Instructor Materials for Course 70148: Microsoft Excel 2013 Essentials Aligned with Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam 77-420: Microsoft Excel 2013 Managing data Module 4

Instructor Materials for Course 70148: Microsoft Excel 2013 Essentials Aligned with Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam 77-420: Microsoft Excel 2013

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Instructor Materials for Course 70148: Microsoft Excel 2013 EssentialsAligned with Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam 77-420: Microsoft Excel 2013

Managing dataModule 4

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ModuleLearning, practice, and

assessmentsLesson 8: Finding and replacing dataLesson 9: Locating cells and rangesLesson 10: Identifying cells and ranges

by using namesProject: Find, replace, and organize dataQuiz


Learning, practice, and assessments

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Searching for data within a workbookFinding and replacing data

8Finding and replacing data

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findreplacesearch criteriawildcard


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In what other programs have you used the Find and Replace commands?

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How does searching in Excel 2013 compare to how you might have searched for text in other programs?

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How might you have previously used wildcard characters?

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Why do you think the option to search within a workbook, rather than a worksheet, might be useful?

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Can you think of some examples in which it could be helpful to search by formats?

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Objective reviewLesson

Searching for data within a workbookFinding and replacing data


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Using the Name boxUsing Go To

9Locating cells and ranges

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navigateName boxGo To

Go To Specialcurrent regionlast cell

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What are some of the types of information displayed in the Name box?

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How can the Go To dialog box save you time?

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When might you use the Go To Special dialog box to quickly select the current region in a worksheet?

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When might it be helpful to navigate quickly to the last cell in a workbook?

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Why might it be beneficial to quickly locate blank cells?

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Objective reviewLesson

Using the Name boxUsing Go To


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Creating named ranges

10Identifying cells and ranges by using names

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named rangesyntaxfilterscope

Collapse DialogExpand DialogAutoComplete

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How might using named ranges make your workbooks easier for you to use?

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How might using named ranges make using your workbooks easier for others?

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What are some of the syntax rules to keep in mind when naming cells?

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Why do you think it might be helpful to add comments to named ranges?

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Why do you think the same name might be used more than once for different ranges in the same workbook?

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Objective reviewLesson

Creating named ranges


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Complete the Student Project for this module

You may work in a group, but you are responsible for your own work

Turn in the completed assignment for review

ProjectFind, replace, and organize data 4

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QuestionYou are conducting a search from the Find And Replace dialog box. Excel locates the first instance of the search criteria. Which keyboard shortcut can you use to find the next occurrence? Alt+F Alt+I Ctrl+F Ctrl+I

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QuestionTo which of the following elements can you navigate from the Go To Special dialog box? (Choose all that apply.) cell A1 Table2 the last populated cell the next empty cell

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QuestionThe Find And Replace dialog box provides the option to locate only those instances of a search term that start with a capital letter. True False

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QuestionWhich methods can you use to create a named range? (Choose all that apply.) Enter information in the Name box. Enter information in the Go To Special dialog box. Enter information in the Name Manager dialog box. Use the Create From Selection command.

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QuestionWhich of the following range names use the correct syntax? (Choose all that apply.) Date1 Duration in Hours End_time 12Months

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Quiz reviewYou are conducting a search from the Find And Replace dialog box. Excel locates the first instance of the search criteria. Which keyboard shortcut can you use to find the next occurrence? Alt+F

To which of the following elements can you navigate from the Go To Special dialog box? the last populated cell the next empty cell

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Quiz review (continued)The Find And Replace dialog box provides the option to locate only those instances of a search term that start with a capital letter. True

Which methods can you use to create a named range? Enter information in the Name box. Enter information in the Name Manager dialog box. Use the Create From Selection command.

Which of the following range names use the correct syntax? Date1 End_time

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