Inherently Lower-Power Inherently Lower-Power High-Performance High-Performance Superscalar Superscalar Architectures Architectures Rami Abielmona Prof. Maitham Shams 95.575 March 4, 2002 Paper Review

Inherently Lower-Power High-Performance Superscalar Architectures

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Paper Review. Inherently Lower-Power High-Performance Superscalar Architectures. Rami Abielmona Prof. Maitham Shams 95.575 March 4, 2002. Flynn’s Classifications (1972) [1]. SISD – Single Instruction stream, Single Data stream Conventional sequential machines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Inherently Lower-Power Inherently Lower-Power High-Performance High-Performance

Superscalar Superscalar ArchitecturesArchitecturesRami Abielmona

Prof. Maitham Shams


March 4, 2002

Paper Review

Flynn’s Classifications Flynn’s Classifications (1972) [1](1972) [1] SISD – Single Instruction stream, Single Data stream

Conventional sequential machines

Program executed is instruction stream, and data operated on is data stream

SIMD – Single Instruction stream, Multiple Data streams

Vector machines (superscalar)

Processors execute same program, but operate on different data streams

MIMD – Multiple Instruction streams, Multiple Data streams

Parallel machines

Independent processors execute different programs, using unique data streams

MISD – Multiple Instruction streams, Single Data stream

Systolic array machines

Common data structure is manipulated by separate processors, executing different instruction streams (programs)

Pipelined ExecutionPipelined Execution

Effective way of organizing concurrent activity in a computer system

Makes it possible to execute instructions concurrently

Maximum throughput of a pipelined processor is one instruction per clock cycle

Shown in figure 1 is a two-stage pipeline, with buffer B1 receiving new information at the end of each clock cycle

Figure 1, courtesy [2]

Superscalar ProcessorsSuperscalar Processors Processors equipped with multiple

execution units, in order to handle several instructions in parallel [11]

Maximum throughput is greater than one instruction per cycle (multiple-issue)

Baseline architecture is shown in figure 2 [3]

Figure 2, courtesy [3]

Important Terminology Important Terminology [2] [4][2] [4]

Issue Width The metric designating how many instructions are issued per cycle

Issue Window Comprises the last n entries of the instruction buffer

Register File Set of n-byte, dual read, single write bank of registers

Register Renaming Technique used to prevent stalling the processor for false data dependencies between instructions

Instruction Steering Technique used to send decoded instructions to appropriate memory banks

Memory Disambiguation Unit Mechanism for enforcing data dependencies through memory

Motivations and Motivations and ObjectivesObjectives To analyze the high-end processor market for

BOTH power and area-performance trade-offs (not previously done)

To propose a superscalar architecture which achieves a power reduction without compromising performance

Analysis to be carried out on structures that increase energy dissipation, with an increasing issue width

Register rename logic

Instruction issue window

Memory disambiguation unit

Data bypass mechanism

Multiported register file

Instruction and data caches

Energy Models [5]Energy Models [5] Model 1 – Multiported RAMModel 1 – Multiported RAM

Access energy (R or W) = Edecode + Earray + ESA + EctlSA + Epre + Econtrol

Word line energy = Vdd2 Nbits( Cgate Wpass,r + ( 2Nwrite+ Nread ) Wpitch

Cmetal )

Bit line energy = Vdd Mmargin Vsense Cbl,read Nbits

Model 2 – CAM (Content-Addressable Model 2 – CAM (Content-Addressable Memory)Memory)

Using IW write word lines and IW write bitline pairs

Model 3 – Pipeline latches and clocking treeModel 3 – Pipeline latches and clocking tree Assume balanced clocking tree (less power dissipation than


Assume lower power single phase clocking scheme

Near minimum transistor sizes used in latches

Model 4 – Functional UnitsModel 4 – Functional Units Eavg = Econst + Nchange x Echange

Energy complexity is independent of issue widthEnergy complexity is independent of issue width

Preliminary Simulation Preliminary Simulation ResultsResults

Wrote own simulator, incorporating all the developed energy models (based on SimpleScalar tool set)

Ran simulations for 5 superscalar designs, with IW ranging from 4 to 16

Results show that total total committed energy increases committed energy increases with IWwith IW, as wider processors rely on deeper speculation to exploit ILP

Energy/instruction grows linearly for all structures except functional units (FUs)

Results obtained using 35-micron and Vdd = 3.3V technologies, which FUs scale well with. However, RAMs, CAMs and long wires do not scale well, and thus have to be LOW-POWER structures

E ~ (IW)γ

Structure Energy growth


Register rename logic

γ = 1.1

Instruction issue window

γ = 1.9

Memory disam. unit

γ = 1.5

Multiported register file

γ = 1.8

Data bypass mechanism

γ = 1.6

Functional units

γ = 0.1

All caches γ = 0.7Table 1

Problem FormulationProblem Formulation

Energy-Delay Product

E x D = energy/operation x cycles/operation

E x D = (energy/cycle) / IPC2

E x D ~ (IW)γ - α ~ (IPC) (γ – α) / α

E x D = energy/operation x cycles/operation

Problem Definition

If α = 1, then E x D ~ (IPC)γ-1 ~ (IW)γ-1

If α = 0.5, then E x D ~ (IPC)γ-1/2 ~ (IW)2γ-1

Need new techniques to achieve more ILP with conventional superscalar design

Intermediary RecapIntermediary Recap

We have discussed

Superscalar processsor design and terminology

Energy modeling of microarchitecture structures

Analysis of energy-delay metric

Preliminary simulation results

We will introduce

General solution methodology

Previous decentralization schemes

Proposed strategy

Simulation results of multicluster architecture


General Design SolutionGeneral Design Solution

Decentralization of microarchitecture

Replace tightly coupled CPU with a set of clusters, each capable of superscalar processing

Can ideally reduce γ to zero, with good cluster partitioning techniques

Solution introduces the following issues

1. Additional paths for intercluster communication

2. Need for cluster assignment algorithms

3. Interaction of cluster with common memory system

Previous Decentralized Previous Decentralized SolutionsSolutions

Particular Solution Main Features Limited Connectivity VLIWs [6]

RF is partitioned into banks

Every operation specifies a destination bank

Multiscalar Architecture [7] PEs organized in a circular chain

RF is decentralized

Trace Window Architecture [8]

RF and issue window are partitioned

All instructions must be buffered

Multicluster Architecture [9] RF, issue window and FUs are decentralized

Special instruction used for intercluster communication

Dependence-Based Architecutre [10]

Contains instruction dispatch intelligence

2-cluster Alpha 21264 Processor [11]

Both clusters contain copy of RF

Proposed Multicluster Proposed Multicluster Architecture (1)Architecture (1)

Instead of tightly coupled CPUs, proposed architecture will involve a set of clusters, each containing:

instruction issue window

local physical register file

set of execution units

local memory disambiguation unit

one bank of interleaved data cache

Refer to figure 3 on next slide

Proposed Multicluster Proposed Multicluster Arch. (2)Arch. (2)

Figure 3

Multicluster Architecture Multicluster Architecture DetailsDetails Register Renaming and Instruction Steering

Each cluster is provided with a local physical RF

Global Map Table maintains mapping between architectural registers and physical registers

Cluster Assignment Algorithm

Tries to minimize

intercluster register dependencies

delay through cluster assignment logic

Whole graph solution is NP-complete, therefore near-optimal solutions devised by divide & conquer method

Intercluster Communication

Remote Access Window (RAW) used for remote RF calls

Remote Access Buffer (RAB) used to keep the remote source operand

One cycle penalty incurred for a remote RF

Multicluster Architecture Multicluster Architecture DetailsDetails(Cont’d)(Cont’d) Memory Dataflow

Centralized memory disambiguation unit does not scale with increasing issue width and bigger sizes of the load/store window

Proposed scheme: Every cluster is provided with a local load/store window that is hardwired to a particular data cache bank

Developed a bank predictor in order to combat not knowing which cluster the instruction is being routed to at the decode stage

Stack Pointer (SP) References

Realized an eager mechanism for handling SP references

With a new reference to SP, an entry is allocated in RAB

Upon instruction completion, results written into RF and RAB

RAB entry is not freed after instruction reads contents

RAB entry is freed only when a new SP reference commits

Results and AnalysisResults and Analysis

A single address transfer bus is sufficient for handling intercluster address transfers

A single bus is used to handle intercluster data transfers arising from bank mispredictions

4-6 entries are used in the RAB for low-power

2 extra entries are sufficient in the RAB for SP refs.

Intercluster traffic is reduced by 20 % and performance improved by 3 % using SP eager mechanism

Multicluster architecture showed 20 % better performance than the best configurations with centralized architectures, with a 50 % reduction in power dissipation

ConclusionsConclusions Main Result of Work

Using this architecture will allow the development of high-performance

processors while keeping the microarchitecture energy-efficient, as proven by the energy-delay product

Main Contribution of WorkA methodology for doing energy-efficiency analysis was derived for use with the next generation high-performance decentralized superscalar processors

Other Major Contributions Opened analyst’s eyes to the 3-D IPC-area-energy space

A roadmap for future high-performance low-power microprocessor development has been proposed

Coined the energy-efficient family concept, composed of equally optimal energy-efficient configurations

References (1)References (1)[1] M.J. Flynn, “Very High-Speed Computing Systems,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 54, December 1966, p.p. 1901-1909.

[2] C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky, “Computer Organization,” fifth edition, McGraw-Hill: New York, 2002.

[3] V. Zyuban and P. Kogge, “Inherently Lower-Power High-Performance Superscalar Architectures,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 50, no. 3, March 2001, p.p. 268-285.

[4] E. Rotenberg, “AR-SMT: A Microarchitectural Approach to Fault Tolerance in Microprocessors,”, Proceedings of the 29th Fault-Tolerant Computing Symposium, June 1999

[5] V. Zyuban, “Inherently Lower-Power High-Performance Superscalar Architectures,” PhD thesis, Univ. of Notre Dame, Mar. 2000.

[6] R. Colwell et al., “A VLIW Architecture for a Trace Scheduling Compiler,” IEEE Trans. Computers, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 967-979, Aug. 1988.

[7] M. Franklin and G.S. Sohi, “The Expandable Split Window Architecture for Exploiting Fine-Grain Parallelism,” Proc. 19th Ann. Int’l Symp. Microarchitecture, May 1992.

References (2)References (2)

[8] S. Vajapeyam and T. Miltra, “Improving Superscalar Instruction Dispatch and Issue by Exploiting Dynamic Code Sequences,” Proc. 24th Ann. Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, June 1997.

[9] K. Farkas, P. Chow, N. Jouppi, and Z. Vranesic, “The Multicluster Architecture: Reducing Cycle Time through Partitioning,” Proc. 30th Ann. Int’l Symp. Microarchitecture, Dec. 1997.

[10] S. Palacharla, N. Jouppi and J. Smith, “Complexity-Effective Superscalar Processor,” Proc. 24th Ann. Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, pp. 206-218, June 1997.

[11] K. Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability,” McGrawHill: New York, 1993.

