Introduction to Research

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  • Introduction to Research

  • Meaning of Research

    Everywhere, our knowledge is incomplete and problems are waiting to be solved. We address the void in our knowledge and those unresolved problems by asking relevant questions and seeking answers to them.

    The role of research is to provide a method for obtaining those answers by inquiringly studying the evidence within the parameters of the scientific method.


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    Research??? 3

    Research is composed of two syllables, a prefix re and verb search

    Re means again, anew, over again

    Search means to examine closely and carefully, to test and try, to investigate.

    The two words from a noun to describe a careful and systematic study in some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts or principles. (Grinnell, 1997)

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    What is Research? 4

    The simple answer to this question is that research is what we do when we have a question or a problem we want to resolve.

    We may already think we know the answer to our question; we may think the answer is obvious, common sense even; but until we have subjected our problem to exact scientific scrutiny, our 'knowledge' remains little more than guesswork or at best, intuition.

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    A careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.

    Research is a process through which we attempt to achieve systematically and with the support of data the answer to a question, the resolution of a problem, or a greater understanding of a phenomenon.

    This process, which is frequently called research methodology.

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    The distinct characteristics of research:

    Research originates with a question or problem.

    Research requires a clear articulation of a goal.

    Research follows a specific plan of procedure.

    Research usually divides the principal problem into more manageable sub-problems.

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    Research is guided by the specific research problem, question, or hypothesis.

    Research requires the collection and interpretation of data in attempting to resolve the problem that initiated the research.

    Research is, by its nature, cyclical; or more exactly, helical.

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    What Research is not? 8

    1. Research is not mere information gathering.

    2. Research is not mere transportation of facts from one location to another.

    3. Research is not merely searching for information.

    4. Research is not a catchword used to get attention.

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    Objectives of Research 9

    The main aim of research is to find out the truth, which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet.

    1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insight into it

    2. To portray accurate the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group

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    3. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else

    4. To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables

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    Motivation in Research 11

    1. Desire to get a research degree along with its consequential benefits;

    2. Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems, i.e. concern over practical problems initiates research;

    3. Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work;

    4. Desire to serve to society;

    5. Desire to get respectability.

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    Importance of Research 12

    Research is an aid in decision making

    Research facilitates the process of thinking, analyzing, evaluation and interpretation of the business environment, and of the various business situation.

    Research provides a basis for innovation.

    R& D helps in the development of new products and modify the existing ones.

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    Research identifies the problem areas.

    Research is an aid to forecasting

    Research helps in all the managerial functions

    Research helps in economic utilization of resources

    It is helpful in making policy and strategy

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    Research provides the basis for nearly all government policies in our system

    Its help to solving various operational and planning problems of business and industry

    For studying social relationship and in seeking answers to various social problems

  • Fundamental (basic or pure)Research

    Research carried out with the expectation that it will produce a broad base of knowledge likely to form the background to the solution of future problems

    Gathering knowledge for knowledges sake is termed pure or basic research.

    Basic research does only promise a contribution to question, not to anything else


  • Fundamental (basic or pure)Research

    Basic research may know the problem, but does not know how to orient itself towards a solution.

    Basic questions often start with "why". Applied questions more often start with "how

    If we would have known where to look for a solution, the basic research had already been done.


  • Applied (action) Research

    Applied research is directed much more to making decisions

    Applied research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial / business organization


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