Child Protection and Safeguarding Templates Contents Appendix 1 – Child Protection Register ............................................................................................ 1 Appendix 2 - Front sheet for welfare concerns/child protection file ............................................... 2 Appendix 3 – Chronology .................................................................................................................. 3 Appendix 4 – Welfare Concern Form ................................................................................................ 4 Appendix 5 – Overview of Welfare Concern Form ........................................................................... 6 Appendix 6 – Risk Reduction Overview ............................................................................................ 6 Appendix 7 – Risk Reduction Plan ..................................................................................................... 7 Appendix 8 – Risk Assessment ........................................................................................................ 10 Appendix 9 – PREVENT Toolkit ....................................................................................................... 11 Appendix 10 - FGM Risk Assessment .............................................................................................. 13 Appendix 11 - Staff Induction Checklist .......................................................................................... 15 Appendix 12 - Transfer receipt of Child Protection Records between Establishments .................. 17 Appendix 13 - Letter for Alternative Provision Provider (APP) ....................................................... 18 Appendix 14 – Letter for after school club providers and other contractors – Sole Traders ......... 19 Appendix 15 – Letter for After School Club Providers and Other Contractors - Companies .......... 21

Child Protection and Safeguarding TEMPLATES...Appendix 6 – Risk Reduction Overview Key Stage 1 Name Year SEND PP CP Reviewed Next Review Code R N N N 30.11.18 05.04.19 CB R N Y Y

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Page 1: Child Protection and Safeguarding TEMPLATES...Appendix 6 – Risk Reduction Overview Key Stage 1 Name Year SEND PP CP Reviewed Next Review Code R N N N 30.11.18 05.04.19 CB R N Y Y

Child Protection and Safeguarding Templates


Appendix 1 – Child Protection Register ............................................................................................ 1

Appendix 2 - Front sheet for welfare concerns/child protection file ............................................... 2

Appendix 3 – Chronology .................................................................................................................. 3

Appendix 4 – Welfare Concern Form ................................................................................................ 4

Appendix 5 – Overview of Welfare Concern Form ........................................................................... 6

Appendix 6 – Risk Reduction Overview ............................................................................................ 6

Appendix 7 – Risk Reduction Plan ..................................................................................................... 7

Appendix 8 – Risk Assessment ........................................................................................................ 10

Appendix 9 – PREVENT Toolkit ....................................................................................................... 11

Appendix 10 - FGM Risk Assessment .............................................................................................. 13

Appendix 11 - Staff Induction Checklist .......................................................................................... 15

Appendix 12 - Transfer receipt of Child Protection Records between Establishments .................. 17

Appendix 13 - Letter for Alternative Provision Provider (APP) ....................................................... 18

Appendix 14 – Letter for after school club providers and other contractors – Sole Traders ......... 19

Appendix 15 – Letter for After School Club Providers and Other Contractors - Companies .......... 21

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Appendix 1 – Child Protection Register

• Full name of child and year group • Enter attendance data each term and rag according to school criteria • Rag rate priority of case according to file review • Brief entry to correspond with latest chronology entry in child protection folder. • Indicate

Name Yr Attend Priority Date Of Last Entry SEND PP

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Appendix 2 - Front sheet for welfare concerns/child protection file

Date file started

Child’s name (in full)

Date of birth

Any other name/s by which the child is known

Home address

Current address (if different)

Home telephone number

Current telephone

number (if different)


Name Relationship to

child Address

Parental responsibility

for child?

☒ Yes ☐ No

☒ Yes ☐ No

FAMILY MEMBERS: SIBLINGS Name Address Educational establishment

Are records held in the establishment relating to

other connected children?

☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes, which files are



Name Agency/Role Contact details (address and

telephone) Start date

End date

Legal Orders Add type and start date

Contact arrangements and restrictions to


Provide details any contact arrangements and who is involved

Details of plans relating to the child

Type e.g. CP Plan Family Support Plan

Start date End date Category

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Appendix 3 – Chronology

Date of Significant event

Information (Detail)

Source of information/ evidence (Name or document and where held)

Response or Outcome (Impact on child/risk/plan and action taken/agreements achieved)

Recorded by

Outstanding actions

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Appendix 4 – Welfare Concern Form

To be used to record low level concerns or serious child protection concerns requiring immediate response

Child’s name

Child’s date of birth Year group

Staff member reporting incident name and position (print name)

Date of incident (dd/mm/yyyy)

Time of incident

Details of the incident Note the reasons for recording the incident. Ensure the following factual information is provided – who, what, when and where. Include names of witnesses, if relevant, and immediate actions taken. If offering a professional opinion provide context to substantiate the opinion. Attach a body map or other information, if appropriate. Reporting staff member’s signature


Analysis and response to the incident/concern Note actions planned and taken, including names of anyone to whom the information was passed. Outcomes Record outcomes of the actions taken and forward planning, including plan to review outcome and impact.

Safeguarding Lead’s name

Safeguarding Lead’s signature


CONTINUATION SHEET for additional information related to the original concern Details of the incident or information and updated analysis and planning

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Reporting staff member’s signature


The Safeguarding Lead Analysis and response to the incident/concern Note actions planned and taken, including names of anyone to whom the information was passed.. Outcomes Record outcomes of the actions taken and forward planning, including plan to review outcome and impact.

Safeguarding Lead’s signature



Child’s name Child’s date of birth

Date of incident (dd/mm/yyyy) Person completing

body map

Detail size nature and any additional identifying features of injury



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Appendix 5 – Overview of Welfare Concern Form

Date Name Class Details/Actions RAG rating Links to Behaviour

Links to First Aid



Appendix 6 – Risk Reduction Overview

Key Stage 1 Name Year SEND PP CP Reviewed Next Review Code

R N N N 30.11.18 05.04.19 CB R N Y Y 10.12.18 05.04.19 RSB 2 N N Y 07.01.19 05.04.19 RSB 2 Y Y Y 10.12.19 05.04.19 CB

Key Stage 2 Name Year SEND PP CP Reviewed Next Review Code

3 Y Y Y 07.01.19 05.04.19 RSB 3 N Y Y 07.01.19 05.04.19 RSB 3 Y Y CLA 07.01.19 05.04.19 RSB

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Appendix 7 – Risk Reduction Plan

SCHOOL School-based Safeguarding Risk Reduction Plan


Child’s details Name DOB/age Class/Year


Adults included in the development of the plan Relationship and contact detail

Details of decision regarding parent/carer or pupil involvement – if not included in meeting specify why and how their views and wishes are conveyed.

Specify any issues of SEN, Child Protection, Race, Culture or Diversity

Reason for risk management plan:


Date plan to start:

Please add any supplementary details relevant to this plan:

Give details any known strategies or precautions required to avoid/manage/predict the behaviour/risks and specific triggers to be avoided

Are there any other risks/concerns that you feel should be considered that are not directly linked to this plan.


Please identify any essential documents that should be read or consider and where they can be located. Assessments, expert reports/assessments/chronologies/Sen plan, EHCP etc.(ANY PLAN)

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Risk Assessment (Please put an x to mark the relevant number) IDENTIFIED RISK (Please adapt to suit the

situation/risk) Score only those

that apply. All headings can be changed/deleted to reflect the situation

1 = LOW 5 = HIGH

1 2 3 4 5

Child Protection Issues: Risk of abuse to children. Define type and detail: Sexual,

physical or emotional.


LIKELIHOOD Risk of physically harmful behaviour: Of child/parents/adults

towards other children and






9-15 MEDIUM 16-25 HIGH

Child Protection Issues: Risk of physically harmful behaviour:


Likelihood Severity

1 Very Unlikely 1 Has occurred once, assessments indicate this is not likely to be repeated.

2 Unlikely 2 The severity of the incident/behaviour is low and reoccurrence is predictable and with risk management plan in place reoccurrence is reduced. Unlikely to cause serious harm to self, others or property.

3 Likely 3 The frequency and severity of the incident/behaviour is high (weekly or unpredictable) with risk of injury to self or others assessed as likely with a potential for harm or injury to self. Others or property (i.e. physical/sexual/mental health etc.). Risk management plans have not reduced risk. (Consider RIDDOR)

4 Very Likely 4 The frequency and severity of the incident/behaviour is very high (2 or more times a week or unpredictable) with risk of injury to self or others assessed as likely with a potential for serious harm or injury to self. Others or property (i.e. physical/sexual/mental health etc.). Risk management plans have not reduced risk, child or family not cooperating with risk management plan).(Consider RIDDOR)

5 Almost Certain 5 Fatality or Disability is likely. (Consider RIDDOR)

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***** SCHOOL

Risk Management Action Plan for:

Date of Plan:

Distributed to:

Lead Professional:

Risk detail Action Person responsible Contingency plan

Date risk assessment and plan agreed

Name and role in school Signature

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Appendix 8 – Risk Assessment

Service/setting Risk Assessor

Name of child/young person

Date of assessment Review Date

Identified or target behaviour

Environment(s) in which the behaviour occurs

Element of risk and risk factors

Primary preventative strategies

Secondary preventative strategies

Reactive strategies

Impact of strategies implemented:

Signature (Headteacher/Manager)


Signature (Parent/Carer)


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Appendix 9 – PREVENT Toolkit

Prevent Self-Assessment Objective: Adoption of Prevent into Mainstream Processes Governance No Owner Evidence RAG 1.1 Does the Institution have a nominated Staff (and Governor) Prevent


Risk Assessment No Owner Evidence RAG 2.1

Do the Senior Leadership team and Governors have an understanding, shared with partners, of the potential risk in the local area to assess the risk of pupils being drawn into terrorism, including support for the extremist ideas that are part of terrorist ideology?

2.2 Is Prevent included within the Safeguarding Policy?

2.3 Is Prevent included the within the Staff Safer Recruitment Policy? 2.4 Is Prevent included within the Institution’s venue hiring policy? Are due

diligence checks conducted on groups/individuals seeking to hire/use school premises?

2.5 Is Prevent included within the Visitors Policy? Are due diligence checks conducted on visitors to the school? Does the policy set out clear protocols for ensuring that any visiting speakers – whether invited by staff or by pupils themselves – are suitable and appropriately supervised within school?

2.6 Is Prevent included within the Contractors Policy? Are due diligence checks conducted on contractors working at the school or providing extracurricular activities? Does the policy set out clear protocols for ensuring that any visiting contractors are suitable and appropriately supervised within school?

2.7 Are fundamental British values promoted in the delivery of the curriculum and extra-curricular activities and reflected in the general conduct of the school?

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Working In Partnership No Owner Evidence RAG 3.1 Is Prevent included within Information sharing protocols / MOU? 3.2 Is the Institution included in an agreed Prevent Partnership

Communication Policy?

3.3 Do the safeguarding arrangements take into account the procedures and practice of the local authority as part of the inter-agency safeguarding procedures set up by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB)?

3.4 Do the child protection policies describe procedures which are in accordance with government guidance and refer to locally agreed inter-agency procedures put in place by the LSCB?

Staff Training No Owner Evidence RAG 4.1 Does the Institution have an annual policy and training review process

in place? To note: Prevent is incorporated into the DSL initial and refresher training and the online portal has a Prevent e-learning module. https://eastsussexlearning.org.uk/

4.2 Does the institution regularly assess Prevent Training needs to raise their awareness of Prevent issues with staff and the Governing body? Do staff members have sufficient training to give them the knowledge and confidence to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism and challenge extremist ideas which can be used to legitimise terrorism and are shared by terrorist groups?

Online Safety No Owner Evidence RAG 5.1 Does the School IT system have appropriate levels of filtering to ensure

children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet in school?

5.2 What processes and procedures are in place to ensure children use the internet responsibly?

5.3 Do staff, pupils and carers receive any Internet Safety awareness training?

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Appendix 10 - FGM Risk Assessment Schools play a vital role in protecting and supporting girls at risk of or affected by FGM. Young people should be engaged and empowered to know about issues that affect them, their peers and their communities.

We are focused not only on awareness but also the role that everyone can play in supporting girls and ending the practice.

Pupils are equipped to be able to support themselves, their peers and their siblings who may be at risk of or affected by FGM.

What is FGM?

Girls of any age are at risk from the tradition of removal or partial removal of female genitalia. It is a violation of woman’s rights. It is illegal in UK since 2013 and carries a sentence of 14years imprisonment. In 2015 a mandatory reporting duty was introduced.

Who is at risk?

Mainly girls from families from these countries, though families from other countries can be involved.

� Egypt � Ethiopia � Eritrea � Nigeria � Sierra Leone � Somalia � Sudan � Chad � Guinea Bissau � Gambia

Risk Level at *****

Risk level is low as there are no families in school from risk areas, however please see attached list for identified ethnic groups.

We continue to be vigilant about any girls being taken out of school for extended breaks to any country. Any concerns will be reported to the DSL.

Who is responsible?

Everyone is responsible. The school will follow Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures. Whole school safeguarding training which included FGM was last delivered on 06.10.17. and staff will be updated as needed. Staff have opportunities to ask questions during staff/support staff meetings.

The DSL and deputy DSL are all up-to-date with their DSL training which includes FGM.

Section 17 – child in need and Section 47- Mandatory reporting.

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School assesses risk and will contact relevant agencies if they have any concerns.

Contact details

SPOA: (1st Point of Contact for all referrals East and West of county) Telephone: Email: LADO Telephone: Email:

SAFEGUARDING UNIT (If LADO is on leave but consultation required) Telephone: Email: Contact police to conduct investigation

NSPCC: 08000283550 for advice and concerns

FGM helpline: 08000283550 [email protected]

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Appendix 11 - Staff Induction Checklist

(To be filed in Personnel Folder)

Date: Name:

Job Title: Line Manager:

If an employee, has contract of employment been received and signed? Yes/No/NA DBS checked? CDR Yes/No/NA Job description discussed? Yes/No/NA Staff structure received? Yes/No/NA Staff members will find a comprehensive explanation of all these aspects in the relevant School Policies. If unclear after this meeting, please feel free to seek further clarification.

1. Introduction – Tour of School Visit School & Grounds ○ Entrance & Parking ○ School House ○ Hall ○ Lavatories ○ Office ○ Fire Exits ○ Fire Extinguishers ○ Staffroom ○ Meet and/or Name of Key Personnel: Executive Head, Head of School, Office Staff, DSL, Chair of IEB & Staff ○

2. Discuss Main Routines Broad Timetable - Day/Week ○ Playtimes ○ Positive Behaviour & Attitudes Policy ○ Relevant Dates ○ Assemblies ○ Relevant Staff Meetings ○ Website ○ Communication (Weekly Sheet/Newsletters) ○

3. Discuss Safeguarding Policies & Procedures Model Code of Conduct ○ Whistleblowing ○ Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy ○ H&S Risk Assessments ○ Child Protection – Reporting Procedure ○ H&S/Accident: Reporting Near-misses ○ Keeping Children Safe in Education (Pt1) ○ Fire Procedures ○ Children Missing In Education ○ School Social Media Policy ○ Prevent Policy ○ Anti-bullying Policy ○ Online Safety Policy ○ Positive Handling & Physical Intervention ○ Acceptable Use Statement ○ Site Security (Codes/Opening Times/CCTV/Sign-in & Out/Locking Procedure) ○

4. Other School Policies Model Pay Policy ○ Dress Code ○ Appraisal Policy ○ Marking & Feedback Policy ○ SEND Policy ○ Offsite Visits Policy ○ Teaching & Learning Policy ○ Assessment Policy ○ Collective Worship Policy ○ RE Policy ○

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5. Training Are there any immediate training needs? Yes/No/NA They are: …………………………………………………………………………..………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………..….. …………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………..……….. …………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..…………..

6. Staff to sign that they have read and understood: Whistleblowing Policy ○ Keeping Children Safe in Education (Pt1) ○ Staff Behaviour and Code of Conduct ○ Child Protection & Safeguarding ○ Social Media Policy ○ Behaviour Policy ○ Signature

7. Staff to sign that they have received training on: Child Protection & Safeguarding (Date: ) ○ E-Safety ○ Role of DSL Leads and Deputies ○ FGM ○ Prevent ○


8. Any questions?

9. Actions as a result of this meeting I have received Induction Training, as outlined above. Staff Member/Student: Signed: Date Line Manager: Signed: Date:

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Appendix 12 - Transfer receipt of Child Protection Records between Educational Establishments

Name of child:

Date of Birth:

Unique reference number:

Name of originating school:

Address of originating school:

Name of Designated Safeguarding Lead originating School:

Date child taken off role at originating school:

Date file exchanged:

Method of transfer (delete as appropriate) Exchanged by Hand/Post (Recorded Delivery)/Secure electronic transfer

Contents of file: File contents Number of

documents/pages/date range Any additional details

Any case synopsis or hand over notes

Front sheet (with relevant family and professional contact details)

Chronology Welfare concern forms Statements of referral to social care

Assessments Referrals to other agencies Minutes of meetings Formal Child Plans (Early Help/Child Protection/Health Care etc.)

Legal papers Intervention notes (Thrive/therapeutic/attendance support etc.)

Name of receiving school:

Address of receiving school:

Name of Designated Safeguarding Lead (receiving school):

Date child placed on role at receiving school:

Date file received as outlined above:

Signature of current Designated Safeguarding Lead:

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Appendix 13 - Letter for Alternative Provision Provider (APP) INSERT SCHOOL HEADER Dear insert name of appropriate member of staff at the APP

In order to ensure the safeguarding of our students we require written confirmation that a number of appropriate safeguarding checks have been carried out on individuals working in your establishment before you commence as an alternative provision provider from September 2018. The comprehensive checks are for the best interest of both yourself and our students, in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018, East Sussex safeguarding policies and good practice. Please sign and return this letter to confirm that you have completed the following checks for your employees:

1. An enhanced disclosure barring service (DBS) check. 2. An identity check with 3 proofs of identity, more information is available at:

https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dbs-identity-checking-guidelines 3. Proof of the right to work in the UK. 4. Proof that appropriate qualifications are in place. 5. Children’s Barred List check. 6. Overseas checks have been carried out if they have lived or worked abroad in the last five years,

more information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/criminal-records-checks-for-overseas-applicants

7. Two references have been obtained. Print name of alternative provision provider’s name: Signed by alternative provision provider: __________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print name of designated safeguarding lead (DSL): Signed by DSL: Date:

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Appendix 14 – Letter for after school club providers and other contractors – Sole Traders INSERT SCHOOL HEADER Dear insert name of sole trader Welcome to insert name of school. In order to ensure the safeguarding of our children we require a number of checks before you commence your after school club or contract. The comprehensive checks are for the best interest of both yourself and our children, in line with statutory guidance, East Sussex safeguarding policies and good practice. Required Documentation Before you start working at insert name of school, it is a requirement that an enhanced disclosure barring service (DBS) certificate, issued by ESCC (East Sussex County Council) is in place. If you have an enhanced DBS certificate, please present it to the main school office for checking purposes. Alternatively, please contact the insert member of staff to arrange for an enhanced DBS to be completed. Please note that once completed, it often takes about two weeks to receive a DBS clearance. As a sole trader you will need to bring the evidence of the following in to show the insert name of staff:

8. Proof of your identity check with 3 proofs of identity, more information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dbs-identity-checking-guidelines

9. Proof of the right to work in the UK. 10. Proof that appropriate qualifications are in place. 11. Children’s Barred List check. 12. Overseas check(s) have been carried out if you have lived or worked abroad in the last five

years, more information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/criminal-records-checks-for-overseas-applicants. Please inform insert name of staff is your require this check.

13. A childcare disqualification declaration has been completed and signed. This will be issued to you to complete and sign. (Delete if not appropriate)

14. The names and contact details of two referees.

You must also sign to confirm that: � You have received a copy of insert name of school’s safeguarding and child protection policy

which you have adopted and read. � You have received a copy of the insert name of school’s staff behavior policy/code of conduct

which you have adopted and read. � You have read and understood part 1 and Annex A in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018.

� 1. Either you have completed safeguarding and child protection training which will be regularly

updated, at least every two years, and can evidence this. � 2. Or request support from the insert name of staff to complete the ESCC on-line Safeguarding

and Child Protection Training (delete 1 or 2 as appropriate). Please sign and date this form to confirm that you have completed all the above mentioned checks and in order for a starting date to be confirmed and return it to the school office. Print name of After School Club Provider or Contractor …………………………………………………………. Signed by After School Club Provider or Contractor ………………………………………………………………

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Date ……………………………………………………….. Name of insert name of school staff: ……………………………………………………….. Signed ………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………….

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Appendix 15 – Letter for After School Club Providers and Other Contractors - Companies INSERT SCHOOL HEADER

Dear insert name of company owner/manager,

Welcome to insert name of school. In order to ensure the safeguarding of our children we require a number of checks before you commence your after school club or contract. The comprehensive checks are for the best interest of both yourself and our children, in line with statutory guidance, East Sussex safeguarding policies and good practice. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION Before your employees start working at insert name of school, it is a requirement that an enhanced DBS certificate, issued by East Sussex County Council (ESCC) or through your company is presented. If you have an enhanced DBS Certificate, please present it to the main school office for checking purposes. Alternatively, please contact the insert member of school staff to arrange for an enhanced DBS to be completed. Please note that once completed, it often takes about two weeks to receive a DBS clearance. You must sign to confirm that you have completed the following checks for your employees:

15. An identity check with 3 proofs of identity, more information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dbs-identity-checking-guidelines

16. Proof of the right to work in the UK. 17. Proof that appropriate qualifications are in place. 18. Children’s Barred List check. 19. Overseas checks have been carried out if they have lived or worked abroad in the last five years,

more information is available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/criminal-records-checks-for-overseas-applicants

20. A childcare disqualification declaration has been completed and signed. (Delete if not appropriate)

21. Two references have been collected.

You must also sign to confirm that: � 1. Either you have received a copy of insert name of school’s safeguarding and child protection

policy which you have adopted and all your employees have read. � 2. Or a copy of your own policy has been given to the insert name of school staff and has been

accepted as appropriate. (delete 1 or 2 as appropriate)

� You have received a copy of the insert name of school’s staff behavior policy/code of conduct which you and all your employees have adopted and read.

� You and all your employees have read and understood Part 1 and Annex A in Keeping Children

Safe in Education 2018. � 3. And either safeguarding and child protection training has been completed by your employees

which will be regularly updated at least every two years.

� 4. Or request support from the insert name of staff for your employees to complete the ESCC on-line safeguarding and child protection training. (delete 3 or 4 as appropriate)

Please sign and date this form to confirm that you have completed all the above mentioned checks and in order for a starting date to be confirmed and return it to the school office.

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Print name of after school club provider or contractor owner/manager: Signed by after school club provider or contractor owner/manager: __________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print name of insert name of school staff: Signed by: Date: