A work experience at a local hydroponics farm

Institute of Agribusiness

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A work experience at a localhydroponics farm

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A work experience at a localhydroponics farm

Page 3: Institute of Agribusiness


Institute ofagribusinessAs Malta’s principal agriculture education institution, we provide training in horticulture, animal care and management as well as fish management. Our horticulture courses prepare students for careers in the management and care of nurseries, garden design, landscaping and cash crops. In the animal care programmes, you can gain experience in the care and management of domestic, exotic and farm animals. Our fish management training options target the skills required in aquaculture and other related studies.

You will benefit from practical experiences in laboratories, in the adjacent cultivated fields and in professionally equipped sheds where different animals are kept. Most courses also include work placements with local companies operating within this sector.

MCAST Agribusiness Institute

Triq Óal Luqa, Qormi QRM 9075

00356 2125 7006/8

00356 2125 7005

E [email protected]

Acting Director: Mr David Coleiro

Institute ofagribusinessInstitute ofagribusinessInstitute of


institute of

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Page Course Code Course Title 38 13/10/01 MCAST Introductory Certificate in Animal Husbandry and Horticultural Skills - Level 1*

39 13/10/02 MCAST Foundation Certificate in Horticulture and Animal Care - Level 2*

40 13/10/03 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Fish Husbandry41 13/10/04 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Animal Care43 13/10/05 MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Horticulture

44 13/10/06 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Agriculture45 13/10/07 MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Fish Management

46 13/10/08 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Animal Management47 13/10/09 MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Horticulture (Garden Design)

49 13/10/10 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Animal Management50 13/10/11 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture

All Levels are based on the Malta Qualifications Framework. Refer to the last page of this Prospectus for further details.Il-Livelli huma bbaΩati fuq il-Qafas g˙all-Kwalifiki ta’ Malta. Aktar dettalji jinsabu fl-a˙˙ar pa©na ta’ dan il-Prospett.

* Provisionally classified at this level by the Malta Qualifications Council.ProviΩorjament klassifikat f’dan il-livell mill-Kunsill Malti g˙all-Kwalifiki.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the contents of programmes according to changing needs and circumstances.L-MCAST jirriΩerva d-dritt li jag˙mel tibdil fil-kontenut tal-programmi skont il-˙tie©a u ç-çirkostanzi.









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“If you love nature, don’t shy away from studying agribusiness. It can offer you a bright future with careers that are fundamental to our wellbeing and to the safeguarding of our landscapes and natural resources.”

Jessica FenechBachelor of Science (Honours)in Animal Management, Trainer at the Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs

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“As part of my course I am participating in many hands-on activities. Recently we’ve been working on a study to find outmore about the Black Maltese Chicken, a native breed which was saved from extinction through breeding programmes coordinated by my Institute’s lecturers and former students.”

Robert Debono Second year student, MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diplomain Animal Management

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“Every week, we share in the tasks required to take care of the animals kept at the Institute. We also spend time practising in different workplaces. I have already worked on a farm and in an animal clinic. Through this training,I aspire to become a vet nurse.”

Sephora Mercieca Second year student, MCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in Agriculture

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“Studying at MCAST is not only about learning the skills you need to get a job. With the constant support of the Institute’s lecturers, I also acquired important life values such as self-confidence, perseverance and lifelong learning. These lessons are very important tools in every aspect of my daily life.”

Karol AzzopardiMCAST-BTEC Extended Diploma in AgricultureWorks at Best Quality Hatchers Co. Ltd.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131001

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioN

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. understand how to handle and take

care of small animals and pets2. Carry out on site practical work related

to specific farm animals3. undertake practical tasks using

horticultural skills4. understand the basic skills needed in

taking care of a small garden.

this course is intended for school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate. the programme, although basic, equips students with a range of skills enabling them to begin to understand what various land-based animal and crop activities involve.

you will have the opportunity to handle a variety of farm animals as well as work on crop fields and fruit trees.

you will learn about soil management, establishing crops, animal management, livestock nutrition and farm maintenance. you will have the opportunity to feed various animals such as rabbits and poultry, incubate eggs and hatch chicks. this course offers the required hands-on experience in the horticulture and animal husbandry sector.

dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk li għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja. huwa programm ta’ sena, li għalkemm f’livell bażiku, jiġbor fih firxa ta’ ħiliet li jwassluk biex tibda tifhem aħjar x’jitlob ix-xogħol li għandu rabta mar-raba’ u l-bhejjem.

tingħata l-opportunità biex tieħu ħsieb għażla ta’ annimali tal-irziezet u tkun tista’ taħdem ukoll fl-għelieqi fuq ħxejjex u siġar tal-frott.

titgħallem dwar diversi suġġetti bħal ma huma l-ħamrija u l-uċuh tar-raba’, il-ġestjoni u l-alimentazzjoni tal-bhejjem, kif ukoll il-manutenzjoni li jitolbu l-irziezet. tkun tista’ tagħlef għażla ta’ annimali, bħal ma huma l-fniek u t-tiġieġ, tuża l-inkubatur tal-bajd, tfaqqas il-flieles u tieħu esperjenzi siewja oħra fil-qasam tal-ortikultura u t-trobbija tal-annimali.



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AWARDING BODY: MCAST more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131002

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:FiNished Compulsory eduCatioNormCast iNtroduCtory CertiFiCate

Other entry requirements:initial assessment tests

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. undertake different agricultural

methods and understand the principles of health and safety

2. understand procedures and explore measures to improve agricultural skills

3. use and apply correctly various agricultural equipment

4. understand and apply different technical skills relating to the care of animals as well as crops.


this course is intended for school leavers in possession of the school leaving Certificate. it is designed to equip students with a range of basic skills and competences enabling them to become competent in various land-based activities involved in the agriculture industry.

the programme includes a significant amount of vocational practice that will help you to form a clear idea of the nature of the trade or vocation you may wish to follow.

you will learn about soil management, establishing crops, animal management, livestock nutrition and farm maintenance. the students will have the opportunity to have hands-on experience with farm animals, exotic animals and plants.

dan il-kors japplika għal dawk l-istudenti li jkollhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-tmiem tal-iskola sekondarja. il-kors jagħtik firxa ta’ ħiliet li għandhom rabta max-xogħol fl-industrija agrikola.

Bis-saħħa tat-taħriġ vokazzjonali li tieħu minn dan il-programm, inti tasal biex tifhem aħjar x’titlob din is-sengħa fiż-żminijiet tagħna.

titgħallem dwar diversi suġġetti bħal ma huma l-ħamrija u l-uċuh tar-raba’, il-ġestjoni u l-alimentazzjoni tal-bhejjem, kif ukoll il-manutenzjoni tal-irziezet. tkun tista’ tieħu esperjenza siewja fuq il-ġestjoni tal-bhejjem tal-irziezet, annimali eżotiċi kif ukoll pjanti.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131003

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology and english language

At the end of the programme, you willbe able to:1. undertake practical tasks related to fish

husbandry and the caring of aquaria2. understand the principles of fish biology

and health3. understand and monitor fish production

units4. understand aquatic ecology and assess

the status of aquatic environments.

Career opportunities: Fish farm assistant assistant aquarium technician aquarium centre retailer

this course introduces students to the basics of fish husbandry. it provides the knowledge and skills required by the student for eventual entry into related work places such as the fish farming and the aquatics industry. Being the only course in malta solely dedicated to fish husbandry, this programme offers you an excellent opportunity to find employment in this industry, which is an important economic sector in the maltese islands.

you will develop the knowledge and practical skills needed, provided you attend all practical sessions which will be vital to back up the theoretical knowledge gained during lectures.

dan il-kors huwa introduzzjoni għall-prinċipji bażiċi marbuta mat-trobbija tal-ħut. il-programm joffri l-għarfien u l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex student ikun jista’ jidħol għal xogħol relatat ma’ dan il-qasam, bħal ma huma t-trobbija tal-ħut u l-industrija tal-akkwatika.

minħabba li huwa l-uniku kors f’malta li jittratta esklussivament it-trobbija tal-ħut, dan il-programm huwa opportunità tajba ħafna li tista’ twasslek biex issib ix-xogħol f’dan is-settur tal-industrija li huwa ta’ importanza fil-gżejjer maltin.

inti tkun tista’ tiżviluppa l-għarfien u l-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa, bil-patt li tattendi s-sessjonijiet prattiċi kollha sabiex tkun tista’ ssaħħaħ it-teorija li tkun ġbart mil-lezzjonijiet fil-klassi.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131004

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology and english language

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. understand how to prevent, identify

and treat diseases of farm animals and pets

2. Carry out practical grooming sessions on a range of domesticated animal species

3. understand the principles of animal biology and animal health

4. undertake practical tasks related to veterinary services including animal nursing and veterinary regulatory affairs.

Career opportunities: animal groomer assistant veterinary shop assistant animal technician

this course offers an introduction to working with and handling farm animals and pets, and the related hands-on experience required. it provides the practical skills and background knowledge required to form a solid foundation in animal care.

you will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge on various housing designs that can be used for farm and pet animals as well as accommodation, study feeding procedures and how to identify and solve animal health problems.

if you opt for this programme you will be expected to attend scheduled husbandry duties which form part of this course. this practical experience, coupled with motivation and responsibility, will back up the theoretical knowledge gained at the institute.

dan il-kors joffrilek introduzzjoni għax-xogħol fejn jidħlu l-annimali, kemm dawk tal-irziezet kif ukoll tad-djar. Jingħata taħrig prattiku u t-tagħrif meħtieġ sabiex l-istudent ikollu bażi soda fil-kura tal-annimali.

tkun tista’ tistudja l-għamliet differenti ta’ kif tista’ takkomoda kemm l-annimali tal-irziezet kif ukoll dawk domestiċi, kif tagħlef dawn il-bhejjem u kif tifhem u ssolvi l-problemitas-saħħa tagħhom.

Bħala parti minn dan il-programm, tkun mistenni li twettaq id-doveri tiegħek fil-kura tal-annimali. din l-esperjenza prattika, flimkien max-xewqa li titgħallem u r-responsabbiltà fix-xogħol, huma meħtieġa biex issaħħaħ l-għarfien li tkun ħadt mil-lezzjonijiettat-teorija.



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A work placement at the San AntonPresidential Palace

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131005

Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast FouNdatioN CertiFiCateor2 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology and english language

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. understand the biology of plants 2. describe and discuss the basic

principles of plant and soil science3. Grow and maintain a variety of

horticultural plants 4. Follow a work placements programme

in the horticultural sector.

Career opportunities: Nursery assistant assistant farmer assistant gardener

this course introduces you to the basics of crop production. you will develop the knowledge and practical skills needed to work on a modern horticultural farm.

the course is practically based, providing the required skills and competences as well as the foundation knowledge in plant management and production. you are expected to attend scheduled horticulture practical sessions which form an integral part of the course.

this experience will improve your employment opportunities and is a good foundation for future career opportunities such as working in nurseries, farms and gardening as well as for progression to a more advanced qualification.

dan il-kors jagħtik għarfien bażiku fuq il-prodotti tar-raba’. tkun tista’ tiżviluppa wkoll il-ħiliet prattiċi li jgħinuk biex tkun tista’ taħdem f’faċilitajiet tal-ortikultura.

il-kors għandu bażi prattika u joffrilek ħiliet, kompetenzi u għarfien dwar il-ġestjoni tal-pjanti u l-prinċipji tal-produzzjoni. inti tkun mistenni tattendi għal sessjonijiet prattiċi kif skedati mill-istitut għax dawn huma parti integrali tal-kors.

dan kollu se jtejjiblek l-opportunitajiet biex issib ix-xogħol u jservi wkoll ta’ bażi tajba għall-karriera tiegħek fil-ġejjieni. Għal dan il-għan, jaf jinteressak ix-xogħol fis-serer, il-farms, jew il-ġonna. tkun tista’ tikkunsidra wkoll li tkompli tistudja f’livell aktar avvanzat.

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131006

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN Fish husBaNdryormCast-BteC diploma iN aNimal Care ormCast-BteC diploma iN hortiCultureor4 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology, Chemistry, mathematics and english language

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. understand a number of scientific and

technical aspects in the subject-areas chosen

2. understand the anatomy, physiology, Behaviour and health issues related to various farmed animals, fish or plants

3. undertake work-related experience in the land-based sector

4. develop business ideas and carry out investigative projects in the land-based sector.

Career opportunities: inspector technician veterinary assistant veterinary pharmacy assistant

this course provides a broad knowledge of the agricultural industry including crop management, livestock and farm machinery.

you may also wish to consider the fish management stream in which you will be given the required knowledge, skills and competences in both farmed and ornamental fish industries.

the course offers a wide perspective on the agricultural and fish management sector. the interconnectedness between these fields and other related aspects will be analysed throughout the study units.

you will be encouraged to relate theory to practice at all stages through assignments, projects, practical work and work placements. scheduled husbandry, crop and fish husbandry duties form an integral part of the curriculum.

in this programme you will be given the opportunity to choose either the animal care, the horticultural management or the fish management option.

dan il-kors joffri tagħrif wiesa’ li għandu rabta mal-industrija tal-biedja fosthom l-immaniġġjar tal-uċuh tar-raba’ u tal-annimali, kif ukoll il-manutenzjoni tal-makkinarju tipiku tar-razzett.

tista’ wkoll titħajjar tagħżel il-linja tal-immaniġġjar tal-ħut fejn tingħata t-tagħrif u l-ħiliet meħtieġa li għandhom rabta mal-industriji tal-ħut tal-irziezet u dak ornamentali.

dan il-kors joffrilek perspettiva wiesgħa tal-immaniġġjar tas-settur agrikolu u dak tal-akkwakultura. ir-rabta bejn dawn l-oqsma u aspetti relatati jiġu analizzati fl-unitajiet ta’ studju matul il-kors.

it-teorija u l-prattika jimxu id f’id u dan huwa rifless fix-xogħol li jidħlu għalih l-istudenti, f’dawk li huma proġetti fl-istitut kif ukoll meta jkunu fuq il-lant tax-xogħol. Għal dan il-għan jiġu skedati esperjenzi prattiċi u relatati kif jitlob il-programm ta’ studju vokazzjonali.

l-istudent jingħata l-opportunità jagħżel l-istudju li jixtieq isegwi, bejn dak li jirrigwarda l-kura tal-annimali, l-ortikultura jew l-akkwakultura.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131007

this course offers the student a wide perspective in different aspects of fish management and will provide students with a broad knowledge and aptitude related to the fish management sector and industry. learners will be given the required knowledge, skills and competences in both farmed and ornamental fish husbandry industries.

this is an opportunity for students to gain experience while learning new skills. students are encouraged to relate theory to practice at all stages through assignments, projects, practical work and work placements. scheduled fish husbandry duties form an integral part of the curriculum.

dan il-kors joffri lill-istudent perspettiva wiesgħa f’aspetti differenti relatati mas-settur tat-trobbija u l-immaniġġjar tal-ħut. l-istudenti jingħataw l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi f’dak li jirrigwardja l-industrija tal-ħut b’mod ħolistiku.

din hija opportunità għall-istudenti biex iġibu l-esperjenza filwaqt li jitgħallmu ħiliet ġodda. huma jiġu mħeġġa jirrelataw it-teorija mal-prattika fl-istadji kollha permezz ta’ assignments, proġetti, xogħol prattiku kif ukoll esperjenza prattika fuq il-post tax-xogħol. il-mod ta’ kif jiġi ppjanat ix-xogħol fil-qasam tat-trobbija tal-ħut huwa parti integrali mill-kors.


Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC diploma iN Fish husBaNdryormCast-BteC diploma iN aNimal Care ormCast-BteC diploma iN hortiCultureor4 seC/o-level passes preferred: Biology, Chemistry, mathematics and english language

At the end of the programme, you will be able to: 1. understand a number of scientific and

technical aspects in the fish husbandry area

2. understand the anatomy, physiology, Behaviour and health of fish

3. undertake work-related experience in the land-based sector;

4. develop business ideas and carry out investigative projects in the land-based sector.

Career opportunities: Fish farm inspector hatchery manager

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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131008

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iNFish maNaGemeNtormCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iN aGriCultureor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory i-level: Biology or Chemistry

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand and apply principles of

animal biology including those related to ecology, animal adaptations, animal breeding, nutrition and animal behaviour

2. Carry out practical work on specific animal farm sites and undertake specialised tasks related to animal husbandry

3. undertake practical tasks related to veterinary services including animal nursing and veterinary regulatory affairs

4. understand and plan land based policies to build on sustainable development principles and business development.

Career opportunities: Farm manager (entry level) assistant veterinary clinic manager veterinary clinic manager NGo administrator pet shop manager assistant veterinary pharmacist veterinary assistant

this course is designed to expand the knowledge and skills of students from an animal management point of view.

you will be given opportunities to develop higher-level skills in a land-based context, and how your role and your business fits within the overall structure of the land-based industries and the national and international economy.

the programme will include site visits, practical sessions and work placements, laboratory work as well as project management.

you will be expected to attend scheduled animal husbandry duties which form part of this course. this practical experience will back up the theoretical knowledge gained at the institute.

dan il-kors jestendi l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tal-istudenti fl-immaniġġjar tal-annimali.

ikollok l-opportunità biex tiżviluppa ħiliet ta’ livell għoli fil-kuntest ta’ xogħol li jsir fuq l-art. tkun tista’ tifhem aħjar kif ir-rwol u l-attività tiegħek jagħmlu parti mill-istruttura ġenerali tal-industriji tas-settur u tal-ekonomija nazzjonali u internazzjonali.

il-programm jinkludi żjarat fuq il-post, attivitajiet prattiċi, esperjenza fuq ix-xogħol u fil-laboratorju, kif ukoll l-immaniġġjar ta’ proġetti.

tkun mistenni tattendi s-sessjonijiet kollha, kif jiġu skedati mill-istitut, biex tieħu ħsieb l-annimali. din l-esperjenza tiswa għax tgħinek tpoġġi fil-prattika dik it-teorija li tkun tgħallimt mil-lezzjonijiet fl-istitut.


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AWARDING BODY: MCAST-BTEC more info: www.mcast.edu.mt/131009

Course duration: 2 years full-time

Fees: BteC registration Fees

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC eXteNded diploma iN aGriCultureor2 a-level passes aNd 2 i-level passesCompulsory i-level: Biology or Chemistry

Other entry requirements:interview and portfolio

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand the principles of ecology

and sustainable development2. demonstrate a knowledge of

scientific, technological and managerial processes

3. undertake surveys of a garden site and analyse the factors that determine an appropriate design solution

4. demonstrate knowledge of the application of design principles when proposing garden design solutions.

Career opportunities: environmental auditor professional gardener / landscaper agronomist Garden design consultant

during your studies, you will be able to use the latest technology, managerial and scientific techniques as applied to horticultural practices in outdoor and indoor environments. students shall also extend their knowledge and develop skills in garden design and landscaping. principles of plant care, plant health and ecology, will be studied, within the concepts of sustainable and organic horticultural activity.

the modules of this course are tuned to practical scenarios and this entails practical experiences in both indoor and outdoor horticultural activities.

the competences, skills and knowledge that you can acquire will enable you to find employment within regulatory agriculture local bodies and in the middle management level, including garden design and landscaping.

matul dan il-kors fl-ortikultura, inti tkun tista’ tapplika l-prattiċi tipiċi tas-settur, fl-ambitu tat-teknoloġija moderna, kemm f’ambjenti fuq barra kif ukoll fuq ġewwa. l-għarfien maniġerjali u dak xjentifiku jgħinuk testendi l-ħiliet tiegħek fl-oqsma tal-iddisinjar tal-ġonna u t-tisbiħ tal-pajsaġġ. l-istudju jinkludi l-kura u s-saħħa tal-pjanti u l-ekoloġija fi ħdan il-kunċetti ta’ attività sostenibbli u organika.

l-unitajiet ta’ studju jirriflettu l-attività prattika u x-xogħol li għaldaqstant inti tkun mistenni tagħmel kemm fuq barra kif ukoll fuq ġewwa.

il-ħiliet u l-għarfien li tieħu mill-kors jistgħu jgħinuk biex issib impjieg mal-entitajiet agrikoli regulatorji ta’ pajjiżna f’livell maniġerjali medju. dan jinkludi wkoll l-iddisinjar tal-ġonna u t-tisbiħ tal-pajsaġġ.

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An animal care student duringa work placement at a local pig farm

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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNal diploma iN aNimal maNaGemeNtFurther details are available under the section “applications for mCast vocational degrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to:1. understand and apply research methods

to carry out an advanced project study based on scientific research related to specific units within the course’s area of study

2. understand and research different entrepreneurial skills required at management level and to plan for a successful business

3. undertake practical tasks related to veterinary services including animal welfare and health and veterinary regulatory affairs

4. study and apply principles of sustainability, animal philosophy and ethics within the animal management sector.

Career opportunities: animal clinic manager animal welfare officer Farm manager Nutritional adviser researcher

this course builds on the two year higher National diploma programme in animal management. at the end of the full three year programme (2+1), students qualify for the Bsc (hons) in animal management.

you will have the opportunity to specialise in your main area of study during the last few years with the aim of seeking employment at management level or similar. this may relate to animal welfare, production, education, veterinary services, research and development and regulatory services both locally and internationally.

the programme offers the required knowledge and competences related to animal health and nutrition, welfare, ecology, philosophy, ethics and law.

you shall also undertake a research project whereby you will be expected to select a topic for investigation following an established methodology.

dan huwa kors li jibni fuq is-sentejn kors tal-higher National diploma u jwasslek biex tieħu l-lawrja fis-suġġett.

ikollok l-opportunità tispeċjalizza fil-qasam ta’ studju li tkun għażilt f’dawn l-aħħar snin bil-ħsieb li tfittex impjieg fil-livell ta’ management jew xogħol simili. dan jista’ jkollu rabta mal-ħarsien tal-annimali, il-produzzjoni, l-edukazzjoni, is-servizzi veterinarji, ir-riċerka u l-iżvilupp u s-servizzi regulatorji, kemm f’malta kif ukoll barra.

il-programm joffrilek l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li jkollok bżonn u li huma relatati mas-saħħa u n-nutrizzjoni tal-annimali, l-ekoloġija, il-filosofija, l-etika u l-liġi.

tkun mistenni wkoll tħejji u tippreżenta proġett li jinvolvi riċerka billi tagħżel suġġett li tixtieq tinvestiga skont il-metodoloġija stabbilita.

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Course duration: 1 year full-time

Fees: Not applicable

Entry requirements:mCast-BteC hiGher NatioNaldiploma iN hortiCulture(GardeN desiGN)further details are available under the section “appliCatioNs For mCast voCatioNal deGrees”

At the end of the programme,you will be able to: 1. understand and apply research methods

to carry out an advanced project study based on scientific research related to specific units within the course’s area of study.

2. understand and research different entrepreneurial skills required at management level and to plan for a successful business.

3. undertake practical tasks related to horticultural skills and services including plant nutrition/fertilisation and agricultural technology.

4. study and apply principles of sustainability, integrated pest managenet and rural development.

Career opportunities: Farm advisory services provider Farmer trainer and adviser professional landscaper and garden

designer eu/national regulatory control manager Crop and fruit production manager pest management services provider

this course that enables students to obtain a degree after successfully completing the higher National diploma in horticulture (Garden design). students will have the opportunity to study and practice different aspects related to their main area of study, with the aim of seeking employment at management level in private enterprise, research and development and regulatory services both locally and internationally.

this course is aimed at students who want to work in the hortlculture sector in industries/sectors as varied as eu/national regulatory control sector, farmer training provision, farm advisory services, garden design and landscaping, crop and fruit production sector, educational and promotional horticulture services and pest management/regulatory sector. this programme offers the required knowledge and competences related to sustainable land use, integrated pest management, plant Nutrition and Fertilisation, agricultural technology, rural development and Garden design/landscaping.

during this course students need to undertake a research project whereby a topic is chosen and subsequently investigated, researched, a methodology formulated and data is collected, analysed and discussed.

dan huwa kors ta’ sena li permezz tiegħu l-istudenti jakkwistaw top-up degree wara li jkunu temmew b’suċċess il-higher National diploma in horticulture (Garden design). l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità jistudjaw u jipprattikaw aspetti differenti marbuta mal-qasam prinċipali tal-istudji tagħhom bil-għan li jsibu impieg f’livell maniġerjali fl-industrija privata, fir-riċerka u l-iżvilupp, u fis-servizzi regolatorji kemm malta kif ukoll internazzjonalment. dan il-kors huwa mmirat għal studenti li jridu jaħdmu fis-settur tal-ortikoltura f’industriji/setturi li jvarjaw mis-settur tal-kontroll regolatorju nazzjonali u dak tal-unjoni ewropea, għas-settur li jipprovdi taħriġ lir-raħħala, għal servizzi ta’ konsulenza lill-irziezet, disinjar ta’ ġonna u landscaping, is-settur tal-produzzjoni tal-ħxejjex u frott, servizzi edukattivi u promozzjonali fl-ortikoltura, u s-settur tal-immaniġġjar u r-regolamentazzjoni ta’ dud u insetti qerrieda. il-programm joffri t-tagħrif u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-użu tal-art b’mod sostenibbli, l-immaniġġjar integrat ta’ dud u insetti Qerrieda, in-Nutrizzjoni u l-Fertilizzazzjoni tal-pjanti, it-teknoloġija agrikola, l-iżvilupp rurali u d-disinn tal-Ġonna/landscaping. matul dan il-kors l-istudenti jkunu meħtieġa jaħdmu fuq proġett ta’ riċerka dwar suġġett li jagħżlu huma sabiex jinvestigawh, jirriċerkawh, jifformulaw metodoloġija, jiġbru d-data, janalizzawha u jiddiskutuha.



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This symbol indicates that external applicants holding the appropriate entry requirements may apply directly at this level.

13/10/02MCAST Foundation Certificate in Horticulture and Animal Care - Level 2

1 year full-time

13/10/03MCAST-BTEC Diploma inFish Husbandry

1 year full-time

13/10/04MCAST-BTEC Diploma inAnimal Care

1 year full-time

13/10/05MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Horticulture

1 year full-time

13/10/07MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma inFish Management

2 years full time

13/10/10Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Animal Management

1 year full-time

13/10/08MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Animal Management

2 years full-time

13/10/09MCAST-BTEC Higher National Diploma in Horticulture (Garden Design)

2 years full-time







13/10/06MCAST-BTEC ExtendedDiploma in Agriculture

2 years full time

13/10/11Bachelor of Science(Honours) in Horticulture

1 year full-time

13/10/01MCAST Introductory Certificate in Animal Husbandry and Horticultural Skills - Level 1

1 year full-time