International Federation of Gynecology and · The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) recommendations on adolescent, preconception, and maternal nutrition:

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International Federation of Gynecology andObstetrics (FIGO)




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Executive Board

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Denmark A.T. PedersenEgypt N.A. DarwishEthiopia Y.G. FeredeFinland S. GrénmanFrance B. CarbonneGermany W. JonatJapan T. KimuraLebanon F. El-Kak

Malaysia A.A. YahyaParaguay A. AcostaSouth Africa B.D. GoolabSpain J. Laílla VicensTaiwan T.-H. SuUruguay J.G. Allonso TellecheaUnited Kingdom T. FalconerUnited States of America J.N. Martin

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IJGO IndiaEditor-in-Chief: Dr Rohit V. Bhatt ([email protected])Editorial Office: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd 4838/24, Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110 002, IndiaE-mail: [email protected]

IJGO ChinaEditor-in-Chief: Dr Zhenyu Zhang Department of Ob/Gyn Chaoyang Hospital No. 8 Baijiazhung Rd Chaoyang District Beijing, 100020 ChinaE-mail: [email protected]

For information aboutFIGO:

The Secretariat of FIGO is at FIGO House, Suite 3,Waterloo Court, 10 Theed Street, London, SE1 8ST UK.Tel: +44 20 7928-1166Fax: +44 20 7928-7099E-mail: [email protected]: www.figo.orgAll enquiries concerning FIGO may be sent tothe Honorary Secretary at that address.

Page 3: International Federation of Gynecology and · The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) recommendations on adolescent, preconception, and maternal nutrition:

International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 131 S4 (2015) S213–S253


In addition to the authors, the following people provided

important contributions during the creation of the document:

Carlos Blanco, Carlos Echeverry, Torvid Kiserud, Gwyneth Lewis,

Francisco Mardones, Susan Morton, Sian Robinson, Michael Ross,

and Gerard Visser. In addition to the FIGO Executive Board, all

relevant FIGO Committees and Working Groups contributed to

and supported the document.


This project was funded by an unrestricted educational grant

from Abbott. The content was developed by FIGO, with no input

from Abbott. Some of the material on nutrient recommendations

contained within these guidelines is sourced from Gluckman

P, Hanson M, Chong YS, Bardsley A. Nutrition and Lifestyle for

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Oxford: Oxford University Press;


Conflict of interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

A mother brings her child for a check-up at a clinic in Kenya.

Photograph courtesy of Micronutrient Initiative.

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) recommendations on adolescent, preconception, and maternal nutrition: “Think Nutrition First”#

Mark A. Hanson a, Anne Bardsley b, Luz Maria De-Regil c, Sophie E. Moore d, Emily Oken e, Lucilla Poston f, Ronald C. Ma g, Fionnuala M. McAuliffe h, Ken Maleta i, Chittaranjan N. Purandare j, Chittaranjan S. Yajnik k, Hamid Rushwan l, Jessica L. Morris l,*

a Institute of Developmental Sciences, University of Southampton; and NIHR Nutrition Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospital Southampton; Southampton, UKb Liggins Institute, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealandc Micronutrient Initiative, Ottawa, Canadad MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge, UKe Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute; and Department of Nutrition, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health;

Boston, MA, USAf King’s College London, London, UKg Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and the Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,

Hong Kong, Chinah UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science, University College Dublin, National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, Irelandi University of Malawi College of Medicine, Blantyre, Malawij Grant Medical College, Mumbai, Indiak Indian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Mumbai, Indial International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, London, UK

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics

j our na l homepage: www.e lsev ie r.com/ loca te / i jgo

# This document was endorsed by the FIGO Executive Board at its annual

meeting held on May 30−31, 2015, in Melbourne, Australia

* Corresponding author at International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics,

FIGO House, Suite 3, Waterloo Court, 10 Theed Street, London, SE1 8ST, UK.

Tel.: +44 207 928 1166

E-mail address: [email protected] (J.L. Morris).

0020-7292/© 2015 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

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List of abbreviations/acronymsALA Alpha-linolenic acid

BMI Body mass index

DHA Docosahexaenoic acid

ELCAMC Estudio Colaborativo Latino Americano de Malformaciones Congénitas (Latin American Collaborative Study of

Congenital Malformations)

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

FIGO International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

GDM Gestational diabetes mellitus

GI Glycemic index

HTLV Human T-cell lymphotropic virus

LA Linoleic acid

LMICs Low- and middle-income countries

MDD-W Minimum dietary diversity index for women

MDGs Millennium Development Goals

NCDs Noncommunicable diseases

NTDs Neural tube defects

PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls

PUFAs Polyunsaturated fatty acids

RM Rosso and Mardones chart

SQ-LNS Small quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements

UNSCN United Nations Subcommittee on Nutrition

WHO World Health Organization

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1. Executive summary

Adolescent, preconception, and maternal nutrition represent

a major public health issue that affects not only the health of

adolescents and women, but also that of future generations.

These FIGO recommendations aim to address several issues

relating to nutrition in adolescent and young women before,

during, and after pregnancy. FIGO calls for:

• Increased awareness of the impact of women’s nutrition

on their health and the health of future generations.

• Greater attention given to the links between poor

maternal nutrition and increased risk of later

noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in the offspring as a

core component of meeting global health goals.

• Action to improve nutrition among adolescent girls and

women of reproductive age.

• Public health measures to improve nutritional education,

particularly for adolescents, girls, and young women.

• Greater access to preconception services for women of

reproductive age to assist with planning and preparation

for healthy pregnancies and healthy children.

FIGO recommends that maternal nutrition should be part of

a life course approach that views perinatal health within the

context of women’s overall health. This approach emphasizes

the importance of the adolescent and young adult periods for

lifelong health, and the potential benefits to health and human

capital in the next generation gained by achieving healthy

lifestyles prior to conception.

In this regard, FIGO also emphasizes that nutrition in ado-

lescent and young women is modifiable. Attention should be

paid to nutritional status before pregnancy whenever possible,

and adoption of good dietary and lifestyle habits needs to be

strongly encouraged at all stages.

The recommendations view malnutrition as poor nutrition

in all its forms, from both deficient (energy and protein under-

nutrition) or excessive (obesity) consumption of macronutrients,

to micronutrient malnutrition—which results from a diet with

insufficient vitamin and mineral density, poor bioavailability of

nutrients, or increased body requirements due to infection or

growth. It is important to stress that malnutrition can result from

overconsumption of non-nutritive calories—food quality counts

as much as food quantity.

FIGO recommends promotion of a varied and healthy diet as

the first step to meeting the nutrient needs of adolescent girls and

young women. It is critical that micronutrient deficiencies are

recognized and rectified through interventions including dietary

diversity, consumption of fortified foods, and supplementation

as appropriate. Common nutrient deficiencies in adolescent girls

and young women that may require supplementation include:

• Iron: adolescent girls and pregnant women are at risk of

iron deficiency due to menstrual blood loss and increased

pregnancy demands, and commonly require iron supplements.

• Iodine: required early in pregnancy and often lacking in

diets if iodized salt is not used.

• Folate: required before conception and in early pregnancy

as dietary intake is usually inadequate. All women of

reproductive age are advised to consume 400 μg of folic

acid per day as supplements or fortified foods.

• Vitamin B12: dietary intake is very low in vegetarian diets

and absent in vegan diets.

• Calcium: lacking in diets low in dairy products; there is a

higher requirement especially in adolescents during the

growth spurt.

• Vitamin D: food sources are minimal unless fortified, and

inadequacy is common, especially in women with minimal

sun exposure, or darkly pigmented skin.

Pregnant women need early access to prenatal care to

receive nutrition counseling and treatment for conditions that

may jeopardize their pregnancy outcome, such as malaria,

tuberculosis, HIV, gastrointestinal infections, and NCDs. These

conditions can compromise nutrition through malabsorption

and altered metabolism, with a number of consequences

including increased risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies and

weight loss.

FIGO recognizes body weight/body mass index (BMI; calcu-

lated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared)

as another modifiable risk factor with important effects on a

woman’s nutritional status. Underweight women may be lacking

in a number of important nutrients, and their diets should be

carefully assessed and supplemented as required. Obesity itself

confers risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Furthermore,

overweight or obese women may have poor quality diets that

are high in energy but low in nutritional value. Both of these

conditions can negatively affect pregnancy outcomes. Thus, FIGO

recommends that attention be paid to preconception or early

pregnancy body weight and BMI, and steps be taken to modify

weight by improving diets and encouraging appropriate levels of

physical activity.

Adequate gestational weight gain is important for maintaining

the health of both the mother and possibly for her baby. FIGO

recommends that healthcare professionals take action to ensure

appropriate gestational weight gain in relation to prepregnancy

BMI. However, this should not be overemphasized at the expense

of important assessments such as blood pressure measurement,

urine testing for protein, and abdominal examination, as can

sometimes occur in low-resource settings.

FIGO strongly recommends that dangerous exposures and

behaviors such as smoking, alcohol intake, or use of recreational

drugs are avoided prior to conception. If such habits persist in

pregnancy, women should be encouraged and assisted to give

them up as soon as possible because of the risk of detrimental

effects on fetal nutrition, growth, and development.

FIGO calls for action to reduce the exposure of adolescents

and pregnant women to mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium,

which can be ingested via food and water. These heavy metals

can have detrimental effects on fetal growth and development.

FIGO encourages healthcare providers to be cognizant of

situations affecting a woman’s ability to meet the nutrient

demands of pregnancy:

• Young age at conception, when the mother’s own growth

is not complete.

• Hard physical labor, which increases nutrient and fluid


• Multiple pregnancy, which increases nutrient demand.

• Short interpartum interval, which gives limited

opportunity for repletion of nutritional reserves, especially

in the setting of concurrent pregnancy and breastfeeding.

FIGO recommends that the period that follows birth be used

to improve the nutritional status of both mother and child. FIGO

endorses the WHO recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding

for the first 6 months of the infant’s life.

FIGO acknowledges that there are potential barriers to dietary

change, and supports the adoption of gender-sensitive policies

to improve access to adequate and nutritious food for women

and girls.

Concerted action is required from healthcare providers

and educators working together in the community to improve

the health and well-being of girls, women, and their children.

Standard care should involve a wide range of healthcare

providers working together, with a focus on nutrition, health,

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and lifestyle during adolescence, and a woman’s reproductive

life and beyond. These recommendations seek to empower and

to provide opportunities for all levels of healthcare provider to

contribute to achieving this goal.

Key messages

• In many societies women and adolescent girls are poorly

nourished, in terms of the level and balance of both macro-

and micronutrients in their diet. This circumstance is

detrimental to their current and future health and that of

their children.

• Good health and nutrition before conception are key to a

mother’s ability to meet the nutrient demands of pregnancy

and breastfeeding, and are vital to the healthy development

of her embryo, fetus, infant, and child.

• The continuum of poor maternal health and poor infant

and childhood development contributes substantially to

the global burden of disease and disability, affecting the

way that individuals respond to a number of environmental

challenges—ranging from infections to an obesogenic


• Healthcare providers need to “Think Nutrition First”—

focusing on optimizing adolescent and maternal nu trition

and health, starting in the preconception years. This

approach will have considerable positive benefits for

ensuring women’s health and that of their children, as well

as securing the health, productivity, life expectancy, and

well-being of future generations.

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This document is directed at a range of stakeholders with

the intention of highlighting the central role that nutrition has

on adolescent, maternal, and infant well-being. This is an area

that has traditionally been of low priority but which has major

implications for girls’ and women’s health as well as the health

of their offspring. The recommendations aim to create a global

framework for action to improve the nutritional care and support

of adolescent girls and women through their prepregnancy,

pregnancy, postpregnancy, and interpregnancy periods of

life. FIGO proposes that these guidelines should be widely

disseminated among:

• Healthcare providers: physicians (obstetricians,

gynecologists, pediatricians, neonatologists, general/

family, adolescent and youth health, reproductive

health, family planning, and fertility practitioners),

nurses, midwives, dieticians/nutritionists, pharmacists,

community health workers.

• Healthcare delivery organizations and providers: government, federal, and state legislators; health

maintenance organizations and other hospital and

outpatient care providers; health insurance organizations;

international development agencies and nongovernmental

organizations; educational bodies and community

organizations concerned with youth and adolescents;


• Professional organizations: international, regional,

and national professional organizations of obstetricians

and gynecologists; general/family practitioners, nurses,

midwives, pediatricians; neonatologists, pharmacists etc.

• Teachers/educators: especially those teaching health to


• Women and their families.

2. Target audience of the FIGO recommendations

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3.1. Nutrition: Why is it important?

Good nutrition is fundamental for good health. Maternal

nutrition in particular represents a major public health challenge

because it affects not only women’s health, but also that of

future generations. Poor nutrition in adolescent girls and young

women compromises reproductive health and increases risks

of adverse pregnancy outcomes for both mother and child.

Improving nutrition and establishing healthy dietary habits,

particularly in adolescent girls and young women, paves the

way for periconceptional health and, if maintained through

pregnancy, will promote normal fetal growth and development.

In turn, the health of the next generation will benefit through

reduced risk of stunting, obesity, and chronic noncommunicable

diseases (NCDs)—predominantly diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular

disease, and some forms of cancer, but also atopic conditions such

as asthma, bone and joint disease, and some mental illnesses—

and improved cognitive and behavioral development. This is

illustrated in Figure 1.

Encouraging good nutrition—an adequate diet that provides

all essential micronutrients and macronutrients in the correct

amounts and proportions—will help to ensure optimal health

for adolescent girls and young women, and will equip them for

future motherhood. A woman’s fitness and health is fundamental

to her own well-being and that of her children. It is fundamental

to the health and prosperity of a society.

3.1.1. Improving nutrition of adolescent girls and young women to

reduce the global burden of NCDs

Substantial evidence shows that good maternal health and

nutrition before and during pregnancy can have a positive effect

on the long-term risk of NCDs in the next generation. NCDs are

the leading cause of death in most countries around the world.

This is true of high-income countries, but also of most low- and

middle-income countries, except those in Sub-Saharan Africa

where women are more prone to die from infectious diseases.

Over the next decade, deaths caused by NCDs are expected to

increase by 15%, with the greatest increase occurring in Sub-

Saharan Africa [1,2].

The burden of disability caused by NCDs exacts a huge

socioeconomic toll throughout the world, undermining the

achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development

Goals (MDGs), which aimed to eliminate extreme poverty and

hunger and improve maternal health, among other efforts, to

meet the needs of the world’s poorest people [3]. To address this,

the WHO developed a global action plan for the prevention and

control of NCDs, seeking to raise the priority accorded to NCD

prevention in global, regional, and national agendas [4]. The

main aims are to create health-promoting environments that

encourage positive lifestyle factors (such as healthy diet and

exercise) and discourage negative factors (such as tobacco and

alcohol use). These behaviors have special importance in the

period prior to and during pregnancy and lactation, but remain

important throughout a woman’s life.

In 2012, WHO member states also endorsed global targets for

2025 for improving maternal, infant, and young child nutrition

and are committed to monitoring progress [5]. Three targets

stand out for their relevance to women of reproductive age: a

50% reduction of anemia in women of reproductive age, a 30%

reduction in low birth weight, and increasing to at least 50% the

rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life (Box 1).

The targets are vital for identifying priority areas for action and

catalyzing global change. Achieving these global targets will

require an integrated approach to educating, empowering, and

supporting girls and women from early adolescence through

their reproductive years.

3. Adolescent, preconception, and maternal nutrition: Background, definition, and issues

Figure 1 The central role of nutrition in determining health across the life course

and across generations. All stages in a woman’s life are connected by the effects

of good or poor nutrition. Poor nutrition at any stage has negative consequences

that disrupt the cycle and impact later life stages, including future generations.

• FIGO calls for increased awareness of the impact of

women’s nutrition on themselves and future generations,

and supports action to improve nutrition among adolescent

girls and women of reproductive age.

• FIGO calls for greater attention to the links between poor

maternal nutrition and NCDs in the next generation as a

core component to meeting global health goals.

Box 1WHO global targets 2025: Improving maternal, infant, and young child nutrition.

• Reduction by 50% of anemia in women of reproductive age• Reduction by 30% of low birth weight• Increase in the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the fi rst

6 months, up to at least 50%• Reduction by 40% of the number of children under 5 years

of age who are stunted• No increase in childhood overweight• Reduction in childhood wasting to less than 5%

Source: WHO [5].

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3.1.2. Focus on women’s preconception health and nutrition for long-

term benefits

A girl’s or woman’s nutritional health and lifestyle before

and during pregnancy can influence clinically important

pregnancy outcomes, including gestational hypertension and

diabetes, preterm delivery, and fetal growth restriction [6,7],

which can have lasting effects on her long-term health. It also

influences the future health of her offspring, not only in terms

of perinatal survival but for risk of later NCDs. This is because

nutritional factors in utero and during early life impact not only

on the physical development of the individual, but also on the

risk of congenital anomalies, the development of cognitive and

sociobehavioral abilities, and metabolic adaptations that affect

the long-term risk of obesity and NCDs. Adults affected positively

or negatively by these early-life influences pass on the effects to

the next generation, through both maternal and paternal factors

that influence the in utero and early-life environment. Thus

there is a cycle of passing “health capital” from one generation

to the next.

There are a number of possible intervention points at which

this cycle of risk can be interrupted (Figure 2). In particular,

evidence has highlighted the importance of the preconception

period in setting the stage for optimal fitness of prospective

parents and their future offspring. Messages about diet and

lifestyle patterns that ensure women have adequate nutrition and

good physical health, and that minimize harmful exposures and

behaviors, are best conveyed by the time of early adolescence,

well in advance of pregnancy. This is a time when many patterns

of behavior are established, with lifelong consequences. If factors

affecting body composition and risk of obesity and NCDs can be

improved from childhood, these will not only positively affect

the future adolescent and woman’s own health, but convey

significant health benefit for future generations.

3.1.3. New scientific insights

New research has revealed that nutritional factors can affect

both male and female germ cells before conception, and can

modify the development of the embryo and fetus. A woman’s

oocytes are formed only during her own fetal life, and it is possible

for egg quality to be affected by events or exposures at any time

from her own conception to her offspring’s conception. Oocyte

physiology can be affected by changes in levels of circulating

metabolites and metabolic hormones that are responsive

to nutritional status [8]. Other effects occur via epigenetic

mechanisms such as DNA methylation, which modifies gene

expression in a stable manner without changing the underlying

DNA sequence of the organism, providing a non-genomic form

of inheritance that can be passed across generations. Epigenetic

processes allow one genotype to display multiple phenotypes

depending on environmental cues, a phenomenon known as

“developmental plasticity” [9,10]. Such cues can include both

under- and overnutrition, maternal hyperglycemia, or dietary

deficiency or imbalance of nutrients such as folate, vitamin B12,

vitamin B6, and choline, which are involved in the methylation

cycle. These cues can induce epigenetic and other responses in

the oocyte and embryo that modify the growth and metabolic

trajectory (Figure 3). For example, conception during a period

of famine or low seasonal food availability affects epigenetic

changes in the offspring that may influence disease risk [11,12].

Obesity and/or insulin resistance prior to conception also

increase the risk of later metabolic disease in the offspring [13].

Additionally, the effects of these conditions on the oocyte cause

reduced fertility and increased risk of congenital abnormalities

in the fetus [14]. It is now essential that these new insights are

translated into messages about the importance of a healthy

lifestyle for healthy offspring, applicable to both adolescent girls

and women.

3.1.4. Future fathers also count

The influence of the male partner’s health on offspring health

should also not be underestimated. As with a woman’s oocytes,

the testis is formed when the male is a fetus, and the germ cells

from which sperm ultimately differentiate are sequestered

in fetal life. Thus, it is possible that the father’s sperm can be

affected by environmental factors from his conception through to

the production of mature sperm much later [15]. As with female

germ cells, obesity, poorly controlled diabetes, and micronutrient

deficiencies (e.g. selenium, zinc) in males can affect sperm quality

and fertility, and future offspring health [16−18]. However, while

the health of future fathers is an influencing factor in the health

of their children, these FIGO guidelines focus on women.

3.2. Defining good versus poor nutrition

Nutrition is defined as the intake of food necessary for optimal

growth, function, and health. Good nutrition is defined as a well-

balanced diet that provides all essential nutrients in optimal

amounts and proportions, whereas poor nutrition is defined

as a diet that lacks nutrients (either from imbalance or overall

insufficient food intake) or one in which some components are

present in excess [19].

Nutrition is at the core of many current issues in women’s

health. This is not only because poor nutrition can lead to poor

health, but because many of the socioeconomic factors that are

associated with poor health and access to health care, such as

• FIGO calls for public health measures to improve nutrition

education—particularly for adolescents—and access to

preconception services for women of reproductive age to

assist with planning and preparation for healthy pregnancies,

emphasizing the importance of healthy nutrition.

Chronic di i k idisease risk in next generation

Human lifecycle




Mother -preconception &


Time – across generations


Figure 2 Life course model of chronic disease risk. Developmental trajectories

established in early life, influenced by factors such as maternal diet and body

composition, affect the risk of disease across the life course. Timely intervention

early in life (prepregnancy or during pregnancy) can reduce later disease

risk. Adapted with permission from Godfrey KM, Gluckman PD, Hanson MA.

Developmental origins of metabolic disease: life course and intergenerational

perspectives. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2010;21(4):199-205; and Gluckman

P, Hanson M, Seng CY, Bardsley A. Nutrition and Lifestyle for Pregnancy and

Breastfeeding. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2015.

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poverty and low educational attainment, are those associated

with poor nutrition. Poor nutrition can also have profound effects

on reproductive outcomes. There are a number of nutritional

states that are considered suboptimal or “poor.” Malnutrition

is sometimes thought to refer to an inadequate intake of

macronutrients such as calories and protein (i.e. undernutrition),

but it can also denote inadequate intake or increased losses of

specific or multiple vitamins and minerals (micronutrient mal-

nutrition) because of an unbalanced diet. This can occur even in

the context of excess energy intake (overnutrition) if the diet is

nutrient-poor (Box 2).

It is important to recognize that under- and overnutrition can

occur at the same time in sections of a population, and over time

in the same family or even in the same person as circumstances

change. There are many well-known factors contributing to

such change, including socioeconomic progress, urbanization,

and adoption of a “Western lifestyle.” This “nutrition transition”

creates a double burden of obesity coexisting with undernutrition,

and is common in countries undergoing rapid economic growth

(see Regional Case Study 1: India). While undernutrition still

causes the death of almost 1.5 million women and children every

year, growing rates of overweight and obesity worldwide are

producing an increase in NCDs, which are also associated with

substantial mortality and morbidity. Ensuring access to a healthy

diet and reducing exposure to foods high in fat, sugar, and salt

helps prevent malnutrition in all its forms [20].

3.2.1. Undernutrition

Undernutrition is usually associated with inadequate

intake because of food shortage or insecurity, but can also

result from increased nutritional requirements or losses, or an

impaired ability to absorb or utilize nutrients. Undernutrition

can lead to stunting in early life, and to underweight and

wasting throughout the lifespan, which can result in reduced

resistance to infection and other debilitating conditions that

reduce productivity and affect the ability of adolescent girls

and women to care for their families. Globally, undernourished

women are likely to be deficient in a number of micronutrients,

including iron and folate, which can weaken their reproductive


There is increasing evidence on the impact of maternal

undernutrition on neonatal outcomes and long-term effects

on intellectual, physical, and social development of the

child. Exposure to undernutrition in utero is associated with

congenital anomalies, lower birth weight, stunting in childhood,

shorter adult height, lower educational attainment, and reduced

economic productivity [24]. Women who are themselves stunted

face greater risks of obstetric complications in pregnancy [25].

Low birth weight resulting from undernutrition has also been

linked to an increased risk of obesity and NCDs in later life


3.2.2. Overnutrition

Overnutrition is the regular consumption of excess energy,

generally leading to overweight, and ultimately to obesity.

Maternal overnutrition and obesity produce a range of health

risks for the woman, including hypertensive disorders of

pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and obstructed

delivery. Risks for the fetus include macrosomia, high blood

glucose/glucose intolerance, high blood insulin and neonatal

hypoglycemia, congenital anomalies, preterm birth, stillbirth/

infant death, and development of childhood obesity and later

NCDs. About 75% of children with obesity become obese as adults

[29], perpetuating the obesity epidemic and its associated risks of

NCDs [30,31]. The prevalence of obesity is increasing around the

world, including in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)

where modernization, urbanization, and economic development

PhenotypePreconception / in utero environment Developmental plasticity PhenotypePreconception / in utero environment Developmental plasticity

Maternal diet and Potential oocyte/ Potential fetal Potential long-term body composition

• Glucose, energy substrates• Micronutrients: folate, B12,

B6, etc

embryo responses

• Epigenetic modifications and gene expression changes

• Altered intracellular


• Epigenetic modifications and gene expression changes


• Stunting• Impaired

neurodevelopment• Macronutrient balance• Metabolic status

signaling• Metabolic stress• Apoptosis• Altered cell differentiation

and proliferation

changes• Altered fetal growth rate• Altered setting of

neuroendocrine axis• Abnormal birth weight

neurodevelopment• Obesity• Cardiovascular and

metabolic disorders

Effects on next generation

Figure 3 Effects of the preconception and in utero environment on offspring phenotype and future health. Maternal nutritional factors provide cues to the fetus during

critical periods of developmental plasticity, triggering epigenetic and other responses that have lasting impacts on offspring health and that can be passed in a similar

manner to the next generation.

Box 2Defi ning malnutrition.

• Malnutrition (poor nutrition) refers not only to inadequate intake of macronutrients (energy and protein undernutrition), but also to inadequate intake or increased losses of single or multiple vitamins and minerals (micronutrient malnutrition), such that the body’s requirements are not met.

• Malnutrition can result from over-consumption of non-nutritive energy and underconsumption of nutrient-dense foods.

• A good diet is more than a matter of food quantity—quality is critical.

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(the nutrition transition) have introduced diets that are higher in

energy but low in nutrient quality [32].

3.2.3. Micronutrient malnutrition

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can occur because of

an inadequate dietary intake, low bioavailability of dietary

nutrients, or increased nutrient requirements, for example

because of rapid growth or menstrual bleeding, parasitic or

other infections (malaria, helminths, HIV), and inflammation.

Micronutrient deficiencies are not exclusive to low-resource

settings as they often coexist with obesity and other NCDs. An

individual’s nutrient levels can be affected by lifestyle factors that

affect absorption and metabolism, such as alcohol consumption

and tobacco smoking. As many micronutrients pass from mother

to baby, deficiency in the mother leads to deficiency in the fetus

and newborn. The mechanisms of transfer across the placenta

differ between micronutrients, so this risk is greater for some

micronutrients than for others.

The causes of micronutrient deficiencies are interconnected.

At the most basic level, the problem is related to an inadequate

diet. The diets of some ethnic and cultural groups (e.g. strict

vegetarian or vegan diets), or in communities with limited

access to affordable animal-based food products, can lead to

Regional Case Study 1: Thinking Nutrition First in India

The double burden of undernutrition and obesityIndia is facing a double burden of undernutrition and infectious diseases on one hand, and a rapidly increasing incidence of NCDs on the other. India has the largest number of low birth weight babies in the world and the highest number of undernourished children below 5 years of age, and at the same time is one of the world’s major sites of diabetes and coronary heart disease. Indians manifest diabetes at a younger age and at a lower BMI relative to white populations [21].

Low birth weight resulting from fetal undernutrition is known to be associated with an increased risk of diabetes. More recently, the role of fetal overnutrition (e.g. resulting from maternal diabetes) has also been demonstrated in India. Thus there is a U-shaped association between maternal nutrition and diabetes risk, creating a double burden of disease in this region. There are also situations in which an aspect of undernutrition occurs in the context of overnutrition of the fetus, e.g. micronutrient defi ciencies in a diabetic pregnancy (Figure 4) [22].

Rapid transition and urbanization are driving forces of such a combination of adverse effects on offspring [23]. Increases in education and wealth have correlated with an increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity, while poor sectors of the population remain undernourished. One-third of Indian women are vegetarian, and only approximately 7% eat meat, chicken, or fi sh on a daily basis. Fruit and vegetable consumption is very low in the lower socioeconomic strata; only a third of women consume milk or curds once a week. Women from wealthier families are more likely to have a healthy and well-balanced diet, but an increase in income in poor families is sometimes associated with greater consumption of unhealthy foods. Half of households use non-iodized or inadequately iodized salt. A number of national programs to improve health of children, adolescents, and pregnant women are in place in India. These concentrate on nutrition, prenatal health care, institutional delivery, immunization, and social support.



Altered fuels to the fetus

Under OImpaired fetaldevelopment

Undernourishedinfant and child Macrosomia


Under nutrition

Over nutrition


Low birthweight‘thin-fat’ phenotype

Insulin resistancein pregnancy


Post-natal weight gain

Obesity, diabetesFigure 4 The double burden of under- and overnutrition in a low/middle-income country such as India. Undernutrition in one generation predisposes the next to obesity and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) when faced with increased food availability and lifestyle changes. This promotes diabesity in pregnancy and NCD risk in the next generation, perpetuating the cycle of disease. Figure adapted with permission from FIGO, from Yajnik CS. Nutrient-mediated teratogenesis and fuel-mediated teratogenesis: Two pathways of intrauterine programming of diabetes. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2009;104(Suppl):S27–31.

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micronutrient deficiencies [33,34]. For specific population groups

including pregnant women, iron, folate, and vitamin B12 may be

lacking, especially in LMICs. Other nutrients of concern include

calcium, vitamins A and D, and zinc. Adequacy for some nutrients

such as iodine and selenium varies regionally depending on local

conditions, and can be present in limited or excess quantity in the

diet despite an otherwise adequate food supply [35–37].

Micronutrient malnutrition can exist in the presence of

abundant food and even overnutrition, because of increasing

intakes of energy-dense foods rich in sugars and oils, and

lower intakes of micronutrient-rich foods like animal products,

vegetables, and fruits. These micronutrient-poor, obesogenic diets

are becoming ever more common among resource-constrained

sections of society, especially in urban areas, where they are

more available and affordable than diets of high nutritional

content [38]. In the USA, this has led to what is known as the

“hunger-obesity paradox,” where the prevalence of overweight

increases as food insecurity increases [39]. Hunger occurs

episodically when sufficient food is not available, and overeating,

typically of nutrient-poor foods that offer more dietary energy

at lower cost, tends to occur when food becomes available [40].

Such unfavorable trends in food consumption patterns can lead

to micronutrient deficiencies that undermine women’s health

and put them at risk of poor pregnancy outcomes. For example,

diets commonly consumed by obese women in the USA are

characterized by a higher than optimal percentage of energy

from fat, while also being low in essential nutrients such as iron

and folate [41,42].

3.3. Approaches to reducing micronutrient deficiencies

Globally, around two billion people are estimated to be

deficient in one or more vitamins or minerals. Among them,

children and women of reproductive age, including those preg-

nant, are particularly vulnerable to such deficiencies. Women of

reproductive age account for approximately one third of all cases

of anemia worldwide. In 2011, 496 million women between 15

and 49 years of age and 32 million pregnant women were anemic

[43]. Iron deficiency is believed to contribute to at least half of

the worldwide burden of anemia, especially in non-malaria-

endemic countries, and thus is considered the most prevalent

nutritional deficiency in the world. In addition to iron deficiency,

pregnant women, particularly those living in LMICs, are often

deficient in multiple other nutrients. Vitamin A deficiency affects

approximately 19 million pregnant women worldwide [44] and

hundreds of millions of women of reproductive age are exposed

to insufficient iodine intake [45].

The consequences of micronutrient deficiencies in adolescent

girls and women of reproductive age include impaired physical

and cognitive performance, and reduced immunological response.

When these women become pregnant they have increased

risk of complications at delivery and having preterm babies,

with low birth weight or small for gestational age. Insufficient

iodine intake in pregnancy is considered the principal cause of

preventable mental impairment in their neonates and leads to

thyroid under-function and goitrogenesis in adults.

Clinical signs of micronutrient deficiencies, however, are

frequently nonspecific and only appear when the nutritional

status is severely depleted. Despite their large prevalence,

micronutrient deficiencies often remain silent and invisible and

are thus called “hidden hunger” [46]. Interventions to control

micronutrient deficiencies in adolescent girls and women of

reproductive age, including during pregnancy, can be broadly

divided into dietary modification, supplementation, and fortifi-

cation (at central level or at the point-of-use) of staple foods and

condiments. Measures to prevent, diagnose, and treat infectious

diseases and infestations such as hookworm can be used to

complement these interventions.

3.3.1. Dietary modification

The strategy of dietary modification is often focused on

improving variety in the diet and introducing practices to

improve the intake, absorption, and utilization of vitamins and

minerals so that daily requirements are met. These approaches

often concentrate on increasing the intake of foods rich in

bioavailable iron, especially meat and vegetables for improved

vitamin intake. Some strategies that can also be used to increase

iron and zinc bioavailability include increasing intake of foods

that enhance, and reducing those that inhibit, iron absorption,

as well as using food processing techniques such as fermentation

to reduce the iron inhibitor content. Some vegan women may

choose to eat animal products during pregnancy or may tailor

their diets, e.g. by consuming yeast for added vitamin B12.

3.3.2. Supplementation

Supplementation refers to the direct provision of vitamins

and minerals in the form of liquid, pill, tablet, or dispersible

formulations. This is probably the most widespread intervention

practiced clinically and in public health, as it has proven

effective to improve micronutrient statuses and reduce their

associated clinical conditions. Supplements can be given daily

or intermittently (i.e. once, twice, or three times a week on

nonconsecutive days). Currently supplementation efforts are

focused on the provision of iron, folic acid, iodine, calcium, and

multiple micronutrient formulations. Pregnant and lactating women

Iron and folic acid

International organizations have advocated routine iron

and folic acid supplementation for every adolescent and adult

pregnant woman. While iron supplementation with or without

folic acid has been used in a variety of doses and regimens,

current recommendations for pregnant women include the

provision of a standard daily dose of 30−60 mg of elemental iron

and 400 μg of folic acid to reduce the risk of anemia and low

birth weight, starting as soon as possible after gestation begins

and continuing for the rest of the pregnancy and, if possible,

during the 3 months following child birth [47]. FIGO supports

this recommendation via the work of its Working Group on Best

Practice in Maternal−Foetal medicine and its advice, currently

A community health worker counsels a pregnant woman on supplements in Nepal.

Photograph courtesy of Micronutrient Initiative.

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in progress, on periconceptional folic acid for the prevention of

neural tube defects.

Multiple micronutrient supplements

Recent evidence suggests that the benefit of multiple

micronutrient supplements on birth and pregnancy outcomes

outweigh those observed with iron and folic acid and thus

could be the option of choice in countries with a high incidence

of low birth weight or small for gestational age babies [48]. In

addition to iron and folic acid, supplements may be formulated

to include other vitamins and minerals according to the United

Nations Multiple Micronutrient Preparation, which includes 15

vitamins and minerals at RDA level [49]. Multiple micronutrient

supplements are also recommended for pregnant and lactating

women affected by an emergency situation [50].


Various studies have suggested that calcium supplementation

during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on reducing the risk of

pregnancy-induced hypertension. As a result, WHO recommends

that in populations where calcium intake is low, women receive

as part of the prenatal care between 1.5 and 2.0 mg of elemental

calcium per day, from 20 weeks of pregnancy until the end of

pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia. This intervention still faces

many challenges in terms of acceptability by women and its

alignment with iron and folic acid supplementation.


Current global guidance recommends considering iodine

supplementation in pregnant and lactating women, alongside

efforts to scale up salt iodization, in settings where large

proportions of the population do not have access to iodized salt.

In these areas, women can receive iodine supplements either as

a single annual dose of 400 mg or a daily dose of 250 μg [51]. In

other countries such as the USA, Canada [52], and Australia it is

recommended that all pregnant and lactating women take daily

iodine supplements of 150 μg [53]. It is important to highlight

that many commercially available multiple-micronutrient

supplements including prenatal formulations contain iodine in

this dose. Adolescent girls and nonpregnant women of reproductive age

Intermittent (mainly once a week) use of oral iron supplements

has been proposed as an effective and programmatically more

feasible alternative to daily iron supplementation to prevent

anemia among women who have initiated menstruation. WHO

recommends the provision of 60 mg of elemental iron and

2800 �g (2.8 mg) of folic acid once a week in cycles of 3 months

or, if possible, throughout the school or calendar year [54].

This intervention can be integrated into national programs for

adolescent and reproductive health. However, to ensure that

the daily needs are met and not exceeded, it is advisable that

supplementation is preceded by an assessment of the nutritional

status of women of reproductive age and of the existing

measures to control anemia and folate insufficiency, such as

programs for hookworm control, food fortification, or adequate

diet promotion.

3.3.3. Food fortification Fortification of staple foods and condiments

Food fortification is the addition of one or more essential

nutrients to a food, whether or not it is normally contained

in that food, for the purpose of preventing or correcting a

demonstrated deficiency of one or more nutrients in the general

population or in specific population groups [55]. This process

usually takes place during food processing by the food industry

at a central level so that it reaches the intended population on

Regional Case Study 2: Thinking Nutrition First in South America

Success of fortifi cation of food staples with folic acidThe evidence that folic acid can prevent neural tube defects (NTDs) is unequivocal [63] but this important discovery has yet to be applied globally. The diffi culties of reaching women in the preconceptional period with folic acid supplements, owing to weak health systems or cultural barriers, have hindered progress toward NTD reduction and contributed to the adoption of recommendations for fortifi cation of food staples such as wheat and maize fl our and rice with folic acid in several countries.

In 2014, 76 countries included folic acid in their wheat fl our fortifi cation standard. In South America, all but one of the countries has widely adopted fl our fortifi cation with folic acid—and with remarkable positive effects. Thanks to ELCAMC (Estudio Colaborativo Latino Americano de Malformaciones Congénitas: Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations), which has monitored congenital anomalies in South American countries since the 1960s, data for pre- and post-fortifi cation rates of 52 selected types of congenital anomalies could be analyzed in Chile, Argentina, and Brazil, where fortifi cation was implemented in 2000, 2003, and 2004 respectively. A total of 3 347 559 births were reported over the period of 1982−2007. Data showed that the prevalence of eight of the 52 congenital anomaly types was signifi cantly lower following fortifi cation [64]. Spina bifi da and anencephaly were substantially reduced in all three countries. In Chile, for example, the prevalence of spina bifi da was 67% lower following fortifi cation (0.73 to 0.24 per 1000 births) and anencephaly was 50% lower (0.56 to 0.26 per 1000 births). In terms of costs saved, the reduction of 43% in NTDs in the fi rst year following fortifi cation in Chile was associated with an estimated net saving of I$ 1.8 million (international dollars) [65]. In these rapidly industrializing countries, this focus on maternal nutrition has brought not only considerable health but also substantial economic benefi t.

WHO recommendations [66]

Wheat and maize fl our fortifi cation should be considered when industrially-produced fl our is regularly consumed by large population groups in a country. Decisions about which nutrients to add and the appropriate amounts to add should be based on a number of factors including: (1) the nutritional needs and defi ciencies of the population; (2) the usual consumption profi le of “fortifi able” fl our (i.e. the total estimated amount of fl our milled by industrial roller mills, produced domestically or imported, which could in principle be fortifi ed); (3) sensory and physical effects of the added nutrients on fl our and fl our products; (4) fortifi cation of other food vehicles; and (5) costs.

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a mass level. Fortification is considered one of the most cost-

effective interventions [56], and among its advantages is that it

does not require the active participation of end users.

Staple foods

In 2015, globally 82 countries have legislation to mandate

fortification of at least one industrially milled cereal grain,

mainly with iron and folic acid. Although the majority of the

countries have legislation to fortify wheat and maize flour (81

and 12, respectively), rice is becoming an interesting option

where this cereal is a staple. Fortification with iron and folic acid

has proved to be an effective and safe strategy to reduce anemia

[57] and prevent neural tube defects [58,59]. (See Regional Case

Study 2: South America).

Condiments and seasonings

WHO recommends that all food-grade salt, used in

household and food processing, is fortified with iodine as a safe

and effective strategy for the prevention and control of iodine

deficiency disorders in populations living in both stable and

emergency settings [60]. Salt iodization is implemented in more

than 120 countries around the world and 71% of households

worldwide are estimated to have access to adequately iodized

salt. Although many countries have successfully eliminated

iodine deficiency disorders, or made substantial progress in

their control, largely as a result of this intervention, there are

countries that do not adhere to this recommendation and are

facing increasing rates of iodine deficiency. It is important

to highlight that iodine fortification levels can be adjusted

and this intervention is compatible with ongoing efforts to

reduce salt intake for NCD prevention. Soy and fish sauces,

curry powder, or bouillon powders or cubes may be also be a

useful alternative for iron fortification if they are consumed

consistently by most of the population, as is the case in many

Asian and African countries, but their effectiveness on a large

scale has not been determined. Point of use fortification

This is a relatively novel intervention that refers to the

addition of vitamins and minerals in powder form to energy-

containing foods at home or in any other place where meals

are consumed, such as schools, nurseries, and refugee camps.

Micronutrient powders can be added to foods either during or

after cooking or immediately before consumption without the

explicit purpose of improving the flavor or color. In some cases

point-of-use fortification is also known as home fortification

[61]. This intervention can also include specialized products that

also provide energy, protein, macro-minerals and essential fatty

acids such as small quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements

(SQ-LNS) and full-fat soy flour (and soy protein isolate) with

a vitamin-mineral mix [62]. The evidence of effectiveness of

these interventions in women of reproductive age and pregnant

women is limited and their comparative advantage in relation to

other existing interventions remains to be confirmed.

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4.1. “Think Nutrition First”

Nutrition in adolescent and pregnant women is modifiable.

Concerted action is required from healthcare providers and

educators working together across the whole community to

improve the health and well-being of girls, women, and their

children. These recommendations seek to empower and to

provide opportunities for all levels of healthcare providers to

contribute to achieving this goal.

Women who have better nutritional status at the time

they conceive are better able to meet the demands imposed

by pregnancy, and tend to have more successful pregnancy

outcomes. Ideally, optimal nutrition will come from food

sources, but food fortification and/or supplementation is

advisable in some cases, particularly in low-resource settings

where young girls and women are undernourished (see section

3.3: Approaches to reducing micronutrient deficiencies). There

are a number of nutrients that affect pregnancy outcomes

early in gestation, even before the woman knows that she is

pregnant. Folate is a well-known example of a nutrient that is

essential in very early pregnancy. Maternal folate insufficiency

can have profound effects on the fetus, and preconceptional

folic acid supplementation is widely recommended, as folate

requirements for pregnancy are unlikely to be met by diet alone

in most women.

Nutritional assessment should therefore be part of history-

taking and examination in all routine healthcare visits, from

adolescence and throughout the reproductive lifespan. Important

points that should be considered during such assessments are

outlined in Table 1. The importance of specific nutrients at

different pregnancy stages is illustrated in Figure 5.

4.2. Providing advice about a healthy diet

In providing dietary advice to optimize maternal nutrition,

healthcare providers need to know about nutrition beliefs

and practices in their local community. If any are unhealthy

or harmful, they should be discouraged respectfully, and

alternatives offered. In order to give food recommendations

that are appropriate to the local situation, healthcare providers

should be aware of the seasonal availability and nutritional

value of foods, and be able to identify good sources of all of

the important nutrients. Consideration of costs and ease of

procurement of the recommended foods is important for

ensuring that advice can be followed without undue stress for

the women and their families.

• FIGO recommends that adolescent, preconception, and

maternal nutrition should be part of a life course approach

that views perinatal health within the context of women’s

overall health, and that of their partners, and dismisses

the artificial dichotomy between reproductive and

nonreproductive health.

• Standard care should involve a wide range of healthcare

providers working together, with a focus on nutrition,

health, and lifestyle during adolescence and through a

woman’s reproductive life and beyond.

• FIGO recommends promotion of a varied and healthy diet

as the first step to meeting the nutrient needs of adolescent

girls and women, with the provision of supplements or

fortified foods when necessary.

4. Recommendations for optimizing nutrition throughout the life cycle

Balanced diet

Breastfeeding2nd and 3rd

trimesters1st trimesterPre-conception

Iron B12 vit D Iron, B12, folate, Protein, fats, carbohydrates Protein fats calciumIron, B12, vit Dfolate, iodine

Iron, B12, folate,vit D, protein, fats

Protein, fats, carbohydratesiron, calcium, vitamins

Protein, fats, calcium, iron, vit D


Critical periods for development of embryo,fetal organs, and tissuesInfant

d liAppropriate gestational weight gainMotherPost deliveryweight loss

Interpregnancy interval 2 years

General issues: Age at conception, energy balance, obesity, chronic disease, and infectious disease risk management

Figure 5 Examples of key nutritional issues for mother and baby through different stages of pregnancy.

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Table 1FIGO recommendations on adolescent, preconception, and maternal nutrition: Action points for healthcare providers.

Pre-pregnancy – adolescent girls

Involved professionals Assessment considerations Discussion points

• School health educators

• Community health


• Nutritionists

• Family doctors (GPs)

• Ob-gyns

• Diet composition

• Physical activity

• Height, weight, BMI

• Obesity risk

– Waist circumference + other anthropometric measures

• Anemia

• Risk of specific nutritional problems (low nutrient


– Folate

– Iron

– Calcium

– Vitamin B12

– Vitamin D

– Iodine

– Zinc


• Importance of a healthy diet and exercise

• Problems of sedentary behavior such as screen timea

• Weight loss counselling

• Risky behaviors and exposures

• Pregnancy risk

– Contraception (timing and spacing) – encourage

reversible methods such as IUD and implants that do not

require regular action

– Folic acid supplementation 400 �g/day

– Encourage early pregnancy care

• Local environmental issues (e.g. pollution, chemicals)

Pre-pregnancy – when planning a pregnancy

Involved professionals Assessment considerations Discussion points

• Community health


• Nutritionists

• Family doctors (GPs)

• Ob-gyns

• Midwives

• Diet composition

• Physical activity history

• Height, weight, BMI

• Obesity risk

– Waist circumference + other anthropometric measures

• Anemia

• Risk of specific nutritional problems (low nutrient


– Folate

– Iron

– Calcium

– Vitamin B12

– Vitamin D

– Iodine

– Zinc


• Importance of a healthy diet and exercise

• Problems of sedentary behavior such as screen time

• Weight loss counselling

• Risky behaviors and exposures

– Tobacco, alcohol, recreational drugs

– Environmental toxins

• Chronic disease screening and management

• Supplementation

– Folic acid supplementation 400 �g/day

– Other nutrients as required (iron, iodine, vitamin B12)

During pregnancy

Involved professionals Assessment considerations Discussion points

• Community health


• Nutritionists

• Family doctors (GPs)

• Ob-gyns

• Midwives

• Diet composition

• Physical activity

• Height, weight, BMI, waist circumference (other

anthropometric measures?)

• Gestational weight gain

• Blood pressure

• Gestational diabetes risk

• Anemia

• Risk of specific nutritional problems (low nutrient density,

deficiencies from specific diets or undernutrition)

First trimester

– Folate

– Vitamin B12

– Iodine


Second and third trimesters

– Iron, iodine, zinc, copper, calcium

– Folate, B vitamins, vitamin D

– Energy (+450 kcal/day)

• Dietary counselling

• Safe levels of exercise

• Sedentary time

• Weight management and gestational weight gain

• Risky behaviors and exposures

– Tobacco, alcohol, recreational drugs

– Sources of food-borne infection

– Environmental toxins

• Pregnancy complication screening and management

(GDM, blood pressure)

• Supplementation

– Folic acid supplementation 400 �g/day

– Iron supplementation 30−60 mg/day

– Other nutrients as required (iodine, vitamin B12,

vitamin D)

Post-pregnancy (during lactation)

Involved professionals Assessment considerations Discussion points

• Community health


• Nutritionists

• GPs

• Ob-gyns

• Midwives

• Pediatricians

• Lactation consultants

• Diet composition

• Risk of specific nutritional problems (low nutrient


– Protein


– Vitamins/minerals

– Energy (additional intake as recommended by each

country; approximately +330 kcal/day)

• Weight status and postpartum weight loss

• Screening for diabetes as appropriate

• Breastfeeding success

• Healthy diet and physical activity, sedentary time

• Achieving a healthy weight

• Appropriate supplementation – iron and folic acid are

recommended during first 3 months after delivery

• Breastfeeding support

• Nutritious weaning foods

• Interpregnancy spacing and contraception

• Chronic disease screening and management

(type 2 diabetes, blood pressure)

Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; BMI, body mass index; GPs, general practitioners; PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus.a Time spent on computers, video games, and watching television.

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With the caveat that dietary habits and food availability differ

regionally and locally, it is still possible to advise on an overall

diet that is healthy or “prudent” and to identify aspects of diet

that are unhealthy. An adequate diet is one that supplies nutrient

and metabolic needs without excess or shortage. A key message

should be that calories do not equal nutrients—healthy diets

must include foods with high nutrient density (high nutrient

value per calorie), such as pulses, legumes, vegetables, and fruits,

and limit those that are energy rich but nutrient poor, such as

sweets, sugar-sweetened beverages, and saturated fats.

4.2.1. Healthy dietary patterns

While attention to specific potential nutrient deficiencies is

important, it is equally important to consider the overall quality

of the dietary pattern, and the complexity of the diet. Diets that

are consistently associated with lower risk of disease are those

containing vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts, and those

low in saturated fats and high in fiber, such as the “Mediterranean

diet” or the “Prudent diet” [67]. However, the naming of diet

patterns involves subjectivity—numerous so-called healthy

patterns differ from each other in nutrient and food composition

[68,69]. Overall, healthy diets rely heavily on plant sources

(including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains)

and unsaturated fats (from vegetable oils and fish), along with

poultry, low-fat dairy products, eggs, with red and processed

meat consumed in lower proportions. A reduction of total fat is

not a prerequisite of a healthy diet, but the ratio of unsaturated

(mono- and polyunsaturated) to saturated fats should be high;

synthetic trans-fats should be avoided altogether. Such a dietary

pattern was found to be associated with the lowest risk of all-

cause mortality, and specifically from cardiovascular disease and

cancer [70] (see Regional Case Study 3: Southern Europe).

Unhealthy dietary patterns are common in high-resource

countries. A study in Ireland identified 50% of pregnant women

as having an “unhealthy” pattern among 285 pregnant women

Regional Case Study 3: Thinking Nutrition First in Southern Europe

The Mediterranean diet Many studies contrast “healthy” diets with the typical “Western” diet, characteristic of the USA, as an example of an unhealthy eating pattern. One diet that is considered particularly healthy in terms of reduced cardiovascular and metabolic risks is the traditional dietary pattern of the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, Italy). The Mediterranean diet is characterized by higher intakes of fruit, vegetables, vegetable oil, fi sh, whole grains, pasta, and rice, and lower intakes of meat, potatoes, and fatty sauces, in contrast with the Western diet, which relies more heavily on refi ned grains, meat, potatoes, high-fat dairy products, processed snacks and sweets, and low intakes of vegetables and fruit. The basic components of Mediterranean and Western diets are shown in the Table below.

Mediterranean diet Western diet

Component Frequency Component Frequency

Vegetables High Refi ned grains High

Wholegrain cereals (bread, pasta, rice, etc) High Meat and meat products High

Fruit High Potatoes/french fries High

Legumes, nuts (especially walnuts) Moderate High-fat dairy products Moderate

Low-fat dairy products Moderate Poultry, fi sh, eggs Moderate

Poultry, fi sh, eggs Moderate Sugary beverages High

Meat and meat products Low Processed, salty snacks High

Pastries, sweets Low Pastries, sweets High

Sauces Low Sauces/spreads High

Saturated fats Low Vegetables Low

Main added fat source = olive oil (extra virgin) Main added fat source = butter, vegetable oil

The Mediterranean diet pattern, characterized by low total fat (<30% of energy), low saturated fat (<10% of energy), high complex carbohydrate (but relatively low total carbohydrate), and high dietary fi ber intake, is generally considered healthy for all people, and has been recommended as a good preconception and pregnancy diet. The intake of pulses, green leafy vegetables, cereals, and fruit that is associated with best adherence to the Mediterranean diet provides a relatively high intake of folate [73], which is particularly important in the preconception period. Following a Mediterranean diet also increases the likelihood of achieving adequate intakes of zinc, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, and vitamin C [74].

Following a Mediterranean diet pattern, in addition to regular physical exercise, may help women to achieve and maintain a healthy weight prior to and during pregnancy. An association has been observed between the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the increase in BMI during pregnancy—women with high adherence gained less weight, and their weight gain was more likely to be within the Institute of Medicine’s recommended range [75].

Adherence to a diet similar to the Mediterranean pattern has been proposed as benefi cial for fetal growth in pregnancy [76,77]. Low adherence was associated with lower birthweight and lower placental weight [77], and an increased likelihood of delivering an infant with hyperinsulinemia [78]. A Mediterranean diet is likely to supply adequate levels of most micronutrients and limit the need for supplementation for all but a few critical nutrients for the preconception and pregnancy period and beyond.

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whose dietary intakes were assessed in early pregnancy. The

unhealthy pattern was characterized by high intakes of white

bread, processed meats, and high energy beverages. Women in

this group had lower educational attainment and higher BMI

than those in the “healthy” diet group [71].

The WHO defines a healthy diet as one in which the

proportion of energy intake from total fat does not exceed 30%,

with unsaturated fats (e.g. those found in fish, avocado, nuts,

sunflower, canola, and olive oils) being preferable to saturated

fats (e.g. those found in fatty meat, butter, palm and coconut oil,

cream, cheese, ghee, and lard) [72]. Industrial trans-fats (found

in processed food, fast food, snack food, fried food, frozen pizza,

pies, cookies, and margarines and spreads) are not considered

part of a healthy diet. Intake of fruits and vegetables (excluding

potatoes and other starchy roots) should be at least 400 g per

day, and intake of dietary fiber should be more than 25 g per day.

Free sugars should comprise less than 10% of energy intake. Free

sugars are those that are added to foods by the manufacturer,

cook, or consumer; they can also be found in sugars naturally

present in honey, syrups, fruit juices, and fruit concentrates

(Box 3).

4.2.2. Assessing dietary diversity

Dietary diversity is recognized as a measure of diet quality,

and is strongly associated with nutrient adequacy [79]. Women

in LMICs are more likely to have unvarying diets based on a few

staple foods, and are thus at risk of micronutrient malnutrition.

Population groups that are most affected by micronutrient

deficiencies are those that subsist on refined cereal grain or

tuber-based diets. Such diets provide energy and protein but

often lack some critical micronutrients, and the protein in the

diet does not contain the appropriate amino acid balance. To

ensure optimal nutrition, whenever possible it is preferable

to encourage the inclusion of foods in the diet that have high

micronutrient density, rather than relying on supplementation

or fortification schemes, although these may be necessary in

some situations. Pregnant and lactating women have increased

needs for some micronutrients relative to their energy needs, so

will require increased micronutrient density diets.

The United Nations Subcommittee on Nutrition (UNSCN) and

the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Women’s Dietary

Diversity Project have developed a dichotomous indicator of diet

quality referred to as the “Minimum Dietary Diversity Index for

Women (MDD-W)” [80]. The MDD-W predicts the micronutrient

adequacy of women’s diets based on a threshold consumption

of a minimum of 15 g per day of at least 5 of 10 different food

groups (see Box 4). This index may be useful for assessing the

micronutrient density of women’s diets in LMICs.

4.3. Recommendations for adolescent girls and women prior

to pregnancy

A central theme of these recommendations is the importance

of ensuring the nutritional health of adolescent girls and women

as early as possible in their lives, preferably well before they

become pregnant. Promoting these recommendations will also

require a focus on adolescent boys and young men, although

this is not the focus of these guidelines. If good dietary habits

are established and specific nutrient needs are addressed in this

period, the modifications required for a successful pregnancy will

be minimal. Therefore the following recommendations about

nutrient requirements throughout the reproductive cycle are

given in most detail for the prepregnancy period, with additional

information relating specifically to pregnancy and breastfeeding

given in those sections respectively.

Nutritional assessment and pregnancy planning should be

incorporated into routine health care for adolescents and women

or reproductive age. Nutritional status influences linear growth,

age at menarche, and fertility, as well as a woman’s ability to go

through pregnancy and breastfeeding without compromising her

own nutritional well-being and health status. This is particularly

important for adolescent girls who are still growing themselves.

Starting in adolescence, a number of factors should be

assessed at routine physical examinations, as indicated in

Table 1. Effort should be made at this stage in the life course to

• FIGO emphasizes the importance of optimizing the

nutritional status of adolescent girls and women and

encouraging the adoption of good dietary and lifestyle

habits before pregnancy.

Box 3The composition of a healthy diet for adults as defi ned by WHO.

• Fruits, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils, beans).

• Nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat, brown rice).

• At least 400 g (5 portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, and other starchy roots are not classifi ed as fruits or vegetables).

• Less than 10% of total energy from free sugars, equivalent to 50 g (or around 12 level teaspoons), but possibly less than 5% of total energy for additional health benefi ts.

• Less than 30% of total energy from fat, with preference for unsaturated fats:

– Saturated fats less than 10% of total energy.

– Polyunsaturated fats 6%−10% of total energy

• Less than 5 g of salt (equivalent to approximately one teaspoon, which contains 2 g sodium) per day and use of iodized salt.

Box 4Minimum Dietary Diversity Index for Women (MDD-W) food groups.

Intake of ≥15 g/day of each of 5 or more of the following food groups is indicative of micronutrient adequacy:

1. All starchy staple foods.

2. Beans and peas.

3. Nuts and seeds.

4. Dairy.

5. Meat, poultry, and fi sh.

6. Eggs.

7. Vitamin A-rich dark green leafy vegetables.

8. Other vitamin A-rich vegetables and fruits.

9. Other vegetables.

10. Other fruits.

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educate young girls and adolescents about what constitutes a

healthy diet and adequate physical activity, and why these are

important for the woman’s health in general, and in particular

for her reproductive years. This education should involve

capacity building of healthcare providers but also education for

teachers, parents, and social and cultural organizations, in order

to promote a whole community approach to improving nutrition.

If prospective parents seek prepregnancy counselling, there

is an opportunity to discuss and address issues of lifestyle and

nutrition in addition to any specific medical problems. However,

many pregnancies, and especially those that occur at a younger

age, are unplanned, and pregnancies may not be recognized until

after the first trimester. The first prenatal visit is relatively late

to address some risk factors, such as folic acid intake, alcohol

use, and other diet and lifestyle factors that can affect very

early development of the fetus. Rates of unplanned pregnancy

remain at approximately 50% in many contexts, with the most

socioeconomically disadvantaged groups tending to have even

higher rates in addition to the most risk factors for poorer

outcomes, and less access to health care at all life stages.

Recent evidence suggests that interventions to change

behaviors during pregnancy are often only minimally effective

[81]. Overweight and obesity, in particular, are difficult to modify

once a woman is pregnant. Prevention should occur early in life

and be emphasized during adolescent health checks. Ideally,

nutrition and health education should begin in the primary

school years and continue through high school. Regular physical

activity should be encouraged and excessive sedentary activities


For all women of reproductive age, advice should be given

about specific nutrients that may be lacking in their diets, and

early pregnancy care should be encouraged, stressing the need

to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible for nutritional

advice and supplements once pregnant.

4.3.1. Preconception bodyweight and BMI

Attention to a woman’s BMI prior to pregnancy is important;

both low and high BMIs are associated with poorer pregnancy

outcomes, and there is growing evidence that this may also be

true for paternal BMI. Fertility is also decreased in both females

and males who are significantly underweight or overweight [82–

86]. Healthy weight is associated with a BMI between 18.5 and

25 kg. Body weight measurement alone is not a substitute for

BMI, although in some low-resource settings height measuring

scales are still not available. Underweight

Women who are underweight (BMI <18.5) prior to/at the

beginning of pregnancy have diminished energy reserves

and may be deficient in important nutrients (e.g. iron, iodine,

vitamin A, B vitamins, folate, calcium, and zinc), weakening

their immune systems and putting them at risk of infections

and other diseases [25], and reducing their capacity to cope

with the demands of pregnancy. Underweight women and those

of short stature have a higher chance of spontaneous abortion

and of having smaller babies and shorter gestational length

[87]. A recent analysis found that prepregnancy underweight

contributes to a 32% higher risk of preterm birth [88]. Infants

born to underweight women are more likely to experience poor

fetal growth, including low birthweight and intrauterine growth

restriction, smaller head circumference, and lower ponderal

index, all of which are associated with higher infant morbidity

[89]. While poor fetal growth is rarely a direct cause of death, it

can contribute indirectly to neonatal deaths, particularly those

due to birth asphyxia and infections (sepsis, pneumonia, and

diarrhea), which together account for 60% of neonatal deaths [25].

There may be long-term consequences of this periconceptional

undernutrition for the infant, including a substantially increased

risk of NCDs later in life [90–92]. Overweight and obesity

Obesity prior to pregnancy is a risk factor for adverse

pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. Women who are obese

have higher rates of infertility compared with women with

healthy BMI, and also experience higher rates of contraceptive

failure and thus unplanned pregnancy [93]. During pregnancy,

mothers who are obese are more likely to develop complications

including gestational diabetes mellitus and pre-eclampsia, to

require cesarean delivery or assisted delivery, and to have a

postpartum period complicated by infection or blood clot [94].

Being obese at the start of pregnancy is associated with fetal

macrosomia and large-for-gestational-age infants [95], and

the risk of complications increases as the prepregnancy BMI

increases [96,97]. Children of obese mothers are more likely

to have birth defects, experience trauma at birth, have higher

rates of infant mortality, and are themselves at higher risk of

becoming obese as they develop [98,99]. Weight loss is generally

not recommended during pregnancy, so it is best for overweight

women to lose their excess weight well before conception. Severe

dieting around the time of conception is discouraged, as this

may have adverse effects on the embryo. As noted elsewhere,

despite their high energy intake, women who are overweight or

obese may still have poor diet quality and be deficient in key

nutrients. The growing problem of maternal obesity is illustrated

in Regional Case Study 4: North America.

4.3.2. Nutrient status and possible deficiencies

Assessment of a woman’s nutritional status is the key to

providing appropriate advice about diet and the need for

supplementation before and during pregnancy. Depending

on the resources, it is advisable to screen women at least for

anemia, and to adjust the iron supplementation dose for either

prophylactic or therapeutic purposes. The risk of other specific

nutritional problems resulting from a diet of low nutrient density

should also be assessed. These deficiencies may be region or

population specific.

Other aspects of health influence nutritional status, and need

to be taken into account. For example, infection and malnutrition

are linked: malnutrition can make a woman more susceptible to

infection, and infection also contributes to malnutrition. Thus,

particular attention should be paid in situations with a high

burden of infection, such as HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.

Malnutrition is one of the major complications of HIV/AIDS

• FIGO recommends that attention be paid to preconception

body weight and BMI as modifiable risk factors with

important effects on a woman’s nutritional status:

– Underweight women may be lacking in a number of

important nutrients, and their diets should be carefully

assessed and supplemented as required.

– Overweight or obese women may have poor diets that

are high in energy but low in nutritional value. • FIGO recommends that micronutrient deficiencies are

recognized and rectified through interventions, including

dietary diversity, consumption of fortified foods, and

supplementation as appropriate.

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infection and a significant factor in advancing the disease’s

status in individuals. HIV infection can compromise nutrition

through malabsorption and altered metabolism, with a number

of consequences including weight loss and increased risk of

vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The situation for malaria is

somewhat complex: iron deficiency anemia is considered to

protect against falciparum malaria, and iron supplementation

increases susceptibility to clinically significant malaria. Thus,

WHO recommends that iron supplementation should be

accompanied by effective measures to prevent, diagnose, and

treat falciparum malaria [54].

Ideally, most aspects of nutrition can be addressed by diet,

with supplementation required for only a few nutrients, except in

certain cases as outlined below. However, in many low-resource

settings, access to an appropriate variety of nutrient-rich

foods is not always possible, and the provision of vitamins and

minerals through supplementation or fortification is sometimes

required. In many countries in Latin America, for example, the

usual diet does not always provide the required amount of

iron, folic acid, and calcium, and some scientific organizations

and health authorities of these countries recommend multiple

micronutrient supplementation for all pregnant women.

Every effort should be made to educate and assist women to

establish good dietary habits before pregnancy and to emphasize

that the same habits should be maintained through pregnancy,

with attention to specific nutrient requirements along the way.

Nutrients of particular importance, or for which there is a high

risk of deficiency in some populations, are listed below (see also

Box 5 and Table 2). Energy, macronutrients, and fiber

A healthy diet is made up of macronutrients in balanced

proportions and a total energy intake sufficient to balance

energy expenditure (for physical activity, and growth in children

and adolescents). The macronutrients supplying energy in

the diet are protein, fats, and carbohydrates; fiber contributes

to digestive health and glucose homeostasis. Optimizing the

balance of these nutrients and ensuring adequate intake of fiber

is best accomplished before pregnancy, and then maintained

throughout gestation.


It is important to establish good dietary habits in terms

of protein intake prior to pregnancy, as the ratio of protein to

nonprotein energy in diet affects not only the woman’s body

composition, but may influence her child’s body composition

and future metabolic health [104]. Both very low and excessively

high protein diets may be associated with restricted fetal growth.

The general recommendation is for adolescent girls and women

to consume approximately 46 g protein per day, which would

Regional Case Study 4: Thinking Nutrition First in North America

Confronting the obesity epidemicNorth America is a region of the world with one of the highest prevalences of obesity. In the USA, more than one-third of all adults are obese, with higher rates among African-American and Hispanic ethnic groups. Canada’s rates of obesity are lower at about 25% but are rising, with especially high rates among the First Nations populations. Mexico has rapidly transitioned over the past few decades from a region where undernutrition, vitamin and mineral defi ciencies, and stunting were paramount to overtaking the USA in rates of obesity.

An environment that promotes food intake and discourages physical activity both encourages excess weight gain and opposes efforts at weight loss [100]. Large portion sizes, ready availability of sugar-sweetened beverages, and “food deserts”—geographical areas lacking in fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthy food choices [101]—all contribute to the problem, especially in many ethnic minority populations.

Achieving a healthy weight before pregnancy is of great importance.

Obesity confers signifi cant risks for mothers and their children, both during pregnancy and beyond. Children born to obese mothers are themselves at risk of obesity and NCDs, continuing the intergenerational cycle of disease. While the epidemic of obesity continues in North America and throughout the world, efforts to mitigate its harmful effects are ongoing. In 2009, the US Institute of Medicine published guidelines on healthy gestational weight gain within each weight category. Evidence suggests that dietary and lifestyle interventions in pregnancy can reduce maternal gestational weight gain and improve outcomes for both mother and baby [102].

One example of a successful local program, the “Balance after Baby” program, was modelled after the Diabetes Prevention Program. Investigators enrolled 75 women in the Boston area with a pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes, and randomized them to an internet-based lifestyle modifi cation program or usual clinical care. Women who received the intervention lost a mean of 2.8 kg from 6 weeks to 12 months postpartum, whereas the control group gained an average of 0.5 kg [103]. Because this program was delivered remotely through a website and lifestyle coach, its cost to implement was low and it has the potential for broader dissemination.

Box 5Common nutrient defi ciencies in adolescent girls and women that may require supplementation.

• Iron – in all women, particularly in adolescent girls after menstruation starts, and in pregnancy.

• Iodine – required early in pregnancy and often lacking in diets if iodized salt is not used.

• Folate – required before conception and in early pregnancy; dietary intake is usually insuffi cient. All women of reproductive age are advised to consume 400 μg/day as supplements or fortifi ed foods.

• Vitamin B12 – dietary intake may be very low in vegetarian diets and absent in vegan diets.

• Calcium – frequently lacking in diets low in dairy products; higher requirement in adolescents during growth spurt.

• Vitamin D – food sources are minimal unless fortifi ed, and inadequacy is very common, especially in women with minimal sun exposure, or darkly pigmented skin.

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Table 2FIGO recommendations on adolescent, preconception, and maternal nutrition: Specific nutritional requirements before conception, and increases for

pregnancy and lactation, based on Institute of Medicine recommended dietary allowance and adequate intake guidelines.a


Daily intake requirement

Function Food sources

Risk factors for deficiency/

consideration for

supplementationPre-pregnant Pregnant Lactating

Protein 60 g 71 g Building blocks for structural

and functional components

of cells

Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy

products, legumes, grains,

nuts, seeds

Protein energy malnutrition



11−12 g 13 g 13 g Component of structural

membrane lipids, involved

in cell signaling, precursor of


Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils

(corn, sunflower, soybean).

For arachidonic acid: poultry,

eggs, fish

Fat intake mainly from saturated

fat sources



1.1 g 1.4 g 1.3 g Neurological development,

growth, precursor of


Fish oils, fatty fish, flaxseed

oil, nuts (e.g. walnuts)

Low intake of fatty fish, fat intake

from saturated fat sources

Carbohydrates 130 g 175 g 210 g Fuel for growth Starchy vegetables, grains,


Protein energy malnutrition

Folate 400 �g 400−600 �g 600 �g Neurological function,

erythropoiesis, neural tube

formation, brain development

Liverb, yeast extract, green

leafy vegetables, legumes,

citrus fruits, fortified

breakfast cereals

Family history of neural tube

defects, low folate dietc

Vitamin B12 2.4 �g 2.6 �g 2.8 �g Neurological function,

erythropoiesis, neural tube

formation, brain development

Milk/dairy products, meat

(especially liverb), poultry,

fish, and eggs

Vegan/vegetarian diets,

malabsorption disorders,

communities where

undernutrition is prevalent

Vitamin A (as

retinol activity


700 �g 750−770 �g 1300 �g Vision, immunity, growth,

organ and limb development,

red blood cell production

Yellow and orange vegetables,

cod liver oil, eggs, dairy

(sources of vitamin A

precursors: carotenoids)

Endemic in some areas. Zinc

deficiency may interfere with

vitamin A metabolism

Vitamin D ≥600 IUd ≥600 IUd ≥600 IUd Immune function, bone

growth, calcium and

phosphorus balance, insulin

secretion, blood pressure


Fatty fish, eggs, dairy Limited sun exposure, low dietary

intake, obesity

Vitamin B6 1.3 mg 1.9 mg 2.0 mg Multiple enzyme function

– protein metabolism,

neurological function

Poultry, fish (especially tuna),

meats, legumes, potatoes

and other starchy vegetables,

noncitrus fruits, nuts, and


Alcoholism, poor diet, systemic


Iodine 150 �g 220 �g 290 �g Thyroid adaptation to

pregnancy, brain development

Seaweed, seafoods, iodized


Endemic iodine deficiency due to

low soil content

Iron 15−18 mg 27 mg 9 mg Hemoglobin synthesis, organ


Meat, poultry, fish, seafood,

molasses, prunes, lentils,

kidney beans, yeast extract,

tofu, cashew nuts

Malaria infection/endemic areae,

vegetarian diet, malnutrition

Calciumf 1000−

1300 mg


1300 mg


1300 mg

Muscle function, skeletal

development, nerve impulse

transmission, hormone


Dairy products, tofu, sardines,

beans, Chinese cabbage,

oranges, figs, kale, broccoli

Low intake of dairy products;

vegan diet, adolescent growth


Selenium 55 �g 60 �g 70 �g Fertility, fetal growth,

prevention of oxidative stress

Plant foods (e.g. wheat) grown

in selenium-rich soil; animals

fed on selenium-rich plant


Low regional soil selenium


Zincf 8−9 mg 11−12 mg 12 mg Immune function/infection

resistance, growth,


Oysters, other shellfish,

red meat, nuts legumes,

poultry, eggs, seeds (sesame,

pumpkin, sunflower)

Protein-energy malnutrition,

diets low in animal protein and/or

high in phytates (whole grains).

Iron and calcium supplements

decrease zinc absorption

Choline 400−425 mg 450 mg Membrane function, nerve

impulse transmission, brain

development, neural tube


Liverb, eggs, beef, fish,

seafood, milk, wheat germ

Vegan/vegetarian diets

Biotin 25−30 �g 30 �g Immune function, neurological


Egg yolk, legumes

(particularly soybeans and

lentils), sunflower seeds,

milk, cheese, chicken, pork,

beef, and some fruits and


High consumption of egg whites

Copper 890−900 �g 1000 �g Immune function, connective

tissue formation, iron

metabolism, central nervous

system function

Organ meats, grains, shellfish

(oysters), nuts, seeds, and

cocoa products

Iron and zinc supplementation

reduces copper absorption

a Source: Institute of Medicine [107,119,132,136,141].b Liver is very high in vitamin A and high consumption is not recommended in the periconceptional period because it poses a teratogenic risk.c Most women in the reproductive years should be supplemented with folate 400 �g/day to decrease the risk of neural tube defects, but attention should be

paid to vitamin B12 status—excess folate from supplements may mask/exacerbate the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency.d Intakes of between 1000 and 2000 IU/day are likely to be beneficial and not harmful.e Malaria causes iron delocalization rather than deficiency, so supplementation may not be helpful unless malaria prophylaxis/treatment is used in conjunction.f The intake range indicates adult versus adolescent requirements. Adolescents require the higher intake; adults the lower intake.

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account for approximately 12% of energy intake in a 2000 kcal

per day diet [105]. Intake of protein comprising more than 25%

of total energy intake is not recommended.


Fat is important in the maternal diet. For women of repro-

ductive age, fats should contribute between 15% and 30% of their

daily energy intake, although the intake of saturated fats and

trans-fats (hydrogenated fats and oils) should be limited in favor of

sources of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as

fish oils and olive oil. Highly active individuals who consume diets

rich in vegetables, fruits, and legumes and wholegrain cereals can

consume up to 35% of their energy intake from fats without risk of

unhealthy weight gain or increasing risk of NCDs.

PUFAs are important for a woman’s own mental and physical

health and are critical for fetal brain development. There are two

essential PUFAs: linoleic acid (LA; the parent omega-6 [n-6] fatty

acid) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA; the parent omega-3 [n-3] fatty

acid). LA and ALA are converted to more physiologically active,

long-chain PUFAs (LA to the n-6 PUFA arachidonic acid [AA] and

ALA to n-3 PUFAs eicosapentenoic acid [EPA] and docosahexenoic

acid [DHA]) in the body. LA is found in many vegetable oils, and

AA is present in animal foods such as poultry, fish, and eggs.

Conversion of LA to AA is quite efficient, but conversion of ALA to

EPA and DHA is not. It is therefore beneficial to consume EPA and

DHA directly from foods—particularly from fatty fish.

Diets providing PUFAs in the range 6%−10% of daily energy

intake are considered adequate, with an optimal balance

between intake of n-6 PUFAs and n-3 PUFAs of 5%−8% and 1%−2%

of daily energy intake, respectively [72]. Most Western diets

have a ratio of n-6 to n-3 fats that is considered to be too high

(exceeding 10:1), so increasing the intake of n-3 PUFAs from fish,

and decreasing intake of n-6-rich vegetable oils is recommended.

Although vegetarian and vegan diets are usually low in saturated

fats, they are also very low in DHA and EPA and typically have

a higher n-6:n-3 ratio than that of omnivorous diets [106]. To

balance this, it is suggested that vegetarians should try to increase

consumption of ALA from sources such as olive oil, walnuts, and

flaxseed oil, and decrease LA intake from other vegetable oils.

Processed foods contain high amounts of saturated fats, trans-

fats, and n-6 fatty acids, and should be limited or avoided in any

type of diet.


Carbohydrates are an important source of fuel for the body,

and are needed for organs and muscles to function properly. They

should make up the remainder of total energy intake, after taking

into account appropriate amounts of protein and fat. The type

and content of carbohydrate (high- versus low-glycemic sources)

influences insulin action and blood glucose concentration, and

thereby can affect the degree of insulin resistance. Glycemic

index (GI) refers to the grouping of carbohydrate sources based

on the degree of blood glucose elevation that occurs after they

are consumed. The greater the level of processing and refining,

the higher the glucose index of a particular carbohydrate. Low-

GI carbohydrates are preferable for a healthy diet, and include

wholegrains, unprocessed rice, beans, most fruits, nontuberous

vegetables, nuts, and dairy products. High-GI foods include

processed grains (flour, bread, cereals), tuberous vegetables

(potatoes, carrots), baked goods, soft drinks, snack foods, ripe

bananas, and some tropical fruit [107].


Recommendations for a healthy diet often include increasing

intakes of fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fiber

in the diet affects intestinal health, and has a beneficial effect

on the postprandial insulin response. Observational data suggest

that dietary fiber may act as a protective factor against type 2

diabetes [108], cardiovascular disease [109], stroke [110], and

some types of cancer [111]. Fiber-rich ingredients such as wheat

bran, beta-glucans from oats and barley, and soluble fiber from

prebiotics are also recommended to ensure an adequate intake

of dietary fiber [112]. Micronutrients


Folate is important in women for the prevention of macrocytic

anemia, and is implicated in maintaining cardiovascular

health and cognitive function. It is also critical for normal fetal

development. Folate insufficiency before pregnancy is a proven

risk factor for the development of NTDs and other congenital

malformations in the fetus. Because the embryonic processes

affected by folate occur very early in pregnancy, it is essential

for women of reproductive age to maintain adequate folate

levels before conception. In women with low folate status,

supplementation after pregnancy does not achieve protective

levels before the critical period of neural tube closure [113].

Dietary sources of folate include legumes, green leafy

vegetables, citrus fruits, and juices, and breads and cereals that

contain flour enriched with folic acid. However, intake from

these sources is often too low, even in high-income countries

[114]. Synthetic folic acid used for supplementation and food

fortification has higher bioavailability than folate from food

sources. To ensure protection against NTDs, all women of

reproductive age are advised to consume 0.4  mg (400  μg) of

synthetic folic acid daily, obtained from fortified foods and/or

supplements. Because obesity affects the body distribution and

metabolism of folate, and is itself an independent risk factor for

NTDs, obese women may benefit from higher doses [115]. If the

woman has a history of NTDs, or risk factors for these defects

(including BMI >35), folate supplementation should be increased

further to 4 mg per day. For women with diabetes, or those who

are receiving an anticonvulsant treatment, a higher daily dose

of 5 mg folic acid, in addition to dietary advice to increase food

folate intake, is recommended, and should be continued until 12

weeks of pregnancy, after which the dose of folic acid should be

reduced back to the standard recommended dose of 0.4 mg per

day [116,117].

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is critical for normal neurological function and

red blood cell formation, and like folate, low levels can lead

to macrocytic anemia in women [118]. Vitamin B12 deficiency

can also cause peripheral neuropathies and neuropsychiatric

problems. In conjunction with folate, vitamin B12 maintains

plasma homocysteine at healthy levels, which is important for

cardiovascular health [119]. Importantly, high folate intakes can

mask the adverse effects of low vitamin B12. While adolescent

girls and women should be advised to consume adequate folate/

folic acid, their vitamin B12 status also needs to be considered

in this context. Low vitamin B12 status is an important risk

factor for fetal NTDs, so adequate levels of this vitamin should

be achieved and maintained before conception [120,121]. Under

normal circumstances, dietary vitamin B12 is accumulated and

stored in the liver, such that deficiency appears only after long

periods of insufficient intake or as a result of malabsorption

disorders. However, as vitamin B12 is only found in animal-

derived foods (meat and dairy products), women who follow

strict vegetarian diets are at risk of deficiency, and in these

women preconceptional supplementation with at least 2.4  �g

per day of vitamin B12 is recommended. Vitamin B12 levels may

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be low in women in LMICs or cultures in which standard diets

include minimal or no animal products [122,123].

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has multiple critical functions in maternal health

and fetal development. It plays a key role in maintaining bone

integrity via calcium regulation, but also influences a number

of extra-skeletal processes including immune function and

blood glucose homeostasis. A woman’s vitamin D requirements

increase in pregnancy because the fetus is entirely dependent

on the maternal pool of vitamin D for growth and development,

therefore it is important to achieve and maintain adequate

status for this nutrient prior to conception. Most vitamin D is

synthesized endogenously in skin exposed to sunlight. Food

sources of vitamin D include milk, orange juice, fatty fish, egg

yolks, liver, and cheese, but these contain only low amounts of

the vitamin. Inadequate vitamin D status resulting from low

dietary intakes and/or sun-avoidance behaviors is more prevalent

than is generally recognized—insufficiency or deficiency of this

essential vitamin may affect up to 1 billion people worldwide,

and is particularly common in women of reproductive age [124].

In high-income countries, dietary intakes tend to be below

recommended levels [114]. Its importance for maternal health

and fetal development suggest that supplementation with

at least 400  IU per day may be necessary prior to conception.

However, it should be noted that 400 IU of vitamin D in the form

of supplements is not as effective in achieving adequate vitamin

D status as exposure to sunlight. Higher supplement levels may

be required by vegetarians, dark-skinned individuals, or those

who live in environments with minimal sun exposure or who

cover their skin extensively with clothing or sunscreen.

Other B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6,

pantothenate, biotin) and choline

In addition to folate and vitamin B12, other B vitamins are

important for women’s health prior to pregnancy for proper

metabolism and nerve and muscle function. These vitamins are

essential for fetal growth and brain development. They are widely

distributed in foods, and women with a substantially varied

diet consisting of poultry, fish, meats, eggs, starchy vegetables,

legumes, nuts, and fruits will obtain sufficient quantities from

their diet. However, refining of wheat and rice removes much of

the B vitamins they contain, and populations with diets based

on polished, unfortified grains may be at risk of subclinical

deficiency. Deficits of B vitamins tend to occur together, based on

dietary patterns, rather than in isolation. Refugee and displaced

populations may be at risk of deficiency if cereal foods used in aid

are not fortified. B-vitamin supplementation is recommended in

such cases.

Choline is an essential nutrient involved in cell membrane

function and neurotransmission, and deficiency can result in

organ dysfunction. In pregnancy, it is essential for growth and

development of the fetus, and is particularly important for the

developing brain [125]. Folate and vitamin B12 interact with

choline in common biochemical reactions, and during folate

deficiency, choline becomes a limiting nutrient. Periconceptional

deficiency of choline, like folate and vitamin B12, is associated

with increased risk of fetal NTDs [126]. Multivitamin supple-

ments containing choline (approximately 450 mg per day) may

be helpful to maintain adequate choline status and protect against

NTDs, though many available formulations do not contain choline.


Iron is essential for blood production, and is present in the

body mostly as a component of the oxygen-carrying protein

hemoglobin. Iron also facilitates oxygen use and storage in

muscle as a component of myoglobin. A lack of iron leads to

anemia and affects physical working capacity, brain function,

and behavior.

Iron deficiency is the most widespread nutritional disorder

in the world, affecting the health of more than one billion

people worldwide, and 29% of all nonpregnant women [43].

In high-income countries, many women in the preconception

period have low iron stores as a result of menstrual blood losses

and/or poor diet. In low-resource settings, iron-deficiency

anemia is especially prevalent, and is often exacerbated by

infectious diseases, including schistosomiasis and hookworm,

which cause intestinal blood loss [127]. Iron deficiency is also

exacerbated by malaria, which causes iron to be shifted from

hemoglobin storage forms, but this in fact may be protective as

it limits critical nutrients to the infectious agent [128]. Most iron

deficiency in girls and women is caused by inadequate intake,

poor iron absorption, and/or menstrual blood loss. If women are

deficient in iron when they become pregnant, their iron stores

will be depleted further, sometimes with grave consequences for

the woman, including increased risk of death from postpartum

hemorrhage. Improving the iron status of girls and women

preconceptionally should therefore be a priority in women’s


The main dietary sources of heme iron (iron in hemoglobin

and myoglobin—the most easily absorbed form) are meat,

poultry and fish. Non-heme iron is obtained from cereals, pulses,

legumes, fruits, and dark green vegetables. Most diets derive a

higher proportion of iron content from non-heme iron than

haem iron, although absorption of non-haem iron is less efficient

and can be inhibited by phytates present in some of the same

foods. It is difficult for many women to obtain enough iron from

their diets to have sufficient stores for pregnancy. In regions

where anemia is highly prevalent (>20% of women), intermittent

supplementation (once weekly) with 60  mg elemental iron is

recommended for all menstruating women, in combination

with folic acid. It should be noted, however, that excess iron,

although unlikely with this iron dose, may be harmful and

that supplemental iron may predispose to malaria infection. In

malaria endemic areas, iron supplementation should be given in

conjunction with malaria prevention and treatment measures



Iodine is essential for healthy thyroid function, and

increased requirements during pregnancy put women with

poor preconception iodine stores at risk of pathological thyroid

dysfunction once pregnancy commences. The developing fetal

brain is very sensitive to iodine deficiency, and because the bulk

of fetal neocortical proliferation occurs early in gestation, iodine

deficiency at the beginning of pregnancy also increases the risk

of neurodevelopmental delay in the child [129]. This highlights

the importance of ensuring adequate iodine nutrition in women

of reproductive age.

Food sources of iodine can vary greatly in their iodine content,

depending mainly on the natural iodine content of the soil they

are grown in, or the content of the food eaten by animal sources.

Parts of Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa, the Himalayas,

the Andes, and the Western Pacific are affected by suboptimal

iodine in foods, but in other areas it is present in excess, possibly

harmful levels [45,130,131]. Seaweed (e.g. kelp, nori, kombu,

wakame) is an excellent source of iodine, though the content can

vary greatly [132]. In many areas, iodization of salt is universally

implemented to combat deficiency in the population, though in

some a reduction in the availability of iodized salt has resulted

in an increase in moderate iodine deficiency, which can affect

the outcomes of pregnancy. At preconception health checks,

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girls and women should be asked about their use of iodized salt

and informed of the importance of adequate iodine nutrition

to ensure optimal thyroid function both before and during

pregnancy. If iodine nutrition is inadequate, supplementation

may be considered for women of reproductive age as a daily oral

dose of iodine (150  �g per day) or a single yearly oral dose of

iodized oil (400 mg per year) [45].


Calcium is important for a woman’s preconception health

for vascular function, muscle contraction, nerve transmission,

and glandular secretion of hormones. Ionized calcium for these

functions is stored in and mobilized from the skeleton in a tightly

regulated manner for optimal physiological functioning. Calcium

is critical for skeletal integrity and growth, and is therefore

particularly important for adolescent girls during phases of rapid

bone development. While the skeleton is growing and maturing,

it accumulates calcium at an average rate of 150  mg per day

[133]. Calcium is mobilized from the maternal skeleton during

pregnancy for fetal bone growth and development, therefore

adequate intake before pregnancy is important to ensure

adequate skeletal stores. Low calcium intake is also implicated in

hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (see item

The main dietary source of bioavailable (absorbable) calcium

is dairy products, and in high-income countries (with the

exception of Japan), intake is generally adequate in adults [114].

However, many societies have limited access to dairy products or

otherwise do not regularly consume them for cultural reasons. In

such situations, leafy green vegetables, sardines/anchovies, soy

products, some traditional foods such as nixtamalized (alkali-

soaked) maize flour, and fortified cereals can be important

sources of calcium [134,135].

All women should be encouraged to achieve or maintain a

dietary calcium intake of between 1.0 and 1.3 g per day before

pregnancy [136], in order to build adequate body calcium stores

and prevent bone loss once pregnancy commences. Adolescent

girls should aim for the upper end of the recommended

intake range, and some with low intakes may benefit from



Selenium is an important micronutrient for growth and

reproductive function. Selenium-containing proteins are involved

in thyroid hormone metabolism, and thus thyroid function is

sensitive to selenium in the diet; selenium deficiency can also

exacerbate the effects of iodine deficiency. Inadequate selenium

status has been associated with infertility. Plant foods, especially

wheat, and animals that have eaten selenium-containing foods,

are the major sources of dietary selenium. Selenium status varies

depending on the selenium content of the soil on which the

plants are grown. For example, selenium deficiency occurs in

rural areas of China and is common in Europe, but is uncommon

in the USA [137]. Recommendations for selenium intake in

adolescent girls and nonpregnant women range from 55−65  �g

per day, which is often not met in areas where soil selenium is



Zinc is important in the preconception period for optimal

reproductive health and immune function. Zinc status affects

growth, therefore adolescent girls are particularly vulnerable

to the effects of dietary deficiency, especially if they become

pregnant. Good sources of zinc include oysters and other shellfish,

and red meat, but it is also found in nuts, legumes, poultry, eggs,

whole grains and seeds, some fruits, and dairy products. Mild

to moderate zinc deficiency is common in populations with low

consumption of zinc-rich foods such as red meat and seafood,

and high consumption of grains containing phytates, which

inhibit zinc absorption. Deficiency often accompanies general

protein/energy malnutrition, and is common in Sub-Saharan

Africa and South Asia, and parts of Central and South America

[138]. Iron supplementation also inhibits zinc absorption [139],

and zinc supplementation may be advised in women taking iron

supplements preconceptionally. Recent evidence suggests that

zinc supplementation may have a modest effect on reducing the

risk of preterm birth, particularly in low-income areas with high

perinatal mortality [140].

4.3.3. Preconception lifestyle and exposures

Diet is only one part of a healthful lifestyle. Maintenance of

a healthy bodyweight and cardiovascular health relies on an

energy balance equation that includes an appropriate intake of

energy through the diet counterbalanced by energy expenditure

through physical activity.

Tobacco smoking and the use of alcohol will ultimately

affect not only the woman’s health, but will also contribute to

an unhealthy lifestyle that can affect later pregnancies, forming

habits that can be difficult to break. Chronic or frequent heavy

alcohol use during pregnancy confers significant risk of fetal

alcohol spectrum disorders, manifestations of which include

facial abnormalities, growth deficiency, and nervous system

defects [142]. Yet alcohol consumption remains common among

pregnant women, as a continuation of prepregnancy behavior.

Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke are among the

most important preventable risk factors for adverse pregnancy

outcomes such as preterm birth and low birth weight [143].

Maternal smoking has also been linked to offspring obesity

in later life. Women who were exposed to cigarette smoke in

utero were at significantly higher risk of obesity in adulthood,

and gestational diabetes in their own pregnancies [144]. The

importance of measures to discourage these behaviors in

adolescence, and in any case before pregnancy begins, cannot be


4.4. Recommendations for pregnant women

If a woman’s diet is healthy prior to conception, she should

not need to change it substantially in early pregnancy, although

attention should be paid to some nutrients that are needed

in higher amounts at various pregnancy stages (see Table 1

and Figure 5). Those nutrients of particular importance in the

preconception period (discussed above) are also needed in

pregnancy—some in increased amounts as pregnancy progresses.

Certain situations such as baseline undernutrition, young

maternal age, multiple pregnancy, short interpartum period,

• FIGO strongly recommends that hazardous exposures

and behaviors such as smoking, alcohol intake, or use of

recreational drugs are avoided prior to conception, and

definitely should be avoided in pregnancy because of the

risk of detrimental effects on fetal nutrition, growth, and


• FIGO strongly recommends that pregnant women have

early access to prenatal care to receive appropriate

nutrition counselling and interventions, and treatment for

conditions that jeopardize their pregnancy outcome, such

as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV, gastrointestinal infections,

and NCDs.

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malabsorptive disorders, or parasitic infections, may increase

the requirements for some nutrients. Depending on the context,

specific additional folate, vitamin B12, iron (hemoglobin,

ferritin), and vitamin D status may need to be measured.

4.4.1. Nutrient requirements in pregnancy Energy, macronutrients, and fiber

The ratio of macronutrients in the diet should not need to

change during pregnancy, unless prepregnancy nutrition is poor

or inappropriate. Women should be advised that their energy

intake needs in the beginning of pregnancy do not increase

from prepregnancy levels; they should focus on eating well for

pregnancy, and not eating more. For women with BMI in the

normal range and above (BMI ≥25), no increase in energy is

needed until later in pregnancy, when a greater intake is required

to make up for energy deposited in maternal and fetal tissues. The

Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization/

United Nations University recommended that during pregnancy

women increase their energy intake by 85 kcal per day in the first

trimester, 285 kcal per day in the second trimester, and 475 kcal

per day in the third trimester, based on calculated energy costs

[145]. The US Institute of Medicine recommends an increase

of 340 and 452 kcal per day in the second and third trimesters,

respectively. Pregnancy places increased metabolic demands on

the woman, and her ability to meet those needs may be partly

determined by concurrent demands (Box 6).


Protein needs increase during pregnancy to account for

increased tissue formation for the fetus, placenta, and maternal

tissues. Guidelines from the US Institute of Medicine suggest an

intake of 1.1 g protein per kilogram bodyweight per day [105];

if women are gaining weight appropriately throughout their

pregnancy, their protein intake should thus increase. Overall the

recommended increase in protein intake is 10−25 g per day above

the prepregnancy recommendation of 60 g per day, though there

is no significant increased need in the first trimester. The WHO

recommends an increase of 1, 9, and 31 g per day in the first to

third trimesters, respectively [146]. Protein supplementation

studies have produced varying/conflicting results. Balanced

protein/energy supplementation, in which protein accounts for

no more than 25% of total dietary energy, can improve maternal

and infant outcomes in undernourished women, including

reducing the risks of preterm birth, stillbirth, and fetal growth

restriction [147]. However, high-protein supplementation does

not appear to be beneficial, and may be harmful to the fetus.


The requirement for fats in pregnancy can be met by typical

Western diets, but the quality of the diet with respect to types of

fats is a concern. As for before pregnancy, fats should represent

15%–30% of a woman’s overall energy intake, although intake of

saturated fats should be limited (reducing consumption of fried

fast foods and processed snacks) and PUFA intake should be

maintained or increased by consuming 1–2 meals per week of oily

fish (avoiding large predatory fish that may be high in mercury

or other contaminants e.g. swordfish, marlin, tuna, shark, orange

roughy, king mackerel, bigeye or Ahi tuna, and tilefish). PUFA

status (especially omega-3 fatty acid status) declines during

pregnancy and can be improved by supplementation [148].


Carbohydrates provide essential fuel (primarily glucose) for

both mother and fetus during pregnancy, and should continue

to be the largest source of energy in the diet. As advised in

the prepregnancy period, it is important to choose complex

carbohydrates with a low GI, and to avoid excess added sugar

in the diet. Low GI diets in pregnancy are associated with less

excessive gestational weight gain and improved glucose tolerance

[149]. Low GI diets also attenuate the pregnancy-related rise in

insulin resistance [150], and in women with GDM, appear to be

associated with less insulin use and lower birthweight [151].

Low GI diets should therefore be considered in women at risk

of excessive gestational weight gain and glucose intolerance. In

addition, positive benefits of a maternal low GI diet have been

noted on infant adiposity [152]. An increase in carbohydrate

intake of around 45 g per day is recommended—to 175 g per day

during pregnancy, compared with 130 g per day in nonpregnant



Dietary fiber remains important during pregnancy to reduce

constipation, and may help to reduce the risk of gestational

diabetes and pre-eclampsia [153,154]. The recommendation

for total dietary fiber intake during pregnancy is 28 g per day,

Box 6Nutritional and situational demands that may impact a pregnant woman.

Nutritional challenges of pregnancy:

• Anemia/iron defi ciency – supplementation commonly required.

• Low folate status – folic acid supplementation should continue.

• Iodine defi ciency – if uncorrected before pregnancy, supplementation required.

• Vitamin D defi ciency – high-risk groups (low sun exposure) require supplementation.

• Low vitamin B12 status – a concern with vegetarian diets, particularly if folate status is high.

Situations affecting a woman’s ability to meet the nutrient demands of pregnancy:

• Young mothers – higher demand for nutrients if their own growth is not complete.

• Hard physical labor - increases nutrient and fl uid requirements.

• Multiple pregnancy - increases nutrient demand.

• Short interpartum interval - limited opportunity for repletion of nutritional reserves, particularly iron.

• Parasitic infection or malabsorption disorder – decreases nutrient absorption and utilization.

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which is unchanged from the prepregnancy requirement, but

higher than typical intakes for many women. Women whose

prepregnancy diet was low in fiber should be encouraged to

increase the fiber content by adding more fruits, vegetables, and

whole grains to their diet in place of refined grains and simple

sugars. Micronutrients

Folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and choline

Both folate and vitamin B12 are required in early pregnancy

for protection against NTDs, and supplements taken before

conceiving should be continued. During pregnancy, folate and

vitamin B12 help prevent megaloblastic anemia. These vitamins,

along with choline, serve as sources of methyl donors in

epigenetic DNA methylation, and therefore can have long-lasting

effects on offspring health if present in inadequate supply in the

maternal diet.

Folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and choline work together to

regulate the levels of circulating homocysteine, which is linked

to cardiovascular disease and other adverse effects if present

in elevated levels. Vitamin B6 is involved in this pathway as a

cofactor for homocysteine metabolizing enzymes. In pregnancy,

elevated homocysteine can increase the risk of placental vascular

disorders, preterm birth, low birth weight, and small-for-

gestational-age infants [121,155,156]. All of these micronutrients

are required to keep homocysteine levels low [157], and affect

levels of DNA methylation, thereby epigenetically influencing

gene expression (Figure 6).

Recent evidence suggests that continuing supplementation

with 400  �g per day of folic acid though the second and

third trimesters may prevent the increase in homocysteine

concentration that normally occurs in late pregnancy [158],

which could be important in women likely to have a short

interpregnancy interval.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in women who consume

minimal or no animal-based foods. In India, women with low

vitamin B12 but adequate or high folate levels give birth to

babies who are thin but adipose, and at increased risk of insulin

resistance and diabetes later in life [159]. If deficiency for vitamin

B12 exists before conception, it will become more extreme

during pregnancy, leaving the woman even further in deficit and

affecting future pregnancies as well as her own health.

Because there is an intersection of the pathways of folate

and choline in homocysteine metabolism, choline becomes a

limiting nutrient during folate deficiency [160], and conversely,

when choline supply is low the demand for folate is increased

[161]. An adequate intake of choline therefore should also be

assured during pregnancy. Although food sources of choline are

plentiful, pregnant women may be at risk of inadequate intakes,

particularly if they consume vegetarian or vegan diets. Choline is

derived from the lipid portion of foods; eggs in particular are a

good source of choline, and should not be restricted in pregnancy.

Mild to moderate vitamin B6 deficiency remains common,

despite its wide availability in foods, even in high-income countries

such as the USA [162]. A diet similar to the Mediterranean diet is

recommended during pregnancy to provide a variety of sources

for vitamin B6 and other B-complex vitamins.

Other B vitamins

As in the preconception period, B vitamins from a balanced

and varied diet are necessary for maintaining optimal maternal

health in pregnancy, and are essential for fetal growth and brain

development. Deficiencies that are not obvious in the woman

can have effects on the fetus; for example, a recent study has

Dietary protein







B t i


Methyl group acceptor

M th l t d

DNA methylation






Methionine synthase


Betaine Methylated productS-Adenosyl-






Epigenetic gene expression



Cardiovascular effects,

pregnancy complications


B6 phenotype

Figure 6 Dietary factors influencing homocysteine metabolism and DNA methylation. Folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, choline, and methionine from dietary protein

all interact to maintain appropriate levels of homocysteine and regulate DNA methylation. Epigenetic processes including such DNA methylation modify phenotypic

outcomes, with long-term effects on health and disease

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confirmed earlier observations that marginal biotin deficiency is

common in human pregnancy, and there is evidence that biotin

intake of at least 2−3 times the recommended adequate intake

may be needed to meet the requirement for pregnancy [163]. A

varied diet including green vegetables and whole, unprocessed

foods should ensure adequate B vitamins, although these may

be lacking in countries where diets are based around staple

polished grains, and in regions with high prevalence of general


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential in pregnancy for immune and nervous

system function [164], and for maintaining maternal calcium

homeostasis [165]. During pregnancy, the fetal skeleton

accumulates calcium from maternal stores, mediated by maternal

vitamin D (calcitriol). The importance of vitamin D for fetal

skeletal development is well recognized—maternal deficiency

can result in childhood rickets, craniotabes (soft skull bones),

and osteopenia in the newborn [166]. In addition to skeletal

effects, women with very low vitamin D status face increased

risks of other adverse pregnancy outcomes and possible long-

term effects on their own health and that of their offspring [167].

Infants born to vitamin D deficient mothers are more likely to

have low birth weight [168,169], and may be at increased risk

of newborn hypocalcemia and possible cardiac failure [170].

There may also be an increased risk of developing allergies in

childhood [171]. Because vitamin D insufficiency is common,

supplementation should be continued throughout pregnancy

in high-risk women (vegetarians, dark-skinned individuals, or

those who live in environments with minimal sun exposure or

who cover their skin extensively with clothing or sunscreen). The

dose of the vitamin D supplement should be at least 400 IU per

day, and the total intake should be in the range of 1000–2000 IU

per day from dietary and supplemental sources (See Regional

Case Study 5: Northern Europe).

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important in women’s health to ensure proper

function of the visual and immune systems, and is also crucial

for reproductive function. During pregnancy, adequate vitamin

A status is required for fetal growth and development. During

pregnancy, either excess or deficiency of vitamin A can cause

birth defects, typically involving abnormal development of the

eyes, skull, lungs, and heart [172]. Vitamin A deficiency during

pregnancy results in maternal night blindness and increased risk

of maternal mortality, and is associated with poor pregnancy

outcomes including preterm birth, intrauterine growth

restriction, and low birth weight. Pro-vitamin A carotenoids in

the diet are found in darkly colored fruits and vegetables, oily

fruits, and red palm oil, whereas pre-formed vitamin A (retinol

and retinyl esters) is found in fatty acids of animal products.

In high-income countries, vitamin A intakes tend to be above

recommended levels [114], but deficiency is common in some

LMICs because of limited intake of dairy products and carotene-

rich vegetables and fruits. Regions with the highest prevalence of

vitamin A deficiency (serum retinol <0.7 �mol/L) among pregnant

women are the Western Pacific (prevalence 21.5%), Southeast Asia

(17.3%), Eastern Mediterranean (16.1%), and Africa (13.5%) [44],

where supplementation is recommended in late pregnancy in

endemically vitamin A deficient communities. However, vitamin

A is teratogenic at high maternal intakes in early pregnancy,

so in areas where deficiency is not endemic, supplementation

is specifically cautioned against, as is consumption of high

amounts of liver, which contains a high concentration of pre-

formed vitamin A.


Iron deficiency can cause maternal anemia, which in severe

cases increases the risk of death during childbirth. When maternal

iron status is suboptimal, fetal iron needs are also compromised

[173]. Iron deficiency in pregnancy is associated with increased

risk of low birth weight and preterm delivery, which in turn are

associated with stunting later in life. The requirement for iron

during pregnancy increases more from prepregnancy levels

than for any other nutrient. The fetus accumulates the majority

of iron stores in the third trimester, and during this period an

additional 9–12  mg of iron is required above prepregnancy

needs, totaling an additional 1000–1240  mg during gestation

Regional Case Study 5: Thinking Nutrition First in Northern Europe

Vitamin D in pregnancyThe main source of vitamin D in humans is through cutaneous synthesis in the presence of sunlight. Vitamin D can also be acquired to a lesser extent from the diet, principally in oily fi sh and fortifi ed dairy products. However, consumption of certain dietary sources of vitamin D (such as liver, undercooked eggs, and tuna fi sh) is restricted during pregnancy, thereby even further reducing pregnant women’s chances of meeting recommended intakes from food alone. There is a paucity of data relating to dietary sources, status, and intake of vitamin D intake in pregnancy in the Western world. However, it has been reported that the prevalence of maternal vitamin D defi ciency during pregnancy has increased in recent years, with a concurrent rise in the incidence of childhood rickets. This is particularly evident in countries in Northern Europe, such as Ireland, where the main cause of poor vitamin D status is lack of sunlight exposure for much of the year. Ireland lies on a latitude between 51−55°N where the population must rely on the limited dietary sources of vitamin D for much of the year.

In a prospective observational study, dietary intakes of vitamin D ranged from 1.9−2.1 μg per day during pregnancy—80% below the current recommendation. The principal food groups contributing to vitamin D intake were meat, eggs, and breakfast cereal. Oily fi sh, the best dietary source of vitamin D, was consumed by less than 25% of women [188]. Measurement of serum 25(OH) vitamin D revealed a high prevalence of hypovitaminosis D ranging from 33% to 97%, with a marked seasonal variation. Among those with a winter pregnancy, a correlation was found between pregnancy vitamin D levels and fetal length [189].

Vitamin D levels were also assessed in immigrant women from the Middle East, and North and Sub-Saharan Africa. These groups had vitamin D levels below those of white women, indicating that these women are at particular risk of vitamin D defi ciency in pregnancy [190].

The high prevalence of maternal hypovitaminosis D during winter months in northern latitudes may have detrimental effects on fetal skeletal growth. These data on dietary intakes and on serum 25 (OH) vitamin D levels highlight the need for vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy in vulnerable populations.

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[174]. Despite homeostatic regulatory mechanisms that operate

during pregnancy to increase iron absorption in mid- to late

pregnancy, the prevalence of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency

anemia is very high, affecting over 38% of pregnant women,

totaling 32 million women worldwide. Pregnant adolescents,

women carrying multiple fetuses, or those who are pregnant

after a short interpartum period are at particularly high risk of

iron-deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency puts mothers at risk of

poor outcomes in the event of postpartum hemorrhage.

A recent survey found that iron intakes by pregnant women

were below nutrient recommendations in all high-income

countries except for the UK [114]. Women who consume little or no

animal-source food generally have low iron stores, and are likely

to benefit from supplementation with low-dose iron. In regions

where anemia is highly prevalent (>20%), daily supplementation

with 60  mg elemental iron is recommended, in combination

with folic acid (see below) [47]. In areas of lower prevalence,

intermittent use of iron supplements (120 mg, once weekly) is

recommended to improve gestational outcomes and avoid the

development of maternal anemia [175]. In malaria endemic

areas, iron supplementation should be given in conjunction with

malaria prevention and treatment measures. In women with

multiple micronutrient deficiencies, supplementation with iron

alone may adversely impact the absorption of other nutrients

such as zinc and copper, so additional nutrient supplementation

may be helpful [176].


Iodine is critical for maternal and fetal thyroid function

and fetal neurological development, and a women’s need

for supplementation should be assessed early in pregnancy

in known iodine-deficient areas where salt iodization is not

implemented or iodized salt is not consumed. In women with

adequate iodine intake before conception (approximately 150 μg

per day) the increased demand for thyroid hormones during

pregnancy are met by homeostatic adaptation to hormonal

output by the thyroid gland, but if a woman enters pregnancy

with low iodine stores, hypothyroidism can develop [177]. Much

of the fetal neocortical proliferation occurs early in gestation, so

women who are hypothyroxinemic because of low iodine stores

at the beginning of pregnancy are at risk of neurodevelopmental

delay in their offspring [129].

It has been suggested that even with use of iodized salt and

eating seafood 2–3 days per week, a woman’s daily iodine intake

would be in the order of 100–150 mg per day—approximately

half the amount recently recommended during pregnancy and

lactation [178]. In areas of endemic iodine deficiency or where

soil iodine is low and women do not consume iodized salt,

iodine supplementation should be considered for pregnant

women as early as possible in pregnancy, at a daily oral dose of

iodine (200−250 �g per day) or a single oral dose of iodized oil

(400 mg, once per year) [45]. FIGO’s recommendation, from its

Working Group on Best Practice in Maternal−Foetal Medicine

(best practice advice on thyroid disease in pregnancy, currently

in progress), is to screen for thyroid function in the first trimester

in countries where women have an iodine deficient diet, and in

symptomatic patients.


Calcium supplementation has the potential to reduce

adverse gestational outcomes, in particular by decreasing the

risk of developing hypertensive disorders during pregnancy,

which are associated with maternal death and preterm birth. In

high-income countries where calcium intake is high/adequate,

supplementation during pregnancy is generally not required,

though the bone health of adolescents with low calcium intake

may benefit from taking a prenatal calcium supplement. In

women at high risk for hypertensive disorders, an overall

protective effect of supplemental calcium on pre-eclampsia

has been demonstrated in populations with low calcium intake

[179,180]. Calcium supplementation (1500–2000  mg per day)

during pregnancy was found to reduce the risk of all gestational

hypertensive disorders in women with low baseline calcium

intakes, and this level of supplementation is now recommended

by the WHO for these regions, implemented from 20 weeks of

pregnancy until the end of pregnancy [181]. However, there

is some evidence that excessive calcium supplementation in

pregnancy may lead to long-term deficits in maternal bone

mineral content in women previously accustomed to low-

calcium diets [182]. Lower dose supplements (500−600 mg per

day) may also be effective and could be considered in settings

where high-dose supplementation is not feasible [183]. The

effect of such lower doses on bone mineral content has not yet

been determined.


Selenium is important in pregnancy for fetal growth and

thyroid metabolism, and insufficiency may increase risks of early

pregnancy loss, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes [137,184].

Selenium plays an important role in prevention of oxidative

stress through selenoproteins such as glutathione peroxidase,

and this role may contribute to suboptimal pregnancy outcomes

associated with insufficiency. The Institute of Medicine RDA for

selenium in pregnancy is 65 �g per day [141].


Zinc is required for fetal growth, immune function, and

neurological development; daily zinc requirements increase

by up to 40% during pregnancy. Inadequate zinc intake often

accompanies general protein/calorie malnourishment, but is

also seen in individuals consuming poor quality diets. Regular

consumption of zinc-rich or zinc-fortified foods during pregnancy

is necessary to meet the requirement. Much of the world’s

population is at risk of zinc deficiency because of inadequate zinc

content in the food supply. Deficiency is particularly common in

Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia [138]. Zinc supplementation

in high-risk populations has been shown to reduce the incidence

of preterm delivery, and increases growth and weight gain in

infants and children [185,186]. Fortification of flour with zinc has

been recommended in some areas [187].

4.4.2. Gestational weight gain

A significant proportion of women in high-income countries

exceed recommended gestational weight gain guidelines.

Excessive weight gain is associated with higher fetal weights and

fetal adiposity in the third trimester, higher infant birthweight

and higher maternal insulin resistance than women with

normal gestational weight gain [191]. Gestational weight gain

is a particularly important issue for women who are obese at

the start of pregnancy. Whilst prepregnancy BMI is the major

determinant of adverse pregnancy outcomes, obese pregnant

women who put on excessive weight during pregnancy have

• FIGO recommends that healthcare professionals take

action to recommend and monitor appropriate gestational

weight gain in relation to prepregnancy BMI. In resource-

constrained settings, gestational weight gain monitoring

should not occur at the expense of assessments such as

blood pressure measurement, urine testing for protein,

and abdominal examination.

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even higher risk, and tend to retain more weight postpartum,

leading to a higher BMI in subsequent pregnancies. Counselling

interventions have been shown to be somewhat effective in

reducing gestational weight gain in obese women, but evidence

that lifestyle interventions alone can prevent adverse outcomes

is currently lacking [192]. Lessons learned from weight control

programs outside pregnancy may also help promote better

weight control in pregnancy [193].

It is equally important to consider weight gain in under-

nourished women with low prepregnancy BMIs. Underweight

women who do not gain sufficient weight in pregnancy are at risk

of poor obstetric outcomes [194] and more likely to have babies

that are affected by fetal growth restriction and stunting [195],

putting them at risk of metabolic disorders and disadvantages

later in life.

Currently, the most accepted guidance on gestational weight

gain are those of the US Institute of Medicine (Table 3), which are

derived from studies in high-income countries in which mean

maternal height is similar to that in the USA. For other regions,

these guidelines may be inappropriate [196]. Alternatives that

include the influence of maternal height to guide weight gain

proportionally may be considered for LMICs. A reference table

of weight-for-height by week of pregnancy has been devised

on theoretical grounds, based on the premise that the average

increment of weight during pregnancy is 20% of the prepregnant

weight [197]. However, the table does not establish upper

cut-off limits to avoid excess weight gain in settings where

the obesity epidemic is also reaching LMICs. Here, it may be

advisable to use the so-called Rosso and Mardones (RM) chart,

which can diagnose mothers at risk of delivering either small

for gestational age or large babies and sets weight gain goals for

each individual mother [198]. The RM chart takes into account

the importance of height in LMICs and is presently being used in

several Latin American countries [196]. In low-resource settings,

routine weighing of women throughout pregnancy should not

be conducted at the expense of other assessments such as blood

pressure measurement, urine testing for protein, and abdominal

examination. Energy intake and physical activity

Maintenance of a healthy bodyweight and cardiovascular

health relies on an energy balance that includes an appropriate

intake of energy through the diet counterbalanced by energy

expenditure through basal metabolism, physical activity, growth,

and repair. In mid- to late pregnancy, extra dietary energy is

required not only for growth of fetal and maternal tissues, but

also to offset increases in basal metabolism and the higher

energy cost of physical activity in the pregnant state. The total

energy cost of pregnancy, based on an average gestational weight

gain of 12.0  kg, has been calculated as 374, 1200, and 1950  kJ

per day for the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively

[200]. Population-specific differences in lifestyle and body

sizes need to be accounted for in making recommendations for

physical activity and energy intake, but in general, an additional

340−450 kcal are required during the second and third trimester.

Thirty minutes or more of moderate physical activity (e.g. brisk

walking, swimming, yoga, low-impact aerobics, cycling) per day

on most, if not all, days of the week is desirable. Extreme exercise

in late pregnancy, however, is associated with lower birth weight

and the possibility of long-term adverse consequences in the

offspring. Women should be counselled against such extreme

forms of exercise during the later stages of pregnancy and

advised to take a more moderate approach. Hard physical labor

is also likely to be detrimental [201], as is prolonged squatting

(e.g. weeding crops), and these activities should be reduced or

avoided where possible, particularly in late pregnancy. This may

be difficult for women who are constrained by the demands of a

subsistence livelihood. Education of the family and community

on this issue is important. Specific recommendations for obese pregnant women

An obese pregnant woman should be advised that a healthy

diet and being physically active will benefit both her and her

unborn child during pregnancy and will also help her to achieve

a healthy weight after giving birth. She should be advised to seek

information and advice on diet and activity from a reputable

source. Any myths about what and how much to eat during

pregnancy should be dispelled; for example, as for all women,

obese women should be advised that there is no need to “eat for

two” or to drink full-fat milk. It should be explained that energy

needs do not change greatly in the first 6 months of pregnancy,

and increase only slightly in the last 3 months. Screening for

GDM and blood pressure to detect gestational hypertension

should be routinely performed in all obese pregnant women

and appropriate treatment initiated, including diet alone and/or

appropriate hypoglycemic therapy (e.g. insulin). As for all women

with GDM, obese women (with or without GDM) should be

advised to restrict calorie intake to 25 kcal per kg per day or less

and to take moderate exercise of at least 30 minutes daily. Obese

women (especially if complicated with GDM) should be advised

to choose carbohydrates from low GI sources, lean proteins

including oily fish, and a balance of polyunsaturated fats and

monounsaturated fats. Restriction of energy intake to between

1800 and 2000  kcal per day, with an intake of carbohydrates

between 150 and 180 g per day, has been shown to reduce fasting

Table 3

Gestational weight gain recommendations according to the revised US Institute of Medicine guidelines.a

Body composition BMI

Weight gain

1st trimester (total) 2nd and 3rd trimesters Total GWG

Underweight <18.5 1.0−3.0 kg 0.44−0.58 kg/wk 12.5−18.0 kg

Normal weight 18.5−25 1.0−3.0 kg 0.35−0.5 kg/wk 11.5−16.0 kg

Overweight 25−30 1.0−3.0 kg 0.23−0.33 kg/wk 7.0−11.5 kg

Obese ≥30 0.2−2.0 kg 0.17−0.27 kg/wk 5.0−9.0 kg

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); GWG, gestational weight gain.a Source: Institute of Medicine [199].

• FIGO recommends that pregnant women exercise

moderately for at least 30 minutes per day. Most

women should increase their dietary energy intake by

approximately 340−450 kcal per day during the second and

third trimester. Extreme exercise or hard physical labor

should be avoided during late pregnancy.

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insulin levels and deterioration of glucose metabolism in late

pregnancy in obese women [201,202], which predisposes to

developing type 2 diabetes after pregnancy. Recommendations

for management of pregnancy in overweight and obese women

are also given by the American College of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists [202].

4.4.3. Exposures to avoid

There are a number of food-related issues of concern for

pregnant women. To avoid possible infection with pathogens that

may cause fetal harm (e.g. Listeria monocytogenes, Toxoplasma

gondii, Salmonella enterica), all pregnant women, regardless

of their diet, are advised to be vigilant about how their food is

washed, cooked, and stored. Foods that are likely sources of these

contaminants, and which should be avoided during pregnancy,

are listed in Table 4.

Fungal contamination of food during processing, storage, or

transport in conditions favorable for mold growth can expose

women to teratogenic mycotoxins such as aflatoxin [203]. The

most common source of contamination is rice, corn, wheat, and

ground nuts. Exposure is common in Sub-Saharan Africa and East

and Southeast Asia [204].

Excessive intake of vitamin A or retinoic acid early in

pregnancy is known to be teratogenic in humans, causing

craniofacial, central nervous system, thymic, and heart defects

in the fetus [172]. As vitamin A is stored in the liver of animals,

eating high amounts of liver, especially during early pregnancy,

should be avoided.

Although fish consumption during pregnancy is recommended

for provision of omega-3 PUFAs and other nutrients, some types

of fish are high in contaminants such as methylmercury—a

neurotoxicant to which the fetus is particularly vulnerable [205].

Fish that are likely to contain modest levels of mercury (e.g.

bass, carp, Alaskan cod, halibut, Mahi Mahi, freshwater perch,

monkfish, sea trout, snapper) should be limited to 1–2 meals

per week [206]. Fish may also be exposed to environmental

pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that may

affect neurological development [207], so awareness of local

conditions where fish are caught is important [208].

Caffeine in coffee and soft drinks consumed by the woman passes

freely through the placenta to the fetus where it can accumulate

[209,210]. High maternal caffeine consumption (>300 mg per day)

is associated with an increased risk of fetal growth restriction [211–

214], and is suggested to increase risks of spontaneous abortion

[215,216] and stillbirth [217]. The common advice to limit caffeine

intake to 200  mg per day (approximately two medium cups of

filtered coffee) during pregnancy continues to be justified based

on the available data. In late pregnancy, women should avoid high

intakes of herbal teas and polyphenol-rich foods, which have been

associated with effects on the fetal ductus arteriosus brought about

by inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis [218].

Storing and cooking foods in plastic containers containing

bisphenol A (polycarbonate plastics) should be avoided during

pregnancy, as a precaution to prevent potential endocrine-

disrupting effects on the fetus [219–221].

4.5. Recommendations for the postpregnancy period

A mother needs to maintain healthy eating habits after birth

and during lactation to rebuild her own body stores that were

depleted in pregnancy. Throughout the course of breastfeeding,

these stores need to be conserved and replenished. Nutrients are

prioritized to breast milk during lactation, often at the expense

of maternal reserves if the diet is inadequate.

A woman’s good health and nutrition is critical to her ability

to produce adequate breast milk and to care for her infant, and if

her reserves are depleted, the effects can carry into subsequent

• FIGO recommends that the period that follows birth is used

to improve the nutritional status of both mother and child.

FIGO endorses the WHO recommendation of exclusive

breastfeeding for the first 6 months of the infant’s life.

• FIGO calls for action to reduce exposure of adolescents and

pregnant women to mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium,

which can be ingested via food and water. These heavy

metals can have detrimental effects on fetal growth and


Table 4Foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Food Risk in pregnancy Comment/advice

Liver Excess vitamin A – teratogenic Limit consumption, particularly in early pregnancy

Fish with mercurya Fetal brain damage/developmental delay Avoid large predatory fish

Fish exposed to pollutants (PCBs)b Birth defects Check with local health authorities whether locally-caught fish

is safe to eat

Cold deli meat Listeriosis Reheat cold meats until steaming hot

Cold smoked seafoodc Listeriosis Reheat until steaming hot

Soft cheesed Listeriosis Avoid unless made from pasteurized milk

Pâté (including vegetable) Listeriosis Avoid all refrigerated pâtés. Canned or shelf-safe pâtés can be


Unwashed fruits and vegetables Toxoplasmosis Peel or wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating

Undercooked or raw meat, poultry, or seafood Toxoplasmosis, Salmonella Cook food thoroughly and eat while hot

Raw egge Salmonella Avoid

Abbreviation: PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls.a Predatory fish: swordfish, marlin, tuna, shark, orange roughy, king mackerel, bigeye or Ahi tuna, tilefish.b From contaminated rivers and lakes (locally caught, not from supermarket): bluefish, striped bass, salmon, pike, trout, walleye.c Deli or cold packaged. Canned or shelf-safe smoked seafood is safe to eat.d Cheeses made from unpasteurized milk: brie, camembert, roquefort, feta, gorgonzola, Mexican style cheeses (queso blanco and queso fresco).e Includes homemade dressings made with raw eggs, e.g. caesar, hollandaise, and also homemade ice creams or custards. Commercially available dressings,

custards, and ice creams are made with pasteurized eggs and are considered safe to eat.

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pregnancies as well. This may create challenges, as in some

cultures quite distinct confinement diets are the norm during the

first month after birth. It is in the best interest of new mothers,

their infants, and their future pregnancies to maintain an optimal

diet during this time (See Regional Case Study 6: East Asia).

If maternal nutrition is good, the infant requires little other

than breast milk during the first 6 months of life. In low-

income countries with suboptimal hygiene, breastfeeding is

the safest feeding option, preventing infection both by avoiding

contaminated water or foods, and by provision of protective

components, including secretory IgA antibodies and lactoferrin in

breast milk [222]. In high-income countries, breastfeeding helps

to reduce infections including otitis media and gastrointestinal

infection [223]. Breastfeeding may also have positive health

benefits on cardiometabolic risk factors later in life [224].

Breastfeeding is contraindicated in only a few circumstances,

which include cases of maternal HIV-1 or human T-cell

lymphotropic virus (HTLV) type I or type II infection, or herpes

simplex lesions on the breast [225]. In some low-resource

settings, continued breastfeeding by HIV-infected women is

recommended because the risk of morbidity and mortality

from other infections or malnutrition outweighs the risk of HIV

transmission to the infant [226].

Nonbreastfeeding women should be guided to continue to eat

a healthy diet but reduce their energy intake from late pregnancy

levels in order to facilitate postpartum weight reduction.

4.5.1. Nutrient needs during lactation Energy, macronutrients, and fiber

The energy cost of milk production translates to an increased

requirement for energy during breastfeeding, part of which

can be met by mobilization of fat stores laid down during

pregnancy [200]. Women who had low gestational weight gain,

or who were underweight at the start of pregnancy, require

some additional energy intake (approximately 500  kcal per

Regional Case Study 6: Thinking Nutrition First in East Asia

Managing cultural beliefs about maternal nutrition and careA woman’s dietary intake before and during pregnancy and through lactation is infl uenced by her social and cultural environment. East Asia is an example of a region where strong cultural beliefs signifi cantly infl uence the behavior of pregnant women and some may hinder optimal maternal nutrition. Pregnant mothers in some countries of East Asia are characterized by comparatively high maternal age and low birth rate, and hence there is a relatively high proportion of primigravid women. A cultural issue impacting pregnant women is that a large proportion of them receive nutritional advice from parents, who often live nearby and are in close communication. The fact that parts of East Asia, including China, have gone through rapid economic development over the last few decades, with the older generation having endured hardship in the past when adequate nutrition was not often assured, means that mothers often advise their daughters to “eat for two,” leading to risk of excessive weight gain during pregnancy. The older generation may not be supportive of breastfeeding, owing to the mistaken belief that infant formula may be superior. In addition, tradition and cultural beliefs also play a major role in determining what a pregnant mother may consider as a suitable diet, extending to different “confi nement diets” in the postnatal and nursing period.

In some Chinese communities it can be common to employ the services of a natal caretaker or doula, who may not be supportive of breastfeeding. The doula would typically help the mother to bottle feed the infant and prepares all meals for the mother for 1–2 months after delivery, with strict advice on appropriate food items based on cultural beliefs. Providing expectant mothers with a more balanced view of nutrition is therefore essential. This can be accomplished on a local level as has been done in Hong Kong, for example, where a network of maternal−child health centers delivers integrated education and care for mothers from early pregnancy into childhood for the offspring. As such it provides a one-stop solution for provision of maternal nutrition information, prenatal care, breastfeeding education and support, infant nutrition, and childhood immunization and health care.

Importantly, educational material provided by the maternal–child health centers on pregnancy contains information on dietary advice during pregnancy, as well as appropriate gestational weight gain targets for the local population, thereby highlighting these concepts to women from early pregnancy.

In different parts of East Asia, there are also community health centers that may advise young women on reproductive health, family planning, and contraception, etc. These represent another key opportunity to partner in order to provide education on the importance of optimal nutrition and health for women anticipating pregnancy.

Figure 7. Utilizing maternal–child care centers and well-women/family planning clinics to provide nutritional information and monitoring. Community-based maternal–child care centers can be a useful model to deliver nutritional information to the expectant mother throughout pregnancy as well as addressing the nutritional needs of the developing fetus, infant, and young child. These community-based services will complement that provided by specialists, obstetricians, and pediatricians, who play a key role in reinforcing these messages and highlighting the importance of maternal and early-life nutrition, setting the background for improved life-long dietary behavior. These services need to work closely with well-woman/family planning clinics to deliver a cohesive and consistent message on nutrition and pregnancy.

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day) above the requirement in pregnancy in order to meet the

demands of breastfeeding. Overweight or obese women do not

require extra energy, and can safely restrict their energy intake

by the same amount without affecting the growth of their


The proportions of macronutrients required do not differ

during lactation from those of nonlactating women. Lactating

women can acquire all of the essential amino acids from high-

quality protein sources such as meat, fish, eggs, and milk. For

vegetarian women, plant protein sources including legumes,

nuts, fruits, starchy root vegetables, and cereals should be

combined to ensure that all essential amino acids are consumed.

Complex carbohydrates and fiber should be consumed in similar

proportions as in the pregnancy diet.

The fat component of breast milk is strongly influenced by

the type and amount of fat in the maternal diet. Long-chain

PUFAs such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are important for

infant brain and visual development, and their levels in breast

milk are highly dependent on maternal dietary intake. Preterm

infants miss out on accretion of DHA that normally occurs

during late pregnancy, and mothers of such infants may require

supplementation to increase the DHA levels in their milk [227].

Women should be encouraged to continue to eat 2–3 portions of

fatty fish per week during lactation to ensure an adequate supply

of essential fatty acids.

Lactating women should continue to choose foods high in fiber

and low in refined sugars to facilitate appropriate postpartum

weight loss and reduce cardiovascular and metabolic health

risks. Micronutrients

There is fairly clear evidence that the breast milk content

of certain micronutrients cannot be altered by maternal

intake, whereas others can [228]. Specifically, the breast milk

content of the B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6,

vitamin B12, and choline, as well as vitamin A, vitamin D, and

iodine is substantially reduced by maternal depletion, and

can be increased by supplementation. Fetal storage of most

of these nutrients is relatively low, and the infant relies on

breast milk to acquire the necessary quantities. Continued

use of a multivitamin supplement throughout lactation can

achieve the goal of adequate intake. The concentration of other

micronutrients including folate, calcium, iron, copper, and zinc

is relatively unaffected by maternal intake or status. Maternal

supplementation or increased intake of these nutrients does not

affect the breast milk, but benefits the mother if her nutrient

status is depleted [229].


Folate is concentrated in breast milk at the expense of maternal

stores, so most breastfed infants receive sufficient folate, except

in cases of severe maternal folate deficiency. Women who may get

pregnant again should continue to consume 400 �g folic acid per

day as a supplement, although they should also ensure adequate

vitamin B12 intake to avoid the risk of masking deficiency for

this vitamin, and possible associated neurological damage [230].

Vitamin B6

Infant growth and weight gain are correlated with vitamin

B6 intake in breast milk, the composition of which responds

to changes in maternal vitamin B6 intake [231,232]. Very low

intake puts infants at risk of seizures. Supplementation is not

generally required in women consuming a varied diet, but those

at risk of low intakes can be supplemented with 2.5 mg per day of

pyridoxine hydrochloride to provide adequate vitamin B6 levels in

breast milk to support the growth of their breastfed infants [232].

Vitamin B12

Breast milk acquires vitamin B12 via the mother’s intake of

animal-source foods (meat and fish) [233]. Lactating vegetarian

and vegan women require supplementation to ensure adequate

vitamin B12 levels in their milk, or alternatively, their breastfed

infants should receive vitamin B12 supplementation to prevent

the potentially severe effects of deficiency.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is likely to be in limited supply in the breast

milk of many women, unless they were receiving adequate

supplementation during pregnancy. Supplementation at the

often-recommended level of 400  IU per day has only a modest

impact on maternal blood vitamin D levels, and the Endocrine

Society suggests that much higher supplementation levels

(≥1000  IU per day) are required for lactating women [234], but

this remains controversial. Supplementation of infants with

400  IU per day orally is a recommended alternative because

adequate levels of vitamin D in breast milk cannot be assured

without high-dose maternal supplementation [235].

Vitamin A

Vitamin A in breast milk is derived mainly from maternal fat

stores, but is also sensitive to dietary intake. Uptake of vitamin A

by the breastfeeding infant is much higher than during pregnancy,

and therefore women with low dietary intakes of foods rich

in pro-vitamin A carotenoids (darkly-colored vegetables and

fruits) or pre-formed vitamin A (liver, dairy products, eggs)

may be at risk of depletion of their body stores during lactation.

Consumption of these foods should be encouraged for lactating

women, as postpartum supplementation with vitamin A appears

to have minimal effect on maternal or infant morbidity [236].


The requirement for iron in non-anemic women decreases

after birth, because very little is transferred to breast milk,

but women who entered pregnancy with low iron stores or

developed anemia during pregnancy need to maintain similar

iron intake to allow for recovery of iron stores after pregnancy.

Infants accumulate sufficient stores in late gestation to carry

them through the first 4–6 months of life, despite limited intake

from breast milk [237]. Delayed umbilical cord clamping (not

earlier than 1 minute after birth) is recommended for improved

maternal and infant health and nutrition outcomes [238]. Pre-

term, low birth weight infants or those born to women with

diabetes or obesity may have low iron stores at birth, and may

require supplementation [239,240].


Iodine is required in breast milk for optimal thyroid function

and neurological development in the infant. As with zinc,

iodine is concentrated in breast milk at the expense of maternal

stores, necessitating an additional 50–70 �g per day intake over

the pregnancy requirement of 200–220  �g per day to protect

against maternal deficiency [241]. Iodine status varies greatly

by region and depending on the availability of iodized salt. Most

women utilizing iodized salt have an acceptable iodine status for

lactation. Recent evidence suggests that in regions of moderate to

severe iodine deficiency, infant iodine status benefits more from

supplementation of the mother than direct supplementation of

the infant [242].


The concentration of calcium in the maternal plasma is tightly

regulated by homeostatic mechanisms during lactation, and is

unrelated to dietary intake. The maternal plasma concentration

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does not reflect total body calcium, which is mobilized from

bone to maintain plasma levels. Unless calcium stores are very

low, the mobilization of calcium from the maternal skeleton

that occurs during lactation recovers adequately after weaning,

but adolescents whose own bones are still growing may have

poor recovery of bone mineral density after lactation. Young

breastfeeding mothers require 1300 mg of calcium per day, and

should be advised how to maintain this intake in their diets to

ensure their own long-term bone health [136].


Maternal zinc inadequacy during lactation is common in

regions where protein–energy malnutrition is prevalent, putting

women’s health at risk, particularly with regard to infections.

Lactating women are advised to consume adequate levels of

zinc in their diets, or take a multivitamin supplement containing

zinc. Zinc is critical for infant and child development, reflected

in the fact that the prevalence of zinc deficiency correlates with

the prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age [139].

To satisfy the high zinc demand in the infant, the trace element

is preferentially secreted into breast milk from maternal tissues.

Dietary or supplementary zinc does not greatly influence the

level in breast milk, which declines over the course of lactation

irrespective of maternal consumption [243].

4.5.2. Weaning/complementary foods

Breastfeeding should be encouraged for as long as possible

as the most healthy option for both mothers and babies. The

duration of lactation may depend, among other factors, on the

nutritional status of both the mother and infant—well-nourished

women are able to breastfeed longer and their milk will have

better nutrient density than that of malnourished women.

However, the concentrations of many nutrients in breast milk

decline rapidly between 6 and 12 months of lactation, and human

milk may not then be sufficient to meet the growing infant’s

requirements. The transition from exclusive breastfeeding to

family foods, referred to as complementary feeding, typically

covers the period from 6 to 18–24 months of age, and is a very

vulnerable period. It is the time when malnutrition starts in

many infants, contributing significantly to the high prevalence

of malnutrition in children under 5 years of age worldwide.

It is also a time when aspects of the child’s food preferences,

e.g. for sweet foods, are established. In addition to the infant

requirement for iron-rich foods, a variety of nutritious foods

(with the right texture) should be slowly introduced to the

weaning infant during this period. If the typical diet is limited in

vitamins and minerals, the infant may require fortified foods or

multiple micronutrient powders to supplement their diet [244].

Some of the foods a woman has eaten during lactation affect the

flavor of her milk and influence the infant’s acceptance of new

flavors when complementary foods are introduced, so a healthy

and varied diet should continue to be encouraged throughout

lactation. Women who have established good eating habits

before, during, and after pregnancy are more likely to encourage

the same in their infants and children.

4.5.3. The importance of the interpregnancy interval

In addition to being a critical nutritional period for women in

terms of lactation, the time between pregnancies is important

for women to replenish their nutrient stores both for their own

health and that of any future offspring. This time is referred

to as the interpregnancy interval—the elapsed time between

delivery of an infant and conception of a subsequent pregnancy.

Conceiving again after a short interval limits the woman’s ability

to go through pregnancy and breastfeeding periods in optimal

health and has consequential effects on the health of her baby. In

cases of undernutrition, repletion of maternal nutrient stores is

critical, and requires sufficient time after lactation is complete.

Nutritional deficiencies for folate and iron are of particular

concern, and contribute to maternal and fetal anemia, low birth

weight, congenital malformations, and fetal and maternal death.

If pregnant women are not taking folic acid supplements, their

folate levels begin to decline in mid-pregnancy and remain low

during lactation, as maternal stores are further drained to supply

folate to breast milk [245]. Women should therefore be advised

to continue to take folic acid supplements and/or consumed

fortified foods, particularly if they are likely to conceive another


For women with high gestational weight gain, short inter-

pregnancy intervals do not provide sufficient time for the body

to return to its normal metabolic state, and confer a higher risk of

maternal obesity entering the next pregnancy, with its attendant

risks [246]. Interventions to limit excessive weight gain and to

lengthen the interpregnancy interval are recommended in such

situations. The WHO recommends at least a 24-month interval

between pregnancies for best maternal and infant outcomes

[247]. There is a U-shaped association between birth spacing

and maternal and perinatal outcomes—both very short and very

long intervals having some associations with negative health

outcomes. The risk of adverse perinatal outcomes including

prematurity, low birth weight, and small size for gestational age

was highest for birth-to-pregnancy intervals shorter than 18


4.6. Specific considerations for adolescents

It is estimated that there are 1.8 billion people aged 10–24

years in the world today, making up approximately one-quarter

of the world’s total population. Adolescence is the second most

critical period of growth in the life cycle after infancy. About

20%–25% of full adult height is gained between the ages of 10

and 19 years.

Adolescents are typically considered a low-risk group for

poor health, but this view overlooks the fact that many later-life

health problems can be avoided by focusing on health, nutrition,

and lifestyle during the adolescent period. Adolescents may

also be at higher risk of unhealthy behaviors, accidents, and

sexually transmitted infections and in many societies they are

increasingly likely to be overweight or obese. Attention to the

health, well-being, and nutritional status of adolescent girls is

central to ensuring their own optimal physical growth, cognitive

function, school performance, and overall quality of life, but also

helps avoid the development of chronic disease and prepares

them for the possibility of future childbearing. Adolescent girls

have unique health needs that differ from both children and

adults. They require sexual and reproductive health education

and counselling and nutrition education and support to make

positive lifestyle choices. Interventions in early adolescence

may have far-reaching impact, because lifelong habits are often

established in this period. Adolescent girls, when adequately

supported and nourished, can be agents of positive change for

their future families and communities [248].

4.6.1. Social factors in the reproductive health of adolescent girls

The reproductive health and fitness of adolescent girls is

affected not only by physiological factors such as poor diet

and maternal/fetal competition for nutrients, but also by

socioeconomic and lifestyle risk factors that are common in this

age group. Adolescents with high-risk lifestyles including drug

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use, excessive alcohol consumption, and tobacco smoking are

among those more likely to become pregnant. In some societies,

early marriage and adolescent pregnancy are the norm. More

than 30% of girls in LMICs marry before they are 18 years old,

including around 14% before the age of 15. A recent study in India

found that more than 60% of all married women were married

before the age of 18, and 34% gave birth before the age of 18

[249]. The Indian population is reflective of those of other LMICs

where early marriage and early age at childbirth in general are

common, particularly in lower socioeconomic groups.

Early marriage and childbearing have negative impacts on

maternal and infant survival, health, and future outlook, with

15–19-year-olds being twice as likely to die from pregnancy-

related causes compared with women in their twenties. Most

of these deaths occur in LMICs. Approximately 16 million

adolescent women between 15 and 19 years of age give birth

each year, with the highest rates occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa

[250]. Increasing education and prolonging years of schooling

help girls postpone marriage and childbearing.

4.6.2. Dietary issues

Adolescence is a high-risk period for weight gain, coinciding

with changes in eating behaviors and physical activity, and with

less reliance on parental choices and food provision. Adolescents

are more likely than adults to consume micronutrient-poor,

energy-dense diets that are high in fat and added sugar, which

can lead to overweight and obesity. A high intake of sugar

in pregnant adolescents has been associated with increased

adiposity in their infants [251]. Adolescent girls should be

made aware of the impact of excessive gestational weight

gain from high fat diets and be encouraged to select a variety

of foods specifically including fruits and vegetables. The well-

known effects of obesity in pregnancy and adiposity in infants

emphasize the importance of addressing this issue as early as

possible in order to reduce the intergenerational cycle of weight

gain and NCDs [252].

On the other hand, an increasing focus on body shape during

adolescence can fuel a drive for thinness, which is generally

accomplished by reducing food intake rather than by increasing

physical activity. This can reach extreme levels, leading to eating

disorders such as anorexia nervosa. Undernutrition in adolescent

girls can affect fetal development, especially when the girl is still

growing and there may be competition for essential nutrients

that are deficient in her diet. Pregnancy and lactation can further

deplete nutrient stores and cause a cessation of linear growth in

undernourished adolescents [253].

4.6.3. Common nutrient deficiencies in adolescent girls

Nutritional deficits common in adolescents can be harmful

to the developing fetus. Pregnant adolescents are at risk of

insufficient intake of several essential nutrients from diet alone,

even in situations of adequate or excessive energy intakes,

and prenatal supplements do not always meet adolescent

requirements [254].


Iron requirements typically exceed intake by a greater

amount in pregnant adolescents than in adult pregnant women

[255]. Low body iron stores are more prevalent, and anemia is

particularly common in pregnant adolescents, increasing the

risks of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, premature birth, low

birthweight, and perinatal mortality. Targeting the vulnerable

adolescent period specifically with regard to iron deficiency

before childbearing is of critical importance in many regions

of the world. Adolescent girls should be informed of the

importance of consuming iron-rich foods, and should be offered

iron supplements if they are at risk of deficiency [256].


Adolescent mothers are less likely to have consumed folic

acid supplements preconceptionally, but should be encouraged

to do so as soon as possible in early pregnancy. In addition to

NTD risk, low folate in adolescents increases the risk of small for

gestational age birth [257].

Calcium and vitamin D

Pregnant adolescents require a higher calcium intake to

compensate for the dual demands of the fetus and their own

continued bone growth, though dietary intakes of calcium tend

to be below recommended levels in this age group. Low dietary

calcium intake may be cultural, or in some cases results from

replacing the main source of calcium—milk—with soft drinks

[166]. Although calcium supplementation is not generally

required for pregnant women who consume a healthy diet,

young women whose bones are still growing do benefit from

additional calcium and vitamin D in the form of supplements to

help reduce bone loss [258]. Pregnancy in adolescence is also a

risk factor for gestational hypertensive disorders, and calcium

supplementation may be beneficial in this regard [181].


Adolescent pregnancy is a risk factor for poor bone

mineralization, and lower magnesium content in breast milk

has been observed in adolescent mothers compared with adult

mothers [259]. Prenatal supplements may not provide sufficient

magnesium for pregnant adolescents [254].


Zinc is crucial for and utilized during growth phases, making

adolescents particularly susceptible to the effects of zinc

deficiency, particularly in late pregnancy when the fetus is also

undergoing rapid growth. Supplemental zinc may be warranted

in this age group.

4.6.4. Breastfeeding issues in adolescents

In high-income countries, adolescent mothers are less

likely than adults to initiate breastfeeding, and are more likely

to terminate breastfeeding early [260]. In the USA, approxi-

mately 60% of women younger than 20 years old initiate

breastfeeding, compared with almost 80% of women over

30 years, and only approximately 20% of young mothers continue

breastfeeding for 6 months. Young mothers, particularly those

from socioeconomically disadvantaged households or with

lower educational attainment, are more likely to introduce

inappropriate complementary foods, and this needs attention.

Interventions are required that specifically target adolescents

to encourage breastfeeding initiation and continuation in this

age group, noting the health advantages for both baby and

mother—including faster return to prepregnancy weight. Issues

of self-esteem, self-confidence, and reintegration into their peer

group need to be considered.

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Poor maternal nutrition is a global problem with challenges

that differ by region and country, and according to resources

and population needs. Locally targeted solutions are required,

and it is important for healthcare providers to identify common

nutrition problems in the community. For example, in those

areas where consumption of dairy products is low, the

requirement for calcium will be difficult to meet. Diets based on

refined grains as staple foods may be lacking in B vitamins. Other

regional nutritional concerns include specific micronutrient

deficiencies (e.g. iron, iodine, vitamin A, vitamin D, selenium),

protein energy malnutrition, transition to Western obesogenic

diets, and cultural beliefs that hinder optimal maternal nutrition

and health. Some of these issues are illustrated in the regional

case studies. As examples, Figures 8−11 illustrate the regional

specificity and extent of specific nutrient deficiencies for iron,

retinol/vitamin A, and iodine, and the prevalence of obesity.

Figure 8 Prevalence of obesity in females aged 18+, 2014 (age standardized estimate). Reprinted with permission from WHO [261]. Copyright WHO (2015).

Figure 9 Global estimates of the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women aged 15–49 years, 2011. Reprinted with permission from WHO [262]. Copyright WHO (2015).

5. Regional considerations

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Figure 10 Prevalence of serum retinol <0.7 �mol/L in pregnant women. Countries and areas with survey data and regression-based estimates. Reprinted with permission

from WHO [263]. Copyright WHO (2009).

Category of public health significance (based on median urinary iodine)

Moderate iodine deficiency (20-49 μg/l)

Mild iodine deficiency (50-99 μg/L)

Optimal (100-199 μg/l)

Risk of iodine induced hyperthyroidism (200-299 μg/l)

Risk of adverse health consequences (>300 μg/l)

No data

Figure 11 Degree of public health significance of iodine nutrition based on median urinary iodine: 1993–2006. Reprinted with permission from WHO [264]. Copyright

WHO (2009).

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6.1. Addressing barriers to dietary change

Maternal nutrition is now gaining importance on international

agendas, as evidenced by the United Nations-backed “Scaling Up

Nutrition” initiative (http://scalingupnutrition.org/), the Rome

Declaration of the Second International Conference on Nutrition

[20], and by the recognition of the central importance of the

“first 1000 days” (a timeframe from conception through the

first two years of life) for optimum development of every child

(http://www.thousanddays.org). When considering approaches

to improving the nutritional status of adolescents and women,

it is also important to consider the context, and to recognize

that in many settings, achieving nutrition’s full impact on health

and development will require a multisectoral approach. There

are a number of “nutrition-sensitive” interventions, such as

agriculture, education, social welfare, public health (access to

safe water, vaccination, etc), and women’s empowerment, that

together could have a greater impact on improving nutrition than

dietary change/supplementation alone. Understanding potential

barriers to improved nutrition, and identifying opportunities

for joined-up approaches is thus critical. WHO member states

have agreed upon a series of priority actions [265] to be jointly

implemented with international partners to achieve the 2025

global nutrition targets [5], which emphasize the importance of

improving the nutritional status of women of reproductive age.

6.2. Addressing women’s rights and access to good nutrition

The ability to improve the nutritional status of adolescents

and women worldwide relies on reducing the specific gender-

based constraints facing girls and women, particularly in relation

to food security. In many parts of the world, cultural norms

apportion higher power to males, including male offspring,

translating to differential caregiving practices that can favor

boys over girls, and intra-household food allocation practices

that can disadvantage girls and women. Women are thus

disproportionately affected by poor nutrition and micronutrient

deficiencies, particularly when food availability or access is


Women in situations of inadequate food access are often

anemic and suffer other micronutrient deficiencies, which greatly

affect their own lives and their ability to cope with pregnancy.

For example, one of the largest causes of maternal death, namely

postpartum hemorrhage, is not usually due to catastrophic blood

loss but to the mother’s underlying anemia, which leaves her with

little reserve to cope with even a small loss of blood after delivery.

There has been a range of reports produced on the human rights

issues relating to adolescent and women’s health [266–269], but

there is still much to be done in this respect.

6.3. Recommendations for health policy makers

Good nutrition for adolescents and women starts with food

security, food availability, and education. FIGO recommends that

health policy makers:

• Invest in promoting healthy nutrition in adolescents and

young women from before pregnancy, through pregnancy

and childbirth, and during the care of the infant and child.

• Develop practical policies to encourage women and their

families to access better diet and adopt healthy behaviors.

• Invest in dietary educational resources and support

for healthcare providers, school teachers, community

pharmacists, and social and cultural organizations to

provide whole-of-community initiatives—especially to

reach young women before pregnancy.

• Promote food fortification or supplementation of specific

nutrients in specific situations. Because initiating

fortification schemes is a long process, planning and

integration between public and private sectors are

required. Supplementation may be necessary in vulnerable


– Promote use of iodized salt.

– Promote iron plus folic acid supplementation.

– Promote multiple micronutrient supplementation

when appropriate.

– Consider ready-to-use therapeutic foods (balanced

protein energy supplementation) as appropriate.

– Promote adequate calcium status in adolescents and


– Promote adequate vitamin D status in adolescents and


• Devise and implement government-funded food and

nutrition programs to fill gaps in women’s nutrition


• Implement and monitor programs to reduce/remove

barriers to attaining good nutrition for adolescent girls and

women by:

– Addressing discriminatory laws and social and

cultural norms to enhance women’s empowerment.

– Improving access to educational and employment


– Ensuring school feeding programs to reduce hunger

and micronutrient deficiencies in children; for girls in

particular, such programs also raise school attendance.

• Establish functional monitoring systems to track progress

on the achievement of global nutrition and NCD targets.

• Implement government initiatives to promote and support


6.4. Recommendations for healthcare providers

FIGO recommends that:

• All healthcare providers should be aware of maternal

nutritional issues and should take the opportunity to

discuss them with patients/members of the public at every

opportunity. Think Nutrition First.• Nutrition education, counselling, and screening begin in

early adolescence:

– School health clinic nutritional screening.

– Community programs for out-of-school youth.

– Detect iron deficiency and other micronutrient


• Processes are devised and implemented to ensure that

nonpregnant women, who are less likely to see a physician

regularly for prevention and health education, have access

to advice and health care in the adolescent, preconception,

and pregnancy periods to ensure that they have healthy


• Healthcare providers need to know when supplementation

is required because adequate micronutrient intakes are

often not achieved through food-based approaches.

6. Barriers and opportunities

• FIGO supports the adoption of gender-sensitive policies to

improve access to adequate and nutritious food for girls,

adolescents, and women.

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7.1. Focus on women’s nutrition for a better future

To guarantee the best possible future for any society, it is

essential to ensure healthy nutrition for adolescent girls and

women of reproductive age such that, when a woman is ready

to reproduce, her own good health and nutrition will provide

a favorable environment for the development of her future


Women’s nutrition and health can play a role in the inter-

generational transmission of human health capital, ensuring

future health, happiness, longevity, and economic progress.

Investing in adolescent, preconception, and maternal nutrition

will provide a range of cumulative benefits, delivering improve-

ments in health across multiple sectors of society.

7. Summary and conclusions

• FIGO makes specific recommendations to achieve this goal,

and advocates concerted action by a range of stakeholders

including donors and international organizations to enact


should be a priority in all countries.

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