Innovations in eRecruitment and Performance Management learningagents.ca Don Presant

Innovations in eRecruitment and Performance Management learningagents.ca Don Presant

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Innovations in eRecruitment and Performance Management

Innovations in eRecruitment and Performance Management


Don Presant

About Learning Agents

– Workplace learning, career development

– Multimedia production studio

– Mobile production & facilitation

– Related consulting

Agenda for today

1. Business drivers for change in Human Capital Management (HCM)

2. HCM solutions

3. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and ePortfolio

4. Emerging trends, future scenarios

5. Suggestions for next steps

Business drivers for change

• Global competition: products and services– Flat world, rapid innovation, continuous improvement (“lean


• Human capital needs– Skills shortages

• Demographic shift, technological change, soft skills deficits

– Workforce adjustment (up and down)– Succession: finding future leaders

• Changing Technology and the Internet– Internal software tools and business methods– Web 1.5: the Google effect– Web 2.0: social software

Image is creative commons GISuser.com

Push & pull: the big picture

www.pwc.com/managingpeople2020 c2009

Soft skills deficits

Source: CIPD 2010

Leadership development needs


Key questions

• Where do I find good people?• How can I retain good people?• How can I develop our people to become

happy, productive employees?• How can I build effective teams, and an

effective company as a whole?• Where do I find future leaders? How do I

prepare them?

The workplace learning paradox

Jay Crosshttp://www.leader-values.com/Content/detail.asp?ContentDetailID=135

The power of informal learning

Changing models of learning

Bersin & Associates © July 2009

ROI of doing it right

Good HR in Bad Times (ic4p 2010)

Undesirable metrics & examples

• Cost of a bad hire• Cost of losing a good hire

– Before and after…

• Waste in training and development• Estimated untapped human capital• Examples of poor succession

Human Capital Management A competitive marketplace

Human Capital Technology

• eSourcing/eRecruitment tools– Résumé Importing/Exporting/Searching– Assessments & Applicant Screening– Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

• Onboarding (orientation) tools• Performance/Talent Management Systems• Human Resource Management Systems


Adapted from http://www.recruitersnetwork.com/software/index.htm

Sourcing - just use Google?

Sourcing on a BudgetGlenn Gutmacher 2007

Mining the Internet

Onboarding (orientation)

• Engagement, retention• The start of performance management

Bersin & Associates © April 2010

Why an onboarding program?

HCI Accelerated Onboarding through Collaboration 2010


Performance management

• Set career and learning goals aligned with needs of job, company

• Analyze current competencies vs. learning needs, identify gaps, opportunities

• Develop learning strategies to close gaps & meet goals

• Track progress to goals• Set new goals

Performance management in the public sector

Workforce Planning: The Key to Talent ManagementSuccess in the Public Sector July, 2010

Talent management, succession planning

• Identify high potential employees early• Develop individualized strategies for

retention and development• Track individual progress through learning

and career advancement, fill their leadership learning gaps

• Aggregate the stream of future leaders in dashboard views for strategic management

Case study

The New Face of Talent Management (ASTD 2009)

Alignment and balance

ePortfolioA human capital tool for individual & employer


ePortfolio and workplace RPLWhat is Recognition of Prior Learning?

• A workforce development strategy based on:– authentic and transparent assessment– documentation of relevant skills and knowledge, regardless of

where they were acquired.

• RPL can help:– Capture and recognize verified skills and knowledge– Document skills & competencies required in the workplace– Provide practical assessments

• through demonstrations, interviews, work samples, portfolios and formal testing.

– Document evidence of skills & learning: • to assist workers in finding and keeping employment• transition through their workplaces and to other jobs


Employee development by RPL (Australia)

Copyright - WPAA - V1 16th J uly 2008 ©Wendy Perry & Associates Pty Ltd 2008

MMAL RPL Process



Yes I’m interestedIn RPL

RPL Coaches, Mentors &


Book into schedulefor initial profiling

1 hr profiling discussionwith RPL advisor

Reports: CompetencyOverview matching

Qualifications evidencefor specific qualifications

Contracted byAssessor & prepare

for validation

Support fromRPL advocate

Validation appointment

(2-4 hours)

Developmentneeds identified

Letter of confirmation of

awards/unit attained issued

2-3 days. Statement of Attainment

and Qualifications issued in due


Initial ProfessionalDevelopment on model

& Skillsbook Tool (0.5 day)

Buddying with lead RPL Facilitator

to understand process& tool (0.5 day each)

10-15 mins Competency Conversation.45-50mins Skillsbook profile &evidence identification (1 hr)

Individual Reports Competency Conversation

record evidence identification

Validation appointment

(2-4 hours)

Gap training undertaken



Wendy Perry & Associates Pty Ltd. 2008

ROI of workplace RPL Productivity Tool (Excel)

ePortfolios and resumes

(Courtesy FuturEd)

Credentials vs. ePortfolio

Credentials• Reflect time spent in class• Questionable proficiency• Proxy for skills and

knowledge• Dated• Variable quality• Formal learning only

ePortfolio• Reflects time spent learning• Evidence-based proficiency• Statement of actual skills and

knowledge• “Living”• Systematic• All learning valued

(Courtesy FuturEd)

ePortfolio: product and processA system to manage informal learning

• Assessment of/for learning

• Reflection, self-assessment

• Transferring skills, making transitions

• Coaching, collaborative learning

• Learning plans

• Knowledge ManagementFuturEd 2004

Benefits of “e”

• Information Management capabilities– Collecting, archiving, making different versions– “One to many” digital shareability, links to specific pages

• Integration with Internet presence– Online research: documents, networks– Internet literacy, personal network, digital identity

• Collaboration– Easy to add comments, edit, mentor, coach

• Measurement– Link to frameworks, rubrics, track learning over time

• Integration with other ICT systems– eRecruitment, HRIS– Mobile access

• Multimedia enhancement

ePortfolio examples

• Theo Ramsey – Technical sergeant > manager– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT1XYjZcmck

• Michael Woolley – Industrial mechanic– http://michaelwoolley.efoliomn.com/presentation

• Michal Kopera – Engineering PhD– http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/eng/pg/students/esrgae

• Kevin Fisher – Accountant– https://www.innovatecv.com/cv/share/24/[email protected]

• Sarah Stewart – Nurse/educator– http://sarahstewart-eportfolio.wikispaces.com/Competencies

• Ted Johnson - Senior VP/Chief Marketing Officer– http://tedjohnson.efoliomn.com/Home

• Mark Farand – Executive Director– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3ox9FR2iFk

RPL around the worldUK: NVQ, WBL, PDP, CPD...

National, regional initiatives Careers Wales Online


Competency Atlas http://www.competentieatlas.nl/

percolab CAPLA Nov 2009

National, regional initiatives The Netherlands

EuropeEuroportfolio, Europass CV, Language Passport

United StateseFolio Minnesota, Pennsylvania, “World”

Canada Sector Councils

CanadaEmployability Skills 2000+, Essential Skills

Canada SkillsInternational.ca - Ontario

Web 2.0, social software“Publish yourself”

LinkedIn Example

Talent acquisition & Web 2.0

Benefits of ePortfolio for HCMEmployer focus groups (Canada 2006)

• Pre-employment

• Recruitment

• Human Capital Development– Employee Development– Performance Management– Talent Management– Succession Planning

Employer feedbackePortfolio as a tool to describe skills and knowledge

• Majority in favour– “digital matching service, living document, screening tool, digital

evidence of credentials and experience”

• Benefits:– Accessible documents of work accomplishments vs. credentials– Pre-employment bridging tool, linked to LMI– Help standardize the language of competencies

• Acceptance Factors– Accuracy, consistency, ease of use

• Potential Issues– Time for creation and processing, privacy, content maintenance,

system integrity, overall responsibility...

• Good timing– Rising skills shortages, immigration levels

• Current examples– Job Banks and PSC system

• Benefits– Good potential: niche sectors, skill sets, countries– Transparent tool for diversity and equity– Early adopters could have hiring advantage– Ease/improve recruitment, reduce wrong hires

• Potential Barriers – Cost, regulatory body acceptance/validation, privacy, ownership,

process inertia, consistency

Employer feedbackOn the advisability of a broad ePortfolio system

• Acceptance Factors– Simplicity, accessibility, usefulness as a screening tool, trust,

confidentiality, standards, integration, flexibility, extensibility, government support, marketing, training

• Solutions– Fit eP into existing interviewing and hiring practices– Incremental approach with action research to measure benefits– Make eP mandatory (!) with allowed exceptions for inclusiveness

Employer feedbackOn the advisability of a broad ePortfolio system

So...takeaways from today

• RPL and ePortfolios can reduce waste and increase productivity in workforce development

• Workplace RPL doesn’t have to cost a bomb, and can easily pay for itself– Even baby steps can help your bottom line– Implementation can be phased to reduce risk

• Technology can help, but:– not for its own sake– beware of paving cowpaths: rationalize your current processes

• Public use of the Internet and Web 2.0 are changing everything...

Possible approaches

• Fully clothed– Watching brief, further research

• Toe in the water– Get hands-on with Google, Web 2.0 tools– Investigate HRIS capabilities, local support

• Wading– Proofs of concept, small implementations in particular

areas (e.g. talent management)– Develop business plans for senior management

• Diving in– Develop an RFP for a fully managed system

Current local traction in RPL

• Workplace Education Manitoba & WPLAR– http://wem.mb.ca, http://wplar.ca

• Career Portfolio Manitoba– http://careerportfolio.mb.ca

• Centre for Education and Work– http://www.cewca.org

• Red River College’s RPL Practitioner Program– http://www.rrc.mb.ca/index.php?pid=636

• MPLAN: Manitoba PLA Network– http://mbplar.ca


Don Presant, [email protected]