Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences

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  • 8/17/2019 Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences


    Integrating Learning Styles and MultipleIntelligences

    Harvey Silver, Richard Strong and Matthew Perini 

    What does it mean to express kinesthetic intelligence in an interpersonal

    way? Integrating styles and intelligences can help children learn in many

    ways—not just in the areas of their strengths.

    In the 20th century, two great theories have been put forward in an attempt to

    interpret human differences and to design educational models around these

    differences. Learning-style theory has its roots in the psychoanalytic community;

    multiple intelligences theory is the fruit of cognitive science and reflects an effortto rethink the theory of measurable intelligence embodied in intelligence testing.

    oth, in fact, combine insights from biology, anthropology, psychology, medical

    case studies, and an e!amination of art and culture. ut learning styles

    emphasi"e the different ways people think and feel as they solve problems,

    create products, and interact. #he theory of multiple intelligences is an effort to

    understand how cultures and disciplines shape human potential. #hough both

    theories claim that dominant ideologies of intelligence inhibit our understanding

    of human differences, learning styles are concerned with differences in

    the process of learning, whereas multiple intelligences center on

    the content  and products of learning. $ntil now, neither theory has had much to

    do with the other.

    %oward &ardner '())*+ spells out the difference between the theories this way

    In I theory, I begin with a human organism that responds 'or fails to respond+ to

    different kinds of contents in the world. . . . #hose who speak of learning styles

    are searching for approaches that ought to characteri"e all  contents 'p. /+.e believe that the integration of learning styles and multiple intelligence theorymay minimi"e their respective limitations and enhance their strengths, and we

    provide some practical suggestions for teachers to successfully integrate andapply learning styles and multiple intelligence theory in the classroom.

    Learning Styles

    Learning-style theory begins with 1arl ung '()23+, who noted ma4or differences

    in the way people perceived 'sensation versus intuition+, the way they made

    decisions 'logical thinking versus imaginative feelings+, and how active or

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    reflective they were while interacting 'e!troversion versus introversion+. Isabel

    yers and 5atherine riggs '()33+, who created the yers-riggs #ype Indicator 

    and founded the 6ssociation of 7sychological #ype, applied ung8s work and

    influenced a generation of researchers trying to understand specific differences

    in human learning. 5ey researchers in this area include 6nthony &regorc '()9/+,

    5athleen utler '()9+, ernice c1arthy '()92+, and %arvey :ilver and .

    obert %anson '())/+. 6lthough learning-style theorists interpret the personality

    in various ways, nearly all models have two things in common

    •  A focus on process. Learning-style models tend to concern themselves

    with the process of learning how individuals absorb information, think about

    information, and evaluate the results.

    •  An emphasis on personality. Learning-style theorists generally believe that

    learning is the result of a personal, individuali"ed act of thought and feeling.ost learning-style theorists have settled on four basic styles.

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    a sense of wholeness by practicing all four styles to some degree. >ducators

    should help students discover their uni=ue profiles, as well as a balance of styles.

    Strengths and Limitations of a LearningStyle Model

    #he following are some strengths of learning-style models• #hey tend to focus on how different individuals process information across

    many content areas.

    • #hey recogni"e the role of cognitive and affective processes in learning

    and, therefore, can significantly deepen our insights into issues related to


    • #hey tend to emphasi"e thought as a vital component of learning, thereby

    avoiding reliance on basic and lower-level learning activities.

    Learning-styles models have a couple of limitations. ?irst, they may fail to

    recogni"e how styles vary in different content areas and disciplines.

    :econd, these models are sometimes less sensitive than they should be to the

    effects of conte!t on learning. >merging from a tradition that viewed style as

    relatively permanent, many learning-style advocates advised altering learning

    environments to match or challenge a learner8s style. >ither way, learning-style

    models have largely left unanswered the =uestion of how conte!t and purpose

    affect learning.

    Multiple Intelligence !heory

    ?ourteen years after the publication of $rames of Mind  '&ardner ()9*+, the

    clarity and comprehensiveness of %oward &ardner8s design continue to da""le

    the educational community. ho could have e!pected that a reconsideration of

    the word intelligence would profoundly affect the way we see ourselves and our


    &ardner describes seven intelligences linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial,

    musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.2  #he distinctions

    among these intelligences are supported by studies in child development,

    cognitive skills under conditions of brain damage, psychometrics, changes incognition across history and within different cultures, and psychological transfer

    and generali"ation.

    #hus, &ardner8s model is backed by a rich research base that combines

    physiology, anthropology, and personal and cultural history. #his theoretical depth

    is sadly lacking in most learning-style models. oreover, &ardner8s seven

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    intelligences are not abstract concepts, but are recogni"able through common life

    e!periences. e all intuitively understand the difference between musical and

    linguistic, or spatial and mathematical intelligences, for e!ample. e all show

    different levels of aptitude in various content areas. In all cases, we know that no

    individual is universally intelligent; certain fields of knowledge engage or elude

    everyone. &ardner has taken this intuitive knowledge of human e!perience and

    shown us in a lucid, persuasive, and well-researched manner how it is true.

    Aet, there are two gaps in multiple intelligence theory that limit its application to

    learning. ?irst, the theory has grown out of cognitive scienceBa discipline that

    has not yet asked itself why we have a field called cognitive science, but not one

    called affective science. Learning-style theory, on the other hand, has deep roots

    in psychoanalysis. Learning-style theorists, therefore, give

    psychological affect  and individual personality central roles in understandingdifferences in learning.

    ultiple intelligence theory looks where style does not It focuses on the content

    of learning and its relation to the disciplines. :uch a focus, however, means that

    it does not deal with the individuali"ed process of learning. #his is the second

    limitation of multiple intelligence theory, and it becomes clear if we consider

    variations within a particular intelligence.

     6re conductors, performers, composers, and musical critics all using the same

    musical intelligence@ hat of the differing linguistic intelligences of a master of

    free verse like illiam 1arlos illiams and a giant of literary criticism like %arold

    loom@ %ow similar are the bodily-kinesthetic intelligences of dancers artha

    &raham and &ene 5elly or football players >mmitt :mith and golfer #iger

    oods@ %ow can we e!plain the difference in the spatial intelligences of 7icasso

    and onetBboth masters of modern art@

    ost of us would likely agree that different types of intelligence are at work in

    these individuals. 7erhaps one day, &ardner8s work on the C4agged profileC of

    combined intelligences or, perhaps, his insistence on the importance of conte!t

    will produce a new understanding of intelligence. ut at the moment, &ardner8swork does not provide ade=uate guidelines for dealing with these distinctions.

    ost of us, however, already have a way of e!plaining individual differences

    between onet and 7icasso, artha &raham and &ene 5elly, or between

    different students in our classrooms e refer to these individuals as having

    distinct styles.

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    theory responds to the weaknesses of the other; together, they form an

    integrated picture of intelligence and difference.Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences

    In integrating these ma4or theories of knowledge, we moved through three steps.

    ?irst, we attempted to describe, for each of &ardner8s intelligences, a set of four

    learning processes or abilities, one for each of the four learning styles. ?or

    linguistic intelligence, for e!ample, the Mastery  style represents the ability to use

    language to describe events and se=uence activities; the #nterpersonal  style, the

    ability to use language to build trust and rapport; the Understanding  style, the

    ability to develop logical arguments and use rhetoric; and the Selfe"pressive style, the ability to use metaphoric and e!pressive language.

    "igure #. Sample $%inesthetic$ &ocations 'y Style


    #he ability to use the body and

    tools to take effective action or to

    construct or repair.Mechanic, Trainer, %ontractor,

    %raftsperson, Tool and &ye Ma'er 


    #he ability to use the body to build rapport, to

    console or persuade, and to support others.

    %oach, %ounselor, Salesperson, Trainer 


    (nderstanding Self)xpressi*e

  • 8/17/2019 Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences


    #he ability to plan strategically or to

    criti=ue the actions of the body.

    Physical !ducator, Sports Analyst,

    Professional Athlete, &ance %ritic 

    #he ability to appreciate the aesthetics of the

    body and to use those values to create new

    forms of e!pression.

    Sculptor, %horeographer, Actor, &ancer,

    Mime, Puppeteer 

    De!t, we listed samples of vocations that people are likely to choose, given

    particular intelligence and learning-style profiles. orking in this way, we devised

    a model that linked the process-centered approach of learning styles and the

    content and product-driven multiple intelligence theory.

    ?igure 2 shows how you might construct a classroom display of information

    about intelligences, styles, and possible vocations. 1onsider kinesthetic

    intelligence and the difference between a #iger oods and a &ene 5elly 7eoplewho e!cel in this intelligence, with an Understanding  style, might be professional

    athletes 'like #iger oods+, dance critics, or sports analysts; people with a Self

    e"pressive style might be sculptors, choreographers, dancers 'like &ene 5elly+,

    actors, mimes, or puppeteers.

    "igure +. Student ,hoice- ssessment /roducts 'y Intelligence and




    • rite an article

    • 7ut together a maga"ine

    • Eevelop a plan

    • Eevelop a newscast

    • Eescribe a comple! procedureFob4ect


    • rite a letter 

    • ake a pitch

    • 1onduct an interview

    • 1ounsel a fictional character or a friend


    • ake a case

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    • akeFdefend a decision

    •  6dvance a theory

    • Interpret a te!t

    • >!plain an artifact


    • rite a play

    • Eevelop a plan to direct

    • :pin a tale

    • Eevelop an advertising campaign

    #he following outline shows how we categori"ed abilities and sample vocations

    for the seven intelligences, by learning style

    Linguistic• astery #he ability to use language to describe events and se=uence

    activities ()ournalist, technical writer, administrator, contractor*

    • Interpersonal #he ability to use language to build trust and

    rapport (salesperson, counselor, clergyperson, therapist*

    • $nderstanding #he ability to develop logical arguments and use

    rhetoric (lawyer, professor, orator, philosopher*

    • :elf-e!pressive #he ability to use metaphoric and e!pressive

    language (playwright, poet, advertising copywriter, novelist*


    • astery #he ability to use numbers to compute, describe, and

    document (accountant, +oo''eeper, statistician*

    • Interpersonal #he ability to apply mathematics in personal and daily

    life (tradesperson, homema'er*

    • $nderstanding #he ability to use mathematical concepts to make

    con4ectures, establish proofs, and apply mathematics and data to construct

    arguments (logician, computer programmer, scientist, uantitative pro+lem

    solver*• :elf-e!pressive #he ability to be sensitive to the patterns, symmetry, logic,

    and aesthetics of mathematics and to solve problems in design and

    modeling (composer, engineer, inventor, designer, ualitative pro+lem solver*


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    • astery #he ability to perceive and represent the visual-spatial world

    accurately (illustrator, artist, guide, photographer*

    • Interpersonal #he ability to arrange color, line, shape, form, and space to

    meet the needs of others(interior decorator, painter, clothing designer, weaver,


    • $nderstanding #he ability to interpret and graphically represent visual or

    spatial ideas (architect, iconographer, computer graphics designer, art critic*

    • :elf-e!pressive #he ability to transform visual or spatial ideas into

    imaginative and e!pressive creations (artist, inventor, model +uilder,



    • astery #he ability to use the body and tools to take effective action or to

    construct or repair (mechanic, trainer, contractor, craftsperson, tool and dyema'er*

    • Interpersonal #he ability to use the body to build rapport, to console and

    persuade, and to support others (coach, counselor, salesperson, trainer*

    • $nderstanding #he ability to plan strategically or to criti=ue the actions of

    the body (physical educator, sports analyst, professional athlete, dance critic*

    • :elf-e!pressive #he ability to appreciate the aesthetics of the body and to

    use those values to create new forms of e!pression (sculptor, choreographer,

    actor, dancer, mime, puppeteer*


    • astery #he ability to understand and develop musical

    techni=ue (technician, music teacher, instrument ma'er*

    • Interpersonal #he ability to respond emotionally to music and to work

    together to use music to meet the needs of others (choral, +and, and orchestral

     performer or conductor- pu+lic relations director in music*

    • $nderstanding #he ability to interpret musical forms and ideas (music

    critic, aficionado, music collector*

    :elf-e!pressive #he ability to create imaginative and e!pressiveperformances and compositions(composer, conductor, individualsmallgroup



    • astery #he ability to organi"e people and to communicate clearly what

    needs to be done(administrator, manager, politician*

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    • Interpersonal #he ability to use empathy to help others and to solve

    problems (social wor'er, doctor, nurse, therapist, teacher*

    • $nderstanding #he ability to discriminate and interpret among different

    kinds of interpersonal clues(sociologist, psychologist, psychotherapist,

     professor of psychology or sociology*

    • :elf-e!pressive #he ability to influence and inspire others to work toward

    a common goal(consultant, charismatic leader, politician, evangelist*


    • astery #he ability to assess one8s own strengths, weaknesses, talents,

    and interests and use them to set goals (planner, small +usiness owner*

    • Interpersonal #he ability to use understanding of oneself to be of service

    to others (counselor, social wor'er*

    $nderstanding #he ability to form and develop concepts and theoriesbased on an e!amination of oneself (psychologist*

    • :elf-e!pressive #he ability to reflect on one8s inner moods, intuitions, and

    temperament and to use them to create or e!press a personal vision (artist,

    religious leader, writer*

     6s the final step in constructing the intelligence-learning style menus, we

    collected descriptions of products that a person with strengths in each

    intelligence and style might create. ?or e!ample, in the linguistic intelligence

    domain, a person with the Mastery  style might write an article, put a maga"ine

    together, develop a newscast, or describe a comple! procedure. y contrast, a

    person with a Selfe"pressive style might write a play, spin a tale, or develop an

    advertising campaign 'see fig. 2+. In the kinesthetic intelligence domain, a person

    with an Understanding  style might choreograph a concept or teach a physical

    education concept; a person with a Selfe"pressive style might create a diorama

    or act out emotional states or concepts. 6 class display of such lists might

    accompany charts like the sample shown in ?igure 2.

    3ow to (se the Integrated Intelligence Menus

    :everal years ago, &rant iggins reminded us that we can8t teach everything. It

    is also =uite obvious that we can8t use every teaching method nor every form of

    assessment. %ere are some ways to use the Integrated Intelligence enusB

    particularly for performance assessmentBwithout trying to do everything at once.

    /. Use the menus as a compass. 5eep a running record of the styles and

    intelligences you use regularly and of those you avoid. hen a particular form of

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    assessment doesn8t work, offer the student another choice from another part of

    the menu.

    0. $ocus on one intelligence at a time. 

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    &regorc, 6. '()9/+. #nside Styles4 2eyond the 2asics. aynard, ass.

    &abriel :ystems, Inc.

    ung, 1. '()23+. The Theory of Psychological Type. 7rinceton, D..

    7rinceton $niversity 7ress.

    c1arthy, . '()92+. The 5Mat System. 6rlington %eights, Ill. >!cel

    7ublishing 1o.

    :ilver, %.?., and .. %anson. '())/+. 3earning Styles and Strategies.

    oodbridge, D.. #he #houghtful >ducation 7ress.

    :ilver, %.?., and .. :trong. '())3+. Monographs for 3earning Style

    Models and Profiles. '$npublished research+.


    (  #he term interpersonal style overlaps with &ardner8s interpersonal intelligence. In

    &ardner8s model, interpersonal intelligence is a category related to the content and

    products of knowledge. In our learning-style model, the interpersonal style refers to a

    way of processing knowledge.2  &ardner has recently introduced an eighth intelligenceBnaturalist . 6lthough our

    integrated intelligence menus can easily accommodate this new category, we have

    chosen to work only with the classic seven intelligences