An e-Training program for Deepti Electronics & Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd MP Birla Institute of Management - 1 - An e-Training program for Deepti Electronics & Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd – The Feasibility study and its effectiveness evaluation. Submitted to Bangalore University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Masters of Business Administration Under the guidance of External Guide Internal Guide Mr. K.R.Laxmana Moorthy Prof. Jai Raj Nair DEEOPL BVB- MPBIM Bangalore Bangalore By Indu K 4 th semester (Reg no. 05XQCM6032) M.P. Birla Institute of Management, Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, No 53, Race Course Road, Bangalore 560001. May 2007

Indu K-0528- e-Training program for DEEOPL

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An e-Training program for Deepti Electronics & Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd

MP Birla Institute of Management - 1 -

An e-Training program for

Deepti Electronics & Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd –

The Feasibility study and its effectiveness evaluation.

Submitted to Bangalore University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award

of the degree of

Masters of Business Administration

Under the guidance of External Guide Internal Guide Mr. K.R.Laxmana Moorthy Prof. Jai Raj Nair DEEOPL BVB- MPBIM Bangalore Bangalore

By Indu K

4th semester (Reg no. 05XQCM6032)

M.P. Birla Institute of Management, Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,

No 53, Race Course Road, Bangalore 560001.

May 2007

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I am extremely grateful to all those who have shared their views, opinions,

ideas and experiences which have significantly improved my inputs for this


I like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. M.R Sheshadri, MD, DEEOPL

for his untiring guidance throughout the Project journey. I have been

benefited greatly from the excellent advices extended by him.

I am grateful to Mr. K.R Laxamana Moorthy, VP, DEEOPL for his

valuable suggestions which added value to this project work. I would also

like to express thanks to the entire staff at DEEOPL.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Prof. Jai Raj Nair, my

internal guide, MPBIM, for his valuable suggestions and directions which

helped me throughout this internship.

I would be failing in my duty, if I do not extend my sincere gratitude

towards our beloved Principal, Dr.N.S. Malavalli, MPBIM. Finally I

would like to extend my warm respects and regards to my family, friends

and well-wishers for their constant support and valuable suggestions.

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I hereby declare, that this Project titled, “An e-training program for

Deepti Electronics & Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd – The Feasibility study and

its effectiveness evaluation” is a bonafide study, completed under the guidance

and supervision of Prof.Jai Raj Nair, Faculty MPBIM-BVB, and Mr.K.R.Laxmana

Moorthy, VP, DEEOPL Bangalore, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the



I further declare that this Project is the result of my own efforts and that it

has not been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of a degree

or diploma or any other similar title of recognition.

Place: Bangalore

Date: 07/05/07

Indu K


MBA, 4th SEM


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GUIDE’S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled “An e-training

program for Deepti Electronics & Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd – The

Feasibility study and its effectiveness evaluation” by Indu K. bearing

Registration No.05 XQCM 6032 is a bonafide work done under my

guidance, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of MBA

degree by Bangalore University. To the best of my knowledge this report has

not formed the basis for the award of any other degree.

Place: Bangalore Prof. Jai Raj Nair


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PRINCIPAL’S CERTIFICATE This is to certify the project report entitled “An e-training

program for Deepti Electronics & Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd – The

Feasibility study and its effectiveness evaluation” has been prepared by

Indu K. bearing the registration No. 05 XQCM 6032 under the guidance

and supervision of Prof. Jai Raj Nair of M. P. Birla Institute of

Management (Associate Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan), Bangalore. This has not

formed the basis for the award of any degree/ diploma for any university

Place: Bangalore Principal

Date: (Dr. N. S. Malavalli)

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Table of contents

Particulars Page No. Executive Summary 2

Introduction 3

About the Company 6

Statement of the problem 7

Organization structure of DEEOPL 8

Introduction to the concept of e-Training 11

A brief history of e-Learning 13

Forms of e-Learning 16

Basic principles of e-Learning 18

Growth of e-Learning 23

Computer Based Training 25

Benefits of e-Training 34

About the study 41

Phase I - Feasibility Study 43

Phase II – Effectiveness Evaluation 51

Conclusion 52

Suggestions 52

Bibliography 53

Annexure I 54

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Executive Summary

The E-Training system is an effective tool for Organizations / Institutes who

intend to conduct training courses on the Internet / Intranet. It not only provides effective

learning for the participants but also assists the organization in evaluating them. e-

Learning began in IT departments more than a decade ago under the moniker computer-

based training (CBT). CBT courses were usually delivered on CD-ROM and have largely

been focused on providing technology skills. The traditional CBT model does have

drawbacks for teaching skills, like salesmanship, that require an interactive form of

instruction. Now e-training is expanding beyond CD-ROMs and onto the Web, fully

encompassing all the capabilities of this new medium. e-Training incorporates streaming

audio and video, interactive flash animations and PowerPoint slides into a compelling,

fully interactive learning experience.

Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) on the other hand, provide a

means for editing, managing and delivering learning contents. Instructional Designers can

utilize LCMS to arrange and edit courses/programs, and upload course content files. An

LCMS must be able to permit contents within the learning environment to be sharable,

allowing multiple users accessibility to the contents, so as to avoid content reproduction

and storage waste. In light of the streaming media content revolution, an LCMS must also

support streaming media services, delivering rich-media to the learning environments.

Deepti Electronics and Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd (DEEOPL) is a rapidly developing

company which provides indigenous high-tech design solutions in electronics (embedded

systems), electro-optics, avionics & automatic test equipments. Based in Bangalore,

Deepti provides surveillance solutions including platforms, thermal imagers, target

tracking systems and Software. The only known Indian company to make video trackers,

it has to its credit over 50 projects for DRDO, space, Public Sector Units & research labs.

After having participated in prestigious projects like light combat aircraft, unmanned air

vehicle, etc, Deepti is set to manufacture these systems.

The project deals with the entire process of an e-Training program starting from

the feasibility study till the feedback collection after implementation of the program.

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Technical advancement in India is at its peak. To attain technological competence

and self-reliance, it is necessary to reduce vulnerability, particularly in strategic and

critical areas, and thereby making the maximum use of indigenous resources. It can

provide the maximum gainful and satisfying employment to all strata of society, with

emphasis on the employment of women and weaker sections of society. It is possible to

use traditional skills and capabilities, making them commercially competitive. The

following areas require special consideration for the further technological development in


a) Ensure the correct mix between mass production technologies and production by the


b) Ensure maximum development with minimum capital outlay.

c) Identify obsolescence of technology in use and arrange for modernization of both

equipment and technology.

d) Develop technologies, which are internationally competitive, particularly those with

export potential.

e) Improve production speedily through greater efficiency and fuller utilization of

existing capabilities, and enhance the quality and reliability of performance and output.

f) Reduce demands on energy, particularly energy from non-renewable sources.

g) Ensure harmony with the environment, preserve the ecological balance and improve

the quality of the habitat and

h) Recycle waste material and make full utilization of by-products.

Educational Technology

Educational technology is a creative blending of "idea" and "product"

technologies with subject-matter content in order to engender and improve teaching and

learning processes. Educational technology is often associated with the terms

instructional technology or learning technology. "Product" technologies are tangible;

for example, computer hardware or software. "Idea" technologies are cognitive

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frameworks or schemes; for example, the Multiple Intelligence Theory proposed by

Howard Gardner. When products are thoughtfully blended with subject matter content

(such as mathematics or science concepts) for a specific audience in a specific

educational context (such as a school), one is using "educational technology."

The words educational and technology in the term educational technology have

the general meaning. Educational technology is not restricted to the education of children,

nor to the use of high technology. The particular case of the meaningful use of high-

technology to enhance learning in K-12 classrooms and higher education is known as

technology integration. Several universities have recently opened tracks for graduate

programs in the field of Educational Technology

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Strengthening the Technology Base

Research and Development, together with science and technology education and

training of a high order, will be accorded pride of place. The base of science and

technology consists of trained and skilled manpower at various levels, covering a wide

range of disciplines, and an appropriate institutional, legal and fiscal infrastructure.

Consolidation of the existing scientific base and selective strengthening of thrust areas in

it are essential. Special attention should be given to the promotion and strengthening of

the technology base in newly emerging and frontier areas such as information and

materials sciences, electronics and bio-technology. Education and training to upgrade

skills are also of utmost importance. Basic research and the building of centers of

excellence should be encouraged. Skills and skilled workers should be accorded special

recognition. The quality and efficiency of the technology generation and delivery systems

has to be continuously monitored and upgraded.

The project deals with a company, which makes use of their research and

development activities and manpower expertise, to develop world – class electronic &

electro-optic equipments.

The worldwide e-learning industry is estimated to be worth over 38 billion euros

according to conservative estimates, although in the European Union only about 20% of

e-learning products are produced within the common market. Developments in Internet

and multimedia technologies are the basic enabler of e-learning, with content,

technologies and services being identified as the three key sectors of the e-learning

industry, although it can be seen that there are two additional sectors, those being the

consulting and support sectors.

Organisations such as SkillSoft, Epic and LearningSteps.com are leading

innovators in the design and development of e-learning in the commercial world. Of

these, SkillSoft are by far the largest and most experienced company in the global e-

learning market, whilst Epic are the largest bespoke e-learning content providers.

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About the company In a country like ours surveillance systems are required for military, paramilitary

and other applications. Providing indigenous high-tech design solutions in electronics

(embedded systems), electro-optics, avionics & automatic test equipments, is a rapidly

developing company called Deepti Electronics & Electro Optics Pvt Ltd (DEEOPL).

Based in Bangalore, Deepti provides surveillance solutions including platforms, thermal

imagers, target tracking systems and Software. The only known Indian company to make

video trackers, it has to its credit over 50 projects for DRDO, space, Public Sector Units

& research labs. After having participated in prestigious projects like light combat

aircraft, unmanned air vehicle, etc, Deepti is set to manufacture these systems.

It focuses on design and development of Embedded Systems for applications

including, but not limited to, Avionics, Surveillance, Law Enforcement, Thermal

Imaging and Automatic Test Equipment. Deepti's success lies in its quality products,

excellent client relationships and on-time deliveries.

The company has 65 well-qualified engineers and is growing strong. Thus it has

qualified and experienced manpower to take a project from concept to completion.

DEEOPL develop & manufacture high technology products for Military, Industrial &

commercial customers. DEEOPL blends technological expertise with DRDO's expertise

covers many disciplines including embedded systems, Surveillance & Tracking, VHDL,

Automatic test equipments, general instrumentation and Microwave communication.

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Statement of the problem

As stated earlier, DEEOPL’s success lies in its quality products, excellent client

relationships and on-time deliveries. Since inception, the company concentrated on the

research and development activities to gain a competitive advantage in the electronics

and electro-optics equipments, which are unique in nature. Thus it’s clear that the work

force need to be highly competent and experienced.

It has 65 well-qualified engineers – Software Engineers, Hardware and Board

Design Engineers, Mechanical engineers and consultants. They work on a project-to-

project basis. All of them were given only an on- the- job technical training soon after

their recruitment. They were not given any management training or any aid for

personality development, since the company was totally focused on R&D only.

So DEEOPL is now trying to develop two types training programs.

1) Management training (non-technical) for existing employees at different levels.

2) Both Technical and Non-Technical for the fresh recruits.

They want to implement the first module of the e-training program, after

conducting a feasibility study. Once the training is given, a training effectiveness

evaluation also will be done to check the degree of success of the above-mentioned

program. So the project is aimed at ‘An e-training program for Deepti Electronics &

Electro-Optics Pvt Ltd – The Feasibility study and its effectiveness evaluation.

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Organization Structure of DEEOPL

Cognition and learning


Director Director Director


Project Manager

Project Lead

Senior engineer



Finance Officer

Admin Officer

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Cognition and learning is about the mechanisms by which people process

information. Since the Cognitive Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, learning theory has

undergone a great deal of change. Much of the theoretical framework of Behaviorism was

retained and a new paradigm was begun. Like the Behavioral learning theories of the

past, Cognitive learning theory is based on objective, empirical data. Cognitive theories

look beyond behavior to explain brain-based behavior.

New theoretical frameworks are emerging to complement the behavioral theories

of previous eras. Today researchers are concentrating on topics like Cognitive load,

Situated learning, and Information Processing Theory.

The technology that is in some of the schools today, do not support what students

are going to be doing in the real world job market.

Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS) Electronic Performance Support Systems can help an organization to reduce the

cost of training staff while increasing productivity and performance. It can empower an

employee to perform tasks with a minimum amount of external intervention or training.

By using this type of system an employee, especially a new employee, will not only be

able to complete their work more quickly and accurately, but as a secondary benefit they

will also learn more about their job and their employer's business.

However, an EPSS must be distinguished from a traditional online help system. In

her book, Glory Gery points out that on-line help usually supports a single software

application and is not necessarily focused on the entire range of job tasks (which may

involve multiple applications), but just that specific software. With online help, cross-

referencing is often not available and the information provided is limited and rarely

combined with procedures or complex tasks. Perhaps most critically, on-line help can not

be customized to the user or the job task; in fact, the same software screen may require

different inputs depending on the user and job task.

EPSS must also be differentiated from e-learning simulations that replay a series

of steps on-demand within a software application. Simulations are more closely

associated with on-demand training, not just-in-time support, because of the longer time

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considerations, complexity, and media restrictions for playing a simulation. Ted Gannan

(2007) describes this differentiation and states that an EPSS can considered part of the e-

learning category, as it is on-demand learning, and notes that the EPSS modality fits more

within the informal learning definition.

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Introduction to the concept of E-Training What is E-Learning/ E-Training?

The term E-Learning represents the concept of using computers and information

technology to teach and to learn. People often refer to it also as "E-Training". Where "E-

Training" refers to the educator side, "E-Learning" refers to the student side.

The E-Training system is an effective tool for Organizations / Institutes who

intend to conduct training courses on the Internet / Intranet. It not only provides effective

learning for the participants but also assists the organization in evaluating them.

The major features of the E-Training System include:

User Defined Courses

Exhaustive Databank

Exhaustive Question bank

Interactive Notice Board

Online Test Papers generated on-the-fly with Computerized Evaluation

Online Feedback

Companies such as IBM have started using interactive online courses to train their

employees. This approach is looking increasingly attractive for a host of reasons –

significant cost savings being one of them.

As any capable manager knows, teaching employees new skills is critical to a

smoothly run business. Having said that, however, the traditional route of classroom

instruction runs the risk of being expensive, slow and, oftentimes, ineffective. Perhaps the

classroom's greatest disadvantage is the fact that it takes employees out of their jobs.

Every minute an employee is sitting in a classroom training session is a minute they're

not out on the floor working. It now looks as if there is a way to circumvent these

traditional training drawbacks. E-training promises more effective teaching techniques by

integrating audio, video, animation, text and interactive materials with the intent of

teaching each student at his or her own pace. It is the case of the monitor versus the

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blackboard. But the real argument for online training may just be that it eliminates the

costs in both time and money of having to send the employees to seminars.

IBM, for instance, claims that the institution of its e-training program, Basic Blue,

whose purpose is to train new managers, saved the company in the range of $200 million

in 1999. Cutting the travel expenses required to bring employees and instructors to a

central classroom accounts for the lion's share of the savings. With an online course,

employees can learn from any Internet-connected PC, anywhere in the world. Worldwide,

there is growing pressure on training departments to provide a clear return on investment

for workplace training, and traditional programs are just not filling the bill.

However, nobody said this technology would be cheap. E-training service

providers, on the average, charge from $10,000 to $60,000 to develop one hour of online

instruction. This price varies depending on the complexity of the training topic and the

media used. HTML pages are a little cheaper to develop while streaming-video

presentations or flash animations cost more. Course content is just the starting place for

cost. A complete e-Learning solution also includes the technology platform (the

computers, applications and network connections that are used to deliver the courses).

This technology platform, known as a learning management system (LMS), can either be

installed onsite or outsourced.

Add to that cost the necessary investments in network bandwidth to deliver

multimedia courses, and you're left holding one heck of a bill. For the LMS infrastructure

and a dozen or so online courses, costs can top $500,000 in the first year. These kinds of

costs mean that custom e-Training is, for the time being, an option only for large

organizations. For those companies that have a large enough staff, the e-training concept

pays for itself. Aware of this fact, large companies are investing heavily in online


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A brief history of E-Learning

e-Learning began in IT departments more than a decade ago under the moniker

computer-based training (CBT). CBT courses were usually delivered on CD-ROM and

have largely been focused on providing technology skills. The traditional CBT model

does have drawbacks for teaching skills, like salesmanship, that require an interactive

form of instruction. Now e-training is expanding beyond CD-ROMs and onto the Web,

fully encompassing all the capabilities of this new medium. e-Training incorporates

streaming audio and video, interactive flash animations and PowerPoint slides into a

compelling, fully interactive learning experience.

As of right now, about 40% of all e-Training is still CD-ROM-based, but an

increasing number of courses are being delivered over company intranets and the world

wide web. About a third of these online courses include interaction with other people but

most programs still involve the learner and a computer. In 1999 the vast majority of all e-

Training was IT-related, but that area is expected to fall to less than half by 2003. There

are currently e-training courses being taught that embrace the entire gamut of business

issues, from topics as diverse as accounting to employee fitness.

e-Learning isn't expected to replace the classroom entirely. For one thing,

bandwidth limitations are still an issue in presenting multimedia over the Internet.

Furthermore, e-Training isn't suited to every mode of instruction or topic. For instance,

its rather ineffective imparting cultural values or building teams. If your company has a

unique corporate culture it would be difficult to convey that to first time employees

through a computer monitor. Group training sessions are more ideal for these purposes.

However, for teaching specific information and skills, e-Training holds great

promise. It can be especially effective at helping employees prepare for IT certification

programs. e-Learning also seems to effectively address topics such as sexual harassment

education, safety training and management training -- all areas where a clear set of

objectives can be identified. Ultimately, training experts recommend a "blended"

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approach that combines both online and in-person training as the instruction requires. E-

Learning is not an end-all solution. But if it helps decrease costs and windowless

classrooms filled with snoring students, it definitely has its advantages.

Given the new Internet technologies penetrating all domains of our lives, learning

is no exception to this phenomenon. The more mature Technologies get, the more

companies offer e-Training and e-Coaching programs to their employees, more and more

Universities create a special online curriculum and introduce distant learning systems.

The vast movement towards e-Learning is clearly motivated by the many benefits

it offers. However much e-Learning is praised and innovated, computers will never

completely eliminate human instructors and other forms of educational delivery. What is

important is to know exactly what e-Learning advantages exist and when these outweigh

the limitations of the medium.

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An e-Learning platform

The e-Learning platform refers to the actual delivery of learning contents from the

instructor to the learners. It can be broken down to two aspects, one is based on managing

the procedures of online learning instructions (LMS), and the other is the management of

learning contents (LCMS). Learning Management Systems (LMS) are where an

organizations learners/participants can register for courses, take instructional programs,

and participate in a variety of interactive learning activities and on-line assessments.

Furthermore, LMS also assist instructors/managers to manage administrative tasks,

collect learning records/reports and improve the corporate learning lifecycle.

Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) on the other hand, provide a

means for editing, managing and delivering learning contents. Instructional Designers can

utilize LCMS to arrange and edit courses/programs, and upload course content files. An

LCMS must be able to permit contents within the learning environment to be sharable,

allowing multiple users accessibility to the contents, so as to avoid content reproduction

and storage waste. In light of the streaming media content revolution, an LCMS must also

support streaming media services, delivering rich-media to the learning environments.

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Forms of e-Learning

The principles of e-Learning (also known as Internet-based learning) can be

applied to many fields of our everyday life, creating efficient learning organizations,

ensuring them a long and prosperous existence.

1) e-Learning - Online Universities, Schools

High schools and Universities, having a mature audience, are institutions of

higher education that can perfectly take advantage of the concept of e-Learning through:

- asynchronous teaching, leaving the student decide the pace of learning

- student-centered teaching, giving higher control to students over the curriculum

- multimedia integration, putting technology to best serve tomorrow’s individuals

- online exams, preparatory tests and term papers, maximizing the efficiency of teaching

and examining resources

- online library, concentrating relevant knowledge in one place though linking it to world

wide web of resources

2) e-Training - Business, Organizations

The concept of E-Learning beside Universities has been embraced by a whole lot

of business organizations:

- operating in competitive businesses, trying to get an advantage over their competitors

- reducing their employee education budget (save travel and opportunity costs) while

- raising the efficiency of the courses by doing them on the location of every single


- providing uniformity in education (the same curriculum, same trainer, same time, no


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3) e-Coaching - Training Including Online Consultation

It would be great, if an organization could get a daily feedback from their sales

force or customer relation team, if they have the possibility to coach them in difficult

situations, All of them, at the same time, in different parts of their sales region.

That is exactly what e-Coaching is about, the combination of permanent consultation and

the cost and time saving concept of e-Learning.

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Basic Principles of e-Learning

e-Learning and e-Training concepts have taken over many elements from

traditional classroom-based teaching, as these principles have developed during many

centuries and are just a part of the picture people have about teaching and learning.

However the new environment created by the Internet, supported by innovative

technologies gave birth to new principles as well as improved traditional ones:

- asynchronous vs. synchronous learning, where students and trainees learn on their own

or in a supervised group;

- student or teacher centered learning, depending on whether the student or the teacher

stands in the leading position determining the pace of progress;

- individual or group centered learning, taken advantage of either the undivided attention

granted to one single student or of the benefits and influences of a group;

- informal communication, creating opportunities and “institutions” on the online

teaching platform for information exchange.

Features Unique to e-Learning Like no other training form, e-Learning promises to provide a single experience

that accommodates the three distinct learning styles of auditory learners, visual learners,

and kinesthetic learners. Other unique opportunities created by the advent and

development of e-Learning are more efficient training of a globally dispersed audience;

and reduced publishing and distribution costs as Web-based training becomes a standard.

e-Learning also offers individualized instruction, which print media, cannot

provide, and instructor-led courses allow clumsily and at great cost. In conjunction with

assessing needs, e-Learning can target specific needs. And by using learning style tests,

e-Learning can locate and target individual learning preferences.

Additionally, synchronous e-Learning is self-paced. Advanced learners are

allowed to speed through or bypass instruction that is redundant while novices slow their

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own progress through content, eliminating frustration with themselves, their fellow

learners, and the course.

In these ways, e-Learning is inclusive of a maximum number of participants with

a maximum range of learning styles, preferences, and needs.

The most notable advantages of e-learning are flexibility, convenience and the

ability to work at your own pace. E-classes are asynchronous which allows learners to

participate and complete coursework in accordance with their daily commitments. This

makes an e-learning education a viable option for those that have other commitments

such as family or work.

Other advantages of e-learning include the ability to communicate with fellow

classmates from around the country, a greater adaptability to learner's needs, more variety

in learning experience with the use of multimedia and the non-verbal presentation of

teaching material. Video instruction provides visual and audio learning that can be

reviewed as often as needed. For organizations with distributed and constantly changing

learners (e.g. restaurant staff), e-learning has huge benefits when compared with

organizing classroom training.

Disadvantages of e-learning include the lack of face-to-face interaction with a

teacher. Critics of e-learning argue that the process is no longer "educational" in the

highest philosophical sense (for example, as defined by RS Peters, a philosopher of

education). Supporters of E-learning claim that this criticism is largely unfounded, as

human interactions can readily be encouraged through audio or video-based web-

conferencing programs, threaded discussion boards,of fact, many in K12 would support

e-learning if it was not associated with the more extreme versions that attempt to cut out

the directed teacher-student relationship.

The feeling of isolation experienced by distance learning students is also often

cited, although discussion forums and other computer-based communication can in fact

help ameliorate this and in particular can often encourage students to meet face-to-face

and form self-help groups. Discussion groups can also be formed on-line. Human

interaction, faculty-to-student as well as student-to-student, should be encouraged in any


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Web and software development in particular can be expensive as can systems

specifically geared for e-learning. The development of adaptive materials is also much

more time-consuming than that of non-adaptive ones. Consequently, some of the cost is

often forwarded to the students as online college courses tend to cost more than

traditional courses. However, there are transportation cost (and time) benefits with not

having to commute to and from campus.

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The Learning organization The old folk wisdom says that we all learn throughout our entire life. This has

become especially true in today’s highly competitive business and academic life. The

learning organization is the institutionalized form of life-long learning. This concept

- allows you to spread the information through the network

- reaches every single individual in your organization

- ensures continuous learning, hence a competitive advantage

- facilitates formal and informal communication in the organization

Collaborative Learning All collaborative learning theory contends that human interaction is a vital

ingredient to learning. Consideration of this is particularly crucial when designing E-

Learning, realizing the potential for the medium to isolate learners. With well-delivered

synchronous distance education, and technology like message boards, chats, e-mail, and

teleconferencing, this potential drawback is reduced. However, e-Learning detractors still

argue that the magical classroom bond between teacher and student, and among the

students themselves, cannot be replicated through communications technology.

Collaborative learning is an umbrella term for a variety of approaches in

education that involve joint intellectual effort by students or students and teachers.

Collaborative learning refers to methodologies and environments in which learners

engage in a common task in which each individual depends on and is accountable to each

other. Groups of students work together in searching for understanding, meaning or

solutions or in creating an artifact of their learning such as a product. The approach is

closely related to cooperative learning. Collaborative learning activities can include

collaborative writing, group projects, and other activities. Collaborative learning has

taken on many forms. One form is Collaborative Networked Learning for the self-

directed adult learner. Youth directed collaboration, another form of self-directed

organizing and learning, relies on a novel, more radical concept of youth voice.

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) has emerged as a new

educational paradigm among researchers and practitioners in several fields, including

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cognitive sciences, sociology, computer engineering. It thus constitutes a new trans-

disciplinary field.

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is a research topic on

supporting collaborative learning with the help of computers. It is related to Computer

Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). CSCL cuts across research in psychology,

computer science, and education.

CSCL supports and facilitates group processes and group dynamics in ways that

are not achievable by face-to-face, but they are not designed to replace face-to-face

communication. This type of learning is typically tailored for use by multiple learners

working at the same workstation or across networked machines, working synchronously

or asynchronously. The purpose of CSCL is to scaffold or support students in learning

together effectively. This system can support communicating ideas and information,

accessing information and documents, and providing feedback on problem-solving


The most resilient features of the evolving field of CSCL include an emphasis on

collaborative aspects of learning as well as individual ones, an identification of social

interactions as an important element of knowledge construction, a focus on the learner(s)

and their activities, a shift towards technological environments that promote authentic

group learning, and finally, an increasing role for all technological artefacts that form a

global network. People promoting CSCL generally target the acquisition of higher-order

thinking skills, problem solving abilities, epistemic fluency and the collaborative

improvement of knowledge within a field of practice. This demands the analysis of

processes (rather than just products) within complex and authentic contexts.

CSCL is much more ambitious than previous approaches of ICT-support in

education. It is therefore more difficult to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of

CSCL activities. Nonetheless, all actors involved in ‘e-learning’, and more specifically in

CSCL processes, – from policy makers to everyday practitioners – need to have evidence

of whether, how and when expected improvements in learning take place. Significant

effort is required to provide systematic evaluation of innovative projects, the specific

experiences within an action/research framework, the new CSCL systems developed, and

so on.

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Growth of e-Learning

e-Learning is naturally suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but can

also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term Blended

learning is commonly used.

In higher education especially, the increasing tendency is to create a Virtual

Learning Environment (VLE) (which is sometimes combined with a Managed

Information System (MIS) to create a Managed Learning Environment) in which all

aspects of a course are handled through a consistent user interface standard throughout

the institution. A growing number of physical universities, as well as newer online-only

colleges, have begun to offer a select set of academic degree and certificate programs via

the Internet at a wide range of levels and in a wide range of disciplines. While some

programs require students to attend some campus classes or orientations, many are

delivered completely online. In addition, several universities offer online student support

services, such as online advising and registration, e-counselling, online textbook

purchase, student governments and student newspapers.

e-Learning can also refer to educational web sites such as those offering learning

scenarios, worksheets and interactive exercises for children. The term is also used

extensively in the business sector where it generally refers to cost-effective online


Creating an Effective Online Learning Environment

An abundance of research has been done to determine the effectiveness of online

learning. In reading through the research you’ll find the conclusions from one researcher

to another to be ambiguous. Regardless of the research conclusions, there is agreement

that the crafting of an online course is important to student success

Key elements of an effective online course

1. As with any learning environment, know your audience. Respect your audience.

2. Develop the course around clearly defined learning objectives and goals, and

clearly communicate these to the learners.

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3. Special attention must be given to how online courses are displayed. Artistry is

not the goal. Instead, focus on organization to allow ease of navigation and

learning enhancement. Graphics should present information to support learning.

Attention must be given to student skill levels and equipment limitations when

embedding audio, video, and web links.

4. Create a collaborative community spirit by requiring sharing activities between

students and teachers, ensuring constructive criticism, maintaining motivation,

and providing assessment tools with timely feedback.

5. Keep the learning environment flexible. Individual needs, interests, and objectives

must be considered, but should not become the end in itself. Knowledge must be

built on in real-time and customized to meet educational goals.

6. Technical support services must be made available to train and provide ongoing

support for both learners and instructor.

7. Provide related links and resource listings to support and enhance the body of


8. On-line learning web pages must be maintained to ensure up-to-date relevance

Services E-learning services have evolved since computers were first used in education. There is a

trend to move toward blended learning services, where computer-based activities are

integrated with practical or classroom-based situations.

Computer Based Learning Computer Based Learning, sometimes abbreviated CBL, refers to the use of computers as

a key component of the educational environment. While this can refer to the use of

computers in a classroom, the term more broadly refers to a structured environment in

which computers are used for teaching purposes. The concept is generally seen as being

distinct from the use of computers in ways where learning is at least a peripheral element

of the experience (e.g. computer games and web browsing)

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Computer Based Training

Computer-based training (CBT) services are where a student learns by executing

special training programs on a computer relating to their occupation. CBT is especially

effective for training people to use computer applications because the CBT program can

be integrated with the applications so that students can practice using the application as

they learn. Historically, CBTs growth has been hampered by the enormous resources

required: human resources to create a CBT program, and hardware resources needed to

run it. However, the increase in PC computing power, and especially the growing

prevalence of computers equipped with CD-ROMs, is making CBT a more viable option

for corporations and individuals alike. Many PC applications now come with some

modest form of CBT, often called a tutorial Web-based training (WBT) is a type of

training that is similar to CBT; however, it is delivered over the Internet using a web

browser. Web-based training frequently includes interactive methods, such as bulletin

boards, chat rooms, instant messaging, videoconferencing, and discussion threads. WBT

is usually a self-paced learning medium, however some systems allow for online testing

and evaluation at specific times.

Reusability, Standards and learning Objects Much effort has been put into the technical reuse of electronically-based teaching

materials and in particular creating or re-using Learning Objects. These are self contained

units that are properly tagged with keywords, or other metadata, and often stored in an

XML file format. Creating a course requires putting together a sequence of learning

objects. There are both proprietary and open, non-commercial and commercial, peer-

reviewed repositories of learning objects such as the Merlot repository.

A common standard format for e-learning content is SCORM whilst other

specifications allow for the transporting of "learning objects" (Schools Interoperability

Framework) or categorizing meta-data (LOM).

These standards themselves are early in the maturity process the oldest being 8

years old. They are also relatively vertical specific: SIF is primarily pK-12, LOM is

primarily Corp, Military and Higher Ed, and SCORM is primarily Military and Corp with

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some Higher Ed. PESC- the Post-Secondary Education Standards Council- is also making

headway in developing standards and learning objects for the Higher Ed space, while SIF

is beginning to seriously turn towards Instructional and Curriculum learning objects.

In the US pK12 space there are a host of content standards that are critical as well- the

NCES data standards are a prime example. Each state government's content standards and

achievement benchmarks are critical metadata for linking e-learning objects in that space.

Computer Aided Assessment and Learning Design Computer-aided Assessment (also but less commonly referred to as E-

assessment), ranging from automated multiple-choice tests to more sophisticated systems

is becoming increasingly common. With some systems, feedback can be geared towards a

student's specific mistakes or the computer can navigate the student through a series of

questions adapting to what the student appears to have learned or not learned. Most

software for this is still very primitive however.

The term Learning Design has sometimes come to refer to the type of activity

enabled by software such as the open-source system LAMS which supports sequences of

activities that can be both adaptive and collaborative. The IMS Learning Design

specification is intended as a standard format for learning designs, and IMS LD Level A

is supported in LAMS V2.

The first general-purpose system for computer-assisted instruction from which e-

learning evolved, was the PLATO System developed at The University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign.The Plato system evolved with the involvement of Control Data who

created the first authoring software used to create learning content. The authoring

software was called Plato. The Science Research Council then wrote the first CAI system

of Math for K-6. Wicat Systems then created WISE as their authoring tool using Pascal

and developed English and Math curriculum for K-6. The very first complete CAI

classroom for K-6 students was set up at the Waterford Elementary School in Utah using

the Wicat system. The first public CAI classroom with its own layout and design was

implemented with the Wicat System by Baal Systems (later known as Virtual Systems) in

e-Learning Software Platforms

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Knowledge Forum


ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System

(LCMS) designed with accessible and adaptability in mind. It is a tool used to develop

and manage online courses, much like other Learning Management Systems (LMS), but

with the added ability to create, share, and manage learning content.

ANGEL Learning, Inc. develops and markets enterprise e-learning software

globally. Products include ANGEL Learning Management Suite and ANGEL ePortfolio.

ANGEL may be used to create a virtual learning environment (VLEs) for institutions ranging

from elementary schools and districts to higher education and corporate training centers.

The company subscribes to a philosophy of openness and community-based product

development.Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, ANGEL Learning was founded in

July 2000. ANGEL Learning and ANGEL LMS evolved from research and teaching

experience at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. The initial research

system deployed in 1996 became Indiana University's OnCourse.

ANGEL LMS was created using the early system concepts and was made more

generally applicable and maintainable with a tailorable user interface, flexible backend

database integration, and a high performance, reliable component architecture.ANGEL

Learning has grown from a campus-based organization of university researchers and

instructors to an established global software provider with ties to the academic


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ANGEL Learning Management Suite (ANGEL LMS)

provides enterprise software capabilities for teaching and learning, K12 through

higher education and beyond. The suite includes a Learning Object Repository (LOR)

and ANGEL LIVE synchronous tools, open database schema and other features.ANGEL

Learning Management Suite received one of the 2006 Software & Information Industry

Association Codie awards for Best Postsecondary Course Management Solution.ANGEL

ePortfolioANGEL ePortfolio provides students with a digital destination for learning

objects and certified artifacts. Institutional assessment and reporting tools are provided

for accreditation management. Features include:Custom rubrics, system-wide reporting,

blogging, certified artifacts, LMS integration, published data base schema.

Fle3 is a Web-based learning environment or virtual learning environment. More

precisely Fle3 is server software for computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL).

Fle3 is designed to support learner and group centered work that concentrates on

creating and developing expressions of knowledge (i.e. knowledge artefacts). Fle3

supports study groups to implement knowledge building, creative problem solving and

scientific method in an inquiry learning process.

Fle3 user interface is translated to more than 20 languages including most of the

European languages and Chinese. Fle3 is used in more than 70 countries.

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Why use an e-Learning Program?

By diverging from the standard classroom methodologies, e-Learning is able to

capitalize on the growing worldwide desire for on-demand learning. People in different

physical locations, time zones and possibly even speakers of different languages can all

participate in the same e-Learning program. Successful e-Learning programs are able to

deliver consistent learning contents at a significant time and cost saving manner

comparing to the traditional approaches.

A well-designed e-Learning program will integrate various forms of media, such

as video and audio clips, PowerPoint presentations, Word or PDF documents in addition

to books and papers. The specific methods and content used in a given program will

depend on the nature of the training and the program goals of the trainers. As high-speed

network connections are becoming a standard around the world, the Internet and

corporate intranets are the most common tools for the delivery of E-Learning programs,

though CD or DVD-ROMs play a small role too.

What are some applications of e-Learning? The potential applications of e-Learning programs are almost endless. Some of

the more common uses of e-Learning programs are:

Multi-National Corporations –

With bases in different geographical areas, simply by utilizing the Internet, these

geographical barriers become insignificant and centralized training programs can be

executed around the world. There are many companies who have tied up with educational

institutions and training institutes to impart training for their employees. This ensures a

constant learning organization and overall development of their manpower. Also HR

departments of such companies can then concentrate more on their core competencies

and other employee development activities.

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Organization with ongoing Training Program –

e-Learning allows new learners to join the program at any time with no disruption

to instructors or other students. Instructors can update course material at any point to

keep current and up to date.

Distance Learning Programs –

For educational organizations wishing to expand distance-learning programs by

utilizing e-Learning, students who are unable to attend regular classes due to

geographical or temporal conflicts are now able to join the program. Several universities

such as the Indira Gandhi National Open University, the Symbiosis Institute of

Management etc have started with this method of imparting education to the masses. It

has helped many working professionals who are unable to attend the regular classroom


Ongoing Training for Corporate Sales Staff –

As sales staff needs to have the newest and most up-to-date information, e-

Learning allows the manufacturers, distributors and retailers to educate sales staff without

having to make a trip for such a short training seminar. Videoconferencing &

teleconferencing have been the vital tools for online training and feedback between senior

and subordinate line staffs at various levels of the organization. The use of VSAT,

broadband connections and leased line internet connections have now removed the

geographical boundaries world over.

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Concept advantages

Applying Internet technologies changes the entire concept of learning, reducing

lots of training and learning related costs. Some of the benefits by the use of this concept


- it saves travel costs of the trainer and trainee

- it significantly reduces travel time

- it reduces stationery costs

- saving a great amount of opportunity costs

- while integrating lots of media used to teach and learn

- allowing for productive informal communication

Are there any drawbacks to e-Learning programs? Unfortunately, simply implementing an e-Learning program does not mean that

you will instantly see increased productivity or cost savings. It takes time to develop and

implement a truly effective e-Learning program. In addition, to simply gathering

materials, you will also need to assess how your e-Learners want to and are best able to

learn. Some people are not well suited to independent, or computer-dependent learning.

Managing the content of an e-Learning program will take time and possibly a coordinated

team effort, especially in industries prone to rapid change. These are indeed challenges,

but they are not overwhelming and can be overcome.

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Advantages of e-Learning to the Trainer or to the Organization Some of the most outstanding advantages to the trainer or organization are:

• Reduced overall cost is the single most influential factor in adopting e-Learning.

The elimination of costs associated with instructor's salaries, meeting room rentals, and

student travel, lodging, and meals are directly quantifiable. The reduction of time spent

away from the job by employees may be the most positive offshoot.

• Learning times reduced, an average of 40 to 60 percent, as found by Brandon Hall

(Web-based Training Cookbook, 1997, p. 108).

• Increased retention and application to the job averages an increase of 25 percent

over traditional methods, according to an independent study by J.D. Fletcher (Multimedia

Review, Spring 1991, pp.33-42).

• Consistent delivery of content is possible with asynchronous, self-paced e-


• Expert knowledge is communicated, but more importantly captured, with good e-

Learning and knowledge management systems.

• Proof of completion and certification, essential elements of training initiatives,

can be automated.

Advantages to the Learner Along with the increased retention, reduced learning time, and other

aforementioned benefits to students, particular advantages of e-Learning include:

• On-demand availability enables students to complete training conveniently at off-

hours or from home.

• Self-pacing for slow or quick learners reduces stress and increases satisfaction.

• Interactivity engages users, pushing them rather than pulling them through


• Confidence that refresher or quick reference materials are available reduces

burden of responsibility of mastery.

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Disadvantages to the Trainer or Organization e-Learning is not an end to every training need. It does have limitations, among them:

• Up-front investment required of an e-Learning solution is larger due to

development costs. Budgets and cash flows will need to be negotiated.

• Technology issues that play a factor include whether the existing technology

infrastructure can accomplish the training goals, whether additional tech expenditures can

be justified, and whether compatibility of all software and hardware can be achieved.

• Inappropriate content for e-Learning may exist according to some experts, though

are limited in number. Even the acquisition of skills that involve complex physical/motor

or emotional components (for example, juggling or mediation) can be augmented with e-


• Cultural acceptance is an issue in organizations where student demographics and

psychographics may predispose them against using computers at all, let alone for e-


Disadvantages to the Learner The ways in which e-Learning may not excel over other training include:

• Technology issues of the learners are most commonly technophobia and

unavailability of required technologies.

• Portability of training has become a strength of e-Learning with the proliferation

of network linking points, notebook computers, PDAs, and mobile phones, but still does

not rival that of printed workbooks or reference material.

• Reduced social and cultural interaction can be a drawback. The impersonality,

suppression of communication mechanisms such as body language, and elimination of

peer-to-peer learning that are part of this potential disadvantage are lessening with

advances in communications technologies.

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Benefits of E-Training

Benefits Description Technology has revolutionized business;

now it must revolutionize learning.

The need to transform how organizations

learn points to a more modern, efficient,

and flexible alternative: e-Learning. The

mission of corporate e-Learning is to

supply the workforce with an up-to-date

and cost-effective program that yields

motivated, skilled, and loyal knowledge


Anywhere, anytime, anyone. We estimate that approximately 80% of the

professional workforce already uses

computers on the job. Technical obstacles,

such as access, standards, infrastructure,

and bandwidth, will not be an issue two

years from now. The growth of the World

Wide Web, high-capacity corporate

networks, and high-speed desktop

computers will make learning available to

people 24 hours a day, seven days a week

around the globe. This will enable

businesses to distribute training and critical

information to multiple locations easily and

conveniently. Employees can then access

training when it is convenient for them, at

home or in the office.

Substantial cost savings due to elimination

of travel expenses.

The biggest benefit of e-Learning,

however, is that it eliminates the expense

and inconvenience of getting the instructor

and students in the same place. Opting for

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e-training also means that courses can be

pared into shorter sessions and spread out

over several days or weeks so that the

business would not lose an employee for

entire days at a time.

Just-in-time access to timely information.

Web-based products allow instructors to

update lessons and materials across the

entire network instantly. This keeps content

fresh and consistent and gives students

immediate access to the most current data.

Information can be retrieved just before it

is required, rather than being learned once

in a classroom and subsequently forgotten.

Training Magazine reported that

technology-based training has proven to

have a 50–60% better consistency of

learning than traditional classroom learning


Higher retention of content through

personalized learning.

Since they can customize the learning

material to their own needs, students have

more control over their learning process

and can better understand the material,

leading to a 60% faster learning curve,

compared to instructor-led training. The

delivery of content in smaller units, called

"chunks," contributes further to a more

lasting learning effect. Whereas the average

content retention rate for an instructor-led

class is only 58%, the more intensive e-

Learning experience enhances the retention

rate by 25 – 60%.

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Improved collaboration and interactivity among students.

Teaching and communication techniques

which create an interactive online

environment include case studies, story-

telling, demonstrations, role-playing,

simulations, streamed videos, online

references, personalized coaching and

mentoring, discussion groups, project

teams, chat rooms, e-mail, bulletin boards,

tips, tutorials, FAQs, and wizards. Distance

education can be more stimulating and

encourage more critical reasoning than a

traditional large instructor-led class

because it allows the kind of interaction

that takes place most fully in small group


Online training is less intimidating than instructor-led courses.

Students taking an online course enter a

risk-free environment in which they can try

new things and make mistakes without

exposing themselves. This characteristic is

particularly valuable when trying to learn

soft skills, such as leadership and decision-

making. A good learning program shows

the consequences of students’ actions and

where/why they went wrong. This

eliminates the embarrassment of failure in

front of a group.

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Additional benefits of E-Learning

Benefits Description Learner Controlled Technology has given the individual

greater authority over the learning

environment. Learning does not have to

occur in a classroom. It may occur at one's

own desk or the home.

Self-Paced An individual may proceed through a

course or program as the information is

fully comprehended. Students can convert

information to knowledge on their own


Uniformity of Content

The information delivered can be

consistent to all users, therefore reducing

the possibility for misinterpretations.

Customizable Content Information can be developed with

individual users in mind. Courses and

programs can be created to deal with each

individual's strengths and weaknesses.

Content Updated Quickly Product and procedural changes can be

updated and delivered in real-time. This

increases the rate at which knowledge is

acquired, which is especially important in

the corporate market.

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Learning management benefits of E-Learning

Benefits Description Modularity of presentation The content’s architecture is modular,

which facilitates different construction of

learning events, both in design and length.

Manageable structure

The electronic infrastructure supports

managed (and measurable) interaction

between advisors and learners.

Ability to measure the effectiveness of program

E-Learning software empowers

administrators to track performance and

measure ROI. In addition, monitoring

usage by learners is simpler; i.e., the

number of downloads per user can be

measured. This helps training managers

evaluate cost-effectiveness and provides

assistance with license negotiations based

on estimated usage.

Simpler data management The rapid rate with which new learning

products are introduced and older products

become obsolete create a challenge for

individuals charged with updating libraries.

However, if a single version of each

product is kept on a host, users get

instantaneous access to updated


Greater storage capacity The Internet host has much greater capacity

than most physical locations or a user’s

hard drive. This allows learners access to

more products and lets the advisor mix and

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match courseware activities to fit specific

needs. Learners can preview presentations

of different courses prior to selecting one,

or they can access a specific slide from


Individual education programs (IEPs) can

be generated from a combination of the

historical record of the students’ prior

learning (from monitored usage)

As students progress, information is

delivered based on what they’ve learned

and how they’ve performed. For example, a

student would log onto the learning server

and a customized course would be

generated from the content database that

knows which courses the learner took, how

well she did, what her job description is,

what problem is most pressing. This

dimension serves to focus the curriculum

only on skill gaps, saving organizations

both time and money. A byproduct of IEPs,

in our view, is increased motivation from

the self-centered nature of the experience.

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The ROI of E-Training

According to Training Magazine, corporations save between 50-70% when

replacing instructor-led training with electronic content delivery. Opting for e-Learning

also means that courses can be pared into shorter sessions and spread out over several

days or weeks so that the business would not lose an employee for entire days at a time.

Employees prefer learning this way. That's the message of a 2005 survey of 1,200

New Zealand and Australian companies by recruitment firm Chandler Macleod. General

manager John Harland says their survey also showed that offering comprehensive

education and training is fundamental to attracting and retaining employees, "and because

one of the main barriers to further study is time, we have seen a parallel increase in

demand for e-Learning."

Here are some bottom line savings:

• Motorola calculates that every $1 it spends on training translates to $30 in

productivity gains within three years.

• Cisco Systems saves at least $240 million annually from its education budget by

using e-training; executives figure that per student, the company saves $12,000 it would

have to spend to send each employee to four classes a year, with travel to half of the

courses -- and that number doesn't include lost-opportunity costs.

• Oracle estimates that e-Learning saves the firm $100 million a year.

• Barclays Bank saved an estimated $1.5 million by moving its leadership

development program online. Over 1,600 days of leadership training were delivered via

the Internet in 2004.

Do the Benefits Outweigh the Drawbacks?

The pro's and con's of e-Learning vary depending on program goals, target

audience and organizational infrastructure and culture. But it is unarguable that e-

Learning is rapidly growing as form of training delivery and most are finding that the

clear benefits to e-Learning will guarantee it a role in their overall learning strategy.

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About the study

DEEOPL focuses on design and development of Embedded Systems for

applications including, but not limited to, Avionics, Surveillance, Law Enforcement,

Thermal Imaging and Automatic Test Equipment. This requires a group of highly

efficient engineers who has got expertise in the field of Electrical & Electronics

Engineering. They have, at present 65 engineers working for several projects.

As a part of their so called renovation process, they are planning to give training

for their employees, an on-the-job training on the recently restructured employment

policies. Thus the whole project is divided into two phases:

Phase-1 It concentrates on the feasibility study, which was conducted.

The methodology used- one to one Interview with all employees

Phase-2 It concentrates on the training effectiveness evaluation of the above

mentioned training.

The methodology used –An online test and feedback form.

The complete project was done in five different steps, which are as follows:

1) Setting a training goal

2) Learning objectives

3) Learning methods and activities

4) Documentation/Evidence of learning

5) Evaluation

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The below given is a diagrammatic view of the whole project done for


Learning objectives


Training goal

Learning methods / activities

Documentation / evidence of learning

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The process in detail


Training Goal A training goal is a short, concise, general statement of the overall purpose of a

training program or activity.

In this context, the training goal is to make the employees, aware of the recently

restructured, employment policies.

Learning Objectives Objectives are statements which describe what the learner is expected to achieve

as a result of instruction. Because they direct attention to the learner and the types of

behaviors they should exhibit, sometimes these statements are called “behavioral”


Purposes of Objectives – By knowing where you intend to go, you increase the chances of you and the learner

ending up there

– Guides the teacher relative to the planning of instruction, delivery of instruction and

evaluation of student achievement.

– Guides the learner; helps him/her focus and set priorities

– Allows for analysis in terms of the levels of teaching and learning

Robert Mager is the third titan of instructional design, and his 1962 book,

Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction, influenced school systems for decades

and continues to shape the vast majority of corporate training programs developed today.

Mager argued for the use of specific, measurable objectives that both guide designers

during courseware development and aid students in the learning process. These

instructional objectives, also known as "behavioral" and "performance" objectives, can be

applied directly in Gagne's second event of instruction, which is to inform learners of


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Mager's Theory of Behavioral Objectives

In the design of instructional materials, training needs are first analyzed and the

learning goals of the program are determined. Mager's central concept is that a learning

goal should be broken into a subset of smaller tasks or learning objectives. By his

definition, a behavioral objective should have three components:

1. Behavior. The behavior should be specific and observable.

2. Condition. The conditions under which the behavior is to be completed should be

stated, including what tools or assistance is to be provided.

3. Standard. The level of performance that is desirable should be stated, including

an acceptable range of answers that are allowable as correct.

Today, the performance objectives in most training programs ignore an indication

of the conditions and standards. When these are omitted, it is assumed that the conditions

involve normal workplace conditions, and standards are set at perfection. What is always

included, however, is the most important criteria for a valuable objective - a written

indication of the behavior using measurable or observable verbs.

According to Mager, vague verbs such as "understand," "know," or "learn about"

should be replaced with more specific verbs. The list that follows provides some of the

verbs appropriate for use with the statement "At the conclusion of this lesson you will be

able to:"

• list

• identify

• state

• describe

• define

• solve

• compare and contrast

• operate

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The learning objective was set for DEEOPL, after conducting a one to one

interaction with all their employees. As mentioned in the early part of this report, they

have employees working for them at nine different levels. The interview was centered on

the following aspects:

1) Attitude of the employee

2) Clarity of thoughts

3) Communication/soft skills

4) Clarity about their individual duties and responsibilities

5) Clarity about their existing employment policies

6) Feel for a customized training program

7) Know how about an E-Training program

8) The extent to which they are comfortable with the concept of E-Training

The result of the interview was then documented so that the various issues the

training can come to picture and they can be discussed with the top management. The

decisions regarding the suitability of the program, whether some modifications need to be

inducted in the program could be decided by this sort of activity.

How effective the e-Learning program has been to the employees, ie the receivers

opinion, views and degree of learning from the program can also be determined by the

feedback. The employees

The hardware, technology, network, and the technical people need to be determined well

before the actual implementation of the program takes place. The IT infrastructure is to

be such that the network and technology reaches each and every employee.

DEEOPL’s IT infrastructure also support the concept in a way that it connects all the

employees and their respective department through intranet. Thus from the organizations

point of view, e-Training program is totally feasible.

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The results of interaction with the employees

As stated earlier an interview was conducted for every employee for assessing the

training need and to fix the best training method to be adopted. The above given

pictorial representation conveys the idea that 60% of their employees are less aware

of employment policies. At the same time 10% (middle and top management

people), of them seem to be fully aware of the employment policies. The rest of the

employees seem to be somewhat aware of the employment policies though they don’t

have the exact idea of the policies. It is clear from the study that, training on

Fully Aware (15% )

Somewhat aware (25%)

Less aware of the employment policy (60% of the employees are in this category)

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employment policies is quite essential for DEEOPL employees. Thus it was decided

to give them training on the same.

Also the respondents conveyed the message that they are extremely comfortable with

the concept of e-Training and also agreed the fact that it would be faster and easier for

them to comprehend the whole learning process.

The response from the employees could be diagrammatically represented as follows:

Employee Response to the concept of e-Training

strongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagree

Of all the employees, seventy-five percent of them strongly agree to the concept of

introducing e-training in the organization, fifteen percent of them agree to the

concept, and only five percentage of them took a neutral stand. Only a handful of

people, that is five percent denied the concept.

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Learning methods and objectives

Knowledge Skills Attitude

Knowledge, Skills,

and Attitudes

needed to match

learning methods

to the learning

objective and



a) Knowledge of

various learning


b)Understanding of

learning styles

c)Understanding of

how to match

learning methods to

objectives and


a) Ability to use

several different

learning methods

b) Ability to select

appropriate method

to meet stated



c) Ability to


introduce and direct

group activities

based on learning

activities for




a) Willingness to try

new things and take


b) Step out of


zone, learn from


c) Commitment to


the learning style

needs of every


This is the design phase (which is usually closely integrated with the development

phase), trainers work from learning goals to Design a training system that learners and

trainers can implement to meet the learning goals. This phase also typically includes

identifying learning objectives (which culminate in reaching the learning goals), needed

facilities, necessary funding, course content, lessons and the sequence of lessons. The

various training media are selected, e.g., instructor-led, computer-based, World Wide

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Web-based, self-directed, interactive and computer-based, or multi-media. Course

content is often piloted during the development phase, or initially tested, to ensure the

content is understandable. Therefore, this design phase can also include identifying

evaluation criteria to evaluate if course content is understandable by learners.

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The Learning method The learning method adopted in this case was E-Training as it is the most cost

effective and less time consuming method. As it is all their employees were provided a

computer, which were all interconnected with help of intranet. Thus it became a very

feasible solution for the company authority to implement an E-training on the

employment policies.

Computer-based training (CBT) services are where a student learns by executing

special training programs on a computer relating to their occupation. CBT is especially

effective for training people to use computer applications because the CBT program can

be integrated with the applications so that students can practice using the application as

they learn. Historically, CBTs growth has been hampered by the enormous resources

required: human resources to create a CBT program, and hardware resources needed to

run it. However, the increase in PC computing power, and especially the growing

prevalence of computers equipped with CD-ROMs, is making CBT a more viable option

for corporations and individuals alike. Many PC applications now come with some

modest form of CBT, often called a tutorial Web-based training (WBT) is a type of

training that is similar to CBT; however, it is delivered over the Internet using a web

browser. Web-based training frequently includes interactive methods, such as bulletin

boards, chat rooms, instant messaging, videoconferencing, and discussion threads. WBT

is usually a self-paced learning medium, however some systems allow for online testing

and evaluation at specific times.

Much effort has been put into the technical reuse of electronically-based

teaching materials and in particular creating or re-using Learning Objects. These are self

contained units that are properly tagged with keywords, or other metadata, and often

stored in an XML file format. Creating a course requires putting together a sequence of

learning objects. There are both proprietary and open, non-commercial and commercial,

peer-reviewed repositories of learning objects such as the Merlot repository.

A common standard format for e-learning content is SCORM whilst other

specifications allow for the transporting of "learning objects" (Schools Interoperability

Framework) or categorizing meta-data (LOM).

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As mentioned in the first phase, DEEOPL implemented the e-Training program

on employment policies. The employees were given one-week time to learn all the

policies. In order to find out how effective the learning procedure was, an online test was

conducted. The objective behind this was to find out how effective the electronic mode

of learning was and whether it could be a mode that could be implemented in the


Documentation/Evidence of learning An online test for the program was conducted, to ensure that the employees are

fully aware of the employment policies. The test results proved that the program was

successful in every regard. Hence, the pioneering step in the formal training programs

proved its effectiveness.

Evaluation A feedback form was circulated among the employees, soon after the online test.

The result is as follows:

Effectiveness Evaluation of the e-Training








Effectiveness DomainSpecific

Time Saving




ge yesnoneutral

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Conclusion The e-training is a form of networked-computer based training that is especially

effective for training people by the use computer applications. The CBT program can be

integrated with the intranet applications so that employees can effectively make use of

the system. The facilitator can remain at a remote end and impart the knowledge to the

class of trainees.

From the study on e-Learning concept at Deepti electronics, it was found that

though it is a new concept in such kind of organization, its acceptability among the

employees has been very high and thereby its implementation would be easy. Usually,

inducting such kind of programs in organizations are faced with much resistance to

change. But Deepti has been technologically developed and its technically skilled

manpower has enough know how about e-Training concepts and facilities, which

ultimately contributed to the success of this program.

Suggestions e-Training program on employment policies was a pioneering step by DEEOPL in their

formal training program. Since the program proved its success, the company should

concentrate on:

1) More e-training modules on management aspects

2) Project based e-Training

3) On-line feedback collection from employees, periodically

4) On-line suggestion schemes etc.

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Bibliography Books Organizational Behavior, S P Robbins

Training in Organizations, Goldstein

Bringing New Technology to market, Kathieen.R.Allen

Training course in Technology, UNIDO- Report

Building a Learning Organization, P.N Rastogi

Leading with Knowledge, Madan Mohan Rao

Corporate creativity, Pradip.N Khandawala

Websites www.wikipedia.com




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Annexure I

Feedback form

Designation__________________________ Department_______________________ 1) Do you find the e-Training course helpful? Yes Helpful to some extent Helpful to a little extent No 2) Is the e-Training course user friendly; is it clear and easy to use? Yes Relatively easy to navigate and use No 3) Do you consider that all-important aspects of subject are covered? Yes No I am not qualified to answer this question 4) In your opinion, which all areas could be covered in e-Training No Statements Yes No Not Sure a) Develop the potential of learners b) Develop the skills and repertoire of


c) Raise standards/ Promote quality d) Promote and support innovation e) Make more effective use of time f) Explore the technical capabilities of the company

g) Contribute to research and development agenda 5) What do you think is the most significant potential benefit of e- learning? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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6) When considering a particular e-Learning technology or activity, with a particular group of learners, what issues do you think should be taken into account? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) Missed important aspects: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Other comments and suggestions: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank You