Intramural Research Report Final Final Version[2]

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  • 8/2/2019 Intramural Research Report Final Final Version[2]




    Executive Summary.2



    Research Objectives5

    Summary of Literature.

    Secondary Data6


    Research Design.7

    Sampling Plan8

    Data Collection Method9


    Frequency Analysis.10-23

    Crosstab Analysis24-25

    T-Test Analysis.26

    One-way Anova Analysis27





  • 8/2/2019 Intramural Research Report Final Final Version[2]



    Executive Summary

    While attending UWW as a student, the research team noticed that for the past

    three years, there has been a lack of awareness in regards to the deadlines of

    intramural sports with the students that are attending.

    Before the team conducted the research into intramural sports, they knew that there

    was a mass interest in the range of sports UWW offered.

    The secondary research was a good source for resourcing the listing of the leagues

    available, this was because it gave us a good base of preliminary information.

    The main objective of this research proposal is to identify if UWW is generating

    enough awareness of intramural sports as they currently only give a 2-3 week period

    on closing the dates to signing up. We also looked into finding ways we can increase

    the participation by grabbing the attention of the UWW students and figuring out the

    main means of communication whether it be E-mail to their university account, text

    messages through their phone or paper posters/flyers.

    After the results of the survey were analyzed, we found that the majority of

    respondents have participated in intramural sports (73.6%). Although this is a high

    portion of the respondents, we noted that the majority of the respondents were

    seniors (57.3%), followed by juniors (21.7%). This suggests improvements for the

    awareness on the freshman.

    Based on these findings, this group recommends the creation of a program to target

    the incoming freshman of UWW. Some strategies suggested to efficiently

    communicate with the student body would be the use of mass SMS messages and e

    mail with a focus on freshmen.

    Females were rated 2.38 a scale of 1 being not aware to 5 being fully aware on

    information regarding intramurals and 44.6% of females have never participated in

    intramural sports. We recommend that more female orientated leagues could be

    introduced as a supplement to the normal intramurals. We also recommend that the

    intramural department should raise awareness on the sports offered to females.

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    What this proposal will consist of is raising the awareness for intramural sports of

    UWW. Currently UWW has a vast range of sports to offer, but getting peopleconscious in the first few weeks are key.

    The problem that UWW has is the lack of awareness of the intramural sports on

    campus. The students are not informed about the range in services that UWW can

    offer and thus missing the deadline.

    By doing this research proposal there will be focus on targeting the students and

    associations to raise the awareness of the intramural sports that UWW provide.

    The proposal will compare what clubs UWW can offer compared to local universities

    as well as what strategies and implementations are used to gain awareness.

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    The University of Whitewater runs an intramural program for both fall and spring.

    In each season the intramural available differentiate due to the differences inweather. This gives students the opportunity to play sports without having to be on

    an official Whitewater team. There are currently 20 intramural sports ranging from

    Indoor Ultimate Frisbee, flag football, soccer, to 9- hole Golf. This wide variety of

    sports gives student athletes the ability to find the sport that suits them best and be

    in more than one intramural sport at a time. The intramural sports have their own

    areas on campus which take place in buildings like the Williams Center, Roseman

    Building and the practice fields, each place used to suit each sport adequately. The

    current Assistant Director of intermural sports is James Friel, he looks over all

    intramural sports. Students choose their own sports and the teams that they will

    compete with. To enter an intramural each team signs up with names, ID numbers

    and team name and must submit them into the intramural offices by a specific date.

    The problem with this system of sign up for an intramural sport is that students

    arent given adequate time in order to sign up. Students are usually given about a

    week or less to find a team, gather the necessary information and hand it in.

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    Research Objectives

    Find ways to increase participation in Intramural.

    Explore earlier notification or extended deadlines.

    Find ways to grab the attention of more students.

    Figure out the most effective means of communication.

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    Summary of Literature

    Secondary Data

    In terms of secondary research there was very little surrounding the awareness of

    students on the UWW campus. There was however a good amount of information

    about the sports provided by the University on the UWW Sports Homepage

    ( ) which was used to obtain the entire listing of

    activities that are already a part of the intramurals program. We then used UWW

    Intramural Sports page to find the schedule of leagues and their respective

    timeframe in order to join them (

    While we did not perform a comparison, the team used two other campus sportspages in order to gather a larger composite list of sports provided throughout the

    state such as on Madison Intramural Sports (

    and Lawrence Intramural Sports (

    campuses. Finally the team used the University Library Marketing 321 research

    resource tool and the MRI+ website in order to gain some more perspective of sports

    participation throughout the state and further aid our preliminary research

    ( University Library

    Marketing 321, - MRI+ Reporter Tool).

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    Research Design

    At first we thought that the research design would have been descriptive. This was

    because we wanted to know who, what, where, when and why students of UWW didnot know about intramural sports. But as we looked into our research objective after

    we had made the survey we concluded that the correct research design to use was

    the causal type of studies.

    We wanted to understand what values have effect on the awareness of intramural

    sports and establish a link between them. We are seeking to understand the reasons

    why students were and were not aware of UWW intramural sports.

    We will look to use a basic method of research via paper based and online surveys.

    What this enables us to do is target our sample market (The UWW students).

    The survey will be handed out to RAs in resident halls and also online through social

    media websites for off campus students.

    The survey will allow us to interact with the results and interpret them such as facts,

    values, attitudes or opinions in regards to the question. The survey we design will beused for both paper based and online, we will not have separate surveys as this

    would generate different responses.

    We selected surveys, as this is a structured way of gathering our responses on a mass

    targeted audience, as most surveys are now done online. This helps provide a

    structured approach to data collection.

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    Sampling Plan

    The sampling plan consisted of looking into the student body of University Of

    Whitewater. This was because our survey consisted of testing how aware students of

    UWW were of the intramural program, thus they were our target market.

    The students were selected at random, through a number of resources; (a) Paper

    surveys, this is where we handed out surveys to RAs in resident halls and selecting

    residents responses. This was so we could target the students on campus. (b) A

    online survey, this was spread through Facebook, Twitter and Emails. We generated

    this survey as it would gather most of our responses as most student would prefer a

    online survey compared with a paper one. This online survey was aimed at lookinginto the UWW students who lived off campus as well as ones who did not live in the

    halls we sent paper surveys to.

    The sample design used was random sampling. This was because we wanted to know

    the probity of respondents who did and did not know about the awareness of

    intramural sports at UWW.

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    Data Collection Method

    Secondary Research:

    For secondary research we will have online access to UW campus-specific data in

    real-time. We will also have access to the other college system to see how the

    intramural system is set up and the similarities or differences they have in

    comparison to UW-Whitewater. We will also be researching data collected by the

    intramural offices that deal with number of students in certain sports, trends in the

    sports, and other statistical data that the intramural offices has previously collected.

    Primary Research:

    For our primary research we plan on doing interviews and surveys. For our interview

    we will be talking to the Assistant Director of intramurals Mr. James Friel and finding

    out how he is presenting awareness for the sports and also understanding how the

    sports operate. On campus we plan to hand out the surveys at one floor in Wells

    West, Wells East, and Wellers on October 10th and collect them October 12th. We

    will distribute the surveys to the RAs from each floor and look for a minimum of 100

    responses. This way they can hand them out across their specific floor and then we

    can collect them when they are completed. Possible problems that may occur in this

    method would be that the RAs may not give some surveys out to the targeted

    audience or the respondents may not fill out the surveys.

    Also there will be data collection via an online survey (Facebook created survey). This

    online survey will be sent to our friends who attend UW-Whitewater on November


    It is estimated that it will take students no more than 10 minutes to complete the

    assessment. This should generate a mass response ranging from around 100-200.

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    Question 1

    How satisfied are you with the current intramurals program on campus?

    On a scale from 1= Not satisfied to 5= Fully Satisfied most respondents rated there

    satisfaction with the universities intramural program as satisfied (42.6%), followed by

    neutral (39.2%), and fully satisfied (12.8%)(Mean-3.61).

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    Question 2

    How aware are you of deadlines regarding intramural sports?

    On a scale from 1=Not Aware to 5= Fully Aware most respondents reported that they

    were Not Aware (26.4%) of intramural deadlines, followed by Neutral (23.6%) and

    Aware (20.3%)(Mean-2.84).

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    Question 3

    What do you feel is a fair amount of notice before the deadline of each


    The majority of respondents think 2 weeks would be a fair amount of notice before

    the intramural deadline (61.8%), followed by 3 weeks or more (23.6%), then 1 week


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    Question 4

    When have you ever participated in intramural sports at UW-Whitewater?

    The majority of respondents have participated in intramurals (73.6%).

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    Question 5

    Have you ever missed an opportunity to participate in an intramural sport?

    The majority of respondents have never missed an opportunity to participate in

    intramurals (61.8%).

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    Question 6a

    If you have ever missed an opportunity to participate, or have never

    participated, what is your reason? (Number 1 reason)

    The number one reason for missing an opportunity to participate in intramurals was

    not enough time (22.9%), followed by not aware of deadline (21.5%). Respondents

    who did not answer this question because they have never missed an


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    Question 6b

    If you have ever missed an opportunity to participate, or have never

    participated, what is your reason? (Number 2 reason)

    The number two reason for respondents missing an opportunity to participate is not

    aware of deadline at (18.9%), and not enough time (14.2%). Respondents who either

    did not answer the question or skipped it because they have never missed an

    opportunity (45.9%).

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    Question 7a

    What is the best way to reach you when it comes to intramural sports and

    deadlines? (Best Way)

    The majority of respondents selected email as their number one way to be reached

    concerning intramurals (71.6%).

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    Question 7b

    What is the best way to reach you when it comes to intramural sports and

    deadlines? (2nd Best)

    The second best way to reach students concerning intramurals is by social media at


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    Question 7c

    What is the best way to reach you when it comes to intramural sports and

    deadlines? (3rd Best)

    The third best way to reach respondents concerning intramurals is social media

    (29.2%), followed closely by posters (25.7%).

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    Question 8

    Are there any sports you would like to see added to the intramural sports


    The vast majority (81.3%) would not like to see any more sports added.

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    Question 9

    What is your gender?

    The Majority of the respondents were male (54.5%).

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    Question 10

    What year are you currently in?

    Majority of the respondents were seniors (57.3%), followed by juniors (21.7%).

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    Question 11

    Where do you live during the school year?

    Majority of the respondents live off campus in Whitewater (61.5%), followed by

    those living on campus (27.3%).

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    Males have participated in intramurals at a significantly higher rate (60.3%) within

    the last semester than females (26.2%), while females are significantly more likely to

    have never participated in intramurals (44.6%) compared to males (11.5%), with a (p-

    value .000).

    Those who live on campus (48.7%) and those who live off campus in Whitewater

    (48.4%), are significantly more likely to have participated in intramurals within the

    last semester than those who live off campus and commuting from outside of

    Whitewater (7.7%). Those who commute from outside of Whitewater (46.2%) are

    significantly more likely to have never participated than those living on campus(30.8%) and those living off campus in Whitewater (22.0%), with a (p-value .048).

    Males preferred the internet site (17.9%) significantly more than females (3.1%) as

    the second best way to be reached or contacted, while females preferred text

    messaging (23.1%) significantly more than males (12.8%) as the second best way to

    be reached or contacted, with a (p-value .025).

    Those who live off campus in Whitewater preferred the internet site significantly

    more (14.3%) than those living off campus and commuting from outside of

    Whitewater (0.0%) as the second best way to be reached or contacted. Respondents

    who are commuting from outside of Whitewater preferred text messaging

    significantly higher (38.5%) than those who live off campus in Whitewater (17.6%)

    and those who live on campus (10.3%), with a (p-value .015).

    Those who live on campus preferred e-mail significantly more (25.6%) than those

    living off campus in Whitewater (14.3%) as the second best way to be reached or

    contacted. Those who live on campus also prefer direct mail significantly more

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    (15.4%) than those who live off campus in Whitewater (5.5%),and those living off

    campus and commuting from outside of Whitewater (0.0%) with a (p-value .015).

    Those who live off campus, in Whitewater (28.6%) and those who live on campus(25.6%) preferred social media as the second best way to be contacted significantly

    more than those who live off campus, commuting from outside of Whitewater

    (15.4%), with a (p-value .015).

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    On a scale ranging from 1 being not aware to 5 being fully aware of the deadlines

    regarding intramural sports, males were significantly more aware (3.24) than females(2.38), with a (t-value 3.725) and a (p-value .000).

    On a scale ranging from 1= not satisfied, to 5=fully satisfied respondents had a mean

    of (3.61) compared to the awareness respondents had to intramural deadlines (2.84)

    on a scale ranging from 1=not aware, to 5= fully aware ( p-value .000), (t value


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    One-way Anova

    On a scale ranging from 1=being not aware and 5=being fully aware, those who live

    off campus while living in Whitewater are significantly more aware (2.96) than those

    who live off campus and commute from outside of Whitewater (1.92), with an (f-

    value 3.105) (p-value .039).

    Ranging on a scale of 1=not aware to 5-fully aware, juniors rated their awareness of

    deadlines considerably higher (3.32) compared to graduates (1.67) (p value .019)(f

    value 2.570).

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    Key research findings:

    The majority of the respondents were male (54.5%). Males have participatedin intramurals at a significantly higher rate (60.3%) within the last semesterthan females (26.2%).

    On a scale ranging from 1 being not aware to 5 being fully aware of thedeadlines regarding intramural sports, males were significantly more aware

    (3.24) than females (2.38), with a (t-value 3.725) and a (p-value .000).

    Majority of the respondents were seniors (57.3%), followed by juniors (21.7%),sophomores (9.8%), graduates (6.3%) and freshman (4.9%).

    Majority of the respondents live off campus in Whitewater (61.5%), followedby those living on campus (27.3%).

    The majority of respondents selected email as there number one way to bereached concerning intramurals (71.6%).

    UWW should raise awareness of its intramural sports deadlines due to 26.4% of

    respondents being not aware of deadlines, 23.6% being neutral on awareness of

    deadlines, and only 20.3% were aware of intramural deadlines.

    From this UWW can see an opportunity to outline the awareness to the new

    students, from the data there could be recommendation towards emailing people

    with 71.6% saying that this is the best possible way to be reached. Intramurals could

    increase their awareness around campus by emailing students regarding the possible

    sports and deadlines approaching. Another great way that they could spread

    awareness would be through social media rating as 26.4% of respondents rated this

    as the second best way to be reached or contacted. Other possibilities would include

    posters and the internet site as people showed these are also good ways to contact

    them. Spreading information through these mediums would be a great way to up the

    awareness ratting, so that there is no longer a quarter of the people who consider

    themselves not aware of intramural sports and deadlines.

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    From the data we noticed that 44.6% of females have never participated in

    intramural sports. From this the group thinks that there is room for improvement on

    getting girls to participate in intramural sports. It would be a good idea to get more

    female participation, as it is lacking. This was made apparent by the most recent

    semester as 60.3% of males participated compared to 26.2% of females.

    There was also a difference on where the student lives in regards to the participation

    of intramural sports. We found that those who live on campus (48.7%) and those

    who live off campus (48.4%) in Whitewater are far more likely to participate in

    intramural sports than those who live outside of Whitewater (7.7%). This shows that

    the students that commute to school and live outside of Whitewater are not as

    important to target as those living in town or on campus.

    One possible reason for this difference in participation could be the level of

    awareness for those who live in town compared to those who do not. On a scale

    ranging from 1 being not aware and 5 being fully aware, those who live off campus

    while living in Whitewater are significantly more aware (2.96) than those who live off

    campus and commute from outside of Whitewater (1.92). This is a huge difference in

    the level of awareness for those living in town compared to those living out of town.

    With some improvement on the 1.92 out of 5.00, the participation rate fromcommuters could increase.

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    After the results of the survey were analyzed, we found that the majority of

    respondents have participated in intramural sports (73.6%). Although this is a high

    portion of the respondents, we noted that the majority of the respondents were

    seniors (57.3%), followed by juniors (21.7%). This suggests improvements for the

    awareness of the freshman as they are the new students and would not have much

    awareness on the UWW sports.

    The team also recommends the creation of a program to target the incoming

    freshman of UWW. This would allow for the new freshman students to get involved

    with the UWW programs and culture allowing the profile of intramural sports tospread through campus.

    Due to this program creation the group suggests the university should allocate

    resources and time into finding strategies to efficiently communicate with the

    freshmen demographic of the university. One potential communication medium we

    felt should be exploited to reach the freshmen would be mass SMS messages.

    From the data the group found that the recommended intramural sport found were

    both Quidditch with three responses and drinking games with three. As you can see

    both intramural games are unrealistic, but the third most popular response cricket

    could be a possibility.

    From the data we noticed that 44.6% of females have never participated in

    intramural sports. From this the group can recommend that more female oriented

    leagues should be introduced alongside existing intramural leagues. This would

    incorporate female only leagues to the already existing, Co-ed and male only leagues.

    The data shows females rated themselves 2.38 a scale of 1 being not aware to 5

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    being fully aware on information regarding intramurals. We recommend that the

    intramural department should raise awareness on the sports offered to females.

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    Appendix A

    1.0 Introduction

    What this proposal will consist of is raising the awareness for intermural sports of

    UWW. Currently UWW has a vast range of sports to offer, but getting peopleconscious in the first few weeks are key.

    The problem that UWW has is the lack of awareness of the intermural sports on

    campus. The students are not informed about the range in services that UWW can

    offer and thus missing the deadline.

    By doing this research proposal there will be focus on targeting the students and

    associations to raise the awareness of the intermural sports that UWW provide.

    The proposal will compare what clubs UWW can offer compared to local universities

    as well as what strategies and implantations are used to gain awareness.

    2.0 Research Objective (Proposal)


    The University of Whitewater runs an intramural program for both fall and spring. Ineach season the intramural available differentiate due to the differences in weather.

    This gives students the opportunity to play sports without having to be on an official

    Whitewater sport. There are currently 20 intramural sports ranging from Indoor

    Ultimate Frisbee, flag football, soccer, to 9- hole Golf. This wide variety of sports

    gives student athletes the ability to find the sport that suits them best and be in

    more than one intramural sport at time. The intramural sports have their own areas

    on campus which take place in buildings like the Williams Center, Roseman Building

    and the practice fields, each place used to suite each sport adequately. The current

    Assistant Director of intermural sports is James Friel, he looks over all intramural

    sports. Students choose their own sports and the teams that they will compete with.

    To enter an intermural each team signs up with names, ID numbers and team name

    and must submit them into the intermural offices by a specific date. The problem

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    with this system of sign up for an intramural sport is that students arent given

    adequate time in order to sign up. Students are usually given about a week or less to

    find a team, gather the necessary information and hand it in.


    Find ways to increase participation in Intramural.

    Explore earlier notification or extended deadlines.

    Find ways to grab the attention of more students.

    Figure out the most effective means of communication.


    Secondary Research:

    For secondary research we will have online access to UW campus-specific data in

    real-time. We will also have access to the other college system to see how the

    intramural system is set up and the similarities or differences they have incomparison to UW-Whitewater. We will also be researching data collected by the

    intramural offices that deal with number of students in certain sports, trends in the

    sports, and other statistical data that the intramural offices has previously collected.

    Primary Research:

    For our primary research we plan on doing interviews and surveys. For our interview

    we will be talking to the Assistant Director of intramurals Mr. James Friel and finding

    out how he is presentation awareness for the sports and also understanding how the

    sports operate. On campus we plan to hand out the surveys at one floor in Wells

    West, Wells East, and Wellers on October 10th and collect them October 12th. We

    will distribute the surveys to the RAs from each floor and look for a minimum of 100

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    responses. This way they can hand them out across their specific floor and then we

    can collect them when they are completed. Possible problems that may occur in this

    method would be that the RAs may not give some surveys out to the targeted

    audience or the respondents may not fill out the surveys.

    Also there will be data collection via an online survey (Facebook created survey). This

    online survey will be sent to our friends who attend UW-Whitewater on November


    It is estimated that it will take students no more than 10 minutes to complete the

    assessment. This should generate a mass response ranging from around 100-200.


    October 17th: Key Informant Interview Guide, and Focus Group Guide Complete.

    October 21st: Complete Questionnaire Devolvement.

    October 25th: Hand out surveys to RAs, and send surveys on Facebook.

    October 31st: Interview James Friel.

    November 4th: Collect the surveys from RAs, and surveys on Facebook.

    November 28th: Complete SPSS data file setup.

    December 12th: Final report (Projects/Presentation)

    3.0 Summary Of Literature/Secondary Data Review - UWW Sports Homepage - UWW Intramural Sports - Madison Intramural Sports - Lawrence Intramural Sports Marian Intramural Sports

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    35 uni lib marketing

    321 - uni email and password NIRSA - Recreational Sports Journal

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    Appendix B

    Intramural Sports Focus Group Questions

    October 2011

    Good afternoon. My name is Brad and this is Joseph, Rhett, Sachin, and Tyler. We

    have formed a group for our Marketing Research class, and it is our goal to figure out

    ways in which the intramural sports department can improve awareness towards

    intramural sports for students living both on and off campus. We will best achieve

    this goal by talking to you, the students. This is why we thank you and are grateful

    for you taking this time to spend with us.

    What we are going to do here today is ask you a few questions and then listen to

    what you all have to say. At different times throughout the meeting, we might ask

    you to explain your responses with more detail. Your role here today is extremely

    important, so feel free to speak your mind and to not hold back. We will do our best

    to let you talk and share opinions, because without that there would be no need for

    this focus group. Do not worry about telling us what it is you think you want us to

    hear, but instead be as truthful and open as possible.

    We also strongly encourage everybody to speak up. The more responses that we

    get, the better we can treat you in the future. There are many ideas that can bethrown around in what we are looking for today, and we want to hear all of them.

    This gives us the best chance to help you.

    For quality purposes, this meeting will be audio taped so that we can be certain that

    we get everything out of this focus group that we can. We do not want any

    responses forgotten or left behind. None of the responses here today will be linked

    to any one person, so there is complete confidentiality. To show our appreciation for

    you all coming out here tonight, we will have $20 Sentry gift cards to pass out whenwe are finished.

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    Now before we begin with our discussion, we would first like for everyone to

    introduce themselves to the group with your first name and just a sentence or two

    about yourself. We feel that getting to know one another will help in our discussion.

    Discussion Questions

    1. When you think of UW-Whitewater Intramurals, what is the deciding factor on

    whether you will participate in them?

    a. (Go around group and ask each person, then discuss answers as a group.)

    b. Would you like to see more of a variety of intramurals?

    i. Discuss possibilities for other intramurals added.

    c. What does UW-Whitewaters Intramurals do well?

    i. Is this consistent throughout the sports? Be specific.

    ii. Are there any negatives that you would like to address? Be specific.

    d. How can UW-Whitewater Intramurals improve to better fit your needs?

    2. How important is communicating in intramurals?

    a. Do you always know what sports are when? Be specific.

    b. Are you always aware of the sign up deadline?

    i. Would it benefit you if UW-Whitewater Intramurals gave you more time to sign


    c. What are some areas that UW-Whitewater can improve on its communication?

    3. What are the five best ways to communicate with you through a media medium?

    a. (First have them write down these words and then discuss as a group).

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    b. What are other ways to communicate with you?

    i. Why are they not in your top five?

    c. What do you think is the best way for UW-Whitewaters Intramurals to contact


    i. How often should they update you on events?

    ii. Some discussion of what helps media communication.

    iii. Some discussion of what makes a Facebook page more attractive or effective.

    d. In your opinion, where could UW-Whitewaters Intramurals improve the ways

    they communicate to students?

    4. What are the main ways you get information on UW-Whitewater Intramurals?

    a. What are some reasons why you use those sources?

    b. What information do you find the most valuable that UW-Whitewater Intramurals


    c. Do you feel how you hear about intramurals affects if you participate or not?

    d. Do you feel one intramural sport leads to another?

    i. Discuss examples

    5. UW-Whitewater is thinking of possibly using texts to communicate better in

    intramurals, do you think this would be effective?

    a. Do you think it would be too personal? If so, why?

    b. If UW-Whitewater offered this would you take advantage of this form of

    communication? Please give reasons why or why not.

    c. How much communication would be too much using texts? Sign up dates, captain

    meetings, league championships, etc.?

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    Creative Testing

    We shall now look into what advertisement and marketing materials intramural

    sports of UW-Whitewater use.

    We will be looking at different types of creative used such as (1) Internet

    questionnaire (Facebook), (2) Surveys In Dorms, and (3) The Royal Purple newspaper.

    Internet Questionnaires

    Lets start by going over the questionnaire generated on the social networking site

    called Facebook. (Hand out the second packet which holds a screen image of the


    Take a minute or so and look over the packet you just received.

    Please jot down whatever thoughts you have about the structure of the survey.

    Take some time to complete this, be as critical as possible (wait for the group to

    finish writing.)

    All right, now lets open things up for discussion and please share what you wrote

    down to get the discussion going

    (Allow for any debate to finish, or slow down (keep timing in mind) and then ask the

    following questions)

    Now I would like to ask you all a series of questions:

    Please look over the recreation of the online survey (Ask group to view the new


    When you see the format of the questionnaire, what is the first thing that comes

    to mind?

    Are there any questions that you deem unnecessary? If so, which ones and why?

    (be sure to log responses that generate a debate between the group)

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    When you first saw the message that you were being asked to take a survey, what

    were your initial thoughts?

    Did the person who sent you the message influence your decision to take the


    Was the process of taking the survey relatively easy?

    Is there a better way for making a Facebook survey more accessible?

    Overall, how long did the survey take you to complete?

    What questions would you have asked, or should we add in the future?

    Surveys In Dorms

    Now we are going to review the surveys that were handed out in person throughout

    campus, in both the residence halls and the other campus associated buildings. Try

    to recall your first thoughts upon being handed the survey and any thoughts you may

    have had while filling out the survey. If you would like a copy of the survey to assist

    you in remembering some questions on it, let me know and I can pass out a survey to

    you. (Should anyone request a survey now is the time to pass them out. Begin a

    discussion with the group when everyone is ready and has had a chance to refresh

    their memory on the survey.)

    Presentation of the Survey

    There are a lot of aesthetic and non-aesthetic factors that go into approaching

    someone to take a survey. For instance, what was the appearance of the person who

    came up to you and initiated the conversation to take the survey? Was he/she

    dressed casually, or formal? What was the body language of the person who brought

    you the survey? Were they nervous, calm, threatening, etc.? These small factors can

    sometimes greatly affect the outcome of a survey performed in person. Amongst the

    group and yourself, try to recall who brought you the survey, what their body

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    language was like and their overall demeanor. How did that play into you taking the

    survey (allow the group to discuss between each other, if no discussion is starting use

    these questions to help)?

    Here are some questions to get the discussion rolling

    Did you know the person who brought the survey to you?

    (Regardless of the response) Would that have encouraged or discouraged you to

    take the survey? Why?

    Do all of you play in intramural sports? Why or why not?

    Did your awareness of intramural sports help your decision in taking/declining the

    survey? Why or why not?

    What was your reaction to the overall presentation of the survey, from the

    approach through filling it out?

    What would you have preferred be done differently if you were to be surveyed


    The Royal Purple newspaper

    In the UW-Whitewater newspaper, there is much emphasis in the sports section on

    the intramural sports and what type of marketing techniques are used to gain

    awareness of this.

    There are two ways to present the attentiveness of intramural sports and these

    advertisements are based on the design or layout of the page. The intramural sportswill commonly be posted with the sports section of the newspaper. As researchers,

    we look for (a) whether the location of the add is more towards the start of the page

    or more towards the bottom, (b) the format of the add, if there is a picture of the

    intramural sport or does it mention meetings or links to find more information, and

    (C) how frequent are the intramurals mentioned and advertised.

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    (Hand them a copy of The Royal Purple):

    Please browse through the sports section in the UW-Whitewater newspaper, paying

    close attention to where intramurals are placed and after a few minutes I will give

    you your next set of instructions.

    Please indicate which section of the newspaper got you attention and why. Also, did

    the location of the intramural sports seem right for that given section?

    Once you are done, stop and wait for further instructions.

    Okay, lets talk about the possible outcomes;

    How was the page set out?

    Why/What do you like about that design?

    What do you think about the use of the intramural sports within the sporting


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    Appendix C

    Interview Guide

    Hi, we are researching the intramural sports at UW-Whitewater for our marketing

    321 class. We realize you play a big role in intramurals and are wondering if we canhave 15-20 minutes of your time to answer a few of our questions. Our main focus is

    researching ways to increase awareness and participation in intramural sports.

    1) How much participation is there this year compared to past years?a) If participation is stable, why do you feel it has not increased or decreased?b) What factors do you feel are affecting this?

    (1)Is there any way to increase these positive factors?(2)Is there any way to decrease these negative factors?

    2) Is there currently a specific reason for the early start date for intramural sign up?a) If yes, please explain reasons.b) If intramurals started on a later date so there would be more time to sign up, do

    you think there would be higher participation?

    i) If yes, what are your reasons of not starting later?(1)How hard do you feel it would be to implement a later sign up date?

    ii) If no, why do you feel it wouldnt change the participation rate?3) What communication channels do you currently use to reach students about


    a) Which channel do you feel is the most effective?i) Why do you feel it is the most effective?

    b) Are there any channels of communication that you feel could be more effectivethat you are not currently using?

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    i) If yes, what are the obstacles stopping you from using it?ii) If no, have you ever thought about using text messages to reach students

    about intramurals?

    (1)What are your reasons for not using text messaging?iii)To you knowledge how does UW-Whitewaters intramurals compare to others

    in the UW system?

    c) If lower, what do other schools do to stand above?d) If higher, what do we do to stand above?e) Do you look to other schools for new ideas to promote intramurals?

    i) If yes, what is the most recent example of this?ii) Ifno, why havent you look to other schools for new ideas?

    Thank you for your time.

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    Appendix D

    Intramural Sports Survey

    Your opinion counts! Participation in this survey will help improve intramural services on campus and we only

    need to ask you about 10 questions. Your privacy is important to us; your answers will be combined withothers, and will never be linked with you personally.

    1. How satisfied are you with the current intramurals program on campus?

    Not Satisfied Neutral Fully Satisfied

    1 2 3 4 5

    2. How aware are you of deadlines regarding intramural sports?

    Not Aware Neutral Fully Aware

    1 2 3 4 5

    3. What do you feel is a fair amount of notice before the deadline of each sport?

    A. 1 week

    B. 2 weeks

    C. 3 weeks or more

    4. When have you ever participated in intramural sports at UW-Whitewater? CIRCLE ONE.

    A. Within last semester

    B. Previous years

    C. Never participated

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    5. Have you ever missed an opportunity to participate in an intramural sport? IF NO PLEASE SKIP TO QUESTION


    Yes No

    6. If you have ever missed an opportunity to participate, or have never participated, what is your reason? PICK


    #1 Reason #2 Reason

    A. Not interested in any of the sports.

    B. Not enough time to get team together before


    C. Was not aware of the deadline of the sports

    you were interested in.

    D. Was not aware of the sports available.

    E. Other

    7. What is the best way to reach you when it comes to intramural sports and deadlines? RANK YOUR TOP 3.

    Best Way 2nd Best 3rd Best

    A. E-mail

    B. Direct Mail

    C. Text Message

    D. Posters

    E. Social Media

    F. Internet Site

    8. Are there any sports you would like to see added to the intramural sports calendar? CIRCLE ONE. IF YES, LIST


    Yes No

    9. What is your gender? CIRCLE ONE.

    Male Female

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    10. What year are you currently in? CIRCLE ONE.

    Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate

    11. Where do you live during the school year? CIRCLE ONE.

    A. Campus

    B. Off campus, living in Whitewater

    C. Off campus, commuting from out of Whitewater

    Thank you for completing our survey!