INDEX 1987 January - December

INDEX 1987 January - December

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Page 1: INDEX 1987 January - December



January - December

Page 2: INDEX 1987 January - December



Matters Requiring Urgent Consideration: 47Status of Sub—Committees etc.: 1.00,170


Agricultural Tenancies — Sweyne Park, Rayleigh: 60Competition 1987: 249,429Whitehouse Chase Allott. Headquarters, Renewal of Lease: 411


Embargo on Development: 29,320Attendance of Representative: 141,320Capital Development Programme 1987/88—1990: 142,321Kingsman Farm Ditch, Rullbridge: 143Disposal to AWA of Surplus Land at Depot: 172

Sweyne Park, Rayleigh — Pond; 243Ferry Road Pumping Station Scheme: 320Sea Defences: 321Privatised Water Industry: 408,432Kenilworth Gardens Ditch Piping: 481


Audit Commission Profile of RDC; 81(1)External Auditors Overview of Rating Procedures: 81(3)Audit of Accounts 1985186: 81(4)External Auditors Review of Internal Audit: 81(5)Purchase of Computer for Internal Audit Section: 81(6)Cessation of Arrangements re: flullbridge Community Association: 263(E)Three Es Exercise — Performance Review: 340(C)(4)

Page 3: INDEX 1987 January - December

., w r' — ;p fli


Meetings With: 73,100,166,194,476Level of Servicet 147(4)BR (No. 2) Bill 1987—88: 575


Outside 118 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh: 102,149Opp. FitzWinzarc School, Rockley Road, Rayleigh: 150


Fouling of Pleasure Grounds By Dogs: 38,100,131,194,494

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Capital Programme 1987/88: 9,455Lift Installation at Civic Suite: 9,565Provision of Central Beating: 43Appointment of Specialist Consultants: 271

Engineering Works 1987/88: 272


Caravan Sites Working Group: 45Halcyon Caravan Park: 45,46,121,194Crouch Caravan Park: 45Fire Precautions: 110,194,238Enforcement re: Gypsies: 344Caravan Sites & Control of Development Act 1960 —

Riverside Trailer Park Ltd., Wallases. Island: 443Spacing of Caravans — Progress Report: 449


Standards: 146(1),340(B)(3)0.P. Day Centre Site, Southend Road, Hockley: 172

Sale of Land from Websters Way Car Park: 171Gateway Foodmarkets Ltd.: 174,270Use of Back Lane for Auto Jumble Sale refused: 175Back Lane Improvement Scheme: 185Market Car Park Freehold: 340(B)(1)Hockley Public Car Park — Additional Public Spaces: 345Environmental Works: 412Review of Charges; 567

Public Car Park — Pooles Lane, Hullbridge: 568


Purchase of Catering Equipment: 247

Civic Banquet: 192Hiring Policies — Council Halls Function Suites: 451Competition in Local Authority Services: 496,544,557


Mr. D. Gould — chauffeur: 28Townsend Thorensen Disaster, Zeebrugge: 99Glass Manufacturers Federation — Certificate: 192

Civic Banquet: 192Mr. P. Ingleby — Donation of Pictures: 192Pupils from St. Teresas R.C. School: 289Eastern Electricity Civic Shield Award: 289

Domesday Anniversary — Commemorative Plaque: 366British Gas Premier Housing Award: 366Civic Engagements: 428Pupils from Canewdon & Ashingdon Primary Schools: 501

Aircraft Crash, Rayleigh — Appeal Fund: 501

Rupert Jarvis Court Opening Ceremony: 501Pupils from FltzWimarc School Rayleigh &

Doggetts County Primary School: 584Councillor Mrs. Jo Jones' Husband: 584Chief Constable of Essex: 584

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Scale of Charges 1987188:For Tender Documents:


10,29561(C) (2)

Seaview Drive:New Play Area, Rayleigh West:Play Area rio Castle Inn, Little Wakering:Children's Playgrounds re: Equipment:




Access to Swimming Pool by the Disabled:Free Use of Swimming Pool:

Purchase of Catering Equipment:Riding Route on Playing Field:Kitchen Improvements:Hiring Policies:



157 ,245,538455


New Sea Wall at Fambridge: 252AWA Programme: 321


Leisure Services Committee — Visit by Mr. B. Taylor:Leisure Services Committee — Condolences to Mrs. J.M. Munson:


Staffing Sub—Committee:

Widdicombe Report Panel:Caravan sites Working Group:Rate Consultation Panel:

District Plan Working Party:Emergency Panel:Audit Panel:Economic Development Panel:To Report to Parent Committee:Sweyne Park Panel of Members:

Computer Panel:Twinning Sub—Committee:Chairman's Panel:


8(A),81(A),164B&F,263(B) ,340(A)399A&C,490D&F ,561(C)


146,322,553,560,58]164(A) ,49O(B)

81(B) ,l64(D),263A&E,340(C) ,49OC&E,561(B)16 4(E)

170351 ,367,399(B)

561(B)263(C) ,49O(A)

164(C) ,263(D) ,340(B) ,49O(C) ,561(A)

Appointment of Standing Committees 1987/88:Appointment of Chairmen and Vice—Chairmen of Committees

and Panels of Committees:

Cycle of Meetings 1987/88:Cycle of Meetings 1988/89:




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Sweyne Park Panel of Members; 351Dutch Cottage Management Committee — Constitution: 416


Hockley Community Centre Association: 569,587Rayleigh Grange — Lease of Property: 578




Land'at the Grange, Rayleigh: 103

In Connection with Rayleigh Weir Improvement: 177


Micro Computer for Internal Audit Section: 81(6)New Computer Centre: 86,188,263(A)Reinforcement of Electricity Supply: 265Viewdate Consortium; 34O(C)(1)C—View System — Joint Venture 340(C)(2),49O(E)Replacement of Existing Computer: 34O(C)(3),490(E)


Transport Act 1985 — Effect Upon Schemes: 421


ABC Conference 1987: 414ADC — First Convention 12—14th October 1987: 415,495CIPPA June 1987: 343


Contract No. 1234 — Refuse Collection): 21,32,,19O,194,196,269,5O9Contract No. 1235 — Street Cleansing ): 21,32,190,194,269,509Contract No. 1246 — Replacement of Windows,

Finchfield, Rayleigh: 48Contracts Nos: 1243 and 1244 — Daywork Term

Contracts Plumbing and Electrical: 49

Contract Progress Reports: 66,1l6,17g,246,299,42O,445,544Contractorisation of Parks Section: 1O1,399(A)(3),432Back Lane Improvement Scheme: 185No. 1250 — External Painting and Repairs, Rayleigh Area: 186No. 1253 — Reroofing at Rochford and Barling Magna: 186No. 1252 — Replacement Windows: 187No. 1249 — Repainting Repairs and External Decorations, Rochford; 199No. 1256 — External Insulation and Ancillary Works: 200No. 1251 — External Painting and Repairs, Great Wakering: 276No. 1128 — Cleaning A.P. Schemes (Millview Court): 277,426

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No. 1198 — Works to Void Properties: 363No. 1229 — Pembroke House, RochE ord: 364No. 1254 — Kitchen Improvements to Council Dwellings: 425No. 1321 — Proposed Refurbishment of 1st Floor Bar Mill Hall: 456,502Competitive Tendering: 101,196,269,399(A)Government Proposals — Leisure and Other Centres: 496,544,557,587No. 1302 — Internal Decorations, Britton Court: 497No. 1230 — Extension to Spa Court, Hockley: 515,582No. 1277 — Rayleigh Mill Tower — External Renovation: 315,581


Mrs. E.M. Hart: 13S.H. Skinner: 135.11. Silva: 30D.C. Wood: 30Record of Attendances: 211Tour of the District: 263(D)(2)


Lift Installation at Civic Suite: 9

New Computer Centre: 86Reinforcement of Electricity Supply: 265Mill Building — Freehold: 340(B)(l)Dutch Cottage — Constitution Management Committee: 416Freight House, Mill Hall, Castle flail and Clements Hall

Hiring Policies: 457


Recognition of BBC Essex and Essex Radio During Bad Weather: 30

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Change of Use of Sweyne Park to Public Open Space: 58Rochford Playing Field Pavilion — Rochford Town F.C. HQ: 59,400Change Use of Land at Main Road, Hawkwell to Leisure Purposes: 74,400Rochford Bowls Pavilion — Toilet Facilities: 3512 AT Flats and 6 louses — Pembroke House, Warwick Drive,

Rochford: 93,117Grove Road Public Open Space: 133Staff Recreation Building — Nursery Area: 169,264Spa Court Extension: 273Park Sports Centre — Storage: 273

Old People's Day Centre, Hockley: 172,491SEETEC Centre, Main Road, Hockley: 424,527,570


Director of Leisure — Application for the Exclusive Use ofGreat Wakering Recreation Ground: 63

Authorisation of Prosecuting Officers: 167Director of Leisure — Certificates of Exemption —

3.56(5) Shops Act 1950: 174Director of Development — L/V Overhead Power Lines; 225


Appointment of Member with Special Responsibility: 216Home Improvement Grant: 362


Ombudsman's Advice: 352,404


Fouling of Footways, Grass Verges andPublic Places by Dogs: 38,100,131,194,494


Kingsman Pane Ditch, Hulibridge: 143Renilworth Gardens Ditch Piping: 481

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The Council's Legal and Administrative Services: 16


Distribution of Surplus Butter, Cheese and Meat: 124


Review of Electoral Arrangements: 17,29Results of District and Parish Council Elections: 210Association of Electoral Administrators: 498


Revision of: 164(A)


Rochford Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award: 67,274,350,367,431




Essex Ambulance Service Operational Plan 88/91: 440


1986/7 Revised Estimates — Virements: 82

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No. 10 (Hockley) Extinguishment Order 1985: 155

No. 26 (Great Wakering) — Proposed Diversion: 327

No. 21 (Great Wakering) — Proposed Diversion: 418Adj. 40 The Westerings, Hawkwell — Extinguishment Order: 419

No. 22 (Hockley) — Proposed Diversion: 478No. 7 (Hawkwell) — Proposed Diversion: 479

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Grant Aid to Outside Bodies: 11,83,406Revenue Grant to Rochford Sports Council: 56Sports Council Grant: 57Loan to Rochford Bowls Club: 85Grant to Southend Health Authority re: Cancer Treatment Centre: 88,405Townsend Thorensen Disaster Fund: 99Countryside Commission — Woodland Project: 168,309,339Palace Theatre Trust: 342,367Rayleigh Town Sports and Social Club: 360Marriage Guidance Council: 83,406Southend Hospital — Body Scanner kppeal: 406Intermediate Grant — 253 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh: 448


Provision of a Gypsy Site: 67,344,358

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Increase in Fees: 333Ten Year Life — Mercedes 191—200 Series: 333

Progress Report: 334Various Licence Applications; 333


Health Education — AIDS; 439Control of Pollution Act 1974 — Waste Disposal Licences: 444Control of Pollution Act 1974 — Moons Farm, Canewdon Road,

Ashingdon: 517


Emergency Situation During Arctic Weather Conditions: 71,471Access from Main Road to Hockley Woods: 132Grove Road Public Open Space — Extinguishment: 133Rayleigh Weir Underpass Scheme: 147(1),177,252,330b471B1013 Access to Southend: 147(2),l94,253,407,587Closure — Rayleigh May Day Fair: 152Private Street Works — The Drive Area, Hulibridge: 134Naming of New Thames Bridge — Request by Thurrock B.C.: 176Various Waiting Restrictions: 256,318Access to Shuttlewoods Boatyard, Paglesham: 257,326Wellington Road, Rayleigh — Status: 255,324Main Road and Rectory Road, Hawkwell — 40 m.p.h. Limit: 325Problems — London 11111 Area, Rayleigh; 331Mini—Roundabouts — Rochford; 472New Road, Great Wakering — Proposed Waiting Restrictions: 473

Ashingdon Road/Fambridge Road, Ashingdon — Proposed One—WayTraffic Order; 474


Freight House, Mill Hall, Castle Hall and Clements Hall; 457,502Condition of Hire — Council Lane and Buildings —

Live Creatures as Prizes: 462


139/141 and 143 High Street, Great Wakering: 123


Provision of; 74,245Access to Information Act; 100,170Proposed Diversion of Bridleway 38 (Rochford): 156Clements Hall Playing field — Riding Route: 157,245,538Turret House Farm: 244

Wellington Road, Rayleigh: 255,324,367Horse Riding Working Party: 483,539Horse Riding — Pleasure Grounds not Subject to Bye—Laws: 539

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(See also Housing — Right to BuyRouse Purchase LoansHousing BenefitsImprovement GrantsMunicipal HousingUnfit Houses)

Lodge Close, Rayleigh: 18Provision of Central Heating: 43Provision of Council Housing — Partnership Initiative: 90

Leasing Scheme for Elderly Applicants: 112

National Mobility Scheme: 113Key Worker Housing for Nurses: 114Proposed Abolition of Project Control: 115Essex Structure Plan: 485

Housing Association: 556,587


Write'-offs: 183

Implementation of New Regulations: 574


Proposed Abolition of Project Control: 115

Strategy 1988/89 (HIPS Bid): 294,367House Renovation Grants: 295


Housing and Planning Act 1986 — The Right to Buy; 39

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29 Bellingham Lane, Rayleigh: 122Discretionary House Renovation Grants: 295

Disabled Improvement Grant: 362

Home Improvement Policy — Consultation Paper: 573

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Land RIO South Street, Rochford: 19,458Land Transactions and Related Matters — Rayleigh West: 25,307,308Land RIO Assandune Villas, Ashingdon Road, Rochford: 41

Sweyne Park, Rayleigh: 58Land Adjacent Main Road, Hawkwell — Horse Riding Route: 74Gas Supply to Canewdon — Easement Request: 75

Land at the Grange, Rayleigh — C.P.O.: 103

Hockley Woods — Access from Main Road: 132King George V Playing Field and Websters Way Car Park —

Sale of Land for Doctors' Surgery in Eastwood Road: 171,194,305Old People's Day Centre, Hockley: 172,491Surplus at Depot — Disposal to AWA: 182

Mlllview Meadows, Rochford: 205Land Adjacent to 21 London Hill, Rayleigh: 259

RIO Public Convenience, High Street, Great Wakering: 361

Land RIO Castle Inn, Little Wakering: 460Land RIO 31 and 33 Weir Gardens, Rayleigh: 576


Meetings with Representatives of the Sports Council: 55,268,303Rochford Sports Council — Essex Games: 56,532Rochford Town F.C. — Proposed HQ Building: 59Putting Green — AshingdonlFairview Playing Fields: 60

Hockley Woods Management Plan 1987191: \61Koi Carp shows — St. John Fisher Playing Field; 62Annual Village Fair — Great Wakering Recreation Ground: 63Rochford Leisure Membership Scheme — Review: 64Rochford Bowls Pavilion — Toilet Facilities; 85Arts Development in Essex: 128,194,342,453,454Eastern Council for Sport and Recreation: 129,535Dual Use — Turning Policies into Practice: 130,535Hockley Woods — Access from Main Road: 132Dual Use — Educational Facilities: 535Grove Road Public Open Space: 133Capital Receipt to be Used for King George V PP.: 171,305Public Halls — Antiques and Craft Fairs: 184,194,198Flying of Powered Model Aircraft: 248,461Park Sports Centre — Storage: 273Sport in the Community — The Next 10 Years: 304BMX Ramps — Magnolia Road: 306Bonfire and Firework Display Romney Marsh: 310Clements Hall — Essex Youth Jazz Celebration: 311,339,367Information Kiosk: 128,313,339,367Rochford Water Sports Centre: 317,367,542Sports Injury Clinic — Clements Hall: 347Leisure Facility Fees: 490(D)Sports Shop Franchise — Park Sports Centre; 348Rochford Reservoir — Fishing: 459,502Play Area RIO Castle Inn, Little Wakering: 460Condition of Hire — Council Land and Buildings —

Live Creatures as Prizes: 462Sweyne School Swimming Pool for Public Use: 462Essex Games, Ernie Adock Trophy: 532,585

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Fire Over England Armada Celebrations: 533

Children's Summer Play Programme: 536Children's Playgrounds — Re—equipment Programme 1988/89: 537

Competitive Tendering Leisure: 496,544,557,587clifford Certificate KGV Playing Field, Rayleigh: 586


Land RIO South Street, Rochford — Access Via Depot: 19Easement — Gas Supply to Canewdon: 75Easement — Alexandra Road, Rayleigh: 95,144For Car Park, Gateway Poodmarkets, Rayleigh: 164


Restoration of Mill Tower: 315Building Preservation Notices — Red Phone Kiosks: 329,339,367Pulpits Farm, Greensward Lane, Hockley: 553,560,587


Initiatives: 237,430,446,510

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Hulibridge Public Car Park:

Report of Dill re: Standard of Service:

The Rayleigh Coffee Mill:Restoration of Mill Tower:Proposed Refurbishment of 1st Floor Bar:Hiring Facilities:Phase III — Refurbishment of Main Hall:

Spa Court and Pembroke House * Extensions: 180,232,273,401Lodge Close, Rayleigh: 18,289Cagefield Road, Great Stambridge: 90,100,104,240,409Land West of Doggetts Close: 233* Pembroke House: 296,364,367Millview Court: 366


Leasing Scheme for Elderly Applicants: 112

National Mobility Scheme: 113Key Worker Housing for Nurses: 114Proposed Abolition of Project Control: 115,234Rehousing of Tenants of Grested Court: 118AP Schemes — Door Entry System: 235Annual Programme of Pre—Painting Repairs and Decoration of Council

Dwellings 1988/89:Floor Coverings to the Corridors of Sheltered Schemes:Storm Damage to Council Housing:

Application for Housing — Special Circumstances:Review of the Council's Housing Strategy in the Light of the

Government's Proposals for the Rented Housing Sector: 519,556,587


JTS Scheme:Freeing of Accommodation:

Community Programme:











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For JTS Scheme: 169

New Computer Centre: 86,188


Legal Reference Books — Replacement: 15


Development RIO Barling House; 403,571


Grant Aid to Outside Bodies: ii

Subscriptions 1987/88: 12Southend and District Association for Mental Health: 13Gas Consumers' Council: 165,267JTS Consortium: 169"Industry Matters" — Association for Local Industries: 179

Appointment of Representatives: 215,266,417Cessation of Audit Arrangements — ilulibridge Community

Association: 263(E)Rochford Sports Council Meeting: 303County Tourism Liaison Committee: 314,349Public Transport Liaison Meeting; 332Bradwell Nuclear Power Station Local Liaison Committee 355Rayleigh Consultative Committee: 356Rayleigh Town Sports & Social Club: 360Citizens Advice Bureau, Rayleigh Civic Suite: 410Appt. of Reps. to Combined Meeting with Castle Point re:

Lack of Resources for S.H.A.: 502

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Renovation of Old Ship Lane Public ConveniencesSupaloos:



Rochford Video





340(B) (2)

Grove Road:Provision — Rayleigh West:Miliview Meadows, Rochford:

Sweyne Park, Rayleigh;Turret House Farm, Rayleigh:Playing Field, Rawreth — Powered Model Aircraft:

— Relocation of Football Pitches:BNX Ramps, Magnolia road:Bonfire and Firework Display, Romney Marsh:Keswick Avenue — Development:


133146 (2) , 308

20558 , 243 , 290 351, 36 7, 399(8




Effects of Public Transport Act 1986 on Bus Services and Roleof County Council:

British Rail — Eastern Regional Operations:1988189 Transport Policies and Programme (TPP14) and Public

Transport Plan (PTP1O):Contracted Bus Services, Routes 66, 9A, 10 and 12:Southend Transport Bus Service No. 8:Liaison Meeting:Local Taxi Bus Service:


147 ,194148



Rochford Hospital — MRS (Amendment) Act 1986:Southend Airport — Public Health (Aircraft) Regulations 1979:

Plough and Sail, East End, Paglesham:Public Entertainment Licences:

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District Rate and Budget 1987188: 68,98(A)External Auditors Overview of Rating Procedures: 81,164(D)Making the Rate 1987/88; 97,98AIrrecoverable Items 1986/87: 341Making the Rate 1988/89: 564,587


Rate Relief on Empty Industrial Buildings: 67


Review of Electoral Arrangement: 17


Assumption of by Teamwaste: 32,81A,.190,194,1961509Litter Initiatives: 237 ,43O,44651OControl of Pollution Act 1974 — Waste Disposal — South Fambridge: 507Refuse Disposal and Bottle Banks: 508Refuse Collection and Street Cleansing: 509


Minutes of Group of Representatives: 145,482


Local Plan Inquiry: 77,146,322,484,523,553Development Control Policy — Flat Conversions: 372


Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award: 67,274,350,367,431

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S .E .E .T .E .C.

Involvement in JTS Scheme: 169

Extension of Building: 263(D)(1),424,435


Ferry Road Pumping Station: 320Private Drain Blockage Contract; 480Kenilworth Gardens Ditch Piping; 481


Southend Airport — Public Health (Aircraft) Regulations 1979: 37Petition on Noise Nuisance: 111,231,290,358


Southend Cancer Treatment Centre: 40,88,109,194,293,405,511,588Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): 107,439Report of Council's Representative: 108,293Keyworker Housing f or Nurses: 114Membership of JTS Consortium: 169Mental Health Services Strategy 1987 to 1997: 230Blood Transfusion Service Donor Campaign: 357Draft Operational Plan 1988/1991; 438,502Essex Ambulance Service Operational Plan 1988/91 440Control of Residential and Nursing Homes: 505Southend Health Authority Matters: 108,293,511Mental Health and the Mentally Disordered: 512


Comments: 146


See: Leisure General

STAFF — A.P.T. & C.

Authorisation of Prosecuting Officers: 167Term Contracts and Appraisal Exercise: 189Staff Appraisal and Performance Review: 340(C)(4)Management and Admin. Structure 1988—1991: 558,561(C)(l)


Mr. D. Gould — Chairman's Chauffeur: 28,99Council Reward Scheme — Certificates: 193Staff Recreation Building; 169,264Mr. 0. Rayner: 278Architectural Section Works: 354Mrs. Rose Taylor: 529

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Refuse Collection/Street Cleansing: 32


Suspension of Standing Order 1.8: 26,33,138,195,227,287,378,394,405,520Financial Standing Order 4.4: Provision of Central Heating: 43Financial Standing Order 4.6: Back Lane Car Park

Improvement Scheme: 185

Standing Order 18 Approvals:






Public Halls — Antique and Craft Fairs:


(See Also: Sewers)

Kingsman Farm Ditch, Hullbridge:Drainage Easement, Alexandra Road, Rayleigh:





Amendment to Financial Standing Order 4.5:Amendment to Financial Standing order 3.1:Revision of Standing Order 17:



81(2)164(D) (4)



Defects: 471

off Woodlands Road, hockley:off Castle Road, Rayleigh:

at 115 Hockley Road, Rayleigh:North of High Street, Canewdon:

R/0 226/228 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh:at North Street, Great Wakering:

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Control of Gypsy Caravans: 344Members Induction Seminar: 353New Housing Benefit Scheme: 561


Offer of Donation from B.T.: 312Building Preservation Notice: 329,339,367


Replacement of existing:. 490(E)(4)


Naming of New Thames Bridge: 176


County Tourism Liaison Committee: 314,349,534Tourism in Rochford: 534


Planning Applications for Agricultural Development —Charges by MAFF: 22,284

ECC — Minerals Subject Plan Consultation Document: 76

Building Control Policy Statement: 84Tillingham Hall — Decision: 158The Future of Development Plans — DoE Paper: 159

Development Involving Agricultural Land — DoE Paper: 160Land Adjoining 63 Park Gardens, Hawkwell: 254Barratts Site — Alexandra Road, Rayleigh: 281,577Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987: 285Parking Criteria for Flats: 34O(B)(3)Notice of Notion on Objections and Voting: 369,384Proposed Development by Environmental Test Centre, Foulness: 373Development Control Policy — Flat Conversions: 372

Development at 68/74 Downhall Road, Rayleigh: 386

343/345 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh: 385347 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh: 385Land to the East of Sutton, N. & E. of Southend Crematorium,

S.o.S (Football Stadium): 395

District Plan Working Party: 77,146,322,484,489,523,553Essex Structure Plan — 1st Alteration Document: 485

Towards a Policy for Regional Shopping Centre (RSC's): 486Land at Hambro Hill, Rayleigh -. Ombudsman's Findings: 492

Rochford District Local Plan — Implementation ofPolicies Hi, H2, H5: 523

Glebe Farm Barling Road, Barling: 526Erection of 3 Houses Land off Knivet Close, Rayleigh: 528

Local Authority Building Control: 572

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Unauthorised Manufacture of Fencing at 7 Helena Close, Hawkwell: 2Unauthorised Use of 178 Eastwood Road for Car Sales: 3

Unauthorised Developments — The Old Mill, Battlesbridge: 94

Barratts Residential Development at Alexandra/Albert Road,Rayleigh: 95,144,194

Land adj. Sc. Mary's Church, Rectory Road, Hawkwell —Unauthorised Caravan: 136

Rawreth Lane Industrial Estate — Non—Compliance: 203,290Non—Compliance by Screenoprint (VP) Ltd., 90 Main Road, Hawkwell: 220Site of 58 Main Road, Hockley: 221Land Between klfreda Avenue and The Avenue, Hullbridge: 222

Unauthorised Dwelling at ttiledgest', Cranleigh Gardens, Hullbridge: 223

Site Adjacent 1Roselea', The Drive, Rayleigh: 224Unauthorised Caravans at "Greenacres", off Park Gardens,

Hawkwell: 254,391Unauthorised Development Adj. 181 Greensward Lane: 279Unauthorised Storage R/0 15 Bartletts, Rayleigh: 280Unauthorised Access and Parking 157 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh: 282,290Unauthorised Use 353 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh: 283

Unauthorised Siting Residential Caravan, Punch Bowl, Pagleshata: 374

Unauthorised Development Rayleigh Pk. Estate: 375Unauthorised Use of Unadopted Section Stanley Road as BMX Track: 376Unauthorised Use of Moons Farm, Ashingdon for Car Repairs: 380Unauthorised Use 30 Belchamps Way, Hawkwell for Car Repairs: 381

Unauthorised Use Old Ferry Rouse, South Fambridge for Car Repairs: 382Unauthorised Use Traders Garden Centre, Great Wakering: 383

Hockley Gardens Estate, Hulibridge: 389Unauthorised Use of Premises Glenross, Goldsmith Drive, RayleIgh: 391!

Unauthorised Use llighfield, off Greensward lane, Ashingdon: 392Unauthorised Storage of Vehicles at Deodar, Lower Road, Rockley: 465

Unauthorised Siting of Caravans on 15a and Rb 17—19 Southend Road,Rochford: 466

Newhall Farm, Lower Road, Hockley: 467'Buffers' Restaurant, 200 Main Road, Hockley: 469Mandarine Furniture, 7—14 Eldon Way Industrial Estate, Hockley: 469Rochelles Farm — Land Adj. Fambridge Road, South Fambridge: 469

Glebe Farm, Barling Road, Darling: 469

Nursery Lodge, Rullbridge Road, Rayleigh: 524Unauthorised Use of Land at 'Roaming', Kingsway, Hullbridge: 525


Stambridge Road, Rochford — Weight Restriction: 23


Hockley Woods Management Plaç 1987 191: 61Storm Damage, October 1987: 499

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23 Hawkwell Park Drive, llawkwell: 2364 Kingsmead Cottages, Barling Road, Barllng: 2362 Mount Bovers Cottages, Mount Bovers Lane, Hawkwell: 441

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Maintenance of Refuse Freighters: 44

W.P, Typewriter and Photocopier: 580


Old Ship Lane Public Conveniences — £3,500: 501986/7 Revised Estimates — Virements; 82Back Lane Improvement Scheme: 175

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Replacement; 490(E) (3)

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November (Part 2)

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Minutes of the Leisure Services Committee

At a Meeting held on 24th November1987. Present: CouncillorsMiss B.GI.J. Lovert (Chairman), R.S. Allen, C.t. Black, W.H. Budge,T.H. Burt, Mrs. J. Fawell, B.T. Grigg, M.J. Handford, A.J. Harvey,D.R. Helson, Mrs. S.J. Lemon, C.R. Morgan, S.A. Skinner, C. Stephenson,Mrs. L. Walker, P.F.A. Webster and D.C. Wood.

Apologies: Councillors Mrs. P. Cooke, Mrs. L.A. Holdich and R.A. Pearson.

Visitingby Invitation: Councillors R.H. Boyd, Mrs. R. Brown, B.A. Crick,C.J.B. Paherty, Mrs. P. Godsell, Mrs. E.11. Hart, J.A. Sheaf, S.H. Silvaand J.P. Taylor.


Resolved that the Minutes of the Meeting of 13th October 1987 be approvedas a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Committee were satisfied that all necessary action had been taken.Minutes 125/84 (SEC), 158/86 (SEC,DL), 570/86 (SEC), 571/86 (DL),132/37 (SEC), 133/87 (DL,DD), 307/87 (DL) and 308/87 (DL,DD) were carriedforward.

On Minute 440/85, the Director of Leisure replied to a question from aMember that following the reference back by Council of the recommendationto ban fishing at Rochtord Reservoir further negotiations 'were now takingplace with the Rochford Angling Club regarding management of the water,enquiries were being wade of other Authorities and a report would be madeto the next Meeting of the Committee.

The Officers were reminded that the Ilulibridge Foreshore continued tosuffer erosion and that the Compulsory Purchase action should be pursuedas soon as practicable (Minute 158/86).

532. THE ERNIE ADCOCK TROPHY (Minute 567/8

The Director of Leisure reminded Members that the Council had institutedthis trophy as an annual award to the individual or team from Rochfordwho in the opinion of the Leisure Services Commitee had made the mostoutstanding contribution to the Essex Games.

Following consultation with the Rochford Sports Council the OldFitzwimarcians Basketball Team run by Mr. Richard Negus were nominated forconsideration. The Committee noted that although this team had only beenformed this year they had come first in their sport at the Games andconsidered this to be an exceptional achievement.

RECOMMENDED That the Ernie Adcock Trophy be awarded to the OldFitzwimarcians Basketball Team for 1987. (131) (DL)


The Director of Leisure reported on arrangements being made to celebrateon a national basis 1988 as the 400th Anniversary of the Defeat of theSpanish Armada which were supported by the County Council.


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In particular it was proposed to reintroduce as a permanent feature the

great beacon system of England using wherever possible the original beaconsites, to be inaugurated on 19th July 1988 under the title "Fire overEngland". Members noted that there were three original beacon sites inthe District of Rochford, situated at Great Wakering, Beacon Hill nearCanewdon and Rayleigh Castle and agreed that a formal approach should bemade to the two Parish Councils and the National Trust althoughdifficulties could be foreseen on the National Trust site. Membersexpressed some concern at the cost of installing replica beacons at £750each, and asked that endeavours be made to effect some economy in theirprovision or seek to share the cost at Canewdon and Great Wakerlng betweenall the Parishes. They also asked that contact be made with local clubsand societies to encourage support for the celebrations which couldinclude plays, Morris dancing and barbecues.

RECOMMENDED (1) That investigations continue for the siting of the beaconin Rayleigh through consultation with the National Trust.

(2) That the Parish Councils of Great Wakering and Canewdon Sbe approached to each provide a beacon on the site within their area onthe shared basis suggested above.

(3) That consideration be given to Local celebrations on theday designated by the National Working Party as Fire over England Day,19th July 1988.

(4) That provision be made for sum of £2,000 to be includedin the 1988/89 draft Revenue Estimates to finance the project. (131)(DL)

534. TOURISM IN ROCHFORDjMInute314/87)

The Committee considered the appended report of the Director of Leisureregarding the further development of tourism in the District. Memberswere mindful that the District was rich in historical association thecareful researching and presentation of which could attract tourists andthey therefore supported the development of a package to promote thearea.

The Committee were of the view that references to witches in anyhistorical background information were unwise and should not be included.

RECOMMENDED (1) That the development of Tourism in Rochford as proposedP. in the report be agreed with the foregoing exception.

(2) That financial provision of £5,000 be made in the 1988/89draft estimates to meet the initial costa. (15075) (DL,DF)


The Committee had before them a summary prepared by the Eastern Councilfor Sports and Recreation on the views expressed in the sjx CountySeminars that they had organised throughout the Eastern Region, one ofwhich had been attended by the Director of Leisure and the Chairman of theCommittee.

In their earlier consideration of this question the Committee had S


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supported the principle of dual use as proposed in the Eastern Councilfor Sport and Recreation document "Dual Use — Turning Policies intoPract ice".

RECOMMENDED That this report from the Eastern Council for Sport andRecreation be received and that Council policy as detailed in Minute130/87 be reaffirmed. (131) (DL)


The Director of Leisure reported that in connection with the developmentof extensive school holiday play programmes over the last two years atrial scheme had been launched during three weeks of this year's schoolsummer holidays when a "Play Mobile" van fitted with a range of play,craft and sports equipment was taken around various sites in the Districtand offered fully supervised two—hour play sessions for children betweenthe ages of five and twelve years.

The Committee were pleased to note that the scheme had proved very popularand considered that it should operate for the full six weeks of the summervacation so as to establish itself as a feature of the holiday. Membersnoted that the arrangements had received extensive publicity and thataccount would be taken of transport availability in arranging next year's


RECOMMENDED That financial provision of £1,500 be made in the 1988/89draft Revenue Estimates for the extension of the "Play Mobile" to thewhole of the summer vacation. (131) (DF,DL)


The Committee had before them the appended report of the Director ofLeisure regarding the progress of the programme together with proposalsfor 1988/89.

RECOMMENDED (1) That play equipment be sited on the Recreation Ground atCanewdon in preference to the Primary School.

(2) That the proposed programme for 1988/89 be approved andprovision be made for £65,000 in the 1988/89 draft Capital Programme.(131)(DL)


The Secretary to the Council reported the comments received from HawkwellParish Council and the British Horse Society on the proposal to establisha permitted horseriding route at Clements Hall Playing Field. The BritishHorse Society had also offered all possible assistance in theestablishment of this route, which was seen as indicative of some measureof acceptance by the horse riders of permissive riding routes.

Members were aware that this facility was intended to form part of a rideleading from Ironwell Lane to Greensward Lane, and that rights of way overpart of the projected route had yet to be established, and remained underinvestigation. In the circumstances and having regard to the non—availability of finance, it was suggested that no action could be takenfor the time being to establish this route. Some Members expressed

I t012Hi

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concern that this should not be interpreted as meaning that no furtherprogress would be made and it was noted the matter would come before theDevelopment Services Committee for the allocation of funding. (2365)



As requested by the Development Services Committee the Secretary to theCouncil reported on the problems caused by horseriding on areas intendedfor pleasure grounds use but not yet covered by the Council's PleasureGrounds Eye—laws.

The Committee noted that there were three large areas acquired for

pleasure grounds purposes but not yet covered by the Bye—laws, that theywere all crossed by unadopted public streets carrying full highway rights)and that until such rights were extinguished or the highways divertedelsewhere, the public were entitled to use the highways for all purposesincluding horse riding. The Pleasure Grounds Bye—laws, if applied tothose areas, could not be made effective unless the highways andperimeters were fenced off preventing access. Certain difficulties hadarisen relating to planning permission for the areas concerned and furtherdifficulties were anticipated when application was made for extinguishmentof the rights of way. (23652) (SEC)


The Committee considered the appended report of the Director of Leisureoutlining proposals to alleviate the effects of the recent severe gale onthe Council's woodlands, parks and open spaces and noted that the staff ofthe specialist team proposed would remain in the Council's employment)woodlands being excluded from the parks tendering exercise. It wassuggested that schools might be involved in the tree planting proposals.

RECOMMENDED (1) That the report be noted.

(2) That a scheme be launched to involve the public as widelyas possible in the provision of, planting and caring for new treesthroughout the District.

(3) That provision of £10,000 be made for replacement treesand all the necessary materials in the 1988/89 draft Revenue Estimatesand of £5,000 in each of the two following years, these sums to be inaddition to any funds that may be forthcoming from the public appeals.

(4) That provision be made in the 1988/89 draft RevenueP. Estimates for the cost of establishing a specialist team.

(5) That provision be made in the current financial year fora supplementary capital estimate of £50,000 to be made available for treesurgery and for any necessary application to be made to the CountrysideCommission for grant aid towards this sum.

(6) That formal notice be given to Mr. Allen terminating the

agreement allowing him to coppice in Hockley Woods. (164) (DL,DF)


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The Directors of Leisure and Development reported on the third phase ofthe improvement programme for Mill Hall which had not progressed beyondoutline stage in January 1984 when the estimated cost had been £416,500because of the capital constraints at that time. Consideration had morerecently been given to a composite scheme for the Main Hall and wouldprovide an improved level of facilities at a substantially reduced outlaywithout adversely affecting the hall's multi—function role.Members noted details of the revised scheme which was designed to improvethe attractiveness of the Main Hall so as to generate additional incomeby accommodating a greater variety of functions whilst maintaining theflexibility of the hail and allowing for further improvements asdetermined by demand. The total estimated cost of the work was £133,600inclusive of a 10% contingency sum and professional fees. Subject to theCommittee's approval it was anticipated that the scheme could commenceearly in 1989.

A Member questioned whether opportunities existed to share the fundingwith the organisations principally involved and whether it was sensible toinvest new money in a leisure facility at a time when the Government waslooking for such centres to be managed privately but the Committeeconsidered as regards the tendering proposals that the hall would still be

serving the community.

P. RECOMMENDED That provision be made within the draft Capital Programme forthe third phase of the scheme for Mill Hall to be commenced in 1988/89.

(6643) (1W)


Note: Councillor D.C. Wood declared a non—pecuniary interest by way ofMembership of the Crouch Harbour Authority but remained in the Meetingand participated in the discussion.

The CommIttee considered the appended report of the Director of Leisuresetting out proposals for a Water Sports Centre as requested at the JulyMeeting of the Committee and received clarification regarding consultationwith local yacht clubs, non—interference from Baltic Wharf traffic, thebasis on which the financial estimates had been drawn up and the method

of staffing proposed.

RECOMMENDED (1) That the scheme for the Water Sports Centre be approved

in principle, subject to the appropriate financial provision beingforthcoming.

(2) That a formal approach be made to Essex County Councilfor their direct support in the planning, funding and operation of the


P. (3) That provision be made in the 1988/89 Draft CapitalProgramme to fund the scheme to a maximum of £34,000.

(4) That provision be made in the draft 1988/89 draft RevenueEstimates to fund the net operating expenditure of the project to amaximum of £14,450.


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(5) That for the purposes of Regulation 4 of the Town and

Country Planning (General) Regulations 1976, permission be sought for thedevelopment of a Water Sport Centre on the River Crouch at Creeksea. (131)



The Committee noted the report of the Director of Development on theprogress of a number of contracts. (647)



(Minute 4iThT)

(A) The Leader of the Council and Chief Executive gave a detailedpresentation of the proposals they had been developing in response tothe Government's consultation papers entitled "Competitition in theManagement of Local Authority Sport and Leisure Facilities" and"Competition in the Provision of Local Authority Services Implementationand Exemptions in England".

The former document described the leisure functions and facilities tobe subjected to competitive tendering, sought views on whether pricing)admission and opening hours policies should be at the discretion of thecontractor rather than the local authority and suggested various powersto require in—house tenders to be submitted on the same basis as outsidecontractors and separate accounts for any DLO to be prepared and publishedannually. The latter document set out the method and timetable by whichcompetition was to be phased in for a whole range of services including

sport and leisure management, grounds maintenance, refuse collection,Street cleansing, building cleaning, catering and vehicle maintenance.It also indicated that any such activities costing less than £100,000a year in terms of gross expenditure would be exempt from competition.

(B) The Leader began by explaining that as with the Government's WhitePaper on Housing, he and the Chief Executive in formulating theirproposals for the Committee's consideration on the consultation papershad sought to be positive and that they had looked for the best wayforward. He was not asking Members to reach any decisions this evening,rather that they should hear and digest what was suggested so that therecould be a full debate at the next Policy and Resources Committee.

(C) He continued that whilst Members would know that these wereconsultative documents and that the detail might change, the policy theycontained represented the main thrust of the Government's privatisation

proposals. Legislation to require competition had already been deferredonce pending the last General Election and it was most unlikely that itwould be deferred again. It would become law and the Council must preparefor thet time. Like the evolution of the proposals for a new localhousing association, the prudence of the possible approach to the futureof Leisure Services in Rochford had been discussed with the HousingCorporation, the Minister at the Department of the Environment, theRegional Controller, Price Waterhouse as Consultants and the Council'sAuditors1 the Audit Commission, C1PFA and CIFFA Services, the ChiefExecutives' Association, Management Team and the Leisure staff of theDistrict Council


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(D) He then illustrated from the "Implementation and Exemptions" documentthe following timescale envisaged by the Government for achievingcompetition in the various services although he said it was not yet clearwhether the dates indicated meant that the tendering process should havebeen started or completed by that time.

Refuse Collection — 1/10/90 (1990/91)Already contracted out.

Street Cleansing — 1/10/90 (1990/91)Already contracted out.

Building Cleaning — 1/4/91 (1991/92)Already contracted out.

Catering — 1/4/89 (1989/90)Part of the proposals for Leisure Services to be dealt with in thepresentation but achievable within the timescale subject to Councilapproval of the suggestions.

Vehicle Maintenance — 1/10/89 (1989/90)The Councilts gross expenditure in this area, depending on theoutcome of the grounds maintenance tendering exercise, could placeit in the exempt category. Whilst therefore the Council might notbe compelled to seek tenders, it might choose to do so.

Leisure Management — 114/1990 (1990/91)This was the other part of Leisure Services to be dealt with inthe presentation. It was a large area of activity. Rochford wasgrouped with Brentwood and Epping Forest Districts under the phasingarrangements. These phasings over the whole County would facilitateauthorities bidding for services in other Districts which would bethe position at Rochford if the suggestions were acceptable to theCouncil.

Grounds Maintenance — 10% each six months from 1/4/1989 (1989/94)Tenders in the process of being invited at the present time,

(B) Turning specifically to Catering and Leisure Management he indicatedthat whilst the term "Catering" was self—explanatory, it would benecessary for Members to appreciate that "Leisure Management" as describedin the Consultation Paper would extend to Clements Hail, Wakering SportsCentre, bowling greens at Rochford and Rayleigh, all football, cricketand other pitches and all tennis courts. Doubt existed over whether themanagement of halls was also intended to be included and if so it could

also embrace Hill Hall, Freight House) Castle Hall, Rayleigh GrangeCommunity Centre and Hockley Community Centre. It was not intended atpresent that competition should apply to sports facilities which formedpart of educational establishments and did not therefore include ParkSports Centre, although this could be required later. It did apply,however, to water sports. All Council catering in any of those centresmust be included.

(F) It was also important to understand how the Consultation Paper definedmanagement. The ownership of land and buildings would remain with theCouncil hut the following management functions would be subject to



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BookingsCollection and accountingCleaning and maintenance

Supervision, e.g. lifeguardsProviding instructionCatering and refreshmentsProvision or hire of equipment

Paying for heating and lightingSecuring the premises

(0) As far as Rochford was concerned then the two Community Centres wouldbe leased to Community Associations and the bowling greens to the bowlingclubs. This meant that they were outside of the Council's control andnot subject to the competitive tendering requirements. The tennis courtsand sports pitches were included in the current parks maintenance tenderdocuments. This left with the Council the management functions of theLeisure Directorate in respect of Clements Hall, Great Wakering SportsCentre and possibly Hill Hall, Freight House, Castle Hall and laterperhaps, Park Sports Centre. He mentioned that in the consultation paperthe Government was questioning whether local authorities should even havethe right to fix charges and opening hours.

(H) Speaking generally of the Council's recent experience of competitivetendering on refuse collection, street cleansing and office cleaning andcurrently with grounds maintenance, the Leader explained that it was veryapparent that the Council was disadvantaged with its in—house bid positionbecause of local government conditions of service where average wagelevels applied but with high personal on—costs. This was caused by theheavy burden of central administration charges. These were theapportioned organisational core functions of administration, legal,finance, audit, computing and accommodation. In addition there wasthe cost of local democracy in having an administration structured aroundcommittee services. There was uncertainty over contract terms andcontinuity of employment which attracted staff to the private sector. TheLeader of the Council suggested that if the Council were to go through thetender process on leisure management and catering in the same way as forprevious activities there might well be a run—down in the quality ofservices and in the care of the buildings with a demoralised staff to whomthe Council could offer no future. He felt it was essential that theCouncil should reconsider its policy in the light of the consultationpapers and he asked the Chief Executive to outline to Members analternative approach which the Council might now adopt.

(I) The Chief Executive explained that he would be putting forward a planf or a management buy—out of the management functions. It was a buy—outin which the Council could be involved and it would produce a leisurecompany in Rochford with which the Council could work. It was importanttoo in another respect because the formation of the company would givethe Council's Leisure staff a future. The company would have a name whichcould be Rochford Leisure or South East Essex Leisure and care would needto be taken in describing its purpose so that it was able to take fulladvantage of tendering for any similar activities in other authorities.It would be a management company, not owning facilities but managing them.The Council could appoint seven Members and two Officers to act asDirectors and authorise them to form a company with share capital of90,000 £1 shares, all of which would be purchased by the Council. Some orall of the Members who were not acting as Directors of the company and the


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Chief Executive could be appointed shareholder nominees to look after theCouncil's interests as the shareholder. The arrangements could be putinto effect by February 1988.

(J) Following the setting up of the new Company, the Council effectivefrom 1st April 1988 would offer contracts to the company and professionalsupport services for the management of each of the following buildingsand activities:—


Ciements HallMill flail

Freight House

Wakering Sports CentrePark Sports CentreCastle Hail

Other Activities

Action SportPlayspace ManagementRochford ShowPromotions

The term of the contracts would be related to the Government's programmefor the invitation of competitive tenders so for example the contract forcatering services would be limited to one year. The initial managementcontracts would be let for a fixed annual fee for the management of eachbuilding and activity prepared in a way that would resemble the Council'sBudget Book and on the basis of the Council's existing policies andcharges. During 1988/89 a specification and tender documents for theCouncil's catering operations would be drawn up to meet the April 1989deadline for competitive tendering. If possible the catering contractwould be for a period of five years.

At the same time the Council would develop with the Company the policiesto be included in the tender documents for Leisure Management with regardto charges and opening times in accordance with any Governmentrequirements. Towards the end of 1988/89 the Council would sell to thestaff of the Company one—third of the share capital in a way that wouldprotect the Council's position. It was envisaged that by 1st April 1989the Company would be free to decide the charges and opening times withinguidelines set by the Council e.g., the contractor must provide swimmingfacilities for children.

(K) The Company's role in 1988/89 would be to operate the managementcontracts. It would have acquired its staff from Rochford Leisure asthey had the necessary experience to provide the various services. Thetransfer of staff would depend on their individual circumstances andcounselling would be available to advise them as to their best course.The terms and conditions of employment of the Company's staff would needto be different from those in the National Agreements which did notreflect the requirements and hours of operation of the Leisure industry.The Company would be testing the Council's professional support serviceson a value for money basis against those available from the privatesector and would where appropriate place its custom elsewhere or appoint


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staff with that expertise. Staff would have purchased one—third of theshare capital and one—third of the Council's membership of the board wouldbe replaced to reflect the reduction in its shareholding and to bringin any new skills that were required. Finally the Company would bepreparing tenders for the services to be subjected to competition in

other authorities.

(L) Looking ahead to 1989/90 the Chief Executive continued that by 1stApril 1989 the Council would have awarded a long term catering contractto the best tenderer but hopefully to the new Cempany. During the yearit would sell a second instalment of one—third of the shareholding tothe staff of the Company to advance the transfer of ownership. It wouldhave prepared the documentation and invited tenders for all the remainingleisure services in accordance with any requirements advised by theGovernment. The Company for its part would have replaced a further one—third of the Council Members of the Board and would be involved in thetendering processes not only for Rochford Services but those of otherlocal authorities. He emphasised the importance to the Company's futureof not being too parochial in defining the geographical area in which itcould operate.

(M) By 1st April 1990 the Council would have let a five year contractfor leisure management and in 1990/91 would sell the remaining one—thirdshareholding. It would have met all its obligations under the proposedlegislation and would have achieved a controlled transfer of the LeisureServices With the purchase of the remaining shares and the replacementof the Council's Directors still on the Board the management buy—out wouldhave been completed and the new Company freed from the Council's centraladministration costs which would have improved its financial position.

(N) In concluding his presentation the Chief Executive highlighted theadvantages of the suggested approach which would bring into being a localleisure company. By the means proposad the Council would retain ownershipand influence in the Company's formative stages. It was more likely thatthe Company would be sympathetic to the needs of the District and thatmeaningful liaison would be a continuing factor. The gradual transferof ownership would give the Council a share in any profit the Companymight achieve in the initial years and given that it should operate atsignificantly lower costs there should be a saving in rate—borneexpenditure. There would be the opportunity to adjust staffing levels inthe central departments over a three year period which would producefurther economies. It gave the Council's Leisure staff a future. Itcould not be said that the Company would be successful in its bids for theCouncil's catering and leisure management but it would have been given thebest opportunity of doing so, both in Rochford and for other localauthorities. Rochford Leisure enjoyed an excellent reputation and it wasimportant that this was retained. The formation of the company wouldprovide continuity of employment and avoid the deterioration in morale andservices that would be bound to occur if there were to be eighteen months

of uncertainty.

(0) The Leader of the Council was well aware that Members would wish tohave time to give careful thought to the proposed formation of the leisuremanagement Company but intimated that at the next meeting of the Policyand Resources Committee he would be asking that the Council be recommendedto- S


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(a) Authorise seven Members and two Officers to form a leisure management


(b) Buy the share capital of £90,000.

(c) Draw up management contracts.

(d) Engage CIPFA Services as consultants.

In response to questions from Members the Leader and Chief Executiveadvised that terms and conditions of employment of staff and anyredundancy costs would be a matter for consideration by the Staffing Sub-Committee and that there were complex issues of policy to be resolvedand that it was impractical to consider a consortium with neighbouringauthorities. It would be a private limited company. There would be aseparate management fee and an itemised specification for each leisurebuilding and activity which would make up the total tender. Tin this waythe Council could be satisfied that every aspect had been tested. TheCompany would have to keep costs within its total fee. There would be areport to the next Policy and Resources Committee on the leasing of theRayleigh Crange Community Centre. It was confirmed that ownership ofthe land and buildings and responsibility for debt charges would remainwith the Council. Further information was requested on the likely effecton the tendering process of predatory pricing, the liabilities ofdirectors and their interests, the position if the company was to make aloss or fail to meet its contractual obligations, the means of protectingshare ownership and the controls which could be exerted by the Council.The Committee were advised that it was hoped that maintenance of thepremises could be retained by the Council because the buildings were suchan important asset to the District. The model described could be adaptedto suit the wishes of the Council. It was suggested that the Council'stime might be better spent in setting the future of Leisure services inRochford rather than in commenting on the detail in the consultation paperwhen Government policy had already been established. There was some doubtexpressed that the timescale of tendering in the neighbouring districtswould allow bids to be made by the new Company although it was acceptedthat it would have been established by then.

AOU A1AkRECOMMENDED That the Policy and Resources Committee be asked to considerthe recommendations of the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive asset out in Paragraph (0) above. (131) (MT)


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In 1983 following a report to Council, the Tourism Promotion Panel wasformed under the Chairmanship of Councillor B. Taylor.

The term of reference was to consider how the District might berepresented in a publicity portfolio on tourism which the County Councilwere preparing for all of the County.

The objectives of a Rochford Tourism Service were considered to be:—

(a) To increase the numbers of persons visiting the RochfordDistrict.

(h) To increase the income which accrues to the District fromvisitors.

(c) To have a beneficial effect on local industry and commerce throughan increase in tourism.

(d) To present Rochford as an area worth visiting and one with certainspecific characteristics.

Ce) To improve facilities and services in Rochford for the localresidents through the initiative to increase tourism.

It is true to say that the objectives for a tourism policy withinRochford remain the same in 1987 and, to date, various methods have beenundertaken to publicise the District and its attractions.

Roehford now appears in various County publications, highlightingbuildings of historical Interest, together with areas of natural beauty,i.e. Hockley Woods.

Publicity for Clements Hall and the major leisure events, i.e. Cycle

Race, Oyster Festival, Rochford Show, etc., continued at a regionallevel and in some instances at a national level. Projects such as PlaySpace 2000 have received widespread national coverage and must have beenof benefit to the District.

Leaflets on woodland walks have been produced, together with someinteresting brochures on the Old House and the Dutch Cottage.

Having made the first step forward this report is aimed at suggestingways in which the increase in tourism may be encouraged and extended.

1. Research

Is essential if we are to know our District and what we have tooffer. This research can be extended to include backgroundinformation and the history of people or places connected with theDistrict, i.e.


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(a) John Winthrop and the Pilgrim Fathers — Stainbridge(b) Battle of Assundune(c) Anne )3oleyn and Rochford ilall

(d) Rayleigh Castle(e) Ghosts in the Old House

(f) Rayleigh Windmill(g) Stocks and Witches of Canewdon

2. Accommodation

A comprehensive accommodation register is required for a completerange of accommodation types both in the Rochford District andacross the border.

There may be many householders prepared to supply bed andbreakfast and contact needs to be made with them.

3. Transport

The availability of transport into and out of the area isessential information to any tourist. Contact needs to be madewith air, road and rail links and ultimately with coach touroperators. Once Heritage trails and places of interest areidentified, tour operators will be encouraged to come to thearea.

4. Visitors

There is a need to establish at which market segment we are aimingand to conduct visitor profiles on visitors to the District. Weneed to know how and when we can reach this audience and by whatmeans.

5. Local Busine8s and Industry

When the potential market is identified, local businesses and

industries may be approached to investigate sponsorshipopportunities, advertising opportunities.

6. Information/Publicity

(a) Information kiosk in Rayleigh High Street — agreed on sixmonths trial basis commencing April 1988.

(b) Leaflets/Posters — to be produced once research is complete.A series of leaflets under separate headings will give thevisitor a wide range of information and activity ideas to


(c) Exhibitions — a visual display of the District (can be takenas a static display to enhance the promotional video of theDistrict). Both static and audio visual displays can belinked with the County Council's tourism stand which exhibitsat the London Travel Fair, Moot Exhibition, Blackpool, OstendTravel Fair, etc. A high profile is required as anattractive reflection of the District.



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7. Museum

Mrs. Squier of Doggetts Farm has an enormous collection ofagricultural exhibits. Subject to her agreement, these itemsshould be collated and an inventory made. Research will berequired for each item and investigations can be undertaken withthe East Anglian Tourist Board regarding the display and settingof the exhibit with a view to their being on show to the public atspecific times.

Further research in the District may reveal other exhibitionsources.

8. Eating Places

There are many excellent places to eat throughout the District anddetails are required to guide the visitor.

9. Events

Annual events already well publicised in the region may he ofinterest to operators. Combine the Rochford Show with StrawberryTea at Clements Ball Leisure Centre. Visit the Oyster Festivaland sample Oysters and Wine

10. Trails

Investigations should take place into forming tourism trails,appropriately signposted, i.e. beacon trail, church trail (forbrass rubbing and history, etc.).

11. Leisure Provision

Full details of all leisure provisions throughout the District,

publicly or privately owned, including water/golf/leisurecentres/horse riding/shooting, etc.

12. Activity Weekend

Can be linked to the above;

Cycle tours starting and finishing at Clements Hall Leisure Centretaking in some of the churches and places of interest plus a goodeating stop off on the way.

Walking/Rambling — there is an extensive network of footpaths well

worth discovering again combining good food with good ale andplaces of interest.

Clay Pigeon Shoot

13. Ctafts/Antigues

Both crafts and antiques are extremely popular and areas ofinterest need to be identified, i.e. Mrs. Roberts at Paglesham andacross our border to the Antique Centre at Battlesbridge.


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14. finance

An MSC Project Team has undertaken a tourism assignment and wagesfor the team are, therefore, funded by the MSC.

However, finance will be required to produce the literature and toensure the quality by which we wish to reflect the District andattract the visitor. Initially an estimated budget of £5,000 isenvisaged which includes the coat of establishing the ArmadaBeacon and Heritage Trail, but does not include any finance forthe Information Kiosk, for which provision for the six month4periment is being included in the draft 1988/89 estimates.

With a thorough investigation of all of the above and the production ofleaflets and posters) it will be possible to sell Rochford to TourOperators and at exhibitions. We aim to encourage many additionalvisitors to our District with the consequent benefit to everyone.

RECOMMENDED (1) That the development of tourism in Rochford as proposedin the report be agreed.

(2) That financial provision of £5,000 be made in the1988/89 draft estimates to meet the initial costs.



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Members nay recall that we are presently in the second year of a five yearplayground re—equipment programme. The purpose of this report is toappraise Members of the current position in this respect and subject tothe necessary provision being made in next year's capital programme,request Members' agreement to the list of proposed sites for 1988/89.

1986/87 SCHEDULE

Grove Playing Field

Installation completed — further land drainage work to be undertaken thiswinter.

Fairview Playing Field


King George V Playing Field, Raylegi


Hawkwell Common

Completed, with exception of fencing which is being provided throughsponsorship by Bysouth Limited.

Great Wakering Playing Field

Completed, with exception of entrance gate which is on order and will be

fitted following receipt.

Can ewdo n

Discussions have been held with Officers of the County Council EducationDepartment in respect of siting the play area within the grounds of theprimary school. The Director does, however, feel that restrictive accessby mothers and young children during school time contrary to the aim ofproviding play equipment and is now re—considering suitable equipment tobe sited on the recreation ground. It is planned to complete this sitebefore the end of March 1988.

I4ullbridge Playing Field

Completed; Members will recall their wish to have the new play areasituated closer to the car park, this has been achieved through re-positioning of the football pitch.

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Hockley Woods

Members may recall that new play equipment was placed on this site but theCountryside Commission objected to the type of equipment selected as itwas considered to be unsympathetic with the environment and thedesignation of the site as a S.S.S.l.

Currently two items of equipment are in position and a revised schedule ofequipment has been agreed with the Countryside Commission. It is plannedto complete this site in March 1988 always provided the woods have beenre—opened to the public following the extensive damage caused during therecent high winds.

Ashingdon Playing Field

Completed with the excepion of fencing and the provision of a bark safetyzone below the large Kompan unit and a sand filled safety zone below thetractor tyre swing. The latter is underway now with fencing together withthe bark safety zone scheduled for completion prior to March 1988.

1987/88 SCHEDULE

Seaview Drive Play Space

Substantially complete, toddlers spring animals and swings to be installedshortly together with bark safety area, fencing and entrance gate, all ofwhich are on order and will be installed prior to end of March 1988.

Sweyne Park

Deferred, to be done in conjunction with the development of the park,within the general landscape/design works currently under consideration.

Rochford Playing Field

Completed, except for reinstatement of areas where old equipment has beenremoved.

Clements Hall Playing Field

Completed, except for fencing which is planned to be completed prior toend of March 1988.

yney Avenue

Completed, except for reinstatement of ground works where old equipmenthas been removed.

Fyfield Path

As soon as this area of land is formally within the ownership of theCouncil a small amount of toddler equipment will be placed on this site.

The following programme is proposed for 1988/89 subject to the necessary

funding being provided within the capital programme.

1.. Plumberow Mount2. Rawreth Playing Field3. St. John Fisher Playing Field — Site to be relocated behind Community



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4. Hartford Close — Fearsons Farm Estate, Rayleigh5. Elizabeth Close, Uawlcwell6. Little Wakering Recreation Ground

RECOMMENDED (1) That play equipment be sited on the recreation ground atCanewdon in preference to pursuing the primary school option.

(2) That the proposed programme for 1988/89 be approved andprovision be made for £65,000 in the 1988/89 draft Capital Programme.



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The Directors of Leisure and Development report that following the severegale on the night of the l5th/l6th October, only minimal damaged occurredto buildings under the control of this Committee, but that substantialdamage occurred to trees in the woodlands, parks and on the open spacesunder our control.

The extent of the damage and the continuing risk that exists has been suchthat it has been necessary to close Hockley and Betts Wood to the publicand for parts of other areas of parks to be cordoned off. To date, verylittle work has been carried out on clearing any of the land under theCouncil's control, as the first priority has been to ensure that alldangerous structures were removed or made safe and that roads, footwaysand footpaths were cleared. Once this work was completed, the Councilstaff have been directed to clearing trees that fell onto private landfrom land under the Council's control. When this is completed theresources will then be directed into the parks and open spaces andsubsequently into woodland. It should be noted that significant costs arebeing incurred in carrying out this work.

The Community Programme Team have undertaken a survey of Hockley Woods* which is attached as Appendix A for Memberst information. From this, it

will be apparent to everyone that very severe damage has been inflicted onthe woodland and it could be a number of years before all the "Urgent"work in the wood has been completed. This will mean that access to thewoods by the public will only be allowed as specific areas are cleared. Aconsiderable amount of the work will need to be done by experienced treesurgeons and it is suggested that a sum of £50,000 be made available thisyear. (It is expected that some grant aid will be available from theCountryside Commission, but probably limited to work done during thecurrent financial year).

The ancient woodlands were intentionally excluded from the contractdocument for the Parks as the work is so specialised and needs to becarried out under proper supervision. As a consequence of the gale theManagement Team feel that it is necessary to establish a team of fourstaff responsible to the Woodlands Officer to spectalise in the woodlandsrestoration work required. They will be able to give directions tocontractors and undertake such work themselves. This team would probablybe drawn from the staff of the Council's existing parks workforce as thereis a core of trained and knowledgeable people there who could involvethemselves immediately. There would be a cost to the Council inestablishing this team and provision would need to be made in next year'sestimates.

The Council has a long established Agreement with a Mr. Allen which allowshim to coppice up to 2 hectares of designated areas within Hockley Woods


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each year. With the scale of the damage that has now occurred it isproposed that formal notice be given under the Agreement in order thatcohesive thought and planning for the future care of the woods can beeffected. In the meantime it is suggested that Mr. Allen be given theopportunity to remove some of the fallen Chestnut as directed by theCouncil's Woodlands Officer.

In the meantime, a number of sites throughout the District have beenidentified where the public can deposit tree debris. These have beenpublicised and disregarding the inevitable abuse of this facility (whenwashing machines, mattresses, etc. have also been dumped) have, from thedebris collected been useful to the public.

Following the initial urgent works that were necessary to make sites safeand ensure communication, every reasonable attempt has been made tosalvage useable timber for resale. Obviously there is a surfeit of timberon the market at this time but the best arrangement for the Council arebeing sought and any receipts will be utilised for the purchase ofreplacement stock.

The loss and damage to trees has been such that the environment has beenseverely scarred and a major replancing scheme is going to be essential ifwe are to attempt to make good the damage for future generations. Somehelp may be forthcoming from a fund that is currently being set up by theEvening Echo under the banner — 'Give a Tree for all to See" — which isseeking to raise funds that will be shared between Southend, Basildon,Castle Point and Rochford Council. However, additional resources willneed to be made available by the Council if a comprehensive replantirigscheme is to be undertaken. The scale of the task though is beyond thePark Section by itself and to provide adequate care of the new stock itwould be sensible to seek to enlist the support of the community in theinitial planting and subsequent care of the trees. To this end it issuggested that a District wide tree planting scheme be prepared tocomplement that being promoted by the Evening Echo.

RECOMMENDED (1) That the report be noted.

(2) That a scheme be launched to involve the public as widelyas possible in the provision of, planting and caring for new treesthroughout the District.

(3) That provision of £10,000 be made for replacement treesand all the necessary materials in the 1988/89 draft Revenue Estimates andof £5,000 each in the two following years, these sums to be in addition toany funds that may be forthcoming from the public appeals.

(4) That provision be made in the 1988/89 draft RevenueEstimates for the cost of establishing a specialist team-

(5) That provision be made in the current financial year fora supplementary capital estimate of £50,000 to be made available for treesurgery and for any necessary applications to be made to the CountrysideCommission for grant aid towards this sum.

(6) That formal notice be given to Mr. Allen terminating the

Agreement allowing him to coppice in Hockley Woods. (164) (DL,DF')


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Flockley Woods suffered extensive damage during the storm of 16th October.Approximately 60 acres of this ancient wood has been seriously damaged;this represents 20% of the woods. Most of the damage has beenconcentrated in patches, shown on the map, although storm damage isevident throughout the woods.

Oak and sweet chestnut have been most seriously affected. Large oak treeshave been either uprooted or had their crowns blown out leaving dangerousbranches hanging down. This has been greatest in Bull Wood around thecar park; approximately 350 trees will require surgery to save these treesand make the above area safe. There has also been extensive damage tooaks in ParsonTs Snipe along the southern boundary of the woods.

Extensive areas of sweet chestnut coppice have been uprooted in BeachesWood in the west of the wood. Recently coppiced areas and mature hornheamcoppice have suffered little damage.

At present broken branches and hung up trees are a considerable dangerand the woods are closed to the public. Many of the paths and horsetrails are blocked.

It is estimated that approximately 500 trees may require surgery to makethe woods safe. A detailed plan is being prepared for the restorationof the wood and this will take into consideration public safety,conservation areas, phased public access and sources of grant aid.

Flockley Woods appear to be the most seriously damaged woods in theDistrict. There has however been localised damage in Betts Wood, KingleyWood and Grove Woods. Many of the privately owned woods, especially wherethere are large sweet chestnuts, oaks and ash on exposed slopes, havesuffered serious damage.


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. .


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The Director of Leisure presented a report on the above subject to theJuly Meeting of the Committee anti was requested to undertake a fullfeasibility study and to report back.


To establish in the District a Centre whose prime purpose is to offerexpert instruction at all levels of ability in open water activities andrelated matters.


The Centre would need to be located on either the River Crouch or Roach(or in one of the creeks leading off these rivers).

The location needs to be accessible by road, relatively secure, have goodaccess into permanent water, provide a site for lecture/meeting/changingaccommodation, have access to or allow for connection to services toenable the provision of toilets, showers, etc.

In addition, the water itself must be suitable for use by inexperiencedparticipants and have the capacity to take additional usage.

The Director of Leisure has consulted with representatives of the EasternRegion Sports Council and the Outdoor Activities Inspector at County Halland is of the opinion that the only suitable site is the one at Creeksea.

The Site at Creeksea

This is accessible by a private single track road of concreteconstruction.

The proposed site for the "land based" facility would be within a recentlyerected security fence with direct access to the slip way which would beused for launching and retrieving the boats.

A pontoon would need to be provided for use as a "docking" area and toallow the mooring of boats during the day.

Initially, use can be made of shower and toilet accommodation provided onthe adjacent caravan site until such time as the level of demand andfinance, etc. make the provision of permanent facilities within the

sailing base a practical necessity.

The flow of tide varies but from recording logs appears to be of the orderof 1.8 — 2.8 knots at this point (these readings are generally agreed byyachtsmen who know this water).


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The water itself is considered by local yachtsmen to be the one ideal sitein the District for this proposed use.

* The proposed layout of the site is shown in sketch form as an attachment.

Planning Considerations

The proposed site has to be considered against the background of theCouncil's District Plan and the County Council's Structure Plan andcoastal protection policy and it is hoped that informal comment will beavailable in time for the Meeting.

The proposal has been discussed in general terms with the Harbour Masterof the Crouch Harbour Authority and the scheme as outlined is one which heas an individual would not see as a problem, though the proposal whenready would need to be considered formally by the Harbour Authority.

Other Providers

The informal views of the Eastern Region Sports Council, other localauthorities in the southern part of Essex and both the Education and Youthand Community Services of Essex County Council have been sought toestablish whether or not any other proposals exist which would reduce ornegate the need for the proposed facility.

At the same time the various Authorities were asked whether or not theyfelt such a need existed and whether they would assist us in promoting theuse of the Centre if and when it was established.

The scheme as outlined was fully supported by all the various agencies (atOfficer level) and there are no other schemes currently underconsideration with which it would have to compete.

Joint Provision

lndications have been received from the County Council that they would beextremely interested in joining with us on a joint provision schemewhereby the relevant costs would be shared on a basis yct to be agreed.

Grant Aid

It is unlikely that grant aid from the Eastern Region Sports Council willbe available as their present policy priority is "dual use" facilities.

However any application will be carefully considered.


The Water Sports Centre is designed as a low cost utilitarian facility andthe costs of provision and operation reflect this:


Initial Capital/Special Item Funding

Water sports equipment 33,500Administration 2,500Provision of portakabins 23,000Repairs to slip way 2,000Provision of jetty and mooring lines 7,000

Cost to be shared between RDC and ECC £68,00000 = 0


Page 53: INDEX 1987 January - December


Operating Expenditure


Full time warden/instructor(including on—costs, etc.) 15,000

Premises and Fixed Plant

Fuel, light, etc. 1,000Ground Rent (rough estimate — figure would need to bedetermined by District Valuer) 2,000Rates 500

Supplies and Services

Equipment, tools, materials, etc. 1,000Clothing and Uniform 500

Establishment Expenses

Printing, stationery and advertising 1,500Insurance 1,500

Debt Charges (over 10 years) 11,400


Income (net of coaching fees) 5,500

Net cost to be shared between RDC and ECC £28,900====n=


The Centre would cater for three prime user groups:

(1) The schools during term time — more particularly the secondaryschools as part of their P.E. programme.

(ii) The Youth Service throughout the year — as an extension to theprogramming that is already available at the Marine Centre inSouthend.

(iii) The public — courses would be offered primarily in sailing, windsurfing and canoeing from an introduction for the absolute beginnerthrough to extended skills work and proficiency for the experiencedsailor/canoeist.

Hours of Operation

The water based activities would be limited to daylight hours between1st March and 31st October each year) with lectures on the theoreticalaspects being fitted into the programme.


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During the four months when water based activities would not beundertaken the warden would maintain and overhaul all equipment and boatsoperated by the Centre In addition to his lecturing activities.

RECOMMENDED (1) That the scheme for a Water Sports Centre be approved inprinciple, subject to the appropriate financial provision beingforthcoming.

(2) That a formal approach be made to Essex County Council fortheir direct support in the planning, funding and operation of the


(3) That provision be made in the draft 1938/89 CapitalProgramme to fund the capital scheme to a maximum of £34,000.

(4) That provision be made in the draft 1988/89 Revenue Budgetto fund the net operating expenditure of the project to a maximum of£14,450.

(5) That for the purposes of Regulation 4 of the Town and

Country Planning (General) Regulations 1976, permission be sought for thedevelopment of a Water Sports Centre on the River Crouch at Crecksea.

(131) (DL,DF)



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Minutes of the Development Services Committee

At a Meeting held on 26th November 1987. Present:(Chairman), Mrs. ft. Brown, 14.H. Budge, B.A. Crick,T. Fawell, J.A. Gibson, Mrs. P. Godsell, Mrs. S.J.Miss B.G.J. Lovett, SR. Silva, S.A. Skinner, Missand Mrs. L. Walker.

Councillors D.C. WoodC.J.B. Faherty,Lemon,D.M. Stow, J.P. Taylor

Apologies: Councillors RS. Allen, D.F. flack, Mrs. M. Hunnable,Mrs. Jo Jones and R.A. Pearson.

Visitin Councillors R.H. Boyd, Mrs. L.A. Holdich and J.A. Sheaf.


Resolved that the Minutes of the Meeting of 20th October 1987 be approvedas a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Committee were satisfied that all necessary action had been taken.Minutes 741/84 (SEC), 741/85 (DD), 356/86 (EEC), 581/86 (DD,SEC), 329/87(DD) and 331/87 (DD) were carried forward.


Mr. M. Hill, the representative of Anglian Water was in attendance atthe Meeting. He advised a Member that the scheme of piping works atHullbridge was on schedule.


Mr. Hill spoke to the report of the Director of Development regardingan investigation which had been carried out by Howard Humphries, AnglianWater Authority's Consultants, into the surcharging foul sewer at EastwoodRoad, Rayleigh. It was proposed to isolate some 30 properties on thesouth side between Nos. 224 and 318 and to construct a new system whichwould involve intricate engineering work that was proposed to commenceearly in 1988, and take some twenty weeks to complete at a cost of£200,000. It was not envisaged that there would be any disruption to roadtraffic, since the new works would cross the gardens of the housesconcerned and a meeting had taken place recently with the occupiers.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Hill for the information which he had provided.

RECOMMENDED That the proposed works by Anglian Water be noted. (4657)


The Committee noted the report of the Secretary to the Council thatfollowing public advertisement of the District of Rochford No. 26 GreatWakering Public Path Diversion Order 1987 no objections or representationshad been received.

RECOMMENDED That the District of Rochford No. 26 Great Wakering PublicPath Diversion Order 1987 be hereby confirmed as an unopposed Order.



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Development Services Committee


The Secretary to the Council reported that informal consultationsregarding this proposal had been carried out and that no adverse commentshad been received. A Member was advised that there would be adequateaccess following the proposed extinguishment of part of the footway.

RECOMMENDED That in accordance with the provisfons of Section 210 ofthe Town and Country Planning Act 1971, an Order be made stopping upthat part of the footway adjacent to 40, The Westeringa, Hawkwell, whichis now within the curtilage of that property. (8339) (SEC)


Members had before them the report of the Chief Executive regarding the

appeal by Southend Transport against the proposal by County to make anOrder prohibiting certain public service vehicles from proceeding onthe roads in question and were concerned that the Traffic Commissionershad dismissed the matter because they could find insufficient hazard or


Whilst there was a right of appeal against that decision the groundswere so limited that it was unlikely such a course would succeed. Theynoted that the matter was to be the subject of further considerationby the County's Traffic and Road Safety Sub—Committee on 3rd Decemberwho could decide amongst other things to impose weight or width limitson vehicles using those roads. The Committee gave their full supportto the imposition of such restrictions and asked that County be informedaccordingly. It was also suggested that representations should be madethrough the local M.P. for the Transport Act 1985 to be revised becausethe effect of deregulation had not been fully envisaged when thelegislation had been drafted and it was essential that District Councilsshould have statutory rights of consultation on proposed routes.

The Committee were also advised that following on the Chief Executive'smeeting with Mr. Trevette, the Managing Director of Southend Transport,arrangements had been made for him to give a presentation to Members onthe effect of deregulation and privatisation of the bus industry, whichwould take place on 14th December. Both he and the General Manager ofEastern National had also indicated their willingness to meet with theCouncil from time to time to discuss future requirements.

RECOMMENDED (1) That this Council's support for the imposition of weightor width restrictions on vehicles using Lascelles Gardens and HarewoodAvenue, Hawkwell and Great Eastern Road and Station Road, Hockley becommunicated as a matter of urgency to the County Council.

(2) That representations be made through the local M.P. forthe revision of the Transport Act 1985. (901) (SEC)

Note: The Chief Executive exercised his powers under 5.0.18 to giveimmediate effect to recommendation (1) in order that the views couldbe expressed to County in time for its Meeting on 3rd December.


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Development Services Committee

552. B10l3 ACCESS TO SOUTBEND (Minute 407/87)

The Committee considered the Minutes of the Meeting held with the CountyCouncil and Southend—on—Sea Borough Council on 5th November 1987,regarding the Option 4 relief route and associated road improvements inthe area and were pleased to note the progress which was being made. SomeMembers considered that insufficient priority was being accorded to therelief of congestion in the Ashingdon Road. It was pointed out howeverthat implementation of the Cherry Orchard Lane link would relievecongestion at the Hall Road junction, that the Sutton Road improvementswould further ameliorate the situation and that in the short term Countywere looking to provide low—coot traffic management schemes in the area.



The Committee had before them the appended Minutes of the Meeting heldon the evenings of 15th to 18th September and re—convened on 11th November1987. Particular attention was given to the following items:—

Minute 44 — Pulpits Farm, Greensward Lane, Hockley

The Director of Development explained to Members with the aid of viewfoilshow a drafting error had occurred in the production of the Approved Reviewof the County Development Plan 1976, the effect of which had been toreflect residential notation on the above site, instead of Green Belt ashad been the intention. A planning application had been submitted in 1984and had been refused for that reason. At that time a BuildingPreservation Notice had been served on the farmhouse which had beenconfirmed subsequently as a Grade II Listed Building. It was however inneed of renovation the funding of which was beyond the owner's means.

It was against that background that the District Plan Working Party hadconsidered a proposal for the creation of two separate curtilages, onearound the farmhouse and the other around the adjacent pair of derelictcottages, to enable both lots to be sold to fund the construction of a newdwelling for the owner within the residual farm land. That propositionhad not commended itself to the Working Party, but the Committee wereconcerned that because of the circumstances a more sympathetic approachshould not be ruled out.

They were mindful that the earlier drafting error was a separate legalconsideration for which a remedy could be sought, that there was nothingto prevent the two existing properties being placed on the market andthat the proposal to construct a new dwelling ought properly to be the

subject of a planning application.

Minute 47: Page 81, Paragrp312 — Southend Ap9tNote: Councillor RH. Boyd declared a non—pecuniary interest in thisitem by virtue of tenancy and remained in the Meeting but took no partin the discussion or voting thereon.

Minute 52: Page 26, Paragrapji 87 — Hambro Hill, Rayleigh

At the request of a Member the Director of Development advised theCommittee with the aid of a viewfoil of the effect of the Inspector's

recommendation with particular regard to the existing woodcuttsng


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Development Services Committee

Minute 54 — West Rayleigh — Infrastructure

The Committee gave careful consideration to this item in the light ofa submission by a Member that the proposals for residential developmentin that area should be extensively revised in order that private fundingmight be obtained for the construction of a relief route linking those newdevelopments with tile London Road.

Whilst sympathetic to the desire of local residents to see such a schemecome to fruition Members were cognisant of the following factors:—

1) That the District Plan had been the subject of extensive informalconsultation involving meetings with local residents throughoutthe District.

ii) That the County Surveyor had been consulted on all proposalsfor residential development in consequence of which there wasa scheme for the improvement of the junction of Hatfield Roadand London Road.

iii) That the representations made by the London Road ResidentsAssociation had been the subject of detailed investigation bythe Officers who had made an extensive presentation on the subjectto the Working Party.

iv) That the allocation of sites for residential development withinthe District Plan could not be altered at this late stage withoutreopening all of the arguments relating thereto.

For those reasons the Committee were unable to support the amendmentwhich had been put forward, and the recommendations of the Working Partywere adopted.

RECOMMENDED (1) That the Council continue with the existing licencearrangement for the access at the southern end of Western Road and thata further report be made to the Committee if there are any changes theretowhich will affect the continued enjoyment of the Council's Right of Way.(16) (SEC) (MLrtute 43 — Open Space Provision — Rayleigh West)

(2) That consideration of the Working Party's recommendation'' c1 be deferred pending further discussions with the owner and her agents.

zato&pM1- (73)(DD) (Minute 44 — Pulpits Farm, Greensward Lane, Hockley)

P. (3) That arising out of consideration of the Inspector'sreport on the Local Plan Inquiry, the following amendments be made to theRochford District Local Plan;—

(i) that sub—paragraph (iv), (v) and (vi) of paragraph 3.2.2. bedeleted.

(ii) that a new paragraph 3.2.3 be inserted to read as follows:—

3.2.3 The application of the basic Green Belt principles throughthe strategy identified above will have the dual effect ofpreventing the random encroachment of development into thecountryside and of safeguarding the countryside to providefor recreational needs and the protection of naturalfeatures, flora, fauna and their habitats.


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Development Services Committee

(iii) that Policy 118 be amended by omitting the phrase "ROCUFORDDISTRICT LOCAL PLAN 1991—2001" and inserting instead "IWTUREREVIEWS OF THIS LOCAL PLAN."

(iv) that paragraph 2.7.3 be deleted and paragraph 2.7.4 renumbered


(v) that the Proposals Map be altered to show Green Belt notationup to Hambro Hill and the Public Open Space notation be alteredadcordingly with the exclusion of the existing wood cuttingbusiness and the house (Sandy Lodge).

(vi) that 200 foot of the southern frontage of Malyons Lane, Hullbridgeto line up with existing properties to a depth of one plot only,be excluded from the Green Belt.

(vii) that the boundary of the Great Stambridge H5 Settlement Areabe amended to include the Hollies Coal Yard.

(viii) that a new paragraph numbered 3.4.3 be inserted in the LocalPlan to read as follows;—

"The District Council will be sympathetic to the requirementsof the Public Utility Services, particularly in relation to themaintenance and improvement of existing services ot to theprovision of new services or undertakings, provided that theserequirements do not conflict with the prime objective ofcontrolling development within the Green Belt."

and that existing paragraph 3.4.3 be renumbered accordingly.

(ix) that paragraph 3.5.2 of the Local Plan be aaended by thetermination of the penultimate sentence with the phrase "wouldnot be detrimental to Green Belt objectives", the deletion ofall the words thereafter and the substitution of the following:—

"Green Belt control would in all other respects be maintainedbut applications for the rebuilding of fire damaged propertieswould be considered on their merits. The relaxation of controlin these locations in respect of extensions will be allowed for

by the application of the following policy:—"

(x) that the car park adjoining Brook Road Industrial Estate, Rayleighbe excluded from the Green Belt and shown as an Area of SpecialRestraint.

(xi) that the 10—acre site north of Tinkers Lane, Rochford be excludedfrom the Green Belt and shown as an Area of Special Restraint.

(xii) that the Green Belt boundary in the vicinity of Southend Airportbe amended by:

a) projecting it eastwards from the northern edge of the apronand thence southwards along the west side of the railwayline to Warner's Bridge.

b) excluding therefrom the south western area of SouthendAirport.

001 4%

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Development Services Committee

(xiii) that sub—paragraph 5.2.1 (viii) be amended by the deletion ofthe words "and acceptable".

(xiv) that Policy TP1O be amended so as to conclude at the words"PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRAFFIC" by the deletion of all the wordsthereaf ter.

(xv) that paragraph 5.7.5 be amended so as to read as follows:—

5.7.5 With developments in engine technology and the requirementto phase out noisy engines, an increase in the numberof jet aircraft using the airport could possibly takeplace without undue detriment to residential areas. TheDistrict Councilts desire to ensure further use of theairport is however tempered by the need for carefulattention to the avoidance of undue disturbance by aircraftnoise in accordance with the recommendations of Circular

10/73, Planning and Noise particularly as regards sitingof development and insulation of buildings.

(xvi) that paragraph 5.7.7 be deleted.

(xvii) that the Rayleigh Town Centre inset Proposals Map be amendedby altering the notation shown on the garden area to the northside of The Bailey from Private Open Space to Public Open Space.

(xviii) that the explanatory text of Chapter 5 be expanded to providefor the following additional section relating to horse riding:—

5.10.0 Provision for Horse Riding.

5.10.1 The lack of bridleways and the sporadic nature of theexisting network coupled with the high number of horseowners necessarily means that many riders spend aconsiderable time riding along the many heavily traffickedroutes within the District.

5.10.2 This situation is obviously unsatisfactory and causesdanger to both drivers and riders alike. In order totry to improve the position the District Council willsupport the creation by the Local Highway Authority, where

practicable, of grass verges to assist in making provisionfor horse riding.

(xix) that paragraph 6.1L.3 be amended by deleting the final wordsthe policy being as follows:—"

(xx) that the text of Policy LT1O be transferred to an appendix and

replaced by the following:—




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Development Services Committee

(xxi) that paragraph 6.11.5 be expanded by the addition of the followingsentence:—

"In addition the Council is also seeking to extend the networkby creating new permissive routes on land that is being allocatedas Public Open Space within the Plan period, and will give seriousconsideration to the possibility of bridleway status beingaccorded to such permissive routes."

(xxii) that paragraph 9.9.6 be expanded fry the addition of the followingsentence: —

"Furthermore, a comprehensive exercise of public participationwill be undertaken to ascertain, in detail, the views of localresidents, traders and other interested parties."

(xxiii) that POLICY SAT 17 be amended to read —



(xxiv) that the existing paragraph 9.5.3 be deleted and replaced bythe following —

"Conservation Areas are particularly sensitive to the style ofadvertising within theta because they are the most attractiveparts of the built—up areas. The use of internally illuminatedfascia or projecting box signs should be avoided particularlywhere they detract from the appearance of an individual buildingor the character of the nearby surrounding area, or wherearchitectural details of any building will be obscured. InRochford, the more domestic scale of most buildings calls fora strict control on advertising."

(xxv) that paragraph 9.8.3 be expanded by the addition of the followingsentence:—

"The redevelopment of the site could also offer the possibilityof inproving car parking provision in the town centre."

(xxvi) that paragraph 9.8.4 be amended by substituting the word "some"for "ample" in the third line.

(xxvii) that paragraph 9.8.5 be expanded by the addition of the followingsentence: —

"In any event the Council will monitor the parking situationin the town centre closely and investigate any opportunitiesto introduce improvements."

(xxviii)that the first sentence of POLICY E84 be expanded by adding thewords "... INCLUDINC IMPACT ON EXISTING TOWN CENTRES" afterthe word "OBJECTIVES".


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Developent Services Committee


(Minutes 45 and 47 — Town and Country Planning Act 1971 — RochfordDistrict Local Plan)

(4) That the Council agrees to publicise as materialmodifications to the Local Plan the following:—

a) Modifications arising from consideration of the Inspector's Report.

b) Modifications to the text and Proposals Maps which have previouslybeen agreed.

(5) That the Council agrees to the following cartographicmodifications to the Proposals Map and to publicity thereof, namely:—

i) The exclusion of the Review Works. Magnolia Road, from the

Magnolia Road Public Open Space notation, Hawkwell.

ii) Moditicatton of the boundary of the Public Open Space east ofRochford Town Centre to include the field between Rocheway YouthCentre and the Council Depot.

iii) Re—alignment of the boundary between the new housing developmentand the proposed Public Open Space east of Rochford Town Centre.

iv) Modification to the boundary of Doggetts Close 112 site to includean additional strip of land along the eastern boundary.

v) Exclusion of a small area of land in the southern corner of theRoyers Nursery 112 site following the agreement on Clements HallWay which reserves the area for a domestic garage to serve 312,Rectory Road.

(6) That the boundaries of all six holiday caravan parkslisted in Table 2 on page 57 of the Local Plan be added to the Proposals

Map and publicised. (2081) (DO) (Minute 48 — Arrangements for publicationof modifications of the Rochford District Local Plan)

(7) That a formal request be made to the Southend BoroughCouncil and Essex County Council for their support in the event of anappeal having regard to the factor of intensification. (2081) (00)(Minute SO — Rousing land availability).

(8) That the Inspector's recommendation in respect of thissite, as set out in paragraph 83 of his Report, be not supported. (2081)(00) (Minute 51 — Wellington Road, Rayleigh)

(9) That the owners be advised accordingly. (2081) (DD)(Minute 53 —Alexandra Road, Great Wakering)

(10) That the London Road Residents Association be advised



Page 65: INDEX 1987 January - December


Development Services Committee

(11) That representations be made to the County Council aboutthe need to alleviate the traffic problems in London Road, Rayleigh.(CE, DD) (Minute 54 — West Rayleigh — Infrastructure)

(12) That the area of land in question be identified as PublicOpen Space and that the necessary arrangements be made to incorporatethat modification within the District Plan together with the necessarytextual amendment. (2081) (DO) (Minute 55 — Public Open Space Provision —Greensward Lane area)


Note: Recommendations on which action has already been taken have beenomitted.


The Director of Development reported that Essex County Council werecurrently carrying out numerical checks on various sites for considerationin the 1988/89 Social Crossing allocation, which provided for four siteswithin the County. Members noted that Essex County Council wereconsidering three sites within the District, namely Ashingdon Road northof Alexandra Road, Greensward Lane in the vicinity of Gateway Supermarketand High Street, Great Wakering, in the vicinity of the White Hart PublicRouse. In addition the Director of Development had passed on a requestf or Station Road, Rayleigh to be considered.

RECOMMENDED That the current action of the Essex County Council be noted.



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Presefln 15th September 1987; Councillors D.C. Wood(Chairman), ?.A. Beckers, T. Fawell, J.A. Gibson,A.J. Harvey, Mrs Jo Jones, Miss B.G.J. kovett, R.A. Pearson,J.A. Sheaf and D.A. Weir.

Ap1ogjp; Councillors Mrs L.A. Holdich and J.P. Taylor.

42. 11KS

RoInci that the Minutes of the Meeting of 22nd July 1987 beapproved as a correct record.


The Secretary to the Council reported that notwithstanding theconcern which had been expressed earlier regarding the Council'saccess to Kingley Wood from the end of Western Road, enquirieshad elicited that the land over which the Right of Way passedremained with the original grantor of the licence Membersnoted that the landowner did not see any reason to alter theexisting long-standing arrangement and that there wereinsufficient grounds to justify Compulsory Purchase but askedthat the matter be reconsidered if at some future date theRight of Way was threatened.

That the Council continue with the existing licencearrangement for the access at the southern end of Western Roadand that a further report be made to Committee if there are anychanges thereto which will affect the continued enjoyment ofthe Council's Right of Way (16) (SEC).


The Director of Development reported to the Working Party withthe aid of viewfoils on the location of this site, on the draf t-ing error whereby it had been accorded residential notation inthe Approved Review of the County Development Plan 1976 and aplanning application for residential development subsequentlyrefused. Members noted that this was by way of backgroundinformation and formed the subject of a separate considerationfor which a remedy existed in law.

At the time of the planning application a Building PreservationNotice had been served on the farmhouse which was subsequentlyconfirmed as a Grade II Listed Building. It was however inneed of repair and would cost a considerable sum to renovate.which was beyond the means of the present owner. The Working


Page 67: INDEX 1987 January - December

Party had asked that consideration be given to the means bYwhich that problem could be overcome and chscussions had takenplace with the agents concerned.

They had submitted a proposal, a plan of which was displayedto Members, whereby two separate curtilages would be formed,one around the farmhouse and the other around the adjacentpair of cottages which were unoccupied and derelict. Bothlots would then be sold and the money thus realised used toconstruct a new dwelling within the residual farmland. Itcould be argued that the pair of cottages were in Green Beltbut their sale for residential ocoupation was thought not toconstitute a significant departure. There was no agriculturaloccupancy condition on the existing farmhouse and ft could besold at any time without the permission of the Council, becausethe sale could be said to be as a result of impracticality ofthe main farm dwelling. There could be a case to suggest thatthe replacement dwelling should normally take the form of amobile home but it was felt on balance that this was probablyunreasonable given the length of occupancy of the presentowner. A further consideration was whether the size of thenew curtilages proposed was unduly large.

In considering the proposal Members were mindful that underexisting policy if a house in the Green Belt was in suchdisrepair that it collapsed then there would be no right torebuild. They took the view therefore that the need toresolve this Listed Building problem had to be tempered withthe undesirability of creating a precedent for the replacementof a home in the Green Belt. It was accordingly decided thatthe remedy lay in selling either the pair of cottages or thefarmhouse with a separate curtilage for the purpose of fundingrenovation of the residual property for the owner's continuedoccupation for farming the holding.

RECOMMENDED That the foregoing response be adopted and theagents advised accordingly. (73)(DD)

45. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971 -ROCBFORDJ1ThI iQWL LM1 --The Working Party had before them the report of the Directorof Development and Secretary to the Council regarding thevarious recommendations set out in the Inspector's Report onthe Local Plan Inquiry, copies of the latter document havingbeen distributed to Members soon after its production.

Arrangements had been made for the Working Party to sit overa series of evenings, and for each Meeting to be preceded bysite visits during which no decisions would be taken. It wasaccordingly agreed that consideration should be given at thecommencement of each Meeting to the sites visited whilst detailswere still fresh in Members minds. During that process eachsite was displayed on a viewfoil showing its precise locationand notation by reference to the District Plan and in greaterdetati to display its physical characteristics


Page 68: INDEX 1987 January - December

The recommendations contained within the Inspector's Reportwere considered as follows;—

Page 89, Paragpap261 -Car Park adjoing Brook RoadIndustrial Estate, Rayleigh (OB;089T1

The Director of Development reminded Members that earliertears as to the loss of this land from the Green Belt hadstemmed from its proximity to Wyburns Farm but that thelatter area was now protected by the appeal decision toretain it within the Green Belt.

The car park was underused and there was pressure from anexisting company within the estate to be permitted toexpand. Members were conscious that the car park providedsome opportunity for relief from parking congestion withinthe estate but accepted that its inclusion as an Area ofSpecial Restraint, whereby it could be considered fordevelopment after 1990, provided a margin of time in whichto monitor the parking situation on the estate.

In considering the two following objection sites the WorkingParty were mindful that recommendations thereon sprang fromthe Inspector's argument which had yet to be considered thatthe allowance for post Plan period housing needs, as an aidto setting the Green Belt boundary, needed to be increasedby land for up to 400 dwellings to offset his discountingof the contribution that would be made by intensification.

?age 2L_Paragraph 95- Lp4ff Spring GardRylejghQB; 0541

Members were concerned at the Inspector's recommendation toroll back the Green Belt boundary on this site, which stoodin a prominent position, afforded a panoramic view andformed a valuable visual amenity for nearby houses. Pendingconsideration of the overall housing needs argument theycould see no compelling reason to argue against its proposedGreen Belt notation bearing in mind the lack of any defensiblewestern boundary and the existing traffic management problemswithin the approach roads to the site.

Page 34, Paragraph 120 - Land off Klondyke Avepue RayleighLQB: 0991

In considering this site the Director of Development remindedMembers of the basis upon which the development proposals forRayleigh West had been formulated. The option agreementwith the developer provided for the Council to receive 84 acresof public open space. The Inspector's recommendation to includethe land off Klondyke Avenue would if accepted materially alter/the considerations involved particularly if as he suggested thelLittle Wheatleys site were to be omitted or reduced Whilst


Page 69: INDEX 1987 January - December

Beazer Homes Limited were prepared to alter the configurationof the development site they had advised that any reduction inthe area involved would have the effect of nullifying the optagreement. Members were concerned that the Inspector's suggemilitated against the Council's policy of acquiring public openspace to stop continued pressure f or residential development.

As regards the access arrangements which would be required inany development of the objection site, the Working Party notedthat there would be an increase in the traffic usingHatfield Road to an extent which they considered would bedetrimental to the amenities of the residents in that area.

in the light of the foregoing and pending examination of theintensification arguments they saw no grounds to alter the viewthey had arrived at previously that the land off Kiondyke Avenueshould be retained within Green Belt notation.

ge b, Paragraph 18 - Overlj. Green Belt Strptegy

The Working Party accepted the Inspector's reasoning thatsub-paragraphs 3.2.2(iv), (v) and (vi) should be deleted butconsidered that an additional paragraph 3.2.3 should beinserted to read as follows;—

3.2.3 The application of the basic Green Belt principlesthrough the strategy identified above will havethe dual effect of preventing the random encroach-ment of development into the countryside and ofsafeguarding the countryside to provide forrecreational needs and the protection of naturalfeatures, flora and fauna and their habitats.

PagePpragraph 2 SettlQjnents within

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 7, Parasraph28 - The Need for Land between the GreenBelt and the Presently Defined Limits of Development

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

ag9, araggph 31. - TimZgale and Amount of Dgvelopme

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

Page 19, Pargp4— Oyrall Housing ProviajQn (03. 084and Q1

Recommendation (i) was supported.

The first part of recommendation (ii) to omit the title ofthe informal local plan from Policy MB would make littledifference to the current plan or the intentions of thepolicy, and it was therefore supported, together withrecommendation (iii) as a corollary.

The Inspector had further recommended that Policy RB be placedwithin the Green Belt chapter. Members noted however thatthe Green Belt boundary had been drawn so as to accommodatelong term development. It followed that all the sites


Page 70: INDEX 1987 January - December

identified within Policy 118 as "Areas of Special Restraint"had been removed from the Green Beltd For that reason theWorking Party considered that it would be more appropriatefor the policy to remain in the Housing chapter, and inconsequence recommendation (iv) would not be required.

Whilst it was accepted that certain textual amendments wouldneed to be made they would fall short of those set out inrecommendation (v).

Regarding recommendation (vi) it was noted that in the precedingparagraphs 60 to 62 the Inspector had argued the case againstincluding an allowance for intensificatIon within non-GreenBelt areas which for the years 1991 to 2001 would amount to atotal of 400 housing units, He was therefore recommendingthat the allowance for post Plan period housing needs, as anaid to setting the Green Belt boundary, should be increasedby land for up to 400 dwellings. It was partly in consequenceof this argument that the Inspector had nominated a number ofadditional sites for consideration as "Areas of SpecialRestraint".

Members considered that although intensification was adiminishing asset it would continue to make a considerablecontribution to housing requirements to the end of thecentury. This was in line with the views of the CountyCouncil. In that connection it was noted that the revisedhousing allocation figure for Rochford contained in proposedPolicy SI of the Essex Structure Plan First Alterationdocument was for 4,600 dwellings including a provision forintensification to be achieved over the period 1986 - 2001.Members were satisfied that that requirement could beadequately catered for on that basis. The Working Party wereunable for the foregoing reasons to accept the Inspector'sargument that intensification should be discounted completely.In reaching that decision they took the opportunity to reaffirmthe conclusions which had been reached earlier on a tentativebasis regarding the two sites off Spring Gardens andKlondyke Avenue, Rayleigh.

Page 2_Parpgph_ -118 Sfls1 Temperary UsesjOB: 111)

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 2.3, Paragph .76 - Land off Southview Close, Ray1eg(OS: 008/9)

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

ge 24 Paragraph 83 - Land at We1]Jngçn Road1 Rayleigh(05: 0821

Consideration deferred pending site visit.

gp 26,, Pargph87 —Land atilambrofijil, R1eigh (05: Qj1J.

Consideration deferred pending site visit.

Page 71: INDEX 1987 January - December

Recommendation supported

Page 30. Paragraph 108-kQS77Recommendation supported

Page 32, Paragrp 112 -(OBL 0.74)

Recommendation supported

Pagj35, aragraph.l2G- ________ ___________________jOB; tQO_jxd 081)

Recommendation supported

Page 37, Paragraph 132 -LOB:.Q0U. OO2tIld Q2O

Recommendation supported

Page 40 Pgr&gaph_142(08: 0.?Q1

Recommendation supported

Page 42, Paragraph 149 —fQB:_0801

Recommendation supported

Page 43 ragraphi 55-jkwell (OH: 028)

Consideration deferred pending site visit.

Page .46 Paragraph 166 - Land_t Regt.yenuhingLOB._OQfl

Consideration deferred pending site visit.



Page 6, Paragraph 9.1 - Land tonti0ea.psjde, Rayleigh(08: 021)

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page ?8, Paragr 99 - 36 Connaught Road, Rayleigh COB;

- no amendment.

Land Mt We%r Farm RnMd, Rnvla1uh


— no amendment.

Land at Sandhill Road1 Rayleigh

— no amendment. S118 Site heldore Avenue, Hock,v

- no amendment.

Plotland. Woodside Road. Hocklev

- no amendment.

Land Nprth of Rectory Rpad, Hawkwell

— no amendment. 5Land off ThorDe Road. Hawkwell

— no amendment.

Land to Rear of 1-21 The Westerings,

Page 72: INDEX 1987 January - December

Page 47, ParaRrph 1.70 Land at Lincoln Road/Durham Road,Aphingdon (08; 055)

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

Page 50, Paragraph 181 -. Ashingdon East Side (08: 0S2, 102.022, 078 and 1011

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

The Wo'rking Party also considered the rider set out inparagraph 182 regarding the 118 Canewdon View Road site anddecided to take no action in that respect.

ge 51, Paragraph 187 - Land at Higclif Crescent, AshingdonCOB; 025)

Consideration deferred pending site visit.

Page 52, Paragraph 191 - Land at Sutton Ford COB; 046)

Recommendation supported — no amendment

g_flg1jn Sogth of Ravenswood_QixaLRochford(OB: 075)

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

Pge58, Paragraph 204_L at Windermere Avenue and MalyonsLane, Hulibridge (OB; 107, 053 and 049j

Consideration deferred pending site visit.

?age 56, Pargaph 208 - Land at Pooles t4pne, HulibridgeiQL_1Q11

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

Page 58, Paragraph 212 Hullbrjdge Gardens Estate fOB: 019and 027)

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

Page 59_Paragraph 216 - SAKjngsman Farm Roath HulibridgeLOB. 004)

Recommendation supported — no amendment.


Page 73: INDEX 1987 January - December

Page 60, Paragraph 220 - Halcyon Caravan Park1 FlulibridgeCOB: 048)

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 61, Pargaph 224 - Hollies Coal Yard1 Great StambridCOB; _Q411

Consideration deferred pending site visit.

ge 61, Paragraph 229, Fambrtdg Egnee ng LimitedSouth Fambridg COB: 085)

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

page 62 Pargtath 233 _Minimup Gardereas_fQj_QflJRecommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 64 Pargrph 237 -The Green Belt (08: lOg

Recommendation supported. Members considered that an additionalparagraph 3,4.3. should thus be inserted into the Local Plan toread as follows:-

"The District Council will be sympathetic to the requirementsof the Public Utility Services, particularly in relation tothe maintenance and improvement of existing services or to theprovision of new services or undertakings, provided that theserequirements do not conflict with the prime objective ofcontrolling development within the Green Belt."

Page 65, Paragraph 24], - Land atflarlin&JOB: 050}

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 66, Pgph46- Property within Rural SettlementAreaHulibridge QB: 101)

Recommendation supported. Members considered that paragraph3.5.2. of the Local Plan should in consequence be amended bythe termination of the penultimate sentence after the words"would not be detrimental to Green Belt objectives" and thecompletion of the paragraph as follows:

"Green Belt control would in all other respects be maintained,but applications for the rebuilding of fire damaged propertieswould be considered on their merits. The relaxation of controlin these locations in respect of extensions will be allowed forby the application of the following policy.-"


Page 74: INDEX 1987 January - December

Pge 68, Pagraph 250 - een_Belt an&Coastal ProtectionBe1_Bouj jOB: 0451

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

Page 68, Parara255- Brick Making Industry (B: 109 and1101

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

ge 7Paragaph9 Thrde_ys Wy Inthistrial EstategqfordjQ: 005 and OQfl

Consideration deferred pending site visit.

g4gah 276 - Road Capacity for Ne!j. DevelopntLQth._QkL.pnd 112)

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

Page 74 - Paragraph 280 -

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

At that point the Meeting stood adjourned and was resumedon the following evening.

Present on 18th Seflember 1987: Councillors D.C. Wood (Chairman),PA. Beckers, J.A. Gibson, A.J. Harvey, Mrs L.A. Holdich,Mrs Jo Jones, Miss B.G.J Lovett, LA. Pearson, J.A. Sheaf andD.A. Weir.

Councillor J.P. Taylor.

The sites which had been visited prior to the Meeting werediscussed as follows;-

Page 56, Paragraph 204 - Land at Windermere AvenueMa1yiLa Hulibridge (0Th lOt D5 0491The Director of Development reminded the Working Party thatprevious appeal decisions had found strong planning objectionsto the release of the land on the south side of Windermere Avenue.It had been noted that the site stood at the brow of rising landand was prominent on the skyline, and that the existing houseson the north side were screened by good tree cover which wouldbe rendered ineffective by further development even if it couldbe retained. Some Members could see merit in permitting frontagedevelopment on the site, particularly if the scale could becontrolled, so as to enable the remainder of the road to be madeup. On balance however the Working Party was of the opinionthat the visual impact of the site should be retained and thefirst part of the Inspector's recommendation was not supported.

t912 S

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As regards the Malyons Lane site, Members were cognizant of tfact that it had been carefully considered when the Draft Planhad been formulated, on the basis of a package which had beenproff erred to provide a site for aged persons' accommodationcoupled with open space dedication; but that the configurationproposed had not found favour. The Director of Developmentadvised the Working Party with the aid of a viewfoil of afurther approach from the agents concerned who were seekingthe release within the Plan period of an area for developmentwhich went beyond the land recommended by the Inspector forexclusion from the Green Belt. That included provision fora site to be offered by dedication for an AP unit. Theywere also offering a larger site for open space dedicationthan the Council were looking to acquire by compulsorypurchase. The Working Party were not prepared to supportthe revised proposal since it was apparent that thealternative open space location although larger was lesswell sited to cater for local needs. They considered thatthe Inspector's recommendation insofar as it referred toMalyons Lane had merit and should be supported.

Page 26, Pagph 87 - Land at Hambr9Jjfll. Rayleigh(0Th 0311

The Working Party took the view that the Inspector'srecommendation with regard to this site should be supported.

Page 24, Paragraph 83 - Land at. Wellington Road, Rayleigh.LPTh 081)

NOTE; Councillor A.J. Harvey declared a non-pecuniaryinterest in this item and left the Meeting.

In considering the Inspector's recommendation Members wereaware that notwithstanding the earlier appeal decision thissite by its nature remained vulnerable to pressure fordevelopment, and that if the course of action suggested bythe Inspector could be achieved it would have the benefitof resolving the long-term future of the site. It wasaccordingly decided to ask the Officers to investigate thepossibility and to report back to the Working Party toenable a decision to be taken.


During consideration of the foregoing item it was

Resolved that Standing Order 1.8 be suspended.

The Meeting then stood adjourned until the following evening.


Page 76: INDEX 1987 January - December

Present on 17th Sptember 1987: Councillors D.C. Wood (Chairman),P.A. Beckers, T. Fawell, A.J. Harvey, Mrs L.A. Holdich,Miss B.G.J. Lovett, LA. Pearson and J.A. Sheaf.

poiogjes: Councillors Mrs Jo Jones, LA. Pearson, 3.?. Taylorand 0 A. Weir.


Four sites having been visited irior to the Meeting they werediscussed as follows:-

Page 98, Paragraph 391. - Parking, H2pTown_PentrjQB: 036)

Consideration was given to recommendation (a) regarding mentionof the opportunity for car parking provision in any redevelopmentof Magees Nursery site. The Working Party noted that someprovision would need to be made to compensate for loss of parkingin Brarnerton Road once that was made up when parking would beprohibited. It was also pertinent that the County Surveyor hadindicated that he would be opposed to the use of the existingaccess onto Main Road, Hockley in any development of MageesNurseries. Members were of the view therefore that only themost southerly area of the site behind the two existingresidential properties, was sufficiently close to the shops tohave any potential as a car park, assuming that an alternativeaccess could be negotiated. They considered that therecommendation should be supported by adding the followingsentence at the end of paragraph 9.8.3 -

"The redevelopment of the site could also offer thepossibility of improving car parking provision inthe town centre.

Recommendations (b) and (a) were supported, paragraph 9.8.5to be expanded by the addition of the following sentence -

"In any event the Council will monitor the parkingsituation in the town centre closely and investigateany opportunities to introduce improvements."

Pge 43, Pargrph 15 -J!and to rear of_1-2t The Westerixig,Hawkwell LQ.: 0281

The Working Party considered this site, which was partly coveredby a Tree Preservation Order) was adjacent to a primary schooland was skirted at the southern end by a public footpath. Itwas recognized that there were arguments to support low densitydevelopment coupled with a sympathetic approach towardsretention of the more worthy tree specimens and that theresultant Green Belt boundary would be defensible. On balancehowever the Working Party were not in favour of altering theiroriginal decision and considered that they should not extendthe H2 site beyond the former nursery area and should retainthe objection site within the Green Belt.

Page 77: INDEX 1987 January - December

Page_4agraph j66- Land at Rectory Avenue, Ashingdo(03: 003)

The Working Party were unable to accept that there was logicin the Inspector's argument that certain land frontingThe Chase should be used residentially and accessed fromthe approved development. They considered that the enclavecreated would be an unreasonable extension into the GreenBelt and that the recommendation should not be supported.

ge 61, Ppragraph 19? - tand at.Highclif I Crescent, Aship.gflIQ&S25

The Working Party did not see any merit in this recommendation,and remained of the the view that the northern end ofHighcliff Crescent should not be extended beyond the areaallocated in the Plan.

Page t_Pagrph 312 - SouthendflpQrt (OB: O6ltp Ofl_ODealing with recommendation (i) the Director of Developmentreminded the Working Party with the aid of viewfoils of theexisting notation as shown in the Approved Review DevelopmentPlan which excluded the airport from the Green Belt and of theLocal Plan's proposal to overlay such a notation as a safeguardfor the future in the event of the airport activities diminishinParticular regard had been paid in that respect to the locationof the airport on the southern boundary of the District and tothe need to avoid the danger of coalescence.

British Airports International had subsequently produced amaster plan and a counter proposal but the Inspector had notfound their arguments compelling. He had suggested anamendment to the proposed Green Belt boundary which theWorking Party considered should be supported, but they wereunable to accept the rationale of his suggestion in paragraph308 regarding the inclusion within the Green Belt of the rowof dwellings between Ravenswood Chase and Warner's Bridge.

Recommendations (ii) to (v) which were concerned with textualamendments were supported.

Page 82, Paragph 317- Public Open Plunberow Mount(OB. Q4QI

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

Page 84 Paragraph 324 liPrd ad.iacent U Heath Road(Lower Wybus Farmj Rayleigh COB: 098)

Recommendation supported - no amendment


Page 78: INDEX 1987 January - December

Page 84, Paragraph 328 - Replacement of Public Qen SpaceCOB; 039)

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 85, Paragraph 332 - Informal Recreation (OBQj

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 86, Paragraph 338 - Use of Public Open Space yCaravanner&,IQB:__1tfl

Recommendation supported — no amendment.

ge_87. Paragraph 342 - Suggested Nature Conservation PolicyrSnecified Areas of Ph1ic Qpen Space COB: 986)

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 88, Paragraph 346 - PrivateO e,_grden aanorth side of The Bailey, Rayjg COB: 097J

The Director of Development reminded the Working Party withthe aid of a viewfoil of the location of this site and thatthe intention of designating it as "private open space" hadbeen to ensure that it retained its unique character. Ifthe recommendation for the removal of that allocation wereaccepted then failing any alternative designation the landwould attract residential development notation. Membersaccepted that the north eastern part of the site whichcontained a badger sett and had Ancient Monument statusmight be sufficiently safeguarded. They were concernedhowever that Conservation Area status and the existenceof a Tree Preservation Order would not be sufficient togive a presumption against development in the southern-western part where road access was available. Theytherefore considered that since the site was probablyunique in Rayleigh and English Heritage were beingencouraged to extend the boundary of the Ancient Monumentthe site should be zoned "public open space" with a viewto its acquisition.

ge91.., Paagrap 359 - Horse Riding and ridLewayjOB: Oj051, 076A-E, .091—096)

The Working Party supported the recommendation of the Inspectoras to the manner of presentation of the Council's horse ridingpolicy by transferring the text of Policy LT1O to an appendixand inserting a new Policy LT1O to read:-



Page 79: INDEX 1987 January - December

The associated textual amendments to the Plan wouldthus read:-

5.10.0 Provision for Horse Rifg

5.10.1 The lack of bridleways and the sporadic nature of theexisting network coupled with the high number ofhorse owners necessarily means that many riders spenda considerable time riding along the many heavilytrafficked routes within the District.

5.10.2 This situation is obviously unsatisfactory and causesdanger to both drivers and riders alike. In order totry to improve the position the District Council willsupport the creation by the Local Highway Authority,where practicable, of grass verges to assist in makingprovision for horse riding.

together with an additional sentence at the end of paragraph6.11.5, to read.-

"In addition the Council is also seeking to extend thenetwork by creating new permissive routes on land thatis being allocated as Public Open Space within the Planperiod, and subject to the views of the County HighwaysAuthority will give serious consideration to thepossibility of bridleway status being accorded to suchpermissive routes."

gParagraph3 - SPeterChinch, Hockley (OB:OSB]

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Pase 93, Paraggph 370 - Suggested Policy_for the Establishmentof Local Nature Reserves (0Th076jRecommendation supported - no amendment.

ge 9A. ?axgph 3- Proposed Locaj ShppinC.trGolden Cross, Ashingdou (0Th Q2

Recom3nendation supported no amendment.

PagQQParagraph 379 - Traffic Management, West Str112)

The Inspector's recommendation was supported, and it was inconsequence considered appropriate to amend PolicySAT 17 to read:-

S09 12

Page 80: INDEX 1987 January - December


and to add a further sentence to paragraph 9.9.8. asfollows. -

"Furthermore, a comprehensive exercise of public participationwill be undertaken to ascertain, in detail, the views of localresidents, traders and other interested parties."

Page 96, Pagnph 383 - 3 to 5 London Hill, Rayleigh COB: 111)

Recommendation supported - no amendment.

Page 97, Paragraph. 4yfljsment Control in Conservat1pAreas (08: 0871

The Inspector had taken the view that the Council shouldnot be overprescriptive in its policy and that matters ofdetailed design should be dealt with separately. TheWorking Party considered however that it was important forthe Council to indicate that internally illuminated fasciaand box signs were regarded as inappropriate in ConservationAreas and that the alternative wording suggested did not givea sufficiently clear statement of the Council's intentionsin that respect. They accordingly considered that PolicySAT 1 should remain unaltered and that paragraph 9,5.3.should be substituted by the following;-

"Conservation Areas are particularly sensitive tothe style of advertising within them because theyare the most attractive parts of the built-up areas.The use of internally illuminated fascia or projectingbox signs should be avoided particularly where theydetract from the appearance of an individual buildingor the character of the nearby surrounding area, orwhere architectural details of any building will beobscured In Rochford, the more domestic scale ofmost buildings calls for a strict control onadvertising

Page 99, Paragraph 4 - Retail Uses on Industrial EstatesW1Si_Q S 911

The Working Party supported the textual amendments recommendedby the Inspector, which reflected the agreement reached withthe objector at the Inquiry. The additional comment inparagraph 395 was considered but Members were not persuadedthat Policy SAT 1 needed to be amended in the manner suggested /by the Inspector.


Page 81: INDEX 1987 January - December

At that point the Meeting stood adjourned until the followingevening,

Present on 18th September 1987: Councillors D.C. Wood (Chairman:P.A. Beckers, T. Fawell, J.A. Gibson, A.J. Haney, Mrs L.A. Hold1Miss B.G.J. Lovett, R.A. Pearson1 J.A. Sheaf and D.A. Weir

Apologies: Councillors Mrs Jo Jones and J.P. Taylor.

The two remaining sites which had been visited prior to theMeeting were considered.

Page 61,, Paragraph 224 - Hollies Coal Yard, Great Stambri4gjOE:_Qjfl

The Working Party accepted that there was merit in the Inspectorargument that this site, which enjoyed an established commercialuse, would provide an opportunity of consolidating the existingresidential development and that the boundary of the RuralSettlement Area should be amended accordingly. •The Inspector's rider in paragraph 225 was considered butMembers were not persuaded to accept the need to revise theirdecision on the H8 site.

Pag 72 Paragraph 269 - Land at Purdey's Way Industrial Estate,Rochford (OB_005 006]

The Working Party supported the Inspector's recommendationwhich was in two parts. First, that no alteration be madeto the Local Plan in respect of objection 5, which concernedabout 4.5 acres of land abutting the rear of existing unitsin Fleet Hall Avenue. Secondly that a 10-acre site north ofTinkers Lane, the subject of objection 6, be incorporatedwithin the allocation for open storage, which Membersconsidered should be achieved by designating it as an Areaof Special Restraint so as to safeguard its future use.

REQOMMENDED That arising out of consideration of theInspector's Report on the Local Plan Inquiry, the followingamendments be made to the Rochford District Local Plan:-

(i) that sub-paragraphs (iv), (v) and (vi) of paragraph3.2.2. be deleted.

(ii) that a new paragraph 3.2.3 be inserted to read asfollows: —

3.2.3 The application of the basic Green Beltprinciples through the strategy identifiedabove will have the dual effect ofpreventing the random encroachment ofdevelopment into the countryside and ofsafeguarding the countryside to providefor recreational needs and the protectionof natural features, flora, fauna andtheir habitats.


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j IuI pIUII!U'1flI R 1FF r

(iii) that Policy RB be amended by omitting the phrase"ROCHFORD DISTRICT LOCAL PLAN 1991—2001" andinserting instead "FUTURE REVIEWS OF THIS LOCALPLAN."

(iv) that paragraph 2.7.3 be deleted and paragraph2.7.4 renumbered accordingly.

(v) that the Proposals Map be altered to show Green• Belt notation up to Hambro Hill and the Public

Open Space notation be altered accordingly withthe exclusion of the existing wood cuttingbusiness and the house (Sandy Lodge).

(vi) that 200 foot of the southern frontage of MalyonsLane, Hulibridge to line up with existing propertiesto a depth of one plot only, be excluded from theGreen Belt.

(vii) that the boundary of the Great Stambridge [15Settlement Area be amended to include theHollies Coal Yard.

(viii) that a new paragraph numbered 3.4.3 be inserted inthe Local Plan to read as follows;-

"The District Council will be sympathetic tothe requirements of the Public Utility Services,particularly in relation to the maintenance andimprovement of existing services or to theprovision of new services or undertakings,provided that these requirements do not conflictwith the prime objective of controlling develop-ment within the Green Belt.'

and that existing paragraph 3.4.3 be renumberedaccordingly.

(ix) that paragraph 3.5.2 of the Local Plan be amendedby the termination of the penultimate sentencewith the phrase "would not be detrimental to GreenBelt objectives", the deletion of all the wordsthereafter and the substitution of the following;—

"Green Belt control would in all other respects bemaintained but applications for the rebuilding offire damaged properties would be considered ontheir merits, The relaxation of control in theselocations in respect of extensions will be allowedfor by the application of the following policy:-"

(x) that the car park adjoining Brook Road IndustrialEstate, Rayleigh be excluded from the Green Beltand shown as an Area of Special Restraint,

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(xi) that the 10-acre site north of Tinkers Lane, RochforSbe excluded from the Green Belt and shown as an Areaof Special Restraint.

(xii) that the Green Belt boundary in the vicinity ofSouthend Airport be amended by;

a) projecting it eastwards from the northern edgeof the apron and thence southwards along the

• west side of the railway line to Warner'sBridge.

b) excluding therefrom the south western area ofSouthend Airport. -

(xiii) that sub-paragraph 5.2.1 (viii) be amended by thedeletion of the words "and acceptable".

(xiv) that Policy TP1O be amended so as to conclude atthe words "PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRAFFIC" by thedeletion of all the words thereafter.

(xv) that paragraph 5.7.5 be amended so as to read asfollows: —

5.7.5 With developments in engine technologyand the requirement to phase out noisyengines, an increase in the number ofjet aircraft using the airport couldpossibily take place without unduedetriment to residential areas. TheDistrict Council's desire to ensurefurther use of the airport is howevertempered by the need for carefulattention to the avoidance of unduedisturbance by aircraft noise inaccordance with the recommendationsof Circular 10/73, Planning and Noiseparticularly as regards siting ofdevelopment and insulation of buildings,

(xvi) that paragraph 5.7.7 be deleted.

(xvii) that the Rayleigh Town Centre inset ProposalsMap be amended by altering the notation shownon the garden area to the north side of TheBailey from Private Open Space to Public OpenSpace

(xviii) that the explanatory text of Chapter 6 be expandedto provide for the following additional sectionrelating to horse riding:-


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5.10.0 Provision for Horse Riding.

5.10.1 The lack of bridleways and the sporadicnature of the existing network coupledwith the high number of horse ownersnecessarily means that many ridersspend a considerable time riding alongthe many heavily trafficked routes withinthe District.

5.10 2 This situation is obviously unsatisfactoryand causes danger to both drivers andriders alike. In order to try to improvethe position the District Council willsupport the creation by the Local HighwayAuthority, where practicable, of grassverges to assist in making provision forhorse riding.

(xix) that paragraph 6.11.3 be amended by deleting thethe final words ".... the policy being as follows:-"

(xx) that the text of Policy LT1O be transferred to anappendix and replaced by the following:-



(xxi) that paragraph 6.11.5 be expanded by the addition ofthe following sentence:-

"In addition the Council is also seeking to extendthe network by creating new permissive routes onland that is being allocated as Public Open Spacewithin the Plan period, and will give seriousconsideration to the possibility of bridlewaystatus being accorded to such permissive routes."

(xxii) that paragraph 9.9.6 be expanded by the addition ofthe following sentence;-

"Furthermore, a comprehensive exercise of publicparticipation will be undertaken to ascertain,in detail, the views of local residents, tradersand other interested parties."

(xxiii) that POLICY SAT 1? be amended to read -



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(xxiv) that the existing paragraph 9.5.3 be deleted andreplaced by the following -

"Conservation Areas are particularly sensitive tothe style of advertising within them because theyare the most attractive parts of the built-up areas.The use of internally illuminated fascia or project-ing box signs should be avoided particularly wherethey detract from the appearance of an individualbuilding or the character of the nearby surroundingarea, or where architectural details of any buildingwill be obscured. In Rochford, the more domesticscale of most buildings calls for a strict controlon advertising."

(xxv) that paragraph 9.8.3 be expanded by the addition ofthe following sentence.

"The redevelopment of the site could also offer thepossibility of improving car parking provision in thetown centre.

(xxvi) that paragraph 9.8.4 be amended by substituting theword "some" for "ample" in the third line.

(xxvii) that paragraph 9.8.5 be expanded by the addition ofthe following sentence:-

"In any event the Council will monitor the parkingsituation in the town centre closely and investigateany opportunities to introduce improvements."

(xxviii) that the first sentence of POLICY EB4 be expanded byadding the words " INCLUDING IMPACT ON EXISTINGTOWN CENTRES" after the word "OBJECTIVES".



The Working Party considered the report of the Director ofDevelopment on the statutory requirements in the aboverespect.

RECOt'1tE (1) That the Council agrees to publicise asmaterial modifications to the Local Plan the following:-


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(a) modifications arising from consideration of theInspector' s Report.

(b) modifications to the text and Proposals Maps whichhave previously been agreed.

(2) That the Council agrees to the followingcartographic modifications to the Proposals Maps and topublicity thereof, namely:-

(i) The exclusion of the Review Works, Magnolia Road,from the Magnolia Road Public Open Space notation,Hawkwell

(ii) Modification of the boundary of the Public OpenSpace east of Rochford Town Centre to includethe field between Rocheway Youth Centre and theCouncil Depot

(iii) Realignment of the boundary between the new housingdevelopment and the proposed Public Open Space eastof Rochford Town Centre.

(iv) Modification to the boundary of Doggetts Close H2site to include an additional strip of land alongthe eastern boundary.

(v) Exclusion of a small area of land in the southerncorner of the Royers Nursery ff2 site following theagreement on Clements Hall Way which reserves thearea for a domestic garage to serve 312 Rectory Road.

(3) That the boundaries of all six holidaycaravan parks listed in Table 2 on page 57 of the Local Planbe added to the Proposals Map and publicised. (DD) (2081)


The Director of Development reported on the need to provideformally for the release of those residential sites as listedin Local Plan Policies H2 and H5 which were intended forcompletion prior to the end of 1990.

RECOFThIENDED That the Planning Services Committee be advisedthat applications for planning permission for residentialpurposes in respect of sites allocated in Local Plan PoliciesH2 and ff5 can be considered for approval in advance of theformal adoption of the Local Plan subject to the satisfactionof infrastructural requirements and to applications beingdealt with as "departure proposals" where appropriate. (2081)(DD).

NOTE: This matter was subsequently reported direct to theDevelopment Services Committee on 20th October 1987(Minute 484/87 refers).


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Minutes of a reconvened Meeting Held on 11th November I8

Present; Councillors D.C. Wood (Chairman), P.A. Beckers, T. Fawell,J.A. Gibson, Mrs. L.A. 1-loldich, Mrs. Jo Jones, Miss B.G.J. Lovett,R.A. Pearson, JA. Sheaf, J.P. Taylor and ihA. Weir.

Apologies: Councillor A.J. Harvey.

Visiting: Councillors O.k. Helson and S.A. Skinner.


The Director of Development reminded Members of the Inspector'srecommendation in paragraph 64 of his Report that the factor ofintensification should be discounted in calculating post 1990 housing landavailability, from which arose his identification of additional ITS sitesand their consequent impact upon the long—term Green Eelt boundary. Whenthe matter had been considered on 15th September by the Working party theyhad come to the conclusion that the Inspector's argument could not heaccepted. Support for their decision had subsequently heen received fromSouthend Borough Council and Essex County Council, and that had beenreported to the Policy and Resources Committee on 3rd November 1Q57. TheWorking Party accepted the advice of that Committee as set out inMinute 489/87 and agreed to ask those bodies for their support in theevent of an appeal having regard to the factor of intensification.

RECOMMENDED That a formal request he made to the Southend Borough Counciland the Essex County Council accordingly. (2081) (00)


Pursuant to Standing Order 26. the Chairman asked that copies of a letterwhich had been received from agents acting for the prospective purchasersof the above—mentioned site be circulated to the Working Party.

The Chief Executive reminded Members with the aid of a viewfoil of thelocation of the area, and advised them that following their earlierconsideration on 16th September of the Inspector's recommendationregarding this site, discussions had taken place with Beazer Homes (East)Limited. those discussions had been overtaken by the decision of theCouncil, as referred to in the previous Minute, not to exclude the elementof intensification and for no new post 1Q90 sites to be supported forrelease to compensate for that factor. Members noted that whilst it couldbe anticipated that the matter could well proceed to appeal through thenormal planning process, that was an entirely separate matter and did notaffect the Council's option agreement with Beazer Homes over their landholding in Rayleigh West.


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RECOMMENDED That the inspector's recommendation in respect of this site,as setRut in paragraph 83 of his Report, he not supported. (2081) (nfl


The Director of Development reminded Members with the aid of a viewf oil ofthe location of this site and of the notation which had been proposed forit in the District Plan. He recalled that on 16th September the WorkingParty had agreed that the Inspector's recommendation, as set out inparagraph 87 of his Report, should be supported. It had since becomeapparent that the text of that recommendation, particularly if consideredin isolation, was not sufficiently explicit and it had been decided forthe avoidance of future ambiguity to bring the matter hack to the WorkingParty for clarification. Members considered the matter carefully in thelight of the Inspector's comments in paragraph 86, in particular thephrase t'the Green Belt boundary should remain as shown on the AROP" andconcluded that the Inspector's recommendation as to the possible exclusionof the existing wood cutting business and Sandy Lodge was intended torelate solely to public open space notation, not to Green Belt notation.

RECOMMENDED That the Development Services Committee be advisedaccordingly. (2081)


The Director of Development reminded Members with the aid of viewf oils ofthe location of this post 1990 development site which was a cause forconcern because of its derelict and dangerous condition. Proposalshad been put forward by the new owner for earlier partial development atthe northern end coupled with the clearance of the residual derelictbuildings and the making safe of the old gun emplacements. tn consideringthat proposition the Working Party were mindful of the long—standing needto secure improvements to this particular site. They considered howeverthat it should not be dealt with by way of a modification to the DistrictPlan and that the proper course would be to leave the site as H and foran application for development to come before the Planning ServicesCommittee for consideration in the normal way and to he dealt with on itsmerits, bearing in mind the scope for phasing of development if thatCommittee were sympathetic as to the concept.

RECOMMENDED That the owners be advised accordingly. (nfl)


Pursuant to Standing Order 26.2 the Chairman asked that copies of a letterwhich he had received from the London Road Residents' Associationshouldbe circulated to Members of the Working Party.

The Director of Development reminded Members with the aid of viewfoilsof the various parcels of tend in West Rayleigh north of the railway linewhich were proposed for residential development both during and after thePlan period, of the effect of that upon the existing road network and ofthe consultation with County as the highways authority. It was pertinentto mention that the Working Party had earlier rejected the Inspector'srecommendation in paragraph 120 of his Report for the inclusion of the GasBoard land off Klondyke Avenue as an additional HR site. The associatedsuggestion that the Little t4heatleys J-lfl site should be omitted or reducedin consequence had also been rejected, noting that to do so wouldinvalidate an option agreement with the developer whereby 84 acres of land


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would be dedicated to the Council as public open space to act as a stopperto further development.

The factor of phasing of the various developments involved was importantin the context of the need within the District Plan to meeting housing

targets both pre 1991 and post 1990. Planning permission had been grantedfor the Grange Village development to proceed conditioned by a legalagreement for the improvement of the junction of atfie1d Road with theLondon Road. Concern had been expressed by the local residents at theeffect of new developments.

The Chief Executive advised the Working Party of discussions which hadtake place with representatives of the London Road Residents' Associationwho had put forward a plan for a relief route, the detail of which wasdisplayed on a viewfoil. Members noted that the matter had been pursuedwith the County, who were unable to meet the cost involved, which it wasestimated would amount to £2 million, and that Beazers whilst prepared tomeet the cost of that proportion of the route which lay within theirdevelopment sitc, would need to be permitted to undertake additionaldevelopment to fund any further contribution.

Whilst sympathetic to the aspirations of the residents Members were unableto see any prospect of achieving the desired new road hut considered thatCounty should be pressed to alleviate the existing traffic problems in thearea by improving the capacity of the London Road.

RECONNENDED (1) That the London Road Residents' Association he advised


(2) That representations he made to the County Council aboutthe need to alleviate the traffic problems in London Road, Rayleigh. (CE,



Members were reminded that following the non—availability of an earliersite in the locality endeavours had been made to identify an alternativearea for public open space. The Director of Development displayed aviewf oil of the area south of Beckney Wood, adjacent to the eastern endof Branksome Avenue and accessible via a public footpath. The Director ofLeisure confirmed that the area satisfied the criteria for public openspace and was well placed to meet local needs.

RECOM?4ENDED That the area of land in question he identified as public openspace and that the necessary arrangements he made to incorporate thatmodification within the District Plan together with the necessary textual

amendments. (2081) (DD)
