Index [] · environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC)

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Page 1: Index [] · environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC)
Page 2: Index [] · environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC)

Publication direction Port Authority of Melilla

Writing and layout Aymar asesoría técnica, s.l.l.

Front page photography José Manuel Lozano Solá

Rest of photographies Personnel of the Port Authority of Melilla and Aymar asesoría técnica s.l.l.

Computer graphics Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com Contact and additional information Port Authority of Melilla e-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: Index [] · environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC)



Section Page

>> Presentation 2 >> The Port Authority of Melilla 4 >> Government and Management 6 >> Description of the nature and size of the activities 8 >> Environmental management of the Port Authority 18 >> Environmental Policy 20 >> Significant environmental aspects and impacts 22 >> Environmental performance 28 >> Management of environmental aspects 32 >> Organisation of the environmental management 44 >> Necessities and expectations of the stakeholders 46 >> Objectives, actions and programmes 50 >> Legal requirements 51

Page 4: Index [] · environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC)


In the year 2019, the Port Authority has conducted various innovative initiatives in the environment field integrated in its sustainable development policy, as part of the management strategy adopted years ago by this management body.

Among these initiatives, the LIFE REMoPaF project highlights. The Port Authority adhered to this project aimed at the recuperation of Patella ferruginea (an endangered species) in 2016. During 2019, the second transfer of specimens from the Port of Melilla to the Port of La Línea de la Concepción has been performed. The survival rate of recruits transferred between 2018 and 2019 has been verified in around 60%.

The Port Authority is also attached to the ANCHOR LIFE project for the mitigation of acoustic emissions derived from the Port activity. Within the framework of this project, and during the year to which this Environmental Report refers, a study is been conducted to rearrange the sources of noise, in order to minimise their impact in the surroundings. Furthermore, with the aim of minimising the acoustic pollution too, during 2019 the “Noise Strategic Map” and the “Action Plan” of the Port of Melilla have been approved.

In its bet to innovative projects, the Port Authority also participates in the CORE LNGas hive project, whose purpose is to promote the use of liquefied natural gas as main fuel for ships, due to its lower emissions of particulates and sulphur and nitrogen oxides. The Port Authority has performed technical studies on the feasibility of introducing this fuel in the City of Melilla for reducing the emissions during the local production of electricity, the mobility and the ships supply, by means of introducing a “LNG Small Scale” installation.

Also during this year, the Port Authority has worked in the additional documentation required for the processing of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Port of Melilla expansion project, being currently awaiting the Environmental Impact Statement on the part of the “Ministry for the Ecologic Transition and the Demographic Challenge”.

In this document, these and other additional measures developed by the Port Authority in 2019 are detailed. These measures reveal the effort dedicated by this body for the prevention and attenuation of the impacts derived from its activity and, in the end, for the preservation of its environment.

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Page 6: Index [] · environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC)

The Port Authority of Melilla The Port Authority of Melilla is a public institution that administers and manages the Ports of Melilla and the Chafarinas Islands, attached to the “Ministry of Transports, Mobility and Urban Agenda”.

Likewise, this body de jure dependent on the public entity State’s Ports has its own legal personality and wealth and possesses full ability to act. It is ruled by its specific legislation (Consolidated Text of the Law of the State’s Ports and the Merchant Navy, approved by the Royal Decree 2/2011, 5th September), by the provisions of the General Budget Law applicable and, additionally, by the Law 40/2015, 1st October, of Legal Regime of the Public Sector.

Port of Melilla

Port of the Chafarinas


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Port Authority of Melilla Marina Española avenue, nº4, 52001, Melilla (España)

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Government and management

The Government, Management and Assistance Bodies of the Port Authority are regulated in the Consolidated Text of the Law of the State’s Ports and the Merchant Navy, in accordance with common criteria of the State-wide Port System.

Government bodies

The President, designated by the competent body of the Autonomous Community, represents the Port Authority and its Management Board, being in charge of the setting of management general guidelines and the surveillance of the compliance of the applicable standards.

The Management Body governs and manages the Port, writing the operation rules and establishing targets. It is composed by the President, the Vice-president, the Director, the Maritime Captain, the Secretary and Vocals designated on the motion of the entities and bodies represented:

Autonomous City of Melilla: 6;

General State Administration: 3;

Melilla Business Confederation: 1;

Chamber of Commerce: 1;

Trade Unions: 1.

Board of Port and Navigation. Assistance bodies

Management Board. President.

Government bodies

Director. Management bodies

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Assistance bodies

The Board of Port and Navigation constitutes the body of assistance and information of the Maritime Captaincy and the President. In it, the natural or legal people relevant for or directly interested in the proper functioning of the Port and the maritime trade, or that can contribute to it effectively, are represented.

Management bodies

The Director is a person of renowned professional prestige and experience in the Port management, named by absolute majority of the Management Board on the motion of the President. Within his or her functions are the ordinary direction and management of the Port, as well as the proposal of objectives, action criteria, finance, annual accounts or necessity of personnel.

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Description of the nature and size of the activities

Port infrastructures

The facilities of the Port of Melilla are divided, as established in the “Plan of Delimitation of Port Spaces and Uses” in Commercial Area, Sports Area, beaches and South Breakwater, and Chafarinas Islands.


Commercial Area (218.795 m2) Areas of handling and manoeuvre free of edifications, goods storage, Maritime Station and other facilities

Sports Area (109.900 m2) Fishing, sports and dry marine basins, Port Authority building, mineral loading and companies of leisure and services

Beaches and South Breakwater (33.551 m2) Coastline constituted by the sandy beach of San Lorenzo and the South Breakwater

Chafarinas Islands Jetty-pier and loading dock for military and governmental vessels

Use of the docks in the Commercial Area Ribera I Dock Passengers and vehicles load and unload Ribera II Dock Passengers and Ro-Ro traffic Espigón Dock Multipurpose (passengers, goods and tertiary) Nordeste I Dock Passengers, Ro-Ro and tertiary. Institutional and military vessels Nordeste II Dock Goods and tertiary (preference in solid bulk and containers) Nordeste III Dock Goods and tertiary (preference in dangerous goods)

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New developments

Empowerment of intelligent control of exterior parking.

Improvement in the perimeter access to the Passengers Terminal.

Installation of 4 metres high doors in access to the vehicles pre-shipment to the Maritime Station.

Ro-Ro boarding area in the Nordeste III Dock.

Security fencing works in the vehicles shipment control area of the Maritime Station.

Improvement of the stairs that integrate the West Square of the mineral loading gallery.

Rehabilitation of the doors of the mineral loading.

Execution of an anti-intrusion action in the Exterior Breakwater.

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Services provided

The Port Authority encourages the participation of private initiatives in the provision of the Port services and the operation of the Port of Melilla facilities, in agreement with the “European Policy of Transports” and complying with the profitability and efficiency criteria established.

The Port activities are thus conducted in a framework of public-private collaboration of free and faithful competition, using the synergies between both sectors to enhance the Port competitiveness.

The sheets of the licensing and authorisations emitted by the Port Authority pursuant to the provision of services in the Port establish the criteria, both operational and juridical, to demand to each operator. The Port Authority controls that the conditions of the sheets are respected, in a documentary level as well as on-site.

The services provided in the Port of Melilla, classified regarding the Consolidated Text of the Law of the State’s Ports and the Merchant Navy, are the following ones:

General services and of maritime signage;

Commercial services;

Port services.

These services are described in the next sections.

42 %

Land area in concession in relation to land area likely to be in concession

82.075 m2

Land area in concession

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General services and of maritime signage

They are services necessary to the compliance of the Port Authority functions and that users don’t need to apply to benefit from them.

The Port Authority provides these services directly, although it can also outsource certain activities.

General services and of maritime signage

Police in common areas

Management, coordination and control of the Port traffic

Signage, beaconing and other aids for navigation

Lighting in common areas

Cleaning of common sea and land areas

Emergencies prevention and control

Coordination and control of Port, commercial and other services

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Commercial services

They are provision activities of commercial nature that, not having the denomination of Port services, are linked to the Port activity. These services can be provided directly, or indirectly through the granting of authorisations to third-party operators.

Complementary activity 37 de 85

Port-City interaction 26 de 85

Port commercial activity

22 de 85

Activities in concession regime

Complementary activity

3 de 8 Port-City interaction

2 de 8

Port commercial activity 3 de 8

Activities of companies in authorisation regime

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Port services

They are activities necessary to the operation of the Port, focussed on making possible the operations linked to the maritime traffic. These services include:

Technical-nautical services (pilotage, tugboat and mooring);

Goods handling service;

Passengers service;

Ship waste reception service.

The Port Authority provides these services indirectly by granting licensing to external operators.

1 company

Companies providing the pilotage service

1 company

Companies providing the tugboat service

1 company

Companies providing the mooring service

4 companies

Companies providing the goods handling service

1 company

Companies providing the passengers service

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Freight traffic

The increase experienced in goods handled in the Port of Melilla since the year 2010 was truncated in 2018. This recession in the traffics was mainly due to the geopolitical enclave initiated this same year that resulted in the closure of the border on the part of Marruecos.

In this framework, in the year 2019 the total of goods handled in the Port of Melilla has maintained in very similar levels to those reached the preceding year.

The following graphics show the tons moved for each format of good:


77 79 76 76

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Liquid bulk (t · 103)

Evolution in relation to 2018:

0 %


6 7 5


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Solid bulk (t · 103)

Evolution in relation to 2018:

40 %











Total goods (t · 103)

935 1.060 1.061

787 776

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

General cargo (t · 103)

Evolution in relation to 2018:

1 %

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The slight decrease experienced by the general cargo is directly linked to the decline of the Lo-Lo containers traffic, even though the Ro-Ro traffic (both containers and rest of general cargo) has increased in relation to the previous year, as shown in the following graphics.

740 827 853

689 718

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Ro-Ro traffic (t · 103)

Evolution in relation to 2018:

4 %

195 233 208

98 58

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Lo-Lo traffic (t · 103)

Evolution in relation to 2018:

41 %

General cargo: Lo-Lo containers

6,8 % Liquid bulk 8,8 %

Solid bulk 0,8 %

General cargo: Ro-Ro containers and others

83,6 %

Distribution of each format of good

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Passengers traffic

In the year 2019, the number of passengers embarked and disembarked in the Port of Melilla has experienced a rebound. Additionally, the vehicles in passenger regime have increased for the second consecutive year, reaching a total of 163.742 vehicles transported.

These increases imply a recovery after the recession suffered as a consequence of the competition with the Port of Nador.

“The number of passengers and vehicles in passenger regime embarked and disembarked in the Port of Melilla in 2019 has increased in relation to the previous year”

884 890 833 829 843

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Passengers (nº people · 103)

Evolution in relation to 2018:

1 %

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The Port of Melilla has passengers connection with the cities of Málaga, Almería and Motril, through the following regular lines:

Trasmediterránea Company: Málaga and Almería; F. R.S. Company: Motril; Marítima Alborán/Balearia Company: Málaga and Almería.

Port of Melilla




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Environmental management of the Port Authority

The Port Authority of Melilla counts with diverse management tools implanted in order to assure the continuous improvement, the effectiveness and the Port competitiveness. These tools are the following ones:

PERS Environmental Management System (Port Environmental Review System) specific for the ports sector, in accordance with the scheme proposed by the EcoPorts Foundation of the ESPO (European Sea Ports Organisation);

Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Integrated Management System, in accordance with the ISO standards and with the scope “General services and Infrastructure Management”.

“In 2019, the Port Authority has certified its OHS Management System in accordance with the ISO 45001:2018 standard”

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Page 22: Index [] · environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC)

Environmental Policy The Port Authority owns a Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Policy, which is available for the stakeholders in the Port of Melilla’s website.

This document shows the commitment of the Port Authority with the environmental protection, the sustainable resources consumption, the climate change mitigation and the biodiversity protection.

Key elements of the Port Authority’s Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Policy

Safe and healthy

work conditions

Environment protection

and pollution prevention

Quality, effectiveness

and competitiviness

Law enforcement

Communication with


Encouragement of the staff

and Port Community


Transparency and

performance information

Sustainable development and balance

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Significant environmental aspects and impacts With an annual periodicity, the Port Authority performs the evaluation of its aspects that produce significant environmental impacts, according to its Documented Procedure “Evaluation of environmental aspects”. To this effect, it builds an “Environmental aspects and impacts Matrix” in which it includes both the aspects derived from its own activity and the ones derived from other activities over which it has control and influence (concessions, authorisations, third-party companies, suppliers, etc.).

The environmental impacts are evaluated in agreement with the criteria contained in the Technical Guidelines “Criteria for the Evaluation of environmental impacts” of its Integrated Management System, in a life cycle perspective.

The list of significant environmental aspects presented hereunder is complemented with the “Registry of environmental aspects” (section 1.2 of PERS).

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Impact: marine environment pollution, annoyance to marine flora and fauna. Focus: sports basin. Associated operations: fuel supply to ships.

Accidental pouring originated in land operations: docks

Impact: atmospheric and hydrological pollution (Port’s waters). Focus: water sheet. Associated operations: liquid bulk loading, unloading and transport (especially hydrocarbons), recreational activities in small vessels, sportive vessels and maritime traffic in general.

Accidental spillage of hydrocarbons and other hazardous substances

(1) MARPOL Agreement 73/78. International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships. (2) OPRC Convention. International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation. (3) Royal Decree 1695/2012, of 21st December, approving the National System of Response to marine pollution, that repeals in the indicated way the Royal Decree 253/2004, of 13th February. (4) Royal Decree 804/2014, of 19th September, establishing the legal regime and the safety and prevention rules for pollution caused by recreational vessels that carry up to twelve passengers. (5) Order FOM/1793/2014, of 22nd September, approving the Maritime National Plan of response to marine environment pollution.

Applicable legislation

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Impact: possible pollution of soil and water environment, consumption of natural resources and energy in operations. Focus: commercial Port. Associated operations: external lighting.

Generation of waste from luminaries

Impact: pollution of air, water and soil. Focus: sports basin. Associated operations: sportive vessels.

Generation of hazardous waste

in the sports basin

(1) Royal Decree 833/1988, of 29th July, approving the Regulation for the enforcement of the Law 20/1986, Basic on Toxic and Hazardous Waste, and posterior modifications. (2) Law 11/1997, 24th April, on Packages and Packages Waste, and posterior modifications. (3) Law 22/2011, of 28th July, on waste and contaminated soil, and posterior modifications. (4) Royal Decree 110/2015, of 20th February, on waste from electric and electronic devices. (5) Royal Decree 1365/2018, of 2nd November, approving the marine strategies.

Applicable legislation

Impact: fuel consumption, pollution of air, soil and water, comfort loss from odour emissions and contribution to the climate change. Focus: offices. Associated operations: administrative tasks.

Generation of waste from electric and

electronic devices

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Impact: habitats destruction or alteration and coastal dynamics alteration. Focus: Port’s expansion project. Associated operations: redaction of the Environmental Impact Assessment.

Development of new infrastructures

(1) Council Directive 92/43/CEE, of 21st May 1992, on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, and posterior modifications. (2) Law 26/2007, of 23rd October, on Environmental Responsibility, and posterior modifications. (3) Law 42/2007, of 13th December, on the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, and posterior modifications. (4) Law 9/2018, of 5th December, modifying the Law 21/2013, of 9th December, on environmental assessment, the Law 21/2015, of 20th July, modifying the Law 43/2003, of 21st November, on Mounts, and the Law 1/2005, of 9th March, regulating the trade regime for greenhouse gases emission rights. (5) Royal Decree 79/2019, of 22nd February, regulating the compatibility report and establishing the criteria for the compatibility with the marine strategies.

Applicable legislation

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In addition to the previous aspects (categorised as significant after applying the “Environmental aspects and impacts Matrix”), the Port Authority, aware of the fixed impacts that the Port normal activity generates, will always bare in mind the following aspects:

Impact: CO2 sinks disappearance, natural resources depletion, biodiversity loss, desertification and contribution to the climate change. Focus: office administrative tasks. Associated operations: administrative tasks.

Paper consumption

(1) Order PCI/86/2019, of 31st January, publishing the Agreement of the Ministers Council of 7th December of 2018, approving the Plan of Ecological and Public Recruitment of the State General Management, its public institutions and the Social Security management bodies (2018-2025). (2) Commission Decision (EU) 2019/61 of 19th December 2018 on the sectorial reference document on best environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS).

Applicable legislation

Impact: natural resources depletion, atmospheric pollution derived from the distribution activity. Focus: offices (own Port activity and supply to third-party operators). Associated operations: administrative and cleaning tasks.

Water consumption

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Impact: natural resources consumption and depletion, atmospheric pollution and contribution to the climate change. Focus: common areas lighting. Associated operations: own Port Authority activities.

Energy consumption

Impact: natural resources consumption and depletion, atmospheric pollution and contribution to the climate change. Focus: machinery and crane. Associated operations: own Port Authority activities.

Fuel consumption

(1) Royal Decree 314/2006, of 17th March, approving the Technical Code of Construction, and posterior modifications. (2) Law 15/2014, of 16th September, on the rationalisation of the Public Sector and other measures for administrative reforms, and posterior modifications. (3) Royal Decree 564/2017, of 2nd June, modifying the Royal Decree 235/2013, of 5th April, approving the basic procedure for the energy efficiency certification of buildings. (4) Order FOM/588/2017, of 15th June, modifying the Basic Document DB-HE “Energy Savings” and the Basic Document DB-HS “Healthiness”, from the Technical Code of Construction, approved by the Royal Decree 314/2006, of 17th de March. (5) Royal Decree 920/2017, of 23rd October, regulating the technical inspection of vehicles. (6) Order PCI/86/2019, of 31st January, publishing the Agreement of the Ministers Council of 7th December of 2018, approving the Plan of Ecological and Public Recruitment of the State General Management, its public institutions and the Social Security management bodies (2018-2025). (7) Commission Decision (EU) 2019/61 of 19th December 2018 on the sectorial reference document on best environmental management practices, sector environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence for the public administration sector under Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS).

Applicable legislation

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Environmental performance


Land use efficiency

The efficiency in the use of the Port land, understood as the surface occupied by active installations in relation to the total of the land service area, has been of 56,8% in the year 2019.

These active installations can be the Port Authority’s as well as in regime of concession or authorisation.

57 %

Land use efficiency

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Resources consumption

4.613 4.820 5.892



2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Water consumption (m3)

Evolution in

relation to 2018:

66 %

56 83 85 36 37

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Evolution in relation to 2018:

3 %

Fuel consumption (m3)

Evolution in relation to 2018:

20 %

1.643 1.678 1.637



2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Energy consumption (MWh)

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Action measures for the efficiency

The efficiency in the resources consumption is assured by the implementation of various measures on the part of the Port Authority, among which the following ones can be found:

Implemented measures

Operational control and surveillance on the part of the Maintenance Service over the water and energy consumption

Application of an exhaustive maintenance program of the water supply network aimed at the minimisation of losses

Actions for the staff sensitisation and training

Installation of LED luminaries in vial lighting towers and offices

Vehicles fleet renewal for more efficient ones

Consumption supervision on the part of the Surveillance Service through checklists

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Materials consumption

The Port Authority of Melilla mainly consumes office materials and, in a small quantity, other materials used in the maintenance and conservation tasks, as oil and lubricants.


“The quantity of paper consumed in the year 2019 has decreased a 21% in relation to the previous year”

1.347 kg Paper consumption

1.105 kg Oils and lubricants consumption

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Management of environmental aspects

Waste management

The maintenance and conservation tasks of the Port infrastructures, added to the administrative tasks performed at the offices, are the major waste generator activities of the Port Authority.

In addition to the waste associated to these activities, the Port Authority manages as own the waste from the cleaning of the common areas, the waste left in the service area and the waste from the premises of the Sports Port, the Commercial Port and the Fishing Basin, which are deposited in the waste facilities installed to that effect in the different Port facilities of the service area.

Moreover, the Port Authority assures the adequate management of the MARPOL waste from ships, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Generated waste

Hazardous waste Generated in the Conservation Workshops, deposited in the waste facilities by the users or left in the service area

MARPOL waste Generated and delivered by ships (they are not the Port Authority’s own waste, in accordance with the Law 22/2011, of 28th July, on waste and contaminated soil)

Non-hazardous waste Generated in common areas, offices, construction works and workshops

“The Port Authority promotes the waste segregation in origin with the aim of improving its management on the part of the Port Community and users”

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703 2.439 2.204

4.269 2.580

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Evolution in relation to 2018:

40 %

Hazardous waste (kg)

2.258 4.633 4.023

1.820 3.200

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Evolution in relation to 2018:

76 %

Non-hazardous waste (kg)

88.600 26.940

68.400 36.060


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Evolution in relation to 2018:

320 %

Construction and demolition waste (kg)

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During the year 2019, the Port Authority has performed an important cleaning action in its own storages, to proceed to their concession, as well as in the esplanade of the Nordeste III Dock for the execution of the Ro-Ro boarding area works. This initiative has resulted in an increase of the non-hazardous waste generated by this body.

The construction and demolition waste have also experienced a growth as a consequence of the rise of minor works undertaken due to the complexity of the contract law.

On the other hand, the Port Authority has been in charge of the management of the waste collected from the service area and the Port. In total, the hazardous and non-hazardous waste removed from the Port in 2019 rise to 22.214 kg and 14.060 kg, respectively.

“The works realised in the Nordeste III Dock have required the dredge of 2.500 m3 of category A material for the cement preparation. At the end of 2019, this material lays in this dock’s esplanade awaiting to be accepted by the regional government”

Inert waste 96 % Non-hazardous waste 2 %

Hazardous waste 2 %

Ratio per type of waste generated

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Mineral loading

Fishing basin

Dry marine


Waste facilities location

The Port Authority owns four waste facilities, located in the Sports Port, the Commercial Port and the Fishing Basin. Each one of them consists of containers for the selective collection of used oils, contaminated packages, contaminated filters and contaminated cloths.

To guarantee the adequate utilisation of the waste facilities, the Port Authority has published in its website the “Guidelines of use of waste facilities”, available to the Port Community.

The waste disposed in the waste facilities by the Port Authority’s staff or any other Port user are removed by an authorised manager, who is in charge of giving them an adequate treatment.

The installation of the waste facilities allows the upkeep of improving the waste segregation in the Port facilities, as well as reducing the presence of left waste in the service area.

“The new cleaning service sheet promotes the waste segregation in origin through the installation of a higher number of containers in the service area”

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Air quality control

Emission focuses

The Port Authority does not provide any activity considered as potentially pollutant of the atmosphere. Its major emissions are associated to the engines of its vehicles, the vessels and the machinery it uses and, in a lower level, to the works accomplished and the traffic associated to their operability.

More noteworthy are the emissions caused by the activities of the rest of the Port Community, among which it is worth highlighting the ones associated to the ships and cruises moored and, specially, the ones derived from the industrial activity of several concessions, such as the plant of aggregates crushing and the thermal power plant of Endesa.

Control measures

The Port Authority closely controls the activities of concessions and authorisations. Furthermore, it possesses a “Procedure for the complaints and suggestions management in the Port of Melilla”, that has not registered any records during 2019 in relation to the quality of the air.

Additionally, the Port Authority participates in the project CORE LNGas hive, whose purpose is to reduce the atmospheric emissions derived from the maritime transport.

Implemented measures

Daily surveillance on the part of the Port Police

Direct surveillance of the operational control measures Increase of

surveillance cameras

Traffic rearrange in the Port accesses

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CO2 atmospheric emissions

The Port Authority executes the preventive maintenance of the work equipment and facilities from which it makes use to provide its services, both with its own staff and with authorised maintenance companies.

The tons of equivalent CO2 emitted as a consequence of the development of the Port activity in the last years are shown below. In 2019, these emissions have experienced a decrease of the 17%, mainly due to the reduction of the energy consumption.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Energy consumption (1) 382,70 390,97 381,42 442,35 351,96 Petrol consumption (2) 4,01 6,24 2,39 4,80 8,80 Gasoil consumption (2) 163,47 146,74 218,05 91,20 86,00 TOTAL EMISSIONS (t CO2 eq) 523,18 543,95 601,86 538,35 446,76

(1) The starting point for the calculation of carbon emissions derived from the energy consumption is the conversion parameter proposed in the “Guidelines of the Energy Observatory Peninsular System” (0,233 kg/kWh). (2) The conversion factor for the calculation of carbon emissions from vehicles are the ones offered in the “Guidelines of Consumptions and Emissions of the Institute for the Diversification and Savings of Energy” (2,6 kg/litre of gasoil and 2,35 kg/litre of petrol).

523 544 602 538 447

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Emissions (t CO2 eq)

Evolution in relation to 2018:

17 %

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Noise control

Emission focuses

The acoustic emission sources present in the Port of Melilla are the following ones:

Moored ships; Industrial activity in concessions; Leisure premises; Lorries’ traffic; Movements in Ro-Ro terminals; Port machinery; Containers handling; Construction works.

The plant of aggregates crushing located in the restricted area of the Port has increased its activity and, therefore, its acoustic emissions. Nevertheless, there have not been complaints at this matter during 2019, as a result of the measures implemented in the last years by the Port Authority.

“In the year 2019 there have not been complaints related to the acoustic emissions in the Port of Melilla”

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Control measures

In December 2019, the Management Board has approved the “Noise Strategic Map” and the “Action Plan” of the Port Authority of Melilla, established with the aim of minimising the repercussion of the Port sonorous activities over the citizenship.

The Action Plan comprises:

Time reduction of overnight stay in the Ribera I Dock;

Modification of mooring assignation.

Additionally, the Port Authority participates since 2018 in the European project ANCHOR LIFE, aimed at maximising the effort dedicated to the struggle against the acoustic emissions and the vibrations derived from the Port activity.

In the framework of this project, during 2019 a study has been conducted on the noise emitters focuses, in order to rearrange them, with the purpose of minimising their environmental impact.

“In 2019, the first Intermediate Meeting in relation to the ANCHOR LIFE project was held in Melilla”

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Water quality control

Spillage focuses

The main spillage focuses in the Port, not directly related to the Port Authority’s own activity, are:

Illegal spillage from ships; Rain or irrigation runoffs; Accidental spillage during load and unload of liquid bulks; Construction works.

Sanitation network 85 % Septic tanks 15 %

Destination of sewage

Rainfall water collection 59 %

Service area provided with removal and treatment of rainfall water

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Control measures

The Port Authority ensures that the main requirements applicable to its concessions are complied. During this year, it has been informed of the update of the “Integrated Environmental Authorisation” of one of them.

Other measures implemented by the Port Authority to control the spillages in the Port include:

Maintenance of the sanitation network;

Measurement campaigns of the Port water’s quality;

Surveillance on the part of the Port Police.

Additionally, in this year 2019 the Port Authority has imparted training on the action procedures established in its “Internal Maritime Plan” to cope with a marine pollution spillage. This training has been addressed to all the team that takes part in the emergency chart of the Plan.

“The new cleaning service sheet, that will come into effect in January 2020, includes the cleaning of the water sheet and the breakwater to remove the plastics and other waste that accumulate over it, with which it is expected that the Port water’s quality will improve”

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Location of the sampling points

Water’s quality sampling campaign

The Port Authority of Melilla conducts the monitoring of its water’s quality by means of sampling in seven different points at a depth of 5 metres. In this year 2019, a multi parametric sensor has been used again to measure physical-chemical parameters (conductivity, pH, redox, temperature), turbidity, total suspended solids and dissolved oxygen.

Furthermore, an exhaustive control of the water’s quality during the execution of the works for the Ro-Ro boarding area in the Nordeste III Dock has been performed in 2019. This control has been conducted through two continuous measurers located at 150 and 300 metres from the spillage point. Additionally to those continuous measurers, a sampling campaign, based on the collection of samples at 50 and 100 metres from the activity developed, has been established. This campaign has allowed the measurement of physical-chemical parameters (conductivity, pH, redox, temperature, salinity), turbidity, total dissolved solids and chlorophyll-a.

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Accidental marine pollution

The Internal Maritime Plan of the Port of Melilla, last updated in 2018, has obtained favourable previous report from the Maritime Captaincy, being currently awaiting the binding report of the Autonomous City and the corresponding approval of the Merchant Navy General Management.

This document describes the response operation before marine pollution situations and the inventory of means available to control the emergency situation.

The Internal Maritime Plan of the Port of Melilla has been activated twice in its “situation 0” in 2019, due to spillages that have been adequately controlled with the own means of the Port Authority. Likewise, other six marine pollution situations have occurred, but of so little size that they have been resolved without need of activating the Internal Maritime Plan.

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Organisation of the environmental management In the environmental management conducted by the Port Authority of Melilla collaborate, in the scope of their applications, all the components of its staff, according to what is established in the procedures of its Integrated Management System. This is coordinated by the Division of Quality, Environment and Occupational Risk Prevention, that also performs the specific functions and protocols in the environment field.

The Division of Quality, Environment and Occupational Risk Prevention also benefits from the Surveillance Service and two workers attached to the Conservation Service to perform the environmental surveillance in the Port facilities. The information collected by these workers is complemented by the “Registry of responsabilities of the Port Authority’s staff”, in the framework of the PERS implementation.

Staff sensitisation actions

Impartition of training sessions

Distribution of documents of the Integrated Management System

Publication in the Port’s website of the “Sustainability Report” and the “Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Policy”

Realisation of drills on marine pollution situations

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Components of the Management Comittee



Information and communication systems Division

Strategic planning Unit

Infrastructures Department

Quality, Environment and Occupational Risk Prevention Division

Works and projects Division

Operation Division

Operation and Planning Department

Legal affairs, recruitment and services Unit

General and Legal affairs Department

General Secretary


Human resources and organisation Division

Security Division

Economic Finantial Department

Presidency secretary

Management secretary

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Necessities and expectations of the stakeholders Aware of the context in which it operates (formed by people, companies and institutions that can be affected by its decisions and results), the Port Authority of Melilla assumes and integrates criteria and principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in its strategy.

In the aim of applying these principles and of encouraging the economic development of the City and the well-being of the citizenship, the Port Authority created a procedure to identify its “stakeholders”, as well as their necessities and expectations. For that purpose, it makes use of the following information sources:

The stakeholders are represented in the Management Board of the Port (in which the vocals represent the 71% of the members) and in other sectorial technical committees.

In the following pages, the necessities and expectations of the stakeholders (obtained from queries conducted during 2019) are presented.







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Capacidad de influencia en la Autoridad Portuaria

Port Authority’s stakeholders

Rest of the Port sector

Local business sector



Autonomous City Government

Port Community


Capacity of influence over the Port Authority



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Management and Port and Navigation



Queries to the staff

Information sources used

Social networks

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Internal stakeholders

Workers and trade unions

Safe conditions in the workplace, delete risks in dry marine and provide guarantee on the safe utilisation of the Caterpillar crane

Healthy environment, reduce or avoid diffuse pollution of the aggregate crushing plant

Improve the security conditions of the Port Police face to immigrants agressions

Creation of employment

Bigger communication and information on the Port Authority’s management

Improve the medical assistance from the External Prevention Service on Health Surveillance

Reduce the natural resources consumption and its associated costs

Increase the energy efficiency in the state-owns Ports

Provide quality services face to neighbouring non-peninsular ports

State Ports – Ministry of Transports, Mobility and Urban Agenda

Port Authority Management

Being a Port that provides quality services, environmentaly pioneer and competitive in these scopes

Create new business fields

Enhance biodiversity in the Port infrastructures

Regain lost traffics and increase goods handling

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External stakeholders

Compliance of the applicable regulation on industrial security and over activities that impact the environment and the quality of the Port infrastructures

Flow of traffic routes, avoiding accidents and nuisance from combustion gases

Adequate state of the Port-City interphase, promoting the wealth of the historical, cultural and artistic heritage of the environment

Maintenance of the environmental conditions in the Port environment (air quality, acceptable noise levels)

Good shipping lines services (quality/price/ competitiveness/timetable)

Provide information on the Port management

Population and City Hall Department of Environment and other public administrations

Maintenance of the natural areas and protected species in adequate conditions (Chafarinas Islands, Nano Ravine and Aguadú Cliffs)

Rigorous compliance of the applicable legislation on the part of the Port Authority

Economic sector of Melilla (Chamber of Commerce)

Maintenance of adequate environmental and quality conditions that promote the development of activity of concessions and contract companies, and the increase of the tourism in Melilla

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Operating companies (concessions, authorised or subcontracted)

Maintenance of the environmental conditions and the quality of infrastructures (water, soil)

Gain fees bonuses due to quality and environmental improvements

Availability of means to waste disposal

Passengers, visitors and other users

Compliance of the applicable regulation on industrial security and over activities that impact the environment and the quality of the Port infrastructures

Security and safety in the Port for a safe transit

Competitive, Green and sustainable Port (healthy quality, safety and environment conditions)

Port that offers facility to obtain bonuses on quality (activity rate) and environment

Expand the Port

Clients (shipping lines, vessels, etc.)

Increase the traffics (competitive Port to regain lost traffics)

Improve the Port services

Clients (concessions, etc.)

Port that offers facility to obtain bonuses on quality (activity rate) and environment

Competitive, Green and sustainable Port (good management on the part of the Port Authority)

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Objectives, actions and programmes

Environmental management Environmental processing of the Port expansion project

Actions taken in 2019

Ecoefficiency Reduction of the energy consumption and the carbon footprint

Sustainable mobility Participation in the CORE LNGas hive project

Biodiversity protection Participation in the LIFE REMoPaF project

Acoustic pollution Approval of the “Noise Map” and the “Action Plan”, and participation in the ANCHOR LIFE project

Environmental management Adaptation of the 50% of the Port expansion project to the Environmental Impact Declaration

Future objectives

Sustainable mobility Habilitate places for energy supply for passenger cars

Waste management Improvement of the general cleaning service

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Legal requirements The Port Authority of Melilla is well aware of the legal provisions that apply to it, by means of periodical consultation of the official bulletins of the Autonomous City, the State and the European Union. These provisions are included in the “List of legal regulation and other requirements” of its Integrated Management System.

The new provisions detected are added to the list and, subsequently, the pertinent Head of Department will initiate the required actions to comply with them, according to the next sequence:

Regular consultation of the official bulletins;

Detection and control of the applicable requirements;

Actions implementation to comply with the requirements;

Requirement’s fulfilment assessment.

In the section “Significant environmental aspects and impacts” of this document, a reference is made to the legal requirements that apply to each of these environmental aspects referred (section 1.2 PERS).

Annually, the Port Authority evaluates its compliance of the legal and applicable requirements by an external and independent specialised entity.

Among the registers generated in the PERS implementation, a declaration of conformity with the legal applicable requirements is included (section 1.4 PERS).

“This process is contained in a documented procedure of the Port Authority’s Integrated Management System and it is known by all the staff with participation on this matter”

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Port Authority address: Marina Española Avenue, nº4 Melilla 52.001 España

Telephone: 952.67.36.00; Fax: 952.67.48.38