XINGHUA PRIMARY SCHOOL 45 HOUGANG AVENUE 1 SINGAPORE 538882 TEL: 62889121 FAX: 62838831 Xinghua Link ADM 168/17 3 April 2017 Message From The Vice Principal Dear Parents and Guardians, We are proud to announce that our school was ranked 2 nd in the Reading Excellence Award 2017. This award recognises our school’s effort to build a strong reading culture in XHPS. Our teachers have made reading fun and exciting via dramas, ‘Mystery Readers’ and even through role-play, to name a few. We hope that parents will capitalise on this heightened interest in your child for reading by encouraging them to read often and widely. Besides this wonderful affirmation, it is also my pleasure to share that our P6 pupils had successfully carried out their Overseas Immersion Programme in Malacca. Many of the parents had shared with us that their children had enjoyed the trip and had learnt much from the cultural exposure. Most importantly, they had formed stronger bonds with their friends and teachers. We like to thank all the parents for their tremendous support for this programme. We also saw an excellent display of teamwork by all our pupils and staff at our recent Sports & Games Carnival. Everybody had fun participating in the games they had spent much time preparing. The pupils did their Houses proud by giving their best; some winning honours for their Houses while others cheered their team players on. We saw the pupils demonstrating exemplary sportsmanship and great resilience. Through our diverse co-curricular activities, the children have many opportunities to learn outside the classroom setting and acquire important life skills. We hope all parents will continue to give their support in ensuring the children’s attendance at co-curricular activities. Warmest Regards, Mdm Goh Lian Choo

Invitation to Quote - MOE for Parents... · XINGHUAPRIMARYSCHOOL 45HOUGANGAVENUE1SINGAPORE538882 TEL:62889121FAX:62838831 XinghuaLink ADM168/17 3April2017 Message FromTheVicePrincipal

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Page 1: Invitation to Quote - MOE for Parents... · XINGHUAPRIMARYSCHOOL 45HOUGANGAVENUE1SINGAPORE538882 TEL:62889121FAX:62838831 XinghuaLink ADM168/17 3April2017 Message FromTheVicePrincipal


TEL: 62889121 FAX: 62838831

Xinghua LinkADM 168/17

3 April 2017

MessageFrom The Vice Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are proud to announce that our school was ranked 2nd in the Reading ExcellenceAward 2017. This award recognises our school’s effort to build a strong reading culture inXHPS. Our teachers have made reading fun and exciting via dramas, ‘Mystery Readers’and even through role-play, to name a few. We hope that parents will capitalise on thisheightened interest in your child for reading by encouraging them to read often andwidely.

Besides this wonderful affirmation, it is also my pleasure to share that our P6 pupils hadsuccessfully carried out their Overseas Immersion Programme in Malacca. Many of theparents had shared with us that their children had enjoyed the trip and had learnt muchfrom the cultural exposure. Most importantly, they had formed stronger bonds with theirfriends and teachers. We like to thank all the parents for their tremendous support forthis programme.

We also saw an excellent display of teamwork by all our pupils and staff at our recentSports & Games Carnival. Everybody had fun participating in the games they had spentmuch time preparing. The pupils did their Houses proud by giving their best; somewinning honours for their Houses while others cheered their team players on. We sawthe pupils demonstrating exemplary sportsmanship and great resilience.

Through our diverse co-curricular activities, the children have many opportunities to learnoutside the classroom setting and acquire important life skills. We hope all parents willcontinue to give their support in ensuring the children’s attendance at co-curricularactivities.

Warmest Regards,

Mdm Goh Lian Choo

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International Friendship Day

The school will be celebrating International Friendship Day on Monday, 10 April 2017. Pupils willlearn the importance of maintaining positive relations with people from other countries, especiallythe ASEAN countries. There will be a number of activities lined up for our pupils including boothsset up by our Parent Support Group. All activities will be conducted during curriculum time.


Good Friday Public Holiday

Good Friday falls on 14th April 2017. Kindly take note that it is a Public Holiday. All pupils shouldreturn to school on 17th April 2017.

April 2017

The MOE Service Excellence Award(MSEA) is an award to encourage MOEstaff to continually and consistentlyserve both internal and externalcustomers with excellent service. Weare proud to announce that our school’sOperations Manager, Mr Toh Kai Bock,has been awarded the MOE ServiceExcellence Award. He is a responsibleindividual with a caring heart who hasthe welfare of the students and staff atheart at all times.

Our Heartiest Congratulations toMr Toh Kai Bock.

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ACHIEVEMENTSReading Excellence Award

The Reading Excellence Award is an inaugural award organized by NLB and MOE to recogniseschools that have developed excellent reading programmes which promote a love for readingamong students. We are honoured to share that Xinghua Primary School has received the 2ndprize for this Award. The plaque was presented to the school by Dr Janil Puthucheary, Minister ofState, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of Education. We hope that everyXHPS pupil and staff will continue to find the joy in reading.

Page 4: Invitation to Quote - MOE for Parents... · XINGHUAPRIMARYSCHOOL 45HOUGANGAVENUE1SINGAPORE538882 TEL:62889121FAX:62838831 XinghuaLink ADM168/17 3April2017 Message FromTheVicePrincipal


Sports and Games CarnivalOur Annual Xinghua’s Sports Day Carnival was held on 24th March, Friday. We were fortunatethat the rain decided to hold out for the day to allow our P1 and P2 pupils to participate actively inthe events and cheer for their friends. For the P3 to P6 pupils, it was also a fun and enjoyable dayas pupils battled it out among the different Houses, showing off their skills and team spirit. Weeven had teachers and pupils teaming up to play against one another! It was definitely asuccessful and exciting carnival as the pupils showed unity in their respective House colours andbonded across levels.

Congratulations to Topaz house for securing the Championship once again!

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Values in Action (VIA) – Canteen Cleanliness Programme

As part of our VIA programme, P3 to P6 pupils are involved in our Clean and Green School –Canteen Cleanliness programme. The objective of this programme is to get pupils to beresponsible for the cleanliness of their school environment. Pupils use the last five minutes oftheir recess time to complete their tasks.



Page 6: Invitation to Quote - MOE for Parents... · XINGHUAPRIMARYSCHOOL 45HOUGANGAVENUE1SINGAPORE538882 TEL:62889121FAX:62838831 XinghuaLink ADM168/17 3April2017 Message FromTheVicePrincipal


Student Leadership Training

We believe that every pupil is a caring leader, and that character building is an integral part of achild’s leadership development. Every pupil is given the opportunity to develop their leadershippotential through the platform of cohort leadership training for all levels.

Caring Leaders


Effective Communicators

Building Resilience

Page 7: Invitation to Quote - MOE for Parents... · XINGHUAPRIMARYSCHOOL 45HOUGANGAVENUE1SINGAPORE538882 TEL:62889121FAX:62838831 XinghuaLink ADM168/17 3April2017 Message FromTheVicePrincipal


P6 Immersion Programme

The Primary 6 pupils embarked on a Cultural Enrichment Trip to Malacca in Term 1. The tripaimed to develop global awareness and cross cultural skills and sensitivities as well as fostercloser peer relationship and teacher-student relationship. The pupils had an enriching time withhands-on activities in making ‘Ondeh Ondeh’, playing games and visiting places of interest inMalacca to learn more about its rich culture and history.

cdPupils engaged in activities at KampungParit Penghulu – learning how to make‘Ondeh Ondeh’

Pupils and teachers posing for a group photo outside Malacca Sultanate Museum.

Feedback from ParentsAs partners in education, we value your feedback and suggestions to make the school a moreconducive learning environment for our children. Please feel free to pen down some thoughts,compliments or comments for the school.____________________________________________________________________________



Name: ______________________ Contact no: ____________________

Thank You

Page 8: Invitation to Quote - MOE for Parents... · XINGHUAPRIMARYSCHOOL 45HOUGANGAVENUE1SINGAPORE538882 TEL:62889121FAX:62838831 XinghuaLink ADM168/17 3April2017 Message FromTheVicePrincipal