1 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for Addis & Metro Region By Abiyu Berlie ITS Specialist Ethiopian Diaspora Volunteer Program Addis Ababa April 2010

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for Addis & Metro Region

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for Addis & Metro Region. By Abiyu Berlie ITS Specialist Ethiopian Diaspora Volunteer Program Addis Ababa April 2010. 1. What is ITS?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)  for Addis & Metro Region


Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for Addis & Metro Region

By Abiyu Berlie ITS Specialist

Ethiopian Diaspora Volunteer Program

Addis Ababa April 2010

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I. What is ITS?

ICT applications & Mgmt. Strategies to increase the safety & efficiency of Transportation Systems & Services

ITS is a Multidisciplinary Field. ITS is a growing field. Developing countries can leapfrog ITS ITS is one solution for Transp. Mgmt. ITS needs to be integrated to Planning

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How do you manage this traffic?

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Three Ways of Congestion Reduction/Mobility Program

• Supply Management Building new Transp. Infrastructure Expanding existing Highway/Road CapacityBuilding Transit Facilities & ServicesITS – Integration into infrastructure Building Intermodal Facilities Modernizing Traffic Engineering Systems Building Bike path & Walkways Others

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Mobility/Cong.Mgmt contd.

• Demand Management Tolling & ERT (Electronic Road Pricing) Fuel Taxes & other measures Alt Work Schedules & locations Alt Modes of Transp. Employer Support (e.g. car pool)

• Land Use Management Urban Transp. Planning Urban Design & Zoning Business / Residential locations

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II. What are the benefits of ITS?

ITS User Services Traffic Management Mobility Safety & Security Incident Management Toll Collection (Revenue) Customer Service Cost Savings Environmental benefits

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III. Why ITS for Addis?

Traffic & Population growth Accidents - Safety should be priority TMC - Traffic Management Center Coordination & Communication Integrated Regional Transp. System. APTS –Adv. Public Transp. System Economic Growth Quality of life

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IV. Needs Assessment

Major Studies– ERA Urban Transport Study– Others

• Recommendations:– ERA Urban Transport Study– Others

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V. Critical ITS Systems 1. Traffic Mgmt Center (TMC)2. Traffic Signal Control Systems3. Incident Management Systems (IMS)4. Emergency Management Systems (EMS)5. Adv. Public Transportation Systems (APTS)6. Electronic Toll Collection Systems (ETC)7. Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) 8. Regional Multimodal Traveler Info. Systems9. Railroad Grade Crossing Warning Systems

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V-1: TMC-Traffic Mgmt Center

Nucleus for ITS Program Brings stakeholders together Enables effective regional coordination Safety Improvement Center Security Center – for Transp. Traffic Surveillance – real time, 7/24 Traffic Management – Mobility

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TMC-Traffic Mgmt Center - Contd

Disaster Prevention, recovery, coordination Manage Special Events (nat’l holidays, Marathon etc) Public Education & Outreach Coordination with PTS (Public Transp. Systems) Construction Coordination Other benefits

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TMC – Stakeholders Meeting

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V-2. Traffic Signal Control System

Addis needs traffic signal control system! Develop Standard Manual for traffic control TMC can serve as the center for the Signal Control System Will change the travel culture Critical for Safety System Urban Transp. System Efficiency

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V-3. Incident Mgmt Systems

What causes Incidents/Accidents? Driver Vehicle condition Road configuration Weather Unforeseen factors (Disaster) Pedestrian Other factors

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Traffic Safety

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Three stages of Incident Mgmt Program

1. Detection / Verification2. Response / Clearance 3. Recovery / Information

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ITS & Incident Mgmt.

1. Detection / Verification: Area wide surveillance Systems

(CCTV, Sensors, loop detectors) TMC Cellular Phones from public Call Boxes Transit Operators & Taxis Tracking systems Police patrol vehicles Area- wide radio comm. Systems

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ITS & Incident Mgmt. Contd

2. Response / Clearance: TMC - critical Police / EMS / Fire /Security Regional Coordination Communications critical Type & Extent of Incident

matters Disaster Recovery

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ITS & Incident Mgmt. Contd

3. Recovery / Information: TMC - critical Traffic Operations & Police Traveler Information Advance warnings, route

diversions Communications critical ITS Systems (VMS, HAR, ATIS)

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What causes Emergency Situations? Driver – lack of safety awareness Vehicle breakdown (e.g. fire) Road block Water main & power break Disaster Crime Weather Other reasons

V-4. Emergency Mgmt Systems - EMS

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Consider OEM ( Office of Emergency Management) for the City

Connect the OEM & TMC Explore ITS for EMS

– Early warning systems– Medical emergencies– Education & Training is key – Improve Early Detection & Response

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V-5. Adv. Public Transp. Systems (APTS) Develop TOC (Transit Operations Center) Improve Security & Safety

Public Traveler, Driver (e.g. Silent Alarms) Transp. System & Infrastructure

Fleet Mgmt & Operations Scheduling, Dispatch, routing Voice & Data Comm. MDTAVL, GIS, GPS

Advanced Traveler Information SystemPre-Trip & In-Trip Static & Real-Time Info. (Kiosks & Elec. Boards)

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V-5. APTS - Contd

Electronic Payment Systems Smart Cards - Contact/Contact less Magnetic Swipe Cards Passenger Counters (good for planning) Good for security & revenue collection Convenience & efficiency

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V-6. Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)

• Faster and Better secured than cash collection

• Traveler convenience

• Provides value added services (Trucks)

• Good for traffic Mgmt if applied properly (e.g. w/ HOV bus lane, or truck routes)

• Good revenue control & central audit

• Good for the environment

• Good for Safety & Security (inspection)

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V-7. Commercial Vehicle Operation Systems (CVO)

Fleet ManagementRegistration & LicensingInspection – Electronic Clearance Weigh-In-MotionOver-height Detection Tracking – GPS (port to city)Bridge ClearanceHazmat

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V-8. Regional Multimodal Traveler Information Systems (ATIS)

Coordinate with all regions (e.g. 511)Meet customer needs for traveler info.Transit, Taxi, bus information Central & Uniform but coordinated Create single point accesses for info. Use media effectively – radio, TV etc Private sector involvement is key Create good PPP (Pub.-Priv. Partn)

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V-9. Railroad Crossing Systems

Rail Transport is key for economic growth

It is environmental friendlyIt is much more efficient than trucks Container based transport is keyFreight & Passenger Transport Rail & ITS

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VI. Final Recommendations

1. Strategic Plan -ITS Imp. Plan A. Identify critical User Needs B. Prioritize Projects & Set GoalsC. Stakeholder Involvement is keyD. Develop ITS Architecture Concept

2. Focus on TMC & APTS – 1st Projects A. Build Addis TMC & Signal Control SystemB. Develop APTS – LRT-BRT-BUSC. Develop CVO-Fleet & Logistics Mgmt D. Consider ETC – Addis-Nazret Hwy

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VI. Final Recommendations-Contd

Work towards ITS - Ethiopia/Africa Don’t forget Standards

Learn from others’ Exps. Work with S. Africa & Others Develop Champions & Leaders

Involve the local IT Private Sector Create an ideal environment for

Technology Transfer Encourage Investment & Risk Taking

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VII-ITS: Potential Risks & Challenges?

Cost - funding Technology Risk Project Management Risks Capacity to implement (Manpower,

Institutional) Infrastructure (Power, communications). Sustainability Institutional barriers Cultural barriers - risk fear

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VIII- How to manage Risks? Implement Project Mgmt principles & processes Apply System Engineering/PM tools Define User Needs & Services well Involve stakeholders from the start Don’t rush for technology. Technology comes last! Distribute & Diversify Risks (PPP) Encourage Local Private Sector Focus on practical Capacity Building Create ideal environment for Technology Transfer Institutional Issues are more challenging than

Technologies ! Manage them well!

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"If you want to make enemies, try to change something."— Woodrow Wilson

Think about Change

“This is how change happens, though. It is a relay race, and we're very conscious of that, that our job really is to do our part of the race, and then we pass it on, and then someone picks it up, and it keeps going….” - Alice Walker – 2008

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"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things."

— Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince (1532)

Think about Change