instability, which still continues into present day. The war caused 50,000 Soviet casualties and

    loss of 1000 pieces of equipment and 450 aircrafts. As a result of the war, Soviets were in

    billions of dollars of debt, which severely weakened the USSR. Their losses also caused the

    people to question the Soviets authority. It is arguably the factor that caused the downfall of the

    Soviet Union.

    What were the consequences of the war in Pakistans political and social condition?

    Political Impact

    The impact of the Soviet invasion of the Afghanistan and the ensuing guerrilla war by the

    Mujahedeen is still visible in Pakistans politics. The politics era and the conduct of the war

    show an opportunistic approach, and preservation autocratic rule in Pakistan. General Zia-ul-

    Haqs military rule damaged democratic values, institutions, political parties, autonomous

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    groups, free judiciary, and responsible press all of which promote democracy. In eleven years of

    his rule the focus of his attention was on the western borders of Pakistan. He managed to stay in

    the office through constitutional amendments, which served to complicate Pakistans politics so

    that after him the countrys transition to democracy was not smooth. The secret arm of the state

    and military, made inroads in the internal political system. There are many analysts who speak

    out that the Inter Service Intelligence owing to the Afghan-Soviet war got the chance to

    destabilize of democracy in Pakistan. A prominent scholar S.Akbar Zaidi writes in his book that,

    The ISI, which played a dominant role in the decade of 1980s, and other bureaucratic and

    hierarchical non-democratic organizations and institutions began to interfere in Pakistans

    democratic transition and continued to create problems even after war ended. In 1988 after

    General Zias death in the plane crash, the army decided to return to the barracks and its rolein

    Pakistans politics became less visible. The new democratic government of Benazer Bhutto

    1988-1990 before it took oath was said to have assured the Army Chief that her government

    would respect the interests of the military.

    The world community had very strong reservations about Pakistan, its stubborn pursuance of

    nuclear weapons program. It was only in the aftermath of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan that

    the West felt it expedient to ignore both objections. The usual pattern in international relations is

    that great powers influence their smaller allies through economic and military aid. If the recipient

    state is heavily dependent on aid the influence of the donor state becomes greater. Sometimes the

    influence reverses, as was the case in US-Pakistan relations in the decade of 1980s, when the

    cold war was at its height and ousting the Soviet Union from Afghanistan was the American

    priority. Thus in the period 1979-1989 Pakistan was extremely important for the US, being a key

    ally of the US in Afghan-Soviet war. During that period, Washington did not try to stop

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    Pakistans nuclear program because it was important to keep Islamabad happy. On the eve of the

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, relations between Pakistan and the US were not in a good state.

    The US was ready to make any compromise to make Pakistan a frontline state therefore made

    changes in the Symington amendment, which before denied aid to countries developing nuclear

    weapons. The US saw Afghanistan on the top of the list of its priorities and Pakistan was the

    only source that could help in the achievement of this objective. Pakistan fully exploited the

    situation and continued its nuclear program.

    Social Impact

    Over the decade there have been various internal and external factors and crises that have had a

    deep direct or indirect impact on Pakistans society. The Afghan-Soviet War 1979-1989 is one

    such crisis. During the war General Zias unelected government held the reins of power in

    Pakistan. As pointed out earlier, he seized office in July 1977, through a coup, against the first

    democratically elected Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. It is said that Zia had the backing of

    the US and the right wing Islamist parties. He kept on postponing the elections he had promised

    soon after he had seized power. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan strengthened his hold on

    power and gave him an opportunity to stay in office for another nine years after the Soviet

    invasion. In 1977 Bhutto was discredited because of alleged rigging of elections and the Islamist

    parties used opportunity to counter his slogan of Islamic socialism with that of Nizam-e-Mustafa.

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    How soviet-afghan war became the turning point for Pakistan and made Pakistan a third

    central strategic zone?

    At the time Pakistan was passing through internal instability and international isolation, the

    soviet arriving at Pakistans border dramatically changed Pakistans situation. The United States

    took the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as serious threat to American interest in the Persian Gulf

    and the Indian Ocean. The US policy makers now began short-term and long-term planning for

    the defense of Washingtons own interest. As Pakistan shared a long border with Soviet occupied

    Afghanistan, Islamabad became the most geopolitically relevant country in Americas global

    strategy. The United States calculated that Pakistan could be very useful for its policy goals in

    the Persian Gulf because of proximity and linkage with the region. Pakistan was, now considered

    a frontline state in the new American geopolitical strategy. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    gave Pakistan the unique strategic position of being surrounded by three great powers, i.e. the

    Soviet Union, China, India, the geographic pivot of history and strategically the most

    important zone in Eurasia. Pakistans security was linked with the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea

    and the Gulf region.

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    Pakistan emerged following the end of the Second World War after a long-drawn out struggle

    against an imperialist power and an oppressive religious majority.Pakistan had to deal with the

    Kashmir and Pushtunistan issues related to legacies of the imperialism. It was pertinent difficult

    for Pakistan to face hostility on two borders and consolidate its territorial integrity and


    Pakistan were facing crisis with its neighbor, India were building pressure on disputed territory

    on Jammu & Kashmir whereas at the western border, Afghanistan were demanding the rights of

    Pushtuns with its identity across the NWFP. In such circumstances, Pakistan prevail weak

    civilian leaders and confident top brass of the military were convinced that Pakistan need a

    strong Ally. Thus, Pakistan decided to support the west in opposing communism and signed four

    US-sponsored security pacts. However this agenda didnt favor Pakistan due to the military

    showdowns with India in 1965 and 1971 and as a result PAK-US relations lost much of their

    significance after the secession of East Pakistan.

    During Zulfikar Ali Bhutto era, tension on the border eased as Bhutto signed an treaty with India

    on Simla to normalize its relationship. Moreover, as an agreement Pakistan 90,000troops were

    release by Indian to strike positive relations. Furthermore, Afghan-Pak issues were resolving

    with strong Pakistan foreign policy that establish Afghan cell.

    When Zia took over Bhutto government, he more or less follow the same policy of Bhutto and in

    addition Zia Ul Haq Islamization strengthen the Islamic policy against the pro-communist

    government of Afghanistan and military establishment played an active role and increased its

    involvement in Afghan affairs.

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    During the 80s, Iranian revolution toppled Shah government which dramatically changed the

    geo-political priorities of the west. US policy in the Middle east focused on two pillars, Saudia

    Arabia and Iran. With the revolutionary policy in Iran, US was at a loss about protecting its

    strategic interest in Gulf region and therefore needed a new client that could protect US National

    Interest. Therefore, US eyes were on Pakistan to support in Middle East that was willing to

    assume the role previously played by Iran for the US in the region.

    Zia in his tenure, promoted religious extremism and intolerance with impunity and Islamic

    terminology which was used to stir religious fervor among the masses like Jihad,Muhajideen

    became the slogan to enlist people to fight against the Soviets. As soviet union which was a rival

    of super power invaded Afghanistan and thus, Muslim across the world join hands with Pakistan

    to fight under the agreement of Jihad against the Soviets. Madrassah culture were establish in

    Pakistan to fight with the soviets and it was succeeded.

    Afghanistan were facing economic and political crisis by that time, and US policy stressed more

    on Afghan affair than Iraq-Kuwait War. As a result, the successor Russia federation stopped

    backing the Najibullah regime in Afghanistan and therefore Mujahideen took over Kabul and it

    became an Islamic state.

    Pakistan had great short & medium advantages from the Soviet war with healthy economic and

    weapon aid. After the war, Pakistan faced once again on its nuclear programed and US had

    suppressed it. At that time, Pakistan was on the verge of having Nuclear power but US pressure

    did not give Pakistani the certification which was why US President stopped its aid to Pakistan.

    Pakistan surveillance was collapsing during the civilian government Benazir-Nawaz Sharif as

    sanctions were imposed on Pakistan of conducting its nuclear test. With no options left, Pakistan

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    could only revive through its policies and trade ties and Central Asia would have given a

    strategic development for Pakistan to trigger its economy.

    However, Afghanistan had been embroiled in civil war during the 90s. New elected government

    of Rabbani were not ready to accept Pakistans influence and instead they developed friendly

    ties with India and Iran. This displeased Islamabad as they played a proactive role in Afghan

    affairs and they wanted a close relation with Kabul.

    Later on, Pakistan were severally hit when their Trade convoy was abducted in Afghanistan by

    the Taliban (armed forces). These forces were the creation by Zia to fight with Soviets. Taliban

    which had strong connection with Pakistan military establishment provided a new opportunity to

    the Pakistani government as they were searching for the replacement of Hekmaytar a protg of

    Pakistan during the afghan jihad. With the support of Islamabad, Taliban became extremely

    unpopular internationally for it enforced extremely harsh interpretation of islam and oppressive

    polices especially with regard to wome.

    From here onwards, Talibanisation took place under the leader of Osama Bin Laden who also

    fought in the afghan-soviet war. The hosting by the Taliban of Osama Bin Laden exasperated the

    US. The tragedy of 9/11 left Pakistan no choice but to detach itself from the Taliban as the

    American President under the Junior Bush made it clear that Washington would make no

    distinction between those who carried out the attacks and those who sheltered the

    perpetrators.US secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stated United States cannot compromise

    on its National Interest and Sovereignty, and from here, Pakistan had to join hands under the

    military ruler Musharraf with US to fight against terrorism, given the fact that it was a threat to

    them. Till date, Pakistan has been facing the heat of the 9/11 incident and every other day in

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    Pakistan has been a 9/11 with twice as many lives lost with the creation of Nato Attack. Pakistan

    macroeconomic indicators have suggested that the country has witnessed many drastic cuts to the

    economy. One can see their money at foreign direct investment has reduced considerably but

    moreover even a number of Pakistanis have withdrawn their capital and shifted abroad to safer

    havens. With the creation of Taliban people of Pakistan has not only faced threat but even

    foreigners dont keen to visit Pakistan and one of recent examples could be the Sri Lankan

    Cricket team attack in Lahore. The people in the country are susceptible to terrorist attacks which

    have been a high occurrence now. Pakistan faces great tension from Afghanistan where theres

    even a city where people are paid prize moneyon killing Pakistanis.

    Coming back to the topic what has Pakistan achieve by the Afghan-Soviet war, when you have

    no investor to invest in such an instability country. The Post War has fragile Pakistan leaving

    them in crisis, conflicts on its border, and ruining its national interest. Zia Islamization has

    created loop holes in Pakistan itself. If Pakistan would have focused on its nuclear program than

    diverting its policy towards Afghan-Soviet war, they wouldnt have faced the sanctions in 90s

    Pakistan is still going through this trauma and with the likelihood of US forces leaving

    Afghanistan in 2014, will not only leave Pakistan in doom, but could face severe consequences

    in the future.

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