1 Ingo Swann Presentation at UFO Conference Bordentown, New Jersey October 13, 2002 ***** Transcriber’s notes: Punctuation is my own, and often arbitrary. Swann frequently uses phrases such as “and things like that,” or “you know,” and these have been deleted unless they add to the sense of what is being said. An asterisk * is used to show an unintelligible word or words. Most often this occurs when a member of the audience is speaking. Unfortunately, no “roving” microphone was available for them. Parentheses ( ) are used for various purposes. For example, (laughter) indicates audience laughter. From the outset there was a high level of interaction between Swann and the audience, and these parenthetical notes are meant to convey that rapport. “Sic” means that the transcribed word is recognized as incorrect, but is transcribed exactly as spoken. -- R. J. Durant. ***** Conference organizer Pat Marcattilio: We have with us today Ingo Swann. Ingo’s talk is “Remote Viewing and ETs.” Acclaimed as “our generation’s greatest psychic,” Ingo Swann was a central figure in the CIA-sponsored “psychic spying” program using Remote Viewing. In one of his very rare public appearances, Ingo will discuss what Remote Viewing reveals about extraterrestrial contact with our species. (applause) Welcome, Ingo! Swann: Thank you. Well, thank you for the applause. There’s been many times when I didn’t get as much. (laughter) Can I adjust this? Vince? I’m getting old and my back will hurt. Actually, the title of my lecture, didn’t have a title, because what I meant to do was answer questions from the audience. I get tired of writing lectures, and actually I stopped doing that after this last June, and I’m not going to write any more because it takes too much time. And I’ve always liked to know what people in the audience have in mind, because it helps expand my knowledge of people out there. And actually, if people weren’t out there and had an interest in things, then Pat Marcattilio couldn’t set this up. (laughter) So, that was what I was going to do, and I’ll probably still do that. But I think that, how many here were born after 1965? Yeah, so you don’t know who I am. (laughter) So what I think I’ll do, is tell you who I am in a partial sense. And in New York in 1970 I had a very good friend named Zelda Suplee, who had worked in publishing and was a first class editor, and at that time director of the Arts and Educational Foundation, and she was a big Earth Mother type. But her main claim to fame was that she and her husband had owned three nudist camps during the ‘forties and

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Ingo Swann Presentation at UFO Conference

Bordentown, New Jersey October 13, 2002

***** Transcriber’s notes: Punctuation is my own, and often arbitrary. Swann frequently uses phrases such as “and things like that,” or “you know,” and these have been deleted unless they add to the sense of what is being said. An asterisk * is used to show an unintelligible word or words. Most often this occurs when a member of the audience is speaking. Unfortunately, no “roving” microphone was available for them. Parentheses ( ) are used for various purposes. For example, (laughter) indicates audience laughter. From the outset there was a high level of interaction between Swann and the audience, and these parenthetical notes are meant to convey that rapport. “Sic” means that the transcribed word is recognized as incorrect, but is transcribed exactly as spoken. -- R. J. Durant.


Conference organizer Pat Marcattilio: We have with us today Ingo Swann. Ingo’s talk is “Remote Viewing and ETs.” Acclaimed as “our generation’s greatest psychic,” Ingo Swann was a central figure in the CIA-sponsored “psychic spying” program using Remote Viewing. In one of his very rare public appearances, Ingo will discuss what Remote Viewing reveals about extraterrestrial contact with our species. (applause) Welcome, Ingo! Swann: Thank you. Well, thank you for the applause. There’s been many times when I didn’t get as much. (laughter) Can I adjust this? Vince? I’m getting old and my back will hurt. Actually, the title of my lecture, didn’t have a title, because what I meant to do was answer questions from the audience. I get tired of writing lectures, and actually I stopped doing that after this last June, and I’m not going to write any more because it takes too much time. And I’ve always liked to know what people in the audience have in mind, because it helps expand my knowledge of people out there. And actually, if people weren’t out there and had an interest in things, then Pat Marcattilio couldn’t set this up. (laughter) So, that was what I was going to do, and I’ll probably still do that. But I think that, how many here were born after 1965? Yeah, so you don’t know who I am. (laughter) So what I think I’ll do, is tell you who I am in a partial sense. And in New York in 1970 I had a very good friend named Zelda Suplee, who had worked in publishing and was a first class editor, and at that time director of the Arts and Educational Foundation, and she was a big Earth Mother type. But her main claim to fame was that she and her husband had owned three nudist camps during the ‘forties and

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the ‘fifties, and as a result she knew everybody in the world, because everybody came to her nudist camps. (laughter) And she was wonderful, and I just adored her, and hung out lots of times in her apartment. Anyhow, she was one of these types that everybody who was outside of society comes to talk to. And so she had a wide circle of friends, and amongst those was a young man and wife who, this was just at the period when infrared photography became available to the public. So they were running around with cameras loaded with infrared film, and they wanted to see if infrared film could catch psychic phenomena like ghosts and all that. So anyhow, one day I was at Zelda’s and these two came, and they said, “We’ve been trying to find people who can produce energies that might record on film.” So Zelda said, “Why don’t you try Ingo?” So, I went with these two into Zelda’s bedroom. The drapes could be closed so that it was perfectly dark, and I sat in this chair, and these two had set up their camera, and were aiming it at me, and they said, “All right, Ingo, do your thing.” And I said, “Well, what is that thing I’m supposed to do?” I didn’t have a clue. So they said, “Create some energy with your hands.” So, I said, “OK, I’ll try that.” So I stuck my hands out and imagined energy in them, and things like that, and I said, “Well, what else can I do?” And they said, “Make a ball of light above your head.” So I did that in this totally dark room, and then we did a lot of other things. So then the film had to be developed, and that took about four days back then, and then they came back with, here I am sitting in this chair with the light balls in my hand. And you can see them, sort of half moonlight, moon-like, and they lit up the underside of my face, and things in this dark room. And you could have pushed me over with a feather. (laughter) I’m leaning on this. [Swann deliberately leaned against the rostrum, as if about to fall over] (laughter) (Marcattilio asks Swann to move sideways, apparently in order to improve the video camera angle.) Well, why didn’t you have that fixed up before you started? (laughter) So then, the really nice one was that, imagine a ball of light over your head, you know, well it wasn’t a big ball of light, it was a little tiny ball of light, about three feet over my head, where I said I was trying to do that, and everything. And then, a lot of the film didn’t show anything, but here were three or four other ones that were really good. So this came as a bombshell in Manhattan, at the edges of the parapsychology community. And even Stanley Krippner said, “This is wonderful!” Have you ever heard of Stanley Krippner? Well, he says everything is wonderful, but I think he really meant it in this case. (laughter) And so then it was in June, it was hot as hell in New York, and then it came September. Now, Zelda was a Virgo, as I am, and for many years she had been holding a Virgo birthday party for all of the Virgos that she knew, because everybody hates Virgos, they’re so piss-antish, I guess. (laughter) And so she invited them all, and so a lot of them came. And then I, that was the party I met, uh, gosh, you see, I’m getting old. I met um, damn, who was it I met? (laughter) (crowd shouting various names) No, I already knew Stanley Krippner. Bob Monroe, I met Bob Monroe, and then I met the plant research guy, what was his name? (crowd giving names) Cleve Backster. I may not get through this lecture. (laughter)

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So Bob Monroe, I mean everybody was in awe of these tacky little photographs, you know, and everybody says, “Do you want to try again?” And I said, “I don’t think so, umm.” Anyhow, I got along with Bob Monroe really well, and we became lifelong friends until he died. And then there was Cleve Backster, do you remember him? He had a big lie detector school in Manhattan, and he was a consultant to the CIA and the FBI lie detecting systems, and he trained their personnel to do this and everything, so he had a lot of lie detectors. It was a lab that had about oh, I don’t know, eight or nine rooms to it. So, he had taken his lie detector things and hooked them up to plants to see if plants would show anything on the output of a lie detector. And the plants did. They showed an electrical potential thing going up and down like this. And he said, “Is this consciousness, or is this electric potential in these plants?” So he got the idea, he pulled out, he got a match and he burned the leaf of one of them, and there was this big spike that occurred in the readout. So the plant had responded to this burning. And he was a kind man, and he didn’t want to really burn his plants, and then he found out if he just thought he was going to burn this plant, that there would be this big spike. And so he was having people come in and think about burning the plant leaf, and watching the thing on the lie detector output, you know. So anyhow, at Zelda’s party, he was a very shy guy, and he had gone into the kitchen and he had gotten in this little space between the refrigerator and the wall. And there were several women who were trying to jump his bones back there. And everything, and he was talking plants, and they were talking about how beautiful he was. (laughter) Anyhow, I sort of muscled in, and I says, “I’d really like to see this plant stuff.” And he said, “Well, come on up to my lab.” So, a few days later I went up there and I walked in and here was the lie detectors, and here was the plants, and everything, and I says, “Hmnn, well who is going to influence them?” And he said, “You are.” I said, “Well I really don’t know how to do that.” He said, “It’s very easy. You just think and if it receives your telepathic signal, it’s going to do its thing.” So I said OK, so I made a mental image picture of burning this plant’s leaf, an sure enough, there it was. And then we did it again and again. And then finally, it didn’t respond any more. And I said, “Why isn’t it responding?” He says, “Well, actually, when the plant learns that you’re not actually going to burn its leaf, it loses interest.” (laughter) And that’s true. That’s really true, you know. And so then he said, “Do you think you could influence some gases in these little containers?” Now, I’d never done anything like this before, so all I could say is, well, I’ll try. And I still say that today. I’ll just try. I’ve never made a claim that I can do anything, but I’m willing to try. And if it’s with legitimate scientists, and they have a well-founded research pattern, and they’ll pay me money. (laughter) I learned that quite easily. So we experimented with oxygen containers, you know, these little things you put in fizzers? To aerate water and things like that. So the oxygen molecules inside do have a standard little electric response system in them, and if they get hotter, then this gets more.

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And if they get cooler, then this gets less. So I was just doing that, and the thing was happening all the time, and Cleve was saying, “Can you do more, and can you do this with graphite, and can you do this with copper filings, and things like that?” And I was doing it, completely unaware, at first, anyway, that nobody else had ever done that. So I don’t know if you realize how extensive the gossip line is in parapsychology circles, but it’s really vivid, and it’s really mean. So this Cleve Backster work got in the gossip lines, and then it was arranged that I met Doctor Gertrude Schmeidler, who was teaching psychology at City College in New York, and had her own lab there. And she was also one of the great women of parapsychology. A really, really wonderful person. And she said, “Now, Ingo, do you think that you could influence thermistors that are sealed inside thermos bottles?” And a thermistor is like a thermometer, only it’s electric, and it’s not one filled with mercury, it’s just an electric piece of equipment. And she put them in thermos bottles, and sealed them in thermos bottles. And I said, “Well, I’ll try.” So when I got there to try it, the situation was that she had six of these things, all placed around. One was in a big five-gallon can, it was sealed in a five-gallon can. And one in another room, and one in a room that had a glass wall in it, and one right in front of us. And this whole thing went into this big computer system so it was all computerized. And she would say, “They’re numbered one through five, and I’ll tell you which one to influence, and I’ll tell you if you should make it colder or hotter or do nothing. And we’ll see about this.” And I said, “Gertrude, (Swann laughs)” Well, if you knew Gertrude, you’d die for her. And so I said, “OK, I’ll try.” And so we did this, and kept doing it for at least a month, at least two times a week. And in the end there was very high, very good evidence that when I focused on the thing at her command, and did what she wanted to, that that actually happened. So it was considered a successful run of experiments from that view. But there’s an additional thing that was appended to this. We did it again and again and again, at her command, again and again and again. I finally got really tired of doing it. And this doing it again and again answered one question in parapsychology as a whole. That there was this idea in parapsychology that psychic stuff could not be repeated. There was no repeatable experiment. And in fact there were some leading parapsychologists that had invested their whole career in the idea that a repeatable experiment would never be found. And here Gertrude had produced it. (laughter) And it was this that made me famous at that time. When I walked into Gertrude Schmeidler’s lab I was absolutely nobody, and this kind of stuff. And when I walked out, I was media material, I was got, in Fate, in Time Magazine, in Life Magazine, in the Smithsonian Magazine, and everything like this. And that’s how I became, as Janet Mitchel said, what burst over parapsychology like a Roman Candle. (audience: when was that?) 1970. And so that was the start of my career. So then I got invited to the American Society for Psychical Research to do out of body experiments and things like that, which worked quite well. And because of this that I acquired the attention of Dr. Harold Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute, and we

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talked on the phone and a few things, and he said, “Why don’t you come out here and play around in our lab?” And he says, “We’ll pay your way. We’ll pay your way, and we’ll put you up, and give you a per diem to eat on.” Now, this was wonderful because after I left my wage-slave job at the United Nations and spent what was left of my retirement fund, I didn’t have any money. So if someone was going to pay me to do this, this is wonderful, so I got on a plane and went out there. And Hal and I played around in a big lab out there. Stanford Research Institute was and still is considered the largest, second largest “think tank” in the United States, after the Rand Corporation. And so in size, the United Nations at that time was 37 floors and had about 3,400 employees. And Stanford Research Institute was all built out on flat land, because it happened to be built on top of a branch of the San Andreas Fault. So it only went up two stories, and it, too had about 3,500 people. So I was right at home amongst that kind of a population. And one of the things that Hal organized, was we were trying to influence this and influence that, and do clairvoyant this and clairvoyant that, and everything. And this was just playing around. Anyway, we organized an experiment of, it’s known as the quark detector experiment. How many of you here have heard of that? OK, so over at Stanford University they were trying to build a sensitive instrument that would detect quarks, which are some kind of particle running around. (laughter) And they had a piece of equipment that was running, and it was producing these sine waves for about eight or nine months, nothing, they didn’t find any quarks, and nothing could interfere with it. So Hal said, “Do you think you could influence that?” And I said, “Well, I don’t know.” So we went there, and there was this doctor something, and I can’t remember what his name was, whose project it was. And I did not understand the dimensions of this situation at all until it was over with. So Art Hebard was his name, Doctor Hebard. And when we got there, Hal had brought along another famous physicist from China, and I’ll never remember his name. And Hebard had six of his doctoral candidate students there, too. And we went there about, I don’t know, in the evening anyway. And so I could see the machine printing out the sine wave and everything, and Hal said, “Do you think you could influence that?” And I says, “Well, this is just the output machine, where is the machine itself?” So he says, “You’re standing on top of it.” So it turns out that the actual quark detector was buried in the floor, encased in cement, encased in lead shielding and copper shielding, and it was super-cooled, and the it was in its own little canister inside of this. And I said, “How am I supposed to affect something I can’t see? Is that a logical thing?” Yeah, yeah. So I says, “Well, I’ll try.” (laughter) So what I did, I said, “Let me see if I can use my whatever, and get down there and see what this machine is like.” And I did that, and I started sketching out the equipment on this output chart, just below the sine wave and things. And I got about fifteen seconds into this little sketch, and the sine wave was going like this, (uses hands) and about fifteen minutes (sic) into the sketch it went up and leveled off, and it was a very dramatic effect.

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So the first thing that I noticed that happened was that Hal said, “Can you do it again?” (laughter) That’s what scientists do, you know. They want you to do it again. So I said, “Well, let me finish the drawing and see what happens.” So I finished this, remote viewing wasn’t really on the menu then, so I would just wing it, so I finished the drawing, and there was another perturbation, not quite as large as the first one, but it was a perturbation anyway. So then the next thing Puthoff said was he turned to the Chinese physicist and he said, “Will you sign this, right now?” (Swann laughs) And the guy said, “Yeah, I’ll sign it.” Then he turned to Art Hebard and said, “Will you sign it?” And Art Hebard said, “Well, unhhh.” Hal says, “Yes or no, you going to sign it?” And so Hebard signed it, and everything. And the next thing I knew, the six doctoral students had been backing away. (laughter) And I turned to look at them, and when I turned to look at them they got absolutely terrified in their eyes, and they turned to run out the door, and one of them ran into this big orange-painted column and knocked himself out! (laughter). So Hal wrote a quick report of this, and Xeroxed it, about 150 copies, and sent it to everybody in the world. And so it took about five, maybe ten days before two representatives from the CIA arrived, and says, “What the shit is going on?” (laughter) I mean, if he can do that, he can explode a bomb. I said, “I don’t think so.” Even if I could, I wasn’t going to do it. Anyhow, I think it was in December of ’72, Time Magazine featured me in an article, and had an atomic bomb exploding on one page, and me sitting in front of Gertrude’s cans, saying, “What’s more dangerous, the bomb or Ingo Swann’s mind?” you know. I thought that was a lot of negative press at the time. Dang, you know. So then Hal drummed up a little project, which was to find a repeatable effect of some kind that had some national security relevance. And out of that attempt, that lasted eight months, and out of that came remote viewing by coordinates, and that developmental project lasted for 15 years. It was funded by the CIA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, and Army Intelligence, and other groups within the Pentagon. And so that’s basically my story, and I am now going to take questions from the audience. But I have a couple of stipulations. I can’t talk about other remote viewers by name, because, no matter what I say, somebody’s going to get excited one way or the other, and you know they all get, they’re very territorial, and some tend to have egos that are bigger than this room. And so I’ve found out that I should be entirely neutral about this thing. The other thing is, I still have, there are some things I can’t talk about, because of my former security clearances, and I swore I would never talk about them. And if I can’t answer a question, I will just let you know. Yes sir? Q: This is along UFO lines Swann: I thought someone would get really quick to that (laughter)

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Q: (difficult to understand because there was no attempt to get a microphone in the hands of the audience. Apparently the questioner is asking Swann about a UFO sighting that is on the Web, and wonders “if it matched.”) Swann: No, it doesn’t. Not at all. Oh, I’ll describe it a little later. Yes, Sir? Q: Ingo, as far as you know, did the CIA really stop ** Swann: Yes, they did. Did the CIA really stop their remote viewing program? Yes they did, and I’ll tell you the reason why if you’d like. In remote viewing training we had developed six consecutive stages, going from a very simple gestalt thing into more and more detail to where in Stage 6 the viewer could actually build a clay model of all that was at the location. And but in Stage 5 we began to get, the viewer would begin to get what we call phonetics. This was parts of words and this and that and everything like that. And words are not a physical thing. We think they’re physical because they’re in print, but actually they are a fabrication of the human mind. They do not have in fact any physicalness (sic) about them. They’re all mental. So we began to get words and things like that, and in fact in a couple of the really better sessions, the viewer identified the site by name because of the phonetics. And so our project had lots of oversight committees, and they were always government people coming, and sponsors coming, to keep track of what was going on, and everything. So then they learned about this phonetic thing, and the significance that it was purely mental. So one day I was in the men’s room in one of the closets, doing my thing there, and two visitors who were from ARPA. What is ARPA, Joe? Advanced, whatever. It was part of the Pentagon, anyway. The earlier part, later on it became DARPA. As I was sitting there, and these two guys walked in and did their business at the heads, and everything like that, I heard this following conversation. One said, “You know, they’re really doing really great, this is amazing, I’m going to have to go out and have eight Martinis as quick as possible.” And the other guy says, “Yeah, but you know they’re going to be reading our goddamn minds next.” (laughter) And I’m sitting there in my little stool stall, and I say, “You know, I have to use, we’re really down the tubes here. Because nobody is going to let us do mind reading. Nobody.” And that’s been the case all throughout parapsychology. Parapsychology is condemned because of the telepathic potential. I mean, if you can read minds, there are no secrets any more. And our whole civilization turns on the viability of secret things, keeping things secret, and things like that. So I’m sitting there on my little stall, and I’m saying, “You know, we’re over with, we’re going to be over with pretty soon.” And I went in and told Puthoff, and he said, “Yes, that’s probably what’s going to happen.” And so when we were over with, that’s why nobody ever picked it up again, because whoever does so, if they’re good at it, they’re going to encounter the telepathic threshold again. And so in my opinion it’s never been picked up, and if it had been, I’d have heard about it.

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Yes, Sir? Q: Have you read the Tim Riggs book from England? Swann: I have it, but I haven’t read it yet. Q: He’s claiming the program is still viable Swann: Yes, I think that is an inspiring hope, but I don’t know that that’s true at all. Yes, Sir: Q: Howard Blum’s book Out There , pages ** I have a two-part question. * isolation chambers * is that true? Swann: At SRI? Q: No, at the Pentagon Swann: I don’t know. I went to the Pentagon and kicked ass a couple times. (laughter) But I was never taken to the lead-lined rooms. But I’m sure they must be there. Q: * the Faraday Shield * Puthoff Swann: Well, there were Faraday Shields everywhere, but most of them didn’t work. Well, you couldn’t keep, it has to be totally sealed to keep out radio waves and things, and so people have had Faraday cages for me to go and work in. And I says, “Well, does it work?” And they, “Oh, yes! It’s built by experts.” But all you have to do is take a little pocket radio in, that runs on battery, and turn it on. And it goes, all these wonderful music come on. (laughter) Q: * Swann: That’s not a Faraday Shield, something’s wrong, yes. Yes Sir? Q: * Have you observed or perceived any kind of ecological disaster of the planet? Swann: I have in my own reality, those things are not going to happen. After all, the Earth has been here for something like three billion years, or something, hasn’t it? What is the statistic on that, you know? And what might happen is that a super wave like Doctor LaViolette talked about yesterday, a super wave might come through. And that might do it, but I don’t know if there’s one coming through. I mean, one passed, as Doctor LaViolette said yesterday, but if something like that would happen, then yes,

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maybe there’d be these big things, but Baja California has been there for a long time, and I don’t think it’s going to go away. Yes, Sir? Q: Ingo, it seems like your experiments proved as close as science is going to come that we have a soul, that we are a composite being, because scientists tell us the only real existence we are is what *, and you show another component to the human * being, which seems to permeate time and space. There seems to be no limit. I’ve heard that you visited one of the planets* Saturn, Swann: Jupiter Q: * Swann: You’ve asked three questions Q: I just want to ask you one more (laughter) Q: * Are you tapping into an information field, do you believe you’re tapping in, because they give you coordinates, I remember reading a story Swann: All right, I’ve got your question. That’s question four. The first question, proof. I never did any of this work once I started working with scientists, I never gave any demonstrations to anybody. I never did any readings. I only worked with what I thought were high class, legitimate scientists, providing that they had what I considered a viable experiment. Providing I thought I could succeed at it, and providing they would pay me for doing it. And in fact, most research only gets done if you can raise the money for it. Proof has nothing to do with it. So, I mean literally, people don’t care about proof because it never earns anybody any money, especially in this field. If you could prove that you could create a new type of film for Hollywood, you might make money on it, but in this field, no. Now, let’s see, what was your second question? Q: Were you tapping into an information field? Swann: That was your fourth question. (laughter) Well, I’ll answer it. It is, based upon all the work I’ve done, it is my complete understanding that what we’re dealing with belongs to the human species, not to just given individuals. And the capacities for these things are encoded into something like our genes, as a mother board hard drive. Can I use that, do you know what that would mean? The hard drive of a computer’s central processing unit, and into which you can write programs, and into which you can also put software programs and things like that. But the mother board has all the capacities that the computer will ever need, in that incarnation of the computer. And since computer mother boards now have I don’t know, millions and millions and millions of storage bits that enable it to do what it does. I use that as an analogy for our

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genetic pool, which has all these things. We have the mother board for all of this in each of us. Have to have the mother board for it. You can say, OK, the mother board has a hundred buttons, let’s say. And the buttons that you push in, the mother board is going to respond to. So, if you push in the first ten buttons, these are the buttons for consciousness and awareness that deal with the physical universe. Physicality, and things like that. And the other ninety have to do with mental or maybe spiritual components, and if those don’t get pressed, turned on, then they don’t work. Simple as that. So this has to do with sociological nurturing. If we have components that are not nurtured in our various societies, like telepathy for instance. Do you know a society that nurtures telepathy? How many of you here have ever experienced some kind of telepathy? Sure, so that’s sort of how I look at it. And what we have are sensory receptors, both physical and energetic and mental that process information from the great sea of information all around us. OK? They happen to be selective types, and so forth and so on, and if you know, when more of these mother board buttons turn on, do you know what the state is that usually turns them on? Survival! I mean, suddenly, you’re confronted with a situation where survival is obviously dubious, and then you see these feats! These heroic feats, as they’re usually called. You know, these guys jumping fifteen feet out of the way of a rolling rock, something like that. Or women lifting the car off of their child. Lifting the goddamn car off of their child, and things like that. So, we have all of these powers which exist in our mother board of human consciousness, and we all have them. And that’s why if that wasn’t like that, you couldn’t train remote viewing. All you’re doing in training remote viewing is training something that’s in the mother board already. You’re just organizing it, and giving it an intellectual structure. So, yeah, I’m sitting here looking at a lot of mother boards here. I don’t even see you as people any more. (laughter) And I don’t even know if you’re fashionably dressed. You’re just mother boards. (laughter) With buttons turned on, and buttons turned off. That’s it. Yes, Sir? Q: I’m wondering what’s the most incredible discovery you’ve made in the last 20 years? Swann: Well, there’s so many. I’ll get back to you on that. Let me think about it a minute. Yes, Sir? Q: How does dowsing * Swann: Dowsing isn’t exactly my field, but I’ve tried it with a number of big dowsers, and I’ve known them, and dowsing is normally thought of as holding some kind of a wand, so you walk around, and the wand goes bam!, why am I trapped in this place?, the wand goes down or up when you cross over what you’re looking for. So that’s what people think dowsing consists of. But actually, you know, research in receptors in the human system has gone really, really far ahead, and it’s now known for sure that we all possess magnetic receptors in the palms of our hands, and in the soles of our feet. So you

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don’t actually need the wand. The wand just makes it legitimate, it gives it dress up a little bit. So I’ve known so-called dowsers who never used a wand, and they would go walking around you know (demonstrates) that way. (laughter) And Native American Indians are really familiar with this, too. Because they never used wands, they just held their hands up and said, “The enemy’s 25 miles over there in the forest.” (laughter) And the American, or the white guy, would say, “Well how do you know that?” He would say, “I can feel their campfires burning.” (Swann using a dialect/accent) (laughter) Dowsing. Q: Two questions. * electroencephalogram, have you been tested that way? * Swann: I have been hooked up to so many goddamn machines, that there was even one period where they were glued to my head, and in this plug that went into this brain wave machine, and I could pull it out and put it in my pocket, and we could go to the SRI dining room and have lunch. (laughter) Didn’t need to unhook them, and hook them back up again. (laughter) And the deficit of that kind of research for a long time was that scientists believed that you only needed, that we only had Delta waves up to high Beta waves. And so they designed their computers only to look for those waves. And in fact at SRI, I says, “You know, I can sense my own waves, and I think we’re dealing with higher than Beta here.” Well, the engineers went to work and designed a full spectrum analyzer, and then we could see, OK, here was high Beta, and here was an echo of it up here, and an echo of it up here, and something going on down here beneath Delta. And so that kind of research became limited. It’s OK for medical reasons and things like that. It’s OK if they want to use that limited spectrum to show whether you’re dead or alive. If you’re not producing Beta or Alpha or Delta any more, they sign your death certificate. (laughter) But in research of all these things, you’ve got to open up the doors, and this is actually being done in Canada, not the United States. And I’ve worked with, recently, on two trips up there with what is his name now, Doctor Persinger. And he and other Canadian researchers up there have developed equipment that addresses a wider spectrum of human brain waves. And there’s lots of phenomena that do not occur in what used to be the old Beckman model of brain waves. Q: Have you considered doing Crop Circles? Swann: No. I tried to have a look at Crop Circles, and I couldn’t get one inkling. So a famous Crop Circle person visited me, and he took me out to dinner, and he says, “What do you think of Crop Circles?” And I haven’t a clue. He says, “What do you mean, you haven’t a clue?” I says, “I tried to do my thing with that, and I don’t get anything, and I don’t know.” And he says, “You know, you’re the first psychic that’s admitted that, because everybody thinks they know what Crop Circles are.” And I says, “Well, bully for them! I don’t know what they are.” And I still don’t.

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Clarence, I’ll get to you later. (Clarence Robins had his hand up) I know all your questions anyway. (laughter) Yes Ma’am, back there. Q: * your book Penetration * expand on your remote viewing of the Moon * Swann: Well, after I wrote the book we did go back. Yes. And I can only talk about that if I have the permission of Mister Durant over here, to do so. Durant: OK Swann: (laughs) Yeah, you know, I’ll talk about this with a proviso. What happened is, we got an idea, we did an experiment, and all I can report on is what I experienced as a result of the experiment. And I do not make any claims as to what I experienced is relevant to anything. Got it? OK? (inaudible comment from audience member) Yes. But I’ve never claimed to do anything. All I’ve ever volunteered to do is to try. And in fact, of the maybe four or five thousand remote viewing experiments that I’ve done, each time, it says, well I’ll try. Because one of the characteristics of this kind of thing is that you can’t be sure it’s going to happen again. Right? So I always say I’ll try, and that’s been my chief motto ever since. So, what would you like to know about the Moon? Q: I know at the time you said that you saw * Swann: Yes. On our return voyages we saw again, saw human types, yes. (several audience members talking at once) Q: Do you see them as actual human beings? (another voice asks about the dark side of the Moon) Swann: Yes, I do. Of our species, yes. Actually, it’s not necessary to go to the dark side of the Moon, because there’s bases on the side of the Moon that we usually see. So there are two types, let us say classes, of humanoids that we ran into. The first seems to be that there is a battalion of guys who have metal plates embedded in their heads, and their sole function is to be telepathic. To detect intruders coming into the Moon’s ambience. And one of their capabilities is to out you out, and throw you back to where you came from. (laughs) So that happened to me once, and so I said, “Well, they threw me out!” And so I says, I really want to go back, but I have to be more clip (sic), more covert about this. And so the way I arranged that is when you’re there, and these guys are coming to get you, or to see who you are, you can sort of hear them. There’s a reverberizing (sic) going on, so when I would hear that, I would go through the wall and get into another room so they couldn’t find me as fast. But later on they seemed to agree that it was OK for me to be there because first of all, I wasn’t an ET. There are ETs that are enemies to each other out there, I think. And I’m just an Earthling with a minimal telepathic capacity. (laughter) The second class is usually composed of females, and they seem to be directors of some kind. The guys are just soldiers, that’s all they are. And although they’re humanoid, they

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look quite a bit alike, and I got the idea that maybe they’re just simply clones. Which means they are half human, or whatever that means. That has to do with the two types of personnel I found up on the Moon. Yes, Sir? Q: Last night we heard a lecture by Doctor Jacobs that painted this rather depressing picture of alien motivation. They’re wanting to, and I’m not saying I agree or disagree *. What’s your belief in the aliens, are they specifically, are they good aliens, bad aliens, are they aliens that like us, or are they all bad, or are they all trying to create this hybrid race, or mutants, to end up having to live with aliens as our masters? What’s the scoop there? (laughter) Swann: You got me, really. I mean, I read his books of course, but I just would like to report on what I experienced. And I think these guys and gals can block their own minds so that you have to have, let’s say you can do Telepathy 101, which will get you there. And you have to do 102, 104, 105, and you get up to Telepathy 110 before you can pierce somebody’s particular telepathic shielding. I mean, if you’re going to have telepathy, if everyone’s going to have telepathy, then you’ve got to develop some shielding, you know, right? Right? So, there’s that. But I did ask, “What are you doing here?” First of all, I says, something along the lines of, “Are you here with relationship to us?” And I didn’t really get any answers, because the general answer says, well, no. We don’t care too much about you guys down there. So that was sort of deflating. (laughter) But I did manage to ask, “Well, why are you here?” And the answer I got was that they are a military outpost protecting a migration route in the cosmos. And so, I didn’t understand at all what that meant. Until yesterday, when Doctor LaViolette says, “There are these super-waves that go around.” And these ETs obviously can see them coming, and they have to get out of the way. This is the one thing that, out of nowhere comes this little bit of information which logically could explain why there’s military outposts guarding migration routes. If us humans could find out in our advanced astronomical knowledge that a super-wave was heading for us, about the only thing you could do is figure out how to get out of its way. Which means you would migrate to a section of the cosmos where the super-wave was not going to be. Anyhow, this is in Paul LaViolette’s book. It’s the first thing that brought any illumination to why these guys should say they’re protecting a migration route. And I thought maybe they’re migrating from each other, which is a possibility, too. That’s all I know about it. All I know about it. I’m going to go to the back of the room for a while. I’ll get back here. (meaning he will entertain questions from the back of the audience, and will take questions from the front later) Yes, Sir? Q: * what part of the Moon did you see this activity in, is there a crater you can name * Swann: No, because we use only Moon coordinates, and I don’t have a list of what they correspond to. But not all of them are in craters. You know, there are craters though that have rather consistent Transient Lunar Phenomena, I think, LTPs (sic) is it, Bob? Transient Lunar Phenomena, like these six lights rise up out of a crater, and they’re all in

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a straight line, and then they’re all in a straight line, and they turn and they go in another direction. And so scientists used to say, they’re coming up from a volcano. And I says, “Now, wait a minute. Have you ever seen bombs coming up from a volcano?” Well, they don’t come up in formation, and they don’t turn in formation and go off into the cosmos, either. Yes, Sir? Q: (speaker is James Moseley) Have you ever thought of trying to get James Randi’s million dollar prize for proof of * Swann: No, because I hate his guts and I’m not going to play his game. (laughter) And in secret he says he has a way of getting out of paying it even if he loses. And I’m, Oh, I shouldn’t say bad things about him. (laughter) Yes, Sir? Q: Have you ever heard of a psychic by the name of * Cordero * or Zorel Zon * ? Swann: No. You in the blue shirt. Q: In working with the scientists that you think were credible, and I don’t mean in the context of absolute proof, but were you also working with other remote viewers, and able to in some way validate or show at least strong similarities between what you were experiencing or seeing, and what your colleagues did? Would you talk a little bit * Swann: Yes, yes. But you must remember that I’m the first remote viewer. (applause) So all other remote viewers after me can seize upon the name, but I’m still the first. And the best. (applause and laughter) And I don’t say that lightly, because I’m really very humble. (laughter) Yes, I worked with, I don’t know, maybe 35 people, in enhancing, the field became, very quickly, divided into two categories of remote viewers. The so-called natural remote viewers, and the trained remote viewers. And in general, they hate each other. And they squabble like mad. And if you read their chat pages on the Internet, you’ll soon see what I mean. But of course there are natural remote viewers. All we’re talking about is a word, anyway. Of course they’re natural. But these components are natural in our mother-boards, so they kick up in a number of people. But even Patanjali (an Indian sage), 2,500 years ago, says there has to be mental order put in to the natural components. So that’s what training is about, you put a natural, predicable order so you have a more heightened and more accurate skill. Q: (mostly inaudible, but seems to be asking if remote viewing results from different styles of viewers were ever compared) Swann: OK, I got your point. But first of all, I now have to be humble again, and say that I and Puthoff designed the protocols. Nobody else has ever designed anything like that. And most of the credit belongs to Puthoff anyway, because he raised the money and had the pizzaz and had all the government contacts to do that. So we have a natural

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remote viewer, and we have a trained remote viewer, providing the training has been good, efficient, and results in something. Now we have to look at the percentage of signal to noise. Do you understand what I mean? How much signal is there in the products of all these two categories, and how much noise is there? Well, there may not be too much noise in either one, but you can break information down into information bits, following information theory. And the natural remote viewer can be sometimes really good, and sometimes lesser (sic) than good, but tends, the really good ones would have 25 information bits in it, and the general thing should be to have 15 or 12 or less bits of information in it. And the trained remote viewer, if the training has been really good, should bring in 85 plus bits of information, and have eliminated themselves all of the noise. Or at least identified it. So, I believe that any remote viewing is better than none at all. But an analyst in the CIA or someplace else wants to have more information. So, it’s the amount of information that actually makes the difference. They don’t want to be handed too much. Twelve bits of information, if they can get 85 bits of information. And this is part of the practical approach to this versus the romance of being a remote viewer (deliberately mouths the words “remote viewer”), of being psychic and things like that, you know. There are psychics that work their heads off for a lot of time, bringing all kinds of information through, which is totally meaningless in the long run. And there are remote viewers who make predictions about, via remote viewing, who have said for instance, in 1993 that pregnant Martian females were arriving in August to colonize Earth. (laughter) And, well, nobody saw them. (laughter) See what I mean? It’s the quality and quantity of information that’s the differential between a natural. But there’s always a hitch in something. There have been in history natural remote viewers who were extremely efficient, and they’re not around to be interviewed to say, did you do any training, or anything like that. Did you go to a Master and get it developed, and something like that. So it’s not a distinction between trained and untrained. The distinction is between how much information and how much information, and which is the most serviceable to people who want to use one or the other. At SRI if we, we had to raise, there are seven standard methods in intelligence gathering that are conventional. We had to show that remote viewing as an additional intelligence gathering would at least be equal to these other seven. Because, so we had to get up to 50% at least. So I said, if we’re going to work towards 50%, why don’t we just work for 100%, what does it matter? If a remote viewer in a real serious intelligence situation produces only 10% data, where a trained one can produce 100% data, that is where the money is going to go to. And it turned out that is where the money came to. Humble me. Do you see what I mean? Q: (unintelligible, but apparently continuing his earlier question, which was not directly addressed) (Tape runs out. Possibly three or four minutes missing.)

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Swann: …you see, if these hadn’t been useful, the guys, the users of the information would have said, “Deep six them, give them cement boots.” Yes, Sir? Q: What would you say to someone looking to begin training? * Swann: Good luck. (laughter) Yes, Ma’am? Q: I wonder if you ever did a remote viewing of Mars? Swann: Yes. A group, this is a group remote viewing. I think there were nine people all together. And each one worked independently and alone, and then we compiled the data. Everybody found buildings, everybody found plants, and a few found lights, artificial lights, and water. And water and plants and buildings are almost certainly confirmed today. There remains (sic) lights, lights standing on top of big poles. Q: * Swann: Oh, I don’t know. This is done by coordinates Q: * Mars, Mars (several people speaking) Swann: Mars. We didn’t use coordinates at that time, because the coordinate system on Mars is not hemispherical, it starts at zero point West, and goes around 360 degrees, and we thought that would be confusing, so we just said, “Mars.” And let people find all these things. And when this was done, I think it was in 1977, there was no way to have feedback on it. But they found water and plants and buildings, OK? And the existence of these on Mars is pretty well confirmed now today, as Doctor Van Flandern said in his lecture yesterday. Q: Ingo, to the best of your ability, try to give us your impressions as to just what remote viewing entails * Swann: Sweetheart, a lot of work. Q: (same person, continuing) Like in other words, you’re seeing a scene where it’s raining, are you feeling the rain? Swann: If you’re good, yes. Q: So if you could give us an example of like one of your remote viewings in the past, and sensations, how you perceive them, are you in a trance? Swann: There’s no trance.

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Q: No trance? Are you seeing images, or visually, are you actually there? Are these * that you’re receiving * in your brain * Swann: All of that, but in a different arrangement. In training remote viewing, the trainee sits at a desk, upright, pen and pencils in front of him, lights coming down. The monitor sits at the other end with the same, tape recordings, video tapes if they want that. The trainee gets a coordinate, which he doesn’t know from Adam. And he starts by getting, the autonomic system, is sort of automatic writing, gives him this squiggle. As the critics like to say, it’s just a bunch of squiggles. But the squiggle is loaded with information in its own language. And then, if the viewer accepts that, then begins what we call a download of Stage Twos. And this would be what the body would feel if the body was at that location. And so we call them tactiles. We’ve been able, through the years we enumerated 79 of them. Of which visualization is only one. So the majority of the data coming in, is coming in without engaging the visual apparatus of the neocortex. It’s by feeling. And sometimes the viewer can identify the site just by the Stage Twos, the listing of the Stage Twos. And one of the nice training sites was the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone Park. And this is all Stage Twos. And he gets the coordinate and he says, “Oh, something coming up.” And then starts the Stage Twos, where there’s smells, and there’s lots of colors, and there’s liquid, and there’s this, and over here there’s a wooden fence, and there’s more smells. And the guy says, “I don’t know what this is.” But Old Faithful erupts about every 25 minutes, I think, so if we draw this out for 25 minutes, you can say, be sure, that Old Faithful is going to go up. And then he says, “Oh my God! There’s water coming up! It looks like Old Faithful to me!” (laughter). OK? Very precise, very organized, and things like that. Yeah. Hella Hammid, one of our great natural remote viewers, she worked with taking coordinates, too, a little bit. She was a hard case. She was a wonderful person, but she had her opinions. You know how women are like that. (laughter) She was sort of unimpressed and I says, “Damn, what am I going to do to impress her?” So I gave her a coordinate which was right on top of the Khyber Pass. You know where the Khyber Pass is, in Pakistan and India and the elevations are very extreme, very high. We picked a coordinate that was really on top of one of the highest things, looking down on the Khyber Pass and the * around her. She did her little ideogram, and she started doing her Stage Twos, and she says, “Oh my God! I’m getting elevation sickness. I have to stop.” I said, “No, no, no, continue, it’s just part of the Stage Twos.” And she said, “You’ve got to be joking!” And now she was holding on to the table. (laughter) And so I thought I should end the training session and show her what it was. And she says, “Well, you son of a bitch. Didn’t you know I was afraid of heights?” And I says, “No, I didn’t know that.” And I said, “Are you impressed?” And she says, “Yeah, I have to be impressed.” (laughter) And this was a woman that thought most people were Fleisch mit Augen, meat with eyes. That was her general impression, so it was very hard to impress her. Yes, Sir?

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Q: Is there any evidence to suggest that the information cognitively received * altered or changed by * telepathic? Swann: Uh, could you repeat that? Q: The information *remote viewing Swann: I’m sorry. Your accent, where are you from? Q: U.K. Swann: OK. Can you get American here? (laughter) Q: I’ve been here two years and I’m trying (laughter) Swann: So, take it slowly. Q: Is there any evidence to suggest that the information data packets that you receive Swann: packages, OK Q: can be altered or changed by * or non * telepathics ? Swann: Well, we change them all the time anyway. An information package is a lineup of data that more or less fits together, and is self-contained and self-reflective, right? And yes, they can be altered by human consciousness. We see people all the time altering other people’s information packages or reality boxes. If you want to consider it that way. But I am sure you’re thinking of psychic mind control, aren’t you? Yes (drawn out) (laughter). I don’t know. It takes, I think you have to have developed telepathy in order to do that on a predictable basis. Yes, Sir: Q: I don’t know much of your history, Swann: I haven’t told you enough? (laughter) Q: * your abilities? Swann: I was born with them. They created a big ruckus when I was a child. Many people are born with them. Many infants are born with them active. They have at least 60 of their mother-boards ready for activity. And social conditioning around them closes them down until their responses and their perceptions fit with the majority. And if that can’t be done, then they’re thrown to the outside in some form or another. So I was born with them I was born a very good clairvoyant. And I was born a reasonably good telepath, which means when my father came home late, and my mother would say, “Where the hell have you been?” And he would say, “I’ve worked late at the garage.” I

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would say, “Oh no daddy, I saw you up at the pool hall getting drunk!” (laughter) You see, I have this naïve side which has never totally gone away. Q: On TV they have a couple of these people in the program, * and one of them mentioned the fact that he was able to travel in time and also that it was kind of like playing god at some point Swann: He has a big idea about himself, doesn’t he? Q: I’m not sure, but can you do time travel *? Swann: Well, it’s not whether you can, it doesn’t result in anything. But in our remote viewing it certainly was demonstrated that the potential is there. Hella Hamid, again, played a fundamental role in this. At first at SRI there was the outbound experimenter, where one or two guys drove in their car and dialed their random number generator to pick out a target from a pool that they had, then they proceeded there. To be there at a given time. And Hella was supposed to say where they were. So that was going along. Hal and Russell and a lot of government people enjoyed doing this, because they came to SRI and they got to go out in the field and the forest and watch the birds and things like that. So one day Hal and Russell came I, this was an outbound thing that some congressman, went the outbound thing, he had to be sure there was no monkeying around with the target, and that he would pick his own target after he left SRI. You know, they’re funny that way. So Hella was waiting, and Hella didn’t like to wait. So you didn’t want, really, to keep her waiting. So Hal and Russell came running down the hallway to my little office and says, “Hella already knows what the target is, and it can’t have been selected yet. What are we supposed to do?” And I says, “Well, let her tell you what the target is. We’re not going to fight with Hella, we know that, for one thing. So let her say what the target is.” So she said what the target is. It hadn’t been produced yet, in the outbound experimenter (sic). Then she went on to some important date that she had, or something. So the guy came back, and he showed, he had taken Polaroid photographs of the target, which was near a playground, child’s playground, and it was an overpass that went over the road, and it had wires on both sides and the tops so kids couldn’t fall off, and things like that. So he put those out there and they pulled out Hella’s drawing, which was an overpass with wires and things on it, near a child’s playground. So, OK, this was not exactly two years into the future, it was like a half hour into the future, but it was into the future. So that’s how we knew in certain cases you could do a remote viewing session and front-time it. You could give it a time ahead. And that’s how we figured out if you could do front-time ones, we could do back-time ones, too. So, we started experimenting with back-time ones, and then we had government people coming with events that had happened in the past, which they didn’t really understand very well, and says, “Well, can you back-time this one?” And we says, “Sure, we’ll try, we’ll try anything. How much money did you bring with you?” (laughter) I asked that. I mean, is this suitcase down here filled full of money? (laughter). All right.

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Q: I’m patient Swann: Yes, patient. Q: Could you tell me what was my question? (laughter) Swann: I’d have to search among my memory files of your questions. What is your question? Q: The question is, could you tell these people, whether or not there was a paradigm shift when you started the remote viewing process? Swann: No. I think not then. Willis Harmon and his group, he had a big project at SRI in the days when futurology was still being invested in. And he was the first to suggest that remote viewing could bring about a paradigm shift. But then his last effort out at SRI, about 1979, to predict the future was such a bomb, that he lost his project. And but recently, in the last six months, there have been conferences, especially on consciousness, that have minimally indicated that remote viewing has caused a chasm in consciousness research that has nothing in it that can bridge the chasm. And that’s the beginning, or potential beginning, for potential paradigm shift. If they’re going to explain remote viewing, they’re going to have to do a paradigm shift to do it. Yes, Sir? Q: You keep referring to money. Maybe you could explain to the people your lack of success with the lottery *? Swann: Either God says no, or it’s a different process altogether. Remember, the lottery is a very quick thing, and it involves numbers, which are mental. The human being makes these numerical sequences. They’re not found in nature. Nature doesn’t say already there’s nine eggs here. Humans have to learn to count to say there’s nine eggs here. It’s known in research with innate abilities that each child is born with a general mathematical hardware program in them, and they can count up to five. And estimate the numbers thereafter. That’s innate in all kids. I haven’t learned how to do that then. But the minute I do it, I’ll never be seen here again. (laughter) Let me go to the back. Yes, Ma’am? Q: * that your parents gave you nurture? Swann: No, they didn’t. My father took me to the woodshed once. And my mother didn’t know what to do. Although she was an accomplished palm reader. But it was my maternal grandmother who supported me. And I think it’s because of her support and her nurturing that it didn’t close down altogether. It closed down during my high school years. And even in my college years. And it really didn’t come back until I started doing these silly things in New York. And even then, when I didn’t know what to do with it. I thought, well, this is just a passing phase, and I’d better get ready to start earning some

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money some other way, because this can’t go on forever. You go to the SPR and you get paid maybe 25 dollars a day, once a week. That doesn’t really amount to too much. And the only reason it continued on into SRI is because I was very luminous at the time. The CIA and other intelligence agencies finally discovered that the Soviet Union had been involved in this same work for 25 years! And there was now a “PSI gap.” And it was just, the PSI down in Washington and in all universities was if anything a giggle factor. There wasn’t anything more than that. So they were scratching around for some talent to work on these things. And there I was, in Time Magazine. So that’s how I got dragged into it. And what I thought would last no more than three months, actually lasted 19 years. Yes, Sir? Q: * a TV documentary of a remote viewers wife, that he believes is true, that she was abducted, and they say he was going to investigate, his wife was willing, as to that * Swann: I’m not familiar with that. Not at all. Q: The wife * Swann: I don’t know anything about it. Actually, I wish I’d get abducted. I mean, look at this boring life down here. (laughter) I’d go. If some ET said, “Why don’t you come and live with us for a while?” I’d say, “Give me one minute to get my toothbrush, and we’re out of here.” (laughter) Q: * Swann: In this case, no. What are you pointing at? Oh, Vince, you have a question? OK Q: (Vincent Creevy) This is an interesting one. Remote viewing of non-human intelligence, have you perceived any threat to human beings, and if so what would the nature of it be? Swann: I have not. Simply, but I don’t know if what I’ve experienced is remote viewing. There’s no way to get any feedback on it. So I only claim to report on what I’ve experienced. Yes, Sir, right there? Q: I’m just curious, you mentioned that you knew Bob Monroe in New York, and I wonder if you engaged in any activities at TLI Virginia, such as the Voyager program? Swann: I spent a lot of time down there, not doing his program. But he built this big house for his wife. It even had a waterfall in it, believe it or not. Really gauche. (laughter) And then he didn’t like the big house. So he built himself a little cabin up the hill a little ways, where he could sit and smoke his lungs out. And I would go stay there with him, and I’d light up my cigars, and pretty soon there’s this level of smoke, and there were two heads above it talking to each other. (laughter)

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But Bob Monroe insisted that I was more talented than he was, and that’s why he tried to pick my brains instead of saying go do our hemisync things down here. I didn’t want to do them anyway, because I’ve never used an artificially reinforcing thing. And in fact, at SRI we had to prove that we were doing nothing invasive to our guys. I couldn’t even recommend vitamins, for instance. We had to show because of the human subjects research code. You know, after the CIA got sued for giving soldiers LSD you couldn’t give people working on government contracts anything. So if they were taking aspirin, we couldn’t recommend it. A nurse or a doctor had to recommend it. Let’s see, what was I going to say? I forgot. It’s not surprising any more. (laughter) Let me get to people, I haven’t responded to yet. Yes Ma’am? Q: Can you talk about how the existence of human scumbaggery can inspire us to develop our superpowers? (laughter) Swann: If you’re going to deal with human scumbaggery, which is a word I love, by the way, (laughter). I’m an astrologer, and I’ve been trying to collect a pool of 40 birth dates for scumbags, so I can do an astrological study on them. But its proved very hard to get their birth dates, because scumbags don’t want you to know. So if you ask somebody for their birthday, and they say get lost, your antenna should go up there a little bit. Now what was your question? (laughing) Q: It’s actually how our awareness of this human threat may inspire us to get moving Swann: Moving into what? Q: Development of, getting in touch with * Swann: I mean, we could really use some telepathy these days. I mean, we really could. We can say, call it remote telepathy, like that. But it sure would have paid off in the last five years if we had a little telepathy going for us. Because one of the things that telepathy can pick up on is human motivations, very, very fast. And in fact people, that psych people out, are actually doing that, but it’s a low form of telepathy, so they might not be fully able to cognize the real intent that is involved. But, yeah, if you’re not going to be a victim to a scumbag, there are a lot of them, and the art of the scumbag is not to look like one, or even act like one. Right? And if you’re successful at that, you can become a CEO and walk off with 3.5 billion dollars. (laughter) Of other people’s money. Secrecy societies don’t want telepathy, but the man in the street, which includes me, we could really use a little bit of it. Because we’re victims to many things like that. Yes, Sir? Q: I’m surprised nobody * about back in time, who killed Kennedy? (laughter) Swann: Do you know the body count of people who have tried to investigate that thing? (laughter)

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Q: * over 200 Swann: Yeah, it’s over 200 people. So we decided we would focus attention on other things that were Q: * CIA * (laughter) Q: Two questions. First, can you see aliens or alien hybrids walking among us? Swann: I can see, sometimes. Humanoids that were probably born at some other place than Earth, but look just like us. And I’ve had four instances of that. But the way you pick up on them, they look just like us, but the way you pick up on them is that they have a really strong form of telepathy. And if you have a little telepathy going for you, you can sense that right away. So you walk past the person and you sort of, and you pick up, they’re sort of telepathic, and you walk down the street and you turn around. And here is this guy that you just passed, looking at you. (laughter) So then you haul ass. (laughter) Second question? Q: As a former teacher, I was wondering how did you survive these really strict schools, that are, you know Swann: I loved them. Oh yeah, I’m a Virgo. We respond to strictness. My IQ was higher, so I wasn’t bored with what was being taught me. And actually, I had the last of the really great educations available to my class, poor class of people. And after which public education as you know has been doing a big * for 40 years now. To the point where people, children trained in it don’t even know where France is. Yes, Sir? Q: Ingo, did you help the police * Swann: Well, I had to stop police work. I did that in the early ‘seventies. Number one, they came with really impossible cases. I’m really ashamed to admit it, but when you find somebody who’s killed, psychically, you actually relive the deaths, the death thing. And I did that a few times. One time, for instance, these two detectives came, and they brought five photographs, and they just wanted to show me the photographs to pick out the killer. And I says, “Don’t show me the photographs. Put them face down on the table.” And I touched each one like this, (demonstrating with his hand). And I said, “It’s this one.” Because if you’ve got the gift, you say right away. If you don’t have the gift, you quibble all over the place. So he turned it over, and says, “Yeah, that’s our chief suspect.” And he says, “Where is he?” And I says, “Well, he’s dead. And he’s in the luggage, what’s the back end of a car? He’s in the trunk of a car and out in Aqueduct Raceway parking lot, and he’s been strangled. The wire’s still around his neck. And his left foot has been cut off, and they’ve put the foot in there, too. And he’s starting to stink, so you’d better go find him.” So, the cop says, “Well, damn! He’s supposed to be in New Jersey.” And then the other cop said, “Well, Aqueduct Raceway is not in our jurisdiction.” So I says, “Come on

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guys! Call up the cops out at Aqueduct Raceway and have them go out there and find this car. They can probably smell it.” And so that actually happened. This was a stoolie for the mob, of course. And that’s how they disposed of him. Q: I remember reading it. Swann: Yeah, yeah. It was reported, and I couldn’t get it out of my mind for three weeks. And then there were other ones. And I can’t do this. I can’t do this. There were three gutsy female psychics over in New Jersey who did it all the time. Two in New Jersey and one in Oregon. And I says, “Gotta talk to those gals, I can’t do it any more.” And then they came one day with their big problem. And I says, “What is it?” And they said, “Who is hijacking all the shrimp shipments from Miami on their way to New York?” And I said, “I really don’t give an F word.” (laughter) so I went out of the police detective business for reasons like that. Let me get back here. Yes, Sir? Q: Are you concerned, * people with evil intentions could do a lot of harm * Swann: I don’t have a good answer to that, but my impression is that there is a sort of element in this called ethics. And that’s in the mother-board of human consciousness. And I think that people who are really what you call evil, the mother-board probably shuts it down because of ethical reasons. And one of the reasons might be, I don’t know this, I don’t know it for sure. But I’ve noticed that all of the, most of the scumbags and bad guys, and all that, don’t have any of this. They can just see a patsy when they see one. But that’s a whole different category of perception. So I don’t know, I can’t answer that. And I don’t like to get embroiled in the problem of evil, anyway. There’s enough people doing that, and I think that that’s being well taken care of, and there are not many people focusing on how good we are. (Q: Thank you) You’re welcome. Yes, Ma’am? Q: I was wondering if you have used your remote viewing for medical * Swann: Yes, I have. Q: Have you helped medical scientists with any like breakthroughs or* of mental health? Swann: No, because although I’ve helped individual people and their private doctors, medical science in general doesn’t want to hear about this. Q: I just thought you might be a really good, pardon the expression, tool for understanding the human mind and mental illness * a little better. Swann: My answer here is it’s a little like finding dead bodies. People come to me, and I scan their body. And what you’re obliged to say is, you’d better make out your will. Because, no, I’m not going to do that. I let other people do other things, I only did what I did. And that’s the long and sweet of that. Yes, Sir, in the blue shirt? Q: Is Osama bin Laden still alive?

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Swann: No. Q: How do you think Swann: He died in October of last year. Q: * Swann: No. (laughter) This is my opinion, of course. OK? That’s my answer. He’s dead (pronounced day-id). Yes, Sir? Q: What do you think is going to happen with this Iraq war? Swann: I have my personal values too much messed into this, and so I, when you’re influenced by your personal things, you should say, well, I shouldn’t say anything. But I hope somebody kicks the shit out of him as fast as possible. (laughter) Yes, Ma’am? Q: Could you please explain how you set coordinates for something you’re looking for, something that’s not a big item, say a buried ballistic missile someplace in Europe. How do you set coordinates for that? Swann: Actually, you would use the spy in the sky satellites, which are so good now that somebody could provide you with the coordinate. Q: Or even a person, like Osama, you were looking for him Swann: Yes, that too. Haven’t you seen Enemy of the State, that movie? Well, that was the state of equipment in 1985, no less, and they can find, you should see it. That will answer your question. How many of you saw that? (comment from the audience, unintelligible) Yeah, yeah. I mean, and now, Joe Stefula back there tells me these equipments (sic) can see how far underground? Stefula: They have, basically, underground radar. They have * the Lacrosse satellite, they can see like ancient riverbeds. Swann: Right, right, right. So the intelligence community today would say, what the hell do we need remote viewers for? Look at what we have. So that’s one reason to think no, just for remote viewing there’s no projects going on, because they actually don’t need them any more. What they could use is research into telepathy, but they don’t want that. Yes, Sir? Q: Could you tell us what your most important discovery is? (Other voice says, “He said he’d get back to him on this.” This refers to an earlier question Swann left unanswered.) Swann: Oh, let’s see.

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Q: And while you’re thinking about that (laughter) Did you ever do anything on psychokinesis? Swann: I’m the comic here. (laughter) Swann: No, I haven’t done any psychokinesis for a long, long time. Yes Ma’am, way in the back. You have to scream. Q: * Edwards * Swann: I’m going to pass that question, if you don’t mind. Yes, Sir? Q: Have you remote viewed alien bases on the Earth? Is there such a thing? Swann: I think so, yes. (Various voices, none intelligible, but one asks, “Are there any in New Jersey?” This followed by laughter.) Swann: I mentioned earlier that there are some things that I can’t really talk about. (laughter). In detail. No, there’s none in New Jersey. Q: Where are they? Swann: Under ice, under mountains, under deserts. Q: * Swann: Oh, I’m not going to say. Are you aware of the big stink early this year about Antarctica? (various voices, one says Lake Vostok) Lake Vostok, yes. A complete press blackout, a complete information blackout about whatever went on down there. (various voices) Well, suddenly, nobody could go there any more. And the story was, they were drilling to into Lake Vostok, and they decided they might explode or something, or contaminate, and so on. But they chased everybody out, until they moved a lot of equipment in. And within six weeks that event had never existed anywhere. So, well, you know, where would you build one if you were an ET? Not in New Jersey. (laughter). I mean, New Jerseys tend to be, I mean, they’re not the shit-kickers that Texans are, but. I’m sorry for my French. Yes, Sir? Q: * a lot of people appreciate the sacrifice you made and the lives you saved * (applause) Well, thank you, I appreciate that. (applause) Q: Are you familiar with the HAARP array, that is supposed to be tested *

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Swann: Yeah. Q: any comments on it? Swann: No. (laughter) I think it’s going to end up being a big bust. Q: It’s supposedly very dangerous, potentially Swann: Everything is like that. Yes, Ma’am, way back there. Are you, no, Sir? Q: Are you at liberty to discuss the things you see on the Moon and on Mars? Or * about that? Swann: No, I can say that. I’ve already said most of what I saw on the Moon. On Mars there’s, if you go to Mars telepathically, the first thing you encounter is a group of five telepaths, who are not exactly welcoming. And if they don’t manage to throw you out, then they add four more. So there’s nine, after which you get a headache and go to bed. Q: What about the * that they sent to Mars that disappeared * Swann: I’m sorry? Q: * probe that was sent to Mars * Swann: They were shot down. The Russian one, there was videotape footage of it, the Russians said we’re going to go to Mars, so they made video tape somehow. And here is this vehicle approaching Mars, and up from the surface comes this thing, and that’s the end of the transmission. So Mars is, I don’t know. Mars is being pissantish (sic)about this communication. I just love to use these words, because it shocks the audience. (laughter) Yes, Sir? Q: Any * on chemtrails? Swann: On chemtrails, no. You must remember I’m retired now, and I don’t do much of that kind of thing any more, remote viewing. Q: * personal curiosity * Swann: No, I mean the world’s going down the tubes any way, why be curious about the methods? Yes Ma’am? Q: Do you believe in reincarnation? Swann: I do.

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Q: And would you * Swann: No. But I was born remembering my last life. Q: Where were you? Swann: In New York. (various short statements from audience, unintelligible) Oh, I’m not going to tell. And I’ve never talked about this kind of thing, because it would have damaged my career. I had to be relatively scientific in my approach to everything. You can’t say, well, I lived before. Because science isn’t ready for that yet. OK? But yes, absolutely. If you have, the only people who can’t have the sense of having lived before are those people whose minds have been micromanaged by social conditioning down to the point where they can’t remember hardly anything anyway. I think that can be demonstrated very easily. We are not meant to be stupid. We have a mother-board that is so extraordinary. That’s the only reason that we can feel stupid, is that that’s the social conditioning thing. How many people here think they’re really stupid? (laughter) People used to say I was stupid. If enough people tell you you are stupid, you get an imprint of that. And into your reality box that imprint goes, and sinks into the subconscious. And it’s always there. When you probably don’t feel like you’re stupid as long as you’re doing relatively well in whatever you’re doing, but when that doesn’t work out, then you feel stupid. Or deprived, or some of these other words that psychologists like to use. But everyone sitting in here has come here because they have activated certain awareness in things beyond the Earth. And that’s a special level of awareness. Did you know that? How many here people think, how many people here think that they somehow belong out there? (many hands go up) See? You bet! Q: What about * deja vue Swann: Oh, I don’t know. It’s not my field. Yes, Sir? Q: What * physical bodies * hybrids * Swann: I think, doesn’t (Zechariah) Sitchin say it’s probably nine thousand years? No. Q: * footprints and so on * Swann: Well that’s probably not us. That’s probably the others that have been here. We have a history that is buried. And you’re talking about archaeology, Hidden Archaeology? I’ve read that. One of the authors came and visited. We spent a lot of time with each other. OK, how am I doing for time? Ten minutes? You in the shirt. Q: How can you prove what you’re saying about the Moon and Mars?

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Swann: There’s no way to prove it. Yet. Well, I’m only saying what I’ve experienced, and I don’t claim that it’s real. You know, my mind could be just as messed up as practically anyone’s. And a lot of people say things they can’t prove. Right? So I’m unable to answer your question. But if we’re unable to say what we’ve experienced, then we’re not going to get anywhere with reinforcing our consciousness. Q: * Swann: Oh, in our project we could go and have feedback because these sites were all on Earth. And in some of these cases the government spent a lot of money finding the feedback. If we hadn’t strutted our stuff within the first three years of our project, we would never have had ongoing funding for the next 16 years, for instance. So somebody, somewhere was finding feedback, and if you want to call it proof you’re welcome to do that. But with regard to the Moon, there’s no way to prove it. Yes, Sir? Q: I want to tell everybody to buy your book Penetration, it’s excellent! Swann: You’d better hurry because it’s going out of print, and I think there are 58 copies left. Q: Do you have any copies with you? Swann: No. I don’t drag my books along. I’m much too old to do that. (laughter) Q: You’re a Virgo Swann: Yeah. A Virgo, yeah, I know. Who raised their hand there, Yes, Sir? Q: I heard stories about a possible, in 1980, a possible downed, the military rescuing downed pilots various parts of the United States, * human * alien * A: I don’t know anything about that. I only know that Pravda recently has published an article that says when Chernobyl went off, a UFO came and made a ray down on it of some kind which limited the destructive capacity. You’re aware of that? And that’s the only example I know of alleged alien influence. Yes, Sir? Q: I suspect you * this question anyway, but if there are alien bases, assuming there are alien bases here, are they interfering with our evolution * Swann: I don’t believe so. I may be wrong. I’ve been wrong so many times, but I’m not ashamed of it, because nothing ventured, nothing gained. But I think they’re here for purposes of their own, and we’re sort of irrelevant to them right now. But they wouldn’t want a meltdown to go through the center of the Earth, which Chernobyl would have done. Q: inaudible comment

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Swann: Well, what if there’s a big ET base somewhere around there. You know, the ETs aren’t stupid. They would say, “We’d better intervene.” Even though Captain Kirk says (laughter). Q: Captain Kirk broke his rules (laughter) Swann: (laughing) Yeah, he did. Yes Ma’am, over here? Q: In relation to the Mars and Lunar * did they also have you look for the sites you referred to * Swan: No. They wouldn’t have asked for that. No, Paul LaViolette might ask for that, something like that. (laughs) maybe. Yes, Ma’am? Q: Did you think there is any particular relevance of this material in an individual’s life, for myself, it’s not anything I’ve been into per se, but I’m interested in and I have my own beliefs, and I’m interested to do something that would help me and our society grow. How can you put this to use? Swann: I don’t know that. Usually throughout the 20th Century it was swept under the carpet, no matter how good the evidence was. I don’t know what will happen to it in the 21st Century. But I still think in order to take any more than a passing interest in this kind of thing you have to be kind of nuts to begin with, so if you’re kind of nuts to begin with, you’re on your own. Right? I don’t have a completely hopeless message, I think. But I think if a person’s really interested in it, they should go for it. But if they feel they should be interested from peer pressure or social pressure, or something like that, then they might consider just living a happy life. Q: What is your personal, what would you say is your personal development techniques you use personally? Do you think you were chosen for service * What have you found to be your own *? Swann: I lived a good life in the conventional world. I got my little degree in Biology. I loved history, I loved chemistry, and I took another degree in Art, which is an esthetic thing. But all behind this was still what I experienced as a child in rather vivid ways. And you can get bored with conventional life. Has anybody become bored with conventional life? (laughter) And so then you take something, an elective, as a hobby, and that brings a thrill that’s otherwise missing. That’s good. Yes, Sir? Q: * impressions of Crop Circles. Did you do anything with cattle mutilations? Swann: (makes face) (laughter) I can’t even live with dead human bodies, much less these poor things. And I wasn’t going to examine the exact incisions of their rectums. Oh, no. We have a woman that does this. And she’s gung ho on this. And I don’t think too many other people need to do it. (laughter throughout this, after each sentence is

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uttered.) She’s got it in hand. Who is this woman? Do you know her? (audience: Linda Moulton Howe) Yeah. Linda, Linda, the great Linda. Q: What remote viewing experience, or any other experience has impacted your life the most? Swann: Ah! Let’s see. I think, I don’t know how to say what kind of experience it is, but when a beautiful idea for a painting occurs in my head, this is wonderful. Of the most, other wonderful thing. The other thing is, I have been really honored and really fortunate in meeting so many wonderful people in the past, and I mean really a lot of them. And they were all so kind and wonderful to me. And they were also so, each one of them, so inspiring in many ways. That if I would say there’s a hallmark to my life (tape runs out) (next tape begins with applause) Swann: The boss is coming, so I guess I’m out of here. (laughter) Are we done? Who hasn’t had a chance? Yes Ma’am? Q: Have you produced any art lately, in the last several years? Swann: Yeah, yeah. Some of it’s on my web site, but most of it’s in hiding, in my studio. Q: Speaking of your web site, when was the last time you updated it? Swann: I think last month there were three new essays put in it. Q: What is your web site? Swann: Biomindsuperpowers.com Yes, Sir? Q: Do you use remote viewing to find missing money, buried things? Swann: No. I tried that. It didn’t work. And I’m so sorry it didn’t work. (laughter) But I use remote viewing to find books in bookstores and libraries I should read. And I go right to them. There’s always a green light around it. So, you know, you pick the one with the green light around it, and there it is. Q: How do you analyze the fact that you can’t find buried treasure * Swann: I think that my Masters on other planes said that money will ruin him, so (laughter) I don’t know, yeah. It might have, you know. It’s happened to you? Who said that? (laughing). I’d like to thank you all. You’ve been a wonderful audience. (applause)