Employment Situation in India R Nagaraj, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai. Email: [email protected]

India Labour Market

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India Labour Market

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Page 1: India Labour Market

Employment Situation in India

R Nagaraj,Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research,

Mumbai. Email: [email protected]

Page 2: India Labour Market

October 2, 2007 UN Meeting 2

Economy’s Size and Structure

• India is the world’s 12th largest economy at current exchange rates, and 4th largest in PPP.

• It ranks 144th in per capita income, and its HDI ranking is 126th as its health and educational attainments are modest.

• It is still a agrarian economy with a strong domestic orientation, as exports accounts for 14% of GDP, constituting barely 1% of world trade.

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Growth and Transformation

• Economy accelerated to 5.7% p.y since 1980, more than doubling per capita income growth, as population growth slowed slightly.

• Services are the “leading sector” since 1990, contributing 53% of GDP in 2006.

• Structural transformation of workforce got under way in the 1980s, with agriculture’s share declining 15 percentage points by 2005.

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Unemployment and Poverty

• Yet, no acceleration of employment growth.• Decline in employment elasticity of growth.• Deterioration in conditions of work.

– Casualisation of workforce economy-wide,– Decline in self-employment in rural areas.

• Decline in the official measure of income poverty, but the trends are disputed.

• Persistence of nutritional poverty.

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Labour Market Size

• Consists of 430 million workers in 2004-05, growing 2% annually, with a stable worker-population ratio of 40%.

• Lower level of women’s participation in workforce (28%) – perhaps an underestimate.

• Low level of open unemployment (3.1%) – high level of disguised unemployment (or under-employment), mostly in rural areas and in agriculture.

• Child labour’s share in workforce declining – yet quite large in absolute numbers, at 13 million in 2001.

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Labour Market Structure

• Labour market consists of 3 sectors.• Rural workers constitute over 60% of the workforce.• Organised sector employs 8% of the workforce,

producing 40% of GDP. But its employment share declining.

• Thus, urban informal sector is the growing sector – represents the residual.

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Labour Legislations• Mostly deals with the organised sector. Extent of protection

and benefits for workers rise with size of firm or factory.• No national minimum wage; No economy-wide social

security.• Labour being a concurrent subject in the constitution, states

are empowered to enact separate legislations. • The legislations tend to aspirational, with limited

enforcement.• Best illustrated by the job-security law: firms employing 100

or more workers are mandated to seek the state’s permission to retrench or lay off a worker.

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Employment Growth

• Structural transformation – agriculture's share declining from 68.5% in 1983, to 55.4% in 2004-05 (table).

• But, workforce is shifting more towards services, than to industry.

• Low or declining employment elasticity.• Between 1997 and 2004, 1.8 million (6.3%) jobs

lost in organised sector including 1.2 million (18%) in manufacturing.

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• Agricultural wages have ↑ since 1980s; yet lower than the minimum wages (for lack of enforcement of the laws).

• Wages still low to overcome absolute poverty.• Casualisation of wage contracts in all sectors.• Decline in self employment, especially in


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Major Concerns

• Little improvement in employment scene, despite acceleration in output growth since 1980.

• Deceleration in agriculture since 1990 (Figure 1), causing agrarian distress – farmers’ suicides, political extremism.

• Alleged labour market rigidity in the organised sector.– Inadequate freedom for employers to “hire and fire”


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Alternative Perspectives on Labour Market

• Rapid industrialisation to speed up structural transformation:– Invest in industrial infrastructure.– Liberalise financial sector and foreign investment rules .– Dismantle labour market legislations.

• Refocus on agriculture and rural development with employment generation programmes.– Employment guarantee.– Step up rural investment.

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National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS)• Initiated in 2005-06, EGS aims at livelihood security

in rural areas of 200 (out of 500) districts.• Provide 100 days of guaranteed employment in a

year for all self selected adults for unskilled manual labour.

• Wage employment programme to create infrastructure and rejuvenate natural resources.

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• Implemented by local elected self-governing institutions.

• In 2006-07, Rs 11300 ($2.8 bn) are allotted for this scheme, making it perhaps the world’s largest EGS.

• As on December 2006, 536.5 million person days of employment has been generated, official data show.

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• The EGS, together with Right to Information Act, implemented by local bodies has great potential, say the protagonists of the EGS.

• But, critics have dubbed the EGS “the massive gravy train”, with enormous potential for corruption.

• On the ground, implementation is uneven – with some encouraging reports from backward states, like Rajasthan where local institutions seem active.

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Is labour Market Rigid?

• Labour market is conceived as a small and declining organised sector workers with high and growing wages with job security – amid an ocean of unorganised, and competitive labour market.

• Implications?Leads to labour market rigidity:– Substitution of capital for labour,– Reducing economic growth, – Hurting labour intensive manufactures and exports.

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• No nominal or real wage rigidity.• ↓ In unit labour cost (Figure 2).

– True in public sector too (Figure 3). • No evidence of adverse effects of job security law.• Secular ↓ in union strength.• More lockouts than strikes (Figure 4). • ↓ In wage-rental ratio (Figure 5).• Thus, the rigidity hypothesis is suspect.

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Then What Is the Truth?• There exists functional flexibility that the unions are

prepared to negotiate. Wage agreements are mostly linked to productivity, and incentives.

• Job-security law has little bite. Evidence:– 18% of organised industrial workers lost jobs 5 years, without a

murmur of protest.• Does it mean the labour market is working fine? No.• Need for rationalisation of the labour laws.• Need for a new compact between capital and labour under

the changed economic environment.

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In Sum I

• Economic growth accelerated since 1980, without a corresponding increase in employment.

• Structural transformation has happened since 1980s, but employment growth has occurred more in services than in industry.

• Income poverty is said to have declined, but nutritional poverty has not, as employment growth has not improved.

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In Sum II

• Orthodoxy advocates market oriented reforms, infrastructure investment and deregulating the labour market to speed up industrialisation to transform the workforce rapidly.

• Heterodoxy argues for improving agriculture productivity – which is still 1/3 of china’s – to augment employment and expand domestic market.

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In Sum III

• NREGS was launched last year, perhaps the most ambitious EGS in the world.

• With RTI and local self government institutions, there is a better chance of its success.

• But, critics dub it as the biggest grave train of corruption.

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In Sum IV

• Reformists believe lack of flexibility in industrial labour market is holding up industrial out and export growth.

• Evidence does not seem to support such a proposition.• But it does not mean that the labour market is working fine

– far from it.• Need to a new compact between capital and labour in the

changed economic environment that includes income security, more rational labour laws, and greater shop floor democracy.

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Figure 1: Growth in Agriculture output, 1980-05




3.6 3.6


2.72.2 2


1.2 1.1 1.3 1.31


All Crops Foodgrains Non-foodgrains

Cereals Rice Wheat


Per c

ent p

er y


1981-90 1991-00 1991-05

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Thank You

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Figure 2: Unit labour Cost in Registered Manufacturing









Year ending



Unit labour cost

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Figure 3: Unit labour cost in public sectorExcluding electricity





80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96

Fiscal year ending



Unit labour cost

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Figure 4: Mandays Lost by Disputes
























Strikes Lockout

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Figure 5: Wage-rental ratio








81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99


Year ending



Wage-rental ratio

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GDP and Workforce Distribution  1983 1993-94 2004-05


% Workforce


% Workforce


% Workforce


40.0 68.5 30.0 64.0 20.2 56.5


24.3 13.8 25.2 14.9 26.1 18.8


35.7 17.6 48.8 21.1 53.7 24.8