Industry Case Studies Education Industry Teacher Challenge: A consulting company wanted to offer school districts a way to select high performing teachers across various school types (e.g., public schools, private schools). Based on their experience, the consulting firm knew that personality played a role in teacher success. To integrate personality assessment into their clients’ teacher selection processes, the company collaborated with Hogan. Solution: The consulting company and Hogan used the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), a measure of normal day-to-day personality characteristics, and the Hogan Development Survey (HDS), an assessment of derailing tendencies, to predict teacher performance. For the study’s first step, we conducted focus groups with elementary, middle, and high school teachers working in various school types and asked them to complete a personality-based job analysis questionnaire called the Job Evaluation Tool (JET). Next, we used the job analysis and focus group results to identify studies in the Hogan archive similar to the teacher job. Then using validity generalization (VG) methods, we identified scales from the HPI and HDS most predictive of successful teacher performance. Finally, Hogan developed a success profile comprised of the assessment scales that were the strongest drivers of teacher performance. Result: The teacher success profile screens in candidates who are energetic and leaderlike (high HPI Ambition), diplomatic and friendly (high HPI Interpersonal Sensitivity), dependable and planful (high HPI Prudence), and likely to value academic achievement and view education as a critical component to overall development (high HPI Learning Approach). Conversely, the success profile screens out applicants who tend to be moody under pressure (high HDS Excitable), arrogant and unwilling to listen to others (high HDS Bold), and socially cold and aloof (high HDS Reserved). The consulting company plans to use this success profile with its education clients (e.g., school districts) to assist them in selecting candidates that have the personality characteristics most closely related to successful teacher performance. In addition, due to the research design, the company can implement the profile to select different types of teachers (e.g., elementary) across many kinds of schools (e.g., private). 812 www.mentisglobal.com Distributed by Mentis [email protected]

Industry Case Studies - Mentis · 2019-02-05 · 812 Industry Case Studies Education Industry Teacher Challenge: A consulting company wanted to offer school districts a way to select

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Industry Case Studies Education Industry


Challenge: A consulting company wanted to offer school districts a way to select high performing teachers

across various school types (e.g., public schools, private schools). Based on their experience,

the consulting firm knew that personality played a role in teacher success. To integrate

personality assessment into their clients’ teacher selection processes, the company

collaborated with Hogan.

Solution: The consulting company and Hogan used the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), a measure of

normal day-to-day personality characteristics, and the Hogan Development Survey (HDS), an

assessment of derailing tendencies, to predict teacher performance.

For the study’s first step, we conducted focus groups with elementary, middle, and high school

teachers working in various school types and asked them to complete a personality-based job

analysis questionnaire called the Job Evaluation Tool (JET). Next, we used the job analysis and

focus group results to identify studies in the Hogan archive similar to the teacher job. Then

using validity generalization (VG) methods, we identified scales from the HPI and HDS most

predictive of successful teacher performance. Finally, Hogan developed a success profile

comprised of the assessment scales that were the strongest drivers of teacher performance.

Result: The teacher success profile screens in candidates who are energetic and leaderlike (high HPI

Ambition), diplomatic and friendly (high HPI Interpersonal Sensitivity), dependable and planful

(high HPI Prudence), and likely to value academic achievement and view education as a critical

component to overall development (high HPI Learning Approach). Conversely, the success

profile screens out applicants who tend to be moody under pressure (high HDS Excitable),

arrogant and unwilling to listen to others (high HDS Bold), and socially cold and aloof (high HDS


The consulting company plans to use this success profile with its education clients (e.g., school

districts) to assist them in selecting candidates that have the personality characteristics most

closely related to successful teacher performance. In addition, due to the research design, the

company can implement the profile to select different types of teachers (e.g., elementary)

across many kinds of schools (e.g., private).

812 www.mentisglobal.com Distributed by Mentis [email protected]