Waste Management Systems INTERNATIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT Rachel. H Phil. F Gautam. B Adrian.w

International Waste Management PDF

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Waste  Management  Systems  

INTERNATIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT Rachel.  H        Phil.  F        Gautam.  B        Adrian.w        

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Summary  of  Our  Presenta@on  

Let  us  begin!!                          

                           1Why  the  Topic  is  of  Interest  


Management  in  Different  Countries    


                           3  United  NaCons  Approach  


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               Why  is  Interna@onal  Waste  Management  of  Interest  to  us?  1

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Crea@ng  solu@ons  to  aid  with      waste  management  in  developing  countries  may  be  a  Future  Career  for  some  of  us.  

It’s  an  eye  opening  topic.  Not  all  areas  of  the  world  are  fortunate  to  have  the  capabili@es  to  properly  manage  curbside  waste.  It  educates  us  on  human  health  and  environmental  impacts.    It  puts  into  perspec@ve  the  environmental,  economic,  and  social  baJles  of  being  able  to  appropriately  dispose  of  waste  generated  by  every  day  ac@vi@es.  

Why  It’s  of  Interest  to  Us  

Brazil  Waste  Disposal  

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ize  with



Waste  Management  in  Canada  Here  in  Niagara  we  have  Regional  curbside  waste  collec@on  processes.  Mediums  such  as  Garbage,  Paper,  PlasCc  and  Organics  are  collected  and  disposed  of  in  appropriate  manors.          

Each  level  of  government  has  its  own  responsibili@es  pertaining  to  waste.  

Municipal  Government  Responsible  for  collec@ng  and  Managing  wastes  from  homes.    Provincial  Government  Responsible  for  approvals,  licensing  and  monitoring  of  waste  management  prac@ces.    Federal  Government  Deals  with  interprovincial/na@onal  movement  of  hazardous  waste  materials.  

Environment  Canada  2013  

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                                                           2 Waste  Management  In  

Different  Countries  

Now  ,  flip  over  your  handout  cards!!  

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Waste  Management  in......  

London  England  

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Government    developed  waste  strategy  systems  to  focus  on  improving  waste  management    for  residen@al  and  commercial  waste  genera@on.    The  Corpora@on  of  the  City  of  London  is  responsible  for  collec@ng  waste  from  9,000  residents  and  340,000  workers  daily.  

Waste  Management  in  London  England  

Waste  Stream   2011   2016   2021  

Commercial/  Business  waste  

466    Thousand  tonnes  

481     196  

Municipal  waste   38   41   44  

Total   504   522   540  

Future  Waste  Projec@on  for  London  England  

London’s  Largest  Waste  Management  Company  

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Important  Acts  that  Pertain  to  London’s  Waste  Management:    

Waste  Minimiza@on  Act  –  1998  Landfill  Tax  Regula@ons  –  1996  

Household  Waste  Recycling  Act  –  2004  Clean  Neighborhoods  and  Environment  Act-­‐  2005  

Waste  Framework  Direc@ve  –  2008  Landfill  Direc@ve  –  1999  

Waste  Incinera@on  Direc@ve  –  2000  Waste  Electrical  and  Electronic  Equipment  Direc@ve  –  2002  


Waste  Management  in  London  England  

 •  Sending  @res  to  landfills  has  been  banded    •  Landfill  taxes  of  £  72  per  tonne    •  42.9  percent  of  all  waste  collected  in  England    

in  2014  was  recycled  (Perchard  2015)    

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Waste  Management  in......  

Metro  Manila,  Philippines  

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         Waste  Management  in  Metro  Manila,  Philippines  Waste  Management  in  Metro  Manila  is  currently  in  a  developing  state.  Waste   collec@on  processes   for   non   recyclables   and   special  wastes   are  handled  by  the  local  government.            

Once  collec@on  occurs  waste  is  usually  brought  to  un-­‐sanitary  dump  sites  or  is  thrown  aside  at  random    loca@ons.  These  prac@ces  lead  to  severe  health  affects  and  to  the  contaminaCon  of  habitual  land.  

Waste  collec@on  is  a  constant  struggle  due  to  the  lack  of  financial  accountability  as  well  as  regulatory  opera@ng  procedures.    

Barangay   units   à   small   villages,   are  responsible   for   collec@ng   reusable   and  compostable  materials.    

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Issues  With  Metro  Manila  Waste  Prac@ces  


Leachate  Samples  of  run-­‐off  from  Rodriguez  and  Payata  dump  sites  show  high  levels  of  contaminants  that  are  extremely  hazardous.    Due  to  the  improper  structure  of  the  dump  sites,  the  contaminated  leachate  seeps  directly  into  water    that  is  used  by  local  fisheries  and  as  a  drinking  water  source.  

Lead  poisoning  Common  in  children,  lead  poisoning  can  lead  to  mul@ple  health  affects  including  learning  difficul@es,  reduced  growth  and  many  other  illnesses  that  stem  from  the  central  nervous  system  

Arsenic  Levels  of  arsenic  were  found  to  be  60  @mes  the  safe  contact  level.  This  can  lead  to  skin  lesions,  increased  risk  of  cancer  and  circulatory  issues.  

Biological  Oxygen  Demand  The  increased  biological  oxygen  demand  from  the  leachate  robs  surface  water  of  oxygen  necessary  to  support  aqua@c  life.  

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Health  Issues  With  Metro  Manila  Waste  Pickers  


Adults  and  children  work  as  waste  pickers  at  the  dumpsites.  It  is  es@mated  that  4,300  individuals  pick  through  the  garbage  without  any  protec@on  from  the  dangerous  and  filthy  condi@ons.      It  is  also  es@mated  that  more  than  150,00  people  live  in  the  surrounding  dump  area  and  come  in  contact  with  the  ci@es  waste.    It  is  no  wonder  that  Lead  and  Arsenic  are  having  affects  on  children  and  civilians  in  the  city.  

SoluCons?  Ecological  Solid  Waste  Management  Act  à  Put  in  place  to  help  with  their  waste  management  problem.  •  States  that  half  of  all  waste  must  be  

diverted  into  compost/recycling.  However  ,  due  to  improper  implementa@on  not  much  has  changed.  

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Waste  Management  in......  

MalmÖ,  Sweden  

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»   98  percent  of  waste  that  is  collected  from  residen@al  areas  in  Malmo  is  reused  or  recycled.  This  includes  crea@ng  Biogas!  Biogas  is  used  to  provide  fuel  for  taxis,  cars,  buses  and  garbage  trucks  that  travel  through  the  city.  

Organics  In  Malmo  sor@ng  out  food  waste  is  a  must.  Since  2014  all  ci@zens  have  been  recycling  their  food  waste.  

 Environmental  Law  Swedish  Environmental  Laws  place  responsibility  on  product  producers.  They  are  responsible  for  collec@on  systems  and  treatment  methods  as  well  as  providing  informa@on  in  regards  to  how  their  product  should  be  disposed.  Sec@on  6  of  Sweden’s  Environmental  Code.  

 Municipal  Policy  states  that  “environmental,  social,  and  ethical  requirements  should  be  made  in  all  public  contracts  and  that  requirements  made  should  aim  for  long-­‐term  sustainable  development.”  (City  of  Malmö,  2012).  


Waste  Management  in  MalmÖ  Sweden  

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Waste  Management  in  MalmÖ  Sweden  

Treatment  methods  for  waste  in  Malmo  Material  Recycling  Biological  Treatment  Energy  Recovery  Landfill  

Household  waste  is  collected  in  two  forms    Mixed  fracCons  (for  energy)  or  separate  fracCons  (For  food  waste  or  combus@ble  waste.)    

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InternaConal  Waste  Management  Videos  Waste  Management  Sweden:      hJps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTV6f853IZE      Waste  Management  Africa:      hJps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AcOniyGMv0      Waste  Management  PalesCnian  Territories:      hJps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY2fswgYRsE  

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                                                           3 United  NaCons  Approach  

to  Waste  Management  

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•  Waste  is  a  global  issue  •  Developing  countries  are  

growing  rapidly  •  Development  of  

Environmentally  Sound  Technologies  (EST)  


What  is  Their  Approach  to  Waste?  

•  Demonstra@ons  and  pilot  projects  •  Technology  support  •  Capacity  building  •  Secretariat  of  the  Global  

Partnership  for  Waste  Management  


Why  are  They  Involved?  

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•  Show  how  a  process  will  work  at  a  local  scale  •  Show  the  benefits  for  the  economy,  people  and  

environment  •  Partnering  and  manpower  •  Successful  applica@on  in  China,  India,  Lesotho,  Sri  

Lanka,  Brazil  •  Currently  working  in  Kenya  and  Ethiopia        

Pilot  Projects  

Technology  Support  •  Stages:  Laboratory  tes@ng,  pilot  program,  usage  •  Sustainability  assessment  of  technologies  (SAT)  

•  Reports  on  technologies  for  waste  management  (conver@ng  wastes  to  resources)  

Capacity  Building  •  Training  •  Bringing  ins@tu@ons,  policy  makers  and  

stakeholders  together  •  Crea@ng  a  plan    

Eco-­‐Towns  •  Urban  planning  •  Taking  an  environmental  

approach  to  development  •  Reduce  nega@ve  impact  

through  technology,  tools  and  techniques  

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hJps://nextcity.org/daily/entry/the-­‐impoverished-­‐slum-­‐that-­‐became-­‐manilas-­‐model-­‐recycler    hJp://www.ide.go.jp/Japanese/Publish/Download/Report/2010/pdf/2010_431_05.pdf    hJp://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publica@on/29301/garbage-­‐book.pdf    hJps://www.ec.gc.ca/gdd-­‐mw/    City  of  Malmö  (2012)  Public  procurement  guidelines.  hJp://www.malmo.se/Foretagare/  Offentliga-­‐upphandlingar/Regelverk-­‐och-­‐policy/Hallbar-­‐upphandling.html      Swedish  waste  management  associa@on  (2010)  Swedish  waste  management  2009.  Swedish  Waste  management  associa@on,  Malmo,  Sweden    hJp://www.avfallsverige.se/fileadmin/uploads/Rapporter/SWM_2013.pdf    hJp://www.unep.org/ietc/OurWork/WasteManagement/tabid/56239/Default.aspx    hJp://www.unep.org/ietc/OurWork/WasteManagement/EcoTowns/tabid/79266/Default.aspx    hJp://www.unep.org/ietc/OurWork/WasteManagement/Capacitybuilding/tabid/56256/Default.aspx    hJp://www.unep.org/ietc/OurWork/WasteManagement/Technologysupport/tabid/56255/Default.aspx    hJp://www.unep.org/ietc/OurWork/WasteManagement/Projects/tabid/56253/Default.aspx      


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