Intro SessionSFL Introduction session

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  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session




    Course Description



    Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session



    This course will offer an integratedapproach to spiritual formation andleadership reflecting the importance

    of establishing a strong devotional lifeas foundation for functioning as aleader in the Kingdom of God.

    Initial focus will be on spiritual

    formation, considering what is adisciple, and how to practice spiritualdisciplines essential to living as, a

    disciple of Jesus Christ.)Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    Attention will then move to thearea of Christian leadershipbuilding upon the need forfoundational spiritual formation(discipleship) in the life of theleader - based upon the idea that

    character precedes skill /position in the life of a leader. Abiblical understanding of

    leadership and its developmentwill be presented as well asdiscussion of importantprinciples and some essential

    practices.Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session



    Assignment 1 is compulsory andwill be assessed in 2 pop quizzes.The student is to select one otherfrom #2, #3, or #4, and complete

    that by the given date.

    1. Memory verses. One verse /

    passage will be assigned formemorisation during each of theinitial 12 weeks of the semester.These will be examined as pop

    quizzes.Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    1. Memory verses. Oneverse / passage will be

    assigned for memorisationduring each of the initial

    12 weeks of the semester.These will be examined aspop quizzes.

    Week 1: Luke 9: 23-24

    Week 2: John 13: 34-35

    Week 3: John 8: 31-32

    Week 4: Psalm 103:1-5

    Week 5: 1 Cor. 6: 19-20

    Week 6: Philippians 4:


    Week 7: 1 John 1:7-9

    Week 8: 2 Tim. 3:16-17

    Week 9: Galatians 2:20

    Week 10: Col. 1:16-21

    Week 11: Psalm 23

    Week 12: John 6:35,

    John 8:12, John 10:9, 11,

    John 11:25, John 14:6,

    John 15:5

    Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    2. Write a journal describing your growth as adisciple. At six points during the semester (end ofweek 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) the student will be required towrite a reflective piece (250-300 words) on whatGod has been doing in their life, how they havebeen challenged to grow, corrections, personal

    spiritual struggles,use and growth in spiritualdisciplines etc.

    Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    3. Using a biblical leader of

    your own choice outline theleadership developmentprocess that took place intheir life. Ensure youhighlight points of growthand challenge as a discipleand a leader.

    (500 words max, appropriatebiblical references notincluded in word count.)

    Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    4. Using the table below as an

    template select ten passages /verses from the Gospels whichteach about spiritual formation(discipleship) and develop atable to illustrate / clarifydifferent aspects of this.

    Your work can be presented as

    either an A3 chart paperdisplay or in A4 format as perthe college guidelines.

    Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session



    Observation Application Prayer

    Gal.2:15-21 - Faith in Christ & not lawkeeping is the key to arighteous life.- I have been crucified withChrist (past).- Christ now lives in me

    (present).- I live by faith in Him.

    I must daily practicethe discipline ofawareness that it isChrist who lives in meand that I must live byfaith in Him who

    loved me and gavehimself for me,because I wascrucified with Him.

    Lord Jesus, by faith Ichoose to submit toyour life in me today.Have your way in mylife and leadership.Forgive me and

    cleanse me of my sin.Thank you for lovingme and givingyourself for me.Amen.

    Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    Reading Assignment(15%)

    The student will select and reada book available within the LTCilibrary or online as pdfdownload which focuses uponeither spiritual formation /discipleship or Christianleadership. This choice has to be

    approved by Richard and thenas a supplement to classinstruction. A brief (300-500words) report will be required.

    Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session



    Section 1: Introducingspiritual formation: What is adisciple, what do they do,and what is spiritualformation?

    Section 2: Why is discipleshipessential? Becoming like

    Christ (PDL purpose #3)Section 3: Essential 1 -focussing and feasting upon

    the BibleMonday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    Section 4: Essential 2 - prayer as a way of lifeSection 5: Essential 3 - how does a discipleworship?

    Section 6: Essential 4 - honouring God witheverything (stewardship of the life God hasgiven you)

    Section 7: Essential 5 - fasting

    Section 8: Essential 6 - silence and solitudeSection 9: Essential 7 - journalling and learning

    Monday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    Section 10: Introducing leadership

    Section 11: Who is a leader, how do I become

    a leader?Section 12: The leader as a servant

    Section 13: Insights from Paul and Peter onthe nature of leadership. A biblical interlude

    Section 14: What does a leader look like?Essential skills and qualities

    Section 15: The leader at prayer. What does a

    prayerful leader look likeSection 16: The leaders use of time. How todiscipline and establish right time use

    prioritiesMonday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session


    Section 17: Growing and developing as aleader. Continual growth is essential for

    leadersSection 18: Leaders and the Holy Spirit

    Section 19: Tests and dangers of leadership.The perils, challenges and pitfalls we all face

    Section 20: Leadership and delegation. As aleader how can you delegate in order tomake your people effective in their use of

    Gods gifting within their livesSection 21: Reproducing leaders. Leaders arecalled to make disciples, and to train and

    equip new leadersMonday, 22 July 13

  • 7/28/2019 Intro SessionSFL Introduction session



    Monday 22 July 13