Kenya International Marketing Plan

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Kenya International Marketing Plan

Page 2: International Marketing Planbisstudents.cratercomets.com/student_portfolios/class_of...location but the nature of the roads in the country are quite poor making over land travel difficult,

Martinez Kenya


Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3

Issue ................................................................................................................................................ 4

Non-Profit ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Geographical Area Analysis............................................................................................................. 9

Economic Analysis Part I ............................................................................................................... 11

Economic Analysis Part II .............................................................................................................. 14

Political Systems............................................................................................................................ 18

Trade Laws .................................................................................................................................... 20

Population ..................................................................................................................................... 21

Diet and Nutrition ......................................................................................................................... 26

Housing and Communication ........................................................................................................ 29

Transportation .............................................................................................................................. 31

Labor ............................................................................................................................................. 34

Education ...................................................................................................................................... 36

Clothing ......................................................................................................................................... 40

Recreation and Leisure ................................................................................................................. 42

Language ....................................................................................................................................... 44

Religion.......................................................................................................................................... 46

Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 47

Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 52

Page 3: International Marketing Planbisstudents.cratercomets.com/student_portfolios/class_of...location but the nature of the roads in the country are quite poor making over land travel difficult,

Martinez Kenya


Introduction Kenya is a land of diverse geography and people; it is home to some of the poorest people in the world and alternatively, some of the happiest people in the world. The countries geography is very diverse and will be covered in greater detail in the geographical area analysis of this paper. The location of the country, bordering the Indian ocean, makes it a prime shipping location but the nature of the roads in the country are quite poor making over land travel difficult, this will be covered in transportation. One of the biggest issues in Kenya are the houses that the Kenyans live in, they are run down and over filled, this will be covered in greater detail during housing. Those are the key points of the physical characteristics that Kenya is made up of.

Kenyan daily life is largely made up of searching for food and water. Food supply in Kenya is low and there is almost no meat consumption in the country, more on this is covered in the food section. The education system is strong in Kenya but the amount of kids in school is rather low, this is something that will be covered in the education section. There are around 70 languages spoken in Kenya with English and Kiswahili as the two official languages, more will be touched on during language. Most people living in Kenya are Muslim, Protestant, or Roman Catholic which means that beef should be avoided due to it being sacred to people of the Muslim faith, more of this will be covered in religion and etiquette. On a typical excursion to Kenya the major attractions are the safaris and the national parks, due to the weather many tourists wear shorts although they are not as common with the locals of Kenya, and this is touched on in greater detail during clothing and recreation and leisure.

Kenya is a country with mediocre economy and shaky government. Economic analysis parts 1&2 tell about the economic struggles that Kenya faces. The government of Kenya is a tricky thing and information on it can be found in the political systems section. When it comes to trade in Kenya high taxes exist on everything especially imported and exported items these are covered in trade laws. The most important part of a countries economy is its labor force which is described in detail during the section on labor.

The major issues that Kenya faces everyday are the basic living conditions in the countries, the houses are barely worthy to be considered shacks, the water supply is very weak, and food is all but nonexistent in some areas, this will be covered in more detail during the issue. The solution to this problem comes in the shape of a non-profit organization that specializes in building the infrastructure for basic living conditions in Kenya, details will be in the non-profit. Details on the actual people that make up Kenya are in the section titled population. I chose Kenya because I thought it would be an interesting country and I knew that it needed help, I was not wrong.

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Martinez Kenya


The Issue What is the point of life? The common, and probably best answer, is happiness. So, how can a person ever be happy when they are constantly on the brink of dying from hunger, dehydration or disease? On most peoples worst days they know that at the end of it they will have a home to go to with food in the fridge and fresh clean water in the tap. All three of these basic necessities are missing from the daily lives of millions of Kenyans. The housing in Kenya, especially in urban centers is a joke; the food supply is unpredictable at best; the water supply is rarely clean and scarce. Homelessness is a very important factor because focusing on work or school is rather difficult when you know that at the end of the day there is still nowhere for you to rest your head. Food shortage is rampant in Kenya especially due to droughts that Kenya is hit with almost every year. This affects education because a child is not going to remember what 2+2 equals when they cannot even remember the last time they ate. Food shortage is a huge issue but water is even more important, water is an extreme necessity anywhere but especially in a hot arid climate such as Kenya. Water access is the best statistic of the three main issues but there are still way too many people that do not have access to this most basic of necessities. Homelessness is a problem no matter how many people it affects but to put the housing crisis into perspective there are about 700 thousand people living on the streets or in shelters in the U.S. (U.S.A Today, 07) There are 7.5 million homeless living in Kenyan urban centers alone (Homelessness Resource Center, 07). The crisis does not end there because a home without water or food is just a shell and that is what most of the homes in Kenya are, three walls and a corrugated metal roof. In Kenya 59 percent of the people have access to clean water while 83 percent of the urban population has access to clean, city water (CIA, 08). While this may seem like a high number it still leaves around 500 thousand people in urban areas without safe water. If the past numbers seemed high then listen to this, 9.8 million people in Kenya are food insecure, meaning they cannot afford enough food for their daily needs. Of those 9.8 million, 3.5 million need food aid to survive (European Commission). All these problems are thousands of miles away from our comfy American lives so it is very easy to forget that these statistics are people not just numbers on a computer screen. People often ask the question of how these things happening thousands of miles away from them are affecting them but the question is just the embodiment of ignorance. There is no difference between your neighbors starving or someone in a different country starving; they are still two starving people that need help, so if the ability to help is there then it should be fully taken advantage of. No one deserves to live a life without hope, and hope is hard to come by when your family and friends are dying of starvation of dehydration. Kenya obviously has its problems but what really matters is how to go about fixing them. To fix only one of the three main issues in Kenya, food, housing, and water, would be like putting a band aid on a broken leg. To really improve the country all three must be tackled head on by

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adding more infrastructure for water distribution, food banks for the hungry, and houses that have four walls and a roof that will protect its occupants from the elements. No problem is too large for a group of committed people and the living conditions in Kenya are no exception.


(NACHU, 12-NationMaster, 01)








Kenya U.S.A Uruguay Egypt





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(European Commission)












Urban Rural Total




Food Insecure

Not Food Insecure

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Martinez Kenya



Kenyan Relief Agency

MISSION STATEMENT: “Promoting life by giving food, shelter, and water to those who have never had it before.” WHAT WE DO: It is easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer enormity of the task to improve daily life in Kenya since it is currently in such a downtrodden state, but like all other problems, it can be solved by attacking the source one step at a time. The biggest issues in Kenya are the basic living conditions that Kenyans face every day, three walled shacks with no running water and no access to food are the norm. The purpose of the Kenyan Relief Agency is to improve the lives of Kenyans by building houses, piping water, and making food available to every single person living in Kenya. When they no longer have to focus on the basic necessities Kenyans will be able to pursue their dreams like finishing their education or finding a job. The Kenyan Relief Agency will enlist help from local businesses to help build solid structures so that the citizens of Kenya will have a place to live. During the construction of these new neighborhoods, pipes will be added to bring water to every house so that instead of spending their days gathering water the people will be able to pursue a job or schooling so that they can actually live a happy and successful life. For every 5 hundred houses a food bank will be built and stocked with food so that there is a cheap source of food for the people of Kenya. When a person has a stable life they can do the things that they want. Schooling rates will go up when students stop having to worry about food, water and housing. People will seek out jobs and try and improve the world around them. Once the ball begins to roll it will be unstoppable all that is needed is someone to get it moving. The Kenyan Relief Agency is prepared to be that start. Most of all the people of Kenya will be given the opportunity to live instead of just surviving. WAYS YOU CAN HELP: DONATIONS:

The major source of income will be from donations.

Ad campaigns will be used to solicit donations.

Celebrity help will be used to get more followers that will donate.

Enlisting the help of companies to back us and give us cheap resources.

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Martinez Kenya



In order to get people to help with the building projects occurring in Kenya we will offer missions of sorts where people in America get a free flight to Kenya and then stay there for several weeks to help build houses and take in the country.

The people of Kenya that will be living in the country will also be a part of the building process so that they appreciate what they are given and are able to really be a part in the process.


People will volunteer their time out of the goodness in their hearts and our organization will pair up with schools and other services to cast a large net over potential volunteers.


The Home Depot will be one of our largest partners because we will get discounts from them while they can use there charity in Kenya as a publicity stance.

Costco will be a partner in food donation and they can reap the same benefits as Home depot did.

We will partner with high schools and set up a program for students to experience a mission in Kenya, we will get cheap labor and they will get a humbling, possibly life changing experience.

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Martinez Kenya


Geographical Area Analysis When you picture Africa what do you picture? Sparse, open savanna filled by the occasional tree with elephants, giraffes, and lions roaming around? If that is what you picture then you are picturing the bulk of Kenya. Kenya is a land of beauty and poverty; the people of Kenya live in extreme poverty but seem to be truly happy people (Mike Rogan). Whether you are in Nairobi or the middle of the Serengeti you will be awed by the sheer size of everything, be it the 3 million people living in Nairobi or the mile upon mile of flowing savanna (U.S. State

department). Kenya is a place of immense beauty filled with poverty and poor infrastructure, altogether it is the perfect place for an economic explosion.

Kenya is located in Central Africa just north of Tanzania and south of Ethiopia. Kenya’s south-eastern border is formed by the Indian Ocean which would make getting our products to Kenya’s shores in mass very easy. The problem arises when the state of Kenya’s roads is taken into account, their state: absolutely horrid. While the status of the roads in Kenya could prove to be a problem, an insurmountable one it is not (Mike Rogan). While the roads in Kenya may not be good the country is still the regional hub for all

goods in East Africa (CIA Fact Sheet).

The climate of Kenya is arid in most places with tropical weather along the coastline (CIA Fact Sheet). Kenya has historically always had problems with drought due to its location in the

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world. Kenya’s main rainy season occurs between the months of March and June and there is a second, slightly “dryer” rainy season between October and December (Wikipedia). Temperatures year round are warm and most people are seen wearing summer clothes all year. The average rainfall in Nairobi, the capital, is 41.3 inches per year. The temperature in Nairobi

stays between 16 C and 19 C (61 F and 66 F) all year round (Studentsoftheworld). As you can see the climate of Kenya is very mild and a wonderful place to be.

In Kenya there are large expanses of grasslands mixed with areas of highlands that include mountains up to 17 thousand feet with Mt. Kenya (CIA Fact Sheet). The highlands of Kenya form some of the most fertile agricultural area in Africa (CIA Fact Sheet). While the weather in Kenya is quite warm there are still glaciers that form on some of the mountains in the highlands. Between the vast areas of savannas and the large mountains of the highlands Kenya is a truly beautiful place.

Kenya is the land of opportunity, while opportunity may not be the first word that comes to mind when you think Kenya, it is truly the right word to describe this wonderful place. It is one of the most beautiful places in the world with its large open savannas filled with exotic wildlife and snowcapped mountains. When one travels to Kenya it is a very humbling experience because of the scenery and the people themselves. The people of Kenya are terribly impoverished but yet they are some of the happiest people in the world (Mike Rogan) because they do not need the next iPad to keep them happy they only want what is needed: food and water. Kenya is ready, are You?

GEOGRAPHICAL BENEFITS: 1. The vast safaris of Kenya make the country a prime tourist location. 2. The weather is nice and manageable without being too extreme. 3. Kenya’s proximity to water makes getting goods to the country easy. 4. The people of Kenya are ready to make the quality of living in the country better. 5. The mountainous highland region will bring I many outdoor enthusiasts.

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Martinez Kenya


Economic Analysis 1 CLASSIFICATION: Capitalistic with some socialistic tendencies (CIA, 11) Description: Kenya has a government that has its hand in many things in the country but the citizens of Kenya are allowed to make their own money and be their own person. Unfortunately the government of Kenya is fraught with corruption and greed causing many problems to arise within the country. Kenya has one of the freest economic systems in Africa but the government does overregulate the economy. (CIA, 11) ECONOMIC STATISTICS AND ACTIVITY: The economy of Kenya is quite weak when compared to the economies of the rest of the world but when compared to the general economic strength of Africa it is quite strong. Resources:

1. Oil: black gooey liquid that is non-renewable and used to power almost all mechanical devices in the world, the ratio of exported oil to imported is 10:1. (CIA, 11)

2. Agriculture products: tea, coffee, corn, wheat, sugarcane, fruit, vegetables; dairy products, beef, pork, poultry, eggs (CIA, 11) Kenya does not have much going on for economy hence the list being so short. (CIA, 11)

Industries: 1. Small scale consumer goods such as plastics, soap, batteries, etc. (CIA, 11) 2. Commodities: tea, horticultural products, coffee, fish, these resources

form the largest source of income for Kenya. (CIA , 11) 3. Oil refineries also form a large part of the industry in Kenya (CIA, 11) 4. The cement industry in Kenya is growing rapidly and healthily (Wikipedia, 11) 5. Electricity is a large industry in Kenya and KenGen is the main company in charge

of it. (Wikipedia, 11) GDP OFFICIAL EXCHANGE RATE: 36.1 billion U.S. dollars. (CIA, 11)

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(CIA, 11)











Kenya Ethiopia Argentina Uganda














Kenya Ethiopia Argentina Uganda





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(Site Resources, 10)

The GNP per capita in America is almost 1 hundred times more than in Kenya, which basically boils down to the best graphic example of just how poor Kenya is.












U.S.A Kenya Ethiopia Argentina Uganda






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Economic Analysis 2

INTERNATIONAL TRADE STATISTICS: Within the following statistics you will find what makes economy move or not move sometimes. MAJOR EXPORTS:

Tea Horticultural products Coffee Petroleum products Fish Cement

(CIA, 11) DESCRIPTION: As you may have noticed many of the exports listed above are agricultural products which is indicative of a poorer country which is true of Kenya: over 50 percent of its population falls below the poverty line (Wikipedia, 12). The Tea industry is very large and supplies a large percentage of the income that Kenya sees. Kenya exports 8,061 bbl/day of oil from its shores. Of all of the exports listed above one of the newest and most prosperous ones is the cement industry which is one that is in a constant state of growth. (CIA, 09)

DOLLAR VALUE OF EXPORTS: Kenya exported a total of 5.443 billion dollars worth of goods last year alone. (CIA, 11) MAJOR EXPORT PARTNERS

(CIA, 10)



United Kingdom




Democratic Republic of Congo


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MAJOR IMPORTS: machinery and transportation equipment petroleum products motor vehicles iron and steel resins and plastics

(CIA, 12) DESCIPTION: Kenya is one of the biggest importers of Japanese cars in Africa (Wikipedia, 12). To run those cars they need oil so Kenya imports 80,160 bbl/day of oil, which is ten times the amount of oil that they export by the way (CIA, 09). Kenya is a growing country and to build its new infrastructure it needs the iron and steel from other countries because those resources are difficult to find in Kenya. As every country grows its dependency on plastic increases with the rise in technology so Kenya is forced to import a lot of plastic.

TOTAL VALUE OF IMPORTS: 11.87 billion U.S. Dollars every year. (CIA, 11) MAJOR IMPORT PARTNERS

(CIA, 10) PROBLEMS OF SCARCITY: In Kenya food shortages are quite common for many reasons. The infrastructure in Kenya are very bad and make transportation of food throughout the country a very difficult task, while some areas of the country are in a food shortage other parts of the country may be letting food rot in fields because it is impossible for it to be brought to market. Drought is a common occurrence in Kenya and when a drought




South Africa

Saudi Arabia



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strikes the country the effects can be catastrophic, with no water the country has no food. 53 percent of the people living in Kenya fall below the poverty line but the group Kenyans for Kenya, which was started by the Red Cross, is trying to raise money for the issues of famine in Kenya after the most recent drought in 2011. (Wikipedia, 12) BALANCE OF PAYMENTS: Not good, whi le they imported 11.87 billion dollars’ worth of goods last year they only exported 5.443 billion dollars’ worth of goods in the same year. (CIA, 11) TRADE BALANCE: Usually a country tries to export more goods than they export so that they will be bringing in more money than they are spending, but Kenya obviously isn’t doing very well with this idea. The problem Kenya faces is one it was hit with long ago: its size and location. Due to its location in the world Kenya requires many resources that they cannot provide for themselves such as metals. While Kenya does have an almost 2:1 ratio of exports to imports, its national debt is not very large, whereas in the U.S. our debt is too big for the human brain to even fathom. All things are relative. (CIA, 11) Exchange rates are the ratio of one form of currency to another. The current exchange rate in Kenya is 86.23 Kenyan Shillings to 1 U.S. dollar. The average U.S. citizen would be considered to be wealthy in Kenya meaning any money spent in Kenya will go much farther than if it were spent in the U.S. The only problem with this is that any product sold in Kenya would have to be sold at a lower price so that the people of Kenya can actually purchase it. (CIA, 11) NAME OF CURRENCY: the Kenyan Shilling, KES. (CIA, 11) EXCHANGE RATE: 86.23 Kenyan Shillings to 1 U.S. dollar. (CIA, 11)

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(CIA, 11) As you can see the economy in Kenya is not very stable due to its high inflation rate.


(CIA, 08) The economy is not very stable as can be seen by its absurdly large unemployment rate.








Kenya Ethiopia Uganda Argentina U.S.A















Kenya Ethiopia Uganda Argentina U.S.A






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Martinez Kenya


Political Systems

INTRODUCTION: Kenya has a political system set up much like our own consisting of three branches of government; legislative, judicial, and executive (CIA, 12). Although it is set up much like our own it is light years away from ours, it is not very stable which would make it rather risky to begin a business in the country, risky but not unprecedented (CIA, 12). Kenya is not very unionized making business easier and cheaper. The priority will always be workers first though in our business, unions or no unions. TYPE/STRUCTURE OF GOVERNMENT: Kenya’s government is a republic and a republic is described as a form of government that is not ruled by a monarch, Kenya has a president. (CIA, 12/Wikipedia, 12) BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT: 3 branches (CIA, 12)

Executive: The executive branch of the Kenyan government consists of a chief of state, head of government or president, and a cabinet. The president is elected by popular vote for a five year term and must win 25% of the vote in five out of the seven provinces of Kenya, he able to run for a second term if he desires. The cabinet is appointed by the president and chaired by the prime minister. The roll of prime minister is not well defined in Kenya; according to the constitution the president retains both head of government and chief of state while the prime minister is in charge of controlling government affairs (CIA, 12).

Judicial: The judicial branch is in charge of all legal affairs and consists of three courts: Court of Appeals, Supreme Court and High Court. There are also three subordinate courts: Magistrate Court, Kadhis Court, and Courts Martial. The chief justice is appointed by the president (CIA, 12).

Legislative: Bunge or parliament is made up of 290 members elected by the president and popular vote. There is also a 94 member senate, all parliament members will serve for 5 year terms (CIA, 12).

POLITICAL PARTIES: Party of National Unity: This political party was founded in 2007 and the current president of Kenya is the head of this party. It was formed from the merging of many other smaller Kenyan parties and is a more “grass roots” political party (Wikipedia, 12). Orange Democratic Movement: A slightly older political party that planning on bringing Raila Odinga down from his power as vice president in this coming election in 2012 (Wikipedia, 12).

LEADERSHIP: President and leader of the Party of National Unity or PNU: Mwai KIBAKI (CIA, 12) Vice President and the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement-Kenya or ODM-K: Stephen Kalonzo MUSYOKA (CIA, 12)

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Prime Minister and the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement or ODM: Raila Amolo ODINGA (CIA, 12) Leader of the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-Kenya or FORD-Kenya: Musikari KOMBO (CIA, 12) Leader of the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-People or FORD-People: Reuben OYONDI (CIA, 12) Leader of the Kenya African National Union or KANU: Uhuru KENYATTA (CIA, 12) Leader of the National Rainbow Coalition-Kenya or NARC-Kenya: Martha KARUA (CIA, 12) Leader of the Shirikisho Party of Kenya or SPK: Chirau Ali MWAKWERE (CIA, 12) STABILITY OF GOVERNMENT: Kenya has never had a strong and long standing government, where our constitution has stood for nearly 240 years, Kenya just passed a new constitution in 2010. In the past 50 years Kenya has gone through many large changes in power and in the election of 2007 there was even violence that went on for 2 months and resulted in the deaths of 1,500 people. The current term length for the president and the legislative branch is 5 years. (CIA, 12) LEGAL SYSTEM: A mixed system of English common law, Islamic law, and customary law with judicial review in the High Court (CIA, 12).

SUFFRAGE: Universally 18 (CIA, 12).


On the flag the black stripe on top symbolizes the majority population, below that the red stripe represents the blood that was shed in the struggle that was fought for freedom in Kenya, on the bottom the green stripe stands for natural wealth in the country, and the white stripes in between the larger stripes stand for peace; Finally the shield and crossed spears symbolize the ever present and ongoing defense of freedom (CIA, 12).

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Martinez Kenya


Trade Laws INTRODUCTION: The trade laws of Kenya are very similar to that of many other countries in the world. The tariffs in Kenya are very high with an average of 25% added to all goods brought into the country. There are not many restrictions on goods being brought into the country and it has many trade agreements with other countries making goods transportation into the country easy and cheap. Kenya has a very good system of trade laws making a business set up in Kenya very cheap and easy to run.

TARIFFS: Tariffs, first off a tariff is a tax levied by a government on imports or occasionally exports for purposes of protection, support of the balance of payments, or the raising of revenue (Dictionary.com, 12). Most tariffs on imported goods in Kenya are around 25%, which is very high when you think about it. For example the tariff on coffee is 25% and the tariff on sport firearms is 25% as well (export.gov, 02). TRADE LAWS: A trade restriction is when something is restricted from entering into a country. There are many trade restrictions on goods coming into Kenya including guns, hazardous material, meat, illegal drugs, etc. the reason for some of these restrictions are obvious such as the drugs and weapons but the restriction on meat is a bit odder. There is no limit on the amount of foreign currency that can be brought into Kenya (visahq, 12). Kenya is currently our 102nd biggest trading partner with 674 million dollars in total goods traded. That is not very high at all; in comparison the total value of all goods traded between China and the U.S. was valued at 457 billion dollars, that’s billion, with a “b”. Most of the exports we send to Kenya are aircraft and machinery totally 136 million dollars’ worth of product over the year. The U.S. imports mostly apparel and fine, specialty foods from Kenya (ustr, 10). Kenya is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and by being a member of this organization they enjoy a number of benefits with trade to over 30 other countries. Due to their membership in this organization Kenya does not need to worry about quota restrictions or duty reductions. Due to the Generalized System of Preferences Kenya’s manufactured goods receive preferential duty treatment in the U.S. and many other 1st world countries. Kenya would be a very easy country to work with because of its open trade agreements allowing it to trade with low cost to many countries in the world (epckenya.org, 12).

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Population INTRODUCTION: When choosing a country to begin a business in there are many factors to take into account and the biggest one is the people that actually make up that country. Of that category there are many sub-categories to sort through but the really important ones are: the total population, the growth rate, and the most populated cities. The total population is important because one needs to know if there are enough people to support their business in the country. The growth rate is important because if it is going up then your business will prosper but if it is declining then you will face an uphill battle from day one. Finally, the biggest cities will determine the locations of your stores and headquarters. TOTAL POPULATION: 43,013,341 people as of July 2012. (CIA, 12) GROWTH RATES

(CIA, 12)

Of these three countries, which are all very similar in population sizes, Kenya has the largest percentage of population growth, a very good sign for a new business.







Kenya Argentina Tanzania




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(CIA, 12) The birth rate of Kenya is the highest of the three countries shown but only just, Tanzania is very close and this could be due to its geographical closeness to Kenya, this nearby location lends not only geographical similarity but also a similarity in culture as well with Kenya. Argentina’s birth rate is about half of the other two but it is a very distant country and this distance could give a very distinct cultural difference to the country when compared to African countries.









Kenya Argentina Tanzania




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(CIA, 12) Again we see the trend of Tanzania and Kenya be close together and Argentina being the outlier. This could be attributed to Argentina being more developed than the other two medically and through its infrastructure.










Kenya Argentina Tanzania




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(CIA, 12)

This graph clearly shows that any service or product that is going to be marketed in Kenya must be targeting the age group of 15-64 if it is to be successful since that is the largest age group in Kenya.









Male 0-14

Female 0-14

Male 15-64

Female 15-64

Male 65+

Female 65+

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(Wikipedia, 12) Of these 5 cities the three largest are Nairobi, Mombasa, and Nakuru. These three cities account for 11 percent of the total population of Kenya. Nairobi is located in the southern part of the country and contains one of the largest shanty towns where between 500,000 and 1 million people live, on a clear day both Mt. Kenya and Mt. Kilimanjaro are visible (Wikipedia, 12). Mombasa, the second largest city in Kenya, is located along the coast of the Indian Ocean and therefore is a major port and has an international airport (Wikipedia, 12). Lastly, Nakuru, the third largest city in Kenya, is located in the rift valley along the shores of Lake Nakuru and near the Lake Nakuru National Park (Wikipedia, 12). Several volcanoes are near the city and the world’s largest volcanic crater, Menengai Crater, is mere miles away (Wikipedia, 12).









Niarobi Mombasa Nakuru Kisumu Meru






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Diet and Nutrition TYPICAL MEALS: In Kenya the native crops are sorghum and finger millet but around 2 thousand years ago crops such as rice, bananas, coconuts, and yams reached Kenya from Asia. Then, around 4 hundred years ago, foods such as corn and cassava arrived from the Americas. White potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, and many others arrived from Europe during the colonial era and have become staples ever since. Native fruits such as mangoes and papayas have always been popular. Cattle herding is a major source of food since cattle are used for their meat, milk, butter, and blood. A staple in Kenya is Ugali which is a cornmeal mush that is typically eaten with the hands and is made with is cornmeal, water and any other ingredients that are desired. It is much like cream of wheat for us. MEAT CONSUMPTION PER CAPITA (kilograms)

(Earth Trends, 02) In Kenya there is not very much meat eaten because of its cost and the lack of being able to preserve it for any length of time. Whenever meat is consumed it is a very special occasion.









Kenya Tanzania Argentina U.S.A





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(Earth Trends, 03-05) As the graph shows there is a very high percentage of undernourished people in Kenya and other African countries. Here is the catch though, while America may have a lower percentage there are actually more undernourished people living here than in Kenya.









Kenya Tanzania Argentina U.S.A





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(Earth Trends, 02)

The average recommended daily intake of calories is between 2 thousand and 25 hundred calories which goes to show the difference between America which is at almost double the recommended amount while the African countries are dead on. This being an average means that there are a lot of people living in Kenya that are far below this average that help drag it down.










Kenya Tanzania Argentina U.S.A





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Housing and Communication

INTRODUCTION: Kenya is an impoverished country with too many people occupying too few houses. What we take for granted in America, computers, TV’s, even a clean shower every night or a fridge full of food is unimaginable in Kenya. To even think of trying to start a business in this country that would profit off of these poor people is sick. They don’t want TV’s or computers they just want food, a place to call home and an end to the constant worry about whether they will wake up the next morning with the same amount of people in their family as the day before. Kenya is a poor country filled with hardworking, proud people that have been dealt a bad hand, all they need is a little push and they will be off. This push needs to come from a human not a businessman.

TYPICAL HOUSING STRUCTURES: Kenya is experiencing a period of rapid population growth while the housing accommodations in the country are unable to keep up. The lack of affordable housing hits the poorest the hardest, in Urban areas 84% of people rent houses and they spend 30% of their annual salary is spent solely on their rent. Only 23% of the demand for housing in urban areas is being met and it is even less in rural areas. The houses themselves are often only four walls with a corrugated metal roof and they are normally very, very close together with 5-7 people per room. When the housing situation is this bad it affects everything from working to school and mental health to physical health of the occupants. All people are at a very high risk of contracting AIDS or HIV in these living conditions. The housing situation will continue to decline as long as the population increases and help is not given (NACHU.or.ke, 12).


(NationMaster, 02)











Kenya U.S.A Tanzania Argentina





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(NACHU, 12-NationMaster, 01)

COMMUNICATIONS: The telephone system in Kenya is not good; there are 460 thousand active land lines in use. The telephone network is small and inefficient while businesses transfer data on a very small terminal system. There are 24.969 million mobile phone users in the country which is a little over half of the total population. The telephone industry is still under a sole provider, Telkom Kenya, but it is slated for privatization in the coming years. There are not many television channels offered in Kenya with the state operating 2 and a half dozen private channels offered. In Kenya there are currently 3.996 million internet users which make up less than 10% of the population. TV’s and computers are not common in Kenyan households (CIA, 07, 09, 10, 11)








Kenya U.S.A Uruguay Egypt





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Transportation OVERVIEW: In Kenya most people travel by foot and some tribes still use camels or donkeys to get around. In cities many people travel by foot or in Matutas which are large vans that seat 10-12 people comfortably but they are often overloaded with around twenty people. The other common mode of transportation in Kenya is by taxi because only the wealthy can afford to buy cars. When you compare the infrastructure of Kenya with our infrastructure you will see that we are light-years ahead of them (Kenya Advisor, 10). ROADWAYS: PAVED AND UNPAVED (kilometers)

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(CIA, 08) Kenya is a very poor country and that can be seen by the fact for every kilometer of paved road in Kenya there are over 13 kilometers of paved road to match it. The infrastructure in Kenya is very poor when it comes to road systems so the traditional means of transportation i.e. trucks, cars, and buses will not function well at all. Transportation of goods through Kenya will be a major hurdle for any business that is planning on setting up shop in Kenya (CIA, 08).










Paved Unpaved



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(CIA, 10) There is a rather mediocre amount of railways in Kenya but in stark contrast to that is the complete lacking of waterways in the country. There are only two major ports located at Kisumu and Mombasa but there are no waterways linking them to anything else. Kisumu is located along the shores of Lake Victoria in western Kenya while Mombasa is located in eastern Kenya along the Indian Ocean. The railways in Kenya are all 1.0 meter gauge. Transporting of goods will have to be done largely with trains due to the lack of roads, waterways and the sheer cost of air transportation (CIA, 10).







Railways Waterways



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(CIA, 10-World Shipping Register, 11) As you can see there are not nearly as many seaports in Kenya as airports. Of the 191 airports in Kenya only 17 have a paved runway while the other 174 have unpaved runways. Kisumu and Mombasa are the largest ports in Kenya so most goods transported by water will pass through those two ports (CIA, 10).












Ports Airports



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JOB MARKET AND AVAILABILITY: In Kenya getting a job is pretty much done in the same way that it is done here in America: find a job opening and put in your application. Jobs will be posted online or in the papers and all the potential applicant has to do is apply and they have a shot at the job. The minimum employable age for light work is 13 and those over 16 are considered employable. No one below the age of 16 is employable in the industrial labor field (righttoeducate, 06). The workplace environment in Kenya is not something that can be generalized, it is much too broad. Every business that employs people in Kenya will have a different environment. Benefits for workers in Kenya are varied but a sample can be taken from epicor, a business operating in Kenya. List of benefits: 21 days holiday per annum, Local Public/Bank Holidays, Incentive Plans for Eligible Positions, Workman’s Compensation, Group Personal Accident Insurance, Cell Phone Allowance for Eligible Positions, Travel Insurance for Eligible Positions, Laptop for Eligible Positions, Excellence and Service Awards, Free Tea/Coffee, and Free Parking (epicor, 12). PERCENTAGE OF WORKFORCE POPULATION BY AGE AND SEX

(Bc.edu, 07)









Male Female




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INDUSTRIES: In Kenya there are many industries however the biggest industries are processed foods, textiles, glass, and chemicals. While these industries may be large they are not nearly as large as the agricultural industry in Kenya. The agricultural sector employs three quarters of the population in Kenya and the main crops are tea and coffee. Women do mostly subsistence farming which is where they farm enough to live off of but not enough to sell. Men clear the land and work mostly during harvest time. It is difficult for young people to find jobs outside of the agriculture field since it is such a large part of the economy. Tourism is still the biggest influx of foreign money to the country. Many men work harvesting cash crops and in shantytowns small stalls with people selling their wares are common, as well as illegal activities such as prostitution and brewing of beer (everyculture.com, 12). WORKDAY: Business is typically carried out during the day like any normal country. Federal law requires at least 21 days of annual paid leave. Kenya celebrates a number of public holidays including but not limited to: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Labor Day, Madaraka Day, Mashujaa Day (Heroes Day), Kenyatta Day, Jamhuri Day (Independence Day Kenya), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day (My-Kenya-Guide, 12). For formal situations it is proper to wear a suit and tie for men and a dress for women. For informal situations it is okay to wear sneakers but shorts are not typically worn unless on safari (Vayama, 09). On average the work week in Kenya is between 45-52 hours a week, 8 hours Monday-Friday and 5 hours on Saturday (Peoples Parliament, 04).

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Education GENERAL DESCRIPTION: When one thinks of education in Africa most of us conjure up a picture of kids scribbling letters and numbers into the dirt with sticks, but fortunately this is not the case, at least in Kenya. Kenya’s education system is based off of an 8-4-4 system which means the student will spend 8 years in primary education, 4 in secondary education, and 4 in college or university. After every level of schooling is completed the student must pass a test that sums up everything they have learned in order to move on to the next level of education. (sacmeq, 11)


(Nationmaster, 03)











Kenya United States China Germany


China (female)

United States


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…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(Nationmaster, 03) As you can plainly see by these graphs, Kenya is lagging behind the three world powers by quite a lot. In primary schooling Kenya does alright but once the jump to secondary education is made Kenya drops significantly with less than 3 percent of people enrolled in secondary education compared to 72.6 percent in the U.S. (Nationmaster, 03)










Kenya United States China Germany


China (female)

United States


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(CIA, 03) Kenya holds its own when its literacy rates are tested against the three world powers; although it may have lower literacy rates then the rest of them they are not much lower. They are doing pretty well for literacy rates in Kenya. (CIA, 03)













KenyaUnited States




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………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Nationmaster, 1999/2003)

This statistic speaks volumes, while we may be the world powers today, that does not mean we will be in charge tomorrow. Kenya is investing much more money in their schools then any of the other three world “powers” and if we don’t watch out, this lack of attention to our future, the next generation of adults in this country, will bite us in the butt. Hard. Kenya is building for the future. With our sky high literacy rates and enrollment rates we still haven’t figured out that we must work to maintain our standing in the world. Invest in the future, invest in schools.

FINAL EVALUATION: Kenya: A poor, dumb African country that produces exceptional runners. Sound like the common thought? It couldn’t be farther from the truth. Kenya has a strong education plan, a pretty dang high literacy rate to be quite honest and a very good plan on how to make themselves a better country. What is the easiest way to put yourself on the world stage? Educate your citizens, Kenya is doing just this and they are investing large sums of money into their education system to better themselves. Poor? Not really. Dumb? Not even close, get real they are a very smart country in planning and practice. Any product or service here will be met with success as long as it is a good one, they are a smart people. The only real problem that Kenya faces is getting its children enrolled in schools through at least 6th grade or else all the work that is going to education will go to waste.







Kenya United States China Germany


United States



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Clothing BUSINESS ATTIRE: In Kenyan business situations it is proper to wear a suit and tie if you are a man. Alternatively, should wear a dress or skirt that goes below the knee, they do not usually wear pants in business situations. These dress conditions are in stark difference to the typical barefoot, wrapped clothing that Kenyans wear on a daily basis. Nice shoes are expected of the men and the women are often wearing some sort of heel (vayama, 12).

NATIVE ATTIRE: The traditional clothing in Kenya is very hard to define since there is such diversity in cultures throughout the country. The general look of the clothing is colorful and in a wrap. The men and women both wear what we would call rather baggy clothes. They are often in very colorful cloth that is wrapped multiple times around their bodies. The women often wear a colorful shawl on their head as well. As well as the wraps around their bodies, Kenyans often have many piercings and for important tribal ceremonies they will paint themselves a multitude of colors (nksd, 10).

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CASUAL ATTIRE: The casual attire in Kenya is very westernized because of the affordability and trendiness of European and American clothing. Mostly people wear long pants and short sleeved shirts all year round to try and combat the heat. The clothing is very light-weight though to try and combat the heat. Often women wear Kangas which are a light-weight fabric shawl to cover their clothes. Only elderly men, young children, and tourists wear shorts in Kenya (nksd, 10).

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Recreation and Leisure A visit to Africa is an experience that is seldom forgotten by any who visit it. The continent is filled with absolutely phenomenal beauty, the animals, the scenery, and most of all the people. Obviously where you go in Kenya determines what your experience will consist of and Kenya will be the focus of this study. The recreational activities in Kenya are as diverse as the animal life that exists in the country, be it the 55 natural parks in the country, the tree houses of the Aberdare, or just the animals of Kenya (Encyclopedia, 12).

There are 55 natural parks and game reserves in Kenya that are responsible for housing some of the most diverse populations of plant and animal life in the world. At a park in Kenya one can view many different kinds of animals and of course the amazing topographical qualities of Kenya, like its mountains, rivers and valleys. The Meru National Park contains 13 rivers and is home to elephants, hippos, lions, leopards, and cheetahs. The Mount Kenya National Park is a beautiful national park centered around Mount Kenya and it is home to many rare birds and plants as well as many interesting geological features. These are just a small sampling of the things that the national parks have to offer to a person in Kenya (Kenya National Parks and Reserves, 96).

One very interesting leisure location in Kenya is the Treetops hotel in the Aberdare National Park. It is famous for its rich history of customers and where it is located: overlooking a watering hole and a salt lick. If one stays at this rustic hotel they will get to experience the wildlife of Kenya going about its daily life while safely watching from the hotel. The Hotel started as a few tree houses in fig trees in the African bush and has since grown to be a large multi-room building that has been the vacation destination for many

famous people, including Queen Elizabeth II. She arrived at the hotel as a princess and left as a queen because King George VI died while she was staying there. So whether you go to experience the heritage or the wildlife you won’t be disappointed by what the Treetops Hotel has to offer (Kenya Beach Travel).

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When the word Kenya is used two things come to mind: fast runners and African animals. Kenya is home to wildebeest, rhinoceros, elephants, giraffes, hippos, lions, cheetahs, and many others. This diversity makes Kenya a prime destination for anyone looking to go on safari. These animals all call Kenya home and a safari to the country will be the recreational experience of a lifetime.

It can be seen rather easily how amazing Kenya is. From the amazing amount of National parks protecting diverse species of animals and plants, to the treetop hotel, a prime destination for any person looking to visit Kenya, and of course just the sheer amount of wild animals that just humble the average human. Kenya is the land of life and beauty even though it is often portrayed otherwise. This is the prime African country when it comes to recreation (Wikipedia, 12).

When one enters Kenya they must have a valid passport that has an expiration date that is beyond 6

months of their departure from Kenya and a valid visa. A visa is just another slip that the country of

Kenya gives to the traveler to allow them to enter the country; it can be obtained in advance or at the

airport upon arrival, although delays should be expected if this is attempted (Travel.State.Gov, 12).

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INTRODUCTION: In Kenya there are 69 recognized languages; most countries have less than ten. The reason for this incredible amount of languages spoken is the shear amount of tribes living in Kenya. Each tribe has produced its own language over the thousands of years and through this process many, many different languages have been produces. Some of these 69 languages are spoken by hundreds of thousands people and some are spoken by less than ten. There are two official languages in Kenya and they are English and Kiswahili. These two languages are not the largest spoken languages in the country but when dealing with business matters English will be spoken and all government matters are done with one of those two languages (Ethnologue, 99- CIA).


Maasai - 590,000 people speaking it in 14 different dialects, spoken in the Rift Valley Province, Kajiado and Narok districts.

Kimîîru - 1,740,000 people speaking it in 6 dialects, spoken in the Eastern Province, Meru District, northeast of Mt. Kenya.

Dholuo - 4,270,000 people speaking it in the Nyanza Province.

Gikuyu - 7,180,000 people speaking it in 8 dialects, spoken in West central, Central Province, Kiambu, Murang’a, Nyeri, and Kirinyaga districts.

Kamba - 3,960,000 people speaking it in 4 dialects, spoken in South central, Eastern Province, Machakos and Kitui districts; Coast Province, Kwale District.

o (Ethnologue, 99)


(Ignatus, 12)








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(Ignatus, 12)








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Religion GENERAL DESCRIPTION: In Kenya there are three major known religions: Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Muslims. There are also many different tribal religions that make up about 10 percent of the population of Kenya. Most Kenyans believe in a high god or spiritual force that rules the world while only two percent of the population believes different. Kenya is a very spiritual country (CIA). TYPES OF RELIGIONS

(CIA) The two large religions that make up Kenya’s population are Protestants and Roman Catholics, both of these religions began during the European colonization of Africa.

EFFECTS OF RELIGION: The effects of religion in Kenya would be minimal due to the laid back attitudes of Roman Catholics and Protestants. The large amount of Muslims in the country means that there are planned breaks for prayer throughout the average day. Any usage of beef or cattle products should be steered clear of since one in three people are Muslim and the cow is very sacred to them. Sundays will be a holy day for most so just like in America not many work related events will occur on Sundays.






ProtestantRomanCatholic Muslim

Indigenousbeliefs Other

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Customs. Web. 15 May 2012. <http://kenya.visahq.com/customs/>. "Tariff." Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com. Web. 15 May 2012.

<http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/tariff?s=t>. Use", "astounding And Easy to. "World Statistics, Country Comparisons." NationMaster.com.

NationMaster. Web. 15 May 2012. <http://www.nationmaster.com/index.php>. "Wildlife of Kenya." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 May 2012.

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildlife_of_Kenya>. "World Development Indicators database." Site Resources. World Bank, 1 July 2011. Web. 4

Mar. 2012. <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/DATASTATISTICS/Resources/GNIPC.pdf>.

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Martinez Kenya




The most common way to greet someone is with a handshake.

The word “Jambo” is often spoken to the person you are greeting right before the handshake and it means “how are you”.

When giving gifts in Kenya it is always given with the right hand or both hands but never the left hand.

Never bring alcohol as a gift to someone’s house unless you know that they drink.

When dining it is considered polite to finish all of the food on your plate although it is not mandatory.

When greeting someone in a business atmosphere that is older or above you it is polite to lower your eyes.

Present and receive business cards with both hands to be polite.

Never rush to a greeting, it is polite to ask about a person’s health and ask about their family’s health first.

Men wait for the women to extend her hand first.

Table manners in Kenya are relatively formal. (Kwintessential, 11)

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Martinez Kenya


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Page 53: International Marketing Planbisstudents.cratercomets.com/student_portfolios/class_of...location but the nature of the roads in the country are quite poor making over land travel difficult,

Martinez Kenya


Country Selection Letter John Martinez BIS Incorporated 655 North Third Central Point, OR 97502 (541)-261-5070 February 22, 2012 Dr. Johnny Allen Hendrix Human Resources Director BIS Incorporated 845 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 Dear Dr. Hendrix: Many people would look at New Zealand and say it is doing well and has no need of any help from a foreign non-profit organization, and for the most part they would be right. However, in all countries there is room for improvement and the area I see in New Zealand that needs improving would be the drug use issue that exists in the country. If BIS Incorporated were to open up a non-profit organization that would help keep the population away from drug use, we would not only be applying a positive impact to the country, but we would be bringing positive attention to our company. New Zealand is a win win. If, for some reason, you do not feel that New Zealand is not a win win, then the second country that could use a non-profit organizations help is Greece. Greece is a country that needs help, and we can offer the help this country needs so desperately. Greece is in a state of economic turmoil that makes our economy look like the Promised Land. If we were to launch a non-profit organization in this country that gives food, shelter and healthcare to the citizens of Greece, we could aid them getting through this trying time in their country’s history. Greece is a large part of the European economy and when they hurt everyone hurts, so if we can help them in any way possible, we will make a large difference. The economic situation in Greece is just an escalated version of the economic situation we are facing here at home and if it can be fixed in Greece then it proves that it can be fixed here as well. Kenya has a high poverty rate and starving individuals living within its borders, this is a problem that should not exist in the world these days. A non-profit organization in Kenya helping to feed and give shelter to the citizens would be capable of giving hope to the people of Kenya and with hope anything is possible for the people living in Kenya.

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Martinez Kenya


If you need to contact me in any way you can reach me on my phone at 123-456-7890, or my email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading my submission and I hope you see the immense potential these opportunities provide. Sincerely, John Martinez International Market Research Specialist

Page 55: International Marketing Planbisstudents.cratercomets.com/student_portfolios/class_of...location but the nature of the roads in the country are quite poor making over land travel difficult,

Kenya is home to all of your typ-

ical African animal life, lions,

giraffes, elephants, hippos, etc.

The topography of Kenya is also

spectacular with huge snow-

capped mountains surrounded by

vast safa-

ris. Of all

the geo-



that Ken-

ya has to


none can


to the people that inhabit this

amazing country. The people in

Kenya are some of the happiest

people in the world even though




of the




in the


A trip


Kenya will be a truly unforgetta-

ble and humbling experience due

to the raw beauty of the land and

the simple happiness that per-

vades the people of Kenya.

Visiting Kenya Kenyan Relief Agency

“Promoting life by giving food, shelter,

and water to those who have never had it


Kenyan Relief Agency


Mt. Kenya.

Kenyan sunset.

Page 56: International Marketing Planbisstudents.cratercomets.com/student_portfolios/class_of...location but the nature of the roads in the country are quite poor making over land travel difficult,

It is easy to get overwhelmed with the



of the

task to


daily life

in Kenya

since it is


in such a



state, but

like all



lems, it can be solved by attacking the

source one step at a time. The biggest

issues in Kenya are the basic living

conditions that Kenyans face every

day, three walled shacks with no run-

ning water and no access to food are

the norm. The purpose of the Kenyan

Relief Agency is to improve the lives

of Kenyans by building houses, piping

water, and making food available to

every single person living in Kenya.

When they no longer have to focus on

the basic necessities Kenyans will be

able to pursue their drams like finish-

ing their education or finding a job.

Homelessness is a problem no matter

how many people it affects but to put the

housing crisis Kenya faces into perspec-

tive there are about 700 thousand people

living on the streets or in shelters in the

U.S. There are 7.5 million homeless liv-

ing in Kenyan urban centers alone. The

crisis does not end there because a home

without water or food is just a shell and

that is what most of the homes in Kenya

are, three walls and a corrugated metal

roof. Out of all Kenyans only 59 percent

of them have access to clean water while

83 percent of the urban population has


to clean,

city wa-



this may


like a



it still leaves around 500 thousand people

in urban areas without safe water. If the

past numbers seemed high then listen to

this, 9.8 million people in Kenya are food

insecure, meaning they cannot afford

enough food for their daily needs. Of

those 9.8 million, 3.5 million need food

aid to survive.

The Issue

A typical slum in Nairobi.

The housing situation that millions of Kenyans

face everyday.

A group of Kenyan children gathering water

for the day; would you drink it?

Kenyan children awaiting food.

The Solution

Two men helping to build a house

in Kenya.