ISSUE 4 5TH APRIL 2019 We are so proud of the effort from all the students at Singleton Primary School who are a part of this amazing project. Congratulations to Hayden (Room T8), Tori-Rose (Room 2), Aaron (Room 1) and Caidence (Room T8) who helped to paint on Thursday. A huge thank you to the amazing Samantha Prentice and her fellow artists who helped to turn our creative vision into such a stunning sculpture. Please support us by voting for our sculpture from 5th April to 5th May at Secret Harbour Shopping Centre. There is a daily winner of a $50 voucher. Find out more at https://bit.ly/2UBrMEd Dates of Interest Assemblies 12th April - 11am ANZAC Service Easter Bonnet Parade Wed 10th Apr 9.40am P&C Easter Raffle Wed 10th Apr Last Day Term 1 Fri 12th Apr First Day Term 2 Tues 30th Apr Interschool Y5/6 Basketball Carnival Fri 3rd May Footsteps Dance Blue Block Every Monday starting 6th May - 24th Jun

Interest - singletonps.wa.edu.ausingletonps.wa.edu.au/meqaqor/2019/12/Issue-4-05.04.19.pdf · Aqua Jetty on Wednesday 3rd April. Our students competed in fantastic fashion and had

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Page 1: Interest - singletonps.wa.edu.ausingletonps.wa.edu.au/meqaqor/2019/12/Issue-4-05.04.19.pdf · Aqua Jetty on Wednesday 3rd April. Our students competed in fantastic fashion and had


We are so proud of the effort from all the students at Singleton Primary School who are a part of this amazing project. Congratulations to Hayden (Room T8), Tori-Rose (Room 2), Aaron

(Room 1) and Caidence (Room T8) who helped to paint on Thursday. A huge thank you to the amazing Samantha Prentice and her fellow artists who helped to turn our creative vision into

such a stunning sculpture.

Please support us by voting for our sculpture from 5th April to 5th May at Secret Harbour Shopping Centre. There is a daily winner of a $50 voucher.

Find out more at https://bit.ly/2UBrMEd

Dates of Interest


12th April - 11am ANZAC Service

Easter Bonnet


Wed 10th Apr 9.40am

P&C Easter Raffle Wed 10th Apr

Last Day Term 1

Fri 12th Apr

First Day Term 2 Tues 30th Apr

Interschool Y5/6

Basketball Carnival

Fri 3rd May

Footsteps Dance Blue Block

Every Monday starting

6th May - 24th Jun

Page 2: Interest - singletonps.wa.edu.ausingletonps.wa.edu.au/meqaqor/2019/12/Issue-4-05.04.19.pdf · Aqua Jetty on Wednesday 3rd April. Our students competed in fantastic fashion and had


Dear Parents and Carers,

As some of you are no doubt

already aware, Singleton

Primary School will have a

new Principal next term.

The knock on effect of this is

that next term I will return to my position as

Deputy, Miss Stafford will take up her

position as Science specialist and Miss Martin

will be spreading her wings towards new

horizons. I would like to extend my thanks

and congratulations to not only these two

ladies on a job well done but to the

Singleton community for their support

during this challenging transition period.

Our new Principal (not sure who yet) will no

doubt be excited and nervous about their

first visit to Singleton and I look forward to

introducing them to our ‘Singleton Style’.

This week we bid farewell to Mrs Farmer our

Library Officer (and so much more) after 20

plus years’ service to Singleton Primary

School. Mrs Farmer has opened the library

for Breakfast Club, exchanged books, wiped

our tears, shared our laughter and inspired

us to find peace of mind and body during

quiet time. We will miss Mrs Farmer dearly

but acknowledge her retirement as a journey

not a destination. It is now Mrs Farmers’ time

to enjoy the rewards of her long service and

we thank her and wish her well.

Harmony Day was lovely! It is perhaps one of

my favourite school days. The parade of

Flags was timed to perfection and I’m not

sure if you noticed but there were a number

of our special needs students involved who

were so proud to be included in such an

important event. Rooms 10 & 11 hosted the

event and I know there are many proud

parents of children who were commended

for their good citizenship.

Yellow block Money Smart Cart raised $250

and I believe they will be donating this to

help the people affected by the Cyclone in

Mozambique and Zimbabwe. What a great


Staying with Yellow Block I received this

email from a member of the ‘greater’

community’ last week re: our Student

Councillors and Faction Captains.

‘Good morning,

This morning I was travelling to Perth from Murdoch station and was delighted to observe the happy and respectful behaviour of quite a large group of young people from your school travelling on the train. One young lady immediately gave up her seat for me, and it was so refreshing to see and hear young people interacting with each other with respect all in all it was a great experience for me – so congratulations to you and your team!!

With best regards Brian’

On this very satisfying, unsolicited

observation from a member of the public I

would like to wish you all a safe and very

happy Easter break.

Warm regards

Nicky Tucker


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SINGLETON SUPA CLUB Did you know Singleton SUPA (Scripture Union Primary Age) Club is for or all students

attending Singleton Primary School?

This club is a special get together where you can meet up with friends and learn more about

Jesus. There are games, stories, drama, craft and heaps more.

The club runs on Wednesday afternoons immediately after school (3pm - 4pm) in the blue

block wet area. Permission forms are available on the day. You are welcome to contact

Anna-Marie Jackson on 0435 104 777 for more information. The club will resume next term in

week 2.

I would also like to use this opportunity to wish everyone a lovely Easter holiday.

Be safe!

Take care


Do you have a spare hour a week to mentor a Singleton Primary School student? Or do you know someone who would make a good mentor?

Singleton Primary School and EdConnect Australia are seeking volunteers to provide learning support or one-on-one mentoring. Mentors share skills, knowledge and experience in order to build confidence and transform a student’s outlook and prospects. It’s about enhancing wellbeing and enriching lives and communities by enabling people of all ages to help each other. It’s about giving everyone every opportunity to realise their potential – in school, in life and in the community. It’s about encouraging students to stay engaged at school, but also equipping young people with the life skills they need. As an EdConnect volunteer you will have the opportunity to learn new skills, make new friends and make a real difference in your community, you will build connections and improve your wellbeing, too. For more information contact Karen Barden – EdConnect Australia Rural Liaison Officer Email: [email protected] Phone: 0438 028 646

Warm regards Karen Barden

Rural Liaison Officer

0438 028 646 Room 6, Lotteries House, 7 Anzac Place, Mandurah

Page 4: Interest - singletonps.wa.edu.ausingletonps.wa.edu.au/meqaqor/2019/12/Issue-4-05.04.19.pdf · Aqua Jetty on Wednesday 3rd April. Our students competed in fantastic fashion and had


Halogen Conference Reflection On Monday the 25th of March the Student councillors and

Faction captions attended the Halogen conference at the

Perth Convention Centre. Our journey began with an early

train ride to Perth, then we walked to the Convention Centre

and waited to be taken to our seats. Our seats were quite

close to the front so it was easy to see. We had two hosts DJ

Raf and Liv from The Loop and she also had a show on ABC

Me. Throughout the day we listened to four amazing speakers.

Acrim Azimi the young Australian of the year 2013.

Acrim’s lesson to us was that its ok to be different and that we

need to lead people to the right place, leadership is like a car

it needs every part to work. This helped me because now I

know that leadership needs every member of our leadership

team, to work effectively.

Jade Slater is from the Cotton On Foundation. Jade talked to us about what the team from the Cotton

On Foundation does. We found out that the Cotton On Foundation supports places that are less

fortunate then places like Australia. The main message from Jade was to never give up no matter how

many times you get knocked back. I will use this message to remind me that if there’s something I really

want I should keep on trying to achieve it.

Leisel Jones is an Olympic Swimmer. Leisel talked to us about setting unbelievably big goals for

ourselves, that it is ok if we aren’t ready and don’t let other people pull you down. Her three steps to

successes are:

Step 1: Goal setting is important make a big goal and break it down.

Step 2: It’s going to take a long time to achieve your goals it took 12,600 hours for Leisel Jones to get a gold medal at the Olympics.

Step 3: Start with a single step.

This message reminded me how important the Persistence key is and to always dream big.

Matt Cosgrove is an author and illustrator. Matt talked to us about how he got rejected from lots of

companies and how important it is to be persistent because some people won’t like what you have to

offer but some people will. He taught us the 5 P’s: 1 Perception is everything-stay positive. 2 find your

Passion. 3 People are important. 4 Be Persistent. 5 The Power of imagination. This will help me

remember that not everything in life is easy but if I use the 5 P’s hopefully I will achieve my dreams.

In conclusion I found the Halogen conference a great experience and I’ll use the messages to help me

be a better student leader.


Room 3

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Room 1 Alaena Room 8 Shri Room 14 Oliver Room T8 Caidence

Room 2 Lilly Room 9 Max Room 16 Portia Music Room 2

Room 3 Mitch Room 10 Millicent Room 18 Pippa Library Room T6

Room 5 Elliana Room 11 Evelyn Room T3 Milla LOTE Room 2

Room 6 Charlie Room 12 Ebony Room T5 Natalie Science Room 3

Room 7 Logan Room 13 Angus Room T6 Zoey Phys Ed Room 2

Golden Library

Mrs Farmer’s Farewell

The school community will celebrate Mrs

Farmer next Thursday 11th April at an all

school assembly in the undercover area at

2pm. You are most welcome to come along

and join us as we farewell our Favourite Mrs

Farmer in true Singleton Style.

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Room 1 Lincoln Room 9 Libby Room 16 Samuel Room T5 Kade

Room 2 Charlotte Room 10 Clare Room 18 Vritti Room T6 Fletcher

Room 3 Riley Room 11 Bailey Room 19 Faith Room T8 Milan

Room 5 Xavier Room 12 Daniel Room 20 Leya

Room 6 Nicholas Room 13 Aja Room 21 Anthony

Room 7 Libby Room 14 Jemma Room 23

KA Charlie

Room 8 Abigail Room 15 Mackenzie Room T3 Brooklyn

Have Sum Fun

On Saturday 23rd March four students represented Singleton Primary at the MAWA Have Sum Fun competition. They acquitted themselves very well by being tied for second place at the end of four rounds of problem solving questions. They were still in equal second place after the tie breaker sheets were marked. Unfortunately, they were not able to hand in their tie breaker sheet before the other school in second place so were placed third overall.

Congratulations to Tiana, Sebastian, Rhys and Arad on a sterling effort!

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Phone: 9537 1188

Unit 5/19-23 Dampier Drive

Golden Bay

$10 off first service* Does not include product

Our interschool swim team competed in the CBSSA swimming carnival at Aqua Jetty on Wednesday 3rd April. Our students competed in fantastic

fashion and had a great day. The level of sportsmanship was fantastic and encouragement shown to fellow team mates was a highlight of the

day - we were by far the loudest cheer squad, applauding all of Singleton's achievements on the day. We finished 3rd overall and

2nd for the meritorious award.

Congratulations to all swimmers and to Mitch P who was awarded Year 6 Runner Up Champion, finishing 1 point behind the Champion. Thanks to

all parents and families who came to support on the day.