Indian Video Ayurveda

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  • 8/9/2019 Indian Video Ayurveda


    India Video

    India Video 2010

    Indian Video - Ayurveda

    Ayurveda is grounded in a metaphysics of the "five great elements" all of whichcompose the Universe, including the human body. Chyle or plasma (called rasa

    dhatu), blood (rakta dhatu), flesh (mamsa dhatu), fat (medha dhatu), bone (asthi

    dhatu), marrow (majja dhatu), and semen or female reproductive tissue (shukra

    dhatu) are held to be the seven primary constituent elements -- saptadhatu of the

    body. Ayurveda deals elaborately with measures of healthful living during the

    entire span of life and its various phases. Ayurveda stresses a balance of three

    elemental energies or humors: vata (air & space "wind"), pitta (fire & water

    "bile") and kapha (water & earth "phlegm"). According to ayurveda, these three

    regulatory principlesDoshas (literally that which deteriorates Devangarareimportant for health, because when they are in balanced state, the body is healthy,

    and when imbalanced, the body has diseases. Ayurveda holds that each human

    possesses a unique combination of Doshas. In ayurveda, the human body perceives

    attributes of experiences as 20 Guna . Surgery and surgical instruments are

    employed. It is believed that building a healthy metabolic system, attaining good

    digestion, and proper excretion leads to vitality. Ayurveda also focuses on

    exercise, yoga, meditation, and massage. Thus, body, mind, and

    spirit/consciousness need to be addressed both individually and in unison for health

    to ensue. As Robert Svoboda attempts to summarize the three major paths of the

    Vedic knowledge, he exclaims:

    "Because every embodied individual is composed of a body, a mind and a spirit,

    the ancient Rishis of India who developed the Science of Life organized their

    wisdom into three bodies of knowledge: Ayurveda, which deals mainly with the

    physical body; Yoga, which deals mainly with spirit; and Tantra, which is mainly

    concerned with the mind. The philosophy of all three is identical; their

    manifestations differ because of their differing emphases. Ayurveda is most

    concerned with the physical basis of life, concentrating on its harmony of mind and

    spirit. Yoga controls body and mind to enable them to harmonize with spirit, and

    Tantra seeks to use the mind to balance the demands of body and spirit."
  • 8/9/2019 Indian Video Ayurveda


    India Video

    India Video 2010

    The practice of Panchakarma is believed to eliminate toxic elements from the


    Eight disciplines of ayurveda treatment, called ashtangas , are given below:

    * Internal medicine (Kaaya-chikitsa)

    * Paediatrics (Kaumarabhrtyam)

    * Surgery (Shalya-chikitsa)

    * Eye and ENT (Shalakya tantra)

    * Demonic possession (Bhuta vidya): Bhuta vidya has been called psychiatry.

    * Toxicology (Agadatantram)

    * Prevention diseases and improving immunity and rejuvenation (rasayana)

    * Aphrodisiacs and improving health of progeny (Vajikaranam)

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