IndividualReport (Example 2)

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  • 7/30/2019 IndividualReport (Example 2)


  • 7/30/2019 IndividualReport (Example 2)


    The natural personality profile for Ethel Morales, is indicated by the solid line on the graph below. Note also

    the dotted line; it represents the Blended Profile that most nearly matches Ethel Morales's graph. Seventeen

    Blended Profiles are used as the baseline for interpreting the combinations of four basic dimensions of

    personality. The information in this section is derived from the Analyzer Blended Profile. Typically, the more

    closely the solid line graph matches this Blended Profile, the more accurately the information will describe

    Ethel Morales's natural behavior style.

    Assertive Decisive Controlling Harmonious Patient Lenient Detailed Precise PerfectionistOutgoing Convincing Excitable

    Pliable Conforming Passive Modest Quiet Distant Questioning Impatient Critical Instinctive Improvised Unorganized

    People that fit this profile tend to seek perfect outcomes in all of their plans and projects. In many situations,

    they take things apart in their mind and think about ways to do them better. They excel at this kind of mental

    examination, but they may tend to see those around them as projects, rather than as people.

    Get results - Direct - Research facts - Critique and improve - Think and process - Be in control - Create and

    develop - Initiate solutions - Design new procedures - Collect information

    Ethel Morales

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    To maximize this person's talents, look for situations in which logical solutions can be offered to complex

    challenges, then assign this person to evaluate and make the necessary changes to assure the desired


    Analyzers tend to be natural organizers and administrators who can use pressure effectively to gain resultsand achieve their goals in the workplace, as well as in personal life.

    Persons with this style lead most effectively when they can establish a plan, explain its design and purpose,

    and delegate details to competent people. They are good at keeping activities organized and focused, both

    at work and also at home.

    Persons with this style are primarily task-oriented but are drawn to people because of their desire and ability

    to accomplish results by providing sound leadership in work groups and project teams.

    This person tends to provide insights and direction by teaching, managing, clarifying, and advising.

    Analyzers tend to be analytical, logical, direct, confident, and they like new challenges. They excel at seeing

    the larger vision, creating efficient methods and procedures, and listening carefully for the facts.

    This person may sometimes show a lack of sensitivity to the feelings of co-workers due to a tendency to

    focus on tasks. When sharply focused on a task, this person may come across as being overly critical,judgmental, blunt, or impatient with others.

    Ethel Morales

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    This person's primary need is to be focused on one problem at a time, however, some variety and the

    opportunity to meet new challenges is appreciated.

    People with this profile tend to experience stress when others try to move them in directions that seem

    illogical, untruthful, or inefficient. They feel anxiety if they do not have sufficient time to plan or have control

    over their duties.

    Analyzers may notice improvement in relationships as they concentrate on reducing their drive to

    overanalyze details. They also should be willing to move ahead with action steps at a pace that is more

    comfortable for others who desire a faster rate.

    Persons with the Analyzer profile are very supportive of rules and regulations that are consistent with theirvalues and logic. They expect and may attempt to require others to comply, as well. They look for creative

    ways to resolve or improve challenges and want the freedom to do so.

    A strong "de-motivator": for people with scores in this range can be fear of failing to meet their own high

    standards, or their inability to have a lasting or significant impact through their carefully planned efforts.

    Analyzers typically excel at budgeting and keeping records. Ensuring accuracy and completing the project

    are enjoyable activities for them. They may even volunteer for this task to make sure it is done right.

    Persons with this style tend to use money according to preestablished expectations and comply with

    budgetary limits as they search out the best values. They typically are very adept in using their talents to

    produce sound financial planning and management.

    Persons with this style of behavior are meticulous shoppers; decisions are delayed until the best product is

    found. They may minimize shopping trips to avoid social contacts. In their zeal for buying the best, they may

    overpay for quality.

    Health/Science, (Life Sciences, Laboratory Technology, Physical Sciences Artistic

    Madame Marie Curie

    Ethel Morales

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    Ethel Morales is a natural organizer and administrator and will respond positively and effectively to your

    pressure to achieve results if the organization requires a faster completion to a project. You can depend on

    this person to be a team leader who can offer logical solutions to complex challenges and who can evaluate

    and make necessary changes to assure the desirecd outcomes. You may need to help this person to reduce

    the personal drive to overanalyze details and to move ahead with action steps at a faster pace. You must be

    able to offer a logical, truthful, or efficient explanation for an assignment in order to engage this type person

    in effective activity if there is some question about the reason for an assignment. Your area of supervision

    will benefit from this person's ability to provide insights and direction by teaching, managing, clarifying, and


    This report is based on four dimensions of personality. Each dimension has a continuum of behaviors

    associated with it as shown below.

    The strengths and struggles in this section of the report relate to Ethel Morales's Personality I.D.scores for

    the four individual dimensions. This information gives more depth to the report and helps you as a manager

    to focus on the unique style of this individual.

    There are many advantages of understanding a person's unique set of talents and motivations. Ethel

    Morales will enjoy operating in some environments more than in others simply because they are a better fit

    for this person's natural style. A goal should be to align Ethel Morales's work as much as possible with thepersonal profile strengths and minimize exposure in the areas in which people with this profile typically

    struggle. On the other hand, a manager can coach a team member to help improve weak areas. For

    example, a person who tends to be impatient and is not a naturally a good listener can improve relationships

    through a focused effort to improve these areas of struggle. Also keep in mind that strengths overdone

    become weaknesses.

    The lists of strengths and struggles that follow are typical for people who share a common profile score.

    Keep in mind that every individual is unique, so some of the items may not fit Ethel Morales. The list should

    be objectively reviewed to help determine whether all of the descriptions apply.

    Ethel Morales

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    Adaptive versus Directing. This dimension indicates a person's tendency to either follow another person's

    agenda or set a personal agenda.

    This person's score in this dimension was in the Mid-range.

    Ethel Morales's score on the Directing - Adapting dimension falls in the Mid-Range, indicating that Ethel

    Morales tends to look at balance in the issue of control. This shows an understanding of teamwork and

    cooperation. Depending on the situation, Ethel Morales can step out in order to lead, or can step back in

    order to serve. If taking the lead is part of Ethel Morales's normal responsibilities, then this person can do so

    and lead with confidence. On the other hand, when another team member is in charge, Ethel Morales

    usually is able to lend assistance willingly.

    Ethel Morales's leadership style includes other team members in the decision-making process, rather thansimply dictating personal preferences. This trait encourages others to participate with their own ideas. Their

    willing acceptance of Ethel Morales's leadership will be increased unless Ethel Morales allows things to go

    too far before taking a stand. Providing clear guidance, combined with respect, oversight, and accountability,

    will be a key to success in Ethel Morales's team relationships.

    Ethel Morales

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    Reserved versus Interacting. This dimension indicates a person's preference for either solitude and private

    time or extensive interaction with others.

    This person's score in this dimension was in the Mid-range.

    Ethel Morales's Mid-Range score on the Reserved - Interacting dimension reveals this person's interest in

    being with people, but it also indicates a need for time alone. The team usually will see Ethel Morales as

    outgoing and friendly, but they also should understand and support the time needed for solitude and


    When possible, allow Ethel Morales to set aside work time for study and preferred activities. Ethel Morales

    definitely needs these solitary times for recharging energy without the obligation of other duties. It will be

    helpful for co-workers to recognize this preference and help protect Ethel Morales's schedule.

    Ethel Morales

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    Objective versus Supportive. This dimension indicates a person's natural motivation to be either cool and

    objective or warm and compassionate.

    This person's score in this dimension was in the Objective range. Typical strengths and struggles associated

    with this Personality I.D. profile are shown below.

    operates well in conflicts or disagreements

    tends to be objective and cool

    makes difficult judgements and decisions

    responds quickly without hesitation

    operates at a fast pace

    prefers and promotes change

    favors logic over emotion

    may be combative or confrontational

    often is tactless or abrupt

    can be critical and jump to conclusions

    may be too impatient

    tends toward hyperactivity

    is prone to be restless and discontent

    tends to be bottom-line, results-oriented

    Ethel Morales

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    Unconventional versus Conscientious. This dimension reflects a tendency to be either spontaneous and

    instinctive or to be prepared and structured.

    This person's score in this dimension was in the Consciencious range. Typical strengths and struggles

    associated with this Personality I.D. profile are shown below.

    is organized and scheduled

    is attentive to details

    follows established procedures

    is systematic, prepared, and consistent

    analyzes thoughtfully before deciding

    conducts research to determine facts responds accurately and diplomatically

    tends to be rigid and inflexible

    may be too picky

    is too reliant on rules

    may overprepare but lack confidence

    paralysis of analysis may prevent progress

    may focus on details and miss the goal may be too rigid or formal

    Ethel Morales

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    It can be very empowering for Ethel Morales to know this unique personal design. It is also very enlightening

    for you as a manager to understand your team members' unique designs. Each person has been given

    certain natural personality strengths that can be used in work, ministry, key roles within the family and other

    relationships. As you begin to use the concept of the individual differences presented in this and other

    Personality I.D. Profile reports, you will see yourself and those around you in a new light. Your knowledge of

    these differences will equip you to maximize your team's efforts, help members interact effectively with

    others who have different styles and viewpoints, and appreciate the unique value each team member brings

    to your organization and to your life.

    Ethel Morales

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