Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China. * Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete – do not circulate Abstract This paper provides some of the first empirical evidence on the role of internal migration in manufacturing growth, using Chinese data. We first identify shocks to rural livelihoods caused by variation in international agri- cultural prices and local climatic conditions. We then combine these shocks with a gravity model to predict yearly migrant inflow into each urban center. Finally, we use household survey data and a census of large firms to estimate the causal impact of migrant inflows on the urban economy. Preliminary re- sults suggest that by increasing labor supply, migration lowers labor costs and increases the profitability of manufacturing firms. JEL codes: D24; J23; J61; O15. 1 Introduction As countries develop, labour shifts from the traditional—agriculture—to the modern sector—manufacturing,—which implies migration from rural to urban areas (Lewis, 1954; Kuznets, 1964; Harris and Todaro, 1970). 1 Despite the fact that the movement * Imbert: Warwick University, [email protected]; Seror: PSE, [email protected]; Zhang: CUHK, [email protected]; Zylberberg: Bristol University, [email protected]. We are grateful to Gharad Bryan, Jon Temple, Christine Valente, Thomas Vendryes, Chris Woodruff for useful discussions and comments. We also thank participants in Bristol, CUHK and Warwick for helpful comments. The usual disclaimer applies. 1 In a recent study of the determinants of structural change in today’s developed economies, Alvarez-Cuadrado and Poschke (2011) propose an empirical exercise to distinguish “push” from “pull” models. In “labour push” models, rising productivity in agriculture releases labour, which in 1

Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

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Page 1: Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence

from China.∗

Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang

Yanos Zylberberg

Preliminary and incomplete – do not circulate


This paper provides some of the first empirical evidence on the role of

internal migration in manufacturing growth, using Chinese data. We first

identify shocks to rural livelihoods caused by variation in international agri-

cultural prices and local climatic conditions. We then combine these shocks

with a gravity model to predict yearly migrant inflow into each urban center.

Finally, we use household survey data and a census of large firms to estimate

the causal impact of migrant inflows on the urban economy. Preliminary re-

sults suggest that by increasing labor supply, migration lowers labor costs and

increases the profitability of manufacturing firms.

JEL codes: D24; J23; J61; O15.

1 Introduction

As countries develop, labour shifts from the traditional—agriculture—to the modern

sector—manufacturing,—which implies migration from rural to urban areas (Lewis,

1954; Kuznets, 1964; Harris and Todaro, 1970).1 Despite the fact that the movement

∗Imbert: Warwick University, [email protected]; Seror: PSE, [email protected]; Zhang:CUHK, [email protected]; Zylberberg: Bristol University, [email protected] are grateful to Gharad Bryan, Jon Temple, Christine Valente, Thomas Vendryes, ChrisWoodruff for useful discussions and comments. We also thank participants in Bristol, CUHKand Warwick for helpful comments. The usual disclaimer applies.

1In a recent study of the determinants of structural change in today’s developed economies,Alvarez-Cuadrado and Poschke (2011) propose an empirical exercise to distinguish “push” from“pull” models. In “labour push” models, rising productivity in agriculture releases labour, which in


Page 2: Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

of labour is central in structural transformation, there is little empirical evidence on

its short- and medium-run impact on the urban manufacturing sector.

The objective of this paper is to estimate the causal impact of migration inflows

on urban labor markets and manufacturing firms in China. We use variation in

rainfall and world prices for agricultural commodities, combined with information on

cropping patterns and potential yields to construct exogenous shocks to agricultural

labour returns in each rural prefecture.2 We then combine these shocks with a

gravity model, which includes distance between rural origin and urban destination

and population at destination to predict migration inflows into each urban area.

Finally, we use these origin-based fluctuations to instrument immigrant inflows and

estimate their effect on the urban economy through the observation of workers and


China arguably offers the best context to study the role of migration in economic

development. The Chinese economy has experienced a remarkably rapid structural

transformation, with a sharp fall in the share of agriculture and a symmetric rise

in manufacturing and services for the last three decades. China’s agricultural em-

ployment share was about 70% in 1980 and is predicted to taper off at 24% in 2020

(ADB, 2014).3 At the same time, China has seen massive migration flows from rural

to urban areas. The stock of rural-to-urban migrants, i.e. the urban population with

a rural household registration or residence permit (hukou), rose from 46.5 million in

1982 to 205.6 million or 30.9% of the total urban population in 2010 (Chan, 2012).4

This rapid evolution allows us to study migration and manufacturing growth with

coherent data sources spanning a significant part of the structural transformation


Our empirical strategy proceeds in three steps. In a first step, we construct shocks

to agricultural incomes. For this we collect geocoded grids (1km×1km) provided by

the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). We multiply the 1990 harvested

area with a model-based measure of potential yield combining crop requirements

and soil characteristics to create a measure of expected output for each crop and

turn triggers industrialization (Gollin et al., 2002). In “labour pull” models, technological changeincreases productivity in manufacturing, which attracts workers out of agriculture (Herrendorf etal., 2013). In both narratives, migration—and thus structural change—is prompted by a produc-tivity gap between sectors.

2Prefectures are the second administrative division in China below the province (there wereabout 345 prefectures in 2005).

3In comparison, Alvarez-Cuadrado and Poschke (2011) find that it took 108 years on averagefor agricultural employment share to decline from 60% to 20% of the labour force in 12 of today’sdeveloped economies.

4This figure suggest that internal migration in China alone is of the same order of magnitude asinternational migration worldwide. In 2010 the stock of international migrants was an estimated222 million (United Nations, 2015).


Page 3: Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

prefecture. We then combine the expected output with two crop-specific shocks.

First, we isolate short-term fluctuations in international crop prices and transform

these price variations into variations in expected agricultural income (for a fixed

agricultural portfolio). Second, we interact the crop water requirement during the

growing season with monthly precipitation to create a yearly distance to ideal water

requirement in each prefecture. These origin shocks exhibit a large time-varying

volatility coming from the World demand and supply or rainfall cycles but also

large cross-sectional differences due to the wide variety of harvested crops across


In a second step, we combine rural income shocks with a gravity model which uses

distance between rural origins and urban destinations and population at destination

to predict migration inflows into urban areas. Fluctuations in agricultural income

due to international prices and rainfall generate significant variations in outflows

from rural areas. An origin-specific agricultural portfolio 10% above its long-term

value (about 1 standard deviation) is associated with a 0.25 p.p. lower outmigration

incidence. Similarly, a 1 standard deviation increase in our measure of distance to

ideal water requirement is associated with a 0.18 p.p. lower outmigration incidence.

Both effects are very robust and generate economically significant variations in mi-

gration outflows (the average outmigration incidence is around 1.4 p.p.). We next

use a gravity model based on geographic distance and historical data on destina-

tion populations to transform these rural outflows into immigration inflows to urban

destinations. Our approach is similar in that respect to Boustan et al. (2010).

In a third step, we identify the causal impact of migrant inflows on the urban

economy. We first use an annual survey of urban households (Urban Household

Survey) and estimate the effect of migration on wages and employment for urban

“natives”. We find that migration inflows exert a downward pressure on urban wages

and crowd urban residents out of wage employment. The implied wage elasticity

with respect to migration is 0.15 to 0.28. As expected, the effects are stronger for

less educated workers, who are close substitutes for migrant labour. We next use

a yearly census of large firms from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and

estimate the effect of migration on labour costs and profitability. We show that

migration inflows markedly reduce the wage rate (wage bill divided by employment)

and increase profitability (value added minus labour costs divided by revenues) for

urban firms. The effects are stronger for firms employing mostly unskilled labour.

Our (preliminary) findings contribute to different strands of the literature. First,

this paper contributes to the literature on structural transformation by estimating

the direct impact of rural-to-urban migration on the modern sector, using worker and


Page 4: Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

firm data. Our findings that migration decreases wages and increases profitability in

urban areas relate to “labour push models,” which generally imply that, by releasing

labour, labour-saving rising agricultural productivity may trigger industrialization

(Gollin et al., 2002; Alvarez-Cuadrado and Poschke, 2011; Bustos et al., 2015). Our

results may also complement Marden (2015), who finds that for an earlier period

of Chinese development (the 1990s), the increase in farm profits due to agricultural

reforms provided credit to finance non-agricultural sector growth.

Second, this paper relates to the nascent literature which uses firm-level data to

study how migrants’ labour supply is absorbed by the economy (Peri, 2012; Kerr et

al., 2015; Dustmann and Glitz, 2015).5 The context of our study is however very

different. Urban China has experienced massive flows of internal migrants and its

economy has been expanding at a very high rate, with a constant reallocation of

resources toward small, young and productive firms (Song et al., 2011).

Third, this paper relates to the literature on the effects of immigration on labour

markets (Borjas, 2003), and more specifically to studies that focus on internal mi-

gration. Boustan et al. (2010) study the labour market effects of changes in internal

migration in the US during the Great Depression. El Badaoui et al. (2014), Imbert

and Papp (2014), Kleemans and Magruder (2014) and Feng et al. (2015a) among

others study the labour market effects of migration in Thailand, India, Indonesia

and the United States, respectively.

Fourth, this paper contributes to the literature on the role of migration in shap-

ing economic development in China. Ge and Yang (2014) use wage decomposition

methods and a simple calibration to show that migration depressed unskilled wages

in urban areas by at least 20% throughout the 1990s and 2000s. Based on aggregated

data at the provincial level, De Sousa and Poncet (2011) find that migration helped

alleviate upward pressures on Chinese wages in 1995-2007. In contrast, Meng and

Zhang (2010) provide evidence of a modestly positive or zero effect of rural migrants

on native urban workers’ labour market outcomes, and Combes et al. (2015) put

forward a strong positive externality on local wages. Mayneris et al. (2014) consider

another type of shock to the labour market, an increase in legislated minimum wages.

As we do with migration, they assess the impact of the shock on firm outcomes in

China. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first microeconomic paper

to investigate and provide evidence of the effect of migration on firm outcomes, and

thus contributes to linking to empirics “push” models of rural outmigration fuelling

modern sector growth. It complements Facchini et al. (2015), who show that trade

5Giesing and Laurentsyeva (2015), provide evidence on the effect of emigration on firm outcomesin Eastern European countries.


Page 5: Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

shocks increase demand for labor in manufacturing and stimulate internal migration

(which is consistent to a “pull” model).6

Much attention has been given to the mechanisms and patterns of the Chinese

growth, and a large body of literature is devoted to migration in China. However,

while the role of rural-to-urban migration in fuelling economic growth finds a large

echo in the policy debate in China,7 the economic literature has given it much less

attention. For example, Song et al. (2011) focus on three main features of the

Chinese economic take-off—high output growth, with high and sustained returns

to capital, reallocation within the manufacturing sector from large state-owned en-

terprises (SOEs) to smaller private firms, and large savings invested abroad. Their

explanation relies on credit market imperfections, which force small productive firms

to save before growing at the expense of larger, less productive firms. Interestingly,

migration from rural areas may also help explain these stylized facts. Indeed, the

constant increase in labour supply of migrants, by moderating urban wage growth,

may have allowed firms to sustain high profits, accumulate internal savings and

finance profitable investments despite credit constraints.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe

our three main data sources allowing us to create migration flows, labour market

outcomes and firm-specific outcomes. We also detail how we isolate exogenous vari-

ations at origin that impact migration flows. In Section 3, we describe our empirical

strategy, in particular how we generate synthetic migration flows thanks to our

agricultural productivity shocks and estimates of migration flows on urban labour

markets and firm outcomes at destination. We present our main results in section 4.

Section 5 concludes.

2 Data

This section presents the data we use and how we construct the main variable of

our analysis.8. We first present our two main sources of exogenous variation in

agricultural returns to labour, i.e. the price and yield shocks. We next present our

measures of migration flows and urban outcomes.

6Macroeconomic discussions of the link between migration and productivity can be found inAu and Henderson (2006), Au and Henderson (2007) and Tombe and Zhu (2015). These papersall focus on mobility restrictions, as do Bosker et al. (2012), an economic geography analysis, andVendryes (2011), a theoretical paper.

7See Meng and Zhang (2010) for a survey.8As we rely on many data sources, we describe them briefly below and provide a more detailed

discussion in the appendix.


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2.1 Rural income shocks

In order to construct shocks to productivity of labor in agriculture, we combines

three types of information: potential agricultural output, international prices and


Potential Agricultural Output We construct the potential output for each crop

in each prefecture, by combining a measure of harvested area, and a measure of yield

both provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

First, we extract from the 1990 World Census of Agriculture the geo-coded map

of harvested area for each crop (in a 30 arc-second resolution, approximately 1km).

We then overlay this map with a map of prefectures, and we construct total harvested

area hc,o for a given crop c and a given prefecture o.9

Second, we use a measure of potential yield per hectare as computed in the Global

Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ) Agricultural Suitability and Potential Yields dataset.

The measure is model-based and uses information on crop requirements (e.g. the

length of yield formation period and the stage-specific crop water requirements), soil

characteristics (i.e. the ability of the soil to retain and supply nutrients) in order

to generate a potential yield for a given crop, and a given soil under 5 scenarios:

rain-fed (high/intermediate/low water input), and irrigated crop (high/intermediate

water input). For each crop c and prefecture o, we use information on whether it

was rain-fed or irrigated in 1990 to construct potential yield yic,o.10

The interaction between harvest area and potential yield hc,oyic,o is our mea-

sure of potential agricultural output for each crop in each prefecture in 1990. Fig-

ure 3 displays potential output hc,oyic,o for rice and cotton, and illustrates the large

geographic variation in agricultural portfolios. By construction, hc,oyic,o is time-

invariant. We next combine potential output at the prefecture level with two time-

varying shocks, international prices and rainfall shocks.

International price shock As a measure of exogenous changes in international

demand for crops, we use the World Bank Commodities Price Data (“The Pink

Sheet”).11. We consider prices in constant 2010 USD and per kg between 1980

and 2009 for the following commodities: banana, cassava, coffee, cotton, an index

9We collapse our analysis at the prefecture level to match migration data but agricultural shockscan be constructed at a 30 arc-second resolution over the whole country.

10The measure is given as a 30 arc-second resolution geo-coded map which we overlay withprefecture maps to generate the prefecture average.

11The data is freely available online at http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/commodity-price-data


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of foddercrops, groundnut, maize, millet, potato, pulses, rapeseed, rice, sorghum,

soybean, sugar beet, sugar cane, sunflower, tea and wheat.12 These crops account

for the lion’s share of China’s agricultural production over the period of interest

(they represented 90% of total agricultural output in 1998 and 79% in 2007).13

We also collected producer prices, exports and production as reported by the FAO

between 1991 and 2013 for China (and other countries) to check that international

price variations translate into producer price variations.

In order to identify shocks in international prices, we use next a deviation from

long-term trend hpc,t by applying a Hodrick-Prescott (HP henceforth) filter on the

logarithm of nominal prices. The Appendix Figure A3 presents the series for three

crops, i.e. rice, bananas and groundnuts, and illustrates the magnitude of fluctua-

tions: The market value of rice production decreases by 40% between 1998 and 2001

and increases by 70% between 2007 and 2008. As shown in Figure A3, fluctuations

in prices are not pure transitory shocks but rather behave as an AR(1) process with

rare and large jumps. Hence our price shocks capture the equivalent of business

cycle fluctuations in international crop prices.

Finally, we transform fluctuations in World prices into an estimate of the value of

crop production for each year in each prefecture. In order to do this, we construct for

each prefecture o the value gap for the agricultural portfolio. We consider the crop-

specific deviations from long-term trend, {hpc,t}c, and weight them by a constant

weight equal to the expected share of agricultural revenue for crop c in prefecture o.

These shares are {hc,oyic,opc}c where hc,oyic,o is potential output in 1990 described

above and pc is a snapshot of international crop prices in 1980.

po,t =







The price shocks po,t exhibit some time-varying volatility coming from World demand

and supply, but there are also large cross-sectional differences. A prefecture is only

exposed to the variations in the prices of crops that it produces. The wide variety

of harvested crops across China guarantees a large cross-sectional variance in prices

po,t that will be exploited in our main empirical strategies. Panel A of Figure A4

shows price shocks po,1999−2000 in 1999 and 2000, just before farmers experienced a

crisis across China due to a strong decrease in the price of rice.

These shocks are likely to have a strong effect on outmigration. Indeed, fluc-

12We exclude from our analysis one crop, i.e. tobacco, for which (i) China has a dominant positionand directly influences the international prices and (ii) China National Tobacco Corporation, astate-owned enterprise, has a monopoly on cigarette production.



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tuations in prices exhibit some persistence: prices follow a process that looks like

an AR(1). Accordingly, a negative shock does not only affect returns to labour in

the same year but also the following ones. This persistence helps us in triggering

migration outflows but will also introduce some auto-correlation in the resulting

immigration inflows to urban centers.

As the fluctuations in po,t entirely come from fluctuations in the World com-

modity prices, we need to assume that these prices are driven by supply shocks in

other exporting countries, demand fluctuations in importing countries or the World

agricultural market integration, but that these demand and supply fluctuations are

orthogonal to Chinese urban labour demand.14.

Rainfall shocks In our analysis, we use a second type of shocks to agricultural

income based on rainfall deficit during the growing period of each crop.

Our rainfall data is a monthly precipitation measure (0.5 degree latitude x 0.5

degree longitude precision) which covers the period 1901-2011 and mostly relies on

the Global Historical Climatology Network.15 Once collapsed at the prefecture level,

This provides us with a measure rao,m,t of rainfall for prefecture o in month m and

year t.

We refine this rainfall measure to account for the growing cycle of each crop,

i.e. (i) the harvest season and (ii) rainfall requirements. For a given year, there are

several sources of variation across Chinese prefectures in actual yields due to rainfall.

First, different locations receive different levels of rainfall. Second, exposure to

rainfall depends on the growing cycle of the different harvested crops (winter, spring

or summer/autumn crops). In addition, some crops are resistant to large water

deficits while others immediately perish with low rainfall. The large cross-sectional

variations in each year may come from (i) a direct effect of local rainfall, (ii) an

indirect effect coming from the interaction with the crop-specific growing cycle.

We rely on the measure rao,m,t of rainfall for prefecture o in month m and year t

and we construct for each crop a measure wrc of the minimum crop water require-

ment during the growing season Mc as predicted by the yield response to water.16

14One potential issue is that agricultural prices could have a direct effect on firms which useagricultural products as inputs. We test the robustness of our results by excluding these firmsfrom our analysis

15UDel AirT Precip data was provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado,USA, from their Web site at http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/.



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We then generate

ro,t =




wrc − rao,m,t, 0}wrc





). (2)

This measure has a very intuitive interpretation. The quantity max{∑

m∈Mcwrc −

rao,m,t, 0} is the deficit between actual rainfall and the minimum crop water require-

ment wrc during the growing season. We then penalize this deficit with a factor α

capturing potential non-linearities in the impact of rainfall deficit. In our baseline

specification, this penalization parameter α will be set equal to 3.17 A high ratiomax{



would be associated with a bad harvest for the specific crop.

We then weight these ratios by potential output for each crop in each prefecture.

Panel B of Figure A4 displays rainfall shocks rao,1999−2000 in 1999 and 2000. As

expected, there is large year-to-year variation in rainfall availability. Also, for a

given year, because of differences in cropping patterns across prefectures, the spatial

auto-correlation of rainfall shocks is much lower than the correlation of rainfall

itself. While the exogeneity of rainfall shocks is not questionable, in order to use

it as instrument for rural to urban migration we need to assume that urban labor

demand is not directly affected by rainfall.18

We view price and rainfall shocks as complement, since they have different

strengths. On the one hand, price shocks reflect business fluctuations and will likely

have a stronger effect on rural to urban migration than rainfall shocks, which are

short-lived. On the other, rainfall shocks are idiosyncratic, which makes it more

likely for us to identify their immediate effect on migration flows.

2.2 Migration and urban outcomes

We now describe our measures of migration flows and workers and firms outcomes

in urban areas.

Migration flows In order to measure migration flows, we use a random 20% ex-

tract of the 1% Population Survey 2005, also called “2005 mini-census”. These data

are representative of the whole of China and contain data on occupation, industry,

income, ethnicity, education level and housing characteristics. Most importantly

for our purpose, the 2005 mini-census is the first to contain comprehensive data

on migration status. This can be determined thanks to information on household

registration type (agricultural or non-agricultural) and on the places of registration

17The results are robust to more conservative values for α, e.g. α = 1 or α = 2.18In the analysis, we test the robustness of our results by controlling for local rainfall shocks.


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and of residence, which are available down to the prefecture level.19 Migrants are

further asked the main reason for leaving their place of registration and when they

did so. Because of their quality and degree of detail, the census data collected by the

National Bureau of Statistics are widely used in the literature (Combes et al., 2015;

Facchini et al., 2015; Meng and Zhang, 2010; Tombe and Zhu, 2015, inter alia).

Moreover, information on places of origin and residence can be combined with

retrospective data on the year that the respondent first left her place of registration

(censored above six years prior to the interview) in order to create a matrix of yearly

net migration flows across all Chinese prefectures between 1999 and 2005, as well

as to determine the migrant stock in 1999. There were about 345 prefectures (diji

qu/shi) in China over this period, home to 3.7 million people on average. Prefec-

tures are the third tier of government in China, below the central and provincial

governments, and the lowest level of government with accessible data on bilateral

migration flows.

Unlike most studies relying on census data, migration flows are directly observed

rather than computed as a difference of stocks. However, our measure of migration

has two limitations that must be borne in mind in the subsequent analysis. First,

since migration flows are reconstructed ex post, we expect some attrition, i.e. re-

turnees are not counted as former migrants but as agricultural hukou holders living

in their prefectures of registration. Second, the census does not record when the

respondent arrived at her place of residence but only when she left her place of

registration, hence we have to assume that the two happen in the same year. Some

migrants may have however resided in other urban centers in between (step migra-

tion). Return and step migration may dilute the effect of the shocks at origin on

migration flows.20

Figure 4 illustrates the rise in migrant flows between 2000 and 2005 as a share of

the total locally registered urban population, i.e. locally registered (at the prefecture

level) non-agricultural hukou holders. We consider only inter-prefectural migration

flows. The rising trend and the magnitude of migration flows is striking: In 2005, the

inflow of migrants from other prefectures was in excess of 6%, as against less than 2%

in 2000. Two interesting facts pertain to the composition of the incoming migrants.

First, between 78% in 2000 and 83% in 2005 of the yearly migrant inflow consist of

rural hukou holders, the remainder being accounted for by urban dwellers originating

19Unfortunately, information on the place of residence does not distinguish between rural orurban settings.

20The 2005 mini-census also contains information on the place of residence one and five yearsprior to the interview. In appendix B.1, we use these data to quantify return and step migration.The results suggest that return migration is substantial, but step migration negligible.


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from other prefectures. Second, on average more than 78% of interprefectural rural-

urban migrations recorded over the period 2000-2005 involved the crossing of a

provincial border. We provide in the Appendix (B.1) a more detailed description of

migration flows and migrants.

Wages and employment In our analysis, we first study labour market outcomes

from the worker point of view, using household survey data. The household data

used to assess the link between migration and destination-specific labour market

outcomes come from the national Urban Household Survey (UHS) collected by the

National Bureau of Statistics.

The UHS is a nationally representative survey of Urban China that covers the

period 2002-2008. It is based on a three-stage stratified random sampling, whose

design is similar to that of the Current Population Survey in the United States (Ge

and Yang, 2014; Feng et al., 2015b). Its sample includes 18 provinces and 207 pre-

fectures.21 The data we use for our analysis are annual cross-sections, with a sample

size that ranges from 68,376 to 94,428 individuals (in 2002 and 2008 respectively).

Before 2002, the population covered by the UHS explicitly excluded the “floating

population” of agricultural hukou holders living in urban areas. Since 2002, all

households living in urban areas are eligible. However, sampling still ignores urban

dwellers living in townships and in the suburban districts of Beijing, Chongqing,

Shanghai, and Tianjin (Park, 2008). Rural-urban migrants, who are more likely to

live in peripheral areas of cities, are therefore under-represented. Our analysis is

thus restricted to the locally registered urban population.22

The UHS is a very rich dataset with detailed information on individual employ-

ment, income —including monthly wages, bonuses, allowances, housing and medi-

cal subsidies, overtime, and other income from the work unit—and household-level

characteristics. It also includes detailed data on household expenditures collected

using diaries—see Feng et al. (2015b) for more detail—. As our main income mea-

sure, we use monthly wages divided by a prefecture- and year-specific consumer

price index which we constructed ourselves using consumption data.23 We also

construct three employment outcomes: wage employment, unemployment and self-

employment (which also includes firm owners).24 Table A1 in the Appendix provides

21Although the 18 provinces capture much of China’s regional disparities, it must be noted thatthey may not constitute a faithful picture of China as a whole. The provinces are Beijing, Shanxi,Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei,Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shaanxi and Gansu.

22The UHS data also tend to oversample employees from state and collective enterprises, whereresponse rates are higher (Ge and Yang, 2014; Feng et al., 2015b).

23Statistical Yearbooks in China do not publish CPIs below the province level.24Working hours in the month preceding the survey were also recorded in UHS 2002-2006. How-


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average summary statistics of key variables over the period 2002-2008.

Firms Our second piece of information on the urban economy comes from firm-

level data spanning 1998-2007 from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).25 The

NBS implements every year a census of all state-owned enterprises and all non-state

firms with sales exceeding 5 million RMB.26 It covers the industrial sector, which

is defined as mining, manufacturing and utilities In our analysis, we focus on the

manufacturing sector in which large firms are responsible for most of the production:

the NBS sample is responsible for 90% of gross manufacturing output.

The data are based on a standard firm survey and contain information on each

firm’s location, industry, ownership type, number of employees and a wide range

of accounting variables (e.g. output, input, value added, wage bill, fixed assets,

financial assets, etc.). In our preliminary analysis we consider two firm outcomes:

labor costs and profitability. As our measure of labor costs, we construct the wage

rate as the wage bill divided by the total number of employees. As our measure of

profitability, we use revenues divided by sales.

There is a number of caveat with using the NBS census. First, the 5 million

RMB threshold that defines whether a firm belongs or not to the NBS census was

loosely implemented. In effect, it is impossible to know the exact level of sales

before implementing the survey and some firms only entered the database several

years after having reached the sales cut-off.27 This truncation potentially introduces

a selection bias. For that reason, we restrict ourselves to the balanced panel of firms

over the period in most of our analysis, and we only resort to the unbalanced panel

as a robustness check.

Second, matching firms over time in the NBS is difficult because of frequent

changes in firm identifiers. In order to match “identifier-switchers,” we use the

fuzzy algorithm developed by Brandt et al. (2014), which uses slowly-changing firm

characteristics such as its name, address or phone number. While total sample size

ranges between 150,000 and 300,000 per year, we end up with 55,000 firms when we

limit the sample to the fully balanced panel between 1999 and 2005.

Third, although we shall use the terms “firm” and “enterprise” interchangeably

ever, as pointed out by Ge and Yang (2014), they vary within a very narrow range, which meansthat the UHS measure might understate actual variations in working hours. For this reason, wedo not use hours of work in our analysis.

25The following description borrows heavily from a detailed discussion in Brandt et al. (2014).26The average exchange rate over the period of interest was 8.26 RMB to the USD, so 5 million

RMB represent about $605,000.27Conversely, about 5% of private and collectively-owned firms, which are subject to the thresh-

old, continue to participate in the survey even if their annual sales fall short of the threshold.


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in the remainder of the paper, the NBS data cover “firms” in the narrow sense

of “legal units” (faren danwei). Subsequently, different subsidiaries of the same

enterprise may be surveyed, provided they meet a number of criteria, including

having their own names, being able to sign contracts, possessing and using assets

independently, assuming their liabilities and being financially independent.

3 Empirical strategy

In this section, we first describe how we create exogenous rural-to-urban migration

flows based on our price and rainfall variations at origin. Our strategy closely follows

Boustan et al. (2010) to evaluate labour market effects of internal migration in the

United States.28 We then present the empirical strategy we use to estimate the

causal impact of migrant inflows on the urban sector.

3.1 Predicting rural-urban migration flows

Let Mo,d,t denote the migration flows between origin o (rural areas of a prefecture

o) and destination d (a “city,” i.e. urban areas in a prefecture d) in a given year

t = 2000, . . . , 2005, which we construct using retrospective questions of the 2005

mini-census.29 We construct the outmigration rate in year t, mo,t, by dividing the

sum of migrants who left o in year t by the number of adults who still reside in o,

which we denote with Ro. Formally, we have:

mo,t =




We also construct the probability that a migrant from o goes to d at time t, which

we denote with po,d,t =Mo,d,t∑dMo,d,t


For the sake of exposition, we describe our strategy for a given shock so,t to the

rural origin o in year t, which may either be a price shock or a rainfall shock.

In order to estimate the causal effect of migration inflow on urban destinations,

we need variations in migration flows that are unrelated to potential destination

outcomes. Our empirical strategy follows Boustan et al. (2010), and interacts two

sources of exogenous variation. First, we use price and rainfall variations as ex-

ogenous determinants of migration outflows in each rural prefecture. Second, we

28A similar approach is adopted by El Badaoui et al. (2014), Feng et al. (2015a) and Kleemansand Magruder (2014).

29A ”prefecture” comprises both urban and rural areas. There is some debate on how wellurbanisation is captured in Chinese data—see Chan (2007). Note that our results are not sensitiveto such a measurement issue since we assume, based on the literature and Census data on reasonsfor migration, that rural outmigrants settle in urban areas.


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combine we use a gravity model which includes geographic distance between prefec-

tures and urban population in 1990 to allocate rural migrants to urban destinations.

This provides us with a prediction of migrant inflow in each urban area that is

exogenous with respect to urban outcomes.

Exogenous variations in migration outflows We first regress migration out-

flow from each rural area on shocks to agricultural income. Formally, we estimate

the following equation:

mo,t = β0 + βsso,t−1 + δt + νo + εo,t, (3)

where o indexes the origin, and t indexes time t = 2000, . . . , 2005. mo,t and so,t

denote is the outmigration rate and the shock at origin o in year t, respectively.

νo denotes for origin fixed effects and captures any time-invariant characteristics of

origins, e.g. barriers to mobility. We use 1990 population at origin as weight to

generate consistent outmigration predictions in the number of migrants.

As our measure of shock so,t, we use the average of rainfall or price shocks in

t − 1 and t − 2. A migration spell at date t = 2005 for instance corresponds to a

migrant worker who moved between October 2004 and October 2005. Hence, given

the timing of the growing cycle for most crops in our sample, migration spells in

period t are most likely to be impacted by rainfall and price variations in t− 1 and

before—especially if there are lags in the decision to migrate.30

Estimating equation 3 yields the predicted migration rate mo,t from origin o in

year t:

mo,t = β0 + β1so,t + νo + δt

where δt is the average of the time effect.31 We then multiply the migration rate by

rural population at origin Ro to compute predicted migration flows from o:

Mo,t = mo,t ×Ro

We present the estimation of equation (3) in Table 1. In the first two columns,

we report the estimates for the price variations with lags (column 1) and with lags

and forwards (column 2). The third and fourth columns display the estimates for

the rain variations, and the last two columns include both price and rainfall shocks.

30Incorporating contemporary price/rainfall shocks in the analysis does not change the results.We also estimate the same specification using forward shocks, i.e. the average of prices in t + 1and t+ 2, to show that shocks are not anticipated.

31We remove time variation from our predictions, in order to avoid correlation between ourmigration flows and destination trends in outcomes.


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In Table 1 – columns 1 and 2, we see that migration flows are negatively correlated

with (lagged) price deviations from their long-term values. A price 10% above its

long-term value is associated with a 0.25 p.p. lower migration incidence, which is on

average around 1.3 p.p. in our sample. In order to better understand the magnitude

of this effect, let us normalize by the standard deviations of our variables. An

additional standard deviation in the price shocks decreases migration incidence by

0.18 standard deviations. This effect is thus economically large, and quite precisely

estimated. Figure 1 plots the residuals of outmigration (y-axis) against the residual

value of the prefecture-specific agricultural portfolio as predicted by international

prices (x-axis), once cleaned by prefecture and year fixed-effects. The relationship

is globally linear.

As shown in Table 1 – columns 3 and 4, migration flows are positively correlated

with rainfall deficits (see definition in section 2). A standard deviation increase in

rainfall deficits is associated with a 0.18 p.p. higher migration incidence. Figure 2

displays the relationship between outmigration and rainfall deficits, once prefecture

and year fixed effects are partialled out. The relationship seems linear.

As a robustness check, we test whether shocks are anticipated and find that

forward variations in rainfall or prices do not predict migration outflows (Column

2, 4 and 6 of Table 1). Finally, we include both types of shocks in the estimation.

As columns 5 and 6 of Table 1 show, price and rainfall shocks have independent

effects on migration outflows. The estimated coefficients on the lags and forwards

of our constructed shocks in the joint regression are similar to those in the separate


Exogenous variations in origin-destination migration flows We next esti-

mate the following equation:

po,d = f(disto,d) + γPopd,1990 + µo + εo,d, (4)

where po,d is the share of migrants from prefecture o who went to prefecture d,

disto,d is the distance between o and d, f is a parametric function of distance and

Popd,1990 is the total urban population of prefecture d in 1990. Equation 4 yields

po,d, the predicted probability for migrants from prefecture o to go to prefecture

d based on distance, a fixed and exogenous characteristic of the pair (o, d), and

the attractiveness of d captured by its lagged population. The specifications are

weighted by Popd,1990.

We report the results of this estimation for three simple parametric specifications


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in Table 2. In the first column, we use a linear specification in distance.32 In column

2, we add a quadratic term and we use the inverse of distance in column 3. As

apparent in this table, (i) distance is a very strong predictor of migration flows and

(ii) the last specification in column 3 generates a much better fit of the data. 33

Predicted migration flows Finally, we combine predicted migration outflows

(Equation 3) and predicted probabilities to come from each origin to each destination

(Equation 4) to predict migration inflows into each urban destination. Formally, we

compute :

Md,t =∑o 6=d

Mo,t × po,d, (5)

where Md,t are migration inflows in destination d in year t, Mo,t is predicted migration

outflow from origin o in year t and po,d is the predicted probability that a migrant

from o goes to d. In order to avoid that migration inflows are correlated with

destination outcomes, we exclude from Md,t immigration flows attributable to rural

areas of prefecture d.

This two-stage process yields synthetic migration inflows into prefectures of des-

tination that are exogenous with respect to destination outcomes. We first pro-

vide some intuition about the nature of these exogenous variations in Figures A6

(measure Md,t as predicted by price variations) and A7 (measure Md,t as predicted

by rainfall variations). We report these measures cleaned for cross-sectional time-

invariant factors in 2001 (left panels) and 2004 (right panels). As shown in Fig-

ure A6, there is some spatial auto-correlation in these measures arising from the

spatial auto-correlation of crop composition across prefectures and the transforma-

tion of outflows to inflows involving distance between prefectures. There is also

some auto-correlation across periods as international prices exhibit persistence in

their fluctuations. However, there are also large cross-sectional and time-varying

fluctuations that we can use for our analysis. Figure A7 illustrates cross-sectional

and time-varying fluctuations for the immigrant inflows measure as predicted by

rainfall variations.

In order to test whether our migration predictions are accurate, we regress the

actual migrant inflows observed in the mini-census data on the predicted immigrant

inflows. Table 3 reports the correlation between actual and predicted migration

rates. As Columns 1 and 3 show, the relationship is strong, positive and significant

32The distance between two prefectures o and d, po,d, is measured as the distance between thecentroids of o and d.

33This is confirmed by Figure A5 in Appendix which displays the average migration share toeach destination by distance from the origin.


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with destination-fixed effects. It remains so after adding year fixed effects (Columns

2 and 4). The coefficient in both specifications is close to one. This suggests that,

as expected and by construction, our instrument successfully predict variation in

migration inflow between years for a given prefecture and across prefectures for a

given year, even if they do not explain most of the total variation in migration rates.

This baseline relationship between actual and exogenous variations in immigration

rates will serve as a first stage in our analysis to estimate the impact of migration

on urban labour markets and firm outcomes.

In a robustness check, we only keep migrants from different provinces and run

a similar exercise as in Table 3 (see Table A6). The predictive power of the syn-

thetic migration flows is not affected by the restriction to migration spells between

provinces. This feature is important because it allow us to separate the potential di-

rect effects of price or rainfall shocks on a province (through demand for non-tradable

goods for instance) from the indirect effects through the arrival of workers.

We now turn to the second stage of our analysis, which estimates how rural-to-

urban migration is absorbed by the urban modern sector.

3.2 Migration flows and labour market outcomes

In order to estimate the effect of migration on urban labour market outcomes, we

use employment and wage data from the Urban Household Survey.34

We estimate the impact of migration on labour market outcomes of individual i

in destination d in year t by regressing each outcome, which we denote with yi,d,t,

on predicted migration that year, Md,t, and a vector of individual characteristics Xi.

The vector Xi includes dummy variables for individual i’s marital status, gender,

education level (primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and tertiary), and age

(24-35, 35-44, 45-54 and 54-64). We also include seven occupation dummies in order

to better control for workers’ skills.35 In order to control for labour market conditions

at destination and aggregate fluctuations in labour market outcomes, we also include

destination and year fixed effects. The effect of Md,t on yi,d,t is estimated through

34Since UHS does not cover all prefectures, but only a representative sample of 18 provincesand 207 prefectures, we checked that our predictions and actual migration rates are indeed wellcorrelated within the UHS sample (Results available upon request).

35UHS occupation categories are “Head of organization,” “Professional skill worker,” “Staff,”“Commercial and service worker,” “Agriculture,” “Production operator,” “Soldier” and “Otheroccupations”. Since occupation itself may be an outcome of migration, we check that our resultsare robust to excluding it from the vector of controls.


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Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) with Md,t as an instrument:{Md,t = b0 + bmMd,t + bxXi + ed + nt + ed,t

yi,d,t = β0 + βmMd,t + βxXi + ηd + νt + εi, (6)

and standard errors are clustered at the level of the prefecture of destination×year.36

3.3 Migration flows and firm outcomes

We next turn to the estimation of the effect of migrant inflows on firm outcomes.

One challenge with firm data is that some variables, e.g. size, are not station-

ary and these differential trends would not be captured by firm fixed effects. We

describe below our strategy when dealing with stationary variables: wage rate and

profitability (profits normalized by sales) and we describe in the appendix the em-

pirical strategy to deal with non-stationary variables.

We take advantage of the panel structure of the data and implement a 2SLS-FE

specification in which we regress the outcome of firm j in year t in urban prefecture

d on migration inflow in d, which we denote Md,t, using predicted migration Md,t as

instrument and including firm fixed effects ηj.{Md,t = b0 + bmMd,t + ej + nt + ed,t

yj,d,t = β0 + βmMd,t + ηj + νt + εj,t, (7)

with standard errors clustered at the level of the prefecture of destination×year.37

4 Results and discussion

In this section, we discuss our preliminary findings on the absorption of labour supply

in urban centers. We first analyze the impact on urban labour markets, which helps

identify the nature of the shock induced by immigant inflows at destination. We

then discuss preliminary findings on firm outcomes.

36Because the regressor of interest, the migration rate, is itself predicted, correct inference re-quires to bootstrap the first stage. The standard errors in the second stage are however correctlyestimated through 2SLS.

37Because the regressor of interest, the migration rate, is itself predicted, correct inference re-quires to bootstrap the first stage. The standard errors in the second stage are however correctlyestimated through 2SLS.


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4.1 Effects of migration inflow on urban workers

In order to identify the shift in urban labour supply, we use repeated cross sections

from the National Urban Household Survey and consider the effect of migration

inflows on labour market outcomes of locally registered urban residents aged 15

to 64. In this exercise, we ignore the existence of heterogeneity between migrants

and “natives,” i.e. assume that they are perfectly substitutable. As Table A3 in

the Appendix shows, however, migrants are significantly less skilled than urban

workers.38 For this reason, we also estimate the change in labour market outcomes

for “natives” with primary education and lower secondary education only.

Table 4 presents our estimates of the effect of migration inflows on four outcomes:

wages, wage employment, unemployment and self-employment of urban residents.

The first column presents results from a simple OLS regression of each outcome

on the actual immigration rate. The second and third columns present 2SLS es-

timations, using rainfall and price shocks, respectively, as instruments for migrant


We first consider the impact on urban wages. The OLS estimate is negative but

small: a 1 p.p. increase in the immigration rate is associated with a 0.09% decrease

in wages. The IV estimates are negative and larger in magnitude: If migrants are

attracted to cities that offer higher wages, OLS estimates should indeed be biased

upwards. Using rainfall and price shocks to predict migration, we find that a 1

p.p. higher immigration rate is associated with 0.17% - 0.22% lower wages. The

effects become larger when we focus our attention on urban residents with lower

secondary education or less, who are more likely to compete for jobs with migrants.

A 1 p.p. higher immigrant rate is associated with a 0.17% - 0.31% decrease in wages.

Overall, these estimates suggest that, once cleaned for the potential demand-driven

fluctuations, an influx of rural migrants depresses urban wages. Following Borjas

(2003) we can recover the elasticity of urban wages with respect to migration by

multiplying the coefficient by 1(1+m)2

, where m is the ratio of migrants to native.

In our context, the migration rate is about 5%, hence 1(1+m)2

≈ 0.90. The implied

wage elasticities from our estimates are between 0.15 and 0.28, which is lower than

Borjas’s (2003) own estimates (0.3− 0.4).

We next consider the effect of rural to urban migration on the status of active

urban residents (wage employment, self-employment or unemployment). The OLS

estimates are close to zero and mostly insignificant, as are the IV estimates using

price shocks as instrument. The IV estimates using rainfall shocks, however dis-

38See section B.1 in the Appendix for a systematic comparison between rural migrants and urbanresidents.


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play significant decrease in wage employment: a one percentage point increase in

migration decreases wage employment of urban residents by 9 percentage point (the

average participation to wage employment is above 90%). Correspondingly, unem-

ployment and self-employment seem to increase (the effect on self-employment is not

significant). These results provide some evidence that employers substitute urban

workers with rural migrants, leaving urban residents unemployed or leading them to

become self-employed. However, these effects are not consistent across instrumen-

tation strategies.

Overall, our results confirm that the arrival of migrants shifts labour supply

downward. The estimated effect of migration on wages is relatively small, as com-

pared to those from the literature on international migration into developed coun-

tries (Borjas, 2003) and to other studies on internal migration in developing countries

which use a similar strategy (Boustan et al., 2010; El Badaoui et al., 2014; Imbert

and Papp, 2014; Kleemans and Magruder, 2014). One reason behind such pattern

could be that the labour market for urban residents is regulated with the existence

of minimum wages, while the labour markets for migrants are unregulated. The

marginal labour cost may thus drastically respond to the arrival of migrants when

the average labour cost (mostly driven by residents) remains quite high.

4.2 Effects of migration inflow on manufacturing firms

We now turn to the firm side and analyze the impact of exogenous changes in

migration inflows on labor costs and profitability.

In Table 5, we analyze specification 7 on the subsample of firms present from

1999 to 2005. We look at two “stationary” outcome variables: wage rates, which

are defined as total wage bill divided by total labour force, and profitability, which

is equal to total profits (value added minus wage bill) divided by total revenue.39

We take the logarithm of both variables. In column 1, we report the correlation

between these variables (at the end of period t) and migrant inflows during period t.

In column 2 (resp. 3), we use our migration flows as predicted by the rainfall (resp.

price) shocks to instrument actual movements from rural to urban areas. Note that

firms relying on migrants may be selected in terms of unobservable characteristics.

All regressions in Table 5 and the following thus include firm fixed effects to clean

for fixed firm-specific determinants of their reliance on migrant workers.

As shown in the top panels of Table 5 – column 1, the correlation between firm-

level wage rates and total migrant inflows is negative and significant. As expected

given the lower education level of migrants—see Table A3,—the effect is slightly

39We ignore here the ownership structure of the firm.


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larger in absolute value when one restricts the analysis to firms that rely heavily

on unskilled labour, i.e. food manufacturing, beverage manufacturing, footwear,

wood processing, and textile. To interpret the size of these correlations, the within

standard deviation of migration flows is around .2, which implies that current mi-

gration flows higher by 1 within standard deviation would be associated with a small

0.03% decrease in wage rates. These results are however likely to be biased upwards

(towards zero) as migrants tend to settle in high-wage destinations.

Columns 2 and 3 address this concern thanks to the instrumental variable strat-

egy delineated in Section 3 and show a very different picture. Coefficients become

much larger in absolute value when migration flows are purged of the endogeneity

in migration decisions. A 1% higher immigration rate translates to 1.2% lower wage

rates when using rainfall as a source of exogenous variation and 0.6% lower when we

rely on price shocks. In standardised terms, a 1 within standard deviation increase

in the immigration rate yields a .25% (resp., .13%) drop in wage rates using the

rainfall- (resp., price-) based instrument. The range can be explained by two fac-

tors. First, the estimation based on rainfall tends to be noisier. Second, rainfall and

price shocks identify different local average treatment effects (LATEs). Whereas a

shortage of rainfall is likely to trigger distress migration, price fluctuations exhibit

some serial correlation and might thus lead rural dwellers relying on agriculture for a

living to update their expectations on returns to farming and engage in more planned

migration. We would therefore expect a stronger immediate impact of immigration

on urban labour markets when rainfall is exploited as a source of identification.

Finally, we can note that the effects are larger in magnitude—albeit imprecisely

estimated—when we focus on low-skill industries.

The bottom panels of Table 5 explore the effect of migrant inflows on firms’ prof-

itability, for the whole sample first and then focusing on low-skill sectors. Profitabil-

ity is positively and consistently affected by migration flows. The effect becomes

positive and significant when we implement our instrumental variable strategy.40

The effect of a 1 within standard deviation increase in the immigration rate iden-

tified thanks to international prices (resp., rainfall) on firms’ profitability is a .2%

(resp., 3%) rise in profitability for the whole sample. Firms that hire mostly low-

skilled workers enjoy a larger positive effect of immigration: +.3% (resp., +.4%).

We run a number of robustness checks to verify that our estimates are indeed cap-

40Note that the OLS effect is lower than the coefficients on the instrumented migration flowsand statistically indistinguishable from zero. One explanation is that opposite effects are at work:First, an influx of migrants enables firms to enhance their profits and grow; second, destinationsexperiencing migration flows have already experienced some economic growth with larger and moreestablished firms than in other regions, thereby attracting migrants through higher posted wages.


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turing labour supply shifts induced by origin-driven fluctuations. All corresponding

tables are in the Appendix.

One concern could be that firms in cities rely on the provision of important crops

as intermediate inputs, and are directly affected by World crop prices as final good

producers (rice vinegar exporters for instance). One possible solution is to exploit

the differential flows between products and migrants with the latter moving much

farther than the former (migration costs are paid once while transportation costs are

paid continuously). Instead, we use the precise indicators of industries and perform

two robustness checks. First, in order to clean for the potential shortages in crop

provisions for some cities close to the fields, we exclude all firms potentially using

one of our crops as an input. These consist of—among others—food exporters and

part of the textile industry. We report the results of this analysis in Table A7. The

results are virtually unchanged compared to Table 5. We also control for the direct

effect of price and rainfall shocks in destination prefectures. These controls are built

based on equations 1 and 2, respectively, and lagged in order to match the way

migration shocks were created. The results, reported in Table A8, are imprecisely

estimated but confirm our findings that immigration depresses wages and boosts

firm productivity at destination.

Second, there may be some delay between the arrival of migrants and the result-

ing increase in firm factor use. Although this does not jeopardise our identification

strategy or the interpretation of the results, we provide in Table A9 the effects of

lagged shocks. Results are consistent with contemporary shocks.

The results of this section give some credit to our constructed migration flows:

migration shifts labour supply to the right, thereby decreasing wages and boosting

labour demand. In the next section, we look more precisely at this effect and better

identify which firms gain from the newly-available resources.

4.3 Reallocation of resources across firms [Work in progress.]

5 Conclusion

A key link in the chain of events between rural to urban migration and manufacturing

growth is the impact of migration on urban labor markets and firms. This paper

provides some of the first causal empirical evidence of this impact using Chinese


We predict migrant inflows into urban areas based on shocks to agricultural in-

comes in rural origins and distance between prefectures of origin and destination.

These predictions are exogenous with respect to urban workers’ and firms’ environ-


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ments, which allows us to tackle the issue of migrants self-selecting into buoyant

labour markets and provide causal estimates of the effect of migration on urban

outcomes. Using a representative survey of urban households, we find that migrant

inflows from rural areas have a negative effect on urban dwellers’ wages and—to

a lesser extent—employment. We next use a census of large firms and show that

migration decreases labor costs and improves profitability of manufacturing firms

This new piece of evidence brings together two main features of Chinese devel-

opment, massive internal migration and manufacturing growth despite severe credit

constraints (Song et al., 2011). By keeping labor costs low, rural-to-urban migration

may have allowed firms to accumulate larger profits, which were then reinvested to

finance future growth.


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A Figures and tables

Figure 1. Value of agricultural portfolio at origin and outmigration rates.

Notes: This Figure illustrates the relationship between the standardized value of the prefecture-specific agriculturalportfolio as predicted by international prices (x-axis) and outmigration (y-axis). We consider the residuals of allmeasures once cleaned by prefecture and year Fixed-Effects. For the sake of exposure, we group prefecture×yearobservations, create 100 bins of observations with similar price shock and represent the average outmigration ratewithin a bin. The lines are locally weighted regressions on all observations.


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Figure 2. Rainfall deficits relative to water requirements at origin and outmigration rates.

Notes: This Figure illustrates the relationship between the standardized rainfall deficit relative to water requirementsfor the origin-specific agricultural portfolio (x-axis) and outmigration (y-axis). We consider the residuals of allmeasures once cleaned by prefecture and year Fixed-Effects. For the sake of exposure, we group prefecture×yearobservations, create 100 bins of observations with similar rainfall shock and represent the average outmigration ratewithin a bin. The lines are locally weighted regressions on all observations.

Figure 3. Potential output in China for rice and cotton (1990).

(a) Paddy rice. (b) Cotton.

Notes: These two maps represent the potential output constructed with 1990 harvested areas and potential yield(GAEZ model) in 1990 for 2 common crops in China, i.e. paddy rice (left panel), and cotton (right panel).


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Figure 4. Evolution of migration rates between 1999 and 2005.

Sources: 2005 Mini-Census.


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agsr [t−























sr [t+





























































































































































































































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Table 2. Distance and migration flows between origins and destinations (2000-2005).

Specification (4)

Migration flows (share) (1) (2) (3)

Distance do,d (1,000 km) -0.0116*** -0.0449***(0.000539) (0.00286)

Squared Distance d2o,d 1.04e-08***

(8.50e-10)Inverse Distance 1/do,d 9.424***

(0.757)Destination population (1,000), 1990 Popd,1990 0.943*** 0.956*** 0.949***

(0.0557) (0.0552) (0.0546)

Observations 116,622 116,622 116,622R-squared 0.206 0.231 0.255Origin FE Yes Yes Yes

Robust standard errors are reported between parentheses. The unit of observation is an origin×adestination×a year. Migration flows (share) are the number of migrants going from origin o todestination d normalized by the total number of migrants from origin o. For the sake of exposition,we normalize distance do,d and destination population Popd,1990 by 1, 000.

Table 3. Comparison of actual and predicted immigration rate in urban areas (2000-2005).(1) (2) (3) (4)

Prediction - rainfall 1.328*** 0.914***(0.334) (0.241)

Prediction - price 0.757*** 0.911***(0.246) (0.224)

Observations 2,028 2,028 2,028 2,028R-squared 0.812 0.875 0.813 0.879Year FE No Yes No YesDestination FE Yes Yes Yes Yes

Standard errors are clustered at the destination level and are reported between parentheses. ***p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. An observation is a destination×year. The immigration rate is thenumber of agricultural hukou holders from all origin prefectures who went to a destination prefec-ture d in a given year divided by population at destination. The independent variable correspondto Md,t as defined in equation 5. Regressions are weighted by total urban adult population atdestination.


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Table 4. Effect of migration flows on wages earned by urban residents and unemployment proba-bility.

OLS 2SLS: rainfall 2SLS: priceEffect of migration inflows on ... (1) (2) (3)Real monthly wages -0.090*** -0.224* -0.170*

(0.023) (0.131) (0.0906)[191,394] [190,989] [191,394]

Real monthly wages (low skill) -0.081*** -0.306* -0.169**(0.016) (0.166) (0.0855)[48,375] [48,375] [48,375]

Wage Employment -0.0063 -0.0991* 0.000309(0.0066) (0.0590) (0.0114)[212,197] [212,197] [212,197]

Wage Employment (low skill) -0.0072 -0.177* 0.0040(0.014) (0.102) (0.018)[58,045] [58,045] [58,045]

Unemployment 0.0081* 0.0408** -0.0081(0.0044) (0.0169) (0.0116)[212,197] [212,197] [212,197]

Unemployment (low skill) 0.0089*** 0.0318** -0.0032(0.0032) (0.0137) (0.0091)[58,045] [58,045] [58,045]

Self-Employment -0.0018 0.0583 0.0078(0.0027) (0.0451) (0.0119)[212,197] [212,197] [212,197]

Self-Employment (low skill) -0.0017 0.146 -0.0008(0.0112) (0.0923) (0.0202)[58,045] [58,045] [58,045]

Prefecture and Year FE Yes Yes Yes

Standard errors are clustered at the prefecture/year level. The unit of observation is an individual.In the first two panels, the dependent variable is the log of wages deflated using a consumer priceindex computed by the authors using the UHS data. In the next six panels, the dependent variablesare dummies that take the value one if the individual works for wage, is unemployed or is self-employed. See section 3 for a complete description of the price- and rainfall -related migrationflows. All specifications include characteristics of the resident population (proportions by maritalstatus, gender, age group, education level, rural registration, and firm ownership for the wagespecifications) and log adult population, as well as year and prefecture fixed effects. The firststages are reported in Table A6.


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Table 5. Effect of migration flows on wages and profitability using firm data.

OLS 2SLS: rainfall 2SLS: priceEffect of migration inflows on ... (1) (2) (3)Wages -0.168*** -1.221* -0.614**

(0.0518) (0.706) (0.255)[327,070] [327,070] [327,070]

Wages (low skill) -0.185*** -1.452 -0.707(0.0546) (1.515) (0.645)[179,984] [179,984] [179,984]

Profitability -0.134 1.541* 0.890***(0.0978) (0.865) (0.330)[303,957] [303,957] [303,957]

Profitability (low skill) -0.0370 1.990* 1.408***(0.0813) (1.160) (0.470)[167,829] [167,829] [167,829]

Prefecture and Year FE Yes Yes Yes

Standard errors are clustered at the prefecture/year level. The unit of observation is a firm ×a year. In the top two panels, the dependent variable is the log of total wage bill divided bythe number of employees. In the bottom two panels, the dependent variable is the log of profitsdivided by revenues. See section 3 for a complete description of the price- and rainfall -relatedmigration flows. The first stages are reported in Table A6. Low skill indicates firms in sectorsemploying mostly low-skill workers (i.e. food manufacturing, beverage manufacturing, footwear,wood processing, and textile).


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A Additional tables and figures

Figure A1. Share of return migrants by age.

Sources: 2005 Mini-Census.

Figure A2. Share of step migrants as a function of age and time since departure.

Sources: 2005 Mini-Census.


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Figure A3. Price deviations from trends on International Commodity Markets 1998-2010 (blue:banana, red: rice, teal: groundnut).

Note: These series represent the Hodrick Prescott residual applied to the logarithm of internationalcommodity prices for three commodities: banana, rice and groundnut. For instance, the price ofrice can be interpreted as being 35% below its long-term value in 2001.

Figure A4. Price and rainfall shocks across Chinese prefectures in 1999/2000.

(a) Price shock. (b) Rainfall shock.

Notes: These two maps represent the standardized price shock po,t in 1999/2000 (left panel), and standardizedrainfall shock ro,t in 1999/2000 (right panel). Note that 1999/2000 corresponds to a pre-crisis period: in 2001, theprice of rice decreases which generates a very negative shock across China concentrated in rice-producing prefectures.


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Figure A5. Origin-destination migration predictions—the role of distance.

Notes: Migration flows constructed with census data (2000-2005).

Figure A6. Measure Md,t of immigrant inflows to cities as predicted by prices in 2001 and 2004.

(a) 2001 (b) 2004

Notes: These two maps represent the quantities Md,2001 and Md,2004, where Md,t is the measure of immigrantinflows as predicted by price variations and the weighting distance matrix between origins and destinations.


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Figure A7. Measure Md,t of immigrant inflows to cities as predicted by rainfall in 2001 and 2004.

(a) 2001 (b) 2004

Notes: These two maps represent the quantities Md,2001 and Md,2004, where Md,t is the measure of immigrantinflows as predicted by rainfall variations and the weighting distance matrix between origins and destinations.

Figure A8. Evolution of the share of private firms in the industrial sector.

Sources: 1998-2007 NBS above-scale firm data.


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Table A1. Descriptive statistics from the UHS data (2002-2008).

Mean St. Dev.

Age 43.17 11.00Female 0.50 0.50Married 0.88 0.33Born in prefecture of residence 0.61 0.49

Education:Primary education 0.05 0.21Lower secondary 0.27 0.45Higher secondary 0.25 0.43Tertiary education 0.42 0.49

Unemployed 0.02 0.14Self-employed/Firm owner 0.05 0.23Employee 0.71 0.45

Public sector 0.63 0.48Private sector 0.37 0.48

Total monthly income (RMB) 1537.52 1416.81Monthly wage income (RMB) 1353.36 1264.84Monthly transfer income (RMB) 56.71 287.76

Industry:Agriculture 0.01 0.10Mining 0.02 0.14Manufacturing 0.22 0.42Utilities 0.03 0.18Construction 0.03 0.17Transportation 0.06 0.24Information transfer, etc. 0.04 0.18Wholesale and retail trade 0.12 0.33Accommodation and catering 0.03 0.16Finance 0.02 0.15Real estate 0.04 0.19Leasing and commercial services 0.02 0.15Scientific research 0.03 0.18Public facilities 0.01 0.11Resident services 0.10 0.30Education 0.06 0.23Health care 0.03 0.18Culture and entertainment 0.01 0.11Public administration 0.10 0.30

Obs.2002 54,5642003 62,1942004 65,8062005 77,9762006 70,8532007 75,5392008 76,874

All variables except Age and Income are dummy-coded. The table displays averages over the period 2002-2008. Thesample is restricted to locally registered urban hukou holders aged 15-64.


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Table A2. Descriptive statistics from the 2005 mini-census (1/2).

Count Share of total Std. Dev.resident urban


Rural migrants from another province 94,326 0.15 0.36Rural migrants from another prefecture 122,756 0.19 0.40

Count Percent CumulativePercent

Reason for moving

Work or business 100,670 82.01 82.01Follow relatives 6,474 5.27 87.28Marriage 5,783 4.71 91.99Support from relatives/friends 4,461 3.63 95.62Education and training 1,367 1.11 96.73Expropriation and relocation 603 0.49 97.22Job transfer 522 0.43 97.65Mission 498 0.41 98.06Recruitment 158 0.13 98.19Deposit household registration demand 142 0.12 98.31Other 1,956 1.59 99.90Missing 122 0.10 100.00

Count Percent CumulativePercent

Starting year of last migration spell

2005 25,968 21.18 21.182004 24,917 20.32 41.502003 17,893 14.59 56.092002 11,110 9.06 65.152001 7,468 6.09 71.242000 7,325 5.97 77.211999 or before 27,954 22.79 100.00“Rural migrants” are defined as inter-prefectural migrants with an agricultural hukou aged 15-64. “Total residenturban population” refers to the population in the prefecture that is either locally registered and holds a non-agricultural hukou or resides in the prefecture but holds an agricultural hukou from another prefecture. The samplein the middle and bottom panels is restricted to inter-prefectural rural migrants.


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Table A3. Descriptive statistics from the 2005 mini-census (2/2).

Rural-urban Local urban Difference p-valuemigrants hukou

Age 30.22 38.54 -8.32* 0.000Female 0.49 0.49 -0.00* 0.009Married 0.64 0.76 -0.12* 0.000

Education:Literate 0.97 0.99 -0.02* 0.000Primary education 0.20 0.08 0.12* 0.000Lower secondary 0.60 0.33 0.27* 0.000Higher secondary 0.14 0.33 -0.19* 0.000Tertiary education 0.02 0.24 -0.22* 0.000

Unemployed 0.02 0.09 -0.07* 0.000Self-employed/Firm-owner 0.20 0.16 0.04* 0.000Employee 0.77 0.81 -0.04* 0.000

Employee w/o labour contract 0.48 0.29 0.18* 0.000Public sector 0.11 0.72 -0.61* 0.000Private sector 0.89 0.28 0.61* 0.000

Total monthly income (RMB) 961.84 1157.07 -195.24* 0.000

Industry:Agriculture 0.05 0.06 -0.01* 0.000Mining 0.01 0.03 -0.02* 0.000Manufacturing 0.51 0.20 0.31* 0.000Utilities 0.00 0.03 -0.03* 0.000Construction 0.09 0.04 0.05* 0.000Transportation 0.03 0.08 -0.05* 0.000Information transfer, etc. 0.00 0.01 -0.01* 0.000Wholesale and retail trade 0.15 0.14 0.00 0.078Accommodation and catering 0.06 0.04 0.03* 0.000Finance 0.00 0.03 -0.03* 0.000Real estate 0.01 0.01 -0.01* 0.000Leasing and commercial services 0.01 0.02 -0.01* 0.000Scientific research 0.00 0.01 -0.01* 0.000Public facilities 0.00 0.01 -0.01* 0.000Resident services 0.05 0.03 0.02* 0.000Education 0.00 0.10 -0.10* 0.000Health care 0.00 0.04 -0.04* 0.000Culture and entertainment 0.01 0.01 -0.01* 0.000Public administration 0.00 0.11 -0.10* 0.000International organisations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.200

Obs. 122,756 509,817

All variables except Age and Income are dummy-coded. Only the income of individuals who reported having a jobis considered. The sample is restricted to individuals aged 15-64. * p<0.01


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Table A4. Descriptive statistics from the NBS firm-level data.Public sector Domestic Foreign

private sector private sector

Real capital stock 37539.69 20346.01 47592.38Sales revenue 63149.08 71267.68 167520.80Value added 18470.79 17106.11 40216.00Total wage bill 3695.91 2938.08 6613.63Total number of employees 340.20 216.93 318.76

All variables except “Total number of employees” are in RMB 1,000. The table displays yearly averages over theperiod 1998-2007.

Table A5. Correlation between crop international prices and local Chinese prices/production.

VARIABLES Prices Output

Price (International) .402*** .201**(.0861) (0.0623)

Price (China) .0824*(.0432)

Observations 210 210R-squared .579 .337Trends Yes Yes

Robust standard errors are reported between parentheses. The unit of observation is a crop×ayear. The two regressions include time trends, and weighted by the average crop production shareover the period 1991-2010. Dependent and the main explaining variables are in logs.

Table A6. Comparison of actual and predicted immigration rate in urban areas (robustness checkwithout intra-province migration spells, 2000-2005).

(1) (2)

Prediction - rainfall 0.889*** 0.735***(0.324) (0.269)

Prediction - price 0.547** 0.988***(0.244) (0.275)

Observations 2,028 2,028 2,028 2,028R-squared 0.807 0.861 0.807 0.863Year FE No Yes No YesDestination FE Yes Yes Yes Yes

Standard errors are clustered at the destination level and are reported between parentheses. ***p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. An observation is a destination×year. The immigration rate is thenumber of agricultural hukou holders from all origin prefectures who went to a destination prefec-ture d in a given year divided by population at destination. The independent variable correspondto Md,t as defined in equation 5. Regressions are weighted by total urban adult population atdestination.


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Table A7. Effect of migration flows on wages and profitability using firm data – robustness check:industries linked with agriculture.

OLS 2SLS: rainfall 2SLS: priceEffect of migration inflows on ... (1) (2) (3)Wages -0.162*** -1.348* -0.663**

(0.0512) (0.744) (0.262)[293,385] [293,385] [293,385]

Profitability -0.133 1.256 0.718**(0.0979) (0.776) (0.305)[272,361] [272,361] [272,361]

Prefecture and Year FE Yes Yes Yes

Standard errors are reported between parentheses and clustered at the prefecture×year level. Theunit of observation is a firm in a given year. In the top panel, the dependent variable is the log oftotal wage bill divided by the number of employees. In the bottom panel, the dependent variableis the log of profits divided by revenues. See section 3 for a complete description of the price- andrainfall -related migration flows.

Table A8. Effect of migration flows on wages and profitability using firm data – robustness check:controlling for shocks in the prefecture of destination.

OLS 2SLS: rainfall 2SLS: priceEffect of migration inflows on ... (1) (2) (3)Wages -0.139*** -1.264 -0.473

(0.0465) (0.979) (0.296)[326,367] [326,367] [326,367]

Profitability -0.172* 1.890 0.959**(0.101) (1.466) (0.461)

[303,436] [303,436] [303,436]

Prefecture and Year FE Yes Yes Yes

Standard errors are reported between parentheses and clustered at the prefecture×year level. Theunit of observation is a firm in a given year. In the top panel, the dependent variable is the log oftotal wage bill divided by the number of employees. In the bottom panel, the dependent variableis the log of profits divided by revenues. See section 3 for a complete description of the price- andrainfall -related migration flows.


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Table A9. Effect of migration flows on wages and profitability using firm data – robustness check:lagged shocks.

OLS 2SLS: rainfall 2SLS: priceEffect of lagged migration inflows on ... (1) (2) (3)Wages -0.111*** 0.335 -0.629***

(0.0383) (0.577) (0.243)[323,730] [273,390] [273,390]

Profitability -0.234* 2.058 1.005**(0.120) (1.769) (0.409)

[299,422] [252,694] [252,694]

Prefecture and Year FE Yes Yes Yes

Standard errors are reported between parentheses and clustered at the prefecture×year level. Theunit of observation is a firm in a given year. In the top panel, the dependent variable is the log oftotal wage bill divided by the number of employees. In the bottom panel, the dependent variableis the log of profits divided by revenues. See section 3 for a complete description of the price- andrainfall -related migration flows.


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B Data description

B.1 Migration flows and census

In this section, we provide some descriptive statistics about migrants and migration


Patterns of migration in the mini-census Table A2 displays the shares of

rural-to-urban migrants in the total urban population of prefectures. We define

rural-to-urban migrants as agricultural hukou holders who crossed a prefecture

boundary and belong to working-age cohorts (15-64).41

The upper panel of Table A2 distinguishes between inter-prefectural migrants

and those who left their provinces of origin. We see that inter-prefectural migrants

represented 19% of a prefecture’s total number of urban residents on average in 2005,

while inter-provincial migrants accounted for 15% of it, which reveals that a majority

(77%) of inter-prefectural migrations imply the crossing of a provincial boundary.

The middle panel presents the reasons put forward by inter-prefectural agricultural

hukou migrants for leaving their places of registration. A vast majority (82%) moved

away in order to seek work (“Work or business”), mostly as labourers, while all other

rationales attracted much smaller shares.42 When we look at the last migration

spell for these migrants (lower panel), we see that most inter-prefectural migrants

(56.46%) arrived in the three years before the survey, illustrating the acceleration of

migration in the early 2000s and potentially the selection bias generated by return

migration.43 We now investigate the extent to which return migration and step

migration affect our description of migration flows.

Return and step migration in the mini-census In this paper, we construct

annual migration flows between each prefecture of origin and destination by com-

bining information on the current place of residence (the destination), the place of

41Although data are not available, it is clear from the literature that rural-to-rural migration,represents a small share of outmigration from rural areas, not least because most of it is explainedby marriages, which usually give right to local registration (Fan, 2008; Chan, 2012). Only 4.7%of agricultural hukou inter-prefectural migrants in the 2005 mini-census reported having left theirplace of registration to live with their spouses after marriage.

42The only other reasons that display shares in excess of 1% are “Education and training,”“Other,” “Live with/Seek refuge from relatives or friends,” which Fan (2008) based on metadatafrom the Population Census Office dubs “Migration to seek the support of relatives or friends,”“Following relatives,” which should be understood as “Family members following the job transferof cadres and workers” (ibid.), and “Marriage”.

43Data on return migration are scarce. Chan (2012) highlights a “noticeable, though still small,but increasing amount of outmigration” from provinces that have been migration magnets sincethe early 2000s.


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registration (the origin) and the year in which the migrant left her place of regis-

tration. We implicitly assume that all migrants who left the origin in year Y have

reached the destination that same year and stayed there. As discussed in section 2,

we may underestimate migration flows in year Y if some of the migrants who left in

year Y have gone back to their place of origin before the census (return migration).

We may also be mistakenly assigning the arrival of a migrant to year Y if instead

of directly going to destination she stopped on the way and only arrived some years

later (step migration).

In order to measure return and step migration, we use the information from the

2005 census about the province of residence in 2004 and 2000. Unfortunately, the

census does not report the prefecture of residence in 2004 and 2000. However, as

shown in Figure 4, a majority of rural to urban migrants go beyond province borders.

We first consider the extent of return migration. Among all migrants from rural

areas who lived in their province of registration in 2000 and who lived in another

province in 2004, we compute the fraction that had returned to their province of

registration by 2005. As Figure A1 shows, this share is not negligible: in a given year,

between 4 and 6% of rural migrants who have left their province of registration in the

last six years go back a year later. This fraction is higher for older migrants. Return

migration is hence an important phenomenon, which leads us to underestimate true

migration flows, and the effect of shocks on out-migration.

We next study the importance of step-migration. Among all migrants who lived

in their province of registration in 2000 and are living in another province in 2005,

we compute the fraction that lived in yet another province in 2004. As Figure A2

shows, only a minority of migrants have changed provinces of destination in the last

year. Step-migration is concentrated in the first year of migration and virtually zero

thereafter. One limitation of this approach is that we cannot measure step-migration

if it occurs within a province. With this caveat in mind, these results do suggest

that for most migrants we correctly assign the year of arrival at destination.

Comparison of urban dwellers by hukou status The UHS data are represen-

tative of urban “natives,” not of the urban population as a whole, and urban workers

differ significantly depending on their hukou status. As is usual with internal migra-

tion, we consider in the main specifications that migrants and “natives” are highly

substitutable. However, Chinese rural-to-urban migrants tend to be younger (and

thus less experienced) and less educated, which reduces their ability to compete with

urbanites for the same jobs.

Table A3 provides summary statistics on key characteristics of inter-prefectural


Page 47: Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

migrants and compares them with the locally registered urban population. It appears

that migrants and natives are statistically significantly different on most accounts,

the former being on average younger, less educated, more likely to be illiterate,

and more often single, and employed without a labour contract. Important facts

for the analysis that follows are that rural-to-urban migrants are overrepresented

in privately owned enterprises and in manufacturing and construction industries:

91% of them are employed in the private sector as against 42% of locally registered

non-agricultural hukou holders; and the share of rural-to-urban migrants working

in manufacturing and construction is 51% and 9%, as against 20% and 4% for

urban natives, respectively. Migrants also stand out as earning significantly less.

The simple t test reported in Table A3 shows that migrants’ monthly income is 17%

lower than urban natives’; the difference increases to about 40% when one takes into

account the fact that migrants are attracted to prefectures where they can expect

higher wages.44 As expected, notable differences from urban natives in the 2005

mini-census data can be spotted. This should be kept in mind when extrapolating

results based on the UHS to the rest of China.

B.2 NBS data

We discuss here some issues with NBS data and how we tackle them, and provide

some descriptive statistics.

B.2.1 Issues with the firm panel There are a number of issues with using the

NBS data to study the effect of migration on firm growth. We now discuss these

issues and explain how we take them into account while constructing our variables

of interest.

First, firms may have an incentive to under-report the number of workers as it

serves as the basis for taxation by the local labour department. This should be a par-

ticular concern with migrants, who represent a large share of the workforce and may

be easier to under-report. Along the same lines, workers hired through a “labour

dispatching” (laodong paiqian) company are not included in the employment vari-

able.45 This implies that migrant workers are likely to be severely under-counted in

the firm data. We will estimate the impact of migration inflows on firm performance

without being able to observe the firm-specific increase in employment.46

44Results available upon request.45In manufacturing SOEs, there was also a practice of reclassifying and gradually excluding laid-

off workers—euphemistically, on “furlough” (xiagang)—from their accounts. Although much ofthis process had been completed by the start of our study period, it may still induce some declinein employment in the first couple of waves.

46Wage bill may also be slightly under-estimated as some components of worker compensation


Page 48: Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

Second, some variables are not documented the same way as in standard firm-

level datasets. In particular, fixed assets are reported in each data wave by summing

nominal values for different years. We use the procedure developed in Brandt et al.

(2014) using (i) the change in nominal capital stock as a proxy for nominal fixed

investment, (ii) a fixed depreciation rate at 9% and (iii) the investment deflator

developed by Loren Brandt and Thomas Rawski. Following Brandt et al. (2014),

if the firm’s past investments and depreciation are not available in the data, we

use information on the age of the firm and estimates of the average growth rate of

nominal capital stock at the 2–digit industry level between 1993 and the firm’s year

of entry in the database.

Descriptive statistics from the firm panel Table A4 displays key descrip-

tive statistics across public, domestic private and foreign private firm ownership

over the period 1998-2007.47 Public enterprises, a broad category that encompasses

state-owned and collective enterprises, have a larger capital stock, spend more on

their wage bills and have more employees than domestic private firms. Conversely,

the latter report significantly higher sales revenues and perform better in terms of

value added. Table A4 yields a very different image of state-owned and collective

enterprises when compared to the foreign private sector: Real capital stock, sales

revenues, value added and the total wage bill are all higher in foreign-owned firms;

only the total number of employees is higher in the public sector.

Figure A8 shows the evolution of the share of private firms in the NBS sample

along the same characteristics. Private firms still accounted for a relatively small

share of total real capital stock, value added, sales revenues, wage bill and employ-

ment in 1998 but represented over 80% of the total under all five indicators by 2007.

The evolution in terms of employment is particularly striking: Whereas only 32% of

total employment could be attributed to private firms in the NBS sample in 1998,

they accounted for 89% of it in 2007.

B.2.2 Issues with non-stationary variables In order to estimate the effect of

migration on firm growth, we use a strategy which accounts for the non-stationarity

of firm size and thus most variables characterizing firm output or factor use. In

are not recorded in all years, e.g. pension contributions and housing subsidies, which are reportedonly since 2003 and 2004, respectively but accounted for only 3.5% of total worker compensationin 2007.

47Ownership type is defined based on official registration (qiye dengji zhuce leixing). Out of 23exhaustive categories, Table A4 uses three categories: (i) state-owned, hybrid or collective, (ii)domestic private, and (iii) foreign private firms, including those from Hong Kong, Macau, andTaiwan.


Page 49: Internal Migration and Firm Growth: Evidence from China.€¦ · Clement Imbert Marlon Seror Yifan Zhang Yanos Zylberberg Preliminary and incomplete { do not circulate Abstract This

order to illustrate our approach, consider a certain firm j located in city d and using

a bundle of input Hj,dt in order to produce a numeraire good. Let W d

t denote the

unit cost of input, and Aj,dt the firm-specific productivity.

The firm maximization problem is:



{Aj,dt (Hj,d

t )α −W dt H



which generates the following input demand schedule (in which lower case letters

are the logarithm of variables):

hj,dt =ln(α)

1− α+

aj,dt1− α︸ ︷︷ ︸

firm-specific growth process

− wdt1− α︸ ︷︷ ︸

factor shock


As a consequence, the stationarity of firm demand (and the subsequent firm out-

comes) depends on the stationarity of the firm-specific technological process (Evans,

1987). For instance, under Gibrat’s law, firm i would grow at a certain given growth

rate νi and aj,dt+1 = aj,dt + νi + εj,dt+1 where εj,dt+1 is the innovation. In such case, it

is important to take the difference in the previous equation in order to have the

firm-specific growth component as a “fixed effect”:

∆t,t−1hj,dt =

νi1− α



1− α+ εj,dt .

We base our empirical strategy on this assumption of constant firm-specific growth

rate, and consider first-differences so as to keep stationary variables on both sides.

We then estimate the impact of migration on firm growth for firm j in destination

d at time t by regressing each firm outcome, which we denote yj,d,t, on predicted

migration, and time and firm fixed effects.{∆t,t−1Md,t = b0 + bm∆t,t−1Md,t + bzZi + ed + nt + ed,t

∆t,t−1yj,t = β0 + βm∆t,t−1Md,t + δt + πj + εj,t, (8)

where standard errors are clustered at the level of the prefecture of destination×year.