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B Y A P T U T S . C O M

E M A I L : L E A R N @ A P T U T S . C O M

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• Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science Engineering

• Software Engineer in IT Industry & Teaching Experience

• 7 Years of IT experience in various technologies

• Expertise in C, C++, Application Development, Manual Testing, Web Automation

Automation Testing, Website Designing, PHP and VBScript

• Founder of LearnCOnline.com, LearnCPPOnline.com and Aptuts.com

• Contact Info: [email protected]

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Following topics would be covered:


Fundamentals and Control Statements

Data Input and Output in C

Functions and Function Overloading

Arrays, Structures and Pointers

Strings and String handling functions

Storage Classes in C

Introduction to File Operations in C

The C Pre-processor Directives

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C is a programming language developed by AT & T‟s Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972. It was desby a man named Dennis Ritchie. C is reliable, simple and easy to use. C has survived for more

Before starting with the programming, let‟s have a look at the C Character set.

Any alphabet, digit or special symbol can be termed as a character. Below are the list of valid alphsymbols allowed in C.


A, B, C, D, … ,X, Y, Z

a, b, c, d, … ,x, y, z

Digits :

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Special Symbols :

~ „ ! @ # % ^ &amp; * ( ) _ - + = | \ { } [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? /

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C supports two types of comments., // and /*...*/

Here, everything following // till the end of line is treated as comment.Usually /*..*/ style is used for commenting out of a block code, whereas, // is use

line comments.

Example of single-line comment:

// This is a single line comment

Example of multiple-line comment:

/*This is

a multiple line comment*/

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In a C program, every word is either classified as an identifier or a keyword

Identifiers, as the name suggests, are used to identify or name various proelements such as variables, constants, functions etc.

On the other hand, Keywords are a kind of reserved word which have sta

predefined meanings in C

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As stated before, identifiers are names that are given to various program elements succonstants, functions, arrays etc. There are certain rules regarding identifier names in below:

1. Identifiers must consist of letters and digits, in any order, except that the first charletter

2. Both upper-case and lower-case letters are permitted

3. The underscore character (_) can also be included, and is considered to be a lette

4. An identifier should contain enough characters so that its meaning is readily appar

5. There are certain reserved words, called keywords, that have standard, predefinedThese keywords can be used only for their intended purpose. They cannot be useprogrammer-defined identifiers

6. It is required to note here that the keywords are all lower-case. Since upper-case acharacters are not equivalent, it is possible to utilize an upper-case keyword as an

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Examples of valid identifiers:






Examples of Invalid identifiers:7th



error flag

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As stated before, keywords are the words whose meaning has already been explai

compiler (or in a broad sense to the computer). The keywords cannot be used anames because, if we do so, we are trying to assign a new meaning to the keywo

not allowed by the computer. The keywords are also called “Reserved words”.

Examples of Keywords in C:






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Data types supported by C can be broadly divided into six heads as stated follows

1. int data-type2. char data-type

3. float data-type

4. double data-type

5. bool (boolean) data-type

6. enum (enumeration) data-type

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int data-type:

int data-type represents the whole number (i.e., integer) quantities. Integers are required not to contain a decima

exponentchar data-type:

char data-type is used to represent individual characters. Hence, the char type generally requires only one byte of

float data-type:

float data-type (also called as floating point) represents values containing decimal places. A floating point value is dpresence of a decimal point. It is permissible to omit digits before the decimal point, or digits after the decimal popermissible to omit both.

double data-type:

double data-type is very similar to float data-type. It is used whenever the accuracy provided by a float variable is Variables declared to be of type float can store roughly twice as many significant digits as can a variable of type flo

bool (boolean) data-type:

This data type can take only two values true or false. It is commonly used to hold the results of comparisons

enum (enumeration) data-type:

An enumeration data type is an integral type that is defined by the user

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An operator , in general, is a symbol that operates on a certain data-type. For eoperator + is the addition operator. It can operate on integer, character and real (flo

numbers.On the other hand, an expression is a combination of variables, constants and

 written according to the syntax of the language.

Types of Operators:

1. Arithmetic operators

2. Unary operators

3. Increment and Decrement operators4. Relational operators

5. Logical operators

6. Assignment operators

7. Conditional operators

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There are five arithmetic operators. They are:

1. Addition (+)

2. Subtraction (-)

3. Multiplication (*)

4. Division (/)

5. Remainder after integer division (%). The % operator is also sometimes referred tthe modulus operator .

Example of the use of Arithmetic Operators:

Suppose that the x and y are integer variables whose values are 10 and 3 respectiarithmetic expressions involving these variables are shown below, together with tvalues:

x + y (Value: 13)

x – y (Value: 7)

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C includes a class of operators that act upon a single operand to produce a new v

operators are known as unary operators. Unary operators usually precede thoperands, through some unary operators are written after their operands.

Perhaps the most common unary operation is unary minus, where a numerical con

or expression is preceded by a minus sign.

Note that the unary operation is distinctly different from the arithmetic operator

subtraction (-) as the subtraction operator requires two operands.


-175, -root1, -(x+y) etc.

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These operators also fall under the broad category of unary operators but are q

than unary minus.

The increment and decrement operators are very useful in C language. They are ex

in for and while loops. The syntax of these operators is given below:

++<variable name>

<variable name>++

--<variable name>

<variable name>--

• The operator ++ adds 1 to the operand and -- subtracts 1 from the operand. Th

manifest in two forms: prefix and postfix.

• For example, the ++ operator can be used in two ways:

++m and m++

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There are four relational operators. They are:

1. < (less than)2. > (greater than)

3. <= (less than or equal to)

4. >= (greater than or equal to)

Closely associated with the above mentioned relational operators are the followin


1. == (equal to)

2. != (not equal to)

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These six operators are used to form logical expressions, which represent conditi

either true or false. The resulting expressions will be of type integer, since true i

in C by the integer value 1 and false by the value 0.


Suppose that a, b and c are integer variables whose values are 1, 2 and 3 respecti

logical expressions involving these variables are shown below:

a < b (True 1)

a == b (False 0)c!=2 (True 1)

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A logical operator is used to compare or evaluate logical and relational expressions. There are thoperators. They are:

An expression involving && or || is sometimes called compound expressions, since the expre

other expressions, that is, each of these operators (&& and ||) takes two expressions, one to tanother to the right.

Example of && operator:a > b && x == 10

The expression on the left is a > b and that on the right is x == 10. The above stated whole exprto true (1) only if both the expressions are true (i.e., if a is greater than b and the value of x i

Operator Meaning

&& Logical AND

|| Logical OR

! Logical NOT

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Example of ! operator:

The ! (NOT) operator takes single expression and evaluates to true (1) if the eis false (0), and evaluates to false (0) if the expression is true (1). In other wor

reverses the value of the expression.

For example, consider the following expression:

!(x >= y)

The expression after the ! operator is x >= y. The above not expression evaluat

if the value of x is neither greater than nor equal to y (i.e., only if x is less than y

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There are several different assignment operators. All of them are used to form assignment exassign the value of an expression to an identifier.

The most commonly used assignment operator is =. Assignment expressions that make use of thwritten in the form:

identifier = expression

where,identifier generally represents a variable, andexpression represents a constant, a variable or a more complex expression


a = 3;

x = y;

sum = a + b;

In the above statements, the first assignment expression causes the integer value 3 to assigned toand the second assignment causes the value of variable yto be assigned to x. In the third assignthe value of the arithmetic expression is assigned to the variable sum i.e., the value of a + b is

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Remember that the assignment operator = and the equality operator == are disdifferent. The assignment operator is used to assign a value to an identifier, wherea

operator is used to determine if two expressions have the same value.Also, C contains the following five additional assignment operators: +=, -=,*=, /=

how they are used, consider the first operator, +=.

The assignment expression:expression 1 += expression 2

is equivalent to:expression 1 = expression + expression 2

Similarly, the assignment expression:expression 1 -= expression 2

is equivalent to:expression 1 = expression - expression 2

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Simple conditional operations can be carried out with the conditional operator (? :). An expression the conditional operator is called a conditional expression. Such an expression can be written intraditional if - else statement.

A conditional expression is written in the form:expression 1 ? expression 2 : expression 3

While evaluating a conditional expression, expression 1 is evaluated first. If expression 1 is true (i.enon-zero), then expression 2 is evaluated and this becomes the value of the conditional expressiothe expression 1 is false (i.e., if its value is zero) then expression 3 is evaluated and this becomeconditional expression. Note that only one of the embedded expressions (either expression 2 orevaluated determining the value of a conditional expression.

Example:In the conditional expression below, assume that a is an integer variable:

z = (a < 0) ? 0 : 100;

In the above example, the expression (a < 0) is evaluated first. If it is true, the entire conditional expthe value 0. Otherwise (if the value is not less than 0), the entire conditional expression takes on th

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Output in C is enabled by the statement printf which is predefined to correspond

standard output stream.

Example of output statement in C:

printf (“Welcome to Aptuts.com”);

printf (“This is a number %d”, num);

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Contrary to printf, to receive input through the keyboard what is used is scanf 

Example of using scanf:

scanf (“&d”, &num);

To enable the use printf and scanf, one needs to include a header file named stdio.

line of every program, by the statement:

#include <stdio.h>

This header file contains the declaration that are needed by printf & scanf stateme

this declaration, the compiler won't recognize printf & scanf.

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Write a program in C that will accept two integer value from user and store it in a

named x and y. It should perform addition of two input values and the results sh

in a variable named z. At the end, it should display the result i.e. value of z on th

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